Neutron charge radius determined from the energy dependence of the transmission of liquid 208Pb and 209Bi

S. Kopecky,1 J. A. Harvey,2 N. W. Hill,2 M. Krenn,1 M. Pernicka,3 P. Riehs,1 and S. Steiner1,* 1Institut fu¨r Kernphysik der Technischen Universita¨t Wien, A-1020 Vienna, Austria 2Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 3Institut fu¨r Hochenergiephysik, Nickolsdorfergasse 6, A-1060 Vienna, Austria ͑Received 2 May 1997͒ The ORELA experiment on the neutron charge radius has been reevaluated. The neutron transmission of liquid thorogenic 208Pb with the neutron time-of-flight method in the neutron energy range from 0.08 to 800 eV was measured. Additional studies on condensed matter effects for liquid Bi and liquid Pb have provided more

accurate corrections resulting in smaller systematic uncertainties for the neutron- scattering length bne . We have also reevaluated the transmission data on liquid Bi of Melkonian and co-workers. We have obtained Ϫ3 208 Ϫ3 values of bneϭ(Ϫ1.33Ϯ0.027Ϯ0.03)ϫ10 fm for Pb and bneϭ(Ϫ1.44Ϯ0.033Ϯ0.06)ϫ10 fm for 209Bi where for both results the two uncertainties denote the statistical and the systematic uncertainty, respec- tively. The results for 208Pb and 209Bi were found to be in good agreement. ͓S0556-2813͑97͒02610-1͔

PACS number͑s͒: 14.20.Dh, 25.40.Dn, 32.80.Cy

I. INTRODUCTION oms. Neutron waves scattered by the nuclear interaction and those scattered by the charge density interfere coherently 2 The charge radius of the neutron ͗rn͘ or the mean squared with each other. charge radius is described by the volume integral over the Thus the neutron-electron cross section ␴ne is expressed neutron ͐␳(r)r2d␶, where r is the distance to the center of in first order by the interference term ͓1͔ the neutron and ␳(r) is the charge density. Positive as well as negative values of ␳(r) will occur coming from the dis- ␴neϭϪ4␲͕2bcbne͓ZϪf͑Z,E͔͖͒, ͑2͒ tributions of valence and the negative ␲-meson cloud outside. Since ␳(r) is negative for larger r values, caused by the meson cloud, the r2 dependence of the integral will lead where ␴ne is always positive since bne is negative because of 2 the inherent structure of the neutron. The charge density of to a negative value of ͗rn͘. Many experiments have been carried out to determine an atom is given by ZϪ f (Z,E), where f (Z,E) takes into account the electron cloud and is obtained from a 4␲ inte- ͗r2͘. In the literature the neutron- length n gration over the atomic form factor f (Z,q) which is mea- b is usually measured and is related to the charge radius ne sured by x-ray scattering ͓2͔. Figure 1 shows ZϪ f (Z,E) for r2 by ͗ n͘ lead atoms and determines with Eq. ͑2͒ the energy depen- dence of ␴ne . For sufficient low energies E the contribution from ZϪ f (Z,E) is negligible and ␴neϭ0.0 b. For sufficient 2 3mea0 ͗rn͘ϭ bne , ͑1͒ mn

where a0 denotes the Bohr radius and mn and me are masses of neutron and electron mass, respectively. For 208Pb and 209Bi, the most suitable elements for deter- mining bne from transmission measurements, the elastic scat- tering is dominated by coherent neutron waves of the neutron nucleus interaction. The cross section is about 10 b and is 2 described in first order by ␴cohϭ4␲bc where bc is the co- herent scattering length which does not depend on neutron energy. The effect of neutron-electron scattering is caused by the 2 interaction of the charge radius ͗rn͘ with the densities of nucleus and bound in diamagnetic at-

*Permanent address: Physik Institut der Universita¨tZu¨rich, Win- FIG. 1. Illustration of ZϪ f (Z,E), the atomic charge density of terthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zu¨rich, Switzerland Pb for neutron energies E between 10Ϫ4 and 103 eV.

0556-2813/97/56͑4͒/2229͑9͒/$10.0056 2229 © 1997 The American Physical Society 2230 S. KOPECKY et al. 56

Ϫ3 TABLE I. Experimental results of bne in units of 10 fm.

Experiment Target Result Reference

Angular scattering Ar Ϫ0.1Ϯ1.8 1947 ͓7͔ Fermi Transmission Bi Ϫ1.9Ϯ0.4 1951 ͓8͔ Havens Angular scattering Kr, Xe Ϫ1.5Ϯ0.4 1952 ͓9͔ Hamermesh Mirror reflection Bi/O Ϫ1.39Ϯ0.13 1953 ͓10͔ Hughes Angular scattering Kr, Xe Ϫ1.4Ϯ0.3 1956 ͓11͔ Crouch Crystal spectrometer transmission Bi Ϫ1.56Ϯ0.05 1959 ͓2͔ Melkonian Ϫ1.49Ϯ0.05 1976 in Ref. ͓15͔ Ϫ1.44Ϯ0.033Ϯ0.06 1997 this work Angular scattering Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe Ϫ1.34Ϯ0.03 1966 ͓12͔ Krohn Angular scattering Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe Ϫ1.30Ϯ0.03 1973 ͓13͔ Krohn Single crystal scattering 186W Ϫ1.60Ϯ0.05 1975 ͓14͔ Alexandrov Filter-transmission, mirror reflection Pb Ϫ1.364Ϯ0.025 1976 ͓15͔ Koester Filter-transmission, mirror reflection Bi Ϫ1.393Ϯ0.025 1976 ͓15͔ Koester n-TOF transmission, mirror reflection Ref. ͓17͔ Bi Ϫ1.55Ϯ0.11 1986 ͓16͔ Alexandrov Filter-transmission, mirror reflection Pb, Bi Ϫ1.32Ϯ0.04 1986 ͓17͔ Koester n-TOF transmission thorogenic 208Pb Ϫ1.31Ϯ0.03Ϯ0.04 1995 ͓1͔ Kopecky Ϫ1.33Ϯ0.027Ϯ0.03 1997 this work Filter-transmission, mirror reflection Pb-isotopes, Bi Ϫ1.32Ϯ0.03 1995 ͓5͔ Koester Garching-Argonne compilation ͓12,13,15,17͔ Ϫ1.31Ϯ0.03 1986 ͓3͔ Sears Dubna compilation ͓14,16͔ Ϫ1.59Ϯ0.04 1989 ͓19͔ Alexandrov

Foldy approximation, bF Ϫ1.468 1952 ͓18͔ Foldy

208 high energies we obtain ZϪ f (Z,E)ϭZ and ␴ne TOF measurement for the Pb data ͑Sec. III͒ as well as the ϭϪ4␲͓2bcbneZ͔Ӎ0.2 b, whereas the strong interaction re- data analysis ͑Sec. IV͒ where a refined calculation of the mains almost unchanged over the whole energy range. condensed matter correction ͑Sec. IV C͒ produced a small Therefore, it is evident that Ӎ95% of the change of neutron- change of our previous result of bne . electron cross section occurs in the range from zero up to 18 Furthermore, we have reevaluated the 209Bi data ͓5͔ since eV ͓3͔. the original result from these data disagreed with our value In the literature, see Table I, some important knowledge ͓4͔, see Table I. We tried to find the reason for this disagree- for bne has been deduced with the help of Eq. ͑2͒. Informa- ment ͓6͔ and analyzed the transmission data of Refs. ͓4͔ and tion for Eq. ͑2͒ is obtained from accurate measurements of ͓5͔ with the same evaluation technique. the transmission T(E) of through a sample given by II. LITERATURE T͑E͒ϭexp͓ϪN␴tot͑E͔͒, ͑3͒ As early as 1947 Fermi and Marshall ͓7͔ realized the co- herent interference between neutrons scattered by the where N is the sample thickness. Here we have ␴totϭ␴coh nucleus and the atomic cloud and made the first attempt to ϩ␴ne if we assume for the moment that no other cross sec- tions are contributing. measure bne . Recently, we carried out careful investigations where A chronological listing of the experimental results T(E) has been measured for liquid thorogenic 208Pb with the ͓3–5,7–17͔ is given in Table I showing a variety of methods. neutron time-of-flight ͑TOF͒ method. Finally, we obtained Besides the angular correlation experiment of Krohn and with the 208Pb data ͓4͔, a set of eight very good single runs. Figure 2 shows the results of one run in the energy range between 0.08 and 10.0 eV. Also plotted are four data points for liquid 209Bi which came from one of 10 runs listed in the Tables III and IV. These 209Bi data were measured by Melkonian et al. ͓5͔ four decades ago: Monochrome reactor neutrons were supplied with a crystal spectrometer. The total cross sections as well as the corrections were published ͓5͔. This allowed to calcu- late T(E) for Eq. ͑3͒. For the plot values of Bi we assumed a thickness of Nϭ0.187 atoms/b which is equivalent to our Pb scattering thickness. The measurement and evaluation of the 208Pb data are the FIG. 2. ͑᭺͒ transmission of one run of the 208Pb data ͓4͔ and basis of the present publication. We describe the neutron ͑ᮀ͒ transmission of one set of the 209Bi data ͓5͔. 56 NEUTRON CHARGE RADIUS DETERMINED FROM THE... 2231

Ringo ͓12,13͔, highest accuracies are correlated to the high precision of the transmission method. However, the experi- ments of this paper ͑the 208Pb data and 209Bi data͒ are the only accurate ones relying only on the transmission method as a function of the neutron energy E. The other accurate transmission experiments ͓15–17͔ needed for a sufficient sensitivity of bne a very good knowledge of bc from mirror reflection at low energies. The first theoretical estimation of the neutron-electron in- teraction was derived by Foldy ͓18͔ in 1952. He considered the interaction of a pointlike neutron with an external elec- tromagnetic field. The main contribution, arising from the anomalous magnetic moment of the neutron, corresponds to the Foldy-scattering length b ϭϪ1.468ϫ10Ϫ3 fm. As F FIG. 3. Sums of raw data for open beam ͑curve A͒, liquid 208Pb shown in Table I the value of b accounts for approximately F sample in the beam ͑curve B͒, and open beam with filters of Cd, Co, 90% of the total neutron-electron scattering length. There- and In ͑curve C͒. The insert shows a pulse height distribution of the fore, there cannot be any doubt that the neutron-electron 6Li peak from the detector. scattering length has a negative sign. In recent years, the reliability of experimental values of ␥ flash to a high degree͒. The discrimination was checked by bne has been discussed extensively ͓19–26͔. The main atten- the sharp cut off at low channel numbers and by the channel tion has been laid on the fact that the experiments can be position of the 6Li peak. Finally, a computer made diagram grouped around two values, which differ by approximately for the time differences between subsequent pulses allowed 20% or about five standard deviations. In addition it has been to see quantitatively any deviations from the requested expo- emphasized that bne-bF shows different signs for the two nential distribution. groups. New interesting experimental ͓27͔ as well as basic In addition any neutrons can be identified at the bottom of physics aspects ͓28͔ indicate that the discussion will be con- ‘‘blacking out’’ resonances or at the Cd cutoff as shown in tinued in the future. curve C of Fig. 3. For the detector setup of flight path No. 1 at 18 m only very few neutrons were observed at the bottom III. MEASUREMENT of blacking out resonances. The deadtime of the whole data-acquisition system was The measurements of the 208Pb data were performed at Ӎ130 ns and gave corrections below 1%. Since we recorded the Oak Ridge electron linear accelerator ORELA. The neu- the time differences between two subsequent signals, we tron TOF source had a repetition rate of 100 Hz and a pulse were able to handle this correction with an accuracy which is width of 20 ns. Transmission data were taken at a flight path more than sufficient for our purpose. The neutron overlap length of 18 m in the energy range between 0.07 eV and 10 was reduced with a 0.7 mm Gd foil. The remaining overlap keV. was measured using a repetition rate of 50 Hz, enabling us to The neutron detection system consisted ofa1mm correct accurately for this effect. To determine the back- 6Li-glass scintillator and two RCA 8854 photomultiplier ground we used both polyethylene scatterers and black reso- tubes. The tubes were mounted perpendicular to the incom- nance filters. A very good consistency was achieved for the ing neutron beam, viewing the scintillator from both sides. main transmission ͑deduced by curves A and B in Fig. 3͒ The analog signals of the two tubes were added and fed into after correcting for the attenuation of neutrons and ␥ rays a 100 Mhz flash analog-to-digital converter ͑ADC͒ providing through scatterers and filters. The signal-to-background ratio a continuous 256 channel bit pattern. The scintillator timing in the black resonances was as high as 1500. The applied signal generates bit patterns in the flash ADC coming from corrections for deadtime, overlap and background are shown the neutron time of flight ͑TOF͒ as well as from the pulse in Fig. 1 of Ref. ͓4͔. height of the detector signal. With the TOF data and the Because of the required high sensitivity for small cross pulse height data a two-dimensional histogram is populated section changes, we needed low transmission values T(E) and stored on disk and magnetic tape. For each run histo- and therefore thick condensed matter samples, see Eq. ͑3͒. grams were taken for open beam, sample in the beam, vari- As it is very difficult to correct for interference effects of any ous filters in the beam, etc., and are considered to be the raw solid material, liquid materials are to be preferred ͑see Fig. 5, data of the experiment. curve C͒ and we started the measurements with samples of Figure 3 shows an example of the neutron-TOF spectra natural liquid lead ͑see Fig. 4͒. All samples had a diameter of where the spectra were normalized and converted to neutron 5 cm and a length of 5 cm. Both ends of the cylinder were energy. The insert of Fig. 3 gives a pulse height spectrum closed with Al windows which had a thickness of 3.5 mm. dominated by neutron events as seen by the (n,␣) peak of Two thermoelements were inserted into the lead sample to 6Li. To carry out a high accuracy transmission measurement measure the temperature of the heating coils as well as of the it is essential to control in detail the spectrum of the detector liquid directly. For the ‘‘open beam’’ position two Al plates signal pulse height for both the ‘‘open beam’’ and the compensate the Al-windows of the sample holder. The ‘‘sample in beam’’ as a function of neutron TOF to insure ‘‘open beam’’ plates were heated with a separate heating that the photomultipliers and their gates perform correctly device. This was necessary to avoid some spurious effects. ͑the photomultiplier gates suppress the effects of the prompt They were observed for different temperatures of the sample 2232 S. KOPECKY et al. 56

FIG. 4. Cylindrical shaped vacuum container with heating coils for the thorogenic 208Pb sample as well as for the Al disks in the open beam simulating the sample windows.

windows and the compensator plates in a previous experi- For the incoherent cross section ␴inc we have to consider ment at very low energies. two contributions accounting for the variation of the scatter- Later on we continued with a thorogenic lead sample ing lengths: the spin and the isotopic incoherence. The cross which had a thickness of 0.154 atoms/b and finally, we ob- section can be written as tained with this sample the set of eight runs of the 208Pb data which were measured at a sample temperature of 623.16 K. ␴ ϭ p p g g ͑a Ϫa ͒2. ͑6͒ The isotopic composition was 0.5% 204Pb, 25.82% 206Pb, inc ͚ ͚ j k js ksЈ js ksЈ j,k s,sЈ 1.65% 207Pb, and 72.54% 208Pb. The abundance of 207Pb is much lower than that one for the natural lead. Therefore and The sums extend over all isotopes j,k and the possible spin contrary to the natural lead both the absorption and the inco- orientations s,sЈ where p j ,pk are the abundances of the iso- herent scattering of the sample are small enough to be known topes and g js ,gksЈ the spin statistical factors of the isotopes with sufficient accuracy ͑see Fig. 5, curve D͒. In addition the less critical energy dependence of the resonance correction is much smaller ͑see Fig. 5, curve I͒.

IV. DATA ANALYSES A. Neutron cross sections

The total cross section ␴tot(E) for Eq. ͑3͒ is given as a function of the neutron energy E by

␴tot͑E͒ϭ␴coh͑E͒Scoh͑E͒ϩ␴inc͑E͒Sinc͑E͒ϩ␴abs͑E͒, ͑4͒ where ␴abs ,␴coh , and ␴inc are the absorption, coherent scat- tering, and incoherent scattering cross section, respectively. The functions Scoh(E) and Sinc(E) describe the condensed matter correction. For the nuclides and the energy range of concern the ab- sorption cross section shows a 1/v behavior. Therefore we write for the cross section

208 cabs FIG. 5. The cross section of our Pb sample ␴coh(E) is shown ␴abs͑E͒ϭ , ͑5͒ in curve A as a sum of the contributions B to I. Curve B: ϩ effect ͱE by bne as given in Eq. ͑2͒, curve C: Ϫ interference correction, curve D: ϩ absorption, curve E: ϩ Schwinger scattering, curve F: ϩ where the constant cabs is determined from the cross section Doppler effect, curve G: ϩ polarizability, curve H: Ϫ effective data of Ref. ͓29͔. range effect, curve I: Ϫ ͑resonance correction ϩ0.1 mb͒. 56 NEUTRON CHARGE RADIUS DETERMINED FROM THE... 2233

2 and spin states. Finally a js ,aksЈ are the scattering lengths for e m 1 b ͑q͒ϭ␣ Z2 g͑q͒ ͑10͒ the respective spin state of the isotopes. p n ប2 R The expression for the coherent scattering cross section is N in first Born approximation with

2 ␴cohϭ4␲͕bc͑E͒ϩbR͑E͒Ϫbne͓ZϪf͑Z,E͔͒ϩbp͑E͖͒ 6 1 1 1 g͑q͒ϭ Ϫ ␲qR ϩ ͑qR ͒2Ϫ ͑qR ͒4ϩ••• , ϩ␴ E͒, ͑7͒ ͫ5 4 N 7 N 540 N ͬ LS͑ ͑11͒ where ␴LS(E) denotes the Schwinger cross section, bc(E) the nucleus coherent scattering length ͓30͔ including the ef- where the constant ␣n is the electric polarizability ͓31͔͑see Fig. 5, curve G͒. fective range correction, bR(E) the energy dependent contri- The resonance scattering length bR(E) for the resonance bution of the resonance scattering ͓29͔ and b p(E) the contri- bution caused by the polarizability of the neutron ͓31͔. contribution is given in terms of the R-matrix theory by i⌫0 B. Evaluation procedure jn bR͑E͒ϭ͚ , ͑12͒ j EϪEjϩ i⌫j/2 The important interference term of Eq. ͑2͒ which is sen- sitive to values of bne can be found in Eq. ͑7͒. Furthermore, where the summation j is carried out over all resonances. Eqs. ͑3͒–͑7͒ contain all relevant quantities. Most of them are The resonances are described ͓29͔ by the resonance energy described in more detail in the following Secs. IV C, IV D, 0 E , the total width ⌫ , and the reduced neutron width ⌫ . and IV E. Altogether, Eqs. ͑3͒–͑7͒ determine the procedure j j jn The scattering length Eq. ͑12͒ includes the zero-energy con- to obtain values of b from the data. ne tribution b (0) which is a part of the nucleus coherent scat- First we calculate the transmission data T(E) as a func- R tering length b (E). Because of this we have to consider for tion of E. For the 208Pb data the T(E) values are obtained c the resonance correction only b (E)-b (0). from the raw data correcting for deadtime, background, and R R overlap neutrons. For the 209Bi data we obtain the T(E) values from the published cross sections ͑Ref. ͓5͔ in Table I͒ D. Condensed matter effects and from the corrections ͑Ref. ͓5͔ in Table III͒. The correction for the interference effects in liquids was Then, with Eqs. ͑4͒–͑7͒, the calculations were carried out introduced by Eq. ͑4͒ using the functions Scoh(E) and to fit b with the method of least squares. Because of the ne Sinc(E). These functions were derived by Placzek et al. relative high uncertainties of the absolute values of T(E), we ͓32,33͔ in the 1950s and are shown in the relations Eqs. ͑13͒, fit the relative transmission as a function of the neutron en- ͑14͒: ergy E using a normalization factor. Hence, we have a two- 2 parameter fit with ͑i͒ b and ͑ii͒ the normalization as fit mA kB␪ C͑␪,E͒ ne S ͑E͒ϭ 1ϩ Ϫ , ͑13͒ parameters. The normalization factor is not noted in the coh ͩ m ϩm ͪ ͩ 2m E E ͪ A n A equations. 2 mA kB␪ C. Corrections S ͑E͒ϭ 1ϩ , ͑14͒ inc ͩ m ϩm ͪ ͩ 2m Eͪ A n A The Schwinger cross section is the cross section of the neutron spin-orbit coupling and can be written according to where kB is the Boltzmann constant and ␪ the sample tem- Ref. ͓1͔ as perature. The quantity kB␪/(2mAE) gives the Doppler term and accounts for dynamic effects in the liquid. The term ␴ ϭS␴ ͑8͒ LS F C(␪,E) in Eq. ͑13͒ comes from effects of the static structure of the liquid. 2 in which ␴Fϭ4␲bF is the Foldy cross section and Previously in Ref. ͓4͔ we assumed that C(␪,E) is given by C(␪) of the following Eq. ͑15͒ which does not depend on 1 2k 2k 2 2 the neutron energy E: Sϭ 2 ͓ZϪ f ͑Z,q͔͒ Ϫ1 qdq. ͑9͒ 2k ͵0 ͫͩ q ͪ ͬ 2 2/3 ϱ h ␳L dq C͑␪͒ϭ ͵ ͓1ϪS͑q͔͒ , ͑15͒ In this equation q is given by the momentum transfer 16␲mn 0 q បk, where k denotes the wave number kϭ2.1968 Ϫ4 Ϫ1 ϫ10 ͱE͓mA /(mAϩmn)͔ ͑k in fm and E in eV͒. The where ␳L is the density and S(q) is the static structure func- quantity mA is the atomic mass and the function f (Z,q)is tion as it has been derived for a hard sphere model ͓34͔. The the differential atomic form factor which is also responsible energy dependence is removed by the integration with the for the integrated form factor f (Z,E) mentioned earlier. The asymptotic limit, where the q-integration is extended over a values of ␴LS are shown in Fig. 5, curve E. sphere with an infinite radius. Also in the work of Melkonian The scattering length b p(q) of the electric polarizability et al. ͓5͔ the correction was made with C(␪) of Eq. ͑15͒. of the neutron can be approximated with the nuclear charge At neutron energies as low as 0.1 eV this asymptotic limit 1/3 radius RNϭ1.2027A fm by is no longer adequate. Therefore we integrated only up to a 2234 S. KOPECKY et al. 56

FIG. 6. Plot of C(␪,E) for liquid lead. FIG. 8. Static structure function S(q) for liquid bismuth. sphere of the radius 2k0 where k0 is the wave number of the incoming neutron. An energy dependency is obtained for energy range to higher energies should reduce the influence C(␪,E) in Eq. ͑16͒ by of this correction. But with higher neutron energies the effect from bne becomes smaller and increases the statistical uncer- 2 2/3 2k h ␳L 0 dq tainty. Nevertheless this procedure allows us to check C͑␪,E͒ϭ ͓1ϪS͑q͔͒ . ͑16͒ ͵ whether the value of bne exhibits a constant increase or de- 16␲mn 0 q crease with increasing lower limit. Any such behavior would The numerical integration over the static structure function is give a strong indication that something is wrong with the actually only necessary for neutron energies below Ӎ0.5 eV; correction. The numerical details are very similar to those at higher energies the asymptotic function is sufficient. To given in a table in Ref. ͓4͔. derive this integral we used the static structure function as ͑ii͒ In the second step, we changed the liquid parameters described by Ashcroft and Lekner ͓35͔, i.e., the solution of a within their determined uncertainty leading to an estimate for Ϫ3 hardcore model. In Fig. 6 the energy dependence of the term the total systematic uncertainty of 0.03ϫ10 fm. This is C(␪,E) is plotted for liquid lead at a temperature of 623 K. the only systematic uncertainty and is quoted in the final result. Unlike that for the liquid lead sample, the static structure E. Static structure functions function of liquid bismuth cannot be described satisfactorily As mentioned in the previous section we have used a with the simple hard sphere model. This is due to the hard-core model for the static structure function, and al- ‘‘shoulder’’ at the first peak in the static structure function, though this model is rather simple it can accurately describe see Fig. 8, and to the fact that the hard sphere density is not this function for liquid lead. The calculated function by in agreement with the ‘‘physical’’ liquid density. Therefore Dahlborg et al. ͓34͔ is compared to experimental data in Fig. one should bear in mind these two problems when applying 7. In spite of this good agreement the uncertainty in the the rather simple condensed matter correction and an addi- determination of the liquid density and the hard core diam- tional systematic uncertainty should be introduced. We esti- eter leads to a relative large systematic uncertainty for deter- mated that the systematic uncertainty should be increased by mining the neutron-electron scattering length. at least a factor of two and we quote a systematic uncertainty To estimate the size of this uncertainty we used two dif- of 0.06ϫ10Ϫ3 fm for bismuth. ferent approaches. ͑i͒ As in the previous evaluation ͓4͔, we fitted our data for V. RESULTS different energy ranges. As the condensed matter correction decreases with increasing neutron energy, shifting the fitted Results were obtained for both liquid samples of 208Pb and 209Bi applying the evaluation procedure in Sec. IV B. The given statistical uncertainties include the additional un- certainty introduced by the uncertainty of the free normaliza- tion parameter.

A. Neutron-TOF measurements of liquid 208Pb As decribed in Ref. ͓4͔ all eight runs were corrected sepa- rately for deadtime, overlap, and background. Averaging these runs gave the transmission values and statistical uncer- tainties as listed in Table II and plotted in Fig. 9. Small differences between Table II and Fig. 9 occur and are caused by averaging over different energy intervals. The final result for the neutron-electron scattering length Ϫ3 bne is (Ϫ1.331Ϯ0.027)ϫ10 fm. As quoted throughout FIG. 7. Static structure function S(q) for liquid lead at a tem- this article, all statistical uncertainties correspond to a one perature of 623 K. standard deviation ͑␴͒. Figure 9 indicates the positive and 56 NEUTRON CHARGE RADIUS DETERMINED FROM THE... 2235

208 Ϫ3 209 TABLE II. Transmission T(E) of 5 cm thorogenic liquid Pb TABLE III. Results for bne in units of 10 fm for the Bi for the weighted mean of all eight runs as a function of the neutron data for energies of a crystal spectrometer at 0.10, 0.28, 1.00, and energy E. 4.00 eV.

2 E(eV) T(E) E(eV) T(E) bne ␹ per degree of freedom 0.0892 0.17924͑9͒ 5.6014 0.17364͑14͒ Ϫ1.576Ϯ0.067 0.72 0.1097 0.17858͑8͒ 6.8897 0.17386͑14͒ Ϫ1.480Ϯ0.095 1.37 0.1349 0.17824͑8͒ 8.4741 0.17384͑15͒ Ϫ1.373Ϯ0.091 0.86 0.1660 0.17752͑8͒ 10.4230 0.17346͑15͒ Ϫ1.388Ϯ0.084 1.04 0.2041 0.17699͑8͒ 12.8200 0.17348͑16͒ Ϫ1.263Ϯ0.095 0.96 0.2511 0.17679͑9͒ 15.7683 0.17357͑16͒ Ϫ1.439Ϯ0.038 average value 0.3088 0.17615͑9͒ 19.3947 0.17354͑17͒ 0.3799 0.17587͑9͒ 23.8550 0.17368͑18͒ 0.4672 0.17552͑9͒ 29.3411 0.17329͑18͒ Ϫ3 bneϭ(Ϫ1.331Ϯ0.027Ϯ0.03)ϫ10 fm where the statisti- 0.5747 0.17540͑10͒ 36.0889 0.17326͑19͒ cal and the systematic uncertainties are denoted. 0.7069 0.17518͑10͒ 44.3885 0.17334͑19͒ 0.8694 0.17483͑10͒ 54.5968 0.17305͑20͒ B. Melkonian’s data for liquid 209Bi 1.0694 0.17471͑11͒ 67.1529 0.17305͑20͒ As already shown in Table I the original result of Melko- 1.3153 0.17447͑11͒ 82.5965 0.17370͑21͒ nian et al. ͓5͔ was b ϭ(Ϫ1.56Ϯ0.05)ϫ10Ϫ3 fm. Later 1.6178 0.17435͑11͒ 101.5918 0.17306͑22͒ ne Koester et al. ͓15͔ obtained a smaller negative value of 1.9898 0.17418͑12͒ 124.9555 0.17353͑23͒ Ϫ3 bneϭ(Ϫ1.49Ϯ0.05)ϫ10 fm by correcting for the 2.4474 0.17438͑12͒ 153.6924 0.17358͑23͒ Schwinger scattering. In this work we evaluated separately 3.0103 0.17415͑13͒ 189.0382 0.17283͑24͒ all ten data sets of Melkonian and obtained the results shown 3.7026 0.17360͑13͒ 232.5126 0.17298͑25͒ in the Tables III and IV. Taking the weighted mean values of 4.5541 0.17386͑14͒ 285.9852 0.17319͑26͒ the bne values of Tables III and IV and the systematic un- certainty from Sec. IV D, we obtained for the neutron- electron scattering length bneϭ(Ϫ1.438Ϯ0.033Ϯ0.06) negative ␴ deviation from the solid fit curve by two dashed ϫ10Ϫ3 fm where the statistical and the systematic uncertain- lines. The small change with respect to the previously re- ties are quoted. ported value ͓4͔ is within experimental uncertainties and For completeness we would like to mention the good arises from the new condensed matter correction explained agreement we obtained for the two data sets shown in Fig. 2. Ϫ3 by Eq. ͑16͒. Also, a very small shift of the result occurs We obtained the values bneϭ(Ϫ1.373Ϯ0.091)ϫ10 fm 209 Ϫ3 because of taking now a much broader energy range from for liquid Bi and bneϭ(Ϫ1.361Ϯ0.069)ϫ10 fm for 0.08 to 800 eV. liquid 208Pb. But since Fig. 2 covers only a small fraction of Including the systematic uncertainty as discussed in Sec. total running times, we hope to get some more conclusive IV D, our new value for bne is given in Eq. ͑17͒ by information by a comparison between the two final results in Eq. ͑17͒ and Eq. ͑18͒ in the next section.

VI. CONCLUSION A. Comparison between 208Pb data and 209Bi data Based on the surprising agreement between 208Pb data and 209Bi data for single data sets as shown in Fig. 2, we decided to study ͓6͔ the reason for the discrepant results as shown in Table I. Parallel to this the new solid state correc- tion given by Eq. ͑16͒ was developed and applied to the

Ϫ3 209 TABLE IV. Results for bne in units of 10 fm for the Bi data for energies of a crystal spectrometer at 0.10, 0.28, and 1.00 eV.

2 bne ␹ per degree of freedom Ϫ1.692Ϯ0.133 0.41 Ϫ1.517Ϯ0.167 2.65 Ϫ1.223Ϯ0.140 0.28 Ϫ1.478Ϯ0.173 1.72 FIG. 9. Neutron transmission data of 5 cm thorogenic liquid Ϫ1.199Ϯ0.168 1.60 208 Pb and the final fit to obtain bne . The insert shows the neutron- Ϫ1.434Ϯ0.068 average value TOF arrangement at 18 m, flight path No. 1. 2236 S. KOPECKY et al. 56 computer code for a better evaluation. This led finally to the rection, where by the control of the static structure function, results for 208Pb data shown in Eq. ͑17͒ and for 209Bi data a higher systematic accuracy is possible. given in Eq. ͑18͒ The present type of investigation is so far the only accu- rate method where bne is determined in a measurement with Ϫ3 one experimental setup geometry. The result is in good bneϭ͑Ϫ1.33Ϯ0.027Ϯ0.03͒ϫ10 fm, ͑17͒ agreement with the Garching-Argonne result, but in dis- agreement with the Dubna value, see Table I. Finally, with the agreement of 208Pb data and 209Bi data we obtain an b ϭ͑Ϫ1.44Ϯ0.033Ϯ0.06͒ϫ10Ϫ3 fm, ͑18͒ ne important confirmation of our result. where in both equations the two uncertainties denote the sta- Future experiments of this type look very encouraging tistical and the systematic uncertainty, respectively. and improvements are expected. Because of the surprising Considering only statistical uncertainties the difference low background ͓4͔, measurements with thicker samples between the related bne values is about 2.6 ␴. Including the seem to be feasible which have higher sensitivities for bne , systematic uncertainties, the bne values of Eqs. ͑17͒ and ͑18͒ see Eq. ͑3͒. A much higher accuracy might be possible by are fully compatible. The basis for this is the discussion of replacing the rather slow 6Li scintillator ͑with a considerable systematic uncertainties in Sec. IV D, where uncertainties of amount of late light͒ with a future development of the very the static structure function of S(q) were transformed to un- attractive liquid 3He scintillator. certainties for the bne values. However, even with smaller systematic uncertainties the results would still be compatible. Considering the value of Eq. ͑18͒ with respect to the lit- erature in Table I, we see that the result is in the middle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS between the Garching-Argonne and Dubna values. The an- swer to the question is still open, whether the less well We thank the ORELA staff for providing us with excel- known liquid correction of Bi or problems by the sample lent experimental conditions. We thank also H. Leeb, D. C. preparation mentioned by the authors ͓5͔ is more important. Larson, and H. Rauch for their interest and support. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by Lockheed Martin

208 Energy Research Corp. for the U.S. Department of Energy B. Neutron-TOF measurements of liquid Pb under Contract No. DE-AC05-96-OR22464. This research The new result of bne Eq. ͑17͒ is slightly more negative was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Fo¨rderung der Wis- than our previous value ͓4͔ from the new liquid matter cor- senschaftlichen Forschung under P-9802.

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