Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 12200-12204, December 1995 Evolution

Contrasting histories of avian and mammalian Mhc genes revealed by class II B sequences from (ligation-anchored PCR/balancing selection/gene duplication/orthology) SCOTT V. EDWARDS*, E. K. WAKELAND, AND W. K. PoTTs Center for Mammalian Genetics and Department of Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 3261t) Comtnunicated by Leroy Hood, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, August 24, 1995

ABSTRACT To explore the evolutionary dynamics of few comparative studies within nonmammalian classes, and the genes in the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) in non- relationships among existing gamebird sequences (14) to one mammalian vertebrates, we have amplified complete se- another is not known. To this end we have obtained multiple quences of the polymorphic second (,B1) and third ((32) exons sequencest of exons 2 and 3 of class II B genes from three of class II 13 chain genes of songbirds. The pattern of nucle- songbirds representing the two major divisions within song- otide substitution in the antigen-binding site of sequences ( and Corvida; ref. 15). ["Songbirds" are de- cloned from three behaviorally and phylogenetically divergent fined as those perching birds (Passeriformes) possessing a songbirds [scrub jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens), red-winged complex voice box and song-learning capacity, or Oscine blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), and house finches (Carpo- birds.] The most recent common ancestor of song- dacus mexicanus)] reveals that class II B genes of songbirds are birds and chickens is roughly the same age as, or more recent subject to the same types of diversifying forces as those than, that of mice and humans, whereas the divergence of observed at mammalian class II loci. By contrast, the tree of Passerida and Corvida was later, anywhere from 30 to 55 avian class II B genes reveals that orthologous relationships million years ago (MYA) (see-Discussion). These sequences have not been retained as in placental mammals and that, permit comparison of avian class II genes that diverged around unlike class II genes in mammals, genes in songbirds and the same time as mammalian orders, allowing us to test the chickens have had very recent common ancestors within their adequacy of models of long-term mammalian Mhc evolution respective groups. Thus, whereas the selective forces diversi- when applied to birds. fying class II B genes of birds are likely similar to those in mammats, their long-term evolutionary dynamics appear to be characterized by much higher rates of concerted evolution. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sources of cDNA. Whole spleens (0.5-0.75 g) were collected Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) bind in the field from one member of the Corvida (western scrub peptides from bacteria and other pathogens and present these jays, Aphelocoma coerulescens californica, n = 3) and two to T cells for initiation of the immune response. Mhc genes are Passerida species (house finches; Carpodacus mexicanus, n = unique among loci in vertebrates in showing extreme poly- 2; red-winged blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus, n = 2). Spleens morphism within populations, high rates of non-synonymous were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen within 5 min of collection. (amino acid changing) substitution in the antigen-binding site Total RNA and cDNA were extracted and synthesized as (ABS), and long persistence times of alleles (1, 2). Diversity at described (16, 17). the population level is thought to arise via interactions of hosts' Amplification Strategy and Ligation-Anchored PCR (LA- Mhc gene products and parasites [leading to frequency- PCR). LA-PCR (18) was used to obtain sequences of the 5' dependent selection (rare allele advantage) or overdominant ends of reverse-transcribed Mhc class II B genes. selection (heterozygote advantage)], mating preferences, se- sequences determined using primers 1 and 2 (Fig. 1, ref. 16; all lective abortion, or, more likely, some complex combination of primer sequences and references to primers are illustrated in all of these (3). Fig. 1 and its legend) were used to design primer 3, which was Class II MHC molecules are heterodimeric receptors con- in turn used to prime first strand cDNA synthesis. Ten sisting of an a and a 13 chain, each encoded by a separate gene picomoles of a phosphorylated, blocked anchor primer (no. 4) or genes, which have been found in all vertebrates so far was then ligated onto first strand cDNA with 1 unit of T4 RNA investigated. In all cases in which variability in class 1 chain ligase in 10 ,ul of a 25% PEG solution as described (18). One (class II B) genes has been examined, the codons in the second microliter of this reaction mixture was used as a template in a (131) exon encoding the ABS exhibit the major hallmark of hemi-nested PCR containing the reverse-complement of balancing selection at Mhc loci-namely, an excess of nonsyn- primer 4 and another primer (no. 5) located immediately onymous substitutions over synonymous substitutions in the upstream to primer 3. Products of this PCR were cloned into ABS codons (4, 5). Phylogenetic analyses suggest that diversity TA vectors (Invitrogen) and sequenced with an Applied for receptors among mammalian class II loci is likely also to be Biosystems model 373A automated sequencer as described maintained by so-called divergent selection among loci (6-9), (16). resulting in maintenance of duplicated genes over most of Primers 6 (exon 2) and 7 (exon 4) were designed from mammalian evolution. Although the recent cloning of class II genomic sequences (16) and published sequences from mam- genes from phylogenetically groups of vertebrates has mals and chicken (20, 21). These primers were used on yielded insight into conserved features of class II gene evolu- tion (10-13), we do not yet know whether the long-term Abbreviations: Mhc, major histocompatibility complex; MYA, millions evolutionary history of class II genes in mammals is different of years ago; ABS, antigen-binding site; class II B, class II 13 chain; from that in other vertebrate groups because there have been LA-PCR, ligation-anchored PCR. *To whom reprint requests should be sent at the present address: Department of Zoology and Burke Museum, Box 351800, University The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in tThe sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. GenBank data base (accession nos. U23958-U23976). 12200 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Evolution: Edwards et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 12201

4 89 1 6 cDNAs from a scrub and a red-winged blackbird were -*> ** --I primed from the middle of exon 2, and the phosphorylated, 31 -1 -L-Lj* - TTrTr 51 blocked primer 4 was ligated onto their 3' ends (Fig. 1). 5 3 2 10 7 Hemi-nested amplifications of the reverse-transcribed seg- LP pi 02 TM CYT+ ment, spanning half of exon 2 and the entirety of the leader 3 UT peptide (exon 1) resulted in a band of appropriate size in both FIG. 1. Amplification strategy for class II B genes of songbirds. All species (Fig. 2A). Representative sequences of clones of these amplifications were performed using first strand cDNA as a template products (Fig. 2B) indicated that the segment homologous to (16, 19). The polymorphic second exon is shaded; names of exons are chicken class II B leader peptides had been amplified and that indicated, as is the poly T primer used to prime cDNA synthesis. many of the cDNAs encompassed the initiation codon of these Arrows represent primers used for PCR and LA-PCR. The sequences genes, in all cases ATG. of primers 1 and 2 are given in ref. 16. The sequences of the remaining Amplification of 131 and 132 Exons. Using partial sequences primers (5'->3') are as follows: 3, GCCCACATCGCTGTCGAA; 4, of the second exon of various songbirds (16), clones spanning CGATGAATTCTCGAGTC; 5, ACAGCTGCCGGTTGTAGA; 6, the entire third (exon and part of the transmembrane domain AGG(C/T)T(G/C)(T/A)TCTACAACCGG; 7, GAAGANGAGC- (exon 4) were obtained via reverse transcription PCR (Fig. 1). CCCAGCAC(A/G)AAGCCCCC; 8, GTACTGGTGGCACTGGT- The base of GGTGCT; 9, GGCTGCGGGCGAGAAG; 10, CCGATGCCCGT- composition leader peptide sequences was highly CAGCATCTTG. Both strands of the PCR clones were sequenced with GC-rich; only two potential sites for PCR primers directed toward a battery of internal primers as well as primers in the vector. LP, leader exon 2 were revealed in a computer search (29). Nonetheless, peptide; TM, transmembrane domain; CYT, cytoplasmic tail; 3' UT, when used with primer 10 (Fig. 1), primer 8 (Fig. 2) readily 3' untranslated region. amplified the appropriate 700-bp class II B segment on first strand cDNA from scrub jays, house finches, and a red-winged blackbird oligo(dT)-primed first strand cDNA (reverse transcription as did primer 9 in the jays and blackbird (Fig. 2B). PCR; refs. 19 and 22) to obtain products and clones spanning Balancing Selection at Avian Class II B Genes. To evaluate the entirety of exons 2 and 3. These sequences and those from within-individual diversity of class II B sequences, a total of 18 the LA-PCR experiments were used to design three primers distinct sequences among 26 cDNA clones spanning the en- (nos. 9-11) in exons 1 and 4, which were used to amplify 700-bp tirety of exons 2 and 3 was obtained from six individual birds products from cDNA prepared from each individual. These sampled from natural populations (Fig. 3). Among scrub jays products were cloned in TA vectors and both strands of a total (three individuals, 19 clones), 12 distinct sequences were of 26 clones were sequenced. found; jay no. 3 yielded 6 different clones from 8 sequenced Phylogenetic and Statistical Analysis. Exon boundaries and (Table 1), and there was one case of identical clones found in codons in the ABS aligned easily by hand to chicken class II two different jays (clones 1.3 and 2.1). Importantly, all cloned B genes (20) and the (3-strand of the human molecule with a genes encode cysteine residues in the expected positions in the known crystal structure (23). The number of synonymous (ds) (31 and a-helix domains for the formation of disulfide bridges and nonsynonymous (dN) substitutions per site in the ABS in functional class II genes. Because these primers appear to codons was calculated using the one-parameter correction and be amplifying cDNAs corresponding to multiple genes, and the method of Nei and Gojobori (24, 25). Phylogenetic trees of because the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the 24 ABS class II B genes from songbirds and other vertebrates were codons could be obscured by comparisons of divergent se- obtained by the parsimony (26) and neighbor-joining (27) quences (4, 5), we analyzed groups of sequences within each methods. Separate phylogenetic analyses were performed on species that differed from one another by increments of functional domains ((-sheet, a-helix, exon 3), and a statistical synonymous substitutions in the ABS codons, as recom- test (28) was used to determine whether the differences in the mended (5, 32). The mean dN for sets of sequences differing trees of individual domains were significant. by a small number of synonymous substitutions (ds < 0.1) is significantly higher than 1, but, as expected (5, 32), values of RESULTS dN begin to plateau in comparisons of more divergent se- quences, implying multiple nonsynonymous substitutions at Class II B Leader Peptide Sequences via LA-PCR. Because the same codons over time (Fig. 4). available PCR primers for avian class II genes encompassed Evolutionary Histories of(3 Chain Domains. To examine the only some of the polymorphic segments of the (31 exon (16), evolutionary history of the cloned sequences, we performed further sequences flanking this exon were needed. To this end, phylogenetic analyses of functional class II B domains sepa-

A B -51 -41 -31 -21 -11 1 10 20

Jay 1.2 AGTGCA-TT- CGCGGCTGCTTTGGGGCTGGCGGCAGCTACCCGGCGCTGGCCAJ GG------CGAGTGGC bp nM ooD Jay 1.4 ------...... Blackbird 3.2 ---.. .G. .GGG. I. .. A. AC.TCI. GA ... Blackbird 4.4 ...... -...... T. Chicken IB12 G.GCTCCCGGCTG ... CGG.G.GCC ... TCCC.CATC.TCCGCG .. AGCA. AGCGG. C. CCI. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 339- Jay 1.2 CGCAGCTGGGGCCC TACTGGTGGCACTGGTGGTGCIGGAGCCCCCC(tGCTSCGCGGGAGAAGlTCTClGAGG 210- Jay 1.4 ...... Jay 1.3 ...... Jay 1.5 -......

Blackbird 3.2 ..C.C...... C. C.C... Blackbird 4.4 .. ..A...... A Chicken IB12 ... .G. . C...C...... GG C. C..C.AC.C. C ... .CG.T

FIG. 2. LA-PCR products and sequences from scrub jay and red-winged blackbird cDNA. (A) Agarose gel (2%) showing PCR products generated by amplification of cDNA after ligation of primer 4 (Fig. 1) onto the 3' end and negative control lane. The primers used in amplification were the reverse complement of primer 4 and primer 5 (Fig. 1). (B) Sequences of clones containing exon 1 of Mhc class II B genes derived from PCR products in A. Sequences are labeled according to species, with individual and clone numbers following. Dashes indicate gaps introduced to improve alignment. The Met start codon (ATG) is underlined in the top sequence; the two priming sites obtained in a computer search of exon 1 are boxed (see Fig. 1). Clones differed in length presumably due to differential efficiency of cDNA synthesis. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 12202 Evolution: Edwards et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995)

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 v 80 90 Jay 1 .1 VLQLMVKYDCQF I NGTEKVRLVQRDFYNRLQYLMYDSDWHYVGFTPLGEKVARVWNSDPDFMEQRRAEVDTVCRDNYGVYTPFSVERRV Jay 1.2 .F.E.Y.DE ...... V.M... A.F ....G.F .Y...Q..Y...LSER..YM..A . H..E.FA. Jay 2.1 .F.E.Y.DE ...... R.KF.V.M ...... A.F . ... G.F.. Y...... YR...... NT.TA. .WY. .N. .E.S ...... Jay 2.2 .F.ELGTAE.H .R .... E.YI ... E.A. F. Y.. Q..YR..L . NT.TA..WY..N..E.S. Jay 2.3 .F.ELGTDE.H...... R .... E.YI.. .A .G. .Y... Q..Y.....EG. .YT.GQ..NY. .H..E.S... L. Jay 2.4 .F.ELGTDE.H ...... R .E.YI ... QL.A.F .F .... Y..Y Q. .YR.L.. NT.TA .WY..N. .E.S. Jay 3.1 ... .R.F.DAY ....Q.FA.F ....G. F..F. Q.Y.. VI. .DM. .S . Y.Y.....FA. Jay 3.2 .F.E.FTSE...T. YIR.H .T..N...A.F.Y..R. TAA.WY..H....M...G.... Jay 3.3 ...E.Y.FE.H. R....V.L . A.F....G . Y. YR....AL. A...Y..H..E.S.S.L. Jay 3.4 .F.GVRTDE.H .R..F.DAY ....Q.FA.F....E.Q..Y . VI..DM..S...Y..Y..VGF. Jay 3.5 .F.R.G.AE.H .R....V.L. A.F....G. Y. YR....AL.L A...Y. E.S...L. Jay 3.6 ...E.R.KF.E.R....QL.A.. G.VID...R..Y...N.VI..RK .H..VGF. Finch 1.1 .F.ELSTSE.YYT ... F.E.HI... OTFWF...G.. YE.YN.KRL...TQW..YK..V. H. .PIF . Finch 2.1 .F.E.L.SE.H.T ... F.E.HI ...EPFV.F....G. Y..YN.KRL .... IL.YK.TA ..RY .H..E.SR. .IT. Finch 1.2 .F.ELSTSE.HYT ... FAE.YI ...QT.A.F..H.G. F. N ..S.EW..D..PV ..A..H..E.SR. .I1.... BLackbird 1.1 .F.H.Q.FE.Y ... YL.KYI ...QPIVRF....G . Y..MW.KQL .I..YQ.G . RY..H..E.FR. .IT.... BLackbird 1.2 .FENLQ.GE.Y ... Y.I.LI ...E.V..F....G . Y..MW.KQL.AD..YS.RYHE.FR. BLackbird 1.3 .F.H.Q.FE.Y... YL.KYI ...EPIVRF....G. Y..MT.KS . GE..Y..SL...F..H..EGIR..IT.... Chicken IB12 FFFCGAIFE.HYL....R..YLD.EI ...Q.YAHF ....GK..AD ..PQ.EY...NAE...N.MN ... R...H....GES.T.Q.S. BS1 BS2 BS3 a-heLix FIG. 3. Amino acid sequences of exon 2 of 18 distinct sequences among 26 class II B clones in songbirds. Sequences are numbered according to species (see text), with individual and clone numbers following. The sequence of the BL-BI gene from the chicken B12 haplotype (30) is shown at the bottom. Cysteine residues conserved in these and other functional class II B genes (11) are indicated with arrows. Amino acids comprising polymorphic subdomains as delimited in the crystal structure of a human DRB allele (23) are underlined. rately, each time using a chicken sequence as an outgroup. genes. Thus, this shared-derived codon links the two Passerida Parsimony and neighbor-joining trees yielded essentially sim- species to the exclusion of the Corvida and chicken sequences, ilar results. The trees of songbird class II genes are bush-like; in agreement with DNA hybridization evidence (15). in none of the trees is there strong evidence for clusters of To determine if the phylogenetic information in the three sequences corresponding to orthologous genes in the different functional domains conflicted to a significant degree, the species. The tree of alleles of the well-characterized chicken sequence variation of each domain was overlaid onto the set of BL-BI/II loci reveals a similarly bush-like tree, one whose parsimony trees implied by that domain and one other. For internal branches are much shorter than a typical allelic tree comparison of two sets of equally parsimonious trees for a incorporating multiple mammalian class II B genes (unpublished given domain, the number of sites undergoing fewer steps on data). These results suggest that the loci in question have dupli- all trees within each set was compared (ref. 28; Table 1). cated just prior to the divergence of alleles due to mutation. Whereas the variability in the p-sheet could not distinguish In trees of the j3-sheet of the second exon (Fig. 5A), the jay between its own best trees and those of exon 3, the variability sequences frequently do not cluster in a monophyletic group; in the a-helix conflicts significantly with that in the other two the trees of the a-helix show even less tendency to cluster domains in jays (Table 1). This pattern is robust to maximum- according to species (Fig. 5B). This is reflected in the fact that likelihood tests of discordance (37, 38) and is evident to a lesser there are few fixed amino acid residues clearly distinguishing degree when analysis is confined to variability in the third clones from different species (Fig. 3). By contrast, the non- positions of codons (Table 1). polymorphic exon 3 sequences cluster according to species in Contrasting Histories of Class II B Genes in Birds and all analyses (Fig. SC), despite little resolution among the jay Mammals. To examine the pattern of orthology of songbird sequences. Indeed, all blackbird and finch clones share an extra and chicken class II B genes, we aligned exon 3 sequences from proline codon inserted in frame at amino acid position 105 that songbirds with the six known from chickens BL-B genes and is lacking in the jay clones and all other published class II B those from various functional genes and pseudogenes from Table 1. Statistical tests of conflicts between trees based on mammals and a bony fish. As expected (8, 9, 39), this tree different subdomains of songbird class II B genes reflects the retention of orthologous genes produced by gene duplication in the ancestor of mice and humans; thus the Competing sets of trees Domain ( vs. a (3 vs. exon 3 a vs. exon 3 0.5 All positions ,3-sheet (5) 25:2 7:8 a-helix (8) 1:29 11:2 0.4/ exon 3 (6) 0:14 18:0 0.3 Third positions z (3-sheet (5) 11:0 2:2 V ~~~~A a-helix (8) 1:7 2:1 0.2 A eJay exon 3 (6) 0:6 0:7 A Blackbird For each set of competing trees, the number of sites for the domain 0.1 n~~~~~Finch indicated undergoing fewer steps on all equally parsimonious trees of each set was counted using the "compare two treefiles" option in MACCLADE (31). The number of equally parsimonious trees in each set 0.0 is indicated in parentheses (see Fig. 5). Comparisons in boldface type 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 are significant at P < 0.05; boldface and underlined type, P < 0.01, as using a standard G-test. The same set of trees was used to compare the signal in all positions of codons and third positions only. The low rates FIG. 4. Patterns of nucleotide substitution in the ABS of songbird of in vitro recombination of PCR products in our (16) and other (19) class II B genes. Only the 24 residues comprising the ABS of a human studies of amplified Mhc genes, the finding of identical sequences allele (23) were analyzed, and only sequences within species were within and between individuals, and the fact that several discordances compared. Alleles were placed in groups within which the number of among trees of domains involve sequences amplified in different synonymous substitutions in the ABS codons varied from 0.05 to 0.45. experiments or individuals all suggest that such discordances are not Within each of these groups, the mean dN and ds were calculated (see wholly PCR artifacts. text). The line for dN = ds is indicated. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Evolution: Edwards et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 12203

Jay 1.1 A Jay 3.2 B Jay 1.1 C D i.2 Finch 1.1 Jay 3.2 Finch 1.2 Jay 3.3 Finch 2.1 Jay 3.5 Blackbird 1.1 Finch 1.1 Jay Blackbird 1.3 Fnch 2.1 Common ancestral gene e Blackbird 1.2 Blackbird 1.1 Jay 1.2 Blackbird 1.2 Jay 2.1 Blackbird 1.3 Jay 3.3 Finch 1.2 Jay 1.2 Jay 3.5 Jay 3.1 Jay 2.2 Jay 2.3 Jay 3.4 Finch Jay 2.1 Jay 2.4 Jay 2.2 Jay 3.6 Jay 2.4 Jay 3.1 Jay 2.3 Pro Blackbird Jay 3.4 Jay 3.6 105 Chicken &-Chi Chicken - Chicken 3-sheet a-helix exon 3 exon 3 FIG. 5. Phylogenies and relationships of songbird class II B genes with the chicken sequence used as an outgroup. (A) Tree obtained using variability in the [-sheet codons (1-56) of exon 2 (see Fig. 3). The tree was one of five equally parsimonious trees found with PAUP (ref. 26; 207 steps) and is identical to the neighbor-joining tree obtained using a Jin-Nei correction (33) with a = 0.5. (B) Neighbor-joining tree obtained using variability in the a-helix (codons 169-279, Fig. 3) as in A. This tree is two steps longer than eight equally parsimonious trees (length = 208). (C) Tree of exon 3 sequences, corresponding to one of six equally parsimonious trees (length = 120) and the neighbor-joining tree with distances calculated as in A. The extra proline codon at position 105 found in the finch and blackbird sequences is indicated. (D) Neighbor-joining tree of representative exon 3 sequences from songbirds, chickens, and other vertebrates. Black dots indicate putative common ancestral genes for duplicated genes within species. A parsimony analysis (26) with 10 replications, sequences added in random , and treating all substitutions and sites equally yielded six trees of equal length (698 steps) that were similar to the illustrated tree. The branch leading to the songbird sequences is significant by a bootstrap test (34). The mouse and human DM sequences (35, 36) were used as an outgroup; parameters for distance analysis are as in A. The five chicken genes for which exon 3 was available are from ref. 30. The other sequences used were from GenBank and accession numbers are available on request. The alignment used was that of ref. 35. mouse E13 and human DR,3 genes and the Af3 and DQf3 genes long time periods. Nonetheless, variability in the ABS codons cluster separately, with related pseudogenes (Fig. SD). In our of songbird class II B genes is the result of diversity-enhancing analysis of exon 3, even a class II B gene from a marsupial, selection similar to that observed in mammals. Thus, although DAB (40), 'clusters closer to the placental DRB and DOP the short-term evolutionary histories of class II genes in birds genes, indicating possible orthology to the ancestor of DRB are likely similar to that in mammals, their long-term evolu- and DOB. By contrast, none of the songbird exon 3 sequences tionary dynamics appear to be different. falls inside the cluster of chicken genes or clusters with any one The Mhc class II region of mammals is well known for its chicken gene; indeed, the branch leading to the cluster of all stability over long time scales, as -compared to the class I songbird sequences is long and statistically significant (Fig. region, which experiences higher rates of gene duplication, SD). Thus, although the cloned songbird sequences likely stem deletion, and pseudogene formation (9, 42, 43). The Mhc of from multiple genes, none of them is orthologous to any one marsupials contains novel ,B chain genes of dubious orthology of the chicken genes. to known eutherian genes. But the precise placement of these Recent Ancestry of Chicken Class II B Genes. A recent sequences in the mammalian class II B tree varies depending analysis of variability at chicken BL-B genes (30) revealed a on the domain and analysis used (refs. 40 and 44; Fig. SD), and lack of orthology between chicken and mammalian class II B orthologous relationships at some class II a chain loci have genes. However, the variability in exon 2 was used in these persisted since the divergence of therian [marsupial and comparisons, and the measure of sequence divergence used monotreme] and eutherian mammals (40). Thus, at least some and the branch lengths depicted in this tree were unclear. Our duplicated mammalian class II genes have been retained for analysis (Fig. 5D) of exon 3 sequences immediately reveals that >100 MYA of mammalian evolution (45). The clustering of the branches leading to the five chicken genes for which exon duplicated genes within each songbird species (indicating lack 3 is known are much shorter than those leading to the of orthology), rather than as lineages spanning multiple spe- mammalian class II genes. For example, whereas the third exon cies, suggests that orthologous relationships such as those of the mouse AP and E13 genes differ by >40%, chicken class between mammalian DRB genes are not present among Mhc II B genes differ on average by <7%. The similarity and class II B genes even within the songbirds. The most likely monophyly of sequences cloned from within each of the explanation for this pattern is that chicken and songbird class songbird species recapitulate this pattern. Our analysis also II genes stem from much more recent ancestral genes within reveals two lineages of chicken genes corresponding to the two their respective groups than their mammalian counterparts. linkage groups of the chicken Mhc, now known to belong to Our results suggest that rounds of gene duplication and separate linkage groups (41). Within each of these clusters, homogenization in the class II B genes of birds occur on a exon 3 sequences are identical (e.g., I vs. II) or nearly so. faster time scale than in mammals, implying in turn that evolution in the avian class II region may in fact resemble that in the class I region of mammals more so than that in the DISCUSSION mammalian class II region. Although we have amplified mul- Using variability in the complete second and third exons tiple class II B genes, the primers used here may not have obtained via the LA-PCR technique, we have been able to amplified some genes that are orthologous to chicken genes. quantify the effects of balancing selection at avian Mhc class However, the existence of such genes in songbirds is unlikely II B genes and to determine the pattern of orthology of these given how recently the chicken genes appear to have diverged. genes within birds. These comparisons show that lack of Our results conform to general models of long-term Mhc orthology in the Mhc class II region may occur within non- evolution (7, 43, 46) in which ancestral genes undergo dupli- mammalian groups, in contrast to the pattern observed in cation and deletion independently in divergent vertebrate mammals, in which duplicated class II genes are retained for lineages. The timing of these processes suggested by studies in Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 12204 Evolution: Edwards et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995)

mammals would produce a pattern in which orthologous class 13. Bartl, S. & Weissman, I. L. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, II genes from different species will cluster together over 262-266. 14. Wittzell, H., von Schantz, T., Zoorob, R. & Auffrey, C. (1994) relatively short time scales within major taxonomic groups Immunogenetics 39, 395-403. (e.g., within mammals) but will not exhibit clear orthologous 15. Sibley, C. G. & Ahlquist, J. E. (1990) The Phylogeny and Classification relationships over longer time scales (e.g., between mammals of Birds: A Study in Molecular Evolution (Yale Univ. Press, New and other vertebrates). While this model likely holds for Mhc Haven, CT). class II genes in all classes of vertebrates, we suggest that the 16. Edwards, S. V., Grahn, M. & Potts, W. K. (1995) Mol. Ecol., in press. values of parameters of this model-rates of gene duplication 17. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F. & Maniatis, T. 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