Futures-related journals, magazines and books WFSF Publications


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HUMAN FUTURES Magazine WFSF has published a magazine since its inception – since even before the organisation was formally constituted. The WFSF magazine has gone through several iterations, changing its name and style with the changing times over nearly five decades. HUMAN FUTURES was launched on 23 December 2016 and is a fresh & contemporary, interactive, online magazine. Each issue will be loosely themed, with the first issue featuring some really exciting and innovative futures work by several of our younger WFSF members. Let us know if you want to contribute.

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European Journal of Futures Research Futures are important to our professions, our organizations, and our personal lives. Many of us are fascinated by emerging social trends, technology and research breakthroughs, or industry news. The context in which that business operates must be accurately diagnosed in order to thrive. To help resolve this, a new perspective is needed, one that embraces uncertainty and appreciates change. The journal focuses on the most substantial challenges European countries are facing today in terms of society, politics, economy, education, science and technology, and on the contributions that the European region can make to solving global challenges. The journal seeks to foster thorough analysis of key European policies, such as those for research and education, and addresses topics concerning the future of the European Union in its wider transnational and global contexts.

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European Journal of Futures Research Topics addressed in the journal are not limited to the development of the EU: European regions “share” common experiences, divisions and conflicts – which altogether build a rich resource for critical examination as well as forward-looking renewal. Articles that raise questions about European futures more generally are welcome, as well as subject-based and interdisciplinary studies, ranging from the social sciences and humanities to the natural sciences and engineering. Besides its empirical focus the journal promotes discussions about European traditions and perspectives in futures research. In addition, the journal seeks to advance the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of . ounded in 1999. Published by Emerald. European Journal of Futures Research is affiliated with Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin and the World Futures Studies Federation.

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7 Futures Journals

Introduction As the academic field of futures studies has developed several academic journals have been founded, the first being Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies, first published in 1968. There are several peer-reviewed academic and professional journals dedicated to reporting, discussing and analysing issues of relevance to futures researchers, practitioners and students. There are also some futures-oriented magazines below. The lists are arranged alphabetically.

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Futures The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies Futures® is an international, refereed, multidisciplinary journal concerned with medium and long-term futures of cultures and societies, science and technology, economics and politics, environment and the planet and individuals and humanity. Covering methods and practices of futures studies, the journal seeks to examine possible and alternative futures of all human endeavours. Futures® seeks to promote divergent and pluralistic visions, ideas and opinions about the future. The editors do not necessarily agree with the views expressed in the pages of Futures®. Founded in 1968. Published by Elsevier.

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Futures & Foresight Science The journal will publish articles which focus on methods that aid anticipation of the future in the widest sense, that document the current status of a particular method’s application and use, and that analyze its future potential and prospects. Specifically, we invite papers that consider: Particular scenario methods, Variants of the Delphi method, Judgmental probability forecasting, Corporate and organizational foresight, The role and validity of expert judgment in anticipating the future, The combination of judgments from groups of individuals, The behavioral dynamics of using a focal method, The combination of futures methodologies, Horizon scanning methodologies and Advances in decision-aiding methods that contend with future uncertainty. Published by Wiley.

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Futuribles Futuribles International carries out strategic intelligence and foresight activities to aid in the decision and construction of desirable futures. Its objectives are to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamic of the contemporary world and its possible futures in the medium and long- term, notably due to a mutualized early warning system devoted to identification of potential changes in the strategic environment of businesses and organizations: the Lookout System. It provides constant indications of heavy trends (megatrends) and emergent trends (weak signals) in the strategic environment. French language journal founded in 1960. Published by the Futuribles Centre.

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Foresight The journal of future studies, strategic thinking and policy The journal publishes a diverse range of substantive theoretical and methodological debates as well as practical developments in the field of corporate governance worldwide. The journal particularly encourages attention to the impact of changes of business/corporate governance forms and practices on people, and the sustainability of different governance models.

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Prospective et Stratégie Published on French-language academic platform, Prospective et Stratégie is a future-oriented journal, which covers the fields of anticipation and foresight, of innovation policy and strategy, and of strategic management and organization studies. The journal publishes methododological, theoretical and case-based research papers exploring and discussing strategic temporal issues for private and public organizations, as well as for local and global communities. Prospective et Stratégie also issues stakeholders’ viewpoints and book reviews. Founded in 2010. Published by Apors publishing and the Institute for compared strategy.

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International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy The IJFIP has been established as a peer reviewed, international authoritative reference in the field. It publishes high calibre academic articles dealing with knowledge creation, diffusion and utilisation in innovation policy. The journal thus covers all types of Strategic Intelligence (SI). The IJFIP aims to further develop insight into the role of strategic intelligence in innovation policy and practice by acting as a scientific forum and contributing to the interaction between researchers, policy makers and actors involved in innovation processes. Founded in 2004. Published by Inderscience.

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Journal of Evolution and Technology (JET) The Journal of Evolution and Technology is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. JET w elcomes submissions on subject matters that many mainstream journals shun as too speculative, radical, or interdisciplinary on all issues relating to the future prospects of the human species and its descendants. Founded in 1998. Published by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

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Journal of Futures Studies Epistemology, Methods, Applied and Alternative Futures The Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary referred journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, futures-oriented research and thinking based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies. Articles accepted for publication are expected to show an in-depth understanding of the field’s dimensions, content, research perspectives and methods. Founded in 1996. Published by Tamkang University, Taiwan.

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Long Range Planning International Journal of Strategic Management Long Range Planning is one of the leading international journals in the field of strategic management that is published six times a year. It is the Journal of The Strategic Planning Society and of the European Strategic Planning Federation. It features articles which offer original research that bridge the gap between academia and practice. We aim to influence the behaviour of senior managers, administrators and to influence academic thinking. Founded in 1968. Published by Elsevier.

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On the Horizon (OTH) On the Horizon (OTH) is a strategic planning resource for decision makers in the public and private sector and, in particular, education policy makers, administrators, practitioners, and researchers in post-secondary and lifelong learning worldwide. The journal focuses on the increasingly complex intersection of forces that are impinging on education and learning and to which educators, human resource professionals and all committed to human potential must respond.

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Policy Futures in Education Policy Futures in Education is a peer-reviewed international journal that is futures-oriented and committed to promoting debate in education among university academics, practising policy analysts in government and local government, national and international policy advisors, politicians, members of policy think-tanks and world policy agencies such as the World Bank, OECD and the European Union. The journal has a strong experimental focus and emphasises innovative thinking in education policy and theory from a range of diverse viewpoints. A Policy statement is available. Founded in 2003. Published by Symposium.

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Technological Forecasting and Social Change An International Journal A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future studies as planning tools as they interrelate social, environmental and technological factors. Founded in 1970. Published by Elsevier.

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The International Journal of Forecasting The International Journal of Forecasting publishes high quality refereed papers covering all aspects of forecasting. Its objective (and that of the IIF) is to unify the field, and to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The intention is to make forecasting useful and relevant for decision and policy makers who need forecasts. The journal places strong emphasis on empirical studies, evaluation activities, implementation research and ways of improving the practice of forecasting. It is open to many points of view and encourages debate to find solutions for problems facing the field. Founded in 1985. Published by Elsevier.

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The Journal of Forecasting The Journal of Forecasting is an international journal that publishes refereed papers on forecasting. It is multidisciplinary, welcoming papers dealing with any aspect of forecasting: theoretical, practical, computational and methodological. A broad interpretation of the topic is taken with approaches from various subject areas, such as statistics, economics, psychology, systems engineering and social sciences, all encouraged. Furthermore, the Journal welcomes a wide diversity of applications in such fields as business, government, technology and the environment. Founded in 1982. Published by Wiley.

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Time & Society Time & Society publishes articles, reviews, and scholarly comment discussing the workings of time and temporality across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, geography, history, psychology, and sociology. Work focuses on methodological and theoretical problems, including the use of time in organizational contexts. You’ll also find critiques of and proposals for time-related changes in the formation of public, social, economic, and organizational policies. Founded in 1992. Published by Sage.

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NanoEthics Ethics for Technologies that converge at the nanoscale NanoEthics provides a needed forum for informed discussion of ethical and social concerns related to nanotechnology, and a counterbalance to fragmented popular discussion. While the central focus of the journal is on ethical issues, discussion extends to the physical, biological and social sciences and the law. NanoEthics provides a philosophically and scientifically rigorous examination of ethical and societal considerations and policy concerns raised by nanotechnology. Introduced in 2007. Published by Springer.

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World Future Review A Journal of WFR seeks to encourage and facilitate communication among researchers and practitioners in all related fields and from all geographic, social, political, and economic sectors. It is also intended to promote public understanding and education in the methods and applications of futures research. The focus of the editors is not only with specific techniques and planning tools, but also with the role of futures research in the larger context of decision making in a range of settings. It began in January 2009 out of a merger between Futures Research Quarterly published from 1985- 2008 and Futures Survey. Published by the World Future Society.

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World Futures The Journal of New Paradigm Research

The Journal’s aim is to: Research, develop and articulate the new paradigm of cosmos, life, consciousness and society emerging at the cutting edge of contemporary research. The journal provides a venue for leading edge, creative, transdisciplinary contributions. It encourages the application of new ways of thinking and approaches that draw on the intersection of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. World Futures welcomes critiques of limiting assumptions, as well as the development of new perspectives, on human nature, consciousness, society, and the nature of the universe. The journal is focused on the exploration, articulation, and application of human potentialities, and the implications for building a sustainable and humanistic future. It accepts articles, research notes and book reviews and invites essays relevant to its aim in all fields of interest from the sciences to the humanities. Founded in 2002. Published by Taylor and Francis. 3CQ16aHB0

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MAGAZINES (Non peer-reviewed)

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Club of Amsterdam Journal Shaping your Future in the Knowledge Society The Club of Amsterdam Journal is a free online magazine published every two weeks and sent by email.

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Human Futures Magazine WFSF has produced a newsletter/magazine going by various names since 1974. The most recent name of the magazine is the Human Futures Magazine.

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The European Foresight Monitoring Briefs Content will be produced for the EFMN on a more or less continuous basis , mainly in the form of short 4 page documents that are quick and easy to read and which focus on specific foresight related topics that are noteworthy for their novelty or importance. About 40 such briefs were produced each year leading to a total of 160 over the lifetime of the project.

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The Future of Children The Future of Children is a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution. The mission of The Future of Children is to translate the best social science research into information that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant-makers, advocates, the media, and students of public policy. The project publishes two journals and policy briefs each year, and provides various short summaries of our work. Founded in 1991.

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The Manoa Journal The Manoa Journal of Fried and Half-Fried Ideas (about the future) is an occasional paper series published by the Hawai’i Research Center for Futures Studies (HRCFS). Established by the State Legislature in 1971. Archives are available online from 1992 to 1998.

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BOOKS (Straight off the press)

33 Futures Books

A Transformation Journey to Creative and Alternative Planetary Futures 1st Edition by Victor Vahidi Motti (Author)

A Transformation Journey to Creative and Alternative Planetary Futures 1st Edition

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BOOKS (from the 21st Century)

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Introduction This is a list of Futures Books in English from the 21st Century. Books in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Hebrew and Hungarian are available at This list was compiled from contributions by WFSF members and is arranged in alphabetical order.

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Adam, Barbara (2004), Time (Key Concepts), Cambridge, UK, Polity Press. Adam, Barbara & Groves, Chris (2007), Future Matters: Action, Knowledge, Ethics (Supplements to the Study of Time), Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill. Alcamo, J (Ed) (2008), Environmental Futures, Amsterdam, Elsevier. Antón, Philip S, Schneider, James & Silberglitt, Richard (2001), The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015, Santa Monica, CA, RAND Appadurai, A. The Future as Cultural Fact, London, Verso, 2013 Attali, Jacques (2009), A Brief History of the Future, Allen & Unwin (Originally published in French in 2006 as Une Brève histoire de l’avenir) Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2001), Keys to the 21st century, UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura – Berghahn Books. Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2004), The future of values: 21st Century Talks, UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura. Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2007), Making Peace With the Earth: Twenty-first Century Talks, The Philosopher’s Library Series, UNESCO.

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Borch, Kristian; Dingli, Sandra; Sørgaard Jørgensen, Michael (Eds.) (2013): Participation and Interaction in Foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions”, London: Edward Elgar Publishers Bowers, C.A. Let Them Eat Data; How computers affect education, cultural diversity and the Prospects of Ecological Sustainability. 2000 Brockman, John (Ed) (2002), The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-first Century, New York, Vintage Books. Bryant, R. and D. M. Knight, The Anthropology of the Future, Cambridge University Press 2019. United Nations Development Program (2002), A Guide to Conducting Futures Studies in Africa, Translated from the French by Cairncross, Ian, UNDP. Candy, Stuart, Potter, Cher (Eds) (2019) Design and Futures, Tamkang University Press Collins, Samuel G (2008), All Tomorrow’s Futures, Anthropological Engagements with the Future, Berghahn Books. Cornish, Edward (2005), Futuring: The Exploration of the Future, The World Future Society.

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Corsi, Patrick (2017), Going Past Limits to Growth: A Report to the Club of Rome EU- Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Cooper, Richard N, Layard, Richard (2002), What the Future Holds: Insights from Social Science, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Dator, Jim (Ed) (2002), Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education, Praeger Studies on the 21st Century, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. Dator, Jim (2019), A noticer in time. Selected work, 1967-2018. Springer Nature Press Dewar, James (2002), Assumption-Based Planning: A Tool for Reducing Avoidable Surprises, Cambridge University Press. Eisler, R (2000), Tomorrow’s Children: A Blueprint for Partnership Education in the 21st Century, Boulder, CO, Westview Press. Fox, Mary Frank, Deborah G. Johnson and Sue Vilhauer Rosser. 2006. Women, gender, and technology. Urbana, University of Illinois Press. Friedman, George (2009), The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, Doubleday.

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Georghiou Luke, Harper, Jennifer Cassingena, Keenan, Michael, Miles, Ian, & Popper, Rafael (Eds) (2008), The Handbook of Technology Foresight: Concepts and Practice, PRIME Series on Research and Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar Publishing. Gidley, Jennifer (2020), “The Secret to Growing Brilliant Children: Volume 1: Steiner Education for the 21st Century”. Bear Books. Gidley, Jennifer (2017), The Future: A very short introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press. (Watch a Book Interview here; Watch another related video here) Gidley, Jennifer (2016), Postformal Eudcation: A Philosophy for Complex Futures, Springer Interational Publishing Gidley, Jennifer & Inayatullah, Sohail (Eds) (2002), Youth Futures: Comparative Research and Transformative Visions, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. Gordon, Theodore J., Florescu, Elizabeth, Glenn, Jerome J., Sharan, Yair (2017), Identification of Potential Terrorists and Adversary Planning: Emerging Technologies and New Counter-Terror Strategies: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series E: Human and Societal Dynamics Vol.132, Amsterdam, IOS Press.

40 Futures Books

Glenn, J and Millennium Project Team (2020). Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions, The Millennium Project, Washington, DC. Glenn, Jerome C., Florescu, Elizabeth, Millennium Project Team (2017), State of the Future 19.1, Washington, DC, The Millennium Project NOTE> The Millennium Project has published a different State of the Future for 1997 each year to 2012 and then the 2013-14 and 2015-2016 State of the Future Glenn, Jerome C. & Gordon, Theodore J., (Eds) (2009) Futures Research Methodology 3.0, Washington, DC, The Millennium Project. (also in Farsi/Persian and soon Spanish) Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore, J (2001), Future International Environmental Security Issues & Potential Military Requirements over the period 2010-2025, Atlanta, Army Environmental Policy Institute. Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore, J., Florescu, Elizabeth (2000) Global Challenges for Humanity: UN Millennium Summit & Forum 2000, San Francisco, State of the World. Heinonen, Sirkka & Karjalainen, Joni (2019). Electrification in Peer-to-Peer Society – a New Narrative for Sustainable Futures. FFRC eBook 1/2019. is available online at:

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Hines, Andy, & Bishop, Peter (Eds) (2006), Thinking about the Future: Guidelines for Strategic Foresight, Washington, Social Technologies. Inayatullah, Sohail (Ed) (2004), The Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) Reader: Theory and case studies of an integrative and transformative method, Tamkang University. Inayatullah, Sohail (Ed) (2005), Questioning the Future: Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation, Taipei, Tamkang University Press. Inayatullah, Sohail & Boxwell, Gail (Eds) (2003), Islam, Postmodernism and other futures: A Ziauddin Sardar reader, Pluto Press. Inayatullah, Sohail, & Gidley, Jennifer (Eds) (2000), The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Futures of the University, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut. Kaku, Michio (2008), Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel, Doubleday. Kapoor, Rakesh (2019), The Restless Futurist – Seth’s Quest for Transforming India, Vitasta Publishing Kurzweil, Ray (2006), The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Viking Adult.

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Kuusi, Osmo, Heinonen, Sirkka, Salminen, Hazel (Eds.) (2017) How Do We Explore Our Futures? Methods of Futures Research, The Finnish Society for Futures Studies ( László, E (2001), Macroshift: Navigation the Transformation to a Sustainable World, San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. László, E (2006), The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads, Charlottsville, VA, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. Lempert, Robert J, Popper, Steven W, & Bankes, Steven C (2003), Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods for Quantitative, Long-Term Policy Analysis, Rand. [Free download available from Lombardo, Thomas (2006) The Evolution of Future Consciousness: The Nature and Historical Development of the Human Capacity to Think about the Future, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Lombardo, Thomas (2006) Contemporary Futurist Thought: Science Fiction, Future Studies, and Theories and Visions of the Future in the Last Century, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Lombardo, Thomas (2011) Wisdom, Consciousness, and the Future: Selected Essays. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.

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Lombardo, Thomas (2017) Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution. London: Changemakers Books. Lombardo, Thomas (2018) Science Fiction – The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future: Prometheus to the Martians (Volume 1). London: Changemakers Books. Lustig, Patricia, (2015), Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future, Triarchy Press Ltd. Lustig, Patricia & Gill Ringland, (2018), Megatrends and How to Survive Them: preparing for 2032, Cambridge Scholars Publishing Mannermaa, M, Dator, J, Tiihonen, P (Eds) (2006), Democracy and Futures, Committee for the Future, Helsinki, Parliament of Finland. McCallum, Kate & Morie, Jacquelyn Ford (2020), Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media, IGI Publishing. Meadows, Donella, Randers, Jorgen, Meadows, Dennis (2004), Limits to Growth: The 30- Year Update, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction. Micic, P (2010), The Five Futures Glasses: How to see and understand more of the future with the Eltville Model, Houndsville, Palgrave Macmillan.

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Milojevic, I (2005), Educational Futures: Dominant and Contesting Visions, London, Routledge. Miller, Riel (2018) Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century, London: Routledge. Molitor, Graham (2003), The Power to Change the World: The Art of Forecasting, Bethesda, Md, Public Policy Forecasting. Motti, Victor V. (2019), A Transformation Journey to Creative and Alternative Planetary Futures, UK: Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing Nederveen Pieterse, J (Ed) (2000), Global futures: Shaping globalization, New York, Zed Books. Nicolescu, B (2002), Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity, Translated by Karen-Claire Voss, New York, SUNY Press. Nováky, E, Fridrik, Sz, Szél, B (Eds) (2004), Action for the Future, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. Nováky, E, Gáspár, T, & Tyukodi, G (Eds) (2002), Changing Values – Forming New Societies, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

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Nováky, E, Kristóf, T (Eds) (2000), The Youth for a Less Selfish Future, Budapest, Department of Futures Studies, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. Nováky, E, Ramba Varga, V, Kalas K?szegi, M (Eds) (2001), Futures Studies in the European Ex-Socialist Countries, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. Poli, Roberto (2017), Introduction to Anticipation Studies, Springer International Publishing Poli, Roberto (Ed) (2017), Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making, Springer International Publishing Poli, Roberto (2019), Working with the Future: Ideas and Tools to Govern Uncertainty, EGEA SPA – BOCCONI UNIVERSITY PRESS Scharmer, Claus Otto (2007), Theory U: Leading from the Future As It Emerges, SoL, the Society for Organizational Learning. Schreiber, D., & Berge, Z. (Eds.) (2019) Futures thinking and organizational policy: Managing rapid change in technology, globalization and workforce diversity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan International Publishers, subsidiary of Springer Nature Publishing Group.

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Schwartz, Peter (2003), Inevitable Surprises, Gotham Sills, Joe B., Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Florescu, Elizabeth, Gordon, Theordore J. (2000) Environmental Crimes in Military Actions and the International Criminal Court (ICC) – UN Perspectives, Atlanta, Army Environmental Policy Institute Slaughter, Richard A (2003), Monograph Series, Australian Foresight Institute. Slaughter, R. A. (2004), Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight, London, RoutledgeFalmer. Stanley, David J (2007), History and Future. Using Historical Thinking to Imagine the Future, Lexington Books. Taub, Lawrence (2002), The Spiritual Imperative: Sex, Age, and the Last Caste, Second Edition, San Francisco,Clear Glass Publications. [Translated into Spanish and Japanese.] Textor, Robert B (Ed) (2005), “The World Ahead: An Anthropologist Anticipates the Future – Vol 6” in Margaret Mead, The Study of Contemporary (Western) Cultures, Berghahn Books. Van der Duin, Patrick (2007), Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, Eburon Academic Publishers. See also UNESCO World Report 2005 (English)

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Wheelwright, Verne (2010), It’s Your Future…Make It a Good One! Personal Futures Network; Harlingen Wheelwright, Verne (2019), Small Business Foresight: The Future of Your Business, Paper Fibers International, Inc Woodgate, Derek and Pethrick, Wayne (2004), Future Frequencies, Fringecore Publishing, Austin, TX. Yonck, Richard (2020), Future Minds: The Rise of Intelligence from the Big Bang to the End of the Universe. Arcade Publishing, NY. Yonck, Richard (2017), Heart of the Machine: Our Future in a World of Artificial Emotional Intelligence. Arcade Publishing, NY

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