'1 ■ T W: MONDAY, MAY 11. 1M« lEvrttittQ V^rallt Avmgt Doily N«t Proa Sw For Uw Waak Wadad May C, 1CC4 13,974 . mm, law In Ms; breeay, cha MenAtr of the Audit •CGeTC. < SI"*** Bureau of Circulation Manehestjer^A City of Viliagm Charm Page 14) t iie s VOL. LXXXm, NQ^ 190 (SIXTEEN PAOBB) MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1964 PRICE League to Appeal Events «r a ■« On Birth Control In State Military Plane Crashe Royalty Payment HARTFORD (AP)—^The Planned Parenthood League of Ckamecticut aaid today it would appeal a State Su­ For Dix-Seal preme Court decision on Connecticut’s birth control By GOP Leader law to the U.S. Supreme Court. Take 91 Lives V- The Connecticut court yaster-O -.<■■■■.v--.ll. 11 day again upheld the constitu­ for about six months. He said HARTFORD (AP) — tionality of the oontroverslal the court could have decided the GOP State Chairman A. state law, which bans the use of case in a week if it wished. Searle Pinney charged to­ contraceptives. i Buxton aaid the case has Catherine O. Rorabaok, coun­ been in the courts for five years day that the state has paid Death Sites: sel for the league, and Dr. C. now — ever since he and Fowl­ out "hundreds of thousands !i?: i Lee Buxton, one of the defend­ er V. Harper, a professor of law of dollars in royalties" for U.S.q England ants in the test case, said an at Yale, first challenged the Dix-Seai—a road surfacing u p ea l would be taken to the state law. product developed by a man V.B. Supreme Si .Court Immediate- Harper will handle UM ap­ Manila, Spain PINE ^ R E E T ly. peal to the U.6. Supreme Court while in the employ of the at Buxton,v medical director' of in the present case. State Highway Depart­ the league, said he thought the Mrs. Estella T. Orlswold, 6S, ment. MANILA (AP)—Ninety- state court's decielon waa "un- exeoutlvs dlrsctor of the league Noting that the Dix-Sfal pat­ one persons were dead or Hartford Road reallatic” because, he said, the and the second defendant in the ent infringement case is now missing today following law now on the hooka can't be case, said: before the federal court, the four military plane crashes tMNCHESTfR... enforced. “Naturally we are very dis­ OOP chairman said: The physteian, who la also appointed over the dedaion, and "The stats refused to sssert around the world. Most of chairman of obetetrlea and for the unfortunate women be­ its rights to this new process the victims were American .# f # f T gynecology at the Tale Medical ing discriminated against while and was litsrslly dragged Into military personnel. * < . # * . , /. ,* • .■:* .•> Buxton noted that the 'State stote." pilot parachuted to safety. Supreme Court has had the case (See Page Three) . "Gov. Dempsey, his attorney The four fatal crashes oc­ » ’rr-,-7f ’ " ■”^- genera] and highway commis­ curred’ Monday in the Philip­ sioner,’’ he added, "were per­ pines, off Spain, in southern fectly willing to let the state England and in Alabama. '■M go on paying hundreds of At Clark Air Base north et dollars for nothing.” Manila, a U.S. MUttary Air Extra Saigon Guards In an address to the weekly Ttansport jeUiner with t t per­ RepuKlcan luncheon at Hotel sons aboard crashed short M a Bond this noon, Pinney accused ' runway and burst into flames. Highway Commissioner Howard Seventy-three persons died in Siirroimd McNamara D. Ives with "a conflict of In­ the wreckage and another died terest” In the Dix-Seal case. I in the base hospital. SAIGON, South Viet Nam>f>fIoor, on the seat and behind his The Republican chairman I The other victim was ^ (AP)—U.S. Secretary of De- back for protection against said that between 1064 and 1066 I American serviceman rid|nK in feiuie Robert McNamara ar­ Communist terrorist b^lets, a road surfacing process was I a taxi which the friane atriidt as rived in Saigon today for a M- hand grenades and mines. developed by s ' Hl|hway De­ ' it headed for the runway, tha. hour visit and plunged into a se- He was accompanied every­ partment em^oye. He said that ! Air Force said. rlea of heavily guarded confer- where by s motorcade of ve­ at the time me man was given *1716 nine people on board who encea on the progress of the war hicles bristling srlth police and a meritorious pay raise for his ; survived the crash were in the In Viet Nam. a truck loaded wiUi Special efforts in develc^ng the new base hospital. The Filipino cab McNamara raced from one Forces soldiers, their guns at process and the pay increase driver and another American conference to another in Ambas­ the ready. was recommended by then dep­ passenger in the taxi also wars sador Henry Cabot Lodge’s car, U.S. and Vietnamese security uty commissioner Ives. hospitalized. with flak jackets piled on the were taking ■ no chances since He said that after Ives and Aboard the four-engine ClSi, discovery of a plot on McNa­ the employe, who developed the were 9 Air Force crewmen, a mara’s life. Viet Cong agents process, resigned from the de­ flight nurae , 48 Air Forca Mirror Signals were caught Saturday ^ h t try­ partment both bqcame officers passengers, 10 Navy men, 4 ing to mine a bridge the secre- of Dlx-Sesl Corporation when Firemen don masks and carry air-paks to enter Arthur’s Drug Store during height of yesterday’s fire. Coast Guardsmen and 2 Natkm- t a ^ was to cross. It was formed in 1068 as a sub­ alist Chinese. . Saved 6 Cubans, McNamara on hit arrival con­ sidiary of Savin Brothers Inc. "I don’t think anybody knows ferred fm* two hours with At. that time Ives was general what caused this thing,” an Air 10 Days at Sea Lodge. After a quick lunch at manager of Eklward Balf Co., Force spokesman said. “There Lodge’s resldsnoe, he bann a was nothing in the plane’s be­ another Bavin subsidiary. havior that could give a clue to MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Six Cu­ series of confersness wiQl top “When Mr. Ives became state Mystery Shrouds U.S. mUltary officials. any mechanical failure.” ban refugees told today how highway oommissiiMter in 1850 No indication of distress came file sun’s rays reflecting from He is scheduled to confer a tiny mirror algi^ed tnelr dis- with MaJ. Gen. Nugyen Khanh, ha supposedly divested hit in- »4be pilot aa he brought the w pasiBifsirtliPiter. A Dix-Seal by ^ving.Jt>i' jtt In- ftron Hickam- Air - Seventh died moments before', pramlar, , HawaU. and laai^ for Waahi Landing in a rainstorm, tha uiiMnwiwY^iCiatS LIKE THESE! TREMENPOUSjaVHjgSL .**0’ the rescue. plane struck a 42-foot antenna­ They were among 82 Cubans hours 'later. fleeing (heir homeland in four There #as some ■peculation tinuad to work for Dlx-S^.” like aircraft navigational aid WOMEN’S COOL, COTTON small boaU picked up off Fieri- that McNamara during Ms visit He said the firm required The cause of yesterday’s stubborn, three-hour fire in just inside the base fence, hit WOMEN’S STRETCH da Monday. All told of falling'would announca a tow her. U.S. Arthur’s Drug Store may never be known, according to the taxi on a road running along BOYS’ SUMMER SEAMLESS MESH suppliers of the road surfacing the base perilheter, and broka NEirS DRESS a SPORT crops, scarcity of food and dis- stand in Eknith Vlat Ifam, pos- material to pay a royalty of 26 Town Fire Chief W. Clifford Mason. He revealed this satisfacUon with the Fidel Cas sibly including the avaeuaUon of up in flames. -1 cents a ton. The amount, he morning that the flames ate away so much of the cellar The C13S was on a troop air- tro r^ m e . I American depandenta. said, would then be passed oii stock and shelving, that it will<^ ^The six refugees who h ad ' Communist terror attacks Ufi mission from Travis Air DUSTERS to the state or towns by the be well-nigh Impossible to pin­ and Ernest J. Sherman. All po' Base, Calif. It waa to return BRAS NYLONS been without food or water for against Americans and Vletna- point anything but the approxi­ PAJAMAS 10 days, sunburned and with mese In the streets of Ekilgon low bidder awarded the con­ lice operations were under th e' sick and Injured personnel to SHIRTS tract for supplying the msiter- mate area of the fire’s begin­ control of Sgt. Robert Lannon. the United State's. sores on their parched bodies, have increased lately, and atl ning. hi 2 pr. were takep from .the Georgis. ’ U-S. military establishments ial. To get at the core of the The Air Force said the crash ‘Tt’s certainly fair to state Employes and customers of trouble, firemen had to don air- was the first involving a C136 poekcifos a merchant ship, by the Coast j have been placed under heavy the store had reported that they Guard and transferred to Jack- guard. that if the suppliers had no paks and masks and enter the in the Western Transport Air 2 8 ‘ at son Memorial Hospital. | The secretary on Ms anrival royalty to pay Dix-Seal their heard two exploaionB and then cellar through a narrow door in Force, and only the second for 1.77 saw billows of smoke, and re­ the alleyway behind the store. a MATS C185 in more than 76 port soon spread that t%e boiler I Coordinated lengths ahd siaea. Summer Prints, checks, solids, novelty patterns. (See Page Two) (Sea Page Three) (Bee Page Eight) Others, also with air-paks, million miles the service has 1.34 Circle stitch cupa Won’t irritate or bind. had exploded. This mornjhg, it flown the big planes since June I shades. Sizes 8Vi to 11. First quality of Lace embroidery, smocking or piped trims. crawled on their hands and llhort deeve, knee leng:th. I>rinted and ent- Unpadded 32 to 40 A-B-C. Padded 82 to waa determined by a bbuer in- 1961. LFIim cotton broadcloth drcu shlrta. Prtnta, iKisBed. Middy styles. Sizes 6 to 16.« I course. Sizes 10 to 18 and S-H-7^ knees through the front door, patterns and plaids in cotton sport shirts. 38, A-B. White. aurance company adjuat^ that carrying flashlights and lamps. In the other fatal erashes: the boiler was not the d l^ e. It was a case of "the blind A- 24-hour air and sea search A red embargo tag‘^ was Show of Defiance Follaivs placed on the door of the store (She Page Two) (See Page Eight) this morning by the State"De- WAVY CHENILLE partment of Consumer Protec­ ■ f FAMOUS MAKE OAUZE Imscr wimiM k n m tion. The embargo is authorized r> » MEN’S WALKINB MISSES' JAMAICAS under the atete’s Food. Drug X rillia i* y ..IX llTlO U t Wallace Cambridge Talk and Consumer Act, and forbids ^ TP J any gx>ods to be moved or re -, O 0C 11 L < l£|[llt JL O C la y Bulletins tod BERMUOAS KNEE KNOCKERS SPREADS moved until the department’s' ~ •' Culled from AP Wires DIAPERS CAMBRIDGE, Md. (AP)— ' commissioner so authorizes. wastytno'YY'in _ f laht SHORTS George Wallace was out oftoWn | The stock of alcoholics in toe outs were expected to- « good 40 miles up the highway 1 store a liquor departoent will ^ TURK AREA SEALED ° toward Baltimore, when the Na- checked by the ^ Rockefeller running un- NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)-* tlonal Guardsmen heav«l the opposed In West Virginia’! Re- Irish troops of the United Na­ * 2 ^ J publican presidenUal primary tions peace force sealed off 1 .6 6 i b z - cannlstera and the choking tear The potentially dangerous Goldwater of 1.72 gas aettled In a gray cloud u ^ n 0^;."“ h e ^ - ia d e 7 wlTh'^diw. the old walled Turkish areit 2.97 Viscose rayon-cotton. Deep, all-around a street paved curb to curb with | , K ,- . . *il . . - Arizona alone on the GOP presl- of Famagusta today to pre> amoke, broke out In the base- Nebraska, iHeaiy .10 oa. denim, Stlch and rivet de- angry people. vent Greek Cypriot revenge I Better makers, trimly tailored, side slppere. l Ails. 2 fitmt and 2 fringe. Full end twin sises In white and ment of the drug store and for ^ ^ ^ Authentic huUaa madraa. Otaley A l«(d Big 21 X 40 siae. Bleached vdtits, highly back pocketa. Sises pastels. ■It was paradoxical, and in a a while threatened all of the ^ I" ^ th states Democratic Town fireman Roy Stratton accepts some reviving- for the slaying of two Greek plaids, 05% dacron polyester, 88% cotton. I absorbent. First quality, of course. 13mert plaids and solid colors. Sisee 8 to 18. to 18 in navy. army officers and a Greek Sizes to 42. sense inevitable, that It should one-story, eight-store, half- delegates to be selected are ex- oxygen from Police Sgt. Robert Lannan, before go­ happen In Cambridge, Md. mllllon dollar block at Main Pected to favor President John- ing back into smoke-laden | store. (HSrald photos by Cypriot youth leader. A Ij-M* & this state, for the first time and St. James Sts. spokesman said 10 Turkli^ since he came north with his The fire, confined to the Rockefeller has no opposition Ofiara.) Cypriots were reported nolss- states rights evangelism. Gov. basement, with quantities of in West Virginia, and write-in tng In the Famagusta area. A LL METAL George C. Wallace of Alabama mineral and cod-liver oils stor­ votes are not counted.. Most of them were known to FOLDIIHI ALUMINUM has bean received with open ed nearby, brought 50 firemen Goldwater, the GOP frontrun- have been taken hostage by Cannon General Electric Sylvania «ttthuslasm.. By contrast With ^ .even’pieces of fire equip- "**• i " .‘**>«f‘* ™*y • Greeks after Monday’s shoot* Wisconsin and Indiana, his au-J^^^j Companies into • write-in opposition lo Rusk Urges Isolation Ing In wMch a tMrd Greek of­ dlances have been warmly par 8 and 4 to the scene within Nebraska from supporters of ficer was wounded and SNOOZ-ALARM LAWN CHAIR POLE LAMPI tisan toward him and the gov­ minutes of the 4 p.m. alarm. Tur)clsh Cypriot killed. Out- ! SHEETS ernor, in turn, has relaxed no- Main St. was tied Up from 4 1 ^*’^ ‘***'^ Richard M. Nlx- Of Cubans by Allies 'sld^ the Turkish sector, Fam­ LIGHT BULBS tieeabty and has changed the p.m. to a little after 7 by fire Rockefeller, agusta, biggest and busiest ELECTRIC CLOCK words they came to hear. equipment, hundreds of feet of| The expected Rockefeller and port on Cyprus, was virtually • TtxlO^ ' At the same Ume, in this shut down as' a result of the • 81 X 99 firehose, police cara, and people, Goldwater victories in the two THE HAGUE, NetherlandsWia continuing to seek some ave- elate and this memorable city, hundreds of them. 1 presidenUal primaries may (AP)—Secretary of State Dean nuCs of agreement with the shooting wMch the Greek • Twin n tM he has met with a Negro' in­ Firefighting operations whre have little effect on the GOP Rusk urged today the complete Soviet Union and other nations government denounced na a 72C2K Pins Tax i\ transigence as symbolic as his su p e tv i^ by Town Fire Chief presidential race. Neither vote isolation of Communist Cuba, should do the same. But he re­ Turkish murder lar ooM I • 81 X 108 2.99 2.96 ovm when he a ^ in the school-' Assistant Eire blood.” warning the Western Allies that minded his allies that the man 3.99 * house door a long year ago In iFidlFittMl Cases 12 J******®-^®®*™^ shades. Floor to celling Chiefs Sediick J. Straughan (See Page Eight) the Cuban problem presents the who put Soviet missiles In Cuba 8 web. Contour-curved back. 1" aluminum | 1.88 Tuacaloosa. danger of another - world-shak­ still runs the Soviet) Union. .SINGER STRIKE 2 fo r 78c iVhen alarm sounds, tap ttqi control and 25W, 40W, 75W and lOOW. American made {frame. Sturdy and lightweight Monday night that resistance noose. Repeats alarm in 10 mlnutea sss.ir'^ch” " ing crisis. In discussing ICuba, he BRIDGEPORT (AP)— I Fine Cannon mndin. ftfst quality, of course. b u l^ took the form of a singing, In an address to the' opening brought up the U.S.-Soviet con­ Nearly 800 product ton em­ swaying, bellicose group of session of the North Atlantic frontation ot 1962 that for a ployes nt UmT Singer Metriea B about 2M Negroes and a few Rep. Cannon Dies at 85, Treaty Organization council. time appeared to be pushing Division of thesSInger Mnnu- whites who defied the authority Rusk coupled a plea for action the world toward nuclear war. facturing Co. went oa striJea of the National Guard to enforce against Cuba with a call for the Rusk told the ministers^ that today. Picketing began tm^ F U « E t M l . FOAM BACK HALL a delicate form of law which Appropriations Chairman allies to pilch in and help in because of continuing aerial re­ mediately. The deelalon (a STAR FIRE has been lir effect 1 here since South Viet Nam. connaissance he was in g posi­ strike waa made at a meeting RIANT SO QL PLASTIC this Eastern Shork I community tion to aaeure them’ and the of Loenl 227 of the Interna* became a national I (utellne last WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep.fhealth through last week, but Rusk said manpower and mil­ itary assistance are not needed American people that there ar« ttoanl I'nloii of Electrleal June. 11 Clarence (Jannon, D-Mo., veter­ had complained Sunday of not now no strategic missiles on Workers, AKL-CIO. Produe- HOUSEWARES & STAIR RUNNER Two boun before Wallace ar­ an chairman of the House Ap­ feeling well from the other allfoe in Com­ SLEEPING IMG SPRAY ENAMEL munist-threatened South Viet Cuba. tion at the eleotroale and PLASTIC CASKET rived, the Negroes and their few propriations OnnmUtee, died to­ Rep. George H. Mahon, D- sewing macMne factory m- white supporters were meeting day. He was 85. Tex., shepherded a supplemen­ Nam. He suggested industrial He added, however, the risk equipment, commodities, medi­ of the possible use of Soviet portoiUy was nt n sUadsMIL 1q the Elks Hall across town in Aides said C^Annon had entered tal appropriation bill through The main issue, the unlea the 2nd Ward—the Negro sec­ Washington HospfUl Center the House on Monday at Can­ cal teams and teachers -would aircraft missiles against help to give the people a poy- s:S* reconnaissance planes. said. Involved tkA reasaiga* tion. Monday, but said mey did not non’s request—a chore Gannon ■pent kt certain assembly Una Itieee Gloria Richardson, mil­ kinow the reason for his entry. normally would have performed chological boost. Rusk declared the United 1.56 for himself. Speaking on East-West rela­ States ia determined to continue Jobs wMeh ia \»m m itant Negro civil rights leader, DaaUi occurred about 4 a.m wouldI alter tbe^ 1 4.66 2 f t X 6 f t IRaooea rayon loop pUa tweadi the congreaaman’a office waa Under the congressional sen­ tions In general. Rusk derlr- -cd aerial reconnaissance of Cuba ppy.iv e r gradb told.them, ”We no longer can 1.00 12 q t palL Vegetahle bin. Shoe boK. Dish facing, non-allp foam bacdL SoUd ccrioca o r| iority system Mghon, aa the that •despite an easing of t.n- and any atfempt by Prime Min­ of emnap|oyes. I S Bk-eyattwOe filled. Vlnirl waterproof bot­ dapahd on our whita frlanda, wdlladviaed pan. Dish «b»laer. S pc. mix howl eet Waste candy s t r ^ 14 OZ. C A N -A U COLORS Democrat with the longest serv­ sion, there still was no sign of ister FiderOastro to Intervene * M y 4 » « lM pOyetbslene. Band, turquedae bsAata, Laundry beaket Cutlery tray. tom and hood. CO" rustproof stiqwr. have to hel] ouraelvqa.” At the A peppery and agile could create a eeveqs problem. EE ESCOETBD and, when «y sang, '.‘We Shall deapita Ms age and ice on the committee behind any basic historic change in or yeUow.lso” tan, 14'’ square. Many more. Cannon, aucceeds to the chair- the Soviet poaition. He eald he couiq eee where it Calif. (AP) ■ .i*. Overcome,’ it had uie ring of « atature—he was only a If daM Merfl- a in ^ o etaWment of tact. er—Cannon was dei manahlp. 'Rusk eald that Premier Khru­ would he a eerioue mattar for Actually Cannon's service ex­ shchev caimot expose himself the' other side ak well, and am landed kar I crtiqGled plan* Than.Wanace arrived. DUse in point of age a t the pointed out a crisis could safelyly, i^tk -_^tka i Oakland Airport The Yolunteer Firemen’a Are­ time of death. i tends long back of his tenure in to any charge by Red Ctina « the House. , , that he Is . moving toward the develop into one as serious as tedky.»y. lieTbe Coast fjMard kad (Juardsmen with fixed, bayonets move na WM full, and the 1,600 who He had been a member stoce the confrontatldh of October IRB twe planes aeeorttag Ike were than Jeiarruiited Mm 46 1022 and waa outranked in aenr- , In 18U .Chdmp \ Clark, than capitalist camp. Such a charge 127 Big Depts . Everything First Quality. Money Back Guarantee . Discount Savings toirard Ciambridge, Md., demonstrators who locked speaker of the Hoq^, persuad­ might puMi Khrushchev into a over Soviet missiiea in Cuba. tones with - enplauee and hel- loe only by Rep. Carl Vlpaon, Ruek WM aeaking NATO s i ^ •rma and aat down in the atreeta after Ooe. WaOaca taeed, ^ • a.wtnl WeVirtal" D*Cki> ed Mm tp eome ’16 Bm ea|ittal pomkm ol dlplomatle rigidity, • f a|ahama qpoks 1b that town tet aiebt (AP Aaaoqlatea eald ha had b M Iba aaocataiy addad. IM Pbotofax.) (iM inasllee) r n m e e m i aw aamtlr tm Thna) Ilwk MM • • VMUd m t m ' K ^ \ :: < i ■'>' I :\ t 1 t .•I’ ,,;v.

P A G I TWO ilANCHBSTEK EVENING H l^ L D , HANCHgSTBR, OOKN^ TUlgDAY, MAY It. ^[^1 MANCHESTER EVENlKa HE3LALD, MANCHElSTER, GONN„ TUESDAY, MAT It, |9«4 r o M "Dutch” Focarty, required med- Mirror ■ S i g n a 1 s Shem wold or B ridge toel attention. He wOs m ated Board Okays 12th Cirenit for neeh bUeters at Mansheeter the ^Bagen of Mystery Shroiids Saved 6 Cubans, and the eylla of deficit flnaac- Sfemoriol Hospital. Court m e w MAXHU PRESENTED Noiffi M b r . Rep. Cannon Dies at 85^ NorilhaMth vuIb m M* THE OHUROH OF THE Store onployes and officials Staff Changes IN INTEIICOIXE. League to Appeal t wlthNila own finaaclBff he of Arthur D^ffs, owned by Ar­ 10 D ays at Sea BNMRIH OIATE HANDS WM a utue M, especU..je ^ l y MAIN wru t n thur Yaklns. said this momlng A K 9 7 The board of education ap­ SB8UON AppropriatiOna Chairpian wbaa it came'to 8t|var doUan. that „th*y hays not yet deter­ By ALFRED SHEINWtNLD 9 42 Origin of Blaze proved 16 eUff changes last laat vid Eubonkh 19, of 142 (Oonttaned from Page Om ) 1043 He sboUed out Wipdrfifia of them mined the extent of the loss, but National Men’s O Q night, including six resli— ice a t yesterday woa fined . A A 1075_ (OoatlmMi tr*m Page Om ) mmtary procedure sad of to children he diaa’t even know, it was evident that it would run $36 for Improper u m of regis­ Reported in fair cMMUthm Team Ohampioa O h Bitth Control treatises oa the sulUect in En­ whom he encountored oa his into the tens ot thousands, and tions. • RAW (OomMmmA trwa P>c« Om ) • Reaignstions scceptcd" ors: tration plstos, and imposition of were Osvaldo Marrero, 24; Teo- My good frisnds BUI Root A 104S43 os a clerk ki the speaker's ot- cyclopedia Britonnlca and Bn- official work rounds SFE eiA L sary for emitting tht dense that the store will have to be sentences was suspended to ad­ A.I* snnoke. Gerald W.. GuilbeapK, on ele­ doro Coceres, 20; Juan Duron, and Larry Rosier, who mode C> KQ49 Ct 10 »6 7 (OMttnned fr«n Pag* Oa») flee. cycloiiedia Americapa. With MCh of the want Inartinf Um bUnd,” tine* tb* closed for weekj^. The store end ditional charges of tompbring A A t might m R ‘sarva Justlea b«t- And it didn’t pay tor the less the admonition tiMt if^tiie' re­ n n druM atore, only a month mentary art teacher who will 20; Antonio Salas, 42; Raul Ln- up the hands used In the re­ D *5 cannon rocolled not long ago ■main w m > 0 donM that Mdi stock ere c o v e m by insurance. with a motor vehicle and oper­ A K S t«T” * expert to get In the Mloaouri- cipient held onto H will a|^, had a celebration for a continue grodukte work. A 1 » B 4 2 uot ot oontroceptlVM is 06 yeart EVANGELISTIC SERVKIEC im a oouM OM only th* man The other stores in the busi­ Mies Dofothy Franxreb, kin­ ating on unregistered vehicle. pes. 21, and Antonio Bolinos. 37. cent IntercoUegiatc Champion- •OUTH old. A relatad law makM H Il­ TIm State Suprsms (Jourt, In that ha wontod to see the wtiMls- an’s legislative way when pro- never go broke.” y iM fon him. ylfanUo remodeling and rt- ness . block, which . is owned by dergarten, Manchester Green Eidianks was orrssted on the 'The men said they left Boca shlpa, have given the current ♦ A y . ruling that ”tbt oonvlctton of o around tor a few weeks so codurol maneuvers would atoddne, and its new vestibule legal to give tnformaUon on tha Othor man eUmbod on top ot the Investment Realty Co. of Schbol, who Is moving to Cali­ three counts on April 28 after de Joruco, on the north coast uae of" contracepUvM. the dsfondMits woa not on In­ Re took the Job on a temporary achieve his ends. Many of them ALL THIS W « entrance prevented the smoke Chestnut Hill, Moss., all suffer­ police were Investigating a re­ collegians a new set of max­ Mm bulldbif aad out a holt in fornia. of Havana Province, aboard a ims to guide them. See tf you Tilt test caM arose from a vasion o f their eonatltuttonal basis. found it out over the years. 7 :3 0 F J i . tilt roof, whUt othtn tarokt out from belnc emitted. ed smoke damage, the extent of ported theft of marker plates 2S-foot boot on the night of May The prime element of his rep­ Ellington Ridge Mrs. Carolyn L. Bills, math, esn work out the moral of to­ I 1981 U.8. Supreme Court ra- rights,” onewerod "no” to the He never went back to Mis- \ which is not yet ’ detemilned. * token earlier from a ear owned OM oi tin {tetoMlami windows, Police were kq>t busy re- Manchester High School, who 1 with only enough food and wa­ vlew or tha law, which was m - questiotM raised wtisn tiM cose aourl to stay and, ona way or utation WM toughness, but he Smoke entered the pfemlses Morlarty Bros, on Center day’s hand. Pan 1 N T SUNDAY. MAY 17 I and opemd holes from the out* flllinc the air-paka and supply­ is also moving from the area. ter for 24 hours. North dsoler actad during tha days of An­ WM before the Circuit Oourt’s fnother, be bM been personally wM a man of many facets de To Have Dance ii6» of iht atom Into the ctl- ing oxyg^en to the spdit fire­ of Tots ’n* Teens, MlChnels Jew­ Miss Geneva DeWolf, math, St., where the youth hod been With them was Alfredo Eche- 3 NT inaklng the wheels go around pending on the OccEudon—tough 10:45 A.M . and 7HM F.M. elers. Wilton’s Gift Shop end employed. The plates were North-South vulnsrablo thony Comstock’s antt-vioa oru» Hipelato dlvialoii. Isr. Um operatkma were htoea- men. One firem an , James Illing Junior High School, for mendls Majo, 20, who was doad Opening lead—Four of Clubs soda of the 1870’s. TTm AppoUsto division Mid aver since. os a bulldog, stubborn m one BlUngton Ridge Oountiy Club Janet’s Hat- shop, as well as travel and graduate work. found on the Eubanks car. when his mates were trons- He WM named House Mrtia- of the mules for which his state Most declarers ^ y e d a low a chance to switch to hearts in Tha hi|^ court, while n theos quMtions 'Msamod to be will sponaor Its annual Spring two emj>ty. stores in the half- ’Two teachers on leaves of. ab­ Richard Daihiano of Hartford ferfed to the rescue veesel. mentarlan in 1917 and held the was noted, or the doting grand­ block-dong business building. was remanded to Juvenile au­ chib from the dtunmy at tha time to defeat the contract. passing on the law’s eimsUtu- of gTMt public importonoa” Dinner-Donca Saturday at 7 sence have decided they will One report Mid that their first trick. 'TMa lad to diooster. iionallty, said tha sUtuta office until he w m elected to pa that he was. Two oddities of the Are were thorities on a charge of obtain­ The moral for Bast and West should be rsviewed by the Su­ p.m. at Tobacco Volley Inn, IPW ARD R. & ALMA FERGUSON be unable to return. They are light outboard motor ran out of Eoqt won with the king of amounted to no more than membership from his 9th Mis­ On occasion over the years the man who was in a phone ing a narcotic drug by fraud. Is quits clear: A switch in time preme Court of Errors: Wbntoor. A1 Jarvis and hia or­ Mrs. Jacquelyn Fetherston, fuel six hours at sea, but Mar­ clubs and m w no future in con­ "dead words” becauM the state souri Ckingresalonal District. the toughness came out in phy­ booth when the Are started, and Domiano was arrested Sun­ Mves nine. For South the “Have the defendants been chestra WiU play for dancing. m EvawgtNst and Slwgar Buckley School, and Mrs. Helen rero sold In a hoepltol interview tinuing that suit. Instead, East and its residents ignored it. New President He was rated one of the na- sical action. The record of- hie the man who arriveiT'BB'Out ten K. Wanat, Bowers School. day, April l2, by Vernon Con­ that they threw th« motor over­ moral is: If at first you don't denied their rights to liberty Umi’a iMdlng authorities on Mr. and Mm. John W. Horrl- stable Edwin R. Carlson for al­ shifted to the ten of hearts. There is no (Connecticut law Mrs. Alvin Boldt of 26 Grand­ more than 40 years iii the House minutes after the start and in­ Approved professional staff board after it quit and they succeed, you may not got a and property without due view St. was elected president parliamentary law and w m a shows fistic encounters in ear­ gon of West Hartford ore gen­ sisted that he was going in to legedly trying to purchase a .N ow the dbfenders urere sure second chmice. banning the purchase or sole appointments Include; %^Mrs. broke the starting cord trying of birth control devices. procees of krar. . of the Ladles of 'S t James at familiar figure to all who at lier years with such figures os eral chairmen in charge of ar­ get his reserved foreign news­ narcotics drug from the Vernon to get three hearts, one club, Dolly Questioa Irene B. Boles, to teach 9th to get it going o^Lln. . ' No one had ever been pro­ "Have the defendants* been the meeting held lost night in tended or watched Democratic former Rep. John Phillips of rangements. papers. Drug Store, Vernon Shopping and the ace of diamonds. It Partner opens wlA 1 NT (16 T^e event, for membem and grade mathematics at Bennett He Mid they filtered sea wa­ was very Mtisfoctory to defeat secuted for violating the 1879 denied their rights to freedom the school auditorium. She suc­ national conventions in recent O lifom la and Rep. John Taber I, clcomc ’The man in the phone booth Center, by using a questionable to 1$ pointa). and tin next |tiiiy- decades. guests, will be the iee-otf for Junior High School at a salary ter through their cape and a contract that was unbeatable statute, the highest tribunal of speech and communication ceeds Mrs. Charles PontlcelU. of New York, Republicans, and m IMtf IHiliC got out okay; the other man prescription mode out to anoth­ shirts and used it only to rinse er paoses. 'You holdi fipadea, J- o f IdMa?” the new addition to the oMb. of $6,600. She has a BE degree if played correctly. noted. Other officers elected include The slight figure in the fre­ former Sen. Kenneth McKellar didn’t get in at all. from Keene (N.H.) Teachers er person. their mouths, but Bchemendla 9; Hearts, K-W-6-1: DIamoads, Mrs. Samuel Maltempo, vice During the questkming at the One day after the Supreme quent huddles with the late of Tennessee, Democrat. The College and is a resident of Bvmllowed it, Mylng it was not Refuee Flnesee 9-6; Clnb#, J-9-9-4-2. preoldent; Mra. Nunsto Lupao- scene of the alleged offense, Court’s decision, the league an­ House Speaker Sam Rayburn of encounters, all relatively minor Keene. bod for him. The correct play is to refuse What do you sayT chlno, secretary and Mra. Al­ occurred over differences on Damlono ran from tha police nounced It would open a birUi Texas, perennial convention Ralph Boles, to teach math After five days, Echemendts the finesse at the first trick. Answer: Pose. The combined McNamara Gets fred Kargl, treasurer. The Rev. chairman—that was Cannon. government money bills, all of Mr«. Sleith Head only to be apprehended a little Declarer must put up dummy’s count, with your 7 points U control clinic In New Haven. at Manchester High School at a began vomiting and went into The opening the center, in af­ Eugene F. Torpey, assistant A political convention can get which came through Cannon's later In a sendee station yard. ace of cluba and start work on only 2$ to 26 points, so n m e oi salary of $6,150. He has a BE a coma. fect, challenged the state to en­ Extra Protection pastor of St. James’ Church, into a gargantuan procedural hands. Of Soroptimistfi Joseph Ouunbro, a sailor sta­ the diamonds. is too unlikely to bother about. degree from Keene (N.H.) “ After ten days at s m Ore force the law. will continue in hla post os snarl and “ Mr. Sam” didn’t The Missourian had a wide tioned in New London, was There is no danger, from the Settle for a reasonably safe Teachers College and is a resi­ lost oU hope of being rescued,” Police closed down the clink: (Continned from Page One) chaplain to the orgoniMtlon. want the Job of running the reputation os a tight man with Mrs. William Sleith of Sunny- dent of Keene. lined $100 yesterday for driving Marrero Mid. “Wa MW many chiha unless West opened from port score. Members of the executive show without hla parliomen- the government’s billions of dol­ while hla license is under sus­ K-x-x with J-9-X-X In the East 10 days after H opened and or- view Dr., Vernon, was elected David E. Gibbons, to teach ships and planes In the dis­ reated Dr. C. Lea Buxton, 58, mode only a two-minute estate board will be Mrs Richord{tary expert to help out. lars. and was proud of the bil­ Elnglish at Manchester High pension. tance, but nobody m w ua until hand. Even then, they con get For Shelnwold’s 96-poge book­ Day, ways and means;x Mrs. More formally In that field, lions he had helped chop out of president of the Soroptimist Glombrs stated that ha was Its medical director, and Mra ment and answered no ques­ Madras, chaeits, plaids, .stripas In School at $4,960. He will grad­ the Georgia’s crow spotted the only three clube and the ace of let, "A Pocket Giude to Frank Strelchun, program; Ckmnon was author of a number spending proposals. Club of Manchester at the meet­ unable to pay the fine at that Richard W. (MswoM, 88, league tions. uate from the University of reflections from the hand mir­ ^ommids. Bridge,” send 60 cents to executive director. Mrs. John Omner, pubUclty; of standard woriis on parlia- He warned continuously of axtrama good tasta, mak4 up our ing held last night at the home time and was given until Thurs­ ror.” The contract is assured, be­ Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. Here for his fifth visit sines Mrs. James Oiombarlain, hoa- Alabama in August with a B.S. day to do sp. Buxton and Mrs. OrlswoM salaction of man's sport shirts for of Mrs. John C. Rieg, Indian degree and la a reeidmit of The vessel radioed the Coast cause declarer con get three Hertad, Box 8818, Grand Cent­ were each fined $100 in OIreutt the U.8. mflltory buildup In pitollty Mrs. Leimard Gagnon, Dr., retiring president Other coses dosed by fines Guard, vdiich met it off Alliga­ spades, one heart, four dia­ ral Station, New Tortc 17, N.T. South Viet Nam began more Mother Seton; and the retiring tha naw saason that is upon us— Wethersfield. include: Georgs DougloM, Wil- Court. Mrs. Sleith and other newly tor Reef Light in the Florida monds, and one chib. ’There Is Copyright 1964, They charged with giv­ than two yM rs ago, McNamara president, Mrs. Ponticelll. Dele- Button down collars, spraad col­ elected officers will take office Mlos I^ d a Heirngortner, to limontic, $16, improper left Keys. The six survivors and the no reason to give the defenders Oeaeral Features Oorp. promised thr United States will ntes to ths Catholic Council of teach In the elementary grades turn; Janet Gleason, Tolland, ing advice on the use of con­ on July 1 for the 1964-66 sea­ body of Echemendia were taken traceptives. provide "whatever la required Women will be Mra. Irene lars and of course our Izod La- son. Assisting her will be Mrs. at M.960. Mlos Heirngortner $21, speeding; John R. Hanson, to Islomorsdo and then brought for however long it is required.” Leahy and Mrs. Raymond 96, 124 Oxford St., $24. speed­ In rejecting their appeal, the Costa Golf Shirt with tha avar Elisabeth Cook vice president; will graduate from Central to Miami. Connecticut Supreme Court "During my brief stay here Dumas. Mrs. Ruth Spencer, recording Connecticut State College in ing; Georgs Harokly, 17, Mans­ this time, we will review the famous knit collar. ENDS TONIGHT ruled that the courts "may not ■ecretory; Miss Hoxel Andsr- June with a B.S. degree and is field $2, failure to carry opera­ progress achieved idong the back here every couple of tor’s HcenM; Frodedek Hesse, interfere with the exercise by mm, corresponding secretiury; a resident of Wethersfield. “SOUTH PAODIO” at 8i8$ a state of the police power to Ilnee of the program laid out months,” he sold. Won't you stop in and look avar and Miss EUsbeth Dsiadtu, 26, Vernon, $20, speeding; Zol- 364 Take Bikes loot March,” ha Mid os he ar­ Kins Mlos Janice L. Parker, to At the Hogue, U.S. Secretary tan Nagy, 20, Hartford, $24. oonserve the piddle safety and We drove 3,243 miles our naw «sfortmant? treasurer. teach second grade at Waddell rived by plane from ^nn, of State Dean Rusk w m urging failure to drive in established welfare, including health and After the buslneas meeting School at $4,960. She wiU For Inspection morals, if the law has a real Germany. other members of the North At­ lone; Lois Pols, Coventry, $26, Mrs. Rieg served on ice cream graduate from Keane (N.H.) ;( and suhetantlal relation to the Extra security precautions lantic Treaty Orgonlzatlcm to breach of pooco; JomM Kolly, gmorgasbord and coffso. A total of 964 Manchester accomplishment of thoee ob­ were in fores foUowing discov­ support the South Vietnamese to make a point about ou0 State College in June with a 19, Glastonbury, $9, failure to ery of a plot to kill McNamara BJC. degree and she la a resi­ sclMxd ^ children laat Saturday tlSailUlM't jects.” cause against the Communists notify motor vehicle department hod their bicycles checked, dur­ The Uenerol Assembly’s "po­ and the arrest of three Viet with money, men or materials. dent of Portsmouth, N.H. of change of oddrsM; Roy C. ing the first of three "Llte-A- lice statutes,” the court con­ Oong suspects. A paratroop But only West Gemay of Amer­ QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923! |{ Mrs. Elizabeth Rugg^es, to Benoit, IS, East Hartford, $16, ^ 8 battalion and several hundred Super Turbine transmissioil 31 liliiiiiliiii ica's 14 NATO allies was re­ teach in tha elementary grades Blke” month Saturday inspec­ Dr.Strangelov tinued, "may be declared un- foUurs to obey stop sign; Bar­ •r l » l liMHltl Ma llRq&l IM Uh IM I policemen were stationed along ported considering sending ililii at $6,960. She has a B.S. degrM tions being held at soIkmI oonsUbuticmal only when they ilHil tholomew Cavonno, 39, Coven­ are oibitrary or unreasonable the highway into Saigon and at some old, and that reportedly 164 EAST CENTER ST. from Danbury State OoUege try. $16, breach of the peace; grounds throughout Manohes- a highway bridge the 0>mmu- would be economic. and is a resident of Allentown, ter. attempts to exercise its author­ Choriotte Cheney, 84 Pork St., U i t h o t 4 i n * ity in tha p«d>lic interest.” nists were accused of planning In Tokyo, Foreini Minister $16, disregarding stop sign. Edwin Edwards, ohalrman of to blow up. Masayoshi Ohlra said a U.S. re­ MANCHESTER — 649-5261 ||| the bicycle safety program e o m td g It wea tha fifth time in $4 m Mrs. Patricia Trevlthiek, to OSMS noUed: Angelo Oaiv- yean that the State Supreme Air Force police checked all quest for Japanese aid w m teach in the elementary grades rania, 46, Hertford, following sponsored by the MonclMSter arrivals before McNamara land­ being studied and that Japan You can do h on tlie way to tfie grocery attweo Veterans o f Foreign Wars in Ckiurt has revienved the law. St $8,300. Mrs. Trevlthiek is a too cloaely; James R. Oonely, There have also been repeated ed and inspected the VIP room would take “ a positive ap­ Ampla Parking Front and Rear liilli cooperation with the Manches­ ptaH “ THE RUNNING MAN” — Color — Lee ReoUck graduate of the University of 27, 46 Franklin St., tasufficlent attempts to bring about Its re­ where he stopped after getting proach.” Vermont with a B.E. degree Ughta; MUton Hanson, 67, 46 ter Pedioe Deportment, Cham­ off his plane. Prime Minister Keith J. Holy- Would ws drive a Bulek with a Sapw Turbine tronsmisdon? Toa I peal In the General AssenVbly. Turbine transmission* all tiie way from Obviously you aren’t pUnnlngl and ki a reeident of Storrs. Str€ quote rate$ and asaiat you and $15, respectively. McAllis­ 2 ACADEMY AWARD HITSI cal, social and religious thought ter will go to Jail In lieu of his ki this area, and the present SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM i l aa tee have ao many otharaf fine. Best Actress conditions of American and I ■ — . PATRICIA NEAL Connecticut life, modification of HOP ABOARD! MANCHESTER L U N C H E O N MUL NEWMAN the prior opinions of this court Debatiiig Teaftn Jest Supporting Actor iiiniiiliilijipiliiliilii! S-P-E.C.I.A-L A summer lessiM offcrHUD1 W s d . O n ly ! .rnBtVHBtmm Best Cinematography inm — James Wong Howo Colleqe, ceasisHaq ef «ght 3-Mmeiter hour courses. m The Manchester High School MEAT varsity debating team tied for LO AF ODC DOUGUS*NGiL*d.WlDE Shown at 8 P.M. SATISFIED second place while gamering PLUS — BEST ACTOR AWARD WINNER the largest number of speaker with your small points, at the recent State High OAK ENGLISH 99 — pr«-colleg« Englith - non-er«dH* INTERESTED? RESTAURANT School Debate Tournament, at 90 OAK STREET HOT WATER the University of Connecticut, THE TRAIN fitorrs. MATHEMATICS 99 — pr«*eolUg« Math - non-cr*dit* The team of Steve Penny, KT HEATER?- Leroy Beckett, affirmative speakers; Rlchafo Sullivan and Academy Award fi NOTEHAND — abbr«vlat«d ihorthand for eollaga itu- Jamas MaePherson, negative; Winner M Insfall O . e e directed by George Dougherty, Beet Aetor Shown at 6:20 * 9:60 dantt > non-eradit InfMTMtMd hi Savfng MoiiMy? team advisor, ran up 166 speak­ ONE SHOW A’t UCSK HI-PECOviRY ^ is coming fo the er points in the contest. Mac- $ In 1 Speed Show Pherson, of 976 Woodridge St., “ Speed Cnxy” TYPING I Iff — introductory typing with •mpbasis on liitMrMstMd in ScRfing Stam ps? f j y i n was high state scorer with 41 “Joy Ride” tho naeds of eollaga studants - 3 eradit hours out of a poeoible 46 qieoker “Rebel Set” » L ( L »** A T I *- H I A n - points. He has been rated best Manchester Shopping Parkade IntarastMd In Saving Sorvkn C osH ? speaker in 16 ot 17 contests in Starto Wed. which he participated this year. FInt Run Fun TYPING !02 — intarmadiata typing - davalopmant of The tekm won five rounds, Tony Itondall SPECIAL O fF M Y o u hitnrntttd in Saving Fual Oil? Burl Ivee profassional typing skills - 3 eradit hours 12 to 6 P.M ., Tues., W ed., Thun., Fri. losing only to Notre Dame of * a New Haven for second place in ' “Brass Bottle” rounds won among IT. schools Co-HIt! 1 COLLEGE'. STUDY SKILLS — mathods of study for participating. “ OraM Is Green” . - S e t. 10 to 6 K m . W EU.HELP YOU The Intermediate Division of moit afFaetiva eollaga praparation, with amphasis Steve Goodstine, A1 MacDonald, East Windsor ^on raading improvamant - nonrcradit William Huat and George Nic­ AS MUCH I DO IT ALLee.P4.US WINDOW kerson won half ot their rounds DRIVE-IN rolii 5 for a $-3 scorl. . •' HOT PSYCHOLOGY 101 — basic principlas in psychology - SHADES 3 eradit hours. ^ WATER T R A IN R ID E M cnI* t o O r d o r ALSO MEADOWS-r ENGLISH 203 ~ afFaetiva ipaaking 3 eradit hours HUD 'PCIO MPrt' KI •)! S-rlti FISH FRY FREE 10 0 0 TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS VENETIAN BLINDS rioay to get to oa new (A U YOU CAN EAT) p e r h o u r Bring your old rollers in Rt. $I North. One Mhi. and S6e per shade frohi Q. Fox Oo. NOTHING TO BUY! e e • ENDS TONIGHT PriGdFbli LmnoNWGdgG a t a “OQLlA’rH AND FrMch Frltd PotaloM Cobslow : SCHEDULE FRE E = = f VAMPIRES'* Fraction of tht ttfti -PTBO** ■TARTS WED.! FrasMyldiGdRolsaRdliittGr ’ Clastas would ba in satsion from 5*8:00 P.M., IF YOU SIGN FOR AUTOMATIC **L-SHAPED ROOM” four nighfs a waak (Monday through Thursday) sad lu m e # S Fiwl OH “ ROOM, AT THE TOP” EVERY WEDNESDAY ConiMdu H tegvka from ^una 23 through Auoust 13. Classas would FUa OIL DEUVERY,..NOW! ' East Hartford Childri’H uiicirr 13 Ifrr* 9 fuel Iqiik. maat I'A hours par day, for a total of 31 days, GIANT »RII 'PLAYGROUND DRIVE-IN ■ 5 ' 5 P14. to F.M . or a total of 46'A class hours, tha aquivalant of ^ ABSOLUTKl V n O EXTRA COST. (Stamps iamicd npen paymant Mod* hi a standard 3 samastar hour coursa. TRU: • O lA SSU N B at. flrat foci oU dcHrcry). DON’T SIGN ANY CONTRACT UNTIL 1 , INJOY ONE OF OUR DIUCIOUS nOK up TOUR FREE TICKETS, 6T KOFSKYT STARTS WED.—FIRST RUN • C O m iU N ID YOU GET OUR DEAL! / V C O C K T A IL S SAnnmNG • M-TIfT OALVAM2V (SI S mm • TWIN-COR JOU CHASM ACCOUNn MVirm Daelgiwd for nailtipla duml- No aourta will ba glvan for whieh lass than ^ LAJOIMSOII ings, apofkaenH, iounderenee, fifttan studants apply, and faas, a $5.00 appll- 2 4 .H a n r HOWARD JOHNSON’S art. where largw miyaw «( cation faa plus $52.50 a coursa, ara payabla upon I ^— n BOLAND n iN T oa nlAadaMgk for Huncry hof water b rafaitred.] application, ^plication blanks ara availabla at ^ ’ C oB ton M Y PHONB MM501 piM Toay YeMig.Ja Mecrew «UE RIDES TALL" ' A R t o g k W tna Collaga ofFiea or may ba obtainad by calling Bnrnnf Sorvica - ' 7 U M A IN FOOARTY BROS. ShKa 1935 OH. C O M P A N Y e ENDS TUESDAY • 14 Mile O ff O ^lsnd S t 649-5377 and raquatfing .ona.. INC. R. Laaeaatar, ILi Dewglas M9 CBfTM STRin m . 443.4079 “■RVBN DATS MAT* O r T oHbriI T w i u t i k i ' 819 BROAD 1 9 6 3 * Read H erald A di. . y m a m MANCHESTER I to eorteot dsOoiaadM ot otudenta ptoimtag to entor ForlifiMt— Opoa IlHin. mad FrWay Nlftm t i l . 4f9-4B 8t ' 1 ... !'■ 9-1 ■niearsaaaaaaaiBMnBaiii ...... apa . 1 t -T l/

■AlftglSTE R tVTOINQ HERALD, MANCHEyrai, OOIIN.. TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1964;' PAGl fOlJft V UANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, IIANCHESTER, (X)NN« TUESDAY, MAY H, 1964 limp, human pyramid began to Shriner, and a mcmBer ef Bolton form on tha rough, Mack atraat. S€rtUhWind9€» Sphinx Temple Bend. Show of Defiance Follows The guardsmen rushed in. Omar Pldns Ahw on the program win be They chopped at the demonstrat- the Rev. RuaeeH Camp, Protee- GOP Committee Officers , Wallace Camhridse Talk ora' hands to break their gripe Afinimiun House Size Boost Second Blue tant chaidain at Connecticut 44M 1S4 on one another, then dniig|ad State Prison at Sonera. The them away roughly. Rev. Mr. Camp thia ytor is Seek Re-election Tonight (O inW— l i from Png* <>■•) throw any more bottles," he Bottlea„ rocks, bricks, sticks Proposed by Commission Lodge Night serving aa Imperial Chaplain Televuion said. began to pelt the guardsmen and for the Andent Arabic Order, Whan ha aaksd them for n aig- At that moment a troop of 35 reporters nearby. Apparently Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for ( 94940) Oerahef The Rapubliean town qmamlt-Mor Ofnla eat faU who b m ntocant vdtoin the Democratic guardsmen advanced, bayonets they were thrown by the clusters Donald Johnson will show a Omar Shrine Club will have North America. (if ) HBckUhsiry Bonad < n « pUnnlncrvMl ■■>»<"* , ___Is at S (10) AJr Tomor tse will hold an organisational not attended Underfagtea to pnsidantlal primary May 19. fixed on their rifles and gas of Negroes who had gathered on m M o n te proportitg an Inorau* film strip on the World’s Fair. its second aimual Blue Lodge The evening will begin with iai Navy Film [( PRESCRIPTIONS • COSMETICS maatlng tonight at 8 In dte eon- this town and is not ra^tand masks on their faces, and stood the edge of the seated and prone 8«> i*^l/^^atail(B Ilian ba left, but tiis foUowars hi mlnfennm houM liae tor. all E acreatlon AppUcatloa Iflght Friday, May 22. at Man- a aodal hour at 6:80. and a Even For O u RUSSaL STOVER CANDY ftranca room of the t g ^ of- in the Bdltcn school systam. behind the lieutenant. demonstrators. All the While tha 'Ibe raoreatlon department ateak dinner will be served at . atoem Burks (84) f i r <3ark ea Art of Gloria Rictaardaon across futura residential construction diester Country Club. 10) ^s-DSBUfjr (to ^ R sd Bra va. (Serelaed ftoaa. Thera haa bean ho report should call tbe school oMoa tor The Negroes, 260 strong, sat demonstrators sang and shout­ has continued the closing date 7:30. LIQUOR * ZENrm HEARING AIDS *> f?ss'fima Soorts- and Wsatb* 8:80 (84) Wnrid of Music that the pfanant offliten trould an ^pointm ent aa soon as pos­ town didn't note Ms departure. down and kept on stogtng. ed, and the guardsmen cursed. ta 80UU1 Windsor. for apfdicaUons for summer re- A year ago more than 75 Russell Prentice, 21 Lynch _ ( 840^ HCHals’s Navy not aeak ra-alwhlon. • :U (33) auh House 8:00 (M S ) Psttteoat juaettaa sible. They liatensd to speakara who A Jeep rolled up and Col. M. "A ll right," shouted the colo­ •me current {kroposal does not .creatlon aides until the end of Masons attended the dinner Dr., ia ticket chairman. 'Hekets Milton Jenaan, acting chair­ (:to (40) Adrsantres In Tims ( M 0 « ) Qrsatsst Show sa QUINN'S PHARMACY Ouieer prhra Goal Ihart urged Negro aoUdurity. D. Tawes, carrying a swagger nel. "Stop this right now and aontain anv change in lot alse as Hay. The department is partio- meeting and program, which are also available from Omar (lO-toJ^HunOsy-BrtakJsjr Barth (C ) man of the town oommlttM af­ sUck, Jumped out and strode up >bs. Allan Leventbal rlports leave, or I ’m goiiu to let you wma p ro p o ^ and defeated aev- ulaily Interested In odlege stu­ was arranged by past president Club members and officers, (10) R l d ^ Boons ^ 878 MAIN ar. , ter tha raafgnation of Mra. When they left the haU, they to Mrs. Richardson, who waa sit­ have the tear gas.’’ Arthur O. Holmes. (U> NswiSsat 8:80 (8-13) Jack Bsnay FKEE DELIVERY PARKINO IN EHAH that tha cancer drive M u ended Carrittgm House oral numtlis ae:a The lot oliahge dents who are town reeidenta Larsen’s Hardware, and at 08) JUtte of RUsy (IS) tohserjptkm TV Dorothy Miller in October, waa mUlad about on Pine Street, a ting In the front rank of the Manchester Lodge of Masons. 6106 short of iU goal of $490. dark, narrow road lined with "Turn It on," Tawes shouted proposal was defeated when Applloationa *>id further infor­ This year’s program has been (M) What’s New 10:00 no) . 4B d y _ W R ^ elected to the chalrmanahlp in demonstrators. She stood up. to a poncho - clad guardsman Beauty Salon pms owners holding more than mation may be obtained at the put together by Ihirold E. Turk- . « O ’onldU She thanks all th ^ who con- grocery atorto and dingy homes. "You want ’em all to be ar­ 8;4& (30) Ron Cochran November. Mra. Margarat Me- tributes holding a noule with a tank 525 Main Street SO per cent of the R-pone acre* town manager’s office in the 7:00 (8) To Tell (tie Truth Carrick waa elected vice chair­ "If thty start singing,’’ aald. a rested?" the colonel said. "Just ^ New U bn ^ Beala parson who had seen demon­ strapped to his back. The I Open Mondays * a ^ in town petitioned against town hall. CVGSC to Give OFXMO-40) News. Sports, 10-U)to4g4040> man at that Ume. Other offlcen say so. and we'll be glad to ac­ guardsman obeyed. the change. Softball iotted them in varloua stores throughout and repair of nnail power driv­ 00 Mad Daddy Show the cuisine at its famous international restaiuRnts. f en units in a oommercial eoqpan- at Haiwhester High School to Rite bodies. Ha currently is Manchester, and Mrs. Herman WnfF—1388 625-7130 tlmatad a aavlnn of around MTanchrater Evening Manchester du ri^ clean-up weric. (Herald photo by Oflara.) :00 News 880,000, not counting two teach- ■lon sons located on the north discuss: second lieutenant commander ‘ Petersen and Mrs. Edmond 912 ALBANY AVE. ■ t, Clems- of the Connecticut Consistory, Morency, both of Bolton, win :80 Radio OnaUr Hartford In the many galleries filled with vital modem art... arg who would have to bo hired. ^de of Sulttvaa Are. :46 utwall Thoaaaa Hartford, Conn. well Ysong, Junior and (Jadette (xmsultant; 1. Plana for hnpCDved hig^- SSnd degree Maaone. He ia a be recti^ents of 15-year ptaua SB Sports in a concert of die National Symphony at the Palace If Grade 11 pupila were not tul- n w amdlcattan of Harold P. iwny aooeae to Mancheetar M e­ Brownie Leader M n. Stanley Magora, naighbor- and Franoaa B. Shddick and Uonad In Manchaatar but morial B(Mpltal aa dtoeuaMd by de Belles Artes... in the historic dances performed brought into the new school Plant Sale Set hood orgaiitor; M n . Manuel Xdaqth R. IBmora fo r a change the town directors and hospital Margarido, Junior fSanntng of none from R-20 to restricted by die international award winning Ballet Folklorico next yaaf. Cited at Banquet 1 8 0 0 aqvare feet ofncials earlier this year; U guorl had no comment to board; Mra. RMiert Taylor, dis­ •ctnmerolal 00 property located Nadonal... throughout Mexico are elements of the By Garden Qub ranch... heating 60it 2. Flans for provAing sewars make on tha proposal whan Mra. Ralph Grondar, leader of trict chairman; Robert H a i n a on the southwest corner of El- principal of RobaHsem School; to servioa the derveloping two great traditions which Mexicans have blended quaatloned yeatorday. Tba plan Brownie Girl Scout Troop 644, fo r the y a w : $325. Bngton Rd. and Chapel -Rd. Keeney St. area; The Manchester Garden Club M n . Robert Heins, past prsal- has been to bring Grade 10 was pitoented a certifioate of The puldic hearing will be into their modem national culture —the learned will hold a plant sals of annuals dent of the Manchester P T A 8. Plans for revising an agree­ tato the new school but let the aqipreciatlon last ni|^t at the M d Hay 19 at 8 pan. at the anilperennials at the Communi­ Council; Alan B. Chesterton Jr., South Windsor High School ment oonceming sewers be­ M aya-Aztec and the European, strong with Renais­ last two grades finiah their aimual mother and dau^ter tween the town and Oram schooling In Manchester. ty Y Thursday from 10 aj)i. to principal of Buckland School; Boaid Meeto TanigM sance spirit 2 p.m. Ih conjunction with the banquet of the northwest neigh- Manor Oonetructicn Ob., to per­ An executive meeting of the borlMod of tbe MInnechaug Dis­ Mra. 'Ibomas Woods, principal m * board of education will safe the Manchester Republican of Bentley School; and Mlaa mit the firm to supply He own Knowledge of our modem neighbor is important board haa been called for 7:80 trict, which was held at lUing meet at the Booth Windsor .m. with the open meeting at Women’s Club will sponsor sewage treatment facOitiea. Junior High School. A leader Ethel Robb, prlnc^ial of Wad­ m g b Bohod at T:90 tonight today. Send for the free 16-page booklet, “Know J to tha library of the acbool. food sale and snack bar. dell School. The meeting has been called for six years, Mrs. Gronder will Tbs bosrd wfll oomplete the at the high school ilnoe the Mexico,” Box 1900, N ew York 19. 66 Join Klndergartea Mrs. Anthony Sherlock and stgianeint of grades 7 and 8 Mrs. Anton Latawlc are serv­ be(x>me neigbbortMxxl Brownie Troop 644 gave a “taHdi« Municipal Building' hearing Wxty-flve children have been Rag ceremony” under tbe di­ gram the Wapptng Elementary room had already been reserved ing u co-chairmen of the event troop consultant in the fall. ragtotered for kindergarten, the ‘ Guests of the Brownies at rection of Mra. Gronder, and BohDol to the Mgh sebod for ifor the Boning board o f appeals. oohool reporta, with 14 ap­ They are being assisted by Mrs. Roger J. Brown, who la to the supper included the Rev. Mrs. F re C ^ f emberton’e Trocqi Jreac. pointments stiU to be kept. dhi^e of shrubs, seeds and FeUx M. Davia pastor of Sec­ 694 presented a skit on camp- PriM nttd In th* infortri of Intarnatlonal g o q ^lll RegistratlonB are still being tog. The cokm were retired ^ HEATING < antlol|)at«d achoed oonstiuetlon through the cooperation of Tha Advertiting Counen; the bulbs; Mrs. Walter Frsdrick- ond Oongregational Church; tsriten. Any parent of a child Mra. Alfred Rifkin’e Troop 682. toiDugh 1967 taMdudbig the ad- ConMio Nadonal da Is Publlcldad, and the Nswipapar aon, annuals; Mrs. Frank A. Mrs. George Jones, council field Great Advertising Executives Asaoclatlon. who is eliglMa for kindergarten Blckmore, perennials; Mrs. vice president; Miss Mira Members of Senior Girl Scout dMcn to the high aehool. next fall should call tbe aehool Christian KsMfar, cemetery Krause, district advisor; Mra. TYoop 2 aerved the dinner, un­ b Ewn ECONOWUL inn aq aflwr btEliig lytiM yn'y i . ’Ib e board ia Mso raoom- cffloa for aa appointment The BMDdta^ (b at tba ndee and reg- plants and geraniums; Mra. Arlene Swanson, nelghtiorhood der the guidance of Mra. LaW' child must bs five before Janu- Earl T. Trotter, herbs; and chairman; Mira. Robert Ck>e, rence Dunn, leader. Mra. Gran­ wtwHnno bs amended for career asy 1 . iil66. wHh,* Mqt Mn. SBfInr IrtMiM M Eait REitf4rl a foUcw: "A teacher Mra. Charles B. Crocker Jr. Brownie consultant der was to charge of A n y paotmt « f a child eligible hi to be considered for srhlta elaphant Also, Mn. Wyatt Garrison, menta for the banquet to the career Bctaedide Moments , be wBUng to work for two beyond the normal scicn school year, during which time R la expected tbe group pro- joOU dadgned to improve the quMIty and eontrol oosta the EATOWi townfa educational program are worth wBI ba aaalgned by fha auper- 1 2 1 5 ^ SILVER LANE—EAST HARTFORD toteDdent. genaral. It la expected A cciraie Riat the additional two weeks *A U MEATS or* FRESH CUT — w ill ba to tha auntmer while NONE or* PRE-PACKAGED!" aoboda an closed and that a CoRipiete ItoM mutnaBy convenient to the ipovm aad tba superintendent News STORE HOURS: rsfli be asBounoed at least two SAVING for... Tues., Wed. 9 to 6 • Thun., Fri. 9 to 9 ranntlia to advance. Exceptions Sat. 8 to 6 (Cloasd All Day Mbnday) Enjoy these fther ffm to 1M b gsnssBl rule will be per- Coverage X Now! Oat full PrGof, fln«r quality whisky! •IMad only if approved by the 3H|I: iima «.« ,1 M liliiiilliiliii toMid o f education.’’ Xweeey Bebool Meeting Print id in Tba fliMU busineas meeting of . "v liilll flia Soolb WlndBor Ooeqieratlve BOSTON Wed. Only p r o A ic t s ! M ursaiy Behoed will be held on toBBoahosr at 8 pjn. at the LOS ANGELES ■vargxeau Lodg* on Main St. LONDON ARMOUR'S WESTERN l b s nnmtoating oensnittes has aaleotod 8bs firilowtog alate of S I N C E 1 8 3 6 10 YEAR OLD OdOesas for Hie ocmlqg year; Charcoal IM r Marcia Daviscai, presi- 1 Year $24 6 Msalto f l l Bsat; Mn. Grace Kotllainen, 3 MaaMn $6 Parfactad Moe-preaidant; Mrs. Rita Sac- steer Beef Whisky tmmo, secretary; Mrs. Shelia R E D l ^ E L Adtar, tnasurer; Mra. Ann 86 PROOF ■ Doran, sksmber at large; Mrs. gbra CbaparotU and Mrs. Nan- RILL PROOF OtoriMtt, ways and means. STEAKS 90 4/5 9L Short and Rib TSt P E tfiiT BLINDED WHISKY

i l i T Y e a r O ld III f f KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 'TRADE WELL" {BOURBON WHISKY ' 86 PROOF O s TIw m Selected Used Cars Regular SA V IN G S at SBM can build your 4/5 Qt Mr. and Mrs. Stephon .Brannon uf Bronfrnorc Rood in EoM HorMord M foy total ’•1 CONTINENTAL CONV. JUtr-it0oe." and the best way White with a new black top, full Con­ electric Rving in a modern Cold MedaNkm home. Here RomelecD electricily doM tinental aqatpasent. ‘2895 Future Joy and Security I know to ba a friend is to give OLDE everything including heeding the whole house;^ eooking the fond, ppeeiding the you the finest quality blend I can BOURBON ’62 CADILLAC MODEL 62 ■t the leweat possible price, i 4-Door Hardtop. Turquoise. Radio, It takes money to realise your dream i and ambitlonB. DTRAIQHT . il______beater, full power. Factory Alr- hope you enjoy Has much as I've BOURBON WHISKY Oondltianlng. '3795 'Die time to start getting ready is n|pw .. . with an 86 PROOF a OflWWy O ©OEOwlOi' enjoyed aaeking K for you! Anthony B. Cocose, East Hartford boHder. m M SBM Savings Account While yourl savings grow, SKINLESS '63 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. M 9S Soys Mrs. Brennan, “ We just can't sw enough about Crulaar. Beige with red interior, RAH. 4/5 Qt PAID dqioeit on deposit you earn a full 4% d ivid en d r i| d it automatic, V-8 power steering and electric heat. We think it’s wonderful. We're always IMMJBHATHMr brakea low mileage. '1895 from the day o f each deposit That’s the way to reach comfortable . . . even on the rawest winter days. Am with seporote thermostats in each room, we con odyuet ’60 T -B IR D your goal. You build your future with an SBM FRANKFURTS the temperature anywhere in the house eMoc% the way Radio, heater, Fordomatlc, power Savings Account atewtag, power brakea—has sunroof, we wont R.” toa Two-tqne green. 3 Mrs. Brennan went oi^ “ With electric heat evorythinq lbs. ceHoi bag stays so dean, K's eosier to keep house. I love to enter* ’62 PONTIAC TEMPEST tain, too, and enjoy showing off my houee. The truth TnMana ^CcitverUble. RAH, Paclfie blue, bucket eeeta exceptionally low is, I decorated it room ^ room ond really appreciated raUaage. the smoll, efficient h eoti^ units which did not f , SHVlWfiS ftHKK with my furniture arrangements.” 1 tramn IHartford CoaBlyfa Oi ” As you con teN,” Mrs. Brennan tells you, ” We*iW sold Onatinrntol, I j 48vw g ^ OoBsat and on electric hept . we fed there’s no eompdrioow Moriorty Brothers f OF M anchester

JOl Center SL.. MANCHESTER i p


held tai the school gymnasium ton, p l ^ tbe piurts of Colunibia last iraek. Flop, arrandma n Nellie Mias Fletcher, a junior, was Kookte the Kaugajroo an the T V . 4 ■» ? niaistration of the disputed territory. lA-eeentod with a certificate for ahow.-apbmey ailaa made all tba India now holds KashhUr by fores bf Girl Scout leading her elZM. She received puppets on tot show "G oogle” arms, and will -not abcept a plebiscite Mtos Jsaa Constancs Bosoo the earn# honor last year and luid owns about 76 o f them. o f N bw Britain becams the bride in Windham High SchoM she Farm Team Tryoata which would determine Um political fu­ sf Qbrth Lennart Gustafson or Adult Aides was an A student for fouc Ti^uts for farm tcan» play- . 0(C ture o f the province. The Moslems hold Manchester Saturday morning years. ara a n scheduled for. 6 p.m. OF MANCHESTER it m ajority o f the population. Commu­ at St. Francis o f Asissi Ohuroh, Veters Begtstered tomorrow at Firemen's Field. nist China, o f late, has bean playing Nsw Britain. Four voters were registered Managers of too Uttle League LTKR , Plan Dinner age group will be In the wings footsie with Pakistan on the Kashmir The bride is a dauighter of at toe monthly session held last Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Boaco Saturdgy in Yeomans Hall. Two looking for raplscemente so toe ' f^oodad 6eM^ L IML issua Russia has done India the favor of of New Britain. The bridegroom Girl Scout adult workers of former residents who have re­ players had better put their "all” into their performances. vetoing United Nations resolutions pro­ Is toe son o f Mr. and Mrs. Arne the Northeast Trails Area have turned to town, were reinstated |s£ & 3 *® ?252^ ^ viding for a plebiscite. a. Gustafaon of 276 Henry St. planned a dinner meeting and registered Republican. Two Maaoheetor E-venlng Herald ly K r tfr .______^______The Rev. Cannen Raneri o^ servicemen, one in absentia, Would Sheik Abdullah's proposal tomorrow at toe Congrega­ Columbia eorreapondent, Vir­ ] ;;. KnacRimciR k a t m ” • t. Francia o f Azlssl Ohuroh were added by toe Board of .w ork? tional Church parish house. ginia M. Carlaon, telephone 288- Payabto !• A4t m b « performed toe ceremony. Bou­ Admissiona and both remained Om * • « ...... •9-JS Could’ the Moslems .and the Hindus Thera will be a social hour unaffliiated. 9824. I t t i iCoBtte •••••••••••••*»•«• tl>oo quets of spring flowers were share, fairly, and with justice to every­ from 6:80 to 7 p.m. when din­ Potiuek Supper Tonight ' i&*rwtii«...... t.so af the altar. RACES FOR NIKITA ^ o — ircnUi ...... I.w ner, which ie being catered by The PTA potluck supper body, the;^ministration of this piece The bride, given in marriage CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's cham­ the Women’s Guild ot toe will begin tonight at 6:30 in ■(’’■' nmtBim ot~~ “ . of-territo^T by her father, wore a full- pion pyramid climber streaked J . nui AasocuTUD p r u b b church, will be served. Yeomans Hall. The business length gown of white prau de to the top of the Great Cheops j Tb* Aaaociatad P ren la axchialTtl; cntiuad W ^ t Irmy it woUld'be if they could! Mrs. Hazel Smith will lead meeting at 8 p.m. includes the 4 to Um naa ol rapablloftUoD of all naara 41a- sole, designed with bell-shaped Pyramid a minute faster for So-: . For if they could, then there was toe group in a "zing-along" and installation of officers for the I aatchaa creditad to It or aot otbarwtaa credit- skirt, bolero Jacket trimmed Viet Prem ier Khrushchev than | ■' ad to thla paper aad alao the Ipcal iMbw w b- tiever. any,real, reason why, given a free Cadette ’Troop 5 w ill open the coming year. ' Uahed hara. with imported Alencon lace, busineas meeting at 8 p.m. by he did tor Red Chinese Premier | A ll riahta al reptibUcatloB of apad^- d!»- India sifter World War n , they ever and chapel train wltlt Alenooa ’Mr. Uon’ Vlslte 8-for Asia, and every^ Ushers were ’Thomas Brown of four top students in Willl- What may b e . lliuatrated In thla in- and Jack Ziemack, both of MRS. GERTH LENNART GUSTAFSON mantic State C o llie honored at 299 E. CENTER STREET-^49-0896 stanee la a simplr fact which no na­ Manchester, and Donald Amaro toe annual All-Ooilege banquet Read Herald Advertisements tion ever applies to its own acta and 'o f New Britain. Mrs. Bosco wore a powder bridegroom la toe aon of Mr. I^IidM, but ’always, instinctively, ap­ C ooper • Judt blue dress o f lace and silk, and Mrs. Ernest Zoppa, 178 Hll- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Judt of plies to the acta and policies o f another. Internstionsl Shake And Yash? matching accessories, and' a lU rd St. Germany announce toe mar­ This ia the fact: corsage o f white and gold cym' The Rev. John K iely of St. HALL bidium orchids. The bride­ riage of their daughter Uraula, M ary's Church performed the There ia always, in a posture or policy One supposes that the proposal, by t l ^ faculty of the Naval Academy af ; groom’s mother wore a mint to Stephen M. Cooper of Man­ ceremony. of self defense, something of a threat green lace and crepe dress, chester, April, 30 in Cretlriieim- napoUs, to make a drastic reductioa la The bride, given in marriage FOR RENT to the other fellow. matching accessories, and a er, Germany. The bridegroom is by her father, wore a street- the importance of foreign laaguager 1b corsage of white and pink Oie nation's defense, to put the para­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ length gown o f white lade. Her Inqnlra Uthnsuihui HaU the curriculum-for future naval officers, ejnnbldium orchids. liam Co<^r of 76 Green Manor fingertip veil of silk illusion 84 GOLWAY ST. dox again, is everybody else’s wandng. A reception for 250 was held is really much more a reflection of the Rd. was attached to a double crown 848-0618—648-8490 Ihe fact that this is so always horri­ at the Indian Hill Country Mrs. Cooper ia employed by of pearls and sequins, and she changing character of the Navy itself ' FOB ALL OCCASIONS fies the nation which is Indulging in Club, N ew Britain. For a trip the U.8. Arm y in the depart­ carried a cascade bouquet of than any sudden untutored' whim op to toe Pocono- Mountains in some activity which is purely in self de­ ment of education Mr. Coop­ white carnations. the part of the authorities. > Pennsylvania, Mrs. Gustafson er is with the U.S. A rm y fense. W hy should defense measures be Miss Janet Tessier of East To reestablish the importance of a flu­ wore a Cherry red linen two- in the department o f guidance Hartford was maid of honor. D o w n to w B ManchestM* At 968 Main I troot taken as a threat to anybody elSe t Connecticut Yankee pieoe dree# and white coat. ’The ent command of many languages .fpf ,^a ' and education, Crellshelmer. She wore a street-length gown But tiie instinctive psyi^ology with oouple will live at 88 Oak St. Upon completion of hie Army young naval officer, it would be logical, The Second Mike Todd By A.H.O. of aqua chiffon. Mias Lillian which other nations react is almost un- after M ay 17, service Mr. Cooper plans to re­ Dougherty of Bast Hartford YES first, to get the Navy back into shipq. eontroUabla And it ia not very far from One assumes that the top the fate of toe nominations this Mrs. Gustafson, Is a 1956 sume hia medical studies at toe was bridesmaid. Sha wore a Once the N avy had become a thing of Breslin leadership of toe Democratic year, is toe eventual question of duate of Nkw B'ritaln Senior Down-State Medical Center, street-length gown of mint being valid, either. ships again, one would then try. to crpato party in Connecticut stands what is to become of toe special 'h School, and a 1668 gradu­ N ew York. green linen. Both carried cas­ NO. 2 Any big nation which goes overboard pledged to defend, to Its last ul­ Sate o f the University o f don- a world of relative peace, in which those NBW YORK, May 12 — For constituency toe office .of con- cade bouquets of ysllow carna­ ready. On opening night the learn the fine points of handling timate power, toe continued tor defense is also likely to go over­ toe- early nhow at the 1839 box office men p^ed games gresaman-at-large has hitherto necUcut School of Nursing Zoppa • Gabron tions. young men who had thought to. a man when you owe him money membership in Congress of toe board for attack. W p ^ 's .Fato- tto>. i-barkers in with toe tickets, msikbig a sip­ and are not about to pay him repreeeAted. What beeomea- o< ■be ia employed' by the Hart­ Miss Gall Christine Gabron Walter Kelly of Manchester MANCHESTER bine a fine education and Idve^bf the two individuals who have been that mythical ethnic constltiH Any great nation which devotes ex­ - fr ^ .' of toe-H ot -;;Mikad° told ping noise with them, .^ e re foday, ford Visiting Nurse Associa­ of Bast Hartford became the served as beat man. Paul Fultz most uprooted by toe new redis- ency, in deference to which the sea with a future occupation'of'seeing evifybody to b r l i y ^ e wife and were plenty of people passing "It’ll work out,” he was say- tion. Mr. Gustsifson is a 1806 bride of Ronald E. 2k>ppa of o f Manchester was an usher. traordinary money and energy to de- trlctlng. nomination for congressman-at- the world would find their ships cruls- kids-and toe show went on to a by, but toe trbubla'Was none m ing.“ Everything works out. My graduate of Manchaater High Manchester Saturday morning, A reception was held at NEEDS raise ipay be merely recognising, realis- large, in both parties, normally ing about, hither and yon, with special family audience. Even' Mike them stopped. The show drew mistake was in figuring that a The minimum performance ScIbMl and a 1961 graduate of A pril 25, at St. M ary’s Church, Schaub's Restaurant, Ekuit Ucally, what kind of world it thinks it Todd Jr., age 8. was al&wed to 150 people. On the second night, snovi' would go at the Fair. I required of the state organiza­ went to some individual o f Po­ Porrar’s School of Singlneering East Hailford. Windsor Hill. The couple left for miasiona o f contributing to the social lish descent? lives in. But it is alao, at the same time, watch his father’s show and he there weren’t enough people in­ was WTong. For 10 minutes tion ia their renomination, so Design, Wethersfield. He is em­ The bride is toe daughter of a motor trip through the aouth- IT! seasons in a wide -variety o f pbrta. saw it BO often he knew the side the place to play cards. On that they at least get a chance defining how big a game it wants to be every bight, just before it Are the Republicans, when ployed at MalTool Engineering Mr. and Mra. Mitchell M. Gab­ em states. They -will live in In this era of the Navy's past, the lines. The second sho^ each the third night, Todd went to started. I 'Ngot that terrible to run. This should be relatively they nominate for toe Sixth, go­ Co., Maneheater. ron of East Hartford. The East Hartford. able to play in that kind of world. day was a little different, how­ the Wisconsin Pavillan and had easy in both instances. Con­ young naval officer had to be equipped, freeze you get when nobody ing to calculate that they must 8o when we Americans resul that the ever. The barkers did not invite a beer with his partner, Lenny shows up. I’d be ^k^l^ing around gressman Monagan of Water- find toemaelvea a new Toni for the honor of his country and the children becsu-ie the producer, Gaines. bury, although forced to deal Russians are beginning to develop an all o^’er toe plac^ And all 1 Sadlak ? relative prestige of his own service, to toe late Mike Todd, 8r., had a "You wanted your name in could see wa.s kids '^Ith hats with some new communities and' When the eventual Um# ambitious system of anti-missile mls- waits the beauties of many a glamorous couple of the biggCiit broaos in the papers," he told Gaines. on. W orld’s Fair hats. ’R jat’s make some new ties, still has comes when Grabowski com­ m IMOEH’ TRAVEL TIME AT TOUR CHEVROLET DEAIEITS sUos around their larger cities, we the whole world starring to his hia own main political roots un- foreign society, and whisper the proper "W ell, now you have It. I'll let what toe people were buymg. pletes his public servlcb and toe Americans do not think o f this as pri-'^ second show. So. each- night, you put your name up on the Hats, not shows. I finally said.' , disturbed. Any possible aspir- Democrats have to find a new Five different lines of cars—fortjf- politonesj|ea to their, in the proper he would tell his kid to go over marily a non-threatening defoise ges­ closing notice and it'll make all I'm standing here watching aqto for his seat who find them- candidate In toe Sixth, win they five different models to choose some tike *em hig seme Uke language and look at the General Mo­ the papers." some hat' merchant get rich and selVes In his new district know then consider toe Sixth still toe ture. W e think maybe the Russians are tors exhibit. they 'aeg supposed to be thdbe In this way, and by such graceful It did. And yesterday after­ Tm going broke doing It. Let successor to toe mytoioal ethnic from. Come early and trade freat! getting ready for something. We judge Thp.t is the only World’s Fair me out of here.” who stadtl. and wait, not those at-large district? techniques, the Americsin N avy conquer­ noon. Todd sat in his office and Now that spring’s in full swing, you’ll find *em little Q some like 'em long they are trying to offset any defense- that Michael Todd Jr. wants to smoked a cigar and had his There were five gold Oscars who push ahd shove. Or will, perhaps, the dlsap- ed much more of the world than it ever new Chevrolets perfect for piclang. retaliatory capabilities we may have remember. Hr would like to feet up on toe desk. He Is man­ in the office. His father -won It may take gNij^e more-do­ pearanpe of the congredsman-at- forget this new one exists. The them v/ith "Around the' World Luxury— First, there’s the big Jet-umooth against their cities if they attack our regulated with its guns. And, in such nerly, serious kind o f a guy who * ing in toe case ofOqngreOTman large nomination frqm Con­ some like'em short Q s o m e U k e ^ days, and with such talents, it was wel- Unisphere, and all it represents, never made the mistake of try­ In 80 Days." They represent a Grabowski who, excejit. for toe necticut politics be taken as toe Chevraet. Sumptuous and soft riding. O vw dties first .And we wonder why in the causes bis stomach to get upset. lot to Todd. It means he is go­ 700 sound stoppers throughout the ear to ,_come everywhere. It was never greeted ing to imitate hia father. He dlty pf his own residencA^ Rria- signal for some new and greater world. If the Russians really believe In H ie other night, Todd came does not think money is con­ ing to have to go out and keep tol. has had no particular re v , general Independence of the sup­ blot out noise. Interiors luxuriously done - with any* sign' 'about going home. The something like coexistence, they are con­ into the World's Fair with a fetti, for one thing. So yestei^ trying to get something like it son to build himself special po-'- posed requirement that every up in the newest and softest vinyls. 'em even-stephen GOOOO some like for himself. He is that kind of sidering such an effort necessary. ' hope, everjrwhere, was that it would stay production called “ America Be day he regarded the shipwreck litical ties in toe particular com­ 'atote ticket must be constructed Trade what you’re driving for one' of until a t j ^ t one more grand ball could Seated.” It had received fine of "Am erica Be Seated" as a a guy. munities which are now to 1» on^a League of Nations pat­ these, and you won’t want to trade seats Similarly, the most - threatening ru« - notices to New Haven.stod Bos­ 1964 NewipaM r PubUshsrs 'em graduated oQQQQQd some Hke -'be' arranged. - serious thing. Syndicate his, when he makes the trans­ tern f >Will Connecticut, some with anybody else on the road. ,mors that have come out of Russia in ton and it had A big.ichance "W hat do I do now ?" he was action from toe at-large to toe day, ataht recognizing natural Spirit— Next, Chevelle. The beautifully Yet this trail of fluttering hearts was with a Fair-type audience. saying. " I fight o ff creditors. distrlot-congressman statiis. ability and hard work to politics all these cold war years have been thpse in-between size car that combines small accomfrfished ail in got>d and al­ There was fl2S,000 sunk Into it. That's one thing' dad never let - But one assumes that toe freely, ip which, case hoth ma­ 'em orh~rouni Q some tike 'am occasional rumors, never substantiated, And there was more fhan mon- car handling oomph with big car comfort. ways ended with a nice sorrow of part- me see. When he was broke and A Thought for Today party organization, whm it jor party tickets might be made and periiaps, fo r that matter, really «y to it. The show represented people came around for money, adopted redlstrictlng, did so in Eleven different models that you can .tog> A fte r they had conquered all the Sponsored by the Manchester m> exclusively of mugern day started in some W ^ em n^dtali to the . an awful lot .of v-'iat Mike Todd he’d keep me out of lt> I could solemn pledge and obligation to Itomdns ? WIU we obme' to toe equip with just about any extra-cost baroque Q some like 'em imder ^ exotic beauties o f foreign lands, our Jr. wsnts out of life. At 84, he CouncU of Churches effect that the Rusaiana have been^.. use some of thS training.” both Monagan and Grabowski, happy, noatalgic day when ampe 1 option you can imagine. N o place to was coming to w^to something young naval officers always came home Mike was raised in toe St. to Monagan to protect him from party dares dominate a Yank^ go thia summer? Get a new Chevelle— building themselves atomic bomb shel- on his own: and he was going knd' todfMed’a Southern beUe of their Merits Hotel,' an apartment at One of basic rules for worth­ challenge In toe new ehape o f without figuring that it ia there­ you’ll think of something. some like 'em over tera _ .s ' to try and make It pt a World's 25 Central Paric W est and then while daily living is to work own. his district, and to Grabowski by inviting its own defeat? Or Economy—Chevy II—the car that Fair, Just toe way hla father a penthouse duplex at 715 Park and'cooperate with God, asking For any one great nuclear power to to deliver to him a new district when it ia no longer a political takea to inekpensive vacations natu­ Today it is easy to concede that there did when ne racked up Ms first Avenue. The aditoeasea always Him to do something through ha could hardly be expected to go in seriously for any such bomb shel­ big score dround here to '1889. “ *t c e r t a w must be rally. It just goes and goes, and where may be leas urgent need for fluency in a were good, but his father’s ups us rather than for us: In this control in his own right. One as­ Mike Todd Jr. says that having judged to be in Oonnscttcut to­ it stops nobody knows. Eight models ter program would be the most threat­ and down# always showed In toe way we become toe channel sumes tola In spite of rumors wide variety of languages. The society k famous nams never did kny- day, that beoause a N sgrojw as ening thing, so far as other powers are living. In the penthouse, for ex­ which great gootoiess is let atid rumors o f rumors about the to pick from, including wagons with thtog but help' him. But I he nom^tod by both paftie* for concerned, anybody could imagine of once glamorous foreign porta Isn’t ample, he and his father lived loose In toe world. This Is called disposition of some subsidiary enough rooih to swallow up an eight- wants som eth in on hts own toe office Of stats tryainirer In what it used to be. The young naval offi­ with two beds, oocaaional dishes toe flne art of creating happi­ |)arty leaders, and some poten­ foot Christmas tree. (Plan ahead, we In the fears and apprehensiona of peo­ and “AmericA Be Seated” was ^ year 1862, that offlca now cer may have trouble getting himself :on and a few knives and forks and ness in oneself and for others. tial candidates, to take some always say.) ple and of nations there isn't too clear a- his shot at i t belonga to tha!?? partleiflar race the grand ballroom set from a Let your light so shine before mdvanUge of toe fact that they forever? Fhn— Then there’s Corvair. The fu ^ distinctioQ between the weapons, prepa­ b o ^ e . ship. N ot everybody abroad He put the show into the toea- show called "Up to Central men that they may see your find themselves part of a new o* the tolngr wa go, a one with the engine in the rear for wants us to come and sUy long. And, tor cafe of the Louisiana Pavi­ Park." There were also six rations, and attitudes of defense sad a^ ood works and glorify your congressional district which Ja little artificially, to ffbve how tmbelievable traction. Spring mud, even when something tike the old time lion. He had two top box office telephones which toe old man 'atoer who is in heaven. tack. about to' elect Its own flrat < ^ - much of a demoetpey we are summer sand, winter snow-nothing men. Jack Metoick and Dick used for juggling shylocks. But J Dr. J. Manley Snow, kind of oppbrtunity seems to ^ e r itself, greasman. ^11 not need to be dobs, when If we feel a Uttls ffightaned when we Wolf, out front, tickets on ths the son never was allowed to South Metooidist Church.' atopa it. things like the waits and the gallant What bototra us, rathar Mi#n our deniocracy grows a Uttls read that the Russians may be putting Corvette. The enthusiast’s ear. but whisper are- out anyway, in favor of to# mors perfect, and is able to Ig- Sting Ray Sport Coupe and Con­ anU-miaslto missUes aU M u n d their M g shake and toe yeah which make all nore labels while H nomiaatos vertible. Still America's only true cities, we'have a bpinan right to feel todustry and abUlty.' other modes and refinements and lan­ sports cars. They do for your driv­ that way. And if. the Russians feel that ing what holidays do fc^ kids. everybody guages of communlcatton superfluous. • way when they hlsdr us talking aboUl F is c h e tti Performance—And with any ne?r spending, in retaljatiion, a few more bil­ —A - F bUM mbb NMra|M|irr Herald Chevrolet you choose, you can ; lions a year to improve our own “de­ pick from a wide range of stand­ loves fenses,” that too yrUl be legitimate. Over the, Waves ard or extra-coat high performance i , « Yesterdpjfg engines. R’s all ^ e the little bqy who picki) . • ■ -'.iir . Either way, whether vou'va up a big done .and calls across to the ' ' < -A spectacular eshibitioo of Intrepid 2 5 Y e a r s got some place apecial to go other boy .who hves next door "K you engineering, tor' OhesapSake Michaels Bridge-Tunnel chaqgSS the geography thia summer or not, when ever come over. here.*1:11 knock ypur , Mothers and Daughtegs «d o y of toe Atlaatic Coasti. The-builders have al bMquet a f you trade for block off.f The- other UtUe, boy finds thrown nearly ■ 18, piUes o f causeway, a enui Church. ^ one of Chev­ himself a stone o f .equal aiae; or maybe high bridge, and d a ^ .tunnel across too rolet’s five Cultured mouth of the Bay, a piecejsC water that IhMth C. flpUlUMI great high­ a little Mggtt,. aad iesubs iChe .dame ) to to effect, open tea. Thq project is teurto annual Oases Iraeital at w a y p e r ­ warning. 'This Is t|ic classic parely da- - **^**^**‘ Schdol;' 4g pupils not remArkahls - fbr any gmat innova­ perform. formers — fense confrontation, tou can predict the tion of coBStructl^ tedulque, but it you’ll travel! Pearls results, with small boys. The coasola- required high courage to take tJfiis flo­ tlon is that nations are supposed to be tilla of barged equipment out onto a notoriously rough piece of salt water . .. to bottoffii Corvette Sting Ray, Corvair Moasa Spyder, Chevy n Slightly more responsibla THE OW T HICHWAY ^ MICHAELS IMPORTS ALL ITS PEARLS DIRECTLY FROM JAPAN The details mark the scale oC toe un­ Coupe, Chsvsllo Malibu Supa Sport, Chevrolot I m ^ a Supa Sport. ONC REASON WHY M ICHAEU PEARL VALUES ARC SO UNUSUAL dertaking. Some 60,000 miles a year was logged by the fleet o f UUle boats, em­ ^ 10 Years Ago AUTHORIZED OHEVBOLET DiBALER AUTHORixED CHEVBOLET DEALER ployed to picking up fallen workmen, IN MANCHESTER, CONN. IN WEST HARTFORD, CONN. CoadomiBian? floating in their life JackeU. The tunnel J U j George W. Tabor Jr., sectlona 800 feet Ipng and as heavy as commander S CARTIR CHIVROLET CO., INC. THE ORODV CHEVROLET CO. Mohantmed Abdullah, the large shjps, were on ways in Texas If H MAIN STREET-H KM IB 81 IS H A h t R O AI>—888-6601 and floated into i tlon . . . ' Kashmiri leader Prime Minister Nchn's ■HOUtt 1 Ooi^ecting the o f toe peninsula government reddnUy let. oht o f piisbn, »»-«>acted directly with toe t of Virginia, for AUlHOlilZBO OlIBVROLliT DRALBB AUTHORIZED VKOLET DBALER ^ppafsotiy in a tenUtivs' gesture to# flrat time in li long history, and 2?‘*5 IN NEW BRITAIN, CONN. IN •RD, CONN. shortening the coaal K?SI S " POUNOaO IN H ALir^ NOVA SCOTIA IN USA uovtoldUOVt towart ^ e idea of conciliation in.In- . route for auto- ' appointed as- TINXNTAL UNITXD aTATXa IN 18M H lC H A M■ ^T am u ■ mobUas by more an hour, the WILCOX-RAU CHEVROLET. INC. CAPITOL motors. INC. dia'B\laag ^puto wlttT Pakistaii over Mstant manner in thS South- 1141 S T A N L E Y tPTRIBET— 889-0848 1814 MAIN 8TREBT-08T-81U b rijlg e -tiu i^ . has set o ff a ^ New England Telephone r, hag BOW propoasd S sohitioB o f boom to iBOtela OB " S r iis s t e r a Shora Ctmpany's Hartford Office It. pnKBUae/bMBA clUage, ia N ^olk ^ Women Voters ■ IliniH lill OKEVEOUBT AUTHORIEBD GEWROUDr BHAUH leSSfflirw f lHf t I BuggsBtBa amidoiBlnliaa. aM a W tbe whole leagto of the potia- Mrs. IxMits Hsard prssi nr BABT HABTVtma PONN. IN WINDSOH, CONN. U m and Pakistan would «s . . . a service to a Nation o f passloBato travelsra— DWORIN CHmOLET, INC. AROatY CHm OUT. INC. hi the luls aad ad- t m b r n t m m /* Mra JOssph 1* Isissa |a. TUB WAKHlNOrrON F08X. BoumvBBn Ris im IM BoqiMMroaR: i V ' V ‘ - I ; rf- m * WTA. \ . ■

Ml , ■. ■ ) ‘ /!■


tha Holmaa Funeral Homa, 400 Main S t Hia Rav. C. Hanry A"- Ru*t'4Jrge8 Parade Saturday ^Chases End in Two Crashes^ dersop, pastor of Emanuel Ui- Events Board Establishes DelkiFera Elected Obituary theran Church, officiated. Burial " To Start at 4 Four Injured^ One Seriously waa to Bsat Cemetery. NATO Allies H a m N* PhuMT Bearera were friends of tha In Slate Homework Policy , Town GOP Leader Plaas have been completed HQ. 2 ROCKVILLE — Harry N. family. Isolate Cuba fbr Saturday’s Armed Forces Two ymithi.lir* hoaplt4 1U«(],< »6ar that missed the cruiser Pinney, 92, of 88 Hale St. dtod Day Parade.. dedicated to tot AM )a Mrtous condition, with niced from the scene. this momlisg at Ms home. He Sanmel J. Dunlop (Centtaned from Page One) ITineral aervicaa for Samuel Ths bosrd of sducstion last ni^ht took almost two Town Director Francis P. DslIsFsjrs last night was pANCHISTBlI tnJuriM ifcoived chrly today in An ambulance was sent to was an outstanding baseball (Ceattaasd (rsM Pi«s Oas) N, sisetsd to succeed Atty. John F. Shea as chaimsn of ths memcTy of Oen. Douglas Mac- MparaU hut rolaUd accidettta the accident scene to. take the player during his youth when John Dunlop of 188 Maple S t bids to the stita or towna hours to hssT reports on s six-months study of home­ Artour. baseball riviury betwa«i area ware haM yaatarday afternoon would ba that much lowtr," la work and to query members of the honfework commit­ port for tha U.S. trad# e m ^ - Republican Town Committee, by s 46 to 18 vote over «n Oleott St., at the entrance to Injured to the hospital. at tha Holmes Funeral Home, The parade, ^uMukeaded by the town dump. Police are still investigating towns, Rockville, Stafford, Man­ declared. tee. And st the end of the discussion, the board by s go of the Gbmmuntot UlaiM, a xoniitf board of appeals member Roger Bliley. Atty. toe ISSto MUitary PoUcc Bat­ NiEDS Wie aecond craah, which in­ chester and WiUimantlc, was at 400 Mato St The Rev. Ray C. customer of kuch major Amarl- 8hea, OOF town chairman atno*^ talion. whose headquarters is to the accident, and another arrest Hollis Jr. of South Methodist vote of S-l adopted the com-^------ogntood tha need for a pubpe volved two poUea citdaen and in the case may be made soon, it* peak. Eteapeei Captured mlttee’a work aa Ita official ean aUlaa aa Britain and Franc*. 1958, docltoad'to run again this toe Manchester State Armory, Down through the years, Mr> Church officiated. Mra HoIIla studies resssrch, scienito proj­ Opontog the three-day spring y6ftr. worka director” for Manches­ has toe cooperation ot local IT! two pt^eemen wtio w en inveati- police said. waa organlat. Burial was In HADDAM (API — ’Three of homework, policy for aU town ects, creatlvs writing, library v atl^ toe flrat one-car oraah, Pinney maintained his kem in­ aehoola. msstlng of ths NATO OMmcll of Otoer offleora atpeted' unanl- ter, whOn they voted to abolish civic, fraternal and veteran Both the Novak-driven car, terest in baseball and cloaely East Oemettry with full mili­ four eeeapeea from Middlesex reading, etc. moualy last night at thbpariy'a a aunilar position last year. Baa reaultad In the arreat of a owned by Joseph P. Vallera of Several board m e m b a r a Foreignton , Mtotot4rs, Rusk ds- groups. followed the games on radio and tary honor! given by the 188th State Jail were captured today. "In Grade 6, homework as­ elared that all OommunlstIt ag- bi-annual organisational meet­ Mahonay** atatemont was to It will form at 4 pjn. on toe third youth. Wapping, and the Oliver-driven MP BatUlion of Manchester. Christopher Olonfriddo, 43. of praised the friut of the com- signments should be given. Robert Klemaa, >2, of 489 television. . As a member of the mittee’a labors, and Beldon esstonton must be eradicated to ing ara Mrs. Harlan Taylor, vice response to a raoommendation Charter OiUc Field at., th* Vehicle, owned by Elaine J. Dol- Club- of Rockville, he *c- Bearera were Alfred Burns Cromwell, was nabbed to Mid­ TTiey should not be given more of the non- chairman; Mrs. Mlldrhd Bchal- Adani St.-, ia reported aa aeri- 69 Arthur Burnap, Robert Cordner, Schafffep -cajled It "one of the msure tha sacurityly to too critical highway depart- South TMvninus, and wiU'march lack of 454 Oakland 8 t„ Wap­ compahled the men on the an­ dletown after leading polics on than three times a week and Communist world. This ler, secretory; and Herman up Main Sf. to toe Armory, eua at Mancheater Memorial ping, were towed from the Robert Dunlop. John Robinson a high-speed chase. moat thorough and moat care­ the toUI dally preparaUon metit audit, backing a proposed Spring Hoapltal with fracturea of both nual trips to Boston or ' New fully prepared presenUtiona paarad to bs a rsfartece . Heck, treamirer. charter' change calling for toe vtoere it will disband. scene with extensive damage. Tork to watch either the RsS and Albdrt Esgleson. - George Marshall, 26, and should not exceed SO mlnutea. South vist Nam as wad as With to* election of party of­ A reviewing stand, for a host let* and internal injuries, in- The police cruisers were towpd — aver made to the board by. the They should be of the same fqrroation df a public woriu de­ dudinf a jMsaible pimctured Sox or Yankees play. Harry Collins, 26, both of teachers.” Cuba. ficers out of to* way, DellaFara partment. Mahoney aaid the ot military and civllian dlmii- Cleaning? to police headquarters ;sdth Bom in RockvUe Aug. 12, Providence, R.I., were caught in character as thoae outlined Rusk described a crisis over took toe floor for a reasoned at­ taries, will be set up on Mato huif, a h^ital apokeaman The policy aeta up guldltoea above.” Democrats had b4en on record moderate to extensive ^aihage. 1871, he was active in the Rock­ TDC Cites Lack a rowboat on the Connecticut on homework for teachers of Cuba as one for tha whole West­ tack on what he called the "Ir­ St., in front of toe Salvation Use Our Convsiiisiit aaid. A Moriarty Bros, wrecker, ville Fire Department for many River at Haddam. Appearing before the board to responsible remarks” of the aa favoring the new public SUnlay P. Novak, 18, of 888 all grades and laveto from Grade ern world not juat for tl|e Unitad works poet since 1858, when Army. after taking onp cruiser to years, and was a member of Of Coordmation ’That left Willie Good, 41, of addition to Mlsa Shea and Ber­ town controlling Democrat*. The day’s festivities wUl be Oakland Rd., Wai>pln«r, with 1 through Grade twelve. It ger were Robert Wolfert, Ben- Statas. they created th* poet of deputy police headquarters, caught the Moose Club. j North Carolina still at large. His remarks were aimed at topped off vvlto a mlUtary ball multiple laceratlona and contu- He Is survived by two sons, marka two Important changes net Junior High English tfesch- director of public works. FREE aioos, la reported fair to food. fire in the,.-ihnotor area, and ■ The Town Development Com­ ’Teams of state police, aome for the Mancheeter ayitem to DemocraUc criticisms of a Re­ at night In 'toe State Armory, .xfka Harry W. Ptnncy of Rockville of them using bloodhounds, had er, for the junior high' commit­ But, said Dellaftra, when with Gov. John Dempsey the 8ft. Hemy Gauruder and after it extinguished, it mission (’TDC) Mwt night ssld that it: tee; and Miss Ann Beechler, publican prepared town budg­ was to^ed away by another and Russell Pinney of Alexan­ searched Cockaponset Forest Military Suffers et, and at atotemenU made by Cheater Langtry waa flrad from honored guest. Patrolman Bmanuel Motola, dria, Va.; and one dau|mter, "lack ot Cooperation and con­ 1. For tha flrat time, spells iidance counselor, for the the deputy director’s slot laat STORAGE Moriarty Bros, wrecker. sultation was evident when a for the fugitives, who slipped out on a townwide basis a uni­ Mayor Francis J. Mahoney In both shaken up in the aecona Miss Rose M. Pinney ei Rock­ through a window of the tolc- anchester High School com­ year, the Democrats voted to CITIZEN COMPLAINT On Winter Clothes ^ crash, were examined and re­ master town plan was sold form policy for all grades and Smittee. 4 Plane Crashes support of a proposed change to ville. vtoion room at the aUte jail the town chqirter. ebolish to* position. "If It had HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)-May- leased from the hospital, with Funeral services will be held Manchestet In 1962 by an out­ levels. The only board member to last night 2. BstaMlahea a more liberal (CeaMaoad from Pago Oae) DellaFara quoted Democratic been only toe man that they or Louie Welch told reportsra BO report of serious injiu-les.- Hospital Notes Thursday at 11 a.m. at the side firm of planners,” and vote against the new policy was found faqlt with, they never Monday a citizen had tele­ Free Pickup and DeUverjr Ridiard C. Oliver, 20, of 140 Burke Funeral Home, 76 Pros­ members among themselves "Apparently while they were policy for the Hemantary Mrs. Katherine Bourn, chair- ..... Director Theodor* Powell aa supposed to be watching TV, grades, especially at the pri­ man, on the grounds that th e, failed to find the 10 crewmen stating, publicly that the Repub- would have abollahed the posi­ phoned him to complain that, Biasell St., was cfaatfM with pect St. The Rev. Paul J. Bow­ that the town ’’Is on a merry- tion.. thanks to him, she missed bet­ CaU 843-4266 reOkleas driving i^tof he failed Patlente Today: 262 they were, hacking away with mary and aarly elementary lev­ wording of some paragraphs of 4 U.S. Navy long-rwiO pa- licani, a three-man minority on ADMITTETD YESTERDAY: man, pastor of Union Congre- go-round” where nSw industry the saw,” said correctional di­ els, psrmlttlng teachers to as-- The town committee meeting ting on the Kentucky Derby tor to nefotiate a curve, while rac­ tional Church, will offlclate. to eonceroed. should be restated. irol plane thri crawed at s m th* town’s nine-man board of toe first time in 10 years. Mrs. Helen Benoit, 40 Orchard rector Joseph P. Walsh. sign occasional homework at 20 miles off Cadia, Spain. Th* director*, were unwilltog to par- was one of the beet attended to Francis DellaFera, flanked by Mrs. Harlan Taylor (left) and ing weatbou^' with another Burial will be in St. •eraard ’s Pte^wtated'was the fact that some time, aa many members . ft having aerved since January as Shea’s administrative aide. Her bookie went out of busi­ motoriat,'jpip struck the police St., Rockville; Brian Almon, Cemet«7 . He said It was the first es­ thalr dtoersUon. plane, baaed at Jackaonvilla, Uetpate in tha give.and take of Mrs. Mildred Schaller, presides over the Republican 'Town Town committee members also elected Mrs. Taylor as vice PINE OLEANERS 48H Union St., Rockville; Ray- no Improvement* are being cape from within the jail to , Unttl ths actio n oeito side of the road, police neral home tomorrow from 8 Inquiries by potential users, petition that had received ad­ Oflara.) invesUgatlon, she said. a ^ . Ha was unhurt. Oliver Rd.; Mrs. Gloria Arsenault, Wil- to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. individual mattor dadded on by marine base at Kota, Spain. were at least two Republicans Jlmantic; Mrs. Elizabeth Blake- and that no poim tial users will ths staffs and admtoiatraUons Open on May 29 Four crewmen were killed to at each budget worsnop thia vance newspaper pubUclty. Of ,4 wated a 110 0 cash bland on of educaUon he foresee, "too of service, Included Mrs. Mary S g t Gauruder and Motola School S t; CTiristlna Granville. Jan. 28, 1882. to loeal Industrial development, a'l864 ruling of the supertotoid- manv problems” shoUM they In addition, he said, although '876 H artf^ Tpke., Vernon; She Is survived by two smu, and cited tostaneee where large is binding on delegates to the M t of fbhoola. It stated that the Republican minority this Jane Oandall, past vice chair­ were on early morning patrol Republican NaUonal Conven- •dec& to close the schooto on man; and Aldo Paganl, past and spotted three vehicles tra­ Mrs. Stella and Xrouis Gozds, Edward J. Mattls and Bruno local buildings hava advertised "to general) no regularly as­ that date to obtorvance of Me-,_ year proposed a budget that 163 Eldridge St.; Albert Grun- Uon. ' would have allowed a half-mUI treasursr. Mrs. Taylor, elected veling at high speed in the west M. Mattis; me daughter, Mrs. to areas other than Manchester, signed homework is to be given morial Day, which falls this ' A U.S. Air Force Cll8 carry­ vice chairman, was past secre­ side of town. Motola gave chase der, 6 Ironwood Dr., Vernon; Francis Marley; and me grand­ offering 100 per cent financing, None of tha candidates for the to the elementary grades.” year on a Saturday. ing 48 student paratroopers to '"cut In town tax rate, toe Demo tary. to the Novak-driven car which Bernard Kelly, 20 Robert Rd., child, all of Rmktille. but without any mention of thli 14 spots on the West Virginia That policy was questioned by 5 toe Mto holiday were • JutoP wn. made a crato iMd- crats mmle no attempt to re­ The funeral will be held delegaUon are plelKged to a can­ concile any Republican recom- DellaFera outlined his plans headed westerly on Oleott St, Rockville; Salvatore Lombardo, town. several bdard members last granted. Dr. Curtis kald, i t l j j f i" » "to r f w le , Ala. for the party as Including m - 38 Lancaster Rd.; Mrs. Thelma Thursday at 8:18 a.m. from the > The group, which met In the didate. fall' when they noted they had would necessitate moving toe t®*** were lulled. mendaUons with their own al' wMle Gauruder trailed after the Burke Funeral Home, 78 Pros­ though there were three days luvenation of the dwindling two oQiera. 'Lyons, 60 Latirel St.; Mrs. Ruth Municipal Building, with Town Moat of the Nebraska delegate been receivtag r^rts that June closing of schools to June ’ bank account, establishment of Macri, 686 Adams St.; Vernon pect St., with a high Mass oi cancUdatea favor Goldwater. Six some Olementi^ pupils were 19 instead of June 18 to meet left between toe presentaUon Motola reported that, on his requiem at St. Bernard’s Planner Joseph ’Tamsky, agreed of toe Republican budget and a central town party office, and abase, the Novak car pulled Mitchell,. 73 Ov.erlook Rd., Ver­ w4to- him that town agenciea district delegates are being being assigiied homework by the state legal requirements. the building of a strong district non; Mrs. Sarah Palmer, An­ Church at'9 .'Burial'will be to Firemeii Quell toe date by which toe town away from him on a curve at should coordinate their efforts picked today, and 10 at-large their teacherz, while others Children are required to at­ oiYsnisation t o tlms for the dover; Philip Smith, East Hart­ St. Bernard's Cemetery. delegates are to be chosen June were not. tend school for 180 full (at budget had to be adopted. high speed, while he slowed Friends may call at the fu­ for bringing new industry to DellaFera also took Dem­ town elections next fall. ^wn to negotiate it Arotind ford; James Thibodeau, South town with mutual consultation; 1 at a itate GOP convenUon. As a result of the ' board’s least four hours In length) Blaze in Jeep H4 also promised a continu­ Windsor; Mrs. Elizabeth Troy, neral home tomorrow from -8 to quertae, a homework commit­ days. Two "snow days” were ocratic Town Chairman Ted the curve, at the entrance to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. the Town Planning Commis­ Rhode Island Republicans ara Cummings to task for eritiets- ing campaign to publicize Dem­ the town dump, Motola came 73 Harlan St.; Francis Post, sion (or planning and zonlngt also picking tbelr convenUon tee to study extotlng practices lost from toe 184 to toe school The 8th District Fire Depart­ ocratic falUn|rs and boost toe upra the Novak car, with Kle- RFD 2, Bolton; Laurie Young, deiegaUMi—at two district and in the entire system and to calendar, with a third given the ment aniwered a call this morn­ Ing toe proposed Republican Republicans back Into office in the tW n D ivelc^hent Com- day of President Kennedy’s fu­ ing at 11:45 at Moriarty Bros. budget, with it* half-mill tax raaa a paaaenger, off the aide of lb Hackmatack St.; Mrs. Mary Frank DlsabeUa, 85, Hartford, mtosion for contacting and one statewide convenUon to­ maks a eomposlt4 of educators’ Oceober. the road after having rammed Klock, 42 Sunset Ter., Vernon; night. The state has no pri­ philosophies about homework neral. Center St. A jeep caught fire cut, as "arbitrary.” Hahold Peterson, 64 High St.; died yesterday to St. Francis ahowing inrospects the available mary. In addition, Dr. Curtis told as the result of a abort In the "This le absolutely not so,’ through a steel-piped fence at Hospital, Hartford. Bom in pUsa and land. was established, with Miss the dump entrance. Doris Tt^liff, 54 N. School St; Catharine Shea, Verplanck toe board, afternoon kinder­ wiring. The vehicle sustained Dalla-Fera aaid. "The tore* RS' Ceraso, Province of Salerno, minor damage. publican members ot toe board District Scouts Sgt Gauruder then arrived at Kenneth Harley, 106 Helaine lUly, ho Uved to Hartford for School principal, as its head. gartens lost another session be­ thf scene to assist Motola The Rd.; Mrs. Leila Rothammer, 618 77m raemnmendationa Of in­ cause of snow. At 3 p.m. yesterday th# Town spent long hours going over de- 60 years. Fire Department put out a piartment budgets, conridertog two policemen, along with Kle- E. Middle Tpke.; Lillian siheri- He leaves a sm, Louis Disa- Renewal Model" About Town dividual staff members were by That would necessitate their Plan Camporee mas and Novak, were standing dan, 3 Hollister St.; Harold means of survey taken follow­ going to school on Saturday, small brush fire to the vicinity present requirements ai)d peat bells, 141 Oak St., a widow, of Porter Reservoir near Fer- spending, to come iq>/With a between the two cruisers, which Braithwalte, 374 Hilliard St.; four daughters, nine grandchil­ Goes to Bank ing dtocuetoona at the aeveral June 20 or on the following Blackledge District Boy had been polled off. on the ’The Little Theater of Man- Monday, Dr. Curtis_____ said. guson Rd. There waa no prop- budget both cqaltoble/and that Mrs. Betty King, Cbventry; Mr» dren and ntoeteen great-frand* cheater will meet tomorrow at 8 schools on the homework prob- Scouts will hold their annual shoulder of the road, lights Theresa Gulmond, 8 Durant St. tom. These were then compiled With ' that informaUon, th e ! «rty damage. The department could still include a/tax cut” camporee Friday, Saturday and children. T bt thrae dimensional model p.m. In the club rooms on School board hastily dropped the whole also answered a call at toe town flashing red, and an investiga­ AD M irrE® TODAY; Mrs. The funeral will be held to the committee's report, the "Cummings said that our Sunday at the Rockville Fish tion was in progress. It was of th* propoaod North End ur­ St. matter. It had been placed on dump at I this morning where budget cut would^ have jeopard- Ann Vennen, 16 Pine Hill S t; Thursday at 8:1^ am. at the ban ronewal project will be on board was told. and Game <^id> on Mile HIU shortly after 2:16 a.m. when toe agenda because several firemen extinguished a amall Ized teacher fslary negotla- Rockville. Approximately 450 Laszloee Szarka, 85 Birch St.; D'Esopo Funeral' Cluq>ol, 385 dtoplay through Thursday to Mancheater Association for The board centered Its ques­ area businesses t.and Industries fire in a truck. There waa little this accident occurred, police Mrs. Patricia Morganson, East WethersfleKl Ave., Haitforl tioning and discussion In large tiona; but if ntynew teacher po- boys rOpresenting 56 scout pa­ tha Main S t office Of the Con­ the Help of Retarded ChildrMi plan to close May 29. damage. ritlona had bmn authorised, to* said. Hartford; Stanley Novak, with a solemn requiem Mass to necticut Bank A Trust Co. will have its annual dinner and measure on the poUcy for the trols and 16 senior crows are ex­ Soon after, two vehicles were South Windsor; Robert Klemas, St. Aug\istine’s Church at 8 . early elementary grades. board of education still could pected to participate. racing down the road west­ Friday it will be transported installation of officers Thurs­ have granted all toe pay Incre- 486 Adams St. Burial will be to Mt. SL Bene­ to the Hartford NaUonal Bant day at 8:80 p.m. at Roaemount Committee member Donald AU units will be competing In bound, coming around the same dict Cemetery, Bloomfletd. Barger of Verplainck School, Car Is Stolen mept^tBat have.beeR scheduled organised camping skills con. sharp curve, the first -narrowly YES'AcrDAY: A- A Trust olQoo tor dtoplay th eri^ Reatsuz«At, Bolton. * 1 . __ ' ^ 'anU'Save a largu portion ;of ducted independently by each daughter'and Mrs. fpiin. Friends may call at the JFii- uqUl tha rearandum ..on thC who sjjpke ui behalf of the ele- missing the police cruisers and neral home today from T to 8 toq school Irndget. unit tinder boy lesdSrahlp- running off the road. The aec­ Bablneau, 29 Lynch Dr.; a'son ynjoet sehaAled for next ’Tues­ Greeii fichool PTA board iif mentaiy teachers, tolff the As Owner Bowls p.m. and tomorrow from 8 to 4 directors wiU.meet at 8 p.m. to­ board their feeling, bornd out As part of a trimtoed. town will announce their ond car, driven by Oliver, failed to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ro­ day. Front End budget, toe Republicans had ranking of the units about 2:30 han, 34 Clinton St.; a son to and 7 to 8 p.m. Descriptiva brochures and a morrow at the home of Mrs. Da­ to nagotiate the curve, struck vid Kahn, 106 Ferguson Rd. 5 i[v ?‘vo’}rnr2r“ c W ld \“ ^ o f t« ^ Chevrolet, pink and recommended a 170,000 out in p.in. Sunday. The aeoring will be the Motola cruiser in the rear, Mr. and Mrs'. Arthur Lelbund- uastlon and answer service on based on inspections held pe­ Antoni* N. ZettI lie project will be available too board of edudation budget, pushing it into the four persons guth. East Hartford. VERNON—Antonio N. ZotU, a Special but, DellaFera asserted, with­ riodically during toe three daya. BIRTHS TODAY: A daugh­ Satuiday at town shopping The VFW Auxiliary will meet stimding between the cruisers, 71, of West Hartford, father of tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at th# outside the Parkade out jeopardising the quality of Saturday morning and after­ and then ran 118 feet ahead and ter to Mr. and Mrs. Michael areas, undsr the sponsorship of iportfl End club ECtivitiEft,} BowllnC'LEnM doHce rcoort. $ 1 2 .4 0 noon toe units wUl take part to A rthur ZottT of Suaunit R^.. ths League of Women Voters.! Poet Home. chureh orgwlsatlons. social ac- Robert Cone of 103 Ir^ g St., education to town. off the opposite side of the road. Shirshac, Tolland; 4 daughter died yesterday at Hartford (1) ALIGN FRUNT END ^The Democrats are trying Field' Day competitive scouting tivities. and the like. owner of toe mlaaing vehicle, The vacant Motola cruiser on to Mr. and Mrs. Duwayne Mor­ HospitaL Many ara not yet phyalcally (8) BALANCE FRONT to create toe Impression that events. impact struck Klemas, Novak, ganson, Ekist Hartford. He is sunived by his wife, reported toe theft at 11:40 laat WHEELS—Reg. 84.08 too Republicans are toe ene­ Albert Uveaey of Glastonbury and emotionally equipped to night. Ha had left the parked agt Gauruder and Gauruder's DISCHARGED YESTER­ three other sons, me daughter, handle these. Berger said, espe- g.jQ , (8) CHECK FBONT>, mies of educhtlon. But the Re- is chairman of toe camporee for vacant patrol cfu-, knocked DAY; Theresa Castonguay, two sisters, two step-^ters and WHEEL BEABINOB publicans are resp• toD In tte Tbwn of Bolton. Con- MOTORS UlUan Hebert, Somers; Mrs. to charga of arrangements. lowing picture of toe highway I. "Short-term asaignmenta V. , ORDERED :That the 31at day of nectlcuf, Will hold * SaSSlon In Theresa Slrois and daughter, department as it. Is currently adequate control over thd'work STUDEBAKER 888 CENTER STREET crew* to be complex by. the next “ •J’- — at ten ^e ock forenoon the Community Map in said 434 HUliard St.; Mrs. Beverly Mias Flerenoe E. Shew orgshized, and as it should be claa#"'aa# period to reinforce aca- *“ . O'*«>• Tovm on PHTOAT,,FRTOAT MAT1 iS! at West Center Street Pierce and daughter, 169 Oak Funeral services for Miss reorganized; Not only has It been difficult for the department management TeL 848-4078 St.; Mrs. Muriel Munson and Florence E. Shaw of 25 Ed­ At present, the highway su­ ntM In class. Uona of appllcaajta and admit to OFBN EVENINGS son, 112 Nike Circle; Mrs. ward St. were hald yaaterday perintendent, Ernest ’lUiecK, to find toe work crews, ‘the re­ SIZZLING Caral Munson and. son, Marl­ port says, but there are ’’other BDreiuf B ^ r • count with M*id ***®tor’i oath tlui*e found aftambon at the Wetktos-West has almoet complete responsi­ frustrations (concerning) what spread over a number of mem of heir* and order of dia- qualified. Bald seaslon will be borough. Funeral Home, 142 E Center bility for toe entire operation days or weeks to toclude social! ihai Snile. “ 4 »hi* Court ^o'recu dir^ neiaheld betweenoetween thetlie h h ^ o( 8:00 S t The Rev. Felix M. Devle, of toe department in his hands, can be done to control a crew once you find it.” The depart­ Lsgal NoticsB Mined for eald hearing bo riven P'"?’ P’*'*- paator of Second Congregation­ with no intermediate levels of ment employe*, according to ‘0 ba utter. AaF*pptteant who Ig a natu- '.with the help ofiConnectlcut'sIneurahce industry I al Church, officiated. fYederic management to relieve him for SELLATHON • • • • • • •••••• foremen, can find excuses to ex­ . AT A ( p m r OP p r o b a t e held hSlTd by p5lfl!w„g‘ J^cow « Werner was organist. Burial top level duties. plain their absence from toe job waa to Beat Cemetery. > Between exercizing control '2'' “*• £* ?*"• *“ n'wSpMf proaant to* oerUfl- ' when management finally doe* d a f ^ " • “ •*** •"* !riJi"‘ af* ^ naturaltoatlon under SAVI W TO HM Bearera were Harold Blla, over 38 field workers, three catch up with tha crews; "On lit Banificial put Carl Petorson, Auatln Cham- t Preeent. lien. John J. Wallett, i the ‘'d a / o T ^ 'd hwirtag’'* a ta ‘‘b l Igoutog th* OFF FEOeBAL LABEL FBIOE MRAVft AMOUNT foremen, a clerk and an as­ the other hand, wera they (fore­ ^ ‘ I tnaUIng on or before May 4 i t s / ■SR'e, o r a copy thOTOOf Igsuod What does insurance have- to do 'with onr ^oon shot—or onr insurance—Are, workmen’s compensation, product and liabili^ MONniLV or LOAN bera, Floyd Mitchell. George sistant eupertotendent of high­ men) to bring the matter to Rlngatone end Harold Bonham. ways, he alao must deal tirito toe attention of top manage- ceased. fleet of nuclear 8ubmarinet-ror any of out country’s other space insurance, health and life insurance. ''' $16.75 $300 daily paperwork that ta “de­ The adml^trator having exhibit­ Today't Special —— ^ ¥ ^ Lare g. Jehneen that they have toe feeling 'no­ JOHN J. w a llEt t . jiidga. the original oartlfi- age activities? The answer is, "Pltnty!'* 26.58 500 tailed" and "weighty,” because body wiH do anything about It ed hi* admlnlatraUon account with - - cate, and any applicant who ae- Insurance engineers and technical specialists provide a 'wide FunarmI aervicea for Lara of "reluctance to delegate” hia M d estate to thia Court for al- AT A «)URT OP PROBATE held 36.41 700 John Johnaon of 628 Mato St. if a man| Ig found goofing off.” lowance. It I* at Mancheil^ wlifcl» .IS. .iS ouired United, ttataa ritinn- BBANO NEW «—*84 work and toe "tendency on the The report recognizes, how­ ^ORDBRM: *“■ uUp by birth abroad to a Unit­ For example, let’s take a look at Gemini, dur two-man orbital variety qf inspection and engineering services for these projects 51.16 i.o6o wera hald yeateiday morning at part of aubordinatee to do only ever. that "there is not a shred 5?’” . f* *" 'be Preienl. Hon. John J W'alletl ed ,States dtlsan paranL or de­ spacecraft. All the work on Gemini and our Other space projects —and the industry itself invests large sums of money to help *Oe t4 menlh etoe. the minimum of paper work re­ of doubt on the part of toe Municipal Building iJ aaid Man- Judge. leeuaft. rived dtUenahlp through Jh* 6 CYUNDER LOOOR SEOAN lifNrpwkitttfiir quired.” : writer (Weiner) that toe mS' 4*we •» a* E»tale of Charle* N. Vander- naturallaatlon of a parent or is being done by privatt industry— the government. Ahd flnance many of the nation’s projects in space research and 1 With his time so taken up. jority of the highway depart­ ilned for • h ea ^ s _ oa the al- burgh, late of Mancheater InMl^ 0 Ask ^ cash and got test service durtog Benedcial’a lowano* o4 aaid administration ac- Dtarricl deceased ' •pouae. shall preaent a cartlfl- FMeral Label PriM development. ^iP ^j^nal iNotiera to e . report implies, there has ment employee ^are conaclen- count with aa'd eatate, aacertain- The administrator hav'na •vhiiui eato of dtlaonahip laauod to private industry couldn’t begin to r ^ the enormous investment OoUm JuMleel Use .Spring cash to. paint up, fis bean no time to devetop the tlouB, reliable and devoted.” SALE PR^CE Iribli'tlot "a'id Otb c l 's dlr^lr*' :Sld'''e,tot7‘"io'?h*l*"c“ TVor*a'! lUcant py «»* Unjtod required—for ro<;kets and capsules and guidance systems-"* * up, tune up, d rm up — for'any good- reesonl In Memoriam eomprehanzlve planning that an The report praises "the pres­ Ihftt Dotic* of tho UniF and placF lowanc#* . It la StstiNl ltninip*Atlon lund Nlltu~ So ypu see, our spaM-age "birds” # Remember Benelwiel is the one place to ceH for IB lovlnt memory of Uila Qee pfficient highway operation re­ ent clerk typist in toe daptrt- ^ORDKRRD: Th»t (he dav of ralUaUon Servloe or a pMaport without icuiurancO protection. ' > fly and our nuclear "flsh*’ swim The J/uuranet Evsjm wpo 1^*4 away Mt year quires.! However. "toe highway ment (who) carries a heavy Dark Blue with whitewall 0 money thp minutelyou want Kl Cell up or come In ago today. May u . IMa UreriidThTSto. to tapei? ^ ‘ta al*toe ProbM oif'“ ‘‘ln'“tta tires. Radio, hsatsr, de- 40 JnformatioH Otilee, f . , this vary minU euparintendent should be com­ burden of paperwork dtUgentty heart ibaiM by pub lahins a copy Municlpaj‘ Brilrinx'* p aaid Maif *< the United SUtes i$ The same is true for our nuclear fleet... for our protective with the help of the Insurance mended for initiating new work and efficiently." of order 'n aoUio newaponor cheatorT oiter, wheal eovara, oU No ^ r t aufftriag and sain, aiaiar, har'i: a circulation In aaid DIa- algnod ta. aid the. same la aa- on or after January 1,1848, or a tar, seat .belts. Companies, of Connecticut. An­ 79 ferminiton Atmui, raporting systems for two ma­ The reaponsiblllty for depart­ ti: •tatement eignad by a S Minuteman ICBM installations . . . for out astronauts . • . and JualAeav*^t^V- paace aith tk4 onee ment inefflciency ia pinned 40 tricl. t loaat taron daya before Inwance JHar^ord, y o u ------jor operations: anew doutrol and U»« day of aaid hoarlng. and bv count with ' said eatate. aacertain-, clerk of h town of Ulll DRIVE IT AWAT TONIOHTI other reason why the insurance fft all riMi a number of causes, among ». IMt !menl of helri .for a host of other space-age nuclear activities. : ».BMHi;i.'i»Ab ■tjeet sweeping,” to aarve as a by carUfled man, a. copy of ihia ...... tatra.JS? .W* and ST®*''order of*!?. dl* ^ rocordi of guoh industry is one of Connecticut’s baaia for future planning for them poor job scheduling, over­ oeaar le LUcy B. Raid. and this Court d’lwcta T Gee family ly rigid job spectfieationa and ^ a r to Lucy X. Raid. ISO Lydall noiicr of the tima and tlMBO functions. I ' m.. Mancbaatar. Conn.:- A ‘ bertaI R. aaaigned— .. tor------aatoP.uce haaylitg ring hag tabo Jireyiputly'boan riven admitted as From conception to completion, these j^ojects are covaed by greatest "Natural Kesources." ^ Lopm up to SIOOO — Leone Mo'lnsufod at low oeaL Csrf Of 'Huuiks The report recommends that, union re8trictlooa,.< exceaalro' n ifllo .. Bfrab Mt. Road. Bolton. to all nernona lOii . lo ta m er- an elecCot ia that.tam v r equipment breakdoera* and to- OamL;. Jaaaia R.n. Hobth.fiumn, Phocnlz eated tharein (e anoaarear and ’ be „ losaiilsl nMnca Ca. af Mimmdtottftr Wa wiMi to . thank a l euour rela- tosttad at trying to handle all st., Vareea. Conn.; Edward a heard thereon by publlihins a copy ' Dated a]t Bolton, ConnoctieuL UvM, Btizhbora. and (ricBdi frita for adequate repair and main­ Raid. 646 Billiard St.. Mancheater. May 9, i m . toeir many acu o( kindnaaa mows the retaa himself, Tureek reor­ of thli order In aome nawapanar BOLAND MOTORS r * 806 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER tenance prdtceditrfg, a too eoat- Conn.; Anna W. Hall, Park Avanue. bavins a clrculaUon In aaid Dla- ] Olivo It, Toomey., • mtehal »4 1 W • Over jH. Nev ElHlaM'TsI; as dering our rMint beVeavement. ganise toe department with W eand-bank operation and win- Beat RarOtor*. Howard J. trict. at laast ------‘ W* tapfclaHy viah to u»««ir Dr. tore* aubordtoatag — two high­ Raid, Jr^. Sl^OMea %cid. Man- ! ’B»w)i. Clerk 3Af C IN m $T. ^ Wm I CfDtwr Sf. George Lundberg, Jr. who waa .ter equipment crewing prao- ebaetar. Oonn.; CHaMb R. Raid. liO wElUng on or britaTlRy rifi? Richard Morra, J . • alway* to helpful and Und la our way aupervtoora, each to tlcea'and a lack of advance by cartinad mat', a oopy of Jbla mother. Han- order to Ruth MeCraadyT 41 Wol- i\ _ Michael F mos, • # •••••••••• 41 •••••• charge of 8 four-man. woriti planning and’ eogt pnaagur*- 1 Berasrd J. Sheridsa, TbI. 44M 07f ,Tlie DaCtapUs lamUy. orswa, and a magter mgiritanki ment technlquek 'AU^BTr, Judga. T H ■ I N S U It A N C.K C O I M I P A N I B S O r C O N fi ■ i ^ 1 ^ ■%»"Mhasw. jwt ' Beard ot BeloetaitM c u ■ - ■ ■ ■ ^ . ' 4 - - ' ■ ' • ■ . r , '

v : \ ■ ■ . ' ' ‘•7. •' ' ■ ■: -'I ■ .. ” ‘ ^ . ■» . ' ■' j ,-

^ • i ■ • ' i > 1 I r'^ ■''f^ ''


an Air Dsfehse. Command unit ht usMIS: la rednChig tho RockvUle^Vemon at Seymour Jdhnson AFB, N. C. Coventry Andpver amount of laSd unfft ^ ter hous- T. Sgt. Alfred roeetsr, son, ing bainn used for that pur- of Mrs. A lfredrorstsr of 1 Rebd pose and help to guarantee that St, has arrived for duty at Eng- a reasonable but adequate num­ lend AFB, La., after a tour of Pupil* at RoherUon School Land Group ber of areas In the towa be pre­ servlee in the PhllippMs^ served for future gaoeratlons. A m y PfSw Robert C. Vaughn, Sets Meeting Drive Paaaee Oeal Gets Nod, Location Secret son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Open Art Show Tomorrow Tha results of the April fund Vadghn, IM High S t. ^ i c U drive of the American Cbneer About 7B votcn utiuilmously< » dty oounctl mtotlng lu t patsd as a member of the as* The Oeorde Hereey Robert-f Briggs aseMed hy Oeorg^Ja' The Andover OoBsarvstton Society have been simounced by sault forces in. Exercise West aoB School will hava an art ax- cobaoA —n and - • Dayton —H. Whip- Commission, created by a vote CO - chairmen Mrs. Francis »pprov«tf «xp«ndlturM (or week that dumping (acuities of the town at the May 2 Budg­ Haines and Mrs. Robert W. Pe­ presently used by the city col­ Wind,.a joint Atrsy-Navy-Ma- Mbit of the works of pupils of pis m . ritw town dump at a apaclal rina Corps anqibibious operas Brlafs et meeting, will meet to organ­ terson. The goal was $400; the lectors would be closed to them all Ita gradas from 1 through d ise at the town office building total contributed waa $418.06. town meetlnf laat ntfht at at the end of this month. The tlon on the Hawaiun Island of tomorrow and Thuraday to be Tbs South Oovsntry Ooemrs- uinyn hall. Molokai In April. Uvs kindsrgartsn class visited Friday at t p m. The chairmen stated that they city has been using an out of open to the public. The purpose of this new com­ were gratified vrith the good ,Alao approved waa authority town dump location. The exhibits will also be the Ranger Andy ehow ysster- mission is to make studies and support from the six captains, (or aalactmen to antar Into a Advertisement:— open to the achool’e PTA meet­ day afternoon with transporta­ Oamithers Named Wanted — Newsboy or News- tion fumiehed by Mrs. Dean O. to keep an index of all open the 82 workers who tried to call contract with ownera of tha Thomas Q. CarruUisra was re­ ing at I p.m. tomorrow, areasrin the town, publicly and on all families in town, and to proparty (or throe yaara. Tha girl, Wlndsorvllle Road, Skin­ Ihe'PTA unit will award Wiley and Mrs. Oerald Fisher. elected chairman o( the Verqon ner Rood area. Call Herald Clr^ Coventry High School Pa­ privately owned, (or the pur­ the 200 or so of these families new dump (aclIlUoa are out o t Republican Town Committee at prtsaa for tJie best entries. pose of learning th* proper use who contributed. townl culation Department. Mr. An­ Registrations of pupils to en­ triots baseball team will May a a meeting last night derson, Mr. Oraff or Mgii^ilsoo of such areas, .-ft may, from Samuel W. Pearl, llrat aa> Also re.elected was Mrs. Syl­ ter Orade 1 in September will home game against Bacon time to time, recommend to the Manchester. Evening. Herald lectman who introduced mo­ via Wilson, vice chairman; at 876-SlM. also be accepted ' tomorrow Academy on Thursday. selectman, town meetings, and Andover correapondnet, Laliv- tions for the approval of the John L. Daigle, assistant chair­ from 7 p,m. to 6 p.m. at the The school's Patriots track planning commission plans and renee Moe, telephone 742-87M. action, axplalned that part of man (or RockviDe, and Arthur Veruen news Is handled by school office and again tomor­ tsam will have a home meet programs (or such areas. tha asreamrnt Includes main­ Callahan Jr., assistant chair­ The Herald's Reokvine Bureau, row from t am . to 11:30 a.m. with Baoon Academy Thursday S W. Main St., telephone I1S- also. It thay acquire land and ac­ taining secrecy regarding the man (or the rural area, the (ire and 13:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. of cept gifts of land, in the name dump site. district. 31M or g4g-«m. thoae children whoso last name Volunteer mothers aaststihg with the North Coventry Cpop- of the town. It may also ex­ He said that Individuals liv­ Mrs. Ruth Corbin was elected starts with ths lettsnr M change information with the B A R R iC iN i through Z. i erstlve Kindergarten classes ing in town as well as city and secretary, succeeding Mrs. thia week In the basement class­ commissioner of agriculture, •xcltnhrely at com>ncfclaI dump trucks would Edith Welch, and Callahan was Ths Center School building and, if it so requasta, receive be permitted at the site. How­ Naylor Recovery. and land owned by the town of room ht the Second Oongrega- selected treasurer, succeeding tlonsl Church will be Mra Bver­ Information and technical - as­ ever, anyone wishing to use the Dnogias R. Hayes. Coventry wlH be sold at a pub­ sistance from that department. Uggeff Drug Said Miraculous lic auction at 1 pm. Saturday ett Thompson and Mrs. Ray­ new facility must obtain a . per­ Mrs. Shirley Maharon was mond Victor. In charge of The commission through Us PARKADE mit from the selectmen's, office elected to the committee. She is by ths board of selectmen at ths cleaning the classrooms on Sat­ studies and work is expected to in town hall. president of the Women’s Re­ Nine year • old Christopher premissa. urday ^11 be Mrs. Robert Sim­ Pearl said that the land la publican Club of Vernon. Naylor, son of Mr, and Mrs. The property to be sold to The committee has 7» mem­ Joseph P. Naylor, IM Diana mons snd Mrs. George Shaw- being leased from a “reputable the highest bidder over and cross. person” and that selectmen in­ bers plus 100 honorary mem­ Dr., is "in good ccondition and above 110,000 la located In s spected the site May 3. bers. recovering nicely,” his mother business sons, with ths lot siss Volunteer mothers' assisting Ellington's first selectman, said today. He Is fully conscious with the South Oovsntry Coop­ In reply to a question, the about 107 feet by 70 feet. -« erative Nursery and Kindergar­ drst selectman said that rental Francis^ Pritchard Jr., was.en and doctors hope he may be dls- The notice of sale stipulates from Hartford Hospital building caimot be convert- ten classes this weak at Kings­ HOLMES cogt of the new dump, 116,000 bury 'House will be Mrs. Milton per year, would cost about the teeman from the Kth district.. within a week, she said. - ■ multi-family occupancy. Pritchard was also named to A week ago today. <5>rtsto- ^ ^ toUltag 10 percent ZurmuMen, Mrs. Robert Ben- same as a town-owned dump in the steering committee, com­ ham, Mrs. Gerald FUher, Mrs. Vernon. Melvin Cantor snd MrA Tous He explained that with a prising the four top officer!. Pritchard •nd AUj. Rob.,, boy dbHn> . n.l.bborbood I l S saint Celestihe. town-owned facility, at least Kahan. one full-time man would 'be fight.n.V.s^ vr.-bb,-. cessful bid, %vlth the balance due Ths Ladles' Association of the Other a^vrssiasssbvww committee a;(b«iichairmen ulcii Rushed rvuBilou tolAi jvAWManchester iciieaici Memo-m cjiiu* o k First Oongregstlonsl Church needed. were named including Peter rUI HosplUl and later *trsns- ^ win have a work sasslon start­ All any local family need do for Pearl enlarged Ms comments Dureiko, RnancG committee and ferred to Hartford, the boy waa, ing at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the immediate assistance is call Holmes' by stating that if a proposed Joseph H.. Oaselio, political in critical condition until ar one* f ^ Votar«MeWBa^aaioa vestry. regional incinerator Is approved, awareneaa committee. ration laat Friday reVeved the A Msaion for making new vot* first—whenever and whereyw 3 “the oost will double.” Selectmen from Tolland and Samuel W. Pearl waa named preaaure on hia brain. Mia re* will heM from 10 a.m. to Windham counties will meet at funeral director’s services are re­ Voters approved a fS,500 ap­ chairman of the permanent covery aince haa been **mlracu^ Sa,wrdey in the ^ * n A St. Charles Kitchen is no propriation for dumping facili­ 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the quired. ' building committee. Included In lous." Mrs. Naylor said. *he town office Hampton firehouse to adopt compromise between whet you ties until June SO, end of the the committee are George Rls- She related that the family, . eurrent fiscal year. ley, Atty. Kahan and Town has been overwhelmed by To be eligible sp p U ^ ts must bylaws, including ths name of went snd what’s available. The dump site comes just in Chairman Carruthers. tremendous outpouring o( sym- *** years ot age, must be a the organisation. It's truly custom-created srouad pathy" from people all over the resident of Connecticut for dne 1 TTie Fragment Society of the your personality snd needa time for both rural and city Hoapital Notes year and a-resident of Coventry residents. Bverett Colllna ma­ Admittsd yesterday: Ray state and from as (ar away as SecMid Congregational (%urch Visit our showroom soon and Colorado, who had raad or for six months. jor private refuse colleetor to Meador, RFD 3; Wllltam Dlug- Any applicant who is a nat­ will have an all day masting see for yourself how easily the town's fire district, was cut hs, 143 Ward St.; Walter Dan- heard of Christopher's plight. starting at 10:30 a.m, tomor­ "We were just flooded with uralized citizen of the U.S. must row in the Church Community you can have s St. Charks out of a dump |n South Wind­ aereau, 54 Wilson La.; John present the certificate of his Kitchen of your own. sor by a court brder. He was Br-n,™ . O y..., L«... „bdy , «!". naturailzstioh or s copy Issued House. unable to find a new dump site, TTie church choir will meet Sandberg, East Klllingly; An­ have been wonderful, and we'd by the U.S. Immigration and and district refuse was not coi- drew Hlrsch, Haaardville; Ern­ Naturaliss.tion Service.' tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the M. A. PETERSON leoted for several days. like everyone to know we're est Smith, Rt. 30. very grateful (or their co‘'< Legion Meets sanctuary- *Eatran

* M ilk 1 Chocolate Wishing won’t turn your dream of a new hdine, car or trip^ into happy reality. It takes mpney to make most dreams ytNMqrJ ' come true, and the fastest, surest way we know to make .V money grow is through systematic saving.^ Stop wishing and start saving — at Manchester’s oldest financial institution.

0r« takt sdvsntsge of our yn sll cfikRENT ANNUAL family offsf. Buy s pound of; DIVIDEND ON Barton's rsal Swiss Milk Ghes INBUBED BAVINOB • 1 oistt, (straight from our facto rkip in Lugano, ^tzeiiand) foi $169 andwell gi ve you an extra half-pound— free. (And hurry. This offer ends May 25.) IMH S A V I N G S a m e b ic a n e x pb e b b TBAVELEgS OHEI$UBB a n d L O A N A S S o A r I O N IIAN CBESTEB EVEN IN G H EBALp. M ANCHESTEB, CONN,* TUESDAY, M AY 12; 1964 PAGE TW ELVE M ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, M AY 12, 19«4 •Angry Words Swirl AroufidScem on THE 11-7 Red Sox Loss Worse Thatl It Sounds Ramos Still Champ Herald Angle Beats 1 3 ^ 8 EARL YOST Will Wood Farrell Stops Mays Boxing Groups Say And Mejias .in tom orrow , borne Adpioe Taken and Passed Along bond and waa picked And Leading Giants By HOWIE HOLCOMB ATMlerson then farmed and the with Windham,Wlnt with lefty. Rich “Play as h i^ as you can,” Ken Venturi said, “so that Slegal the lUiely atartpr... To Get Ax The local press attacked Right from thg stsrL— itming was over. when you walk off the course with a 76 or 76 you can AGORA. (AP)— Is something that hurts Af« Maloney kept the preaaure on NEW YORK (AP)—Anytime a comes up with The world’* two the two Judges who voted rlca .” when leadoff Jbatter Frank honestly say to yourself that was absolutely the best STTANDINGS Manchester’s beleagured estch- CLEVELAND (AP) — a 4-1 record for the Houston (Dolts, he has to havp some­ boxiiK bedieo oeid Sugar for Ramos, Ed Inssman of Other newspaper called Ruzycki tripled and scored OOBL eri, stealing nine bapea In 10 score you could tura in that day. Not every day can you R a n o o bMU Is featber- W . L . . . And when they ‘were thing going for him. Dick FarreU, however, has an even the two Judges “corrupt tries ... Oonard defested see- weight ohampion today, hot Miami, president of "the when the relay, to third ••••••..8 8 shoot a 66 or a 67. The listener was Tony Lema, fourth WBA, and Ramon Velas­ capitattsts.” Ooaard •••• ond-placs Bristol Central, t->, bad, whewl more impressive statistic: He Umited Willie Mays to 1- aagry words still swirled was wild, Maloney High of Oeatral ...... • J Professional Golfers’ Ab- ^ fo r-4 . ques, head of the Mexico I assniaii and Velasques yesterday to make U elg^t ■oclatlon (PGA) tour in 1968. b TTie Indians’ raiding aroand tiifc scene of his dls- Meriden looked like a better T h e C olt Boxing Commission. voted 70-d8 for the Puerto F la tt ...... straight wins in OdL jMy. The above sound advice waa party, Cleveland Tribe, left right-hander, a patod battle with Floyd team than Manchester. Not too huMcing, 220-pounder, w on hto It also attacked Ohoue Rlcan-bom ohampion, In Maloney .. • Other scores were Platt 19, takeil by Lema and passed a- only a few splinters after ItobertBon e< Ghana. the IS-round bout Saturday much better, thouidi. and the fi­ Eaatem ...... •,.•.4 4 Wethersfield 7 and Baatern 14, Major League fourth game Momtoy nl^t, Abe Oteene, oominiaaloii- DJan, Ghana's sports direc­ nal score proves the point; Ma- long to a new publication en­ handing the Boirton Red Sox an n%ht. British Judge Jack Btanobeater Hall 9.... titled Golfere’ World. Lema pitching hto eighth-ptaoe mates sr of the World Boxing As- tor, fo r bungling up lonby 18, Mancheater 8. 11-7 defeat last night which to a 4-1 triumph over Nfiticnal Hart voted for Robertson. Windham ... Sum m ary: geta an “aBelat” from writer = L e a d e r i = soeiatlaa, said chaos would Ghana’s greatest sporting Au In all it was the worst was worse than It sounds. League leading Ban friutetooo. fassmaii, who flew to WeMsrsfleM Gwilym Brown to getting out sale If boxing authorities opportunity.” sKhlbiUon of the season by the Armed with e never-sey-dle He lowered hto earned run av­ 'London Monday, said he H all ...... 15. n p o a o r M the book. Unlike moat books on were allawed to overrule The daily Graphic, a gov­ Indians who are capable of play­ q>irlt and a ooetiy Cleveland erage to a reapeotabto 2J4, would give Gie same verdict Rusyckl. golf, the contents are not aimed deelalons. ernment-owned newspaper, ing a much better brand of MoiisUlo, cf...... « error, BosUm came up with six which la even more respectable again. So did Velasques. baseball. Maloney’s Steve Elkins re­ Wlllism*. cf...... Q ’ at correcting readers’ back unearned runs after two were Batting—Mays, San Francis­ The British Boxing Board called on the B ritish g^roup The two Judges had to covered from that shaky start Flllpek, tb, co, .471; Winiams, Chicago, (When it is considered that all and the WBA to give the Four pltcfaera went to the ; swlnn or how to putt tor bird- out to the ninth toning. hla decialana have been against tt O ea^l said It would not be helped from the arena and kept Manchester scoreless Cook, ib...... 2 lea. Tenslona and trium i^ on .405; demente, Plttabargh, reeognlee the move by the title to Robertson. "Bad de- mound for Manchester and all ShutUeworih, lb, 0 The cold, hard facts were the league’s tougher clubs: Two by Ghana Army men. FaiM until tte fifth. A walk to Bill lllneii. ■■...... I the FOA tour, instead, are ta- these; .880; Oardenas, dnolnnati, Ghana Boxing Authority to dsloos are not new In box­ kave ui)"ar least on# hit. The v ictories ovor St. Louis, toolud- fought to get at them and only one who escape<4 without Kuns, a couple of errors and Rogalakl, U; ....1 , eluded in the pubIleaUon by Fred Whltfleld’e grand atom .360; Stargell, Plttabargh, A54. reverse the split decMon ing,” the newspaper said, called white newsmen at Hatuen’s single accounted for Lolko. If...... 1 Ing a four-hitter, and a wta and allowing a run was lanky Bob Rafferty, c...... 4 Little, Brown and Company. homer to the fifth toning drove Runs—Mays, San Frandsco, loss to Los Angeles. for Banwia and gWe the , ‘^ t surely this one by the ringside “Yankee Imperial- a second score. Elkina waa * « • Brannick who hurled the ninth Adamciyk, rf.lb, 4 Jack Lamabe to the ahowera 24; demente, Plttabargh, 20; And against the Gtonto )>• ■!* ttHe to Bobtftsota. two Imperialist eoqiloiterB rocky again in the sixth but Elkina, p...... S and brought the starting pitch­ —and he let a man get to third! Gurney, rf...... 1 Allen, Piiltodelpiito, 19; Aaron, lowed stresklng WBUe a iringle Starter Gary Galla^er failed Induced Rick Daley to bounce Siaoiling R ou n d er’s unbeaten record to on MHwaukee, 18; Wliitoma, Chic­ back to him — with the bases his first time tm, then reti^ to get by file first. He allowed Totala ...... M 1* 10 27 10 t T Lema recalled hto play to the atoupt end. Lamabe, who en­ ago and Staigeil, Pittsburgh, him three times in a row, strik­ loaded — for a home-to-firat two hits, two walkA a hit hat­ Haaekeitm^l) 1969 St. Petersbuig, Fla., open tered the contest 8-0, ylrided six 17. ing him out ouce with two men ter and a couple of wild pitches, double play. poa ab r 'h po a • rM in which he etarted out the first sarned runs to five innings and Rodsera, 3b...... 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 B ona B atted In — M ays, San on base. This, ot oomaa, is good for four Maloney runs. The Indians Rally Talaga. 3b...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 round with a eizzling 86 to tie saw his-ERA Jump from 2.77 to quite an accompltohment World Political Tensions 8.08. Francisco, 80; Stargell, Pitts­ Spartans, by the way, never With Manchester reserves In Bra^.. aa...... 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 for first place. Most hitters wouldn’t be com­ Relaer. aa...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Southpaw Wilbur Wood, al­ burgh, 22; demente. Pitta- trailed after that.* action in the eighth, Elkins fell "This was an exceptionally burgh, 19; Boyer, St. Louis, 18; pletely disappointed with 1-foo apart and the Indians rallied. Monette. lb, ....2 1 0 IS 1 0 0 good score because Florida most certain to ' F«t the axe More Probleniu Anderaon, 2b, ..3 1 2 1 8 0 2 Williama, Chicago, Howard, Los And the idngle did keep M ayif Duke Hutchinson put out the Matt Raiser opened by getting Harah. If...... 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 courses are difficult for a Ooli- along with Roman Mejias be­ Angeles and Mathews and hitting streak alive at 18 games. Have Claimed New Victim fire in the first but ran Into his hit with a pitch. Monette draw a Daley. If...... 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 forntal| like like myself until he fore tomorrow midnight’s cut- But for Willie—off on one of Rylander, If, ...1 1 0 0 0 0 0 down date, was the victim of a PENA AND BUBBLE GUM — Orlando Pena, Kansas City pitcher, eases the Torre, Milwaukee, 17. own problem in the second. Two walk and Anderson scored them Kuni. rt...... 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 gets used to them. They are all the greatest starts in tha WEST POINT, N. Y .t This la not the first time nlcK-«OnclnnaU In 1949 working with waUca and a fielder’s choice both with a long triple to cen­ RIcharda e...... 1 6 0 2 6 1 6 as flat as a footbaU field and four^im, flvo-hit eighth toning as tension of the game by blowing bubbles with chewing gum whether he is pitch­ Hits — demente, Plttabargh, k ^^1^ Wn_ U B ISA_9 S a. A Smmnvsei __ ■ game’s history — it topped 10 (A P )— W orld poUtical ten- names of athletic teams have the second team,” Dietzel re­ loaded the basea Then catcher ter. He scored on a wild pitch. Warren, c...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 the greens, to make each counw Howeer bunted one run across ing (right), or at bat (left) in game against Minnesota. He is shown pitching in 41; Maya, Son Frandsco, 40; points off hto atversge; reduc­ been changed for political, or Gallagher, p...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 on a grounder rig^t to Wood, Wills, Los Angeles and Boyer, called today. "One day I was Paul Richards Interfered with Rich Marsh also drew a base on Huteninaon. p. ,.0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 -as least mildly totereirtlng, are first inning, and stepping out of the batters box in second inning as Twins’ ing it to .471. gi<»ig have claim ed another other, reasons. balls and when BUI Rylander’a than Dick Brown followed with St. Louis, 85; Wiilimns, Obic- reading the comic strip, ‘Terry the swing of Nate Mine4. The Hanaen, p...... 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 built up on mounded plateaus. catcher Earl Battey waits to give the signal to the pitcher. (AP Photofax.) FarreU, who warn 3A-18 with victim — ^the fam ed “Chi­ Right, after World War H, and the Pirates’ and I noticed latter was awarded first, forc­ bouncer went by the third base- Brannick, p, ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missing a green means being a three-run homer. a g o , 8 2 . the nlntii-ptoce otob tost acaaon, ahen the Russians and Ameri­ Sky High ERA nese Bandits” of tite A rm y Chop Stick Joe telling the Drag­ ing In a run. An infield error man for an error, Marsh scored Totala ...... 20 8 7 94 16 4 2 faced with a tricky pitch shot Doubles — demente, Fltte- scattered 10 hits about as af­ football team . cans were in a titanic struggle on Lady about how tough his allowed a second score and too. Bill Kuiu singled and then Innlnga ...,1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 I l^D4als up a steep slope and often off a Wood, toridentally, now has a burgfa, 9; Cardenaa, Ctaotamati, fectively as possible and got for world supremacy, the Cin­ Steve Rafferty put the finish­ he and Rylander worked a dou­ Maloney ...4 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 x l| bare, sandy Ue.” 16.60 . num now on, Just aaB them fighters were. He called them Manchi^er 100010060 I Bgge Runner Asleep,, Red Faced M aye, M llw aokee aind StergeU , the benefit of some strange *1Baadito.’‘ cinnati Reds baseball team de­ the Oilnese Bandits. ing touch on the outburst with ble steal that produced another When his putting went back tbmmy John, 20, cTevetond Pittsbargta, 8; AJoa, Mlbraakee Giant base-running. cided it best to change the name 3b: Ruiyckl, Rafferty. Anderson; rookie lefthander, went into the "I took the cartoon and hung a wrong-field triple to right. run. Hansen’s second single of ■ • • ~ -ckl 2. to normal to the second and and Hunt, New Yorir, 7. Jesus A lou , leiUUng o f f tUa Ibat’s the official word from to "Redlegs.” Later, Premier the game plated Kunx wlfii the ninth toning with a six-hitter it on the wall. ‘From now on,’ I Rich Hansen became the third sac: tMrd rounds, In which Lema Triplea — Banka and Santo, first, singled, but was thrown •le U.S. Military Academy Khrushchev got a bit more sixth run of the inning. Min^Ruayald- and an ll-l load. The Sox had told the boys, ‘You’re the C^- hurler and he farmed the next carded a 76 each day, falling Chicago, AUea, Ptaitodeiphto out trying to make third on where a spokesman, iriio pre­ friendly, and the name was Stan Talaga blooped what r-Oook; Ander- broken ttarou^ him only In the Unusual Iiifield Out ferred anonymity, explained: nese Bandits — the toughest two batters to end the long in­ aon-MoiMtte- Relaer; lob: Manches­ far behind the leaders, be didn’t and Boyer, St. Loais, 8. brother Matty's stogie. Majto changed back to "Reds.” The ning. But Maloney whaled looked like a sure single in ter. 6. Maloney 10; bb: Gallagher, give a hoot about where he fi­ TO N Y LB M A fifth when Enck Stuart doubled then singled, but FarreU jUtebed “The term ‘Chinese Bandits’ "Redlegs” tag never took any­ scrappers alive!’ They loved it. short left but shortstop Mines 2. Hutchinson 3, Elkina 8: so: and rooMe Tony Conlgltoro Home Runs — Maya, San It made them feel like some­ away and scored single runs off nished on the fourth day. ou t o f It. was given to our football de­ how. Karuen the iMxt four frames. made a sensational diving Hutchinson 1, Haiuon 2, Brannick lowly pro to mkc, Nev., to tale singled. FVancIsoo, It; Howard, Loa An­ fensive unit It was intended to body. 1, B l l ^ I. Ruzycki 1; hUa off: Paired with Walter Burkemo Made by Jack Brandt geles, 10; WlHiams, Chicago, 7; And to. ttw fifth, Jesus doo- "Somebody up in Boston took Manchester got a ctft run in catch, then .fired to second to Gallagher 3 for I rune in 1 innlnga; and Chick Harbert, Lema waa ooreer, inokidtog the VM. Open Three timae to the first five mean a tough bunch of guys. a dislike to Indians and made "I continued it at Louisiana NATIONAL LEAGUE Allen, Philadelphia, Stargefi, taled with one out and held up the first when Dermis Rodgers double up Hansen, who, like Braninck 1 for 0 runs In 1; Hotrii- back in the groove until he at Brookline, Mfim, toot sum­ frames the Box threatened to at third on Matty’s stogla. Mays Also It gave the second team the Boston Braves the Boston State and when I came to Ar­ Inson 1 for 6 runa In 1; Elkina 7 cut loose whan they killed their W . L . P ot. GJB. Plttabargh and MoCovey, San drew a walk, went to second on everyone else in the park, reached the 12th hole. m er. NEW YORK (AP)—Stu Miller haa been hypnotizing struric out and Matty broke for some dignity. Bees ahd the Philadelphia Phil­ my in 1962 I christened the de­ for 8 runs In 7 (pitched to 6 men in own chances via dcmble plays. San Francisco 16 7 .682 — Francisoo, 6. a paased ball, to third on a ssc- thought the biUl was going to 8th); Hanaen 6 for 4 runs In 5|: It was a real tough par four second. The throw went to sec­ "But It had an undesiraUe in­ lies once attempted to offset fensive team the ‘Chinese Ban­ rifice and home on a wild pitch. drop safely. Ruzycki 1 for 0 rune in 2; hbp: Ihe trials and tribulations on In the Indians’ elahth. Woody batters for years, but he may have put his first base Philadelphia ..14 8 .636 1 Stolen Basea — Wills, Loa d its.’ hole that ooifid be reached with the tour from a golfer’s stand­ ond and Matty stopped. But ternational connotation, and their image of futility by going A possible big inning was GAM E NOTES by Gallagher (Cook), by Hansen Held sliwled to ri^ t greeting runner to sleep. M ilw aukee ...14 10 ASS 2 Angdes, 10; Harper, dndn we’ve had some criticism ever under the name of “ Blue Jays.” Now they’re Just ‘Bandits’ but (Ruzycki) by EUdns (Refssr); wp: two kmg wood shots. Lema’s point ore an revealed by. Lema. Wood. Max Alvls, who earlier It happened tost night at S t. L ouis ___ IS 11 A77 2 NelUe Fox made a quick throw squashed when Marie Monette, The last four batters in Ma- Gallarter 3, Blkliu 3; pb; Rlw- homer and Larry Brown a three- natl, 8; W. Davis, Los Angeles, to third and Jesus was picked since it started. You see there Fans refused to accept either. they’re as mean a bunch as I’ve srde 3, Wkrren, Rafferty; w: El­ second waa a beauty, the ball Each year the PGA tour jday- bit a two-run stogie, looped a Washington, where the Orioles Pittsburgh ...IS 12 A20 3>/] TEAM LEADER—Jim Toomey of CJoventry is co- on first via a vyaH^ with one lonsy’s starting lineup were all run Shot in Cleveland’s 11-7 7; Aaiw, Mllwaakee, 5; Maya, off for a weird double ptoy. are different kinds of mean "I was an assistant coach at ever seen.” out, to and San Frandsco and Gibson, St mean, mean guys were Chinese T waa ao enraged that I Just Wood finally fanned Leon Wag­ New York ... 6 18 .250 10 the only other games on tha mer he starred with the Coventry American Legion ao suifii as endoreemente, per- ters Into'^ submission with his Detroit were not sched'uled Louis, 8-0, LOOO; Fails dndn- Oommunists. Rather than cre­ reached out with my putter and ner and Tno Francona—but on Yesterday’s Result* short National League schedule, club. Pribr to entering NYMA, Toomey attended sonel appearonoaa and etc. slow stuff, got the call from the • • • natl, KUppstein, Philadelphia ate an international incident, we Mays .400 Bound, began Jabbing the ball back and each occasion catcher Bob Till­ Oriole in the seventh in­ St. Louis 8, Phlladelpfala 2 • • • decided it bes^ to skip it.” Manchester High and Rham High. “The tour Is a ball—some of man dimmed the third strike SENATOBS-OMOLES— Cincinnati 7, Pittsburgh 6 and Waahbani, S t Loais, 2-0, OOUIS-4UANT8— forth as if I was playing polo. ttM time," Lema rsporti. *The ning with the score tied 3-8 and 1.000. Officially, Army denied that It finally popped in and t and barely threw the runner tw o Senators on )>ase — D on Lock got the Senators off to Houston 4, San Francisco 1 BiU CXDeU h eld H ouston to there were any polltioal pres- money to there—U you are good Only Games Scheduled. Strikeoute — Maloney, Oto- m arled t o C hick, ‘CHve m e a 12 o u t Look at third and Ken Hunt at a 3-0 lead in the first inning, one Ut for five tonings befems aurea which dictated the drop­ enough to win It. Unfortunately The only oth«: Sox receiver. Today’s Games ctonati, 87; Drysdale, Los An­ p a b k a d e p i n n e t t e s . on that hrie.’ ” firs t. hitting a homer after Zimmer the Colts brcfiM through. Eddto ping of the Oriental tag, udilch > EARLY BIRDS — Olga CoUa Oliva Leads A. L. It to not nearly enough to go Ruse Nixon caught four innings Los Angeles (Moeller 1-2) at geles, 86; Banning, Philadel­ Paul Dodge Pontiac won the MlUer proceeded to send four and John Kennedy had singled. Kasko stogled and took second win mean also the end of the 130-341, Betty Aceto 128-340, New Club Rifle Marks Harbert laughed and aald, around to support aU the play- of the second game Sunday af­ Chicago (Buhl 2-1). phia, 85; Maridial, Son Fran­ league tiUe with Flano Real Flo Baldt 132, Vivi Bayer 134, of his pitches wide of the plate, Boc^ PoweU hit a two^nm hom­ on an error. Mike White’s istogla Chinese laundry chants and *1No, you made it to la, but I ere who chaw after this kind ter having hem sidelined since San Francisco (Marichal 6-0) cisco, 84; Gibson, St Louis, 88. Elstate second and M ar S al Pat Pace 136, Ann Laliberte 125- CHURCH LBAGUK NEW YORK (AP)—Twenty games don’t make a sea- lost a lot oafii on you. I bet intentionally w alking Don er for Baltimore in the third. scored Kariio with the run that eooUe hats at West Point games. of wealth.” April 26. Then he pulled a groin The Orioles scored again in the at Houston (Brown 1-2), N. broke a 1-1 tie and Jim Wynn’a No {hone call from the Pen­ Drapery third. 347, Jean, Beauregard 348. Opening night aotioii saw wn, but at the rate he’s going Willie Mays could be the Walter here you’d get down to Btoslngame to load the bases. Bt. Louis (Slnrunons 8-2) at Set by A1 Archibald Gotfere’ Wortd to a hole-in- muscle and now to expected to eighth when Johnny Oralno dingle brought Bob Shaw in to tagon. No complaint from High scores the final night of runa sewed at 'a mid-season 10 .” ITiat forced Hunt oVer to second first big league ball player in almost a quarter of a cen­ be out even longer. Philadelphia (Mahaffey 2-1), N. Batting — Oliva, Minnesota, replace O'Dell. Chiang Kai-Chek or^ Chou ESn- bowling included: Bv McCauley NITE OWLS—Barbara Far- rate as Community Baptist out­ On the way to the neoct tee, one, a must to read for anyone base where he apparently fig­ doubled home a run, but that Milwaukee (Fischer 8-1) at tury to finish with a .400 batting average. Alvto looked like a comic was all as their four-game .441; F i^osl, Los Angeles, .388 Singles by Rurty Stauh and Lal. No nervous suggestions 180-i75, Meredith Gilmore 188- rand 185-492, Barbara Bllven lasted S t M ary’A 19-16< at Hazbert peeead along a little who knows the dUferenoe be- ured he could catch a few New York (JFackson S-S), 8 4aa, Gert Swahn ISO-476, June While firing for the Manchester Rifle Club, Alan Ted Williams of the Juggler booting Chuck SchU- winning streak ended. Freehan, Detroit, .870; Bras- AI Spangler drove to two more from gecratary of Defense Mc­ 189-487, Yolanda Bums 176-452, Robertson Park. Thirty-four Red Sox was the last to do it. advice that reached home. twoan a birdie and a bogle, winks while MlUer faced pitch­ p.m . mud. Boston, .368; Robinson, Smith 102, Wanda KaselausksA Archibald recently set two club records in the National runs, 37 hits and 18 errors Itog's routine grounder to the er Beimle Danifis. • • • runs and th e O olts had aft thagr Namara or Secretary of State Diane Sauer 178-489, Joyce He hit .40fi in 1941. And Mays burgh moved up two notches to Tiook,” Lsma'e playing part- s e e Cincinnati (Moloney 2-8) at Baltimore, 833. Rusk. 170^74, Lois LaPine 177, Toni were included in the wild ninth. Eddie Bressoud popped needed. Owens 464, Mary Lourie 471. Sectional Matches for junior and senior shooters. The is stepping at a pace much third at .898 with 16 hita in 84 At any rate, when Daniels A N O E L B -A ’a— Pittsburgh (Gibbon 1-1), N. Runs — Oliva and Rollins, Fogaity 200-616, Oressa Barter struggle — highlighted by the ner eald, Tf you’re not gefing up and Carl Tostneemski fan- • • • "We Just decided that the match held during the month of April at the Middlefield trips. End o f the Line blooped

V. \ \ . N • .j,


PACB FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDATi MAY 12, 1964 H-Contraetiiig 14 Help Wanted— Female -S&.. Hdp Wanted— Male "SO Diamonda—Watchaa Tenement^ ^ 18 home. What more could you o***" oo- RANCH — FIv* large rooms, F O R S A L E VERNON—H(xne and huataeos. We s t s id e —ovaratzed Oapa. COVENTRY LKXE-F ixb' m an HAMILTON tA K E -B a g y fitafi. want tor a home ta the low lonW. modern kitchen, IH fireplace, S-car n ra g e , large 5 room ranch, 10x10 building in Excellent condlUon, many ex- ranch, tile bath, t » a p ^ pCnmta muttag from Manchaatar. IMfi* JewMry 48 m id d l e AGED' "ktha, 8 bedrooms, 3-car g ^ q u a l i t y c a r p b n t r t - NUR8B WANTED, RN o f LPN. DRIVER — Stock oCerk for t h r e e ROCHM apartment to- twentlaa. Prims location, 4 lot, ten minutes from center of Working hard? Large 7am- rear, near Circle. Tongren tras. 649-4661. tag, fuK dry baaemant, eloaa erfront, 4 rooms, welbaafi room for rent in n ^ i^ u m ln u m comblnatlona, Rooms, dormefs, porches, licensed in Connecticut for U wholesale concern, 5-day wSek, WATCH AND J B W ^ T re­ eluding heat, hot waiter and bedrootna, porch, garages . . . Manchester, Immediate oc­ lly? Looking tor a break? Agency, 6434121, 8754379. to lake, $10,600., low down porch, walkout baaemant, fioek, next to bathiooin wooded lot. 317.900. cupancy, 315,800. Phllbrick This 8 room older Colonial MANCHESTER - Spactoua 6^ CLASSIFIED basements re finished, cab­ p.m.-7 a;m. shift. Apply St good rfferencas. M. A. Bayer pairing. Pramto seFrioa. Up to of Uvtag room. Mlddle-^ed m tor cooking. Electric ra> and all in excellent condition. payment. Chamben Realty, boat, beach, treed lot, Bir- Phllbrick Agency, OM-SIM. Agency, Realtors, 649-8461. may ba your opportunity to MANCHESTER — Seldom are room ranch ta young neighbor- 843-3825. niahad, beautiful aora, inets, buUt-ins, formica, tile. Anthony’s Convalescent Home. A Sons, 807C E. Center Street 320 on your d o watch In trade. working genUeman « Ij^y f ^ r a t o r and gas itove fur- T. 3 . Crockett, Raaltor, 611. No' job too small. WUUam' 157T. have your own home. If we able to offer such value as h(x>d, 4 badrooms, 2 full baths, derful nelghbora, et 876-9m. ClosM Mondays. F. ■. Bray, prefened but wUl conrider olli- t ^ e d . OaK 619-7787 or 64S- M o r e s q u e s«ttteg-7 room m in u t e s f r o m downtown RobUna carpentry service. jrdo have good credit and a fills rambling rancher with 6 cna-half acre lot, fire alarm 6 ROOM RANCH, carport, clean flopping naaiby but 7 » Mata Streat State n a a te r era. Can 619-6313.______6779. 5-7 p.m. brick ranch, family rooth, Manchaatar—Unusual 7% room rooms, 2 full baths, attached 649-3446. OPENINGS avaUabSe for esf- EXPERIENCED carpen­ Building. batha, steady lob, call on this ont. ayatam, reasonable. Call owner and neat. H acre yard. Bus 3 tight. Safa area lor cl ADVERTISING perieneed department man­ ter. ForbM Inc. Call 649-5893. '{.•louble garage, wooded ranch, 3 or 4 bedrooms, Uvtag Unusual financing. ^ garage and nicely landstuipcd 644-0690. houses away. South Windsor. f i v e SPACIOUS heated rooma, .lot. Mancheater. i ___ Cariton W. Ex(»filent Invastment for,! ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, agers, 6 days, including Sat­ E A S T SID E <3: room with fireplace, paneled lot. OaCl Barbara Babin, Jar­ $15,400. Glenn Roberta Agency, sale or rent. Easily converted r o o m n e a r hath for flret floor, bus Hne, washer- Hutchins,htaa. Realtor, 6194133. dan, family ais« kitchen. Ideal ST. JAMES PARISH—8 room CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS cement floors, garan s, bath- urday. W. T. Grant, Parkada, Fertilixers 50*A dryer connectloBfl, 3195. month­ T O N G R E N a g e n c y vis Realty Oo., Realtors, 61S- Realtors, 644-1521, 644-1387. for winter uee. A m a g MEAT CUTTER man. Parking. 51 High Street. setup for ta-lAwa, $21,900. Wol­ single with new gas heating romns tiled, remodeung. Roof­ Manchester. ly, 6434511. ______, 7 room ranch, 8 badrooma, 314,900—Air condltkmtag, di«K. 1113, Eves., 613-1686. 644-0146. 8 AJW. to 5, P.M. FOR SALE—Good cow manure. verton Agency, Realtor, 619- 648-6821 1764379 unit, siding and aluminum com­ MANCHESTER — Unique aix ing. Call 649-4291. f u r n is h e d r o o m tor rmt, tormal (fining, room, ^ e wariier, fireplace, taiga kltch- IMMEDIATE OPENING fo r Blxpanding. Need one good cut­ 3818. MANCHBISTBR — Alton Street. binations, good condition In­ room Cape, hot water heat, 35 and 310 loada. Delivered. near Main St., I Hasel St., f i v e ROOM flat, eecend Soar, paneled rac room with flra- MANCHESl'BR—6 room Split COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. CARPENTRY WORK-32 years’ dental hygeniat to work Sat­ ter. Top wages. . Also, gardena plowed. 618-7804, £ 2 ? ^ * bedroom ranch, . 7 room Cape Cod, 1 down, 8 side and out. Call owner, days, rec room, oversized garage, Wantfid^^Ssfil Bfitfitt W 619-3170. W WeUs St. Tel. 60-7261, unttl plaoa. Immaculate condi- IOOj^ lot Don’t wait Cariton MANCHESTER — $15,900.. 7 Lavgl, garage, deep land- experience, ceilings, floors urdays Tel. 649-2396, 9-5, TOP NOTCH FOODS 640-878L up, full basement, plastered 649-5180. ave. 649-3813. enclosed porch, excellent loca­ i^ED REAL lOTATH 'aa**. MOKDAT Thni FRIDAV 10:S0 AJM.—AATTTKDAY t AJtL tiled, porches, reo rooms, ga­ Monday through Friday. 6 p.m. ______tl(», outdoor privacy, very W. Hutchtou, Realtor. 6104IM. room Cape, fireplace, formal a garaga, eariy American. Hayes new and comparably priced open 8Uiirway, living room, MEMBER MULTIPLE nwera to ^ la e h « T y ,’' vicinity BlDWELl. HOME Improvement work. Hours arranged to fit NEW LUXURIOUS 1 room breeze way and garage, fam­ homes. An 8 room, 2 level, up- tags, large frontage on two 900. Over 300 other homes for TO WORK AGAIN 1 9x12 Rug flciency. featuring General Agency, 6484808. (jifllng room, kitchen and sale, cottages, farms, and LISTING CaiapMl Avenue, vemon. 875- E -Z LERN Company — Roofing, sidi^. al­ your schedule. All leads fur­ 1 Floor Lamp apartment, carpeted, heat, hot ily size kitchen with .bullt-tas, to-the minute raised ranch. S highways, fine Investment pos­ terations, additions and re­ nished. Must have car. Write water, refrigerator, stove, Electric appliances. Adutta. mg living room with firepiace, 'pantry, 2 bedrooms and sibility. For appointment call acreage. Call Gail Greene, Lots For Sale 73 seen. 1 SmcAer 3125. monthly. MAHOGANY pantfed 15x88 bedrooms, living room with Driving School modeling of all types Excel­ This advertisement is di­ Box B, Herald. washing machine, garage. lots of closet space, walk-out bath, 1-car garage and a Mrs. Shorts, 643.8886. J. Wat­ 742-7092, Wells Agency, 643- 36 Pc. Dtanerware Sat heated recreatum room, patio, fireplace, kitchen with taint- jiice backyard with fire­ FOUND - . Beagle type, male, lent workmanship. 649-6496. rected to women who want Adult couple only. 3100 month­ basement, many extras. Ex­ ins, Ointag .(i. Largq family son Beach A Co., Realtora, 633- 0802. TWO BUILDINQ lotsr prime lo 24 Pc. Silver Set 649-4824 876-1166 garage, 6H room ranch, excel­ place. Central location. Ask­ 3114. cation, city utiUtlea. t^briek Legal N otlo brown and white, tinted black. Obimeetleut’s tornat. auto- to return to business and 18 Yds. Floor Covering ly. 712-8090. ceptional value, at $15,500. room, utility rod- age olaasroom, oldw and they can work a full-time Free storage untS wanted. THREE ROOM heated, fur­ Agency. Realtor, 616-2818. hoiden of Coventry, wttfata and tar FOUND—Beagle, black, brown, 5-day week. ette area, stove and refrig­ nished apartment, Porter FOUR BEDROOM Colonial, J. D. REALTY lot with enclosed breezeway yard, much more, $17,600. ed lots, city water. Hayea the Distriot oi Q rm nervour atudoitB our Free delivery anywhere In Oonn. erator, heat'and hot water, one BOLTON—^Neat 6 room ranch, Hayes Agency, 643-4808. Agency, 648-4808. dV of May. A.D. _ white, male, wearing red col­ WOMAN WOULD like to baby- Street, Manchester, Private en­ paneled family rocmi, kitchen MAIfCsSjSTER — Off Silver and patio, fireplace, oversized Present, Hon. Elmore dalty. lU Center St. aCan- Roofing and Chimneya 16-A Free set-up by our own re­ large unfinished room tor corner lot, no basement. Will Manchester 648-5139 attached garage, beautifully lar. Call Fee Prac^ila, Dog cbester Call for free book­ sit days. Call 876-6984 after trance and driveway, $100 per with bullt-ins, formal dtaing Lfine bus line. 6 room older Judjge. Warden. 64S-8S04. The Manchester office of a 4:30. liable men. Original price for storage, and plenty of closet qualify tor VA. $18,700. T. J. landscaped yard, 5*4 rooms COVENTRY NORTH — Near On motion of Mra. Loulas E let 64S-8BBS. ROOFING — Speclallxing re­ month, incQuding utlHtiea. Con­ room, living room with fire­ home, 100x150 lot, garage, 8 WYLLYS STREET 340 foot nationally known insurance all this merchandise was 3825.46. {pace. Cwivenlent to the Cen­ Crockett, 018-1677. place, 1% baths, attachecigh- with many extras. $18,600. CaU Coventry golf course. 100 acre Minnum. Sbieeutrix, Riptsy Mm pairing roofs of all Unda, new company has an Interesting Some fortunate person can pur­ venient to stores and bus Una. bedrooms, ceramic bath, oil farm, high location, lots of road frontage, 648-7444. Road, OoventiT. Conn., on ihaestata NOTICE la hereby given Oiat ter and bus lines. Garage If rage, $22,900. Phllbrick &en- 318,600 — ATTRACTIVB 3 bed­ Frederick M. Gael, Broker, of Icia K rasrtae Plumw. M e «g roofs, gutter work, chimneya and responsible office posi­ chase it all tor (»ily 3NX). Tel. 649-6725 for appointment. MAN<3HBSTER— Newly paint­ heat, excellent condition, per­ room ranch, fireplace, alumin­ frontage, older 9 room home, Pass BocA No. W4610 issued by desired. Box K, Herald. cy, 646-8461. 648-2682, 64841281. MANCHESTER — Burn­ Oxventry, wHMn said dm rlet. The Savings Bank of Mam- cleaned, repaired. Aluminum tion open in its growing Dogs— ^Birds— ^Pet^ 41 MONTHLY ed, large 6 room ranch, 2 full fect tor young family, 311,000. um atorms, enclosed carport, dairy barn, out buildings, ceased. siding. SO years’ axperienca. VERY NICE large furnlahed batha, 3 or 1 bedrooms, car­ Wolverton Agency, Realtor, ham Street. Wooded building This Court doth daorea that a k diester has been loM and ap­ Motorcycles— ^cycles 11 service department. Air PAYMENTS housekfbping room, all utiUtlea basement, large lot, nice view. LARGE 4 BEDROOM 1960 Gar many potentials. Lawrence F. Free estimates. Call Howley, conditioned, centrally locat­ GROOMINO and boarding, will ONLY 316.98 1% ROOMS, 3112. Includes heat. port, amesite drive, one half 619-2818. rison Colonial, IVi baths, built- Fiano, Realtor, 643-2766. lot 156-420, no impro'vements, montlu be allowed and Umited ta r plication has been made to collect and deliver. H. C. Included, suitable for one or Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 33,200. Owner 643-8887. the credRora at said estat* to s » NEW CH Sportsters, and FLH 643-5361. 648-1763. ed office. Thorough train­ Phone For Appointment Call after 5 p.m., 613-1278^____ acre lot, easy parkway access. 649-0182. in stove, dlriiwariier, ^ acre, Charles Nicholson, 742-6364. hibtt their olaima against the aama said bank for payment of the Chase, Harmony Hill Kennels, two, parking. 272 Main 8t. SPRING VALUES MANCHESTER—6 bedroom lux­ amount of deposit. Duo-glides on display. Used ing will be given to those SAMUEL ALBERT Anxious owners moving out of wooded, 319,900. Carlton W. HILLIARD STREET — B-zone to the Executrix and directa that RAT’S ROOFING CO.—Shingle Bolton, Conn. 643-5427. ra R E E ROOM heated apart­ state, only 316.000. Lawrence ury' ranch on secluded acre BOWERS SCHOOL Area — 6 public notice be given of this IMV motorcycles. Harley-Davldson roofs, g;utters, built-up roofs, who meet the high stand­ Htfd. 247-0358 lot, 2 baths, fuK basement, Hutchins, Realtor, 646-5132. BjT OWNER—5 year old, 5 room lot of record, 50x186. T. J. der by advcrtlsinc In a narwRiaMr Sales, 49 Park Street, Hart­ ards. SEE r r DAY OR NIGHT ment with stove and refrig­ Business LocatloM F. FYano, Realtor, 643-2766. 318,500—six room home on bus room home, living room with ranch, aluminum windows and having a otroala&oa to said roof and chimney repairs, Ray PLATFUL KTITENS need erator for one or two middle Vin Boggini, Bel Air Real Es­ NEAR CRYSTAL LAKE—39,- Crockett, Realtor, 648-1577. ford. 247-9774. homes, some fluffy. Call 643- If you have no .means of Charles Nicholson, 712-6361.- Hne. good condition, fireplace, tormal dining room, screens, lot 100x200, just off trict and by postlnx a oony thenh AnnoimcemeRts Jackson, 643-8325, Ray Hage- aged persons. 643-6016. For Rent 64 tate, 643-9832. large kitchen, 8 bedrooms, 2- 000. Large 6 room house, 2 of on the pim lc slgB poof to saM now, 649-2214. 5028. tran^ortatian, I’H. send my shaded yard. Ellington Rd., Soutti Windsor, Town of Coventry, nearest lha LAWNMOWER sharpening; re­ If you have a good educa­ auto lor you. No oUigaUon BPLIT LEVEL, 7 rootoa, 2 car garage. Marion E. Rob­ finished batfarooma, 8 bed­ tional background, previous FOR LEASE—ExceUent loca- COUNTRY PROPEJRTY Juat near Rockvllle-Vernon town Legal Notice place 'Where the deceased toot K L B lC n tom x sales and serv- pairs, sales, rotor blades whatsoever on your part. baths, fenced Mi aore, walkup 311,000—Six rooms with garage, ertson, Realtor, 643-5953. rooms, attached garage, base Hne, 314,500. Call 644-8398. dwelt. business experience,* like tiem tor doctor's office or over Vernon line. Expandable Certified from Reootd Ica, bmded representative. Al­ riiarpened; bicycle sales, serv­ Radio-TV Repair FLUFFY, housebroken, 6 werics attic, South Windsor. $17,800. new bath, excellent ment. For Information call fred Amell, 206 Henry St., public contact, and can A—I^B —E—R—T’—S beauty parlor. 116 Mata Street. Capa with firepl8u:e and 1 MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, County of Hartford m . ManedMo- ELMORE TURKmOTON. Jndxa ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, old kittens, free. 649-1441. 43-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD You Ought To Live In Completely renovated and am­ Glenn Roberts Agency, Real­ condition, 100x150 lot. acraa near Route 16. Separate owner 875-8296 after 6 p.m. and LAKEWOOD c ir c l e :—Ooloniat- t« r May 7, 1964. Mandiester, 61S-04S0. Services 18 compose your own letters, tors, 611-1621, 611-1337. full abed dormer, fireplace, ga­ week-ends, or phone 648-9544 149 W. Middle Turnpike, 649- OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 ,P.M. ple perking. J. D. Realty, 618- heated building. Too many Cape with center hall, 6 large Taken by virtu* hereof an Ex­ 2098. your inquiry is invited. En­ Beautiful New 316,600—Seven room Cape, pos- rage, (fity water and aewer, from 8:80 a.m. to 4 p.m. rooms, redecorated Hving room ecution to me diracted and MORKESON Paint A Wallpaper CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv- tirely confidential. 6129. CENTER HALL CefiOnial—St. other featurea tor this ad! Ask­ signed by Elvera K. BraslUa Ae- SINGEIR and other make trade- . irible 6 bedrooms, at­ nicely landscaped. Owner 649- with paneled fireplace, formal ARE Y O U IN St(»« now located at 739 Mafai 1962 HONDA MOTOR byke 50 lee, available all hours. SaUs- Articles For Sale 45 James Parish. Porter Street ing 318,900. CaK us to see this 4910. OOVBNTRY Golf course bor­ slstant Clerk of the lith Circuit factian guarantead. CaU 649- in sewing machines thorough- tached breezeway and unusual offering. Ellsworth dining room, paneled family Court Manchester and will be sold Street, State Theater Building, cc, good condition, 3160. Call COLONIAL OAKS area. 8 vears old. 6 large garage, off E. Center ders property, (near Bolton at Public Vendue to the lUghest formerly at S8S Center Street. 1816. We w it be glad to talk with SCRISEINED loam for the best Cy reconditioned by Stager ex­ STORE, 160 Mata It., Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- MANCHE8TER-BOLTON line. room which can be uaed sis or out of after 1:30, 649-6850. perts. May be purchased for rooms, 1'^ baths, huge recrea­ St. line). H5.700. only. Immaculate bidder at 503 East Center Street, 649-9713. you If you will phone 643- in lawns, delivered from our j^ A R T M E N T S 94. tion room with fireplace, bullt- 6630. U A R built 4 bedroom ranch 5 ^ room ranch, 14x20 Hiring third bedroom, 1*4 baths, nat­ Mancheater, Cobn. 14 days from 1161, Ext. 38, for an ap­ as little as 319.96. See large today which will be May 21. 1964 screening plant. Andover Co­ tas, breezeway and attached $16,400—Three bedroom Ranch, on beautiful acre iot. This room, knotty pine pone&ed ural woodwork, large one-car HOT W ATER? LAZT-N RANCH—Pony rides, Moving— Tmcking— pointment. selection today. Singer Sewtag MANCHESTER — Two family garage, on a lovely treed lot, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon lumbia. George H. Grifftag, SMALL STORE tor rent, 118 W. 3-car garage. 336.000 Phil- garage, rec room, % home features a very bright raised hearth fireplace wall E.D.T. to satisfy said execution trail iMes, ridhig lessons, Business Services Storage 20 Inc., 742-7886. Center, 832 Main Street. Phone duplex, 64, 3-sta!lI garage, ex­ and airy plan, abundance of 326,900. Phllbrick Agency, and by fees. 'Thereon the fol­ j 643-8883. Open Thursday till 9. Corner Oak and Spruce St. Middle Turnpike. CaU 619-2989. brick Agency, 610-8461. acre lot, owner trans­ tra large lot. Wells St., one with taxikshelvee, 8 good sized lost 9V C* a day for fail horses boarded, ponies for O ffered 13 hardwood cabinets, counters bedrooms, etu:h with double Realtora, 649-8464. lowing described property: birthday, dnirch and school MANCHESTER Dattvarv. Light DARK, RICH, atone-free loam. ferred. ’ block from Mata. Frank Mott, One Three door Refrigerator and can get yon oat et EVERYTHING in sterilised AUTUMN ST. — Beautiful co­ and closets, 2 baths, 2-car ga closets, hot water heat, full oompressor. One folding Utale. One fairs. Arnold Nelson, 737 Ly- WASHING MACHINES repaL trucking and package dallvary. CAREER position for woman Also fill, graved, sand and 4V^-Ro. Wolverton Agen­ system, convenient to shop­ Agency, Realtora, 644-1521, Clarence B. Foley cleaned and serviced. All work ing arranged. Fully insured. dry cleaning, call office. Apply horse and Bolens 4-wheel parking, completely fire­ ASSUMBALE MORTGAGE—If Deputy Sheriff. Yea, thanks to MoWlhaat transportation? Call 742-7109. sell Street. ern housekeeping. Lakefront. cy, Realtor, 616-2813. VERNON—5 room ranch at ping center, good for handy­ 644-0181. . guaranteed. 6494X166. 649-9658, Joeeph P, Lewis. In person between 8-11 a.m., tractors. Parts and service. proof and soundproof, alum­ you have 32,000. or ao and can —and an ofi-flrad hot water Boating, swimming, fishing. In­ pay 3129. per month, ask us Vemon Circle. Commercial man as some repairs needed, at Swiss Laundry Branch, Capitol Equipment Compeuty, RUGS, never used, 9x12 beige, inum ' windows and doora, spect weekends. Gifts, bro­ BOWERS SCHOOL—7 room full heater of correct oapaelty— TYPEWRITERS — Standard EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ 88 Mata St., Manchester. SPUT-LEVEIj, 6 rooms, family about the terrific ranch we zone. Many possibilUies ta but the price !■ right, $7,600. ing. Wallpaper books. Paper­ Manchester Green. 326 ; 9x16 ruby oriental, 3 ^ ; ceramic baths with show­ chures. Arrowhead Grova Cot­ shed dormer C!ape, 1 or 5 bed-' room, I ’i baths, garage. your family ean take aa Antomobilea F m * Sale 4 and electric. Repaired, over­ Open dally 7-6, Thursday 7-9, I have just over the South Wlnd- growing area. Tongren Agen­ John Ellison Agency, 876-9498. 9x12 gold maharaja. 289-6965. ers, abundance o f Closets, tages, Colchester OI, Connec­ rooms, IVt baths, garage, 316,- Spring St 643-9482. LEGAL NOTICE o f all their waohtng naads hauled, rented. Adding ma­ hanging. Ceilings, noors.-Fully WOMAN wanted 3 days a week. Saturday 7-4. I sor town line ta East Wind­ cy, 648-6321, 87S-SS79. insured. Workmanship guar­ air-condltiontag optional. ticut. 212-9278. 9(X). Phllbrick Agency, 649- RANCH — Custom Bvdtt 6V4 Notice is hereby given of the certification of party-endorsed at one time. NEED CAR? Tour credit turn­ chines rented and repaired. Apply New System Laundry, ^ S STOVE, 330; kitchen tabCe, sor. Vacant. T. J. Crockett, Mom can do the family ed down? Short on down pay­ anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. GORGEOUS Wallpaper murals MM- ______^ COVENTRY — 37,900. Neat and MANCHESTER — Six room rooms, 8 or 4 bedrooms, llvtag- csoididates on the slate of the Republican Party ta the Fourth Pickup and delivery service. 44 Harrison St. 4 chairs, 326; refrigerator, NIANTIC, Pine Grove—5 room clean economy 4 room ranch Realtor. 343-1677. wash, 8ia can do the dlahee ment? Bankrupt? Repoeses If no answer, 643-9043. 4 panels, 35.95 set Also 35 Rent $140 Cape, fireplace, knotty pine dlnlng area, fireplace, 1^ Senatorial District ta the towns of Manchester, East Hartford, Yale Typewriter Service. 649- 3100. Call after 6, 649-4784. cottage, sleeps 6, near water, VERNON STREET - 8 large type home, 11x12 living room at the aame time Junior Sion? Don’t despair! See Hon­ cents wallpaper specials. Latex MANCHESTER—Assume mort­ bedroom, close to all achools, baths, many extras. Cell own­ Wethersfield, South Windsor, Glastonbury, Newington, Marl- 4986. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE paint­ week or month, $65. 61S-6111. rooms, b a r ri 8. Remodeled with stone fireplace and cherry takes Ms bath, and you sd- est Douglas. Incniirfi about low­ WOULD LUCE lady to do up 11 paint 33.50 grallon. Blrge and G.E. DOUBLE oven electric gage and take over payments shopping, church, bus line. 100 er 649-5789. borcxigh, and Rocky Hill, for electloff as DISTRICT DELEX3ATES ing. Tou name your own price. home, over 100 years old. New paneled wall, remodeled to the convention cif said Party specified below. A list of the per­ joy a shower. est d q s^ r a w e s t payments LAWN MOWS1R8, sharpaned pairs of curtains. Call 644-1959. EZ-DU pre-paated wallpaper range and refrigerator. Good heat, paneling, kitchen. Va­ of 3108 per month for this Im­ Delmrmt St., 643-0788. and repaired, aales and serv­ 649-7863. 875-8401. EASTERN COAST Wanted To Rent 68 11x12 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, maculate 6 room Cape, 2 or 3 NO. CX5VBNTRY — Large salt sona so endorsed as 4 baths, HOME (uuididates on the slate of the Democratic T a rty ta the Town of trict. Instructions for filing such a slate of candidates are con­ 643-5135 STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone. service on all types of elec- mowers, 19” , 379.66. Self-pro­ ceptional values from 319.96 at Business Property to build in 1953, now being of­ Ranch that has been custom Manchester, for election as DELBMJATES to the convention CONVENTION ing slate containing the required number of signatures of en­ irons, lamps, drills repaired. TOP NOTCH FOODS tubes, etc. 649-1363. FTVE ROOM apartment, second ary ranch, 6 rooms, 2 baths, rolled Republican Party members ta the town or district, as the 1950 STUDEBAKER, rebuilt en­ 0065. floor, near shopping, on bus Phllbrick Agency, 619-8161. details will pleSse you. Call Jarvis Realty Co., Rt. 83, Congressional Convention Free estimates. Free pickup FLOOR SANDING and reftaish- 1150 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford 2-car garage, over one treed ease may be, must be filed with the Republican Ref^strar of gine, good running condition. and deUvery. 529-3866. tag (specializing in older' line. Call 619-8614. us now. Eves. BIK Boles, Vernon. 649-1200, 875-0626, SPOTS BEFORE your eyes—on MANCHESTER—Two atorei, 6 acre of privacy, full walkout Eves., 640-2616. Notice is also hereby given that a primary wtll be held on Votera ta the town ta which said petition has b ^ n circulated not 742-8420. floors). Waxing fltwrs. Paint-1 your new carpet — remove 649-9858. M o b ilh e a f IT<«8 SOFA, recently sHpeovered, 326. GARDEN APARTMENT. 2 bed­ room apartment plus cement cellar, dining room, kitchen June 2, 1964, if a slate of candidates for any or all conventions later than 4:00 P.M. on May 18, 1964, ta accordance with Public HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Re- tag. Ceilings. Paperhangtag.! COUNTER GIRLS, full or part them with Blue Lustre. Rent with built-lns. A home with a 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4- moval—Cellars, attics, yards. Call Glastonbury 633-1030. room duplex, ta park-like set­ block building 28x88, located COVENTRY-^4,200. Large 6 la filed ta accordance with Sections 9-382 to 9-450, Inclusive, of Act No. 4, General Assembly, Special Session. April, 1964. door, V-8, automatic, good con­ No job too small. John Ver- time. Apply Bonanza Sirloin electric riiampooer 31- Paul's on main thoroughfare. Asking, difference—$24,600. Wolverton room^ Cape, 3 full baths, fire­ Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 8th day of May, 1964. Weekly or monthly lockup. faille. 649-5750. Pit, 287 W. Midd;e Tpke. or ting, conveniently ' located, Gen. Statutes, Rev. of 1958 revised to 1964. dition, 3800 or best offer. Must Paint A WaSlpaper Supply. MOVING — Vermont maple $28,500. Frank Mott, 018-5658. WARREN E. HOWLAND Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. place, garage, full shed dor­ Forma for petitions for filing such can(Udacles by or c« behalf EDWARD TOMKIEL, Town Clerk Harold- Hoar, 649-4034. phone days, 649-1154, evenings kitchen set, round table, 6 heat, hot water, parking, ref­ sell. Call after 5, 649-9375. erences. 643-0978. Realtor mer. amesite drive, easily fi­ of a slate of enrolled Democratic party members of other than SANDING and refinishing— 633-6066. NEW PLASTIC zippers, 6-20” , Captain’s chairs; large 'walnut COVENTRY—Waterfroht para­ I YOU ARE A-1! Truck is A-1! Spring Special—average 9x12 Land For Sale 71 nanced. WIK listen to reason­ party-endorsed candidates may be obtained from Edward F, 1966 CHEJVROLEjT. 8, straight ■ 100 in bundle, as.sorted sizes desk; G.E. console i^ io , ma­ dise, 6 room year 'round home, Cellars,, attics, trash, raall room, 327.50, two coat^v Call 860 Main St., Manchestei; able offers. Lawrence F. Fi­ Morlarty, Democratic Registrar of Voters, 41 Center Street, Man­ stick, good condition, reason­ and (xriors, 37. per bundle. 649- hogany; ' bCond square end 1^ batha, 2 fireplaces, 2-car tnuktag done Aj-1 right! Call 649-3240 now for tree estimate. 9953. ANDOVER — 8 cleared acres, 643-1108 ano, Realtor, M-2766. Charles chester, Connecticut. Instructions for filing such a slate of can­ able. 643-6234. 643-2928, Tremano Trucking Help Wanted— Male 36 table; window exhaust fan; brook, pond, paved road, n.* garage, low tax, beautifully Nicholson, 742-6364. space heater; stepladder; mis­ Glenwood Manor didates are contained in Part I., Instruction Page, of the petition Service. FARMALL cub tractor with 500. Bolton—one acre, founda­ landscaped, price reduced to form, copies of which are available ta said Registrar’s office. AM ID SHADE TREES and Mountain Laurel Bonds— Stocks— DRIVERS for school buses, cutter bar, plow, disc, and cellaneous. 616-3876. tion, septic tank, well, $8,000. 314,800. Call Frederick M. LAKEWOOD CIRCLB-DeSuxe 3968 DESOTO, Flrefllte, 3296. Four, new luxury apart­ Gaal, Broker, 643-2682. 643- 8 room split level ta a vdry Prior to obtaining the petition ,Torm, the consent of each can(U- ALL TYiPBS screens rewired . , Mortgages 31 Manchester-Vernon area, 7:30- spike harrow, lime spreader, Terms. Owner 713-8090. COVENTRY — Beautiful ranch date to be proposed therein plus a deposit of $15.00 for each can­ Call «^-68S6. 8:15. 2:15-3:30. Call 643-2111. ments available Immediately, home, 2 fireplaces, built-in 0281. desirable area. Too many fea­ with Alcoe screening C^l 649- trailer, and blade, 3960. Call didate must be filed with said Registrar. A petition for,an op­ 4633 for free pickup and de­ Wearing Apparel— Fnrs 57 quiet residential neighbor­ oven, 2 wells, full basement, tures to list, but It can't be 1951 O^DSMOBILE .98. 4-door A BSnTEK ARRAMGBIMENT 6194091. posing slate containing the required number of signatures of en­ livery Prompt service. ^ FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT In­ hood. Four Rtaclous* rooms 11.8 acres land. Aaklrig price, BOLTON — 315,900. Older 7 duplicated at the price it is be­ sedan, good ttres. 350. 648- of your finances will make LIKE NEW lady's coat, beige, rolled Democratic members ta said town must be filed with said formation. Construction, other and bath, F ^ c o electric 315,000. Bxcbllent private fi­ room Colonial. I'Vi acres, more ing offered at . . . $35,900. •989. more of your tacfime available STEAMER TRUNK, wardrobe mink collar, size 16. Tel. 618- Registrar of Voters not later than 4:0O P.M. on May 19. J964, ta LAWN MOWERS - Shal^ned tor personal uae Lump debt work projects. Good paying trunk, large leather suitcase, kitchen with combination nancing. Call Frederick M. land available. Immediate oc- three bedrooms. 2^4 baths, etc. and repaired, free ptalTup and overseas jobs with extras, 5716. washer and dryer. Individual WANTED cupaAcy. Lawrence F. Fiano, Call, gladly show you what accordance with Public Act No. 4, General Assembly, Special 1966 PLYMOUTH V-8. automaT- brief case, aU in good ccxidi- Gaal, Broker, 843-2683 or 648- Into one monthly payment of Session, April,, 1964. i Ic transmission. 4-door sedan, delivery in Manche^er and vi­ 322.K for each thousand dollars travel expenses. Write only; tlon. 613-63171 zoned Hydronic heating with CLEAN ^ T E MODEL 0281. Realtor, 643-2766. Charles we mean. T. J. Crockett. Real­ cinity. Russ's/fflower Service, Foreign Service Bueau, Dept. domestic hot water fur- Nicholson. 742-6364, tor 648-1577. runs good, 3100. Call 6434214, tactudtag repayment over five Wanted—To Boy 58 Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 8th day of May, 1964. 6-7 p.m. 742-7607. / yeara BYamt Buike, 216-8831, 369, Bradenton Beach. Dorite. BRACE YOURSELF for a ttirill nldied, air - condiUentag, U S E D C A R S BENTLEY SCHOOL — 6 room Connecticut Mortgage Ex­ the first time you use Blue WE BUT, m L or trade an­ sound and fire reatatant, Cape with attached garage, LARGE five room ' ranch, tile BOLTON LAKE — Chance to h a v e K ilA L L pickup truck— EIXPEKIENCED painters want­ bath, 2. fireplaces, finish^ r ^ EDWARD TOMKIBL, Town Clerk change, 15 Lewis St., Hvrttord, Lustre, to cilean rugs. Rent tique and uaed furniture, china, private garage and atorage tree shaded lot, 8 bedrooms, have your own 4 room year odd jobs. Attics and ed. Steady work for right men. electric shampooer $1. Olcott TOP PRICES PAID dtaing room, spacious living room with fireplace, garage, 'round hoihe. right on the wa­ ^edUars cleaned. R ubU ^ re­ Oonn. .* glass. dOvar, ptetura tramaa area, one year lease. Auto Accessories— ^Tires 6 Call between 6-7, 638-7765, or Variety Store. and old ootaa, old dolls and FOR ALL MAKES room with fireplace, 1% baths, city utHltiee, combination vi^- ter. A steal at 310,900. Wol­ moved. Reasonable. Call 649- SECOND MORTGAGES - On- ai^ly in person H Bayberry WARREN E. HOWLAND dows and doors, aluminum verton Agency, Realtor. 649- 1043. guns, hobby ooUactiooa'. ^ttlo good location, $17,400. Wolver­ OOMBINATTON battery, 6 4 l»d limited funds available for sec­ Road, Glastonbury. TWO 46” ROLL-UP aluminum eontenta or wbola aatataa. Fur­ Realtor 618-1108 ton Agency, Realtor, 640-2818. awnings, amesite drive, nicely 2813. LEGAL NOTICE 12 volt; 2 Chevrolet V-8^rads, awnings, 330. Lavatory sink, landscaped, attic ceiling ex­ RAPID RUBBISH removal—At­ ond mortgages, payments to niture Repair Service Taleott- Carter Chevrolet new valve job, nev^ used:' AUTOMOBILE mechanic want-' STARKWEATHER STREET— haust fan, large attic storage I BAST HARTFORD — Garrison Notice la hereby given of the certification of party-endorsed tics, cellars, and yards. Handy­ suit your buctoat Expedlant ed, experience necessary, good 38; two medicine cabinets, 36; vfile. Conn. Tel. 648-7H9. also, 3 Strongbera^^lTbureton. aervtoa. J. O. Realty. 6134128. 17” Dumont TV, 310. 643-0130. Brand new 4 A 4 flat. Desir­ space, excellent., location. Oolnnial, 3 bedrooms, 1% candidates on the slate of the Republican Party ta the Town of new, never tped^ with mani man service. Call 649-0218. woiktag condititaks. paid holi­ WANTED TO BUY—Antiques MANCHB8TBR-Naw VA room COm lee. Charles Lesperance. 646-7620. baths, fireplace. taiilt-lns, Manchester, for election as DELEGATES to the convention of said 643-7479. days. Atq;>ly AiM ld Harris, able location. Both vacant told COLD8POT air-condittoner, l.i and good used furniture. Vil­ iq)artment with heat, refrig­ Priced at $23,900 . . . mort­ breezeway, attached garage, Party specified below. A list of the persons so endorsed aa can­ Bourna Bulck, JIK., 285 Mata erator, and stove, atorage 1889 Bfala SL—6194888 CHAIN SAW work, trees re­ Business Opportunities 32 700 btu per hour, 3125. Call lage Beddler Auction House, gage of $18,800 can be as­ wooded lot, $22,500. Phllbrick didates is on file ta my office, being the office of the Town Clerk, TWO 75«d4. NARROW white Street. Mancherar. 643-6017. quite ta cellar^ near bus, Manchester Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. aMp^toU tires, used. Oall af- moved, lots and roods cleared, Route 88, Ellington. 875-8711, sumed and we will trade it 41 Center Street, and copies thereof are available for public dis­ Bqb Fluddger, and Son. shopping, and achoola. 35 Con­ ■4- lsr6p.m., 649-8462. also bulldozed. EYee' estimates. CASUALTY ADJUSTER, ex­ WAIKEE-TAIKEE 9 transistor necessary. T. J. Crockett, YOUNG MODERNISTIC tribution. 742-8096. I I gress Street, Apt. K, 390 Realtor, 618-16TT. ‘______COVENTRY — Elxtreraely neat CONVENTION OPPORTUNITY FOR perienced, multiple lines, all Channel 11, 335 tor the pair; WOULD LIKE Cub Scout, Boy monthly. Contact Raymond benefits, car furnished, saHary 6 room Ranch with garage, , Cong^ressional Convention 5-band portable transistor Scout, and Bbcploter unlforma Damato, 618-7001. 649-3063. I Auto Driving School 7-A G A W LAWN Maintenance— AUTO MECHANIC commensurate with exper­ COVB3NTRY — |7,900. Large 7-room Cape, 4 badrooma, Lakewood Heights area, beach mowing, qfMrtag. cleanup, fer- radio, original coat 370, now donated for boys at Mansfield private lot, 1-room ranch, fire­ privileges, year 'round hom e- Notice la also hereby given that a primary will be held on / ience. American Universal In- 2 baths, sunro(»n, nuage, iJtARN TO DRIVE - Special tlUzing, roiling, iptoUIUqg, gar­ 322; portable tube tester, 316. Training Scbool. Please call HEBRON—Four room apart­ For Sale place, oil hot water heat, full (Hty water, sewers. Bowers one of the nicest we've listed! June 1, 1964, If a alate of candidates for any or all conventions 41 VIRGINIA ROAD 1 Sun on Oompany has for aurance Oo., 320 Mata St., 618-1110. ment, beta, beat and hot wat­ attentloa to narvoua and alder- dens plowed. Stapert trorfcman- Mancheater, 619-3866. 6194187. TO PAT BKPAIB AND basement, enclosed porch, high School area, exquisite con­ Full cellar. Assume G.l. mort­ Is filed ta accordance with Sections 9-382 to 9-450, Inclusive, of 1 Ctoasroom for toen-agera. riiip. John Williams, 613-6946, lease two 2-biay 2-lift sta­ er furnished. OaK 613-0016. location, lake privllegba, easily dition, your dream house gage. 313,800. Ellaworth Mit­ Gen. Statutes, Rev. of 1958 revised to 1964. tions in Maitcheater. Mini­ Plclom service. Day or evw- Cyril Guerrier, 429-5846. • PART-TIME Rooms I^thont Board 59 STORAGE OHARCHQB financed. Lawrenoa F. Fiano, for cnly 320,500. Act now, ten Agency, Realtors, 648-6930. Forma for petitions, for filing aUch candldaoies by or on behalf S Roepi Ranch with Plntohcd Rce Rdom •tag leaaooa .. Reasonable ratoa. mum investment .required. Realtor, 61S-2766. Charles Ebcperience not -necessary. Unusual opportunity ta Boats and Accessories 46 A. Foraker M94806, 875-2324. of a slate of enrolled Republican party members of other than I ’• l ■ Manchaatar Driving Academy. FULL LAWN CARE—Lime and SIX ROOM duplex houae, fully Nicholson, 712-6361. MANCHESTER — Modem 6 mu'ty-endoraed candidates may bf obtained from Frederick E. fertiUser applications, crab E^iU 7 week training ^riod* Manchester area for per- [TEM: ONE 1858 Pirnpkkc in Living Room and Rne Room m -73tf. sonabCe men with car, some NEW 16 FOOT TraveCer alu­ tunilahed tor gentlraen, diah- room Garrison Colonial, cen­ Peck, Rmublican Registrar of Voters, 41 Center Street, Man­ grass control, all season main­ available with pay. Finan­ minum boat, 18 h.p. Evtarude waaher, all modern, conven­ SapHi Taab 98.800 - WBLL KBPT 5H room BARROWS & WALLACE ter hall, fireplace, garage. tenance. . Raaaonable rates. cial asai stance available. ccdlege preferred. Willing­ LINCOLN chester, Connecticut Instructlona for filing such a slate of caur ness and ability to work motor; Glastonbury, 688-7991. ience- tactuded, phiB house AND ranch, t badrooms, attractive Manchester Parkade, Bhaded yard. Near all schools. didates are contained ta Part I., Instruction Page, of the petition Three bedrooms,’kitclienr With lot* o f cabinets. C erfi^c tile bath, italrway to P. A G. Lawn Maintenance, For further taformatite' call cleamng aervieea, puktag CONVERTIBLE , dtalnx area, aulvrban. Owner Only 318,500. Hayea Agency, Sun Oil ;Oompany, \ Mias without supervision on self Manchester, 649-6806 form, copies of which ,pre available ta said Regiatrar’a office. 6164067. available. Inquire lOi Chestnut I' anxious. Oarttoo W. HuUfiitaa. 643-4808. attic. Full insulation, cooling fan, plastered walls. Hotwater oil heat with cfBt LEGAL Dondi , 2894291. establiidied schedule Import­ 10 H.P. OUTHOARD motor ta Ninri S«nn Prior to obtaining the petition form, the consent of each candi­ St. after 1 p.m. Realtor, 9691191. iron recessed radiation. Laundiy facilities. Glu'age, amesite drive. All city 0x11- ant. Those accepted can ex­ condition. Phone 619-7119. *LACE:^ MORIARTY S3 ELRO STREET—8 rooms date to be proposed thetota plus a deposit of |15.00 ta r «a(di pect to add 3100-3200. per. BOLTON—^ $116 mooth- ities. Aluminum combination windotj^s w d doon. ExceUent coodition through­ NOTICE FURNlsaiD hght hoiMdDt60D- MathlM naaiW down, > up, firaplaca, oil heat, 8U(di (umdidata must ba filed '^ th said Registrar. A petltton for Household Services month to their present BROTHERS, Inc. '* w a u o d r a t p a a i r - 7 room ly m 9 bed- an opposing slate oontalntag the raqxlrad number of aignaOiras out. Call today to inspect. It’s iKicra light! MOtloe la hereby given that tag room for r ^ tor ana ' Dry WaSa, Capa, anolqjwd hreexeway, ga- 2-car garaga, 315,900. Call 841- roon 150x150 the Saoond Qongn^tional Offered 13-A Help Ranted— Pemue S5 ceme. To arrange for inter­ Bnildins' M ateria 47 only. SIS 0«a(tor Stnat 5888. o f onroUad Republican m em ben in a^d town m iut ba filed with view caU 61M386, . 84:30 tartaUeA-Oal- rac*> Near oohoola, abopptag, lot, Vta Bel Air Real aald Raglatrar of Votera not later to an 4:00 PIM. on May 18, OkUMh, Coventry, Conn., la dis- MaaelMater, fJoaBeettonl Estate, fUBWEAVIMa al husaa. aaotfe A Se a s id e •c o t t a g e this p.m. . CHOMAN’S DSkD Lumberyard FOR RENT—Front room, half bus. Owner. M94171 1064, in accordiance with Public Act No 4, General Assembly, EtoaHiag the aheda to the weal hotoa Ztopaiu repaired. Win­ summer—yours with extra 3$ will be open dally 8 p.m. till xHREB BEDRQOM ranch on QUICK JMARLES LESPERANCE eg Qm oiurch on or after Aug. Mock from Mata' Straat, park­ quiet street 100 yards from Special Qeaslcm April,< lfM4. dow SheoM mede to measure; earned selling Avon OoraetlciT BUS BbYl, fuU or p^-time. 6 p.m „ Saturday 8 a.m .4 p.m. ing. 59 Birah Straat. 619-7Ui. ■dCWNEY 8R0S. Dalai MAT 14,1164 We s t IID B ranch, 5 ^arga VERNON—8 bedroom ranch, OCCDPANCY Any paraons claiming VaaadaB bUnda Kays ill spare time near home. Sub- Apply B onapa Siriota Pit, 387 Aasoitad' 2x8’,'s 2xl,*a and up rooma, I bedrooou, garagq. B ow en School, 90x160 lot. Vln paqeled flreplue wall, book- Dated at Manohaatar, OonnacUaut. ik a 8th day of May, 1084. ' ■ 4 444.7420 to one or naore of " you wait Taps Re- stantial commissions, free W. Middle Tpke., or phone Sheathing pipes, radiators, Sswsnts Oispossl Cs. ahnataiai awnli^. Bogglnl, Bel Air Real Batato, easea, taiUt-ua, eKcellent v i^ ROOM FOR rent, free paiktag, 648-9882. r — — abould flontoet Mra. rwt^liertow*a m training, no experience. Phone days, 619-U61, eventage 688- ainks, and tubs. Yard located man o^y. IM Omtor ItraA Pclaa raidfioad. ue, $14,000. Owner m a m . ]|d w a e d ' A i n Howland pbona 7li-7882. 289-1932. I •066. North Mata. 619-2893.* • o w n . ■smZLram Averaie Dolly Net Preae Eaa For tha Weak Ended Mty f , 18M Oletoir foeSgtot, Mra. AMiert Sheffield. Amerl- peared before the board in Kennedy Fund," and «hOukl Iw ■''i'-fS' oanlam chairman of the Dia- March to request support for swit ter the esrstarm, tsw le Me. About Town abled American Veterana AuX' Wing Okayed tha addlUcti, hut they tabled ac­ Camp Opens -office In the Municipal Build­ 13,974 9M tlel iltary, preaented an American tion and referred the matter to ing. Equipment Should be sent Member of the Audit H m MKtlwn Hal* Jhdiool FTA Blag to Boy Scout Troop 152 the directors . whan it was to the Bast Side Rsc, cw* Bureea of Clroulatten wfll bold • poUuckHonlcbt at at Bowers Scho Pag. M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS of p t a officers, will accepted for the troop, and all which later thle month will ob- strongly supported the requ''!it. mlttss to r the Kennedy dim ­ located on a knoll at Globe TOL. LXXXm, NO. l®t (TWENTY-BIGHT FA6BB—TWO BICTIONE) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY IS, 1®«4 MkHr. the scouts were presented with aerve its 46th anniversary a t its noUng, ‘‘Club members have mer Day Can^k for Retarded HoUow, will be completed after flag etiquettes. Main St. Bite, last night won been kept waiting for le Oiildren met last night in the Memorial Day, and plana have Tkm MafHinaei Society will conditional acceptance from the time on the question . . . While Municipai Building to further already been made for the erec­ boM tta SOth annual banquet Memibers of the carnation de- board of education for its re­ the matter has been through a plans for tha canm'a June 28 B m ta j at 1 p.m. at Roaemount 'grea. team of John Mather quest to erect a 21 by 28 foot good many hands.” opening. tion of a large shelter. Events IMatanrant, m te n . M om and ChajHar, Order of DeMolay, will Mikling addltiim. Atty. Collins, the kme object­ Camp Director Harry F. The camp will be dedicated Robles Panama President, boeea will be played after the reheam at 7 tonight in the Voting 9 to 1 in favor of the or to the building addition, Smith announced that i^plicii- with appropriate ceremonies at dtanar, and there will be small lodge room of the Masonic request, the board at tha same called for tabling the question tlcns for campMB, age 6 years 2 p.m. on June 28, with volun­ Nixon’s. Nebraska '■ Vote from 4 to 8. Tboae In- Temple. time expressed reservations on pending "a report from the su­ and iq>'(to no age Umit), are teer counselors and campers FOR In State tareatad In attmuUnt may con­ the idea of any long-teim Jesse perintendent on the whole ques­ now avallaMe at the East Side present for a day's outing. Arias Claims Vote-Fraud tact Patar Urtmnet^ 812 Main There will be a committee for .the club, on the grounds tion. It seems to me this is the Reo at 22 School S t He urged Globe Hollow Swimming Pool St, for reaervationa meeting for the SOth annual that the clubhouee property wrong location for a club that parents to get their i^yplications will be open that day, and In­ banquet of the htMlianese So­ might someday be needed for serves liquor,” hs said. filled out and returned as soon dications are that the new Cosmetics PANAMA (A P )— Gov­ FBI Claims Man win be rehearsals for ciety tomorrow at ^.m . at the school use. “nie fact remains,” answer­ Supt. of Schools William H. ed Glenney, “that they are as posslbls. $36,000 Globe Hollow Bath­ ernment candidate Marco tha ohoruB and ^wcial acta of Italian American Club. Smith revealed that sf^lica- house will have been completed ITS Assaulted Agents Holds Down Barry Win Om variety show tonight and Curtis pointed .out that two serving liquor and wiU con­ A. Robles is Panama’s new f factors might make a future tions have been turned In by 9S by that day. tomorrow at 8 p.m., and a full The Golden Age Chib will tinue to do so, whether we ai>- vedunteSr oounselorS, 33 for full­ president-elect, on the basis Holding Brother draaa rebaaraal at 8 p.m. Thura- sponsor a card party Thursday Jaycee President board desirous of the clubhouse prove the addition or not.” land at the southwest comer of time duty and 60 for part-time. of nearly complete returns. Second Congregational at 1:30 p.m. in the club room W. Craig Heston of Haney The 800-member chib will He said that he anticipatea Uggetts The pre-election favorite, ChiUBh. The show is being on School St. Refreshments will Dr., Vernon, was elected presi- Main and Forest Sts. observe its 45th ‘ aimiversary DANBURY (AP)—Two ^Moaored by the Ooiq>lea Club be served, and the public Is '^ent of the Manchester Jaycees The first is the possibUity May 18. ‘The structure was buUt that there will be three camp ex-President Amulfo Arias, Sizable Vote that the proposed bypass of Rt. sessions of tW o-w e^ each, if ' wGdiiMday At Th« Parkada agents of the Federal Bu­ ef the diurch. welcome to attend. last night. He has held the of­ in 1818 for the use of Worla denounced the outcome as a reau of Investigation were fice of external vice president 6 would go through part of War I veterans. Members have enough campers are registered. MANCHESTER “most scandalous fraud.” Sunset Rebekah Lodge will for the past year, and is a spe­ Charter Oak Field, thus de­ stated the addition would be ‘The last session will end on assaulted yesterday while For Rocky in stroying the space now used by Atig. 7, '■ special Retunu from 1,080 of the 1,144 observe Assembly Officers cial agent for the Utica Mutual used solely for needed addition­ precincts gave Robles an 11,066- arresting a man wanted for Night at 8 p.m. Monday at Odd Insurance Co Bennet Junicu- High School for al storage space. Smith announced that the an athletic field. camp has received two more .vote margin over Arias—124,830 desertion from the U.S. Ma­ West Virginia CHICKEN FelloMna Hall. Reservations, David H. Cumins of Ellington, Put to vote on a motion by to 118,764. With seven candidates which cloae Friday, may be an insurance agent with La- The second factor. Dr. Cur­ Glenney, the question was pass­ gifts; a 24 by 36 tent, donated rine Corp. by the locally based 160tfa Mili­ in the field, Robles got about 40 The FBI said that the agents BAR-B-Q made by contacting Mrs. Alice Bonne - Silverstein Associates, tis said. Is that the school is ed favoraUy 6-1, with CoUins BANANA per cent ot the total vote. WASHINGTON ^AP) — Inc. of Manchester, was elected slated as part of the proposed tary Police Battalion; mMl a were arresting Robert Liongo, (To Be Served Inalde) Wetherell, 38 Florence St. opposing. Arias claimed official figures 20, when they were attacked by Sen. Barry Goldwater was external vice president, Wayne Downtown Urtian Renewal Proj­ trailer, donated for use during YES releued by the BlecUon Tribu­ UNITE DMIBTOOMST S t Bernadette's Mothers Cir­ Manchester of Vernon, a senior ect and the land might be need­ the camp's 6-week operation, Robert’s brother, Paul. the top vote-getter in Tues­ OBUROR *BANiO BOXY* HIT BREAD nal were spurious and said the Paul Longo, about 34, of Dan­ cle will meet tomorrow at 8:15 engineer with Pratt and Whit­ ed for It. NEW YGRK (AP)—A painting by the Vernon Mobil Homes people would not tolerate viola- day’s Nebraska Republican Route 44A. — Bolton p.m. at the home of Mrs. John ney, division of United Aircraft The clubhouse stands on land Park of Kelly Rd., Vernon. bury, was charged with assault­ of a Negro slave, Banjo Billy, NO. 2 tlon of their will. He gave no In- ing, resisting, impeding and In­ presidential preference pri­ SATUROAT MAT IMh O’NeU, 42 Murray Rd., South Corp., East Hartford, will be deeded to the town by caieney in a new bank’s mural has The tent will used for ^catlon of personal action to Sttllags a t 8 and 8:80 PJlf. Windsor. Mrs. Eldward Wilson Internal vice president; Arthur Bros, in 1944 and leased to the sheltered picnics, and the trail­ terfering with agents of the mary, where he was the drawn protests from the Con- Each challenge the results of Sunday's P’S! in performance of their only candidate listed. But Adults 81-7B and Mrs. Henry Skelly will be Guinness of Manchester, own­ club for $1 per year. The pres­ grem of Racial Equality. er for an office for the staff 49e voting. OUldrea under 12, $1.00 eo-hostesaes. er and manager of Dictation ent lease has five years to run. and allied nursing and medical MANCHESTER duties. he ran into a strong tide of The 160-foot mural by Edmond Col. Boilvar Vallarlno, com­ He was released under $5,000 For leaei'vaHoMa call; Mrs. Systems, secretary; Edward G. Though the school board has James Fitzgerald, titled "An attendants. mander of .the 8,000-man Na- write-in votes for former Ldnne Lodge, Knights of Bates of Manchester, an engin­ no jurisdiction over the land. at aR bond after a preliminary hear-, Mildred OoUanlder 648-1888 Historical Pageant of Long Is­ Smith said that interested Uonal Guard, was expected to Ing before lt.8. Commissioner Vice President Richard M. or Mrs. Mjynm Lee 648-1868. Pythias, will meet tomorrow at eer with the State Highway De­ Dr. Curtis said. General Mana­ land,” is in the main office of persona may donate either NEEDS take decisive action against any 8 p.m. at Orange HalL partment. treasurer. . ger Richard Martin Indicated he mayroh*s Robert H. Alcorn in New Haven Nixon and others. the Jamaica Saving Bank in materials or money toward the violent protests by Arias sup­ today. A final hearing before! The Arizona senator barely Elected as directors to the would bold up permission for a Queens. camp's d|>eratlon. Contributions porters. Vallarino generally la board are Norman M. Holmes building permit until learning Both Fitzgerald and the bank bake shops IT! the commls.sioner was set for failed to get the majority of of the Holmes Funeral Home, of money Should be made out to considered ar oj^n en t of Arias May 27. votes his supporters had pre­ the sentiments of the board. disclaimed any IntentiMi to de­ ‘Town of Manchester for Camp and is blamed by the ex-presi­ Manchester; John Cummings, A letter from Victor L. Arm­ The FBI agents involved in dicted before the election. With an agent with Liberty Mutual mean the Negro. dent for his ouster from office all but a few precincts report­ strong, club secretary, which in 1941 and again in 1961. the incident were identified by Life Insurance Co., Manches­ requested the board’s support the F3I as R. Ronald Bell and ing, Goldwater had 48.8 per cent ter and Robert F. Cowley, an The Natlonar Electoral Review of the vote While Nixon—who in was read by Atty, William B. Junta will meet Saturday to Clarence L. Smith Jr., both as­ adjuster with the same com­ Collins. signed to the New Haven office. 1960 had the presidential nomi­ PAINT A WALLPAPBl STORE pany. begin a scrutiny of election doc­ nation Goldwater seeks this year Club members originally ap- uments for any. irregularities. The authorities said that Paul, described as a tall man —had a little more than 31 per It was generally expected that cent. the junta’s findings would not weighing 270 pounds, attacked NowLoraftdat the agents from behind after Ooldwater's major announced appreciably change the results. rival for the nomination, Oov. Juan de Arco Galindo, who they had taken Robert, 20, into custody. Nelson A. Rockefeller ot New AMERICAN LEGION MARCO A. ROBLES ran far behind in 3rd place, also York, polled a sizable vote in questioned the official figures. Robert, the FHI said, escaped the uncontested West Virginia President Robert Chlari's gov­ from the agents but was pick­ preference primary. 739 ernment took stringent precau- ed up again early today at his Rockefeller had no write-in home. MAIN STRICT Uons against voting frauds. It compeUtion because such votes Strawberries Both Sides Protect was these new safeguards which Charles Weeks, special agent are not counted In West VIt- delayed the final count three in charge of the FBI office at g;inla. days. New Haven, said Robert was ] Returns from 1,804 of Nebras­ #«9IUIV IIIWTwi Bach of the 19 parties had one wanted as a deserter from his ka’s 2,148 preclncta gave Gold- man and the National Electoral unit in the Second Marine Di­ water 56.578 votes. Tile write-in R vIM liig 8BINGO O’CLOCK-LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. Tribunal two at each of the 1,141 vision at Camp Lejeunc, N.C. U.S. Doctore in Viet votes went this way: X.040 for voting stations. Travel was pro­ Weeks said that Robert was Joan Merriam, San Diego’s globe-trotting aviatrix, waved, right, at start of Nixon, 18,994 for Ambassador returned to his unit early to­ T d . 649-9713 NEXT WINTER hibited on voting day, except her 27,800-mile round-the-world flight from Oakland, Calif., March 17. At Henry Caiiot Lodge, 1,979 for EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT By W. JOYlfBS MAOFABLAHf Savage, 47. father of W cM for cases of proven emergency. day. left her wave was more pronounced on her arrival yesterday from Hbwaii and Rockefeller and 1,012 divided WABHINOTONtoA«HTMOTON (ro gunmen seized hie wife Flight Along Study Amendments REFRIGERATOR h S ui eerrlo* eurgoon Just M ebe M t on the front pomSi rolled up a substantial 'writo-ln DOWN hMa fm B eoir in a Viet Nan Re said ttw Of DeCaulle ot the BycMtowskl home.fotved ______vote in Nebraska. With 1,771 la aimed p ilp a iS tf at.helping preclncta reporting, he had iR ggiel. wealito't - dare walk her Into the house, and tied her Farh^rt Path■* WASHINOTCN (AP ) —AttyAproposed changes, with only a Up To S Team tu tn ^ Central Park at night, thouaudi m HS43UB, Netherlands up. Then they ransacked two 46,122 votes. Gov. Frank Morri­ In Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said final look at the exact language son had 1,873 write-in votes, 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE but I Arove around Da Nang a t (APJ-^FVSifB foinietare of the bedrooms and fled with the loot. G.AkiAND, Oellf. (AY)— remaining. He expressed hope To Pay! night.” between the Its vahie was not inunedi- today there ts still a lot to be Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy iunlat' Viet Cong and the North Atlantic JTreaty Grganixa- "Thislis is a hlo flight be dUficult. D-Minn., floor manager of the No Darrosting Ever art B. McNamara held a final ified .^eurgeem he would have U.S. Secretary of State Dean lative campaign for 1964 la <9- that traced most of the original MU, told newsmen there still round of talka with U.S. mili­ died. Rusk avertsd a pubUc clash be­ poaitiem to President Johnapn’ji route charted by Miss Eartiart "We are not going to accept any changes that would destroy are three or four areas on A modem refrigerator-freezer with no defrosting tary ottlcialB in Saigon today “We are robing the peasant tween Spaak aM F'rench For- proposal for a federal eocial se­ in 1927. which complete agreement has Bulletins under heavy guard. who has no other source of med- elgn Minister Maurice Couve de curity health care plan. The mechanical difficulties the effectiveness of the bill,” he said. been reached. CaU«d from AP Wiraa ever is all you need for a job well done.' For perfect Before leaving by plane for I ical service and it Is appre-1 MurviUe Tuesday at the open- Dr. Ji^nes P. Hollers of San that troubled her twin-engine Among the pointa yet to be Washlngton, McNamara w as! elated. When you travel in rural ing of the ministers’ annual Antonio, Tex., said the adminis­ plane throufb most of the globe- Earlier Sen. Everett M. Dlric- freezing and storage in one section. For perfect day- sen of Illinois, the QGP leader, resolved, he said, is whether a also to meet with Maj. Gen. areas. . .you can hear "Bac t i , ' spring meeting. tration plan — the King-Ander­ circling flt^ t remained to en- federal commission to prevent to-day food keeping in the other. Nguyen Khanh, South Viet bac si,’ on all sides. It means Rusk stopped In Brussels en son bill — would establish "a had told newsmen that a full HAMILTON BABSO DOBS Nam’s strongman premier, to | doctor in English, and you can route to The Hague and report- vast and irreversible federally (See Page Sfatteen) accord had been reached on discrimination in employment NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP), review the general military, po- hear it everywhere you go. edly persuaded Spaak to lay administered program provid­ should be empowered to initiate — Novelist Hamilton Baaao, Your participating dealer hot the model right now compliance suits. Dirksen haa llUcal Md economic sltuaUon in I "You turn around and see a aside a speech atUcklng Oaull- ing health eerrices for a large proposed that suits could be 58, died today in Oraoe New the Communist-beset country. i former patient, all smiles. He ism and all it means for the al- segment of the population—'ir­ Haven Hospital. A native of -.-11, 1 1 to fit your home, your budget) and your family require­ brought in the first instance No Important new recommen- greets you, and says surely you liance. respective of ne^. ’ only by the person claiming he New Orleans, Baaeo wee the ment. If you'd like, soy you wish to pay comfortably dations on the war against the remember him. You stop and Today the 16 mlniaters met Hollers, in a prepared talk to Case Asks Senators had hem discriminated against. author of such noveto ea ‘Thn Communist Viet Cong were ex- think twice. Tben you see a scar with OPly two aides present for the annutil m eting of the Con­ by the month. * However, Humphrey said he View from Pompoy’s Head,” pected from McNamara’s 80 - 1 you recognise, or maybe it le a , each of them. The adm waa to necticut State Dental Assekda- thought an agreement could be and "TIm light Infoatc]r tlon, said the plan "would make BaU.” He made hie home In (See Page Sixteen) (eeu Page Eleven) neither professional nor eco­ Reveal Baker Links worked out. (See Page Twelve) The objective is to develop a OoMMcttont. Baaeo wee ed- nomic senae because It would ’ - 4 udMed to the hoepMal Mon­ set apart an entire age group, package of amendments that will win the support of the re­ day. A Tulane UntvereHgr wy.l'jsfp.qnw' regai^leas of need.” WASfflNGTOK (AP)—Chair-#Ca»e ui^ed that aach senator be graduate ki 1926, Baaeo weni man B. Everett Jordan, D-N.C., asked if he ever had had any quired two-thirds m ajority-97 (See Page Nine)' dismissed today as “the height business or financial dealings votes if all 1(» senators vote— to woito as a reporter for tha of demagoguery” a request that with Baker or had received to invoke the cloture rule to New Orlenne TrUmne and la- his Senate Rules Committee in­ campaign contributions or any­ limit debate. tor for two other aewspepere thing else of value from him. The principal amendments la that city, the Item and tha vestigate the relations of sen­ 'Tiinee-Ptoayuae. He later be­ 7 . ators with Bobby Baker. "No Investigation of Bobby would revise the sections ban­ The request was made by Baker can have any real mean­ ning discrimination iby employ­ came a copy writter tor an News Tidbits Sen. aUford P. Qise, R-N.J., in ing without an Investigation of ers and labor unions,and by pri­ advertUIng agency, hot r»- signed hi 1982. and becama from the AP Wires urging the ccmmtttee to "get to the relations of members of the vately owned establishments of­ the, bottom” of the Baker case Senate with Bobby Baker,” Case fering food, lodging and enter­ an aeeooiate editor of the New and not treat members of the, said at the stormy hearing. tainment to the public. RepiMto and the New Torfc- senate as ”a privileged class.” South Viet Nam government In an Interview later, Jordan The power of the attorney gen­ After Baker had resigned un­ said "I think it would be. ah in­ eral to bring Injunction suits announces Dang Sy, a former der fire last Oct. 7 as secretary ASKS NATCyS HELP major whose troop# fired on sult to senators” to t the Rules would be curtailed and' states to the Senate's Democratic ma- Committee to ask them the that have their own, laws in THE HAGUE, the Netber- Buddhist demonstration In Hue jorlty, the committee latch e d questions proposed by C^e. these fields would be given ex laads (AI*)—^Turkey today last year, will go on trial May an investigation of whether his demanded an immediate halt 18 in Hue . . . Air Force, reply- He said Case’s testimony had elusive jurisdiction over com­ outside business dealings had amounted to “a blanket, Indict- plaints for a limited period. to violence en Cyprus and Ing to questions from congres­ conflicted with hia official du­ told the North Atlantie Now-Kelvinator has thelanswer for growing families sional committee about use Of ties or Involved other impropri­ (See Page Mxteon)' (See Page Three) Treaty Organization meeting obsolete planes in South Viet eties. here It would accept an Allied Thf now Trimwall ihrtt thoiii Y o u get a ll th is co n v en ien ce ft>r Nam. says that of 72 planes in Baker, who built up a fortune operation two may have crash­ solution for the Island's fu­ operating costs that are far below m he estimated at more' than $2 ture. Foreign Minister Fert- iwlea tilt sterago apaeo in ed because of mechanical fail­ million while on the Senate pay duni Erking of Turkey, other similar-sized frostless refrig­ .TRIM WA U ure. roll at $19,600 a year, invoked ABC Netwdrk^ CBS 'News speaking to a seerot seoaion the Mma floor tpaea as thair Canadian Foreign Minister his Fifth Amendment protection NATO foreign ministers, erators. And Kelvinator’s exclusive First basic advan^in refrigerator Paul Martin has told North At­ against possible self-incrimina- brought up the bitterly oon- lantic allies that Canada noay tion and refused to answer ques- To Boycott Emmy Awards prttairt rafrigaratar-and tha new Trimwall construction pro­ cabinets ifl 50 ynrs! troverelnl Issue which threat­ gvwpvawlecogalse Communist I - - China------wss«ii,tions vwssvw when •• called as •a witness. I; ens to splinter the alliance’s •••••8a^*^*8eaee*«ae**a8*«ee*8«a*«8a« Trimwall kaaps tfwlr faad truly vides safer storage temperatures next year. . . . Rose Kennedy,.' xt a hearing Tuesday of the southeast flank. Persons who mother of late President John Rules Ctommlttee, thrown open NEW YORK AP — The<^arp making this announcement attended the meeting said he and makes ,the cabinet stronger No F. Kennedy, will attend rally at to the public at the last minute, American Broadcasting Co. and noW in answer to press queS' TrifflwaB bonds Inilds m M. inktdn offered to aceSpt |a solntlon safa at tha lowast *’No-Froat" foom insuWion tad ontiUn wtU Mn .'I University of North Carolina the news division of the (Colum­ Uoiip,” he said. for Cyprus within the NATO and more dent-resistant. Come see s linilo, M)Ud unNl Sunday to accept eontrlbutlons bia Broadcasting System, de­ Hie first announcement Tues day came from Fred W, Friend framework. The iaeue la bo- •pirating cost. As your family this remarkable new advance! • < from North Carolinians to Ken­ Racial Fait Ends nouncing television's Emmy hen died now un de^ a Unitoa You III twko tbo ipoet bnido, la Iko nedy Memorial Library. awards, aay they'll boycott the ly, president of CBS News, who Ni^ians reaolntionj , . . grows, your food needs grow. But tamo eoor tpsco, at Mhintlon kudi Defrosting.,, Mra. Vincent Aetor haa "esc- awards program May 25. called , the awards “unprofes­ lOyodraiiol For White iRector The National Broadcasting sional, unrealistic and unfair. " j your Idtdien doesn’t. That’s why SubseiiNrs ti Bn Saturday Ev8hIb| • preased her intention” to give "Although they purport to be BXXHXRT CUBA BAID piwt of the Astor Femclltt. Co., which will televise the Em­ MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — A Kelvinator designed the Trimwall Fmh-food lowptrtinont Is cMs-SMor, ' PHILADELPHIA (AP) -^The my show, was the only tel­ the best judgment of the tele­ Past an# Ladles’ Heme Joaraal aatate in Rhlnebeck, N. Y., to vision industry about Its own "very oucceosful” commando- skockpraol. acM-rotMonl—wHhout s the Roman Catholic archdiocese Rev. Clayton K. Hewett, a v ^ te evision network maintaining full min to jive you 17 cubic feet of storage may already have won in Kelvinaior’t lisflt crack or cravko to ctoont ■ Ever Episcopalian rector, has ended support ot the awards by the beat work,*' he said, "in reality type attai-k on a sugar • - of New York, a church apokea- an 18-day hunger strike. National Academy of Television they are the end result o( pres- ' wao reported today by an an- in the same floor space your old- I Trimivkll Sweepstakes. 10^,08^ prizesl .1 Oporattoi cMis tor KoMaator ‘Tto- man says. . . . Annual conven­ The Right Rev. Rober L. De Arfs and Sciences. , sure, politics, and in ithe egae of tt-Caetro action group bore. I Nothing to buy I Just b rin g s your oou- \ Frost," which tirasdy wsrs Ihs towosl, tion of Protestant Epiacopal Witt, bishop of the Pennsylvania Both CBS News and A ^P news, lack of profesiiional judg­ Tbo Bovolutloiiary Beeuper* a^bic-foat refrigerator occupied MS now 20S tosw, htsid on coaiasr- dloceae of New York defeato by ment.” atton Movemssit, banded bir iponfrom • recent Sat.^ve.'P ost o t \ ohltcopocMosI m Episcopal diocese, announced said Tuesday their staff mem- before. And that’s just the start of 1 wide margin a resolution sup­ (he end of the fast shortly after ben would not appear on the He said the 27 categories "are Manuel Artime, eald toe at- Ap^LodHsf* Home Journal. First prize: porting proposed oonstltutlonal the Rev. Mr. Hewett, rector of promra to accept awards. outrageous Insofar as news toek OMSured on , b Mg um$, the advances in this remarkable Twnporabirts to both rahliMstor lad amendments to Invalidate Su­ the Episcopal Church of the Twenty'Mve ABC ehowe and elx broadcasts are concerned.” ar ndU at Puerto Pllon, a* $2S||000 plus a Rambler iratnr art always iust il|M, m Srdlssi Halt atdlWoHhHaU Dollar preme Court’al ruling i against He added; "The very feci . tefrigerator. You never have to de- at raom lomptrsturasl Atonement in suburban Morton, CBS NWS shows are I nominees. eouthem eeaat of Ortoafb' Ambassador and 10' od« I bIb iu oompuleory Bible reading and was dUcharged from a hospital. ABC charged that toe awards that many companies, Includliig Prevtoce, the sdatemronet. to prayer recitation in public at least one network, pay for idlngatator I^the freezer. Kahdnator Appliances. y The Hartford Electric Light Com pany StB' BTB n The bishop told newsmen the were not determined! "on. the OuBa. Oetalls wTa oomtog to acboola.^ 87-year-old rector had agreed to meriU of the programe.” memberahlps of their emMoyee « .;\* e aMaek''aad wto to ___ IIB raotB TWnpdntvna at m Begrewi Thomae W. Moore, .preeldeot and their exleU a( l e a s t ^ un- Hndm‘*^U be Baked to returji the half shau with tha numbelisd ;tag for SO end the fast becauae Oov. Wil­ conscious obligation on U9 pert Mato ptotte totes at a mmm nceidadioa s4ri« of XU6 rocket liam W, acmnton'a intervention of ABC-TV, eald toe network aealeeMMe bate "effi to Bmi KBLYINATOR REFRIGERATORS START AT aanta reW B id. Tho experiment pointa to mopa' informBtloQ about the i^w th Blaao as It prbbea for Infonna- haa bean reeppoMhie ier the ap- had planned to delay ghnounca- of aeaagr meoiben to voto not ______' ^ \ I ■ rm imm-emB m m emm g ix T X n e n d mare and batt« New Saglaiid tlam ahewdar. 4km mi ek-IM etkm prnbUwMi ■MMt

X ^ j