Co111 piled by Al\TNE MADISON w ASHING·roN


Al.ICE COL'LD s1:.\'ER BLAST HIS HOSOUR, ASD l:SVY MAOJ:. Hl~t A SISGUI.AR 1-:XC:f.PTIOS TO tff.R USIVERSAL RL'I.E. FOR Hl~1SEI.F HE HAI> 1.IVF.O l:SOUGJf, TO 1.11·1: ASO TO GI.ORY. foR HIS 1--1:1.1.0•·-c_rTIZf.SS. 11-- Ttff.lR rRA'\.ERS C~OUI.D HAVf. BEf.S Ass•·t-:RED. HE •·oul.D tfAVF. Bf.ES ·~•~tOR• ·r Al.••.• Hts EXA~trl.E IS so•· (:O~tfll.l:Tf.. ASO IT •·11.1. TEACH •·1s00~1 ASD \'IRTUF. TO ~tAGIS­ TRATES, CITl7.F.SS, ASO ~ffS, SOT OSI.Y IS THI: PRl:.SEST AGE, Bt:T IS 1.-l'TL'RE GESERATIOSS, AS I.OSG AS Ot:R tilSTOR 'i StfAl.l. BE READ.

joHS ADAMS ( 1799).


~compiling the follo\\'ing list, c,·cry ctfort \\'3S m;idc to include all I the living Jl-sccndants of the ~,;ashing ton f ;imilit.-s. Gcne;ilogical charts \\'ere distributed bv. the United Stitt.-s Gt.-orge \~';ishington Biccn- tcnniil Commission to all persons known to cliim membership in these f imilies, requesting informition to pro,·e the authenticity of the claim. Also, notices ;ippc:ired in the press ~liciting n;imcs of Jc~endants. E,·ery chirt received w;is carcf ully cximincd by experts. \X'hcrc a chirt wa~ found to be :iuthcntic, the nime was included in this list: otherwise it was not accepted. ~'c wish to point out thit everybody w3s ~ivcn an opportunity to prove his or her membership in the \X' ashington f ;imilics. In those in­ stances where people failed to send in their ch.irts, \\'e hid nl' basis of de­ termining whether or not they were eligible; in those instances where we found the charts to be inaccurate or unauthentic, the names were omitted. At this point it might be well to call attention to the fact that this list of descendants does not include any other than the \X' ashington lines­ of Westmoreland County, Virginia; Lawrence Wash­ ington of \t'cstmoreland County, Virginia; and John Washington of Surry County, Virginia. This list which numbers 9 5 8 names is the most complete list of its kind ever compiled. We feel it will be of tremendous value to students of genealogy and to patriotic societies, as well as of great general interest. The original genealogical charts from which this list was compiled mav. be referred to at the librJrv. of this Commission. The work of compiling this list has been conducted by the United States Bicentennial Commission under the direct supervision of Miss Anne Madison Washington, great-great-great-grandniece of General George Washington and a direct descendant of John , full brother of George ~, ashington.

SoL 8LOO~f, Dir,~c/or.



Ak,undcr. Ch.1rle1 8. ; Ri~h.ud A. Alcx..1ndcr; -~ John Augustine W urungton; : Julia Linc Buder Bushrod ( S2) 'I 0 Alcx.anc:kr. Cha.rlc, 8., Jr. : Ec:c: lnton, : Ch.1rlc, Butler Alcx.indcr: : W I John Augustin~ .ishingion; I ~t.1rg.1rct S. Mou . H.1nn.1h Buihrod ( S2) I j ' New York Cit )0 ~· i F. Alcx.andcr; ' ~ John Augu,tinc 'I'.iihington; Emil)· Pot rcr H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) ! , Cl.1rk,bur,c. \l;'. \' J. Rich.ird A. Alcx.1ndcr; 0 John Augu1tinc W .ishington; Juli.i unc Butkr Bushrod ( S2)

I· ~cw York Citv• I ~• Font.1inc Alcx.indcr; ~ John Augustine Washington; I Emily Pot ,~r H.inn"' Bushrod ( J 2) ' ' 0 Alcundcr, l.ntcr Barr ~l.irtin,burg. \l;'. \' .1. John AuKUstinc W .uhington; I Ir Hcr~n Alexander; ( ! , M2ry B2rr H.1nnui Bushrod ( f 2) I Akx.1ndcr, Marv. Ltt j Hcrbt-rt Ltt Alcx2ndcr; • John AugustiM Washington: Mary B.irr llJnn.ih Bulhrod (S2) Alcxlndcr,. Riclurd A. 1 B.iltimorC',. ~tJ. William Font.tine Alcx.1ndcr; • John AugustiM W.ishington; i Emily Potter H.innJh Bushrod ( S2)

Alcx.1ndcr. Willi.1m Font2inc I. ~cw York Cin·. Richard A. Alex.1ndcr; • John Augustine Washington; i I Juli.1 Lane Bud~r HJnn.ih Bushrod ( S2) Akx2ndcr, Wm. Fontain~. Jr. i D.111.u,. Tcx2s 'W'm. Font.tine Alcx.indcr; 0 John Augustine Washington· Emily Potter H.inn~h Bushrod ( S2) Akx.andtt. William F .• }d l Eccleston, Md. 'Charle, Butler Alexander; ., John Augustine Washington; H.1nn2h Bushrod ( f 2) I M.irgar~t S. Moss Akx.1nckr, Fontaine I Ch.1rlcs To\\•n. '«'. V .1. Fontaine Alci..indcr; ') John Augustine Washington; Ann Catherine Henkle Bushrod ( S2) ', Asbury. CharlN Horace ( Squire Asbury; 0 W ~shington; t M.1ry Eliubcth Washin~ton Mildttd Thornton ( S 1)

Asbury, Charin V ~rnon Chari~ Horace Asbury; -> 5.amud \i'.111hington; Mildred Thornton (SI) Asbury, Don21d Post F.111,. Idaho Charles Horace A1bury; 0 ~mucl \l'.uhin,tton, Mildred Thornton ( S t)

Asbury, Ernnt Washington Post Falls, Idaho Ch.irlcs Horace Asbury; I) S2mud Washington; MadrNI ~nton ( s 1 )

Asbury, George Philip Post Falls, Idaho Charles Asbury; I) 5.1mucl Wa1hin,tton; Mildred Thornton ( S 1) Asbury, Robert Lee Charles Asbury; ~ Samuel Washin~ton; Mildred Thornton ( S I )

Asbury, Roy Roscoe Post Falls. Idaho Charles Asbury; I) S2mucl Washington; Mildred Thornton ( S 1 )

Ashton. Daisy Daingerfield Hoon P. O .• V2. Dain~crhcld Lewis Ashton; I) Betty Washington; Daisy F.iir Brown Fielding uwis ( so)

Bachschmid, Mrs. Audre W;ishington, D. C. Temple Washin~ton Moncure: '> ~mucl Washington; Moncure Evelyn Linthicum Wood•'.1rd Anne St~ptot ( S 1 )

The (") dcnotn dncmt from a brothC'r or ,i,tcr ol Gcn,:ral w•.a,hin1,:con. t Numbt-r followin,c LiM ol l>ncC'nC rdC'n to corrnpondin~ nurnbt-r in •·family in Amcrka;• pa~ J 12-'97. 601 602 GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS


------I Bxhschmid. Emil Henry. Jr. '1'.uhingum. D. C. Emil Henry lbchschmid; I • Samuel Wuhington; Audrt Moncure · Anne Steptoe ( 1 I ) I ' Bacluchmid. Eu~ni.i \l'.iih- ; 'l.. .iwngton. D. C. i Emil Henry Bachschmid; j ~ ~mucl W.idungton; ington Moncutt I .~udrt Moncutt Anne Steptoe ( 11 ) lbcluchmid. Paul Moncure 'I. .iihington. D. C. Emil Henry lbchschmid; ! 0 ~mucl W:uhington; Audre Moncure ' Anne Steptoe ( 11 ) I ! lbcluchmid, Temple Wath- I 'l'.iihington, D. C. , Emil Henrv B.ich1ehmid; ; -~ 5.amud 'I'.i~hington; ington ! ' Audrt Mon~un: ! Anne Steptoe (SI)

lbrtkn. Jamn,, Jr. i lbhimorc. Md. 'Jamn Williams B.irdcn; -~ John Augustine W.imington; 1 i I .Mugattt A_kundcr ! • HJnn.ah B~.hrod ( f2) Barden, M.irgattt Alcundcr !8.Jhimorc. Md. 1 Rach.ird Wnhangton Alcundcr; I·· John Augustanc W.aihangton; j Annie Asquith ! H.inn.ah BushroJ ( S2) Barron, Ada \'. Bcazlc)' 'l)r. Herbert Bcazlc)·; IW.irner W.i,hington; ·. Eugenic ~rah Jones , Eliubeth M.icon ( ◄ O) i Barron, C.illaw.iy, Jr. Li,·in,:non. Tcus I C.11law.1)· Barron; 1 W.irncr W.i,hington; l I Ada V. lkaz.ley . Eli1~beth M.icon ( ◄ O) I IT cmplc:, T eus 'l' Jefferson B.iswn; : Q Betty Wnhington; lbucct. Kathryn I I Bl.inchc Haller Fielding u•·is (so) I I B.u~tt, uwi.s W.uhingcon D.ill.u. T c:us Benjamin H.irrison 8.isict t; l Q Betty Washington; M.iry Burnett B.tswtt j J=idding Lc,·is (SO) ; Bantu. Lilla Graham , D.illas. T eus Benjamin Harrison Bas~tt; ·.: Betty Washing ton; I Marv Burnett &s~tt Fiddin~ Lewis ( SO) I Baxter. James Merchantville. N. J. Chester C. Baxter; j • John Augustine Waihington; Emma Alim Washing ton j H.1nn.1h BushroJ ( S2)

0 Baxter. Jane Blackburn Merchantville. N. J. Chester C. Baxter; ; John Au2unine W amington; j l Emma Alim Washington H.inn.ih Bushrod ( S2) Baxter. T cmplc Allen ! Mcrch.inu·illc. N. J. Chester C. Baxter; • John Augustine W .imington; Emma Alim Washington Hannah Bushrod ( S2) Bea~lcy, Aleunder Conroe, Tcus Herbert Beazley; W.irncr Washington; ~ Mary Virginia Carr Eliubcth Macon ( ◄ O) Beazley, Josq,h Foster Brenham, T cm Dr. Herbert Beazley; Warner Washington; Eugenic ~rah Jones Eliubcth Macon ( ◄ O) Beazley, Julia Houston, T cus John Beazley; W amcr Washing ton; Mary Emily McMillian Eliubcth M.icon ( ◄ O) Beam)', Louis Abner Brenham, T eus Dr. William Herbert Beazley; Warner Washing ton; Eugenia ~rah Jones Eliubcth Macon ( ◄ O) Beazley, Rosacklc Houtton. T cus John Beazley; Warner Washington; M.ary Emily Mc Eliubcth Macon ( ◄ o)

Beck, Doruld Jas~r W e.i thcrford. T cus W. H. Beck; !) Samuel Washing ton; Mildred Berry Bcdingcr Mildred Thornton ( S I )

Beck, V crnon Orbry W eathc:rf ord, T cus W. H. Beck; !) Samuel Washington; Mildred Berry Bedingcr Mildred Thornton ( S I )

Beck, Mrs. Mildred Bedingcr Weatherford, Teus Henry Clay Bcdinger, 2d; !) Samuel Washing ton; Susan Ellsworth Washing ton Mildred Thornton ( S I )

Bcdinger, F. W. Wc.itherford. Teus Singleton Solomon Bcdingcr; Q Samuel Washing ton; Addie Mac Rhea Mildred Thornton (SI) Bcdingcr, George W. Carrizo Springs, T eus Henry Clay Bedinger, 2d; ~ Samuel Washington; Susan Ellsworth Washington Mildred Thornton (SI)

Bcdinger, Henry C. Portales, New Mexico Henry Clay Bcdinger. 2d; i> Samuel Washington; Susan Ellsworth Washington Mildred Thornton (SI) Bedingcr, Lilian Thornton Weatherford, Texas Henry Clay Bcdinger, 2d; r:- Samuel Washing ton; Susan fllsworth Washin1,tton Mildred Thorn ton (Sil

Bcdingcr, Singleton Berry Terrell, T eus Solomon Singleton Bcdingcr; I) Samuel Washing ton; Mildred Berry Washington ~fildred Thornton (SI)

The c•) dmotn dncmt from a brotMr or titter of General Wa,hin,;ton. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS 60)


i i I Btdin~r. Willi.1m Eugene I \l'tachttford. Texas 1Frank Wuhington Bcdingtt; I.; 5.imucl W.uhington; I Alva Ornclic M.ilun Mildred Thornton ( s I ) Bird, Rev. Andttw Jl. 1 W .ishingcon, D. C. ,.ilson Ed~worch Bird; -~ Betty W .uhingcon; I I I lmogffl Rad F~lding uwis ( SO) ' Bird, Andttw Rrid, Jr. ! W .ashing con, D. C. IRe,·. Andrew R. Bird •: &t t)· W ,Hlaington; . Liwt tc F. Moore Fielding uwis (so) . Bird, Imogen i W .ashing ton, D. C. IRev. Andrew R. Bird 1 •·: &tty W.uhington; 1 I Lisct te F. Moore f ~lding uwis (SO) j ! '\l' .uhington, D. C. Rev. Andrew R. Bird : Betty Wathington; I Liwt tc F. Moore fidJing uwis ( SO)

: King G«>rgc, \' .1. Robert J.imn W.uhington; .., Augu,ti~ '\l'.1shington; Betty Wirt Ann A)·kn (48)

Boe c'9 Robert B.thimorc, Md. , Robert Bocu; : Ben)· Wamington; · Margaret Fi,hcr J=idding uwis (so) ' Bo~c !wile. Bn,ic Innn : Boligee, Al.1b.1nu ;Ezra Fiske Bouchcllc; ~lild."C'd Washing ton; i I Sarah Gowdc)· Gould Rogtt Gttgory ( I l) ; E1.ra Fiske: Bouchdlc; Bouchtlle, EzriM Fi,kc Boligtt, Abb.1nu 1 Mildred W .1\hington; 1 Sarah Gow~,·. Gould . Roger Gttgory ( l l ) I Bouclwllc. Luc~ Minor i Ab. I Henry T utwilcr Bouchclle; : itilJl'l:J W uhington; Inna Gould l Roger Gttgory ( I ) ) I j 1 Bnd6cld, Eugcni.1 W .ishing-1 W .imingcon. D. C. ; Tikmus Gucoignc: MoncUtt; ; ·: ~mucl W.uhington; ton Moncure J1nc Clurlottc w~sh,ngton ; Anne Scq,toc ( S I ) Bradley. Edith lk.1zky IHouston. T eu1 . John Beazley; ; \l'.irna: Washington; 1 M.iry Emily McMillian j Elau~th M.icon ( 40) I I ,, c: - I "" h · Broch.trd, Arlan Houston, T eus l William T. Brochard: 1 - -YfflUC w .11 1ngton; I Daisy Leora Bro,· n l Mildttd Thornton ( S I ) ' Broch.1rd, Mn. Dais)' L Houiton, T eus IJohn R. Brown; ; ~ Samud Washington; Brown · Mida Hope Asbury · Mildred Thornton ( S l ) Brochard. Donald Houston, Te~ William T. Brochard; ~ Samuel Washington; Daisy Leora Brown Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Broch.trd. Pansy Houston, Teus . William T. Broclurd; ., S.1mud W' uhington; l Daisy Leora Bro,·n Mjfdttd Thornton (SI) 1 Broch.trd, Willard Hester Houston, Teus William T. Broclurd; ll Q S.1mucl Washing ton; Daisy Leora Brown 1 Mildred Thornton ( S I) Brooke, Mn. St. George Charin Town, W. Va. i Thomu Augustus Brown; ~ 5.tmucl W uhington; Tucker j Anne Steptoe Washing ton Anne Steptoe ( S I ) ! Brown. Cl.1rencc R. IH~sty, Ark. : John R. Brown; I ·, S.1mucl W .uhington; \ Mida Ho~ Asbur)' ; Mildred Thornton ( S I ) i Bro•·n, Forest B. Hast)', Ark. 1 John R. Brown; ._; S.1mucl W .uhington; Mida Hope A sbur)' Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Bro,·n, Forrest W. Charin Town, W. Va. Thom.ii Augustus Brown; "" S.1mucl Wnhington; Anne Steptoe Washington Anne Steptoe (SI) Bro•·n. lnchinley Hasty, Ark. John R. Brown; --~ Samuel W .1,hington; Mida Hopr Asbµry lii!dr~ TI-tiifnhm ( i 1)

Bro•·n. lne7. Hereford St. Louis, Mo. uwrencc Lewis Hereford; i, Bcuy W Jthington: Nellie Schroeder Ficldin,; l..cwis (SO)

Brown, Joseph Hasty, Ark. John R. Brown; I) Samuel Wa,hington; Mida Hope Asbury Mildred Thornton ( S 1)

Brown, John M. Hasty, Ark. John R. Brown; r> Samuel Washington; Mida Hope Asbur)' Mildred Thornton (SI)

Brown, l..cwis E. Hasty, Ark. John R. Brown; r> Samuel Washing ton; Mida Hope Asbury Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Brown, Mn. Mida Hope Hasty, Ark. Squire Asbury; "' Samuel Washington; Asbury Mary Elizabeth Washington Mildred Thornton ( S 1 )

The ( • ) dcnocn ckKmc from a brochcr or 1itecr of Gcncnl 'W uhingcon. t Number followin,c line of Dncmc rdcn co corrnpondin,c number in .. Family in America.•• pa,cn J 12-J 91 GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS

NA~tE Al>llRF.SS PARENTS tl~E tll: llESCF.NT

Augu,tinc 'l'.uhington; I •-: ! &himott. ~Id. I licnry 8. Kc:)·1er; f Ann A,·lcn I Caroline Fiiehcr ·i ~ John Aug~,,inc '«' .a,hingcoa; t-f .1nn.1h BuihroJ •:: Auguuinc '\l'.1,hinglon; Brune. FttJcri, k. Jr. 8.ihimorc. ~ld. rrcJcrick Brune:; j Ann A~·lcll ~l.1r)· W. Kc)·scr ·1 •:: John Augu,,ine \I" .a,hingtoa; H.1nn.1h BuJ\roJ Buckc:y. Col. ~t. C .• U. S. A.! \l'aJ\inglon. U. C. -~ S-imud '\X' .uhinglon; Buckey; Anne Steptoe ( S 1 ) Louiu Clcm\On P.1,kcu I Buckner.' · '«'en Point. S. Y. Simon Boli,·.ar Bu,kncr. Jr.; ·-· Beu)' \\ · .&\hington; I Addc<: fidding Lcv.·is (SO) Buckner. Lt. Col. i W'nt Point. ~- Y. Simon Boli,·.ar Bu,kncr; -: Beu~· \\'.a\hinJ:lon; Simon Jr. l>di.1 H.a)'C\ ~IJ,bornc l;aclJang l.c•·i\ (SO) Buckner, Simon Boli,·.ir. )J '«'c:\l Point. S. Y. Simon Bolivar Bu,kncr. Jr.; -~ lku)· ,·.1\hinglon; AJdc BIJn, l;acldang l.c•·i, ( SO) Simon Boli,·.1r B,Kkncr. Jr.; .., Beu)' ,.J\hington: Addc Bl.anc l:idJang l~w.·i, ( SO) R .alph \l'ormdcy; \l' arncr ,.,nhington; Annie Sue Pettit •~.1nn.1h F .1irf .ix ( '40) Byars. Pettit Mrmphi,. T cnn. Moorhc.1d B)·.1n; , W .arncr \l" .a,hin gt on; , Foster 'I'ormclcy 1-i.innah 1: .1irf .ix ( '40) I Byrd. John '«'\ • Richmond. \' .1. j l~•·i, M.1rsh.1II Byrd; ; •=: Berty \l',uhington; · 52llic Inna 'I',lli.1ms : r iddin~ l-4:~-,~ (so) I I Byrd. Lewi, lnnc, ' Richmond. \' .1. I Lewis M.1rshall Byrd: ! ? Bctt}' ,•.1,hington; ~Ilic lnnn 'l', t=idding 1-e•·is (so) I Byrd. Mn. ; Richn1ond, V .1. John Gttcn \l'illi.1m,: ! ., Beu,. 'I'.1,hin "ton; I • l'I 5.tllic lnnc, 'l'ilt:lms ' K.uc ~'illi, i J=idding l.c•·i, (SO) I I Cildw.·dl. Ann: I lov.· .1rJ . Sc.1ttlc. 'I'a,h. Hugh Milton C.ild,·cll: ~ John Augu,tinc \l' ashingtoa; Sarah Smith Ho•·lrJ H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) I I Hugh Milton Clld,·cll; j ., John Auguuinc W a,hingtoo; S.irah Smith Ho•·lrJ · Bushrod ( S2) Caldwell. Hugh Milton. Jr. ' Seattle. \l'.ish. i fiuJ:h Milton C.ildwcll; ~ John Augustine \l' .ishinyton; i S.1r.1h Smi l h lio•· lrd H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) I j i Caldwell. Mn. tic. ~, .uh. i Julian Howard; ., John Augustine '\l;' ashingtoa; 52rah Smith H. ! Eleanor Selden Washington H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( Sl) Campion. Edward ! Alb.iny. 1':. Y. ~lichxl John C.1mpion; • S.imucl 'I'.1,hington: John Thornton \l'. I M.1ry Washington Sheehan Mildred Thornton ( S I ) ! Campion. Grorgc J. , Alb.iny. N. Y. • S.imud W.1,hington: I I ~lich2cl John C2mpion; Mary Washington Sheehan Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Campion. John Gr.1y Worcnltr. N. Y. ' \lich.icl John C.1mpion; ' • 5.tmud W.1,hington: Mary Washington Sheehan Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Campion. Mn. John I Albany. N. Y. J.1mcs Shtthan; • S.imud \l'.1,hington; K.1tc Washington Mildred Thornton (SI)

Campion. Northport. L. I., N. Y. II ~lichacl John C.1mpion; • S.imud Wash;ngton; Lt. Washington C. l. Mary W a,hington Shcch.1n Mildred Thornton ( S I ) ' Carmack. Craig Sphar 1':cwport, Ky. ; Lewi, Vernon Carmack; ,. S.imud Washington; · Cloe: G. Traver I Mildred Thornton ( S I )

1 Carmack. Louis Vernon Washington, D. C. Edward N. Carmack; I • 52mucl Wash=n"ton·,.. , Emma Jane Shaw 1 Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Cary, Eliza Lewis Gloucener, Va. Charle1 Edward Cary: i • Betty Washington: Virginia Ann Chase Willis j Fielding Lewis ( SO) Cary. George Edward G louccster, Va. Ch2rlcs Edward Cary; ; • Betty W .1shin1,tton: Virgini:1 Ann Chase Willis I Fielding Lc,,is (SO) Cary, Virginia lnnc, G louccstcr, Va. Charles Edward Cary; -> Betty Washington: Virginia Ann Chase Willis Fielding Lewis ( SO)

The ( • ) cknotet dncmc l rom a brother or ,iucr of ~ncral Y a1hinl'ton. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS 60S


C.Utkm.1n. 'T.2com.1, W1sh. • John Saunden Cudcman; f ., John Augustine W uhington; Corbtn '\I' .a thin gton I Elc:anor Blackbum Wawng- \ Hann~ Buthrod ( iz) ton , l ea, John SJunJcn.. Jr. T JCOffl.1,. '\I' .1sh. ; John Saunden Cud('; : • John Augustine Wadlington; E~anor Blackburn Washing- Hann.1h Bushrod ( i2) , con Ch.ambcrlin. Ch.1,. Alc:x.inckr L)·n•·ooJ, C.ilif. !Charla Alcundcr Clumberlin; • Betty Y .uhington; Susan Lewis Finnie C.01. Fielding u•·i, ( so) P.urick Robb li:irvcy; Henry W.ishington; I Constance Eugcni:a M,K(nnt) M.iry Bailt>)' ( I 9)

Ch.ipin, Ch.arl~ ~IC'rrill, Jr. Ch:arl~ Merrill Clupin; q lkny W .idungton; Esther Maria uwi, Fielding l.c•·i, ( So) ; Edward Parke Custii l.c•·is • lkny W.ishington; Mary P. Steven, r,dding lc•·is (so) Clupm.:an. C.arriC' lkllc Tribe: I lou\ton, Tex.a, W i Henry Tri be:: '\l'.irncr \l'.ishin,:ton; ~rah Ethel Bc.izlcy Eliubeth ~l.1c.:on ( ◄ O) '«' .ihcr Kyk Ch.1pm.1n; W .irncr \l' .ishington; C.1r:ic Bell~ Tribe Eliubcth M.icon ( ◄ O) Andrew J. Somcr,·illc: ° Ch.Jrln W .ish,ngton; Af.iry M.inh.1 W .1Jtin,=ton MildttJ Thornton ( S)) Ro~c:r Pmton Chew; • John Augustine W JUlangton; l..ouiu Font.tine W .nhin~ton H.1nn.1h BuJuod ( S2 ) Chi\Olm. ~c•· York Cit)· \l' G.arncu ChiM>lm; Mildred W.1shington Gregory; Lt•·r~nc~ 'X' l,hin~ton Ruth Anderton Hen'}~ Willi, ( I ) )

CluM>lm. 'I'i Anderton ~C'\\' York Cit)' '«'illi:am G.1rncu Chiw>lm. ~lildrcd W .1shin,:ton Grc,;ory; Ruth Anderton Henry \l'illi\ ( I 3) Cru\Olm. 'l*illi.1n1 G.1rncu ~c•· York Cit}· 'l' Edings ChiM>lm; ~fildrcd Washington Gregory; }Iden G.1rnctt Henry \l'illn ( I;)

T .1l1Jt crro Cl.irk: '> Au~ustinc 'X'.i~hington: ~l.1r,.:.1:ct ~•olf orth Ann Aylctt ( ◄ 8) T .ilufc:rro Cbrk; 0 Augustine 'X' .ishinJ.:ton; ~f.1r,.:.1rct '«'olforth Ann A}·lcu ( ◄ 8)

0 T .:alaJf crro Cbrk; • A ugustinc W .ishington; M.1r~.1rct Wolforth Ann Arlen ( ◄ 8) Clark. Judith Chc,·v Ch.isc. Md. T .lli.1fcrro Cbrk: 0 Augustine \l',nhinJ,tton; ~f.1rJ,t.1rct Wolforth Ann A~·lcu (48) T.iliJfcrro Cl.irk; · ~ Augustine '\X' .ishington; ~fJr,.:.1rct Wolforth Ann Aylcu ( 48) Cl.ark. '«'illi.1m T .iii.if crro Che,·\· Ch.isc. Md. T.lli.1fcrro Cl.irk: 0 Augustine \l' .ishin~ton; :\fJr,.:.trct 'I'olf ort h Ann A}·lcu ( 48)

Cb)♦• ~I.try '«'dby '«'.nhing- Pbinfidd. N. J. ~• illi:am Dod,.:c W .1,hin~ton; . \l' .1rncr \l'.uhington; ton Sclin.;a C.irtcr Eli1.Jbcth ~f.1con ( 40) Pl.ainfidd. N. J. ( ;c.-or~c: Stron~ Cl.1y; • W.irncr \l',uhin~ton; :\t.1ry '«-'. \I'.1\hin,.:ton Eli7~bcth !\t1con ( 40) ! Jowph Rodhou~: i .-, Aueustinc \l'.nhin~ron; I ..1,·ini.1 l.c•·i, Spots•·ood l Ann A }·lcu , ◄ s) 1 Cooke, H.ann.ih W .uhington · Ch.1rlcs To•·n. W. Va. ~'illi:am 1:ontainc Alcx.1ndcr; i ., John Augustine W .uhin,cton; Alc:x.indcr Ann C.1thcrinc Henkle : Bushrod ( SZ)

Comb\, liunJ,tcrford Chc\'Y Ch.t\C, [). C. Thom.1\ W. Hungerford; 1 I lcnry W .uhin~ton; c:.1rric ltt Bbnch:ard ~far~· B.1ilcy ( 19) I Coburn, Olive Ann W .ashing- i W .uhin~ton, D. C. Thornton Au~ustinc W .uhing- ; ; S.1mud W .1shin~ton; ton ton: 1 Mildred Thornton ( S I )

()li\·c Ann Jonn I Cr.1ig, Frink W .ishington l Robcrtsburg. W. Va. ; C:brk Cr2ig: : r> S.1mud W.ishington; I Eli1.1bcth B. W .1shington Mildred Thornton ( S 1) Cr:aig, Mary l.c•·is Buffalo, W. Va. Cfark Cr2ig; ,~ S.1mucl W .1shington; Eli:r~bcth B. Washington I Mildred Thornton ( S I )

The c• ) dmotC'\ dnccnt from a broth~, or 1i1trr of Gmt-ral T a,hin~ton. t Number followin,c 1.inC" of Dncmc rdu, to corr"pondin,c numbrr in "Family in A~ric:a,•• pa,cft 112-,91. 606 GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS


Buff:alo- W. \'.a. I Cl.irk Craig; : • SJmucl .,,ashing con; Eliubcch 8. W a,hingcon Alaldn:d Thornton ( S I ) I If r.inklin, Tenn. '« A. Crcxkcu; , ~ Augustin<' \l' .u,hin,cton: Ann(' 5.i~·cn Ann Ayl('tt (-48) ' CfO(kctt. Doney T. ~' A. Cr°'kc:u; ' ~ Augustine •·.uhin,:ton: Anne SJ,·cn Ann A~·lc:n ( ◄ 8) Crockc:u. John Jl I \l. illi.am1()n. Tenn. '«' A. Cr°'kcu: : •: Auguninc '« ..uhin,:ton; Anne s.i,•cn Ann A~·lcu (-48) · Robert Hugh Ct

1 Croc k'"t t, Louw W. Robert J f UJ:h C..:r°'kctt; •-::: Augustine \\:·.uhin,:ton; l.oui\C' P.irkn Ann A~·lctt ( .. 8) U'O(kctr. M2ry James r r.1nldin. Tenn. Robert JI UKh Cror§C'~· l).1,·id,:c: I lcnn· \l'J,hin,:ton: Ann.1 l.oui,.1 \l:' .1,hinRton.· B.iilcy ( 1'J)

O.i ,·id.-:c. Ann.1 \l':ashing ton W ,:ashington, D. C. 1 \l:'illi.1m l=cnd.alJ D~n·idgc: f 11.·nry ~•.1,hington; r,tdlc \l' .ishin,:ton ~l.1ry B.1ilcr ( J9) t I>.1,·idgc, Edith I W .1,hingt'-n, D. C. . \l:' .1hc:r llor'Cy ll.1,·id~c; ' I lcnry W' .1,hington; I Ann.:a l.oui\.J 'i'~nhin,:ton ~l.1ry B.1ilc:y ( I 9) I ll.1,·iJgc. John W.uhington ' W.1,hington, D. C. \l:' .1hc:r Dor\Cy l>.1vidgc; I 1 lrnry \l'Jshington: i . A nn.1 l.oui,.1 W .uhington l ~br\' B.tilcv { 19) i).i,·id,cc. John W .ashington, ; Washington, D. C. : John \l:. J,hin~ton D.ividgc; I l..·nry ~, J\hin1,:ton; Jr. I C;ithc:rinc S. \l'ccks ~t.:ary 8.Jilcy ( J9) ll.1,·idgc:, M.1rth.1 Sincbir Washington, D. C. • John W .uhinvton D.1\·idgc; , J fonry \l'.1,hini,:ton; C.1thcrinc S. W cc:ks ' ~f.:ary 8Jilc:y ( J9) ! Davidgc, Matilda Lee \Vashington, D. C. · \l:' ;alter Dorsey D.1,·idgc; I knn· W .1\hin~ton; 1 A nn.1 Louis.1 W .ishin~ron ~fary B.1ilcy ( J9) Davidgc, W .1hcr Dorsey, Jr. Washin~ton, D. C. W :ahcr Dorsey D.1,•idgc; I fonry W.1,hington; A nnJ Louis.1 W .ishin~ton ~ttry B.1ilcy ( J9) D:avidgc, Fcndall W' :a,hington, D. C. \l'.1hcr Dorsey D.1\·idgc; I 1..-nry W.1shin~ton: Anna Louis.2 \I'.1-.hington ~IJry B.1ilry { J9) GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS


'11'illi.1m Fcnd.111 D.1,·idgc; , Hcnr)· 'I' .uhington; Estell.: W alhing ton ; ~t.111· 8.tilC'y ( I 9 )

I uv.·rcncc W.1,hington; I • John Augustine: 'l'amington; F .innic uckbnd I-I.inn.ah Bu,hrod ( SZ) D.1,·M>n, Louiu Font.iinc L)·nchburg, \'.1. Philip D.1v.·10n: '. • John Auguuint 'l'.11hington; \lf1ihin,:ton Louiu Fonr.ainc 'X' .1,hington , H.ann.ah Bu,hroJ ( SZ) i l>Jv.·son. \'irgini.1 Coop:r : L)·n4:hburg, \'.1. Philip D.1v.·10n; "~ John Augustine \i',uhin~ton; j Louiu 1:ont.1inc 'X" .1\hin~tun H.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S2) , Thom.u S.:ipio D.n·i\On; \X" .irncr 'X' .i,hinJ:ton: Elli~~ H.:rri, Eli1.1bcth ~I.icon (-to)

· Alf red D.n·i\On; 1 'X' .arncr 'X' .nhinJ:ton; Luc\· F.iirf .:ax Hill Eli1..1bcrh ~l.1con (-to) Herbert 8. D:n·i'«>n: 'l'.1rncr '\I' .nhingcon; Helen 'X' .idc Eli1.1bcth ~f.1con ( ◄ o) \l' .all.:a~c 'X'. D.:a,·i'°n; '«' Jrncr '\I' .1,hin,:ton; lrm.1 Grc,·c Eli1..1bcth ~hcon (-to) T .1mp.1. f lorid.1 Alfred I>.1,+~on. Jr.; '«' Jrncr '\I' .uhin,:ton;,:.irct RobinM>n Eliubcth ~I.icon (-to) Herbert B. D.a ,. i\On; • '«' .arnc-r W .uhington; Hdcn \l.. .iJc Eli1..1bcth ~I.icon (-to) Alf red D:&\·ison: : 'l'.arncr W .1,hin,:ton; l.u~}· F.iirf.1x Hill Eliubcth M.1con ( '40) Thom.u Scipio O.n·i'°n: : W' .arn..-r '\l'.ahington; F.lliccc H.1rri, Eliubcth ~1.:acon ( '40)

. Alf ttd D.i,·ison; i \l' .1rn~r W' .ishinJ;ton; l.ucv F.1irf .ix Hall Eli1..1bcth ~hcon (-to) D.1,·i,. ~tn. J.1nc C. ~litchcll ~· .1ihin1:ton. D. C. John H.1nson ~lite hell; 0 Betty W.2shington; · Sue Rmc urtcr T urncr Fidding f.c,..·is ( so} Dt"I)"·or1.ak. B.aronas Elinor Florence.· fd"· .ird P. C. Lc"·is; 0 Beu~· W .1shington; P.arkc Custis l..c9.·is , ~1.iry Picton Src,·cn~ J:idding Lc"·is (SO) I I 0 DcGruytcr. Anne Ed\\·.1rd . Ch.1rlcston. --«·. Y.1. ! Julius A. OcGruytcr. Jr.; Betty 'X' ,nhington; Elc~n()r Oudlcv Smith Fielding Lc\\·i~ ( so) lI • Dc<;ru)·tcr. C.athcrinc Dudley Ch.1rleston. " •. \' .1. I Julius A. DcGru)·tcr. Jr.: ' Betty '«' .1shington; I Elc.1nor Dudley Smith Fielding Lc\\·ii cGruytcr. Eliz.abcth Stu.1rt ' Ch.irlc"iton. "'. \'.1. A. DcGru)·tcr. Jr.; 0 Bet t ). W .a shin ,.;ton; Iludlc}' Smu h Fielding l.c\\·is ( so)

l>ct-<;ru)·tcr. Julius A. 3d Ch.ulcston. "'. \'.1. ~ Juliu, A. nc<;ruytcr. Jr.: ·, Beu,· \t' .uhinJ:ton; Oudlc)· Smith J=iddinJ: l.c\\·i, c so)

DcGruytcr, ~tr,. ~f.try So)·cs Ch.1rlcston. \l'. \' .1. i \X'illi.1m A. l':o)·cs: , ~ Bctt)' 'X' .uhington; F.li7..2bcth Stu.ire Lewi, Fielding Lc"·i, < so) l>dch.1nty. ~c"· York Ci1y F r.1nccs \l'.1,hington', , ~C\\' York Cit)' , C.1pt. ll.1nid I>dch.1nty. U.S.~.; · S.1mud "'.1\hin,:ton; Bcrth.1 R0\.1 \i' .uhin~ton : F.1nn\· ~hdi\On W' .1,hington llilJrcJ Thornton (SI) Ddch.inn·, , ~cw York City lc.1pt. l;.1nid Odch:anty. U.S.~.:'.; S.11nud '«'.t\hinJ:ton; Thornton \i'.ishin~ton J= .1nny ~1:tdiwn \i' .1,hin1,:con ~lilJrcJ Thornton ( SI )

Dclch.inty, 1 Locust \'.:alley, ~. Y. C.1pt. I>.1nid Ddc:h.1nty. U.S.~.: ,, S.1mu"·I '«'.1,hington; John Br.:adlcy \i'.t\hin~ton 1 F .inn}· M.1diwn W' .1,hingcon ~lilJrcd Thornton ( S 1)

D:ckinW>n. ! l)o~uc P. 0 .• \' .1. t=idding l.c\\·is: , ; Beu)' ~· .1,hin.::con: Helen O'Ccol.1 l.c\\·is M.1ry Imogene Green I l;idJin,1,: Lewi, ( SO) .. IJ. l . I ,. IJ.. u.·, h' Dickinson. ~frs. \t' C. : Loretto P. 0 .• V2. I·1c 1ng .c\\·1,; ' ' axtty ~ .1, 1n,:ton: Mary Imogene Green / Fielding l.,·wi, ( SO)

The ( •) dt'nOtC'\ ~cnt from a brotht'r or titter of Gt' ..-a,hin~ton. t Xumbcr follo•·in~ of ~cnt rdcn to corrt"pondinJ; number in "F.amil)' in Amcric.1 ... p.1~"" Sl2-S 97. 608 GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS


Donn.illy. Fitzhugh F.urrnorn, W. V :a. William Boyd; • Augustine \l',uhington: Sallie Ashton Cot con i Ann Aylc:n (41)

Donn.illy. H<"nry Ficzhugb Ch.arbton, W. \' .1. 1\l'illiam Boyd; , ., Augustine '&' aU\ington; ~llie Ashron Cotton l Ann Aylcn ( '48) ; Donnally. f Ch.irkston. '«'. \'.i. Henry Fitzhugh Donn.all)·; I • Augustine \I' .uhingtun: ! Henry Faci.hugh. Jr. Erdcn.a McGr.iw Ann A)·lcu ('48) ' ., Augu1tinc '\X' .uhan,-:ton; Donn.illy. John Cot ton j 'II' J>hington, D. C. ; 'X· Boyd Donnall)·; 1 ' 5.lllic Ashton Cot ton Ann Aylcn ( •~ J

Donn.illy.,· Anncu.1 '\X •.a,hin,:ron. D. C. John Couon l>onn.ill)·; i • Augustine '\X' .iJ\angton; ~t.ary Annen.a ~l)·cn Ann A)·lcn ( '48) Donn.11ly. Robcn Ash ton \X" Boyd Donn.all)·; ; • Augustaft(' \l• .uhington; 5.lllic Aihton Conon Ann Aylcu: ( -18) l>onn.illy. S:allic J\,.h,on I lcnry 1:itzhu~h llonn.ill)·: • Augu,rinc \l' .adlington; Erdcn.a AlcGraw Ann A)·lcu (-18) l>onn.illy. I >r. John Thom.u Cot ton: ., Augu,tinc \l. .a,hington; ~lr,. 5.allic A. Cotton Slr;ih A,hcon t=itzhugh Ann A)·lcu ( ,f8)

1 l>unbp. S:ar.ah Logan John l..1cy Dunl.1p: •; ~tr)· tt;• .uh·ngton; S.1r.1h Strodw:r J:idding l.cwi, ( so) l>unn. Emily Alexander ,.a F. Alcx.indcr: •; John Augu,tanc \l',nhington Emily Potter lf.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ { si)

1 l)unn. Emily {)li\·c:r St. l.ouis. ~lo. ~•·ell C. l>unn; •.; John Augustine \l, .1,hington Emil)· RC".1d Alcx.inJcr t f BuJlrod ( S2 J l>unn. '\I" , Alc•.;andcr St. l.ouis. ~lo. &h,r.•cll C. l>unn; ,; John Augu,tinc \\;' .1ih1ngton Emily Rc-.1d Alcx.1nJcr tt.1nn.ah Bu,hroJ ( f !. ) Ei\Cnh.1n. Churchill Princeton. N. J. l.uthcr Pf.1hlcr; "' Bctt)· , •.1,h1ngton; Ann.a At. l>.andridgc ~lit..:-hdl ' l=iddin~ l.c•·n (so) Etheridge, Florence: Hildi l:onroc. Tcx.n Alcx.:andcr 11. Bc.1zlc,·; ~· 2rncr ~· .t\hin,:ton; Florence Kelley · Eliz.ibcth ~l.1..:on ( 40) Ethcridg.:. Kenneth Alc:x:andc:r Conroe. T c-x.n llbac Erhc:ridgc: 'i' .arncr \l0 J,hin~ton; Florence I fild:a Bcltlc,· Elii.ibcth ~l.a~on ( .f OJ Etheridge. 5.inford Gr.ant Conroe. TcXJ\ llbic'rid,:c; 'i'.1rnrr ~·.nhin,:ton; Florence fiild.1 Bc-.1,lc~.- Eli1..1bcth ~I.icon ( .f O) Etheridge. ~'hitwn Bc.izlcy Conroe. T cx.1, '()bic Ethcrid~c; · ~· arnt'r W .ishin;;:ton; Florence: Hild.1 Bc.1,l1.•y Eliz.ibcth ~t.1,un (-to)

0 Ewing. Alf red W .ashington F rinton-on-Sc.1. Fn·•., ,,,.. J.amcs Alf red E,r.•ing: John Auguuinc \l' .1~hin~1on; Anne M.1ri~ Thom.1,in.1 li.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( s.?) '\t'.i,hington E•·ing. Anne Highmore Frinton-on-Sc.1. Alfred W.uhin1,t1on E"·in,:; •; John Augu\tinc ~\nhington; Elc.1nor Kitty Andre:\\·, H.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( S.?) Ewing. K~nncth Washington t=rinton-on-Sc:a. Eng. Alfred W.uhingron l:\\·inJ,:; , John AUJ:U\tinc ~•.t\hinJ:ton;

I l:lc.1nor Kiny Andre:"'' H.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( s.?) I J=:arney. M.ary· A"hton Fi\hc:r 1Pctcnburg. V.i. Andrew C:a,wdl Fi\hcr: . '' Augu,tinc \l;' .uhington; ~1.1ry A,hton W .uhin,:ton Ann Aylctt ( .f8) ,,.... \' Fisher. Mn. John W. "" ,rt 1.. .i. P.11rick Robb I l.1r,·cy; f lcnry W .:a,hin;;:ton; Con\Un~c Eugcni.1 ~le Kcn,w,· . Mirv B.21kv t 19 \ .., ., ... - ~ Lewis Alcx.indcr A,luon; : ; Berty W .ishington; M.1ry B.1rncs Hooe Fielding l.cwis ( SO) Fitzhugh, Caroline: Ashton John 8. J=itzhugh; ,, Bc:ny W .ishington; Alice E. Ashton i Fielding l.c"•is (so)

Fitzhugh, Henry Stiff 1 John Berry J=iu~hu,-:h ; ~ Betty Washington: 1 Alice E. Ashton I Fielding l.cwis (SO) •Augustine Washin1:ton; Fitzhugh, Hugh Washington, D. C. ' Nicholas Fitzhugh; Ann Aylctt ( 48) 1 f Laura Angela Shrewsbury i) • Samuel Washington; I l Anne Steptoe (SJ)

The c• ) c:kn:ttC'\ dncmt: from a brother or 1i.tu•r of General Y .uhin,;ton. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS 609


• Augustine Washington; ficzhugh, Norman Shttws- 1Charleston, W. Va. N ichol.n Fitzhugh; . J Ann Aylcu (41) bury uun Angela Shttw1bur)· · • Samuel W uhington; l Anne Stq,toc ( 11)

' : ( • Augustine W:awngton; Ficzhugh, Shrtws-1 Charlc-non, W. Va. · Nornun S. Fitzhugh; ! I Ann Ayku (41) bury, Jr. I FrancN lightfoot Truslow , ) • Sam~I W:adungton; I 1 l AnM Steptoe ( 11 ) 1 i Robert Bous; ! • Beet)' '«'ashington; Fog.iny. Mn. Eliz.ib.:-th R:.n• Charleston, S. C. I son Bons ' Margaret Fisher I Fielding Lewi, ( so) Font.iinc:, Bushrod W.ishing-; Nc:w York Cit)· S,·dncv. . Thunton Font.1inc; : • S..mucl W .i,hington; I ton ' Julia Wood Wamington Anne Steptoe ( S I ) Sydnc)· Thunton Font.1inc; ., S.amucl W .uhington; Juli.1 Wood ,~.i,hington Anne Steptoe ( 11) Font.1inc. l...a"·rcncc A. \l~. tlou,ton. Tcx.n Sydnc)· Thunton Font.1im:: ·•~ S.imucl W.uhin~ton: Jula.1 '1 1 ooJ 'I' .i,hington Anne Steptoe: ( S I) 1:or~. Afrs. \l' .nh- C.1nog.1 P.ark. C.alif. Thomn Bl.1,kburn W .1,hin,:• .., John Augu,tinc W .uhington; ington ton. 2d; 1-1.ann.ah Bu,hrod ( S2) Elc.1nor Thom.a, Blackburn

1 l{.irri, l.i,,:htioot 1=orbn; •! John Au~u,tinc W .a,hin,:ton; F,lc:anor Thom.1, W :a,hin~ton f-f.1nn.1h BushroJ ( S2) Clari ~tim, Wright; Anne ~-.uhinJ,:ton; l-lcrbcrt l)"·ight 1:orrc,t M.1jor Fr:1nci, '\l. ri,:ht ( 6) hl'1tcr. Annie G.1rncn · Alcx.inJcr Y chcnon Pc~·ton ~tildn:J 'i~ .nhan,:ton Grc,:ory; G.irncn. M.D.; Col. •-tcnr,· 'I' il!i, ( I 3 ) ~l.1r~· FJi1.alxth 'I~ i!IC f mtcr. Helen Holle)· ~l.1jor G.1,ton F~tcr 'l'.1rncr W2\hin,:ton; . f tdC'n lk.Jurcg:ard Holley Eli1..ilxth ~t.1,on ( ◄ O) J=O\tcr. ~1.:ajor G,;uton. Jr. ~tajor G.1\ton Ftntcr '\l' .1rncr ');' .nhin1:ton; f idcn Bc.aurcg:ard Holley Eliz.a beth ~t1con ( ◄ O) f=mtcr. Mo. ~f.1 jor G.iston John Bc.1urc,.:.Jrd Holley: '«' .irncr \l' .J\hin~ton; Helen 1-f crbcrt liill Eli1..1lxth ~f.1con ( ◄ O) Pomon.1. C.1lif. ~.1jor G.nton Fo,tcr; \l" .irncr \I' .1,hinf,:ton; Helen Bc.iurc,:.Jrd t lollcy Eli1.1bcth ~t.1con ( ◄ O) : ~ • Augustine W .1,hin,:ton; Frttm.1n. C.olcm.1n R.1nd.1II 8.1himorc. ~tJ. i John l>ougl.u Fr« Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8) Elc.inor W .ishin,:ton Perine [ e John Au,:uninc \l' .uhington; : l H2nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S 2) • Augu,cinc '«' .1shington; Frn-mJn. llou~l.n Scmmn H.1himorc. ~Id. i John l>ouJ;tl.1, J=r« + r Ann Aylctt ( 48) Elc.1nor '\l'.nhin,:ton Perine l • John Augu,tinc \l' .1,hington; l H.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S2) O Au,gu,tinc: W .1,hington; r Ann Aylen ( ◄ 8} Ann \t' .1,h. · 8.ahimorc. ~tJ. 1 John I>ou~l.1, Fr«m.1n; 1ngton ! Elc.inor W .uhin,:ton Perine · ·1 ~ John Au,:u,tinc W' .1,hington: t ' l H2nn2h Bushrod ( S2) i ' 0 ( Augustine .W.uhington; l · J Ann A)·lcn ( 48) i 8.1himorc:, T\fd. j John l)ou f,:1.i, F r«m.1 n; ·1 ~ John Augu,tinc W 2shington; l Elc:anor W .1,hin,:ton Perine : l H.1nn2h Bushrod ( S2) i French. Ch.1rln Thornton John Compton French; 1 ') Ch.1rln W .ishington; S.1r.1h Au1,tustinc Thornton : Mildred Thornton ( Sl ) French. G. E. Shrc,·c:port, La. John Compton J=rcnch; ; "' Ch.1rlcs W .1,hington; Augu\tinc Thornton Mildred Thornton ( S } ) French. J. J. Shreveport, La. John Compton French; "' Samuel Washington; Sar.1h Augustine Thornton Mildred Thornton ( Sl) French, John Randolph Shreveport, La. John Compton French; ° Ch.1rles W.1shington; S.1r.1h Augustine Thornton Mildr~d Thornton (SJ)

TM ( •) cknoca dncmt from a brochcr or titter of General Wa,hin~ton. i Number following Linc of Dnccnt rd~n to corrnponding num~r in ••Family in America;• pa~ SI 2 • J 9? • 610


John \l'h«lcr ~nuth; "' S-amud ,. J,hin,.:ton: Gror);c-Ann.1 :\u,:u,t.1 \\" .1,h - ~t,IJrcJ Thornton ( ~ l ) ,n,,:ton

0 t-:,1 "- u1 1: .airf .1 ~ :'\ .1uh \; ' '-irnud '« J,hin1,:ton: Annie I f.1rc\\·ooJ \\·J,lun,.:tun :\nnc Steptoe ( ~ l) I •. John Au1.:u,t,n, \\ . .i,lun~ton; l.un"°' Albert·. Jr.; I I l.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ l ~ ! ) Ann l·r.inld,n Kcy~r I ., :\u):u,t ,nc \\. J,hinJ,:ton; l :\nn A~·lctt (.JS)

r •O John :\u,.:u,tinc \\'.1,lun~tun: I lcnn· 8.irroll Kc~ \Cr; I I IJnn.1h Bu,hroJ ( ~ ! ) (Jrolanc l·i,hcr , ., Au.L:u,tu1c \\ 0 J,hin,.:ton; l Ann A~-l"·tt , .JS) ., John :\u):u,ttnc \\'.hhini,:ton; (,Jry. CJrolinc Fi~hcr I\Jhimorc. ~IJ. JJ111c, Alben G.1r~·. Jr.: I I IJnnJh Bu,hn~I t ~ ! ) Ann Fr.1nL.lin Kcy'-<'r \ · Au,,:u,t,n"· \\·J,lun~tun; l Ann A, l"·tt ( ◄ S)

I f · John Au ,.:u,t lfh" \\' J,lunJ,:tllll; j 8.1hin1orc. ~IJ. J.1n1,·, A lbcrt G.1rv. j r.: I I I.inn.ah l\u,hn~I ( , ~) :\nn Fr.1nL.lin Kc~·'-<'r 1·• Au,-:u,tin,· \\·.hlun,.:tun: l Ann Ayl"·tt < ◄ s) GJrncu. l>r. Alcx.1ndcr Y cl- '.};. J\hin~ton. D. C. f lcnr\' \l;' i\C G.1rnctt: \1,1,f n·,t \\' .,,fun,-:ton ( ;,q:or~ : ,·crton Pc~·ton ~l.trion ~lorwn I l"·nn· \\' ill,, t I \ ) G.arncu. Alcx.anJcr Y ch·c:rton . \l;. J\hin~ton. I>. C. :\lcx.1ndcr Ych·cnon Pc, ton \lil,trt"d \\' .1,h,n~ton C~r,·i,:or~-; Peyton. Jr. I G.1rnctt. ~I.I>.; I lcnn· \\' illa, ( I l ) ~tilJrcJ Poor

G.arnctt. Ellen : ~· .1,hin~ton. (). C. I lcnr\' '«~ 1\C G.1rnct t; \lal,in.·J , . .1,hin,:ton Grq,:or~-: ~llrion ~lor~n I l,·nr~· \\. ,II,\ ( I; ) ' G.1rnct t, l fcnr~· '«' i\C ~· .1\hin,:ton. n. C. I lcnr\' '« 0 i\C G.1rncu: \lilJrcJ '«' .1,hin,:ton Grc~ory; ~llrion ~lor~n I lcnry '«' illi\ ( I ; ) G1rnett. J1~ I farpcr Poor \l' .1,hin,:ton. D. C. I Alcx.1nJcr Y ch·crton P"·' ton ~lilJn·J \\0 J\hin.i:ton Grc,.:or~·; L.1rncu. ~t.l>.: I tcnry '«" illi\ ( I ; ) ~lildrcJ Jf.1rpcr Poor I Gl.1\,:0•·. Ch.1rlouc Alcx.1nJcr i Suunton. \' .1. JudJ;c Joseph Andcr\On (;IJ\1,:ow; · John Au1,:u,tinc ~·.1,hin~ton; l j ~llri.1 \l' .1,hin,:ton R.1n\On I l.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( s ~)

0 0 Gl.1\go\\ • ElcJnor B.1ldwin I StJunton. \'.1. , JuJ~c J~rh And1:r\On GIJ,;:o"·: ; John :\u;:u"tinc \\ J\hin1,:ton;

i 1 ~bri.1 \l' .1,hin1,!ton R.1n\On I 1Jnn.1h Bu,hrod ( S 1) I Gl.1\):0\\'. Gr.1cc F.llcn ; StJunton, V'-· , JuJJ:c Joseph Andcr'°n Gb,1,:ow; ' John Au~U\tinc '«' .1,hin~ton: 1 ~l.lril \l' .1,hin1,!ton R.1n--.on 11.ann.ih Bu\hrod ( S ~) i Gl.1s,:o•·. ~1Jri.1 '«'. R.1nM>n ! StJunton, V'-· '·n1onu, l>.1,·i, R.1n\On; · John Au~u,tinc \l0 J,h1n~ton; ~llrv f:ont.1inc Alcx.1nJcr I IJnn.1h Bu,hroJ ( ~ ~) GIJ\go•·. \l'illi.1m Andcr\On St Jun ton, V.1. J udgc J~ph A ndcr\On ·~ John Au;:u\tinc \\·.1\hin,.:ton; c; IJ \ 1,:0•·: I 1Jnn.1h Bu\hroJ ( ~ 1 J M.1ri.1 ~· .l\hington R.1n\On ' Griffith, R0\.1 Fielding T .1y lo.: J Ch.1rlounvillc, V.1. l Col. Grorgc Ed"· .ird T .1}· loc; ·· lku )' '«' .i,hin 1,:ton; I l>cli.1 S. ,.illi\ J;iddin,: l.c ..·i\ < so) l GrymC\, 1.ucr Brockcn­ .I ''M• .1rm1on, . .. V.1. l Fielding l.c ..·i,; ·, Betty '«' .1,hington; ' brou,:h L. 1:k!IJ,n19 1.--.,,, 1(0\ I I M2ry lmofcnc Grttn . ·-·---·~ --···- ,·-, 1 Grymn, V ir~ini.1 K. D.1rling l>o~uc. V .1. Ch.2rlcs Tiernan l>.1rling: ,., Betty \l'.i\hin,:ton; Virginia Gertrude l>ickin\On Fielding Lewis ( SO)

fr> John Au,:u\tine W.1\hington; H.1ndforth, N.1nnic Wash- Woodbury, N. J. George Pepper Robins: J Hann.1h Bushrod ( S2) ington Robins Margaret Washington ·1 r> S.1mud W .uhin~ton; l Anne Steptoe ( S I )

Harold, Anne Washington Charles Town, W. Va. Edw:ird Byron J-l2rold: • I) S.1mucl W .1shin~ton; Anne Washin~ton Brooke Anne Steptoe ( S I) Harold Anne Washington ICharles Town, W. Va. St. George Tucker Brooke; Q, Simuel W .1shington: Brooke M2ry Harrison Brown Anne Steptoe (SI)

The c•) dcnocn dnccnt from 1 brochcr or ,iucr of General W .11hins;con. 61 l

------NA~ll: Al>l>RtSS PARENTS t l.l~E {ll: l>ESCEST

0 11.arolJ. fmil)· N. FJ•·.arJ llyron 11.arulJ; • S-amucl \X' .1J\ington: Anne \\'.1,han,:ton. Brooke Anne SteptOC' ( S I) I l.arolJ. ~1.ary Brooke Lh.arln T o•·n, 'X'. \' J. EJ\\· .arJ B)·ron 11.arolJ; ., S-amud 'X" .1J\in,:ton; Anne \\' .a,lun1,:ton Brooke Anne StcptOC' ( S I ) 11.arolJ. W. l-.J\\·.arJ 8~·run lf.arolJ; ·~ SJmud \\' .1Jtin,.:ton; Anne \\ · .ohanJ,:ton Brooke Anne StcptOC' ( S I j I IJn·c~·, Annie Young ~lont rms, \' .1. P.atri,k Robb t·(')'; tfcnr)· \I" J\hin,.:ton; Con,,e EuJ,:l"nlJ ~h:Kcnn\:~· ~l.ary B.iilcy t 19) P.urid, Robb I IJn·c~: I lcnry \I' J\hin,.:ton; Con,t Jnl'.c f. UJ.:(niJ ~I'-' Kc.·nnc~ ~IJry BJilcy ( 19)

\utf oll... \' J. P.uri\.'.k Robb·cy; I lcnry \X" J\hinJ,!ton; C:on,t .1n,c Eu;.:cnu ~k Kc.·nnc~· ~l.iry· 8Jilcy ~ I 9) 1IJn·ev. ~-illiJnl I lenr~· F.air- \Ion t rm\, \' J. John \\. J,Jun1,:ton I IJn·c.·~·; I lcnry \\' .1,hin~ton; f Jx K.atc (iJh.·\\·ooJ ClunJlcr ~1.iry 8J1lc.·y ( 19) JIJn·ic. JuliJ l.c•·is f luntin,:ton. "'· \°J. Julau, :\. l>c<;ru~·t,·r: lktt)· \\'J,hin~tnn: ~IJry \' c.·nJblc ~uyc.·, l;iclJin,: l.c•·a, ( ~ o) 11.irJinJ,!. Bo,ic Jlungcrford littlcnc~k. I.. I..~- Y. Ph,lar Cont« 1 lun~c.·durJ: A u,-:u,., inc \\' J,hin,:ton; l c.·nJ \\. ,l\h1nJ,:tc>n Ann A)·lctt <.f S) JIJrJin,:. \'ir,.:iniJ\\·ood I ittlcn«k. I.. I.. ~- Y. [rnc,t I llr•·ooJ I IJrJinJ,:; •:: Au J,!U,t inc \\' .1,h,nJ,!ton; lk"i~ If unJ,:~rL1rJ Ann A}·lctt (-IS) 11.i•·kcn. ~tJry \' i r ,.; i n i .1 Kirk wood. ~lo. Arthur 11. Ri~h.irJ'°n; Au,:ui1inc ~-,hh1n,:ton; Ri.:hJrJ\On ~f.1ry Tyler ~turrhr Ann A)·lcu ( .f 8) Thonu~ I l.1y"· .1rd; · lktt)· ~·.1\hin1,:ton; l.uc) Ch.1pin Fielding l..c•·1, C so) Rc.1dc t f. ~· J\hington; , \\' .1rncr \\' J\hinJ,!ton; K.1tc Alcx.1ndcr F.li1.1bcth ~l.i~on ( ◄ O)

I till. ~brr 'X'hJllcy 'I'.uh- St. PJul. ~finn. , Ri\.'.h.1rJ ~·~nhin~ton; ; ·:> .Au,.:u\tinc ~-.1,hin~ton; angton Ellen u:ntcr Ann A)·lcn ( -18) Holle~·. ~f n. 1-iden liill l>r. John Ed•·in Hill: ~• ~rncr ~• .uhington; S.1r.1h ~· .1rncr 8cJ1lcy Eliz~bc:1h M.1.:on ( ◄ O) Holley. l.ili.1n Gert ruJc John Bc.1urc,:Jrd J-iollcy; ~• .1rner ~• l\han1,:con: I fdcn Herbert t fill I Eli:t.1bc:th ~f.i~on ( ◄ O) Hopkin,. ~fr,. Anne W.ish- SJh l..1ke Cit~·. l'uh Bu,hrod Corbin ~· .uhin~ton; •:> John AuJ!U\tinc \\'.uhin~ton: JnJ;tOn K.uhcranc Thom.1, Bl.u:kburn t-i.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( S2 ) Hopkin\, l:li,~bc:th W .uhing- SJh l..1kc Cit~-. l'uh John T .iylor f·fopkin\, Jr.; ; John Augu\tinc ~, J,hin~ton; ton Anne W J\hington li.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( S 2) I Hopkin,. FortCKUe Whittle Trout ,·illc, \' .1. G.1rbnd J.1mc,. Jfopkin,: I.·. Bcuy ~•.1\hin,-:ton: M.1ud M.1thc•·\ l.o~.;an Fiddin,-:·i, C so)

Hopkin,. Ci.1rl.1nd J.1mn, Jr. Troul\·illc. \' .1. . G.1rlJnJ J.1mc, liorkin,; -~ Betty ~•.1,hinJ,!ton: . M.1ud M.1thc•·s l.o~.1n Fiddin,-: l.c•·i, < so) I l John T .l)'lor J lopkin,. Jr.; •; John AuJ,!U\tinc ~• .i,hington; Anne ~' ,;l\hin,:ton H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) ! John T.1ylor I lopkin,. 3d: ~ John Au,.:u\tinc W J\hinJ,!ton; I ()r.1n Fcrgu\On tl.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( S2)

! 0 &!uv w~,hin9tnn• j G.1rbnd J.1mcs Hopkins! - - - - ,I •• --·····t'9--··· M.1ud M.1thcws Lo~.1n I J=idding Lcv.·i, (so)

Hopkins, Willis Logan Troutville, V2. G.1rbnd J.1mn Hopkin,: I I} Bcuy W .1shin,;ton: M.1ud ~bthcws I Fielding u•'is (SO) Houston, Flor2 Kirk wood W .1,hington, D. C. J.iy Wirt K.1il: I John W .ishin,;ton: K.1tc R.1nd.1II I Ann Wickliff ( 7) Houston, 5.1m, Jr., W .ishington, D. C. Houston; John W 2shington; f lor.1 Kirk wood K.1il Ann Wickliff ( 7) Howard, Ele2nor S. Washing- W .1shington, D. C. John Augustine W~hington; 11), John Au,;ustinc W2shington; ton Elc:2nor Love Selden H2nn.1h Bushrod ( f 2) Howe, Eli1~bcth A. Glasgow Hendersonville, N. C. Judge Joseph Glasgow: -> John Au~ustinc Washington; M2ri.1 Washington R:anson H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

The C• ) dc-notn dnccnt from 2 brother or ,i,tcr of Gcncnl T 2,hin,;ton. t Sumbcr follo•·inl' Linc of lxtcc-nt rdcn to corrt"\pondin,: number in '"Family in America.•· p.1,;n f 1.2-f97. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS

NAME ADDRESS PARENTS I LINE OF DESCENT I ------'-~-----~---! Hunprford. Eliubcth S. Washington, D. C. Maj. Philip Contee Hungerford; 1 Henry Walhingtoni Amtli.i Jane S~ncc Mary &iky ( 19) I Hunprford. Frederick F. Washing ton, D. C. Thom.11 W. Hun~rford; : Hc:nry W.idungton; Carrie L« Blanchard I Mary Bailey ( 19) ; Hungffford. Harry R. W a1hington, D. C. Thom.11 W. Hungcrford; i Henry \l'aihington: C.irric L« Bl.anchard • M.1ry Bailey ( 19)

Hun~rford. Lcn.1 Washing- 1 Waihington, D. C. Robert J.imn '\X' .nhington: : ~ Augustine \l".iihington; 1 ton &t t ic '1¥' ire Ann Aylen (48) i I Hun~rford, Nann~ Gwin , Wa,hington. D. C. M.ij. Philip Cont« f,lungcrtorJ; . Henry \l,aihington; I Amelia Spcn,e ; Mary 8.1ilc)' ( 19) Hungerford, Mary Estelle i Washington, D. C. M.1j. Philip Cont« HungerforJ; Henry \l'aihington;

I Amdi.i J.1nc: Spcn,e M.iry B.1ilc\· ( 19)

Hungerford. P.uricia lndi.1n.1poli1, Ind. ! Robert 'l'.1lker Hungerford: ·:> Augu,tine , ..nhin,;ton:

Bbnchc Hun,;erford Brttdlo\·c- ! Ann A)·len ( ◄ 8) Hungcrford, Philip Henry St. l..oui,, Mo. John Henry 1--lun,;crf ord; tlcnry \l' .1,hin,;ton:

I Am.1nd.1 1:lorc:n,c C..ox M.1ry 8.1,lcy ( 19) I Hungerford, Philip Contee I l.iulencck P.ark, L. I. I M.1j. Philip Cont« Hun,;erforJ; Hc:n11· W .nhington; Amdi.1 J.1nc Spcn,e· 8.iilc)' ( 19) Hun,cc:rford. Philip St.anforJ · Minden. l...1. Robert 'I' .ilkc:r 1-iun,;crforJ: ' •~ A u,;u,tine W .1,hington; Ciro Alford Ann A)·lc:u ( ◄ 8) ! H un~rford. Ro~rt W.1lkc:r l Minden. L.i. ; Philip Cont« •Iungcrford: .: Au,;u,tinc: '«'.nhin~ton; Lcn.1 ,,.1shington Ann A)·lc:u ( .. a) Hun,ccrford. T. Ru,KII Thom.1, W. HungcrforJ: Hcnr)' W .1,hin,:ton: uri i~ Lcc h.ird ~tu,· B.ailc\· ( 19) . - Hunt, Alice Chri,tinc: , Conroe, Tex.n Ted Hunt: '«' .1rner '«. .1,hin,;ton;·. Ali,e Bc.1zle,·. Eli1..1bcth ~t.1,on <-10) Conroe. Tc:x.u I Ted Hunt; '«·.1rncr '«'.1,hin,;ton;·. Ali,c Bc.1zlc,·. Eli1..1bcth ~1.i,on (-10) Hunt. M.iry Ali~c Conroe, Tc:X.J\ Alex.1nder Bc.1zlc,·:. , . .irner '«' .1,hington: Florc:n,c: Bc.izlc}' Eli1..1bcth ~t.1,on ( -10) ! ; Miller, L. I., N. Y. l Juli.1n Ed"·.1rd Ingle: ·, Betty '«' .uhin~ton: I Annette·i, 8.u\Ct t Fieldin~ l.c"·i, ( so)

0 : Juli.1n F. ln~I~. Jr,: ; ~tty \l;',nhin~ton: ' Edn.1 t-lo\\' .ud Pott, Fielding l.c\\·i, ( so;

Ingle, Jc.1nic McGuire i l':c,,,,burg, Md. I Ingle: ·=> Betty '«'.1,hington: 1 ~tch·illc: B. '91,Ciuirc: Fidciing l.c'A·i, (SO) I Miller L. I., N. Y. 1 8.1,~u W J\hin,;ton ln,.:lc: 0 Betty \l'.1,hington: , Gertrude ~tu,\CII Fielding l.c•·i, < so)

. F..1u Or.1nge, N. J. ! Ju Ii .1 n F.. Iu,.: le. Jr. ; G Bctt)· W.1,hington: Edn.1 lfo\\·.1rd Pott, Fielding l.c•·i, ( so) lngk, William Perkin 11':cwburg, Md. I Juli.1n Ingle: •"> Betty \l' .1,hington: I Mdv,11, B. ~lcGuirc Fielding l.c•·i, ( so) i I lngr.1ham. Charin . Jr. I W .1llupc Oahu. T. H. : Lt. Comdr. Ch.1rlc, Nd\On j O John Auguninc \l;' .nhington; ! lngr2h.1m, U.S.N.: : ti.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S2) I Elc.inor W .1,hin)!ton C.1ld\\•cll l i lngr.1ham. Mn. E I c .1 n o r W .1llupc Oahu. T. H. I I ugh Milton C.ildwell: : '' John Augustine \l;' .uhington; W .11hington Caldwell S4r .ih Smith How.1rd Hann.ah Bu,hrod ( S2) J.1ffe. M.1ry Font.1ine R.1nson St.1unton. Va. Thom.1s I>.1\·i, Ranson; 0 John Augustine W .1,hington; M.1ry Fontaine: Alc:x.1ndc:r H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2 ) Jenkins, Mary Mary H.1rvey Montross. Va. John Washington H.1rvcy; tlcnry W.1shineton; K.ate Gatewood Ch.1ndlc:r M.1ry B.1ilcy ( I 9) Jones. Mary Carter McGuire Bcrth.1ville. Va. Robert l.cwis McGu=re; 0 Betty Washington; Agnes H. l)outhat Fielding Lewis (SO) Jones, Willdm Strother Hooes P. 0., Va. J. Fitzgerald Jones; -> Betty Washington; Jane Selden McGuire Fielding uwis ( so)

The c·) dcnoca dncmt from a brother or ,isur of General 'Wa1hin1'COft. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS

NAME ADDRESS PARENTS t LINE OF DESCENT ' 1----~·- I I I Houston, Tcus Alfn.-d D.1vit0n; l W arncr W a.shington; t f lu(~· Liirf .ax Hill Eliubcth M.icon ( 40)

1 Houston. Tcus · H.arry M. Joyce; I "'.arM~ W.ilhington; i ! Fr.ancn 0.1vi10n : Elai~~,h M.icon ( 40) ' K.ail. Mn. K.uc R.1nd.1ll W .11hin,:ton, D. C. i \'olairc R.1nd.ill; · John '11'.a,hington; H.arriet Amdi.1 1¥:ourc)· Ann Wickliff (7)

Kath. kU)· uwi, '-fitc~l1 J.1ck10n Hcighu. N. Y. John H.1n10n Mitchell; : • Beet)· '11'aihington; Sue Rn, Jr. W .nhington, I). C. John Morr:wn Kerr; '. • Augu,tinc W .ashington; I ! Fr.incc, W.ishington Ann Ayleu (48) I,; Augustine W.uhin,cton; ' : B.ihimorc, MJ. 1 Hcnr)· B. Kc,·Kr; i J Ann Arlen ' urolinc Fischer ; 'C John Augu,tinc W.iwn~ton: j l Hann.ah Bu,hroJ I 1 f •.: Augustine W.ishington; I B.iltimorc, Md. IHenry 8. Kc,·scr; ,1 J Ann A,·lcu I I urolinc Fischer 11 ° John Augustine Washing ton; l H.1nn.1h Bushrod (., Augustine W.1,hington; : 8.1himorc, Md. Hcnr}' B. Keyser; J Ann Aylc:u urolinc Fischer t I'? John Augustine Washington; l H.ann.ih Bushrod

O I ,I Augustine Washington; ; 8:ahimorc. Md. M.iry A. W.uhington; Ann A,·leu. I H. ln·inc Kc)·ser l O John Augustine Washington; I H.inruh Bushrod i l Kalgorc, B.issett Blanton j D.ilbs. Tcus Donald G. Kilgore; I 0 Beu v Washing ton; l Gladys Hope Wauon l Fielding uwis (SO) Kilgore. Donald Gibson, Jr. \ D.1ll.1s. Teus Donald G. Kilgore: 0 Betty Washington; ! Gladys Hope Wauon F~lding uwis ( so) I Kilgore. Gladys Hope 1 l>.ilbs. Tcus Donald G. Ki Igore; l O Betty W.1,hington; Gladys Hope Wat10n Fielding l..cwi, (SO) 1 0 Kilgore. Mn. Glad)·s H., D.1ll.1s, jGhn W auon; · Betty W.ishington; son Maidic: Burnett BasKtt Fidding Lcwi, ( so) King. Anne Elizabeth Johnson City. Tenn. Eldrid~ Claude King: Warner Washington; Mary Elizabeth W ormc:ley Hann.ih Fairf.ix (40) King. Eldridge C. Johnson City. Tenn. Eldridge Claude Kin,c: Warner Washing ton; Mary Eliubeth W ormcl~ ~niuh F.2irf.2• 1,0\ ------... -, King, M2ry Eliz. Wormc:lcy lohnson City, Tenn. Ralph W ormelcy; Warner Washington; uni H. K. Porter H.innah F.1irf ax ( 40) King. Polin.a K. Johnson City, Tenn. Eldridge Claude King; Warner Washington; Mary Elizabeth Wormclcy Hannah F.1irfax (40)

Kinsey, Eleanor Lamkin Shreveport, La. Jesse Homer Lamkin; I) Betty Washing ton; Margaret Burnett Bas,cu Fielding l..cwis (SO)

Kinsey, Norman Victor, Jr. Shreveport, La. Norman Victor Kinsey; it Betty Washington; Eleanor O'Neill Lamkin Fielding Lewis ( SO)

Kobbe, Mn. Mary Washing- New York City Capt. Daniel Dc:lc:hanty, U.S.N.; I) Samuel Washington; ton Delehanty Fannie Madison Washington Mildred Thornton (SI)

The ( • ) dmoin dctcmc from a brocMr or 1uccr of General Y athin,ccon. t Numb&-r following Linc of Dncmc rd~n co corrctponding numb&-r in .. family ia Anwrica;• pa~ 112-191. GESEALOGY AND NA~IES OF DESCESDANTS


~.apt. John.Gr.a)· Pollock; •:: Bc:uy \l' .a~ington; E,tcllc uwi, 1:,cJJinJ: uw.·i, (So) Alexi, C.:. l.1BourJcnc; ~tildn:J \l" .a,hin,:ton Gn:gory; lu~illc G. R.1J~liffc Hcnr)· \l'illi, ( l l) I LaBourJcuc, l..u \' .11 Quin,~·. 1:J.1. Philip 5.tn1ud I>u \' .1I: ·· Beu~· '«' .1,hinJ:ton: C.uhcrinc \lur.u Putn.1m 1:idding l.c•·is < so) Jc,\C I lomcr l..1mkin: ., Beu~· \X' .1,hinJ:ton: \l.1r,.:.uct Burnett B.n\Ctt Fielding l.c-•·is ( so) , I >.all.u. T cx.1i 1 Je,\C I lamer l..1mkin: ' Beu~· \X'.1,hin~ton: · \I .u ~.1rct Burnett B.u\Ctt J=iddin~ l.c•·i, < so) Ro~rt l.c•·i\ 8.1,\Ct t: ·• Ben,· \X" .1\hinj!ton; S.1r .1h Jeff rac, J=idJin~ l.c-•·i, (so)

Liunc. I>r. Ii. A. · Alcx.1nJri.1. \' .1. \\'illi.1m C. l..1t.1nc: ·.: Augu,tinc '«'.1\hinJ;ton; Suun \\'al\On Ann A,·Jcn (.f8)

I \\' C. l ..1t.1nc: ': Augu,tinc \l'.1shington; i Su,.1n \\'al\On Ann A ~-Jen ( 4 S ) Ltunc. John '«'ilion ~. J. \\'illi.1m C. l..1t.1ne: .. , Au~u,tinc \\' .:nhington: 1 I Su\Jn \\. 1I\On Ann A ~·lctt (.fl) l...1unc. l..1•·rcn,c · \\"illi.1m C:. l..1t.1ne: ') Augu,tinc \l'.nhington; 'I' 1\hin~ton Suun \\'al\On Ann A y Jett ( ◄ 8 ) uune, ~fn. SU\.ln '«'ilion , John E. \\'ihon ·•: AuJ:u,tinc \l'.1shington: Betty \\' .1,hin~ton Ann A~·len ( -48) \\" C. l..1t.1ne: •:: AuJ:ustinc '«'.1shington: Su,.an '«' il~n Ann A~·Jcn ( ◄ 8) u•·n. B.irb.1r.1 J=.1irf.1x ! ~-illi.1m Ll"·~; : w· .;arncr w· .nhington; SJr.1h \l'.1rncr D.1,·iion ' EJi1...1bcth M.1con ( ◄ 0) u•·C\, S.1r.1h ~· .1rncr l).1,·i. G.1h·nton. T C'X.lS 1 A If red I> .1 ,. id ~n: \l' .arncr \l'.nhington: 1 ion l.ucy F.1irf .ix llill ; Eli1...1bcth M.1con ( ◄ O) \\·.1ll.1cc '«'iJmcr l..1•·rcncc; l...1v.·rcn~~. Jmcphinc l.01,:.1n : A lcx.1ndri.1. \' .1. ! I ·-> Beu~· '«'.ishington; ; Ciror~inc \\'illi\ 1 1:icldinJ: Lewis (SO)

f~.1rold F.. l.c.1kc: i \l' .1rncr W ;nhington; l.uc,· r .air( .1X D.1,·i\On , F.Ji1..1bcth M.icon ( ◄ O) I l.c.uc, ~fn. Luer L1irf .1x ! C:.1nton. ()hio 'Alf red D.1,·i§On; I W .irncr W .ishington; I>.n·i'<>n l.ucy F.1irf .1x Ji ill Eli1...1bcth Macon ( 40) u.ikc. l.ucy 1= .1irf .JX C.1nton, ()hio H.1rold E. l.c.1kc: W .irncr W .ishington: l.ucy F.1irf .1x l).1,·ison Eli1..1bcth Macon ( 40) ~-.ahrt Howdi Lee; "'John Augustine Washington; S.1r.1h W .it ts \l'.ishington H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) L«. Elc.inor Seldon Tucker Concord, M.iss. Rt. Rev. ~vcrlcy D. Tucker; -> John Augustine Washington; Anna Maria Washington H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) W .ishington, D. C. W.1hcr Howell; -> John Augustine Washington; S.1r.1h Watu Washington Hannah Bushrod ( S2) Thom.1s Blackburn Washington; -> John A ugustinc Washing ton; Eleanor Blackburn Hannah Bushrod ( S2) Lee, St. George Tucker Concord, Mass. George Winthrop Lee; • John Augustine Washington; Eleanor Selden Tucker Hannah Bushrod ( S2)

The ( • ) cknotet detcmc ( rom J brother or ,i,ter of Gcncnl Yuhin,;con. GESEALOCY AND NA~IES OF DESCENDANTS 61 S


t I.,"". Thom.u Gir.ird I~· .1,hin~ton. 1>. C. \\• .ihcr Ho•·dl Lx; · .,, John Augu,tinc: '\l' .1,hington; S-ir.1h \\• .ito \\' .iihington I ti.inn.ih Bu,hrod l S2) i 1 1 ~· .1,hin~ton. 1). C. \\·.11tcr Ho•·dl l«; \ •:: John A u,.:u,tanc \\• .iihington; 1 i S-ir .1h \\ ..uh \\' .iihington ' H.ann.ah Bu,hroJ ( S ~) 1 Con..:orJ. ~I.tu. Gcor~c \\·inthrop l.«: .,, John Au;:u,tinc \\" J\hington; I i I f.lcJnor SdJcn Tu,kcr H.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( S ~) I l.n,nJrJ. Eli1.1bcth C. ~12- ! i:ostori.1. Ohio ~bgruJcr. M. l).; •::- Auguninc \\.J\hin~ton; ~ruJcr ~t.1rg.1rct Ann Johnion Ann Aylcu ( .,.8) i 1c:nnon. ~In,. EJn1unJ r. : AI b.1 n y. X. Y. ~li, John C.1mpion; ..., S.,mud \\' .ohin,.:ton; ~t.iry \\. J\hington ~h.1n Mildred Thornton ( S l) EJ•·in Sn1ith; .. , S.amud \\. J\hington: ~llr~· f. li~.1bct h T urrcll MilJn-J Thornton ( S l) C.h.irlc, Conr.iJ l.c•·i,. 2d; ' Ben~· \\'.1,hin~ton; ~l.1bcl Elc.inor &~·er t:idJin,: l.c•·i, (so) I c:wi~. llorothy EIJinc Ri,h.1rJ F.irlc l..c•·i,; ·.: A UJ:U\tinc ~· .1,hin,:ton;· If ungcr(ord Ann A~·lcn ( -18) Robert Ed•· .1rd I.« l..cwi,: •.; Beu~· \i·J,hin,:ton: Joh.innJ f.li1.1~th M.11hildc Fiddin,.:·i, (so) Gm,lcr

Robert Edv.· Jrd I-« l..c•·i,. Jr.: ~, Sett}· •• J,hin~ton; Ali,c ~f,K. \'on 1:ieldin~·i,

! \'i,·i.1n·i,; s: Ben~· \l' .uhington; ~IJry Imogen·is J:idJinJ! t~"·i~ ( f o) If. I.. I >.iinJ:~rhdd l.cwi,: .;: Sett)· \l'.1\hinJ:ton: C.1rtcr Penn Fred.ind Fiddin,:·i, < so)

I c:wi\. ~In. J:r.1n,"·' J. \\'.1\h- Phil.1Jdphi.1. P.1. L.1 •· rcn..:c \\ •.i,hin J:ton; '-> John Au,:u,tinc '\l' .i,hin~ton; in~ton r .1nnic l..1,kl.ind l"fJnnJh Bu,hrod ( S ~ ) lc:wi\. 1 lc:nn· 1. I cw c 11 y n I h.-wl"·u. 1.. I .• ~- Y. 11. I.. l>.1in1,:crficld·u; Betty ~·.1,hington: I >.tin..:crridJ. 2d ~Jrtc:r Penn J= red.ind FieldinJ:·i, (so) l.c:w i\. J.1n1"·' r r""CIJnd T .imp.i. Fl.i. I I. I.. l>.1inJ:crtidd·i,; Beu y \i'.uhin,:ton; C.utc:r Penn Fred.ind Fidding l..c•·is (so) J.1mn 1:.·i,; Ben~- \\" .uhington; P.1J:c Elli\On FiddinJ:·is (so) 0.1in;;:crfidd·i§; · lktt ~· \¥' .i,hington; lubcllc F .1untlcroy Bro•·nin,.: Fielding l..c~·is (SO) GrorJ.!C \\' .1,hington·i,; ., Betty \l'.1,hington; Syh·i.1 l>cB«k Fielding·is (SO) Philip Conttt If un,.:cr ford; .-, A uguuinc W .1,hin~ton; ~· .uhington Ann A ~·lctt ( ◄ 8) J.1mc, F. l..c•·i,; ,; Beu}' W .11ihington; P.1,.:c F.lli\On Fiddin,:·i1i (so) John ~,.1,hington I l.1r\·cy; licnry W a,hin;:ton: K.1tc G.1tcwood Ch.1ndlcr Mary 8.1ilcy ( 19) George W.1,hington l..cwi,; 0 Betty W.1shington: Emily Cont« Johnson Fielding Lcv.·is (SO) i Rohcr=t Edw. l.c-c Lewis; ~ ")" Betty Waihington; Joh.1nna Eliubcth M.uhildc FiddinJ: L-v.·is (so)

Goulcr J JO\Cph Davin; 0 Betty W .1,hin},!ton; Georgine Willis Fiddinl,! Lcv.•is (SO)

Joseph Davin Logan; I) Betty Wa,hinJ:ton; Georgine Willis FiddinJ: Lewis (so), Joseph D2ndridge John Ltt Logan; I) Betty Washing ton; M2rjory Wood Fielding Lewis (SO)

J01eph Davies Logan; a> Betty Washington; Georgine Willis Fielding Lewis ( SO)

The (•) dcnotn dnccnt from a brother or 1itt~r o( Yuhin,cton. 1 Number followinl' LiM of Dnc"nt rcfcN to ,orrnpondin,c numbt-r in .. F.amily in America.•• p.a~ J 12-f 97. 616 GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS


S..Jm,. \' .l. John lee Logan; i • Bcuy 1'' .nhin~ton; Logan. Marjory Jean I I M.irjory Wood , f ic:lJin,c uwi~ nn. · Fred &enncn lohm.1n: "'arncr 'I'.1,hington; Eloi.- '«'Offl'K"IC)' H.1nn.1h f.11rf.1x (<40) Lohnun. Mary &:nnC'tt Fred Benne,, LohmJn: •· .arncr '\X •.1,h,ngton: F. loiie 'C' ormdcy H.1nn.1h Eiirf .1 x ( .f o) Anne Robert ,,right; Anne: '«' .i,hington; uwrcncc 1e·a1burn Long. Jr. ~t.aj. Fr.1nt.:i, '«' ri,cht l 6) LoonC')'. Mn. EdmunJ l)illi- Port Arthur, Dr. R1ch.1rJ McAlli,tcr Smith; MildrcJ \l' .1,hington; hunty. Jr. Minnie H.a•·c,, RoJtcr Grc:,cory ( I ) ) Lyle. Mary W .uhinKton B. Houston. T cx.. u Herbert Bc.u:lc)·. M. I>.; \¥' .irncr 'I',nhin11:ton; Eugenic S-tr:ah Jone, Eli1...abcth ~t.1,on <-4o) M.a;or. Ellen C.uhcrin~ \I. J\h • Loui,,·iUc. K)·· &tc W .ishington; Hcnr)' W .uhin~con; in~ton M.iry C. Helm M.1r)· 8.iilc,· ( 19) Major. Willi~m W.ashinKton . louis,·ille. Ky. H. M.ajor; ficnr,· W .uhington: J. 1 Ellen C.uhcranc W awngton ~t.1r>· B.ailc>· ( 19) I Macloskic. Eliu Mansfield ! Prin,eton. N. J. i John Whc.-c:kr Smith; • S-amucJ '\l~ .uhinxron: 1 (ift>r~-Ann.:a A. ,·:aJlin1o-tnn Mildred Thornton (JI) ; ;l ~ John Augu,tinc W ,uhington; Magruder. Ann M2nh.tll Nc:••port. R. I. : M.a,. M.1nh.1II M.agrudcr, U.S.A.; : H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( J 2) ! Anne Louise Pti·ton -1 ~ A ugu,tinc "\11 .uhington; ; ' Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8) i I Magruder. Col. Bruce ! R.1Jci~h. N. C. ! G~rgc Corbin '«·.a,hington ( 0 John Augustine Washington; l • Magruder; Elc.1nor Ann Helen: J H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S 2) : M:arshall · 1° Augustine W.ishington: , Ann Aylctt ( ◄ I)

j j rO John AuKmtinc Wa,hingron; Magruder. Bruce. Jr. Raleigh. N. C. Col. Bruce Magruder; ; J Hann.ah Rushrod ( S2) Ferol Lott : l O Augustine ~, .uhington: : l Ann Aylctt ( ◄ 8)

i, (• John Augustine Washington; Magruder, Donald Oklahonu City. Okla. Lyla Migrudcr; : J H:ann:ah Bushrod ( S2 ) Betty Magruder i 1~ Augustine W.ishington: 1 l Ann A)' lcr t ( ◄ 8 ) Magruder. M;aj.,h.ill Newport, R. I. George Corbin W.1shington '. { 0 John Auguuinc W.uhington; Magruder; Ekanor Ann Helen / Hann.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) ; Marshall l • Augustine W .ashington: 1 J l Ann A)•l~u ( 48) • John A ugusrinc Washing ton: Magruder, Margaret Newport. R. 1. Ma;. Marshall Magruder, U.S.A.: { H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) Anne Louise Peyton • Augustine Wa,hingt:on; { Ann Ayli,i ( 4;) •John Augustine W:uhington: Magruder, Peyton Marshall Newport, R. I. Maj. M.arshall Magruder. U.S.A.; Hann.1h Bushrod ( S2) Anne Louise Peyton 1• Augustine Washington; l Ann Aylctt (48) •John Augustine Washington; Magruder, William Marshall Raleigh. N. C. Col. Bruce Magruder; I Hannah Bushrod ( S2) Ferol Lort l • Augustine Washington; l Ann Aylett ( ◄ 8) Manning, Mary Garnett Mc- Baltimore. Md. William Mason McCarty; Mildred Washing ton Gregory; Cany Mary Champc Garnett Henry Willis ( I 3)

The.- c•) dmoc• dncc-nr lrom a brodwr or 1iuc-r of GC'rwul W'.11hin~ron. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS 617

NAME Al>l>RESS PARENTS t 1.1:\:f. <>t= l>F.SC:F.~T

fr.1nci1 Andrew ~l.irch; · Henry W.i,han)tton: M.1rg.1rct M. Stone: Con•·.1)· M.1ry B.iilc:>· ( 19 )

St. Juli.:an R.n·cnd M.1rJ,.1ll; • &tt)' '1'.nhington; M.iric Stu.irt u•·a, Fielding u•·i, (so) ~lln·in. ~tn. Co u r t n c ~· W .uhington. l). C. '«" Fend.ill D.1,·aJgc; · Hcnr)' W,nhington; 1>.1\·iJgc Estdlc '\l: •.1ihin)ttOn· 8.iilc)' ( I 9 )· in, L« \I'.i,hington, D. C. Limond '«'. ~tir,·in; Henry W .nhington; Courtnc)· \I'. U.i,·iJg~· B.iilc)' ( 19) L.1monJ ~·.,·in; Hcnr)' 'I'.uhington; Courtney '«'. lliviJgc M.1ry B.iilc)· ( I 9 )

John W .iihington,·cy: Hcnr)· 'I' J,hington; K.uc G,ut"wood Ch:andlt"r M:ar)· &ilc)· ( l 9) '«. illi.1m B. M.inhc"·,. lJ: " lku )' '«' .uhington; 1:. Corrine Bo"· le, 1: iclding l..c:"· i, ( so)

Bcnj.amin H.irrit0n 8,u\Ct t; •:: Bet I~- W .uhington;,· Burnett 8.u~u t=iclding l.c"·i, (so)

lknj.imin •-1.uriK>n B.1,\Ct 1: !!> lku~· ');' .i,hington: Miry Burnett 8.1nc1 t J=idding l.e•·i, (SO) ~k<:l.ain. l>on.1IJ 5':hotidJ Georgi.a .·.J •· .ard ltt McCbin; Anne 'I, .uhington; Lulu Thcodo,i.1 John'°n M.1j. Fr.inci, 1;1• ri,:ht ( 6) ~kC:l.iin, l>on.1ld Schofield, Atbnt.:a. Cirorxi.1 l>on.1ld 5':hofidd ~tcCl.tin: 1 Anne W.uhington: Jr.. M.irjoric Dc:an Miller \t.ij. Fr1ncii '«·'riJ;ht ( 6) ~kCbin. Edn.1 ~1ildrcd Lo,. An~de'i. C.alit. F.d•·.ud L« McCl.ain. Jr.: Anne W .uhin,.:ton: Mi Id red G bd)·, '«' ooJ ~t.1j. 1:unci, 'it right ( 6)

~kCIJin. f.d"· Jrd I.« i Gr«nfidd. Ohio ~' P.1gc McCl.iin: Anne \I' .i,hinKton: M.1r,t.1rc:t Ann P:arkinwn ~tJj. is 'I' ri,tht ( 6) ~kCIJin. Ed"·.1rd L«. Jr. Lo,. An ~des, C.:a Ii f. Ed•·.trd Ltt McCl.iin: Anne '>:' .uhin,tton: Lulu ~cxi.1 John w.>n ~f.ij. 1: rinci, 'I'right ( 6) ~kCl.iin. Hdc:n M.:arioric: A tl.1nt.1. Gcorgi.1 l>on.1ld Schofield McCl.1in; Anne: '\l' .1,hin,tton: M.1rioric Miller M.ij. Fr.inci, 'i'right (6) ~kCl.1in. tidc:n St. Cbir Clc:,·cl.ind Hci,thu. ()hio Edw .trd l.('(' ~tc(. .l.1in; I Anne '\l' .uhin,.:ton: Lulu Thcodcxi.i Johnw.>n Maj. Fr.inci, '«'right (6) ~kCormick. Ed"·.1rd uwi, Trinid.1d, 8. W. I. ~mud !lfcCormick; " Beu)· W.1,.hin,tton; Esther M.1ri.1 Lc"·i, FicldinK l..<'"·i, (So) ~kCormick. F.mily Cont« i Bcrry,·illc. \' .1. Samuel McCormick; 0 lktt)· W.i,.hington: Esther M2ri.1 l..c:"·i, Fielding l..<""·is (so) AkKcnnc:)·, Mrs. R. 0. M. ~tontrou. \'.1. John ~·.uhin,tton cy; Henry W .uhin,tton: K.icc G.1tc\\·ood Ch.indlcr M.1r~· B.1ilc:y ( I 9) Julius A. l>c.-Gruytc:r; } lkttv W .uhinJ,:ton: M.1ry Noye, Fiddin,t·i, (SO) M, V.1,·. Cl.irkc T. Ch.irle'iton. W. \'.1. C:I.Jrkc: M. McV.1y: I•: lkuv W.a,hinJ,:ton: Eliz.ibtth Stcu.irt l>cGruytcr · J:icldin,t Lcv.·i, (SO) Charleston, W. Va. · C.lark~ M. McV.;ay; "'lktty W.1,hin,tton: Eliz.ibtth Stc:u.1rt I>c<;ruytcr FiddinK L:wi, (SO) : Ci~rkc M. McV.1y; j ~ &tty W.uhin,tton; Eli1..1btth Stcu.irt l>cGruytcr l Fielding Lewis (SO) Mc Whortc:r, 1= r.1ncn Willis El P.1so, T cxas I Edward Ambler Willis; ; Mildred W:ashin,tton Gregory; I i K:atc Virginia Ncv.·comcr : Henry Willis ( I 3) i

Mercer. Nin2 French : Shrc,·c:port, La. ; John Compton French; l I) Charles W2shington; I Sarah Auguninc Thornton Mildred Thornton (SJ)

Mcinhold. L:aura P r c s t o n Fern2ndiru, Fb. : Andrew A. Preston; I) Augustine W.ishington; Jeffries ' j Laura Fitzhugh Ann Aylcu (48) Minnix. Mary Amanda 1 Washington, D. C. l Willi:am H. K. Minnix; Henry W.ishington; Henrietta Virginia Hun1tcr- M.irr Baile)' ( 19) ford

The ( • ) cknotn ~mt from a brotlwr or ,inn o( W .a,hin,;con. t Sumbcr followinK l.inr of llncrnt rrt,:n co corr~ponding number in "F.amily in Anwric.a.'· pa~ Ul-'97. 618 GENEALOCY AND NA!\fES OF DESCESOASTS


----- i ~lannix. ~linnic : 'I'.uhington. 1>. C. ! '«'illi.1m H. K. Alinnix; Hcnr,· \I. .iihin,:ton: Henric:u.1 \'irgini.1 Hungc=r­\·. 8.iilc\'. l I 9 ) ford \I' .nhington. 1>. C. ' 'i' H. K. ~linnix; , Hcnr,· Waihin,:ton: Hcnricu.1 \'argini.1 Hunger­ ~l.1r~· B.ailc~· ( 19) ford I ~linnix, Philip Emery \I' .uhington, D. C. ' ~c•·ton ~t.1rdl.1II ~linnix; Hcnr~· 'i' .iihin)!ton: I Bcuic Emery I ~br~· B.iilc~· ( I 9) I Mitchell, 8.lHcn 'l'.1Jtington: P.tlm lk2ch, Fl.J. Ch.irlci Tunii ~lit~hdl; ': Beu~· '«0 ,1,.bin,:ton; Judith Fr.1nce, C.irtcr 8.uicn ridJin,: Lc-..·i, ( ~o) Mitchell, Ch.1t6dd 'I'.1dlington, D. C. ' Ch.irlci EJ•· .ird ~lirc:hdl; •: Bcuy '«'.1,.hin)!ton: Ruth P. Ch.11fidJ 1:idding Lc-..·i,. ( so) Mitchell, j.1m<'i Andcnon 'I'.1dlington, D. C. 1:~Jcrick Elmore ~litc:~11; •:: Beu}' '«' .1'\hin,:ton; R.ichel lc•·ii Ch.imbcrlin 1: icldin,:·i,. ( So) Mit,hcll, J.1mn Anderson, Jr. W.1ihington, D. C. , J.1mn Andcr10n Mitchell: •:: Beu~· ~·.1,hin,,:ton: M.ibd C..:l.1irc •t urt Ficldin,,: l.e•·i, (SO) ~litchdl. John l-i.1n10n. Jr. B.ihimott. Md. John\On Mitchell: ._, Beu y ~• .J'\hin,,:ton: 1 I Sue RO\C C.irtcr T urncr F icldin,,: l.c•·i, ( so) I Mitchell. l~ur.1 L.1ndon ; Ch.1rln Tov.·n. W. \' .1. Ch.irlc'\ Tuni, Mitchell: •:: Bctt)' ~•.1'\hin,,:ton: Judith 1:r.ince, C.irter 8,u\Ctt r icldin,,: l.e•·i, ( so) Mitchdl. R.1chd l"'v.·ii ; \11 .1\hington. D. C. ; ~h.irle'\ Alcx.inJcr Ch.imbcrlin: ~ Bctt)' \I' .i,hin,:ton: bcrlin Suun ElcJnor l.c•·ii Finnie f iclJin,: 1-<"•·i, < so) 1 Mitchell, \'irgini.i L ICh.irln Tov.•n. W. V .1. ; ChJrln Tunii Mitchell: _!:Beu~· W.1ihin,:ton; i Judith J~rancn C..irtcr ll.1i\CU , l;iclding 1-<"•·i, (So) I I ~lodnct t. John H.1r,·c:y : Shepherd, Tex.n·cr T. ~loJC1Cn; W.irncr ,·.1,hin,:ton: 1 : luc1.• Bc.izlcv Eli1...1bcth ~1.1,on ( ◄ 0) 1 ' • Shepherd, T ex.u : John Bc.izlc\·: W .irncr \I' .1,hington: I . M.iry Em.ily Mc ~filli.1n Eli1...1bcth ~1.i,on ( ◄ O) Moore, Emm.1 Arthur / Lm Angeles, C.ilif. ~· ,JliJm Enoch ~foorc; Hcnr)· \I" .1.shin~ton: S.illic Ann Burkett '«' .uh- ~f.iry B.iiley ( 19) angton I Moott, Esther Lcv.·is Ch.irlottc:, N. C. · ! I. I.. D.iin~erfidd Lcv.·i,: 0 Betty W.1ihin~ton; ! C.irter Penn Fred.and 1:idding lc•·is (SO) I I 0 Moncure, P.iul Hull W .1ihington, D. C. ; G.1\CotJ:nc ~loncurc: , S.imud W .1.shin~ton: I ! Jane Ch.1rlotte ~,.1,hin~ton · Anne Steptoe ( S I ) 0 Morrill, Edn.1 u,·ini.1 Terrell, Tcus 1 Edv.·.ird Henry Morrill: S.imud Washin~ton:

I uvini.1 Bcdin~r Mildred Thornton ( S I )

Morrill, Edv.·.1rd 1-ienry, Jr. Terrell, Tc:us : Edw.ird Henry Morrill: 1 ° S.imud W ~shin,:ton; L.1,·ini.1 BcdinJ:cr Mildred Thornton (SI) I Morrill, Mn. L.1,·ini.1 &din- Terrell, Texas l Solomon Singleton Bcdingcr: . ~ ~mud Washington; get Mildred Berry Waihington · Mildred Thornton (SI)

0 itorrill, Mildred Antoinette Terrell, T c:us Edward H. Morrill; : S.imud W aihington: Lavini.1 Bcdingcr Mildred Thornton (SI) Morrill, N ctt.1 W .ashing ton T errcll, T c::us Edward H. Morrill; 0 ~mud Washington; uvinia Bcdingcr Mildred Thornton ( S I ) Focter C,illwn Mnrcc! '> C-""•-· \\7 l:J-t;n_.,_. Morss, Burton Gilbert Charles Town. W. V 2. ------·----- .. ~...... ,.~.... Clara May Wells ! Anne Steptoe (SI)

0 Morss, Dorothy Ann Binglumpton, N. Y. Harold Wheeler Morss; · ~mud W ashin~ton; Dorothy Marie Allyn Anne Steptoe ( S I ) Mons, Foster Gilbcn Charles Town, W. Va. Foster B. Morss; • ~mucl W ashin~ton; Lucy Madison Pac kct te Anne Steptoe ( S I ) Mons, Harold Wheeler Binghamton, N. Y. Foster 8. Morss; • Samuel Washing ton; Lucy Madison Packette Anne Steptoe (SI) Mons, Nancy Allen Binghamton, N. Y. Harold Wheeler Morss; • Samuel W ashin~ton; Dorothy Marie Allyn Anne Steptoe ( S I )

The ( •) dcnocet dctcmt lrom a brother or sister of General Wnhin,;ton. GESEALOGY AND NA~ll:S OF DESCENDANTS 619


~lot'ton. Corncli..1 \' irgini..1 Phil.idclphi.1. P.i. John 8.; Hc,ry \\' .a,hington: \'ar,,;anu S. Hun&:crtorJ· 8.ailc~· <19) ~lorton, Thonu, E..1rl }J Phil.idclphi.1, P.i. ' Thom.u l:..1rlc ~lorton, 2J; Hcnr)· , •.a~hington; C..:Orncl1.a \' irgini.a M.1rr 8.ailey ( 19) ~lute, Mn. Elc.1nor B.HM:U 1>.all.u. T cx.u Bcnj.1m1n H.1rri10n B.nsctt: ·:: lktt)· "'.a,hington; ~l.ary Burnett B.a~\CU fidJing u•·ii (so) C..:.ah·in ~luM:: -; lktt)' \X'.1,hingron: 1 Eanny 11 unt ,~,clJing u•·is (SO) ~lu~. 'W'ill.1rd B. 1> l:uJ;cnc 8. ~lu\C; -; Beu)' \X' .a ,hing ton; lJc.a nor B.u~t t J~iclJing lc•·ii (So) ~.auh~·. ~fn. Anne H.arc•·ooJ Phil.aJdphi.1. P.i. LrorJ:c L.1( .l)"C'UC' ~· .aJ\ington: •:: S.amucl \\'.ilhington W .1,hington Ann Bull Clcmmn Anne Steptoe ( S I ) 1 Nelson. ~tn. Ri(h.ard M. Cle,·cl.and. Ohio. I >r. Cl.arcn(c 1.. G.arnctt: ~tilJreJ ~· .nhington Gn:gory; ~t.ary "'il10n (;.irnctt I fcnry· '«• illi, { I ; ) 8.atc '«' .uhington: licnry· ~• .1~hington; ~l.lry C. lidm B.ailcy ( 19) 8.uon Rouge, u. f>.1uline '«"right; Anne \\·.uhin~ton; l>r. lrb)· C. ~ichols ~l.ij. Fr.incis \\. right ( 6) 8.iton Rouge, Lt. f>.1uline '«.right: Anne '«' .uhin,-;ton; l>r. lrb>· C. ~ichols ~f.1j. J:r.1nci, \\' right ( 6) 8Jton Rouge. u. f>.1ulinc \\'right: Anne '«·.uhington; l>r. lrb)· C. ~i,hols ~l.1j. J:r.1ncu ~'right \6)

Nickl.u. Mn. C. A. Sew York City John Gordon Spott i•·ooJ; , ·:: Au~uitinc ~t .aihington; ~follic Oli,·~r ,\nn Aylc-tt l -tM J {)'1..c.1ry. Alice lfungcrford ~· .uhington. I). C. Phiiip Cont« Hungerford; . ,; Augu,tin~ ~·.1,hin;;ton; l.cnl '«' .1,hington J lungcrlorJ Ann A ~·lcu ( ◄ 8 J l)pic. Jficromc Lindu~·. Jr. St.1unton. \' .1. , Col. tlicromc 1.ind\C)" Opie: '' John Au,:u,tanc \\' .uhington; ~llr)· R.anwn I l.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S2 J {}pie.-. ~frs.,· Elc.1nor St.1unton, V .1. Thomli U.1,·i, R.1nM>n: ; John Auguitine \\'.uhington; R.1nson ~f.1ry Font1inc Alc.-x.1ndcr H.ann.ih Bu,hroJ ( S2) St.iunton, \' .1. Col. J ficromc l.inJuy Opie; ., John Augustine W' .nhington; ~flry· Elc.inor R.1nwn •t.1r.n.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) ()pie, R.1nson St.1unton, V .1. Col. Jiicrome l.induy Opie; " John Auguitinc ~,.1shington; ~f.111· R.1nwn J-f .1nn.1h BuihroJ ( S2)

()\\·en, ~tr,. Eli,~lxth W ;ash- ~· J\hington. D. C. Thornton A. w~ .1"1ington; -> 5.tmud ,·.a~hinl,!ton; angton Oli,·c Ann Jones Mildred Thornton (SI )

P.1ckctt. C.uherinc Ruther- St.1unton, \';a. 1 \\'illi.1m B.1inbridgc P.1ckcn. Jr.; ,:;. 5.tmud ~' ~!lhington: ford Tcrcu C.1thcrinc H

P.1ckct t, Willi.1m B.1inbridgc, St.1unton, Va. ! Willi.1m B.tinbridgc P.1ckcu: 1 ,, 5.in1ud W .1mington: Drusill.1 Ruthcrf ord l An.1e Steptoe (SI) J~ I I, I Paige:, David R~ymond i W .1rrc:n, Ohio i Ch.1rlcs Cutler P.1igc:; ! Q Betty W ashin~ton; j M.1ry Adams J Fielding Lewis ( SO) i Akron, ohao David King P.1igc; 0 Betty W .1,hington; Gertrude Wagner Fielding Lewis ( SO)

Paige, John W. Akron, Ohio David King Paige; r> Betty W .uhington; Gertrude Wagner Fielding Lewis ( SO)

Paige, Mary Ad.1ms W.1rren, Ohio D.1vid Raymond Paige; I) Betty Washiniton; F ranees Lincoln Fielding L:~·is ( SO) Parker, Mrs. Julian S. Montross, Va. P.1trick Robb Harvey; Henry Washington; Const.1ncc Eugenia McKenney Mary Bailey ( I 9 ) Payne, James Keith St. Louis, Mo. Charles E. F. Payne; • Augustine Washington; Jeannie M. Brooke Ann Aylett ( 48)

·rM ( •) clcncKet dacfflt from a brodwr or 1isttr of Gawral Yaahingcon. t Number lollowinl' Line of Dncmc rcfen co corrnpondinf' number in ••family in America," pages J12-J97. 620 GENEALOGY AND NA~lES OF DESCENDANTS ------··----·------~------NA~IE ADDRESS PARENTS ------

Pcopb. ~In. ~ .an Brooke \I' .1,hington. U. C. ICh.irb E. f. P.i)·nc:: ;i: Au,:u,tin, ,·.aJiin,:ton; P.a)'M ! Jc.innic ~t. Brooke Ann A)·lcn ( ◄ 1)

\l\thc:,·illc:. \' .I. Edmund PcnJlc:ton: . -~ John Au,;u~unc: , . .iJian~ton; Pc:ndlcton. Lo,·c 1 Elc.anor Lo,·c: \I" ilia, H.inn.ah Bu,hroJ ( si)

1 Pendleton. Edmund. Jr. \l'~·thc:,·illc:. \' .a. 1 Edmund Pc:nJlc:ton: -~ john Au~u,unc ~· J,hington; f Elc:.1nor l.o,·c: ,.alln I H.ann.ih Bu~hroJ l sl) Pc:ndkton. B~·rd I \I'~ thc:,·allc:. \' .a. Edn,und Pc:nJlcton: · John Au;,:u\tanc \\'J,hingtnn: I Elc.inor l.o,·c: ,.alli, f-1.ann.ih Bu\hroJ l S1) i

0 Pcndlc:ton. \I' .nhington \l'~·thc:,·illc:. \' .a. · EdmunJ Pc:nJlc:ton: • John Au~U\ti.,c \\' J,hington; Elc:.anor l.o,·c: ,. illi, Ji.ann.ah Hu\hroJ l S1) l:JmunJ Pc:nJlc:ton: . · John :\ Uf,:U\llllc ~-J\hin~ton: Elc:.inor l.o,·c ,. illi, . H.ann.ah Bu,hroJ l i 1) Pc:ndlc:ton. Thom.n \I' illi, Edmund PcnJlc:ton: ., John Au,:u\tane ~· .1\hingt~n; alln Elc:.1nor l.o,·c: ,. I Hu,hroJ ( S~) George: Corban J>c:rane; f · John :\u1;:u,t111e ~·.ntun!,:ton; T)·lc:r Coo"-e I IIJnnJh 8u,hroJ l '.?> I · Au,,:u,ttnc: \\' .1,h,n~ton: l Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 1') CieorJ:c: Corban Perane; ., John Au!,:u,t,nc: \\·J,han,.;ton; T ~· lc:r Cooke I I l.ann.ih 8u,hroJ ~ ~ ~) .., AuJ;u,unc \\' .1,han~ton: I Ann Aylett ( ◄ 8) Perine. ~tildrcd Ela1.1 R,J~d)· Be.ill \\·J,hin,:ton: f ., Au1,:u,t1nc ~·.1\htn!,:ton: F.. Glenn Perine I Ann Ayleu ( ◄ K) I John Au!,:u,tane -.-.1,h,n,:ton; l I fJnnJh Bu,hroJ ( , .? ) . Ridgel)· Be.ill , . .1,hin!,:ton: Augu,tine ~· .1,hington: E. Glenn Perine . l Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8) ., John Au~U\llll'-° ~-J\hin~ton: I I f.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( ~.?) , George: Corbin Perine:: :.1 · John Au,-:u,t1nc ~·.1,hin~ton; !. T ,. ler Cooke I • • I • 1 J·f.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( ~.?) I l .,, Augu,tine \\' .1,hin,gton: ; l Ann Aylc:n ( ◄ S) Perrin. Eli1~ Perine • 8Jhimorc:. ~td. . Eli1..1 Ridgel)· Be.ill , •.ishin~ton: ( ' Au~u,t inc 1''.1,hin~ton: F.. Glenn Perine : I Ann A~·lcu ( ◄ 8) , 1·~ John Au~u,tine \\'.1\hin,:ton; . I l •i.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( 12) Perro,,.·. Mn. John Archer · Lynchburg. V.1. l)r. Rich.ird ~fc Alli,ter Smath: 1 ~tilJrcd ,,.1,hin,:ton: Minnie H.1v.·cs B.1nk, Ro~c:r Grc~ory ( I;) Ezrl J=i,kc Bouchrllc: ~tilJrc:d ~•.1,hin,gton: S.illy Gould I Ro~cr Grc:,:ory ( I;) Phillips. Ch.1rln 'I'.1ihington , Br;inf ord. Conn. Ch2rlc, ''illi.1m Phillip,: · -~ John Au~u,tine ~· .1,hin ·•ton: Eli1.2bcth T emplc \l' .1,hington ~ H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S.? t \\' illi.1m l)odgc \l' .1,hington: I Piper. F.1nnic: Scott Wash-: ~cw York City 1 ~• .irncr \l' .1,hin1,:ton: ington Sdinl C.1ncr i Eli1.1bcth ~1lcon (40) Piper. C.1rter : ~c:•• York City l Ch2rles Edw2rd Piper: \l' .irner W 2,hington: F annic Scott W .1shington Eli1..1bcth M.icon C40) ,~ Augu,tinc W 2,hington; Platt. Mn. Walter B. ! 8.iltimore. Md. Elizl Ridgely Beall Washington; Ann Aylett ( 48) I l E. Glenn Perine 11 Q John Augustine Washington; l H2nn2h Bu,hrod ( S2) I I "' John Augustine W 2shington; Platt, Washington ; Syracus:. N. Y. Walter 8. Pl2tt; r H2nn2h Bushrod ( S2) 1 Mary Perine l i> Augustine W2shington; l Ann Aylctt ( 48) Pollock, John Gray Capt. John Gr2y Pollock; !)Betty Washington; Estelle l.cwii Fidding lewis ( SO)

The c·> dcnoc~ detc:t'nC from a brochcr or 1iucr of GcMral Ta,hin,;cun. GENEALOGY AND NA!\tES OF DESCENDANTS 621

NA~IF. ADDRESS PARENTS l t l.lSE Of DESCE~T ! - I -~ - ! , l>ur,:uc P. 0 .• \' .1. ~far)· I mo,:('n l.cY.' i,: : •:: Bret)' '«' .11hingcon; l • Euui, Con,,.·.1,· PoY.·cll 1 1:iclding l.c•·i, (Io) l>oJ:UC' P. o .. \'.i. \far~· lmo,:cn Le,·,,; I·" lku,· \l'.1,hington; f u,ri, ConY.'J)' PoY.·cll Fielding u•·i, ( so),· lmo,:('n Le ..·,,: ., lkn,· \l-.uhington; l:u,ti, ConY.'l)' Po,,.·dl Fiddin,.: Lcv.·i,

Powell. Gc,40r~c Pl.ucr l>o1-:uc r. C.l.. \'.1. .\· ln10,:cn l.c•·i,; , -~ Ben,· \l'.uhington; f u,ti\ Cony.• .1~· Pov.·dl 1:iddin,: L<",,_.,,

Powell. ln10,:cn I.. \· lmoi;cn l.cY.·i,; ., &:u )' '\l. ishin,.:ton; l:u,ti\ Con,,.·.1~· Po,,.·cll 1:iddin,: lcY.·i, ( SO) .\· I mo,:cn UY.' i,: ., Beu~· , ...uhin,gton: I: u,t i\ Con,,... n· PoY.·cll ridding lcY.·i,

I >o,.:uc P. ( l .. \' .1. \l.1r~· I n'k>,:cn· i,: ·· lku )' '«' .1,hin,gton; r U\t I\ Conv.· .1~· Po\\·cll 1:,ddin,: l..c,,.·i, EJ,:.1r V. l.cY.·i, ., Beu,. '\¥' .1,hin,:ton: .\IJry lnlo,,:cnc tcwa, J;icldin,: l.cY.·i, ( JO)

<._,hurrier. Ar..:hic 8. Eli 1.1bct h. s. J. Archac ,.I. Qu.irricr: Au~u,tinc \l' .nhington: T. lklln.1r Ann Ayleu ( ◄ 8)

Qu.arricr. ri,,hu,.:h, .1bcth. ~. j. Arf.:hic 8. ~)u.irricr: Au,gu,tinc \l' .uhin,gton:, T. Qu.:arr.c-r Ann A~·lc-tt t .+8}

Qu.uricr. s,·Jnc~· f.Ji,.abcth. S. J. Archie 8. Qu.1rricr; ,! Au~u,tinc '«" .uhington: J:r.incc, T. · Ann A)•lcu ( -48)

R.ilph. ' t:li1.ib.:th S. 'I.C"itport. Conn. Dr. John l.c..,i, I>od~; ' Beu~· W.1,hington; l>oJ,.:c 1:r.tnCC'\ Rich.:ard~n J:iclding 1..c,,.,;, (so) R.alph. F.li1..1bcth Spou""'·ood \I' ntport. Conn. · H. R.alph; -, lku~· "«'i,hington; l>od,.:c ' Eliz.1bcrh Spot oy.•ooJ l>oJgc , Fielding lc-Y.·i, (SO) R.1lph. \'irgini.1 B.UC"\ 'X·.uh- '\¥'ntport. Conn. H. R.ilph; ' Beu,· \¥·.1shin1:ton: angton l:li1..1bcth Spoto,,.·ooJ l>od~c 1:idding l..c•·i, ( so) Reiter. ,.ln. Cicely Alcx.indcr Bryn ,.f.:a,,.·r. Pa. \X' J:ont.tinc Alcx.indcr; 0 John Augustine \¥' ashington. 1 Cicely '«'oollcy Hannah Bushrod ( S2) '«'hitc Sulphur Sprin~s. \¥'. Frank \¥'oodm.1n: ; r, Augu,tinc \I' .uhington; Va. !':.innic M. Cotton Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8) Rttd. J=r.inccs W .uhin,gton Pl.1inficld. X. J. · Ch.arlc:s Ed•·.1rd Pit>er: \¥' .1rner \l'.1,hington: Pipc-r F annaC' Scott '\\"" .uhin 1:ron EliLabcth Macon (-to) I Rich.ird\On, Arthur P.aync Cl.1yton. Mo. I Herbert H. Rich.1rdwn; 0 Augustine W.. .1,hineton: M.1ry M.110n Pa)·nc: Ann Avl.:u '"~ \ Rich.1rd\On, Herbert Mason Mt. V crnon. Ill. Arthur Pa)·nc Rich.ird\On; ~ Augu,tine \\t.nhington: ~hr,· Trier Murphy Ann Aylcu ( ◄ K) ·I~ John Au,gustinc \\;'.1,hington; Ridler. Mrs. Christine Wash- Ri,·crton. N. J. IG1.-orgc Steptoe \¥' .1,hin1:ton; H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) an~ton , M.ay Tome Alcx.andcr ) ,-:. 5.amucl \I' a,hington: l Anne: Steptoe ( S I )

0 . ( John Au,:ustinc \\'ashington;

Ridley. Christine W .uhington I Ri,·crron. N. J. George Lincoln Ridley; i J H.1nnah Bushrod ( S2) ! Chri,tinc M. '«'a,h;n~ton 1 l,) 5.amud W'a,hington; I l Anne Steptoe ( 5 l) 1 ! I : f-> John Augustine: W ashin~ton: IR. Ridley. Edith Scan 1 1\•crton. N. J. George Lincoln Ridley; I H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) Christine w· .14'hin,gton l O S:amuc:I W"ashington; l Anne Steptoe ( S I )

( r'; John Augustine Washington; Ridley. Eli7..1bcth W.1shington Riverton. N. J. Gc:or~ Lincoln Ridley: I H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) Christine: Washington I ) "' S.amucl Washington; I l Anne Steptoe ( S 1 ) Riordan. Forest Heth. West Phifaddphia, P.1. John B. Riordan; I Henry Washinvton; Virginia S. Hungerford I M.iry Bailey ( J 9)

The (") dcnot~ ~c-nr from a brothcr or ,i,tt'r of Gfflcnl T a,hiniton. t Numbt-r followin,c 1.iM of l>ncC'nl rdcr, co corr~pondin,c numbt-r in .. F.amily in Afflt'rica;• p.tJ;<" U2-J91'. 622 GENEALOGY AND NA~tES OF DESCENDANTS

NAME ADIJRESS PARENTS l.l~F. (lf DESCf.ST fortt"t tfcth. Jr. · For~t Heth; t Henry '«• .nhin,:ton: ~l.ary Edith B.1ycr :\l:ary B.1il'1· ( 19 ) ~d10n Contee \I* nt Phil.addphi.i, P.a. , l~orrc~t ticth; 1 f--fcnry· \I' .uhin,:ton; :\1.a~· Edith B.a,·cr ! :\I.try· 8.iilc)· ( I 'J) forr<"'t Htth ld '«' nt Phil.iddphi.a, P.i. I 1:or~t Heth Jr.: licnry \\' .1,hin,:ton; I Jc .inn.: Bore 1. ~liry 8.ailcy ( 19) i ,-~ John Au,:u,tinc 'I;. J\hin,:ton; Robins, :\In. ~l.arg.irct W uh- 'I'oodbur)·, N. J. Ri~h.1rJ 8. 'I' .iJ\ington; I H.:ann2h BuJtroJ ( i 2 ) angton 1 !'\.1nnic Sturgeon i l,; 5.Jmud ~· .a"1in,:ton; Anne StcptO(' ( i I ) :.• John Auguuinc 'I;" .uhin,:ton; Robins, :\t.arg.1ttt St urgc.'On \I.oodbury, ~. J. t Gcor~ Pepper Robin"; I H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( I 2) I M.aa g.uct 'X• 2J\ington l " S.tmud ~•:aJ,inJi:ton; . l Anne Steptoe ( S I ) ,,; John Au,:uuinc '\);* .nhin,:ton; Robins. M.iry Rttd \l'oodbu11·. N. J. CirorJ:C' Pepper Robin\: I f t.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2 ) !,:.arc:t '11 .uhin~ton l .., SJmud ~· .a,h,n~ton: l Anne Steptoe ( S I ) ~·ilJiJm RobcrtK>n; ' Betty , •. uh,nJ:ton: l.oui\C l.c,·i, t=iddin,: l.c,·i.. < so) Robcruon. 1..i,·rc:ncc: ' Frnno. C.ilif. 'i',lli.;am RobcrtK>n: •: \l·.1,hin~ton: l.oui\C l.c"·i, l;iddin ~ l.c,·i, n; l ~ Betty \l'1J1inJ:ton: l.oui1C l.cwis l f=iddinJ: l.c•·is ( SO)

Robcrt10n. ~In. l.oui\C l.c•·i, j Frc\no. C.ilif. j John C.1h·in l.c•·i,: I .., Ben~· ~-J'11i11,;ton: G.1.idlc Gorm.1n ! riclJin; l.c•·i, ( \ 0) I Ro,:cn. ~Ir,. l.oui,.a Clcm\On I~lor,:.into•·n. '«'. \' .1. Tl:om.n Au,:u"t u, 8ro,·n; ': S.1mucl \); . .1,hin,:ton: Annie Steptoe , . .1,hin,.:ton Anne StcptOC' , ~ I )

Rm,d. ~Ir,. Chri,tinc ~· .1'h- ~·in,hntcr. \' .1. C...ol. Ro~cr Prc,ton Cht',.: --: John AuJ:u,tinc \\'.1,h·u;•ton; in~ton Che\\· l.oui,.1 Font.1inc ~·.1,hin~ton I Bu,hroJ < s! }

Ruffner. ~Ir\. l>oroth,· Don- Ch.irlnton. 'i·. \'.a. ; \\.illi.1m Bonn.1lh·; : Au,:u,tinc 'i' .i .. hin~ton; .1lly . i S.1'lic A \hton C.otto~ · Ann Aylctt ( 48) Stcubcn\·illc. Ohio · Ch.1rlc, 8. Zu,pln; '. Ch.1rlc, \l*.i,hin,.:ton: Annie L.1ur.;a Somcn·illc: MildrcJ Thornton ( S,; J

1 Seib\·. \fn. Louiu Clcm\On \1or1;:.1nto"·n. W. V 1. G""Or;.:c RoJ,:cn; . r; 5.-imud \t· .. -.hin.L:ton; Rol.!Cr\ l.oui,.1 Clcm,on Brown Anne Steptoe ( SJ ) Scuun1,. l.oulJh ~· J,hin,:ton Somcr\·illc. T cnn. I>r. Spr.1~uc \\• .uhinJ:ton; I lt"nry• \\' .1,hin,:ton; F.112 \' .1.nn.1\On ~tary B:ailc,· t 1 9)

\\. y .1n Sh.1lkr°',; : c Betty ~·.1,hin,:ton~ l..1v1ni.1 I tync, Butler Fiddin~ l..c•·i, t so) . \\' , . .1t t Sh.1lkrcx\; : '~ Beu,. ~• .1,hin ~ton; I l..1vini.1 l I ync, Buder · Ficldin~ l.c:•·i, , s n) Kirk •·ood. Mo. l \l' Sh.1llc:r0'\; ·, Betty ~,.l\hin,:ton: i. .1,·ini.1 1-t)·nc, Butler FiddinJ: l.c•·i, , so) Kirk"·ood. Mo. '«'>·2tt Sh:alkross; 0 Betty W' .:ashin,:ton: L.1,·ini.1 liync, Butler f=ictdin;: l.c\\·i, ( so) . • t ... .: -- ...... ,. K1rK-.·ooo. !\10. W yJtt Sh.iiicross; ·· De-tty w ~un,ngton; L2,·in1.1 Hync, Butler J=ictdin ~ Lc•·i, ( SO) Sh«h.1n. Holley Andrew C:ul Lewis Sheehan: W.2rncr ~';uhin,:ton: Lucy Florence Holley Eli1.2bcth M.:acon ( -10) Shcclun. John Carl l..cwis Sheehan: Warner W.ishin,:ton; Lucy I· lorr:ncc Holley Eliz.ibcth '-I.icon ( 40) Shcch2n. Willi21n Louis C.irl Lewis Sheehan; W.1rncr Washin~ton; Lucy Florence Holley Eliz2bcth M.1con ( 40)

Sheerin, Ch2rlC\ Wilson. Jr. Richmond. Va. Rev. Chari~ Wilford Sheerin; I) Betty \l":uhington: M.:aria Ward Skelton William" ridding Lewis ( SO) GENEALOGY AND NA~fES OF DESCENDANTS 623


Richmond, \' .1. Re,·. Ch.arl" \l"ilford Shttrin; I •"; lkuy \l' .iJ\angton; • ~l.ari.a \I'.arJ Skelton \l•, i l;idding lc•·i, (So) I I S~ h·nter, ~In. ~lildttd Tur- 1) \I' uhington, D. C. , Gc.40rge Turn~r; : ~ Bcuy \l' .iJ,ington; ner i J.anC' M. McGuire : Fielding lc•·i, ( SO) 1 Samn, ~tr,. C.uhcrinc Munt I Poromouth N H GcorgC' E. T .iyl«; 1 ~ Betty '«' .iihington; T~,·loc I • · · l>cli.i S. '«'illi, Fielding uwi, (SO) San,c,. Stephen H.ard)· Richmond. \'a. Thom.a, H.irJy Si~; • Betty \l',uhington: C.uhcrinC' Mur~u Tayloe l~idding lc•·i, r. Ri,h.1rd ~t, Allister Smith: Mildn:d W.1,hin~ton: ~tinnic, Ro~r Grc~r)' ( I}) I Ha•·n Sn1ith. ~In. I firJm ~loorc 1 F.. ~·,Ison Smith; ., Au8l,lstinc ~-.1shington;

I J lcnractt.a Cotton Ann A}·lctt ( -48) I Smith. John l..1wrcn,c 8.lnk, Bin,:hJmpton. ~- Y. l>r. Ri~h.ard M,Alli,tcr Smith; 1 Mildred '\\' .1ihington: • ~l,nnic H.1\\·n, \ Ro~r (j re ,.:ory ( I ; ) i I Smith, J~phinc ' T .1mp.1. 1:1.1. ! EJ"·in Curr.1n Smith; IQ SJmud '«,1shin~ton: I Eli1..ibcth T urrdl J Mildred Thornton ( S I ) j , Cl1.1rlc, T uni, Mitchell; '. ;: Betty \l;• J\hin~ton: · Judirh J=r.1ncn Carter 8.is1ett FidJin~ 1~v.·1\ < so) I ~tildrcd \l;' .nhin J.:ton; l>r. Ri~hlrd McAllister Smith; I • ~finnic I IJ\\'C'\, ! Roger Lrc:,:ory ( I 3) · Pueblo, Colo. John \\.h"·dcr Smirh: ' S.1n1ud \t.J\hin~ton; Ci"-orJ,:c-AnnJ 1\u,.:u,t.1 ~, .1,h- ~lilJrcJ Thornton ( S I) 1n ,.:ton It. B.1rr.1nCJ\, Fl;a. l>r. Ri~h.1rJ ~•~ Alli,ter Sn1ith; 1 ~lilJrcd ~, .tihington: ~linni"· I b\\'c-. B.inks ' Ro~cr Grc~Or)' ( I 3)

0 Smoot. Allx·rt A. · AlcxJnJri.1. \ J. \\' Alben Smoot. Jr.; ; ~ Betty \l;' .1,hin1,,:ton: . 1 ' I l.1rrict Fuller An,lcy I Fiduing l.c:•·is (SO\ l Smoot. Lewi\ EJ,.:crton . Alcx.anJri.i, \';a. I \\'illi.1n1 Albert Smoot: : ·") Betty \l;'.1\hington: , lktt y CJ rt er ~fcGuirc J=ieldini,: 1.c:v.·is (SO) Smoot. ~'illiJn1 Albert, Jr. Alcx.1ndria, Va. ' \\'illi.1m Albert Smoot: -~ Sett\·. \\·.1 .. hinl·ton·,.. . I : lkttr C.1rtcr ~f,Guirc Fielding l.c:wis ( SO) ~outh"·r. ~In. ~IJry I.. T.1yloc Chev~· Ch.1"-'. ll. C. . Col. Ci"-orgc E. T .1yloc: I •-: Bcuy ~'.1shington: I>di.1 s. ~'ilia\ ! Fielding l.cwi, (Ht' I I ('• John Au.~U\tinc ~·J,hin~t<>n: 1 IJ.1himorc, ~Id. T .1lbot T Jylor Speer: f fi.1nn.1h Bu,hrod (S2) ~l.111· \\' Jshin~ton Stew .irt ) -~ Au~ustinc ~· .. ,Jun~ton; l Ann Aylctt ( 48) ~In. t= 1nnie W .uh- King Gcor!,:c. \' .1. Robert J.1mc\ W .uhington: ') Augu\tin: ~, J\hin.t.:ton: angton Betty \l'irt Ann A)·lett ( 48) Spr.1n. H~uci Zu"p.1n Ponti.1c. Michi~.1n Ch.1rlc, 8. Zusp.1n; r> Ch2rles \l' .ishini,:ton; Anne L.1ur.1 Somerville Mildred Thornton ( S 3) St.1rke. Mn. ~fch·illc Richmond, Va. Dr. Rich.1rd McAllister Smith: ~lildrcd \l'.1,hin~ton: Minnie J,f.1\\•cs 8.1nks Ro~cr Grc~orr ( 13)

Sterrett. Ch.1rlotte W oodm2n Ch;arl~ton. ~,. V .1. Fr;ank \\;' oodm.1n; r> Au,:ustine W ashin~ton; N .1nnie Cot ton Ann Aylett ( 48) Ste,·cns. B.uil M. Montcfair, N. J. Edwin Au,:ustus Stevens; i> Betty W ~nhin1:ton; Emily C. l.cwis Fielding Lewis (SO)

Short Hills, N. J. Bayard Stevens; I) Betty W ishin eton; Mary G. McDonald Fielding l.cwis (SO)

The c•) dcnocct cktccnc from a brother or 1ittcr of ~ncral T a.hin,ccon. t Number followin,c Line o( Dctc:cnc rclcn co corrctrondin,c number in '"Family in America," pa,cu U2-19i'. 624 GENEALOGY ASD NAMES OF DESCESDANl"S


tJ•·•n Au,:u,tu, Stc,·cn,: : •: Bc:u y \\:' .a~,n~ton: 1-:mal)· <..:. l.c•·a, I· u~IJu,,: u•·i, t, o) I\J,al ~I. StC',·cn,; -~ 8c:t1)' \l'.1J11ni:ton: lidc:n L. \\:'.arJ 1'1dJ1nK lc•·n l ~ o) 8.a,al ~I. Stc:\'cn,: •; Bet t )' \\:' .a~ington: t Iden <..:. \\:' .arJ I' aclJinK lc:•·i, t ~ o) Stc,·cn,. Emil,· L:•·i, BcJmin,tcr. !':. J. E,l•·in Augu,tu, Stc,·cn,; ., &·t1)· \\:',.nhin,:ton: F.n1ih·. t:. Lc.·•·i, r,dJan,: lc•·n ls o) Stc:,·c:ni. John \'II Short I filh. ~- J. K.a,·.arJ Stc,·cn,; ., Betty \\:'.uhin,:ton: ~t.arJ G. ~l.:l>on.alJ I· u~IJan,: lc•·a, t So) StC'\'C'nl, uwrcn..:c L:•tis Phil.uklphi.1. P.1. 1:.J•·in Augu,,u,. St.:n:n,; · ·· Beu y \l' .a,han ,;ton; l:.mal)· L. 1-cwa, l·,dJ1n1,; Lc\\·t\ ( so) Stc:,·cn,, l..i•·rcn..:c l.c:•·i,. Jr. Phil.iJdphi.1. P.1. l..a\\·rc:n,c l.c•·" ~tc,·,n,; .. , Bctt)' \\:'.1,h,n,:ton; Ann.a M. ~I.alp.a" r,dJ,nr,: l.c•·a, on.1IJ I ,dJ,n,: l.c•·n (SO) . John AuJ.!u,tinc \l' .nhin:.:1:,:• ~ John St~•·.1rt; I 11.ann.ah 8u,hrod (~:) l>oroch,· Brov.·n•n,; RoJ~cn ·1 ·· AuJ,!u,tanc '\\' .a,han~ton: Ann Aylctt ( .. s) , ~ John AuJ,:u,tinc: W.1JtinJ,:ton: John Stc•·.irt. Jr.; J If.inn.ah 8u,hrod (S!) ~t.iry \\:' ,uhinJ.!ton Kcy\Cr ·1 ': AuJ,!u,t,nc \\;' .nhin~ton; Ann A)·lcu ( -48) r•; John Au,:u,tinc: W.ishin~ton; John Ste•· :art; .J I f.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( s 2) l>orothy Bro•·ninJ.t RoJ1,:cr, I': Au~u,tinc \l'.1,hington: l Ann A )·lctt ( -41) Stiff, Mn. M. ( l.1k Gro,·c. \' .1. \\:' C. .·, Augu,tinc ~· .1,hington; Suun \\:'ilwn Ann A)·lcttc: (-Ill) Stiff. Mn. T .a y I o e E.nt Akron. Augu,tinc \\:'.1,hin~ton; W.uhin~ton Juli.1 Rcbccc.1 C.irpc:ntcr Ann A)·lcu ( 41) Sulli,·.1n, Elc.1nor Chamberlin Bremerton. \I' .uh. J.imcs Pcrly Ch:ambcrlin; · Beu y \l. .nhington; Jennie Ann.1 Shoun.h Fielding l.cwis ( SO) Sutcliffe. Emnu Eliubc-th ~lcmphis. T cnn. lcGr:and Sutcliffe: '\\' .un~r \\:' .1,hin,:ton; l.C'n.1 PortC'r \l'ormdcy Hann.ah 1: .iirf .ax ( 40) Sutcliffe, J.1cquclinc Wormc- ~tcmphis. T cnn. l....

Sutcliffe, un.1 Wormclcy Memphis. T cnn. 1 R.1lph Wormclc)·. Jr.; ~· .irncr \\:' .:a,hington; l.cni 1.. K. l'ortcr ti.:ann.ih 1: .:airf ax ( 40) Sutcliffe. M.arion lv.1 ,~tcmphi,. Tenn. (.c(jr.1nd Sutcliffe:: ' \\:' .:arncr ~,.1,hin~ton: l.C'na Porter W' ormclc,·. H.1nn.1h F.a,rf ax ( 40) Tayloe. Myrtle Townn Vicnn.1, Va. Pl.ttc:r Tayloc:; · · Betty ~,..uhington; Myrtle To•·nc, J=idding l.C'••is (so)

T.1ylor. Alfred Fontaine ;St.1unton. V.1. t lcrbcrt Jae k10n T .1 y lor; ! '' John Augustine W .1shiniton; i I Ch.irlottc Alcx.andcr R.1n"1n H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

. H4"'4"'L--• J.. r•--.,.. y.,.,,ln.-• '' j,..J..~ A,,_ •..,,..;".,. \YI "'t ....L~n~ ...... ,.. T:iylor. C-furlot!.e A~llnb-r !Suu:1t.on. \'::. i --· ~...... _.n.--...... - , ...... -:. .. ,.-.....:...... wt, -~ ,...... ,•• ' I Charlotte Alcx.1ndc:r R.:an~rt Ii.inn.ah Bushrod ( S2) Taylor, Mrs. Ch.1rlonc Alex- Staunton. V.1. Thomas Davis Ran10n; • John Auguitinc \l'ashington; .1ndcr Ranson ~fary Fontai:1c Alcx.andcr Hannah Bushrod ( S2 ) Ta)·lor. Mrs. Charlotte M. Bisnurck, N. Dak. Samuel Francis Sterrett; Henry Washington; Catherine Herndon M.ary B.ailcy ( 19)

T.1ylor, Mrs. Margaret Pol- Scalston, V .1. Capt. John Gray Pollock; I) Betty Washington; lock Estelle Lewis Fielding Lewis (SO)

T.aylor, Mary Garland Staunton. Va. Herbert Jackson Taylor; i> John Augustine W a,hington; Charlotte Alcx2ndcr Ranson Hannah Bushrod ( S2 )

The ( • ) dmocn detccnc ( rom a brochcr or ,i,ur of Gc.-ncral W .a,hinl'ton. Gt:Sl:ALO


B.ahimort. Md. l>ccourcy 'l"right Thom; ~John Augu,tinC' \l*.uhington; M.1ry \i' .nh,ngton Kc)·\Cr I H.inn.ah BuJ,roJ ( S.? ) St(W .irt I .-.. Au,:u,tinc , ..nhan,,:ton; l Ann A)·lc:u ( ◄ I) luhamor.:, ~Id. l>ccour~)· ,.right Thom; ,.: John Augu,tinc '«'.1J\in1tton; ~1.iry , ..nh,n,:ton Kc)''l

Bc:rth.1\·illc. \' .1. J.1mc, 1~111 ~er .ilJ June:,: ., Beu). 't; ..nhangton: ~bry C.irtcr McGuire: 1:idJin,: l-4:,..,,. t , o) Thornton, Ann.a Kc~· A lcx.1ndri.1. l..1. John R.1ndolph Thornton; ., Ch.1rlc:\ '$ . .i,hir.~ton; F.li1.1h..1.h Smith ~til,lrc:J Thornton ( S;) Thornton. C:ornd,.1 k.1nJolrl1 Alcx.1ndri.1. l..1. Juhn R.:indolrh Thornton: · Ch. .ulc, ~·.uhin;,;ton: Eh1.1b::th Smith ~tildn:J Thornr,,n ( SJ) Thornton. J.u1,c, lnnc:"'\ \X' .1twni.a. Al.a. l f .1rr;· lnnc, Thornton; ~t,ldrcd ~· .uhin,.:ton; SJlly Blecker Roger Grc~ry (};) Thornton. John R.1nJolph Alc~.1ndri.i. l..i. R.ilph Smith Thornton; ·· C...h.u·lc, 'i·.u,hin,:ton; M:ay Sm.tll,.ooJ MildrcJ "fhornton ( ' ; J Thornton. Lillie Jeff raC\ A lcx.1ndri.1. l..i. John R.1ndolph Thornton: ;; Cn.arlc\ \\; . .ilhin,:ton: Eli1..ilxch Smith Mildred Tnornton ( S))

Thornton. l.ouiu R.ubur~· :\ lcx.1ndri.1. L.i. Smith c;o,Jon Thornton; r, Ch.arlc, '« ..nhin~ton; l.ouiK' R.1 .. bury· Mildred Thornton ( S ; ) Thornton. ~IJry LrJi.1 :\lcx.1ndri.1. Ll. John R.1ndolph Thornton: •., Ch.1rlc\ \X'.i~hin~ton; Eliz.ibcth Smith Mildrca Thornton ( S;)

Thornton. Sm.ill•·ood Alcx.1ndri.1. I .1. R.ilph Smith Thornton: "Ch.1rl,:,. \\';uhin~ton; M.1v Sm:all• ood ~tildrcd Thornton ( S;) Thornton. R.ilph Smith Alcx.1ndri.1. Li. John R:andolph Thornton: '} Ch.irlcs ~-.nhin~ton; Eliz.1bcth Smith Mildred Thornton ( S;) Thornton. Smith Gordon Alcx.1ndri.1. l...i. John R.indolph Thornton; •) Ch.1rlc, ~· .n.hanJ:ton; Eliz.ilxth Smith Mildred Thornton ( S3) Todd. Mr,. Augustine J.aqu· W.1,hington. l>. C. B.1inbrid~c P.1ckcu: 0 S.1mud \t'.uhin~ton: Jin Annie Gibson Anne Steptoe ( S 1) Tribe. Albert H.amihon \l.illi;am Henry Tribe; '«' .irncr -«1 J\hiniton: Ethd lk.1zlcy f.li7Jbcth M.icon ( ◄ O)

Tribe. F.uxcnc Alton \l"illiam Henry Tribe; 'i,. .irncr W .1,hin1-tton: S.1r:ah Ethd lk.11.lcy E.liz.ibcth M.1con ( -40) Tribe. Ruuc:11 Bcrj,! William Henry· Tribe; '«' .1rncr '«'.nhin,:ton: S:arah Ethd lk.11.lcy F..liz.lbct h M.1con ( -40) Tribe. Mrs. S.1r.1h E t h c: I Houuon. T cx.u l)r. Willi.1m Herbert Bc.1zlcy: '«' .;arncr W .1,hin,:ton: Beazley M.1ry Virgini.i C.irr Eli1:tbcth M.1,on ( ◄ OJ : Au~u~tin~ W ~~hin~ton Tucker. : ,"} John ..-\ugu;t;r.~ 'l' 4;hiu,;tun~ Tucker, Annie Chc:ihire 1. Sh.2neh..2i...... -- . , Chi"~ ' · M.D.; li.1nn.1h HushroJ ( S2) Annie Webb Chnhirc

Tucker, Dr. Augustine Wash- ; Sh.1n,;h.1i. Chin.1 Rt. Re,·. Beverley l>andrid,;c I) John Augu,tinc W.ishin,;ton; angton• I Tucker; Hann:ah Bushrod ( S2) Ann2 Maria W .ishington

Tucker, Augustine Washing- Chin.1 : Auguninc Washin~ton Tucker,' Q John Augu\tinc Washin~ton; ton. Jr. '. M.D.; . Hann.ih Buihrod ( S2) ! Annie Webb Chcihirc

1 Tucker, Augustine Washing- Welch. W. Va. John Randolph Tucker; I) John Au~ustinc Wa~hington; con 2d Eloise Lloyd Beckwith 1 H2nnah Bushrod ( S2)

The ( ••, dc-notn ckt.ccnt from .a brochcr or ,iucr of ~,w:uJ ,,,,hin,;tun. t Sumbt'r followini l.itw: of l~t"nt rdcn co cottnpondin,c numbt'r in "F.amily in America:• p,,cn U2-J91. 626 GF.SEALOGY ASD NA~IES OF OESCESDASTS


Tu,kcr. Re,·. &,·erk)· D .• Jr. Richmond. \'.1. R l. Re,·. &,·erlc)· l>.1ndridgc •:: John Augustine: '«' .1Jt1ngton: Tucker; ti.inn.ah BuJ\rod ( S2) Ann.1 M.1n.1 '\l' .1J\ington &,·crlc)' D.indridge Richmond. \'.1. Re,·. Bc,·crlc)· ll.1nJriJgc T uc kcr. ..,, John Augu,tine '«' .uhington; ld Jr.; H.1nn.1h BuJ\roJ ( S 2) Ele.anor C.anon Lile Tucker, &,·crlc:)· D.indridge; Sh.inglui, Chin.a Au1,tu,tine '«' .1J\ington Tucker. •.: John Augunine '«' .uhington: I ~l.D.; BuJuod ( s ~) Annie ,.ebb C~irc Tuckt>r, Ch.arln f.iulkncr ' Suffolk. \' .1. IHerbert ~1Jt Tucker; ,.: John Augu,tine 'i' .1Jt,ngton; i Alice f .1ulkner I-I.inn.ah BuJtrod ( S 2)

Tucker, Elc.anor Sddcn \I'.ash- : Richmond. \' .1. Re,·. 8:,·crlc)' l>.1nJriJgc Tucker, •-.: John Augustine 'i'.1Jtington: angton Jr.; tiann.ih BuJ\rud l S 2) Elc.1nor\On Lile Tucker. Elinor Hilli.ird Rich.1rJ Bl.1ckburn Tucker; .. , John Augu\tine '«' .1,hington: Elinor t f illi.1rd •i.1nn.1h Bu~hroJ , S ~ )

Tucker, Eliubcth Toole: Augu,tine '«' .1~hington Tucker. !; John Augu,tine '«' .1,h,ngton: M.l>.: I f.inn.ih 8u\hroJ ( S 2) Ann,c \\'ebb Chc,harc T uc kcr. Re,·. 1:. Bland Rt. Re,·. Bc,·erley l>.1ndri,iJ,!c .. , John Au1,tU1tine '\l'.1JtinJ,!ton; Tucker: H.1nn.1h Bu,JuoJ ( S 2) Ann.1 M.1ri.1 '«' .1,hin~ton , John R.anJolph Tudu~r: •.; John Auj,!U\tine \\0 ,nhanJ,:ton; 1 Eloi~ Llo,·d Beck with J f.1nn.1h BulhroJ ( S 2)

Tucker, Rt. Re,·. Henry St. Richmond. \' .1. Rt. Re,·. Bc,·erlcy l>.1ndrid1,!e " John Auf,:U\tinc \\".1 11 h1n1i:tun: Grorgc Tucker: Bu,hroJ \ ~ 1) AnnJ ~l.11 i.1 \l' .1\hin1o:ton Tucker. Hcnr~· St. Grorgc. Jr. Ri(hmonJ. \' l. Rt. Rc-,·. I lcnry St. Gcor1i:c John AUJ,!U\linc \\·.a,hinJ,:hUl; Tucker: li.1nn.:h Bu,hrud ( ~ 1 ) Lilii.1n , . .1rn.1,k Tucker. Re,·. }ierbcrt ~.uh Suffolk. \' .1. Rt. Re:,·. Bc,·erlc)' 1>.1ndriJ~c John AuJ,!u,tine '«' .1,hin,:ton: Tucker: I l.1nn.ih Bu"hroJ ( S:?) AnnJ ~IJri.1 \l' .1,hin ~ton Tucker, Herbert ~.ash. Jr. Suffolk. \'.1. Re:,·. I lc:rbc:rt ~ .1,h T uc kc:r: John AuJ:u,tinc \l' .1,hinJ,!·on: S.u.1h Alice F .1ulkncr I l.1nn.1h iSu,hrod c ~ 2) Tucker, I sot.1 A she Pit hburJ,!h, P.1. Rich.1rd 81.ickburn Tucker; John Augustine \l' .1,hin,:ton: Elinor I lilli.1rd H.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S:?) Tucker. J.imn Ellis Richmond. \' .1. Rt. Re:,·. I lcnry St.

Tucker, JO\Cph Blount i Au~u,tinc \\'.1,hinj,!ton Tucker. I' ~ John Au;u,tinc \\' .1,hin~tnn; i M.I>.: . Bu,hroJ ( S2) l Annie: \l'"•bb Chc,hirc ·

I Tucker. Kirkl.ind Ruffin i Norfolk, \'2. l..t\\·rence Font.1inc Tue kc:r: [ ' John Au~u,tinc W .1shin~t11n: J.1nc Mincr,·.1 Ruffin · tl.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( S2) Tucker. le.icy McDon.ild I Welch. W. \'.1. John R.1nJolph Tucker; : John Au~u,tine W.1,hin~tnn: Eloi§C Lloyd Beck with H:1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2 )

Tucker, Louis.i Lile Richmond. V :a. Rev. Beverley I>.1ndridgc Tucker. i> John Au~ustinc W .1,hin~ton; Jr.; H:ann.ih Bu\hrod ( S2) C;inon Lile

Tucker, Lucy Harrison Sufl'olk, Va. l Rev. Herbert Nash Tucker; I) John Au~ustinc W .ishington: I S.1r.1h Alice F.1ulkncr Hann:ah Bushrod ( S2)

The ( •) dcnocn cla«ac from a brochcr or ,i,ccr of ~ncnl 'W .uhin,;ton. GESEALOGY AND NA~tES OF DESCENDANTS 627


Richmond. \'.a. Re\·. Bc.-,·crlc)' 1>.inJriJ),.~ Tucker,. ·• J1..J,~, Au,;1.nlanc "'.a,hingcon; Jr.: H.ann.ah BuJ\roJ ( S.?} f. lc .a nor C.ir10n tile

'1 Tu~ ktr, ~l.1ri.1 \I'.uhing con Suffolk. \' .1. Re,·. Herbert N .uh T uc kcr; .;' John Aui,:u\tinc W' .iJ\ington; SJr.1h Alic( f .1ulknt:r t I.inn.ah BuJ\ruJ l S 2 ) Tu~kC"r. ~l.ui.a 'U'uhington Sh.angh.ii, Chin.a Auruiuinc \l'.1ihington Tucker,!• John Au~U\tinc: '«'.uhington; ~I.D.; H.inn.ih BuihroJ

Tu.:kcr. ~l.iud unon Richmond. \'.a. Rev. Bc\·crlcy D.1ndridgc Tucker. i • John Augu,tinc ~,.iihinJton; Jr.; H.inn.ah BudlroJ ( S.?) EJc.1nor C.1r10n Lile Tucker, Rich.irJ 81.ackburn , Pituburgh. P.a. Rt. Re\·. Bt-,·crlcy llinJrid gc O John Au gust inc \I' .uhin gton; Tucker: H.tnn.ih Bushrod ( S2) Ann.a M.1ri.:a \l' .nhin,:ton

0 '. Tucker, Rich.ard Bbckburn. Pittsburgh. P.1. 1 Ri~h.ard Bl.1ckburn Tucker: John AuKu,tinc ,,.uhin~ton; Jr.. i F.linor l-filli.1rd Bushrod ( S2) ! Tucker. S.1r.ah Fr.incis Sh.angh.ii. C:hin.1 · Au,:u,tinc \l'.1,hin,:ton Tucker. r: John Auxu,tinc W.ash,n~ton; I M.ll.: H.1nn:ah Buihrod ,S.?.> I Annie Webb C:hc,hirc Turner, EJ•·.arJ M'"GuirC' Gcor gc T urncr: I -~ Bcuy W.1Jtin,:ton; , fielding 1-C'•·i,

K.uhJrinc Thom.1, Bl.1ckburn i }f.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

Port I.ind. Orc,:on 'Ch.irlc, I fcnry \l'.ird. ~nd: Q John Au,:ustinc W:a,hin,,:ton; K.ithJrinc 81.ic.:kburn \l'.i,h• 1-1.innJh Bushrod f S.?) 1n,:ton Ri,:hJrd Bl.i..:kburn \l'.uhin,:ton; ~ John Au;;:u,tinc \\·.Hhin~ton; A,;.:nc, I l.1r•·ooJ ~f.1nh.1II t bnnlh Bu,h1 oJ ( S.?, Rcldc ff. \l'.-a,hin;:ton; '«. .1rncr \l' .i,hin;:ton; K.uc: Alc,unJcr f.li1..1bcth ~.icon ( 40) I.Jwr~ncc "'.l\hin1,:ton; '' John Augu,tin,: ~· .1,hincton; J=Jnnic: l..1ckL1nd . J h:1n.ih Bu,hrod ( s:, J f ouiton, T cx.u J:.1irf .1x B. W.1,hin.s,:ton; / \l7.irncr W.uhin,:ton; J l.1rric:t C:arr ; Efi:,.ibcth ~t.u:on l 40) l {

'1;' ;nhington. Bcuac V .1nl..c.1r : Gcrm.anto'A·n. P.1. : Rid1.1rJ S(-ott 81:ackburn \l' .1,h- 1 I) John A ugustinc \l' 2,hin~ton; ington; H2nn2h Bushrod ( S2) Eli1..1 AtkinM>n Perry

W.uhin~ton. Bctt)' W:arncr i F:air(.1x W.uhin~ton; W ~rncr W .ishin ,:ton; i S:ar:,h Rich.11 ds Elizlbcth ~{.icon ( 40) ' Washin~ton. Bushrod Corbin, ()teen, N. C. Bushrod Corbin W .ashin~ton; r.- John Au,,:ustinc W :ashington; Jr .. K.uh:arinc Thom.1, Bfackburn •fann:ah Bu~hrod ( S2) ~ John Au,:u,tinc ~r.uhin,:ton; Washington. Christine M.1ri.1 Ch:arlcs Town, W. V.1. Rich.1rci 81.ackburn W ashin,:ton; r H.1nn2h Bushrod ( S2) Chri\ti.1n M:ari.1 Washin~ton ') ,:, S.1mud W .ishington; l Anne Steptoe (SI)

The ( • ) dcnotC\ ~enc from a brother or ,i11cr of Y .a,hi n.;cun. t Number followin~ Linc of Dncenc rdcN to corrC1pondin,c num~r in .. Family in Afflf'rica."' p.a~ '12•J97. 628 GESEALOGY ASD NA~tES OF DESCESDANTS


W.aihin~ton. l>r. ll J n i c.- I \I' .uhinJtton. 1>. C..:. John ,.• .aJ\inJ,tton -.: AuJ,tu,tinc \I' .1\hin,:ton: Boone M.111· C:h.ambc:r, Ann A)·lc:tt ( ◄ 8) \\' .1,lun,:ton

W .uhinJtton. F.. I. Alc.-x.inJri.i. \' J. l..i-.·rcn,~ \\' J\hin ~ton; Au,:u,tinc: \\'.nhin~ton; Juli.1 Rcbc,,.i C..:.irpc.-ntcr Ann A)·lctt ( ◄ 8) John AuJ,tu,tan, \\' .i,hi!" J,tton; ., John Au,:u,tinc \\ . .1,han~ton; Gu~-~ Ahi1cr ~f.ann.ih BuJuoJ ( '2) \\' .ihcr O,·cn \\' .ohin,:ton; t icnr)' \\' .i,hin,:ton; lkrni~c lkth t IJ\kdl· le.-)· ( l 'I )

\I' .nhinJtton. f. I i , .i b c.- t h f>hil.aJdphi.i. P.a. Gror~~ l..,t J)'Ct h.· \\' .1,hin1,:ton; ·- S-imud \\' .i,hin,.;ton; 1:i,hc.-r Ann.1 Bull ~lcnt\On Anne.- Stc.-ptOC' ( ~ 1) l..i,·ttn(c ,x· .1,han~ll,n; Au,.:u,tine \\' .1,han,:ton: Juli.1 R. C.irpcntcr Ann A)·lctt ( ◄ 8)

'«' .uhinJ,tton. FidJan~ l.cwi, Alcx.1nJr1.1. \' .I. Ri~h.arJ 81.a~kburn \\'.a,han,-:tun; John Au,-:u,tane \\'.1,hanJ,tton: A;,:nc, I l.irwooJ ~l.1nh.1II I I.inn.ah Bu,hroJ l , ~)

'I' J\hinJtton.,n l..1,k- ~ ort h 1:ork. \\'. \' .1. L.1v.·rcncc \\'.1,hin,-!ton. Jr.: John Auf.!u,tane \\'.1,hanJ,tton; I.and :\ell ~lcK.n·. l>uJle,·. 11.inn.ih Bu,hrod ( 'i) W .1,hin~ton.,i, R ,·I.and '\I' ,uhanJ,tton. I>. C. ( _.iv.·rencc \\' .a,hanJ.!ton: John Au,.:u,tanc \\' .1,hin~ton; t= .innic l..1, kl.1nJ li.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( '2) W .1,hinJ,tton. GrorJ,tc l..1f.1y- l),·crbrook. P.1. Rich.ird Bl.1ckburn \\' .1,hanJ.!ton: ·· ~.unud \\' .1,hanJ:ton: cue: ~.annie SturJ,tron Anne Steptoe: ( ' 1 ) '«' J\hin,tton. Gror,tc ThomJ\ 1>ccroat. ~lich. \\' alli.1m M. \\' .uhington; ; S.an1ud \\'.1,hin,:ton; J.anct Thom.n MilJrc:J Thornton , ~ 1 ) 'I' ,uhin,cton. Grorge Thorn- ~ev.· ()\. u. Thornton Au~u,tine \\' .1,hin,.:­ -: S. .u;1ud \\".1,hini:ton: ton ton; ~tilJrc:J Thornton (' 1 ) Oli,·c Ann Jone, f John A u~u,tinc \\' .1,hini,:ton: Rich.ird Scott Bb,kburn \\' .1,h­ I I IJnn.ih Bu,luoJ ( '~) angton: I ... S.imucl \\" J\hin,.:ton: C..:hri .. ~l.iri.1 \\' .1,hinJ.!ton l Anne Steptoe ( ' 1 ) '«' .1,hington. Glcnor .1 Ger- · Ephr.1t.1. '\I' .1,h. ~.ith.tnid \\'illi\ ~•.1\hinJ.!ton; ... John Augu,tinc ~· .1,hington; crude·, Fuller I f.inn.ih Bu,hrod ( '2) W.1,hington. H.1nn.1h F.1irf.1x Fr~c:rick,burg. \'.1. John I fc:nry ~' .1,hington: \\' .irnc:r \\" .1,hington; SclinJ l>ubn)· CJrtcr Eli1.1~th M.1con (-40) ( ., John Au~\atine ~· .a,hin~ton: GrorJ:e l~f.1)'cttc \\' .1,hington; I H.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ < , 2) K:nh.irinc Ame, l c S.imud 'l'.1\hin~ton; l Anne: Steptoe ( S 1) W .1,hington. Hdcn L.1 •·rcncc 'I'.1,hinJ,tton, 1). C. Sydney Jior.1cc \\',nhin~ton; J-fenry \\'.1,hin~ton; Lee: 1-ldc:n Ste,· .irt 'X', M.iry 8.11ley ( 19) W .1,hington, Hc:nry B. l~t.inn. \' .1. l..1,·rencc \\' .a,hinJ:ton: •-: Augu,tinc '\l'.1,hington; Juli.1 R. C.irpcntc:r Ann Aylett ( ◄ 8) , ... W .1, hington. H c:nry T .ay Ioc 8 roo kl yn. N. • Robert J.imc\ 'I'.1,hin~ton; •-: A UJ,tu,tinc ~• .1,hingt~u: Bc:tty W'irt Ann Aylc:tt ( ◄ 8)

r> John Au~u,tinc \\' l\hington; Wa,hington, liow.ird Alex- Ri,·erton, N. J. . GMr~r Strploe! W .uhin_gton: f H.1nn.ih BuJu-od ( S2 ) andcr M.iy T omc A lcx.indcr ·1 ,., Samuel W a\hin~ton: · -

I l Anne Steptoe ( S 1 )

~ Richard Blackburn W .1,hin~ton: r> John Augu,tine \\' .uhington: Agnes H.irwood M.1nh.1ll Hann.h Bushrod ( S2) ' Washing ton, John Augustine Logan, W. Va. : L.iwrcncc Washington; .;. John Augustine 'I'.nhington: Fannie L.ickland H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

Washington, John Augustine, Logan. W. Va. John Augustine Washington; r> John Augu,tinc W .1,hington: Jr. Elc.inor Guye Altizer H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

Washington, John Augustine Alcxandri.1, V .1. Rich.ird Blackburn W .ishington; : r> John Augustine W .nhington; 2d Agnes H;.rwood M.irshall H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2) GENEALOGY AND NA~IES OF DESCENDANTS 629

NA~IE ADllRf.SS PARENTS t 1.1~1: <>r llfSCE~T

.;: John Augu,tinc w·.1,h1ngton; 'i·.nhin~lon. l>r. John Au- 8.ahimorc-. ~IJ. s.imud , •.ihcr \I' .uhin,:ton: I H.1nn.1h BuJ\roJ ( S ~) ~u,tanc Elii.abcth R>·l.inJ '« 0 alli, I .;, S-in,ud , . .i,h,ngton: l Anne Steptoe ( S I ) r ., John Augu,tinc , . .1,hin~ton: John Au,:u,tanc \X' .uhin~ton; J I l.inn.ih BuJ\roJ ( S ~) Eli\C Sall Gi~n I .. , S-imud , . .a,hinJ:ton; l Anne Steptoe ( S I ) l..av.·rcn~c 'I' .1J\in~ton; •., Augu,tinc ,·.1Jtin~ton; Juli.a R. C.irpcntcr Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8) \I•. nhanJ:ton, J ulun Hov.· .arJ l..1 v.· rcn~c \X" .1J\in~ton; .·, John Au,:u,tinc \l' J,hin~ton; 1: .annic k I.ind 1-f Jnn.ih Bu,hroJ ( S1 l \I' .nhinJ:ton, K.athcrinc E. \X' illi.1m ~1. \X . .1,hin~ton; ~mud \\',1J,in~ton; J.1nct Thom.1, ~tildrcd Thornton ( S I ) \1°.nhinJ:ton, l..av.·rc-n,c, Jr. 1..av.·rcn..:c '1°.uhin~ton; John AuJ,:u,tinc \l . .a,lunJ.:hm: I; .1nnic l..ic Id.ind t bnn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S;:) A lc~.1ndri.1. \' .1. R1,h.1rJ 81.ickburn \l',nhanJ,:ton; John Au,.;u,tinc \\' J,lunJ.:h>n; AJ.!n'"' t f.1rv.·ood M.1nh.11l I bnn .. h Bu,hroc.l < s ~ ) P.alo Aho. C..alat. Fr .1nklin Bcdan,.:cr \l' .1,hin1,:ton; S.1n1ud \l' .1,lunJ,:ton; Alacc ~1.1ri.1 8.1con ~1,ldrcJ Thornton ( S I ) \I' .nhanJ,:ton, L1v.·rcncc Au- 1..aunn. \' .1. l..1v.·rcncc ~' .uhin,:ton: AuJ:u,tanc \l'.1,hin,.;ton; ~U\lanc Jul1.1 R. C.irpcntcr Ann Aylctt (-I!\) \1° .1,h,nJ,:ton, I .c8.uon I lolnlc, \X' .1,hinJ,:ton. I>. (.. Thom.u C. '\l'.1,hin~ton; John :\u,:u,tinc \\'J,hin~cun;,.dxth H. t-lolmc, I bnn.ih Bu,hroJ < ~ ~) l..1v.·rcncc ~·.uhin,:ton; Au,.;u,tinc \\'.nhinJ;ton: S.1r.1h T .1,·loc \l' .1,hin~ton Ann Aylctt (-IS) , •. uhanJ,:ton, Llo~·J l.oui\C Kin1,: (;rorJ:c. \'.1. Robert '\I' art '\I' .ishin,.:ton: Augu,t enc \l' J,hinJ,!ton; \' cron.1 I f.iJ,!trty Ann Aylctt ( -18)

l..1 v.· rcncc ~· .1 ,hin gton: Au ,.;u,t inc \l' .a,hin ,.:ton: Juli.1 R. C.1rpcntcr Ann :\yl"·u <-IS) f ; John Aulo!u,tinc \l'.1,hington; Grorgc- L1f .l)'Cttc ~,.uhinJ:ton; J H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) K.1th.1rinc P.1rkc Ame, I'· 5.imud \l'.1,hin~ton: l Anne Steptoe (SI) l>.1nid Bcdin~cr \l'.1,hington; ; SJ mud \l' .1,hin~ton; l.ucy Anne ~·h.1non ~faldrcd Thornton ( S I) ~· .1hcr o,-,·cn '\l' .1,hington; 1lcnry \l' l\hin,.:ton: Bernice Beth H.1,kcll M.1ry B.ti Icy ( I 9 j \l' .uhin,.:ton, ~l.irth.1 C,rorgc l..1( .t)'Cttc \I' .1\hington; .: 5.lmud \l' .nhin~ton; Ann Bull Clcm~n Anne St,·ptoc , S i ) \X' .iltcr Ov.·cn '«' .1,hin~ton; t fcnry \X' .1,hin ,.:ton: Bc:rnicc Beth H.ukdl ~f.1ry· B.iilcy ( 19) A lex.1ndri.1. \' .1. '«' ilwn Selden W .1,hin~ton; ; John Au,:u,t inc \\0 .1,hin1,:ton; Irene Watkin, Tin,lc,· I t1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S 2) r ~ John Augu,tinc \\' .1,hington; Rich.ird Scott Bl.1ckburn W' .1\h­ J H.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( S 2) angton; l 0 S.1mud \\' .1,hin ,.:ton: Eliz.1 Atkin10n Perry Il n" ---uu~ C:---t--.>h.: y ~ , ~, •', I W .1,hin~ton. !':.1th.1nid Wil- Ephr.1t.1, W .1,h. N.1th.1nid Willi, W .1,hington; · John Au,:u,tinc ~'.1,han,:ton; Ju. Jr. Gl.idy~ J=ullcr t l.tnn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S2)

Washin~ton. P.itty Willi, W.1,hin~ton, l>. C. L.iwrencc W .ishington; r, John Au~u,tinc W.1,hington;

I Fannie L.ickl.ind H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) I

1 L.iwrcncc W.ishington; •: John Au,.:ustinc W.1,hington;

1 F.innic L.ickl.inJ .. f.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) W ashin~ton. Rc.ide H. Gulf port, Miss. ; F.1irf.1x W.ishington; ; W'.1rncr W.ishington; I S.1r.1h J. Rich.irds Eliz.ilxth M.icon ( -10) I Washin~ton, Rcbccc.1 Janet W a,hin~ton, I). C. ; Blackburn Washington; j i John Au~uninc W.1shington; I '. F..l,·:anor Thom:is Bl.ickburn H.1nn.1h Bushrod ( S2)

ThC' ( • ) denote.-, ~cnt l rom a broc hc.-r or ,i,ccr of General W a,hin,cton. t Sumbcr followin,c al ~.:nt rcl.:r, to corrt"'pondin,c number in .. Family in Arm-rica;• pa,c" U2-19i". 630 Gl:SEALOCY AND NA~IES OF OESCESDASTS

NA~tE ADDRESS PARENTS ----·------\\: . .1her t-t.av.·c, \l" .idtington; •:: Au,:u,tinc \\. J\hin,:toa:: ~t.ary \l. nt \l" .1Jtington Ann Aylcu ( .f S) I 'X •.a,hin,:ton. ~In. Ri,h.arJ l>.ak Gro,·e. \' .i. ,·, C. L.u.ine; ': Au1:u,tinc '«' .l\hinJ,:ton; Su~n ,.alM>n Ann •.\ ~·lcu l .f S) 'X •.i,han,:ton. Ri,h.arJ 81.i,k- A le •.1 nJri.i. \' .i. 1..a,\·rcn,c \\: . .1Jtin;;:ton; .. , John :\u~u,tinc \\:.J\hin,:tun; burn I· .annic L.1,kl.inJ li.ann.ah Bu\hroJ \ S 2) 'X •.ohin~ton. Ri,h.irJ Bl.1,k- Alex.1nJri.1. \' .I. Ri~h.arJ 81.i,kburn \\:".1Jtington; •: John Augu,tinc \\:.J\hin~ton; burn. Jr. . \~nc\ H.u•·ooJ ~t.1rJt.1JI tt.ann.ah Bu\hroJ l S~) \l' .1,hin~ton. Re\·. Ri,h.irJ Hot Sprin,:s. \' .i. (,cor~c \\:'.1,hington; -~- John :\u,:u,tinc '«· .1\hin~tun; Bl.1,kburn ~rcn.a PoncrtidJ H.ann.ah Bu,hroJ ls~) \l. .1Jtington. Ri,h.irJ Black- \l' .i,hington. D. C. Thonu, C. \\".a~ington; ·-· John Augu,tinc '« . .a,-hinston; burn Ela1..1bcth H. t-tolmc, t-t.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ l S ~) \l' .1,hin,:ton. Rich.ird Scou !)ur.ingo. ~texi,o Ri,h.uJ ~ou 81:.~kburn \l' J\h- · ·' John Au,:u\tinc \\:. J\hinJ:ton; 81.ickburn an,:ton; Ii.inn.ah Bu,hroJ , S ~) C,u.1J.1lupc Rc,·n f •.; John AuJ:u,tinc \\' .1,hington; Ri,h.1rJ ~ou 81.ickburn ~·.uh­ \l' .i,han,:ton. Rich.ird Scott Gcrm.intown, Pa. I J f Jnn.ih Bu,hroJ ( S ~) 8IJckbur1t. Jr. angton; I., S.. n1ud \\'.i,hin~ton: f.117.l At kin\On Perry l Anne Steptoe (SI) ( •.: John Au~u,tinc \\'.t\hin~ton: '« ..i,hington. Richard Doug, Ariz. \\'allum lcrtburn ,·.uhin,.:­ S. B. l><.l J H.1nn.1h Bu,hroJ ( S~) ton: ·1 ~ 5.tmud '«' .1Jiin,;ton; Ali~e 1.cmon Steptoe ( S I ) \I' .uhin,;ton, RobC'rt.1 Ry I.ind F.phrJt.i. W .i,h. S .uh.inid '«' alli, \l" .iJiin,:ton: ·· John :\u,:ustinc , . .1,h,n~ton: Gl.1Jr~ J=ull~r J f JnnJh Bu,hrod ( f 2) W' .i,hington. Robert Wirt King Grorgc. \' .i. Robert J.1me\ , ... uhinJ:ton; •:; AuJ:u,tinc \\:' .1,hin~ton; Bettie '«" in Ann Aylcu ( ◄ 8)

W' .1,hinKton, Robert Wirt, King Grorgc. \' .1. Robert \\:'art '«'.i,hington; ·. Au~U\tinc ~· .1,hin~ton: Jr. \' cron.1 J-i.1,;crt y Ann Aylctt (-IS)

\l'.uhington. ~In. S.imud Ch.irln Tov.·n. W. V.1. SJth.1nid tine ~'illis; r> John Augu,tinc \\·.1,hin~ton: \l'.ihcr J.ine Ch.1rlotte \l'.1Jtin~ton t l.inn.ih Bu\hroJ ( S1)

r O John AUJ,:U\tinc ~-.1,hington; 1 \l'.ishington, Samuel Walter Ch.irlcs Tov.·n. \l'. \' .1. S.1mud \l'.1her W .ishin,:ton: J H.1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( S1) i Eliz.1bc:th Ryl.ind ~'illi\ I .-, S.imud \t' .i,hinJ,:ton: I I l Anne Steptoe l SI ) i 1 John Henry ~-.uhinKton; '«' .irncr ~-.uhinJ:ton; Sclin.1 Ilul.1n,· C.irtcr F.li1.1bcth ~t.1con ( ◄ O) 1I • W .ishington, Sydney Horace ~,.uhington. D. C. I C.ipt. Rich.ird \l'.1,hin~ton. I fcnry '«' .1,hini;:ton: L.1 v.· rcncc Lee US~.; M.iry 8.1ilcy ( I 9) K.1th.1rine Meldrum \l' .nhington. Sydney Horace ~,.uhington. D. C. ! Svdncy l.iv.•rencc Henry \\'.1,hinJ,:ton: uv.·rencc L«. Jr. I · W' .1,hin~on; M.iry B.1ilcy ( 19) ..Iden Stcv.·.irt Willi.1ms ·11.uhington. Thom.u C.tmp- : \l' .uhington. D. C. Rich.1rd Corbin W .ishington; , '"' John Augu\tanc \\' .1,hin~ton: bell K.1th.1rine Thomas 81.ickburn · }i.inn.1h Bu,hrod ( S2) i I I W nhington. C.tmp- : W .uhington. D. C. j Thomas C.impbcll W .ishington; j I) Joh., Aui:ustinc W J,hin~ton; bell. Jr. I I Eliubcth H. Holmes j H:nn.ih Bu\hrod ( S2) W ~4'hiot!~n. TM!'!'~ ut:lc-1 Al~~ndrii~ v~. Rich.1rd Bl~ckbum Washington; i :.- John Augustine \V .uhin~ton; land Agnn H.1rwood M.irshall ' H.innah Bushrod ( S2) Washing ton, Thomas Pratt Brownsville, T cus Walter Owen Washington; Henry Washington; 3d Bernice Beth Haikcll M.1ry Bailey ( I 9)

Washington, Thornton A. Garden Cit)', Mo. Daniel Bedingcr W ~ington; I) Samuel W ulungton; Lucy Ann Whanon Mildred Thornton (SI) Washington, Dr. Walker Touenvillc, N. Y. Walker Hawn Washington; ~ Augustine Washington; Mary West W2shington Ann Aylctt ( 48) Washington, Walter Owen Brownsville, Texas Thomas Pratt Washington; Henry Washington; Ella J. Maxwell Mary Bailey ( 19) GESEALOGY AND NA~IES OF DESCESDASTS &31


\l.. nhan,:&on. ~· .ahcr Owen. Bro•·nn·illc. T cx.11 '«* .ahc-r l>•·cn \l. .adlin;:ron: I lcnry \X ..aihin,:ron: Jr. lkrni~c Beth tti\kdl ~l .1r)· B.ailcy ( 19) \l·J,hanJ:ron. \l'ilbur ~bxwdJ Bro•·nn·iUc. Tcx.11 \\" .airer <.>•·en \l'J\h1n,:ton; J IC'nry· \\; ..aJlin,:&on; lkrna~c lkth l b\kdl ~hr,· B.1ilc)· ( 19) •:: John Augu,tinc \X" .1Jtin,:ton; \l. .a,hin,:ron. \l'illi.1m dcHe:rt• l>ouglu, Ariion.1 Rich:ard 81.i~kburn \X·:aJtington: l liJnn.ah BuJtroJ ( S2) burn ~hri.1 \l' .nhington I ... S-in,ud \l" .1dlint-tton: l Annc Steptoe ( S l ) ( '.; John Augu\tinc \X".1Jtin,:ton; \l' J,hinJ;lon, '\l:'illi.1m deHe:rt- Ri,·C'rton, N. J. Gc:orgc Steptoe \X* :a min gt on; .l Hlnn.ih BumroJ ( s.?) burn M.:a)· T omc Alcx.:andcr 1-~ S..mud \l',nhingron: l Anne Steptoe (SJ) King George, \':a. Rob.:n J.1n1n '«* .nhington; ,.- Augustine ~· Jdlin.J,:ton; Ber r ic \X' irr Ann A)·lcu ( -ts J \l' .J\hington. \l' ~lorro•· llt-t roit. Mic:hig:an G,"Orgc , ..i•hangton: . S.antud '\\' .hhangton; Jane T. R.:am§f."l· ~lilJrcJ Thornton { 11) l ..u,,·ruu.:c ~· .1,hington; · jLhn Augustine \\' .a,hiu~tnn; I· .u,n1-:i I.J...: k l.1nJ J tann.1h Bu\hroJ ( I!) Alcx.indri.a, V:a. l..u~·rcncc ~• .J\hington; •.: John Au,-tuitinc \\".1,hington: f;, LickllnJ lt.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( S! ) \l'.1,hington. 'l'il'°n Selden, AIC'undri.1, \'.1. \l'il\On Selden \t'.uhington: ., John Au,:ustinc \\•. nhington; Jr. Irene '«' .uk,n, Tin\lcy Jt.inn.1h Bu\hrod ( t 1) ~· Jhon. Bcnj.imin B.usctt umcron. Tcus John \l' it '!IOn: ~ Bcu >· \l'.uhin J:l on ; M.iry Burnett B.i\~U J=idding l.c-.·i, ( Io) '« ..;auon, John RurwcU C.uncron. Tens Jol..1 \l' .it '!IOn; ,: lkuy 'l'.uhin,tton: M.1n·., Burnell B.ii~tt l~idJin,; l..c•·I\ , i o)

C.amcron, Tcus John \l' .1 t \On: ·, Beu)· \\·.i,hinJ,:ton; M.iry Burnett 8.:auctt ridJin,1,: l.c•·i\ < i o) \\:'.1hon. ~fn. !\}· Burnett C.amcron, Tens Ben j.imin lf .arri'!IOn B.n§Ct t: ' lku,· \l·.1,hinJ,:ton: 8.1\\Ctt ~f .iry Burnett B.u-w:u Fielding L:•·is (SO) John \l" .it \On: Betty \X·.uhin,:ton: M.ary Burnett 8.11\C'tt J:idJin,.: l.c•·i, < i o)

0 · Alc:undri.1, Va. Au~U\t'-8, Bro•·n; \X• J,hingron; Annie Steptoe \l'.uhington Anne Stc-ptoc ( S l ) •:',, 5.tmu..... l w• .1,hin,gton: \l' .1uln. HC'nr)· Starr, Jr. A lcx.andri.1. \' .1. · lit"n~· St.:arr W :aulc,; Ann.:a Floridc Bro•·n Anne Stc-ptoc ( S l) \l'c.1\·cr, Bc:n Helm l.ouis\·ille. K , .. Ben Perry \t'c.i\·cr; ficnry '\l:' .ashington: Emmi Rec W:a,hington ~ta~· Bailey ( 19 ) '«' c.1 \·er. Burton Perry Bc:n Pert")· \X' e2vcr; t fen~· \l'.uhington: Rec W .;a,ihinJ,!ton M.:a~· B.ailcy ( 19)

\l'c.a \'Cr. Mn. Emma IL Louu vale. Ky. 8.atc ~'.uhington; I fcnry ~·.uhin1,:ron: \l'.:nhington I J.f 2ry C. Helm· 8.ailcy ( l 9) I Wc.1,·cr. M.1ry Washington , l.ouis\·illc. K , .. IBen Perry We.aver; tJcnry 'l'.i,hington: ' . Emm.i Rec Wa,hin~ton M.:ary Bailey ( 19) Webster, Alfred Kenneth 0. C. Webster; W:arncr \t'.i,hington; Eugcni:a Davison Eliz.a beth Al.icon ( .f O)

! A If~ '"'-,.;,u~n· w... __~.--"'...... _.. w...... ~~;n.,...-. e, ...... Wcb\rcr. Eugenia D.ivison ; G.J.lveston~ Tcu, ~ ...... 1-,~ ...... U ♦ 'I' I I Lucy J=airf .ix Hill Eliz.ibcth M.1con ( 40) White, Rev. Bcvcrky Tucker lMontclair, N. J. : Rev. Luke M.itthcws w·hitc; ;> John Augustine W .uhington; J.anc: Ellis Tucker Hannah Bushrod ( S2) White, David Irvine I Montclair. N. J. Rev. Luke Matthews White; °' John Augustine W .;a,hington; J.:anc Ellis T uckcr : Hannah Bushrod ( S2)

1 White., Mn. Ella Johnson New York City George 'Washington Lewis; . > Betty Washington: Lewis Emily C. Johnson l Fielding Lc"·is ( SO) White, Mn. Jane E 11 i s Montclair, N. J. Rt. Rev. Beverley D:andriJ,-:c.·; ,;. John Aua:ustinc W.ashington; Tucker Tucker; I Hannah Bushrod ( S2) Anne Maria Washington I

The ( • ) dmotn daccnt from a brother or tisur of CieMtal T a,hington. t Number following Line of Detcmc refen co corrnpondin,c number in ••family in America:• page, J IZ-J,1. 6}2 GENEALOGY AND NA~IES OF OESCESDASTS --·--- Al>l>RF.SS PARE~TS l.lSE tlF l>f.St:EXT ------Montcl.sir. N. J. Rev. Luke•·" \\.hitc: ·: John Au,:u,tine \\'.1"hin,:ton: J.ane E Ila" Tu, kcr H.1nn.1h Bu"hroJ ( s~)

W'hitC', ~In. ~t.ary Dt.:Gruyter; I •;: Ben)· w· .i,hin)tl'1n; ~t.1ry \' en.1ble ~o>·c, 1:,dJinJt l.,. ..,.," l so) George Arnutc.1J \\.hitin,:; •;: Bcny ~· .1,hin,:ton; M.1ry Suun Butler FadJin~ l.c\\'a" ( SO) l..a•·rcn,C' u•·i, Butler: •;: Ben)· \\' .1,hin,:ton; ~l.1ry Suun GJ)' 1:,dJin1,! l.ewa, l SO) George Arm"tc.aJ \\'hitin,:; ·: Ben)' \\' .i"hin,:ton; ~l.iry Su~n Butler l·adJini,: l.c•·a, ( Su) \l' illi.1m", Armi\tC'.1J 1>.Jn- Ri,hn,onJ. \'J. l~wi, C.1tlcn \\'all,.1n,,: -~ Bcny \\'.1,hin~ton: JriJJ:C' ~f.1ri.1 \\' .irJ Skelton \\',, ,~.ctJin~ l.c\\'l\ ( SO) \l' illi.1,n", CuhC'rinC' Mur.1t Ri,hn,onJ. \'J. f.d•· .1rJ \' actor \\. illi.1n1": Beu)' \\' .1,h1n~ton: K.1te Bur•·dl \\'11li.1n,, Fiddin ~ l.c"·i, (so) \I' illun1", C,·.1nC' I>.andridgc: Ru:hntonJ. \ . .l. Lewi" C.1dctt ,.allun1,; Ben,.. ~· .i"hin .1,tton: ~l.ara.1 \\' .arJ Skelton \\. 1llun1, l·idJin1,:,, ( So)

\\',. Ellie Knox-Gore: l>o~uc. \' J. I lcnry Knox-(;orc; lktt)' ~· .1"hinJ;ton; C.u hcrinc l.c•·,, Poll,~ k l;idJinJ: l.c•·a, < so)

Ru:hmonJ. \' J. l.,·"·i, C.1dctt "., ll1.1n1,: ·- Betty 'l' .uhin1,:ton: ~l.aru \\' .1rd ~kdton \\",111.1111, 1~1dJanJ: l.c\\·a, ( ~ o) RichntonJ. \' .a. · lc•·i, C.1tlcu 'i.illiJn1,: lkn\· \\'.1,hin~ton: ' . ~IJriJ 'i' .ird Skelton \\. alliJnh FidJin,: l.c•·•" ( so)

\i',. ~to. K.ue Bur11.•c:ll RichmonJ. \' .a. John Green \\' 1llun1,: lkttv \\'.1,han,.:ton; \l' illis K.uc \l'illi, J=iddin~ l.c•·i, (so) RichmonJ. \' .1. John Green \\'illi.1n1,: ' Bet t ,.. \\' .t\hin .~tun: K.1tc ~lurJt 'l·alli, FidJinJ,! Lewi\ ( SO) \l!illi.1m", l.ul.1 Sutton 8. A rlinJ;ton. T ,·x.a\ ~ orborne Ebey Su ll on; John ~·.nhin,.:ton: \\'innic F.. ~lit~hdl Ann \\'ickliff ( 7) \l'illi.1m,. ~l.iri.1 W .ird Skd- Richmond. \' .1. l.c•·i, C.1tlctt \\" 11li.1n1,: Beu,·. \\'.1\hin1i:ton:. ton ~l.iri.1 'i' .1rd Skelton ~, illi.1n1, Fiddin,.: l.c"·i, ( so) Richmond. \' .1. John Green \\' 11li.1m,; Beu,·. \\'.1,hinJ.:ton:. K.itc ~lurJt ~·,11,, FidJinJt I .c•·i\ (so) \l'illi.1ms. Willis Richmond. \' .1. Lewis C.1tlctt 'i'illi.1m,; ' Betty "'.1,hin,.:ton; ~l.1ri.1 \X' .ird Skelton ~• illiJn1, FiddinJt l.c"·i, (so) Willi.1m,. Peyton R.1ndolph '. Richmond. \' .1. l.e\\•i, C.1tlctt \\' illi.1m,: ·, Beu y \X' .1,hin,.:ton: ~l.1ri.1 \\' .1rd Skdton \l'\ FiddinJ: l.c•·i, (so) W illi.1m,. Ric h.1rJ Burwell Richmond. \' .1. l.cwi, C.1tlett \t' illi.1m,: ; Betty \X'~uhinJ;ton; ~l.1ri.1 \\' .1rd Skdton ~· illi.1n1, Fiddin,.: l.c"·i, (so)

I I (,} Betty ~'.1,hin,:ton: , Bc:a ,·er. ()k l.1. I I . Achille Alur.1t \l'illis. Jr.: J Fiddin,: l.c•·i, ( SO) Sophi:a Bentley I>ickin'°n ' l Mildred W 2,hin,.:ton Grc,:ory: l Henry Willi, ( 13)

0 I Betty ~, .1,hington: Willis, Achille Alur.1t Bc2 ,·er. Ok l.1. . { f;.-td;" _ ' __ .;«' , < n \ i A~h!II~ ~ur~t Wi!!i!: . I •~• •••t9 .....;-•'> \ .,~, I Florence E. Ambler I l Mildred W ;nhin i:ton Grc,:ory: l Henry Willis ( I 3) Willis. Anne Edw2rds 2. ' 1 Co.ii bur~. W. V John Augustine Willi,; : E) John Augustine W 2shington; Catherine Tappln Sn1ith Hann2h Bushrod ( Si) Willis, As.1 M:atteson IHinicblc, Ill. Rich:ard W. Willi,; , ,., John A ugu,tine W .1,hin1,:ton: j Grace A. M.1nc'<>n j H~nnah Bushrod ( S2)

I ro Betty W 2shington; Willis, Bettv. lee Booker. T cx2s · John Dickin§On Willi,; J Fielding lewis (SO) Ada R

The c•) denote'\ dnccnc from .1 brother or ,iucr of Gt'ncul Wuhin~ton. GENEALOGY AND NAMES OF DESCENDANTS 633


l I,:, Bcuy ,.,.aJungton; Rocky Mounr. N. C. Byrd Ch~rln 'l'illis: : Ficlding uwi, (so) uila M.1nn I IMildttd \l'idtington Gttgory; i 1 Henry Willis (I)) I I Willis. durlone 'I'.uhin,:ron ! Co.ilbur,:. 'I'. \' .1. IJohn Au,:uscine \l'illi,: • John Augu,cinc: W.11hi,11tton; C.uhcrin, S1uirh Hannah Bushrod ( S Z )

, 1e Bc:uy Washington; Booker. , John l)ickinson Willis: - Fielding uwis ( so) I Ad.1 R~ Mildttd '\I' aihington Gttgory; l Henry '«'illis ( I)) 1 1• Bc:uy W.aihingron; Willis. Edich , \'iccor Murat \l'illis: · Fielding uwi, (so) Flon-nce E. \l'illis Mildttd 'I' .1dtin,:1on Gttgory: l Henry Willis ( 1 l) r ~ Bcuy ~, ashington; '1'illis. Ed•· .1rd Ambler. Jr. H.1mihon. T cx.n Edw.1rd Ambler Willis; J Fielding uwi, ( so) K.uc Virgini.1 Nc•·con1er l Mildttd Washin,;ton Gttgory; ; l Henry Willis ( I } ) i '. N.uh.anid t-1 itc Willis; .... John Au,:uninc \\",uhio~con: 1 Jane Ch.arlouc W .1,hin,:ton Hann.ah BuihroJ ( S2 ).. .I• Bcuy Waihington; Alc,undri.1. \' .a. l Byrd Ch.1rlcs Willis; : Fielding uwis (SO) ' Leila M.inn Mildttd W adtin,:ton Gttgory; ; l Htnry Willi, ( I ; J Willi,. J.anc W .i,hin,.;ron Hinsd.ile. Ill. ~ Hit~ Willis; , ~ John Aui:ustinc \i'.uhington, J~hine 8.1ng, Hannah Buihrod ( SZ) Willis. John Au,.:u,tinc Co.1l bur,.:. W. \'.1. : N.ithaniel Hice '«'illi,; '. -~ J,hn Au!,:U!'tine '\\' .a,hington; ' J.1nc Ch.irl

01 Willis. John Au~U\tinc. Jr. Cmlburg. W. \'.1. ; John Augustine "- illi,: • John Augustine \¥'.1~hington, ' C.itberane Sn1irl1 Hann.ah Bushrod ( S2) I i Thomas Hite Willis; • John Augustine ashington; Willis. Josephine B.1ng, Hin~.ile. Ill. I \l' I Josephine B.ings Hannah Bushrod ( S2) 'I O Betty Waihingcon; I Lewis H. Willis; Willis. Joyce i lkahm. Va. : Fielding uwis ( so) I MMrh.J jlne Stok~ · l Mildred W.ishington Gregory; l Henry Willis ( l } ) •I O Betty Washington; Willis. Lewis Beahm. Va. [ Achille Murat Willis; j Fielding Lewis ( SO) Florence Edwena Ambler l Mildred W aihington Gregory; I l Henry Willis ( l})

0 , ( Betty W .ishington; 1 Willis. Lc-.,i, H. Beahm. Va. Achille Mur.u Willi,; I J Fielding uwis (SO) ! Sophia Bentley Dickin10n i 1Mildred Washington Gregory; l l Henry Willis (I)) I f O Betty Washington; Willis. Martha Jane Beahm. Va. uwis H. Willis; Fielding uwis ( SO) 1 l Afartha Stokes l Mildred Washin~ton Gre2orv:

·1 l Henry Willis ( I l ) - -

0 , ( Betty W .1shington; Willis. May Beaver. Okla. Achille Murat Willis; i J Fielding uwis ( SO) Florence Edwen.a Ambler I l Mildred W2shington Gregory; 1 l Henry Willis ( I } )

0 ( Betty Washington; Willis, Mary Gorrell Junction. Texas Edw.ird Ambler Willis; I Fielding uwis ( SO) K2te Virgini.1 Newcomer l Mildred Washington Gregory; l Henry Willis ( I } )

Willis, Nathaniel Hice Hinsdale, Ill. Thom2s Hite Willis; I} John Augustine W 2shington; Josephine H.innah Bushrod (S2)

The c•) dmocn dncmr lrom , brorMr or 1isrt'r of ~ral Wa1hinl'ron. t Number followinl' line of Onct'nr rdt'rt ro corrnpondin,; number in "Family in Anwrica:• pa~ U2-J97. 63 ◄ GrsrALOGl" ASD NA~lES OF DESCESDASTS


COJl,burg. \l'. \' .1. John Augu,tine \\'alli,: .., John Au,:u,.tinc \\" J\han1,:ton; C.ithcranc Snuth li.1nn.1h BuJ,roJ l '~) 'I'illi,, P.u tic ~.uhJnid I lite \\.ilia\: ·.: John Augu-.tinc \\' .1.J\in1,:ton~ JJnc (Jurlonc \\' J\hin!,:ton liJnnJh BuJ,roJ ( '.!)

\l" illi,. R i~ h.uJ 'I'uhington Hinscblc, Ill. ~.1tlunid llitc \\.ill,,: ·= John Au,:u,.tinc \\" J\hin1,:ton: JJnc l.hJrlonc \\. J,hin1i:ton I fJnn.1h BuJ,roJ , i ~ ) \l.illi,. Ri~h.uJ 'I'.uhington, Hinkblc, Ill. Ri\:h.1rJ \\" .1,hington \\" alli\; ._. Jo!1n Au,.:u-.tinc \\" J\hin~tlln · Jr. Gr.1~c A. ~f.utc\On tf.1nnJh BuJ\roJ l i ~ ) ( ..., Ben)" \\" .uhington: lk.1hm. \' .1. l.c,\·i\ t-t. \\"illi,; J 1.:idding Lc,·i\ t so) ~l.1rth.1 JJnc Stole, I ~tilJrcd \\' .1..hington Grc~ory; l Henry \\'illii ( I}) ~JthJnid I lite \\·,11,,: Juhn Au~u ... tinc \\. J,han~ton: jJn"· Clurlot tc \\* J,hin1i:ton I f.1nnJh Bu\hroJ ( \ ~) Birmin~h.1m, Eng. \l.iuJ jJnct f.-A·anJ:: John AuJ;u,tinc \\" J,hin!,:ton: l.ronJrJ J. \\"illi, t l.1nn.ah Bu ... hroJ ( ~ ~) \l'ills, Lron.trd Alf red \IJuJ JJnct F.-A·inJ;: John Au~u,tinc \\.. Hhin!,:ton; ICt1nJrJ J. \\'illi, t-f.1nn.1h Bu .. hroJ ( ~ 1) Birmin~h.1m, Eng. Anne \I. T. \\.. uhinJ;ton; ., John Augu,.tine \l'.1,hin~ton; S:r .J.anl\.·, Alf red F. "·in~ I f.1nnlh Bu\hroJ ( ~ =) \l'ih,huscn. Gcor~c llcrbcrt G.1h·cston. Tcxu \\ .. P. \\. al,hu\Cn: \\' .1rncr \\• .1 .. hin,:ton; l.u"illc Dl\·i~n Eliubcth ~I.icon , -10) )J,·ison \\' ah,bu~n. Lucille I 1 G.1h·cston. Tens Alf red Ol\"iM>n; \\;' .trncr ~· .1\hington: I. U\.'Y r Jirf .JX J laJI Eliubcth ~f.icon (-to) \l"ilJ\uscn. john Hill G.11\·cston, Teus ~-. P. \\. al,hu~n; \\'.1rncr \\'l\hinJ.:ton: l.ucille Th\·i10n Eli1..1lxth ~fJ,on <-10) \\·a~n. ~In. Addi.1 8.1ngs Louis illc, Ky. fhonu, I lite ~'illi\: John AuJ;U\tin~ \X' .a,hi;1:,.:ron; \\' illis Jo"-·rhinc 8.1ngs H.1nn.1h Bu,hrod ( ~ ~) \l'il~n. Addi.1 8.1ngs l.ouin·illc, K,·.. PJu) \\.il\On; ·; John Augustine \\' .1\hington; Addi.1 8.1nKs• ~'illi, H.1nn.1h Bu\hrod ( i :! ) \l'il~n. Anne \\· .1\hin~ton. Gcorgcto-A·n, D. C. JJnlc."\ ()rmond \\.il'°n: 1lcnry \\'.t\hington: S.1rJh Anne \\. .1\han~ton lfun · ~lary· 8.1ilcy ( 19) ~crford \l'il~n. A\hton 1«'hitc Sulphur Springs, W. E. \\'illi\ \l'ilson; ' Augustine ~•ashington; Va. I fcnric-u.1 Cotton Ann Aylctt ( 48) \\'ihon, Eliubctb Crump Memphis .. Tenn. , I fcnry Church ~-ii'°"· Jr.; ~· lrnc:r '\X' l\hington: C.1roline Dorchester H.1nn.1h 1: lirf.1 x (-Io ) Wil\On, J lcnrv Chur~h. Jr. ~lemphis. T cnn. 1 I lcnry· Church: \\'.1rnc:r \\' ,1\hington:·. Elclnor ~•ormdcv . Hlnn.1h 1: .1irf lX ( -IO J \l'il\On, ~l.1n·. \\.ormdcv . ~cmphis, Tenn. I lcnry· Church, Jr.; \\. .trnc:r \\'.1,h;ngton: Clrolinc Dorchcner Hlnn.1h J= .1irf .ix (-Io) ' '«' Mn. Nannie Cot- · Ch.irlcston. W. Va. . l>r. John C.otton: ;·~ Au1,:ustinc ~·.1shington: ton I I S.1r.1h Ashton rit1hugh I Ann Aylctt ( 48) I I , Oxford, Miss. P.1trick I fenry Wright. Jr.: 1 · Anne \\' l,hinJ;:ton: : Juli.1 E. Ward Mlior Fr.1nci\ ~'ri~ht

1 Wright, Anne Robert ;J ac luon, Miss. ! Dr. \\' Rich.1rd Wright; Anne \\'.t\hington; Anne Julia Mimt M2jor Fr.1ncis W'ri .. l,t (6) Wright, Berkeley Washington, D. C. &crkdey Wright; 1John Washington; 1 ' Kath.1rinc Wirt K.iil Ann w·ickliff (7) Wright, Clara Mims Jackson, Miss. Dr. Rich.ird Wright; Anne Washington; Anne Julia Mims Major Francis Wri~ht ( 6) Wright, Frederick Ward Oxford, Miss. Patrick Henry Wright; Anne Washington; Juli.i E. Ward Major Francis Wright ( 6) Wright, Frederick Ward, Jr. Oxford, Miss. Dr. Frederick Ward Wright; Anne Washington; Mary Holmes Major Francis Wright (6)

The ( • ) dcnotet ~cnt from a bror her or 1i1tcr of Gcncul W a,hin,cton. GESEALOGY AND NA~tES OF DESCENDANTS 631


Bcrkdcy ,.right; John ~·J~hinJ,!ton; K.uh.1rinc \\'irt K.1il Ann ~-i,klitf ( i) Thom.u Bennett ~· right; Anne ~·.1Jiington; ~IJuic Ro\\· .1n ~tJjor fr.1n,i\ ~·ri~ht (6) ; j.1,kson. ~tiss. Thonu, Bennett 'I. right; Anne 'i• .1Jtin,:ton; l ~lJuac Ro\\·.1n ~t.ijor l;rln,i\ ~·right ( 6) ~·ri,:ht, ~Ir\. KJth.irinc: ~'irt ~· .nhington, D. C. jJ~· ~-art K.1il; John ~·.uhington; K.1il ~r.ih C.1therinc R.inJJII Ann \\;" i~ llitt ( 7) ~·riJ'ht. ~b~kcy ~lims i J.ickson, ~liss. l>r. ~·alli.1m Ri~h.1rJ ~·right; · Anne 'I'.1,hington; I ' Anne Juli.1 ~timi ~t.ijor r:r.incii \\:*ri,.:ht (6) 1 P.1tri~k Henry \\0 ri~ht; Anne ~·.nhington: Ann.1 Augu\t.1 Cl.irk ~t.1jor fr.1ncis \\*ri~ht ( 6)

P J t ra\.'. k t lcnn·. ~-ri .-.!ht; Anne ~·.1,hini:ton: :\nnJ Aul,!U\tl Cl.irk ~l.ljor Fr.1nci\ ~·riJ,:ht ( 6) f> Jt ra~ k t fcnry ~-ril,!ht. Jr.; Anne ~·.uhin~ton: ' Juli.1 F.. ~·.1rJ ~t.1jor Fr.1ncis ~·riJ,!ht ( 6) lkrkdc~· ~'ri,:ht: John 'i' ,l\hington: K.1th.1rinc ~'irt K.1il Ann ~·ickliff ( 7) P.uri~k l~cnry \i~ri~ht; Anne ~· .1\hinaton: Ann.1 Aul!U\tJ Cl.irk ~f.1jor F,is ~· ri,:ht ( 6) P Jt ri~ k I fenn·. ~, ri .J.:ht; Anne W .aJ1in,.:ton: :\nn.1 :\u~ust.1 Ctuk ~t.ijor F r.ancis ~· n~ht ( 6 J l>r. ~-illilm Rich.1rd 'l'ri~ht; Anne ~• .ishin~ron: Anne Juli.1 ~lim\ ~tJjor Fr.incis ~· ri~ht ( 6) Y Jtcs. Alice Preston :\nJr~\\· A. Prciton: ~ AuJ:uitinc 'l·Jshin~ton: (JurJ,:h l Ann A,·lett ( -18) John Au~u\tinc ~• J,hin~ton; 1 StJunton. \' .1. l>r. ~-illi.1m lfoln1e, Yc.1klcy: ·: YcJklcy. ~'- Holmes I I ElcJnor Strlith R.1n~n I if .1nn.1h Bu\hroJ ( ~ 1) I' I '. Rich"·ooJ. Ohio .\ n J re\\· .J. Son1cn· i lie: ·: Clurlc-, ~-.l\hin;.:ton: ~IJn· ~brth.! \l' .1shin~ton ~1ildred Thornton ( S 3) . ' C:h.1rlcs 8. Zusp.1n; •; Chlrlc, ~· J\hin~ton: 1 Rich"·ood. Ohio Annie l.JurJ Somer\' ill~ ~tildred Thornton ( \; , ~lillcnbur;.:. Ohio C:lurlcs B. Zusp.1n; •-: Ch.tries W.ishington; Annie l..1url Somcn·illc ~1ildred Thornton ( S;) t ~Ii lier. Bert h.1 Ro~ ~· .l\hin,.:ton. D. C. ~1ildrcd ~,. Jshin,.:ton: Roger Gregory ( 13) t ~'.1rncr. Anne ~lcriwcthcr Huntn·ille. Tex. · ~lildrcd \I' .i,hin,.:ton: Roger Gre~ory ( 13) t 'I'.1rncr. Grice Chri\tiJn Huntn·ille, Tex. ' Mildred W .ishin,.:ton: Miller Roger Gregory ( 1 3) t W .1rncr. !\f.1rv GJvlord liunuvillc, Tex. ~tildrcd W Jshington: . . R ,.._.. r.. .. ,. .. ,.._. I ' \ \ • ~..., r,--• '--# • _. et-..,• l \ • ., I t W2shington. ~'m. L.1nicr Westport. Conn. Jlmc, B.irroll W .ishington; I) Augustine W.ishington; Mrs. LJnicr C.ibcll Ann Aylctt ( 48) t Templeman, Eleanor Lee Washington, D. C. Robert Rc2ding; licnry W.1,hington; Nell Bc2umont Clarkson M.1ry B.iilcy ( 19)

The ( •) dcnoret detccnr from .a brorhcr or ,isr~r of ~ncnl W .a,hin,;con. The (t) n.amct received J!tcr li,u were i NumlK-r follo•·ing of Ix-tcmr refer, co corrC"p>ndin,; numb<-r in .. f .amily in Amcri,.a, .. PJJ;t• U~-'97. DESCENDANTS LAWRENCEWASHINGTON oFWESTMORELANDCoUNTY,VA.

ADDRESS PARENTS t 1.1~1: 01: DESCE~T i - - --

: P.iul ~nni, Bro•·n: C.ipt. John "'.1,hington: I ~f.1r;:.2ttt '\l •.nhin;;ton Berry ~l.u y T o•·n\CnJ ( 8) ! . P.1ul llcnni, Bro•·n: i CJ pt. John '\l' .1Jiington: ! M.1rg.1rct '\l' .1shin~ton Berry ~f .1ry To•· n\C'nJ ( 8 ) I 1 P.1ul llcnni, Bro•·n: : C.1pt. John '\l' .1~hin1-:ton: I ~fJrg.1rct '\l' .i,hin~ton &.·rry ' ~flr)· To•·n~·nJ ( M! I; Gibson T .i)·lor Berry: IUp1. John 'IX'nhing1on: ,· W' rcnn Limbert· To•· n\Cnd ( 8 ) ' . Brown. Mr,. J. Guthrie Hou,ton. T c:lJ, i ~lcrcdith Thonu, G.1rJncr: • C.ipt. John W .i,hington: M.iry J=r.1n,c, Bcr11· I Al.111· To•·n"-·nJ (8) S,·h·c,tcr ~lorg.1n ~,dch: I C.ipt. John '1' .1,hington: 1 • F.li1..1bcth J.1ckK>n A,hton !· To•· n\CnJ ( 8 ) Rolxrt ~f.1llory Fiblc. Jr.: · C.ipt. John W .uhington: Esther "'c1eloh M.iry To•·n\Cnd ( 8) Fiblc. l.oui,,·illc. Ky. Rolxrt M.illory 1=1blc. Jr.: upt. John W'.uhington: E~thcr W c,cloh j ~t.iry To•·nscnd ( 8) Fiblc. Robert ~1.illory. Jr. l.ouiiwillc. Ky. : Rolxrt M.1llory Fiblc: ic.ipt. John '\l'.aJiington: louiu C. H.irt m.1nn · M.1ry· TownKnJ ( 8) 1 linnom. \' .1. Alc~.indcr C.1mpbdl Ra-J: :c.1pt. John "i'.1,hin~ton: ~cttic \l'hitc ~nford ' MJry To•· n\Cnd ( 8 ) Shomo. H.1rrict A. John W" .1,hington R«d: ; C.ipt. John W' .ishington; S.1r.1h Emily, ~t.iry To•·nscnd ( 8) w· idtington. Cl.ircncc J.ick-: Mcmphi,. T cnn. J.imcs Spr.iguc W.1,hington; I John '«' .i,hington: son EIIJ V .inn.ih J.ickK>n M.111· To•·n~nd ( 8)

Th< ( •) dcnolC'I ~cn1 from J broch(-r or ,,utr of Gc-Mrd T.11h,n,:ton. t Sumbcr followin,: Lane oi llC'lctnl rdcr-. to corrc,ponJan,: numb&-r an "famal)· an Affk'riu;· p,,:c" 11~-197.



Alcx.indcr,. Elise · Hou,ton. T cx.n Hugh Alcx.1ndcr; Eli1.1bcth ~· .uhin,:ton; - ~l.iy s.imp10n Ltnic-r ( } .? ) Alcx.andcr. ~I,,. Hu~h ' Houston. Tcx.n Allen M.ay: Eli1.1bcth 'I'.uhjngton; Clc~ntinc ~.alcs S-imp10n L.1nic-r ( } .? )

j ..~., ,, C Arrin)!ton. ~In. C.u hcrinc ; • .1r~nton. •~. . Arthur Sylbcrt PcnJlcton; l:li1.1bcth W .uhin,:ton; Cl.irk Pendleton \'ictori.1 LouiiC' Cbrk s.imp10n L.1nic-r ( } ~) Blc\·ins. Eliz.ibcth Cunning- Cuthbert. GJ. M~l).a\·iJ Cunnini;:­ l:li7.1btth '«' .nhin,:to11; h.1m h.1m; SJmp10n L.1nic-r ( } 2 ) Sue Polk T .1 .,. lor Br.1dlcy, ~In. Cur.a ~be ~·ii- l>.akbnJ. C.alit. <;cor,,:c P. \l'illi.1m,: ( ;rorJ.tC ~• .nhinJ,:ton: li.un, Cor.1 \'iol.i KinJ,t M.iry Wright (2S) Bro•·n. ~Ir,. Ali,c ~• J,hin,.:• ~tu,koJ.t«. l>kll. Li,,.·rcncc ~·.uhin,,:ton: .J .imc, '«' .1,hin )!ton: ton C.uhcrinc T. dordle" Jo)'CC' ~ichol\On (}O) Bro•·n. 1:rcJ Eln1orc. Jr. ~tu,koJ,t«. (lkll. Fred Elmore Bro•·n: fJn1c, '1;',uhinJ,tton: Alice Bordley ~, .uhinJ,:ton Jo)·,c ~ichol\On ( )O) Ch.1rlc, Ethdbcrt \l'illum,: ( irorgc '«' .1,hinJ,tton: Virgini.i Ann Wright M.iry Wright ( 2 s) ---- Bruce: (;corlit( '1;' .a,hinJ,tton: Eul.1 '1;'illi.1m, M.iry ''right (2S) ---- Bruce: (;rorJ.t( '«' .nhin;:ton; F ul.1 'l', ~f.1ry ~'right (2S) Bruce. \'ir,-:iniJ ---- Bruce: ( ;ror J.!C '«' .1 ,hi n J,:ton: f.ul.i '1;.illi.1m, M.111· '«'right (2S) C.1nfldJ. ~In. A. R. A llcn Eli.n ~by: Eliz.1bcth '«' .1,hin~ton: S.1r.1h Clementine S«:.1lc, ~Jmp\Cln l..1n1cr ( 3 ~ I R.1}·n1ond St.1nton C:J\Cbccr: (i"-orJ,:c '«' .uhin1,:ton: l-f .1rrict Lou Hooker M.1ry '1;' right ( 2 S) Z.1ch.1ry T.1)·lor lfooker: G"-orJ:c ~· .1,hinJ,tton: Dixie Am.1nd.1 \t' .1l bcc ~1.111· '«' right ( 2 s) C.1\Cbttr. John St lnton RJymond St.1nton C3\Cbttr: C;ror;.:c '«' .nhin;.:ton: H.irrict Lou Hooker M.1ry Wright ( 2 s) Rlymond St.1nton CJ\C'bccr: <;rorJ:c '«' .1,hinJ,tton: llurict l.ou Hooker ~1.111· '«'right ( 2 s) R.1~·mond St.1nton C.ncbccr: <;rorJ,:c '«' .1,hin,-:ton: I i.1rrict l.ou I looker M.iry '«' ri :~ht ( 2 S) R.1ymond St.1nton C.1\C'bccr: ( iror J.:C '«' .a ,h1 n,: ton: lf.1rrict 1.ou I fooker ~f.1ry '1;'ri1itht (2S) C..ono,·cr. C..or .1 Belle , ~tiJdlcto\\·n. Ohio Frederick Willi.1m Hdf: C;ror1,:c '«' .1,hin,:ton; H.1rrict Eli1..1bcth ~1.1i!1it.1rd M.1ry '«'ri1itht ( 2 s) , ~fiddlctown, Ohio Jo\Cph F..1rl Cono,·cr: C'"°or,.:c '1;' J,hin~ton: ' Cor.1 Belle Helf ~f.iry '1;'ri1itht (2S) , . --- - - ,, .. - ,_' - - , .,v.-~.,.. ~ a,n,n,-;1on; ~f.1ry '«'ri1itht (2S) I i ' : Middletown. Ohio l Jo\C'ph E.1rl Cono,·cr: George '«' .1,hin,:ton: l Cor.1 Belle Hd f M.1ry Wright ( 2 s) l ' i Middletown. Ohio ; Joseph E.1rl Cono,·cr: GrorJ:c '«' .1,hin,-:ton; Cor.1 Belle Hd f M.1ry Wright ( 2 s) C..onovcr. MarjcJn Louise Middlctov.n. Ohio : Joseph E.1rl Cono,·cr: ( ;corgc W .1,hington: ; Cor2 Belle Hd f I M2ry Wright ( 2 s) I Cox, Gcncv2 M2rthl K2ns2s City, Mo. ! Francis D. 1':ay: G"-orgc W ~uhington; I M.1rth2 El:z.1 M.1gg.1rd M2ry Wright ( 2 s)

The c•) dcnotn dncmt from .i brother or 1i1t"r of Ge-Mr.ii Wa,hincrnn. + ?'ti.umiK-r followin,c l.iM ol Dncmt rel"" to corretpondin,c number in "Family in Anwrica,·· pa,cn U2-S91. 637 638 GENEALOGY AND NA~IES OF DESCESDASTS

ADDRESS PARfSTS l.l~f. <.>I: l>f.SC.:1:~T

I \ ~t.JJl~town. Ohio f, r~Jcrid~ \\:" , tlclf; <.,ror~c \\·.iJ\in~ton: t f brract f.111 .alx-th ,.l.a,.:,:.:arJ ~tJr~· ~·ri~ht ( ~ s) 'I l>ougbu. Re,·. t· Ktn• t ~tcmphi\. TC'nn.,,♦, jo'liCphu, J>uu,:bn; 1 El11Jbcth \\' J,lun~tun; ncJy '-t.u,· ~uc brook., ,.uupwn l .JnH.·r t .\ ~ ) £..,·ing. ~·.nhington · =".a\h,·illc. Tenn. (1\"0rJ,:c :\u,:u,t,n, \\·.1,,hin~ton~ ( 1ror ~"· \\ · .1,lun~1un: J.anc ~nuth ~I Jr)· ~· ra~ht ( ~ s) :\ llcn Eh.u ~by: lJa,Jl~·th \\'J,lun~ton; S.1r Jh (Jcn1l·nt anc ~ .ilc, ~Jtnpwn l.Jnacr ( .\~) I f.amahun .. ~In. Ethd '\X'il- ! l>.all.h,. ·r C'X.l!o ch.ulc, l·'.thdlx.·n \\·,llun,\; lu.·or·•1.·.... \\'J,lun··tun·.... . li.ann \' ar,.;anu :\nn \\. n,:ln ~IJr~· \\'ri~ht l~s) I l.irtnun. ~Ir\. A~n.uh t lou\ton. Tcx.u :\bncr jJd~"-Hl \trobd; lladurJ \\ ·J,lun~tun; Strobel .1 J n( j J Ill\.•'\ l-l11Jl~·th JorJ.1n ( JO) I lcli. t:hJrlc\ EJg.u Clulli(othc,. ~lo. I r"·J~ri,k \\' 11lun1 1 ldi; <11."Ur:-;1.· \\' J,hin~ton; I l.trra"·t l:l11.ah1..·th ~l.aJ,:.~Jr1.I \IJ1\· \\'n~ht (~S)

I ldi. John Zeidler ( hi, .1~0. Ill. I r"'J~rKk \\'11l1.ar11 lid(; ( u.-oq,:c \\' J,hin,1,:tun; I brr,-.·t t:.la1.1lx-th ,.tJ~~.1r1.I ~Lary 'I' ri~ht ( ~ s) I ldn1. l.u~y /\. (u."<>r~c Au~u,tinc \\·.1,lunJ,:tun; (,"·or_:.:1.· \\'.a,lnn~tnn; J.1nc Snuth ~l.11•.· \\"1i~l1t ,~i) I loolc-r. ixic Louise Chul.t, Mo. \\. Jll.icc T l)·lor I looker; ( tl•nr~c \\' .nhin~ton; EJn.1 ,.bric C.1,c ~IJry ~·ra!,:ltt t~i) I looker. Gc.-orgc Wesley Chuh. ~to. \\.Jll.1,c T:aylor }looker; C,1.-or!,;c: ~· .i,han~ton; l:dnl .\brt\' C· ,1'-C' ~f .1r~· \\' ri ~hr { ~ J ) Hooker. !\l.ary Helen c:hul.a. ~lo. \\ •.111.a,c: T .1,· lor I looker; Cu.•or1i:r \);" .1,hin1,:ton: [JnJ ,.t.uic C.111C ~l.iry \lt ri ;ht < is) I looker. ~l,ldrcd Lorenc Chub, Mo. ~· J)IJ..:c T .1ylor I looker; Gror~c: \);" .1,hin~ton; F Jn.1 ~l.tric: C.t\C· \\"ri):ht l .= i) ! Jtookcr. R.1ymond Wallace Chul.:a. ~fo. \\·.alb..:c T .1,·lor I looker; c;ro,~r \);":nhin,:.ton; Edn.1 '-bric C.1....- ~IJry 'I" ri1,:ht ( ~ l) , Chul.1, ~lo. ZJ\.'.hlry T .iylur ) looker; ( ;ror,-:c \l;" .uhinJ:ton; llixic: Amlnd.1 ~, ~l.1ry '«' ri~ht ( ;! S)

Houston. Osc.1r P.1rkc ; Antonio. 1 J.tmc..·, =" Jncc I fou,ton; ( ;ror~c " . .J,hin~ton; Robcrt.1 , . ~I.Jry \\'ri~ht (ii) ' Houston,. Robert~ 'i'~ll=icc . SJn Antonio. 1 " J.1ck\On W .111.Jcc: ; Ciroq;c: \\•. nhin,:ton; Eli;,.1bc.-th Zilbh \l'illi.1m, ~1.ary '«"riJ:l1t < ~ t) Houston. \X' .1l1.1cc Frederick ; S.1n Antonio, JJmc, :\"Jncc I lou,ton: , Cu:ur~c \V.1,hinrton: Robert J \X' J!!.1~c I ~hrr ~' riJ:ht < ! s ) JacolM. ~Ir,. l..iur.i H.irri\ liouston. T cx~H ~ GiJron l)o\\'\C l l.1rri,: I Eli1Jbcth '«.. ;nhinJ:ton; Eli:r.ibcth \\'J,hburn E.1,-:cr SJn1pv,n l.;in,c:r ( }1) Jones. Am.1nJ.1 H. I lowcrton ~lorchc.1d City. N. C. , \\' 1lli.1 m I fcnr~· J fo~,erton. ~f.0.; · Eli:rJbc:t h ~· .1,hin,-:ton; Am.tndJ Koonce: SJanr\C>R I Jn1c:r (; ~) j Jones ~trs. Gl.adys Williams 0.111:H. Texas Chlrlc:, I~ t hdhc.-rt '«.illi.1n1,: Gror,-:c: \l' .1,hin,-:ton: \'irgini.a 1\nn \t'right ~l.111· Wright ( 2 i) Jones, Roy F .• Jr. Roy F. Jone,: Gror,-:c \X' .i,hin~ton: G IJdy, Eloi\C \l·' ~t.111· '«' ri,.;ht <2 i) Lewi, l1.1rtin Strobel: Rich.1rd \l';uhin,.-:ton: Eli1..1bc:th \t' .nhin,;ton Eli1..1bcth jord.1n ( Io) Lnlc.-y. Mrs. C. V. Jfouston, Tcx:as Allen Eli2, M.1)·: Elil.1bc:th W' .1,hin1,:ton: ~r.1h Clementine Sc2lc, S.1mr\On l.2ni,·r ( ;2) 1-indsey. William H. ~.uhvilc. Tenn. Alonzo l.ind~y: Eli1..1bcth W.ishin,:ton; Eth.1 H.tJ;2n S.1mr,M>n l..inic:r ( ~ 2) Hou~ton, Floyd John,ton Lin,;:an; Eli1..1bcth W ;uhin,:ton; C:athcrinc Hebb S3mp\On L2nicr ( l 2) Af,:ason. Mij. Benjamin A. f lou~ton. Texas Thom.u Jo\Cph M.1\0n; Eliz.d>cth W.1shin,:ton; J;lorcnc.,; ,\. M.1y S2mpson Linicr ( 32)

ThC' (") dcnotC'\ dC'lc'°nt from .;a brother or ,iucr of W~dtington. Gl:SEALOCY AND NA~IES OF DESCESDASTS 639

NAME Al>DRf.SS PARE~TS t 1.l~E llt= l>ESCF.~T

' I I ~1.uon. Bcnj.imin A .• Jr. , I lou\ton, Tcx.u I ,1.a;. lknj.1n1in A. ~l.a\On: l:la1.1b..:th \\",,;ton: I 1:r.1n,c, I l1~,,:inbotlun1 S.anlJ'hon L1nacr ( } 2) ~I.non. rlorcncc A. Alltn, ~l.i)·: I: la1.1b..·tl, \\' .a~h•n~ton; S..r .ah t.lcn1cnt1nc ~ .1lc, S.arnp\On 1..anicr ( 3.?) ,1.awn. Guy Thom.1, j01Cph ~1.uon; fli1.1bcth \\'.a~hin,:ton; 1:lorcn,c :\. ~l.ay S.1n1p'°n l..anicr ( 3.?) Thom.n Jo~ph ~I.awn; l:li1Jl~·th \\' .1,hin,,;ton: 1:lorcn,c :\. ~l.ay S.11up\On l..ani..-r , ., ~) ,1.1j. lknj.an1in A. ~I.awn; [l11Jbcth \\'.a,hinJ.:ton: I· r .anl' .. , I li,:J,:inbotlu,n S.1mp\On l..1n1..-r ( ., 1) P.. ·rksn,. ~In. ~tinnic \l'il­ ch .. rlc\ f: t hd~rt \\' 1l11Jlll\ (.ror J.:C \\ •.a,hin J.:lon: li.1n1\ \' aq,:ini.1 Ann \\" ri J,:ht ~l.ary \\' ra,:ht (.? s ) P,ttnun. ~In. Eliz.abcth :\ bu ..·r J.:, "-w,n St robd: It adurJ \\' J\lun ..:tun: Strobel j .In..- JJ lllC\ El11JL>c,.th JorJ.1n ( JO}

~unJu,k .v. Cor.1 C.1rlvlc, l.lmor..- C.arl~·lc: ( iroq.: ..· \\' .1,hin,.:ton: \1Jrtlu \\' .Hiun ~ton \\" ,, ~I., .. ~· \\"ri~lu , ~ \) ,crolx· 1. Jc .1n S. A bncr J.a"· k -w>n St rulx· I: R :durJ \\ · J,hin J.:tnn: J.anc J.1nu·, FI,, .1l1'.·t h < Ir )

lknj .. n1in \\ ..1,lun,:.:t on '.\IJ"m: r ,., Jl1'.0 l h \\' J\llln~tnn: SJllic Ann T .1ylor ,.1111p\On I .1n1cr ( .\ ~) T,llnun. ~tr~. G. X. ~.1\ll\·illc. Tenn. Ci"'""Or,,:c Au~U\tinc \\" .1,hin~tun: C,,--or,.: ..• \\'.1,hin~ton: J.anc ~n1ith ~br)· \\'riJ.:ht (1S)

\\'.1,hin~ton. George Au~us- ~C'\\' York cu,· Jo~·rh 1:Jwin \\' .1,hin~ton: C,rorJ:c \\' .1,hin ,:ton: tine 1 ~l.iry Bollin~ Kcn1p ~.iry \\·right (2S)

0 U\ \\' \\ .1\hin~ton. u•·rcncc ! \lu,kogcc. Okl.1. . J.1n1c .. Au,,;U!~t J\hin!,;ton; J.1mc:, \\' .1,hin1,:ton: \' ir~ini.1 Polk I Jo~·,c ~ id10I\On ( JO) I \\'illi.1nn. Ch1rlcs Eugene : Bonlum, T cx.1s Eu,,:cnc E;:~rt \\' illul'n .. ; c;ror..:c. \\' .1,hin ...:ton; I Bc\\ic ~lc(.ulloch ~IJry \\' ri~ht ( ! s ) I \\' 1lli.1n1\, Eliz.ibeth Bc.uricc : Bonh.1m. T cx.1s Eu ~enc E ,,;bert \\. i lli.1m"; , Grorg..- \\ 0 .Hhin1,:ton: l Bc\ .. ic ~lcCulloch ~I.try \\' ri,,:ht ( 1 S) \\' illi.1nn. Eugene Egbert I 8onh.1m. TcXJ\ i Eu;.:enc Egbert '«'illi.1m\; GrorJ:c \\" J\hin,:ton: l Bc .. ,ic ~h:Culloch ~I.try \\' ri,:ht ( ! S) I Eu;.:enc Egbert \\'illi.1m\; GrorJ.!c \\'.1,hin;.:ton: lkuic ~lcCulloch 1 ~fary· \\' riJ,:ht ( 1 S ) \\.ilwn. Betty Lou ~c-,· Lcb.1non. Ohio : Robert J. ~'il\On: I GrorJ:c \\' .1,hin,:ton: ' ~f.1ric Anon.1 I>.1,·is ~f.111· \\'ri~ht (1S)

0 \\'il\On, Don.1ld Emmerson ~C\\' Lcb.1non. Ohio 1 Robert j. 'i il\On; G,--orJ;:c \\' .1,hi:1 cton: ~faric Anon.1 l>.1,·i, ~IJry \\' riJ;:ht (: S ) I · Ch.ulc, \\'c,lc,· 0.1,·i,: ' ( iroq,:,· \\' J\hin,.:ton: I • , J=loy Ro,.1 I Id( ~l.lry \\' ri1.:l1t ( 2 S) I Ahner J.ack\On Strobel: RidurJ \\'.1,hin~tun: J.1ne J.1mes Eli,.abcth JorJ.1n (Io J ~·il\On, Rich2rd Arthur Xcw l.cb.1non, Ohio ; Robert J. Wil10n: Gcor;.:c \\'.1,hinJ;:ton; i ~.1ric Anon.1 I>.1,·i, ~IJ11· \\" ri,:ht <2 s) I I Allen Eli.1s M.1y; : Eli1.1hct h \\' .1,hin;.:ton: I S.1r.1h Clementine Sc.1lc\ J S.1111pwn Ltni«!r ( J J:

The c·) ckno1c.•1 Ck'leffll from .I bro1hcr or ,i,1C'r o( , ..uhin,;tnn. t ~umber (ullo•·in,; Linc of l~cnl rdcn 10 corrCtp>ndin,: numiK-r in "',I~· ,n Affk'rio.''"" u:-Pr. IRST IS ,.AR, 1-·1RST IS PEACE, AND FIRST IS TIii: 111:ARTS 01: IIIS COUSTRY~tES, Ill: •·As St=.('.OSD TO sos1=. IS Till·. tlU~IBl.l: ASD r.SDEAR­ ISG ~:1-.Sl.S 01: PRl\'A·rr. 1.11·"1:: P1ot~s, JUST, tlU­ ~tASr.• Tl.~ll'r.RATI., ASO SIS<:t=.Rr.; usn:oR~I, OIG­ Sll-"11:t>, ASO ('.O~l~IASDISt;; IIIS l·XA~trl.1: ,·As AS t=.011-"l'ISG TO Al.I. AROUSl> 111~1 AS \\·t=.RI: TIii: l.l--- 1:1;.(_'fS 01: TJIAT l.XA~tl'l.l~ l.ASTISG. To •us 1-.QliALS 11r. \\'AS <0~01-.St.1-.sotsL; ·10 lflS ISl-"l·.RIORS KISl>, ASO TO Till: Ul:AR OBJECT 01: HIS Al:J·"J-.t:TIOS 1-.Xl·.~11,1.ARll.l' Tl:SDER; CoRRl:C T TUROULIIOV'f, \'l<:t: SIIVl>l>lRI I> IS tllS PRt:Sl·S< I·, AND \'IRTt:I. AI.\\.Al'S FIJ.'f IIIS 1.-0STl:RISL IIASD; TIii: PURITY OF IIIS PRIVATE < tfARAC TER GA\'r. EI.-FULGENCE TO HIS PUBLIC VIRTUES•••• SUCti \l'AS TIU: ~tAS t~OR \l"tfO~t OUR SATIOS ~IOURSS.

HESRY LEE (1799).


Special attention is called to the Introduction to this section on page 600. The names appearing on this page were added 11/ Irr the original list was printed.

There may be direct descendants of the whose names do not appear in these lists. If so such omissions cannot be attributed to this Commission. As explained in the introduction, every effort was made to get as complete a list of the li\'ing ~, ashing ton family descendants as possible. No names are included unless the genealogical charts ""hich this Commission sent to the known or sugg~ted n1cmbers of the Washington f amilr \\'ere returned properly filled in :and authentic:ated by the Histori:ans of the Commission.

The Commission shall be pleased to hear from :any person claiming to be :a descendant of the Wash­ ington family and additions will be made if possible in a future publication of the list.

It will be noted from the introduction th:at the original list nun1bcred 918. With the addition of the following names. the total is 998.

1)1:SC]:Nl),\N rs OF JOIIN \V ,\Sl1 ING'J"ON OF \\'ES r~IOREL,\ND COVN.rY. \'IRGINI,\


I Bonull. Mildred ,,.1shington ~orv.·ood. PJ. ~lurr.1,· Forbes; ~fildred \\' .1shington; M.1r·,. Ethel PJn·in RoJ:er Gregory· ( I 3) I 1 Ch«scborough. Emeline 1 Gcor~e ~• illi.1m Smirh for~~; Mildrt9d \\'.nhinhton; Forbes H~rrick Ccbnirc Bcrnoudi Sims Roger Gregory ( J 3} l).1ll.1m. ElizJbcth Forbes Grorge 'X'illiJm Smith Forbes; ~fildred \\'.1,hington; I CclJnirc Bcrnoudi Sims Roger Grcgcry ( J ; } GrorJ:C' ~'illiJm Smith Forbn; Mildred \\' .1,hington; c~l.1nire Bcrnoudi Sim, RoJ:er Gregory ( J 3) W .uhington. I>. C. :'\ i"holJ\ J:it :rhuJ:h; Mildred \\' 1,hington; I.JurJ A nJ:dJ Shrc\\·sburr Ro;:er Gregory• ( I;) Vill.1 ~o\·.1. P.1. \\'illiJm lnne\ For~; : Mildred \\' .1,hington; l>.1i,~· Coxe Forbn , Roger Gregory ( 13} Forbes. Fr.1ncis Coxe ' V ilb ~O\" .1. P.1. \\'illi.1m lnnC\ Forbn: · Mildred \\' .uhington; I>.1i,,· Coxe 'X' riJ:ht Ro;:cr Gregory ( J}) C.1mdcn. ~- J. GcorJ:c ~'illiJm Smith Forbes; Mildred ~• .uhington; uhnirc lkrnoudi Sim~ R...... n- ...... -•~f" ,:...... , ...... ---• ,.,.,,,,. 1 \•.,II ~ \ \ Forbn. John Sim, ; L.1nsdo\\·ne. P.1. IGrorJ:e 'X'illi.1m Smith Forbes; l Mildred W .1\hington; I' Ccl.1nire Bcrnoudi Sim~ ' Roger Gregory ( J}) I Forbn. Murr.1y. Jr. I L.1nsdov.·ne. P.1. Murr.i,· Forbes: Mildred W .1\hington; M.1ry Ethel P.1r\·in Ro~er Gregory ( J 3) l Forbes. Murray. 2nd I W .irrenton, V .1. Murr.1y Forbes: Mildred W .ishin,;ton; I M.1ry Eli1~bcth Semmes Roger Gregory ( 13) Forbes. Murray, )d ; L.1nsdowne. P.1. Murr.1y Forbes. Jr.; · Mildred W .ishington; M.1rg.1ret Miller Roger Gr~gory ( I 3) Forbes, Murray lnnc, Huntington, V .J. Murr.i,· Forbes; Mildred W .ishington; F.mih· Klein North Roger Gregory (I}) Forbes, Nancy Lansdowne, P.1. Murr.iy Forbes. Jr.; Mildred W .ishington; M.irg.iret Miller Roger Gregory ( 13) 640A Forbes. llobcn Pamd I1.oa Anpla, u1. Murray Forbes; ' Mildred Washington; Muy Etbcl Parvin llogu GRgory ( 13) Forbes. Sally IMCS I Camden, N. J. George ' Smith Forbes; Mildred Waminpon; ulanitt Jk.moudi Sims Rog<-r Grtgory (I}) Forbn, : \I'.arttnton. \' .1. ~I urn)· Forbn: ~lilJttJ 'i'.1J\ing1on;·,h Scmmct Roi:c:r Gttgory ( I}) j \'ilb ~o,· .a. P.1. George '«' Smith 1:orbn; ~lilJttd '«'.1J\inglon; Ccl.anitt Bcrnoudi Sim~ Roger Gttgory ( I l} \'ill.1 ~o,· .a. P.a. '«'illi.1m lnnc, 1:orbn: \lalJrc-J '«. .1Jtington; llii,)· Co'.lc: '«'right ; Rogcr Grc~ory ( I l} Frumcnl. ~In. Emily For~ \l'.1rttnton. \' .1. ~furr.a)· 1:orbn; , \lilJrc-J "'.1,h,n ~ton; Enuh· Klein Nonh Roger GrcJ:ory ( I;} I H.1u-i~k. ~In. J.1nc: C.1rolanc i \I" .arrtnton. \' .1. ~lurr.1~· J'orbn: \filJrc-J "'.1,h,n,:ton; I Emah· Klein Sonh I Rogcr Grc:~ory ( I l) ' King, M.iry So:mmn Forbc> IW .irttn1on, \'.i. ~I urr.a)· ForbN: · ~tilJrc-J "'.aJtington; Enuh· Klein Sonh Roger Gregory ( 13) M.1nh. Edw.ard Do11i·ning t unsd<>•·nc:. P.1. '«' ~f .inh; 1 \lilJrcJ '«' ~..hin,:ton; I E,hd Forbn ' Roger Grc,:~ry ( I 3) M.anh. E,hd For~ L.1nsdo•·nc:. P.1. Al urr.1 ~· Forbn; \lildrcJ '\I' .uhin,:ton; l ~I.arr f thd·in Roger Grego~· ( I \) , '«. 1lli.1m \IJr\h: \lilJrcJ \t. J..hin~ton; I J=orbn stoJ:<:r GrcJ:or~· ( I ; ) I ". illi.1n1 \l.aoh: \lilJn-J \t ..Hh,n i;:tun: l·or~ Ro~cr ( ircJ:ory ( I ; ) "' \,h: \l,!JrcJ "' J,h,n~ton: l·orbc, Ro.:~r. Circ,:on· . . ( I ; ) , Ch.arl'°' ~Iden\: \l,IJrcJ "'.uh,n~tun: Bn,ic: T c:mplc: T .1 y lor Ro;:cr Grc~o~· ( I;) j l; For~: \t,IJrcd ,.,l\h1n~ton; · ~kr,c:r Chew Ro,:cr Gn-~ory ( I , ) Robin10n. ~fr,. ~,ic 1:orbc, t: rcdcri, l \bur~. \' .1. \t urr.a,. r orbc\ T .1 ~- lor : MalJrcJ " .. uhin,=ton; T.i)'lor But lc:r Br.1,·nc: Thornton Roi:c:r (,rc~or~· t 1 ., ) Stdf.inidn. Adc:l.iidc: J=orbc\ Ridl~· P.ark. P.1. \I urr.ay rorbn: \tilJrcJ '«' J,h,n~ton;,· F thd,·in Ro~cr Grc:go~· ( I;)

DESCENDAN'IS 01; JOHN \\' ,\Sltl~G·ro~ OJ= SlJRR\" couN·rv. \'IRGINIA


H.2nna, Mrs. 5.u-ah Emi Iv Winter P.2rk. Fb. John St.urn j.1ck~n: Eliubcth \l'nhington; Jackson · Elc.inor J.1nc Futch S.aml)\On unicr ( ) 2) I How~. Dorothy Washington, D. C. f icnry l·io1A·c; E liz.abct h ~,ashin gton: M.ary Dunc .in S.1mp\()n Linicr ( 3 2 )

Ho•·c. E vdyn Harris \l' ashington. D. C. Eliz.ibcth \l' .1\hington; , S.imf)\On unic:r ( ) 2) I I Howe. Mrs. M.ary , Wa,hington. D. C. Eliubcth W .1shington; S.iml)\On unic:r ( ) 2)

Howe. Mary Duncan , W ,uhin~ton. D. C. Hen~· Ho1A•c; : Eliz.1bc:th Washington; I Mar,· S1m~r, µ11~r { l 2 ) ' Howe, Ruth i W ashin~ton. I). C. Hen~· Ho1A·c: , Eliubcth Washington; I M.a~· Duncan I Saml)\On Lanier (} 2)

I Jackson, Clara Myrtis i Tampa, Fla. James Jonath.1n Jack\()n; I Eliz.1bcth Waihington: I Harriet Eu~cnia Strickl.1nd i Sampson unier ( } 2 ) I Jackson, Edith Estelle i Tampa, Fla. James Jonathan J.ickson: Eliubcth Washington; Harrie, Eu~cnia Strickbnd S.ampson Lanier (} 2) Jackson, Lena Eleanor. ITampa, Fla. James Jonathan J.ickson: Elizabeth Washington: Harriet Eu~cnia Strickbnd Sampson Lanier ( 32) 6408