' 1919. 17 , THE , SUN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27,

! so left with COURT CALENDARS. Ooldateln :0 I A S H BamnelatRlcli, Jr'Trager. grand larcenyt Charles Burgo, Meury of counsel wheae name la not MARINE INTELLIGENCE. J B'klyn RR Co. P O Ramnels :ama i'n arm ansi uvnonmn a, m t r rnumiii . bud INVESTMENT VIEWS John Uennessy Smith, burglary: RR, Santonen tWelas. Lamonlca iJayrose and William BrennantB H RR. Nassau MINIATURE ALMANAC. j DISTRICT COURT. Rybcslnskl SBlank. Realty Co. i James Bello, attempted grand larceny: Will--1 wildman tlaaootr A Leonard sFederal ROD AND GUN NEWS Southern Schmldman tBosaln. Sellgman tSulliran. lam Graf, grand larceny: John Smith, as--. an0. Paper Board Co. United Statea Coast and Geodetlo Survey District. L Frura iKIrshbaum. Raspanta iSchwarts. sault: Italia N astro, assault: Jesse NewklrS. DhllgiNassan RR. Barkowltx Oeunibury standard Time. AMD THE OUTLOOK BtffntXiA ?fi,ter rh,1P 3- - McCook, Room S Frum name. L 8tahl tWaldorf burglary: Jamea Theodore, grand larceny: I piegel :Lanyon A ano. A ano. 8un rises. tut AM Sun set IWPM HIGH WATER F0n LOCAL ANGLERS FROM OCTOBER 38 TO NOVBMDBB X ' Duiiding. At 10 A. M. Walsh tSinger. Hotel Co. theaamt, grand larceny: aioracchlno 8 aide- - Hchwelkort tWelab, Dorli :Oony I A 11 Moon I -- sets 7J9 PM Sandy Hook Princess Jamaica Bay Oovernors Wlllets New JtonertaiN.Y Com nn Barbara :sama. V RabateJnektKalbach B Staid :aame. H hlff,m llfnnan Ann T01H 110- - inin.bla & MA BR. I Murphy fln V..b HIGH WATER THIS DAT. (ine itorsoanoe) luanaraiei :Bame. W ( :N Y Consol liay Mlnard:eame. Rabatejnek isamo. iieinstwasi luce hiw imwiw,. rnuia , larceny;. . itnjmni uuinran :MCAlusiar Rosenthal Date. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.hf. Hleael mi. Y, 1 r. i ... .t..M ltiiihanrw Sandy A M Gov. A M A.M. PJkt. A.M. A.M. PAt. A.M. Manning :same. BuUertDlamond. Meyers :Clty of N ...j i aiuuuei uicmtr WW Llghtarag Line A RR, Hook...:iS Island:U October 37. .. , BJ5 S:M 0U!O 0:80 10:10 10.39 9:44 10:13 iz:ao 12:53 nair nvso Warni- Glaacrtsame. Rameiaaaie. T Bntlertsama. urown '.Btewan. I batim, burglary. ano. TaUraan:B Q Co A ueil Gate 11:11 A U octooer as. ... 10:00 10:3t 10:05 10:39 10:48 11:10 10:17 10.81 1:24 1:30 ii:ou jlnrkot letters Obtain iancy :aame. Llfkln :aame. II MoakowIUiN T Lererlng trrentlss. Motion Hans O. Bchundler. . Eraser :Kent. Sub RR. LOW WATER DAT? October 10 :as in:a.1 11:23 11:23 13:03 10.88 11:38 3:12 13:33 13:88 Welnsteln tssme. Rys. sentnnnpM PjiwRrrf Gharlea Johrjsorj. Ex vol TniS 30.... ll'iR Mulllns :aama. Englander :tth At Tnhv. MoGrath iNaasan RR. Oravesend Sandy Hook.. 4:18 A M Got. Ialand, A M ucioper au.. ..u:33 13:08 11:41 2:48 3:58 1:38 l:SO ngs of CimUon Based on Goldberg inn, Rennrlsh :samo. F Moakowltataam. Coach Co. Arthur Eller snd Ed C. Eicholz. Cordes :Kracke. Firemen's Assoc: J October 31. 13:18 13:18lias 13:31 12:53 la)l 13:37 13:33 3:38 3:50 330 337 III.-Be- Nott, Uell Oat i.5:l4 A ...12:10 DaTletaame. Collins tMcDonald. WeckeasertNo Beam PART fore Judge Charlea C. Jr. Young tLanilua Air- Lake. ii November I... 1:08 1:18 1:13 133 1:33 3.03 1:30 1:33 4:30 4:48 3:18 8:85 ThlelejL Co. Co. Thomas Gleason. robbery; John Delaney. ' slnterstata November 3:53 3:31 5:43 High Toints. Room twelfth floor, Wool. I RR Imp craft Co. Johnsen ARRIVALS-SUND- AY, OCT. M. 3.., 3:08 331 2il3 3:38 a:06 3:38 ,8:34 432 Week's ilin, , sKohn. e. robbery: George II. Jackson, robbery: Boston A Lighterage Co. m utUIUUE. AI 1D!SU A. M . KflUltT Schnster Morrison '.Hotel larceny: Fleselman'.Hom ano calendar. Crowley tReynard. Real, assault; George Smith, grand Saltta A anoiPcnn- - BcafTlde sMotley. Ss Mauretanla, Southampton, Oct. la. Boraody:Oehrl. Cooper Bap Tr. BtUTO '.StUTB. Sa Taormlna. Genoa, Oct. 10. For argument I I :Int Laws Relating Hearing Animals In Dealers of animals most Btalherg :Cona Dental LnckhardtiClty of GsstmsntN Y Rrs. Shapiro :U 8 Junior Ss Regina, d'ltalla. , Oct. It. to Fur Inakln fur Imperial Machine . Maine. each year take out a license (fee. State. Co: Mfg. N Y. Y O h Reserre. 8a Burmese Irlnce, Queenstown. Oct. It. SEE CORRECTIVE DECLINE Hoose I LengeiN Sherwood. BoraelllnoiOobel. Naral Open Seajocs (except 126: county. 2) to engage In k Btlndt. Second Nat'l Bank of RUftersRIccL atrlck Mitchell and William RR. Post :Cook. Sa Madras City, Gibraltar. Oct. 10. All fur animals this trade SameiMetro I nr. grana narrlettiB II beaver, raccoon, bear, bobcat, and keep a record of Life Ins CInn :Cooke. Ondrayka:N lno tChlon By. larceny; Antonio Taraaano. ournii :B Q Co A tAudltore 6a Communlpaw. Gibraltar, Oct. 10. muakrat, must transactions Co. j I 2 Flllppt nssauu; Semenia Plsano Sa Canada lynx (loup cervlsr) and weaael, and forward same to Commissioner Strause Oaa Iron Co: Co of renn. Chase :Regan. Aionio Alien, jonn juhc, '"" Sub RR A ano. Cont'g Co. Batttnin Acoame. Trieste. Oct. a. the Sunahtne-Jaape- larceny: Jghn French. 15 Oc- on or be- General calendar t r Co. Weaver :WMtrldge. J. Kyle and Arthur A et Sa Hereby, Hartlepool, Oct. a. Ootober to February It; musftrat, of Inland Fisheries and Dame Nicholson tCheater. De Maria AHmt.fu.4 MhUni Tnhn lfvlA. Arthtir Addison: A P Audlno iRIneltl al. 15 to May raccoon, August 15 fore December 20. Putting out poison Extraordinary and Erratio :8lngr Bros Clements tl'lttsburg Phllbtn :Walah. O'Neill, Trucking Co. Victoria :Booth A Co. Ss Paul Palx. Mtddleabrough, Oct, . tober 14; for Import A Eiiwt Co. Elect Specialties Co. I French. Robert Goldateln and Peter Sa Srerre, Kopernlk, Oct. t. to Fsbrjiaxy 19. No open season on beaver wolves, foxes, doga or other animals la Simpson :Newport PART IV. Before Mitchell, Court open at ana ueuoen jiueu-boi- Lombardl :Schmadeko Vollnoto:I H RR. except by forbidden of or Impris- Dur- a j Linaemann a J. assault; Leon Bantman A ano. Peralno, Demarlo: Ba P. H. Crowell. , Oct. II. when declared the Commissioner under penalty fine Moves Aro Expected News Shipbuilding A Rose H A. Jl, assanlt; Arthur French, assault. Ss Lako Glasgo, ). of Inland Fisheries and Game. No cloae onment. Iloverson Co:J V. Tja iTvmfLn Meveraon, Frank :Golleb. Jackson A ano. Montreal. Oct. Dry Dock Co. A Co. PART Not In uilon. Fn Mni.ni nnM Sa Torreo, Philadelphia. Oct. 24. season on bear, bobcat, Canada lynx (loup Trapa may not be aet within twenty-fiv- e Intcrnat'l Signal PART VI. Before Wagner. J. Court opens at PART IV. Before Judge Otto A. Rosalsky. Coston, Crosi, Dlldy: Sa Huguenot, esrvler) or weaasl. Unlawful to transport feet of a house. (Special laws ing Labor Crisis. Col Manners :Famoue 10 Wealey larceny: Port Arthur. Tex, Oct. 11. muakrat Playera-Lask- y A. M. Irvine, attempted grand following causes, If marked ready, will dispose Vreeland Apparatus Corp. larceny: Alfred The. Sa Slnsinowa, Norfolk, Oct. ii. or of a beavar skin without official In southern Oxford and certain territory Co. Cutler-Hamm- rART vn. Before Cobalan, Court opens at Mike Kurllananowlcs, grand be passed for the day. No cause will be set' seal In Waahlngton complaint by Mfg J. uom-ber- Sa Impoco, lontreai, Oct. 11. of commissioner attached. county.) On Sacks & Byron :Chat-tanoo- 10 A. M. scharlmann, arand larceny; wiuiam down for a, day upon this call : Sa by Coirawltng A crlmlnailT rerolvlnr atolen property. Maple, Mobile. Oct. U. Trapping Special beaver trapping license landownera of damage done beavers written generally be- Chcm Co. Harmachfcgcr Co. PART VIII. Before Donnelly, J, Court open Aldrich llUchnltz. tario A W Rwy. Sa San Maroo, Qalteston. Oct, la. good only In territory opened to beaver the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Marlvat letters, Amer at 10 A. M. James Mackay, grand larceny; Frank Shanka. by Trap- Qame open Surety Co: Dollfua Mleg A CI ! grana larceny; iiyman uom. Alllego:Clty of N Y. Malof tSaydah. Ss Gloucester. Boston, Oct. 24. trapping commissioner, tea SIS. haa authority to declare an the declines In Saturday's extrao- Amu Mill. IUchardaon Silk Co. PART DC Before Ertanger, J. Court opens Walsh, car- Hauck :B Q Co A Sub Fromat lAronson A Sa Rodgay, Boston, Oct. pers In unorganized townships of the State season for beavera on landa where damage fore at 10 A. M. Samuel Oroaa, assault: Msrtlnir" it. may session, although they failed to Terralon Envelope Co: Boston Pencil Pointer rying pistol after conviction for,'""crime; RR. ano. are required to take out an annual license, occurs. Any person lawfully kill rdinary Kenmore Mach Mfg. Co:Automatic Pencil PART X. Before Dugro. J. Court open at Mur- Nappl :N Y Dock Co. OchcOTsty :Kcmpf A ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK. except for bear or bobeat ( fee. 110). any wild animal, except beaver, found de- TJ 10 Charles Lopyn, grand larceny; Jamea forecast the bear drive, were filled with 8 Envelopo Co: Sharpener Co. A. M. phy, gTand larceny; Benjamin Diamond, Gibson ilnterborough ano. Ss Niagara, at Bordeaux and on or before December 15 of each stroying hla property. Unlawful to dig out same. Wallace A Co:Repettl, PART XI. Before WMtaker, J. Court opens burglary; C Honry. forgery; R T. Cassertt tRoblns Dry Sa year must make suoh report a the Com- a fox den at any time. conservatism 10 A. Thomas Iloheme. at Genoa. avIms of caution and 1 Wa tains Co aim Ino. at M. Matthew Donovan, robbery; Nathan Green-wal- U 8 Title Guar Co: Dock Co, 8s Breynlon. at Naples. missioner of Inland Fisheries and Game Propagation Permit required to ralas PART XII. Before nendrlck, onrt opeas grand A may require. Any person sets trap 12). apeoles based on high points scored during the I'roaocte. assault! John A. Petrullo. Bnlltran et al. Hlnea iSchroeder Sa Galahad, at Glasgow. who a fur animals (fee, Protected Bciore Knox, at 10 Aj M, larceny; Frank Gaffney. grand larceny: KatsrConey I A B BR sno, Sa Hanla In an organized county or Incorporated may be taken under special permits by Satur- J., Itoom 235. Pott Office Bull PART XIII. Before Lydon, opena Lulsa. at Callao. place week. The general opinion after u bi iu:ju .n. iiaaxruptcy J. Court at Aninony uonaimo, criminally receiving aiuiou Thomson :Gsatelger A Sllrersteln ColScudder Sa Tartar Prince, at Gibraltar. must obtain written consent of the licensed trappers for breeding purposes. a. calendar. 10 A. M property; William perjury; John ano. Sa owner or occupant of land on which the No animals may be Imported Into appeared to be that the de- Dlecharrea Motions Holser. Msck tlllnes. Bayonne, at Gibraltar. the day's close PART XIV. Before Finch, J. At 10 A. M. Thurston, perlury; Leo E Gannon. gTand DatatSUmper. Elss :Elss. Sa Potosl, at Valparaiso, trap la aet and muat vlalt such trap at State, without permit. Leonard Markres. Jewel LcrirlB. rrom rmnm Carmelo twenty-fou- r clines were In the nature of a corrective i.pb io re sent tnia part io lsrceny; Marraret Beyer, abortion: Curly :Concy I A B Peterson iTImmermann Sa Mexico, at Valparaiso. leaat once In every hours and Dountles Bobcat and Canada lynx (loup ixiuia Kuarln. Flashlight Battery Co. XtV. to XVHI, Indnalre for trial Dl Costa and Irving Schwartz, grand larceny; RR. A ano. Sa Hortcnalus, at ramove animals caught. All trapa muat be cervler), $10 each; paid by State. Claim securities, which had ad- Ellen A Pugh. Banks LundrraU M. a ill tame; La Plata. In the case of Angelo Auto Rathe ra iWerfm. Ceunes A Tsarnas Anna Swift, keeping house of Martern:Fltter et aL McAOlIn international Bs Perdral Sparks, at Cristobal. plainly marked with ownera name and for bounty must be made within five days Salerno. Co. Llttauer Corp:Mllllon Broa wavia uiuman: grana larceny; joscpnitciciien, BuyllsliB H Eleratlng Co. Sa Hana address, either by having the same after killing or return from trip on whleh vanced too rapidly, but It was suggested Jane Q Champltn. Solomon LeTy. illelmer. grand larceny; George RR. Maerak. at Maraolllea. Engine Mllter:Btern. Co. perjury; Thomaa Fay, Sclacchltano :Cooke Jordan '.Baerroann. Ss Eten, at Liverpool." atamped on the trap or on a metal tag killing was done. Bounty on bears, 15 move- Hartman. C T Stork A Co (2). Keen J. Veatner.. grand larceny. Albert II Dollsrd. firmly to A trap muat paid by State, to that extraordinary and crratlo Erberto De lAndersoa. Coaldale Mining Co: Transportation Co. Kent:TokaJlan. Ss Joancy, at Marseilles. attached It. bear each: claim bs mads Carlo. Louts Peck. O O'Brien, Coal grand larceny: George E. Baldwin, rrand Elgenbrod :Blumberg. Butler :Coney I A B be encloaed In a "hut," within ten daya after killing. ments could be expected until the labor Esther Breakstone. Chicago Bargain House J Ine: guemahonlng larceny; Harris Loitfogel, assault: Joseph Get-sot- 8tokrs. Glrardo :Naasau BR. RR. SAILED FOR YORK. Llpfeld. . Sullivan and Richard O'Leary, grand larceny: NEW should come to a head. Excerpts Consumers Linter Co: Kananack tMass of N Y. MlcaIe:McQuade Sa NIeuw Whiteflsh on Fly Sport. Mylea broke hay- crisis Maurice Wetngartcn. Basook A Co. Alphonso E. Kannlnglescr, grand larceny; rrint:Cltr Co, Amsterdam, from Plymouth, Wonderful Flynn the State laws by sent out over the week end Ell Ncgbauer. Sarmifla. Bond A Ins. Robert L. Winkler, grand larceny: Thomaa Rourke :Bsll, SteTedoring 6a Columbia, from MoTllle. ing trout under six slnchea. from letters n Adolph Snyder. Moore :E Walk Mfg City N Y'.Nafl De Zlnnailnter- - Santangelo :McQuade It sounds little as though the "white-fish- " : Thromblejr A Sons. A Co. J of Saunders, assault: Herman Wittenberg, grand Ss Orduna. from Halifax. a In either case he convicts himself, and follow Tree Co. Box Mach Randa-ma- borough R Stevedoring Co. described by as having James G Whiting. a Making larceny: Isaac Harris, forgery; Morrla T. Sa Veatalia. from Bristol. "Canaan" I would like to see what his answer would Co. say: dlsqulet-n- Isldor Klein. o J, S. Bacho 4 "The f Isaac Portman. Daumhelm:Muna. Co. seduction; Michael Ambrosie and Onlllrn :Blohhelmer. Barra :Mc)uada Steve- Ss Agamemnon (Br.), from Liverpool. been Introduced Into the Connecticut lakes, be to a letter from Albany on the subisot. Jacob Kuperberg. A Wela A ZerwecktMc- - doring Inhabited by In may 11 factors delating to labor are offset Daniel Q Woods. GlnkelatetnsFlsk Same :Wood. Guerrierl, burglary: Jamea II. PresB. Co. Ss Volga, from Glasgow, lake trout reality new lorn, uct. zo. uastkh. Bertha Cohen. Co. Gorham Co:nagar. Scrog-gin- Monagle. Brady :Ormabeo. ba froatnah (Coregonua quadrltaleralla), the ait reluctance of many holders to take Philip Atkins. Max Friedman. violation of liquor tax law: Evelyn Sa Schiedyk, from Padang. Thanks to Don Marquis. lj M Newmsrk :Reggen. BarnetttRrggcn. violation of liquor tax law; Jack Her- Stelnert:Naasau RR A MarellosXassau RR. Sa Atlantic City, from Brlxham, natural feed fish of the togue. With profits, with Income tax regulations I, Blumenthal. Chicago Bargain Honse Raaook Racing -- Again la probable newcomers Adjourned cases: tFaour. Peugeot Auto man, grand larceny; Henry Oarbade. viola- ano. SIclllonotAtlantio Sa Sagaporack. from Cristobal. It that the CHAPTER VII. waiting to swallow a good part of them. Neuberger Phillips Silk Razook'.Mut Life Ins Co:Reata. tion of liquor law; Benjamin Green-garte- Creem Co:Clty of N Y Stevedoring Co. Ss are the common whiteflsh (Coregonua Alexander Backer. Co. tax Crablree. from Cristobal. In due course of time we shall see him Another reason why some Industrials Meltier:Elmer. Mejonko RealtT Co: grand lsrceny; David Edelsohn, RavanaghtN Y On MulladytMIguci. Ss Weat Hartley, from Cristobal. clupBlformta), Indigenous to the waters of PAH Klrsch. McNulty Bros. Walker iWarner. Csa Co. burglary; Rooul Btelntmiller, criminally re- Lenape, upper Aroostook, with which I am exude, especially are firmly held Is because Edelsteln A Leltman. A rnidentlal nighest number reached on regular call Ss from Charleston, am 'Grape 1' Welborne Co. Braily:Frank Mnnaer Sherman Apt Co: ceiving atolen property: John S. Cox, grand 1S25. familiar, and of late years of Intensive Behold, I Juice Let all the large profits have advanced book A A J Schelnborg. Henry Levy. Co. same. larceny: grand larceny: Harold multitude Teter Gross, OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS. planting In the Adlrondacks me, mys- beyond present prices. In Before Learned Hand, Boom 33L P. O. 8 Anargyroa :Danlel-Ide- Frost :Swlft, W J Keen and T, Spencer Dulrnan, hr'l)rT: Surrogate's Court. In this case Perry Marks can Bow and salaam to their great values J. g, Brother tery. money we Building, at 10:30 A. M. Criminal calendar. J A Klrsch A Co: Sadie Kothe-ber- alias Annie mine, bribery; CHAMBERS Wingate. 8. Day calendar at give "Canaan" full Information In regard the absence of restrictions Morris Goldberg, seduction; Sonny Johnson, to whiteflsh by means Thus goes my fame through the pages of why Ilarry Saltiberg Bernard Daly. Tmcadero Amuaet Co Moshahlades. 10 A, M. Malls Vesls the taking of the maiory. see no reason the market should Fred Samuels. Cent Bldg Imp A Porter :Roth. violation of the liquor tax law Sail: of the baited buoy methods practised at Bernard Daly et al. Tnr tenr-MiT Willa of: Dorothy Oxford, None who view my colosaal and stupeadous have any serious decline at this time." James J McCann. Inrest Co. Menasha Woodenware Moowltz. Mauretanla, Southamp- Fulton Chain and Big Tupper. Bernard Daly et al. PART V. Before Judge Thomas O. T. Craln. Claua II Junre. Acceuntinga of: ton 00 Studies of the Infinite, my thoughts tre- Lamborn & Co. say: 'The recent per- Janwa J McCann. Bernard Daly et al. names :Meloy. Co :Landech. AM 1J0OM Brother Marka and I carried on a bit mendous Slpktn :Meyers-Joelse- h aay ca'ennar. Pauline K Bnckmuller Emma Zimmerman. Duca d'Aosta. Naples... ) SO A M 1 00 M In Bernard Daljr. Abraham Slmonaon Soclete Bordelalse de P of discussion respecting the relative merits On to & flight pendicular and sensational advances A PART VI Before Judge Joseph Mnb Samuel Rosenberg. Henry Vlctora. 10 00 1 00 M how make a surf lead take Bernard Daly. Charlea Cohen. Co. Conserves :Wood F. oiocanoim, uotnenourg., A M P of bait fishing and fly ways for these specialties were logically bound to bring T queen. Jennie Brauer. John Bonnie. AUIanca, Cristobal 12 00 M 00 M cor- that's twlatery Bernard Daly. William Oeddes al. Williams rWhltney Co. Scellck. . I I' fish In the column and In private Shall every Thus my words own However we would et May :LeTlnson. Teople B'way A Wth Jamea Banks, burglary: Carew McKlnm-y- Bernard McGeehln. Elllnor Stites. Saxonia, Plymouth I 00 A M MOOM respondence couple years or so ago. understand. their corrective. Bernard Daly. Samnel Jacobs Emogene M McKce. a of will still be mystery!" repeat to exercise discrimin- Bernard Daly. Blsckwell sFlnlaT. St RR! Walsh. rrand larceny; Thomas White, assault: John Preston. Wllhelmlna Wednesday. Of couree, like with the aver.age Rod and It sweet. our advice Abraham Cardoza. Supply Kane, grand larceny; Latlff, Wal- Guardianship of: He did once before and It tasted Bernard Daly. Pleading : Cohen :FreIdlander. Pipe A Const Michael J. France. Havre m m Gun controveray, our Individual convictions The Bunch have his number and he can't ation In commitments." Butler tWllllamsbnrg i'o:N Y Municipal ter Bennett and Robert J, Brown, grand lar- t vi i i were the same end aa the onset. Charles J McTeman. Qeorgo A Bush. County Court. Havre 8 SO M 00 at the at repeat. Ctty Fire Ina Co. RR. ceny: Frank Salamsndl, criminally carrying LaSavole. A U M However, we both knew what we were A George Lata. pistol: Helllg Olav, Christian-san- d twice told tale falls stale and fiat. Advise Profit Tnlclntr. nanna iLlchtenatein. Karten:Bachhelmer A Benjamin Bert, assault: Frederick M. PART V.-- J, At A. M. Civil cal- - talking about, and that's at leaat some- Will he never try fishing and let tt go Before Mack, J. Room 3, twelfth floor. Wool 8raoller:Smollcr. Co. Kltchlnga and Joseph C. Godfrey, grand lar- 10 80AM 100FM thing. worth Building. 2 nogan endar. Canopic, Gibraltar 12 00 M 00 M at that? Talno Webber & Co. say: "Tho ag- At P. M. Admiralty McBrlde :Zlmmermaru Dl Goua:Deroe A ceny: Joseph and John Murphy, grand Ixurr A ano (Inquest) : nsrtmsn :Leonard. i P Try 'em out with the fly, "Canaan." (To be continued In our next.) lsrreny; John Sears, larceny; Peter Caracas. Ban Juan 130AM 100PM wonderfully gregate of funds required to carry c Remolds Co. rrand tfrnst. Mnskoff :Keen. Iroquois. 9 Whiteflsh thus taken furnish No, gentle reader, he won't try fishing. Pendleton :Tng No Una Sassa, grand larceny: Harry Roaenberr. as- Turks Island.. 30 AM 100PM sport. prize present speculative 'Klrsten":Barge :Fltzgerald. Johnnson :Nassau Elec Shsughnessy rlfarron. Mayaro, SO tine We uaed to them above The fierce sea gulls might. bite him. The the Investment and Am A Barge Scully. sault: Char Magnone. burrlary; Morris Grenada A M 10 00 A M big angling unfeeling Is very large Atlanta. PART XV, Before Greenbaum, J. Court If RR. MacJlano:Sacha. squaretalls, both for and for laat time he went an wave rolled movement and If Industrial Potter Transpt Co : Gaston. Williams A opens at 10 A. M. Rothberg, sjrand larceny: narry Angelo, Dennehy :McDonald. Cohen tNassau Elec Thursday. the camp table. I wanted to atart thla up and wet the of his daffle bag and commercial activity Increases thero Schr F C Pendleton. Wlgmore:SS Sherman PART XVI Tlerney, Court opena grand larrenv: Qiusepro CammnM'l. Schneider tNassau Elee RR. Noordam, Rotterdam.... 7 00 A M 10 00 A M atyle of going after the Adirondack whlte-fla- through and through, becauae he had mis- Before J. larceny: ' be- will come a time when restrictions of Meran Tow A T Co: .aioran tow at 10 A. M. William J. Aron. grand larceny; RR. WoodlB'klyn n BR, La Lorraine. Havre tw AM 11 00 M but my flailing datea have been other- calculated the pressure of the vacuum re- Crawford A Co. Boraan Landscapeatui: FART XVII. Not In session. Clarence Hill lard and Joseph McDonough, McCauley:Kahn. Nelson :Neary, SHavangerfJord. Bergen... J0AM 10OPM wiae pretty well taken up and I haven't hind It. THE CHEERFUL AUTHORS. market activities will probably be Shalns:LcTlno A Con Co. grand larceny: Hvman Schlealngcr, grand Esperanza. been able to get to quired. So long to PART XVIII. Before Ford, J. Court opens at Charles :Keler. Rerenberr :Oimdrnm. Prorreso 930AM loaPM t' Ocean City Men Oood Natured. as stocks continue Kostn. Eastern Line SS Co: 10 A. M. larceny: Wlltlnm II. Ie. assault: Michael Rlnando :CoTeney. Gerrlan:Coney Island Atenaa, Santa Marti.... 700AM 10 00AM Tell you what: Next aeason I'll try to advance, Interest charges are a minor Ultramarine Co: Manatl Sugar Co. Mllford Slorrcll, grand larceny: James l, Oueens A B'klTn tear "Stillwater," who likewise la an Surrogate's Court. robbery. FettiB'klrn RR. away The members of the Ocean Ctty Fishing element This Is not true' where prices Freesnor. Mara :Wooda. Co A Sub RR. Grotsky:B'klyn Q Co INCOMING BTEAMS.inFg. of the Nutmeg country, Club must be good natured for every ens Quln Export Co '.Bulk CTTAMTJERS K sn'en Frank Jerrv Altman '.Nassau Elec ft Sub RR. from hla bunker slick, and gathering In his remain practically unchanged or are in- Before Cohalan, S. At 10:80 Due y haa taken good naturedly the brief tabloid Oil Transports. A. M. Before Judge John F. Mclntyre To be.held tc.l'.t-.Tt'ltl- II RR. nelehbor "Fellow Fisherman." we'll do a aketohea which sometlmea sport of clined to react and such a situation In VI. ln Ss among make Before Shepard. J. Room m, P. O. Building. Agnes Part court room. Highest number reached No. 1540. Cramond. Bordeaux. Sept. 22. day's pioneer work those whiteflsh the foibles of the members of the club. would lead to greater Estates of: Haramlll. For CTarke. Ss Lake Liverpool, 01 yours, on your sales of stocks in At lOiSO A. Mi Jury calendar. Georee Persad ). Washlneton Isaacs. sentcnceWilltam Ontario, Oct. L juat jot tnta down Some additional sketches follow: QUEENS COUNTY. Ss .Nuria, Seville. Uii. 3. appointment slip and remind ma of It Flab, ." amounts. It must be admitted that cur- Dl GuldiceiD L A W I Wltla for probate: Philip B La Roche, Jr BRONX COCNTY. A. E. Holehan Prize winner. Jane - Ss Mount Vernon Bridge, Hull. Oct. T. later on. I'll be game to see It through. Likes poodle dogs of his rent market conditions are extraordi- BR. James. jonn j Kelly, Supreme Court. Ss Morrlstown, Oct, 1. - out Kathertne A Tschupp. rhilllppe Supreme Court. London. ftaiur&uy. Binning uui uijuu nil uiiun- sight. Caught fourteen skates wltli one nary and that until some event Induces Supremo Court. Schaefer. TRIAL TERM Held In the Conntv Court H. llonnefon. London, Oct. 7. taklng of thla aort, we'll want to go Rudolph E Srhirmer. Annie SPECIAL ers'l Mnllsn. bait, thereby making a world's record. liquidation general BIVISION-Rece- ss. Cahlll. City, Sslilleborg, Copenhagen, Oct. . properly fortified In the region of our the trend with due APPELLATE Minnte Lowell. Lamb. opens 10 Jf. parte House in Long Island N. Y Court George II. Rothacker Mud walloper. APPELLATE TERM Harsen II at A. Ex business. opens caiieit in I Sa Fredcrlcksborg, Copenhsgen, Oct, a. Innarda, ao a New England breakfast of recessions may continue to be toward Recess. Ieo Hellwlg. TERM FOR MOTIONS-Mull- an, and csiennar rart at Can make a cow laugh. Has a promising TERM-PA- RT SPECIAL J. 10 A. M. Ss Python. St. Nazstre, Oct. . beans, brown Dreaa ana appie pie higher levels. We still to SPECIAL I. Before Glegerlcn, Motion calendar. before Mr Jutice Van Slden. naked future as a fisherman. The bigger they are Inclined J. Litigated motions. At 10:15 A. M. TRIAL TERM Before Fowler, 8. At 10:30 It Is reaulred that the name of the coun Sa J L. Luckenbsch, Rotterdam. Oct. t. will needs be forthcoming. But we'll put are he llkea feel that profit taking A M. :McMsnns. sel la try Ss Braokfield. Oct. up to the better them. and reasonable Fischer-Thoma- s Co: Badgeley:Lltchfleld Bsutrl Morris snirsch. who to the case be filed with the Bordeaux. It. It to "Stillwater" look after these Claude E. Holgate Secretary of Associ- conservatism are advisable under all the Estates of: Margaret Campbell. Matter of O'Connell. Hagrertr :Wormser. Clerk In Fart I. before the calendar la made Sa Lutetian, Dartmouth, Oct. 10. detalls an" he's the boy can do it. While Angling Fitch. Cunat Co. I up, Sa . you ation of Surf Clubs. National circumstances Hellwlg :Seeley. Edward B Beacon Tlessas :CoromllldIa. Llhdak :IVarlman. otherwiae no postponement for engage- Kdenton, Gibraltar. Oct. We're on the subject It may Intereat celebrity as a fisherman. Photographer, Involved." Matter of Wlenhold. Ss Antwerp, guy cap-mit- y :Vas. Klng:Klng. Cohen :Cohen. ment of the counsel will be granted. Brelsnier. Oct. t. to laarn that I am tne only in prevaricator good aport. Hambleton & Co. say: "The market Vas Castka:Castks. City Not more than two cauaea In s West Pool, Antwerp. Oct. 0. pie five quar-ter- and Ryan:Int Court. TRIAL TERM-PA- RT Luce, which the who can apllt a Into D. has by no means discounted everything, Rap Tr Co. Zucker :Ehrlch. I. J. same trial counsel appears will be added to Ss Orduna, Liverpool. Oct. IS. . Riper will tell you thla eiorence White Tackle scientist. TERM-PA- RT I Frank Van Beach galloper. a Comora :Comorm. Belafsky:Essgse Co of SPECIAL I. Before La Fetra, Hanlsrh iHanisch. Venetuccl :Venetuecl. the resdy section of the day calendar. Ss Keota. Manchester. Oct, 11 Carries horse chestnut and the fact should not be overlooked Townley :Noble. Litigated at 10 M. la ao. TAMARACki and raLblt'a foot for luck summer. Lnma, J. motions A Norz:Nors. Brennanttnt R T Co. Attention of the Bar I" called Ss Lake Shawano, Rotterdam, Oct. It, New York, Oct. 28. all that a market run up on speculative hope City X y :Beck. L, T Would be willing to choke a channel bass of Ashkenas :Ashkenaa. Frechen iWesterar Braunsteln rFreedmsn. 'I'll i A tuk part I. Luce. J. to Rules 5. e. and . Calendar Rules, Su- Ss . Naples, Oct 13. cannot be pjrmanently buoyed up In the 8am :Meyor. Llrlugston tLlrlngston. Union Telegraph Co. Mllsteln imperial Oersgonowitz:So Bird Nsplieman :IIoolaham preme Court, Queens County, N. Y. Ss Carolyn, Roum, Oct. 12. Dass Fishing at Kent Narrows. Md. to death with batt. Anderson :Anderson. Susquehanna Coal Co: M. N. Willlts, Jr. of the face of adverse domestic developments." Friedman :Abrambaon. Invest Corp. nil. (!). Gnlon:Bklyn Hta RR Welsberc-Bse- r Co. Ss La Lorraine, Havre, Oct. 19. Ta. City of N Y:Behr. Lynbrook Coal Co. EMIng .tamM Jordan, who la on hla way to Corn Exchange National Bank, Good man W. J. Wollmm & Co. say: Moskowlts :Bergmsn. Blegel :ChUds Co. Kluetz:Cnlon By Co. Brewing Co: Co. Inc:G n Etsus I.um- - Ss America, Breat, Oct 19. In sailing "The Popkin : Levitt. Courtney : Courtney. Shaler, Schmidt A .Mayer IMayer. HIrschelm. Ss Luclgen, Brijham. Flnrtrin vi1m hla motor b6at. to know if you have the right kind of col- spirit of conservatism, al- Pendrak :Goldstone. Goodrich :same. lier Co. Inc. Oct IS. through Inland waters, aends hla log which must ropklmLeTltt. Am Oil Supply Co: Shaler:Reyland. BIchtertKrender. Enge!:Unlnn Rr. Potsdam :lTnlon By Co. Amer- Ss Msgunkooky Bristol, Oct. 13. the lateral and reputation, ways be good Rodc:Mangtalettl. Vltagraph Co of Smith jPrrmler Con- to THE SUN from Great Wicomico River. George W, Merchant a part of business Judg Weatera Gas Conat rinkelsteln :Chane. Snowden :Kobusch Denardls :Klrk: Schwartz :Mlttman. ica illoeffner. Co Ss Singapore Maru, Dartmouth, Oct. 13. Butterworth of ment, McCuc Co. :May. struction et al. He writes: Philadelphia. Buys nlcktles by the yard. would suggest that some advances :Sateeteln. Kaplan Same :same. RrronUM St, Ac, RR. Vo:clmsn iHlckson, Eiscnbcrgcr, an Inf. TompklnalFelst. Ss Momus. New Orleans, Oct. 22. 11. Baer :True. Brusco :3tead-Morrl- - Gutman ".Princeton 861 Columbus WsIshlGsllsgher. Inc. We left the Raunt Friday, uctoDer Fond of terrapin, artichokes and chickens. have been Wo rapid ; that stocks whose At Co: Ac:The County of Miller, an Inf, Ac: Due 10 A. M.. for Florida. Tied up at Mill- - George D. Paraley Captures Baer :True. son Mfg Co. Conat Co. Masson. Grsce:lJnlon Ry Co. FlelschmantMurray (I) A all the whose real value have been too little :YamagamI. Cohen Nassau Smith. Star Publishing Co. Ss Frederlk Chrlstianla, Oct. 19. atone, N. J at night October 18, reached seaweed In the ocean. expert. Lamborn :Cohen. rark A Tllford : Mezerltaky : McserHsky Hrmdslo:So Bird RR. Fmchtbaum :Unlon Ry Yoeckl :Bklyn Queens Lf'TTlDanlel. VIII.. Electrical Investleated have been brought too Dowd A Co:Irorylold Winchester :Ta n Ss Bergensfjord. Chrtstlanla, Oct. 19. n, Bwire uitv uctoDer is. iveni Lives In Wilmington, N. C. Has caught jlor. Iiwlor. ian sax uresa Co: Regenstrelf :Van Co. Co A Sub RR Co. Mneblns:W J B Motor 20, and on 21st fished for prominently to the attention of the Co. Matter of De Lnca. American Valve Con: Goodman. A X Y Bill Post. Holmes 'Futterman. Ss Cabo Cervera, Seville. Oct. II. Md.. October the Iota of channel bass In the South, so he refers 'Nsssau Electric Truck Co, Inc. Ss Fert, Antwerp. Oct. striped bass. Caught one of about nve says. Made public seems to a SommertSpitxer. City of X Y:Lasai Harlem Supply Co. Goldstein :Xamqult CnnArld ;nnrltli.T. RR Co. IS. the repairs to the electrical This be time when It Kenn- - :Kenny. Miller Ss Agttldale. Liverpool, Oct. 14. pounds on neavy gear ana aooui iweivc wiring on the pier gratia. Is the part Hat Co.. Goodman :KeanJone8 Worsted Co. Highest number reached In regular order. ones on of wisdom to shift holdings Cohen :llalpem. Perclral :Stern. Co. Glasko Realtr Co: S3s. The following causes, if market ready, will Ss Eastern Sun, Lirerpool. Oct. It. ill couon mreaa. Clarence Sill Banker and broker. Owns to the be passed for the day No canto will be set Ss Edellyn. Brest, Oct, 1!. Althnueh flahlna at Kent Narrows haa a big yacht. Can tell day class of securities which are Miller :MUler. Dorff :Taya, LaiarfT :Hurtra Indelll A Confortl PART II. Mullan, J. Caeca to be sent from poor of Philadelphia, who the time of by soundest, and It may be mentioned SkaTlantSkarlan. Llttlcjohn A Bull: Realty Co. Co. Part I. aown xor a flay on mis cu. Ss McKeesport, Havre. Oct. II. been Mr. Barth the ahlp bell clock when It atrlkes. When that Sa Lenape, Oct. 25. riam h,tn nanine: ai mis mace lur he goea yachting Just now It seems that many of the Stelnsmlth :Schrler. Deutsch. Frafikle :McBarron. 0,ido :Llpman. TART III. Casea to be sent from Tart I. Fawdlngton :Bklyn A sno. Jacksonville. taken durlne that. time, fishingiu the porpolaea play arond Sarae:same. Valentine :Gontalez. Mslone :J M A P Wlnterbottom ;Paddle- - Hta RR Co. Lamchlck :Goldsteln Due Wednesday. ha averaging the bow of hla boat. He lntenda to oatch soundest securities are those which have :Sapoasnek. Honlg 1 Surrognte'a nogan :Cluck along the brldgea, nineteen baaa one some time. Stern :Rappaport Scanlon, Inc. ford. Court. Bros, et Ss Calabria, Oct. 14. ni- - been mostly neglected York Mf- - B Almeria. six pounds eacn, largest nsn weigiuns Thomaa P Walker A eymphony and which are Co Ehrich :Prager. Elsenberg :StcTens. SwartziRiteweb Mfg CHAMBERS Schulz, 8. Ex parte business. Inc. an Inf, Ac: Ss Masuda. Liverpool, Oct. 15. In Gibson :N A L teen pounas. white. Saya If the whale had cheapest." :Gibson. Shallco:Kaplan Mfra Same :same. Co. Motions Chlnmsn T I Kern. Ss Crosshlll, Avonmouth. Oct. 14. anxious to get away from kept Its Schloseer iSllrerman. Supply Co. Gold Preferred Hoger:Renke. Estates of Willa for probate Trsctlon Co. RosenMnm tljisrhower. "As we were mouth closed, Jonah would not have been Theodore Husted. Mlna LcTy. Ss Newton. Para. Oct. 17. fntA w,,th,r WA left Kent Narrows in a In it. Money Still Important Factor. Butler :Butler. McBec:Stoera. Rentals Stockton H9 East Wth St Corp: Nicola O'Shea tCullen. Mutter !N Y A I. I Ss Phidias, Bahla. Oct. S. reacneu Pesta. Ella Bnska. '.Lecht- - stiff norther and Micomico luver John W. Newton Of In- Lamborn :Post, Seler:Du Bourg. Building. Layng, Jr. I Bridget Canlach. Grabedunkel Trsctlon Co. 2S." the chemical Wrenn Bros. & Co. say : "The position Avedon illrffman. Erans :Rosenblum. Accountings, estate man Laundry Co. Lelnert October dustry, U. S. A. Friend of all Ro'cubencr r Albertl :Ssccarella. Joseph Mandelkora. of Rudolph Meyer. :Shernhead In croakers. of the stock market, broadly defined. Is Hlnnaonl tlltnnaoul. Cohen '.IlaskeTltch. French Co. F 1)1 Palraa A Co: Brede. an Inf. Ac: Bay A Rockaway TRANSATLANTIC MAILS. Automobile Road to Harnegnt City. and out of the wjiter. The boardwalk '.Clarke. TRIAL TERM Schulz. 8. No day calendar, Fougner Concrete Co. lights will be turned off when he rot changed in more than a superficial Clarke Brecn:Kleln. Fas :Anaer. Comwrll. I'errr la assured to catches a Glaser :noffcr. Brcen :Kleln. Klrschenbainn :Keres. Bernstein lAronowltz. County Shipbuilding Co A Volkommer'Bklyn Hta At last an automobile road channel hess. Heretofore haa apeclallzed way. Money Is still the most Important Court. Eurone. Africa and West Asia. U Tl. Barnegat City. Contracts have been algned on domeaticated flan, Glaser:Honer. Lomazow :Knlck Bag Lewis :Owen Lynch'B Friedman Wallach Co: ano. nil CO (3). mouth. Havre and London. Mall must be to such as catfish, dog- factor, and the monetary Is Bros:Edel-aon- . SPECIAL TERM (Chambers) Gibbs, J. Ex Morgan A and the railroad la now preparing fish, cowflsh and sheep's situation Freydberg Co. Sons. Klaber. re Raabe:same. :Dougherty specially addreased for deaDatch tbia heads. about A A par pusiness. Veno:Coney Tslsnd A sno. br handle sand and gravel ror ine roau. , imrry noon Hpeert king. the same ns before except that LeTltan Bros Z: BetmsnrC F Hubba ateamshlp, Ss. Saxonia. S A. M. . Goes twelve we Gllmore Feldman. Co. SPECIAL TERM rOR MOTIONS Gibbs, J. Brooklm RR Co. O'Connell :RsthJen Co. 11 is eaywttcu ,b . I an nour inrougn speed trapa. Owna are now In the hollow of the wave In- :Bernstein. tireat uriiain. Ireland, .Netherlands. Norwai. owner 01 a n Matter of Bank of Maag:Maag Gear Co. PART II. Before Zeller. J. opens o nav Vhltmsn sTcnch. Bertram tltogart. Sweden. Denmark. Germ.mv. Lithuania. Tri this winter, inen tne lot of automobile tires, nuya them by stead of on Its crest. Furthermore, there Court at TERM-Tiern- an. and hla frlenda can get a real weekiu.end the dozen. Europe. Golden :Wolf. in A. M. parte matters 10:!0 A. M. TRIAL J. Roesch :The American Wclgelman iBogart. via, Arcnangel, , Collector of tacks-- no Tux Is In- Et st sky : Ry. rimanu, aouin Alrica, Ulb fishing during the aeaaon on about twalie much evidence that the captains of Forbes :HyIan Irwin Hldg CotWeln- - TRIAL TERM PART I Before Allen. J -- Ltterhef Union Treohsft :Cnion Ry. Motor Freight Corp raltar, Madeira and Cape Verde lalanda. vta . Willlnm 8. Feeney Fishes nil the time dustry :IIylan Falnlsnd '.Lnstcrmsn. Schmidt :Ackerm ai. miles or tne nnest auri ubuiiis tor nis health. n,i,.h, WA nenalrs,as and finance are more Interested In Forbes berg. Cases to be sent from this nart to Parts II , The highest number reached on the general riymouin. i;nerDourg ana soutnampton: also whole coast. u.h setting In City of N YtBergen." SturglstKardos. IV.. V . VI.. VII. and Vm. for trial. D'Apollto :Saccomanno. Same:same. na regular oruer mz. parcel post malls for Great Britain, the Atlantic Vi,. l " Cn Wn" S"eeP their house order and taking Landsberg :Int R T Co.l I.Ipschltz:Unlon Ry caienaar in is Ireland. Th. onlT drawback to this Is DOOr hotel nn V'V., -- care of future capital requirements than 8amc:Berckman. Fulton Trust Co: Slrach'teln tFeldman. Corp. Co. Egypt. British India, British East Africa. accommodations, but this will probably bo r Cox 'Grchman. Wood. Bridenback:N Y W A Philips :Brrant Are A WESTCHESTER COCNTY. Zanzibar and lVmba. Sa. Mauretanla. 8 A. M. overnight nrooke Anderson Head announcer In promoting a bull movement. Theref- Goldstein inalma. Tawll Bros:Bennett A Bos BR. 165th St Co. overcome. In the meanwhile an of mating tournaments Clentano:S4 At RR. Kennler :KenDler. Goodman :Stein. Aspden Co. finpreme tipain lapcciauy aciarrssea only), via Cadiz night camp la no hardship but ooort snd n.it ore, the presumption Is that the heavy Fnchs : Kucha. Sslembler Lvlen A Co: Court. and Barcelona: also parcel post malls for or a two think tank Beach Adonfs Lassoed Glucksteln : rinkelsteln. Harklner :Verdeschl. KINGS COCNTY. a genuine delight to a real fisherman. tt black drum with hisT flshlng new financing and the realizing by largo Well :Well. Xo Adams II rg Co. Fomisn:Amer Ry Ex Koch :Schonfeld. PART n. Special day calendar Piatt. Spain, Canary Islands and Ceuta. Melllla and of greatest obstacles to camping Sweyd Co :C A B Goodman rProgresslre Supreme Court. Tangier In Morocco. Ss. Leon XIII.. S A M. One the lhn bgj. time. OCEAN VlVr Interests will continue, and this press Co. Mllburr Atlantic Mfg Gross A 8on:Snare A Yoran:GerdIng. even for a night is not found here, that Ocean City, 24 that Co. DISION-SECO- ND (parcel post ad- Oct ' Printing Realty Co. Shermsn : Merit Cloth Co:Wm Markle. Inc. APPEIXATE DEPART- Italy malla and anecially - la d i.nlr nf 1rlnkinir water. This Is com- - market of specialties will remain with Matter of CitttapanL Globe Automatic Rece as. Trjest. Mollrlos :WcIn berger. corresponaencei. rtapies ana us." Examining A Shrink- Rrandler:MacKar!ane. MENT Lewis :Ward Csrpenter Smith tProussnsh. via paratlvely plentiful from below Surf City Hllgers :Gossclin. Sprinkler CosBech- - APPELLATE TERM SECOND DEPART-MEN- Genoa, ss. uuca a Aosta. B:yj A, Al. ing Worka. PerlmuttertClorer A Co. to ine iniet at unnicBav uu, ROD AND Richardson, Hill & Co. say: 'The Muhel:N Y Consol nltz Bros. Nugent :5U ATe Coach rsrms, Rece aa. Norway. seien. DenmarR, Germany. Ltth me go most of tho GUN. Co. . ' Inc. SPECIAL TERM Day calendar Present, and Latvia, via Gothenburg; It from don't until overextension of credit, under which BR Malloy:Malloy. Co. Markowltz:N Y SPECIAL TERM-PA- RT uanla also mosquitoes have been killed by east winds Simon of tXelman, Rts. Tompkins, J. Court convenes and calendar parcel post malls for Sweden. Ss. Stockholm, Federal reserve loaning $400,-- :Bank British Eldman 8icherman:N Y P.ya. Samuels :Int Rsp Tr. uict, Al iu or a frost. banks are f Weat Africa. Herman A Herman, J. a. ai. caueu ai iu:u a, m. 10 a. ' THE 00.000 on Kamlnky :Schroen. Hersch :LtTy. Re At all times it Is wise to prepare with redlscounted commercial Danlelsen :Krrr S3 Co. lnoilasaeff. Jacoba :Larsen. Blber. Mooney :Mlller. Union A New Haven Wednesday. Oct. 29. pests shape paper Warshofky:Fay. Welcher:N Y Rrs. Tyler :Jahn, Walsh protection from these in the PBISCILLA an Increase of 100 per cent. In Schwartiak :Kosorakl. rosner .Golden E.Ser-- McDonnell iThompson Rosenstnck :Walsh. Lord A Burnham Co: Truat Co: Yates. Belgium, mosquito netting for tent openings and :Caasldy. :Andrla. Qulnane:QuInane. Strlhyjstrlby. France. Rumania, Bulgaria, Lux of tlx weeks Is generally and gen- Caasldy Tlce Co. Henry Weir. Franco :Taylor. Czocbo-Slovakl- a. Jugo-Slavi- a, Tren-tlno- , Dally, except Monday, M., known Bros. :Furma. t nrlsty Seldman :Cohen. emburg, even for the kitchen. t A. Dockk,fsot :Dodge. . inernstein. erally Ignored. Speculation Is proceedi- Melius 8artorl:Marzlanl. Soloway : Jennlnga. Srhnltrtllelfent. Slade:Slade. StrattontStratton. Trieste, German-Austri- Poland. Swit Don't think you are going to catch fish Ocean Avenue, Sheepahead Bay. Fitxgtbbon :ZIegfeld Anderson :IIerd. iBrown, Hlrvh:Crompton Blch. Re Shaftel. Cunningham :Wood. Greece, you go you won't un- Capt. ng recklessly, but of late far from Same:aame. Sartzetakls mond uo. Smlthloff Zetland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Egypt every time because ENGLAND. Mldulght rolllea. Rutyna :Florea. Brodskyilnt Rap Tr. Degman iSadoMnky, :Knapp. Also for the hearing of motions and ex British India, Britlab. East Africa, , Cey less you take due notice of tide. I do in many Instances, to the nutchlngs:Nat Surety HaTcn :Wade. Glass :Glass. Clark :Thornton. 17 PATItOMfi Rabin :X Y Rts. Frenger:Harrls. McGonlgletMlskend. Smith pane uuaincaa. Ion. Stralta Settlementa. and Persia, via not believe that wind direction makes detriment of tho market as a whole. Co. MAsatlmperlal Mcntafortc:N Y Walat Horowitz illorowltz. :Smlth. Havre: also parcel post malls for France. much difference, although after a day of BIO ni.ACKFI.NH. WHITING AND HAKE. Looking some Levy lO'Kane. Granum Co. Sax:Clty. The Cudahy Packing: County Court. Algeria. Corsica and Tunla, Sa. France, 8:30 the Is apt to be very distance ahead, we still Co. Ssme'.ssme. Martln:Martln. Bosse. off shore wind water Bans every day I A, 1L bellete Bamos:V Cairo Co. EspeJo:EspeJo. Manhsttsn Veal A Campbell :!aaacs. A. M, clear and somehow fish do not aeem to EVELYN Sunday e M it fundamental conditions are Jacobson :Silbcrsteln. Gaaworth:Katt. Rogoll :IIarrlB. Douglas :Kohart. DAY CALENDAR Young, County Judge. Belgium. Rumania. Bulgaria. A. Sbsepsbes. working Mutton CoiHlnea. Malrln iWetrngan. A Re-- France. Lnx come faat under theae condltlona. Capt. toward the creation of greater Morse Dry Dock Be Sheridan Ave. Marino :N Y A Stam- Church tMeyer. emburg, Czecho-Sloraki- a. Jugo-Slavi- a. Tretv- - J. MARTIN. Ritz Rlty Co:Taub. Same:Cohen. Panltz :Dlamond. Gescheldt :Tra verso. pstr Almoat any kind of bait will get 'em prosperity, to be brought about through Ramos :v Cairo Co. Matter of Downes. Ex- co:Msrtln. McNsbb iMcNabb. ford Ry Co. FlynnlMason. tlno, Trieste, uerman-AUstri- Poland, Swit- September 1. Shedder craba, bunker, SanttmauroiBeis. StelndlertAra Ry London :Morg an. Re Tyler (Bklyn after Blacks. Blacks and an Increasing volume of American Ilartog :nines. Chlldreas :Fox. D Mayer Brew Co: press Co. Trust Nelson tlleggen. Mueller :Mulwltz. zerland. Italy. Spain. Greece. Portugal. Egypt. clams, aea buga. mullet or anything looka nisekfish. EddVKtone Munitions Herzog:IIerog. AbarlDuncan. i Co). Deltema ;Caniera. Ruskln :McGovern. British India. British East Africa. Malta. good to fish when they are reeding. and distribution. But In order Welgel. SolertTsrer. Re l'eppard. ZlpiiellustZlppellus. the o Co :Kat Metals Co. Friedlander:Krled. Consaco Salea Co; Zabel ;X Y MacrliKcneftck, Otter Mfg CosPettet. Ceylon. Stralta Settlements and Persia, via At one tune during our trip thla year reach this land of plenty via the Rts. Grelma:Utlca Gaa A Sullivan :Flremen's Zybmuny.'Mlele. parcel post CaptJoellH'sSf? slock Mehard:Iraperlal lander. Shlhakana. Rosenstrach :S Felgenspan :ltezzutl. Havre: also malla for France, pieces of spot proved more atractlve to market, too many people appear Osage Co. CondIt:3S W EOth A Elec Co. Mtltusl Bener Assn. Pevny:IIohl. Koter;Yonkera Algiera. Corsica and Tunis. Ss. La Savote, to Dcr St Austin. Baldwin A Ershowsky Sons. RR the blues than mullet or bunker. be rushing with closed eyes along a Mapea :Punly. Co. Co:Kohler. Bodelperger '.Streat, SteruiDletz. Daly:Daly (Peremp- - Bltz :Wonham. Co. : a. .m . "Switch Reel caught his channel bass. ay beset Bowie :GehringeT. Salemhler Lerln A Co: Same :ssme. tory). 1st Nat Bank of Hast-Ing- a DuuntHarrla. Netherlands and Germany, via Rotterdam! I believe now that he has a chance to Mentor's Dock. with obstacles. Collisions Borneo :Int Rap Tr. Same:ssmo. Same :ssme. from time to Potter ;Gchrlngcr. Xo Adama Mfg Co. Malbln :Transatlsntle Rltto'.Crapster, Trlefer :Prlefer. :lIolmea. RobluowitziOrlofsky. also parcel post malls xor itetnerland. Ss kill hla atrlped baaa Jinx. I wonder what Commodore eenewster nta time seem Inevitable, Goldberg :Foge! SsmeiDarllng. Berlin :Vleley. rcldman tCuce. Edward Luckenbach. 10 A. M. would happen if hp would uiou&h not necessarily Shlpysrd Corp. Johnson :West Star Zonnon take Fred 6:43 Sun., 5 :25 Capt.HenWrigh'c to the watchful. Oaregan, Court opena :Goldsteln. Rooting A Conat Co. SamelBauer. iSohnen. Gibraltar (Greeco must be specially ad Fletcher and Korenye with him down to train. train. Events PART II. Before J. Smith :l)rapkln A COUnT, y are moving swiftly, and the com- M. parte S Wilson Emery I'elnsteln iFclnstein. UNITED STATES DISTRICT dressed for despatch by this steamship), via thla stretch of beach next fall and atrenu-ousl- ing at 10:30 A. Ex business. LnndesiW Goldterg Conatr Co, Fox ;Tlisyer, parcel poat WHITING, UNG AND fortnight promises a showdown on PART III. Before Platzek, J. Motlonw. causes. of New York. Gibraltar and Patraa; also malla applv, himself to trying to get a 11LACKF1SH PART II. Short Peper iWoolley. Reld :Kasputya, Eastern District for Gibraltar and Greece, sa. preaidente Wll-an- plenty likely the part of organized labor A striper. There will be of which at Jaffa :Baxter. Chatham Phenlx Perlln:Oropper. Fishmsn. Inc. Wlrths tWirths. Mark ailncs. Chatdeld. J. Court opena In Room $:3. Pos1 10 A. M. bars I hope he'll try It AGATE. VELUCil Y ?3. least will remove 1 and Borne present uncert- JaffeiBaiter. Nat BktHauscn. Oreen'.Son. SlliermantBarrett. Po ell :Bycrs. Re h St (De Maal). omce Building, Brooklyn. N. Y at 10:30 Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Germanv. Li Barnegat city, N. J uct. 20. Capt. BILL STBPHBNa. ainties. Frequent and erratic move- Segal Blty CorpsSegal. MtlctlchlMUetlch. Kaffera :Fishman A I Fnchs :Jewlsh Amer Ite Bannon (Behrena). A. Jl. criminal calendar. thuania and Latvia, via Chrlatlanaand, Chrls- ments Potter :Potter. L1pman:Lipman. Society. Re McKlnney. For trial! Leltner. Copenhagen: also parcel post The Trout Catch of John Mylea Flynn, EAST HAY OUNN1NQ LODGE East are to be expected In the interim. TART III. Before Meyer, J. Commercial cal Workmen's tianla and Moriches, L. I. Dates now being ".. unprecedented Newman iNcwman. Murray :Elafeldt. Weidner :Qnlnn. MacDowell 'Mldwood United States :Davld For call. malls for Norway, Sweden and Denmark, Sa. booked number of stocks :Emaniiel. endar. t Kchulman. 10:30 I was surprised to note an article In for duck shooting. Writs for particulars selling Linton Kpp.e Eppse. Sanitarium. Alsadore United Statea 'Susan Helllg Olav, A. M. Gun, In above $100 a share accentuates Flne:Hartateln. Ilome Pattern Co: Re Kroniler. Holloran llptted BtalM A Hamilton. and Asnrea Islands (Italv must Friday's Rod and which the writer, and upen dates. the Preferred Causes. Golden Rule, Inc. :Fradus. .llttcf Gibraltar on John Mylcs Flynn, openly flout-- d the extent of their minor I Corp Piatt :Haas. Hearing 5 St Schrlebman A ano. For. pleading : specially addressed for despatch by this fluctuations." DnffiRodenklrchen. Farm :Cantor. :A A Volk Met Bank of X Y : Astora:Slewlcka. P be game laws of the State of New York, ULACK1 ISII, WIIITINO AND HAKE Safford'.Redfleld. City of N ViBklyn A J P Garage Doyle :DoyIe, Eblieta tEbtwts. United Statea :Frank United Statea: steamship), via Gibraltar, Ponta Delgada and Sun- Co. Intemat'l nigh Dlleugt. Timothy Keegan. parcel post malls May 1 be pardoned for suggesting that FJ 1 1 - A. M., dally Hoffman slloftman. Man Ferry Co. Speed Steel Co. SPECIAL TERM PART J. Ex J Naplea; also for Gibraltar, proper place for said waa IVI.J. Is 1 x M'"sxc.pt Monday. MRS. :Eastem 12 the letter the LIBBEY HAS FINAL. a I Elsensteln 10 United States :Lulgl liinlty. Azores and Italy, Ss. Canopic. M. Bay. Capt. Peo ex rel Water Larlneturu. N Y Msrble Co. MachoTer:Oltlln. parte business at A. M. office of the Conservation Commissioner at Sheepahead L. HARMa. sPllklngton. Carrarrlo A ano. Singleton :SIoore (for Thursday, Oct. 30. Albany and not THE SUN column, which General Calendar. Plgalaky :Essner. Anhalt SPECIAL TERM FOR TRIALS Faber, J. United BtatestDavld call) Claaon Point S A. M. Granted O McClure :McClure. I Perley:Schubert. Schnrfman iKretzel. At 10 A. M. Britain. Ireland, Netherlands. Nor- hitherto stood for decency In sports. aaiurVI Tuea.Thura. n Month and the Site on :SUrer. opens 210, Great has ArlVVTL-an- d Suns. Flounders, Stc M Gordon Eat: I Jay:Chappell A Co. Beldlng :Stone. Notby '.Ilafky. Oarvin. J. Court In Room Post way, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Mr. Flynn either took trout under the and sa J Stuart :Stnart. D'Agostlno. Ollice Building, Brooklyn. N. V., at 10:) legal size or, figuring from Sturdy's tales, MONDAY. 27th OCT. Custody of Son. Abramson. Brown itsrsel. Perelstrous :Slma. Palmier! lltoaenthal, Morrison tllochford. Finland. Archangel. South Africa, Madeira Wvlntierg Sameisame. A. M, Admiralty calendar. Capo Verde Islands, via Plymouth and he sxceeded the legal allowance of ten SUNDAY, 7 ISO M. Justice S. TomnVln PART rv. Before notchklax, J. Court open iHoemer. Gluck :Bloom, Me'erbaumiKent Rlty and To add Insult to lojury, he boasts A. Arthur of at 10:!0 A. M. Snsp Fastener Salea Blaloatk iFaggen. Co, Cullea Barge Corp: Anderson :SS Kal- - Rotterdam (other countriea, via Boulome, pounds. leaves Shsspshead Dally, Supreme - BIalr:Blalr. Inc. specially addressed); parcel of hla deed. Such conduct should be con- XI. Court at Mount Vernon has PART V. Before McAvoy, J. Court opena Co :Neuberg. De Stefano:Connectl- Sherman sBellable Suit- Municipal InTeatlng Steam Tug P RR, farll. must be also pojt anglers El MAR t x. OUS RAU. granted cut Fire Ina. No. 32. Olsen :Crtenga. malla for Great Britain, Ireland, Egypt. demned by all and lovers of the a final decree of divorce to at 10:90 A. M. Ierer:Chatham case Co. Co;Bullard. PLUG UOLY. AND LINO. PART VI. Before Lehman. J. Court opens Phenlx Xat'l Bank. Egan :Wood. Welshman Gold gem mowiNItnato Wilson :Capplello. British lndl,3. British East Africa. Malta, outdoor. ULACliriail V,. ,S;,rah C IJbbey of Bronxvllle from G :Rothensteln. :Bullard. Noor- New York. October 26. Leaves Dock at 10:30 A. M. O A E Costume Co: F Telham, Ino: Sklllnisn'.Sklllmsn. Minion Prt, mcers 88 Co. Haley :S3 Santa Zanzibar, Pcmba and Netherlanda, Ss. UM1TRY Hammer's MS Welding D. Libbey, said to be a wealthy Silrerman. iWarner. Unden. dam, 7 A, Ml A. M. every day. TERM fore Ksss Utotary Realty KenneyiDepart of Eklund:S3 Lulsa. Conservation and Conservation. resident y TRIAL rART Pendleton. Blnzel, JriKarmlnskl, Palmer Belgium. Rumania. Bulgaria, Lux- of Manhattan. The lnterlocu-Wr- J.-- Mschlnery Warehouse opena 312. France, At 10 A. M. - Co. Health N Y. Thomas. J. Court in Room Post Czecho-Sloraki- a, Jugo-Slavi- a. upon a tinie In a sunny Messengers, Ssles C- Lebedjcff. Brock :New Amster emburg, Trc ri- Once clime one Re ntirnrlnrri 'ves Canarsts, decree was signed by Justice Payne: Pa me. Bakal:Zahas. Office Building, Brooklyn, N. Y at 10:30 Gernian-Austrl- s. Flynn - M' aun- Day Calendar Morell :Platoff. Aa-s- Caa Co. ll no, Trieste, Poland, John "Miles" went a troutlng mUlflDOld' n1 d11 xs. MMchauser Breroort iWestcm Balrd:Emplre forty-fiv- Upn. Krl. three months ago. KeiatenWade. Spector iHarrey. Co. Croll :Wlnegrad. EdelmaniSchwartz. Stat A. it. Italy. Spain. Oreeco, Portugal, Egypt, Says "I caught between the snd TllEO.FElfH. De PenatDe la Producta Co. I I The couple were married In Paris on SAM Sllrersteln A Jamearllle Woolen Bamell.lTerpool, Lon- rearson Poultry Co: la United Statea :George (on trial). British India. British East Africa. Malta, hours cf one and five," but this Tomccis, flounders. teptember Co '.Cramer. Mills Co: Caa A Pena. CaTallaro.Cavallaro. T McQuade et al Ceylon, Stralta Settlementa and Perala, via Irishman's only spouting. fr Claaon Ft. Tues., 26, 1906. Mrs. Libbey has Aetna don Globe Ina Co. Fein. Mc(1lone:Cnlllna. Dunne :Dunne. may have used a net or a ELSIE Ls Thura. wen a Klelnbard :TraTltaky. A Surety Co. Slaymaker'Kahn. RuhlsRnhl. Havre: alao parcel post malla for France. "Mllos' line ft Sun.. A. M. H, ZUBB. resident of Bronxvllle for four Bat-ne- Squsre Lumber Co: ZImbler :Zlmtler. Tunla. Sa. ,La Lorraine, had been set with a million hooks, years. FreedmantC J Smiley Steel Co: BertajReo Specialty Man Roofing Co: Algeria. Coralca and that forty-flv- Under the terms of the Judg-me- nt , The following cases if marked readr vrlli more or lsis: but to kill between Co. Bchmoll. Co. Hagedom. 30,000 WHITE EATS WENT WEST !:! AM of one and five, to say tho least. SEAPIGE0N day, Osborns'boc.CauX she may SaT A Truat ChUholm Lyonatltohlnson. be passed for the day. No cause will be Norway. Denmark, Germany, Lithuania and the hours Mocc-sala- , resume her maldon name Dollar iWhlton. Klein iBerman a day upon Is very shocking. FTask Baumann, formerly of the J Sarah C. Co :Ortb. Carpenter :Comell. Economn trhelpa. Zlnman :Preaa. set down lor the call. The Latvia, via Bergen and Chrtatlania: also Lincoln If she so desires. Stavanger-fjor- d, he goes and writes back, tries to rs. Lord Const Co:J Heller :Kllpateln. O'Dwyer, answer must be "ready" or "off." parcel poat malla for Norway, Ss. Now Llhbey Is allowed $200 a month l PART IV. Before T. J, Court, Used In Teats for Klndlnir Poison A. M. taks a gentle crack at my habitant and ROSE R. II. jsta Tliatrher A Sona. Stark :MaaonIc Life I opena at 10 A. M. EIsstElss, Schattner:Du. 9:30 tell S mia. alimony and the custody elght-itar-o- ld - Saturdsy. Not. 1. nom de plume, but I'll thla boaatful and EKNff. of their N 8 Goldberger :Gold- Ass'n. rART V Before Finellte, J, Court opena at rineman: Armour chouny, Gns Hemedy writer, or ahall I call him "Blighter," he'll son, Frederick Irving' Libbey. berger. Farrell iBowney Opcr 10 A. M. Construct Co. West End Wet Great Britain. Ireland. Netherlands. Norway, l.eavas Shespshsad Wssh Apectol patch Germany, Lithuania. Lat- find "Buga" aometlmea have a atlng, Ttay Daily Goldman iPakreaa. Co. VI. Before Walah, J. Court opena at Koelie tflundermann. Laundry '.Schlaga (2 Df to Tax So. Sweden, Denmark, writing Infusion me come I A, H, - !rRT Finland, Archangel, South Africa. Gib- So In thla let SHAMROCK Sunday, I A. Relchenthaleriltepub- Harlem Oil CoiLewtn. i . M. Greeno :Meler. cases). Philadklph ia, Oct. 26. Dr. Milton J. via, to a conclualon and Inform our Irlah writer u. RED VII.-Bef- ore ourt raltar, Madeira and Capo Verde Islands, via a LITERATURE SEIZED. lie Doll A Toy Corn N Y Mero Trading Co : PART Valente. opena Greene Meier lndlv West End Wet Wssh (other of one mors thing that a bug called dally A. Al.. auntlass BaurhlOold. Bubman. at 10 A. M. aa legal, LsundryjLlppman. Greenman, director of the Wlstar InMl Plymouth and Rotterdam countries. may yet end hla converaatlon Jl.. from ahsspshss PART VIII Before Smith, J. Court opens : KOUIOgno, musi uuurr-ar- il LCLUPT. y. Capt. Revolutionary Bartholomew ;Tomby. Anderson :llerd. Schneldermann rethrandt sFetbrandt. tute of Anatomy of the University of nost malla Greatuhwi'Britain. Ire and make writers be more careful what ANTON LUNDT. I'nmphleta Taken Realty Co: Jennlnga jllower, at 10 A. M. Schnelderman. Danaori'.Dawaon, ,? nPrel lor HUGS. except Botan y they write. Monday and In Riirti. Dlugascli:Stem. RECEIVER APPOINTED, Economy Homea Coi Enequlst ;lteld Ice Co. Pennsylvania, announced here Sltrpe'mbaNether-- Waahlngton Heights, October 26. EDUH M. Ml. d"r St., Hnstnil Itnid. - A Volght. HcyeelFlmn. Frldv. ltth BreltungiO'Shaugh- Frederick Zlttel Supreme Court. during fur- - 'fta. 7 A. M. ' tl5 A. anry. a. a, the war the Institute lands, Ss. Rotterdam, Forty-fiv- e In i t'seial De patch to nessr. Sons :Be Glad Const Trentlce .Denton. StuvetSture. that Trout I'our Hours, boksn. Ths 8c. Corp By Justice aiegerlcb in re City of y Canarals dally, sBlackburn, I Kemer:Kcnier. Jf and nlshed tho United Government MAILS, I notice that "Bugs" took to count John leavea Mas, Ma8a - ct-- 26. Abbott P Johnaon: Thomaa F Garrlty, States transpacific Mr.Llnia Capt. sic (.m'r0N' Military J.-- 10 Mall Toltzifioettlrr. lands on K slda of "Miles" (ua "Dugs" calls him) Flynn for a n d Frl. McAVOT. PART IIL-Be- fore Newburger. At A. M, Harry D Johnson, more SO. 000 rats, connecting- malls close at the General ofTlcers, operating under com- - - .... Shapiro :llller. W 19th St. with than whlta which Th his boast of forty-flv- e trout in four hours. mand of uanes io to sem uuw In re City of N Y were sent to army eurgeona to sclcn- - Poat Office and City Post Office station, ro eieVsn anu a nau an vnTICE ADMIRAL will not sail until the Department of the North- - WCU1B1TB Court of General Sessions. r.lbiau:rilblau. snd and JIall trout Cspt. to XIII. lor inai. Daly '.Paly. isnns rrosperi pi, aome for any atream In notice. CHARLIE. '. 'esterday seized In Boston and Wright :aame. PABT I. Before Judge William II, Wadhams. tlato engaged In medical research, for rKc'orV China. Slam," Cochin Chin. further vlclnitv ii io-- -. . ..., Guggenhelmer iPreston. Friedman .Oreenleaf. PresshurgcriDules. J'voLfaf.0' CaaaldysKalbach. Robert Honna and John Cook, rranil - wont in ino uiagnoais 01 pneumonia ana East Indies, via San Fran- - Csnsr.ls qalty niiiuuiit ui revuiuuuimry Wolf:X X Itys. lnr. RahlnowltziBablno- Mslsrl iSchsnhnlt. ,nil Netherlands t wonder It Mr. Pratt, up In Albany. I APdF, , 'saves , 'lerature. Most nf the nrnnncon1n rirAwnberir 'Ruoert. Erdman iNelmaji. ceny; Jamea Houlihan, robbery; Edward Mc- wits. Herachensohn iLery. In testing certain remedies In order to clsoo, Ss. Siberia Maru, Oct, 27. woujd not be Intereatad In this count, krtw ids HPna.T. A. aa. 5 In cled Steele iBIack A White Cann, robbery: Walter Jones, burglary: Frank via Seaule. Sa. Jarary. Oct. 2T. : so aaya pamphlet form and embodies rules, LambllnejEllenbock. BosseytDsmm. Herman :Kleln, find means Of protection against poison China, e,pecially as John "Mllea" right O 1 fl leaves Canar.le erery day. togetiier Cab Co. Graham or Alfred Tollman, grand larceny: tSllterberg. Japan. Corea. China, Siberia, Slam. Cochin ln meeting that he la frank enough to SA P with detailed Instructions the IWfiS'S. cons7 RogeratCtty N Y. Johnaon. burglary: Nathan Buokner. Smith Zehner:Zehner. Indies Philip- - ollt for Oaa of Arihnr Jochen :Jochen, Ginsberg :Amcr Gro. , . a. China. Netherlanda East and Ck t0 hls origins! figures without feeling M Jwnlng of buildings :nsyne, burglary: Jones, burglary; John Hud u ... a am. x A Dally Case and shooting from Elsesser Iicar cera Soc. mu itius nom ni'tjviuujr itu pine isianus, ti acaiwo, ,uu,u, wru the least remorss, ana men, again, ne am AiMEKICAL Ichasl Hhfaltahsaa Ray. conrealed placea, according to the In- - 'app'ler:Unlon Ry. Csramattle:Belt Line son ana cawara uarrou. Durgiary; uiuli Highest number reached on the regular tn thA Innt ttut Inn'a n hn.o n- -l ad nnr Vnv A A nnt tales time to welsh tne catch to "li g nce officers ' Prussian iWeiuer. Ry. .Marieiio. Durgiary. call .Vll about 1B0 of them were sent each week Hawaii. Japan, Corea. China. Slam. Siberia. even learn If he had exceeded the day's Bnrnilde lAner. 8"leRS!iT'W.S!2.W.,U TERM-T- art I.. Callaghan.- - j!; Cnma uetlierlande Indies, limit of ten pounds, although each fish was The tPlluro of Bolshevistic lit- - Peicy Clark, Q Part by f.ieclal messenger to Wnnhtngton, one Sa. Tenyo E" era-ur- e th. Miller 'Marcus. Mitchell II, Fawcntt. J.; Part III., Lassnsky, J : ,a Sln Francisco, Maru. Not. I. supplied with scsles. was made In connection with .the JSiSTpStry Kellar:Orltner. Bonnell. Part v., Asptnsn. j.; part VI.. Brown, Inboratorv alone ln that cttv receiving Hawaii. Samoan Islands. Australia and New I suppose this fish hog considers this FOR SALE Chevrolet, F. B. Sedan, rainpiign :N Y II. Before Judge Jamea T. Malone. J.j Francisco, Ss. Sonoma, But one of two Model good condition; good tires, being conducted In all parts of Mfg Co. Kelly State PART rsrt Yin, noeger, ,1 ai iu a. si. a consignment of S.SOO. The demand Zealand, via San same more of his humor. Ulli "e I Coal A Realty A Term Co. George Toomer. aaaault: Lealle Bener. true Tho name of counsel to try the case must Nov. 6. things, either John Myles Flynn broke wltn.sxtra equipment Can be seen any nited States by the army authorl- - Nelson tXafl robbery: for them ln army nospitais was enor-- Cook Zea- - by having ovsr pounds day fexcept Sunday, 7 A. M. t EaterntCole A Dixon, name Lealle Brener, Thomas be handed to the the Tahiti, Marquesas. Islands. New the stats aws ten between and the activjttu, radicals, ' pJJS.ISit-tti- i Anlello and John Simon, appears calendar" m0,,s Bn1 w,th ,helr UM ot apedally mall for In or his waa P, (U the BOND OARAGE, Anarchist, of At Jne. Gtierrlero wse on the re.'rre No much vnIue land and addressed Aua trout hla creel If catch I 'at Bond and and the L W. W. Colda fli Yokel lYokel. hvrglary; Oeorgs Morschsuser and Hernias caaa will be held or passed for engagemeut .was learned by Burgeons and scientists, trails, via San Francisco, tU. Moana, Nov, l0,of tan pounds or undsr this sams Joh.n Union Sta., Brooklyn. I .