♦ Everest Base Camp ♦ Kalapattar ♦ Nepali dinner with cultural shows

Namaste & Welcome to Nepal!!

Nepal is a small landlocked country with a diversity of natural and cultural wealth you will find in few places on earth. The land rises abruptly from the sweltering Terai plains in the south at 60 meters above sea level to the freezing heights of the Himalayan in the north well above 8000 meters culminating in the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest at 8848 meters - with lush sub-tropical forests, green hills and valleys in between - within a distance of a mere 200 km.

Culture is embedded in the high peaks of Nepal, tradition flows with its rivers, art traverses through its valleys and religion lies in the heart of its people. Nepal, in short, is a country where art, culture and religion are a part of life of the inhabitants.

Kathmandu is in fact one of the largest congregations of magnificent historical monuments and shrines ever built. Thus, Nepal has a unique and unrivalled glory because of the wide spectrum of values and experiences ranging from religious, ethnic, linguistic, cultural diversity to soft and hard adventures. All flavors and have an experience of a life time in the Himalayan land.

It is a dream come true to stand under the highest monument of the nature. Trek through the native Sherpa homeland, through numbers of stunning attractions. This trek starts in Nepali- speaking Hindu lowlands and ends in the Tibetan-Buddhist highlands where you will glimpse hardworking and devoted Sherpas.

This trek cuts across the valleys and reaches the staggering height of 5545 meter at Kala Pattar, a small peak offering a breath taking view of Everest. In these inhospitable lands, potato is the main crop for the survival however these days trekking and mountaineering are back bone of these Sherpa economy.

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Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (-/-/-)

Arrival in Kathmandu.

Arrive in Kathmandu. The small, mountain-sheltered Kathmandu valley is the historical center of Nepal. This capital city of the country awakens with prayer, the tinkling of the bells and chanting. This city has long been a cultural and racial melting pot, with people coming from all part of the country. Famous for its sacred temples, biggest Stupas and stunning Newari architecture it is the place never to be missed by cultural enthusiasts.

Meeting and assistance at the airport and transfer to the hotel. Our representative will collect copy of your passport to apply for necessary trek permit and provide trek briefing. Rest of the day is free.

Meeting and assistance at the airport and transfer to the hotel.

Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 02: Full day tour in Kathmandu (Breakfast/-/-)

After breakfast, sightseeing tour of Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swoyambhunath Stupa.

Kathmandu Durbar Square in front of the old royal palace of the former Kathmandu Kingdom is one of three Durbar (royal palace) Squares in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Several buildings in the Square collapsed due to a major earthquake on 25 April 2015, Durbar Square was surrounded with spectacular architecture and vividly showcases the skills of the Newar artists and craftsmen over several centuries. Still the visitors will get a chance to glimpse the local market around the square and many street hawkers around the Durbar Square area. Although many of the temples in the square have been destroyed there remains attractions such as Basantapur tower which is (partially destroyed, it is repairable), Shiva Parvati temple (mild damage), Gaddi Baithak erected in 1908 (partially damaged and repairable)

Earthquake surviving temples in Kathmandu Durbar Square (Kumari House, Bimaheshwor Temple, Kabindradpur Sattal, House of the Priest, Kal Bhairab, Kabindra, Mahhendreshwar Temple, Taleju Temple, Vishnu & Indraha Temples and Jagannath Temple)

At the southern end of Durbar Square is one of the most curious attractions in Nepal which has not been affected by the earthquake, the Kumari Chok. This gilded cage contains the Raj Kumari, a girl chosen through an ancient and mystical selection process to become the human incarnation of the Hindu mother goddess, Durga.

She is worshiped during religious festivals and makes public appearances at other times for a fee paid to her guards.

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Later tour of Swoyambhunath Stupa

Perched atop a hill on the western edge of the Kathmandu Valley, the ancient Swayambunath Stupa (known to tourists as the Monkey Temple) is Kathmandu's most important Buddhist shrine.

The sleepy, all-seeing Buddha eyes that stare out from the top have become the quintessential symbol of Nepal.

The earthquake has untouched the main dome of Swoyambhunath Stupa, however the temples around have been destroyed and the restoration has already begun.

Afternoon, sightseeing tour of Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar Square is situated at the centre of Lalitpur city. It is one of the three Durbar Squares in the Kathmandu Valley, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. One of its attractions is The Ancient Royal Palace where the Malla Kings of Lalitpur resided.

The Durbar Square is a marvel of Newa architecture. The Square floor is tiled with red bricks. There are many temples and idols in the area. The main temples are aligned opposite of the western face of the palace.The entrance of the temples faces east, towards the palace. There is also a bell situated in the alignment beside the main temples.The Square also holds old Newari residential houses. There are various other temples and structures in and around Patan Durbar Square build by the Newa People.

Although the Square was badly damaged by April 25, 2015 earthquake there are many temple who are still standing tall (Krishna Mandir, Uku Bahal Courtyard, Keshab Narayan Chowk, Patan Museum)

Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03: Fly to and start trek to Phakding (2,800m/3.5 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Early morning, transfer to the domestic airport in Kathmandu and fly to Lukla.

The trail from Lukla descends steeply to Thado Khola, crossing in on local suspension bridge. Meet your first Yaks, wonderful Shaggy beasts that create lumbering mobile roadblocks on the trail. Trail passes through Ghat (2530m) on the bank of river and climbs to Phakding (3.5 hrs walk).

Overnight at local lodge/tea house in Phakding.

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Day 04: Trek from Phakding to (3,440m) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

The trail from Phakding passes through number of waterfalls. Get a wonderful peak of Thamserku. (6,618m). Passing through Benkar, Monjo and Jorsale crossing the entrance of Everest National park. The trail crosses the Dudh Koshu on a suspension bridge that is at the dizzying height above the river. After a long climb up there is a view of Mt. Everest peeking over the ridge of Nuptse.

The trail will climbs steeply through pine forest reaching the main street of Namche Bazaar which is the administrative center of region (6 hrs walk).

Overnight at local lodge/tea house in Namche Bazaar.

Day 05: Acclimatization day in Namche Bazaar (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Acclimatization is important before proceeding to higher altitude. We will spend the day taking hike to Thami or just by relaxing and exploring Namche Bazaar. Historically Namche Bazaar was a staging point for expeditions over the Nagpa LA into Tibet with loads of manufacturing goods from India.

Overnight at local lodge/tea house in Namche Bazaar.

Day 06: Trek from Namche Bazaar to (3,870m/6 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

The route from Namche to Tengboche is direct, reasonably level. We may get a glimpse of Himalayan Thar on the hillside below the trail early morning. We will pass through several Gompas, schools along our trail till we reach Khumjung. From Khumjung trail goes eastwards down the valley, continuously passing picturesque mani walls and chortens.

We will get an excellent view of and Mount Ama Dablam along. Finally we reach Punki Thanga, a small settlement with several water-driven prayer wheels on the bank of Dudh Koshi. It is now two-hour climb from Punki Thanga to Tengboche making gradual ascent through forest to the Tengboche monastery. The view from this spot is simply mind blowing!!! May be one of the magnificent views in the world!! It is an inspiring panorama of Himalayan giants.

Overnight at local lodge/tea house in Tengboche.

Day 07: Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche (4, 360m/6 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

From Tengboche trail passes through the forest of birches, conifers and rhododendrons. We will see Nepal Natiotional bird, the Himalayan monal or impeyan pheasant, which lives only in high altitude. High above you will begin to see goshwaks, Himalayan griffons, golden eagle circling the mountains.

The trail leads to Pangboche from where trail enters alpine meadows above the tree line. From here onwards, the walk is fairly moderate as we enter the Imja Valley.

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The valley gradually unfolds as we approach the confluence of the Lobuche River. We descend into the river and begin the last and steepest climb of the day up to Dingboche.

On arrival at Dingboche, we will see beautiful array of fields enclosed by stone walls to protect barley, buckwheat and potatoes from the cold winds and grazing animals.

Overnight at local lodge/teahouse in Dinboche.

Day 08: Trek from Dingboche to Lobuje (4940m/4 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Trek climbs to Duglha (4620m), climbing up the steep terminal moraine of the Khumbu Glacier and further on higher on moraine to row of stone monuments in memory of six Sherpa who died on the avalanche during 1970.

The trail drops a bit and follows the western side of the valley to Lobuche.

The sunset on Mt. Nuptse seen from Lobuje, is a memorable sight.

Overnight at local lodge/teahouse in Lobuje.

Day 09: Trek from Lobuje to Gorak Shep (5160m) and hike to Everest Base Camp (5364m/8 hrs total walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

The first section of the trail from here follows the western side of board Khumbu Valley and ascends gently through meadows beside the glacial moraine. The ascent becomes steeper and rougher as it crosses several side moraines, although the trail is well defined. As in few places an active glacier is under the moraine, so the trail is constantly changing. After rounding the bend in the trail, the conical peak of Mt. Pumori comes into view. The trail makes s short descent onto the sandy, flat expanse of Gorak Shep.

Later, the hike to Everest Base camp is approx. 5 hrs trip. The route follows the Khumbu Glacier, sometimes on the moraine and sometime on the Glacier itself. The walk is especially intriguingfor the view it has of the 15m high seracs of ice, a feature peculiar to Himalayan glacier. Return back to Gorak Shep.

Overnight at local lodge/tea house in Gorakshep.

Day 10: Hike to Kala Pattar (5545m) and trek down to Pheriche (4243m/7 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Early morning, hike to peak of Kala Pattar meaning ‘Black Rock’ for the best view of Mount Everest. During the ascent to Kala Patthar, we can pause to catch breath at several outstanding view points from where we can snap great pictures We will view first rays of light over Mt. Everest.

The view will indeed imprint for a lifetime!! Afternoon, descend to Pheriche.

Overnight at the local lodge/teahouse in Pheriche.

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Day 11: Trek from Pheriche to Khumjung (3,790m/ 6 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

The trail descends to Pangboche and now the trail starts turning up and down in every half an hour to Phortse. On the way there is an opportunity to see wild life in and around the area like mountain goat, musk deer and many species of Himalayan birds. The trail here descends for early twenty minutes and ascends up steeply for almost one hour to Mongla (4000m.).

From this spot, you can see the panoramic view of Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Kusum Kangaru, Konde-Ri and Tawache peak. Now the trail descends and ascends frequently up to Khumjung. The Khumjung village is said to have the largest settlement of Khumbu region.

Overnight at the local lodge/teahouse in Khumjung.

Day 12: Trek from Khumjung to Monjo (2,835m/5 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

Today descend to the small Sherpa settlement of Monjo.

Overnight at a local lodge/tea house at Monjo.

Day 13: Trek from Monjo to Lukla (2,800m/5 hrs walk) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

This is your last day of the trek as you arrive Lukla, the descend is bit rough to the knees, but warmer climate offers an opportunity to finally shed down-filled jackets and woolen jumpers.

Overnight at the local lodge/tea house in Lukla.

Day 14: Fly back to Kathmandu (Breakfast/-/Dinner)

Morning, walk to the Lukla airport and fly back to Kathmandu. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, transfer to the hotel. Rest of the day is free.

Evening, dinner at an authentic Nepali restaurant with cultural shows.

Do not miss to enjoy an authentic Nepali dinner with cultural dinners once you are here in Kathmandu. This is one of the wonderful experiences to taste typical Nepali food which we call "Dal Baht" with lentils. You will be surprised with the variety of Nepalese dishes that will keep on coming. This evening, your taste buds will be engaged with delicious food and your eyes and ears will be entertained by unique and beautiful Nepali traditional music. You will indeed admire the live folk dance with their traditional musical instruments. The evening will end, but the memory of this evening will last for a long time.

Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 15: Departure transfer (Breakfast/-/-)

Free till departure. Transfer to the airport at time to connect your onward flight.


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