Who Worked Hardest for His Nomination? We rewatched the films starring Supporting Actor nominees and charted the one-shot scene-stealers, the quiet reflected-glory types, and the leads committing category fraud. Plus: We predict the Oscar clips (see quotes)—as well as the scenes we wish they’d show. by lane brown and dan kois

minutes 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165

“Anyone who goes after his mom with a coffee table is putting himself in a weak position, that’s michael shannon obvious.” Total Screen Time: 11 Mins. 9.4% of “Plenty of people are on movie “You don’t know to the emptiness, but it enough about life takes real guts to see the to say something hopelessness.” Total doubt like that.” Screen Time: 12 Mins. 11.54% of The Oscars should movie just show the entire scene, then hand her “Whatever, you just Josh brolin the statue. showed up out of Total milk nowhere, Latino man.” Screen Time: 16 Mins. 12.5% of “You had your movie chance, and you blew it.” taraji p. henson Lying dead in the curious case of casket. benjamin button

Total “Everybody feels Screen different about “I see you with Time: themselves one way someone else now, 18 Mins. penélope cruz or another.” and I’m fine. I’m 10.84% of Total movie vicky cristina barcelona civil. What else do Screen you want?” Time: 20 Mins. 20.83% of Makes out with movie . marisa tomei Total the wrestler “I’m here!” Screen Time: 24 Mins. 20.86% of Chugs an movie entire bottle of “I’m not a Rolling Rock. monster, I’m just ahead of Total the curve.” the dark knight Screen Time: 46 Mins. Kills dude 30.26% of with a pencil. movie Cracks jokes with the Total doubt monsignor. Screen Time: 47 Mins. 45.19% of “Doubt can be movie as powerful a bond as certainty.” Gets dressed down by Total doubt Screen . Time: 49 Mins. 47.12% of “Well, I like movie ‘Frosty the Snowman’!” Recites robert downey jr. Total tropic thunder theme. Screen Time: 63 Mins. “You 58.88% of went full movie retard.”

legend acting acting Totally offering likely fantasy crazy upstaged folksy black oscar clip oscar clip by lead wisdom