ULY 12, l!l3l ~ Generally Fair News lOWA:-tI'aIr tcMJay eKeept UD' :Jsh /leltJIICl In ~h_t portloo; no( ----.. au wvm In QUl'tbweet.

Chorus Iowa c i y , • M 0 r n i n New • pap e r lay 'As Flashes FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1936 Ventral PrMa .u.oaIatlon VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 37 Here

~ Wu"ltips Behind Time W,\ SHI NO'I'ON, .Iuly 13 (AP) try 'to -The uav)' Ilepal'llItenl llisclos · :.erEgg rd tonight that deSI)i\e elforls to 8pfed ull Its bul/db'g pro· ~ ~roject ,"/lOIl , worl, on 49 or the 79 warships nolY 1II111~r ~on8In,c · tlon WHR behilld 8fhedule. pa per egg car. Ou .Ian. I Ihe bUreaus of 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "-8 Il new ana • • I'Onslrurtloll and fogine~rlng t. an execuu.\ rtJ)OrteoJ that delays III bol'l, HEART NEAR CHIN n ts Music aUI. Alton Youth Bids prll'&u and nllvy )'ards had reo FARMERS KNEEL IN PRAYER, PLEADING FOR RAIN New Wave Of 19 at the hllil Nulled In holding up rrom six I1=B=r=ya=n=G::::e=ts=O='=fi='c=e:::!1/ For Recognition As Baby's.Heart Exposed; to eight lItunths I he comple. Cool Weather cpurChas e or tlon oIat es ror GO of the 84 World's Tallest Man Seek to Save Life ea.l IOwa Cilt ' vessel. I hen UlIII~r eO'lstrucllon. rae ted to bu ALTON, III .. July 13-lt lhe (By tho AJtoneialH "",II) Moves Forward disPosal Of I:; riunlly yardsttck Is accurate, EDMONTON, Alberta., , and band or Hobert Pershing Wadlow, AI­ !uly 1S-The heart of a new· born '01. l;(1toyers Arrive ,baby boy thumped against his chin ST. 1'1\ UL, July 13 (AP)-Two ton's youthful glll nt, today Rains Break Through Iq uestod to aid tonight, as surgeons at a hospital toroner assistant United Stat s dis· meEU! U"es 8 feet 6 Inches tall, !l.rt.ons through. which, If scientifically verltled, wondered whether It would be P08- Wall of Hot Air In trlct atlol'neys, Ambl'ose l"inn an(l sible to operate and save his' lite. 1 collecttoh. woulcl ma ke him the ta ll est per· Lloyd C. Moody, \)0\11 oC , Part at the chest wall Is missing. Minnesota, Dakota "On In med ical history. arrived here today to defend Ed· The heart was exposed, and pro· Since hiS ;gth birthday on (B, tile A ...... tod Prell' lctlon of Ill'llOn ,nulld C. Bartholmey, ex·postmaster truded trom the 'body. OtherWise , penalty. Th, or Be nsenvill e, Ill.. who with two l'eb. 22, when he stood 8 feet I he baby Js normal. CHICAGO, July IS-Rain­ 3-4 In ches, the boy has also D e laware, Jill. olllers goes On lI'lul tomorrow fo r a The elght·pound child lWas born fall in the northwest sector of .h Ca.rol! oa Iha Ihe $100,000 ranRum kldnal)lng oC added 35 pounds to In crea.ae his Saturday to Mrs. Fred Sadonek of the drought regions started Wllllan\ Hamil) Jr.. St. Paul brewer. weight to 425 pounds. Wasel, Alta., 92 mUes northeast of cooler weather on a new Robert's Cuther, IsO·pound Edmonton. The 37·year·old woman march across the sun baked llllr'old 'r. Wail low, nn engineer, I. tbe molher of six other children. plain states tonight as new Fou."dation Stone nwasured a nd weighed his son. Dr. E . W . Svarlch, who delivered It hos been IG months since onslaughts of heat of the east VIRNNA, ,1111)' 13 (AP)-Dlp· lhe ·baby In a hospital at Willing. ph)'slclons last used scientific continued to break records loonaHc sources tonight said the don, near Wasel, and brought him and piled u,p the death toll. - ne", AlISlfll · German aecol'd IMlrumenl8 to measure the here, said: DEAN ltLVTN BRVAN ooy's proportions. H e then WIl.R Good rains s t f U c k the Latic might be thll fo"ndatlon stone "We do not know quite what to or all Ihllo·German "wall" 8 reet 1 1·2 Inche" 19 11 "ne1 do. It might be possible to operate, drought parched Dakotas and lhrOl,,1I Ibe center of , Dean. A1vin Bryan weighed :175 pounds. grafting an artltlclal chest wa.ll western Minnesota tonight, lower· Ing temperatures as they fe ll and It This wHII. t hey SllKge6 t4ld ~ .over the heart." wouhl be Inlended to keep So. Named Vice·President H e added such an operation would starting an e;x;pected eastW1lrd move. plet A",,;slan 1"lInellce ou\, III Of Dental Association mean "a tremendous amount of llI ent of the cool front. lite Danubian "al/ey anti, at tlte Wallace Says graft1ng~f rIbs and other skIn," Deaths In the 11 day8 of oppree· ~ew Rame LIm e, ",Ight break up the The only coverIng over the baby's elve heat exceeded 1,700. MIChigan, Deo.n Al vin W. Bryan ot the col· No Danger Of heart Is the outer eoo.l. The ex.posed s urferlng from the worst heat wa"" 8(llldarlty at the Little Entente. lege of dentistry was el 'cted vice· 39~ WUhln A liSt I' I a, however, ,part Is two inches In width and three In Its history, counted dead, president of the American oll ege o! om ~ Irlldtf!nlen relle<)te,t the InFlu· F d Sh t g Inches In length. with no reller In sIght for tomor· D ntists [or 1937 and 1938, at a 00 or a e fOw. For a 14 ·hour period In \ erli'e tl\(, contrl)fled press, or m('eting yesterday In SOan F"anclsco'l jnbilantly p<·e "i~finll' i>. tt e .. heat victims died at the rate of One according to an A.I3socfn. 1ed Press I (RT the Al!Qlof'lated Pr,.,..) PraytuC for rain In a IeIcI _ BooJr1o.... m. 'LADY MUSHER' ever)' 10 mlnute8. bus! nIlS!! wil h I he reappetl rD nee report. COLORADO SPRINGS, Col., July , of German tourtRtS. 'fheif supplications echoing the plea o~ thonsanos of drouth·stricken farmers, this farm family The central ofetce o! t he weather Dean BI-yan is a fellow In th8 13-Henry A. Wallllce, secretary Of ,bureau here reported tonight that Ameri can Coll ege of Dentists .. nd Is kneels in prayer in d harvest field near l'tockford, 111., as record temperatures continued. Saves Alaska's Father 'he ollly IOwa fellow In the New agriculture, lashed out tonight at cooler 'Weather was moving east t"om the Pll.clflc seaboard and the Bastile Day York Academy of DentiStry, which "alarmists and propagandists" who, Hubbard From Rapids northwest. PA RIS, July 13 (A P) - Mobile Is limited to 250 members. he charged, "have tried for tbeir Emit Still Checks Natural Gas Landon May (8, tho A .."" .. ted Prell) Masses of cool air were breaJdng a Guards and police received orders He was appoInted dean Of the col. own purposes to Beare the consumer JUNEAU, Alaska, Jul)' 13-The path through a. virtual wall of hot lonlght to keep the government'. lege of dentistry In 1932, nfter servo about food Bcarclty" as a result ot Arabs as' Bedouins G P k Aid chance a.rrlval of a motorboat fish­ air which hail plied up over the AUPllOrters and enemies a part when Ing as j unior dean. Issue Flares Ing party led by Mary Joyce, Alas· farm belt, and showers were expect· they tUI'n out tomorrow for the the drought. Continue Restless et ee ka'8 attractive '''Lady MU$her," ed by Wedne_day In most at the Army's annual .how in celebration Volland Reelected . Recillng steps the government (B,. the A ..oelated P ...... ) Finds helped save Father Bernard Hub. weat and norther n areas of the or Bastlla day. A contempla tes 10 aid drought·har- 13 Residents in Melrose 3.Hour Meeting north central stales. Le~d e rs ot both leflists Iln d right. ssociation Treasurer A S A k AM MAN, Tra nsjordan, July 13- bard when hIs boat was wrecked re- aBsed farmerB, particularly In the . venue ection cently In Icy rapids or Twin Glacier The oWclal weather observer at 'kI., called on their followers to Dr. R OSCoe H. Volland, 4 Bella. The Emir Abdullah, who onCe swept Former ·AAA Head cileer the tl'OO P" who will march Vista. place, ",os reelected tr BsurH mlddlewest, the secretary, In a radio For Natural Gas Noncommital river, the explorer dlscl08ed today. the St, Paul, MInn., airport MId P8~1 PI·c.ld ent I.eb'·ljn and Pr,emier of the Amerlcall D IItal !l.S8oclalion addro... RIlld plJrchases ot livestOCk ucross desert sands with Lawrence Miss Joyce, who drove a dogteam the "dense layer at cool aIr" moving Blum at a IlIOrnltl~ l·evlew. at an organl?lltloll meeting yealer. 'for which no teed ...as ava ilable will or Arabia, sot cross·legged In hl ~ 1,000 rolles last midwinter to It. ea,stward meaDt a "certain break .. The natural ga" IRsu e flared a new (Dr Ihe AOOOCiated ...... ) Fairbanks Ice carnival, and her In the heat wave. , . no guess work Th. arm)' wil l dlsl)lay t he nlPn rla), In Ran Ii'I 'ancl~('o, Ih" A""ocla· be 11 0ndl ed an tbat lI e ltb~r con- tent amla his Bedouins and said ~ lwll nJt\'ht w.b~ .Q. P I It IOn l\o\Iki'\K , TOPR~A. Ran .. July 13-0eo.... e party ha4..aaJ.1ed their bo&1 .<1-.0_ oonnected wltb It now." and gllns which FI'ance considers ted Press r~po'·h:d. ..Imply: her 83fORt protection o,;alnst war. Dr. Leroy S. Miller of Buston, 8umers nor g rowers are penalized. tor nQtul'al gas a nd signed by 13 .. c don't N. peek, litter 0. three.hour confer­ "tream to the rapids. The cQol air had attempled an know how much longer "'ew liMn or the Hllrvard delllal school "Til ere J8 no likelihOOd now of resldenls In Ihe Melrose avenue sec' ence wllh Gov. Alt M. Landon on "She was horrified, she told me ladvanc\ last night, givIng rille to ca n hold them." was named pre.ld ent·elect of t he anything approaching Il national lion and vicinity Wo.'! submitted to farm, trade nnd currency stablllza..- later, to see a man On a rock and hopes of widespread relief today In .. wrecked boat In the raging the Great Lakes region, but the 17 Guards Arrested association , to succeed Dr. n. B. tood shortage," Walla.ce .. ald. Nightly thousands ot fighting vet· tl on po II c Ie8 tod ay, t 0 Id newsmen It the Iown. Clly Ii ,;hl a nd power rom· erana-the Transjoroan Bedoulns- waters," Father Hubbard 8al(l. "She dens Ity at the hot all' masses pre­ M 1\ D R I n, ,July 13 (AP)­ Winter, St. I,ouls, Mo. "We are much better supplied pan),. edge nearer the Jordan river, beyond was "too early" to say "hether he ran their boat ashore and found vented the movement. Sevenleen SIP "'n hh aSRuult 'W'Wellrhe Itn°0wPO'ful 1I11marrhist leaul · Favor Ouster 18wlrled past and we 800n were sare tbe rnercury from 106 to 79 degrees Ihe ffect would nol be felt hnmed· It wa. Indi cated IlUlt ni ght that fear grave trOUble It the Palestine ;asked the rormer nO)"! dealer just below the rapid s." :at Aberdeen, S.D. 'rs, lally. I n time It would be lrans· the petition would Ix\ taken tiP at pl'oblem Is not seWed Quickly." ,before he entrained for ·Washlng· Some relief was expected farther ~CE 'Mr. glial'll members belonged lated Into higher prices for pork. the council meeting ~""Iday nlghl. Outside t he Emir's blaCk goat. ton, eoutl\ tomorrow. Nebraska crop ex· ~ the company ot the slaln as· Believe Suspension Only BROADSIDES H ogs, or most ot them at any rate, The petition read.: hair tent the etars bung low In the OpPOses policies perts r eported the state's corn crop sault guar(l captain, ,Jose de Way to Handle Lewis' are ral,.d 011 corn. Any ehortage r (;astlllo, slain last night by al. "We, the undersigned residents desert's dusk. Tethered outside the "If you mean," Peek replied, "wlli "hanging In the balance" as show. In the grain In evitably reduces tbe of rowa City residing In Melrose open flag was a coal· black Arabian I support our ;present tarm a nd fo ... Farley, Hamilton Open ers and cooler weather were fore· leged rascists. Rebel1ious Unions pork supply Il YOllr la ter but on the Above) avenue and up to the west thereof stallion, reaily for the Emir's next "Ign trade 'policies, r say no, defl· Cllst for tbe eastern part at the Although. un otrlrlal version whole there Is no excuse for sub- along Melrose avenue and UP to trek Into the desert wlUltes to quiet nllely: no. see no sense .In CUr· Political Fire _tate. or Calvo's lIealh was Jacking, (II.. ,,,. A"oolat ..1 Pre"1 slanllal Increases In food prices r the Rock Island railway, do hereby fln Arab tribe here and there, to Readings continued well above 100 (he aarii\ad. SlI('ialist pftl)et', a8. WASHI Na'rON, J uly 13 - T wo I\n Qw. 'rhe persons who pre using tailing production lind bringing In !th . request your compa ny to s upply pacify restless shleke. food ." . (By tb.o ...... ,lated 1'1'_) degrees In many parts of the serled Ihe I18saljSins \}clon&, 10 American Fed.rlltlon of Labor .~e· the drought as excuse to In· NEW YORK., July 13-Repu:tlllcan an us with llaturlll gus IllHteail of man· Captain Castillo's company and . It was the !Irst meeting between arought belt toda.y. TypIcal were: r cuttve council m mhel·. said to· crpase their profits al'e taking a d· ufactured gas, a8 at present. This ,"haJrman Jobn D. M. Hamtllon and 8Xp.... ssed t he belief I he mPAIl · Landon and Peek, first admlnlstra· Washington, 111.., U S.6; princeton, night they bcHev ed Su"p~ns l on [I'om vu nl age or human s utrerlng." can reMll y be done by placing a Attributes Death to Dlvoreee Democratic Chairman James A. Far· 'lONER berM lost their heads and de· tor or the AAA and later torelgn ley today tired their first polltlcal Jnd., Henderson, Ky., and Cedar the federation WUR the on ly way to valve tn your lin e just to the east WINCHESTER, Va., July 13 (API cided to ,wenge fJleir ettPtaln's trade advLser to President Roosevelt, broadsides since opening ot their Rapids, la., 113; Waterloo, la" and handle tHelicR of lhe rebeilloli s lin· of Melrose clr'cle drive, an!! opening -Acting Coroner A· P. Osborne yes. lPeek saJd he thought Landon had <1 ...11, b), sl8ying Calvo, campaign headquarters here. Red Wing, Minn., 112: saginaw, Ions led by Joh n f• . Lewis. OKOBOJI LAKES the valve at the east line of Un l. terday attrJbuted the deaths of four "a good personality and showed a Mlch .. and Rockford, DI.. 11l; Rop· BO lh William Hutcheson, prpsl· verslty Heights. members oC a. Clarke county family Ham1lton. stopping over before a 'good undermndlng of naUona.l prob· swing through New En&'land, ac· klnsville. KY .• 110. denl ot tI,e ('a,·penters. a nd Da.nlel T "We understa.)'Id that you will to Mrs. May Sml/.llwood, 50·year.Old lem8!' While AAA oWclals announced In H F $300 000 cused the democrats of Inj~tlng Townsend Hints J . Tobin, president of Ihe learn· ope or , 0 make ali the necessary changes In divorcee, who, he said, apparently .. When will you decide whether gATING racial and religious Issues Into the WashIngton that the government sters, expresseu such un opinion in Remove Menace 'the hou8ehof() fixtures and applian. shot her two son. and her bed·rld· Convention May to sUPPort J..and.on1" · Peek was campa.lgn. would probabl), begIn a huge emer­ talks with ,·eporters. , , 1008 without chlll'ge to us, and will den mother before turning the. gun asked, Farley. at a first p .....9 conference gency program or drought-cattle Select Own Head by tho A __lated Prot. use the same rate as nOW effcctlve 'on herselt. ICY, V.rI lll nm areen and olhel' ou n· Will Walt yet chQ.!'ged that antl·Roosevelt newspa· buying next week, Rexford G. Tug­ DES MOINES, July 13-The red. In University Heig hts," ----'------c ll memllE'rs werp known to feel t he "He haan't spoken yet," be re. pers were coloring their ne.ws to well, resettlement administrator. (B.1 the A ...... I.t.d P,_I same way. tn t h ~l r private can. eral government will be asked for Willing to Com pi)' The J report will then be presented plied. "After' he speaks on ·subjecta make It appear that the preSident made plans to fly to Blamarck, N. CLEVELAND. July l3-The P09· versutlons, however, a majority tT, $300,000 with which to remove the The light and powe~ company 10 Judgll Dewey for deciSio n. on which I hIl,ve more or ~e88 defl· wlUl lOsing' popular support. D., to supervise organization ot ~Ib illty of a 'J'ownscnd preshlentlal said they Were not commltt.... 1 to 8ewllge menace at the Okoboji la.lte., states that "We are willing to com· Case Tried LalIt March nile vIews, I'll make 'liP my mind The republican leader asserted the emergency drought relief. "ondldal e arose loday as dlr ctors s uspension, o.nil would make no de. It disclOSed at a meeting of the ply with this request, II you will The case Will! InItially tried last quickly." democrats were spreading propeaan· ot the Townsend organl •.atloll work. clslon b Core tamon'ow when a vo te NeE, stale executtve counCil. grtlnl U8 perml. slon to Install /10 . March ·In the ' federal dlalrlct court , Peek wIthdrew lrOm ' the Roose­ da In the east that Gov. AIr M. Jtl8ufferable t e m p e .. at ureR ed on final plana ror their lIallonal lVas schecluled to be luk",n. valve In our gEU! line as stated In 111' Davenporl. velt a(lmlnlJ!tratlon arter a clash mounted to hllla yester' convention, ata rtln8' here W ednes. Landon and hJmselt were anti· a new the petition. PlellBe consldeo- thl8 The present city counc.'1 has ar· with Secretary Hull over recIprocal day when a mark 114 day. Arre8ted Qn SpeedIng lJbu,e Jewish and were spreading reports 0' delrees lESS letter as anpl!clltJon to make this .gued that whether or not Towa. City tariff 'pol1oles. He' opposed extending in the west that Lan(lon's ml(ldle "JIIB reported at the low.. Clf,)' Th rounder of the old age reo FORT CALHOUN, Neb., July 13 Installation." . houid. h.tye natural gEU! Js up to to all nations With which ti)e Ul)lted name, Mossma.n, wae Jewish. all'JlOl't. wltII 10'7 as the offklal ..olvln g pensions movement, Dr. Auto Strikes (A P)-The Rev. George E. Jona.ltls, Late" this monlh [fllal O'ral argu'. the. people, and has restrained the States had most·lavored·nallon top I't!COrdInc. OMY Francis :K Townsend, said In a pMtor of Cathollo churches here and ments by .the city council and Ihe power company from Introducing pacts the benefits granted a sIngle Hope fo ....elief from the ,up­ Chicago Interview today the CO n· at Blah', Neb., WAs arrested late yes· Ii ghL and POW ~ I' company regal'd. this fuel. country In a reciprocal treaty, His WCARNO TREATY In" heat slep-yesterday Wall ventlon might nomlnale a candldal.e Motorcycle terday on a speedIng charge by a Ing whether Iowa City shOUld have The Issue dates back to Noovem· engagement wUh x....rldon, Peek the 11th .tral.rht da., of reeonl· tor preSident. special motorcycle officer when he natul'al gas will be presented betor.e ber, 1934, when the previous council SaId, was arranged by the republican Britain Will Not Attend breakln.r temperatures - wa. Killing Two stopped at II garage here. R eferee 1\. HerriCk In Des Moines. passed a natUral gas reSOlution. national committee. seen blehl)' poeslbte here by t. .... May Paul, Mrs. :Rosa Paul. H. G. . If Germany Refuses t11&'ht. - Wengert, Charlie Shay and J esse L . Tbe effect. 01 the bUetertnc Richardson wilt leave thle morning • (By the AUlH'latlPd Pre!"I) (By the A ...... tecJ Prell) heat on Iowa CltlaDR _ell , July 13-Informed per· on a specIal tral n as delegates to DES MOlNiES, July 13 - 'T.'wo 'Two Hundred Were Chosen' Credit to Author mOl'1! evident yeetercJay tlu.n at son8 saJd tontgbt Great Britain bu Ie Century the Town8end convenLion at Cleve· YOUng men riding a motorcycle were any point &Inee the unrelentlnc * * * ma.de It plain that she like Ilaly land, Ohio. kllied on Euclid avenue at East * * * wa.ve be.ran. An sortll of war. Ir 011 burn­ 22 nCi slreet late today when. they By MARY BURKE tlvene88 was 80melimea lost by are not s ucce88 lul*** until atter other Greene, were ***outstandIng, would reruse to attend the Loc&rno were teMed 10 .... almollt Impo.­ Delegates who have already start· careened Into the path or an ap. Campus Editor clumey action and the frequent measures have ' falled. The general eKcelience of the meetlng tentatively set for Tburs. Bible attempt to keep 0001, with ed to drive to Cleveland are John r 200 Cen­ proachlng automobile. Sufferhlg and prIvation of pion· prompllng did not add to the per. Per Solum shoots hili &,rand· players proves that Iowa resldentll daY at uoless Germany swlmmlnc &8 the favorite. Justice, Mrs. Anna Reinhart, Mar­ " . daughter , for "running around with can well a81ume the chara.ctere they also partlclpat.... The victims were nobert See, 24, eer settlers In the Matanuska valle), tormance. Nevertheless. "Two Hun. IOWa CI&7 aweltered J'eetllrdaT 'urnaces tn. tin 'pederson, Beulah CheilOck and ot Des Moines. and Cy Andrews, k d I ted b rth men," only to find tbat one man have bad opportunity to study-mid· Britain, It was 8&ld In these quar· .. the mercurJ' ~ tile \Was star I), ep c y Elllrwo dred Were Chosen" was exception. wanted to mar"" her. 11. Mr. lind Mr8. John I. DI ehl. SO, of Zearing. ., western farmers. ters, baJI indicated ehe feela the bl.rh 01 the lummer. Late.. III They will return Monday evening Vel'non Eaton. 28, or Newton, P . Conkle of the dramatic arls de· al both In plot and producllon. Jneomplet~ TtiretWl Other good performances were meeting should be poatponed unle.,. the ~ It ..aln dipped to and reports of the convention wm who was driving eust, saId the partment, In "Two Jiundred Were It 18 not a great pIa)" but It 18 ThuR the etory III a tapestry wIth gIven by George W . FithIan. Wal· Italy and Germany attend, a mere 108. be given Tuesday night a t a meet· ter Flelechmann. and William Hiae. Tbee louree. declared tbey bellev· motorc", cle came over It. ali ght hili Chosen," outstanding In Its premier definitely outside the realm of the Incomplete threadS running throu&'h. Official reports of tempe.... IIIII' or cl ub nuonber five. Heveral hundred feet ahead of him presentation by University theater It the last two soones had not been Betty Buft/narton, In the role ot the ed Britain feared 8. three'power con· tlU'88 lor J'8!Itl!l'da.7 A'!eOrdlna' &0 "like a bullet" and weaving from last night. common "ge~nlum In a tomato can owrltten, the moral would have been woman who tried to reconcile the ference would give }!'ranee an op­ United Air Un .. 1IIfII'6: - pne 81de or t he road to the olher. In this drama the atory of the on-thetenement window" 80rt of jUet aR effective and not 80 ob· government qanta and colonlatl, ,portunlty to demand {wpUcatlon at 8:41 Lm. _ .... _ ... __... '75 TODAY lII·planned vlalonar), experiment tblng, vloW!. Conkle came near to loelng W88 fair. Dl8crlmlna.tlon among the aareement made by the four 4:41 a.m. __ ..._ ...... _.... '75 WB! told. But the MalaDueka Tracing the lives at colonlsl8 from the power ot the performance by pla)'era seems a.lm08t unfair, al Locarno adherent.&--.BrltAln, . 11:41 ..m...... _ ... _ ...... '7'7 IN Iowa City Farmer farmers were real ploneerR and ,their arrival at the Bett/ement, the lacking on a saccharine ending, ma.ny smaller pl.rta were outetand· Be~um and Ita)y_fler Reiche· 8:41 Lm. .... _._...... 115 proved that blueprints can be turned plot shOws that hard.lhlJ)ll bring 811,*,10 .. Aeil ... Ing. fuehrer Hitler denounced tbe pa.et 1:41 ...... _ ..•_ ... __ I. IOWA CITY Dies in Hospital Jnto homes. out the best_nd the worst-In men Acting WaR superIor to other Unl· A word sbould be saId about tbe ~nd remllltarill8d the Rhineland lut 8:t1 .... _ ...... _ ...... _... " An unulual theme, reall.tlc hand· and women. varSity theater prO New and cost a dollar I Artbur J. Satder • ..•.••.•..•..••••.••••• Kaoeela. s,dltor her addre.os and take her telephone Wednesday• .July 16 I(~,r e D. ltJller ••••••. •. ••••..••••..•.••••.••. Cit' Ed_llor a leading insurance company, is because lnumber out ot tbe book ••• not be· the latter group Jlound, 8.ro14 R eed •••• •••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• 8pOr18 Bdltor 8:1. p,m, >In>AJ&1'MENT 8:0U Summet' session re!;ielrallon for second tonn, Donald J. Anderaoa ••..•..•.•• . ....• . Ad"erU,ln. :Mana,.r will eventuall y be left a widow are about 39th street for nearly two ,ears, !l,m, column the ac· p,'lnClllle, So he turned 10 anoth" WII,oo 1. Jl"aJ' •••• •• •••••••• •• I. ••••• OJroulatJoD lIIana.er 55 in ]00, according to the mortality in has moved on. count of the In· - that when a gas expands rapldl, Ac'Dee W . Schmidt •...... ••... 0 ••••• 0 ••••••• Aoeountaal thc United tates in 1929-1931, that is, "One gets to depend on a thing ventoI' of the It absol'bs heat. lie compreB8ed ~I TELEI·.HONES like that." MIss Hellman says. wltb General Notices spring maUl'esB bed, CertaInly he by a pump. then Ireed It In a cha ... U11.. 1a1 om.., 4111 Soclel7 UI/Aw c." about the time of the last census; while BOlO"'" om". 419a some sadness. "not only tlnancially made life more livable, bel" In whIch was a contaIner "I~ the corre ponding chance were about 52 , , , but ju~t because you know It is Subserlbel'll to Amerluan Prefaces Tbere Is another whoso biography water, Subscribei'll to American Prefaces ",III facilitate -summer delivery of TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1936 in lOO according to the mortality of 1920. there, You open the newspaper h ... just been brought to our memo Gorl'le's ol'lglnal machine I, In the muulne by leaving their summer addressee at the Prefaees oWee. Institution &1 _n the morning and there the play Is lOl,A ,University Hall, WILBUR L, SCHRAMM orles, whO certaInly deserves a th Smllhsonlan l~or a husband, the chanco of becoming advertised and you know that to· grateful thought In these torrid Washington, Just Putting It a widower have diminished since 1920, jDlght tbere will be II. performance, days-John Gorrle. who Invented HI. usc of Ice in lever. WOI Ii Tit chances of a husband, of equal age Du/'Ing the evening yOU glance at Pre-Law Studenl.ll Attending the Summer SeSlllon ",rtitlclal ice, v nWate the . Ick <'()om, In hIs roo", Quarters In Ihe Law Commons. (or the Summer sessiOn of 1936. are 01'e,. on the Public with bis wife, becoming widowed were your watch and mentally calculate John Gorrle was a IlhY8lclan. and lie madc an openIng In the wall at on what IIne8 are being SpOken at av&1lable to Pre,Law student., whether cla".ifled 88 Freshmen. Sopho. the invention was quite In line with the level ot the fluor, From the ubout 4[) in 100 accordIng to the 1929- mores or Juniors In their pre-law work. Reservations may be made at l!j llA VB just l'eeeived a letter in· \Lhe mOment, )the work or a busy general practl· ceilIng W!\S s"spend d a bucket In 1931 mortality, as against about 48 in 100 the Office of tile' Dean of tbe Law SchOol. W forming us that "Uncle Abner "1l gives you such a comfol'table tloner, " I whIch WI\8 placed a blOck ot Ice, The according to the 1920 mortality, AHYS." a daily curtoon serviee, is avail· f ellng to know thaI yOu~ · play Is Women'. Swlmmlntr Dr. Gorrle, a graduate of the Col· ice cooled the air at the ceUinr, able frt't' of dla~e , The cost of the s 'rvice Where a man is five years older than /'\Jnnlng On and on and that It Is Recreatlonai Swimming for all . women registered In tbe Uoiversltr lege of Physlolans and Surgeons of which, beIng heavIer, descended llll! ill defrayed by the National Association Ids wife the chAnce of his becoming a being liked, And when It Is gone, will be held in the· Women'. Pool Monday to Friday 4:50-5:30 p,m, and New York, Betlled In Florida to passed out or the room through tilt ' vI Manufa tUl'ers, widower arc 35 in 100; if 10 years older, you feel much as I.f your oldeet Saturday 10,12 a,m, ELIZABETH HALSEY practice-In Ihe liLLIe town of Apa. opening in the tloor, Thus a elreu. the chanc are 27 in 100; if 15 years (rlend had moved out of the city lachlola, The great medIcal prob· latlon ot cooled all' WIll3 passed over Ju t Ilow parti all tbe:se caltoon arc oldel' the chances d crease to 20; while if forever." Summer Schoet lem was rever-malarIal fevers and the pall nt, All summer school students who are registered In the oWce of the clIn be 'ce n in t hc following: he is 25 years older hi' chances of be· After all, perhaps It Is a good yellow fever, especially, Dr, John Oor,.le was thus Ihl thing. MI8s Hellman thInk., Per· Committee on Recommendation of Teachers sbou:d leave their auouner "O!'rll!'d if it don't look like COIlg't 'S coming a widower a1" slightly more tban addrellSc8 and schedules at the office. C,103 EaSL Hall. How Control Temperalu..., th'~t man to alJply th prlnclpl. haps now she will flolsh that neW don!' its hl'lIt to IlIke thr rotious out 0' 10 in 100, FRANCES M. CAMP The yOung doctor's /\lInd lurned which we now call "nlr condition, corporations, play, • _ the one which h&8 been toward methods to control the tem' lng" ror lhe I,'eatment of the .Ick The statisticians point out that the aver· kloklng about In her head for five "WhlltIlO(lV!'I' H mRIl Howeth that shall !:iwimmioc 1'00/ pe,'aLUre, H e recognlzed that eX' room. age duration fOI.' widowhood s longel' yeal's, Tho men's swimming pool in thll neldhouse la open to students evel'y h also reap-if it ain't already plowed for women than for men, because the wife "It Js about a small town, a small morntng from V to 12 and every afternoon from 1 to 6. ezcept Sunclay., 11 ndl'r," il:l usually younger than the husband, while Ohio town, ' , at leallt It .s at this COACH D, A, ARMBRUSTER 'l' lw lettel' goes 011 to say that "Uncle the mortality for women is also less than point, It'. only about half done and Museum Courses in Sll4:ond Term Abner in thp past three weeks llas al ready that of men, For example, if the bu 'band ~here'8 no telling what It will be added to his already long list of friend!! about when It Is fInished." she 88yS, Courses In Museum Methods wlIJ be oCfered in the second term as and wife are the same age, say 35 years usua.I, Special courses are being oCfered tor scIence teachers and tor MIss Hellman went to Cuba to m 1'(' than a millioll readel'S, His quaint olel, the average duration of widowhood in studenlJi in modeling- a'ld casting. both beginning and advanced, penetrating humor is making men and IWork on lhe play, And the play did HOMER R. DILL thc case that tllc husband dies first is 15,9 8)' By LESLIE EICnE).. \vomE'lI in all pal·ts of the country laugh come alOng until fascInation for CUARLES p, S'l'EWART yeal'S, If the wife dies fil'St the husband fishing overcame the creative urllf!, Central Press Sillfr Wl'lter e,mlral Pt'CS8 !:illltr Writet' - and think, /I Clinical P8ychologl~t will, on tIle average, survive as a widower She has heard that there are mar· Dr, Warren H, Gardnol' h!l1l been s.PPolnted clinical psychologist for the WASHINGTON. D,C,-About 40 Labor <'Ia"sc. are not the chipt J10w inter('sting it is to learn that OUI' 1'01' 14,3 years, on the other hand, the worry of the Ifovernment 8lI to ru­ If, Hn In those waters, • , people talk purp08. of measul'lng the h ~ari ng ability of children In the public schools years ag-o all Old ohap of the namc comic - pI'('slmlobly /I medium of ent!'I'­ wife is 35 and the husband 10 years older about them a.s If snagglng tbem! of Iowa, Any superlnlendent 01' prIncipal who desires to engage his tur(' month8-hut relief dots, ~t Campbell ran In SIoux ity tairunent-al'e bl'ing exploit('d to Iurtbel' -that is, 45 years old-then, if the hus­ twere no triOk at all. , • but Miss services may consult him through the orrIco of Iho PsychologIcal Clinic, Leglslaturcs In several Important the political objPcts of an individual organ­ band dies first the wife will, on 8n aver· Hellman couldn't testify personally, Room EH, East Hall, C, E, SEASHORE (Iowa) a weekly publlcallon culled stat~a--notably ""Publican-domIna, led .late_have shut down on reo ization l;llCh /IS th e NationaL A 'ociation age, be It widow for 18,6 years; if the S be can tesllty personally, , , but "Soil Culture," oI J\1/lnufact urers, from observation on ly, , , to the Ctasi!es Ull Thurllliuy It was devoted 10 the develop· lief, wife dies first the husband will be a wid· potency of the "secundo," The flr"t term of tbe Summcr Seasion will end Thu,'!!day. July 16, The sItuation IR especially Pl"· 0\Vt'1-, on an average, for 11,7 years, '!'he "secundo.'· It seems. was the Classes wllJ be held 0.8 usual On Thureday, p, C, PACKER ment ot what wu known a. "dry carious In New Jersey. Penn8yl. Tlle estimated duration of widowhood, farming," 'Vania and Ohio (where anll·new ~nvenLlon of a Cuban sugar planter. 'fennis UOU1'8e the statisticians comment, would naturally how deal demOcl'als conlrol), .~. I W Ity Not A.bolilJh whb had saturated hlroself with That Is to say. It explahwd be reduc('d somewhat by making an allow· Tennis coul'se 42S 'Will 00 held the second sUm mel' se.sion frOm 6 to 8 alCOhol for so many years he used a,m, The al'ternOOn se8slon will be held from 4 to 6 p ,m, crops could be pl'oduced In terrI· New Jersey Firi"g Squad? ancc for rcmarriage. They also state that State aid to communIties Blopped to sober UP just for the kick, E, 0, SCHROEDER lory where the normal rainfall was tl16 mortality of widowed pl'rsons differs April 15 In New Jersey, ROM Halt I)uke City comes a story of What he wanted Wll8 a drink that lSomewllat from the general mortality but would shock one right out of a. scanly. It advocaled very decp The American AssocIation of So­ , F all ('x('('lltiOIl which no doubt incil Jlfuslt'uled Lecture .. thel'e is no means of making accurate al· hangover betore breakfast and sUiI Prof, Paul Wellthel'wa.x of tbe University of Indiana botany della''!' plowing and then the 8yslematlc clal Workers has Issued a gpecllll hOl'rol' in tha minds of most observers in 10wancC8 1'0 1' this, carryon through until ovenlng ment. wbo is on the summer session faculty here, will give an Illu trated I!cratc~lng of tbe plowed.up sur. report on the New J rsey situation, 1 hi,:; agE' of' pl'ogr('s.~, Strapped in a 'bail' twlthOut additional Imbibing, lectul'o on "Thc Structure and Homologies of the Elil' of tho Corn plant," !tace Into what was drscrib<'d as a Prior to the Hltl.sh, tho allowanco 1)(' rore 11 blall k p ri!;on wall. a ('ondcnlllcu The result was the "sec undo" , • , Tuesdar, July 14, at room 314, Pharmacy-Botany building at 11 a.m, The for a family of rour was $9.70 B "dust mulch" about a" Inch deer. weck, J11llrder'('1' flll'rd onr of till' most bl'utal a concoction of bacardl rum. abo lecture will be open to the public, ROBERT B, WYLIE 8i lithe and brandy, to ,'otaln ""halever moisture did ~;Ighl out of 41 comlllunIU" con· ugencirs of ('XPClltiOIl in Ill>e anywh 1'0 Delllonstration of fltodern Dance fall, like & saturated blanket. ~in u~d to maintain Ihat -cal•. tod:ty- thc firing ~qIW(.1. On lhe other "You know." eays Miss HellmaD, A class demollst/'atlon oC modern dance tecbnJques wlll be given at Hide of It flimsy Rc reen, apparently dc­ "It 18 one o( those drinks after the Women's Gymnasium, Tuesday night. July 14. at 8:00 O'clock, All In' Professor Cllmpbell was regard. The other commllnllies ""I tho IWhat Others Thinkl ;WhIch your cam pan Ion asks yOU scale 10 $2.00 a weck [or a tamilY Hignp rI 10 ~hif'1!1 thc victim's eyes Irolll tere.ted persons l11'e invited to attend, ed then as a great sclentlst-hc ot four-or nine ' rnls a day per 111(' sight or five I'ifll's discharging upon 'Do you feel It?' and while you are RUTH MURRAY, 'shakIng YOU1' head. you tall on your jWas gOing 10 make the seml-dcl!6ert pel'son, 1 hiln, tho llIall RllIlIlpcd dead, face." 'ro All Students Now 011 tha ('alllJ)US Who Expect to RcglstCl' lor the blossom Jlke a r08e, Furlh rmOl'e, In 16 communltlCl 'Why, i II II l-to-callt'd "advlinc~d age" TRUE TO FORM The success of Lillian Hellman's Second 'ferm of the SUlluner sesSion He was fanatically sincere and \8.11 .p('rsons were dl'OrJI,ed rrom re- when scif'ncl' hRN ~iven us lethal gas cham­ We Invite all students now on tbe campus to call at the RegI8tra,'s G OVERNOR nOFFMAN of New JCI" 'l'\r8t play was the talk of two had many followers. Jler nd forced to re·appiy, In­ berM !lncl oth!'/' mono humane way!; of exe· season'" back, , ' the succeS8 of her Office between Wednesday mol'nlng. JUly 10, at 8 o'clock, and Friday noon, vestlgatlonll were slow, cruel and . sey hilS refused to extradite Detective July 17. In order to obtain theIr registration materials for the second The farmer who dIdn't I)ulverlze lab8urd rules were al1pll d In many culing criminal};, /TI1l:>t we cling to this 'screen adavtatlon of tha~ !play. term and so have the opportunity to make their selection oC courses, bls aCI'C8. prepa,'atory t" blowIng In8tance~nd people left to slarv., ('rllel ,'elic of a bygonc era T If men must Ellis H, Parker, thereby running true to whIch ran not under the title of obtain the COUfUleis of such of the professors as they rnay wIsh to cO/Ulult. pay th (· hig h l;!Icdfice as their "debt to the form he established by his ci reus per· "The Chlldren's Hour" but as and prepare their registration CEl I-dS by Friday lIoon of this week, Then, away down to hard·pan, was reo In 10 cltles a forred labOr polley "These Three." provIded plenty of on Friday &fternoon and Batllrday thiS week. they will pay their garded 8S a lazy cultlvatol', jW8!I adopted-even as I" young society" why mllst it be by the gruesome fOl'mance over the Hauptmann execution pl'ocess of Lhr fil'ing , quad f .. [.told·you.so·s" for her entbusf8llts tuition fees, Then-Dust Storms girls, and his earlier special pleading in thtl last Beason, So, If you Wish to get According to this program all the students now on the campus will The scheme worked tall'll' well In (Jermall ' Death, no maU!'I' how it is inflicted, i~ Wendel case, on the Hellman bandwagon, start have the opportunity to complete their registrations so a8 to be wholly for a while, beforo the blowing, In thr Grrman r~l .. h, a id". there punildllllcllt enough fol' even tb most ser· pl'.dictlng things for the film vel'· ready fOr unInterrupted meetings with their classes next ,\fonday morning away I1I'Oce>18 had progressed far, hilS been torced labor for I{ lrls, iOlJs of crimes, It is not a matt('l' of torture The governor on 'l'uellday delivered slon of " Dead End." and thus give. also, OPpOrLunity fOl' students not hel'e thus far who will It probably did not 110 much Nuw, according to reporls which Hociety has ill mind when it cond nUll> himself of his verbose and short.~ighted be coming- to Iowa City to register fo" the second term, damage In Iowa and adjOining reo 8 em Calrly wrll aulhentlcatrd. an II. C, DORCAS. Rerlstrar I hese criminals 10 d!'ath but thaL of ridding exeu 'c fol' not giving up a supporter in gions, For one thing that area 18 Invesllgatloll of 80me of the camp itHelf of an undesirablr, 'l'hat is wby mOl1l !Well ra.lned·on and neve,' has re· orrIcers Is d mandrd hy numerou. distress, On Wednesday, as was not sur· Chlt/nbe" l\lu~lc COIICCl't humanc methods of execution have been Chamber MusIc Gl'OUPS will be presented In 0. conee,'t In IOWa UnIon quired Ihe Intensive Campbell t,'eat· mothers, devised, Sorne stat('l; have all'eady adopted prising, thel'c turned up Ellis H , Parkel' Lounge, Tuellday evening at 8:16 o'clock, C, B, R1GHTER ment, Furtncrmore lhe ground Is Th Oerman I",bor CUIIII'S I'ed uce I he INhal !l'as pl'oce~~ in theil' death cham· J r" codefendant with Ius father in the Screen known as "gumbo"-too heavy und "nemilloyment totals In lh reIc h {,hol'us alld orcheslrs (Juncel't brl's, considl'ring C,'(,11 tllc d' ·tric chair 01' Wendel Cllse and alleged ringleadcr of the elicky to atay pulverized, or to ba But they do nol .olvr the Germa~ The AU-State chorus an<,l orche.tl'a will gIve a joint cu ncert in the Iowa ,Waited from lUI mOOl'lngs, anyway, economI c 8I1uatlo,\ any mOl'e U'~I\ llle A'allows ton bl'Utal 1'01' 0111' type of kidDllping, who hIllS beelJ a fugitive for Union Lounge. Wednesday cvenlng at 8:10 o'Clock, G, B, RIGHTER civilization. Wby, in tltt' (ace of thcfle ahollt 10 weeks or ever since his indict· In other pa,'ts or lhe northwest, Sorced labor " .. Ive.! \ ho un<",ploy­ Life, and 1I0ma of the more southerly llIent problem In the Unlt.!1 Swles. ad,'ane!'" can w!' 1J0t aholish such prac· ment in Brooklyn, No questions w re Gradulltes' Dinner west likewise. the soil Is dustlet' t ic!'s as I he firing' S!luari from the few asked, Candidates for degrees may secure Ucket~ to the Gruduates' DInner fOl' tbemselves and theil' guests at the Alumni office, Old Capilol, up to (IIIlndler Is loo mild a word for Il) , Establfsh d In 1800. the library of districts which employ it 1 'rll(' crime for which the Pal'kers have By llUBBARO KEAVY 12 o'clock, ThurSday noon, July 16. The dinner will be held in the River Ground to powder, IL yielded teo eongr""s now has one of tho large.t been indicted was committed in Kings HOLLYWOOD-Flrst' lmpresslons: Room. rowa Memorial Union. aL 6:00 p,m ,. Thursday. July 16, preceding "ults If Immodlately rained on, collecllons of prInted bOok. and l!OllUty, New York, and tbere rest tbe I She talked excitedly. slopping be· tbe July Convocation, Oth rwlse the winds scoopcd It pamphlets In tb world, Th collc"­ Safeguarding A.gainst formal charges against them, Actually, tween senten10 nse that German student~ honor 8. scar to punish the perpetrators of this swindle, but I lied and aald I dId, And now MOSCOW (AP) - lIardy Sovict fa.. east from tho long way al'ound hl8 "Followers of the Sun," a 111'lv. gr08ily ov r·played and over-wor­ on the eheek as evidence of dualistic But the Wendel confession has been I've got a contract, Just think! plonee,'. are pushIng man's domaIn via the Black and Medltcrl'llon. on maPl!, but several expedlLlons Ipt the Conquoro1'8," The rlrsL ..Be InaLlng charaotrl's, The moods oC almost Rudden blindne , is not generally apparently considers it safe to reappear, down the walk, I MW a \)lit /rtan. more than 100 ships aro plying th'l have souiht IL s In ce In valn, published In 1927, the second In the flrMt two bollke ar rovet,cd known, It would seem almost reasonable, give bis bond ot $500 before A New Jersey running toward the big window! He Arcllc lane8, 'I·bree.Year DrIft Plumed 1929. and tbe last (as named above) for "Tho Blood of the Conquerors," therefore, to submit aU eye injuriea to magistrate and go about hill businestl, was wavtng, I' ,'. Tradent Follow E.pkrl'el'll ·ProI', n, fJ, SanlOllovlch, dlreclor In 1921. Sinoe there Is no roo m to ...·he booms aro dono and tho Ireo medical examination, to avoid any possi. It becomes reasonably clear now what Then he Jumped, I was sure he The ertPlorer~ 'go ttrl!t. seekIng of the AII·Unlon Institute, will head discus. thl'ee novels in sO shol't a wealth Is ap nt or sequoster d, And bHity of permanent harm," has been the gui\ling principle in Mr, wouldn't be atile to 11ft all that new land and mapping vaguely Ihe Sadko expedItion, It wIll con· piece a. Ihle, one 010 ollly tell wh&l the other sId of th roce con fli ct weight over lhe snl, 'But he did, kllown l'eglon8, 11hen come ex' sll!t of 82 pel'80n. and will 118.11 Mr, Fer8u8ll0n '\V,." tryIng to do, \Whloh 18 stili a part r th ~outh' In bl'inging to our attention the many Hoffman's often hatfiing and inexplicable Landed on bolh feet, And praoUcaI­ pe4It,o", to tri.co Mea curl'enta. ~et from A~'changel llbout July 16 , and leav the rel\der 10 Judl!'~ th~ lwesL II shown. for tho rentl,,1 preeautions to be employed in saving ouI'> career as governor :-" My politi,cal mil.· ... . Iy shook the building, up meleorololilcal statloo" and ee- Next Year II 8tCQm~I' carrying IG accomplishment for himself. rlrUl'8 I. a Mexican, The lime Id I;' eyes the National ociety for the Preven· chine I May it always be, in the right, but tabllllh cOlonl68, ~clentlst8 will hi! allowed to free.e Mr, FerCUBwon, by hl8 OW" co ntes. that of M r. F~rgus6Qn'8 boyhooo, ' k' .. Alhlettc. whatf" said tbe Entr· I., tion of Blindness is rendering a great right or wong, my maehine! I' That'8 fine IIshmlln &I he II&t down, pumnl!' like Regular shJpplntr tollow~ quickly, Into the Ice pack niler the New ilion, be«an lite In the 80uthwest as As a fictional reflectlon ot .. great service, Ana 110W e.£feetiv.6 such an edu· for the Ifovernor's henchmen, but what n pOrI)ol9<), Thnt "as all lie Mid tOI' 'l'ite bolsMvlks hoPe by lIeVCIOIl' l llihcrlnll Islo.n,1., 10 arlit wllh 111e A youthful romantic CSCllllIA!. When f)I'Irlod In II. 1Il18un~ cl'" lood MerOon catiol)1ll program is-includes safeguard· about the state of Nell'.Jerseyf-New York five mill utes, Tile ' exerclllB W88 too men I of the Arctla rOUleS 10 dll'ert Ico northwC8tl\'nrd fOl' at hl".t ho wnl a boy be loafed tlll'ough iOf the counlry, Mr, l~erglll!l

. ~, much, " t _ _ ~---.-.. .-a.a a 'lTtAt JM'rt of their trade with the ~hl'e~ l.'. tbe WIlM, He thourht of hlmaelf , trUol)' cannot lie ovcrlooUed, , ;: ~ ing the e~[es of iufants 4t birth and im· World Telegram, r • rUL Y 14, 1936 ::: ,0 I =TU=~==D=AY~,=J=UL=Y==1 4~,=19=3=6====~======~~=====~======~======l='HE==D=~==~Y=i=OW==AN=,=I=O=W~A=C=nY======~~~==~:==~==~:::::======PA~G~E~THR~E~E [cia I Ice STEPPING OUT!-- THIMBLE THEATER ;;;:;;;;. POPEYE By S_. 'ca we "e deBtrlit. ,OJ d, and lIablB \Q 'th M F T~~ S\.I.J~S and col1ap8e, HI @ ~ WI ary ran w\o~ H\T(\-\~' 9 work 01 Curti!, I'll ~~O C:. K lan, on lhe U!Ie 01 HI" B\.~S"ED control or fevll'. House·parties proved to be the liveliest social diversion of SlOC-1< OFF Florida, espec1ali, Iowa Citiulls last week end, Cabins along the river, with a river :ould you get t!il1 breeze and a chance for /l. dip at any time were in the height ,reserved wl lh IN, ' OL their glory, be Imported t~ d cost a dollar \ One g l'OllP of fellows were entertained by Dill Welt, SOD of }II'. and M I'll. Anson A . W~lt, 5 Bclla. oot :lentl8t started Vista avenue, at the W IL cabin on SUI Al · ,chine to make I" Cedar river, • •• umm :now thaL when. It absorbs hetl GnestlJ Irlrluded Tom Hom. .bl0 to con8truCi I Bob J"~8UP 01 New York, E ll Continue Their by the use 01 th~ Thom"s. lind Neum .." Toompy. turned to anoth" 's xpands raplm, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Q. VassaI', March to Altar Jle compressed all )210 Keokuk street, w I' h()/jta at rreed It I n a cham. a week end houseparly at their Program and Picnic Iowa City and neighboring town .. ! a contaIner with cabin n ar Hili". 'I'M group l'eturned Weddings, Engagement8 w1ll take place, yeHlerda.y. TO WED TOMORROW Vaudev1lle IS to be staged by 01 Former Student PERSONALS Supper to Feature alumni, and amusements are In ~ machine Is ill Instllutlon at Mrs. Roy WllIllers, IIccOffipM­ Couples Announced St. Mary's Social charge of tbe men's organlzatlon. led by her house.gueRtR MI'8. L. Mrs. Harry Gilman and her son, N v. She attended a meellng of and St. Rita's guild. Refreshments H. Bcll(l allli daughter Rutl\ of will be served by the women of the In levers Wall to Wedding and engagements or Joseph, and Mrs. Frelda. MIrsky, lhe American Nursing association The annual summer social for St. church. room. In hts room ffampt.on, will leave today for former University Of lowa students tall ot Chicago, arrived Saturday In Los Angeles In June. Kur 'SIl8 (lil y ",,here I hey will Ma.ry's will be given tomorrow night All church organizations are PI.I·· Ing tn the wall al continue to be announced. evening for a vl~lt at the home Of vi it ~lrs. WlllIle,'s' uncle, "­ M,·s. Mirsky's parents, Mr. and Irving Anderson or the reading on the church grounds at J etfer. t1clpatlng in the p ubli c event. [100'" From thl l A wedding of Interest was that H. nded a bucket In D, ReiII' n. or Jane Alice Clapp of Harlan, to Mrs. N. Saltzman, 503 S. Van Buren cilnlc will leave Thur.day tor Eu­ son and Clinton streels, a block ot Ice. The Ross W. W issler of Avoca, which street. gene, Ore., where he will spend the Times wllell nonchala.n.ce hurts. A picnic style supper wl11 be Sons ot~o~ v!:=and Aux.- Ir at the ceUlng, took place June 30 at St. P(l.ul 's r emainder or the summer. Mr. An. When your a.unt, who Is a. scrupu­ served between 5:30 aM 7 o'clock. lIIary w1l1 meet at 8 p .m. FrIday ler. dez!ccnded and EpiSCopal church at Harlan. Sam Saltzman, manager oC Saltz- derson will resume his work h re In lous housrkeeper, droPfi In on you In the evening, fesllvll1es which lIJ'e In the Grand Army room of the room through the I The bride, ' who was given In man's furniture company, lett yes- the ruB. at co ll eg . , '. 'Vhen you've taken " lerday morning fOi' Chicago, where scheduled to draw !l. crowd f"om court house. or. Thu. a clreu. 8upst to IUnCI,eon an() d\Rcovered marriage by her father, wO"e a he Is attending the furnltu"e ma,·t. Max Steer, who has been working I' was passed over you have left your money In your dress of white dotted SWiss trImmed In crystal buttons down the back. toward his Ph. D. degree In speech other purs . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druker Of Ie was thus the She Wore a wide broad-brimmed Iwr this Bummer, w ill I ave Satur· Ma.rshaJltown were guests Sunday ply the prlnclpl. hat and carried shasta dal.les. day (or Quebec where he w11l spend at the home of MI·~. D"uker's 1)0.1'· WE HAVE til "air condition. the remainder of the summer. I n After t ne ceremony a reception lents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1VOI'lon, 402 tment of tbe sick Dinner Honors September he will attend t he Amer. tor 125 guests was given at the E . Church street. Cia pp home. One of thoae a.sslstlng I an Psychological association meet­ Ing at Darlmouth, N. H ., before Five Tear.hers as a hostess was Flora. Mary Clapp, Mr. and Mr •. Bryan .r. Lane or MOVED of Shelby, who I. a cousin of the laking up his duties at hea.d or Ih& Chicago a'"e visiting M,·s. 'Llllle's Purdue speech clinic. to Our New Location bride, and waa a. student lIere last ... Ister, Trelen Barnes, 7 W. Daven­ Delmrtillg University year. port street. Mrs. Wissler Is a graduate of John Hildenbrand, son ot Mr. and (Ig Elementary School Mrs. W . .T. Hildenbrand, 608 9. Du­ Grinnell college, and attended the Mrs. .Tohn Dietz of ·Wa.shlngton. ~~·~3 East o R l 0 Te(lChers Feted University of lowa. where 811 e W\1.8 D.O., and M,·s. C. .D. Evans Of buque street, Martin J. Mather ot aCflliated with Kappa Ka.ppa Gam­ Atlantic and J . E . Nelson returned Il; EICll EI, Ottumwa will Bl'flve tomorrow 0 1' ma Eororlty. Mr. Wissler attended yesterday from Q, two weeks' trip to .Washington Street starr Writer Urlv.""lty elementary school Thursday to be guesls at the home Iowa Slate college at Ames. Ihe Black Hills. .fe not the cWf leachPrs who are leaving Jowa City of Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge H . Fl'oh­ The couple will I:>e at home at ~rnmrnl as to fu. 101' 0111pr lo~atlo ns wer~ guests of weln Jr., 421 Melrose avenue. MI'A. Avoca where Mr. Wissler Is em­ relief rlot6, hOllor at I), dlnnpr given Inst night Dietz is a slBter ot Mr~. Frohwetn Mary Frances Hauser, daughter ployed. several Important In Ih e University clubrooms of land Mrs. Rva ns i9 mothel' or I he of Mr. and Mrs. George p. Hauser, Frese-BrOCk Beck Motor Co. I"publlc.all-domln •. low" Union. two women. 846 Kirkwood a.venue, Is hI Chlcagn Ihut down On reo An amateur hour wit h Emmo. Ruth Frese of Denison waH vIsiti ng Kathleen Dee, daugh ter at Formerly Hudson·TerrapJa ne Co, Wntkh,. rppre"pnllng Major Bowes married June 29 to Stanley Brock, Mrs. E. ,T. Gottsch a nd SOn, Jo~, Mr. and Mrs. John Dee, formerly 01 .. eSI)eclally pre. ami Bpl'nl~e Stonnes ilS Walter also of Denison, at the Zion Luth­ and Mrs. Go~tsch's mother. Mrs. IoWa City. J ereey, Pennsyl· Winehr'lI, pI'ovlded entertainment. eran church, the bride's father, tbe J. J. Dunnegan, all of Shenand'lfLh, (where anti·new Honored gueHL. were Lucy Scott, Rev. William Frese, of1iclatlng. 'Will arrive In Iowa City Thursday. mtrol). filth g"oM leacher, who will be dl- Miss Frese, who was given away Mary E. Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelley, 421 ,Clara Jane Gotl.SCh, who h\1.8 b~en Jersey 1'",,101' of the city practice center by her brother, Walter Frese, wore E. Denton street, will become the bride of Henry H. Musack, a member of the all-state school nmunltles BtO\lPe,1 al aaUlrnol'(>, Md.; Willi. Porter, a. princ~811 cut gown of white mOU8- SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Musack, 215 S. Dubuque street, to­ Chorus, will return home with. tbem. Jersey. nssit.• 'I&nt prinCipal, who will be .sellne de sole. She carried a show­ morrolV at 8 a.m. at St. Patrick's church. \ssoclatlon of So· pnnrlp:t1 of Ho,·o.ce MallO IIcbool er bouquet Of Angelus rose8. Mary Louise Sheets, 1711 Mus­ l88ued a special Ihls fall. Mre, BrOCk Is a graduate of the catine avenue, lias as her hou8e UP NORTH Humboldt June 26 . Betly Ross and Local Couple , Jersey situation. Zura !:1nmnpr, aosl"tant In music, Unlverslty of Iowa, and Is artU· guest Elinor Wagner ot , .sh, the allowance who will 1)(1 Hupervlsor or music at lated with Gamma Phi Beta SOl'· Ohio. Miss Wagner was a resident tour was $9 .70 ~ Lake Wood, Ohio; Ruth Fowlds, orlty. Mr. Brock is a graduate of :n~~:th :::~ r at~:::e:h:h~tt:::~ Will Marry ,at Davenport at the time the Shee ts Ihlrd grnd. tp8.(·hpr. who will move family lived there. Jean France" WHERE 'THE Bradley college and a mem bel' of veristy or Iowa. Dr. Cooper re­ communltlp8 ron· 10 Alpxan(lrla, Minn., and Theresa. Beta Slgml), Mu fraternity. /:lheet8 it visiting Lola .Bpnkert In ceived his M.D. and B.A. degrees Mary E . Kelley, ~21 E. Benton Dav nport tbls week, that scal •. P.I ....UIl, """I~l1t.nt In the junior Mr, and Mr.. Brock will be at trom lowa. State college this spring. strPet, and Henry H. Musack, 215, mll "lUes Cllt the p,1'nary. who will huve kinder­ home at 631 Rahm"nn avenue, He will enter the Methodl~t hos· S. Dubuque street, will be united In veek (or a family ga'ten and Integrating work In the Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. MayOr BIG ONES STRIKE"" Peoria, 111. pltal in , for his in­ marrIage tornol'row morning at 8 0'· firot, &e!'Ond and third grades of , visited In 10wJ 'conls " day per F08ter·Hoegh ternship. clock at St. Patrick's church with RIVer ~'or(>st, OhIo. City yesterda.y with their niece, Helen Lenth of Elkader, and the bride-elect's brother, Father I 18 communities Other guests were Norma Gillett Mary Loulse Foster of Charlton Mary Burke of Cli oton Place. 1'hey I HO" ace Roggensack Qf Waukon Frank Kelley of Co lfax, officiating. dropped from reo of U,e Unlvp..,.lty of Nebrask.... Dr. and Leo A. Hoegh, al80 ot Chari­ lal'e tou.rlng the United Stal es, were married June 30 In Elkader. Attendant" for the wedding will to re·apply. In · l.,ule Illwr of Brooklyn, N . Y., ton, were married June 29 at gathering materIal for a history of A weddlllg dinner was served be Margaret Patterson, mald-et­ slow, cruel and .Iro. W. T. Sumner of JprseyvUle, Grace Methodist church In Des tho canning industry which ~r . after thp ceremony to Immediate appll!!d In many llL, Edna Wles, superviSOr of Moines. honor: Eileen K elley, slsl... of the May Is writing. They will spena (rlenus and relatives. The COUPl", brlde·elect, bridesmaId; Shirley ,pie left to starve. grade work at I_OS Angeles, Cal., The bride wore a white t1annel Q tew days In Rochelle, Ill., with will spend their honeymoon In. St. Long, flower girl; a nd Arnold Mu­ Or~ d labor polley Wllrna Trent, Billingham, Wa.sh., traveling suit and brown acces­ Mr, May's sister, Louisa May. sorIes. She was attended by her Cloud, .MInn. sack, brother of the brldegroom- n as to youn~ RUlh Bishop or Waterloo, Am 11a Mrs. Roggensack was graduated RhyneslJurger of Sioux City, Prot. Sister, Mrs. W. W. Bradley or elect, besL man. Prof. W. L. Schramm, 1222 E. rrom tbe University of Iowa where rlnally and Mr". Ernest Horn. Elalne Dick­ Minneapolis. Among out-ot-town guests tor the Burlington street, plans to leave she was atrillated with Chi Omega. reich. ,,"0, there llison uf Columbia, lIlO., and Marian Mrs. Hoegh attended Stephens wedding will be Miss Kelley's tather. fl'hursday to join Mrs. Schramm at sorority. l'ho bl'ldegroom Is a grad­ bo,,,. fOI· gll·18. Anderson of Bo ton, MIUIB. college In Columbia, Mo., and was Patrick Kelley, who bas been em- Lead, S.D., where she Is visiting ua te of lhe college or law of the 10 r~llorts whkh AionlJiors of the fa ully who Wlll gradUated from Bethany college at ployed In Havre, Mont" for 19 years. Iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph University oC Iowa In the class of aut h~nlleatpd, all remain h~"e thle foil werll hOllts Llndsbork, Kan. Mr. Hoegh was Miss Kelley, daughter of Mr. and EUason. During the rematn leT of 1934. ~me ot lhe camp and hoste"heR. Miss Slormes was graduated trom the University of Mrs. Kelley, 427 Benton street, Is a the summer they will vl.lt In San ~I'd by numel'OU! general chairman, Mi.s Watkins, Iowa and Is a member ot PI Kappa graduate of St. patrick'S school. Mr. IFranctsco, Cal., with RoblMon Jet­ Alpha rraternlty. He Is now presi­ ¥ntertainr"ent chllh-mu.n, and Eve­ The heavIest and 18.IItest 11ft Musack, 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Henry tel's and In City with Diego JIll" camps .. educe lyn B~nzl 1', 'halrman of arrange­ dent of district 12 ot PI Kappa Musack, 215 S. Dubuque street, Is a Rivera. The first of September bridge In tbe world Is located at al8 In the reich me'll., Alpha alumni chapters. graduate or Iowa CIty high school they w1l1 go to Cambridge, Mass., solve tit Germa. Mr. and Mrs. Hoegh will live In Newark, N.J. 'rhe 8pan weigh. 2,- and Is now working for his father to attend tile tercentennial celebra­ l auy more lltan Charlton where Mr. Hoegh prac· 100 Ions and must be raised III at the Musack's cigar store. tlon ot Harvard university of which .~ t hr un mploy· Mrs. A.. W. Bennett UCIlll law, feet to perm It passage of boats In The couple plan a two weeks' trip Professor Schramm Is a graduate . lhe trnlled Statfl30 The wedding of Kathryn Ross ot the Passaic river. It can be raised to New York, Niagara Falls and {l'hey w lIl return to JO'Wa City the To Honor Humboldt to Dr. Wayne K. Coop­ hy electrlclty a t the rate ot two Washington, D. C" after which they ;mIddle of September, 00, thO IIbra,'Y oC Guests at Luncheon er of Ft. Dodge took plaCe in and one·halt feet per second. will be at home at 2213 H street. one of tho lurgest Guests at the hOme ot Dr. and Mrs. A. W, Bennett, 1105 Kirkwood tnted book. and Mrs. A. W. B~nnetl, 1105 Kirk­ VOrld. The collec· WOOd avenue, will be hostelS at a THE OLD HOME TOWN' avenue, are Mrs. Granville Bennett , 6,000,000 books , luncheon tomorrow honoring her a.nd daughter, Mary, oC BOBlon, Ma.1!8. iPI>roxlmalely I" . Ister-in·law, J Irs. Granville Ben­ I millions of un· nett of Boston, Ma8l!, historical docu' The party will lake place at 1 Reba. Jeffrey, 521 N . Van Buren street, Is spending hpr vacaUon at o'clOCk at lhe Benn ,tt h m . MrA. her home at Atton. B.>nrletl's daughl!'r, Mary, IH aloo It. gU st Iwr~ . Lots B. Corder, dlreclor or tire "chool of nursing, returned Sunday lIeat Ends Contract by plane from CalifornIa.. Miss Corder viSited Los Angeles, San Bridge Club Partie. Fra n cl~co, Lake Tahoe, Santa Fe, N.M., the Grand Canyon and Reno, THAT'S WHERE IT~S FUN There will be no more m etlnrs ceri ng, and laler of the contraN bridge group at t he ~at (he 1)l8t wall lJ~I"el'l!ity clubroom8 Tuesday eve· Ily ror th light It TO FISH···- II1ng8 until cool~r weath 1', The nt: that the pion. ' parti,," have been under th aUI­ e: been, UK a. rulP, Ilices of Unlve"llIty club, d and over·wor­ ~ UN . 0" "athe~, And That~s Where It's Fun to IUlPects or thoM" mphlU!l1. d, ! U. ~tl'ong men Get the New s From Home. -tory. deliberate· Today'. n II MI" ... rguB' 'ale uttllul peOp le, 'Iy 10 CIt all ve Il' Hostel' ,es Il1tl1 It rft I'(!(ul· 1/ you are leaving loon 1'01111(\. Hinte on your vacation, Dial , t r!ln"t~1'8 l he ~ m ­ 'cnl"ol figUl' 8 8~ 4191 and your Daily ('hallge a8 dam­ EVERYONE LIKES 'rh moods ot Mr ~ , Gearre C, Crum, sas Iowan wUl bring you all 1I1",owon ..ve nue, 11M • recipe ~kl are reversed TO l\$ET FlUENDS 'he NEWS you want. the ConQueror!!!/' IIII' lIlI lad that will do m.ooh to vary .l'our hot· weather DlMO,. ~ ne anil the fred AT WHET'S NO. 1 8equeat I' .d. And SIlIads an partleDlarl, In de­ th race contliet malld Jllllt now and Ibl. one I. ut of thO Hoolth· mode Vllry el II" FOR A "COKE," A CHO· fol' I he ('ontl'al "atk Cherry Salad COLATE ''MALTED,'' OR (l.n , 'rile lime 18 2 pllckage. of lelflon jellO A CUP OF GOOD COF· IlIIIon '8 boyhood. 4 cupo ot juice (cherry jutce a nd FE~ necltoll ot a greAt wat ~ r) I. "'UL.E, WHO ED N!!W YO~I< 1 cup or blanched almonds nl1o,·.tooo M ~lIo " "",0,0 CIlItCLE5 ANt) WON INTIEltNA"ONAL. 1 omali bolll 01: crushed oli vet MI', l~ergIlI!llO Il' 1 PlAMK VooIJTM HI5 IMITATIONS. CL.EARED • overloolteil. 1 Quart of black pitted ch. rrlell 1)1".0Iv8 jetlo In the Juice. When IA)(Te~S STOftJ! OP- L.o..,aRS 114 ONI! Whet's No.1 "Fir.t With the News" rold . dtl r hollPed a imondl, ollv MI MINUft FLAT ~"( ~d th h rrlea and let .... ~ SPORTS [ SPORTS II II II LOO"J~ I!ITATII WORLD WID. NATIONAL : : : :I *** lOW A CI'l'Y lOW A TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1936 Celltr... I'IWII Aa8ociatlon ~Dick Crayne Signs Profession.al Grid Pact .. . . . ~ ...... • • • • • • • • • • • Big Hawkeye Fullhack to Play NEW PRO GRlDDER ./ Yanke.es .Lose Fast Crimson Coaches Play Here Football Next Fall for Brooklyn I!======~I GToun~, Bow Tonight· Schukei Nips Oilers 3-1 Dodgers of National Pro Loop To ChISOX, 6-3' , Merry, p ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 U.S. Olympic Ba c- NEW YORK. July 13 (AP~}[eld ------Brooklyn Coach, Schissler, Reveals Signing Of In check by Jobnny Whitehead's Harold Speck Ball T eum Picked five.hlt IJUehlng. the New York Totals ...... 35 1 8 24 Ll 4 , I Crayne; Dwight Hoover Already Under Yanke s tell before the Chicago SCH UKEI (3) A.B. R, H.PO.A'& NEW YORK. July 13 (AP)-Lesli. To Hurl For Jackson, 2b ...... ". 4 2 3 0 2 0 Mann. m al1ag~ I ' of the Olyml)lc b.... Contract to amc Grid Team White Sox 6 to 3 today In the I'ub· be,' contest of the three·game aeries. Wah l. se ...... 4 1 0 1 0 0 bail teRm. today announced tho Tbe deCeat. COUI)led with the Tigers' Oilers Tonight lIartel', D .• cf .. . 4 II 0 0 0 0 Aqun" or 20 plnyel'8 Who will gl" UA "rINGS, Neb., July 13 (Special to The Daily lowan)-The victory over the Athletics. reduced Linde. J) ..•• ...... 4 0 ZOO baseball j'd(,lllollstl'allnnR" at the igning of Dick rayne, for thr yeal'S th(> bulwal'l( of Univer- lhe Yanks' leall to eight and a half lIa,·tel·. B .• 3h .... 3 0 1 1 0 Olympic. games at aell sity of Iowa football teams, to play pl'ofe ·jona! football with games over the world championS. Linde Whiffs 18 Locals, Easton, ss ...... 4 0 0 1 monl h. Wehmeyer. Ie ." .... 3 0 0 0 The squad In clUllrR flvA mcm"" ... 01(' Brooklyn Dodgers of the National league next year, was Ch icago ...... 103 000 101-6 13 0 Aghlson. Ie ...... 1 II 0 0 of the Penn athletic club team 01 revealed JI 1 today by Paul J. Schissler Jr., coaell of the .Brook­ New YOI'k ...... 000 102 000-3 5 0 Paces Males to Win Grollln. c ...... ". 2 0 0 18 0 0 PhllJl(lelphia. thr€e I:ltanford "nlver· lyn ·Iub. Whltehea.d and sewell; pearson, Murphy. Malon& and Dlckcy. In Tight Ball Game Swen. Ie ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 mlY players a nd r~pr~R nlalive. or / C'mync. one of the b st punters in collcge football last yeRr Wayne. 10 ...... 3 0 1 5 0 SOUl hem Callfo, nia, '1' xas, Nebru, lIlIll one of t he hardest-hitting baeks in the Big T Il, will report Kelly Oilers. undismayed at 108' _ ____ -. ka. Or gon. Wrstert\ tat~ Toaohert l Ntlts Move into 'Chird to t ht' DodJ:'rrs someUme In earlY! WASH1NG'I.'(lN (AP) - Washing· Ing to lhe Waterloo Schukels, world Totals ...... 35 3 8 27 4 1 or Kalama7,OO, Mich.. Bowdoin and Septembc,·. His salary was not an· Chi G · ton moved InLo third p lace In the champion sotlballe,·.. 3 to 1, lasL Oilers ...... 010 000 000 - 1 I Coe as well as a few non-colleg, .Dounced. cago ams American league toda.y. whipping night at 'Waterloo, wltl take on the SchukeJ ...... 001020 000-3 "Dick CI·ayne·. work at Iowa for Summary: Play er~"!. ~~~~~~~~~~ St. Louis. 9 to 3, as Earl Whitehill classy CrimSOn Coach 'l'obacco tcam the last three yArs Indlca.tes that Loop PI·nnacle rcglstered his sevenLh victory of the Threa base hlt»-Llnde. '1'wo with the Dodgers he will be an out- . year. oe Toledo, Ohio. tonight at Kelty base hltll-Jackson. S'truck out-b1 standing player In the NaUonal 'rhe Senators pushed ahead whcn field. The game wl1l s tlll·t at 8:30 Linde. 18 ; by Merry. 4. Bases otl leagUp." Coach Schissler .... Id loday. Cleveland dereal~d BostOn. with Smlth's cafe girls playing ll. balls-off Linde 3. ofr Merry 2. Hoover, Crayne TOj;"ctbcr Outpoints Giants, 1 to 0, curlalnralser at 7:30. '1&811111 S!. Louls ...... 110 010 000- 3 12 2 Buth Crayne and Dwight Hoover, Lee Beat Hubbell, Washington .... 010 043 01x-9 14 2 '1'h" Coach's oUlflt Inva.des the lo­ hlocklng back. who were teammates Whitehill and Mlllles; .Hogsell, cal dJamond \~Ith an Impressive list Walker CUp Trio fOI' three yenrs at lown. win con­ Gabler in Hill Duel Kimberlin and Hemsley. of records ga.tbered by toppling the !tODAY tinue tholt; grId car 8111 on tho sarno best softbalt teams In the East. Tha To Exhibit WarCl; tC'tm. Ill! Hoover htul already signed CHI ·AGO. July 13 (AP)-Wlth 'figers Tril) A's Agllill OUers agrregation has been specIally In Western Meet .0 play wtth the !)Qdgers. Anolher Bill Lee outpointing Carl Hubbell PlllLADELPlilA (API-Th De· augented eor the occaSion by adding be III.~t year's Jlawk Bill Secl. burly and ]rl'allk GableI' In a pitching

nIAL DIAL 4191 Iowan Want Ads Bring Results 4191

RL'AD TTIIS F'R,~7': flnge .... and slghod 5" It he oXPllCted spread III long. parrow sideburns. Dclctlilc HrJ/e" allft (1(frjJ JU rwf/- to got little Informatioll trorl\ .Foster. HI. brown eyes did not. seem to me 1-"ff, nrc tltll'lI/pll"" I" u"rnlcl t11~ "You kllow tbtll 1 was thera tbat poetic or dreamy; theY were Quick. TYPEWRITERS BOOKS 11\:1' l e., i 0 1L. 1nHrdi r ()( Mnrualn nt\:ht." alert. alive, He was bandsome de· YnrHlgrr, nn ndrCfflJ nnd ulrl. frit:1U.t "Yeo. alld 1 know yo u accompanied spite the fact that his reatures were ~1I .., Van l-:very upslalr8." coar~e. Classified Advertising Rates GRADUATE STUDENTS o( Alauoltalt. I'flu .ra. '.oiled ,dIll (l rather 1YPEWRITERS RENTED FOR or dlcllk'c ''''t'~lwnl n • • he and "Yea. 1 did." Defianlly. H lo clolhe. annoyed m_ mor;, tban ~ 0A8II aATU-A lIP. clal dllcount tor ~., ijIo ....d~ ~.tap., ouIa rat. THESIS REQUIREMENTS /lra /lgllan Iwt In t liD home oJ VOIO "lIow long dId you linger near the a IItUe : his suit cut In too much at ~k about our special .... 1 ;Ibrary door. after . he hud &,one up· the waist, the rever8 too broad [or .... wt11 be allow. d 011 aU CIu.tn, d .AdnrillJlII ....t.l ~ B6lc ~ "1ft. Approved Bond P a.per. Van Creru. a (;ollt-ctor of rare jntt: ." Student Rental Purchase IOOOUJIIiI ,aiel within .. ...,. fr om .plratJoti tl hom .1Ie 11(1(1 fIId , Itrou."I, Itt, aLalrs?" RO)'C8 asked crossly. hi. thin shoulders. hi. sblrt, Ilgbt (Specl"l Price for R eam Boxes) Irlcnd, Alal/'7fta., flalcl III" 10 I,i, "I watched Joyce go up81.81rs, and browll wllh browll collar and cu.!fa. Plan .HIgh Grade Carbon :PIt.p8I' ur1(.e,omo lli!Jturu 0/ the lamott. tbell when she was ncar her door, I dove-colored 8pats. A large pearl In ROYAL TYP ewrtters to Rent- Cam""" .. ubJ/. ill II.n jjllle ,IIC teU started down." hi. blUe tie. a big dIamond rIng on WILLIAMS tecarf7111 file rllvu oguhcst tl", u;i.!lIea "A nl lnute.? Two minutes?" his letl hand. It I had not known nPEWRITFR SHOP. o( Van JJOCI'I/ ,,1,0 dNcrlb':d II a. a "Not longer than two minutes, .'r. he was a poet. I would have tbou&,ht JOWA SUPPLY I'm sure." hIm to be a second·story man. But ""tllrder ,tone", A mono ilto,'te (Iuca· 122 Iowa ave. (near Ibwan) The atol"ll with the RAId Blp II.IIcd bv 1/'0 ,klcclil', 11'1'(<< AId"", "Just the time It took ber to get I relllembored vaguoly seeing somo· 1«1" , /IImle"; Vall l~rt'l'V; 'II, 110''"11 up tho .talrs?" the bIg captain was thlllg at h i. In a megazlne-I couid "ieee, Jovoc, .,-110 ltt-l'S ttlU, IIII1L; l~cr watcblng Foster closely. SuddenlY 1 not recall what magazine thon. TRANSFE~TORAGE MONEY TO LOAN /lal/ce, Allan 1'08ter, fI 'an at one time Cclt sorry for the boy. "In tbat time Rather good 1 had thought at tba VIlS tn lovo 1dth tJlC fit'art Of ire"", did you look back tnto the library?" time. Frothy sturr. but readable. and Jovcc'. cOUlIJrtn'OII. 1,,.'4ra nan· "I did just botore 1 went down. A Seeing the man J cou ld not recon­ BARRY TRANSFEB Quick Loans On­ ~,IL Jln~fllcr '''~I",cl to ROil RanI. ..lance, that's a ll" Cile Margalo'. rrlendshlp for him . Mo,.lnlr-BaaPh Watclles, DIamonds, Ring.. Gww. ,",ore, dose Idrnd 01 lila uctn.'.", tc/tf) "Why dldn't you tell me this y ••• Yet Hro. Peoples had said be WaS Frelgbt .hot "I""cl! ."1)111,, ((Hcr /Irr dealll. terday?" one of the mOsl trequont vlsltora to Motors, T)'pewrUerB. Hourt 11- Storage Van Et.~TV tcll .• MIIIIvl/nIL hOW Its "1-1 dIdn't think It neceasary." tbe APartment. Indeed be "'.... wei. 1 and 1- 6 DII.IJy. bought Ilta nbl/ (,,'»1 t.tl) nUll', "I unders!.and ~ll .s Van Every had come there always. Crou Countt'J" Hau",,­ HOCK· EYE CO. JOIICC co"fldr, to MOIIO/I"n II'al .M lert tho door opon when you entered als lI,e wa. hard to determine, but Dial '.71 MlnlmtUJI ..". If WOr'" In til, act. D, Jllllllbor anll 1.... III a Room' oVer Boerner'. DrU hal ,ecurcd a. }'>11 in R drpfutnlcnt tho hOU80. Wa. It open wbon you 1 put blm down a t 30. ae ..aa 1110. &PHial lonr IiIna rat. bUnd a4 ar. to b, ooUlltocl U ono ".r4, Btore ,fort agaln'l Il>:r ,IPc/C', tl'l.lte., reached It? Tho tront door?" younger than that, 1 rou nd out later. fural.b14 on MIlUNt. Ilaeh word In tho advertl_ C1ualn,cl clilplq, IlOo Plr Inch, Bulln_ ..,. The delcc",. allll MIlII!1lwn ./url 'or "'Yes, It wall," Twenty ·seveD. N .,at mutt b, oount.ct Th. prefix.. 'Tor tal., per column inch, ",.00 par month. Iho /IolltO o( tl Mr •. HII/ce, all ("II· "Open all tho lime you were up· "I have been out or low n." he said .1 ..... ~Jlt." "Lost," and limllar on.. at th, lItIIn· Clualn,4 In b)' • p.m. wW III ,... mat. (ri,nd 01 V,," /:,(.'rl/, J(cvc. alBlrs?" quIckly. HI. E nglish wasl pertect. Long distance and general mortlalnr PROFESSIONAL SERVIOE .. tl ... aN be oounted In th, total num"" lI,hed tho tollowilll 1II01'll1na. and lIaugllall Irarn (1'011' AI". Pco· "I 6U1>[1080 so. 81r. It wa. ajar I don't know w h Y I expected It Hauling, Furniture 'Moving, to pl •• , Marllalo', maid. Il,nl IIle artress about n foot when I reacbed it and wouldn t boo 1 could see. too. he an· Orating and Storage DR. R. A. WALSH r,.C(JlrtlV INl,t flit r" (1 r/trrJ.: lor "~nl down tllo outside stalra." noyed Key .... and the detecti ve ex· pected 10 make qu lc.k work of him. 17.060 10 tl ".""". MIII1 .,cl (l,," ale •. "JIll .. Van Eyery told me th ..t It MAHER BROS .. -- FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE OLEANING AND PRESS1NG SERVICE STATIONS Foot Specialist Ilaroo/o·. ",aid Ilr/llq. II .. "btl. (Ollnd wlUl baroly open when you came up. "Where?" I(eye~ shot. " In Washington. My brother was TRANSFER I: STORAGI!I (Podiatrist) III one 0' tI.r Dolnalla 01 her dead Oid It sec", to you I bal It WIUI open I'QR SALE-CHOlCE LOTS III 2lB Dey Bldl. .. ',Irell. to d"t Ilrc. II I. having trouble ..I tb the Immlgrat;lQD Dial 3793 tI. c an wider WhNl you went down?" Ma.nvlUe H eights. Rea.sollJl,blo. Phone 61 26 e;tad (lul,lkAte 1)1 "'(In Rrcry'•. people. I hOld to go there to belp "I· ·1 couldn't tcll you that. I doo't Dial 172 •. Drive It Home Hburs 9·12 and 1·5 Va" 1:;&;(; , J/ c.ra IIIhtC3 A/nrrJ(llo'. rubll him." Quietly he gave Keye. the romem bor, but lUI 1 look back over E venlllgs by APpointmen t Gild 'hId. It I. a {«/,c. Ihat nlr ht. I think. no. I know name and present address of hie REPAIR SHOP brother. and the people he had eeeD HOUSEHOLD APPLI~ES WASH FROM HOME OIL CO, (NOW (10 O.V lV/Til 7'111'; FlTOI(Y) thero was a taxi outsldo walllllr. In Waahlnr ton, I OWa Ave. at Dodge St. "A taxi I Why didn't yo u tell me "Yo u know Mias Younger ?" W4 T.D roR RENT- VACUUM CJJEANER8 PANTS, 25c HAULING thl. ye storday?" Koyos was Ollas­ U to brla. ..I your look .aa k., CH\PTlo;lt 2;, ''Very well. sir. She was my good .ork. R.u~u-Trlll1_ or waxert. Jackeon Electric co. perated. .to. WI11l SAFETY Tlll'l INQlJhl:l'r n ~t morning angel." l'IoyOTNY'. ' DIal ~241. "It 181l't out of tho ordinary to soe IU 110. Ollnllo. DRESSES, 60c 1 ~led ahout ~n )lour. VAn f:,ery "You w"re nol III ~e w York, then, LONG DISTANCI!I "nd If6neraJ a taxi pulled UP to tbe curb any R~JSISTI NO Ilnd 1 IMtllle,l. along with n dOl.cn Mo n d~y nigh t?" 1. WE 'US~J I H~AT haullnc. Furniture mOl'lld, crated other wltne ••• an,1 lhe verdict wu place. It wu n't rt ..hl alalnst tbe "No, air, 1 was noLft WANTED- LAUNDRY or 2 for $ 1.00 PRODUC'rs- W8JI and 'blpped. "h.t we e pc~lerl I hRt Margalo Van Every curb. It nearer the Idly Keyel tossed a check across ROOMS FOR RENT WA NTED: STUDENT LAUNDRY. THOMPSON'S TRANBB'lm 00. 'rOl1l)g(,I' '\(lS murdered lIy "perRons houee on the left. I we nt UP to t he deal< . 1 caUght .. gllmp"" of It SOFT WA'rER USE. A. GOOD OASOLI NES unknown", tho driver. tbo molor was running. !\II Gonzales picked It up. Se ven FOR RENT-FUR. ROOMS. WITH Reasonable. Called for and de· Dial 'eu Key.. loem ~ rath~r worrl ~ os and uk d him If he had a pu· thousand do ll ars made out to Man ~ el or wIthOut board. Reasonable•• 01 ~I ve red. Dial 224 6. ODE) Way Free Deli very .a. STANDARD BRAND OILS. 80 n".r. lIo IIaId yell, 80 J walked a h. Joined t" I'ter. II. Invll e .. 111 0 to Go nw leS. ~lg n M Margalo Younrer. B. DubUQue. go to his onke \\ Ilh him. Vltn I':very couplo of bl oc k. down the streot, and It wu In dorsed on Ih e back. WANTED-6TUDENT LAUNDRY. 2. GR EASi NG .BY EXPERTS- ENTERTAINMENT Jell ". to 1:0 to tho ollleo of hi. renl found a/l~thor." "Miss Younger J ave thIs to 10U Very reuonable. Call tor ..nd de. tet.u. "ge nl. "Wha had you dona with the taxi last week ?" FOR RENT: ROOM. BREAKFAST lI,.ery. Dtal 6521. LeVora's 3. TrREB-BA'lvl'flRJ E8- In Keyes' omee. the drlocllvo you <'ami tn 1" " Yes, sir." If desired. Town and Gown r~ sl . BRIA'K.ElS- DANqNG Ilat ~o" to r Are tho nnor, chowlnr on ".toyce told mo to dismiss that "What ror ?" lienee botel. PhOne &fOI. WANTED - t.A.UNDRY. REASON­ Varsity Cleaners In a Comfortably an unllihted cigar. one." "It waa a loan. purely a loan. No .. able prlOH. DIal Dial 3365- We Call Fo!' "I'm not I:cltlnR' lillY plnco. Mnu ll'­ "Cnn you ~C8erlbo thIs taxi and then. sbe lent me money." FOR RENT: SLEEPING ROOM. '.53. 23 E . Wasb. Bt. Cool HaU ban/' ho II\Htl(,I'f'll. drlv r?" "Ever 8lI much no this before?" Dial 4112. WANTED-STU DE NT LAUNDRY. E vCl'y W ed., Fri. " Sat . Nltes "What IIbout l lon7.l\1e~ . larklllo·. "No. It was a black and white cab, Key.. knew abe badb 't from lI er and' Deliver ... 26c II. Peraon 10c lb. 10c a Ihtrt. Dial 9486. 9 to 12 PO I t.l"nd 7" thllt'. all I romembor abOut It. Tbe banI< aW l. ",ent•. FOR RENT-BINGLE AND DOU­ ------_1 'iOugbl to bq hero nuw. l .. ale.u IIC'htl were on. and the motor run ­ "No. thll La tbe larresl amount . he ble room and ..rap. Dial II... FEMALE HELP WANTED CITY PARK \\'1/,1 nIDC'." WANTE D: STUDENT LAUNDRY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS "Whero h )'ul rdny7"' over lent me." ~ . Iowa City "Out ot town, npJ)11I'(·IIt1y." "can't you remember anytbl,;" "Did you ever pay back any of ber Called tor a nd delivered. 4832. FOR SALE: MIDGET PIANO IN FEMALE HELP WANTED: WIFE "J-low's llarrlllloro Ihllt mornl., .. about tho tlrlv r7" t SERVICE STATIONS ?" loa.nar " good condition, $16. 102. WOOd- or student to work t or board tor "l:Ialll . 1'01 "WUIr worrl.,1 nbout "Not yet, but I . hall, Sh6 W Q8 . 1. WANTED-LAUNDR t'. DIAL 6419. two. P hOne 690 8. I him. Ho myy ,II.," K~y .. reacb d for hi. telephone. way. V81'l' r ood to me. reall_lnlr bpw la wn. REPAIRING A bU1,Z on his IJhOn~, and he 1.leked Rnd ixlgan ,Ivlng directions rapidly. little a poet ca n make. " AUTO PRIVATE SCHOOLS TRANSPORTATION UPHOLSTERING up the re-("rlv~r . \Vhp.1l he hung ttl'. A blat'k Ilnd white cab had been My contemPt ror the da.pper poe t APARTMENTS AND FLATS atlflr ,., m Olll t"nt. h" '''!'twlt to m ~. tl'Dr d to the VCln Every reBldence Incre8.8ecJ. , DANCING 8C8.aoL - BALLROOM WANTED! TRANSPORTATION TO FURNITURE REPAIRING AND lurprl.e In hi - h"tll bh.B ey~ •. around 1:1G 'l'uol It I thl. workln. ('Q uId s08 hl8 dl8l1Ppol" tmcnt a. he a ce rtalll time? This loan?' LOST AND FOUND " When r oould. that', all." po!slble tOr U8 to? do supel'lor and Ideo Ollt of It r h •• ,\." Ibanked NItt'·o, FOR SAJ.JE MALE HELP WANTED: STU· I "Yell," , mUi rrluJ eel. " \VP8 U't t hol'o when N o. l'(o caine," "And tbl., Gonzales, have YOU " vor llIore economical work. MISCELLANEOUS dent to wOI'k for board P hone LOS'l'l PHI KAPPA PH[ PIN. "Now whllt I. II. !'oRI.r?" Keno ho an nou need to rn •. ..,en this 1" Tho ruby M rs. Pe opl ~. Call H . M. Klndsvater, 8768. Iltk.a nbrllptly, J I'no lhnnk rlll fill' W. were loll king over the bl ack had round In Marp lo's overlboa aM SALE: MARMON RooBE. 6186. hi. In l rl UI)\loll. not I'ol\shlng 1'0'· and ",hlta cab whon 000:11.1.. w .. acro.. tb. d.. k. Oon ~le. looked at vold t car, radio, electrlo wub. ler·. Quo.llonl nbotlt Joy"o. announced. ] look. d at bini ourl. It OIIrloWlIYI pleked It . up In hi. RAY-MAC ------USED CA.RS HOUSEKEEP~G ROO~S ~ r . .~ wtn l!' mochlnr. ~~l DlclllRen "W.II. " vo heen IlIlnkln •• ftlr. A o".ly Q. h. fl4 t down. A . 1I0t1. mnn. nn t~r~, th.n ~ hnok hl ~ h~n~ . "I lot. About the nll

No Inquest CRASH IN WHICH TWO MET DEATH Union Dinner OPENING NATIONAL RAILROAD WEEK Concert, 2 Recitals Make Up Planned Into Will Precede Day's Part in Musical Week

i\utoCrash Convocation Program of Chamber trombone. 1'ha Lass with the Delicate Air Music to Be Given ...... Arne·!'ox 2 Killed 88 Automobiles About 232 Candidates At 8: 15 Tonight Soprano .t!Olo-l\Iary Fellows WiJI Get Degrees It Was a Lover and IIIs Lan Collide Two Miles ...... _...... Bootb North of Cosgrove Here Thursday A concert of chamber music a nd Now IA the Month of May lng two recita ls w ill be lodaY's fealures ...... \ ...... M'orl", No Inquest wUI be held on the Artpr a alnner In Iowa. Union at In a week or musical actiVIties. Mary Fellow. and Clara. Jane head· on auto colllllJon Iwo miles 6 p.m. 'rhurllilay, about 282 candl· This evening at 8:16 In the maIn Gottsch of Shenandoah, a.nd lilll •. ,Jlorth of Cosi!'Ove Sunda)' night In dates wfll receIve degrees and cer- lounge of owa Union the follow ing belh Martin of Iowa CllY, Boprano; !whIch two persona were killed and tJrlcntes In Ihe first term convoca- program nf chamber music will be Lol. Foutl, Adflalde HeInecke and five Injured. It 11'81 learnl!d 188t presented: ' Borbara Smiley of Orlnnell, alto; nlgbl. lion on thp west approach to Old I Robert Dugan of Hazellon. Ed'W.~ The dead are: Mrs. PaUl W. Ho­ CapHnl at 8 p.m. Qulntel In G, opus 111 ...... Brahm! Koro.b ot Iowa Clly, Kenneth Lowe Ban, 23, Rapid CIly, S.D.. Margaret andldates wil l be guelte at dln­ All egro non troppo, 010. con brio of Dubuque and Jullall White, ten. Dunbar, IS, Olen wOOd, UnIversity 'ner, followed by a program. At AdagiO lor; Ralph Dunlap of Iowa. City. bt Iowa. studenl. Un poco a llegretto John Huston and Max Wilson 0( Sutrerlng head lacel'1\lIons and the SP akers' table w ill be Com­ Wlnrteld. \)O.S8. Severe bruIses, LouIse Brenton, 30, mpncement otrlclals and t heLr Vivace, ma. con trappo presto Oretchen Sparks, accompanIst 422 S. Clmton Btreet, wu "doln, wives. . Marianne Wllscht, AS of Iowa City ()Ilhlren 88 well all eould be expected" last Free Tk!kels Clly, vIolin; Lois Smllh. A2 of E lk· At t o'clock this afternoon IOWa Dighl at Unlver81ty bospllal. hart, Ind .. violin; Louise Rood, visit. Clly children who haYe been taking Apparently held in a death grip, the picture shows how lhe Free tlckels may be obtained by . . -Daily Iowan Pholo mDar Report Inc lecturer In the mushl depart- private lessons In the music depart· CHI'S candidates at lhe alumnI office at Tml.n whlst!es screamed out the announcement of the openi ng A 81mllar report was gIven lWo lo(}kcd together unday uight following a head on crash ment, v iola; William Plant, AS of ment this summer, will appear In " ~he condition ot George near osgrove. M:8q~at'e t Dunbar and Mrs. Pa.ul W. HogaJl were any time hefnre 12 noon, Thurs­ of natIOnal railroad week at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. Elmer Iowa City, viola; AJ lce Smith, A4 J recital. lll. 1161 Clinton street, instaJltly killed in the accident. day. Burton, 320 S. Linn street, symbolizes tile event with left hand ot Waterloo, cello. Thill a.fternoon at 4:16 In north the 'tWo B vel'll II(l by Ihe Unlverslly of. Iowa de­ Our Regular the United Slates civil aervlce board partment or health du.lng June. Dr. give you perfect satisfaction Thompson 0( t he W88hlngton pollce $6.50 to $7.50 Shoes forec&Jlt the two arrests. AIded by ot examiners, at t be POl!loffl ce. C. I . Mill er, &Bsoelate director, Rhythm Steps Ilhree New Yo rk detectives, he or· ported yesterday. • WE WASH CWTHES IN ZERO SOFT WATER p ered a minute examination of the Included In thlft total were ]5 These shoes sold regular· ",bartment wbCre the girl was found Court Hands Down communicable disease cases. 1,818 • WE USE N~UTRAL SOAP In8pectlon, and 1,474 caSes handled ly at $7.75 to $8.50 early yesterday. Two Judgments • GARMENTS ARE MEASURED BE FOR E Collegebred W hen dIscovered abe had 80me by student health and the out-pa- wrapping Itrlng around her anklell tient department. WASHED - and RESTORED TO ORIGINAL Two Judgments jn Johnson county A cumulative tala I of cases han- Our $8.50 and $10.00 and the letters "~·L" cut on her MEASUREM~TS BY SPECIAL FINISHING Ihl' h a nd the numbers "3·12" on dlstrl t court were handed down dIed up u ntil June 30 Is 47,476. Values, on sale at- yesterday afternOOn. EQUIPMENT Fashion Plate her abdomen. Jets In the aparl· oaa Jack O'Brien received a Judgment ment had been tUrned on. • SHOULDERS and YOKES OF COATS ARE for $49.58 8&'alnst J. E . Curl, et a l Regularly Priced Fai18 10 Come Up In it. sUit over wages. SHAPED PERFECTLY ON PADDED FORMS ST. LOU 19 (AP)-Sam Vogel, 23- The other Judgment was a breach • K. Footsavers $10.50 to " 2.50 year-old ealeama n, "8.8 demonstrat­ Of a lease, Paul Harl.tall receiving • BROKEN OR MISSING BUT'fO~S ARE RE­ a n award of $SO agalnst 1. G. Wal· PLACED FREE In, to friends how long he could ., ters. -' ~. ~ . ~ tay under water. Police fo und hie , body In el,ht feet or "ater at a A divorce action broug ht by Mar· • SMALL TEARS ARE MENDED FREE IIuburban, park paol. cella. Lehman against John R. Leh. man W&.8 beard b)' Dlatrlct Judge Big Reduction. on 10WtJ City', Modern Laundry" Be,' HOSIERY SALE Wife Preservers Harold D. Evans yesterday morning. HOUSE SLIPPERS Equipped lor This Type 01 Work 79 c; Hostery-sale at ...... 69c Boerner's 'After An. Evenin, $1.00 H08lerY--8ale at ..' ...... 88e $1.95 Ant ,.4, ' ,he \Library . $1.35 Hosiery-sale at ...... $1.15 Syrup Slop at ·Whet'. $1.65 Hosiery...... sale at ...... l.85 $2.95 $3.95 . , For 'four Kills .Ants . Laundry and Cleaning Co. Favorite Fountain EASY To USE 313·315·317 So. Dubuque Street Made and Sold In Cooler 15e and 25e BottlC!8 Be/ore G~mll Home DIAL 4177 D ••by Boot Shop . To II". lb•• po .... call•• rk'h,r -at- .,... CMI"- eprlllkla a UIII. lin, Boemer's P.hamlaey Whet's No.1 128 E. WASHINGTON ST. ~ .. lb. Lop Won baII1IIa It.