Faculty of Natural Resources Department of Geomorphology

BA/BSc Program in Geography Course Type Credits General 22 Basic 80 Main 34 Compulsory - Optional - Total 136



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Philosophy of Geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geographer Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the concepts and philosophy of geography

Syllabus: - Definition of science and philosophy and the main features of each - Conception and Emerge of Geography - Philosophical Foundations of Geography - The nature and characteristics of geography as an independent science - The concept and nature of the natural environment - The concept and nature of the human environment - Four main questions of geography - Geographical divisions - Methodology and techniques in geography

References: - Ahmad Pourahmad, 2006. Territory and Philosophy of Geography, University of Tehran Press - Hossein Mohammadi, 2014, What is Geography? , University of Tehran Press - Arild Holt - Jensen, Geography (History and Concepts), 1997, translated by Jalal Tabrizi, Sir and Siyahat Press. - Moghimi, Ibrahim, 2012, Philosophy of environmental change, Tehran university publication - Shokooi, Hossein, 2007, Philosophy of Geography, Samt Publications



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Basic-Theoretical Research Methods in Geography Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geographer Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the concepts and methods and techniques of research in geographical sciences from a theoretical point of view

Syllabus: - Philosophy of Scientific Research Methodology - Definition of basic concepts of research (methodology, ontology, epistemology, science, theory, scientific law, reasoning, etc.) - Ideologies of Ontology and Epistemology (Functionalism, Radical Criticism, Radical Structuralism, and Interpretivism) - Types of scientific research in the field of geographical sciences - Quantitative, qualitative and combined research approaches in geographical studies - The process and steps of scientific research - Selecting and explaining the research problem and the process of doing it - Compilation of hypotheses - Sampling methods and techniques - Data collection methods and techniques - Methods and techniques of data analysis and hypothesis testing - Arranging and compiling a research report - Pattern and bibliographic methods and references - Professional ethics in scientific research

References: - Javari, Majid and Saberifar, Rostam, 2012, Research methods in Geography, Payam Noor University publications - Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza, 2016, An Introduction to Research Methods in the Humanities, 22nd Edition, Samt Publications - Basil Gomez (Editor), John Paul Jones. (2010) III (Editor) Research Methods in Geography: A Critical Introduction, Wiley-Blackwell.



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Basic-Theoretical Mathematics (1) Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Mathematician Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance of students with the basic principles and concepts of mathematics

Syllabus: - Real number - Set theory - Calculation methods (including addition and multiplication principle, substitution, order, composition) - Coordinates devise, straight-line equation - Relationships and functions include (Definitions of functions, types of functions, functions diagrams, four main operations on functions, the composition of functions, inversion of functions) - An introduction to limit and continuity

References: - Toumanian, Ara, 2014, Basic Mathematics for the Earth Sciences Collection, Tehran University publications - Asakereh, Hossein, 2015, Preliminary Mathematics for Geography, Samt Publications - Sheidfar, Abdullah, 2007, Engineering Mathematics, Dalfak Publications



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Basic-Theoretical Statistics are probabilities (1) Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Mathematician Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with descriptive statistics and probabilities

Syllabus: - Concepts and definitions: - Statistics, data, information, observations, and variables of vector (directional) data, community, and sample - Signs and Symptoms (plus sign, multiplication, deviation, vowel deviation, a sum of deviations, scientific symbols, and rounding) - Organizing and distributing abundance of observations including displaying frequency distribution (qualitative distribution table and quantitative distribution table for discrete, continuous data and concurrent distributions) and drawing diagram of multiple distributions (qualitative and quantitative frequency distribution diagram) - General observations: - Central parameters (including average, median, and mode) and compare them - Variability (range of changes, mean deviation from mean, variance and standard deviation) - Drawing the central profile – scattering - Thresholds include (quartets, decides, and percentile) and their graphical representation, the range of the quartet, and the rank of those - Torque - Data distribution criteria - Comparison of parameters and statistics - descriptive specifications of vector data - Conversion and change of scale and position of data (linear transformations such as differentiation, standard scores and nonlinear transformations, including box, cox and exponent conversions) - Probabilities: - Concepts of probabilistic approaches and properties of probability include sample space, event, how to display data in the analysis of cumulative probability, probability of return period, luck (ratio of occurrence) and the most probable event, algebra of events (community of events, complement (complement) of two events, difference Two events, the sum of probability and Multiply the probability), conditional probability and the Bayes' theorem, the rules of counting (substitution, combination). - Random variable, probability distribution, probability function, distribution function (cumulative probability function), combined cumulative distribution functions, mathematical hope, and variance - Discrete random variables and related distributions (uniformly distributed probability distribution, Bernoulli random variables, and two-sentence distribution, negative two-sentence distribution, geometric distribution, multi- sentence distribution, super-geometric distribution, Poisson distribution)



- Continuous random variable and related probability functions (uniform distribution, normal distribution, central limit theorem, and standard normal distribution, normal log distribution)

References: - Mansourfar, Karim, 2012, Statistical Methods, Tehran University Press - Azar, Adel and Momeni, Mansour, 2013, Statistics and its application in management, Volume I, Samat Publications - Taherkhani, Mehdi, and Mahdavi, Massoud, 2005, Application of Statistics in Geography, Qomes Publications



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Basic-Theoretical Earth in Space Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geographer Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with spherical bodies  Recognition of the laws governing celestial bodies  Application of Mathematical Geography in Human Life

Syllabus: - Mathematical geography and its importance - A Study of the Solar System (Sun and Planets) - Celestial faces, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites - Investigation the movements of the earth and the moon - Eclipses and tide References: - Adalati, Taghi (2005), Earth in Space (Geography), Payame Noor Publications (Sixth Edition) - Sadeghi, Abbas Gholi and Najafian Razavi, Seyed Mahmoud (2008), Earth in Space, Payame Noor Publications - Qanavati, Ezatullah, 2000, An Introduction to Mathematical Geography (Earth in Space), Goftman Publications



Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: General Course Title: Geomorphology Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Geology Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Geomorphologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Recognition of the processes and forms of structure and climate of the earth's surface  Application of Geomorphological Studies in Environmental Planning and Management

Syllabus: - Definition of Basic Concepts and Terms in Geomorphology (Domain, Tallog, Prominence Between Two Valley, , Lithology, Earth Building, Horizontal and Vertical Forms of Earth Surface) - Internal processes that change the surface of the earth (Orogeny processes, epirogenic movements, volcanic manifestations, and their forms) - External processes that change the surface of the earth (physical, chemical and biological , soil formation and related areas) - Construction problems of the ground surface (horizontal structure of plains and pits), (Quasta, slant structure), (folded structure, mountains) - Important factors of transfer - Climate domains - Forms caused by , climatic differentiation of forms, shapes in humid climates (valley landscapes in completely humid climates, Karstic forms), group of cold humid forms, group of semi-icy forms, shape semi- humid climates (refrigerated forms, moving ice, glacial forms in the continental glacier, glacial mountain forms), dry climate forms (factors influencing dry climate, Form groups in an arid climate, development of forms of arid regions). - Man-made shapes

References: - Richard J.Chorley , Stanley A. Schumm , David E. Sugden, 1984, Geomorphology (Volume II Geology) and Climate geomorphology )Volume 4), 1986 - Derruau, Max, 1991, Geomorphology of Climate and Foreign Dynamics, translated by Maghsoud Khayyam, Donya Publications - Farajollah, Mahmoudi, 1997, Structural Geomorphology, University of Tehran Press



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Climatology Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Climatologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with the Principles of Climatology

Syllabus: - Cognition of climatology (weather and climate, meteorology and climatology, weather and climatology elements, climate factors, the relationship between climatology and geography and meteorology and other sciences, branches of water science - Atmospheric structure: the difference between air and Weather, atmospheric compounds, atmospheric layers, standard atmosphere, ozone role - Radiation and its rules - Temperature - Humidity - - Air pressure and its units of measurement - Synoptic systems - Note: In all topics, practical exercises will be given in class and in the form of research. The maps and diagrams in the book will be discussed.

References: - Alijani, Bohlool And Kavyani Mohammad Reza,2008, Principles of climatology, Samt publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Hydrology Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Hydrologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the water cycle on Earth  Acquaintance with watersheds  Acquaintance with the principle of surface flow formation

Syllabus: - Introduction: Importance and necessity of recognizing hydrology science (objective examples of flood and drought and water quality) - Definitions and concepts of hydrology and its various sciences - Acquaintance with the elements of the hydrological cycle - Water balance - Cognition the characteristics of catchment areas and get acquainted with their physiographic basics - Formation of surface runoff and the factors affecting it - Factors Affecting the Hydrological Cycle and Water Balance (The Role of Human Consequences) - Environmental changes affecting water systems (climate change, land use, sewage, and irrigation) - Importance of meteorological factors in hydrology (temperature, humidity, wind) - Evaporation and Transpiration (Methods of Measurement and Estimation) - Precipitation (the measurement of and snow, types of precipitation) - Point analysis - Introduction to Regional Rainfall Analysis (Common Time Basis, and Data and Data Reconstruction)

References: - Alizadeh, Amin, 2005, Principles of Applied Hydrology, Astane Ghods Publications - Mahdavi, Mohmmad, 2001, Applied Hydrology, Tehran university press - Movahed Danesh, Ali Asghar, 1999, Hydrology of surface waters of , Samt Publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Soils geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Natural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  An acquaintance of students with the importance of soil resources, main layers, and soil distribution along with its issues

Syllabus: - Definitions and concepts of soil, Soil science and soil geography and the importance of soil resources - The primary and posterior (secondary) components of soils. - Soil processes: Physical processes, chemical processes, and biological processes of soil builders (stone, water, climate, etc.) - Soil characteristics: Quantitative and qualitative characteristics - Twelve Total Soil Classification (USDA) - Generalities of the soils in separation every continent - The vulnerability of soil resources in construction, agriculture, exploration, and energy - Strategies for reducing soil environmental damage in the fields of politics, culture, and technology

References: - Barati, Gholamreza,2017, Geography of Soils, Samat Publications - Ramesht, Mohammad Hossein, 2000, Geography of Soils, Isfahan University Press - Shukla, M. K. Lal, R. 2002. Encyclopedia of Soil Science-Air, Permeability of Soils, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. CRC Press - F. Gerrand, J. 2000, Fundamentals of Soils. London, Routledge Press.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Historical geography of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Political Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the historical geography of Iran as a geographical, historical, civilized figure in different regions and its role in geographical landscapes

Syllabus: - Basic Concepts (Historical Geography, Geographical History, Geography of History, History of Geography) - The boundaries and realm of historical geography and its relation to other sciences - Research Method in historical geography - A review of Iran's geography (Iran as a geographical figure, the ups and downs of Iran's geographical figure, border changes and relocation of capitals, Iran's geographical scope) - Iran as a historical and civilized figure (civilizations and their ups and downs, prehistoric civilizations domain and civilizations domain in historical periods) - Demographic developments in historical periods (demographic areas in prehistoric times, demographic areas in ancient Iran, areas of civilization in the Islamic era) - Historical geography of the five regions of Iran (northern coasts, Alborz mountain system, central plateau of Iran, Zagros mountain system, southern coasts of Iran) - Historical geography and evolution of geographical landscapes (urban, rural and nomadic, major agriculture, industrial, tourist) - The Role of Power and Sovereignty in Explaining Historical Geography (Government and Sovereignty of Nomadic, Rural Communities, Geographical Changes in Power and Their Historical Performance)

References: - Schwatz, Powell, 1993, The Historical Geography of Persia, translated by Kikaus Jahandadi, Association of Cultural Works and Honors - Lombard, Maurice, 2011, Historical Geography of the Islamic World, translated by Abdullah Naseri, Islamic History Research Institute Publications - Baker, Alan R.H, 2013, Geography and History (Border Link), translated by Morteza Goodarzi, Islamic History Research Institute Publications



Course Title: Environmental Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Hazards Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Natural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Cognition the types of natural and human hazards And the causes of its occurrence  Explaining the role of natural and human hazards in environmental planning

Syllabus: - Defining natural and human hazards - Acquaintance with geomorphological hazards including earthquakes, volcanoes, slope movements - Acquaintance with climatic hazards including floods, wind hazards, avalanches, frost, natural fires, snow and hail, and drought. - Acquaintance with the hazards of human intervention, dust, pollution, and leakage - Hazards with the political origin - Assessing the sustainability of urban and rural infrastructure against hazards - Preparing hazards map - Preparation of geomorphological maps of hazards urban and rural areas - Experience of endangered countries; Pakistan and Indonesia (urgent emergencies and infrastructure after the crisis)

References: - Omidvar, Kamal, 2017, Natural Hazards, Yazd University Press - Smith, Keith, 2009, Environmental hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster, Routledge Publications - Moghimi, Ibrahim, 2015, Knowledge of hazards, Tehran University Press Keller, E.A., and DeVecchio, D.E, ۲۰۱۲, Earth's Processes as Natural Hazards, Disasters and Catastrophes. Pearson - Education, Inc.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Population geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Population Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with spatial and geographical patterns of population distribution, population structure, population movements, as well as identify the impact of these patterns on the economic, social, and cultural characteristics of the world.

Syllabus: - Defining the concept, boundaries geography of population, and its relationship with other sciences - Research in population geography - Geographical basic of world's crowd distribution - Population statistics and information - Geographical patterns of global population scattering and distribution - Biological patterns of population (urban population, rural population, nomadic population) - Geographical patterns of structure and population composition - Geographical patterns of fertility, birth rate, and population mortality - Geographical patterns of population growth and evolution - Geographical patterns of spatial movements and population migration - Population and development - Population, environment and Spatial planning

References: - Mahdavi, Massoud, 1994, Principles and Basics of Population Geography, Qomes Publications. - Newbold, K. Bruce, 2017. Population Geography: Tools and Issues (Volume 3). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers - Kendall Hunt, 2013. Population Geography: Problems, Concepts and Prospects, Kendall Hunt Publishing. - Gary L. Peters, 2010, Population Geography, 1th Edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Economic geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Economical Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the concepts, views and methods of economic geography in explaining the spatial formation of human economic activities and its effects and consequences on the geography of global development

Syllabus: - Definition, concept, and nature of economic geography - Research Methods in Economic Geography - Evolution the essence of economic geography from traditional economic geography to modern economic geography - Branches and tendency in economic geography - Spatial patterns of formation and establishment of activities in the first part (agricultural) - Spatial patterns of formation and establishment of activities in the second part (industry) - Spatial patterns of formation and establishment of activities of the third part (services) - Globalization and Economic Geography - Traditional theories and spatial viewpoint in economic geography - Modern theories and spatial viewpoint in economic geography - Modeling in Economic Geography - Unequal development geography - Geography of inequality - Economic geography and changing the destiny of regional and local economies - Geography of networks, places, and economic flows

References: - Badri Far, Mansour, 2011, General Economic Geography (Agriculture and Livestock), Payame Noor University Press - Mursusi, Nafiseh and Salahi Esfahani, Giti, 2013, Fundamentals of Economic Geography - Coe, Neil, Kelly, Philip. Ycung. Henry W.C.2007. Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction, published by Wiley-Blackwell. London and New York - Wood Andrew &Sue Roberts, 2010, Economic Geography: Places, Networks and Flows, Routledge, London and New York - William P. Anderson, 2012, Economic Geography. Routledge. London and New York



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Political geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Political Geographers Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance and dominate in theoretical foundations and topics of political geography

Syllabus: - Definition and concept of political geography - History and evolution of political geography - Acquaintance with basic concepts in political geography (land, countryside, border, nation, national identity, nationalism, state and government, authority and sovereignty, citizenship and democracy, national interests and security, the reason for the existence of the country, etc) - Branches and tendency in political geography - Patterns of political management of national space (comprehensive, federal, regional) - Spatial scales Political space management (local, areal, national, regional, global) - The country's spatial political structure (borders and types, internal or national divisions, capital and political- administrative center, urban network) - State and Government (structure, mission, and tasks, managerial challenges of governments, distribution and concentration of political power in space, relations with other governments and foreign policy) - The Nation (Civil Society Structure, Political Actors, Democracy and Citizenship Rights, Parliament) - Power and politics (economics, pressure groups, parties, power relations, lobbying, international and transnational forces) - The political geography of the virtual world - New issues in political geography (globalization and governance, government loopholes, citizen participation, non- governmental organizations) - Immigration, regional crisis, environmental conflicts, cultural and identity conflicts, political genderism, terrorism and insecurity

References: - Mir Haidar, Dureh, Rasti, Omran and Mirahmadi, Fatemeh, 2013, Fundamentals of Political Geography, Samt Publications - Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza and Kaviani Rad, Morad, 2004, New Horizons in Political Geography, Samat Publications - Glassner, Martin & Fahrer, chuck. 2004, Political Geography. USA: John - Wiley & Sons, YBlacksell, Mark. 2006, Political Geography. London: Routledge



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Cultural geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Cultural geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with the most important cultural concepts and characteristics produced in the realms of civilization and related issues.

Syllabus: - Concept of Culture - Components and elements of culture - The relationship between culture and space - The relationship between culture and religion - The relationship between culture with economy and environment - The relationship between culture and progress - The relationship between culture with security and politics - Fundamentals of Cultural Geography - Research Methods in Cultural Geography - Cultural realms in Iran - Centers and territories cultural in the world - Culture and power - Exchange and interaction cultural between geographical areas - Culture and media - Culture and Globalization - Cultural conflicts - Geo culture

References: - Lashkari Tafreshi, Ehsan and Ahmadi, Seyed Abbas, 2016, Principles and Foundations of Cultural Geography, Samt Publications - Mike, Crang, 1998, Cultural Geography, Routledge Publications - Lxang. Mike. 1998, Cultural Geography. London: Routledge. Rubenstein - James. 1989, The Cultural Landscape. Oxford & ohio: Merrill Publishing Company



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Tourism Geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Tourism geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with the basic definitions and concepts of tourism and tourism geography, trends, and factors affecting the tourism industry, tourism efctive, and tourism experiences of the world and Iran and future tourism prospects are among the objectives of this course.

Syllabus: - Definitions and basic concepts of tourism, tourism concept, host and tourist community, tourism supply and demand, acceptance capacity in the tourism - Geography and tourism, tourism and natural environments, climate and tourism, ecotourism, tourism and human environments, urban and tourist environments, rural and tourism environments, nomadic environments and tourism - The trend and factors of tourism development, historical background of tourism, tourism at the present time - Tourism in the world (especially in developing countries) and Iran, travel, and tourism institutions - Tourism and transportation services, tourism and information technology and services, tourism and leisure - Tourism and Economic Development - Tourism and the exchange of cultures, tourism and government policy, tourism and the emergence of a new region - Tourism and Economic Development - Tourism and the exchange of cultures, tourism and government policy, tourism and the emergence of a new region - Sustainability in tourism, the concept of sustainable development in tourism, the assumptions of sustainable tourism development, sustainable tourism indexes, weaknesses and limitations of sustainable tourism development, sustainable tourism guidelines - Tourism and Globalization, Tourism and the Extensive Dimensions of Globalization, Tourism and the Political Dimensions of Globalization, Tourism and the Cultural Dimensions of Globalization - Tourism in the future and influential forces in the future of tourism - Hotels in the future, air travel in the future, tourists in the future, tourism products in the future, effective management in the future

References: - Bazrafshan, Morteza, 2015, An Introduction to the Tourism Industry, Mahkameh Publications - David J. Telfer and Richard Sharpley, 2008, Tourism and Development in the Developing World, Routledge perspectives on development



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Urban Geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Urban geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  The main purpose is of introducing students to the definitions, concepts, and principles of urban geography and geographical factors in the establishment and morphology and spatial structure of cities.  The secondary purpose is to enable the application of these concepts, principles, experiences, and practical examples in geographical studies, especially urban geography.

Syllabus: - Definitions and concepts of urban - Geographical factors in locating and establish in urban - City definitions from the perspective of various sciences - Urban plan and structure (radial, checkered, linear, etc.) - Urban morphology and factors influencing its formation - The texture and ecological areas of the city and the factors influencing their formation - Sustainable urban development theories - Suburbs and the factors influencing their formation - Factors influencing the emergence and formation of marginalization - Satellite cities and their study methods - A variety of models and patterns of urban development - The spatial structure of cities - The role and function of cities and classification of cities based on economic and social systems - Proportional limit of cities - Criteria for recognizing the cities from rural - Medieval cities, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and the New Centuries

References: - Hossein Shakoei, 1995, A new perspective in Urban geography, Samt publications - Farid, Yadollah, 2001, Geography and Urbanology, Tabriz University Press - Keramatollah Ziari, 2007, New towns planning, Samt publications - Hall, Tim, 2001, Urban Geography. London: Routledge.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Rural geography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Rural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Recognition of the rural as the smallest political unit, its features and developments in socio-economic, ecological and somatic dimensions, identification and explanation of the factors affecting these developments at the global, national and local levels in order to plan and develop sustainable rural development.

Syllabus: - Definition and meaning of rural and similar or related words - Definition and concept of rural geography and its boundaries and territory and its relationship with other sciences in the field of geography and beyond - History and evolution of rural geography studies - Dimensions of rural life in the world and the importance and necessity of rural studies - Physical characteristics and structure of rural settlements (macro, medium and micro) - Characteristics and social structure of rural settlements - Characteristics and economic structure of rural settlements - Characteristics and institutional structure of rural settlements - Geographical typology of rural spaces - Changes and developments in rural settlements and the global, national and local factors and processes affecting it - Changing the rural economy - Agricultural transformation and rural service activities - Rural demographic and social developments - Changing local rural communities - Environmental changes in rural areas - Relationships between urban and rural - Rural Foresight and the Future of Rural Geography - Sustainable rural planning and development

References: - Woods, Michael, 2001, Rural Geography: Processes, Responses and Experiences in Rural Restructuring, SAGE Publications Abbas, 1998, the principles of rural geography, Samt Publications وsaidi - - Fesharaki Paridokht, 1997, rural geography, Azad university publications - Woods, M., 2011, Rural, Routledge, London.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: methods of Regional planning Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - and spatial planning Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Rural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with methods of Regional planning and spatial planning

Syllabus: - Definitions and concepts of programming and planning - Area and methods of determining it - The concept of region - Types of area - Physical divisions of the region - Area determination methods - Numerical method of weighting - Flow analysis method - Attraction analysis method - Regional Planning - Definitions of regional planning - Regional planning goals - The need for regional planning - Regional planning position - Principles and rules of a complete regional program - Regional planning strategies - Spatial planning - The concept of Spatial planning and its dimensions - Spatial planning Objectives - Trends and challenges of Spatial planning - The role and position of Spatial planning at the national, regional and local levels - Spatial planning and strategic planning - Regional planning background and Spatial planning - Schools, Perspectives and Approaches to Regional Planning and Spatial planning the World and Iran - Experiences of different countries in regional planning and Spatial planning - History of regional planning and Spatial planning system in Iran - Analysis methods in regional planning and Spatial planning - Regional accounts and data table



- Methods of determining the degree of development of the region - Combined Indicators of Human Resource Development – Numerical Taxonomy Method - Population analysis methods - Demographic forecasting methods - Regional economic analysis methods

References: - Ziari, keramatollah,2014, Principles and methods of regional planning, Tehran university press - Seyed Ali Jozi and et al, 2014, Principles of land use planning & regional planning, Iran Agricultural Science Publications - Kasaiy, Mitra and Ghaderi, Mohammad Reza, 2015, Land use management, Darkhovin Publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Reading Map Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Cartographer or GIS Specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Acquaintance geography students with the basics of map reading and working with geographical maps

Syllabus: - Concepts related to the shape and dimensions of the earth, ellipsoid, geoid, giant circle and latitude and longitude - Types of coordinate systems in geographical maps - Types of north and azimuths on maps - Scale in Map - Measurement methods on the map - Coordinate system - Techniques of marking and symbols on the map - Types of maps - Topographic maps

References: - Yamani, Mojtaba, 2014, Principles of reading map, Tehran university publications - Mehdinejad, Mahmmod, 2010, Reading map in Geography (recognizing and reviewing topographic maps), Jahad Daneshgahi Publications



Course Type: Course Title: Credit Number: 2 Prerequisite Courses: Basic – Theoretical and Mapping Mathematic 1 Practical Instructor: Practical Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 48 Mapping specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: Course Objectives:  Introducing the main methods of mapping and surveying to the students

Syllabus: - The introduction of map, mapping, surveying and main definitions - The methods of scaling and conversions, functional surveying classification, types of maps in natural resources - base levels, measuring instruments, map and geographical coordinates, different types of angles angels and distances and their units and measurements in flat and rugged terrain, benchmark - methods of leveling, introducing and learning all types of direct leveling, reciprocal leveling, stadia leveling, mistakes and errors in leveling - longitudinal and transverse profiles, surface survey preparing plan and calculation of area in different ways, measuring and drawing polygons - Different types of geodesy and theodolite geodesy, methods of measuring area, introduction to related software.

References: - Mahboobfar, Ahmad, 2009, Applied mapping, Arkane Danesh Publications - Nowbakht, Shams, 2008, Mapping, Elm o Sanat publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Biogeography Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Natural Geographers Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the concepts of biogeography

Syllabus: - Definition and appliance of biogeography - Ecosystem - The process of production and consumption in the ecosystem - Material cycle in ecosystem - General principles in the diffusion of fauna - The principle of competition - The phenomenon of sequence and climax - Biologic Type - Types of flora coverage - Humans role in changing the diffusion of fauna and flora

References: - Nayshaboori, Asghar, 1995, Biogeography. Samt publications - Asakareh, Hossien, 2015, Fundamentals of biogeography, Zanjan university publications. - Ghorbanli, Farideh, 2010, Biogeography, Samt publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: The basics of remote sensing Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Mapping

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Remote sensing specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  An introduction of students with the basics of remote sensing and the principles governing the process of remote sensing

Syllabus: - Principles of Satellite Imagery - The Basics of Physical Optics Governing of Remote Sensing - Sensors of Remote Sensing - Types of Remote Sensing Data Errors and Methods to Reduce them - Principles of Visual Interpretation of Satellite Images - Perform Preprocessing for Images - Primary Processing of Satellite Images - A Review on Satellite Data Applications - Doing class projects

References: - Principles of Remote Sensing, Seyed Bagher Fatemi and Yousef Rezaei, Azadeh Publication, 2016 - Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Seyed Kazem Alavaipanah and Moslem Ladoni, University of Tehran Press, 2012. - Principle of Applied Remote Sensing: Satellite Image Processing, Ali Akbar Rasouli, Tabriz University Press, 2008.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Fundamentals of Geographic Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical The basics of remote sensing Information System (GIS) Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 GIS specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  An introduction of students with the Primary Fundamentals of Geographic Information System

Syllabus: - Definition the GIS and its History - Components of Geographic Information System - Data Types in The Geographic Information System - Descriptive and Graphic Data Structure - Resources and Methods of Providing Spatial Data - Topology and its Types - Preparing data for inputting to Geographic Information System - Data Base Management System and its Role in Geographic Information System - Introduce basic analysis in the geographic information system (Buffer, Network, Overlay)

References: - GIS from a Computational View, Rahim Ali Abaspor and Mina Khalesyan, University Publication, 2012. - Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Seyed Kazem Alavaipanah and Moslem Ladoni, University of Tehran Press, 2012. - Application of GIS in Urban and Regional Planning, Ali Akbar Rasouli, Tabriz University Press, 2012.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: The basics of computer Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - programming Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  GIS and remote sensing Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  specialist Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the basics of Computre Programing

Syllabus: - Computer basics - Programming languages - Computer Mathematics Principles - How to maintenance data on a computer - Algorithmic - Flowcharts - Program structure and programming instructions - Conditional structures - Rotational structures - Functions - Arrays

Reference: - Dehghan, Ali, 2012. Learning the basics of computer and programming in C ++ language.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Geomorphology of Iran (1) Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Geomorphology

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Geomorphologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Cognation of various forms of Earth's surface in Iran  Understanding the processes involved in the formation and development of various forms of the earth's surface  Application of process and forms in manage environment and spatial planning

Syllabus: - History of geomorphology studies in Iran - Situation of Iran in Alpine- Himalayan folded belt - Basic lines of natural features and geomorphology of Iran - Geologic units and constructions of Iran - Important faults of Iran - Iranian Geological event during the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Periods and Its effects on Iranian Geomorphology - Local morphotectonic units of Iran - Current morphoclimatic areas of Iran - Geomorphological units of Iran - Pluvial lakes in Iran

References: - Moghimi, Ibrahim, 2014, Geomorphology of Iran, Tehran university publications - Zomorrodian, Mohammad Jafar,2001, Geomorphology of Iran, V. 1, Mashhad university press - Rajabi, Masoomeh and Bayati, Khatib, 2011, Geomorphology of northwestern Iran, Tabriz university publications - Negarsh Hossein and Khosravi, Mahmood, 1998, Generalities of Geomorphology of Iran, Sistan and Baluchestan University Press - Alliy Talaghani, Mahmood, 2001, Geomorphology of Iran, Qomes publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Climatology of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Climatology

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Climatologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  An acquaintance of students with the features of Iran's climate

Syllabus: - External factors and general air circulation - Neighborhoods factors and this effect in Iran's climate - Controller factors of Iran's climate - Spatial distribution of Iran's climate - Air pressure analysis in Iran - Temperature analysis in Iran - Humidity analysis In Iran - Climate areas of Iran

References: - Alijani, Behlool, 1998, Climatology of Iran, Payame Noor University Press - Masoodyan Abolfazl, 2006, Climatology of Iran, Isfahan University Press



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Population Geography of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Population Geography

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Population Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  An acquaintance of students with the demographic characteristics of Iran as a geographical Figure by different regions and its role in the formation and evolution of geographical landscapes

Syllabus: - A review of Iran's geography as a geographical figure - Iran's demographic position in the world - History and evolution of Iran's population during the time. - Spatial distribution of Iran's population and its geographical patterns - Habitation patterns of Iran's population (urban, rural, nomadic) - Population spatial mobility in Iran (temporary relocation or migration) - Geographical ambits and regions of Iran's population (spatial zoning methods and criteria in population geography) - Five regions population geography of Iran (northern coasts, Alborz mountainous region, central plateau of Iran, Zagros mountainous region, southern coasts of Iran) - Environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions of geographical distribution and population evolutions in Iran - The perspective of Iran's population - Population and development geography in Iran

References: - Javan, Jafar, 1390, Geography of Iran's Population Jihad Daneshgahi Publications - Nazari, Ali Asghar, 2011 Geography of Iran's Population, Payame Noor University Press - Amani, Seyed Mehdi 2014, General Demography of Iran, Samt Publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Economic Geography of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Economic Geography

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Economic Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar: 

Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the geography of quantity and quality and the evolution of various economic activities in Iran as a geographical figure by different regions and its role in the formation and evolution of geographical landscapes

Syllabus: - An overview of the geographical foundations of Iran's economy - Assessing Iran's environmental capacity for a variety of economic activities - Agricultural activities - History and evolution of agricultural activities in Iran (farming, horticulture, animal husbandry, and poultries, beekeeping, forestry) - Geographical Distribution Patterns of Agricultural Sector Activities in Iran - Exploitation Systems of Agricultural Sector Activities in Iran and Its evolutions - Position of Agricultural Sector in Iran's Economy - Environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions of agricultural activities in Iran - Industry activities - History and evolution of industrial activities in Iran (mining, industrial products - handicrafts, workstations and factory industries, building) - Geographical Distribution Patterns of Industry Activities in Iran - Exploitation Systems of Industry Activities in Iran and Its Transformation - The position of the industrial sector in Iran's economy - environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions of the activities industrial sector in Iran - Service activities - - History and evolution of services in Iran (transportation, trade, higher education, tourism, public and social services) - - Geographical Distribution Patterns of Services Sector Activities in Iran - Exploitations Systems of Services Sector Activities in Iran and Its Transformation - The position of the service sector in the Iranian economy - - Environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political dimensions of services in Iran - Regions and ambit of Economic Geography of Iran (Criteria and Methods of Economic Geography zoning) - Five regions economic geography of Iran (northern coasts, Alborz mountainous region, central plateau of Iran, Zagros mountainous region, southern coasts of Iran) - Economic Geography and the Transformation of Iran's Residential System (Urban, Rural, Nomadic) - Economic Inequalities in Iran's Geographical Space - Economic Geography and the Future of Iran's Development



References: - Motiei Langroudi, Seyed Hassan 2015, Iran's Economic Geography (Agriculture, Industry, Services), Third Edition, Mashhad University Jihad press - Faraji, Abdolreza, 2012, Economic Geography of Iran (Agriculture) Payame Noor University Press - Asayesh, Hossein, 2012, Iranian Economic Geography (Industry, Transportation, Energy) Payame Noor University Press



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Political Geography of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Political Geography

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Political Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  An acquaintance of students with the structure and elements of Iran's political geography as the cognitive basis of space management and political organization in Iran

Syllabus: - History of Iran's name - Causes of existence and survival of Iran's country - Spatial structure and national identity and the continuation of the Iranian government In the historical context - Iran's geopolitical position and spatial relations with its surroundings - Geopolitical capabilities and bottlenecks of Iran - Land, biological foundations and the feeling of patriotism and territorial affection - The structure of the Iranian nation (etymology, social and spatial structure) - Convergent and divergent forces in Iran - The Political culture of the Iranian nation - The government in Iran (evolution, structure, and system) - Political Space Structure (Administrative Political Center - Borders - Country divisions) - Political power distribution patterns (Structural distribution - spatial distribution) - Political Role of the Iranian People in Political Processes (National and Local) - Study of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

References: - Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza (2006), Political Geography of Iran, Samt publication - Mojtahedzadeh, Pirooz (2005), Small Actors in the Big Game, translated by Seyed Abbas Ahmadi, Moin Publications - Mojtahed Zadeh, Pirouz, 2006, Boundary Politics and International Boundaries of Iran. Florida: Universal publisher Boca Raton



Course Title: Type: Prerequisites Courses: Credit Number: 2 Urban Geography of Iran Basic-Theoretical Urban Geography

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Urban Geography Specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Familiarity of students with the concept of city and geographical factors affecting the emergence and development of Iranian cities And the characteristics of the city and urbanization of Iran in the past to the present. Syllabus: - Definitions of the city and the course of the historical evolution of the city and urbanization in Iran - The history of the city and urbanization and its characteristics in ancient Iran until the arrival of Islam with emphasis on the physical, social and economic structure of the city - Characteristics of the city and urbanization from Islam to the Pahlavi era - Characteristics of the city and urbanization of the first and second Pahlavi eras with emphasis on land reform, the effects of oil, the political economy of space, comprehensive and detailed plans on the cities of Iran - Characteristics of the city and urbanization during the Islamic Republic with emphasis on urban land policies, government subsidies, public sector policies and housing sector policies and the urban planning system of Iran - Quantitative and qualitative models and methods of studying and analyzing the urban network and urban hierarchy of Iran - An Analysis of the Role of Government in Urbanization in Iran Criticisms and Facts - The Effects of Globalization on the Structure of the World Urban Network and Iran - Differential urbanization and its adaptation to Iran's urban network - Theory of urban regime and regulation of urban policies in Iran - Future research and judicial regulation of Iran's urban network based on existing master plans (National and regional land use planning plan, national and regional physical plan, metropolitan area plans, etc.)



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Rural geography of Iran Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Rural geography Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Rural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Familiarity of students with the geographical dimensions of rural life in Iran and the course of its changes and changes in line with rural planning

Syllabus: - Definition and meaning of village and similar and related words in Iran - The evolution of different types of villages and rural settlements in Iran - The history and evolution of rural education in Iran from its inception to the contemporary period - The role of natural and human factors in the formation of rural settlements in Iran - Typology of rural settlements in Iran - Geographical zoning of rural areas of Iran - Characteristics, structure and physical-spatial of rural settlements in Iran - Characteristics, structure and economic and living of rural settlements in Iran - Characteristics, structure and social and cultural of rural settlements in Iran - 10- Characteristics, structure and social and cultural of rural settlements in Iran - Classification and functional of rural settlements in Iran - In the rural development of Iran, ICT plays the role of new technologies such as - The role of new technologies, including ICT in rural developments in Iran - Futurism of rural life in Iran - Planning and Sustainable Rural Development in Iran - Summarize and draw conclusions from the topics of the lesson and introduce new perspectives

References: - Masoud Mahdavi, 1377, An introduction to rural geography in Iran, Samat Publications. - Hassan, Hossaini Abari. 1383 An approach on the rural geography of Iran. Esfahan of university Publications. - Afrakhteh, hasan, 1393, rural geography of Iran. Samat Publications. - Taleb, Mehdi. 1376, Rural management in Iran. Tehran of university Publications.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: The environment and its rights Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Familiarity with environmental law, the place of the environment in Islamic teachings and environmental fines and penalties.  Familiarity with environmental laws and regulations, with the human environment and the natural environment.  Familiarity with International Environmental Agreements

Syllabus: - Preliminaries and definitions, Environment in various sciences. variety of environments (Natural and man-made: Forest & Rangeland, Cities and villages( , Structure and environmental function, - Environmental study methods, environmental economy, Environmental Protection, Utilization of natural resources laws, Restoration laws, Expansion laws, International Conventions and International laws of natural resources management, International Environmental Law, Environmental rights of a healthy society, Environmental rights and its gaps, Public Participation Policy and Government Oversight, Definitions & main concepts, Natural resources organization, Implement national and international environmental laws, Human rights and the environment, Environmental law in the Qur'an,

References: - Mostafa Taqizadeh Ansari. The law of environment in Iran .P, Samt - Abdollahi, Mohsen. Mashhadi Ali. Faryadi masoud. Air protection rights’, Mizan Legal Foundation.



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Entrepreneurship Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Entrepreneurship Specialist Scientific Trip:  Workshop: Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basics and concepts of entrepreneurship and the course of its historical developments, as well as various theories and perspectives on the relationship with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. Also, various models and factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship, global experiences in this field and the role and position of the government and public policies of entrepreneurship are other goals of the course.

Syllabus: - Definitions, basic concepts and nature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship - The evolution of ideas and concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship Typology - The difference between entrepreneurship, job creation and business - Different theories and perspectives of entrepreneurship - The concept of opportunity in entrepreneurship and the place of human and natural resources in creating entrepreneurial opportunities - The concept of entrepreneurial ideas, operationalization and the impact of the environment on it - Entrepreneurial Patterns and Models and Human and Environmental Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurship Process - Entrepreneurial Challenges and Entrepreneurial Issues - The role of government in the development of entrepreneurship and policies affecting the entrepreneurial process - Global experiences and analysis of Iran's situation in entrepreneurship with emphasis on geography

References: - Ahmadpour Dariani, Mahmoud, 2004 (Fifth Edition) Entrepreneurship Definitions, Theories, Patterns, Pardis Publications - Ahmadpour Dariani, Mahmoud and Moghimi, Seyed Mohammad, 2006 (Third Edition) Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Farandish Publications - Audretsch, David B., Grilo, Isabel and Thurik, Roy. Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy. UK: Published by Edward Elgar in Association with the Max Planck Institute of Economics, EIM Business & Policy Research



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Study of World Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Political Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the issues of political geography of the world and its different regions

Syllabus: - The nature and realm of the political geography - Spatial scales: tools for recognizing political geography - The relationship between politics and space on a global scale - Natural Geography of the World: Introduction to World Political Knowledge - Recognizing the continents of the world - World studies on macro-geopolitical theories (Hartland, maritime power, Rimland, aerial superiority, to enclose, etc.) - Population and World Studies - Economic and World Studies - Politic and World Studies - Environment and World Studies - Colonialism and World Studies - The state of war and peace in the world - Political, military and economic zoning in world studies - Globalization and World Studies

References: - Zaki, Yasharu Valighalizadeh, Ali, 2006 Spatial Scale in Political Geography (Concepts and Theories), University of Tehran Press - Warwick E. Murray, 2006 Geographies of globalization, Routledge London And New York - de Blij, Harm,2009, The Power of Place: Geography, Destiny, and Globalization's Rough Landscape - Moshiri Seyed Rahim, 2009, Generalities of Continents, Qomes Publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: General Geology Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical - Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Geologist or Geomorphologist Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Cognation stones and minerals and how they are formed  Recognition of constructive, geological time and orogeny

Syllabus: - Introduction (Earth in space and earth formation) - Cognation minerals - Types of stones (sedimentary, igneous And metamorphic) - Construction earth and earthquake - Historical Geology - Sedimentology and sedimentary environments - Orogeny and volcanoes - Geology of Iran - Geology maps

References: - Sedaghat, Mahmoud, 2014, Geology for Geography, Payame Noor Publications, 12th Edition - Alaei Taleghani, Mahmoud, 2016, Geological Basics, Qomes Publications, 3rd Edition - Rezaie Moghadam, Mohammad Hossien and Moaeid Mohsen,2010, Geology for Geography, Tabriz university press



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Water Problems Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Hydrology Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Natural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with the geography of water in Iran  Acquaintance with water issues and its causes

Syllabus: - Introduction and importance of recognizing water issues - Temporal distribution of renewable water resources - Demand and water supply - Water quality and ecosystem health - Flood and drought - State of water consumption in the country - The effect of climate change on water resources - Water Crisis Indicators, Refalken Index - UN Index and the International Water Management Institute Index - Virtual water - Optimal water resources management indicators (water footprint, the ecological footprint of water, neutral water, water poverty) - Economics and Water Resources - Unconventional water resources

References: - Mahdavi, Mohammad (2008), General Hydrology, University of Tehran Press - Kordvani, Parviz 2007, Water problems of Iran, Tehran University Press - Shiva, v (2016), war: Privatization, Pollution and Profit, 192, P., North Atlantic Book, Reprint editin - Thompson S. A (1994), Water Use, Management, and Planning in United States, Academy Press



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Mathematics for geography (2) Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Mathematics

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Mathematician in Geography Scientific Trip:  Workshop: Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with the principal and basic concepts of mathematics in geography

Syllabus: - Review of history, definitions, basic principles of mathematics includes(set of theories, relationships, and functions) - Limit and Continuity - Derivative and its application - Vectors and matrices - Determinant - Graph Theory - Line fitting

References: - Toumanian, Ara, 2014, Basic Mathematics for the Earth Sciences Collection, Tehran University publications - Asakereh, Hossein, 2015, Preliminary Mathematics for Geography, Samt Publications - Sheidfar, Abdullah, 2007, Engineering Mathematics, Dalfak Publications



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Environmental Changes Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical -

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Hours: 32 Natural Geographer Scientific Trip:  Workshop: Laboratory:  Seminar:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance students with environmental changes and its effects on geomorphology  Acquaintance with environmental change tracking methods  Acquaintance with environmental change assessment techniques  Acquaintance students with changes environment and its causes

Syllabus: - Main Components of the earth system - Self-regulatory sovereignty, entropy, feedback- thermodynamic laws on environmental systems - Thresholds and balances of environmental systems - Study scale in environmental changes - Causes of environmental changes include: cosmic-atmospheric-terrestrial causes and solar processes - Types of theories and assumptions about environmental changes - Environmental change tracking methods - Glacial period and interglacial - Humans and new environmental changes include increasing greenhouse gases - desertification - ozone depletion by acid methods - Usage remote sensing to study environmental changes - Environmental change assessment techniques - Effects of environmental changes

References: - Ghanbarzadeh, Hadi and Behiafar, Abolfazl (2014), Fundamentals of Environmental Change, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch - Moghimi, Ebrahim, 2012, Philosophy of Environmental Change, Tehran University Press - Freedman, Bill, 2014, Global Environmental Change (Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution) 201414th Edition springer



Course Title: Credit Type: Prerequisites Courses: Statistic and probability for Number: 2 Basic-Theoretical Statistic and probability (1) geography (2) Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Relevant in statistic for Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar:  geography Course Objectives:  Familiarity with inferential statistics and relative testing, ability to run the tests in SPSS software

Syllabus: - Hypothesis testing (Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Type I Error, Type II Error, testing power, confidence interval, one-tailed and tow-tailed tests, Interpretation and approval or rejection of the null hypothesis). - T testing (t-student distribution, degree free, t-student distribution characteristics, apply t-student in hypothesis testing, - Hypothesis testing about society average (one sample test), t distribution for Meaningful of difference between averages, distribution of difference between tow average, standard error difference between tow average, t distribution for difference between the average of tow samples, t distribution for correlated groups, comparison of testing power). - one-tailed variance analysis (society variance estimation, F ratio, average comparison after F testing, assumptions of variance analysis) - chi-square testing (chi-square best fit, degree free, chi-square correction, degree free for agreed tables, 휙 coefficient, agreed coefficient). - Simple linear correlation and its interpretation, coefficient of determination and its meaning. - Regression: linear simple regression, bi-variate linear regression. - Multivariate regression (Introduction and interpretation), Assess the defaults and model efficiency and variations automated selection methods.

References - Karim Mansorfar (2012), Advanced Statistical Methods Using Applied Software, Tehran University Publication. - Zohreh Sarmad (2012), Inferential Statistics Selected Topics in Univariate Analyses, SAMT Publication. - Hossein Zare, Mohammad-Hasan Seif, Saeed Talebi (2010), Advanced Inferential Statistics, Payam-E-Noor University Publication. - Mehdi Taherkhani, Masoud Mahdavi (2005), Application of Statistics in Geography, Tehran, Ghomes Publication.



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Main -Theoretical Coastal geomorphology Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with coastal geomorphology  Investigating and studying the coasts of Iran and its forms

Syllabus: - Introduction and history of coastal geomorphology - Key concepts in coastal geomorphology - Waves, tides and sea currents - Landforms caused by coastal erosion - Coastal erosion and its types - Caspian Sea coasts - The coastal of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea - The importance of Iran's coasts from an economic viewpoint - The importance of Iran's coasts from tourism and politics viewpoint - Coastal formations based on climate types

References: - Physische Geographie der Meere und Küsten: Eine Einführung (German), 2013 by Dieter Kelletat, Translated by Dr. Mohammad Reza Sarvati, Samt Publications, Third edition, 2014, Tehran. - Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction, 2008, By Eric C. F. Bird, John Wiley & Sons. Translated by Mojtaba Yamani & Vahid Mohammad Neghad, Tehran University Publications, Second edition, 2013, Tehran.



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Climatic geomorphology Number: 2 Practical Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Understanding the structural and climatic processes and forms of the earth's surface  Application of Geomorphological Studies in Environmental Planning and Management

Syllabus: - Definition of basic concepts and terms in geomorphology (slope, Thalweg Line, crest line, erosion, lithology, land structure, characteristics of horizontal and vertical landforms of the earth's surface, etc.) - Internal processes that change the surface of the earth (mountaineering processes, epirogenic movements, volcanic manifestations, etc.) - External processes that change the surface of the earth (physical, chemical and biological weathering - soil formation and geographical dispersion) - Structure landforms of the earth's surface (horizontal structures: plains, flatlands and holes - inclined structures: cuesta - folded structures and mountains). Important factors of transportation. Climatic regions. - Landforms caused by climate change. Climate differentiation of landforms. - Landforms in humid climates (valley landscapes in completely humid climates, karstic landscapes) - Landforms in humid cold and semi-humid cold climates (glacial landforms, moving ice reactions, glacial landforms in the continental glacier, glacial mountain formations caused by glaciers) - Landforms in arid climates (factors affecting arid climates, Landforms in arid climates, development of Landforms in arid climates) - Landforms resulting from human activities

References: - Amir Ahmadi A., and Ebrahimi M., 1974, Fundamentals of Climatic Geomorphology. Samat Publications, Tehran. - Richard J. Chorley, Stanley A. Schumm & David E. Sugden, 2000, Geomorphology (Vol. IV). Translated by Dr. Ahmad Motamed, in collaboration with Dr. Ebrahim Moghimi, Samat Publications, Tehran. - Mahmoudi, F., 1997, Climate Geomorphology. Payame Noor University Press. Tehran.



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Entrepreneurship in Type: Main -Theoretical Number: 2 Urban Geomorphology geomorphology Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Understanding the concepts of employment and entrepreneurship  Explain the role of geomorphology in job creation and entrepreneurship

Syllabus: - Concepts of employment and entrepreneurship - The role of geomorphology in employment and entrepreneurship - Creativity and innovation methods - Methods of financing and managing it to create a business - The idea of a new business in geomorphology - New business plan - Acquaintance with business laws in Iran - Communication and negotiation and entrepreneurship networks - Familiarity with successful and unsuccessful experiences in geomorphology - Gain practical skills for designing, creating and developing a business in geomorphology

References: - The resources of this course will be introduced to the student at the discretion of the supervisor according to the idea and creativity and the labor market.



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Geomorphology of Iran (2) Number: 2 Practical Geomorphology of Iran (1) Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Recognition of active morphogenesis systems in Iran  Understanding major landforms in the field of geomorphology in Iran

Syllabus: - History of Geomorphological Studies in Iran - Tectonic processes affecting landforms in Iran - Dynamic processes and unbalanced factors in Iran - Climate change and geomorphological changes of coasts in Iran - Climate change and changes in the end basins in Iran - Landforms caused by catastrophic events - Landforms resulting continuous processes in Iran - Exceptionalism in Landforms in Iran - Geomorphic processes and forms and its effect on the formation of settlements in Iran - Loess's deposits in Iran - Indications of Quaternary glaciation in Iran

References: - Moghimi A., 2012, Geomorphology of Iran. Publication of Tehran University, Iran - Zomorodian, M. J., 2002, Geomorphology of Iran. Volume 2, structural Processes and External Dynamics. Publication of Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran - Alaei Taleghani, M., 2005, Geomorphology of Iran. Qoms Publications, Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Mapping Geomorphology Number: 2 Practical Mapping Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Introduce students to a variety of maps, geomorphological maps, and topographic maps  Enabling students to prepare geomorphological maps in different ways

Syllabus: - History of Geomorphological Maps - Preparation of geomorphological maps - Specifications of geomorphological maps and its difference with geological maps - Symbols in geomorphological maps - Symbolic elements in geomorphological maps - Display the unevenness of the earth in terms of process and form - History and nature of geomorphological maps - Pillars and information of geomorphological maps - Steps of preparing geomorphological maps - Tools for obtaining information from geomorphological maps - Identify land features from topographic and geological maps, aerial photographs and satellite images - Drawing and interpreting geomorphological maps of a catchment

References: - Ramesht, M. H., 2005, Geomorphological maps (symbols and permissions). Publication of Samt, Tehran, Iran - Yamani, M., 2013, Geomorphological maps, methods and techniques. Publication of Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran - Smith Michael J., Parron P., Griffiths J. S., 2011, Geomorphological mapping methods and applications. Elsevier



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - River Geomorphology Number: 2 Practical Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with River geomorphology  Investigating and studying the Rivers of Iran and its forms

Syllabus: - Basic concepts in river studies - Hydrological cycle - Types of runoff - Factors affecting the hydrology of catchments - Physiography of catchment basins - Morphometry of river canals - River flow characteristics - Characteristics of sediment transport in the river - River classification (pattern, flow, etc.) - Forms of excavation and congestion of the river - Effects of human actions on river systems

References: - Hosseinzadeh, M. M. And Ismaili, R., 2015, River’s Geomorphology, Concepts, Forms and Processes. Publication of Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran - John S. Bridge, 2008, Rivers and Flood Plains, Volume One, Dynamics and Processes. Translated by: Mohammad Hossein Rezaei Moghadam and Mehdi Saghafi. Samt Publications, Tehran, Iran - Richards. G., 2005, Rivers, Forms and Processes of Alluvial Streams. Translated by: Karim Soleimani and Mir Khalegh Tiyar Ahmadi. Publication of Mazandaran University, Sari, Iran - Moghimi. A., 2011, Ecogeomorphology and Rights of River. Publication of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Research Methodology in Research Methodology in Number: 2 Practical Geomorphology Geography Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Familiarity with the concepts and principles of scientific research method from a theoretical point of view and practice an example of research in the classroom.

Syllabus: - Concepts of truth, research and the importance of research methods - Definition of basic concepts (science, theory, scientific law, reasoning, variable and its types) - Scientific research - Fields and properties of research question and hypothesis - Determining the study area and outline the research - Data (general types of resources, methods of collection and sorting) - Generalities methods and techniques of research - Generalities methods of data processing - Generalities of Pluralization and Conclusion - Design and practice an example of a research plan - Design and practice an example of a scientific report - Reference methods (standard for inserting sources and references in the text and the end of the research)

References: - Mahmoudi, F. And Moghimi, A., 2004, Research Methods in Natural Geography, Geomorphology. Qoms Publications, Tehran, Iran - Taylor B. and others, 2006, Research methodology, New Delhi: Prentice, Hall of - Drew D. & Goldshider N., 2015, Research Methods in Hydrogeology of Karst. Translation: Mehrnoosh Ghadimi, Ebrahim Moghimi and Arash Malekian. Publication of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Main -Theoretical Karstic Landform Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance with karst formations  Understanding karst landforms and related processes  Investigating the role of karst formations in environmental planning and management

Syllabus: - Minerals and rocks of karst - Erosion in karst lands - Karst landforms in small and medium scale - Karst landforms on a large scale - Classification of karst formations, genesis and Their geomorphometry - Karst springs and their characteristics - Management of karst regions - Hydrological flows in karst rocks

References: - Drew D. & Goldshider N., 2015, Research Methods in Hydrogeology of Karst. Translation: Mehrnoosh Ghadimi, Ebrahim Moghimi and Arash Malekian. Publication of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran - Saadollah, W., 2015, Geomorphology of Karst. Publication of Sahra, Iran - Behniafar, A. And Ghanbarzadeh, H., 2015, Geomorphology of Karst. Publication of Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran - Frod D. & Williams P., 2007, Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology Wiley. England



ram Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Main -Theoretical Hillslope Geomorphology Number: 2 - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaintance of students to Hillslope geomorphology  Acquaintance of students with Hillslope movement’s and the causes of their occurrence  Acquaintance of students with the dangers of Hillslope movement’s and its study methods

Syllabus: - Fundamentals and principles of Hillslopes and the need to study them - Components and types of Hillslope - The mechanism of occurrence the Hillslope movement’s - Factors affecting the occurrence of Hillslope movements - Important methods in classifying Hillslopes - Vegetation behavior in Hillslopes stability - Principles of zoning risk of Hillslope movements - Models of zoning risk of Hillslope movements - Managing and reducing risk on Hillslopes - Formations sensitive to Hillslope movements in Iran - Introducing prominent Hillslope movements in Iran

References: - Moradi, M. R., Mohammadi, M., Pourghasemi, H. R., 2012, Hillslope movements (mass movements) with emphasis on quantitative methods of analysis and occurrence of landslides. Samat Publications, Tehran, Iran - Shariat Jafari, M., 1996, Landslide (Fundamentals and principles of sustainability of natural slopes). Sazeh Publications, Iran - Bromhead E. N., 2005, The Stability of Slopes. Taylor and Francis Group. 2nd edition - Glade, T., Anderson, Malcolm G., Crozier & Michael J., 2005, Landslide hazard and risk. John Wiley and Sons - Bryant, Edvard, 2005, Natural Hazards. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Application of GIS in Number: 2 Practical Fundamentals of GIS Geomorphology Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Geomorphologist or GIS Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Specialist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaint students with how to implement geomorphological issues in GIS environment  Acquaint students with one of the GIS software

Syllabus: - Generalities and Applied Concepts in GIS - Acquaintance with the types of databases in GIS and its applications in geomorphology - Types of spatial interpolation methods - Information management system and its applications in geomorphology - Digitizing topographic and geological maps - Creating and converting coordinates in the GIS environment - Geomorphological information layer production operations - Spatial analysis of geomorphological data in GIS environment - 3D analysis in GIS environment - Types of analysis models - Design and implement a weighted or logical model in the GIS environment as a practical part - Applications of hierarchical models such as AHP as a practical part

References: - The reference is introduced to the student by the lecturer.



Program Title: Course Title: Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Credit Type: Main – Theoretical and Application of Remote Sensing Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Number: 2 Practical (RS) in Geomorphology (RS)

Instructor: Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Geomorphologist or RS Hours: 48 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Specialist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Teaching methods for using remote sensing techniques in identifying forms of unevenness and methods for monitoring its changes

Syllabus: - Geomorphology and its feasibility studies from science of remote sensing view point - Multi-spectrum, thermal and radar sensors - Principles of working with remote sensing data in identifying forms of unevenness - Visual remote sensing and monitoring of Landform changes - The resolution of terrestrial, temporal, and spectral to identify and monitor landforms - Thermal sensors and their application in identifying the forms of unevenness - Applications of satellite imagery classification in geomorphology - Applications of analysis of the main components in geomorphology - Applications of filters in the identification of lineaments and the forms of evaporative formations

References: - Alavi Panah, K., 2006, Remote sensing and its application in water and soil studies. Publications of Tehran University, Iran - Alavi Panah, K., 2006, Principles of Remote Sensing and its Application in Natural Resources. Publications of Tehran University, Iran - Ramasamy, S. M., 2005, Remote Sensing in Geomorphology. Springer



Program Title: Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Course Title: Credit Type: Main -Theoretical Application of Geomorphology in Urban Geomorphology Number: 2 Environmental Planning Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Acquaint of students with the physical bed of cities and the role of geomorphology in reducing the biological problems of cities

Syllabus: - Environmental issues of cities and its relationship with geomorphology, viewpoints - Geomorphology of the physical bed of cities and controls the shape of cities - The role of geomorphology in the physical development of cities - Investigation of Geomorphological Barriers to Urban Development - Urban Geomorphology and structural landforms - Urban geomorphology and bedrock - Urban geomorphology and Hillslope processes - Urban geomorphology and flow processes - Geomorphology and urban floodplains - Urban geomorphology and coastal landforms

References: - Moghimi. A., 2013, Urban geomorphology. Fifth Edition, Publication of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran - Rostaei, Sh. & Jabbari, A., 2013, Geomorphology of urban Regions. Samt Publications. Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Environmental changes and Type: Main -Theoretical Number: 2 - Techniques of Assessment Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Familiarity of students with environmental changes and its effects on geomorphology  Familiarize students with tracing methods and environmental change assessment techniques

Syllabus: - The main components of the earth system - Domination of self-regulatory, entropy, feedback, thermodynamic laws on environmental systems - Thresholds and balances of environmental systems - Studies scale in environmental change - Causes of environmental changes include: cosmic, atmospheric, terrestrial and solar processes - A variety of theories and hypotheses about environmental change - Methods for tracing environmental change - Glacial and Interglacial Periods - Humans and new environmental changes include: increasing greenhouse gases, desertification, depleting the Ozone layer with acid gases and ... - The use of remote sensing science in the study of environmental change - Environmental change assessment techniques - Effects of environmental changes

References: - Ghanbarzadeh, H. & Behniafar, A., 2007, Sources of Environmental Change. Publication of Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran - Moghimi, A., 2012, Philosophy of Environmental Change. Publication of Tehran University, Iran - Haggett, P., 2006, Geography A Modern Synthesis. Volume 2. Translated by: Shapoor Goodarzinejad, Samt Publications, Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Type: Main -Theoretical Applied Hydrology Number: 2 Hydrology Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  acquaintance with regional analysis of hydrological parameters  Introduction to discharge measurement Methods  acquaintance with water quality

Syllabus: - Regional analysis of hydrological parameters (method of preparing isohyetal map) - Hydrometric Concepts (Water Measurement) - Measuring the content of stagnant water and water reservoirs - Volumetric flow measurement - Measurement of water velocity by floating volume method and speedometer ruler - Measurement of water velocity by using Current meter and cross-sectional levels - Water discharge measurement by speed method - Experimental methods for estimating velocity and discharge of water - Measuring discharge using Flume - Drawing the discharge rating curve and its application - Types of Dubai Indicators (Daily, Maximum Monthly, Minimum Monthly, Special discharge, Annual Maximum Moment) - Hydrograph - water quality

References: - Alizadeh, A., 2003, Principles of Applied Hydrology. Publications of Mashhad University, Iran - Movahed Danesh, A. A., 2003, The hydrology of the surface waters of Iran. Samt Publications, Tehran, Iran - Goldscheider, N. & Drew, D., 2003, The research methods in Karst Hydrogeology. Translated by: Mehrnoosh Ghadimi, Ebrahim Moghimi & Arash Malekian, Publications of University of Tehran, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Application of Geomorphology Type: Main -Theoretical Number: 2 Geomorphology of Iran (2) in Environmental Planning Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Form and process analysis  acquaintance with the application of geomorphology in environmental planning  acquaintance with the application of geomorphology in environmental management

Syllabus: - Philosophical foundations of the application of geomorphology in environmental planning - Principles of Environmental Planning from a geomorphological point of view - Investigating the role of geomorphology in intensifying and reducing environmental hazards - Application of geomorphology in the construction of dam sites and its stability - Evaluation of the role of geomorphology in soil erosion and fertility - The role of geomorphology in the creation and quality of resources (plasters, aggregates, metal deposits, etc.) - Regional analysis method based on terrestrial systems - Systematic analysis

References: - Rajaei, A., 1993, Applied Geomorphology in Planning, and Regional Development. Qomes Publications, Iran - Moghimi, A., 1999, Application of Geomorphology in Planning. Samt Publications, Tehran, Iran - Yamani, M. And Gorabi, A., 2017, Geomorphology and Environmental Engineering. Rasad-e- Elm Publications, Tehran, Iran - Ramesht, M. H., 1996, Application of Geomorphology in Planning (National, Regional, Economic). Publications of Isfahan University, Iran



Program Title: Course Title: Credit Type: Main -Theoretical Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Morphotectonic Number: 2 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Instructor: Hours: 32 Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Geomorphologist Presentation:  Course Objectives:  Understanding the relationships between surface processes and tectonic processes of the earth  Understanding the models for the evolution of tectonic landscapes  Recognition of active tectonic zones based on geomorphological evidence

Syllabus: - Recognition of tectonic factors - The effect of tectonics on the evolution of unevenness - Geomorphological evidence of activated tectonic - lineaments and faults and their geomorphological results - Neotectonics and related evidence - Active tectonics and landforms of river - Geomorphological evidence of active tectonic in the end of basins - Tectonic hazards

References: - Keller, E. & Pinter, N., 2016, Active Tectonics: Earthquake, upheaval and landscape. Translated by: Abolghasem Gorabi, Entekhab Publications, Tehran, Iran - Pourkarmani, M., 2012, Morphotectonics. Publications of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran