foatt 3Ineg PAGE FOUll SAN JOSE, CAL1F., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932 Huy a 11.inquet San Jose, Cal. Subs. Hate, $1.00 I% tole They 1.w.! ftttro Toilrgr Oititts l'er Quarter Injuries Handicap Spartans InToday's Batik A LIBERAL COLLEGE PUBLICATION

21 SAN JOSE. CALIF., TuEsi).\ N', eercentage Basis LACK OF MATERIAL WILL Varsiy Determined VOL. NittEli 2'2, 1932 No. 31 California Varsity Meets S. J. HINDER HOOP TEAM Being Used to Rate TITLE HOPES to Cinch Conference

P. M. told Title at 4 again Sacrameo F. W. C. Standings Soccer Team Monday, nie , ir has turned San Jose Spartans Win F.W. C. Championship Slate's rank among the San Jose AGG1E WIN WILL GIVE S. J. '111, so.,1 ,, Old up their would take particular delight in EMIR' HY. BARACCHI superior basketball teams of the 041.11,1 vitiTt.AL CINCH ON 1932 soccer season next Shout:ix, trouncing the Bears, for purely TO SEE ACTION IN FIN F. W. C. is to be seriously threat- FIRST PLACE when they play the University of platonic reasons. CONFERENCE GAM California al 4:90 1). in. on the ' Coach Willker hopes to have his ened during the coming season, if the line-up for stip- , According to all reports the San Carlos street turf. According .,.ipples back in many ardent Spartan hoop Last night. after a brief By Crushing Victory Over Call Aggies, 19 -1 , -game dope and by keep- the final encounter. In the last point system of tabulating team to the pre porterNare correct in their pre- out on the San Carlos Wee" ing one ear to the ground. the , rev,. games he alvrays has been Cosich Dud DeGroot standings in the Far Western season predictions. bundl,,1, contest promises to develop a big- , without the services of one or way thirty oild gridders into a hu. Conference is taboo. This year :more regularm. Walker has a "Tough sledding," is the Sales Re -Open; Sixty-Nine Caplain'.s Champions game emnplex, for two reasons. set off for Sacramento, %vie, Extra splendid of reserves coin- Hovey C. NIclionalti, Stade basket the conference is to be figured on First. the two teams are fight- group Spartans will ',wet "Clap' , present non’t is a percentage basis. ing to keep out of the cellar, ' ing along, but at ball mentor, replied to the ques- mey's California Aggies fie, Tickets For Eleventh Annual the varsity which in itself is worth arguing , able lo volt-mete with tion of how he thought the locals noon in another one of If the point system were being men about. Seeondly. the Spartans would slack up against Far West- "croocial" Conference till, used this year the Spartans would Turkey Feed ern competition. gles which have featured !I. Now Obtainable to be on the top rung be a cinch "With Chico, Nevada, and the Jose schedule to date. 1 :is they of the Conference ladder California Aggies certain of pow-1 Injuries and sickness , play every team in the league, and girls' Sports Spartan Spasms erful teams with complete fives of , the Spartans from attainina Dud DeCroot Urges 400 Will Enjoy mammoth Benjamin Gould To By Dorothy Deehman as yet are undefeated. On the Ity Sturdock and Bishop four-xear men, and Fresno and 1 maximum strength as the, . Banquet; Faculty Men percentage basis of figuring the _ Pacific reported to have obtained,' this all -Important final , Support of Final Lead Ali-College star players, the outlook at State t ence till. Charlie Ilaracilit San Jose team is in line for a tie With only eight girls left in fin It's a case of everything to gain Will Entertain is not too prontising. The Spar- tar first string end, has beer with Nevada. running, the women's tennis tour and everything to lose this after- tans will occupy the position of with the "flu" all week, aat Game on Saturday Services Tomorrow With the sale of the rew re- All Conference teams, with the nantent has advanced to the thin , noon. If the Spartans emerge vic- the unknown or dark horse of the' resull. does not feel quite 1, maining tickets for the twelfth exception of Chico State, engaged Interest is at a high peak torious or even tie the Aggies the circuit. although he will be able FUER-SAN JOSE WILL PLAY MAI.E QUARTET FEATURED round. annual men's turkey banquet ex- in football tussles over the week- George Embury, signal ,,,I1, i II ,RITY GAME FOR EI.KS IN NOON MEETING AT and matches are being heatedly least they can get out of the con- Approximately six men of last tended until six o'cl(wk tonight, end. Pacific and State were the halfback, reinjured the ( 11111STMAS FUND LITTLE THEATRE contestetl. ference is a tie for first place. On small's varsity squad tire available the final plans for the dinner, only ones to turn in wins. the other hand, if "Crip" Too- this year, but only half of this t whieh has retarded hiin matches which will be IttId tonight in the Following is the list of Koch, By Dud San Jose 20, Marin J. C. 0 mey's boys win, San Jose State number were flrst string men last early %poison, in DeGroot Tomorrow the leader of the the third wonten's gym, are being brought which will comprise will drop way down the list, their season. Contrary to former years vveek. and will be unablit If there is "Frisk Freddie" Bennett, dimin- a time of the year to a close by the co-chairmen fur chapel service is the Reverend round: percentage rating falling from the Spartans hick material for po- very di action. Jilt when the words utive halfback, was the spark - "Peace on earth, the affair, Bill Jones and Harry Benjamin Gould of the First Con- Hawley. 1.000 to .1169 because ties do not tential dead eyes. The team will War halfback, is rivoverin. mod will to plug of the San Jose State second- Kay Berger vs. iClin all mankind" should Krytzer. gregatinnal Church, San Jose. NIr. count in percentage standings and rely on team work to get them un- a severe attack of the tx, mean sonitthing. Xmas is that stringers, scoring touchdowns in Lillian O'Hanlon vs. Alice VllIl This year real turkey will be would give the ent "flu" and has not Gould has acquired broad and second quarter such a situation der the basket for short shots." Me. This year the San Jose Elks both the flrst served in place of the proverbial reaches of experience through Spartans two wins and a loss. The first flve al present is built gained lip-top form. I , ham invited our undefeated Spar- of the game with Nforin Junior Ruth Adams vs. Dorothy 'Fur- creamed turkey of the past itennett injured his .1,, le football team to participate in travel and life in many Califor- College. Shortly after the game around Slathiesen at center, vzho "feeds," and there will be an ner. the Marin game and 1, slims Charily Fund football started, San Jose by means of Today'x game in Jack Wool's shows promise this season Or u%. of other food to bal- nia communities. tie has lived in able to participate ,, abundance short passes. worked the ball Helen Bing vs. Kay Grass. last Conference contest. Let's ing his 6 ft. 4 inches ni great all- finite be palyed al Spartim Fresno, l'ulare, and Oakland be- I k ance the menu. All third round matches must hope it's one of his greatest. The ,antage under the bucket. 1.10..! work this week. 911110n Saturday. November 26. down to the ten-yard line. where of fore coming to San Jose, and I he ready today, how, ,, Reg College of Ogden. The consists Big Jim Griffiths, running inter- be played off by Frittax. Novem- S'partan backfield ace certainly brandt and George lake care of ['tall, Kazarian, substitute wild nitmbers of the Iota Sigma Phi. knows other parts of the west as ference and Bennett. carrying the ought to receive all-Conference the defensive duties and have 'waken invited and has arcepted ber 18. most of the wed, Me the cooking is being done lo well. pigskin. went into paying terri- mention this year. three years experience heltinol spent invitnlion the Spar- health cottage with an al, Dowdle of the Home-Making tory standing up. A short pass, them. "Red" !fugue, last year's' ing in this flnal MIMIC of the Mr. Gould's early life was spent And now for the volleyball out of Ite partment. who will be aided lo Peterson to Bennett. scored the , Gold star. and Captain Country- and is definitely local 'mason. Our team, roaches in England, where he educated semi-finals! In the Nionday-Wet1-1 Dee Shelitanian turned in his Tau Delta Phi. The Spartan second touchdown in the second num, hold down the forward , struggle. aid managers are i relawly hap- under privalt tutors. 'rhis is un- nestlay group, the Winnows, cap- best ball -carry ing performance to Knights who have for the past quarter. Assistant Coach Bill , date season in prattice this, berths. Hague is a fast floor man t The remainder of P to have the opportunity 1,, do- usual to Americans who attend Wined ilV Vivian Walden, led the this twelve years been serving at these ill AO. !WIWI`, site their Thanksnising %;WItii1111 Hubbard, who handled the team.' stort. wins week. If he keeps the good work 1 and Countryman's fourth year of ready universities arranged on the class- league With a of three 10 Preparation dinners will continue the good sent the first string into the fray up, the Aggies are in for a bad basketball promises to be his 1101/111 that they can for this game, , r plan, and gel comparatively to only one loss. The Volleyettes reme, work. Ntr. Eckert will have with 9 minutes to play. Taking afternoon. best. The rest of a squad of 25 the heights which I, although we are lookingt little of the personal contact with Eleanor Vervaecke as cap- forward charge of the entertainment, the ball on their own -0 yard Inc men are fighting for positions, them thus far in their we,' I() the game itself we are' available under tutors, or even tain, rate second place, with a f,,r which will be presented by the the regulars v,.orkeil the ball That Del:root hat: no illusions and an influx of football men soon 'Conference crown. more interested in the verY the small seminar, its in our grad- two lo two score. 'Itte Battling new faroll, members. straight down to a s,.ore. will raise the prospective out- 'rhe starting line-ups (ause to which all of th, work for the higher degrees. the field Babes, under the leadership of in regard 10 the Aggies is evi- nate I xliately idler the kickoff the denced by the strenuous practice look. follows: Proceeds of the game will be 41.. With this lien background he has Agnes Walden, come next with nated. into scoring territory SAN JOSE CAL \ acquired a thoroughly accurate ball was put Lucille Barnes' String Beans in of the past otteek. The first scheduled game is Alumni Banquet Will on a "sleeper" by the Spartan's Hubbard (c) liEl. II is the hope of Prof. C. C. Cid ' nk owledge of leading v.airld prob- the cellar position. with Menlo J. C. al San Jose. Jan- 1 hell one Evening, best Iffiwking half, Dee Sheldon- The Sacramento) Municipal Sta- uary 7th, and the Spartans open Sinioni It'll. of ()ter own (mill!) Be Held This hails such as reparations, war await' Wes ey tut Hubbard. w 0 aS 1.0eil a gi eat leader members. ion. Shehtlinian laying out along dium, scene of today's battle, has the 12. W. C. play January 1811, at t Hornbeck ItGl. who is in complete debts, the Manchurian trouble. besides one of the outstanding ends of Far Western Conference. In tilt. Tuesday-Thursilay will be held the sidelines unnoticed took a been the setting for ninny previ- 1:tillege of Pacific. Whitaker C tholle of the game, that clost An Off, in.,' dinner and many national perplexities in- group there is a tie for first place WE Claire Hotel bonus. pass from Wool for a gain of 30 MIS Spartan athletic contests, in- ISsinelluilt I.Glt will In. raised on the game, tonight at the Sainte cluding the prohibition, between the Skeeter!: with Phyllis Tentative MIMICS during the Eli, Alumni yards. After two line plunges , Buehler 111..IT:1141 "an cent of widen will go to by the Santa Clara County tax. political party and other Jasper as captain, and Lids cluding the occasions v,then they Christmas vacation are being ar- Scores Twice in First Quarter Jack Wool carried the ball over 441PlY Xnuts food for fill` Ilel`11). Club, an organization composed problems. NIr. Gould holds the State copped the Conference track ranged with the University of Or- t Francis Lloyd's Scats. Each team has D. ' Inds State College a brilliant for San Jose's final score. crown in '311 and '31. ' Moore Q community. The price of of former San Jose advantage of being two wins. Ituth Lawrence's Vita. egon and San Diego State, both of stela 1 Dieu ItIll. S, is $1.00, although the studtnts. speaker. and especially appeals to To Cinch Final Conference Contest Nevada Dumped hy O. C. ers and Intern' Smith's Spiortim. whom are barn -storming the ' Elks Slithtanian 1.1111 "'V thoughtfulls. offert.t1 to admit Robert lihodes, WhO WHS for- ethneece.aliber of the vollege audi- Holding the University of Ne- idles are in the third and fourth The Men's Miser, scheduled for stale al that time. Noll Wool I: %Jose students with stutitnt merly student body president. and Scoring twice in the first quar- fore the game was 5 minutes old. vada Wolfpack three times with- positions. Decomber I. ix a step in the right Last season the gold and white is in kolY cards for 5o cents. There is now president of the club, A special male quartet furnishes ter on lightning-like offensive Wool returned an Aggie punt 12 in the flve sated line during the direction and fulfills a long felt anti " eagers won five lost five in chicken/ sill be absolutely no tompittient- charge of the festivities. Musical this pre- again in the years to his own 32 yard line. ' need on the campus.'s ell a the musical setting for strokes, and once flrst half the Sin Francisco Olym- Anti does it pay to belong to get t the Conference and the previous i0 have been liekets. The price of minds- and dramatic numlwrs Thanksgiving All College Chapel. fourth ptriod as the result of a Arjo slashed out 19 yards for a pic Club were able to hang up n behind it PM per cent. sear trophy itillitnlinnntitir.enii" Oen tIte lllll iing Club! Yes, 1,11- WI/11 the without op- not only admits to the arranged for. Coach "Dud" De -4)-- sustained 60 vard drive. Coach first down on the Aggie 49. Two 13 to 11 victory over tht Wolves. game. other party. 'rhis time it was held posit ion. lel assures it good Xmas dinner Groot will speak. as also Leon Jose State line plays yielded but n yard. and Winntrs in th, , ,,1 ,11. LOST Dual Deliroots' San Fred Schliehting, former Cali- at the home of Clarice Preon An added incentive to the foot- -- 4. at least of the associ- a ii, two people. Sla I Warnike, president Spartans assured themselves of at OH third down Wool tossed fornia star. scored for the Club in ! ball squad this afternoon will be Rye tvt.nts the Alameda last Tuesday evening Drowning the blue card sor- 49,141 to every shithnt in the t ated students. least a tie for the Far Western' short pass to lambkin Bud Hub- the Iti gain place among those fa- Crawl, Ruth N.' An Observation and Partici- second quarter. plunging over after the regular swimming club Ante, who ean possibly scrape' l'he rtseption committee Is Conference Football! Clutmpion- I bard who faded out of the reach rows vzas the object of the usual crawl. Clarice l' pation Syllabus containing a fr the three yard line. In the meeting. A delicious supper con- vored OHM Whl I W i II kept in together that Mr. and Mrs. Itobtrt Toom-I backs and raced un- mid-quarter swiminle held a vreek ,h, ,, half dollar to lour- headed by work, between ship by defeating "Crip" of two Aggie final quarter. Flores, end, ran 45 training for the Weber game. did (xhibition dome a Leonard whole quarter's sisting of tried squab on toast, Tuesday from Ilse to eight ticket and come to the t Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. ey's California Angles 19-7 at , molested 45 yards to a touch- stunts to score. Green, Kny Grass. I., the entrance to the College and anti everything that goes with it. game. 1 Perry Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Sacramento last Friday. down. Woors place kick was o'clock. All girls in the swim- Lev,th Gusky. Bell) I Sixth and San Salt ador. Name Fresno State Loses Again ended Willi big red apples. WIli1.11 We notice that the San Fran- The N1r. and Mrs. wide. ming classes and all others who Mardell ' Weber team is a splendid :Joseph Hancock, is Margaret Greu- Not even rotowded a chance for, ' risco Call -Bulletin Pat Itrandon. Mrs. nn Syllabus Fresno State lost its Armistice were eaten in front of a huge fire it, waging a have be n in wevious Tp,t Inidgers lam. Moore. Mr. and the outset of the sea- The second Spartan tally came 1(1.11:11rliki.A. tili,tritn,sin, . Alice 'Continued on nig. Finder pltase return to the title at Day inter sectional clash with the place. Ruth Adams entertained campaign to hose Stanford re. Poke Three) t Darrel Solgwick, Dr. and Nies. two later. Unable to were invited. Games, relays, a Times Office or Lost and son, the Spartans have risen frotn n minute of VVitshburn College of Topeka, the group with stories of beliefs turn to their traditional red ler. Arthur Curtiss, Sir. and kick-off, the tug of war that lasted for ovi.r Frederick Found. Reward. the lowest to the highest rungs of advance Hubbartri Kansas, by score of 26 to O. tin ghosts and burglariesdun, Nem It w ill he interesting to Hee owing Th an ksgi Cheelnult. Mrs. Marion 47 five All-Amertrai, v ng Mrs. J s - Conference tinnier in the Aggies punted out to their own minutes, and rivaled the "A zizzling cation Va. the Fresno was completely v..ould you believe illshe went if this suggention will be acted the meeting of the made 5 and Wool out- l'rosli-Stiolt fracas. racing, nnil ( *rower Cox. 0111,e short span of one season mainly ytard Arjo to 111111 that she 11/111 been ' upon. of thi the Alumni Appointment played by the Washburn team. home tshibilion (living were features of Inj3itnisintifonw:ili’ZieinPnit Science organization Ninny other members through the inspirational tutelage , followed with 2. Then Dee Shth- litiv.retroitt he and at die Hon.! Sainte Claire. A leaders of the Central Confer- robbed! It wasn't a joke, either. Hall: , postponed Thursday. alumni. prominent in student aitil DeCiroot. 1 tannin took the ball on a reverse the tvening. no: %Olga. Seton expected to at- of a new coach, Dur .11111 We certainly hope Built gels Forilliat ecemher 1, 1932. serve tin the record crowd is ence. The Washburn line pushed pole, linth Adams, Dorothy Horne, Lootola; lapustas, See bulletin faculty nffairs, will Jose touchdown and swept around the Mustang board for tend. and an entertaining evening The first San the Fresno tram all over the her things linek. Beth Frientiuth Pat Ittaintion Cornell: /t1t further. announce- rect.ption committee. Four) 1 After the swimming part of tht lies Zorella, ment. all. c with startling swiftness be- (Continued on Page of Those attending may be mittle at is promised to fiend Fresno's only nunals the Swl llllll ing Coisky, Gertruilt Keturi. swiiiiiiii, was finished 64 of lilt ' Pomona: :11111 Zif111111T111311. Reservations making yardage was by way ot Club Preon's were: Alitte Txson, f., party at Miss Eleanor Clarke, and Inn girls who, participated in tin ; -a 111:1 i 111,14.1i./! wi,l,l...i 'Luepke long passes. I Miss Coail Tucker, Lucile Stack- Lydia Innes. , water front., Weill to the liote 111111111.

SAN JOSE, CALIF., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER '2'2, 1932 PAGE THREE James Fitzgerald. Eskimos Have More Ribs Editor m:::..kazto, Irwin Is Guest Dr. Barry, Prof. Pagr #tate Tollrgr Otturs Jerry Than Off-Campus Dance Newby 'Charity Came Will Meeting, Any Other Speak at Freshman at Junior Human Being at Hotel De Anza Bring Together Two Ihn Jose Champions! Orientation Far Western Conference Just Among Ourselves Leads Class in Songs The male of the species, among Is Great Success Conference *tail' Tolley (Tutus this team that will go down in , F res I amen orientat ion, I ii I i I Champs Far Weslern Conference Champions! soppori or the Eskimos, at least, seems at NoteThis l'OYTRESS GIVES SPEECH Thursday in the Morris Dailey Businese Managers college's history. columm is kip,. nit. last to be WILLIAM TOW'NER HEADS,' Bill Towner Harry Jennings year this was an impossibility and ' our OF THE gelling back the extra auditorium, WEBBER TEAM IS TEN TIME Last thr ..d aim.. ON OUTCOME COMMITTEES FOR was marked by a var- Phone Ballard StLili rib Mai Athim is suid CHAMPIONS OF ROCKY We W011- "Buddy- Leitch and Joe Custer have tar requeste.1 not to ELECTIONS to have lost lied program, and numerous an- Tim*. Ofire today it iS 11 reality. have had a Nuke DANCE MT. CONFERENCE San Jose Slate l'ollege osoltriol. when Eve was created. nouncements of interest to the Ballard 111111 made thi Iiiwnspeople conscious or the filet (ler year because of a N'OilliCr tenni. il won- speeches students as a whole. Niiiigs were sung, Dr. F. D. Stewart, the Smith- The Stale College off-campus Editor Jim Fitzgerald a Support state didn't have an ordinary team, (Continued from Page One) der coaching staff, and wonder that Ntost rcimirka songs introduced anal sonian Institute announced, has dance last Friday at the Hotel de Dr. Goddard expressed his re- Managing Editor Dick Sanders made, new aggregatoin and alvalys puts up a. from the student body. and the support coming as a result of this ble sci Lis found that the "lost rib" is coin- Anza proved to be the high point gret at being forced to reprimand Scent FAUN Clarence Nau all in all the Juniors had a won- wonderful game. They leave for Editor Grace (Miner ing back among some in a quarter of the class for their unseemly be- Society publicity has stirred the student body and orable breaks Eskimos. social events at Honolulu for a Xmas game with Desk Editor . Thelma Vickers ivain w,ni out f Pacific game derful lime at their meeting last havior and discourtesy on various Auociate Editors Richard Hughes. Digs year, to Return of the 25th rib appar- the college under the leadership Hamilton its team I,) [heir best efforts I() prove that the 17111, in the Island champs, sailing the Marguet Frank in the position of the conference 'under- judge Thursday. November ently indicates that of the Student Affairs committee. occasions, and asked that they try laser, lis,,,i from an evolution is Wednesday after our game. 1)eGroot and San Jose Shift. is deserving of this support. room 1 of the Iiiime-Nlaking The dance, (tioyi(snizeonie future urges for row- Circulation Manager Dorothy Vierra dogs and fought for the school overheard con still at work in the human race, which was insti- The footbal men whom you see rinses Office .. San Jou State College building. gated by and through with a win. The Times can never say enough to versatoto at ihe the Institute said, and that the Leon Warmke as part of around the quad this week sport- Erwin, popular young a program for more vollege Numerous student announce- Special Writers its appreciation to 1)tillrotit, Hubbard, Aggie game Jerry human body is not so established activ- ing lite handsome royal. blue MacQuarrie San Jose Slate realized the possibilities show Dr. T. W. "This I) ti 1, soloist and director of the Nlen's as scientists had thought. ities, was ably handled by the ments were made, and Mr. Men- and the Spartan gridsters for what sweaters with the gold and white Holliday of this team, and for the first lime itt his- Illia, was the guest of the Student Affairs chairman aa.3(1 denhall, at member of the Speech Faculty Adviser Dr. Carl much. N. Glee Club, 25th rib is giving more Bill arm stripes are the lucky tnem- tory came out to support it one hundred they 'ha% e accomplished. wasion. Through his efforts the 1 owner. Arts department, asked that any Published every school day. except Mon- viola c'd lick 'um, .4 chest abdomen space to the hers of the squad who through Asisordated Students of San led in college songs. The Cox Brothers' orchestra, boys who are interestot in one- day. by the percent. (*might with Iht. team and is largely They have worked long and hard. They eatight 'um when class was individuals in which it appears. their consistent season's perform- JINNI State College. which is playing at all noon act plays see him promptly, as he responsilile for our tirst Far Western Cham- fintglit. and have fought cleanly. and look in". Caught From:: and Pla The lust part of the program Whether nature has deviated thial ance have been invited to play in Entered as a ueond elms matter at this dances gratis, canu through has an opening for three boys in fis came way. Even us turned over to 1)1'. Poylress. Eskimos need more chest esion- with the V3'eber game. Because our vis- San Jose Nobel's. pionship. have won. it nine-piece band -act play. thought the3 wais goin' to ,.IIhe Social Science department . for the price of his forthcoming one itors will have a limited squad we Subscription peke, NW per tangle, Town papers also have rallied the \\loll mato. for tiny leant. seven, in order to insure the best Miler can be said easy." llon't know what the !au. college, who gave a micas+ whether the extra rili "aied Dr. Barry gave a brief explana- have limited ourselves to 25 play- possible music at a minimum ex- Prom of Wright-Eley Co.. tastiest! chances are ! the "Outcome of the Elec. gnawed", scientists won't alleluia tion of the awards that will be ers, which will make the gaine an ,pense. N. Second St.. San Jose. California five teams "when 111,,, to say. given at the hitter part of the evener affair than it would be in The (lance lookin'." but "that was semi-formal and year for the best creative writing the event we played our entire with the Cigarette Butts THE MOVING FINGER Casanova joss causes which formal atmosphere went and poetry. squad. The sweaters were pre- a feeilng of congeniality called chance" eeriaml, among The highlight of the meeting, sented to our squad by the Elks, the seventy fortunate couples who rMuckraker People that kick about the nes% Dear Casanova: marvelous vortex in 111,, however, was, entleavor of Pro- as a tnemento of the game. By A. Bull Penner purchased bids before the saile final ssstem hand me a big patio Agate game was the fessor Newby of the Nlodern Lan- Students who may be around I am a football player and its was closed Friday in order to some Blithering Most of them seem to be objecting ha see. All safely tucka..1 guage department, to explain to school over the week-end of the We wonder 3ou know we :ire going to Ono keep the small floor from being worm because they :ire the Freshmen the difference be- 2fith-27th will render a real ser- Eaten morally opposed the first live minutes. Lint. crowded. How many hats are next week! Well. the coach has tween "alumni" and "alumnus," vice if they will place thetnselves Misguided there in to anything new. game in peace then. Many Ile SS Katy Epps' collection given me permission to visit taw and why you roll your "r's" when and their cars, if they can get son of and Willa A reasonable few favor the old some scares, but comfortidilt A Phi Kappa Pi sorority pin Adam girl friend there, but he said to lx pronouncing "La Torre." In order them, at the disposal of the coach- or daughter of are her favorite colors? Dizzy way because they enn get A's and the lime. Got my biggest . with the initials V. S. on the Eve stare and make the 6:30 train. to -put over the exPlanation in a ing staff for the purpose of shov..- has lifted Ike is curious to know. It's by intensive era lllll in the of Jerry's tackle of that mamas: back. If found please return to the our Notes Now if I do that, I won't lie able dynamic manner, Professor New- ing the Weber team and followers not only lest few days, without having to Aggie. Clear field, and puttiqi Controller's ofnee. Reward. our Notes to have a very long visit with her by told of his amusing experiences around the town and countryside. but all work during the quarter. The he had into it. Comes ley, our Books Why the Spartans have that pe- What shall I (10? 4-- while traveling through Europe. We want to make our guests con- and it's bad rest favor the old way because timid down, shoulders huaii. Enough culiar habit of playing ping-pont( NIE. His descriptions of comical ex- scious of the fact that they are to Flunk they're used to it. legs flashing. Aggic gained in the first two quarters of the Dear Me: periences while thus traveling being entertained by the people of subjects first. then JerrN's Frts because Of game before they start to play Who wants to make a train, but Joe's Sandwich Shop : were realistically punctuated by the "City That Knows Hova'." the If the object of stride narrowed the loss of Books real football? college life is then I suppose there is no ac- Is: East San Fernando St. and dr. to kW as much as possible, throw er, closer, bang! Ciro, Loubowski counting for other peope's taste. foreign phrases. and he kept the won't believe yourself into a studying mania for Jerry. True es,imple f It Why the bull pen threatens to entire class in side-splitting laughs Anyway a week and then forget nuast of to win. be the most popular spot on the Dear Casanova: during the duration of his talk. but all the Notes what you've earned, the former Thell there \vas NIrs. Jae ABOUT 1864, 35c campus? I have heard that As a farewell salute I() suc- for order is sou could No vempler Joe was read, the Muckraker best. the entire Fresh- answer almost any question. I break his neck with her 10 farmers began to growW bite Special Plate Lunch cessful team. are Gone lf, on the other hand, it is to was intro- Why the female of the species have been going wills a girl for l'inally he got the ! Meat EntreePotatoes men football squad and if those Notes give you a mastery of many stands. BurleyTobacco. A few casks ,. hssl. when done salb are encroaching the territory of three years, and she wants me to sr half soles. duced individually and collective- are the Reason things, which you have perma- and started off tackle. Good) the bull pen? Beware. loyal niarry her. TII tell you the truth, were BreadButterDessert ly to the class, who paid them a why the Books netly learned by review, if it is to grand interference. Jrw fishy: taken to the St. Louis Flindt's 'sr ’84."LiesHr.)Pc.... comrades, I see your fates. I am a little afraid of it. Would final tribute after a successful were Lifted train you steady effort rattier than twisting, plunging. The Fair in 1867 and sold for I + you marry her? liii_ season of achievement. tear out the Muckraker istermittent laziness, if it is to lx couldn't stand it any Section Have you heard of that dumb square with the person who is AFRAID. jumped up, and ran doss 58c a pound. Rinse and Wash 40e co-ed Dear Afraid: in, but have a Heart who says that a fresh guy temporarily not up to par, then the seats. hardly touching (before 12 noon, 25e) is wrapped What (to you mean by "Al- I, White Burley Tobacco is and leave the Books with celophaine? the old system has gray whiskers going to help her Joe. Permanent Wave, complete MOO Attractive most? Pal, I wouldn't marry the I, 50e back in the times Office and should be retired from active that. Webb, just credit used to make Granger. It and Dye Venus de Milo if all she had was we need Them leon Takes dots'. lady with ten of those yanls DON LUX ACADESIY, LTD. Home a perfect thirty-six. in the best pipe tobacco that Street badly very Badly and dorothy you? Ballard 717a 210 8. First for sins the registrar's Office says to junior Wilson There were moments (luring The Itadio Club On, - grows. Dear and anyway what's the Idea i had a good time Friday Chares Cooper's recital. when he Casanova: highest type of collegi. Women Students I am one of the unfortunates report You will notice the dif- you wouldn't take the Tools at the dance with frank Covello was strongly reminiscent of arranging to MRS. M. Es HALLOWELL away from a Carpenter which is harmless Enough George Arliss in "The Man Who who has to buy lingerie for the Worked fine until it la ference as soon as you light Harriet Mae Beauty Shop I..: Rallird 7630J or a Bible except that she anal Frankie Played God." Ile would have been wife. How can I best accomplish terfere with the local 40 EAST SAN .4NTONIO ST. BALLARD 7135 up your pipe of Granger. It now for from a Minister didn't show tip at the dunce To- more enjoyable had he exercised this without any embarrassment?ier. We were too stronu Make arrangements tic and because a Memory gether some of the restraint possessed by GEORGE. 'and hail to give way. burns slow cr, smokes cooler STUDENT SPECIAL $5.00 next quarter is Faulty which brings Back the character in the movie. Dear George: Combo-Hinglelle Permanent Wave A beautiful waive with we don't remember Much more memories of Frankie Don't feed me that sluff "for trle;illetel'ul.sstiZesPnstvherr:m8gnh'i and never gums a pipe. ringlette 1.1111S. A wave you can lake care of at home. of what we Had because He was ready human, though. the wife," you beast. Regardless,' antateur stations. Delayed , kay Kronkite What a savingShampoo, Finger Wave and Hair Cut included. but we can take the Space recently slated That :It the reception after the concert. I feel sorry for you sothe best hut finally came through. II,' to apologize to jack Alacgregor (rankle was too Sentimental In fact everything about the re- thing for you to do is to catch the report over to Romer We also give a free photo, 9x12, from Austin Studio. ntr. A Treat--- for tying him Up because he Tried ception was lovely. The punch the first boat to France, where by the way. where he's aM4r/rt.ta4/11144:(49 basalt, with the wrong Girl to hold her Hand was a little weak. but the cookies the ladies . It's your bill. that broken leg in the Shampoo and Finger Wave, 81.00 Marcell., MOO I and to maul Cox dear Me were fine after Alice Dixon hall Ilitehkiss. Congratulations, 1)talley. Thick, Creamy ' (who's really an Awfully and :although this man Towner blown the ants IT them. and Pope. Congratulation, . . . good Sport) (lashes about a Lot Dear Casanova: you, Captain Bud. anal Your " Milkshakes for riding him so Hard Ile seems Sincere I really shouldn't tell this, but I am very much interested in derful team. You've loo (we hope he Enjoyed because he's even gone so Far Runny Townsend is in favor of Literature and lately I have been spirsition to us all quoli. dinner at Haskel's as to take latrine Gomes having the Noon Dances in the residing quite it bit of English lit- great season. clean. high-sgr' Bernhardt's Cafe 10c with niers. MeKaye a new Find evening. erature, but I can I seem to re- courageous, fine. 2nd and San Salvador Sunday) to member the author of a certain has been ono,' church on Sunday leadership a under new managemetill and now we remenaber That although miss patricia (bandits Heard over the baek fence. book. Who wrote the '"I'ale of The whole College. tlo Illnrie Moznette Schmid "Alice, there :ire two boys here to Two Cities." SIMI lite community is in los Angeles would like to Know see you." In a primitive society HOPE. thrill. Please acrept I 15c State Special for a few Weeks if it's necessary for every Girl there would soon be only title. Dear Hope: expression from all of as and perry Stratton's who goes out with Bill The elltilidliS of our land (we be- Dickens dial. but I should have. t sincere appreviation. Soup or Salad San been having a good Time lo lake along a tooth Brush ing partly civilized) decree that We're going to miss , Hot Dinner SandwiehPotatoesGravy and speaking of los Angeles whiela can mean Anything the two fellows must appear to the campus. Ile's II 71111Sie Major Wool. You're a fine Coffee--Tesior Ntilk. Jose we couldn't help Overhearing which reminds Us enjoy each other's company, but and ought to know. When it per- You've fought for this Aliso Short Orders or Fountain Service Icon wartlike refuse to Take that we Saw the unlucky one is permitted to formed for Senior Orientation I many times under most a girl we could ito For bent bailey and a Alan dream of knives or a funeral that know it struck a lot of us ea br- conditions without a Creamery hid, ourselves to the dance Friday recently in jewelry Store night. ing organ -like. State puts out a you've taken %OUT' OPEN FROM n A. M. UNTIL 12 119 South First St. and she hail her own Bid and we don't know What lot of fine things in the musical year like the graviton:in y.011! and the only Explanation they were Buying l'he A Capella Choir. in Chet line. It is too bad so many Ntel that fine mother of Ballard 668 ' stu- Come After the Show could be those Periodi(ail but they were Looking Mason's opinion. is probaby the dents are tone deaf and can't ap- Itoi;11;,,.... Congratulations 11){11,0th . trips to los Angeles At Wedding Rings. most finished musical group on preciate them. 1" CAN DEPEND 1rN t LIGGETT & MYERS 1,1101WiT PACE FOP1i SAN JOSE. CALIF , Tup.sn1Y. NOVEMBER 22. 1932 thin Just San Jose, Cal. attend State.11Solsa Subs. Rate, $1.00 Coach DeGroot Pilots State To (Sims Title ftttr ToUrgr Ointrg l'er Quarter A. A. To Revise Wool, Hubbard, Shehtanian Score Touchdowns; Wool Voted Most A LIBERAL COLLEGE PUBLICATION Spartan Spasms Constitution Early Dim, Francis, Stellar Valuable VOL. 21 SAN JOSE. CALIF., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2.3 1932 No. 35 Whitaker Play Came By Murdock and Bishop Spaihn ass=

Next Quarter After 11 (Continued from Page One! "A S'ONFERENCE 1.11.111PION- Aggie Gamt -- left 111111 behind perfect inlerfer. SHIP!" or "From the Cellar to the IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO I `. C01,11o.i. 1,,sisii, vow for 40 yards and Ilits staoitiol limit in One Seaaon," hy Dudley BE DERIDED BEFORE CAREER IN Olilialt score of the day. Wool's kick DeGroot. No, dear children. it VOTE IS TAKEN GAME SATURDAY was good. and Ilits comil stood is not Frank llerriseell to. even the Rover boys. but actual, hon. 13-0. 3partans Meet Weber College Saturday The Wconen'it Athletic Aasocia- All Aggie rout seem,. 1 imminent est - 0-good neas fact . 11'e' II ad m i t lion plans to revise their consti- at this point, Ind the Davis lad, that there may he a string sit - tution at the end of this quarter. slanted, fincell the Spartans 'ached to it in the form of Nes ado Gorge Washington Elks Sponsor Game hut the old percentage column Economic Conference Will Several extreme changea are be- back into their OW11 territory and ing contemplated. To acquaint all penetrattal beyond the San Jose still reada Loon and the boys is Proclaims Holiday women with the various, aspects ten year dine on two occasions be sporting gold footballs prett) To Raise Money for before the half ended. soon, which ought to be enough. Be Held by San Jose State of these changes a series of letters will be written. All women are The first Aggie threat C11111l1 11, for Thanksgiving Christmas Charity asked to think about these pro-! illO tesull of it Sin Jose fumble San Jose has been in the Far COLLEGE ORGANIZATIoNS TO Through" posed change.. and if any decnion which Jones. Mustang end. recov- Western Conference since 1929. o iSTOM THANKSG IV ING Normal School Graduates CO-OPERATE IN NEN' "Smilin' Will Be Co.SCH DE GROOT EXPIXTS is reached. the W. A. A. would ered on the Spartan 10 yard line. :111.1 ill 111111 period they have, with WAS INITIATED BY Meet in Reunion on PROJECT Christmas Offering HARD BATTI,E FROM appreciate a letter to the limes Csimpbell matte 7 yards on third the advent of the present grid FIRST PRESIDENT UTAH GRIDDERS Coat h Dudley S. DeGroott expressing opiniono upon these down after the San Jose line had title. won at least one ehatnipion. November 30 Plans for a minature on campus To the Public stopped Milani twice for no gain. ship in each of the three major toplcoo. Whereas, it is the duly of all International Economic Confer- With a selected squad of 26 men Campbell's last try was no-go. high') doubtful that Ise could spools, football. track, and bas- ence are completely under way, working out daily, preparations Following is a letter from Ruth ndions to acknowledge the provi- Friends and classmates who The Christmas play, "Smilin' !flowerer, and Wool punted out of have thine more Ilian this little ketball. The Spartans annexed flnal gaine of the season Adiuns, W. A. A.: sire of Almighty God, to obey and will take place early in the Through," to be presented in the for the danger. 140-pound triple threat package. two track championships, one in were students of the "Old Nor- approximately with Webber Junior College at A question that should Ile of Ilis will, to he grateful for His spring quarter at Morris Dailey auditorium on the Nlitiway in the second quarter Carl Frazer made some sensation '311 soul one in '31. They also, look mal," when lite old wooden build- Interna- Spartan Field Saturday afternoon interest to all members, unit e benefits, and humbly to implore the same time that the evenings of December 15th and the Again: took to the air in a big pass toddles. and Joe Fiack loot a the basketball I it lo in '31, and now will are progressing rapidly. and inactive, of the Women's Atli-, His protection and favor; and ing graced Washington Square, tional Economic Conference 16th, promises to be, to say the way to threaten the Spartan goal big hand as he left the game. his 1.0111CS 1110 G101111111 championship The Spartans really found letic Association levause of the Whereas, both Houses of Con- will meet again for a festive ses- convene in London. least, a colorful presentation. a second time. Twice did Wolfe Iasi for the Aggies. in the fourth season of competi- Jack Wool, Son aosos Under the temporary chairman- themselves offensively against the direct bearing it will have on the seas have, by their joint commit- sion of rentember-when's at the The scene takes place through- throw to Frazer, once for 21 :mil ship of Harry Krytzer, last alon- Aggies, and they are hoping to reputation of San Jose State, has SAN JOSE AGGIES ti"n' . standing backfield star. . eequested me "to recommend out the play in the garden of old once for 25 yards. to bring the reunion to be held Tuesday, No- representatives carry on Saturday. Previous to arisen through the work of revis- Hubbard lel 111.1. Nlills en s people of the United States day afternoon, alustangs from their own 49 to STirdiepl:i_ghts on the Sacramento ass the most valualil, John Carteret, who has spent the ing the vember 30, at the Sainte Claire. front all campus organizations last week's game, about all that constitution of the Asso- Laughlin Frazer the 1932 Sall Jose Stat, s of public thanksgiving anti greater part of his life in sorrow the San Jose 15. Campbell ripped pledged their undivided aid to the San Jose supporters could point ciation namelyshould individual Bionbatugli r, to be observed by ac- Robert Rhodes, president of the over the death of his fiancee on off 7 to the Spartan 8. where De When the game marled. the offi- team at a banquet helot t.; furthering of the International to in accounting for their team's awards for participation in sports Frazer ,dedging wills grateful hearts Clara County Alumni Club their marriage. Some (Iroot's charges stilTened and cial census placed the occupants Santa the eve of a fighting defense be abolished? Now, a conference chattiploonship holy and signal favors of Conference project. success was great many WEL !Sense of the of the State college, is directing of the most striking stage pictures fourth down found Borba inches San Jose rooting section at in At the same lime the perma- and Jack Wool's punting ability. members will say immediately, Si lllll Flack Sacramento, foal, . Say God. especially by will be seen when his sweetheart, short of a first down. Wool's SIX (all frosh football players. and the affair and expects it to be one chainnen Things appear to have changed "Why certainly!" Why should Arnold Towne Hsi,. sling them an 'opportunity nent student and faculty her eth- punting kept the Aggies at bay most of them minus their itornia Aggie of the largest ever held here as a Nloonyeen, returns from -carry- they he shirts in for the conference were elected. hovsever. Exceptional ball abolished? Then stop to Hornbeck Oda evening. slay to establish a form of ereal life to aid hint in his mo- and confined tile play more to order to take advantage of the large number of alumni live in or Nliss Lois Larry, well-known in talent was manifested on the think for it moment, and ask Klem Page srament for their safety and tnents of trial. ling midfield for the remainder of the Sacramento sun)). However. maw the vicinity. of three backfield men other yourself again,Why Aceoriling to Coach "Os lo aippiness;" I. W. C. A. work, was elected part po should they quarter. Weisel when the The first act opens in the years third quarter rolled All 1111111SUal and worthwhile than Wool, and a brand new at- be retained'? attest Groot. who tallied the vatessit Now, therefore. 111,1 recommend almost unanimously for the stu- we be bribed The third period produced no Kazarian around our just before the war during which like oflicial counter re- program is prOmised. The prin- dent chairmanship, while Dr. Bill tack featuring the true Warner spoiled children to do some- Whitaker stop Captain Hubbard, the clwice ft assign Thursday. the 2lith to tell Kathleen, his serious threats on Ihe part oif ported thirty -live to he present cipal speakers will be the man of chairman. John decides lateral and forward-lateral passes thing thatt is going to give us Bort Beranek iota November next. to be de. Poytress is faculty either team. The fourth quarter. and accounted for faubstitute the team was practically unai modern miracles in San Jose Stale ward, of what happemol in the was brought to light. Dee Sheh- pleasure and all around benefits Spautolisia totedby the people of these States be- however, found bolls the' Spartans players, managers. time.keepera. MOUS. athletics, Coach Dudley DeGroot. garden that night, fifty years Ionian, Bay Arjo, and Joe Dieu tyway? Do we have to be Sanolhoolt 1.611 Ketterlin teo the service of that great and stalked so and the Aggies shoving twee a and thooe editing on the shady W001 Will carry s How Ise did it will be the piece de fore, when tragetly indicated that they have reached spurred on to further activity by Caralioariel Fro no. ',MIS Being W110 iti the betteti. Bids for Freshman Dance all that life tally. side not counted) which isn't NO State's' colors for resistance of Coach DeGroot's viciously to take away top form for the first lime this the mentsd image of it block Dressler aahor of sill llie stood that San Jose stowed first on si lie had %%hen you consider that the next Slatted:1y afterneer so. tsolk which will be sweet music lo had held for him. season. Any of these boys are swearer or a pill? After 1.111 Towne s that is, or that will be; that Open to All Members sill yard march. On the closing ph) game oat, played the second act then, this sprung in the open 1,1,"ellii," on Friday. Weber Collegt in the Elks' in ssiy the ears of the alumni who were In dynamite once shouldn't we be women enough 11). Wood then all unite in render- of the third quarter Shehlatoisin Note:Howie Burns had the ity vontest at Spartan Fivkl. students here in the days when of Student Body scene is reenacted on the stage and Weber's defense had better the time we reach college to go Ellithorpe . unto Him our sincere 111111 ripped off ta yards'. Then W000il original SIX making almost as . San Jose occupied the conference just as if time had flown back that keep an eye on them. out for a sporl for the sport's Framis 1E11 Bayles :,le thanks for His kind car,. passed to !lubber !Hoe 27 sifter much noise as the ultimate 35. football cellar. Also slate to The bid committee for the fifty years. Jerry Wayne, the This game is the last of the sakefor the enjoyment and sat- two previous pisivs Jones protection of the people of pool failed to ''tar'rvi'l ROSH speak on the reunion progratn Freshman Ball, to be held at jealous lover, enters the garden season, and Detiroot can now af- isfaction that to good game well gain, Mills TWENTY-FOUR snarly previous to their lie - Shchtanian added 8 noire.' The tisini's most devoted fol- will be Leon Wartlike, president of Olirien's on December 10, yester- gate in a state of intoxication ford to shoot the works. He can played, whether lost or won, is Wolfe nu a nations for the signal are and Arjo made is a flrst down on lower, known mils to most of the GRIDDERS WILL BE the Associated Students at the day opened the sale of bids to the while John and Moonyeen (Continued on Page Three) bound to bring? the O'Neil Continued on Page Four) s no ea _ 12 yard marker. Shehtaniao Illa\tI’N "111:11 10W-11(11111111 State College. general student hotly. there. In attempting o Nlans will use haa the old argument failed to gain, and then Arja lat. W111/ 11 1110 "II:1110119 111'01111e AWARDED NUMERAL two weeks, various John he kills Nloonyeen who MIL A special program has been For the past Articles that awards are a great help to- eraed to Wood who crossed 11011illttrWOrtil John by leaping in Lost and Found tho :11111 belong Res Conner anti Ed --- planned, provided by the college committees, under the direction of tried to save ward generating favorable nasal-, line Camphel I Qua Hinze Speaks on shot itemises standing up for the final DeFraga made both lite Marin Twenty -four freshmen ha departments. General Chairman Bill fowner, front of him. The Claim niscences speech and music Await Owners' of college cisias; but if Spartan score. Itiley's kick ma. ".1"'' and Sacraftmlo trips. He hasn't 11117, work (Continued on Page Four) been recommended for Sitinte Claire have been organizing their we cannot recall the good times wide. Mold:mien I.HR Bodaniticher American Tourists at Tickets for the missed a practice this year, and awards for their partio going fast. so that this aear’s ball Will COMC in Y. W. C. A. Room we had without the help of A few Alexander dinner at 6:30, are some plays later found the .Sg’11,t,c":"." vomes clear ill 1'1%1111 Willow Glen frosh football, as anises,. and go as successfully as the - small Tavernetti Globe Trotter Meetinl lieservations should be made as emblem they must not have gies on their own 20 yard line '''Ins'ulrY user). day :Into! school. previous years. Kappa Pi Plans The following names have sip- Bratty Coach Irvtin !flesh. ;sans possible at the college freshman balls itf Phi ntade a very strong impression on Nova passed 20 yards to Frazer 1..11’’’‘. as have " lime th. saserican This year, the ball, which is to !seared on articles that us sit the time. \kookiness Thi. is the first Tourists as Seen II; alumni appointment office. Late who was in the dear and olt too 1\’’,11’,’I Skinny Mathieson being forced will be given al Student Loan Fund Tea been turned into the I.ost and DeNlartini freshmen have been 1' ' s al Them." is the subject to. tinners. however, will be able to be semi-formal, In a great many colleges and the races. Ile dial not reckon still' to oar a plain. ordinary water both the Niorrish Found department, which has its on Borba 1111Y 1NP1.` lir award for l. sussed by Miss Clara Hinze tilos secure tickets at the hotel. O'Brien's, and , universities in Jerry Whitaker. Spartan center, bucket and almost m.,fley toe the stimem room 14 of the the F:ast. the I drowning Ed none,' Noventher in Court and the Pompeiian Room ihne:ienlcittistaiiritdeirnsg :in however, laso sports. .1 block 23n1, 1 Fund, a Silver Tea is Women's Athletic Associations, who caught hint from' Riley o hen that gentleman Ma. obtained. The music I.oan ,Sa presented for major arts sla one in the Iltome-Makina have been have done away with the behind on the Spartan 20 ) ard CAL AGGIES knocked cold. Cardi- planned Its the l'hi Kappa Pa sor- W. Robins. Gertrude Bre- system! a circle numeral for ties ;ling at Globe Trotters. will be of the best, Craig's Frank of individual awards line. But the Aggies were not es total First Down% ' Harry E. Warmke Is ority for December 3 at Newman Corti, Peggy Day, and find it a "36" for tio, :elements on different of-ono', nals and another dance orchestra kelbautn, Ruth be denied. O'Neill ripped 5 From Running is the numeral most successful move. V1'lly off 7 Play s 2 The Spartans blossoming out eo.lation halving been engaged to play. Mary Dyer, Lorre Eggink, Francis 3 ent group of fetish. to the reflection tl, On Stanford Faculty only be a shouldn't we of San JOSC think and Borba made it a first down. Prom Passes 5 with laterals and forward laterals oi people stre sell- 11';'111;is lea will not Farris, Antoinette Fowler, Vir Mesh hoi to gives of their previous colts a The following this over carefully and Nova passed It> Frazer for 5 and 303 Total Vards Gained 249 al critiesd times Though Coach charming and enjoyable gathering Gardner, Janet Hartniau- be among like a true War. hat is to be the main trend of the ing bids: Frank Hamilton, Bud ginia followed this with a toss to De 181; From Bunning Plass received final sanction from, Sorry I Wartlike, brother of college women but also a Jef- the flrst of the Far Western col- I 78 ner leatn. Wk. Stewart, Pat Hicks, Rita Greco, of schern, Ada Moe Hogan, ()pan athletic board, he is real. Booly President Leon, has a leges to take this forward step? 11Iartini which was good foor a 117 From Passes 171 Student toms Fl- method of raising money for ferson, Albert King. alartha Loch- No (Muhl we will hear all about Stan- C' ) Th tourhilown. De Martini kicked 17 Yards Lost 8 that his recottunendation received a position on the worths cause. The Student Loan E. Mina- Signed: The Aggie line wax all that De the group, vstoal Austin. Bids may also he ner, Mrs. Mason, Irving goal, awards vtill be accepted. who never having tra- faculty in charge of the uni- help needy RUTH ADAMS. and the count was 19-7. II Passes Attempted 27 Groot said about it. The Spar- ford Fund, which is used to han, Marion Mott, Finn Okatnoto, bel veled before. tries to assume experimental bought in the quail. Immediately after this. the 5 Completed . 111 tanSo wide Following aro) those who versity's biological students to complete their college Irene Sawyer, plays were the onest an air of Moira Peters, Spartans, with 4 Intaimpleted for sarga sophistication that in need of a Unclip composed 17 that oorked moat conaiatently , been recommended makes gardens. work, is more urgently Ermina Selby, D. Sedgwick, Al- Last week the country discussed Hiatt them humorous spectacles Sam Jost, mainly of second and third string 2 Hail Intercepted 0 with very , Captain Watson, Glover, Warntke attended money this year than ever before. Iluth Troutner, was Russia. After little ground heing aud annoying Recruits berta Stand. the discussion men, marched 53 yards to the Sto- 3 al 011.11110W1111 Bertrandias, Phatl companions. State during his sophomore year. Gillis Calls soronty with 1 picked up over the center Ciambruno, Every It is the aim of the Waterhouse, L. Wolf. real littssian tea was served, pita one who has any ac- 11S 11 debater gie 14 yard ine where they were I Comversions .. 1 ' IlithiLe Jennings, Wellty, where be won honors the support of the other sororities There are several letters, and whioh vtsts sipped quaintance with for Stage Workers through sugar when the game rooted. How It's Done Schuh, Ill Mien Hinz(' will and in the science department. Ile organizations on the any Freddie Bennett reinjured his Lompa, McAllister, again soul women's several other things without in real Russian style. Itusaian Bern:Iola enjoy her manner of speech and there San Jose played its gentles' of- Name Timea Gained Loot Ave. shoulder the second 'Meer. ale) crs, IL transferred to Stanford campus and the To Kalon, the San name, such as hats, bells, gloves cake was also served. in quarter nd interesting All students interested in slage Finland is fensive game of the year with Slielitanda 7 62 1) Valin, Hildebta sense of humor, specialized in cell structure. Ilis Club and the Cup- 111111 had to retire from the fray Bernardo, which for the Christmas Jose Women's umbrellas, pencils, etc. this veeek's country and 1 he Wool. Bowser. BM promises to be quite a treat reaulted in ad- crew work Arlo. Shehtanian, and Dien Collett 2 III 5.0 after seeing very little anion. Gregory. on unusual brilliance ertino de Oro Club to ratse funds. The Mike hours of the I.ost and group plans to play an authentie Kvilogg. the subject for show, "Smilin' Theta," are asked standing out in the backfield. and Bennett 3 3 11 1.0 discussion. mittance lit Phi Bela Kappa hon- All women's organizations ate department are from 1 te ' Ma rgalot I i. in room 165 at 12, noon, Found record of Finnish music. 'I lie Captain Hubbard. Frano.ia. sold his senior ;year. to meet this I 0 11 nal Joe Dieu made a very sparkling orary society in be a very especially invited tot attend 3, daily. countries yet to be given are: gradu- next latesday. This will Whitaker palying great ball in the Pura 4 11 0 2.7 3fi yard ron a very scrota LOST The yong scientist was Silver Ten. Holland, shortly before the The team had important meeting as the com- Spain, Ireland, Jugosla- line. Ado 4 25 and is now working the affair Tri Dell sorority pin. aome- 4 5.2 flnal gun. ous banquet after the game ated in 1931 of the crew The patronesses of via, Italy, Hawaii, Switzerland. Glawes is the plete organization campus. Finder Maitland Wolfe was the out- Dieu I 45 2 111.7 ' amounts of turkey oil in soft black leather for his Ph. 1). Wartlike will be the Mesdatz where on or near France, and the large will be made at that time under United Slates will standing man ton the Aggie team. Wool 14 2a 1 We euenS caselost 2 weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wartli- please return to Lost and Found 1 7 Esrey man who made the trip that goes with it. ago. 'WHY son of dramatic coach, bring the class back home. limos Sweet did not play but is needed. was a star stu- the !supervision Reward offered. Peterson 2 6 0 3.0 se%) action. it. Reward. Kenneth Mc- ke of this city and Qua(Crroine.tijniunend"o(ii:. Page Three) 'department. demened Cs), Ilugh Ballard 307-j4. dent at San Jose High School.