approx scale 7 0 1 km on-road bike trail E church


A L footpath Take care -

H 0 1 mile public house

busy road C option/detour R


H shop C caution needed Waterheath viewpoint

A143 Contains Ordnance Survey data @ Crown copyright and database right 2010 Take care Three Gates 4 Wood BURGH ROAD 3 8 LS RD HIL Take LEY RECTORY ROAD AN care ST staithe 2 Stanley Hills 6

Stanley Carrs Aldeby Hall Waveney staithe fishing pits River Centre Circular walk - foothpath S Alder Carrs 5 T only, no cycling. M R A iv Follow white R 1 Boon’s Heath e Y’ r W waymarkers. S R av OAD en e 1 Boon's Heath y 6 Stanley Hills - heathland resulting from the ice age, On the approach road keep an eye out that was originally used for grazing sheep. Good for birds for the Stone at Dawn. There are seven of and reptiles such as grass snakes and the common lizard. these Millennium Stonesin Aldeby parish. Overlooks Stanley Carrs - a wildlife site owned by Boon's Heath results from the ice age, when sands and gravels 4 Crossing Cottage used to house the Otter Trust. were washed out of the glacier that covered East Anglia. gatekeeper who manned the railway crossing gates. The to line ran across Aldeby Water from the glacier cut the wide Waveney valley and the 7 ticket office still exists as a sand and gravel was deposited on the valley sides and bottom. peninsula until 1954. You will see several old railway buildings along the trail. house and the yard and the sidings are now a scrap yard. This site was quarried for sand in the past. The railway ran across Marshes to a wooden platform known as the Haddiscoe High Level Station that 2 Aldeby church sits on a raised mound which may be 5 Adleby Staithe - follow the old railway track towards actually passed over the Lowestoft line and was reached an old defensive earthwork and the oldest evidence of human the river past the old swing bridge cottage. Park your bikes from the Low Level Station by a wooden stairway. settlement in the village. The church was originally shared with at the fishing pits and walk along the grass track to the monks from an old priory. Opposite the church is one of the moorings. You can see the old pillars of the swing bridge oldest buildings in the village - the former village pub. that operated in the days of steam locomotives. 8 St Mary's Church - its unusual tower was added Watch out for the azure blue of kingfishers that often fly in the 18th century. The old reverend's family name was 3 Three Gates Wood was created around an old orchard. along the river. A half-hour circular walk takes you along Boycott and a famous son became a politician whose actions The adjacent field shows evidence of worked flint that indicates the river-bank, across the marshes, up into the village, in parliament led to the introduction of 'boycott' into the the presence of prehistoric people. then back past Aldeby Hall and along the track to your bikes. English language.