Big Rapids, Michigan Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 www.fsutorch.com From students to financial coaches Going back to normal

University plans to go back to “pre-COVID” classes in fall semester

Alyssa Hubbard News Reporter

Ferris currently plans on returning to in-person classes as normal for the fall of 2021 semester. According to the FSU Re-entry Committee, "the university is actively planning to return to pre- COVID level in-person operations next fall should pandemic conditions, vaccine rollout, and other factors allow. Along with these plans, the univer- sity will remain ready, flexible and nimble with Photo courtesy of Dylan Bowden variety of academic and operational options that will allow it to pivot in any direction necessary to Finance senior Jared Prevost started his own financial coaching company after he realized there was very little financial education resources for students. continue safeguarding the health and safety of everyone at Ferris while allowing students to con- Between student loans and retirement, senior aims to help students tinue actively pursuing their education." As the fall 2020 semester began, Ferris was undergoing Phase 3 of its re-entry Plan. The goal Madison Kettlewell “The student loan crisis is a compli- veloping a strategy for how it is you’re go- of Phase 3 was to return to full in-person uni- Freelance Reporter cated issue, but I will say from a financial ing to get to that life that you want to live.” versity functions. Some responsibilities during coach perspective, there are a variety of Dime Financial services include one Phase 3 included practicing good hand washing, With a lack of courses on handling per- ways to minimize the loans you need to free preliminary consultation and three wearing face coverings and completing the daily sonal finances, it’s common for students take out and avoid the ‘bad’ loans that following sessions. The sessions are one- COVID-19 Symptom Checker. to feel underprepared when entering the have higher rates,” Prevost said. “The big- on-one consultations, currently being de- Ferris announced the decision to have a nor- financial world after graduation. gest thing that scares me is very few peo- livered over the phone. The sessions take mal return on Feb. 8, 2021, for the fall 2021 se- Keeping these issues in mind, finance ple know who their loan servicer is--many place over 5 - 6 weeks and are anywhere mester. This left many in the Ferris community feeling a mix of worry and relief. senior Jared Prevost set out to create a people have not even made an account-- from an hour to two hours each. Once Many students were excited by the news. financial coaching application to help stu- and do not know how to make payments the three sessions are finished, cli- Pre-pharmacy freshman Rebecca Bovee was one dents and young professionals answer toward their loans or really understand ents can schedule additional coaching student who felt comfortable with the idea of hav- some of these questions. what they are signing up for.” sessions. ing in-person classes again. After his sophomore year, Prevost With the help of computer information A handful of recent Ferris graduates "As long as there isn’t a health and safety decided to get serious about his own fi- systems senior Jacob Ernst and graphic have already started using the program. threat, I feel that having in-person classes next nances. But he realized along the way design sophomore Sienna Parmelee, Pre- “When I graduated, I had just started a fall is a good idea," Bovee said. "Hopefully by that there were very few resources for vost watched his vision become reality. new job. I had to figure out how I wanted then most staff members will be vaccinated, and students. The Dime Financial website, dimefinanc- to frame my benefits for that job. I’d never the university will do its best to protect everyone with the proper safety measures." “Most of my peers recognized that per- es.com, was launched on Dec. 28. had a situation where I had to think about It's still unknown whether or not everyone on sonal finance is important, but lacked the "It was a lot of research starting out a 401k, so it was all new,” marketing campus will be able to receive the vaccine be- basic financial skills and education, and and a lot of trial and error," Ernst said. graduate Emily Charles said. “He called fore the semester starts. According to the latest more importantly, didn’t have a reliable "We're currently looking at ways and strat- me and talked me through each thing.” schedule projected by the Michigan Department place to get these skills and education,” egies that we can scale up preparing for “The biggest thing I’ve liked about the of Health and Human Services, the last phase Prevost said. “I decided I wanted to cre- the future. I definitely see it potentially program so far is just how customized it of people over the age of 16 who are not at risk ate the solution, and that would be why I growing into something where we hire is,” Charles said. “It’s not really gener- won’t begin until the middle or end of August. started Dime.” more people onto our team and start to al or a one-size-fits-all approach. He really Though, others remained hopeful for the up- Dime Financial has the mission of build up a growing company that really listens to what I want to accomplish. He coming semester, including Ferris employees. "I have been looking at summer (and later fall) helping students start building wealth helps people reach their goals." keeps that in mind with the resources as the light at the end of a really long tumultuous and coaching them in the steps to do so. Dime Financial services offers two dif- that he shares with me and the advice tunnel," biology professor Karen Barkel said. "If “It’s a focus on financial education and ferent price points. The services within that he gives me.” we have learned anything this year, I would guess financial skill-building,” Prevost said. “We the two price points are the same, but Business administration graduate it is that we have to be prepared for anything. We really educate people on the important the company does provide a student dis- Cody Peterson was the first Ferris student now know we have the capacity to find solutions parts about finance, and direct them to- count. The price for students is one pay- to complete the program. to problems quickly, the smallest of a silver lining wards resources that can help them start ment of $149, or 12 monthly payments “I learned about robo-advisors, mutual for all of this." investing.” of $14.99. For professionals, the price is funds, and index funds. All things I want- There have been seemingly never-ending Another aspect of Prevost’s coach- one payment of $249, or 12 monthly pay- ed to get into but didn’t know how – Jared changes, adjustments and adapting this school year, but the university feels it's the right time for ing is helping students understand and ments of $24.99. gave me a good understanding of what all students, staff and faculty to slowly shift back to navigate student loan debt. At the end “The single best investment you can of those were and also pointed me in the the every day life they were used to. of 2020, Americans have amassed over make into your future, right alongside direction of additional resources I could "If everyone does their part to stay safe and $1.7 trillion of student loan debt, accord- with getting your college degree, is getting use to learn more,” Peterson said. “The be smart, having classes in person will surely ing to research done by the Federal Re- financial education,” Prevost said. “Get program has helped me a lot. I have start- make the semester more fun and students will serve Bank of St. Louis. started right now with investing and de- ed investing into assets that are going to feel more connected than this past school year," work for me and build my wealth.” Bovee said.

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2 News Week of Feb. 17 - 23,2021 Ferris State Torch NEWS Ry Rodriguez| News Editor | [email protected] The ins and outs of Delta 8 One carbon bond away from governmental regulation Noah Kurkjian “When we found out it [Delta 8] was legal, News Reporter it has such great properties that are stronger than CBD and give you more of an immediate In the last year, Delta 8 has taken off and effect than CBD does. So that’s how we mi- most people don’t even know what it is, if it’s grated to that,” Wasilewski said. legal or what it can do. Wasilewski still sells his CBD products but It has taken off so much so that Tom says that Delta 8 products have quickly sur- Wasilewski, owner of E-Cig Outlet in Big Rapids passed it in sales. who sells a variety of Delta 8 and CBD prod- “Delta 8 took a minute to take a foothold ucts, went from making 3,000 Delta 8 chews here because I think people had a lot of ques- a week for his stores to 190,000 a week that tions like ‘what will it do to me?’ ‘how many he’s selling throughout the world. should I take?’, but now that they’ve taken Delta 8 is a form of THC found in cannabis a couple, we passed out samples, it’s really in very small amounts. The chemical differ- picked up,” Wasilewski said. ence is that Delta 8 has its double bond on the One of the concerns being raised since eighth carbon chain whereas Delta 9 has its there is little legal regulations for Delta 8 prod- double bond on the ninth carbon chain. Essen- ucts, what is preventing manufacturers from tially, it’s one double bond different from the using the vitamin e additive in the cartridges commonly known marijuana that was legalized that people were overdosing on in 2019? for recreational use in Michigan in 2018. “Well, the government is always behind on Delta 8 has similar effects to Delta 9 THC this kind of stuff. We need proper regulations in the fact that it relaxes the user’s body, how- like warning labels, dosage instructions and ever it only gives users about one third or one ingredients list. We need sensible regulations half the psychedelic effect, according to three though, not draconian, overburdensome regu- sources who spoke to the Torch on conditions lations,” Wasilewski said. of anonymity. Since Wasilewski manufactures his own It also stimulates the user’s appetite, al- product, he’s able to control what goes in and though the sources reported that it was not for his product strong enough to make them feel hungry. “These are all-natural products. There’s However, users did report that it did help with nothing synthetic, there’s nothing added. nausea, insomnia, anxiety and mild aches and It’s not made in a lab, the worst thing they pains. [Wasilewski’s Delta 8 chews] have for you is Delta 8 is legal in 38 states, including Mich- the sugar,” Wasilewski said. igan. It was legalized under the Farm Bill of Wasilewski finished by suggesting that if 2018 which legalizes cannabis products that people were interested in trying any Delta 8 “contain less than .3% of Delta 9 THC.” How- products that they should do their research and ever, there is a minimum purchasing age of 18. purchase them from a reputable retailer and to Photo by: Cora Hall | Editor in Chief This bill covers products like CBD, CBN, Delta start with a small dose to test the waters. Delta 8 gummies sold at E-Cig Outlet 8 and other various forms of cannabis. Theater is back (kind of) Ferris theatre finds ways to continue despite the pandemic Rebecca Vanderkooi actors never met in person, rather The past couple of weeks all Despite the challenging year it await the day that in-person the- News Reporter all interaction, singing and filming the rehearsals of ‘Puffs’ have has been for LaPietra and Ferris atre can resume. were done online. The result is been happening via zoom, LaPi- theatre, they have found ways to It’s been a challenging year “The Theory of Relativity,” a musi- etra said. She and her cast and continue telling stories. They ea- for Ferris theatre, but despite the cal that is still available for stream- crew have been looking into vari- gerly anticipate the pro- unknowns, the cast and crew are ing on the Ferris website. ous options regarding the delivery duction of, ‘Puffs,’ working together to perform the “We ended up with a decent of this show to the audience. They in whatever format play, ‘Puffs,’ this March. product considering what all of us have considered live streaming they can perform ‘Puffs’ was initially perfor- had to go through (to make it),” La- among other options; however, it and they mance-ready in March of 2020. Pietra said. they have not fully decided on any- e a g e r l y However, all production was halted AJ Arechiga is a sophomore at thing. due to the pandemic just a week Ferris, he performed in the musi- LaPietra explained that one before the show. cal this fall and has been involved thing she loves about Ferris the- Prior to the shutdown, the pro- in other productions as well. atre is that it draws people from all duction was, "pretty near per- Looking ahead, there is a lot of the programs the university offers. fect,” Katherine LaPietra, the coor- unknown regarding college the- “For the four main characters dinator for directing and acting at atre. LaPietra plans to perform the of the next show (Puffs) we have a Ferris said. play, 'Puffs,' that got shut down math major, an English education When the production for ‘Puffs,’ in the spring of 2020 this March. major, a digital media major and the Harry Potter parody, had to However, the cast is not yet sure a computer services major,” LaPi- be shut down “It was heartbreak- what format the production will be etra said. ing” LaPietra said. She had been in. With all the blessings of the directing and preparing for pro- “I’m excited for the possibilities community, there has also been duction with the cast and crew for of what we can do with Puffs, and loss. In her years at Ferris LaPietra months. while I’m certainly hoping for, and said that a total of seven alumni This past fall Ferris theatre led looking forward to, in-person the- involved with Ferris theatre have by LaPietra decided to embark on atre returning in the fall, I think passed away including two former the daunting journey of creating a this show is still going to turn out students who passed away from musical via video recording. The amazing,” junior Jared Ebels said. COVID-19. Graphic by: Charlie Zitta | Production Manager 3

NewsNews 3 Ferris State TorchFerris State Torch Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 THIS WEEK IN MICHIGAN NEWS Catch up on news around the state Ry Rodriguez News Editor Capital Update state of Michigan by Sept. 17 to win games recently, losing to – a deadline set by the state’s Iowa 88-58. Izzo has credited LANSING, Mich. – Governor constitution – but not make it their struggle to Rocket Watts Whitmer released a plan to help the deadline because the Cen- leaving the game early falling generate more money for the sus Bureau will be delivering the ill to the flu. The Spartans land state without raising taxes, but data the commission needs by 10th in the Big Ten conference. to raise fees instead. Some of Sept. 30. It has been suggest- these fees will be imposed on ed the commission can seek a DETROIT – The Pistons and COVID-19 Update when a business needs to look deadline but would face push- Blake Griffon are expected to up a driving records, $11 now back from the republican legis- part ways either through a trade *CASES: 628,978 and if approved to $15, crash lature. or a buyout. This comes after reports to be upped five dollars. talks between the owner of the *DEATHS: 16,108 Some of the key changes would Sports Pistons and Griffon’s reps, they are fees for approval of operator have agreed to look for better **RECOVERED: 517,991 training from the Department of ANN ARBOR, Mich. – The Wol- opportunities for both parties. Environmental, Great Lakes and verines have kept their number *From the NYT – updated every four Energy up 233%. The total rev- three ranking in the nations top An article released by USA Today hours enue this proposal would make 25 teams after playing their first ranks the Detroit Tigers to win $27.6 annually if approved. This game back Sunday against Wis- only 61 games out of the 162- **From Michigan.gov – updated every would be added to the $67 bil- consin. CBS has stated their game season. The article ranks Saturday lion dollar budget, but state of- gameplay was rusty with Michi- them the worst team in the AL ficials said most of these fees gan being down at half, but then Central, second worst in the AL have not been increased in years bringing it back winning 67-59. overall, and third worst in the en- and the extra money would go to The last time they played was tire MLB. The prediction comes the staff who help deliver these back in Jan. against Purdue. The after the realization the Tigers services. next time they play is Thursday have been rebuilding for five against Rutgers. seasons and had a new change The independent board of voters of management within the last who are supposed to re-draw EAST LANSING, Mich. – Michi- season. the congressional districts in the gan State have been struggling

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- ON THE RECORD - A roundup of this week’s crime at Ferris State University WANTED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Burnt vegetation Ferris State Torch Ry Rodriguez search the dorm room since the 2021 - 2022 SCHOOL YEAR: News Editor smell was abundant. After sear- We are seeking an organized student (enrolled in at least six credit hours) for the Edi- Told on himself ching the dorm, the officers found tor-in-Chief position during the 2021 - 22 school year. Candidates must write well, possess Feb. 11, 11:15 p.m., officers multiple quart sized mason jars excellent leadership skills and be prepared to work the entire school year. Candidates should from DPS were doing a safety full of weed and a pipe that had be familiar with basic journalistic principles, as well as printed and digital publishing tech- check on a motorist on State some burnt vegetation in it. The niques. Qualified students can receive competitive wages for up to 20 hours per week. Ability Street that happened to be broken two students were issued minor in to work and train in April and August of 2021 is necessary. Prior journalism experience or down. After talking to the driver, it possession tickets since they both was found out they did not have were underage. training required. a valid license. The officer wrote The Torch offers a chance to work in a professional “real world” environment and the motorist a court appearance Update on “Pending Charges on adds excellent credentials to your resume ticket for driving with a suspended Big Rapids racist stalker” license. The ethnic intimidation char- APPLICANTS NEED TO SUBMIT: ge is still being reviewed by the • Resume Burnt vegetation prosecutor. In the meantime, the • One-page (typed) essay answering the following: Feb. 11, 11:59 p.m., officers student-victim of the stalker is >> Why do I want to be Editor-in-Chief? were dispatched to Cramer Hall af- thinking of dropping charges fear >> What should be the goals of a student-run newspaper? ter a RA called them with the pos- of the stalker escalating issues. >> How will I, as Editor-in-Chief, ensure that the newspaper reaches its goals? sibility of a student smoking mari- Late last week the stalker went • Copies of articles or other written work juana in the hall. After pinpointing into a local business and started the room where the smell was co- an altercation that is believed to • At least two references (recommendation letters not required) ming from, the officers asked the be racially motivated. two students if they were smoking SEND RESUME, ESSAY AND CLIPPINGS TO: in the hall. They responded with Garrett Stack at [email protected] ‘it must be from our clothes.’ The officers had probable cause to DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 4

4 News Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 Ferris State Torch Want to write for the Torch but don’t have the time every week? The Torch is now accepting freelance articles!

Pitch your story idea to our Editor in Chief, Ferris State University Cora Hall. If we like your story, we’ll send TORCH Truth, fairness and accuracy since 1931 you out to report and write and if we publish it, you’ll get paid.

Email [email protected] for more information or to pitch a story!

Noah Kurkjian with different genres to go along News Reporter with them. I love these because it doesn’t really feel like a workout, Apple Fitness+: at home With the COVID-19 pandemic but I was actually burning a few raging on, many gyms are either hundred calories for only 30 min- completely closed or are at limited utes of dancing. function, so Apple has designed Finally, yoga. These are prob- a way to get your workout in at ably my favorite, At least three workouts reimagined home, safely. times a week I’d do these just af- Apple Fitness+ was released on ter I woke up and it was honestly a Dec. 14 for iPhone 6s and later as very good way to wake up for the Apple’s new $10/month at home workout app well as the Apple Watch Series 3 day. They are most paired with or later with iOS 14.3. It cost $10 music considered “chill vibes." per month, and I have been using They range from 10 to 45 minutes takes pandemic fitness to a new level it since the launch. and usually end with a bit of mind- Apple Fitness+ is a part of the fulness training. Apple Fitness app that delivers The app is well designed with workout classes hosted by as- all of the workout types at the top sorted specialist trainers. The app and then there are the recommen- adds your Apple Watch sensory dations below that. You can also and activity data to the screen of sort by trainers if you like a spe- your workout so you can see your cific one. They add new workouts stats and progression in real-time. every single week. This is great because you don’t There are also nice competition have to keep checking these stats and sharing aspects. If one of your on your watch mid-workout. friends that you share activity data There are a variety of workouts with does the same workout, you’ll available, high intensity interval be placed on a leaderboard and training, yoga, core, strength, are able to compete for the best treadmill, cycling, rowing, dance score. and mindful cooldowns when Overall, I believe that Apple Fit- you’re done. I have tried every one ness+ deserves the $10 price it of them and my favorites are HIIT, asks. You’re able to do a variety dance and yoga. of workouts on most of your devic- The HIIT workouts range from es anywhere you have an internet 10 to 30 minutes long, with just connection. It made me want to about every paired work out. I didn’t have to wear a with them. There are a variety of mask, didn’t have to worry if oth- instructors to choose from as well er people were judging me and I with other instructors in the back- could hop in my own shower when ground giving a modified version I was done. of the workout. If you have the space, this gets The dance workouts are great a 10/10 from me. because there is a variety of dance types to choose from again

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FREE ESTIMATES North End of Town Photo by: Noah Kurkjian | News Reporter 1204 N. State St. Big Rapids, MI After workout summary of an Apple Fitness+ high intensity interval training. 592-1204 5

Lifestyles 5 Ferris State Torch Week of Feb. 17 -23, 2021 LIFESTYLES Marissa Russell | Lifestyles Editor | [email protected] Finding love in a virtual place

Photo courtesy of Alyssa Jagoda Alyssa Jagoda and Zack Banaszack pose in front of their Christmas tree. How one swipe right can change everything

Alyssa Hubbard Lifestyles Reporter ship from online dating. About one-third of Tinder users They established 10 rules total to follow when using are within the 18-24 age range. dating apps. There are both silly rules and serious ones. For example, rules #6 and #8 are “be safe” and “have She waited on the park bench, worn combat boots The reaction fun”. tapping against the cracked sidewalk. They were meet- However, rule number 3 states, “Never go on a date ing up for the first time around noon. Jagoda felt comfortable telling her roommates and without letting all the roommates know where, when and As she stared mindlessly at her phone, she heard friends about her new relationship. who the date is with.” footsteps approaching the bench. She looked up and a “I was surprised at first,” roommate Corinne McPhail “Our other roommate wanted to make sure we were familiar face smiled at her. said. “We initially joined the app for fun and didn’t plan being safe, safe for ourselves and the other roommates,” “You look just like your profile picture, so that’s a good on starting anything too serious with anyone. Regardless McPhail said. “Online you never know the kind of people start,” he laughed. of my initial shock, I was happy she was happy and ex- you’ll meet, so I liked the idea of rules. The rules applied Alyssa Jagoda, a 20-year-old college student from Ma- cited about it.” to every guy we matched with and continued to apply comb, wasn’t expecting to begin a relationship any time Finding a partner through dating apps is common until an official label of a relationship was established. soon. While messing around on popular dating app Tin- now, but explaining how she met her partner to her par- I deleted the app soon after Alyssa did, but they’re still der, she unknowingly swiped right on a man who would ents worried Jagoda. something I’ll follow because I think they’re smart.” be her perfect match. Pamela Jagoda, her mother, wasn’t sure what to ex- pect after hearing the news. Looking forward The decision “I was nervous and unsure,” Pamela said. “I didn’t like it 100%, but when I met him and realized he was nice, I Although Jagoda found her current partner through During the summer of 2020, Jagoda and her room- didn’t care anymore.” Tinder, she wouldn’t recommend others use it to find a mate were enjoying some drinks when they both agreed Pamela commented that, during the COVID-19 pan- “romantic stable connection.” to go on Tinder and have some fun. demic, online dating is “one of the only ways to meet Jagoda admitted that she got lucky finding her partner “My roommate and I had both been through some bad someone right now." on Tinder. McPhail has been using the app for a longer breakups in the beginning of Pamela told her daughter that many of her friends time and met many people who wanted “sugar babies” 2020,” Jagoda said. “I told her maybe it would make met their significant othersthrough dating apps and or sent explicit photos and videos. things easier if we talked to other people and I could some have even gotten married. She said that the ways “My personal opinion would be to go on a different practice my flirting, because everyone who knows me people meet are changing a lot now from when she was dating site or try to meet them in person,” Jagoda said. knows I cannot intentionally flirt.” younger. Mrs. Jagoda was supportive of her daughter’s “Because there were also individuals on there that did So the swiping began. It didn’t take long for Jagoda to relationship, regardless of how they met. not want what they say they did and turned out to be spark a connection with someone. horrible people, especially when they denied what they “I met my boyfriend the first day I got Tinder,” Jago- The contract wanted.” da said. “Funny thing is, it was actually the first hour of Neither Jagoda, her roommate, nor her mother trust using it and he was one of the first people I swiped on.” On Sept. 9, 2020, Jagoda and her two roommates dating apps. However, they encourage anyone who wants According to the Pew Research Center, 30% of adults decided to create and sign the “Dating App Rules for to use dating apps or currently uses them to be safe in the United States have used a dating app or website, 1269A Gang.” about it. People can meet fun and interesting people, or but only 12% of adults said they had a long-term relation- 6

6 Lifestyles Week of Feb. 17 -23, 2021 Ferris State Torch The issue with gendered marketing Events calendar Skincare, cosmetics still focused on genders WEDNESDAY Justice Kobish Feb. 17 Freelance Reporter Spring 2021 Career & In a recent Saturday Night Live skit, Schitt’s Creek Intership Fair - All Majors star Dan Levy is featured dragging the marketing be- Contact: Dave McCall hind men’s makeup. [email protected] While the SNL parody commercial was cut from air- Location: Virtual ing for time, it can still be found on their YouTube chan- Time: 10 a.m. 3 p.m. nel. More importantly, this parody commercial brings LGBTQ+ Resource Center up an interesting conversation about how products Coffee House are sold to people of different genders. The ad is for a Contact: Sarah Doherty brand of cosmetics called ManStain, which is explicitly [email protected] for men and is “totally not makeup.” Location: Virtual Even though a product can be used by any gender — Time: 4 - 6 p.m. skincare and cosmetics for example — they are often marketed towards one gender or another specifical- Black Mental Health: Sur- ly. Gendered marketing is easy to spot if you look for viving to Thriving it. Bold fonts with a black and grey color scheme for Contact: Darnell Lewis “masculine” products and bright colors or pastels for [email protected] “feminine” items. Location: Virtual “Marketing to a person’s gender not only risks alien- Time: 7 - 8 p.m. ating other consumers, but it also shows a failure by the company to mine for deeper insights about its au- Trivia Fun dience,” notes an article by the American Marketing Contact: CLACS Association. Photo by: Becca Witkowski | Torch Photographer [email protected] According to the article, gender norms and expecta- Ferris student Jorell Turner enjoying a face masks while he Location: Virtual tions are becoming increasingly blurred. Our personal relaxes at home. Time: 8:30 - 9:935 p.m. habits aren’t the thing that’s changing, but rather our perception of what is and is not for what gender. The wives. On the other side of the binary, it assumes that article notes that what people buy has largely never men are trying to attract attention of women and are THURSDAY depended on gender, but the personal interests and either household breadwinners, or athletic bachelors. Feb. 18 Gendered marketing also does not address those habits of individual people. Leadership Academy Group There is another reason to break out of the market- who don’t fit within the gender binary. ing binary too. Heavily gendered marketing reinforces “I don’t feel comfortable in a lot of sections in the Leadership: Goals Within an negative stereotypes and outdated expectations. store,” nuclear medicine technology senior Asher Van- Organization History professor and director of the Museum of Wasshenova said. Contact: Sydney Starmer Sexist Objects Tracy Busch said that while it’s “not the Many people with non-binary or otherwise gender [email protected] 1950s aymore” there are still traces of forced gender nonconforming identities are simlply left out in these Location: Zoom norms throughout society. conversations, according to VanWasshenova. Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. “It’s just everywhere around you,” Busch said. “Everything is sold as for men or for women, but I “There are people telling you how you should be.” don’t really fit in with either, you know?” VanWasshe- Tune in with Teresa featur- In Busch’s eyes, it puts pressure on women to per- nova said. “I just want to buy some soap, why it is so ing Dylan Tantalo form femininity and assumes them to be either trying complicated?” Location: FerrisCLACS Instagram to attract men’s attention, or homemakers and house- Live Time: 1 - 1:30 p.m. Tune in to our Podcast: FRIDAY Feb. 19

Virtual Study Abroad the fire pit Workshop Contact: Megan Hauser-Tran [email protected] Location: Virtual hosted by: Time: 1 - 2 p.m. Black Panther Contact: Darnell Lewis Marissa Russell, Brendan [email protected] Location: Virtual Sanders & Noah Kurkjian Time: 7 - 9:30 p.m. MONDAY Feb. 22 Scan the Spotify link t0 Mike Ellison, Black History Month Featured Artist/ listen to our Podcast “Legacy and Lexicon” Contact: Darnell Lewis [email protected] Location: Virtual Time: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

For more events, check out calendar.ferris.edu

Graphics made by Production Manager Charlie Zitta 7

Lifestyles 7 Ferris State Torch Week of Feb. 17 -23, 2021 Switching up the spot Students use FLITE and University Center as escape from the house Kendall Rooks Freelance Reporter

Ferris’ transition to online learning has not only changed the way students learn, but the way students study and do homework. Though the amount of traffic has decreased, students are still using the University Center and FLITE to complete work and get out of the house. Welding engineering technology senior Austin Coggins said it depends on the day whether he comes to campus or not. “If I’ve been in my room doing my online classes, then I’d like to get out and study outside of my home.” Business administration freshman Elizabeth Ostoin and pre-pharmacy junior Sydney Vachon enjoy coming to the UC together to study and hangout. They both agree that study- ing at home is too distracting. “I like studying in the UC better, I have a hard time fo- cusing where I sleep. I just want to be doing other things,” Vachon said. A consistent downside to studying on campus is the issue of wearing a mask. “Sometimes when I am trying to talk or [Sydney] is tu- Photo by: Becca Witkowski | Torch Photographer toring me, I feel like I just need to pull it off a little bit, just Students approach a table stationed in the University Center to learn about RSO’s on campus. because it is hard to understand sometimes,” Ostoin said. Regardless, both Ostoin and Vachon said getting out and doing work with each other is a lot easier. collect, the higher chances you will have to recall informa- However, Carlen says there has been a significant drop in According to a University of Michigan study, students tion for a test, leading to a better score. traffic throughout the library. that change their studying locations before tests score 21% “I would say the room reservations have been something The Ferris COVID-19 policies on campus remain the higher than students who did not, according to Easy Bay that has stayed somewhat constant. There are less rooms same. If you are on campus or planning to come to campus Tutoring Study article in Different Places To Get Better Test now, so it may seem like less people are using them, but this complete the COVID-19 Symptom Checker, if you are sick, Scores. Mixing up your study environment allows your brain semester specifically there has been an increase in reser- stay home and wear a face mask inside all university build- to collect more memory cues which are later used to recall vations,” FLITE library service desk worker Christine Carlen ings or when social distancing is not possible. The FLITE and information. The more of these memory cues your brain can said. UC hours are listed on the Ferris State website. Lunar New Year festivites Learn about the traditions and origin of the Lunar New Year

Meghan Hartley Children will Freelance Reporter usually pre- pare by making Festive lights, bright red and booming music is how Lu- paper lanterns, nar New Year is celebrated within Asian cultures around paper fans, the world. flowers and by Feb. 12 marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year. writing signs of The observance of this holiday dates back thousands of good will to be years and it is celebrated by millions of people around hung all around the globe. the home. These The story of Lunar New Year begins with a Chinese crafts are all in the legend, according to Ancient Origins. Thousands of years colors of gold and red. ago, there was a village that was terrorized by a monster When the special day on the darkest night. In order to protect their home, the does arrive, it is the high- townspeople found out three things that would scare the light of the festival, as it in- monster away: light, music and the color red. cludes fireworks, special perfor- This legend evolved into an annual celebration, meant mances and the family dinner, which to welcome the new year and scare away the past year includes traditional dishes, such as dump- and the negativity that had come with it. The revelry lasts lings and sweet rice balls, according to Nations Graphic by: Charlie Zitta | Production Manager for 15 days and is filled with lanterns, traditional food and Online. the spread of luck, health and togetherness, according to A popular family tradition is the gifting of red envelopes This Lunar New Year marks the beginning of the year Nations Online. from the older generation to the younger generation. of the Ox. It is tradition that each year is symbolized by Though the official start date is Feb. 12, preparations These envelopes contain money and are used as a sign an animal with special meaning from the Chinese zodi- begin at the start of the month. Many households will of good luck and good fortune for the remaining of the ac. The Ox is a hardworking zodiac that represents being prepare for the new year by cleaning out their homes; new year, according to an article by ABC. hardworking and honest, according to chinesenewyear.net, symbolizing the removal of negative energy from the past While many of these activities are done worldwide, With the new year officially upon us, we can all look year and make way for good fortune in the coming year. each country celebrates the holiday just a little different, towards the future, hopefully with high spirits and good with classic dishes and activities that relate to their home. fortune. 8

8 OpinionsOpinions Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 Ferris State TorchFerris State Torch OPINIONS Cora Hall| Editor in Chief| [email protected] The Ferris State Torch is published on 27 Wednesdays throughout the academic year. This student-run newspaper EDITOR’S COLUMN: Creating my own traditions is printed by The Pioneer Group. By Cora Hall

OUR LOCATION Alumni Building 013 410 Oak Street Ferris State University Big Rapids, MI 49307 fsutorch.com/letter-to-the-editor/

The Ferris State Torch welcomes comments on topics of interest to the general readership. Letters should not exceed 300 words in length and The Torch reserves the right to edit for length. Letters will not be edited for grammar, punctuation That all changed in 2015, when my uncle or spelling. The Torch will not print took a trip to South Korea with a program for letters deemed to be libelous or obscene. All letters must be signed adults who were adopted from South Korea and I by their authors and include his or as children. In a long, wild story he found their h a v e her phone number. birth mom. It’s too long to explain here, but an end- Unsigned editorials appearing maybe one day you’ll see a documentary on it. less number of rec- on this page are the opinion of The I am very proudly The following year, my dad, aunt and uncle ipes I want to try. Torch and do not necessarily repre- sent the opinion of the university’s Korean American. flew back to South Korea together to meet This past weekend it was administration, faculty or staff. But I am, admittedly, their birth mom. They spent almost a month the Lunar New Year, one Signed columns represent the opin- more American than Korean there, and I think it was one of the most of the biggest celebrations ion of the writer. Inquiries regarding when it comes to culture and my everyday life. impactful trips of their lives. They met cousins, of the year in Korean culture. I saw some of editorial content should be directed This is because my father and his two siblings aunts and uncles they didn’t know existed. my friends post about it, or meals they were to the Editor in Chief at (231) 591-5978. were adopted as children and raised by white They got to see their home country through the having in parents. Disclaimer: I love my grandparents eyes of their mother, and I hope to do the same honor of it. Each post I saw, I felt a twinge To advertise with the Torch, contact endlessly and this is not anything against them one day soon. of sadness that I did not have traditions to fall Danette Doyle at the Pioneer Group: at all. In 2019, my grandmother—Misong—came back on for the holiday. (231) 592-8391. What that resulted in, however, was my dad, to visit us in the states for about a month. She But I came to the realization that traditions [email protected] aunt and uncle growing up without cultural or switched between staying with my aunt and were all created by someone, at some point. family traditions or knowing the language. I uncle, who had room to host her. This was, Their meaning is not connected to their lon- remember my parents sent me and my brother again, a transformative experience for my dad gevity, either. Why not create my own? I cannot Student media retain the same to a Korean camp one time, where we learned and his siblings. She taught them how to make change the fact that I didn’t grow up celebrat- rights, responsibilities, privileges about Korean culture and traditions with a Korean dishes and got to know her 14 grand- ing the Lunar New Year, but I can certainly and protections afforded by the First and Fourteenth Amendments bunch of other Korean American kids—but we children. Our family made up for a lot of lost start. of the U.S. Constitution and under were kids, and not a lot of that stuck. When I time, but it still never feels enough. As soon as So I’ve decided to do my research and applicable state laws. was young, probably five or six, my brother, dad it’s humanly possible, you can bet the house create my own traditions, whatever they may The Torch and fsutorch.com, the and I took Korean lessons for a time. But that that I’ll be booking a flight to South Korea. look like. And I will pass them on to my kids, student newspaper and its accom- didn’t really stick either. Over the past six years, there was a recon- and hopefully, they’ll continue to pass them panying online version focused on As time went on, there was less effort to nection to Korean culture for my dad and, con- onto theirs. Feeling connected to or belonging Ferris State University, are public connect with my dad’s heritage. I don’t think sequently, the rest of us. And to be honest, I to a culture is a powerful feeling and I hope forums for student expression. we even noticed as kids. Really, the only have loved every part of it. I beg my dad to make everyone can find that in their lives. It’s called Student editors have the authority part of our identity that was Korean was our bulgogi and japchae every time I come home going back to your roots for a reason—it keeps and responsibility to make all con- appearance and eating kimchi and rice with and helping him make it is one of my favorite you grounded and gives you a foundation for tent decisions without censorship most meals. things to do. I’ve actually grown to love kimchi finding your place in the world. or advanced approval for both the print and online editions of the Graphic by: Charlie Zitta, Cora Hall student newspapers.

1. Think of a topic that you feel - TORCH STAFF - strongly about. Editor in Chief Reporters Cora Hall Austin Arquette (231) 591-5978 Brody Keiser Alyssa Hubbard Production Noah Kurkjian Manager Rebecca Vanderkooi GOT AN OPINION? Charlie Zitta Freelance Reporters Production Bailey Sergott 2. Write out your thoughts in a coher- Assistant Brandon Wirth Brooke Martin Jeremias Gaytan ent and respectful manner. Jessica Oakes News Editor Kendall Rooks Ry Rodriguez Madison Kettlewell Matthew Miller Lifestyles Editor Meghan Hartley How to submit a letter Marissa Russell Robert Ridgely Trenton Carlson Sports Editor 3. Include a headshot and some infor- Brendan Sanders Managing Copy Editor to the editor: mation about yourself (location, age, Multimedia Editor Kaylin Johnson Cassidy Jessup etc.). Copy Editors Social Media Alyssa Myers Manager Brandon Newman Veronica Mascorro Hannah Kinlaw

Podcast Manager Distributor Ry Rodriguez Rebecca Vanderkooi Deadline for submissions every Friday by 5 p.m. 4. Email your opinion to the editor for

Visual Content Adviser Cora Hall | Editor-in-Chief a chance to have your work published Benjamin Totten Garrett Stack Rebecca Witkowski (231) 591 - 5869 Email: [email protected] in our next issue! Special Editions Editor Noah Kurkjian 9

Opinions 9 Ferris State Torch Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 Dear Non-Black people: stop using the n-word There is no context that would justify you using the n-word if you aren’t Black

the context surrounding the word has not on streaming networks Spotify and Apple ble for educating every single white person changed -- there is not a non-racist way for Music. He was also suspended indefinitely of their history. Therefore, as white people, a white person to use it. from his , . On Feb. we need to start educating each other on Kendall Rooks Freelance Reporter Although some may claim that this reac- 10, , the writer of Wallen’s the hurtful meaning of the word. tion to the n-word is too sensitive, the reality ‘’, announced he would be Even in instances when the word is not is it creates an uncomfortable disturbance donating everything he has made so far from used to inflict verbal abuse I still think it is In 2021 the ability to withhold from being when used by a person who is not Black, the album to the Nashville chapter of the important as white people to call out your racist, insensitive, and plain ignorant should for example, a rising country National Association for the Advancement non-Black friends that use the n-word. White be self-explanatory but unfortunately, it is singer. Wallen was captured on video leaked of Colored People. The next day Wallen people should not be rapping or tweeting still an ever-prevalent issue. The n-word by TMZ calling one of his friends the n-word released a second apology video. During the n-word. Use it as a teachable moment (whether ends in an -er or not) continues to while walking home in Nashville on Feb. the 5 minute video, Wallen said he has and explain to them that it is in fact, a be used by non-Black people, which is unac- 2. No matter the circumstance, it’s unac- been accepting invitations to meet with racial slur, no matter how it is used. In ceptable. There are people who use the ceptable and I think the casualness of the Black organizations and have honest con- some instances, privilege can keep people n-word in a malicious way, which is terrible, exchange is disturbing. It led me to believe versations. He also stressed in the video to from seeing how their unintentionally hurt- but this is for the people who use it casually he had likely been using it for a while and his fans not to defend him, saying, “Please ful statements minimize and silence Black and do not realize every context is bad. The I was proved correct when I read, “Wallen don’t. I was wrong. It’s on me to take owner- experiences. Regardless, I still wonder how use of the word has never been encouraged has a history of having used the n-word on ship for this and I fully accept any penalties some are so clueless on the prohibited but a refresher course seems necessary social media, quoting rap lyrics. Back in I’m facing. The time of my return is solely on usage of the word from non-Black people. after recent events. 2012, when he would have been 18, the me and the work I put in.” Nonetheless, being a non-Black person The n-word is derived from the Latin word then-unknown sent out a tweet that is a I went to a high school where the per- does not justify casually using the n-word. for the color black, niger. It did not originate lyric by rapper Meek Mill: ‘I burn bread I ain’t centage of white students at the school was White people having a Black friend does not as a slur, but overtime took on a derogato- talking toast n----.” The tweet was deleted on 89% and the percentage of Black students allow usage of the n-word by association. ry connotation. White slave owners would Feb. 3 after the recent incident according to was 1%. Disturbingly enough, this is where Receiving “permission” or not being told use the n-word to demean and oppress an article by Variety. I heard the usage of the n-word the most, verbally to stop, does not warrant the use Black people. The n-word is tied to the idea Wallen issued an apology the same night likely because nobody was stopping them. of this blatantly disrespectful word. If you that Black people are not human beings. and I hope he has learned and educated It would be impossible for the four Black are still wondering why you cannot say the Therefore, the use of the word carries a himself from his mistake. As a result of the students in each grade to inform each white n-word, ask yourself why you care so much huge historical weight of racism. It will con- incident, his music has been dropped from student on why it is offensive. But more about it and why do you even feel the need tinue to carry this weight due to the fact that many radio chains and from visual spots importantly, Black people are not responsi- to say the word in the first place. Look past the exterior Ferris state torch

rsit y Why are piercings, colored hair and tattoos Ferris State Unive it y ivers te Un s Sta rri nHce 1931 Fe RCd Accuracy si Fe TO, Fairness an rri Truth s S tate U 931 nive Hce 1 rsit sin y acy ccur RCnd A a ess TO rn Tr , Fai uth, TOruth Fairn T ess RC

and A ccura cy sinH ce 1 still considered unprofessional? 931

I’ve gotten told by family members that if I get cer- tain piercings they would just about disown me. My Marissa Russell Lifestyles Editor ex-boyfriend didn’t like taking me to the bar because I couldn’t fit in with his friends. Over and over people have judged me for what is on I remember growing up my mom always fussing the outside but very few have spent the time to learn over if my hair was combed or my clothes being wrin- about what is on the inside of me. All the nice things kle free. Now as a somewhat adult with jobs I am con- I do and all the hard work I have done is just pushed stantly told the dos and don’ts of my appearance at to the side when it comes to the choice of wearing the the workplace. Why does it matter if my tattoos aren’t same Ugg boots every girl has or my beat up combat covered 24/7 or my hair is colored abnormal colors if boots that look like they actually went to war. Grab a paper every I get my job done? What I look like should not be how Who decided what professional was? Why is black people base their opinion about me. pants more accepted in a work place than my beat up Wednesday Working at a gas station we are told that we can not jeans? I want to be able to wear clothes I feel myself have any unnatural colored hair, facial piercings other in at work and not be judged for it. than a single nose stud and “tasteful” tattoos. When I We should normalize telling our kids “don’t judge applied I thought this was going to be a place I could a book by its cover” and actually meaning it. We can easily express myself, I mean it’s a gas station--if I only make a change if we actually set an example. - OR - couldn’t have blue hair here, where could I have it? Instead of sitting in your car laughing about the couple I was always someone growing up that didn’t going into Walmart wearing their pajamas tell your want to look like the rest of the kids in my school. kids to be kind because not everyone has money for From dying my hair bright red to wearing knee high “real” clothes or a way to wash them. There is more Read ARTICLES online at socks with shorts I didn’t care what the other kids to everyone inside their heart and that is what should thought. But now it is starting to feel like a penalty matter, not if they have bright green hair and an eye- www.fsutorch.com for not caring. Every time someone notices something brow piercing. “off” about me I lose points in some invisible game.

like us on Follow us facebook on at Ferris twitter @fsutorch State Torch 10

10 Sports Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 Ferris State Torch SPORTS Brendan Sanders| Sports Editor | [email protected] Hamilton’s heart Cross country runner experiencing side effects of COVID-19 months later

Brody Keiser cal impulses that coordinate heart- I didn’t have any issues outside of thorough cardiovascular exam as As of now, Hamilton said his Sports Reporter beats to not work properly. This the pain, and I haven’t really had patients with COVID-19 infection training is going “pretty darn well” causes issues with the opening any outside of just exhaustion,” have shown increased troponin and he is feeling better. He is not When Ethan Hamilton contract- and closing of his bicuspid valve, Hamilton said. “It’s just something levels above the 99th percentile, sure what, if any, future implica- ed COVID-19 in the summer of which is responsible for regulating you have to grind through and not suggestive of significant myocar- tions his heart condition will have 2020, he did not think he would blood flow in the heart and keep- really worry about the pain. dial damage. The effects of hav- on his ability to run track, but he is be feeling it’s effects in several ing blood from flowing backward “There’s still instances of pain, ing athletes return to play without confident he will be ready for out- months later. through the heart. especially after hard workouts, but proper cardiac clearance would be door season. The sophomore cross coun- According to Ferris’s Assistant it’s just a matter of ignoring the devastating.” Hamilton is currently unable to try runner was diagnosed with Professor at the College of Health pain and pushing through it. Oth- Regarding heart issues caused join his team in meets as he pro- COVID-19 in July 2020. He spent Professions Dr. Emmanuel Jadhav, erwise, I haven’t had anything too from COVID-19 and Hamilton’s gresses through his recovery. So the month of July recovering from heart palpitations are a long-term concerning.” condition, Ferris Athletics much is unknown about the way the virus, only to develop a heart effect of COVID-19. Hamilton’s mindset allowed him could not comment COVID-19 affects the heart condition months later. “There are several kinds of to resume training, but he still ex- because of a policy long-term. Fortunately for “I hadn’t really felt anything un- cardiac concerns related to periences exhaustion. He said he preventing them Hamilton, he is feeling til October when my heart would COVID-19,” Jadhav said. “These is “kind of just tired all the time.” from disclosing any better and excited for his start hurting a little bit out of no- unknown long-term effects contrib- When he visited his cardiologist, medical-related future athletic involvement where,” Hamilton said. “Some- ute to what make COVID-19 a con- Hamilton was told that multiple information about for Ferris’s track team. times it would start palpitating out cern not to be taken lightly.” patients had the same electrical student-athletes. of nowhere even if I was resting. Much about the long-term ef- arrythmia that he does. The cardi- Usually after hard workouts, my fects of COVID-19 remains un- ologist told Hamilton and the prior heart would start palpitating and known, especially when consid- patients that their condition was burning a bit.” ering the effects of the virus on caused by COVID-19, but anything Doctors the heart. For instance, a study else about their condition was un- at Spectrum published in the British Journal known. Health in Big of Medicine titled “Resurgence An article in the journal Sports Rapids took of sport in the wake of COVID-19: Medicine titled “COVID-19 and Re- x-rays of Ham- cardiac considerations in competi- view of Current Recommendations ilton’s chest, tive athletes” found that COVID-19 for Return to Athletic Play” dis- drew blood, and could directly infect heart cells. cussed athletes returning to train- took an ECG. However, the long-term effects of ing after having COVID-19. They had Hamil- the condition, especially on ath- “In regards to the athlete, phy- Ethan Hamilton ton wear a heart letes when resuming training, is sicians must be comprehensive in monitor for two weeks and found unknown. their evaluation for those that are that COVID-19 caused permanent As for Hamilton, his doctors told infected and are looking to return damage to his heart. him he could resume training if he to play following resolution of their Hamilton has heart arrhythmia, could deal with the pain. infection,” the article said. “Spe- a condition that causes the electri- “They told me I was fine to run if cifically, athletes should have a Graphic by: Charlie Zitta | Multimedia Editor Bulldogs snap four game skid Ferris victory over Saginaw Valley ends losing streak

Brody Keiser all four quarters,” head coach Kurt Westen- ley. derson and freshman guard DeShonna Day Sports Reporter dorp said. “Our defense forced them into 20 Three pointers started to fall for Ferris in each had 10 points for Ferris through three turnovers and we really tried to take them the second quarter as they went 4-of-7 from quarters. When the Ferris women’s basketball away from their guard game. Our kids came deep in the quarter. Junior forward Zoe An- Saginaw Valley kept the game within came into their matchup with Saginaw Val- out and competed and I’m really proud of all derson hit two of those and provided seven seven points throughout the fourth quar- ley State University, the season looked to 40 minutes of this game.” points in the quarter to help her team take a ter, but Ferris ultimately held their lead and be on the brink, luckily the team turned it Ferris trailed the Cardinals 20 - 12 after 29 - 28 lead heading into halftime. emerged victorious. The win snapped a four- around on Friday. the first quarter of play. Freshman guard “We did a nice job in the second quarter game losing streak for Ferris and improved Strong play defensively helped the Bull- Kadyn Blanchard led the Bulldogs with four sticking with our patience and getting the their record to 4 - 8. dogs end their losing streak, as the Cardi- points in the quarter. Saginaw Valley hit ball downhill and moving the basketball,” Day led the Bulldogs with 14 points. nals’ 58 points represented the fewest al- 3-of-7 three pointers compared to 0-of-7 for Westendorp said. “The shots we missed in Sophomore guard Mallory McCartney and lowed by the Bulldogs all season. It was also Ferris. the first quarter we knocked down in the Anderson pitched in 10 points and the lat- the first time the Bulldogs held their oppo- Ferris’s 12 points in the first quarter second quarter. We shot the ball with our ter hit three three-pointers. No other Bulldog nent under 60 points in a game this season. against the Cardinals marked the fifth con- feet ready to go, and that gave us some mo- scored in double figures, but every Bulldog Ferris also forced 20 turnovers, the second secutive game they scored 13 points or few- mentum heading into halftime.” that played recorded at least two points. most they have forced all season. The team er in the first 10 minutes of game action. The Bulldogs led throughout the entire- Ferris will take on the Cardinals again would win 65 - 58. The Bulldogs are 0 - 4 in their four games ty of the third quarter and were up 44 - 41 Saturday, Feb. 13 inside Jim Wink Arena at “Our defense was consistent throughout preceding their matchup with Saginaw Val- heading into the final quarter of play. An- 4 p.m.

Women’s Tennis Hockey WEEKEND Men’s Feb. 12 - Ferris 0, Michigan Basketball Feb. 12 - Ferris 5, Tiffin 2 Tech 3 Feb. 12 - Ferris 65, SVSU 58 Women’s Feb. 13 - Ferris 1, Michigan Feb. 13 - Ferris 52, SVSU 67 SCORECARD Feb. 12 - Ferris 5, Tiffin 2 Tech 5 11

SportsSports 11 Ferris State TorchFerris State Torch Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 The building blocks for greatness True freshman Jimmy Scholler already making impact for the Bulldogs Austin Arquette as they have gone golfing together this past Sports Reporter summer along with teammate senior wing Michael Peterson. Basketball has been running in the family “He doesn’t really need much guiding for freshman phenom guard Jimmy Scholler with his maturity and love for the game,” Da- for decades. vidson said. “Jimmy earned his starting spot Freshman wing on the Ferris State men’s by being a great team player, and a men- basketball team, Jimmy Scholler follows his ace on defense. He’s a great shooter and dad’s advice of getting to play at the next lev- I’m very happy for him earning that starting el. Basketball is in Jimmy’s blood, it started spot. His only problem is that he’s not very for him in middle school when his father saw good at euchre.” the expression and passion Jimmy had for Outside of sports Jimmy enjoys playing the game. All Steve Scholler, Jimmy’s dad, video games such as Madden and NBA 2k. wanted to do was give his son the opportu- As school comes first, Jimmy strives to grad- nities and provide resources to help chase uate with honors and maintain above a 3.6 Jimmy’s dreams. There are many positions grade point average. Two basketball related you go through as you’re raised and grow up goals in Jimmy’s mind are to make it onto but for athletes, it starts with their family. the all-time career assist list and play pro- From his father’s time at Calvin college in fessional basketball overseas as many oth- 1990 - 1994 as a point guard. er Ferris alums have accomplished. “It has been a dream of mine to play Steve Scholler believes Jimmy will use his college basketball since I was a little kid,” communications degree to mesh sports into Jimmy said. “Even though I do miss football his life even when basketball is over in some I am very happy with my decision to play bas- way. Jimmy said when he is not able to com- ketball here at Ferris.” pete at a high level is when he will call it a Jimmy focused on three key aspects when career. Jimmy would like to get into coaching Photo by: Cora Hall | Editor In Chief he chose Ferris, those were the tradition of and his biggest goal is to coach at the col- Scholler attempts a layup against Northern Michigan a winning program, the coaching staff, and lege level as he has a passion for sports and how close the players are which makes the to help others within sports. team feel like family. After the Ferris men’s sixth grade; however, basketball took prior- has been a great honor to Scholler, he un- “Take what you learned from sports such basketball team won the national cham- ity throughout the years as basketball was derstands he will need to continue to work as being a good teammate, handling ups pionship in 2018, when head coach Andy Jimmy’s, first love. Scholler started under hard every day and as the new guy he wants and downs, be positive because all those Bronkema began to recruit Scholler to join center for the football team in high school to play as hard as he can while bringing high things apply universally to whatever else you the Bulldogs. at Forest Hills Central in Grand Rapids, MI energy levels. want to do in life,” Steve said. “As parents, “He was always kind of on his own, he where he grew up. As he spent more time “Playing at the college level is much dif- we are just happy to see him go to a school loved to be in the gym and work out,” Steve focused solely on basketball, he knew that ferent than high school because everyone where we feel like the culture, atmosphere, said. “Football to me was kind of a surprise, was the sport he wanted to play at the next here was the best player on their high school athletics program, and school, in general, he always was focused on basketball from a level. team,” Jimmy said. “I love to get everyone in- have been so welcoming and that we are young age.” “He loved basketball but felt football was volved and I am surrounded by great players just proud he is taking it in and just doing his Both Bronkema and assistant coach a good compliment to being tough and more who can help me achieve this goal.” best to make the best opportunity he can Raymoan McAfee came to a lot of Jimmy’s well-rounded,” Steve said. “The coaches Sophomore teammate wing Ben David- out of it and whatever that is and whatever games which helped forge that relationship were good enough to help him bridge the son said that it’s always nice to welcome form that takes we are excited for him.” with Jimmy and reassured him of their com- gap of playing both sports.” new faces to the team and he loves what The Bulldogs will be back in action over mitment to him as a player. Steve Scholler Scholler was the third-ranked wing in his Jimmy has brought into Ferris. Along with the weekend as they take on Purdue North- said that Bronkema supported Jimmy play- class according to Prep Hoops, while he said the way Jimmy carries himself with his ma- west first on Friday, Feb. 19 and then again ing football in his senior year of high school. this is a nice accomplishment, the rankings turity and ability to play beyond his fresh- Saturday, Feb. 20 with both games sched- Scholler has played football since the don’t always matter. man status is something Davidson loves. uled for a 4 p.m. tip-off. While being a part of the Bulldog nation Davidson and Jimmy hang out off the court

Ferris State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital Breaking through status,Ferris veteran State or University military status, does height, not disweight,criminate protected on disability, the bas geneticis of information,race, color, or any religion other characteristic or creed, protected national by applicable origin, sStateex, or sexual federal laws or regulations in education, employment, housing, public services, or otherorientation, University genderoperations, identity, including, age,but not marital limited to, s tatus,admissions, veteran programs, or Tennis gets first win of the season against Tiffin activities,military hiring, status promotion,, height, discharge, weight, proteccompensation,ted dis fringeability, benefits, genetic job training,information, classification, or any referral,other charac or retention.teristic Retaliationprotected against by applic any ableperson Brendan Sanders The team went on to win four out of the six singles makingState aor charge, federal filing laws a legitimate or regulations complaint, in testifying,education, or participatingemployment, in any Sports Editor matches, with Jan Koupil, Yannic Mader, Benjamin discriminationhousing, publicinvestigation servic or proceedinges, or otheris prohibited. University operations, Lortie, and Josh McDermott all getting victories on the Studentsincluding, with butdisabilities not limited requiring to, assistance admissions, or accommodation programs, activities,may contact Tennis was able to put that first W in the win column day. Educationalhiring, promotion, Counseling & discharge, Disabilities Services compens at (231)ation, 591-3057 fringe ecds@ferris. benefits, this weekend with both men and women's teams beat- At 4:30, the women's team took to the court for edujob in training,Big Rapids classification,(including statewide referral, students) or or retention.the Director Retaliationof Counseling ing Tiffin University. an evening bout against the Dragons. They also were andagainst Disability any Services person for Kendall making College a charge,of Art and Design filing a(KCAD) legitimate at (616) 451-2787 ext. 1136 [email protected] in Grand Rapids. Employees and With dominant victories on Friday, confidence is dominant in the doubles matches, winning all three of complaint, testifying, or participating in any discrimination growing among Bulldogs tennis that the team will see their matches 6 - 4, 6 - 4, 6 - 3. other members of the University community with disabilities requiring assistance orinv accommodationestigation or mayproc contacteeding the is Humanprohibited. Resources Department, 420 Oak a successful season. Both the men's and women's The singles match saw a similar result as the men's St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 or call (231) 591- 2150 [email protected]. team saw 5 - 2 victories over the Dragons of Tiffin Uni- match, with the team seeing four victories and two Students with disabilities requiring assistance or accommodation versity. This put the men's team at 1 - 2 on the season losses on the evening. Isabela Paixao, Agata Klak, Pa- Inquiries and complaints of disability discrimination may be addressed to the Directormay c ofontact Accessibility, Educational Arts and Couns Scienceseling Commons & Disabilities 1017, 820 Serv Campusices atDr., while the women's team is 1 - 3. tricia Gomez, and Brittany Lavenant. Big(231) Rapids, 591-3057 MI 49307 inor byBig telephone/email Rapids, or atthe (231) Director 591-3057 of JulieAlexander@Counseling, All of the losses were to Division I opponents such The final match was won by Lavenant, who won in ferris.eduDisability or &to Tutoringthe Director Serv of Equalices forOpportunity, Kendall 120 College East Cedar of Art St., and Big as Western Michigan and Valparasio. Coach Mark a ten-point tie break after splitting the first two sets. Rapids,Design MI 49307 at (616) or by telephone/email 451-2787 ex att. (231) 1136 591- 2152 in GrandEqualOpportunity@ Rapids. Doren thought those early-season contests provided She would win 7 - 6, 5 - 7, 12 - 10 against Tiffin's Emily ferris.edu.Employees and other members of the University community great preparation for the rest of the season. Sim. She described the battle against the left-handed Individualswith dis abilitieswith complaints requiring of sex assistance discrimination, or including accommodation sexual harassment, may "To go down there and compete and earn the re- player. maycontact address the those Human complaints Resourc to thees TitleDepartment, IX Coordinator, 420 805 Oak Campus St., Big Dr., spect of these bigger schools with these bigger bud- "Oh, it was tough. Don't play a lot of left-handed BigRapids, Rapids, MI MI 49307, 49307 or or by c alltelephone/email (231) 591-2150. at (231) 591-2088 KaitlinZies@ gets, bigger players, you know, just more experience. I players.” Lavenant said. “So that's always an adjust- ferris.edu or to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, including the Director of Equal Opportunity, as above; the Extended and International Operations Director of think it really just showed us what we could do." Doren ment, especially with our services just because they StudentInquiries Services, or complaints 151 Fountain of St. dis NE,c riminationGrand Rapids, may MI 49503be addres or by telephone/sed to said. "We've said we probably won't play another team know how to kick it into your body. So that was diffi- emailthe at Direc (616)tor 643-5741 of Equal [email protected]; Opportunity, 120 Eas andt Cedarthe KCAD St., Dean Big of as good as those teams. And we competed with them. cult. And then also, being lucky, she knew how StudentRapids Success,, MI 49307, 17 Fountain or by St. telephone NW, Grand Rapids,at (231) MI 591-2152;49503 or by telephone/or Title And so if we can do that, you know, that's what, that's have like opened up the court hitting a ball inside out." emailIX Coordinator, at (616) 259-1113 805 [email protected]. Campus Dr., Big Rapids, MI 49307, or by why we do it at the beginning of the year. That's why The Bulldogs will be battling once again against on Othertelephone inquiries ator complaints (231) 591-2088. of discrimination On themay KCADbe addressed Grand to the Rapids Director we scheduled like that just to give us the opportunity." Friday, Feb. 19 against Walsh. The women’s team will ofc Equalampus, Opportunity, contact asthe above. Title IX Deputy Coordinator, 17 Fountain The strong competition made the battle against Tif- be playing at 10:30 a.m. while the men’s team will be UpdatedSt., Grand August Rapids, 13, 2020 MI 49503, (616) 451-2787 ext. 1113. fin that much easier. The men's team suited up first on taking to the courts at 2:30 p.m. Friday, starting at noon with the doubles matches. The For photo’s of the matchup check out the photo gal- team won the doubles point after all three doubles lery on at fsutorch.com. teams won, 6 - 3, 6 - 3, 6 - 4. 12

12 Sports Week of Feb. 17 - 23, 2021 Ferris State Torch Finally time for an upgrade

Graphic via Bulldog Athletics Ferris provided a visual depiction of the planned addition to the sports complex. Bulldog athletics announce plan for renovating and expanding athletic facilities

Brandon Wirth ed to be fully completed by December of enough to host the NCAA tournament, it will space, but athletic staff will too. This in- Freelance Reporter 2022. Some areas, such as the Strength be fantastic to host it in our home facility.” cludes new offices, additional locker rooms, and Conditioning area, are expected to be This new addition will be around 15,607 and conference areas for faculty. The University Board of Trustee’s and Ath- finished a few months earlier in June 2022. square feet, including a public entrance to “It will make it a little different for us.” letic Department officially approved a plan “To be able to build that strength and access volleyball games, new conference Ferris State Sports Information Director, Rob for a 15.3-million-dollar upgrade to the cur- conditioning space, teams don’t have to lift rooms, entrances to athletic offices, and Bentley, said. “Having (our offices) so close rent athletic facilities on Friday. in shifts,” Weisenburger said. “(We) will be public restrooms. The former volleyball facil- to basketball and hockey will be a big addi- “It is a great day for Bulldog athletics.” able to get more student-athletes in there.” ity will be renovated into the new strength tion on game days.” Ferris Athletic Director, Perk Weisenburger For the volleyball program, this new ex- and conditioning area. This includes a new When asked about the most valued addi- said in an interview with Athletics Commu- pansion includes the addition of “Bulldog cardio area, nutrition center, and offices for tions with this upgrade, Bentley mentioned nication Assistant, Harrison Watt. “It’s going Arena,” a new competition space for Bulldog strength and conditioning staff. having space will help bring more opportuni- to be a wonderful project.” matches. This will be the newest home for “I think all the athletes are really excited,” ties to capture Bulldog sports. The Ewigleben Sports Complex, which is the Bulldogs since 1981 when the current Brandel-Wilhelm said on the team’s percep- “Especially with volleyball, having a new currently used by student-athletes, was orig- Ewigleben Arena was first constructed. tion of the news. “They are looking forward facility will make it easier for us to do things inally built in 1974. Since then, there have “It’s going to be fabulous,” Head Coach to the ground being broken so they can real- like streaming, running the video board, and been three main additions and renovations Tia Brandel-Wilhelm said. “We’re just so ex- ly see that it's coming.” keeping statistics. A lot of that (space) is to the complex. The last upgrade was made cited to have this beautiful facility.” The lower level of the complex will also cramped in our current arena.” in 2007. Ewigleben Arena has been known to hold be receiving upgrades, including new locker Despite the wait for the idea to become “It’s long overdue,” Weisenburger said. some of the largest attendance numbers in and team rooms for the track and field, soc- a reality, the athletic department is excited “We've been lagging in that area. It still NCAA volleyball history during the 1990s. cer, and softball teams. the project is finally happening. hasn't stopped our teams from doing very These incredible numbers occurred despite “Some of our locker rooms are very out- “I’m excited for it.” Bentley said. “It’s well but to be able to be long-term and sus- one notable conflict that will be addressed dated, small, and cramped. Some teams something that’s been needed for a long taining, we needed to get this project ap- with the new volleyball addition: making fan even shared locker rooms.” Weisenburger time. It’s a game-changer for our stu- proved.” access much easier. said. “This (facility) will provide our 380 plus dent-athletes.” With the help of The Collaborative and “It’s going to be very nice to have access student-athletes with a bigger, better, and More information on the project can be Granger Construction Company, the future to our games for anybody,” Brandel-Wilhelm safer place to be able to train and develop.” found on Ferris State’s Athletics website, “Center of Athletic Performance” is project- said. “If we are fortunate enough to be strong Not only will athletes get an upgrade in www.ferrisstatebulldogs.com.

2021 MAY Saturday, May 1, 2021 COMMENCEMENT Virtual Commencement College Contact Phone # Location Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 9:00am Health Professions Richelle Williams (231) 591-2263 VFS 210 Arts, Sciences & Education Gayle Driggers (231) 591-3666 ASC 3052 Ceremony 1 Michigan College of Optometry Business (Undergrad Students) Carri Griffis (231) 591-2493 BUS 200 College of Health Professions Business (Graduate Students) Shannon Yost (231) 591-2168 BUS 200E ’ Engineering Technology Joyce Mudel (231) 591-3983 JHN 200 Ceremony 2 College of Pharmacy Can t COME General Studies Graduates Shelly VandePanne (231) 591-2360 ASC 1017 Doctorate in Community College Leadership Optometry Michelle Balliet (231) 591-3700 MCO 231 College of Arts, Sciences and Education to a Ferris Pharmacy Karen Ottobre (231) 591-2252 PHR 201 University College DCCL Megan Biller (231) 591-2710 ALU 113 Ceremony 3 College of Business Note: You must satisfy all of your degree requirements before you officially graduate and receive your diploma. SPortING event? Caps and Gowns, may be purchased at the Ferris State University Bookstore (located in the University Center , 805 Campus Drive, Ceremony 4 College of Engineering Technology Big Rapids MI 49307) or online at https://ferris.shopoakhalli.com and have it shipped to you (a shipping fee will be charged). Diploma Cover & Alumni Pin Pick up – For those Graduate who selected yes to WE’VE GOT YOU The deadline to order for Undergraduate and Graduate degrees shipping through the website is April 16th. walk you may pick up your diploma cover and Alumni Pin during the following Commencement Electronic Program – Graduates must complete their online graduation application by Friday, February 19, times in the University Center on main campus in Room 123. COVERED 2021 for their names to appear in the Spring 2021 Commencement Program or their name will not appear in the 3/2 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 3/9 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Commencement Program. 3/4 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 3/11 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Follow us on twitter Virtual Commencement Slide – To personalize your slide please visit Virtual Commencement at @fsutorch for live https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/current/Commencement/virtualcommencement.htm. An Online Graduation Application For special accommodations or for more information regarding must be completed in order for your name to appear in the virtual ceremony. Information for personalizing your slide must be the Commencement ceremony, please visit the Commencement updates on the game! submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 10th. website www.ferris.edu/commencement or call (231) 591-3803.