WHY A HERITAGE TRAIL HERE? U COLLEGE U The site provides a “Walk Through A WALK History” including Roman, Saxon, Medieval, Victorian and Wymondham College is the country's largest state Wartime links - more of these will be explained to you as funded . Students join us from , you take the Trail. Many thousands of people have elsewhere in the UK and further afield. They enjoy THROUGH passed through this site over the years and it has made unrivalled academic success and many sporting, cultural a significant and lasting impression on their lives. The and social opportunities. Boarding places are available in HISTORY AT Heritage Trail is composed of a series of interpretation Year 7 (11+), Year 9 (13+) and the Sixth Form (16+). Day boards explaining the significance of the remaining places are also available in Y7 and the Sixth Form. The buildings and site layout from the earliest times to the only qualification for entry is that students must be WYMONDHAM present day. citizens of the UK or another EU/EEA Member State. COLLEGE U HOW TO FOLLOW THE TRAIL U During term time all visitors taking the Heritage Trail must be accompanied by a member of staff. This is for the safety of our students. Accompanied tours take place on Wednesdays at 2pm (weather permitting). To take the Trail at other times please contact CONTACT US U Reception in person, by telephone (01953 609000) or by emailing [email protected] and we Wymondham College, 1967 will do our best to accommodate you. Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 9SZ

HISTORY OF WYMONDHAM Tel: +44 (0)1953 609000 COLLEGE 1951-2011 U Email: [email protected] A book has been compiled to celebrate the Diamond www.wymondhamcollege.org Jubilee of the College. This 1984 book gives the reader more detail of the history of the site and a fascinating year-by-year look at the life of the College since it was established in 1951. It provides a wealth of information through text, photographs and illustrations which will appeal to a wide range of interests. 1991 If you would like to purchase a copy of this book Old please contact Reception, telephone the College on Wymondhamians 01953 609000 or email [email protected]

Registered charity number: 1066833 Morley Hall 2011

Sports Centre & Pool Staff Houses New Hall International Centre Chapel Water Tower Library Maths

Refectory Science Humanities

Admin Kett Hall Student Service Centre Technology Block

Memorial Garden Cavell Hall

Pond Peel Hall Lincoln Sixth Fry Hall Form Centre

Main Car Park Enid Ralphs Building Heritage Trail sign locations A walk through history the story of the Wymondham College site over 2,000 years U

Roman Saxon Medieval Stuart/Georgian Victorian Early 20th century 1901-1939AD Mid 20th Century 1939-1951AD 43 – 450 – 1066 – 1600 – 1837 – 410AD 1066AD 1500AD 1800AD 1901AD 1906 1921 1920s – 1939 1939 – 45 1943 – 45 1946 1947-50 1951

Roman Saxon Became part of First Turnpike Morley Hall Morley Hall Morley Hall Mid Norfolk Used for Ministry of Works Transit camp Teacher Training Wymondham pottery kilns coins/pottery William of Warenne Road between built in bought by estate was Golf Club was wartime food requisitioned site for the Royal Colleges for College founded. found next showing Morley St Peter Wymondham and 1841-2 on J C Crossley, put up for established on production. for establishment Norfolk men and Morley Hall was to Tomlinson 10th/11th Manor. There is ran land held included auction, but the site Land of American Regiment women were used by Norfolk Hall June century evidence of a strip along boundary of by Graver 'pleasure only the managed by Army Hospital to established on County Council as 1958 settlement found system of farming Morley Estate Browne gardens' and estate land local farmer, support nearby the site a Special School in area of (1629 Morley map) 1695AD family sporting actually G L Peacock bases of US 8th including until 1960s staff quarters facilities sold Army Air Force Morley Hall