Integrating Technology

in the Second Language Classroom

SUNY Cortland ICC 523

Materials for this course were developed in part through Languages Across the Curriculum grant from the SUNY Office of Educational Technology.

Dr. Bob Ponterio Tues. 4:20 p.m. - 6:50 p.m. Office: 225-D Old Main Old Main 223 (Language Learning Office hours: MWF 11:20 12:30, M 1:30-3:00 & Center) by appt. 3 cr. hr. Telephone: 753-2027 (office) Fall 2011 753-4303 (Modern Languages Dept.) E-mail:

Important WWW links for this course will be found online.

Catalog description: Focus on learning how to use communications technologies and develop related foreign language materials with an emphasis on pedagogically sound integration of these technologies and materials in the foreign language curriculum. Technologies to be explored include: presentation , interactive multimedia, the , and real-time communication. Prerequisites: Graduate status or permission of the department. (3 sem hr.)

This course will develop skills in using the tools of international communications for today's global village. Students will learn to use these tools to create materials through projects directly related to the student's individual language. An adequate competence in the target language is essential for success in this class, and students will be expected to work with and create texts in languages other than English. Examples of the communications technologies to be explored include: presentation software (PowerPoint), the World Wide Web, real-time communication (voice and video conferencing), software for digitizing media. The course is intended for language teachers wishing to incorporate electronic communications technologies in their curriculum. Students should already know the basics of word processing, email use, and WWW navigation. Needed for class:

- A computer - Duh! - A USB flash key memory drive or something similar. I also like WD My Passport external hard drive. - We will use MS PowerPoint for one project - you should be able to find it in most computer labs and you probably already have it. - You will definitely need software to edit your web pages at home:

Kompozer will be our main web software. I prefer for web development, but it now costs about $125 with an academic discount. Kompozer is free and can do everything you need for this class . Don't forget to download the right copy for your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux). I am looking for a deal on Dreamweaver for under $100 that might allow us to use that instead.

Do NOT try to use MS Word to make web pages or fire and brimstone will rain down on your head.

Other reasonably priced options for your future web development are (academic discount) and CoffeeCup 2008 (free for k-12 .

Review of free editors: windows-editors.htm

- Our image editing software is Adobe Photoshop Elements. I recommend that you buy this for about$70 (academic pricing). It is excellent software but it is NOT required, and if you have other image editing software with the features we'll be using (e.g. GIMP, Paint.NET, PhotoPlus) that is fine. GIMP is free and has a very good reputation : . Paint.NET, also free, is reported to be less powerful than Gimp but easier to learn:

- Our sound editing software is Audacity (free) . To save as mp3 using Audacity, be sure to follow directions on the Audacity web site for installing the LAME encoder. Adobe Audition is an excellent professional sound editor, but is quite expensive and is far more powerful than you need.

- Check out:

Possibile additions: Smartboard, Google Voice, Excel for data collection, Skype options screen share, Course Schedule (in progress)

30 August Introduction to course; assignment 1 6 September E-mail with accents (character sets), word wrap, attachments, and long links; Viewing file extensions in Windows; Zip compression - archiving files & folders for easy transport;

Photo class list or seating chart in MS Word ; Professional e-mail: your address & signature (How do you want your students' parents or your boss to see you?) What's in a computer?; Internet Browser Basics (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer); WWW searching;

Web editor overview: KompoZer version of HTML intro; (Dreamweaver HTML intro; Old Netscape version of HTML intro) Web Page Creation Step-by-step Tutorial: KompoZer version for creating your first web page; (Creating your first first web page - Dreamweaver; Old Netscape version for first web page)

Blackboard (for online discussion): eLearning (directions) assignment 2 13 September Copyright considerations; Flowcharting and Storyboards and Beginning WWW resources;

Audio homework: Google Voice & Lingt

Designing an index page for your assignments; Web space setup for SUNY Cortland ; FTP to publish your page (publish Table of Contents page);

Scanning introduction;

- Discussions - There are currently 3 discussions in place for the Literacy article, the FLTEACH article & the Laptops and Gizmos newspaper articles. assignment 3 20 September Scanning (continued); Digital cameras; Photo editing (Photoshop Elements - or CE);

Clip-art - finding and using ; mini-project 1; assignment 4 27 September We will spend time in class working on projects; Sound 1: Sound recording basics; Identifying pedagogical goals, objectives & outcomes (very important); Web page vs. blog (look over at home); WebCam; (Examine briefly.) assignment 5 4 October Presentations of mini-project #1 (If you are having trouble with scanning or sound, focus on other aspects of your site instead. Navigation and layout are more important); Creating your own clip-art; Sound 2: Sound editing basics 2 ; What's a Wiki? Talking about Fair Use; Audio blogs & audio homework (Wimba, gabcast); assignment 6 11 October Work on your second project: mini-project #2 Note that in this project you need to have a pedagogical goal and clear objectives (What are your testable learning outcomes for the lesson?). You will also need to think about using sound and inserting places for student interaction. The following lessons should suffice for what we are doing, but we will have time to work on these next week.

Sound 3: Embedding sound in a web page; Interactive Web 1 - Basic Forms and Text boxes for feedback; Sample vocabulary presentation with sound & drop-down boxes;

Go through the PowerPoint introduction and tutorial; spend some time using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 1: PPT Introduction; (PPT 2003) Tutorial - Creating a PowerPoint presentation; (tutorial for PPT 2003)

Do the Style lesson on your own. Say it with Style;

assignment 7 18 October Finish mini-project #2 (We can try to finish them during class.);

PowerPoint 2: PPT yes/no answer feedback; PPT yes/no for PPT 2003;

Video 1: Single Shot Video capture, crop and trim; Video camera recording; Windows Movie Maker video editing; Video 4: Convert and embed mp4 video for maximum compatibility;

Questions for PPT project? assignment 8 25 October Video 2: Embedded video streaming; Compressing sound or video in RealProducer (old); Video 3: Grabbing YouTube or Google videos for use in class;

PowerPoint 3: PPT Interactive Animation within a slide for PPT 2010; PPT Interactive Animation within a slide for PPT 2007; PPT Interactive Animation for PPT 2003; PowerPoint 4: PPT Interactive Questions with Multiple Feedback Slides; PPT Multiple Feedback Slides for PPT 2003;

Interactive Web 2 - Mouseover Table Feedback in web pages using background colors; In-class work on PPT projects 1 November PPT project presentations;

Interactive Web 3 - Making form elements more interactive (drop-down, radio buttons) ; Pedagogical models for authentic materials: examine descriptions and sample lessons: Shrum and Glisan & PACE;

Phonetic symbols for Web & Word; assignment 9 8 November Sound 4: More sound editing; Interactive Web 4 - Automatically checking students' written answers in a text box (modo) ; Interactive Web 5 - Longer Interactive Feedback from an Array; Work on mini project #3 - lesson following a model; Glossing texts in Word 2007; Glossing for Word 2003 ; Sounds in Word; Interactive Web 6 - Glossing texts for the web (anchors & popups);

What's a podcast?; (Java Applets - Word Magnets; ) (Finding funding (grants).) 15 November Control the appearance of links; Take a look at our Florence (NdP) glossing sample (using layers to control gloss contents & location); Making image maps in Dreamweaver;

Re: Glossing, an article on vocabulary support for reading online - ON THE NET : Vocabulary Support for Independent Online Reading

Desktop video conferencing; Creating simple videos for web pages with digital video cameras; 22 November 30 November Mini project #3 - Web-based using text boxes, glossing, mouseover; Work on final projects (Video 5: Cropping a movie in Adobe Premiere; ) (Video 6: Putting it all together - video projects - overview & film; )

6 December Interactive Web 7 - Popup windows for images Interactive Web 8 - Popups using Dynamic HTML CLEAR Audio Dropbox

(video project - edit ) (Synchronous virtual environments: Second Life, Moo; ) online Crossword Puzzle Maker / Instant online CW maker / for sale Crossword

( Digital portfolios;) (A simple Mailto form;) Final Exam Final project presentations; Time: Tuesday, December 13, 4:20 - 6:50 p.m.

Student projects Fall 2011

Student projects Fall 2010

Student projects Fall 2009

Student projects Fall 2008

Student projects Spring 2008

Student projects 2007

Course Description and Class Attendance Policy

As electronic communication in an international marketplace continues to make the world seem smaller, it behooves us to develop the skills needed to interact with people using these media across cultural and linguistic divides. This class is designed to provide an introduction to and hands-on experience with many computer and Internet applications that serve as adjuncts to communication. Students will learn to use these communications technology tools to develop materials and projects directly related to their individual areas of interest or major. The course will be particularly useful for language teachers wishing to incorporate electronic communications technologies in their curriculum. Students are expected to attend all classes and to be punctual. Learning to use all of these applications will involve much time, both in and out of class. For this reason, students will need to make provision to work on assignments and projects outside of class in addition to the regular activities planned during class hours. The course instructor will be available regularly for consultation to assist students working on class assignments and projects. All students are urged to use the department computer language lab or other lab facilities as well as home computers when convenient.

Assignments and Projects Students will be expected to complete weekly assignments, which will be announced in class and also made available on a Web (WWW) page developed for this class. No text is required for this class; however, several texts will be suggested by the instructors to serve as valuable aids during project development. Some readings for the class will also be on reserve, and others will be available on the WWW.

Students will also be required to complete at least four mini-projects using various communications technologies and applications learned during the course. (Please see tentative schedule above.) In addition, students will develop and present two major projects, one at mid-semester and one as a final project. These projects can be expansions of previous mini-projects and should certainly be culminating projects using many of the technologies learned to date. Guidelines and evaluation rubrics for projects will be made available to students in class and on the WWW page.

Evaluation: 1. Class attendance and participation 10% 2. Completion of weekly assignments 20%

3. Mini-projects 30%

4. Mid-term Project 20%

5. Final Project 20%

ICC 523 and the Conceptual Framework: This course, as is the case with all of our offerings in the Modern Languages Department, is rooted in the ideals of liberal learning. The underlying ideal in all of our classes, whether they be literature, culture, or language based, is that all three of these elements are interwoven. The specific knowledge and perspectives that will be acquired in this class reflect SUNY Cortland’s commitment to instilling in our students an acumen for themes and issues pertaining to Global Understanding (knowledge of the interconnectedness of the natural and human experience through exposure to the political, social, economic and religious differences of the target language s literature and civilization) and Social Justice (comparison and contrast of issues of social justice, equality, and democracy between our society and those of the target language).

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY - from college handbook: 340.01 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY . . . It is . . . the professional responsibility of all faculty to explain the importance of honesty and respect for knowledge in order to ensure an academic environment that encourages integrity. . . . it is the responsibility of students to protect their own work from inappropriate use by others . . . Academic integrity is absolutely essential to ensure the validity of the grading system and maintain high standards of academic excellence. In addition, all members of the academic community must exhibit behavior exemplifying academic honesty and encourage such behavior in others.

340.02 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY -- 1. Plagiarism Each student is expected to present his or her own work. All papers, examinations, and other assignments must be original or explicit acknowledgment must be given for the use of other persons' ideas or language. . .

340.03 PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (1) The person reporting an instance of alleged academic dishonesty shall complete and forward to the Office of Judicial Affairs the Disclosure and Notification of an Academic Dishonesty Charge form. . . . If the filer of the notification form is a faculty member, whenever possible she/he shall discuss the incident with the student prior to forwarding the form to the Office of Judicial Affairs.

Student Disability Services: SUNY Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment. Any information regarding your disability will remain confidential. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible. Any requests for accommodations will be reviewed in a timely manner to determine their appropriateness to this setting.

W3 page maintained by & . Copyright © 1997, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Jean W. LeLoup & Robert Ponterio