+ '84 - .Lt ?k MINISTRY PAPER NO. -50\ I\


I have the honour to inform this IIonourable House that Government has decided to implement new rates of pay for Government employees in two phases set out below: Phase I: an increase at the rate of $15 per week or $780 per annum with effect from July 1, 1981; Phase 11: a further increase at the rate of $14 per week or $728 per annwn commencing July 1, 1982. The following categories of employees will benefit from this pay revision: (i) the Civil Service, including casual daily-paid and part-time employees, but excluding certain Groups who were granted pay increases since the last salary revision at April 1, 1980; (ii) the Security Forces - (a) Police Officers and !den, including Speclal and District Constables; (b) the Defence Force. (iii) the Teaching.and Related Teaching Service; (iv) the Local Government Service; (v) such Statutory Bodies where salaries follow the Civil Service pattern, and which are financed wholly from Public Funds. The new rates of pay are set out in the Annex to this PaDer which shows the new salary scales with effect from July 1, 1981 and April 1, 1982, in comparison with previous salary scales. The estimated cost of implementing this pay revision for the period July 1, 1981 to March 31, 1982, will be in the region of $61 million. A Resolution seeking the approval of the House of the proposal contained in this Pager will be moved by me in due course. ##fC$j.&,,.<,..&:A,, r;6&::. '? ;:." 5*,,(",:,,<, g::;. g::;. t!; .; >'bt< #&<...::.:i:& "2'


Group & Grade Existing Salary Scales Revised Salar-y Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 I W.e.f. 1/4/82 Senior Manaqement Group - SMG $ $ $ I I I 16,762 x 480 - 19,642 p.a. 17,542 x 480 - 20,422 p.a. 18,270 .x 480 - 21,150 p.a. I I 15,802 x 480 - 17,722 p.a. 16,582 x 480 - 18,502 p.a. 17,310 x 480 - 19,230 p.a. I 14,362 x 480 - 15,802 pea, 15,142 x 480 - 16,582 p.a. 75,870 x 480 - 17,310 p.a.

Proqramme Management 8 Adminis- tration Group - PMA

Financial Administration Accounts and Auditors Group -FAA Revised Salary Scales Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales -. - I . W. e .f . 1/7/87 I W.e.f. 1/4/82 $ $ Electronic Data Processinq -$ Systems Administration Group -EDP VI 15,402 x 480 - 16,632 p.a. 16,182 x 480 - 17,142 pea. 16,910 x 480 - 17,870 p.a.

Legal Subgroup - JLG/LL V IV I I1 I I I - Revised Salary Scales Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales .- W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 $ $ Medicine, Veterinary B I Medicine 8 Dentistry Group Medical Subgroup - MDG/MD IV 14,602 x 480 - 16,042 p.a. 15,382 x 480 - 16,822 p.a, 16,110 x 480 - 17,550 p.a. I11 13,642 x 460 - 14,602 p.a. 14,422 x 480 - 15,382 p.a. 15,150 x 480 - 16,110 pea. I I 12,262 x 420 - 13,522 p.a. 13,042 x 420 - 14,302 p.a. 13,770 x 420 - 15,030 p,a. I 10,102 x 360 - 12,262 p.a. 10,882 x 360 - 13,042 pea. 11,610 x 360 - 13,770 p.a.

Veterinary Subgroup - MDG/VM T\I 14,512 x 480 - 15,952 p.a. 15,292 x 480 - 16,732 p.a. 16,020 x 480 - 17,460 p.a.

4.1 1 13,042 x 480 - 14,482 pea. 13,822 x 480 - 15,262 p.a. 14,550 x 480 - 15,990 p.a. I I 11,362 x 420 - 13,462 p.a. 12,142 x 420 - 14,242 p.a. 12,870 x 420 - 14,970 p.a. I 9,562 x 360 - 11,722 p.a. 10,342 x 360 - 12,502 p.a. 11,070 x 360 - 13,230 p.a.

-Dentistry Subgroup - MDG/DT IV 14,602 x 480 - 16,042 p.a. 15,382 x 480 - 16,822 p.a. 16,110 x 480 - 17,550 p.a. I11 13,642 x 480 - 14,602 p.a. 14,422 x 480 - 15,382 p.a. 15,150 x 480 - 16,110 p.a, II 12,262 x 420 - 13,522 p.a. 13,042 x 420 - 14,302 p.a, 13,770 x 420 - 15,030 p.a. I 10,102 x 360 - 12,262 p.a. 10,882 x 360 - 13,042 p.a. 11,610 x 360 - 13,770 p,a. Without practice Without private practice Without private practice 9,382 x 300 - 10,582 p.a. 10,162 x 300 - 11,362 p.a. 10,890 x 300 - 12,090 p.a. With private practice With private practice With private practice Revised Salary Scales Group & Grade Existing Salary Scales I -- +--W.e.f. 1/7/81 I W.e.f. 1/4/82 Applied Sciences Group - ASG t $

Natural, Physicql and Social Sciences Groun - NPS

- - . . ;PST = Air Traffic Control group - PST/AT

> ::>: , L=:-3 ,?\,$:7=+...% 7- ::< :+ -:>?:. :-;::=:*k; .. .qi:..-pi.. -?,?%!.-q" 12,202 x 48Q - 13,162 p.a.

7,290 x 240 - 7,770 G.8. 9,070 X 3CO - 9,570 Q.B. 9,535 x 360 - 11,010 p.a. -

Group & Grade Existing Salary Scales -. Revised Salary Scales - +. W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 $ $ 8 Pharmacists & Professions - Supplementary to Medicine Subqroup - PST/PP

General Subgroup - PST/GN Revised Salary Scales Group & Grade Existing Salary Scales I I -NURSING PERSONNEL GROUP Reqistered Nurses Subqr~up- NPG/RN VI

Midwifery i3 Dental Nurses Subqroup NPG/D !3 M I

Enrolled Assistant Nurses Subgroup NPG/EAN I --a % -- <.

-.- Revised Salary Scales I - I Group 8 Grade I Existing 5al&ry Scales

Carrier Service Subqroup - PTO/CA I V 6,394 x 240 - 7,114 p.a, 111 5,494 x 180 - 6,214 p.a. I I 93.70 x2.30 -100.60 p.w. I 84.50 x2.30 - 93.70 p.w.

Technical Support Services Group

Health Support Subgroup - TSS/HS a- Group ti Grade Existing Salary Scales . Revised Salary Scales ld.e.f. 1/7/81 W.E.~. 1/4/82 Health Support Subgroup (cont'd.) $ I~ !+,,326 x 120 - 4,686 p.a. 5,SC6 x 120 - 5,4FG p.a. 5,034 x 120 - 6,194 p.a. C3.12 x2.30 - 90,Ufl p.w. 98.b8 x2.30 - 105.00 p.w. 112.lf9 x2.30 119.00 pull. n -

~ene&lSubgroup - TSS/GT VII~

Public Health Inspectorate Group - TSS/PHIG VI I 10,582 x 420 - 11,842 p.a. I 11,362 x 420 - 12,622 pea, 1 12,090 x 420 - 13,350 p,a. Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales I Revised Salar~Scales ! W.e,f, 1/7/81 W,e.f. 1/4/82

Security Services Group 8 $ 8 Prison - SSG/CS V 8,302 x 300 - 8,902 pea. 9,082 x 300 - 9,682 p,a. 9,810 x 300 - 10,410 p.a,

Protection Services Subgroup - SSG/PX V I V I11

T T Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales Revised Salary Scales I W.e.f. 1/7181 W,e,f. 1/4/82 8 $ S

Clerical & Regulatory Subgroup - OPS/CR V IV I11 I I

Data Processing Subgroup - OPS/DP V Revised Salary Scales Group & Grade Existing Salary Scales --- W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f, 1/4/02 d $ $ Telephone Operator Subgroup - OPS/TO I1I 5,GE2 x 180 - 6,382 p.a. 6,442 x 180 - 7,162 p.a. 7,170 x 180 - 7,890 p.a. I I 4,942 x 120 - 5,422 p.a. 5,722 x 120 - E,202 p.a. G,450 x 120 - 6,930 p.a. I 4,102 x 120- 4,702 p.a. 4,882 x 120 - 5,482 p.a. 5,610 x 120 - C,210 p.a.

Office Equipment Operation Subgroup-OPS/OE II 5,002 x 120 - 5,482 p.a. 5,702 x 120 - b,zbz p.a. E,510 x 120 - 6,990 p.a. I 4,102 x 120 - 4,702 p.a. 4,082 x 12D - 5,482 p.n. 5,610 x 120 - 0,210 p.a.

TRADES, LABOUR 8 GENERAL SERVICES CATEGORY I Artisans 8 Industrial Trades Group - AIT V 6,118 x 240 - 6,030 p.a. 6,898 x 240 - 7,618 p.a, 7,626 x 240 - 8,346 p.a. 117.55 ~4.60 - 131.35 p.~. 132.55 ~4.60 - 146.35 P.W. 146.55 ~4.60 - 160.35 p.w. IV 103.75 x3.45 - 117.55 pew. 110.75 x3.45 - 132.55 P.w. 132.75 x3.45 - 146.55 p.w. I I I 94.05 ~2.30 - 104.05 P.W. 109.85 ~2.30 - 119.05 P.W. 123.85 ~2.30 - 133.05 P.W. II 84.35 x2.30 - 95.05 p.w. 99.35 x2.30 - 110.85 P.W. 113.35 x2.30 - 124.85 p.w. I GG.85 ~1.70- 71.95 p.w, 81.85 ~1.70 - 86.95 P.W. 95.85 ~1.70- 100.95 P.W.

Revised Salary Scales Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Sc2les W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/02

-- - -- Part-time Cleaners (contfd.) 8 8 ;li;

20 hours or mare but less than 24 hours per week 24 hours or more weekly

-Posts Mail Cour%P!rs

Mileage 7-40 41-fiU 61r8D 8 1- 70Cf 'fO% 32 0 Over '120


Cadet (Administration i3 Postal Services) Cadet (~udit) Administrative Staff College Senior Lecturer Lecturer Registrer APAAA FAA2 ...... *U30rVlm4 ...... UYPNWVI 4ONNc!J WWilOVllJrn~on~g m2mCnN NNNNN NNNNN E XXXXXX XXXXX m -h XI I-' m \ C 22.222 4 r. ONPVl4 \ Lf] ...... U" ...... I (33 m UlPPOPP UlNW-lm4 A a QNcnPCoP mi1DLqP NNNNN ffl NNNNNN 111 P 9

U1 n N I- !$

.E XXXXXX XXXXX m UFPPC +, oommm OOOOQ f* -Ir \ P \ E u C) I- ill Y P' m rn E P L, rt. @J 7 z m P' f LO n f* n 111 m a n t-' t-' n rt m 0 rn I -h m Y rt I11 3 tT c fJ r C N I--' Y Y: r 1 - 0 Y I- n LG'

3, ;4 n) a3 D Y w I- I-

X E N 0 I

-)I .. .. W cO m (I, m -03~433 69 s3 a<+€B €9 ~3.~9cam m rag C1 WW W CI~~NNN\*(D 01 PIP rPcn~101mil ~BDCPWL~~(P(DC ...... -* w 4 44 C3wmw00w W-lOoWwcgmckin 0 UIU, UI~LnOO3OOOOOON~(D a - M WWWWWWWWW h¶ Ed P3 U td LN LU LO N ;J N ...... WWWtuL3PPC-'O ...... a0 03 00 4 4 (3 rn .... rSCnC-r.i)oCPc.nr4 e0Cnr-lwc;lCn 06)MOo mmmmcmcncncncn rvrrwrl-' mncno I EXISTING PAY RATES REVISED PAY RBTES FROM 1/7/81 REVISED PAY RAPES FROM L/4/@ DAILY ,ANNUALLY DAILY ANNUALLY m 9 $ 3 $ On appoi~tment- With less than 19 years service With 19 years service or after 2 gears in rank With 21 gears service or after 4 years in rank With 23 years service or after 6 years in rknk With 25 years service or after 8 years in rank Colonel On appointment After 2 years in rank After 4 years in rank After 6 years in rank After 8 years in rank On appointment After 2 years in rank After 4 years in rank General On appointment; 3. OFFICERS OF TPtE QUAW"I'XMASTEB CATECORY

RANEL EXISTING. PAY RATES REVISED PP,Y RATES FRQM 1/7/81 REVTSED PqP RATES FROM 1/4/32 DAILY ANNUALLY DAILY ANNUALLY DAILY ANNUALLY QL * 8 S Y 3 $ $ Lieutenant - On appointment 26.51 9,676.75 28.64 10,456.75 30. t?4 11,154.75 After 1 year service 26.81 9,786.25 28.94 10,566.25 30.94 11,294.25 After 2 years service 27.11 9,895.70 29.~1 10,675.70 31.24 11,403.70 After 3 years service 27.41 10,005.25 29.54 10,785.25 31.54 11,513.25 After 4 years service 2'7.71 10,114.75 29.84 10,894.75 31.84 11,622.75 After 5 years service 28.01 10,224.25 30.14 11,004.25 32.14 11,732.25 After 6 years service 29.31 10,333.75 30.44 11,113.75 32.44 After 8 years service 28.61 10,443.25 30.74 11,223.25 32.74 11,841.75 11,251.25 After 10 years service 28.91 10,552.75 31.04 11,332.75 33.04 12,060.75 Major After 12 years service 29.21 10,662.25 31.34 11,442.25 33.34 After 14 years service 29.51 10,771.75 31.64 11,551,75 33.64 13,279.7513,173.25 After 16 years service 29.81 10,881.25 31.94 11,661.25 33.94 After 18 years service 30.11 10,990.75 32.24 11,770.75 34.24 12,389.25 12,498.75 Lieutenant 'Colonel On appointment 33.56 11,885.00 34.69 12,665.00 36.69 After 2 years service 13,393.00 33.36 12,177.00 35.49 12,957.00 37.49 13,685.00


RANK ] EXISTING PAY RATES i?.EVUSED PAY RATES FROM 1/7/81 REVISED PAY UTES PRO1g 1/4/82 DAILY ANNUALLY DAILY I ANNUALLY DA ILY ANNUALLY $ $ F' "f; S Captain on appointment -- After 2 years in rank After 4 years in rank &lajor on appointment After 2 years in rank After 4 years in rank After 6 years in rank on appointment I Chaplain/Education Officer I. OFFICER CADETS - RKTK EXISTING PAY RATES REVISED .PAY RATES FRO?! 1/7/81 REVISED PPY RAI'ES- FROM 1/4/82 DAILY I ANNUALLY DAILY 1 ANNUALLY DAILY I INHUALLY

Fisst Year Second Year

,;:q TRAINING ALLOWANCE - JA!dAICA NATIONAL RESERE *'-% *9& 1,569.50 6.43 3,349.50 taw-? . ' ) Staff Sergeant ) 1,332.25 5.70 Sergeant 1 and Below 1,277.50 5.63



RANK - EXISTING, PAY RATES REVISED PAY RATES FROM 1/7/81 DAILY APJrIUALLY DAILY ANNUALLY 3 3P, '3 $ CLASS I Warrant Officer Class Warrant Officer Class Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Private (Craftsman)

CLASS I1 Warrant Officer Class I Warrant Officer Class I1 Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance Corporal Private (Craftsman) CLASS I11 Warrant Officer Class I Warrant Officer Class 11 Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance Corporal Private (Craftsman) GROUP "A'" ""B" TMDESI*mI AWL) NON-TRADESHEN (SERGEANT8 ,&D WVE)

I WR E&I,BTING PAY RATES f R@VIE$ED PAYI.--- BA* FROM 1/7/81 1 BBVI$&D PAY RATWS FRO14 1/4/82 D&I L% I AnrnA"Y t "ILY ~~.R~ZCLP DA r'LT iVmALLY I .. $ 6 $ 9 9; 3 GMWP. ,'.'$", - CLASS I 1 [+ij -*. 46 -R- I1 2*-- - --

Iqfrant Officer Class i 24. gl 8,910.25 26.54 9,690.25 263.54 &+,&xfJ ,* #A $~$~%@m Officer -+: Walerant Class IL 22.36 8,162.00 24.49 8,942.00 28.49 %: A 0;fSqBJ.W - Staif 32.69 Sergeant 20.56 7,505-00 8,385.00 34.69 ':g $,Q&+qQO '77 Sergeant 19.21 7,012.25 21.34 7,792.25 23.31 8,5243.25 '

. , GRoUP "F.',' - CLASS .J Warrant Officer Class 1 24.06 8,782.50 26.19 9,5432.50 28.19 13,290.50 Warx&rt Officer Class II 22.06 8,052.50 24.19 8,833.50 2%.19 3,5630.50 Staff Sergeant 20.31 7,413.75 22.44 8,193.75 24.44 t$,921.75 hrgeaat 19.01 6,939.26 I 21.14 7,719.25 23.14 $,447.25 NON-TRADESldEN 1 Warrant Officer Class I 23.71 8,654.75 25.84 9,434.75 27.84 ,. lb;'3332 .75 - -,w.= * * Warrant Officer Class I1 21.76 7,943.00 23.89 8,725.00 25.89 , : 4.,-" .* Staff Sergeant 20.016. 12,322.50 23.19 8,102.50 24.19 ' 8,&9#,58 '3.F. ".I_ . +.-A Sergeant 18.81 6,866.25 20.34 7,646.25 22.94 ,* g3g&a& 4-= - 2- , - ~, ,. - "7

! / 8.


RANK EXISTING PAY RATES REVISED PAY RATES FROM 1/7/81 REVISED PAY RATES FRO?$ 1/4/82 DA I LY ANNUALLY DAILY AMYUALLY DAILY MJUALLY $ S g $ $ 8 CLASS A1 Corporal 16.41 5,990.25 18.54 6,770.25 20.50 7,438.25 Lance Corporal 12.96 4,731.00 15.09 5,511.00 17.09 6,238.00 Private 11.31 4,128.75 13.44 4,908.75 15.44 5,636.75 --_ CLASSES A11 & BI -- 7

Corporal 16.26 5,935.50 18.39 6,715.50 20.39 7,443.50 ? \- Lance Corporal 12.81 4,676.25 14.94 5,456.25 16.94 ,-$;L84.25 2'li Private 11.16 4.074.00 13.29 4,554.00 15.29 .+.- $, 5%2~~j$5~ ., 73- - , ' - -4 :..:< - CLASSES AIII, BII & CI Corporal 1E.11 5,880.75 18.24 6,660.75 20.24 7,388.75 Lance Corporal 12.66 4,621.30 14.79 5,401.50 16.79 6,129.50 Private 11.01 4,019.25 13.14 4,799.25 15.14 3,527.25

CLASSES BIII & CII Corporal 15.96 5,826.00 18.09 E.606.00 20.09 7,334.00 Lance Corporal 12.51 4,566.75 14.64 5,348.75 16.64 9,074.75 Private 10.86 3,964.50 12.99 4,744.50 14.93 5,472.50

CLASSES BIV & CIII Corporal 15.81 5,771.25 17.34 6,551.25 19.44 7,279.25 Lance Corporal 12.36 4,512.00 14.49 5,292.00 16.49 8,020.00 Private 10.71 3,909.75 12.84 A,689.75 14.84 5,417.75

I -@ .2--r_e7+ F ..,. :43w2'7&:43;j$~1*-z-:' = " &ZiZ.cA,: v:,.:,<:,-- ,;$p7d;e:,!..&& , , =$&b&+ .:*:a-. :,$$:. .,+,,, 23- *.


REVISED PAY RAr3S FRO!,! 1/4/82 RANK EXISTING PAY RATES REVISED PAY RATES FRO13 1/7/81 . DAILY ANNUALLY DAILY ANNUALLY DAILY WNUALLY $ $ 8 $ $J $ CLASS I - After 30 months service with 4 military qualifications 15.66 5,716.00 17.73 6,496.00 19.79 7,224.00 - Corporal 5,9C5.25 Lance Corporal 12.31 4,457.25 14.34 5,237.25 16.34 4,635.00 14.69 5,353.00 Private , 13.56 3,855.00 13,69 CLESS I1 - After 18 months service with 3 military qualifications 15.51 5,661.75 17.W 6,411.75 19.84 7,149.75 - Corporal 5,913.53 Lance Corporal 12.06 4,403.59 14.19 5,182.50 16.19 Private 19.41 3,800.25 12.54 4,583.25 14.54 -5,308.25 CLASS I11 - After 18 months service with 3 military qualifications 19,49 7,115.00 - Corporal 15.36 5,607.00 17.43 6,387.00 Lance Corporal 11.91 4,347.75 14.04 5,127.75 16.04 5,855.75 Private 10.26 3,745.50 12.39 4,525.50 14.39 5,353.50

CLASS IV - After 6 months service 5,217.00 - Recruit 10.16 3,709.00 12.29 4,489.00 14.29

I I , I Weviaion of Salaries with effect from July 1, 1981 and April 1, 1982 - Teaching and Related Staff

POSTS EXISTING SALARY SCALES REVISED SbLAI1Y SCALES - w.e. f. 1/7/81 m. e. f. 1/4/82 $ $ Correcti-onal Services Superintendent I11 9,552 x 360 - 11,352 p.a. 10,332 x 360 - 12,132 p. a. 11,060 x 360 - 12,860 p.a. Suerintendent I1 8,832 x 300 - 10,632 p.a. 9,612 x 300 - 11,412 p.a. 10,340 x 300 - 12,149 p.a. Superintendent I 8,532 x 248 - 10,372 p.a. 9,312 x 240 - 10,852 pea. 10,040 x 240 - 11,580 p.a. Assistant Superintendent 7,572 x 240 - 9,012 p.a. 8,352 x 240 - 9,792 p.a. 9,080 x 240 - 10,520 pea. Adult Education Officer 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,492 p.a. 8,240 x 180 - 13,220 p.a. Teacher 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,492 p.a. 8,240 x 180 - 10,220 p.a. Instructor Grade I1 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,492 p.a. 8,240 x 180 - 10,220 p.a. ~nstructor Grade I 5,052 x 120 - 5,652 p.a. 5,832 x 120 - 6,432 p.a. 6,560 x 120 - 7,160 p.a. Child Care- Superintendent I1 8,832 x 300 - 10,632 p.a. 9,612 x 300 - 11,412 p.a. 10,340 x 300 - 12,140 p.a. Superintendent Grade I 8,532 x 240 - 10,072 p.a. 9,312 x 240 - 10,852 p.a. 10,040 x 240 - 11,5230 p.a. Assistant Superintendent 7,572 x 240 - 9,012 p.a. 8,352 x 240 - 9,792 p.a. 9,080 x 240 - 10,520 p.a. House Parent I11 7,572 x 240 - 9,012 p.a. 8,352 x 240 - 9,792 p.a. 9,080 x 240 --10,520 p.a. House Parent I1 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,492 p.a. 8,240 x 130 - 10,220 p.a. Instructor I1 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,492 p.a. 8,240 x 180 - 10,220 p.a. Teacher 6,732 x 180 - 8,712 p.a. 7,512 x 180 - 9,493 p .a. 8,240 x 180 - 10,220 p. a. House Parent I 6,612 x 180 - 7,512 p.a. 7,392 x 180 - 8,292 p.a. 8,120 x 180 - 9,020 p.a. Instructor I 5,052 x 120 - 5,652 p.a. 5,832 x 120 - 6,432 p.a. 6,500 x 120 - 7,160 p.a. 3 A Teacher 4,572 x 130 - 5,412 p.a. 5,352 x 120 - 6,192 p.a. ' 6,080 x 120 - 6,920 p.a.

I POST EXISTING SALARY SCALE3 REVISEF) SALARY SCAtES w.e. f. 1/7/81 w.e.f. 1/4/82 $ $ $ -Vocational Training- Principal (Papine) Chief Vocational Training Instructor Coufrterpart German Director Senior Vocational Training Instructor Workshop Head Head, Theory Department Certification Testing Officer Counterpart (Garment Factory) Supervisor Vocational Training Instructor Workshop Instructor Supervisor/Instructor Theory Teacher Instructor Grade I1 Counsellor I1 Counsellor I Belated Subject Teacher Teacher Instructor Grade I POSTS EXISTING SALARY SCALES 3EVISED SALARY SCALES I w.e.f. 1/7/81 w.e.f. 1/4/82? - $ $ Police Training School Teacher of Cadets Graduate Teacher

Statutory Bodies Posts Related to Education Officer I 9,612 x 300 - 10,512 Q.B. 10,340 x 300 - 11,240 Q.B. 10,812 x 300 - 12,612 p.a. 11,540 x 300 - 13,340 p.a. Trained Teacher 7,152 x 180 - 9,132 p.a. 7,880 x 180 - 9,860 p.a. Lecturer, Teachers' College 10,512 x 380 - 12,312 p.a. 11,240 x 300 - 13,040 p.a. Specialist I1 8,652 x 240 - 10,812 p.a. 9,380 x 240 - 11,540 p.a. Curriculum Development Officer 11,232 x 360 - 13,032 p.a. 11,960 x 360 .-- 13,760 p.a. HHHHC HHC H

a Cn m ,4 a Qu u r 4 r cnmcna omul 4U3AOcn OOD.F'N 0 0 m 00000 UPJNNN NNN NNNNN XXXXX . - 0 NNWC W-FPON 0~2000 Cn a I-' A A A22PN 111 Y nmdmo vlmmao I] Y u *.c" < W- v m wpm4 ';n%mCo c QNarm 00000 I-'' ONNNN NNNNN fll Cn rn 3 T1GUlYU a m ..em. n E oma U3 H ..me. a D w I- a, Y * I- 0 LO n 0 D a r I-' m co n 0 aPC m (D ;o XXXXX XXX XXXXX 2 2 l\j IF1 - yNwr 3 L\i-- CON E 9 CL-IOOO --I OJ 3 0. Lo n I--' D a r E g \ m W

Cn a, . I-'a ' .ccH cn n a, mI-' ffl E m +1

I--' \ r \ m IN Revised Salary Scale Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82

$ 9i; $' Road- B Works Group - RWG Grade VIII 12,682 x 480 - 14,122 p.a. 13,462 x 480 - 14,902 p.a. 14,190 x 480 - 15,630 p.a. UII 11,002 x 420 - 12,262 p.a. 11,782 x 420 - 13,042 p.a. 12,510 x 420 - 13,770 p.a. VI 10,642 x 420 - 11,902 p.a. 11,420 x 420 - 12,682 p.a. 12,150 x 420 - 13,410 p.a. V 8,242 x 360 - 9,322 p.a. 9,022 x 360 - 10,102 pea. 9,750 x 360 - 10,830 p.e. I V 7,042 x 300 - 8,542 p.a, 7,822 x 300 - 9,322 p.a. 8,550 x 300 - 10,050 p.c, I11 6,322 x 240 - 7,522 p.a. 7,102 x 240 - 8,302 p.a. 7,830 x 240 - 9,030 p.a. I I 5,182 x 180 - 6,082 p.a. 5,962 x 180 - 6,862 pea. 6,690 x 180 - 7,590 p.a. I 4,462 x 120 - 5,422 p.a. 5,242 x 120 - 6,202 p.a. 5,970 x 120 - 6,930 p.a.

I Traffic Control B Requlating Group - TCG Grade IV 8,782 x 360 - 9,862 p-a. 9,562 x a60 - 10,642 p.a. 10,290 x 360 - 11,370 pea. I11 7,222 x 300 - 8,422 p.a, 8,002 x 300 - 9,202 p.a. 8,730 x 300 - 9,930 pea, I1 6,202 x 240 - 6,922 p.a. 6,982 F 240 - 7,702 pea. 7,710 x 240 - 0,430 p.a. I 4,402 x 120 - 5,602 p.a. 5,182 x 120 - 6,382 p.a. 5,910 x 120 - 7,110 p.a,

Office & Public Services Group - OPS Poor Relief Subgroup - OPS/PR Grade V 9,322 x 420 - 11,002 p.a. 40,'i02 x 420 - 11,782 p,a, 3D,830 x &2U - 12,520 p,a, IV i,48L x 360 - 9,922 p.a. 9,262 x 360 - 10,7C32 p.8. 9,990 x 36W - 11,430 p,a, 111 6,922 x 300 - 8,1&2 p.~. ?,?EL?! x 300 - 8,962 p.e, 45,430 x 3cJQ - 9,63Q p.2, Revised Salary Scales 6roup 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales - W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 a B !-I OPS/PR Continued Grade I1 I

Market Operations Suhqroup - OPS/MO Grade V I1 V I V I V I11 I I

PART-TIME STREET SWEEPERS Etl L weepers should be paid on a "pro ratafl basis, depending on the totsl'number of hours worked esch week, at the minimum of the scale applicable to their permanent full-time counterpart. 1 Revised Salary Scales Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W, e. f. 1/4/82

PART-TIME MARKET CLERKS $ !! 9f, Part-time Market Clerks should be paid on a npro ratan ba~i$ depending on the total number of hours worked each week at the minimum of the scale applicable to Grade I1 of the Market Operations Subgroup, of the Office and Public Services Group.

PART-TIME ASSESSORS Part-time Market Assessors should be paid on c 'pro ratan basis, depending op the total number of hours worked each week at the minimum rate applicable to Grade I of the Market Operations Subgroup of the Office and Public Services Group.

PUBLIC CLEANSING 8 SANITATION SERVICES - GLS/CS Level VII - Superintendent (KSAC) VI - Snr. Superinten- dent (St. James) Asst, Supt. (KSAC) V - Supt. (St. 4nn, St Catherine, Clarcn- .dun E M:nrh::stt;.r Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales Revised Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82

GLS/CS (Continued) 8 3 3 Level IV - Field Supervisor 6,442 x 240 - 7,402 p.a. 7,222 x 240 - 8,102 p.e. 7,950 x 240 - 8,910 p.a. (KSAC Superintendent (Other Parish Councils) Asst. Supxnintendent (Clarendon 8 St. Ann) Level I11 - Foreman 5,662 x 180 - 6,202 p.a. 6,442 x 180 - 6,982 p.aa 7,170 x 100 - 7,710 p.a. I1 - Headman 104.65 x3.45 - 111.55 pew. 119.65 x3.45 - 126.55 pow. 133.65 x3.45 - 140.55 p.w. Street Orderly Gr. I (HSAC) Head Cleaner - Market (St. James) I - Caretaker P.SzC. 88.35 x 3.25 - 98.10 p.w. 103.35 x 3.25 - 113.10 pewe 117.35 x 3.25 - 127.10 p.w. Street Orderly/ Cleaner/Swceper Sideman/Cartmsn/ Stableman Deposit Ground Attcndant

ARTISANS 8 TRADESMEN (KSAC) IV - Plumber Gr. I 117.55 x 4.60 - 131.35 p.w. 132.55 x 4.60 - 146.35 paw. 146.55 x 4.60 - 160.35 p,w. 111 - Artisan Gr. I . 103.75 x 3.45 - 117.55 p.w. 118.75 x 3.45 - 132.55 paw. 132.75 x 3.45 - 146.55 pow. Wheelwright Gr. I I1 Whzcl~~lrightGr. I1 97.15 x 3.45 - 104.05 p.w. 112.15 x 3.45 - 113.05 p.w. 125.15 x 3.45 - 173.05 p.w. ?lz,c~cimithST, I1 kt- r'- L r I Revised Salary Scales Group 8 Grade Existing Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 9 P ARTISAN B TRADESMEN (KSAC) Jz 5 0 (Continued) I - Plumber Grade 111 94.85 x 2.30 - 104.05 p.w. 109.85 x 2.30 - 119.05 pew. 123.85 x 2.30 - 133.05 pow,

MOTOR UNIT OPERATORS Level I1 - Heavy Duty Driver 103.75 x 3.45 - 117.55 p.w. 118.75 x 3.45 - 132.55 p.w. 132.75 x 3.45 - 146.55 p.~. Sprinkler I - Garbage Lorry 97.15 x 3.45 - 107.50 pow. 112.15 x 3.45 - 122.-50 pow. 126.15 x 3.45 - 136.50 p.w. Driver

FIREBRIGADE SERVICE Grade XIV - Superintendent 14,086 x 480 - 15,526 p.a. 14,866 x 480 - 16,306 p.a. 15,594 x 480 - 17,034 pea. ( HSAC XIII- Snr. Dep. Supt. 13,606 K 480 - 14,086 p.a. 14,386 x 480 - 14,866 p.a. 15,114 x 480 - 15,594 p.a. (KSAC XI1 - Dep. Supt. (KSAC) 12,646 x 480 - 13,606 p.a. 13,426 x 480 - 14,386 p.a. 14,154 x 480 - 15,114 p.a. XI - Snr. Asst. Supt. 11,606 x 420 - 12,646 p.a. 12,586 x 420 - 13,426 p.a. 13,314 x 420 - 14,154 p.a. (KSAC) X - Asst. Supt. (KSAC) 10,366 x 360 - 11,806 p.a. 11,146 x 360 - 12,586 p.a. 11,874 x 360 - 13,314 p,a, Supt. "Aw (P.C.) IX - Chief Officer(HSAC) 9,706 x 300 - 10,006 p.a, 10,486 x 300 - 10,786 p.a. 11,214 x 300 - 11,514 p.a, Supt. "El" (PC) Dept. Supt. ( KBAC VIII- Lsst. Chief Off. ( KS:,C ) 9,506 x 3i0 - In I*$ p.~. - Revised Salary Scales Posts Existing Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/02 S S Grade VIII- Asst. Supt. "A" 0,806 x 300 - 9,406 p.a. 9,586 x 300 - 10,186 p.a. 10,314 x 300 - 10,914 p,a. (cont Id) (P .C. 1 VII - District Officer (HSAC) Asst. Supt. 118u 8,206 x 300 - 8,506 p.a. 8,986 x 300 - 9,286 p.a. 9,714 x 300 - 10,014 p.e. (P.C.)

/; 1. VI - Sergeant 6,706 x 300 - 7,006 p.a. 7,486 x 300 - 7,786 p.a. 8,214 x 300 - 8,514 p.a.

V - Corparal 6,166 x 240 - 6,406 pea. 6,946 x 240 - 7,186 p.a. 7,674 x 240 - 7,914 pea. fV - Lance Corporal 5,686 x 240 - 5,926p.a. 6,466 x 240 - 6,705 pea. 7,194 x 240 - 7,42% p.a. 111 - Female Lance Corporal 5,400 p.a. 6,180 p.a. 6,908 p.a. I1 - Fireman 4620;4764;4920;5088;5400 p.a. 5400;5544;5700;5868;6180 p.a. 6128;6272;6428;6596;6908 p.a. I - FirewoaBn 4620;4644;4788;4920;5088 p.a. 5400;5424;5568;5700;5868 p.a. 6128;6152;fi296;6428;6596;p-a.

1 Revision of Teachers1 Salaries

Schedule of Salary Scales w.e,f. July 1, 1981 and April 1, 1982

Grades I Existing Salary Scales I Revised Salary Scales

Pre-Trained Teacher 6,080 x 420 - 6,920 Q.B. 7,100 x 180 - 8,180 pea. Trained Teacher 7,880 x 180 - 9,860 p.a, Graduate (P.T.) Reg. Degree 9,380 x 240 - 11,540 pea, Graduate (POT.) Hons. Degree 9,860 x 240 - 12,020 pea. Graduate (Tr.) Reg. Degree 10,100 x 300 - 12,200 pea. Graduate (Tr.) Hons. Degree 10,580~300 - 12,680 pa. Specialists Grade I 8,000 x 180 - 9,980 p.a, Specialists Grade I1 9,380 x 240 - 11,540 p.a.

PRIMARY SCHOOLS Vice-Principal Principal - Class IV Principal - Class I11 Principal - Class fI Principal - Class I Principal - Class I (Special) u c n Y Ck Y Fk I3 I-'. n J m 3 m n I 0 I r- n P' D Y u 11 n u P' -- a, nl P LU I-' I-' I-' I-' 3 t-' 3 n n I-'. I uP* u n n n a, n n D cu I-' I-' C, I-' t-' I-' I-' I-' 01 nl a, [U 01 ffl ffl m m m 111 En m U1 w HHHH HH n H 0) u m n I-'. nl I-' V

..\D 4 W N .- .- X XXX W rrw I 0 rn 0 a, I-' I a, Y I-' 'c C-' n cn W N I-' u ' $ nl

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J J A .-5 EWOW "a P 3 ct. 3 m n I- m m I-" I -----

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m "U"Uoawu ..a 2rn-r~ V) -5u- N NNNN E X xxxx ID WWCC . a W +I 0 - OONm0000 ill 0 P ia r N I Ill1 \ -5A-52 4 u a r m \ 0 ," "O u " m 111- A . c W2.PWmwcd al Cn m N N N N N c u Uam?..* rnI-'. . m m *a*.mmmm a tn m m Y 'c FAA2 03n I-OW0 a "Yl* nl " I- IT\ ~~wmo rrmr 111m 'Po oooa E X X X X x m

-\ W ~urr OONCkJ -I .? 8 ocloo 8 W e I ttll 0 -5PA-5 r WWCnd u I- 02 N

'13 ....u REVISION OF SALARIES 1981/82 AND 1902/83


Posts Existing Salary Scales Revised Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 8 t 8 Lecturer

Senior Lecturer

Principal Lecturer or Head of Department Gr. I Head of Department Grade I1 Vice-Principal REVISIEIN OF SALARIES 1981/SL AND 1982/83


Revised Salary Scales Posts I Existing Salary Scales W.e.f. 1/7/81 W.e.f. 1/4/82 t-t Lecturer Senior Lecturer Principal Lecturer or Head of Department Gr. I Head of Department Grade I1 vice-principal Principal kEVISION OF SALARIES 1581/82 AND 1902/83 ,- , JAMAICA SCHOOL OF AGRI~ULTURE

- - Revised Salary Scales Posts -I1 Existing Salary Scales



Senior Lecturnr

Head of Department




Director of Studies

Senior Tutor Tutor

