In this issue, messages from: David Wolpe Page 01

Rabbi Nicole Guzik Page 02

Rabbi Erez Sherman Page 03

Cantor Marcus Feldman Page 04

Sinai Temple Teen Center Page 04

Howard Lesner Page 05

Jamie Berman Page 05 A MESSAGE FROM RABBI DAVID WOLPE Lisa Zide Max Webb Senior Rabbi Page 06

Danielle Kassin We are conditioned by the exodus to think of Page 07 liberation as an event, but liberation is a process. That is why we reenact the liberation Marcy Melton & Lina Pournazarian from Egypt the Seder; it is something Page 08 that takes time and focus and continual effort. Michael Silberstein Page 09 As we liberate ourselves from the pandemic the same truth holds. Freedom is not attained in Briana Benaron an instant, even with a vaccine. Although getting vaccinated is crucial, we are opening Page 10 gradually as a society, and as a . We have now begun to have services in person Mike Amerikaner and that process, God willing, will grow until we reach and exceed the numbers who have Page 11 worshipped with us in the past. Although a synagogue is place of prayer, the Hebrew name, Beit Knesset, reminds us that it is Also in this issue: a house of gathering. From the time of the ancient Temple, where Jews prayed was also where Thank You to Our Annual Suppoters they came to meet and be together, to celebrate and to grieve, to talk and to sit silently in one Pages 12-35 another’s presence. During the pandemic it was still possible to pray of course; what we Life Cycle Events missed was the joy of sitting beside a friend, or beside someone who might become a friend. Pages 36-40 Increasingly, we can plan for a full restoration of the community that we treasure. We hope that March-May Anniversaries Pages 41-48 those who did not join us this year will renew their membership and once again become March and April Anniversaries members in our sacred community. All of Israel, the sages teach us, are responsible for one & Scholar-In-Residence Recap another. May this new promise of liberation be fulfilled for us and all of Israel and for our world. Page 49

Sinai Speaks | page 01 A MESSAGE FROM RABBI NICOLE GUZIK Sitting in the Sinai Temple office, I found myself smiling from ear to ear. Why? I could hear children singing “Birkat HaMazon”, the prayer after eating a meal. You can imagine the reasoning behind my joy. I was thrilled to be in our synagogue, in the presence of children’s voices, a place previously vacant for almost a year.

A month ago, we opened the sanctuary for Shabbat services. That first Shabbat, my eyes began to well up with tears when I heard our congregants repeat the words, “Shabbat Shalom.” What is the definition of a synagogue? Yes, there is a . Yes, a mezuzah adorning the doorway. Certainly, an eternal light brightening the bimah. But most importantly, a synagogue consists of all of you: our beautiful community that prays, celebrates, mourns, and joins together during both times of sorrow and times of joy. A synagogue is most notably called, “Beit Knesset.” A House of Gathering. A home in which we transition from disparate individuals into a family that devotes time to strengthening each other’s souls. There is no “Beit Knesset” for one. In our tradition, if you pursue a spiritual path, it is a path joined by many people. Other Jews seeking a closer relationship with God, a sense of belonging within community, and a greater understanding of one’s soulful purpose. We engage in this journeying together. Currently, at the entrance of Ziegler sanctuary is a sign that reads, “Welcome Home, we missed you.” Indeed, from the bottom of our hearts, we missed you. When you are ready, join us for Shabbat and holiday services. It is with you in which we create a synagogue, our sacred Sinai Temple community. And when you return, we will be blessed to say, “Welcome Home.”

Rabbi Nicole Guzik

Sinai Speaks | page 02 A MESSAGE FROM RABBI EREZ SHERMAN - "WHAT DO I WANT?" It is hard to believe that we are once again gearing up for another year of community. While last year looked nothing like a year any of us could have imagined, as we all know, “it takes a village.”

One of my favorite parts of being a Rabbi is meeting new members and introducing those who are entering our sacred space for the first time. In these meetings, I ask one simple question, “We know what we want for others in their spiritual journeys, but what do you want for yourself?”

If I am meeting a new family to Sinai Akiba Academy or Sinai Temple Religious School, a parent can name everything they dream of for their child’s education but has never asked themselves what Jewish journey they wish to blessed with. As we re-emerge into sacred community, as we relearn how to celebrate and mourn together again, as we regather our spiritual belongings to enter community again, ask yourself that question. “What do I want from my spiritual journey?” And then ask yourself two more questions---“How can I get that experience myself, and how can I give that experience to others?” This year, come home again. Yes, things will look a little different, but in our hearts and in our souls, things will feel the same.


Check out the latest episodes of Rabbi Sherman's new series below. New episodes are available every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. PDT/1:00 p.m. EDT on our YouTube Channel.

Episode 20 Episode 19

Sinai Speaks | page 03 A MESSAGE FROM CANTOR MARCUS FELDMAN What is the essence of being Jewish? What does our tradition ask of us? What does Judaism offer to the world? These large questions task us to “summarize” our vast and storied tradition. Is it possible to condense all Jewish history, theology, and philosophy into a single thought, statement, or prayer? Our tradition offers two famous stories that attempt to do just this:

Hillel was once famously asked by a gentile to teach the entire Torah while the potential convert stood on one foot. His response: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation of this – go and study it!” – Talmud (Shabbat 31a) The Prophet Micah also offers a summary of what God demands: “He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice And to love goodness, And to walk modestly with your God – Micah 6:8 In addition to these two famous stories, I would like to offer a third text that summarizes the essence of Judaism. Every prayer service during the Amidah, the seventh and final section is a prayer for peace. In the morning services the prayer is Sim Shalom and, in the evening, Shalom Rav. In the prayer Sim Shalom, we are offered one of the most beautiful lines of liturgy: . ִכּי ְבאוֹר ָפֶּ ֽני ָנ ַ ֽת ָתּ ָ ֽלּנוּ ְי ֹהָוה ֱא ֵ ֽהינוּ תּוֹ ַרת ַחִיּים ְואַ ֲה ַבת ֶ ֽח ֶסד וּ ְצ ָד ָקה וּ ְב ָר ָכה ְו ַר ֲח ִמים ְו ַחִיּים ְו ָשׁלוֹם For by the light of Your countenance You gave us Adonai our God, a Torah of life and the love of kindliness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. With this one prayer we are offered the essence of what it means to be Jewish. God has given us an eternal teaching to love ourselves and our neighbors through the simple yet profound acts of kindness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. This important reminder is present in our lives every day should we choose to listen to the words of our tradition. As Hillel said, now go and study it!


The Sinai Temple Teen Center and Union Rescue Mission, an organization helping those experiencing homelessness on Skid Row, are working together to buy supplies needed by the mission during these trying times.

Homelessness has become even harder during the COVID-19 pandemic, so the Teen Center has created a Target drive to supply Union Rescue Mission with simple necessities like wallets and towels that have become even more vital now. All items will be shipped directly to Sinai Temple where they will then be donated to the mission. Please visit to donate and purchase these items!

Sinai Speaks | page 04 In September 1999, I wrote my first article for Sinai Speaks entitled, COMING HOME. I was just beginning my new role as Executive Director. It was the beginning of the new millennium and I was returning to Sinai after spending 21 years working as the Principal of the Elementary Day School and Associate Executive Director at Stephen Wise Temple.

My family joined Sinai Temple in 1955 when the synagogue was located on 4th and New Hampshire. In the late 50’s the Temple moved to the corner of Wilshire and Beverly Glen where at that time stood a motel that they had purchased. The garages of the two-story edifice were turned into classrooms for the Sunday and religious schools and the motel rooms were converted into the Temple offices housing the clergy, school administrators and office staff.

In the early 60’s the construction began on the Sanctuary and Ziegler Hall. As a young boy I got to watch the weekly changes and growth of the building as we played in the parking lot adjacent to the construction during our recess breaks. In February of 1964 I celebrated my Bar Mitzvah on the same bima we enjoy today and 20 years ago celebrated my wedding in Kohn Chapel.

Sinai Temple has played an important part in my life for over six decades. It is hard to believe that it has been 22 years since I returned as Executive Director and it is harder to believe that between my teaching positions with the Los Angeles Unified School District, Stephen Wise Temple, and Sinai Temple that I have worked for over 49 years.

The time has come for the next chapter in life, and I will be retiring on June 30, 2021. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful opportunity of serving this congregation for the past 22 years. I want to thank our incredibly talented clergy and especially my partner and friend Rabbi David Wolpe for his guidance and support over these years. I also want to thank our amazing staff who day after day give so much of themselves to bettering this 110- year-old institution. They are hardworking loyal professionals that I am blessed to be able to have associated myself with. Finally, I want to thank the lay leadership who are the backbone to the continued vision and growth of this synagogue and especially the 11 wonderfully different Temple Presidents I got to serve with. It is their hard dedicated work that guarantees the future of Sinai Temple and its role in the Los Angeles Jewish community.

This will be my last article for Sinai Speaks. I have titled it L’hitraot (until later) rather than farewell because Michal and I plan on remaining active members of the Sinai Temple community for many years to come. Thank you all for your support over the years. I wish each of you and your families a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you in shul.


Dear Members,

Thank you for the opportunity to have served as your President for these past two years. It has been one of the greatest experiences in my career, and I was honored to represent Sinai Temple in this capacity. I hope that I have met most of your expectations and look forward to serving as Past President for 2021-2023.

I have said it before, but it is worth repeating: the current board members/past Presidents, clergy, and staff that I have served with are truly what makes our Temple successful. So, a huge thank you to each one of them for all the hard work that ensued during my term. We accomplished a lot, and we would not be the impactful and professional organization that we are without all their collaborative efforts.

The past 14 months has been an unusually stressful time for everyone. I am so proud of how we have pulled together to support each other in this time of need and continue to provide crucial assistance.

As you know, the 2021 annual meeting was held online due to the pandemic. The board elections were held, and I will officially turn over the reins to Michael Arnall on July 1. I know that he will serve this organization capably and well, and I will help him and the synagogue in any way I can.

It is my pleasure to welcome two new staff members Jessica Green, Executive Director and Mike Amerikaner, Development Director to our Sinai family. I wish them much success at Sinai.

Due to COVID restrictions, we will not have our annual gala in June, but I hope that you will join me in June 2022 when we will celebrate all that we have accomplished these past two years. I wish you all a safe and healthy summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall!

With gratitude and love,

Jamie Berman President, Sinai Temple Sinai Speaks | page 06 A MESSAGE FROM SINAI AKIBA ACADEMY

Dear Sinai Akiba Academy Families, In such an unprecedented year, I am honored to share exciting news with you. As Dr. Lindner shared during the State of the School last week, our 2021-2022 admissions season has been record-breaking on many fronts. Despite the global pandemic, I am happy to announce that we exceeded our enrollment goals for the next school year. Our success is due to the strength of our community and your referrals. I thank you for your continued support. Community is at the center of Sinai Akiba Academy’s values and mission, and I am delighted to witness how the Sinai Akiba community of faculty, staff, parents, and students remain connected and supportive of each other during these difficult times. Recognizing last August that many parents were uncertain about sending their child to school, we developed an enrollment strategy to roll-over paid deposits to the 2021-22 school year. As a result, we retained 66 students who will join us in the fall.

Not only did we have a record number of applications received compared to any previous year, we also saw an increase in the quality of applicants. I am excited to share some impressive facts about next year’s enrollment season:

Exceeded enrollment projections by 15 students in K-8th grade and 21 students in ECC Matriculated unprecedented 44 students from our ECC’s Pre-K to our Kindergarten Enrolled 51 students in our Kindergarten and Fifth grades Added two new classrooms to the Toddler and 2-year-old programs Received record breaking number of new student enrollment Toddler - Sixth grade Held tuition increase for 2021-22 at 2.5% in K-8 for second straight year, despite financial pressures from the pandemic

While applications continue to roll in, we are still accepting new enrollment in some grades. If you know anyone whom you would consider being a good fit for SAA, please encourage them to inquire. If you would like us to reach out directly, please complete this referral form for our Launch a Learner program.

On behalf of our school, thank you for your tireless ambassadorship to share your positive experiences with your networks. You make the difference!

Lisa Zide Director of Admission and Enrollment Management

Sinai Speaks | page 06 A MESSAGE FROM THE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL It is amazing to think that the year is ending so soon. We are proud of our Religious School students and are delighted to share with you some of things that make us ‘kvell’. -Our 2nd graders ran an Israeli outdoor Shuk on Wilshire patio. They invited their parents and learned the Hebrew for many fruits and veggies that were ‘sold’. There was popping Israeli music playing and it was so cool to hear the kids yelling out…’Melaphaphone (cucumbers) or Tapuzim (oranges) for sale’. The best part…the students raised $163 for Friends of Israeli Defense Force (FIDF), the organization they chose to give the profits to!

Danielle Kassin Sinai Temple Religious School Director -We are fortunate to have received a grant from Better Together. Our 6th graders have met with seniors from Sinai and the Levine Center all year. They tell stories to one another and discuss topics. This past meeting, we delivered flower crowns to the seniors in honor of the holiday of Shavuot. It was beautiful not only to see the pretty flowers worn, but to see the students engaged with the seniors. Many smiles in many boxes on the screen. We look forward someday to being able to gather in person. Until then, we are hoping to keep in touch through the summer, the old-fashioned way… yep…snail mail! -We had our first LIVE buddy meet up! We played games, learned about cities in Israel and enjoyed pizza together. The gadolchiks (the ‘big kids’) have been great role models for our katanchiks (the ‘little kids’). A win-win for all students involved! -We celebrated Lag B’ Omer at the beach this year! For the first time ever, families joined us for a 3.3-mile sunset walk. 3.3 because Lag B’ Omer is the 33rd day of the Omer! We sang, walked, schmoozed, and ended with a note that said, “many smore simchas together’…yep, we had smores…was worth the 3.3 miles. Mazal tov to our shining STARS students! STARS- Sinai Temple Religious School!

Sinai Speaks | page 07 SINAI TEMPLE SISTERHOOD

Dearest Sisters:

We hope you are doing well and have already gotten your COVID vaccination, or have it scheduled, as we are so looking forward to gathering in person again when it is safe to do so.

We held our Virtual Annual Torah Fund Event on May 11, celebrating the wonderful things that giving to Torah Fund accomplishes. We were proud Lina Pournazarian & Marcy Melton to honor our fabulous Co-President, Lina Pournazarian, with the Ha’Yay Sisterhood Co-Presidents Olam Award.


Marci Melton & Lina Pournazarian Your Sisterhood Co-Presidents


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Wednesday, June 23, 2021 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Book Club: Burning Girls and Other Stories Book Club: Florence Adler Swims Forever Click HERE to register Click HERE to register

Sinai Speaks | page 08 SINAI TEMPLE MEN'S CLUB

Dear Men’s Club Friends, We hope everyone is in good health as our economy opens and life is coming back slowly to normal. On June 2, we will present a mind bending, mind blowing program. While we don’t know quite what to expect, we know it will be fantastic. Dr. Dave Warner will present “Envisioning Empowerment.” Dr. Warner is a MD and so much more. He did life changing work with Rabbi Erez Sherman’s late brother Eyal (z"l) . Now he looks at the emerging potential of technological advances, especially in human-machine interaction, and envisions ways to empower people to move forward in whatever endeavor they choose. The man is a GENIUS, and we are lucky to have him edify us! Our July event will be: The Harvard Admissions Case, Race-Based Affirmative Action, and Our Children. Race-based affirmative action in higher education is a profound issue in our country, and can affect our families, particularly those with children who are approaching the college admissions process. Two leading scholars will discuss the issue and illuminate us all--Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of Berkeley Law and Professor Richard Sander of UCLA Law School will be in dialogue. Our own Ariel Neuman will moderate. THIS WILL BE AN INCOMPARABLE EDUCATIONAL EVENING for parents and grandparent alike! Our May event on Cancel Culture feature a spicy dialogue between Professor Alan Dershowitz and Dan Adler, moderated by our own Frank Melton. The evening had a sweet component too— a special celebration of our beloved Rabbi Zvi Dershowitz’s 93 birthday. When you see him, please wish him a happy birthday as he is a blessing to our community! Please look for sign-up forms for our events. Join the Men’s Club. Bring a friend, too! Wishing you a healthy and wonderful week!

Kol Tov,

Michael Silberstein On Behalf of The Sinai Temple Men’s Club


This month over 200 young adults joined ATID for a conversation between Rabbi Wolpe and Logan Ury, a Harvard-educated behavioral scientist-turned-dating coach, the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, and the author of How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love. The conversation covered the tools to help find your beshert. We are thrilled to be continuing to engage young adults in Los Angeles (and beyond!) and look forward to our first back in person Ted & Hedy Orden (z”l) Briana Benaron and Family Friday Night Live on Sinai Temple's rooftop on Friday, June 11. For more information on FNL or upcoming Atid programming, please reach out to Briana Benaron at [email protected].


I am thrilled and honored to join the storied Sinai Temple community as its Director of Development. For many years, Sinai Temple’s philanthropic goals were achieved by its clergy, lay leaders, and administrative staff. I am grateful for their dedication and hard work that built the foundation of a development program, which I am excited to be leading. I would also like to thank Rabbi David Wolpe, Jamie Berman, Rob Galperson, and the Development Search & Advisory Committee for entrusting me with this sacred responsibility. I look forward to working with the Sinai Temple team to create a contemporary and innovative development program that is Mike Amerikaner professional, strategic and reflects Sinai Temple’s mission. Furthermore, by valuing community, gratitude and impact, my vision is to inspire a culture of philanthropy and growth that ensures Sinai Temple continues to be a leader of modern Conservative Jewish life and thought for years to come.

To achieve this vision, over the next few months I will embark on a “Listen and Learn” campaign and immerse myself in Sinai Temple’s history, community, and culture. Most importantly, I want to discover what Sinai Temple means to you, and what you hope for its future. As Director of Development, it will be my priority to raise vital funds that support Sinai Temple today, while simultaneously creating opportunities to invest in tomorrow. While many of Sinai Temple’s most impactful supporters will hear from me soon, I invite everyone to participate in helping build the future of Sinai Temple.

After all, it was 115 years ago when a community of Conservative Jews joined together and invested their energy and resources into founding Sinai Temple. Throughout the ensuing generations, the community continued to generously invest and build, guaranteeing that Sinai Temple would be here for us today. On behalf of the clergy and board of directors, I extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to everyone who has, and continues to, invest in Sinai Temple. Your generous support makes the impossible possible. As I begin my tenure as Director of Development, I humbly ask the entire community to join in helping ensure that Sinai Temple remains the center of Conservative Jewish life in Los Angeles, l’dor v’dor.

If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved, please reach out to me at [email protected].

Sinai Speaks | page 11 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 5781 Annual Appeal Supporters

As the High Holidays and our next Annual Appeal approaches, Sinai Temple wants to thank everyone who donated* to our 5781 Annual Appeal Campaign. This year was enormously challenging for our entire community, and it’s because of your generous support that Sinai Temple was able to weather the pandemic and continue to provide vital programs and services. On behalf of the Clergy, Board of Directors, and Temple Staff: a sincere TODAH RABAH to everyone who has supported the Annual Appeal and continues to support Sinai Temple.

Adele & Trevor Abramson Sean Abramson Farnaz Abrishami Lisette Ackerberg Trudy Adler Sara & Dr. David Aftergood Jackie & Yahya Ahdout Elia & Daniel Akhavan Melissa & Michael Akiva Janet Albin Evelina Aleksandrovskaya Miriam Alpern David Amsterdam Sari and Michael Arnall Claude Arnall Empera Arye Pari Arye Negin & David Ascher

Sinai Speaks | page 12 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Deborah & Mark Attanasio Tiffany & Shahrad Aynehchi David Baglein Pamela Baker Jan Baker April Banayan Andrew Bari Ron Barkham Steve Barr Sara & Dr. John Barta Nettie Becker Dr. Linda Sax & Norman Becker Yoshina & Shervin Behnam Babette Beja-Savone & Umberto Savone Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David Wendy Benge Dr. George Berci Cliff Berens Martha & Barry Berkett Marybeth & Jeffrey Berkett Calvin Berman Abigail & Reuben Berman Jamie & Joel Berman Janis Berman Gordon Berman Eli Berne Jessi Berrin Dr. Aviva & Dr. Leon Biederman

Sinai Speaks | page 1 3 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Beverly & Dr. William Bierer Sasha Biletsky Shirley & Mark Bilfield Dahlia & Arthur Bilger Venus Bina Jan & Daniel Black Matthew Blackman Sandra Block Joseph Blum Andrew Blumsack Dr. Sheila & Mark Bolour Joan Borston Patty & Jim Bouzaglou Paula & Dr. Michael Brand Deborah & Howard Brandes Lynn Breger Steven Breiterman Tarryn & Saul Breskal Linda & Maynard Brittan Michael Britvan Rochelle & Dr. Leon Brooks Nicole & Brad Brooks Kelly Brooks Elise Browner Clara & Roman Bruno Debbie & James Burrows Ezra Butler

Sinai Speaks | page 1 4 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Mollie Butler Dr. Alexander Bystritsky Lauren Klein & Peter Cabrera Linda & Robert Camras Elayne Candiotte Diana Carreno Vicky Castro & Zach Myers Dr. Robert Chod Katherine Clyman Carol & Jerome Coben Amanda & Jacob Cohan Nasser & Eliane Cohanim Laurie & David Cohen Jane & Dr. Larry Cohen Alan Cohen Bernice Cohen Adrianna Cohen Lynn Cohen Francine Cohen Lee & Harvey Collins David Cordova Rosalie Swedlin & Robert Cort Rachael & Jason Cosgrove Benjamin Cousineau Julie Crane Janice Crow Felice & Richard Cutler Marc Cwik

Sinai Speaks | page 15 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Karen & Franklin Dabby Agnes & Henry Danpour Michelle Dar Leo David Jane Davis Nazli DeFazio Lonnie & Hon. Jimmy Delshad Caroline & Daniel Delshad Deborah & Eric Diamond Matthew Diamond Susan Dishell Daniel Ditzhazy Alana & Joshua Doctor Noelle & Jeffrey Donfeld Freida Dubin Sivan Dumont Dale Dustin Lonnie Dworkin Sophia and Yousef Ebrahimian Rozita Ebrami Barry Edelstein N Efraim Sheila Egdal Sandra & Howard Einberg Gail Elias Dr. Sandra & Pezhman Eliaszadeh Roni Eller

Sinai Speaks | page 16 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Gadi Emein Irwin Epstein Asher Esagoff Rashel Esfandi Michelle Eshaghian Bokhour Shiri Etzioni Joel Eve Shanaz & Judah Farahi Shahla & Daryoush Farahmand Crystal & Dr. Gholian Farber Sanam Farokhi Henry Feiereisen Lynne Feiges Heather Feinman Helgard & Irwin Field Madeline Field Field Family Fund Barbara & Henry Fields Gladys Firestone Susan Firestone Judith Fischer Judith Fisher Debbie Fisher Adeena Karsseboom-Fitterman & Wayne Fitterman Jessica Flax Vera Fleischman Judy & Tom Flesh

Sinai Speaks | page 17 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Minoo & Frank Foroutan Shirin & Mehrdad Forouzanpour Myrna Morganstern & Russell Frackman Beth & Josh Friedman Creyna & David Franco Linda & James Freund Susie & James Friedberg Violet Friedland Abby & Ira Friedman Theodore Fuchs Mark Funk Michele & Joseph Gabai Haleh & Dariush Gabbay Rhonda Gale & Bradley Wayne Judith Galperson Jennifer & Robert Galperson Michael Gardner Mayrav & Glenn Gaslin Samantha & Brian Gassman Dr. Joel Geiderman Dr. Ralph Geiderman Melissa Gelineau Anna & Lester Geller & Jacob Gershbock Stephanie Gerson Adrienne Gerson Sharon Ghatan, Esq. Hon. Susan Lopez-Giss & Hon. Harvey Giss

Sinai Speaks | page 18 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Sharon & David Gitman Stephanie & Geoffrey Gold Edythe & Frederick Goldberger Mia Goldman & Dr. Michael Rotblatt Beverly & Jill Goldner Lori & Kirk Goldstein Howard Goldstein Roslyn & Abner Goldstine Bella Goldstine Ann Golenternek Tanaz Golshan Nancy Goodman Sheree & Preston Gould Susan & Dr. Wayne Gradman Georgie Gray Lee Grayson Dr. Harry Green Dr. Gary Green Randi & Dr. Jerome Greenberg Annie Gross Sharon & Dr. Irwin Grossman Lynn Grossman Laura Levy & Bruce Guttman Michelle & Fred Halimi Chanel Halimi

Sinai Speaks | page 19 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Sayareh & Dr. David Hallegua Monica & Mark Haloossim Joan Handelsman Yassaman Hariri Kaivan Harouni Agnes & Deborah Harris Neal Harris Shahrzad Haverim Lilian & Yigal Hay Sharareh Hedvat Mahnaz & Kambiz Hekmat Marcia & Dr. Paul Herman Samuel Hiatt Susan & Howard Hindin Sue & Larry Hochberg Avi Hoffman Randy & Dr. Martin Hopp Mark Horne Beth & David Horowitz Adrienne Horwitch Arlene Howard Dr. Loretta Y. Howitt David Hunenberg Heather Hunt-Gonzalez Sheila & Milton Hyman Dr. Luiza & Andrei Iancu

Sinai Speaks | page 20 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Aziz Ihani Phillip Illoulian Mike Iryami Sarah Isenberg Eric Israel Freya & Mark Ivener Celine & Neil Jacobson Aaron Jade Patricia & Irwin Jaeger Daniel Jaffe Sharon & Leon Janks Gerald Janoff Stacey & Eric Jasper Shahram Javidnia Paul & Faye Jeser Dora & Neil Kadisha Jeffrey Kadison Diane Sue & Dennis Kahan Dr. Jonathan Kameros Selma Kamon Dalia & Dr. Allen Kamrava Fern & Dr. Kenneth Kandel Cecelia & Michael Karz Nancy Kattler Jackie & Dr. Robert Katz Louise & Alan Katz Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Rebecca & David Kekst

Sinai Speaks | page 21 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Michael Kerendian Soraya Kerendian Elan Kermani Betty & Sam Kermanian Sheri Kessel Daliah Setareh & Faramarz Keyvanfar Payam Khodadadi Simone Khoubian Liz & Jeffrey Kichaven Jo Anne Kindler Sidney Kirschner Amanda & Aaron Kogan Barton Kogan Mandana Kohen Rosalie Kornblau Lebeabu Kpone-Tonwe Wendy Kramer-Shannon Clifford Kravit Denise & Sheldon Kravitz Diana Kravitz Shelley Krawchuk B. Alexander Kress Thomas Lane Iris Lasky

Sinai Speaks | page 22 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Brian Lass Rachelle & Paul Lawrence Joanne & Alan Lehman Dr. Diba Daneshrad & Rudolph Lehrer Sheila & Aaron Leibovic Hallie & Cary Lerman Norma Levenstein Soheil Levi Jacqueline Levian Gay & Dr. Norman Levin Michael Levin Susan & Norm Levine Felice Levine Elie Levine Ellen & Harry Levitt Sandra & Daniel Levy Nora & Rafi Levy Josephine & Abner Levy Stephanie & Jeremy Lewis Susan Lewis Bella Liber Samuel Licker Renee Lieber Joel Lieble Mrs. Julie & Dr. Harley Liker Susan Lipson

Sinai Speaks | page 23 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Jennie Loev Lea & Alex Loewinger Gabrielle Lustig & Elisha Ben-Haim Debbie & James Lustig Michele Lustig Roxana & Ben Maddahi Angele & Dr. Jamshid Maddahi Carolyn Mahboubi Tanya & Ari Mahller Sandra & Kenneth Malamed Jennifer Malkin Kerry Maller M & Isabel Mandel Jeannette Mandelbaum Dr. Denise L. Mandel-Becker & Dr. Steven Becker Marci Maniker Dr. Lee Mann Estelle Marco Malerie & Diane Marder Barbara & Arthur Margolin Patricia & Michael Marx Nadia & Shervin Mateen David Matloob Julie & Joel Mayer Mary Mayes Jila & Marc Mechlowicz

Sinai Speaks | page 24 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Marcy & Frank Melton Golda Mendelsohn Dr. Robert Meth Dr. P. Minou & David Michlin Eric Migicovsky Jill R. Migicovsky Farrah Mikail Helen Miller Zack Miller Joseph Miller Karen & Marc Minikes Sahar Minoo & David Dardashti Daniel Mirharooni Dalia & Hamid Moghavem Elizabeth & Dr. Shervin Molayem Joyce Monkarsh Heidi & Jonathan Monkarsh Sonia Monterroza Deborah Moody Glaciela & Morey Moore Regina Moore Farzad More Dr. Tamara & Richard Morgenstern Barbara & Milton Moritz Dan Morrow Jared Moses Debbie & Babak Mossanen Dora & Nader Mossanen Kira & Dr. Gennady Musher

Sinai Speaks | page 25 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Bette & Jeffrey Nagin Shahram Nassi Dani & Navi Navi Anna & Michael Nazarian Dr. Sharona & Dr. Daniel Nazarian Dahlia Neiss Janet Neman Malek Neman Hannah Neman Debbie Newman Hannah Niman Dr. Taraneh & Dr. Mehran Noorvash Myra & Saeed Nourmand Parinaz Nourmand Farah Nourmand Jonathan Novak Gail & Dr. Kenneth Nussen Sharond & Mauricio Oberfeld Raquel & Ber Oberfeld Ginger Odom Ellen Olansky Michelle Ouaknine Steve Pack Jared Page Sindy & Dr. David Paikal Diana & Shahin Pakdaman Elena Parkens

Sinai Speaks | page 26 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Shirin & Sam Parsi Victor Penico Jenna Perlstein Muriel Perry Louis Pessah Sheresee Pierre Louis Ruth Pilot Courtney & Jonah Platt Hannah Platt Laura Podell Perri Polansky Gail Pollen Lisa Pompan Dena Sue Potestio Talia & Dr. Nader Pouratian Ira Pouratian Shirley David Pourbaba Lina & Frank Pournazarian Lora & Rabin Pournazarian Dr. Rambod Poursalimi Azadeh Rabbi Azadeh Rabbie Richard Rabens Fred Rabizadeh Sharona & Eli Rachmani Sean Rad

Sinai Speaks | page 27 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Farideh & Farshad Rafii Alexander Rakul Alison Rapaport Marc & Sheri Rapaport Cayle & Sam Rappaport Saran & Shervin Rashti Charna & Richard Ravich Laura Reader Karen Reich Robert Ressler Jina & Dr. Ata Rezvanpour Vesta Rhodes Sandra & Jordan Richman Judith & Frederick Richman Pearl Richmond Sheryl Roffe Fredric Rollman Donna & Harvey Rosen Judy & Hon. Gerald Rosenberg Carolyn Rosenberg Meg Rosenberg Lisa Rosenbloom Jamie & Michael Rosenblum Janet & Robert Rosenblum Gita Rosenwald Mehrzad R. Roshan Ricky Rosin Phyllis Rosner

Sinai Speaks | page 28 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Jamie & Daniel Ross Gina Ross Rachel & James Rothbart Barbara & Peter Rothholz Natalie Rothschild Peter Roussak Rosa Berman Ruder & Joseph Ruder Muriel Rudnick & Sharon Abish Sunny & Larry Russ Iris & Stephan Sabbah Pejman Salimpour Barbara & Arnold Saltzman Joshua & Tony Samucha Dr. Bryan Sanders Wendy Sandler Ellen & Richard Sandler Lenore & Buddy Savetz Marshall Schiller Anita Schmidt Alexandra Schmidt Burton D. Schnierow Lisa Schnur Lorraine & Arno Schuster Dr. Rona Schwartz Gary Schwartz Annie Seaton Katz & Steven Katz

Sinai Speaks | page 30 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Lynn Segal Bita Shahian Lili & Dr. Jamshid Shafai Shirin & Shahrokh Shahery Ellen & Stanley Shapiro Shelly & Dr. Ilan Shapiro Shirley & Ralph Shapiro Shapiro Family Charitable Foundation Eileen Sherwin Natalie & Sohrab Shooshani Shawn Shooshani Daniella Shouhed Justin Shouhed Laurie Ann Silberman Julie & Michael Silberstein Lori Silfen Bonnie & Alan Silverstein Rebecca & David Simhaee Lidia & Ebrahim Simhaee David Simon Dana & Howard Simon Sharon Sindell Jacklyn & Andrew Singer Geri & Martin Singerman Jessica Sion Dawn & Dr. Ira Smalberg Rebeka & Jonathan Small

Sinai Speaks | page 31 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Jessica & Bradley Smiedt Thomas Smith Mehry & Dr. Marvin Smotrich Dolores & Isaac Soffer Moussa Soomekh Pantea & Steven Soroudi Deborah & Dr. Marcelo Spector Janna Spiegel Ronna & Ronald Spiegel Linda Spiegel Herb Spivak Barbara Stein Dr. Herbert Stein Dr. Herbert I. Stein Livia & Dr. Michael Steingart Ligia & Robert Strauss Dolores Strickstein Paul Stringer Eileen Goodis-Strom & Eric Strom Melanie Sturm Janis & Jeffrey Susskind Lenore Sussman Deborah & Eric Swanson Judith Tabak Orna & Ebby Tabariai David Taftian Marci Tarle & Hon. Norman Tarle

Sinai Speaks | page 32 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Michelle & Jimmy Taus Barbara & Irwin Tenenbaum William & Anna Tenenblatt Bita & Joseph Tishbi Vera & Gerald Tobe Traub Brittan Family Foundation Marlene & Michael Ulman Paula & Michael Ungar, Esq. Sharon C. Urbas Delilah & Dr. Mark Urman Sherrie Vamos Barbara Van Sluyters Dr. Sharon & Mark Vidergauz Rachel & Paul Vogel Leslie Ann & Andrew Wachtel Donna Warren Larry Wasserman Muriel & Jeffrey Waterman Dr. Leslie & James Weinberg Steve Weinberg Mindy & David J. Weiner Jodi & Brian Weiner Sharon & Michael Weiner Pamela Weisberg Katy Weiss Strang Gary & Dr. David Weissberger

Sinai Speaks | page 33 Todah Rabah to Sinai Temple’s 2020/21 Annual Appeal Supporters

Marilyn Weltman Helen & Richard Weston Dr. Joan White Claudia & Hon. Stephen Wilson Jacqueline & Adam Winnick Lesley & Jeffrey Wolman Todd Wyner Jahanrad Yadegar Abraham Yadegaran Melody Yaghoubzadeh Lyuba Yakovleva Mona Yaraghchi Nitza B. Yehuda Craig Yokum Sherry Younesi Janice & Dr. Phil Zakowski Farnaz Zarabi Michael Zaransky Payam Zarini Dr. Barbara & Stanley Zax Katie Jo & Jason Zayon Harry Zimmerman Sue Zisko Jarrett Zuckerman

*Donations to the 5781 Annual Appeal, as of April 2021. Every effort was made to limit inaccuracies. If your name was erroneously omitted, included, or misspelled, please accept our sincerest apologies, and contact Mike Amerikaner at [email protected] for corrections.

Sinai Speaks | page 35 LIFECYCLE EVENTS APRIL - MAY 2021 Welcome to the World Names denoted in light blue are Sinai Temple members.

Wolf (Wolfie) Archer Abramson Son of Danielle & Sean Abramson Grandson of Adele & Trevor Abramson and Marci & Rudy Valner Great-Grandson of Elaine Abramson and Arlene Zweben Nephew of Nicole & Michael Lipp, Alex Valner, and Gabriela Valner

Sierra Ava Agnor-Moore Daughter of Dylan Moore & Geoff Agnor

Josephine Daphne Friedman Daughter of Aurora Lende & Spencer Friedman Granddaughter of Beth & Josh Friedman and Grete Valseth & Oddbjorn Lende Hailey Hay Daughter of Ronita & David Hay Granddaughter of Mehrzad & John Hay Micah Pax Kaplan Son of Monica & Seth Kaplan Brother of Ari Kaplan Grandson of Susan Lopez Giss & Harvey Giss Samara Eloise Lerner Daughter of Jessica & Adam Lerner Sister of Adeline Lerner Granddaughter of Jacqueline Fabe & Marshall Lerner Orly Rose Rotenberg Daughter of Rabbi Keilah Lebell & Rabbi Sam Rotenberg Sister of Meir and Della Rotenberg

Samson (Sammy) Judah Shandling Son of Ariela & Ari Shandling Grandson of Susan & Dr. Isaac Schmidt and Klara & Martin Shandling Brother of Orly and Gabi Shandling Otto Porter Smith Son of Emelie & Steven Smith Grandson of Kathy Smith & Don Macpherson

SinaSii nSapie Sapkesa |k psa |g pea 1g3e 36 LIFECYCLE EVENTS APRIL - MAY 2021 Engagements Names denoted in light blue are Sinai Temple members.

Alana Wolens & Seth Goldman Daughter of Orna & Keenan Wolens Sister of Ethan, Sophia, and Raquel Granddaughter of Paul (z"l) & Herta Amir Son of Jory and Joel (z"l) Goldman Brother of Jessie, Eli and Jonah

Sinai Speaks | page 37 LIFECYCLE EVENTS APRIL - MAY 2021 In Memoriam Names denoted in light blue are Sinai Temple members. Randi Cantor Wife of Mel Appell Wife of Barry Cantor Mother of Michael Cantor (spouse: Dalia Yasharpour) and Deborah Beder Grandmother of Gabriel and Sibia Rose Yasharpour-Cantor and Hannah & Sarah Beder

Anne Douglas Wife of Kirk Douglas (z"l) Mother of Peter Douglas (spouse: Lisa), Michael Douglas (spouse: Catherine), Joel Douglas, and Eric Douglas (z"l) Grandmother of Cameron (spouse: Viviane), Dylan, Carys, Kelsey, Tyler, Jason, and Ryan Douglas Great-Grandmother of Lua Izzy and Ryder Douglas Sister of Merle Werbke

Marcia Essenfeld Wife of Irwin Essenfeld, z"l Mother of Idyth Zimbler (spouse: Jay), Jane Lux (spouse: Steve), and Mark Essenfeld (spouse: Donna) Grandmother of Sarah Shulkind (spouse: Andrew), Adam Zimbler (spouse: Suzanne), and Jonathan Zimbler (spouse: Lisa) Great-Grandmother of Lucy, Olivia, Sadie and Oscar Shulkind, and Henry, Rosalie, and Daniel Zimbler

Judith Flapan Wife of Dr. Marshall Flapan Mother of Cheryl Lewis (spouse: Ian Aaron), Valerie Canter (spouse: Dr. David Canter), Dr. Suzanne Flapan (spouse: Todd Newman), Julie Flapan (spouse: Rabbi Andrew Feig), and Dr. Wendy Flapan (spouse: Garrett Amerman) Grandmother of Daniel Lewis, Michael Lewis, Benjamin Lewis, Ella Flapan-Feig, Ezra Flapan-Feig, Eytan Flapan-Feig, Eli Newman, Jonathan Newman, Matthew Canter, Timothy Canter, and Ruth Canter

Sinai Speaks | page 38 LIFECYCLE EVENTS APRIL - MAY 2021 In Memoriam Names denoted in light blue are Sinai Temple members.

Homa Afra Javaheri Mother of Soheila Hekmat (spouse: David) and Bahram Javaheri (spouse: Sandra) Grandmother of Kayla Javaheri, Jasmine Javaheri, Raymond Hekmat (spouse: Jessica) and Samira Barlava (spouse: Morris) Great-Grandmother of Charlie, Oliver, Maxine, Nikka and Levi

Lea Cohen Kabir Mother of Benjamin Behroozan Grandmother of Daniel Behroozan (spouse: Shantel), Yosi Behroozan (spouse: Shadi), and Jasmine Behroozan Great-Grandmother of Adam, Charlize, Shayn, Brooke and Lauren

Rose Kasirer Wife of Jacob Kasirer (z"l) Mother of Robert Kasirer (spouse: Debra), Gabriella Goldner (spouse: Sol), and Hindy Mayer (spouse: Ronnie) Grandmother of Joanna (spouse: Josh), David (spouse: Rachel), Danielle (spouse: Jaime), and Jonathan (spouse: Alli) Great-grandmother to over 30 great-grandchildren

Edythe Feldman Lipen Wife of Benjamin Feldman (z"l), Max Yoken (z"l), Isaac Lipen (z"l), Harry Penso (z"l) Mother of Sanford Feldman & Susan Hendrichsen, Mark & Gail Feldman, Ronald & Marilyn Feldman, Diane Taylor (z"l) & Gary Thomas (z"l), Diane Klier, Wendy and Barry (z"l) Wolin Grandmother of Cantor Marcus & Rachel Feldman, Marcy & Joe Jotkowitz, Roberta & Michael Loomer, Samantha & Jeffrey Schneider, Danielle & Jonathan Beer, Lindsay & Jarid Goldsmith, Amanda & Jon Moskowitz, Brooke & Ross Hilary, David McCarroll, Leanna & Joe Drnec Great-Grandmother of, Asher Carter Feldman, Eva and Dylan Jotkowitz, Sydney, Madison, and Carly Schneider, Andrew and Emily Beer, Gemma Goldsmith, Leo and Chloe Moskowitz

Sinai Speaks | page 39 LIFECYCLE EVENTS APRIL - MAY 2021 In Memoriam Names denoted in light blue are Sinai Temple members.

Louis Gerald Miller Husband of Judith Miller Father of Larry Miller (spouse: Adrian), Philip Miller (spouse: Judith), and Caryn Katz (spouse: Jerry) Grandfather of Daniel Miller (spouse: Jessica) , Felicia Andrews (spouse: Zach), Madeline Miller, Joseph Miller (spouse: Amy), Shuli Kupchan (spouse: Noey), Gabriel Miller, Sara Katz, and Natalie Katz Great-Grandfather of Abigail, Charlie, Eloise, Frankie, Georgia, Julia, Lucy, Teddy and Wallace

Barbara Rickles Wife of Don Rickles, z"l Mother of Lawrence Rickles, z"l and Mindy Mann (spouse: Ed) Grandmother of Harrison and Ethan Mann

Tamar "Tommie" June Capelouto Shulman Wife of Don Shulman, z"l Mother of Debbie and David Grandmother of Kevin, Jeremy, Dani, and Drew Sister of David

Harry "Haishe" Strom, DDS Husband of Rosalyn "Roz" Strom Father of Neal Strom (spouse: Janis), Dr. Carey Strom (spouse: Kathryn), and Elissa Hope Strom (z"l) Grandfather of Lindsey, Erin, Ricky (spouse: Daniella), Dr. Danielle, Arielle and Jordan Strom

Judith Gross Weinstock Wife of Allen Weinstock Mother of Yael Mashbaum (spouse: Michael), Eitan Weinstock (spouse: Cassie), Batya Srolovitz (spouse: Noam), and Leora Weinstock Sister of Leah Markus Grandmother of Akiva and Aviya Weinstock, Donnie and Asher Mashbaum, and Lilian & Graham Srolovitz

Isaac Esshagh Younai Father of Shereen Stan (spouse: Robin) Grandfather of Michael, Joshua, and Lauren Stan

Sinai Speaks | page 40 ANNIVERSARIES MARCH 2021

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pouladian March 1 Dr. Jessica Shabani & Mr. Joseph Shabani March 1 Dr. Shay Salehrabi & Mrs. Farnaz Harouni March 2 Mr. & Mrs. Azad Shalom March 2 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Benyamin March 3 Mr. Jonathan Hanasab & Ms. Nicolette Gabay March 3 Mr. & Mrs. Hooman Dayani March 4 Dr. Dalia Yasharpour & Mr. Michael J. Cantor March 7 Mr. & Mrs. Ramin R. Simantob March 7 Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Bettelman March 8 Mr. & Mrs. Simon Parsakar March 8 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rosen March 9 Mr. & Mrs. Mois Refoua March 10 Dr. Omid & Mrs. Deborah Shayan March 10 Dr. Joel A. Tropp & Ms. Margot Stokol March 10 Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Grant March 11 Mr. & Mrs. Zach M. Javdan March 11 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Trilling March 11 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey M. Gold March 12 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Wolff March 12 Mr. & Mrs. Alex N. Nehorai March 13 Mr. Joseph Ruder & Mrs. Rosa Berman Ruder March 14 Dr. Bob & Mrs. Samira Abrishami March 15 Mr. & Mrs. Solomon F. Kasheri March 15 Mr. & Mrs. Mayer Nazarian March 16 Mr. & Mrs. Amir Surkin March 17 Dr. Steven & Mrs. Robin Berlin March 18

Sinai Speaks | page 41 ANNIVERSARIES MARCH 2021

Noah & Alicia Katz March 18 Dr. Marvin & Mrs. Geraldine Teitelbaum March 18 Pejman & Shannon Rahbarpour March 19 Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Applebaum March 20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Azizi March 20 Dr. Jason & Mrs. Laurie Kahan March 20 Mr. & Mrs. Eshagh I. Nazarian March 20 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ravanshenas March 20 Dr. Alejandro & Dr. Liliana Sloninsky March 20 Mr. & Mrs. Saul R. Smith March 20 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Flesh March 21 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kashani March 21 Mr. & Mrs. Jacques L. Kempin March 21 Mr. Nader Mossanen & Mrs. Dora Levy Mossanen March 21 Mr. & Mrs. Nasser Barlava March 22 Dr. Jamshid & Dr. Shirin Hekmat March 22 Mr. & Ms. Neil Kadisha March 22 Mr. & Mrs. Barry V. Weinstock March 22 Dr. & Mrs. Maghen March 22 Mr. & Mrs. Amos Meron March 23 Mr. & Mrs. Morice Famili March 24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gabai March 24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gabbaian March 24 Mr. Omid Khorshidi & Mrs. Roxana Sadighim-Khorshidi March 24 Mr. & Mrs. Marc H. Rapaport March 24

Sinai Speaks | page 42 ANNIVERSARIES MARCH 2021

Dr. Andre & Mrs. Tracy Berger March 25 Drs. Nathan Fischel & Fariba Fischel-Ghodsian March 25 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hackman March 25 Mr. Yaacov & Dr. Francine Lederer March 25 Mr. & Mrs. Siamak Mashal March 25 Drs. Roy & Doreece Artal March 26 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Getman March 26 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ghodsian March 27 Mr. & Mrs. Amir Ohebsion March 27 Mr. & Mrs. Farshid Shooshani March 27 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Siemons March 27 Mr. & Mrs. Sean H. Dayani March 28 Jonathan Sunshine & Bella Staav March 29 Dr. Tanya Kormeili & Mr. Raj A. Joshi March 29 Mr. Mark & Dr. Sharon Vidergauz March 30 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Monkarsh March 31

Sinai Speaks | page 43 ANNIVERSARIES APRIL 2021

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Afari April 1 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Gozini April 1 Mr. Ramin Sabeti & Mrs. Mojgan Sabeti April 1 Mr. & Mrs. Altman April 2 Dr. Behrooz & Mrs. Angel Broukhim April 2 Mrs. & Mr. Ashley I. Gozini April 2 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Nass April 2 Mr. & Mrs. Keenan L. Wolens April 2 Mr. & Mrs. Danny F. Monempour April 3 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Sirebrenik April 3 Mr. & Mrs. David Taubman April 3 Mrs. Ashley Waterman & Mr. Benjamin Waterman April 3 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horowitz April 4 Dr. Ira & Mrs. Dawn Smalberg April 4 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Karz April 5 Mr. & Mrs. Nassi April 5 Mr. & Mrs. Arvin Pairavi April 5 Dr. William & Mrs. Beverly Bierer April 6 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavi April 6 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lipman April 6 Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Swanson April 6 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Delijani April 7 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stern April 7 Ms. Erin K. Little & Dr. Sriram Eleswarapu April 9 Mr. and Mrs. David Merage April 9 Mr. & Mrs. Marc Minikes April 9 Mr. & Mrs. Javid R. Moreh April 10 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Nebenzahl April 10 Dr. Manoochehr & Mrs. Mahnaz Yashari April 10

Sinai Speaks | page 44 ANNIVERSARIES APRIL 2021

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Goldenberg April 11 Dr. David & Mrs. Afsaneh Daneshvar April 12 The Honorable Dennis M. Perluss & Rabbi Emily H. Feigenson April 12 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Skura April 12 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Vantrease April 12 Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Blacher April 12 Dr. Houshang & Mrs. Narges Hakhamimi April 13 Dr. Youram & Mrs. Shirin Nassir April 15 Mr. & Mrs. Nathan B. Sandler April 16 Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rappaport April 16 The Honorable MeraLee K. Goldman & Mr. Jay Canel April 17 Dr. & Mrs. Adam I. Harris April 19 Mr. &Mrs. Guy A. Nachtomi April 26 April 28

Sinai Speaks | page 45 ANNIVERSARIES MAY 2021

Dr. & Mr. Mark Bolour May 1 Mr. & Mrs. Ofer Bleiweiss May 2 Ms. Nancy Josephson Sanitsky & Larry Sanitsky May 3 Mr. & Mrs. David Emrani May 4 Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Granitz May 4 Dr. & Mrs. Nader Pouratian May 5 Mr. & Mrs. Aron Lichtenberg May 7 Mr. & Mrs. Arman Ganjian May 8 Dr. & Mrs. Alex D. Hakim May 9 Mr. James & Dr. Haleh Mehdizadeh May 11 Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Greenberg May 12 Mr. & Mrs. Max and Doreen Netty May 12 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Susskind May 12 Mr. & Mrs. Eitan Weinstock May 13 Mr. & Mrs. Josh Friedman May 14 Mr. Matthew Fonck & Mrs. Sharon Gold May 14 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Reisbaum May 15 Dr. Sam & Mrs. Elham Khorsandi May 16 Rabbi & Mrs. Rosenthal May 16 Dr. Larry & Mrs. Jane Cohen May 17 Mr. & Mrs. Allan S. Kantrowitz May 17 Dr. & Dr. Andrew S. Wachtel May 17 Mr. & Mrs. Oren Yaccobe May 17 Steven & Beki Bauer May 18 Mr. & Mrs. David Soleymani May 19 Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold S. Felsenthal May 20 Oren & Delilah Cohen May 21 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Khalifa May 21 Mr. Adam Schlesinger & Mrs. Tamar Schlesinger May 21

Sinai Speaks | page 46 ANNIVERSARIES MAY 2021

Mr. & Mrs. David and Amy Altman May 23 Payam & Pantea Bahari May 23 Mr. David J. Light & Rabbi Sharon A. Brous May 23 Ms. Natalia Sejbuk May 23 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Birnbaum May 24 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hakimirad May 24 Mr. & Mrs. Adam S. Winnick May 24 Mr. & Mrs. Irv Ostrow May 25 Mr. & Mrs. Ramin Matian May 25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miller May 25 Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Waterman May 25 Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Aimee Corne May 26 Jeremy & Michelle Deutchman May 26 Mr. Ron M. Friedman & Ms. Linda Zonana May 26 Debra & Michael Kaiser May 26 Mr. & Mrs. Jubin and Tiffany Niamehr May 26 Dr. Dalia & Mr. Arash Hakakzadeh May 26 Mr. & Mrs. Amir Shirian May 26 Dr. & Mrs. Igal Elyassi May 27 Mr. & Mrs. Bobby and Rebecca Khorshidi May 27 Mr. & Mrs. David Passman May 27 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Tenenblatt May 27 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Benaron May 28 Dr. Arash & Mrs. Sharareh Lavian May 28 Dr. Sarvenaz Mobasser & Mr. Shahrad Mobasser May 28 Dr. Mike & Mrs. Dorita Rostami May 28 Mr. & Mrs. Atabak Youssefzadeh May 28 Dr. Mark & Mrs. Cindy Dubin May 29 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emrani May 29

Sinai Speaks | page 47 ANNIVERSARIES MAY 2021

Mr. & Mrs. Dariush Gabbay May 29 Mark Mandell & Amy Melner May 29 Lisa & David Neman May 29 Mr. & Mrs. Sam Yebri May 29 Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Croll May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Kourosh Dayan May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Feldman May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Itay Reiss May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sabzerou May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Albert and Sandra Shadgoo May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Strauss May 30 Mr. & Mrs. Bobby D. Assil May 31 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Kohan May 31 Mr. & Mrs. James H. Zukin May 31


Rabbi Tamar Appelbaum discussed the recent events unfolding in , as well as Jerusalem Day, which marks the never-ending journey of the Jewish people to this special place.

Named by the Forward as one of the five most influential female religious leaders in Israel, Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum is the founder of ZION: An Eretz Israeli Congregation in Jerusalem and co-founder of the Beit Midrash for Israeli at the Hartman Institute and Ha Midrasha at Oranim. Her work spans and links tradition and innovation, wHoarpkipnyg tAonwnairvde Jreswairsyh tsop oiriutura Sl ainnadi eTtheimcapl lree nmaiessmabnceers. !She devotes Wmauctchh o Jf ahenru eanreyr gayn ntoi vtheers raenrieewsa Hl oEf RcoEm amnudn iFtye lbiferu ian rIys raenln aivned rtshaer sietrsu gHgEleR foEr. human rights.

Sinai Temple’s Scholar-In-Residence program is graciously sponsored and proudly presented by lifelong members Abner & Roslyn Goldstine. We are grateful to the Goldstines for their continued generous support.

Sinai Speaks | page 49 WEEKLY MINYAN TIMES Shabbat Morning Services Join us via YouTube: Ziegler Sanctuary: 9:00 a.m.

Daily Minyan Join us via YouTube: Mornings: 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. Sunday & National Holidays Afternoons: 5:45 p.m. Sunday - Thursday

Even from afar, Sinai Temple is still dedicated to providing a welcoming and caring community.

Now, more than ever, #WeAreSinai and we need you.

Sinai Speaks | page 50