erommontocaltij of iHassacijusctts,

F O R T IIE Y E A R 1839.



1839. , Stales mid Orders of the Mouse.

C H A P T E R I. O f the Duties and Powers o f the Speaker. I. T h e Speaker shall take the Chair every day at the hour to which the House shall have adjourned ; shall call the Members to order ; and, on the ap­ pearance o f a quorum, shall proceed to business. II. He shall preserve decorum and order ; may speak to points o f order in preference to other Members; and shall decide all questions o f order, subject to an appeal to the House on motion regularly seconded; and no other business shall be in order till the ques­ tion on the appeal shall have been decided. III. He shall declare all votes , but if any Member rises to doubt a vote, the Speaker shall order a re­ turn o f the number voting in the affirmative, and in the negative, without any further debate upon the question. IV. He shall rise to put a question, or to address the House, but may read sitting. V. In all cases the Speaker may vote. VI. When the House shall determine to go into a Committee o f the whole House, the Speaker shall appoint the Member who shall take the Chair. VII. On all questions and motions whatsoever, the Speaker shall take the sense o f the House by yeas 4 Duties o f the Speaker. Ch. I.

and nays, provided, one third o f the Members pres­ ent shall so require. When the yeas and nays are taken, no Member shall be allowed to vote, who shall have entered the House, after the calling of the roll is finished. VIII. He shall propound all questions, in the order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent motion be previous in its nature; except that in naming sums and fixing times, the largest sum and longest time shall be put first. IX. After a motion is stated or read by the Speaker, it shall be deemed to be in possession o f the House, and shall be disposed o f by vote o f the H ouse; but the mover may withdraw it at any time before a de­ cision or amendment. X. When a question is under debate, the Speaker shall receive no motion, but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, to amend, or to postpone indefi­ nitely ; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged, and a motion to strike out the enacting clause of a Bill shall be equivalent to a motion to postpone indefinitely. XI. He shall consider a motion to adjourn, as always first in order ; and that motion and the motion to lie on the table, shall be decided without debate. XII. He shall put the previous question in the follow­ ing form : “ shall the main question be now put ?” — and all amendment or further debate o f the main question shall be suspended, until the previous ques­ tion be decided. After the adoption o f the previous question, the sense o f the House shall forthwith be Ch. II. Duties o f Members. 5

taken on the main question, and no motion shall be in order, except to reconsider the previous question, till after,the decision On the previous question no Member shall speak more than once without leave. XIII. When two or move Members happen to rise at once, the Speaker shall name the Member who is first to speak. XIV. All Committees shall be appointed and announced by the Speaker, unless otherwise specially directed by the House. XV. The Speaker shall have the right to name any Member to perform the duties of the Chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment.

CHAPTER II. D f the Duties, Rights and Decorum o f Members. I. Every seat, which shall be drawn by any Member, in person, at the beginning o f the session, shall be his seat during the year, unless he shall have leave o f the Speaker to change it. °II. The desks on the right and left o f the Speaker shall^ be appropriated to the use o f the Clerk and the Committees on Bills. III. Every Member when about to speak shall rise and respectfully address the Speaker, shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid per­ sonality, and shall sit down when he has finished. N o Member shall speak out o f his place without leave o f the Speaker. 6 Duties o f Members. Ch. II.

IV. No Member speaking shall be interrupted by another, but by rising up to call to order. V. No Member shall speak more than twice on one question, without first obtaining leave o f the House; nor more than once, until the other Members, who have not spoken, shall speak, if they desire it. VI. When a vote has passed, it shall be in order for any Member o f the majority to move for a re-con- sideration thereof on the same or the succeeding day : and when a motion for re-consideration is de­ cided, that decision shall not be re-considered. VII. No Member shall be obliged to be on more than two Committees at the same time, nor Chairman o f more than one. No Member o f this House shall act as Counsel for either party, before a joint Com­ mittee o f the Legislature, or a Committee o f this House. VIII. No Member shall be permitted to stand up to the interruption o f another, while any Member is speak­ ing, or pass unnecessarily between the Speaker o f the House and the person speaking; nor shall any Member be permitted to stand in the alleys during the session o f the House. IX. Every Member shall keep an account of his own attendance and travel, and deliver the same to the Committee appointed to make up the pay-roll, and on his failure so to do he shall be omitted from the ro ll; and no Member shall receive pay for any week­ day on which he has not actually attended, except in case o f sickness. ‘ ’ r Ch. II. Duties o f Members.

X. All proceedings of the House with closed doors, and every matter relating to the same, shall be kept secret, until the House shall remove the injunction of secrecy. XI. Every Member, who shall neglect to give his at­ tendance in the House for more than six days after the session commences, shall, on making his ap­ pearance therein, be held to render the reason o f such neglect; and in case the reason assigned shall be deemed by the House sufficient, such Member shall be entitled to receive pay for bis travel, and not otherwise; and no Member shall be absent more than two days, without leave o f the House; and a vote o f leave o f absence shall be inoperative, un­ less the Member obtaining it shall avail himself of it within five days. XII. When any Member shall be guilty of a breach o f either o f the Rules and Orders o f the House, he may be required by the House on motion, to make satisfaction therefor, and shall not be allowed to vote, or speak, except by way o f excuse, till he has done so. XIII. No Member shall be permitted to vote, or serve on any Committee, in any question where his private right is immediately concerned, distinct from the public interest. XIV. Every Member, who shall be in the House when a question is put, where he is not excluded by inter­ est, shall give his vote, uidess the House, for special reasons, shall excuse him. Any Member desiring to be so excused on any question, shall make appli­ cation to that effect before the House is divided, or before the calling o f the yeas and nays; and such 8 Duties o f Members. Ch. II. application shall be accompanied bv a brief state­ ment o f reasons, and shall be decided on without debate. XV. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the Speaker direct it. XVI. Any Member may call for the division o f a ques­ tion when the sense will admit o f it. XVII. Motions and Reports may be committed, or re­ committed, at the pleasure o f the House. XVIII. No motion or proposition, of a subject different from that under consideration, shall be admitted un­ der color o f amendment. XIX. The unfinished business, in which the House was engaged at the time o f the last adjournment, shall have the preference in the orders o f the day. XX. No rule or order o f the House shall be dispensed with, altered or repealed, unless two thirds o f the Members present shall consent thereto. XXI. When a vote is doubted, the Members for or against the question, when called on by the Speaker, shall rise and stand uncovered till they are counted. XXII. All questions, relaling to priority o f business to be acted upon, shall be decided without debate. XXIII. Every question o f order shall be noted by the Clerk, with the decision thereon, and inscribed at large on the Journal. Ch. III. Duties o f Monitors. 9

XXIV. When a motion is made to refer any subject, and different Committees shall be proposed, the question shall be taken in the following order:— a Standing Committee o f the House— a Select Committee of the House— a Joint Standing Committee— a Joint Select Committee. XXV. It shall be the duty o f each Member o f the House, who moves that any Standing Committee be instruct­ ed to inquire into the expediency o f amending an existing law or laws, to point out the amendment, which he deems expedient, in writing, to accompany his motion, or to furnish a written statement thereof to such Committee, if by them required. XXVI. No stranger shall be admitted to the seats o f Members, or upon the floor of the House, without leave o f the Speaker. XXVII. All business shall be proceeded with on Satur­ days and Mondays as on other days.

CHAPTER III. O f the Duties o f Monitors.

I. One Monitor shall be appointed for each division o f the House, whose duty it shall be to see the due observance o f the orders o f the Plouse, and, on de­ mand o f the Speaker, to return the number o f votes and Members in their respective divisions. II. If any Member shall transgress any o f the rules or orders o f the House, and persist therein after being o 10 O f Petitions, Memorials, fyc. Ch. IV. notified thereof by any Monitor, it shall be the duty o f such Monitor to give information thereof to the House. III. In case the Speaker shall be absent at the hour to which the House was adjourned, one of the Mon­ itors shall call the House to order, and the Clerk shall preside.

CHAPTER IV. O f Petitions, Memorials, 8fc. I. All papers addressed to the House, except peti­ tions, memorials and remonstrances, shall be pre­ sented by the Speaker, or by a Member in his place, and shall be read by the Speaker, Clerk, or such other person as the Speaker may request, and shall be taken up in the order in which they were present­ ed, unless where the House shall otherwise direct. II. Every Member, presenting to the House a petition, memorial or remonstrance, shall endorse his name thereon, with a brief statement o f the nature, and object of the instrument, and the reading o f the same from the Chair, shall in all instances be dispensed with, unless specially ordered by the House. III. All reports, petitions, memorials, remonstrances, and papers o f a like nature, shall be presented dur­ ing the first hour o f each session o f the House, and at no other time, except by special leave of the House. IV. No petition for the use o f the Hall shall be grant­ ed till the same has been first referred to the Com­ mittee on Public Buildings Ch. V. O f Bills, Resolves and Grants. 11

C H A P T E R V.

O f Bills, Resolves and Grants. I. No bill or resolve shall pass to be engrossed with­ out being read on three several days. II. All bills and resolves shall be written in a fair round hand, without interlineations, on not less than one sheet o f paper, with suitable margins, and spaces between the several sections or resolves. III. No bill or resolve shall be introduced to the House without special leave, unless reported by a Committee. When any bill, resolve, petition, memo­ rial or remonstrance, shall have been finally reject­ ed, no other, substantially the same, shall be intro­ duced by any Committee or Member during the same session. IV. No engrossed bill or resolve shall be sent to the Senate, without notice thereof being given by the Speaker. V. No private act or resolve, affecting the character or property o f any individual, shall pass the House, unless such individual be first notified thereof. VI. All bills and resolves in their third reading, shall be committed to the Standing Committee on bills in their third reading, to be by them examined, cor­ rected, and so reported to the House. VII. All engrossed bills and resolves shall be commit­ ted to the Standing Committee on engrossed bills, to be strictly examined ; and if found by them to be 12 O f Committees. Ch. VI.

truly and rightly engrossed, they shall so report to the House, and the same shall be passed to be enact­ ed, without any further reading, unless, on motion o f any Member, a majority o f the House shall be in favor o f reading the same as engrossed. VIII. No engrossed bill or resolve shall be amended. IX. Bills and resolves in their third reading, shall be made the order o f the day, for the day next succeeding that on which leave shall have been given to read them a third tim e; and all reports o f Committees, not by bill or resolve, whether joint or o f this House, shall be made the order o f the day for the day next succeeding that on which they shall have been read in this House, unless the House shall otherwise direct by vote; and the Speaker shall order them accordingly; and after entering on the orders o f the day, they shall be disposed o f in course. X. All amendments, proposed by the Senate and sent back to the House for their concurrence, shall be committed to the Committee who reported the mea­ sure proposed to be amended.

CHAPTER VI. O f Committees, their Powers and Duties. I. The following Standing Committees shall be ap­ pointed at the commencement o f the political year,

A Committee on the Judiciary ; A Committee on Education ; A Committee on Agriculture ; Ch. VI. O f Committees. 13

A Committee on Matters o f Probate and Chart eery ; A Committee on Finance ; A Committee on Elections ; A Committee on Bills in the Third Reading; A Committee on Engrossed Bills; And each o f these Committees shall consist o f Seven Members; A Committee on County Estimates; A Committee on the Pay R o ll; A Committee on the Change o f Names; A Committee on Leave of Absence; A Committee on Public Buildings; And each o f these Committees shall consist of Five Members. II. In ail elections by ballot o f the House, a time shall be assigned for such election, at least one day previous thereto. III. In all elections o f Committees o f the House, by ballot, the person having the highest number o f votes shall act as Chairman. IV. All papers, relative to any business before the House, shall be left with the Clerk, by any Member, who may obtain leave o f absence, and may have any such papers in his possession. V. The Chairman o f every Committee, except the Standing Committees, who shall have business re­ ferred to them, shall make report o f their doings therein, within four days after such reference. VL All Committees may report by bill, resolve, or otherwise. 14 O f Committees. Ch. VI.

The rules o f proceeding in the House shall be observed in a Committee o f the whole House, so far as they may be applicable, except the rule limiting the times o f speaking : but no Member shall speak twice upon any question, until every Member, choosing to speak, shall have spoken. A motion to rise report progress, and ask leave to sit again, sna 1 be always first in order, and shall be decided without debate. JOINT RULES AND ORDERS


I. The following Joint Standing Committees shall be appointed at the commencement o f the January session, viz :— A Committee on Accounts ; A Committee on Roads and Bridges ; A Committee on Railways and Canals; A Committee on Towns ; A Committee on Claims ; A Committee on the Militia; A Committee on Parishes and other Religious So­ cieties ; A Committee on the Fisheries; A Committee on Banks and Banking; A Committee on Mercantile Affairs & Insurance; A Committee on Public Lands; A Committee on Manufactures; A C ommittee on the Library; A Committee on Prisons; and A Committee on Public Charitable Institutions; And each o f said Committees shall consist o f two on the part o f the Senate, and three on the part o f the House, except the Committee on the Library, which, by law, is to consist of three on the part of each House, and no Member o f any Committee shall receive compensation for personal services on such Committee, during the Session o f the Legis­ lature. IL The Joint Committees o f the two Houses may- report by bill, resolve, or otherwise, to either House, at their discretion ; and all bills and resolves report- lfi Joint Rules and Orders of both Houses.

ed by them, shall be written in a fair round hand, without interlineation, on not less than a sheet of paper, with suitable margins, and spaces between the several sections or resolves. 111. All papers, while on their passage between the two Houses, may be under the signature o f the re­ spective Clerks, except Bills and Resolves, in their last stage. iV. After Bills shall have passed both Houses to be engrossed, they shall be in the charge o f the Clerks o f the two Houses, who shall deliver the same to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to be engrossed in the manner prescribed by law; and when engrossed, the said Clerks shall forthwith deliver the same to the Committee o f the House o f Representatives on Engrossed Bills ; and when the same shall have passed to be enacted in that House, they shall, in like manner, be delivered to the Committee o f the Senate on Engrossed Bills. V. After Bills shall have passed both Houses to be enacted, the Clerks o f the two Houses shall cause them to be laid before the Governor for his appro­ bation, an indorsement being first made thereon, b}; the Clerk o f the House, in which the same origi­ nated, respectively, certifying in which House the same originated, which indorsement shall be en­ tered on the Journals by the Clerks respectively, and also the day on which the same were laid be­ fore the Governor. VI. All resolves and other papers, which are to be presented to the Governor o f the Commonwealth, shall be presented for his approbation, in the same manner as prescribed in the case o f Bills. CIVIL GOVERNMENT

OF THE (ftommotttoealtij of fttaaaacljttartta,





COUNCIL. HENRY SHAW, ' o f Eanesborough. CALEB FOOTE, o f Salem, FRA N C IS C. G R A Y , o f Boston, CHARLES HUDSON, o f Westminster, LEAVITT THAXTER, of Edgartown. ISAAC C. BATES, o f Northampton, D A W I) A. SIMMONS, of Roxbnry. JOSEPH GRINNELL, of New Bedford, RUFUS HOSMER, o f Stow. JOHN P. BIGELOW, Secretary o f the Commonwealth.

DAVID WILDER, Treasurer Sf Receiver General o f the Commonwealth 3 SENATE.




George Blake, Josiah Quincy, Jr., Nathan Gurney, George Morey, > o f Boston. Samuel T. Armstrong, Charles Leighton,


Charles Kimball, o f Ipswich, Isaiah Breed, o f Lynn, Daniel P. King, of Danvers, Samuel Lane, of Gloucester. Josiah Little, of Newbury, Jeremiah Spofford, of Bradford.


Sidney Willard, o f Cambridge, Samuel B. Walcott, of Hopkinton. JAlley Eaton, oj South Reading, Stuart J. Park, o f Groton, Samuel Chandler, of Lexington. Senate. 19


Linus Child, o f Southbridge. William Hancock, o f Dudley, James G. Carter, of Lancaster, Thomas Kinnicutt, of Worcester, Artemas Lee, o f Templeton, James Allen, o f Oakham.


Myron Lawrence, o f Belcliertown. William Clark, Jr. o f Northampton.


Ephraim Hastings, o f Heath.


George Ashmun, o f Springfield. Reuben Boise, Jr., o f Blandford.


Stephen B. Brown, o f Adams. Lester Filley, o f Otis.


Thomas French, o f Canton. Samuel G. Goodrich, of Roxbury. Joseph L. Richardson. o f Medway.


Joseph Meigs, of Rochester, Jared Whitman, of Abington. 20 Senate.


Sampson Perkins, of New Bedford. Seth Whitmarsh, o f Seekonk. Horatio Pratt, o f Taunton.


Charles Marston, of Barnstable.


George B. Upton, of Nantucket.

CHARLES CALHOUN, Clerk. W. P. GREGG, Assistant Clerk.

R e v . W ILLIA M M. R O G E R S, Chaplain. BENJ. STEVENS 1 Sergeant-at-Arms ’ ) to the General Court. MIL I ON HALL, Doorkeeper. WINSLOW LEACH, Page. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

Hon. R O BE R T C. W IN T H R O P ,



Boston, Am os Binney, 532 Martin Brimmer, 267 James Clark, 238 Joshua Crane, 90 Isaac P . Davis, 133 Joseph Eveleth, 78 Stephen Fairbanks, 296 John C. Gray, 51 James Harris, 42 Samuel Hitchborn, 187 Thomas Hunting, 96 , 468 Thomas Motley, 192 David Nickerson, 230 Jeffrey Richardson, 395 Asa Swallow, 354 Robert G. Shaw, 98 Charles A. Wells, 74 22 House o f Representatives.

Boston, James M. Whiton, 472 Robert C. Winthrop, Chelsea, Ralph Beatley, 31 Abner Gay, 115


Amesbury, Josiah Sargent, 13 Benjamin Young, 474 Andover, Thomas C. Foster, 80 Joseph Shattuck, Jr., 314 William Stevens, 4S8 B everly, John Safford, 371 Thomas B. Smith, 329 Edwin M. Stone, 524 Boxford, JMoses Kimball, 179 Bradford, Benjamin Greenleaf, 499 William M. Rollins, 173 Danvers, Lewis Allen, 109 Samuel P. Fowler, 501 Abel Nichols, 225 Henry Poor, 140 Essex, David Choate, 178 Gloucester, Samuel L. Andrews, 92 Alexander P. Davis, 545 Joseph J. Proctor, 514 Christopher G. Sargent, 423 Rich’d G. Stanwood, Jr. 502 Hamilton, Haverhill, Charles Carleton, 358 William D . S. Chase, 2G8 James EL. Duncan, Samuel Johnson, 482 House o f Representatives. 23

Ipswich, George Haskell, 171 William Heard, 353 Lynn, Joseph A. Lloyd, 27 George Hood, 496 Abel Houghton, Jr,, 493 Samuel Mudge, 4 9 1 Jeremiah C. Stickney, 89 John Slone, 255 Lynn field, David N. Stvasey, 151 Manchester, David Crafts, 505 Marblehead, Samuel Goodwin, 2 d, 210 Elias H . Ramsdell, 544 Peter Rix, 430 Thomas Tucker, 289 M ethuen, Joshua Boswell, 506 John M. Gmsvenor, 342 Middleton, Stephen Will \ins, 117 Mew bury, Jacob Atkinson, 163 Benjamin W. Hale, 3S8 Daniel Noyes, 21 Mewburyport, Thomas M. Clark, 355 Henry W. Kinsman, 330 Joseph B. Morss, 216 Samuel S. Plummer, 233 Rowley and ) Nathaniel Mighill, 343 Georgetown, j Charles S. Tenney, 400 Salem, Charles A. Andrew, 126 James Chamberlain, 70 Stephen A . Chase, 112 Stephen Daniels, 494 Francis Peabody, 237 John Perloy, 303 Caleb Peirce, 470 Richard S. Rogers, 264 Samuel Ward, 477 24 House of Representatives.

Salisbury, Nathaniel George, 135 John Morrill, 231 Saugus, Charles Sweetser, 143 Tops field, Nathaniel Perley, 278 Wenkam, Benjamin Edwards, 271 West Newbury, Moses Carr, 410 Benjamin Edwards, 14


Acton, Nathan Brooks. 405 Ashby, Bedford, Reuben Bacon, 357 Billerica, Henry Baldwin, 8 Boxborcugh, Brighton, Charles Heard, 258 Henry H. Larnard, ICO Burlington, Cambridge, Luther Brooks, ISO Joseph T. Buckingham, 34 Ezekiel Hayden, S7 Carlisle, Calvin Heald, 316 Charlestown, Thomas Greenleaf, 168 Jonathan Locke, 343 Samuel Poor, 123 Phineas Rice, 116 Samuel C . Simonds, 361 Timothy Thompson, 146 Chelmsford, Amos Carlton, 88 Sherebiah Spaulding, 311 Concord, Stedman Buttrick, 226 Ephraim Meriatn, 229 Dracutt, Daniel Carter, 106 House o f Representatives. 25

Dracutt, Samuel F ox, 19 Framingham, Moses Edgell, 497 Groton, John G. Park, 176 Daniel Shattuck, 254 Holliston, Alden Leland, 95 Daniel Perry, 18 Hopkinton, Moses Phipps, 83 Jefferson Pratt, Lexington, Phineas Lawrence, 72 Philip Russell, 71 Lincoln, Elisha Hagar, 419 Littleton, Lowell, Henry J. Baxter, 318 William Davis, 200 Hazen Elliot, 334 David Nourse, 479 Jesse Phelps, 321 Royal! Southwick, 24 Joshua Swan, 425 Oliver M. Whipple, 387 Edward Winslow, 103 M alden, Leavitt Corbett, 512 Caleb Howard, 139 Marlborough, Levi Bigelow, 208 Isaac Hayden, 33 Medford, Leonard Bucknam, 79 Lewis Richardson, 304 N atick, Nathaniel Clark, 212 Newton, Lemuel Crebore, 504 Jesse Winslow, 186 Pepperell, Arnold Hutchinson, 309 John P. Tarbell, 519 Reading, George Flint, 383 Warren Perkins, 413 Sherburne, 4 26 House of Representatives.

Shirley, South Reading, Thomas Emerson, 65 Jonas Evans, 276 Stoneham, Joseph Buck, 196 Stow, Charles Tower, 76 Sudbury, Ephraim Moore, 273 Thomas Stearns, 337 Tewksbury, Jonathan Brown, 257 Townsend, Josiah G. Heald, 9 T i/ngsborough, Rufus M. Blodget, 277 Waltham, Elisha Crehore, 539 Luke Fiske, 480 Watertown, Way land , William Sherman, 128 West Cambridge, William Locke, 2d., 130 James Russell, 372 Westford, Ephraim Abbott, 222 Weston, Jonas Hastings, 2S0 Wilmington, Woburn, William Flanders, 213 Leonard Fowle, 77 Calvin A. Wyman, 127


Jishburnham, Reuben Townsend, 66 Athol, Benjamin Estabrook, 188 Abner Young, SI Auburn, Lewis Eddy, 363 Samuel Frlrly, 347 B arre, Nathaniel Holland, 166 Nathaniel Luring, 540 Berlin, Jonathan I ). Meriiam, 174 House o f Representatives. 27

Bolton, Caleb Wheeler, ] 90 Boylston, Eli 15. Lamson, 7 d Brookfield, Ebenezer i'ioiily, 262 Sylvanus Thomas, 404 Charlton, Aaron Marble, N J4I Alpheus White, 199 Moses Williams, 209 Dana, Italy Foster, 2.4G Douglas, ai ren Humes, 513 David Richardson, 390 Dudley, Morris Lamed, 185 Samuel Robinson, 247 Fitchburg, David Boutelle, 1 1 Francis Perkins, 476 Gardner, Joseph Wright, 243 Timothy Heyvvood, 172 Grafton, Joseph Bruce, 154 Noah Kimball, 23 Hardwick, Moses Allen, 65 Gardiner Ruggles, 490 Harvard, Asa Daby, 16 Abel Whitney, 509 Holden, Tilly Chaffin, 157 Silas Flagg, 322 Hubbardston, Micajah Reed, 486 George Williams, 351 Lancaster, John G. Thurston, 310 Silas Thurston, Jr., 214 Leicester, Isaac Southgate, 370 Samuel Watson, 288 Leominster, Jabez B. Low, 206 Lunenburg, Daniel Low, Jr., 414

M ilbury, Job Gorton, 340 Charles Hale, 227 JYew Braintree, Joseph Bowman, 203 Northborough, Prentiss K eyes, 38 Northbridge, Benjamin Taft, 464 North Brookfield, Cbauncey Edmands, 3S6 Pliny Nye, 463 Oakham, Alexander Crawford 2d, 43 Oxford, Sylvanus Harris, 298 Francis Sibley, 4S7 Paxton, Artemas H ow e, 346 Petersham, Joseph Brown, 307 Artemas Bryant, 256 Phillipston, James Carruth, 373 Princeton, Alphonso Brooks, 175 Royalston, Russell Morse, 422 Arba Sherwin, 325 Rutland, Calvin G. Howe, 465 Shrewsbury, Adam Harrington, 121 Azor R. Phelps, 148 Southborough, Sullivan Fay, 522 Southbridge, Stephen Brackett, 379 Bela Tiffany, 201 Spencer, Eleazer B. Draper, 259 Dennis Ward, 189 Sterling, Timothy Endicott, 518 William Goss, 295 Sturbridge, Edward Phillips, 350 Abijah Prouty, 541 Sutton, Peter Putnam, 435 Welcome Whipple, 368 Templeton, Joseph Davis, Jr., 411 Moses Leland, no Upton, William Legg, 151 Elijah Warren, 336 House of Representatives. 29

Uxbridge, Samuel Read, 6 Asa Thayer, 104 W arren, John Moore, 4 62 Webster, Solomon Robinson, 32 Westborough, Oils Brigham, 99 A bijah Stone, 301 West Boylston, Westminster, Joseph Whitman, 511 Joseph H. Whitney, 484 Winchendon, Isaac Morse, 56 Elisha Murdock, 248 Worcester, Lewis Chapin, 352 Simon S. Gates, 250 Nathan Heard, 153 William Lincoln, 50S Stephen Salisbury, 377 Ichabod Washburn, 100


Amherst, , 62 Oliver Dickinson, 2d, 102 Belchertown, Israel Town, Chesterfield, Timothy A . Phelps, 85 Cumminston, Philander Packard, 232 Easthampton, Enfield, Daniel Ford, 53 Goshen, Luther Stone, 181 Granby, Samuel Ayres, 461 Greenwich, Ira Haskell, 169 Hadley, Charles P. Phelps, 136 William Smith, 50 Hatfield, Justin Wait, 44 30 House of Representatives.

Middlefield, Samuel Srnilli, 11 ! Northampton, Jonathan P. Strong, 122 Joseph Warner, 355 Eliphalet Williams, 293 N onoich, Pelham, Joseph Barrows, 182 Plainfield, Stephen Gloyd, 251 Prescott, Roswell Allen, 84 South Hadley, Spencer Moody, 219 Southampton, William S. Rogers, 82 Ware, Jason Gorham, 435 Thomas Snell, 523 Westhampton, John A. Judd, 283 Williamsburg, Elisha Tileston, 421 Worthington, Chauncey B. Rising,


Blandford, Brimfield, Abner Hitchcock, 147 Samuel Tarbell, 510 Chester, , 389 Granville, Francis Peebles, 374 Holland, Longmeadow, Calvin Burt, 45 Ludlow, JUonson, Horatio Lyon, 420 Calvin Munti, 299 Montgomery, Oren Parks, 4S5 Palmer, William J . Blanchard, James Gamwell, 41 Russell, Benjamin Bennet, 113 Southwick, Moses Loomis, 125 House of Representatives. 31

Southwick, Elisha Steer, 320 Springfield, George Bliss, Elijah B .ike, 211 Orange Chapin, 37 Williara Child, 433 Charles M ’Ciallen, Sylvester T aj lor, 2S4 Tolland, George VV. Granger, 286 Wales, Absalom Gardner, 221 Westfield, Joseph A r «old, 297 Asa B. Whitman, 378 Lucius Wright, 131 West Springfield, Edwin H . Ball, 396 Josiah Johnson, 341 Wilbraham, Jesse VV. Bice, 97 William V. Sessions, 331


Jlshfield, William Bassett, 306 Fiiend Knovvlion, 315 Bernardston, Henry W . Cushman, 13S Bvckland, Joseph Griswold, 36 Charlemont, Joseph Field, 91 Coleraine, Amos Bordwell, 498 John Wilson, 308 Conway, Christopher Arms, 319 Deerfield, Amos Russell, 376 Asa Stebbins, 207 Gill, Eliphalet S. Darling, 460 O Greenfield, Ambrose Ames, fJ Isaac Barton, Jr., 193 Hawley, John Vincent, 10 32 House of Representatives.

Heath, Luther Gale, 535 Leverett, Horatio N. Watson, 3 07 Leyden, Reuben Sheldon, 142 JMonrne, Martin Ballou, 54 M ontague, Marlin H . Clapp, 101 New Salem, Emerson Fay, 397 Norlhfield, Samuel C. Allen, Jr., 4('6 Asabel Stebbins, 534 Orange, Salmon Howard, 239 Lowe, Solomon Reed, 412 Shelburne, Theophilus Packard, 177 Shxdesbury, Phineas Hemmenway, 220 Sunderland, Horace Henderson, 183 Warwick, Jacob R. Gale, 349 Wendell, Gardiner Leach, 12 Whaleley, Samuel B. White, 204


Jldams, John Hall, 20 Joseph L. White, 394 Shubael Willmarth, 356 JRford, Bechet, Isaac Stevens, 478 Cheshire, Stephen Northup, 224 Clarksburs-, Dalton, Daniel Lawrence, 217 Egremont, Phaon Truman, 129 F lorida, Great Barrington, Jacob Burgbardt, T Georste Pynchon,300 Hancock, William Hadsell, 158 Hinsdale, William Hinsdale,270 House of Representatives. 33

Laneshorough, Lee, Eli Bradley, 401 Leonard Church, 205 Lenox, Henry H. Cook, 279 Jilt. Washington, William Wright, Jr., 274 «/Yeio Ashford, JV* 10 Marlborough, Joseph W . Howe, 495 Otis, Samuel Picket, 228 P eru, Smith Phillips, 240 Pittsfield, George W . Campbell, 249 Solomon L. Russell, 242 Richmond, Daniel D. Kendall, 114 Sandisfield, Oliver Bosworth, 492 Savoy, Melvin Bowker, 195 Sheffield, Frederic A. Brown, 398 Ira Curtis, 156 Stockbridge, William Churchill, 203 Charles Webster, 409 Tyringham, Asa Judd, 269 Washington, John S. Noble, 439 West Stockbridge, Hubbard Fox, 287 Williamstown, Jeremiah H. Hosford, 118 Henry Johnson, 292 Windsor, Josiah Allen, 473


Bellingham, Asa Pickering, 312 Braintree, Joseph Richards, 144 Minot Thayer, 47 Brookline, Thomas Griggs, 434 Canton, Samuel Capen, 124 Isaac Horton, 333 5 34 House of Representatives.

Cohasset, George W . Collier, 152 Dedham, Joshua Fales, 344 Dorchester, Elijah Vose, 64 Marshal P . W ilder, 521 Dover, Foxboroush, Silas Ripley, 323 John Sherman, 42 Franklin, Nathan Cleaveland, 198 Medfield, William Peters, 483 Medway, Eleazer Daniels, 60 Luther Metcalf, 313 Milton, Nathaniel Thomas, 533 Ebenezer G. Tucker, 67 Needham, Elisha Lyon, 428 Quincy, William B. Duggan, 503 James Newcomb, 155 Lemuel Spear, 246 Randolph, Zenas French, 244 Alvan Kidder, 345 Charles T . W oodman, 403 Roxbury, Cornelius Cowing, 515 Ephraim Harrington, 369 William H. Spooner, 245 Joseph W . Tucker, 55 Stephen Williams, 49 Sharon, Jedediah Morse, 86 Stoughton, Walpole, Joshua Stetson, Jr., 145 Weymouth, Silas Canterbury, 538 Bela Hayward, 119 Asa Pratt, 164 Wrentham, Preston Pond, 326 Silas Metcalf, 536 House of Representatives. 35


Attleborough, Carlos Barrows, 241 Jonathan Bliss, 26 John Daggett, 1 B erkley, Dartmouth,’ Joseph Gifford, George Kirby, 417 Dighton, William Peck, 75 Easton, Nathaniel Guild, 260 Martin W ild, 202 Fairhaven, Daniel Davis, 252 John Stoddard, 263 Joseph Tripp, 364 Fall River, George Brightman, 2d, 359 John A. Harris, 335 Micah H. Ruggles, Irani Smith, 134 Freetown, Alden Hathaway, Jr., 467 Mansfield, Schuyler Shepard, 197 New Bedford, Abraham Barker, 45S Ebenezer N. Chaddock, 282 Thomas D. Eliot, 332 Thomas A. Greene, 281 Robert Hillman, 471 Leonard Macomber, 380 Pardon G. Seabury, 150 Silas Stetson, 69 William H. Stowell, 162 N orton, John Crane, 134 Pawtucket, Elijah Ingraham, 39 John B . Read, 223 36 House o f Representatives.

Raynham, Absalom Leonard, 339 Enos L. Williams, 15 Rehoboth, , William Marvel, 2d, 57 Seekonk, Caleb Chaffee, 392 William Ide, 393 Somerset, Benjamin G. Chace, 391 Swansey, Artemas Stebbins, 10S Taunton, Leonard Hall, 290 Allen Presbury, 215 Westport, Nathan C. Brownell, 265 Gamaliel Church, 253


Abington, James Ford, Jr., 191 Elihu Hobart, 61 Harvey Torrey, 459 Bridgwater, John A. Shaw, 22 Nahum Stetson, 48 Carver, Joseph Barrows, 327 Duxbury, Benjamin Alden, 507 Gershom B. Weston, 520 East Bridgewater, Halifax, Zadock Thompson, 132 Hanover, Abel G. Duncan, 382 Hanson, Melzar Sprague, 40S Hingham, Henry Cushing, 537 David Fearing, 93 Thomas Loring, 63 Hull, Kingston, Josiah Holmes, 366 James N. Sever, 375 House of Representatives. 37

Marshfield, John Ford, Jr., 358 Middleborough, Stilman Benson, 105 Tisdale Leonard, 137 Zebulon K . Pratt, 500 Eliab Ward, 338 JY. Bridgewater, Jesse Perkins, 94 Albert Smith, 294 Pembroke, Nathaniel Smith, 234 Plymouth, Isaac Bartlett, 384 Jeremiah Farris, 302 Ezra Leach, 365 Benjamin W eston, 149 Plympton, Zaccheus Parker, 317 Rochester, Zaccheus M. Barstow, 29 James H . Clark, 429 Isaac Smith, 432 Scituate, John Beal, 52 William James, 406 Samuel Waterman, 285 Wareham, Abisha Barrows, 120 Bartlett Murdock, 415 West Bridgewater, John E. Howard, 291


Barnstable, Daniel Basset, 402 Nathaniel Hinckley, 167 Thomas B. Lewis, 407 Brewster, Josiah Foster, 517 Chatham, Josiah Kendrick, 525 Thomas Sparrow, 475 Dennis, Seth Crowell, 469 Seth T. Whelden, 367 38 House o f Representatives.

Easthdm, Philander Shaw, 68 Falmouth, Silas Jones, 218 Elijah Swift, 35 Harwich, Richard Baker, Jr., 266 Cyrus Weeks, 28 Orleans, Edward Barber, 17 Luther Snow, 275 Provincetown, John Atkins, 25 David Rider, Jr., 272 Sandwich, Josiah Bacon, 516 Benjamin Bourne, 170 Charles Nye, 30 Truro, Freeman Atkins, 5 Jonah Stevens, 399 JVellfleet, Solomon R. Hawes, 235 Nathaniel P . W iley, 305 Yarmouth, Ezekiel Crowell, 324 Freeman Taylor, 481


Chihnark, Edgartown, Benjamin Davis, 438 Chase Pease, 426 Tisbury, Thomas Bradley, 40


Nantucket, George Bradburn, 45 Isaac Brayton, 331 Jonathan C . Briggs, 7 House of Representatives. 39

Nantucket, Samuel H . Jenks, 362 Frederick C. Macy, 489 Josiah Swain,


R e v . GEO. W . BLAGDEN, ) 7 R e v . OTIS A. SKINNER, J ckaP la™ s.

BENJ. STEVENS \ s ergeant-at-Arms ’ ) to the General Court. E lijah W . C u t t in g , Messenger.

D avid M u r ph y , Assistant Messenger.

A lexis P ool, Doorkeeper.


ON ACCOUNTS. Messrs. Eaton and ) , . r ., „ , t, , . > O f the ¡senate. Perkins, j J Messrs. Thayer, o f Braintree, I Griswold, o f Buckland, > O f the House. TiiFany, of Southbridge, j

ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. Messrs. Carter and I _ - ,, „ Boies ( ■? " lc ¡senate. Messrs. Bowman, o f N. Braintree, i James, o f Scituate, j O f the House. Chase, o f Salem, j

ON RAILWAYS AND CANALS. Messrs. Child and 1 j7 „ Gurney, ) ° f tlle Senate- Messrs, Phelps, o f Hadley, a Edgell, o f Framingham, l O f the House. Richardson, of Boston, )

ON TOWNS. Messrs. Hastings, and Whitman, } , o f the Senate. Messrs. Child, o f Springfield, Whitney, o f Westminster, O f the House. Allen, o f Danvers.

ON CLAIMS. Messrs. King and ) „ Leighton, j * lc ^ cna^e> Messrs. Andrew, o f Salem, \ Clark, o f Boston, I O f the House. Pickering, of Bellingham, J Joint Standing Committees. 41

ON PARISHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Messrs. Filley and ) „ Meigs, ) O f the Senate. Messrs. Seabury, o f New Bedford, ) Burghardt,of G. Barrington, > O f tlic House. Ford, o f Enfield, j

ON THE MILITIA. Messrs. Quincy and „ Goodrich, \ ° f the Senate. Messrs. Duncan, o f Haverhill 1J> ) Brimmer, o f Boston > \oO f the House. Ruggles, of Hardwickick, )

ON PUBLIC LANDS. Messrs. Blake and Little, [}o f the Senate. Messrs. Fairbanks, o f Boston, Bacon, of Bedford, ^ O f the House. Stetson, o f Walpole,

ON MANUFACTURES. Messrs. French and ) Brown, \ ° f the Senate. Messrs. Peabody, o f Salem, Southwick, of Lowell,I, ) O f the House. Campbell, o f Pittsfield’

ON FISHERIES. Messrs. Marston and I 7 „ Lane, \ O f the Senate. Messrs. Swift, o f Falmouth, \ Hale, o f Newbury, [ O f the House. Atkins, of Provincetown, j G 42 Joint Standing Committees.

ON BANKS AND BANKING. Messrs. Armstrong and ) Q f fkc Senate. Breed, ) J Messrs. Williams, o f Northampton, I Weston, o f Duxbury, \ O f the House. Shaw, of Boston, )


Messrs. Motley, o f Boston, ) Rogers, o f Salem, > O f the House. Barker, of New Bedford, )


Messrs- p ^ kMd } O f the Senate. Messrs. Jenlts, o f Nantucket, I Heard, of Worcester, > O f the House. Thompson, o f Charlestown, )

ON PUBLIC CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Messrs. Spofford and I r tf Senate. Chandler, ) •' Messrs. Vose, o f Dorchester, I Bradburn, o f Nantucket, > O f the House. Webster, of Stockbridge, )

ON THE LIBRARY. Messrs. Willard, \ Quincy and > O f the Senate. Blake, j Messrs. Davis, o f Boston, I Shaw, o f Eastham, > O f the House. Grosvenor, o f Methuen, ) STANDING COMMTTEES OF THE SENATE.

ON THE JUDICIARY. Messrs. Walcott, Kinnicutt, and Morey.

ON MATTERS IN PROBATE AND CHANCERY. Messrs. Ashmun, Kimball, and Piatt.

ON EDUCATION. Messrs. Carter, Goodrich, and Willard,

ON AGRICULTURE. Messrs. Whitmarsh, Clark, and Richardson.

ON BILLS IN THE THIRD READING. Messrs. Kinnicutt, Walcott, Ashmun, Kimball, Mo­ rey, and King.

ON ENGROSSED BILLS. Messrs. Hancock, Filley, Pratt, Leighton, Lee and Little. STANDING COMMITTEES


ON THE JUDICIARY. Messrs. Bliss, o f Springfield, Lincoln, of Worcester, Mitchell, of Boston, Russell, of West Cambridge, Daggett, o f Attleborough, Rising, of Worthing­ ton, Stickney, of Lynn. ON MATTERS OF PROBATE AND CHANCERY". Messrs. Kinsman, o f Newburyport, Reed, o f Rowe, Stevens, o f Andover, Ward, o f Middleborough, Cushing of Hingham, Whitney, of Harvard, Ba­ con, o f Sandwich.

ON EDUCATION. Messrs. Shaw, o f Bridgewater, Greene, o f New Bed­ ford, Salisbury, o f Worcester, Packard, of Shel­ burne, Greenleaf, o f Bradford, Cushman, of Bernardston, Choate, o f Essex.

ON AGRICULTURE. Messrs. Buckingham, o f Cambridge, Field, of Charlemont, Stebbins, o f Deerfield, Wilder, of Dorchester, Noyes, of Newbury, Gardiner, o f Wales, Pynchon, of Great Barrington. ON FINANCE. Messrs. Gray, of Boston, Brownell, o f Westport, Fiske, o f Waltham, Tripp, of Fairhaven, Ingra­ ham, o f Pawtucket, White, of Adams, Snell, of Ware.

ON ELECTIONS. Messrs. E. Dickinson, o f Amherst, Wheeler, of Bol­ ton, Allen, of Northfield, Nourse, of Lowell, Hinckley, of Barnstable, Bradley o f Tisbury, Fearing, of Hingham. Standing Committees. 45

ON BILLS IN THEIR THIRD READING. Messrs. Eliot, of New Bedford, Tarbell, of Pepper- ell, Fay, o f Southborough, Stetson, o f Bridge- water, Tucker, of Roxbury, Brooks, of Prince­ ton, Stoddard, o f Fairhaven. ON ENGROSSED BILLS. Messrs. Morss, of Newburyport, Davis, o f Fairha- ven, Stone, o f Beverly, J. G. Thurston, o f Lan­ caster, Stowell, o f New Bedford, Duggan, of Quincy, Evans, o f South Reading. ON COUNTY ESTIMATES. Messrs. Loring, o f Hingham, Perkins, o f North Bridgewater, Buttrick, o f Concord, Sheldon, o f Leyden, Salford, o f Beverly. ON THE PAY ROLL. Messrs. Eveleth, o f Boston, Vincent, of Hawley, Curtis, o f Sheffield, Emerson, o f South Reading, Smith, o f North Bridgewater. ON CHANGE OF NAMES. Messrs. Clapp, of Montague, Boutelle, o f Fitchburg, Thomas, of Milton, Crowell, o f Dennis, Flint, o f Reading.

ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Messrs. Towne, o f Belchertown, Briggs, o f Nan­ tucket, Beal, o f Scituate, Lawrence, of Dalton, Cowing, of Roxbury.

ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Messrs. Brooks, o f Cambridge, Swallow, o f Boston, Chamberlain, o f Salem, Heard, o f Ipswich, Sar­ gent, o f Gloucester. 46 Monitors.


1st Division, Mr. Brooks, o f Cambridge. if a d Mr. Hinckley, o f Barnstable. 3d if Mr. Campbell, o f Pittsfield. 4th ff Mr. Swasey, o f Lynnfield, 6th ff Mr. Richards, o f Braintree. 6th if Mr. Cushman, o f Bernardslown. 7th f f Mr. Greenleaf, o f Bradford, 8th ff Mr. Stanwood, o f Gloucester. 9th ff Mr. Duncan, o f Hanover.