Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment BIOSECURITY GPO Box 44 Tas 7000


Tasmania’s Biosecurity laws are intended to protect primary industries and the unique environment of the State from unwanted pests, diseases and weeds.

Under the Plant Quarantine Act 1997, the Animal Health Act 1995, the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and the Inland Fisheries Act 1995, certain goods imported into Tasmania from states are subject to import conditions under these Acts.

To facilitate the clearance of your goods, this declaration must be completed and emailed to Biosecurity Tasmania at the arrival port (Burnie, Devonport, Hobart or Launceston) at least 24 hours prior to the arrival of your personal effects.

Departure Date______Container/Truck No.______Arrival Port______

Consigned to (Address in Tasmania)______

Name of Removalist______State of Origin______

Removalist Phone No._(____)______Fax No._(____)______

DECLARATION OF CONTENTS Answer all questions by placing a tick ✔ in the appropriate box. Does this consignment contain any of the following: Yes No Yes No Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Hay/straw/fodder Cut Flowers – including dried Animals, birds, reptiles, fish or flowers insects Seeds – including grain, Bees Wax, honeycomb or used birdseed Apiary equipment Plants – including household Untanned skins/hides or plants & bulbs wildlife products Garden tools/equipment or other seafood ie – lawn mowers etc products Cleaned of soil/plant material Fishing Equipment/waders, boats, watercraft and diving equipment Soil, bark, timber or firewood Used Motor Vehicles I declare that the information I have given is true, correct and complete and that I have understood the questions contained in this form. I understand that failure to answer truthfully may be in breach of the Plant Quarantine Act 1997 and/or the Animal Health Act 1995, the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and/or the Inland Fisheries Act 1995, which may result in a Biosecurity Infringement Notice (fine) being issued. Signature______Date______

Printed Name______Mobile______

Please send completed form to Biosecurity Tasmania

Email [email protected]

For general enquiries phone Biosecurity Tasmania on (03) 6165 3777