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covered We’ve gotit from thepast FAST Ashes toAVOID Volcanic eruptions: air trafficdemand Towards ahighEuropean Electrical StructureNetwork A350 XWB Analysis Handling Qualities protection Ground lightning

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03 FAST#53 Ground lightning protection

Airbus recommends disconnecting the Ground Power Unit from the during Faraday cage/shield storms to avoid damage to electrical components. In practice, during the Turn- A Faraday cage (or shield) is an Ground Around-Time, the ground power supply needs to remain connected to continue enclosure formed by conducting supplying the aircraft with power. It is under these circumstances that the aircraft material or by a mesh of such is particularly vulnerable. material. An aircraft is designed as a Faraday cage (see side box), which is a structure that Such an enclosure blocks external lightning blocks external static and non-static electric fields, therefore avoiding damage by static and non-static electric fields lightning strikes. However, when an aircraft is connected to a ground power supply, by channelling electricity through the connecting cable provides a direct route to the aircraft’s systems. the mesh, providing constant voltage on all sides of the enclosure. By electromagnetic induction (see side box) a lightning strike can damage the Primary Since the difference in voltage is Electrical Power Distribution Centre (PEPDC) and/or the Generator & Ground Power the measure of electrical potential, protection Control Unit (GGPCU). This kind of damage would result in an Aircraft On Ground no current flows through the space. (AOG), requiring costly repairs taking up to six days to complete. A Faraday cage operates because an external static electrical field

An adapter for Fig. 1 causes the electric charges within Ground Power Units the cage’s conducting material Lightning to be distributed such that they strike cancel the field’s effect in the cage’s interior. This phenomenon is used, for example, to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and electrostatic discharges. Ground Power Unit A380 operators reported incidents of lightning strikes (GPU) Electromagnetic induction while parked on the apron at ’s Changi Induced voltage is an electric international airport. These strikes were principally potential created by an electric field, attracted due to a combination of the airport’s surface, magnetic field or a current. Working ‘like lightning’ to develop a solution This is conducted to the ground the local climate and the height of the aircraft. In just by an ionized section of the atmosphere, and can easily induce seven months, Airbus’ Operational Reliability Task Force Operators requested that Airbus quickly find a solution to protect ground power voltages in conductive material connected to the A380 in these particular conditions. In December 2012 during developed a dedicated Lighting Protection Unit (LPU), such as electrical cabling. Airbus’ A380 symposium at (United Arab ), the A380 Chief Engineer which is now undergoing in-service evaluation with our (Marc GUINOT) committed to resolving the issue before the end of June 2013. customers. November Design office put in the loop December Airbus Chief Engineer commits to airlines The context Plug interface found

The equatorial climate is often characterized by heavy heat 2012 Lightning protection requirements and regular precipitations throughout the year. This leads to January LPU development launched with Leach International Design Design

strong, electrically charged, thunder storms particularly in the 2013 / First specific draft Office Office development project monsoon season. February LPU design frozen management The height of the A380’s vertical coupled with the Plug integration tests on aircraft structure of the apron’s surface increases the possibility that March Plug design frozen the aircraft may be struck, directly or indirectly, during the April Turn-Around-Time (TAT). Integration and tests May Article by June Parts delivery to airlines Frédéric FORGET A380 Work Package Leader July In-service evaluation AIRBUS [email protected] FAST#53

04 05 FAST#53 06 FAST#53 normal/abnormal transientvoltage. lightning strikesandnotdamageand/orperturbthepowersignalduring,after, The mainfunctionsoftheLPUaretoprotectelectricalpowerlineincase power enteringtheaircraftcloseto115volts. shall notexceedthenetworkvoltagespikeenvelopedefinedinfigure5,keeping out throughthegroundduringlightningstrike.TheresidualvoltageafterLPU The LPUusestransientvoltagesuppressiondiodes(Fig.3)tofilterthespike effect is1,600volts,or14timestheaircraft’snormalnetworkvoltage. 90% ofpotentialcases.Theinducedvoltagegeneratedbythelightning’sindirect dimension theLPUprotection.Thelightningthreatmodelusedcoveredmorethan In parallel,thelightningstrikespecialistsdefinedmostrealisticthreat inorderto by TDALefebure,thatwouldconnectbetweentheaircraftandGroundPowerUnit. the teamdecidedtoembedLPUintoanexistingadaptorplug(Fig.2)manufactured Knowing thatitwouldalsohavetakentoomuchtimetodevelopaspecificinterface, An LPUembeddedsolution taken tousethesametechnologyalreadyexistinginsideaircraftprotectpower external protectiontoolforGroundSupportEquipment(GSE).Thedecisionwasthen the taskforcefocusedonprovidingexternalprotection.Theideawastodevelopan specialists. Duetothetimeconstraintsofvalidatingchangesaircraftitself, He setupadedicatedtaskforcewiththelightningstrikes’andelectricalnetwork this typeofprojectusuallytakes18to24months. the leadandwastaskedwithquicklyfindingasolution-bigchallengeknowingthat Frédéric FORGET,fromAirbus’ElectricalandOpticalStandardparts’departmenttook feeder: theLightningProtectionUnit(LPU),butoptimizedforthisspecificapplication. For thein-service evaluationsixsetsoffourplugs wereproduced. and theconfiguration‘B’for externalpowerplugs‘1,2and4’(Fig.6&7). four plugs,theconfiguration‘A’ plugisonlyusedfortheexternal‘power3’receptacle assembly configurationsofthe LPUplug(Fig.4).EachA380aircraftneedsasetof Due tothegroundserviceconnections’ typology,itwasnecessarytodesigntwo In parallel,AirbususedCatiaDMU(DigitalMock-Up)software to visualizeitsintegration. in ordertocheckthepinretentionandifplugstructure didnotclash. to interfacewiththeLPU.Anintegrationtestonaircraftwas donewithaplug, redesign andresizeittohandlethethreat.Theplugmanufacturers redesignedit Airbus approachedLeachInternational,suppliersoftheA380’s internalLPU,to Ground lightningprotection E &Farethe28voltinterlockline N istheneutralreference. A, B&Carethe115voltphases. diodes insidetheLPU: Fig. 3:transientvoltagesuppression

Fig. 2:themodifiedadaptorplug and theLPUembeddedonit Fig. 4 DO160 of theequipment. are representativeofthosewhichmaybeencounteredinairborne operation characteristics ofairborneequipment.Theseenvironmentalconditions is toprovidealaboratorymeansofdeterminingtheperformance procedures forairborneequipment.Thepurposeofthesetests standard environmentaltestconditions(categories)andapplicable test The DO160isanofficialdocumentwhichdefinesaseriesofminimum Voltage spikeenvelopeshowstheacceptablevoltageinput. Fig. 6 Fig. 5

Peak Voltage (volts) -1000 1000 -600 0 600 and electricalservicepanels Origin oftimeatthebeginningspike 1 0 Ground serviceconnections 05 0 0 1000 500 100 50 10 5 600 -600 A External powerreceptacles Time (µs) Peak 0 T1 B lightning threatappliedtoLPUplugpins. This illustrationgivesthe“shape”of Voltage waveform2 application isthevoltagewaveform2. The mostrelevantwaveformforour the inducedeffectsoflightning. voltages whichareintendedtorepresent of equipmenttowithstandtransient and procedurestoverifythecapability The DO160providesthetestmethods T2 =6.4microseconds±20% T1 =100nanosecondsmaximum Ground lightningprotection T2 t

07 FAST#53 08 FAST#53 Ground lightningprotection programme asshownherefor theA350XWB. the lightningstrikeprotectionsystem. ThesetestsareperformedforeveryAirbusfleet Airbus builtamock-upintheirlightningstrikelaboratoryatBlagnac (France)totest All aircraftaresusceptibletolightning FE2015-B Ext Pwr 4 Pwr Ext FE2015-A Ext Pwr 3 Pwr Ext The prototypepassedalltherequirementsandAirbusqualifiedsolution. lightning laboratoryfacility.AllqualificationtestswerecarriedoutatLeach’slaboratory. (V&V) tests,aswellelectricalandlightningstrikeusingamodelatAirbus’ On thefirstprototype,AirbusconductedaprogrammeofValidationandVerification • AMMtask24-42-00-862-801-A • AMMtask24-41-00-862-804-A • AMMtask24-41-00-862-803-A • AMMtask24-41-00-862-801-A02 • AMMtask24-41-00-862-801-A Removal: • AMMtask24-42-00-861-801-A • AMMtask24-41-00-861-804-A • AMMtask24-41-00-861-803-A • AMMtask24-41-00-861-801-A02 • AMMtask24-41-00-861-801-A Installation: Complementary LPUpluginstallation/removalAMMtasks Ground PowerUnitconnection. of theLightningProtectionUnit(LPU)forA380double-deck Airbus alsoprovidedatechnicalreportwhichexplainstheimplementation a six-monthin-serviceevaluationtovalidateourlaboratoryfindings. electric surgetothegroundandairlinesarenowconducting months anddeliveredattheendofJune2013,deviateeventual power receptacle.Thesenewadaptorplugs,developedinseven to beinstalledbetweenthegroundcartpowersupplyandaircraft’s Airbus developedaconnectingplugwithlightningprotectionfor the A380, and lightningstrikesmaycauseheavydamagetoanaircraft. Some regionsaroundtheworldexperiencesevereclimateconditions CONCLUSION FE2015-B Ext Pwr 1 Pwr Ext configuration ‘B’fortheexternalpowerplugs‘1,2and4’ ‘power 3’duetotheorientationofreceptacleand The configuration‘A’plugisonlyusedfortheexternal FE2015-B Ext Pwr 2 Pwr Ext Ground lightningprotection Fig. 7

09 FAST#53FAST#53 10 FAST#53 Analysis Handling Qualities Handling QualitiesProductLeader [email protected] Vincent MILLET Senior Engineer Article by AIRBUS continuous improvement ofourproducts. Product SafetyProcess (PSP)andcontributestothe The HandlingQualities’ activitysupportsgloballyAirbus’ by airlines. by monitoringandanalysingin-serviceevents reported Airbus contributestothesafetyofAirbus’aircraft relevant AirbusCustomerServicesengineering departments. Design Office,FlightOperations,Safety andother departments suchasFlight&IntegrationTest Centre, It iscarriedoutinclosecollaborationwithseveral Airbus (HQA), consistsofanalysingspecificin-serviceevents. This Airbusactivity,knownas“HandlingQualitiesAnalysis” based onrawdataextractedfromtheFlightDataRecorder. better understandtheeventthroughadetailedanalysis,mainly Beyond technicalassistance,Airbusofferstohelpoperators limit asmuchpossibletheimpactonfutureoperations. service (inspections,tests,etc.),withaclearobjectiveto and/or recommendationstoreleasetheaircraftbackinto Airbus’ engineeringsupporttobeprovidedwithguidelines Following anin-serviceincident,airlinesusuallycontact events analysis Specific in-service

in anyAMMchapter05-51-xx. As ageneralrule,anyeventrequiring structureinspectionsisreferenced • • • • and theirassociatedAMMtasks: The majoreventsenteringtheHQAscope Unexpected ormajoreventsmayrequirestructureinspections. Runway excursion:AMM05-51-24 Tail strike:AMM05-51-21 exceedance: AMM05-51-17 Flight inturbulenceorVMO(MaximumOperatingSpeedof an aircraft) Inspection afteroverweight/hardlanding:AMM05-51-11 following atailstrikeevent Damage onanAuxiliary Power Unitdrainmast When isanHQAreportissued? • • • • • • • • customers followingoccurrencessuchas: A HandlingQualitiesAnalysis(HQA)reportissuedbyAirbusisprovided to Recurrent eventidentifiedbyAirbus’ProductSafetyProcess. Flight outoftheaircraft’scertifiedenvelope, - Significantbounce. - Abnormallanding, - UnstableapproachasperFlightCrewOperatingManual(FCOM), Inappropriate aircrafthandling: as perAMMrequirements, Significant over-speedeventleadingtomaintenanceinspection Turbulence withseriousinjuriesand/orexcessiveflightparameter deviations, Runway excursion, Tail strike, (Aircraft MaintenanceManual)findingsorloads’exceedance, Hard landingleadingtoadditionalmaintenanceactionsfurther toAMM on acase-by-casebasis. an HQAmaybecarriedout specific happenings, dedicated Airbusanalysisfor which anoperatorwouldlike HQA occurrencelist)on events (notcoveredinthe In thecaseofin-service Handling QualitiesAnalysis

11 FAST#53 Handling Qualities Analysis Handling Qualities Analysis

Objectives of the HQA report Independently of the aircraft’s release to service, the main customer’s concern after an in-service event is to understand both the technical and operational causes, in order to prevent a re-occurrence. In-service events are recorded through the Flight Data Analysis (FDA) system and directly reported to Airbus for investigations. As a consequence and to help minimizing re-occurrences (and their associated costs), Airbus performs a complete run-through of an in-service event, extracting the scenario from the Flight Data Recording (FDR) decoding, to explain the contributing factors. Main objectives: The HQA, based on the FDR raw data readout, is carried out in parallel with the • Understand an event load analysis generally required for structure inspection purposes. The aircraft’s and its origin. release to service is out of the HQA activity’s scope. • Provide information The HQA report highlights the contributing factors of an event by analysing the on operational best aircraft’s systems behaviour and the aircraft’s response versus the pilot’s input. practices to avoid To make it easier, the analysis gathers references of available operational Airbus re-occurrence. aircraft documentation, as well as design enhancements whenever applicable. • Monitor the fleet Handling Qualities If necessary, to better understand an operational event, the analysis could focus and systems’ Analysis meeting design consistency. on the logic of a particular system operating during the event (i.e. Ground spoilers’ Operational information can come either from operational manuals (Flight Crew Operating Manual automatic extension at touchdown). - FCOM, Flight Crew Training Manual - FCTM, Aircraft Flight Manual - AFM, etc.) or from Airbus’ general documentation (Flight Operations’ Briefing Notes, Getting to Grips with…, etc.) With the HQA report in hand, the operator has a synthetic document to take appropriate decisions or cascade down the relevant information. On Airbus’ side, the airline’s feedback is key to monitor Airbus’ in-service fleet and to ensure continued airworthiness, while enhancing and developing new systems and/or procedures to Overview of conditions for the extension of ground spoilers continuously fit operational constraints.

(Shown here for A340-500/600 aircraft) Operational information can come either from operational manuals (Flight Crew Operating Manual - FCOM, Flight Crew Training Manual - FCTM, Aircraft Flight Runway Recurrent Manual - AFM, etc.) or from Airbus’ general documentation (Flight Operations’ excursion event Speed brake not retracted below 6 ft Radio-Altimeter briefing notes,Speed brakeGetting not to retracted Grips with…, below 6etc.) ft relative altitude OR 4% 14% Ground spoilers handle armed HandlingWith theGrand HQA reportspoilers qualities in handlehand, the armed operator has a synthetic document to take appro- priate decisions or cascade down the relevant information. AND Tail strike All thrust levers at idle reportsAll thrust in levers 2012 at idle Preselection On Airbus’ side, the airline’s feedback is key to monitorat Airbus’ in-service fleet and OR Quantitiesto ensure Continued and percentages Airworthiness. 6% Two symmetric thrust in reverse condition Two symmetric thrust in reverse Hard AND This allows enhancing and developing new systems and/or procedures to continu- landing Two other levers at idle Spoilers ously fit Twooperational other levers constraints at idle 46% and Lateral Rejected Take-Off condition Aft wheel speed > 72 kt on one main Aft wheel speed > 72 kt on one main landingacceleration gear OR low speed at landing Radio-Altimeter < 6 ft extension 53Relative altitude < 6ft 11% initiation AND Turbulence/ Both main landing gear shock absorbers compressed Both main landing gear shock absorbers compressed Overspeed 19% Aft wheel speed > 72 kt on one main landing gear Spoilers Aft wheel speed > 72 kt on one main landing gear OR and Forward wheel speed > 72 kt on one main landing gear ailerons Forward wheel speed > 72 kt on one main landing gear high speed AND 22 Wheel speed < 23 kt extension Wheel speed < 23 kt initiation OR 16 12 One main landing gear shock absorbers compressed Spoilers One main landing gear shock absorbers compressed and 7 4 Radio-Altimeter < 6 ft ailerons Relative altitude < 6 ft AND low speed Hard Turbulence/ Lateral acceleration Tail strike Runway Recurrent One main landing gear shock absorbers compressed extension landingOne main landingOverspeed gear shock absorbersat landing compressed at landing excursion event initiation 12 FAST#53 13 FAST#53 Handling Qualities Analysis Handling Qualities Analysis Raw data decoding TIO N Using a specific Airbus tool, raw flight data is displayed TIO N DA = Degree Angle as graphic charts for the event’s analysis. FT = Feet ITI A Recorded flight data in this format allows a detailed analysis ITI A N N G = acceleration value I of aircraft behaviour and aircraft systems at the time of the event. I KT = Knots E This example highlights some of the relevant parameters E R R used to analyse a hard landing event of an A320 aircraft. FL A TO UCHD OW N FL A TO UCHD OW N

Auto-Thrust Engaged Auto-Pilot 1 Engaged Auto-Thrust Active Auto-Pilot 2 Engaged Auto-Pilot 1 Engaged Landing Gear Squat Switch LH Auto-Pilot 2 Engaged Landing Gear Squat Switch RH Landing Gear Squat Switch LH Landing Gear Squat Switch Nose Landing Gear Squat Switch RH Auto Brake Med Landing Gear Squat Switch Nose Pitch down FD1 Engaged side-stick orders FD2 Engaged Side Stick Roll Position 10 Captain (STKRC) - Ground Spoilers Extension (SPL1B) DA Side Stick Roll Position

First-officer (STKRF) - -10 Side Stick Roll Position 20 Captain (STKRC) - Elevators Right (ELVR) -- 10 DA Pitch up Side Stick Roll Position Elevators Left (ELVL) - DA side-stick orders First-officer (STKRF) - -20 Stabilizer 20 -10 Pitch Ailerons Left (AILL) - 10 Ailerons Right (AILR) -- DA Angle of Attack (AOA1) Angle -20 AOA 1 AOA 2 Angle of Attack (AOA2) +5.3° 5 5 DA Pitch Angle (PTCH) Roll Angle DA Roll Angle

0 +4.9° -5 0.2 Lateral Normal Lateral load factor (LATG) G load factor load factor 2 +0.25 G +2.89 G 0.0 Normal load factor (VRTG) G

1 Rudder 0.5 deflection Longitudinal load factor (LONG) 5 G Rudder Trim Deflection (RUDT) +14° 5000 Rudder Deflection (RUDD) DA 0.0 Rudder Pedal Deflection (RUDP) Altitude -5 4500 FT (ALT)

0 FT 150 4000 Drift Angle DA

500 Ground Speed (GS) -5 80 Heading 140 Aircraft Selected CAS PFD (SCAS PFD) 160 DEG (HDG) Computed Airspeed (CAS_ADC) KT Heading CAS value 400 0 Radio 079° 130 136 KT 140 Altimeters Ground Speed (GS) 300 (RALT) Computed AirSpeed (CAS_ADC) KT

FT RRALT1 120 120 300

RRALT2 200 Slat lever Radio Altimeters 100 in full landing configuration 200 (RALT) 50 RRALT1 TLA1 Thrust levers 100 FT Throttle Lever Angle (TLA) DA TLA2 RRALT2 put on idle position 4 100 -0 0 Slat Flap Lever Position (SFLP) Thrust Radio 0 0 80 N1A1 decrease Altimeters N1 Actual N1A2 % 50 ft


05:04:20 05:04:24 05:04:28 05:04:32 05:04:36 05:04:40 05:04:44 05:04:48 05:04:52 05:04:56 05:05:00 05:04:20 05:04:24 05:04:28 05:04:32 05:04:36 05:04:40 05:04:44 05:04:48 05:04:52 05:04:56 05:05:00 TIME(H) TIME(H) Aircraft: A320 Aircraft: A320

Centre of Gravity (%) 32.16 Centre of Gravity (%) 32.16 WeightT (LBS) 138160 APPROACH (LONGITUDINAL AXIS) Weight (LBS) 138160 APPROACH (LATERAL AXIS) Weight (KG) 62656 Weight (KG) 62656 14 FAST#53 15 FAST#53 16 FAST#53 corresponding DARdatabaseissuppliedatthesametime. raw datafromtheDigitalAccessRecorder(DAR)maybeused,providing thatthe Recorder (FDR)orthemaintenancerecorder(QAR).Inexceptional circumstances, For absoluteaccuracy,Airbusonlyanalysesrawdata,eitherfrom the FlightData What dataisused? procedure offlightrawdatarecovery. a listofusabledataformats(fileextensions)andAMMtasks relativetothe Airbus’ WISE(WorldIn-ServiceExperience)solution(ref:EngOps-16063) provides Plus (FTS+)onAirbusWorld( by theairlinesfieldrepresentativeordirectlyusingAirbus’FileTransfer Service Once thedatahasbeenretrievedfromaircraft,itmustbesent toAirbuseither Handling QualitiesAnalysis ACMS forspecifictroubleshooting. by varioussystemsfortrend monitoring. Itisalsopossibletousethe ACMS (AircraftConditionMonitoring System):Recoversthedatasupplied occurred duringtheflight. (Electronic CentralizedAircraftMonitor)warningsandsystem faults that PFR (PostFlightReport):ListsanddisplaysafterlandingtheECAM a detailedHQA. As aconsequencesomeusefulparameterscouldbemissing toperform frame canbecustomizedbytheoperators. oriented andthereforeshouldnotbeusedforeventanalysis asthe data DAR (DigitalAccessRecorder):Mostlymaintenanceandfleetmonitoring Only rawdataisusedfortheeventanalysis. data. Itallowsaquickandeasyrecoveryoftherawdatarecorded in FDR. QAR (Quick Access Recorder): Copy of the FDR and thus records the same capacity, itrecordsmanyflighthoursandnumerousparameters. the firstenginestartuntilendofflight.Thankstoalargememory FDR (FlightDataRecorder):Mandatorydevicethatpermanentlyworksfrom GLOSSARY

MANDATORY Recorder Data Flight Digital/Solid tate - Crashprotected - Frozendataframe - In-serviceeventanalysis

OPTIONAL Recorder Aids Digital Recorder Access Quick - Customizeddataframe - Maintenance - Easyaccess - CopyofFlightDataRecorder and fleetmonitoring Recorder Access Smart events for in-service process Applicable OPERATOR Customer Services’engineering Maintenance recommendations specialists foraircraftrelease provided byrelevantAirbus Loads analysis requirements as perAMM Engineering /Maintenance • • • • • a HandlingQualitiesAnalysis: Usual datarequestedbeforestarting Flight rawdatadecoding Trouble-Shooting Data(TSD) 15, Over-SpeedReport35,etc.) System reports(LoadReport Aircraft ConditionMonitoring Load andTrimsheet Post FlightReport Flight DataRecorderrawdata Airbus EngineeringSupport In-serviceevent OPERATOR These two in parallel are done Handling QualitiesAnalysisreport Airbus deliverstheHQAreportwithinfiveweeks Flight Operations of receivingtheFDRrawdata • • • • in theoccurrence aircraft’s computersinvolved Part Numbers(PN)ofthe open items MEL (MinimumEquipmentList) Weather data Pilot’s report Handling Qualities Analysis (HQA) Handling QualitiesAnalysis Flight Safety

17 FAST#53 18 FAST#53 Latitude 10.595 10.600 10.605 10.610 10.615 10.620 Handling QualitiesAnalysis Lateral wind’sinfluenceonanaircraft’strajectory by thecrew. compared tothedataused/inserted Gravity (CG)canbere-computedand Gross Weight(GW)andCentreof performance issue,theaircraft’s In thesameway,incaseofanaircraft behaviour. and longitudinal)ontheaircraft wind component(vertical,lateral to betterassesstheeffectofeach a windreconstruction(3axes) Whenever relevant,Airbusinitiates Wind reconstruction 47.045 47.040 47.035 recorded ontheFDR Wind information 47.030 (pitch axis) Y aircraft Longitude 47.025 Wind 310°/12Kt 270° 47.020 225° 315° 47.015 (yaw axis) Z aircraft 10 KtWindscale 000° (North)


Trajectory 09 of Gravity Centre 47.010 Wind sector 135° 045° 090° Heading 47.005 085° down Touch X aircraft (roll axis) 47.000 Training CaptainA320ChiefInvestigator Peter KRUPA invaluable support.” assistance. Onceagainthank youforyour Safety departmenthighlyappreciatesyour specific questions.Ourcompany’sFlight and thedetailedpreciseanswerstoour We especiallywelcomeyourpromptreplies invaluable helpforourinternalinvestigation. happened fromatechnicalpointandisan It enablesustobetterunderstandwhat “Thank youforthenewhandlingreport. Airlines’ feedback re-occurrence, withsafetyasfirstobjective. Thanks tothisactivity,Airbusproactivelysupportsitsoperators in maximizingtheiroperationsandpreventing information totheoperatoroneventualsystemimprovements. in-service event.Itsintentionistohelptheoperatorspreventre-occurrences. Whennecessary,Airbusprovides Airbus’ operatorsreceiveadetailedanalysishighlightingthecontributing factors,toeasetheunderstandingof reported events. Handling QualitiesAnalysisreportprovidesoperatorswithasynthetic documentaddressingsignificantin-service CONCLUSION landing campaign A380 crosswind in Reykjavik (Iceland) • • • • • The HQAreporthandedtotheoperatorsincludesfollowinginformation: strike events). re-occurrences (i.e.PitchLimitIndicatorandAutoCall-Out tolimittail Service Bulletins(SB).Theseupgradesmaybemeanstominimize New systemfeaturesorenhancementsthatcanbeinstalledthroughAirbus brochures (GettingtoGripswith…,BriefingNotes,etc.), operational documentation(FCOM,QRH,FCTM)orAirbus’general information topreventare-occurrence.Thecancome eitherfrom Airbus’ operationaldocumentationinwhichtheoperatorcanfind useful Operational informationrelativetotheevent, Summary ofthetechnicaldataprovidedtoAirbus, of thecontributingfactors, on theplotsextractedfromFDRrawdata,andtechnical explanation After validationofrecordedparameters,afactualdescription of theeventbased Vice-President Safety Mr. QingchenWANG useful.” professional andvery “Your reportisvery A319/A320 ChiefPilot Captain MARALIT training session.” and willformpartofourspecial included inourin-serviceevents, to thetrainingdepartmentbe This hasalreadybeenforwarded and dataanalysiswascomplete. The reportwasstraightforward extensive analysisofthisevent. team forprovidinguswiththe “I wouldliketothankAirbus’HQA Handling QualitiesAnalysis

19 FAST#53 20 FAST#53 [email protected] AIRBUS Customer ServicesEngineering Aircraft ElectricalInstallation&Standard Items Engineer Damien SLOMIANOWSKI(right) [email protected] AIRBUS Expert inElectricalSystemsEngineering ESN DesignLeader Christophe LOCHOT(left) Structure Network A350 XWBElectrical Each MBNsub-network (wings,bellyfairing, etc.)isconnectedto theESN. These functionsareensured thanks todedicatedcablesroutedin the harnesses. nor todistributethevoltagereference totheequipmentlocated in thearea. protection. Thisnetworkisneither usedasafunctionalcurrentpath (grounding), return path,equipmentbonding, aswelllightningandElectro-Static Discharge network ofmetallicparts,electrically bondedtogetherandused for afailurecurrent on thewings,tailcone,empennageandbellyfairingof A380.Itconsistsofa Elsewhere aMetallicBondingNetwork(MBN)hasalreadybeenused.Forexample of theaircraft. should begiventomaintainingtheESNsystem’sperformance duringtheentirelife electrical propertiesofcarbon,comparedtoametallicfuselage, particularattention correct functioningofaircraftsystems.Duetothediscrete characteristics and This networkofferstheelectricalandenvironmentalconditions required forthe structure partsandtospecificESNparts. Electrical StructureNetwork(ESN)isachievedthankstobothexistingmetallic In thepressurizedfuselageahighlydistributedconductive network; knownasthe XWB dependingontheareaandexpectedfunction. structures, twodifferenttechnicalsolutionshavebeenimplemented ontheA350 To achievethesameelectricalandenvironmentalperformanceof aircraft metallic documentation andtheproposedtrainingmeans. particularities withregardstomaintenance,theassociated presents theElectricalStructureNetwork(ESN),andits functionning, comparedtoametallicstructure.Thisarticle weight andmaintenance,butleadstodifferencesinsystem (Extra WideBody)presentsseveraladvantagesintermsof The useofcarbonforaircraftstructuresontheA350XWB • Staff andpassengersafety • Aircraft’s structureintegrity • Proper functioningoftheaircraftsystems The ElectricalStructureNetworkisnecessarytoensure: Reinforced Polymer(CFRP)duetothejouleeffect) (loss ofmechanicalpropertiesintheCarbonFibre Metallic BondingNetwork(MBN)area Electrical StructureNetwork(ESN)area mechanical assembly Inherent electricallinkthrough Power supply Fault current(bonding) Functional current(grounding) Electrical principle source power Aircraft source power Aircraft A350 XWB(CFRPfuselage) A330 (metallicaircraft) Your usualhomeelectricalinstallation power centre power centre power centre Earth Electrical Electrical Electrical A350 XWBElectricalStructureNetwork Electrical StructureNetwork Metallic aircraftstructure Metallic aircraftstructure Equipment Equipment Equipment CFRP element

21 FAST#53 A350 XWB Electrical Structure Network A350 XWB Electrical Structure Network

Parts supporting The specific ESN components are the: • Cables used to create the link between the crown level, the ESN and the passenger floor or cargo. This cable is routed by itself and sometimes in a harness. • Different types of raceways, located in the crown area and under the cabin floor. • Different types of flexible junctions providing additional Type-3 Type-1 means to either reinforce electrical bonding between main Electrical raceway raceway elements (e.g. crossbeam, frames, etc.) or create the electrical Structure Network continuity (e.g. between two raceways). definition Type-2 raceway ESN is a metallic redundant and passive network made of more than Type-1 Type-2 6,000 parts. 40% of these parts have raceway raceway specifically been defined for the ESN (specific components), the other ones are metallic parts already installed in the aircraft for mechanical functions.

ESN cable Metallic frames Type-4 Type-3 Type-4 raceway raceway raceway ESN is composed of different element families, which are: • Structure metallic elements Pax door (e.g. metallic frames, crossbeams, surroundings seat tracks, roller tracks, etc.) Raceways Zones where the raceways are installed and their assembly, Cabin floor crossbeam • Mechanical elements (e.g. parts supporting equipment

H-strut crossbeam such as the electronics bay rack, mechanical junctions, cabin furnishing structures in the crown Avionic rack chassis area) and their assembly, Avionic compartment crossbeam • Specific ESN components (raceways with approximately

Cargo crossbeam 2.000 flexible junctions all along Cargo roller tracks the fuselage and cables).

Pax door

ESN cable


Cabin floor crossbeams

Cargo door Lower shell frame

Cargo crossbeams 22 FAST#53 23 FAST#53 A350 XWB Electrical Structure Network A350 XWB Electrical Structure Network

ESN in use:

In order not to isolate an ESN element (loss of local redundancy), ESN shall be managed with care and generic rules shall be respected.

Maintenance a - Installation/Removal/Repair: • In case of repair, electrical properties have to be maintained between the different elements. • To validate the flexible junction installation (surface preparation, application of the right torque value), a test under high current will have to be performed for each electrical connection. • To remove and install ESN parts Airbus’ documentation needs to be followed in order to ensure the operator’s safety. • Precautions are similar to the ones applicable to electrical systems on legacy programmes. Training

b - Scheduled inspection Airbus provides training that allows The ESN in-service integrity is ensured thanks to the scheduled maintenance, airlines to increase their ESN to be performed in accordance with the documentation found in AirN@v. knowledge and to train electricians or mechanics for maintenance purposes: Scheduled maintenance will be performed through general visual inspections Flexible junctions ATA 24 Electrical Structure Network during the zonal inspections planned, every six years for ESN parts located Maintenance (levels 2 and 3) in the nose fuselage (and especially close to the PVR) and every twelve years and the ESN Measurement/ for the complete fuselage. Test tool, The Point of Voltage Reference (PVR) Aircraft modification ATA 51 Electrical Structure Network Located in the nose area at the passenger floor level, the PVR is the zero volt (ESN) and Metallic Bonding reference shared by all aircraft equipment. The neutral of the aircraft alternating The ESN modification has to be treated with precaution. In case of operator Network (MBN) awareness. modification needs, the following cases shall be considered: current power sources and the cold point of the aircraft’s direct current sources These are part of mandatory courses are connected to the PVR, as well as the neutral of the external ground carts. • In case of system modification or addition, an electrical load analysis has to be for B1 and B2 The PVR is made of metallic frames, in the nose fuselage area, longitudinal beams done for return current in order to guarantee the performance of the ESN licences (specific aeronautical (called PVR-bars) and their associated flexible junctions. (current injection scenarios). This ESN Electrical Load Analysis is similar to the qualifications). one performed for the electrical power generation and distribution system. ESN parts documentation • Any ESN physical modifications have to be analysed by Airbus before their ESN elements are described in current AirN@v documentation (Airbus technical implementation. documentation software): • In the Illustrated Part Data (IPD), all ESN parts will be specifically flagged, ESN • In the Maintenance Procedure (MP) all necessary maintenance instructions CONCLUSION will be described to ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. These instructions will be located in chapter 20 (e.g. the bonding procedure) ESN parts To provide a similar electrical environment offered by metallic fuselages and chapter 24-77 (named Electrical Structural Network, new chapter introduced identification for the aircraft systems, Electrical Structure Network (ESN) has been for the A350 XWB). This dedicated chapter will deal with generic safety on aircraft introduced in composite fuselages. This metallic electrical network is precautions which apply to all ESN maintenance/repair activities. mainly built from elements with mechanical functions already present All ESN tasks will refer to this chapter, In order to ease the ESN in the aircraft. identification and maintenance • In the Electrical Standard Practices Manual (ESPM), it will give descriptive on the A350 XWB, the specific Composite fuselages, even with the addition of the ESN, offer the data and procedures for the electrical standard parts’ installations ESN components, as its optimal solution in terms of weight and electrical performance (e.g. raceways, flexible junctions, etc.). It will provide instructions for part secondary structure parts, are while minimizing operational and maintenance costs for airlines. removal and installation, damage assessment and repair solutions to be identified with a green label. applied, if deemed necessary, For maintenance and aircraft modifications, some comparable precautions to those applicable for the electrical power generation • In the structural repair manual, allowable damage limits and repairs will take and distribution have to be taken. Airlines will receive the appropriate into account the ESN requirements. Airbus technical documentation and dedicated support for their A350 XWB. Airbus has already implemented appropriate training courses for operators who wish to learn more about ESN, before the A350 XWB Entry-Into-Service. 24 FAST#53 25 FAST#53 26 FAST#53 Airbus’ involvementinSESAR air trafficdemand Towards ahighEuropean [email protected] AIRBUS SESAR WorkPackage11.1ProjectManager Joseph ABOROMMAN(right) [email protected] AIRBUS SESAR WorkPackage11.1Leader Daniel CHIESA(left) Article by This programmepromotesand ensurestheinteroperabilityatgloballevelwithother As partoftheSESinitiative,SESAR(SingleEuropeanSkyATM Research)represents SESAR airport density.Thismakesairtrafficcontrolevenmorecomplex. amongst thebusiestinworldwithover33,000flightson busydaysandahigh navigation ismanagedattheEuropeanlevel.Furthermore, European airspace is Contrary totheUnitedStates,Europedoesnothaveasingle sky, oneinwhichair local level. meet theairspace’sfuturecapacityandsafetyneedsata European, ratherthana the EuropeanAirTrafficManagement(ATM).Itproposesa legislative approachto The SingleEuropeanSkyinitiativehasbeenlaunchedtoreformthe architectureof Single EuropeanSky(SES) global partnership. focuses on,anddemonstrateinparticularwhereAirbushastakenpartthis In thisarticle,wewillintroducethedomainsinwhichSESAR programme Undertaking (SJU)formanagingtheoverallSESARprogramme. In addition,AirbusalsoprovidesindustrialsupporttotheSESAR Joint Providers (ANSP),airportsorequipmentmanufacturersareinvolved. contributes toseveralotherWPsinwhichentitiessuchasAirNavigation Service and WingOperationsCentres”(FOC/WOC)WorkPackages(WP).Airbusalso Within theSESARprogramme,Airbusisleading“Aircraftsystems”and“Flight partnership co-financedbyEurocontrolandtheaviationindustry. and iscoordinatedbytheSESARJointUndertaking(SJU),apublic and private (Single EuropeanSkyATMResearch)representsitstechnological pillar While theSingleEuropeanSkyisahighlevelgoalatpoliticallevel, SESAR ambitious initiativein2004:theSingleEuropeanSky(SES). and airports,theEuropeanCommissionlaunchedan In ordertoavoidtheriskofsaturationEurope’sskies to 5billionEuroseachyearairlinesandtheircustomers. Europe’s fragmentedairspacebringextracostsofclose traffic isexpectedtoincrease.Currently,constraintsin Time hascometoactfortheEuropeanairspaceasair in ordertogiveEuropeahigh-performance airtrafficcontrolinfrastructure. create a“paradigmshift”,supported bystate-of-the-artandinnovative technology, its technologicalandoperational dimension.TheSESARprogramme will help Plan (GANP)and ICAO’sAviationSystemBlocks Upgrades(ASBU)concept. initiatives inotherpartsofthe world,byfollowingtheICAOGlobal Air Navigation

and thetechnicalexpertiseneeded,itwasvitalforrationalizationofactivities Taking intoaccountthenumberofactorsinvolvedinSESAR,financialresources SESAR JointUndertaking(SJU) • • • pan-European modernizationproject: For thefirsttime,allaviationplayersareinvolvedinthreephases of the A partnershipprogramme • • • Step 2 Step 1 steps toleadthefulldeploymentofnewSESARconceptby2030: the essentialoperationalchangesthatneedtobeimplemented inthreemain The mostrecentversionoftheATMMasterPlan,approvedin2012,identifies is theguardianandexecutorofEuropeanATMMasterPlan. SES and,inthisrespect,ischargeoftheSESARprojectdevelopmentphase,i.e. Hence, theSJUwasestablishedin2007toimplementtechnologypillarof funds assignedtotheSESARprojectduringits‘developmentphase’. functioning oftheEuropeanUnion)capableensuringmanagement ofthe set upalegalentitypursuanttoArticle171oftheEuropeanTreaty (onthe • ‘deployment baseline’andthe‘step1’arefollowing: Compared totheATMperformancein2005,SESAR’stargets forboththe operational changesof‘step1’. technological changeswhicharepre-requisitetooperateand support theessential The ATMMasterPlanalsoincludesthedeploymentbaseline oper Step 3

components thatguaranteehighperformanceairtransportac of thenewATMinfrastructure,composedfullyharmonizedandinteroperable in theSESARATMMasterPlanandWorkProgramme. of technologicalsystems,componentsandoperationalprocedu and executedbyalargeconsortiumofallairtransportstakeholder Commission undertheTransEuropeanNetwork-Transportprogramme This definitionphasewasledbyEurocontrol,andco-fundedb the developmentanddeploymentplansofnextgeneration The The The A 6%reductionincostperflight. A 2.8%reductionperflightin environmentalimpact, growth generatedbySESAR(i.e. throughair-spaceandairport-capacityincrease), incidents andseriousorriskbearing incidentsdonotincrease An associatedimprovementinsafetysothatthetotalnumber ofATM-induced A 27%increaseinairspacecapacity, ‘definition phase’whichdeliveredtheATMmasterplandefiningcontent, ‘deployment phase’willseethelargescaleproductionandimplementation ‘development phase’whichproducestherequirednewgeneration

to achievethelongtermpoliticalgoalofSES. and integratedtrajectorymanagementwithnewseparationmodes Performance basedoperations/improvements-willintro to increaseefficiency. Management (SWIM)andinitialtrajectorymanagementco Trajectory basedoperations-developstheSystemWideInformation particularly byimprovinginformationsharingtooptimize Time basedoperations-concentratesonunlockinglatent Towards ahighEuropeanairtrafficdemand tivities inEurope. despitetraffic ofATMsystems. y theEuropean networkeffects. duce afull ational and res asdefined capability ncepts s. to

27 FAST#53 28 FAST#53 • Performancebased • 4Dtrajectoryoperations • Timebasedoperations Key steps: Airbus istheleaderofWP9and11.1 projects. TheWPsarealsodividedinseveralcategoriesandsub-categories. The SESARprogrammeisdividedinseveralWorkPackages(WP)composedof SESAR programme TOD TOC Towards ahighEuropeanairtrafficdemand SWIM/IP network operations overa TMA Network Transversal Top OfDescent Top OfClimb En route Airport management Information WP 6&12 WP B&C WP 3 “A WorkPackageforeverystepoftheflight.” WP 5&10 formation ofnetworks ofexpertiseandforproject works. work programmebutsolicits proposals fromtheresearchcommunity forthe This WPaddresseslong-term andinnovativeresearch.WPEdoesnothaveafixed WP ESESARLongTermand InnovativeResearch (NOP). airspace management,collaborativeflightplanningandNetwork OperationsPlan and planningphasestopreparesupporttrajectory-based operations including The scopeofthisWPcoverstheevolutionservicesin businessdevelopment WP 7NetworkOperations available infrastructureunderallweatherconditions. elements, suchasairfieldcapacitymanagementandcontinuous best useof process. Theconceptaddressesdevelopmentsassociated with the “airside” definition throughthepreparationandcoordinationof its operational validation The scopeoftheAirportOperationsWPistorefineandvalidate theconcept WP 6AirportOperations operations andsystemarchitecture)forthearrivaldeparture phases offlight. activities requiredtodefineandvalidatetheATMtargetconcept (i.e. conceptof The scopeofthisWPistomanage,co-ordinateandperformall WP 5TerminalOperations description fortheEn-RouteOperationsandperformitsvalidation. The scopeoftheEn-RouteOperationsWPistoprovideoperationalconcept WP 4En-RouteOperations Operational activities TOC WP 15 WP 8&14 WP 4&10 WP 7&13 TOD WP 16 WP 5&10 WP 9&11 WP 6&12 Courtesy ofEurocontrol compatibility withthemilitaryandgeneralaviationuserneeds. & Surveillance)technologies’developmentandvalidation, also considering their WP 15(Non-AvionicCNSSystem)addresses(Communication, Navigation WP 15Non-AvionicCNSSystem System (AAMS)andtheAeronauticalInformationManagement System (AIMS). Information ManagementSystem(NIMS),theAdvancedAirspace Management WP 13coversthesystemandtechnicalR&DtasksrelatedtoNetwork WP 13NetworkInformationManagementSystem ATM targetconcept. design, specifyandvalidatetheairportsystemsneededtosupport theSESAR WP 12encompassesallResearchandDevelopment(R&D)activitiestodefine, WP 12AirportSystems and routeoptimisationfeatures. management supportingfunctionsandtools,queue management, separationmodes,controllertools,safetynets,airspace (Terminal AirTrafficControl)systems’evolutionsforenhancingtrajectory WP 10designs,specifiesandvalidatestheEn-routeTMA-ATC WP 10En-Route&ApproachATCSystems • • • • This workpackageaimsat: synchronized acrossallcomponents(andstakeholders)oftheATMsystem. scheduled. Eachcapabilitylevelprovidesasteppedperformance improvement, aircraft. Inordertoreachthisobjective,aseriesof‘capabilitylevels’ havebeen ATM MasterPlan,foreseesgreaterintegrationandoptimumexploitation ofthe The future,performance-basedEuropeanATMsystem,asdefinedintheSESAR (three spatialdimensions,plustime)inmainline,regionalandbusiness aircraft. in particulartoprogressivelyintroduce4Dtrajectorymanagement functions The scopeofWP9coverstherequiredevolutionsaircraft platform, WP 9AircraftSystems(Airbusleader) System developmentactivities

initiatives suchasNextGen(NextGeneration)intheUnitedStat Insuring globalinteroperabilityandcoordinationwithimportan mainline aircraft,regionalaircraftandbusinessjets. Identifying technicalsolutionsfordifferentairborneplatformty aircraft, UnmannedAircraftSystems(UAS),etc.). segments (commercialaircraft,businessaviation,generalaviat Ensuring operational&functionalconsistencyacrossstakehold in theSESARATMMasterPlan. Developing andvalidatingataircraftlevelallairbornefunctions Towards ahighEuropeanairtrafficdemand t external pes suchas ion, military identified er airborne es.

29 FAST#53 Towards a high European air traffic demand Towards a high European air traffic demand

Operational and system SWIM Transverse Parallel development activities Connecting activities programmes the ATM world

WP 11.1 Flight and Wing Operations Centres The concept of SWIM (System Wide WP B Target Concept and Architecture Maintenance Similar initiatives to SESAR (Airbus leader) Information Management) covers WP B, as a transverse work package, provides strategic and conceptual guidance regarding the Air Traffic Management a complete change in paradigm of how for the entire work programme including all threads (operational, technical transformation programmes were The Flight Operations Centre (FOC) is the Operations Control Center for a civil information is managed along its full and SWIM) to ensure the consistent development of SESAR improvements. launched in other parts of the world; airspace user and the Wing Operations Centre (WOC) is the Operations Centre lifecycle and across the whole European for example, in the United States for a military airspace user. ATM system. WP C Master Plan Maintenance through the Next Generation The scope of the Master Plan Maintenance WP is to administrate the up-to-date Air Transport System (NextGen) WP 11.1 covers the basis of operation for the future FOC/WOC, its role, WP 8 Information Management maintenance tasks of the ATM Master Plan, to monitor the progress of its while in Japan with the Collaborative responsibilities, interactions and exchanges with other actors from an operational The scope of this WP is to develop SWIM development and its implementation. Actions for Renovation of the Air point of view, taking in consideration the fundamental systems’ architectures. which is the ‘intranet for ATM’. Traffic System (CARATS). The FOC/WOC system will enable airlines and military operators running this system WP 3 Validation Infrastructure Adaptation and Integration to reach the performance and safety targets of the SESAR environment. WP 14 SWIM WP 3 involves all relevant European ATM stakeholders to benefit from existing Conversely, Europe and the The main objectives of WP 11.1 include: Technical Architecture expertise, tools and validation platforms, to make available a reference Validation United States agreed to cooperate • Defining FOC/WOC and non FOC/WOC operational concepts from the airspace This WP is the follow-up of the and Verification infrastructure to be used during the SESAR development phase. on SESAR and NextGen through user’s perspective. SWIM- SUIT* FP6 Commission. It will use a Memorandum of Cooperation • Ensuring overall consistency of the business/mission trajectory management as an input the SWIM-SUIT deliverables WP 16 R&D Transversal Areas (MoC) in civil aviation research concept from the airspace user’s perspective. and align them with the SESAR Work The scope of this WP covers the improvements needed to adapt the Transversal and development. Programme components. Area (TA) management system practices to SESAR, as well as towards • Defining FOC/WOC operations and non FOC/WOC operations operational an integrated management system in the fields of safety, security, environment, * SWIM-Suit is shorthand for SWIM-SUpported and performance requirements for each element of the FOC/WOC and for contingency and human performance. each airspace user category. by Innovative Technologies. • Getting the buy-in of the airspace user’s community. • Providing the system definition, system requirements and system architecture for a generic FOC/WOC that meet the user’s needs for a FOC/WOC operating Business/mission in the SESAR target ATM network. trajectory • Providing the system definition, system requirements and system architecture “Business trajectory” relates to civil enabling the airspace users that are not supported by FOC, an access to the users, and “mission trajectory” relates SESAR ATM environment. to military users. • To develop prototypes which demonstrate that requirements are compliant A 4D trajectory which expresses the with the production of open standards as developed and used in the entire intentions of the user with or without SESAR project philosophy. constraints includes both ground • To perform the pre-operational validation of solutions developed within WP 11.1. and airborne segments of the aircraft Courtesy of Eurocontrol operation (-to-gate) and is built WP 11.2 Meteorological Information Services from, and updated with, the most WP 11.2 addresses the critical dependency between weather, the environment, timely and accurate data available. and the SESAR programme. WP 11.2 provides the SJU and its partners with the opportunity to properly integrate weather into the SESAR programme CONCLUSION to enhance the likelihood of success of its final outcomes, and ensuring The European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system is operating close to its limits and is facing the challenge of continuously successful operational implementation of the future air transport system. GLOSSARY As the Meteorological (MET) service federating project within the programme, growing demand in air transport. The Single European Sky (SES) initiative was created at a political level in order to achieve WP 11.2 will ensure consistency and coordination of the MET architecture, 4D 4 dimensions (3 spatial dimensions + time) the performance objectives and the targets of the future ATM system in Europe. systems and services used by all SESAR projects. ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider ATM Air Traffic Management The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme, representing the technological dimension of the SES, has CNS Communication Navigation Surveillance brought together for the first time in European ATM history, the major stakeholders in European aviation to develop the ATM FOC Flight Operations Centre target concept through new processes, procedures and supporting technologies. ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization Airbus, as one of the SESAR members, is leading two particular Work Packages (WP) of the SESAR programme, therefore NextGen Next Generation (USA) contributing to safer and more efficient skies. Airspace users expect their requirements for the ATM system to be better SES Single European Sky accommodated in order to strengthen the air transport value chain. The ATM target concept is centred around the characteristic SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research of the business trajectory with the purpose of operating a flight as close as the preferred trajectory by the airspace user. SJU SESAR Joint Undertaking SWIM System Wide Information Management The challenge of developing the new ATM architecture through a wide cooperation between all the involved stakeholders TMA Terminal control Area implies a long and strong coordination. Hence, the SESAR programme has, and will, ensure its continuous and consistent WOC Wing Operations Centre development for the years to come. WP Work Package 30 FAST#53 31 FAST#53 32 FAST#53 [email protected] AIRBUS Senior FlightTestEngineer/SeniorExpert Manfred BIRNFELD Article by Ashes toAVOID Volcanic eruptions further, notvisibletotheeyebutnevertheless,stillthere. dominant windsdispersedandpushedfinerparticlesmuch over severalkilometresfromthevolcanovent,but A visibleashplumecontaininglargerparticlesofspread invisible ashcloud. understanding whyaircraftcouldnotflythroughan stranded passengersexpresseddissatisfaction,not immediate economicimpactforairlines.Ontopofthis, This eventgroundedaircraftforseveraldays,withan prediction coveringmostpartsofnorthernEurope. airspace wasshutdownduetothemassiveashcloud Following theEyafjallajökullvolcanoeruptioninApril2010, in the atmosphere over more than 2000 km. in theatmosphere overmorethan2000km. size toabout25 microns,toresemblefinevolcanic ashthathadbeentransported The ash was then taken to Alès in southern France for milling, reducing the grain The ashwasthentakentoAlès insouthernFranceformilling,reducingthegrain volcanology. volcanic ashfromtheEyafjallajökull wascollectedfromtheIcelandicInstituteof In Mayofthisyear,usingthe very firstA400M,closetoonemetrictonofgenuine Volcanic(Airborne Object Imaging Detector). October 2013 to validate anew system called simply: AVOID willThis article take you through the flight in test performed suspended in the air in order to “avoid” them. of asystem to beable to “see” of fine volcanic particles ash Techniques, to make asignificant step in the development of EnvironmentalSciences Laboratory Measurement help of technicians University from of the Applied Duesseldorf easyJet, Nicarnia Aviation of Norway and Airbus, with the have efforts made been byConcerted Airbus’ customer

targeted. desired uniformityandconcentrations would producetheashcloud in the help ofaprecisebankanglemode, the geometryofcirclesflown with to atimeschedulewhich,together with emptied alltheashbarrelsaccording Two teamsoffourtrainedashhandlers produced. would notentertheashcloudithad turn byasmallamount,ensuringit diameter circle,climbingeachhalf The A400Mspiralledina3km barrels intotheairbehindaircraft. allowing dispersaloftheashfrom in flight,controlledtoanelevatedlevel, differential ofthefuselage’spressure with specialdevicesemployingthe The A400Mhadbeenprepared 10:00:00 10:24:00 10:24:00 10:35:00 Volcanic eruptions-AshestoAVOID 11:00:00 10:50:00 11:20:00

33 FAST#53 Volcanic eruptions - Ashes to AVOID Volcanic eruptions - Ashes to AVOID

The second aircraft on the scene was a small twin piston engine propeller aircraft, a Diamond DA 42 from the manufacturer’s plant in Vienna. Brought over and operated by scientists from Düsseldorf’s University of Applied Science, it was fitted with special sampling devices, able to detect and measure in-situ the content and the characteristics of the volcanic ash cloud produced by the A400M.

Tasks for the DIAMOND DA 42 MPP aircraft during the experiment: • Perform in-situ ash measurements with high accuracy • Track the plume geometry • Determine the size distribution of the ash particles • Transmit the measurement result on-line to the A340

A third aircraft, A340 MSN 001 carried the AVOID sensor for which the cloud had been made. The device consists of a pair of infrared (IFR) cameras intended to capture the IFR signature of the scenery in front of the aircraft. The camera’s IFR imagery is analysed using filtering techniques which dissociate the IFR absorption in order to identify when absorption by volcanic ash particles has taken place. It uses this technique to detect the presence of volcanic ash in front of the aircraft.

At an altitude of more than 30,000 feet, it would be able to “see” ash of a significant concentration at a distance of 100 km. The more ash in the air, the higher the measured IFR absorption will be. When perfectly calibrated, the measurement can be developed to give a reliable reading of the “ash loading” (mass per surface area, in g/m2) ahead of the aircraft. The experiment was the first time the AVOID sensor was exposed to realistic volcanic ash while being carried by a civil transport aircraft.

After the volcanic eruptions of Eyafjallajökull (2010) and Grimsvötn (2011) in Iceland, Inside the ‘cavernous’ A400M MSN 001 Airbus teamed up with Nicarnia Aviation, the developer of the AVOID sensor, and preparing for volcanic ash distribution easyJet who is sponsoring AVOID’s development, aiming to make proof of concept tests and develop the sensor.

Initial trials had been carried out in July 2012 which validated the installation Airbus Specialist Julie MAUTIN principle and explored the flight envelope of the A340 with the sensor installed. and Céline COHEN of Assystem using pressure One of the main purposes of these trials was to look for absence of false detections. differentials to ‘vacuum’ the barrels of ash The sensor was therefore not intended to be exposed to volcanic ash during these trials. However, on one occasion on a long flight south, the sensor detected the presence of Saharian dust in the air. This dust’s IFR absorption is very similar to volcanic ash since it contains similar chemical components.

The entire test was filmed by a fourth aircraft: Aerovision’s specially equipped Corvette to video and photograph the three aircraft at work in flight. 34 FAST#53 35 FAST#53 36 FAST#53 Volcanic eruptions-AshestoAVOID

10000 ALTITUDE (FEET) 15000 10000 ALTITUDE (FEET) 15000 5000 5000 Detection of volcanic ash using AVOID using ash ofvolcanic Detection Impossible to discriminate ash from other clouds imagery Infrared Aircraft Lon:-2.097 TIME: 10:57:58UTDISTANCE:40.7km TIME: 10:57:58UTDISTANCE:40.7km -3 -3 0.00 248 -2 -2 254 o 0.20 Brightness temperature(K)-Broadbandchannel(Ch1) Lat:44.991 Mass loading(g/m 261 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE(KM) HORIZONTAL DISTANCE(KM) -1 -1 0.40 o Alt:5008ftPitch:3.669 268 0 0 0.60 2 ) 274 WARNING: ASH 0.80 Heading Heading 1 1 281 o Heading=9.646 1.00 288 2 2 o 3 3 assessment integrating all available data from forecasting, satellite imagery and local observation. assessment integratingallavailabledatafromforecasting,satelliteimageryandlocalobservation. flight safetywhenoperatinginthevicinityofvolcanicashclouds.Thiswouldbeusedconformingtorulesa In themeantime,easyJetplanstodevelopastandalonesolution,withaimofproducinganinstrumentwhichcan enhance develop, potentiallytogetherwithasystemmanufacturer,thenecessaryphilosophyandcockpitinterface. will begiveninformationthatintegratesAVOIDsensor’sdata.ItAirbus’tasktoworkonanintegratedsystemand vicinity ofvolcanicashsafe.Thereareseveralinterestingworkpackagestobedefined.Itcouldwellthatinthefuture apilot The dataproducedneedstobeanalysedandintegratedintothebigpuzzleofinformationnecessarymakeflyingin the some time. development withautomatismsreplacingthescientist’sindividual intervention fortheIFRdatainterpretation.Thatwilltake Although theresultsofthisexperimentareveryencouraging, AVOIDsensorisstillinaprototypecondition.Itwillneed What’s next? for Eyafjallajökull. Eyafjallajökull. for threat oftheparticlesisnotmeasurable. AVOIDisdestinedtohelpusavoidsituationslike thetrafficgrounding Volcanoes arenotreallypredictable, andthey’reunstoppable.Theirashcloudssignificantly disturbflyingifthe 100 kmahead. In timeAVOIDsensorscould be integratedintoaircraftsystemstoinformpilotsofashpresence atupto are encouraging. the volcanicashcloudfromadistanceof50km.Given sizeandlow“massloading”ofthecloud,results A340; thesewerecomparedwithinfraredobservationsmade bytheAVOIDsystem.AVOID’ssensorscaptured measurements. Ashmeasurementdataweretransmittedin realtimefromaDA42samplingthecloud,toan It demonstratedtheAVOIDsensordetectioncapapility.Realtime datawasavailablefromin-situ A400M. Airbus This systemwastestedinOctober2013withasmallcloud offineashreleasedintotheatmospherebyan Techniques,Measurement participated, providing key and in-situ techniques. measurement services of Environmental Laboratory Sciences’ of Applied University Duesseldorf The AVOID. named system detection set aboutdevelopinganaircontamination AviationA jointinitiativebetweeneasyJet, Airbus and Nicarnia of volcanicashcontaminationairspaceandavoidgrounding traffic unnecessarily. The Icelandicvolcanoeruptionsin2010and2011brought homethenecessitytobeablemeasurerisk CONCLUSION of significantashloadingatadistance100kmisfeasible. loading”, itwasagreatsuccess.Itisnowrealistictobelievethatdetection a distanceof50km.Giventhesmallsizeourcloudandresultinglow“mass And themainresult:AVOIDsensorimagescapturedvolcanicashcloudfrom • • • a successinseveralaspects: The ashreleaseanddetectionexperimentmadeon30thOctober2013represents to workatthedispersionofash. execute thespirallingflightpathrequiredandithadcargoholdallowingateam The A400Mwhichwasconductingflighttestshadthecapabilitiestoprecisely the ideaofmakingasmall,butrepresentativecloudwasrapidlyborn. As theprecisetimeandplaceofavolcaniceruptionareabsolutelyunpredictable, exposure toarealvolcanicashcloud. The trialsinJuly2012weresuccessfulandgavetheinitiativefornextstep: Internet site. to theA340MSN001usingsatellitedatacommunicationandasimple The ashmeasurementdataweretransmittedinrealtimefromtheDA42 It demonstratedrealtimedataavailabilityfromin-situmeasurements. Eyafjallajökull eruption. similar ifnotidenticaltoashparticlescapturedoverEuropeduringthe2010 The ashparticlesmeasuredinsidethecloudwereidentifiedasbeingvery with thepredictedsizeanddistribution. We havebeenabletoartificiallycreatearepresentativevolcanicashcloud Volcanic eruptions-AshestoAVOID

37 FAST#53 FAST from the PAST We’ve got it covered There wouldn’t be any future without the experience of the past. Around the clock, around the world, Airbus has more than 240 field representatives Concorde MSN 2 - 1970 based in over 110 cities Concorde’s all metal frame made bonding easy and needed no supplimentary Electrical Structure Network (read article page 20). This still meant an impresive amount of cables that needed to be channeled throughout the aircraft. Even with the advent of optic fibre cabling, each successive Airbus programme uses more wiring as new technology is developed. Airbus’ largest aircraft the A380 uses an amazing 350 kilometres of cables.

WORLDWIDE TECHNICAL, MATERIAL & LOGISTICS TRAINING CENTRES Tel: +33 (0)5 6719 1980 Airbus Technical AOG Centre (AIRTAC) Airbus Training Centre Fax: +33 (0)5 6193 1818 Tel: +33 (0)5 6193 3400 Toulouse, France Fax:+33 (0)5 6193 3500 Tel: +33 (0)5 6193 3333 USA/CANADA [email protected] Fax: +33 (0)5 6193 2094 Tel: +1 703 834 3484 Fax: +1 703 834 3464 Spares AOG/Work Stoppage Airbus Maintenance • Outside the Americas: Training Centre CHINA Tel: +49 (0)40 5076 4001 , Tel: +86 10 8048 6161 Ext. 5020 Fax: +49 (0)40 5076 4011 Tel: +49 (0)40 7438 8288 Fax: +86 10 8048 6162 [email protected] Fax: +49 (0)40 7438 8588 • In the Americas: Airbus Training Centre Americas Field Service Support Tel: +1 70 3729 9000 Miami, Florida - U.S.A. Administration Fax: +1 70 3729 4373 [email protected] Tel: +1 305 871 3655 Tel: +33 (0)5 6719 0413 Fax: +1 305 871 4649 Fax: +33 (0)5 6193 4964 Spares In-Flight orders outside the Americas: Tel: +49 (0)40 5076 4002 Fax: +49 (0)40 5076 4012 [email protected]

Spares related HMV issues outside the Americas: Tel: +49 (0)40 5076 4003 Photo courtesy of EADS corporate heritage Fax: +49 (0)40 5076 4013 [email protected]

Spares RTN/USR orders in the Americas: Please contact your dedicated customer spares account representative [email protected] 38 FAST#53 39 FAST#53 With the A380, the sky is yours. The A380 is designed

ad emarks. to maximize airline revenues. By scheduling the A380 on constrained slots and high yield routes, airlines will experience a signifi cant uplift of passengers to really take advantage of high yield traffi c. That means higher market share, maximized slot profi tability and higher revenues. Own the sky Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered tr

ARTWORK 11217_AIR_OwnTheSky_Wispy 297x210_1.0 ypsiW_ykSehTnwO_RIA_71211:sretsaM_egaPelgniS_ykS_ehT_nwO-RIA-71211:3102-35811901:subriA:3102:subriA:OIDUTS 0.1_012x792 John S 297 x 210 mm PMS 3mm Master PMS PMS

8 November 2013 9:46 AM PMS