Liste Compilée Par Frédéric Tessier À Partir De Academictree.Org (2019)

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Liste Compilée Par Frédéric Tessier À Partir De Academictree.Org (2019) Liste compilée par Frédéric Tessier à partir de (2019) Frédéric Tessier (National Research Council Canada) | (grad student for) Gary W. Slater (University of Ottawa) | (grad student for) André‐Marie Tremblay (Université de Sherbrooke) | (grad student for) Paul Cecil Martin (Harvard University) | (grad student for) Julian Schwinger (Array) | (grad student for) Isidor Isaac Rabi (Columbia University) | (grad student for) Albert Potter Wills (Columbia University) | (grad student for) Arthur Gordon Webster (Clark University) | (grad student for) Hermann von Helmholtz (Physikalisch‐Technische Reichsanstalt) | (grad student for) Johannes Peter Müller (Friedrich‐Wilhelms‐Universität zu Berlin)(Neurotree) | (grad student for) Karl Mayer (Rheinische Friedrich‐Wilhelms‐Universität Bonn)(Neurotree) | (grad student for) Wilhelm Gottfried Ploucquet (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)(Neurotree) | (grad student for) Ferdinand Christoph Oetinger (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) | (grad student for) Michael Alberti (Friedrichs‐Universität Halle) | (grad student for) Georg Ernst Stahl (Friedrichs‐Universität Halle) | (grad student for) Rudolf Wilhelm Krauß (Krauss) (University of Jena) | (grad student for) Gottfried Möbius (University of Jena) | (grad student for) Werner Rolfinck (University of Jena) | (grad student for) Adriaan van den Spieghel (University of Padua) | (grad student for) Giulio Cesare Casseri (University of Padua) | (grad student for) Girolamo (Hieronymus Fabricus) Fabrici d'Acquapendente (University of Padua) | (grad student for) Gabriel Falloppio (University of Padua) | (grad student for) Antonio Musa Brasavola (University of Ferrara) | (grad student for) Nicolo (Leoniceno) da Lonigo (University of Padua, University of Ferrara) | (grad student for) Pietro Roccabonella (University of Padua) | (research assistant for) Gaetano da Thiene (University of Padua) | (grad student for) Paulus Venetus (University of Padua)(Philosophy Tree) | (grad student for) Pierre d'Ailly (Paris) | (grad student for) Gregory of Rimini (University of Oxford) | (grad student for) William of Ockham (University of Oxford) | (grad student for) John Duns Scotus (University of Oxford, University of Paris) | (grad student for) Petrus Ferrandi (Peter of Spain) Hispanus (University of Paris) | (grad student for) Albertus (Albert the Great) Magnus (Cologne, University of Paris) | (grad student for) Jordan of Saxony (University of Paris, Order of Preachers) | (grad student for) Reginald of Saint‐Gilles (University of Paris, Order of Preachers) | (grad student for) Domingo (St. Dominic) de Guzmán (Order of Preachers) | (research scientist for) Diego de Acebes (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Martín de Bazán (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) García de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Miguel de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Bernardo de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Juan de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Esteban de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Beltrán de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (research scientist for) Raimundo de Toledo (Catedral de Toledo) | (research scientist for) Pedro de Bourges (Catedral de Osma) | (grad student for) Hugues 1st de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Odilón de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Mayeul de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Aimar de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Odon de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Bernon de Cluny (L'abbaye de Cluny) | (grad student for) Badilon 2nd d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Arnulf d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Badilon 1st d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Altée d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Bernon d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Modoin d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Alderic d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Martín 2nd d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Renaud 1st d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Hiddon d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Gairon d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Moderannus d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Amatre 2nd d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Vascon d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Frou d'Barjon (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Médéric d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Héroald d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (grad student for) Lupon d'Autun (L'abbaye de Saint‐Martin d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Syagre d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Rémi d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Eupard d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Nectaire d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Agrippin d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Procule 2nd d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Valeolus d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Procule 1st d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Pragmace d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Flavichon d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Euphrône d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Léonce d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Evance d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Simplice d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Egemone d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Cassien d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Rhétice d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Martín 1st d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (research scientist for) Amatre d'Autun (La Cathédrale d'Autun) | (grad student for) Irénée (St. Irenaeus) de Lyon (La Cathédrale de Lyon) | (grad student for) Polýkarpos (St. Polycarp) o Smyrnaíos (Church of Smyrna) | (grad student for) John Zebedee (Churches of Asia Minor) | (grad student for) Jesus Christ (Theology Tree) | (research assistant for) John the Baptist (Jordan River) .
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