INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN COMPUTING STUDIES e-ISSN: 2615-8159|p-ISSN: 2615-1898 Volume: 03 Issue: 2 March-April2021

Lots of Comments on The Monuments of Eilatan-Oktom Culture (On the Example of Burial-Mounds)

A.A.Alokhunov, Head teacher of the department of World History, FerSU,

------***------Abstract: The article briefly describes Middle Ages have been obtained by the history of the study of Mazar- archaeologists.With the proliferation of belonging to the early of Eilatan-Aktam archeological finds, it has become increasingly clear that the has been inhabited by culture, which provide an idea of the material humans since ancient times and has a history of culture and funeral rites of the population of the several thousand years of irrigated agriculture.After Fergana Valley of this period. all, most of the archeological materials obtained from the valley monuments during field research Keywords: Fergana Valley, Early Iron date back to the II-I millennia BC, and, of course, Age, Eilatan culture, Aktam-type Mazar-kurgans, the monuments of such a large historical period were not the same. agricultural communities, Saks, funeral rites. The diversity of the monuments of material culture of ancient Fergana indirectly reflects the complex INTRODUCTION history of the farming and pastoral peoples who The Fergana Valley is one of the most beautiful lived together in the valley.This situation, in turn, oases in Central Asia, where from ancient times has led to the formation of different cultural and there were very favorable natural conditions for ethnic branches of the interaction of two different human life and productive activity.Surrounded by farming tribes.That is why the need to separate mountains on almost every side, different climatic archeological cultures from the rich findings of the conditions can be observed in different parts of the last 70-80 years in order to understand the history of valley - from the hot desert of the Central Fergana the middle of the first millennium BC has caused a Valley to the permafrost in the majestic mountains. lot of discussion and debate among scientists, and The fact that the valley is surrounded by high these debates are still going on. mountains not only created excellent conditions for It is known that by the VII century BC, the Chust the development of agriculture, but also for the culture disappeared and the new - the first Iron Age development of animal husbandryrather, the masters of development gave way to the monuments of of culture, who have been developing in the Fergana Eilatan culture (in some sources called Eilatan- Valley for a long time, followed the path of Aktam culture).In the materials of this period, the independent development without being negatively process of harmonization of agricultural and steppe affected by the great kingdoms and glorious states livestock cultures is clearly visible. [21: 9-p]2. that appeared on the ancient historical stage of our 1 The term Eilatan culture is named after the first country[1: с.3] . monument opened in 1934 by B.A. Latinin, the Regular archeological excavations in the Fergana founder of Soviet-era Fergana archeology.Great Valley began in 1930 with field research by the strides have been made in the study of this culture, SAHMC (State Academy of the History of Material especially its burial mounds. There is a separate Culture)expedition and expanded after World War article about this by Yu.A. Zadneprovsky[17]3. IIas a result of attempts, many findings on the chronological period from the Stone Age to the © 2021,IJHCS | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 244

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN COMPUTING STUDIES e-ISSN: 2615-8159|p-ISSN: 2615-1898 Volume: 03 Issue: 2 March-April2021

Separate tombs containing Eilatan pottery were first made on a wheel, which differed sharply from the found in 1940 near the villages of Kaskanyor (Chek) hand-made Chust pottery. and Naimancha on the route of the North Fergana In terms of material, workmanship, and shape, these Canal.The handmade semicircular bowls found in vessels are similar to the pottery made of a wheel these tombs were identified by TG Oboldueva as found in the ruins of the city of Eilatan and the Usun pottery and dated to the III-II centuries 4 tombs of Aktam. The resemblance to the vessels BC[23] . made in the wheel at Eilatan, the main aspects of the In the course of research, it became clear that they funeral,that is, the similarity of the corpse lying to were identical to the bowls found in the ruins of the the west with the back, and the vessels placed to the city of Eylaton, so the author of this article right of the shoulder, allowed the tomb found in recalculated them and attributed them to the Ashkoltepa to be included in the list of Aktam monuments of the Eylaton period.Such monuments cemeteries of the VI-V-III centuries BC. include individual graves and individual finds on the This burial was placed between the cultural layers of route of the Greater Fergana Canal in the Tuleykan 5 the Late , which allows an important cemetery near Osh[4] , excavated by A.N. conclusion to be drawn about the relative Bernshtam in 1947.Their chronology is marked by chronology of the Chust and Eilatan cultures, as the patterned pottery and two bronze Scythian-type site of the Chust culture had been abandoned, albeit pawns found in the Shart cemetery complex in the partially, by the time of burial.Thus, a new tomb of Alay Valley, which A.N. Bernshtam traces back to the Eilatan period was discovered in Ashkoltepa, a the V-III centuries BC. new type previously unknown, that is, a burial in the The dramatic changes in the study of the monuments ruins of the site of the previously existing Chust of Eilatan culture were connected in 1954 with the culture. opening of the Aktam cemetery in Southern Fergana 6 Another monument is the Ozgar II cemetery in the by B.Z.Hamburg and N.G.Gorbunova[6] . As a Osh oasis. It is located on the left bank of the result of the mass opening of the forts in the Oktom- Akboyra River, 12 km southwest of Osh.In one part type cemeteries, materials were obtained that allow a of the hills there are randomly 25 not-so-high forts. comprehensive description of the culture of the Excavations were carried out here in 1979, 1980 and Early Iron Age population.They were primarily 1982[17]11. A total of 19 burial mounds were burial-related artifacts, which made it possible to unearthed, in which the bodies were buried in periodize the castles and the Eilatan culture in shallow Ora-type tombs, facing from west to east. general.The greatest contribution to the study of All the graves were looted. Nevertheless, many these cemeteries was made by NG Gorbunova, who pottery vessels, bronze and iron paycons, jewelry proposed to call the Eilatan culture Eilatan-Aktam 7 (bracelets, rings and necklaces), and bone items culture[7] . were found in them.Significantly, the pottery on the Since 1967, E.D. Saltovskaya has been carrying out wheel found here is similar to the pottery in the ruins large-scale work in the Dashti Asht cemetery near of the city of Eilatan. In Ozgar, a lot of hums made the village of Asht in northwestern Fergana[24]8. on the wheel have been identified. Handmade Another cemetery of the period in question was pottery comes in a variety of shapes, among which explored in 1981 by G.A. Brikina in the south-west there are types that are new to the period. of Osh oblast, where he discovered 6 burial mounds In terms of the structure of the tombs, burial in the Andarkhan cemetery in the Khojabakirgan ceremonies, and artifacts, the Ozgar Eilatan culture valley[5]9. Yu.A. Zadneprovsky was also engaged is similar to other burial monuments (cemeteries in in the study of similar burial mounds in eastern 12 10 the Oktam complex)[6; 11; 13] . However, it does Fergana[16: с.55] . He determined the age of the not contain the painted and patterned vessels typical tomb found in Ashkoltepa by looking at pottery of the Oqtom complex. The local and chronological

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN COMPUTING STUDIES e-ISSN: 2615-8159|p-ISSN: 2615-1898 Volume: 03 Issue: 2 March-April2021

difference of the Ozgar cemetery is also evident in 6. In the central part of Southern Fergana - the main the discovery of iron packs. group of Aktam cemeteries; The materials found in Ozgar expand the 7. South-western Fergana - in the valley of the understanding of the culture of the Eilatan period in Khojabakirgan river (Andarkhan). the Osh oasis, as it was previously known only from Hence, the settlements and burial monuments of the findings in the Tuleykan cemetery studied in Eilatan are widespread in the valley, which indicates 1947 by A.N. Bernstam. that during the Eilatan period the population was Also, new monuments belonging to the nomadic Sak scattered throughout the territory of Fergana. tribes in the remote areas of Fergana in the Early Initially, the Aktam cemetery was marked by the V- Iron Age were studied in 1978 in the Ketmontepa III centuries BC [6]16 and V-IV centuries BC[7]17, and Karasuv valleys by I.Khojamberdiev[18: с.484] 13 and later appeared in the VI-IV-III centuries and K.I.Tashbaeva[25] . BC[8]18. Today it is dated to the VI-III centuries The fortress of this period was excavated in 1980 in BC[9]19. This date can be applauded because, due to the Temir-Korut II cemetery in the Navkat the conservatism of the funeral, it retained its valley[15: с.89]14. A corpse with two backs and a properties until the 3rd century BC, even after the head facing west was found in a large grave. Among disappearance of the Eilatan culture in the 4th the corpses was a handmade bowl. century BC.Although TG Oboldueva proposed to Summarizing the data available in the literature, it change the upper limit of Eilatan culture from the IV can be said that the number of identified cemeteries century BC to the II century BC,we believe that of Eilatan culture has increased fivefold since 1954. there is no reason to agree with his opinion. The burial of the body with its back facing west was Approximately 250 graves have been excavated in 20 burial mounds, which help to give a sufficient recorded at the Dalvarzin settlement of the Chust picture of the material culture and burial features of culture, and in appearance was peculiar to the local the early Iron Age people of Fergana. peasant tribes.Based on the similarity of burial and pottery, the existing cemeteries of the Eilatan pottery For a long time, these cemeteries were considered to considered can be considered as burial monuments be located only in the south-east of Fergana[3]15. of the first Iron Age of the peasant population settled This does not take into account the fact that the first in Fergana. tombs with Eilatan pottery were found by T.G.Oboldueva in northern Fergana. As early as 1952, A.N. Bernstam suggested that the Sak tribes lived in Fergana. He was later supported They were later found in the northwest, east, and by B.A. Litvinsky[19]20. N.G.Gorbunova writes, southwest of the valley. The monuments under “The issue of the residence of the Saks in the consideration were identified mainly in 7 areas: Fergana region cannot be resolved at present due to 1) North-west Fergana - near the village of Asht; the inaccuracy of the information provided in the written sources”.[7: с.16]21. The sharpest point in 2. Northern Fergana - on the banks of the Syrdarya, this discussion was expressed by B.A. Litvinsky, west of the Kosonsoy River (the village of who believed that the settlement of Eilatan belonged Naymancha in the northern Fergana Canal); to the Saks, who inhabited different groups of Saks 3. Northern Fergana - on the right bank of the river in Fergana: nomads (slopes of the Qurama ridge of Naryn (Kaskanyor); the Alay Valley, etc.), semi-nomads and settlers. They all belonged to a large confederation called the 4. East Fergana - in Ashkoltepa; -khaumovarka. He also argues that the influx of 5. South-eastern Fergana - in the Osh oasis Seleucids into Central Asia in the 3rd century BC (Tuleykan, Ozgar II); was supposed to lead to the settlement of nomadic

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN COMPUTING STUDIES e-ISSN: 2615-8159|p-ISSN: 2615-1898 Volume: 03 Issue: 2 March-April2021

Sak tribes in Fergana and the subsequent Because in the earlier stage of Chust culture burials disappearance of the Aktam burial[20]22. in castles and separate cemeteries were not 24 In fact, during the Early Iron Age, peasant tribes known[2: 179-p] . At the same time, it is possible lived in Fergana, they were descendants of tribes that some of the Sak tribes settled in Fergana and belonging to the Chust culture of the Late Bronze became part of the peasant population. Age[22: 12-p]23. Thus, a comparative study of the burial monuments The remote areas were inhabited by Saxon herdsmen of the nomads in the context of the ancient Fergana (nomadic and semi-nomadic), who preserved the and Saks reveals their general and specific aspects,it cultural traditions of steppe bronze. At the same also makes it possible to determine whether there are permanent cultural and trade ties between peasant time, it is necessary to take into account the integral development of the agricultural culture, which is communities and nomads. characterized by embossed pottery, during the entire LIST OF USED REFERENCES: first millennium BC.The main part of the population 1. Abdullaev B.M. The emergence and stages of of the Dovan state (II-I centuries BC) were settled development of the fortification of Fergana in peasant communities, which were direct descendants antiquity and the Middle Ages // Avtoref. diss. ... of the population of the Early Iron Age.The Cand sci. sciences. Samarkand, 2007 .-- 28 p. assumption that the Saks lived in Fergana is based on inaccurate written information about the Saks 2. Askarov A. History of the origin of the Uzbek living in Sogdiana. people. Tashkent, “Uzbekistan”, 2015. - 680 p. It was also based on the similarity of the burial 3. Alokhunov A. On the study of the Fergana structures and burials in the cemeteries of the Eilatan cemeteries of the Early Iron Age.// Proceedings culture with the monuments of the Ettisuv and Tien- of the IV Republican scientific-theoretical Shan nomads of that period. Although their conference “History of the Fergana Valley in similarity is not in doubt, its origin can be new research” Fergana, 2017. - p. 35-40. interpreted differently.It should be noted at this point 4. Bernshtam A.N. Historical and archaeological that it is usually said that the Oktam cemeteries are sketches of the Central Tien Shan and Pamir- similar to the Sak-Usun monuments, and the Alai. / MIA №26. M.-L .: 1952 .-- 348 p. differences between them are not taken into account.In the Fergana cemeteries no animal-style 5. Brykina G.A. Southwest Fergana in the first half items of the Scythian style were found at all, the of the 1st millennium AD - M .: Nauka. 1982 .-- weapons items were limited and consisted of only a S. 100-105. few paikons. The armor of the horses was not found 6. Hamburg B.Z., Gorbunova N.G. Ak-Tam burial at all.They also differ from sak tombs by their ground // KSIIMK. Issue 69. 1957 .-- p. 78-90. unusually long forts and some features. Hence, it is impossible to speak of a complete resemblance 7. Gorbunova N.G. The culture of Fergana in the between the burial monuments of the Fergana early iron era: Author's abstract. Cand. diss ... / settlers and the nomadic Saks, and they cannot be LOIA. - L., 1961 .-- 16 p. considered as monuments of the Saks. 8. Gorbunova N.G. Fergana culture in the early The origin of the first Iron Age burial structures in iron era // ASGE. Issue 5. 1962 .-- p. 91-122. Fergana has not been fully resolved. But it is clear 9. Gorbunova N.G. Excavation of burial mounds in from the available data thatthe emergence of the the Fergana region // USA. Issue 3. 1975 .-- p. above-mentioned similarity is explained by the 29-33. cultural influence of the neighboring steppe bronze 10. Gorbunova N.G. Kugai (Kugai-Karabulak) tribes and the relatively later Sak tribes. culture of Fergana II century BC. - VI century. AD // Ancient culture of Central Asia and

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN COMPUTING STUDIES e-ISSN: 2615-8159|p-ISSN: 2615-1898 Volume: 03 Issue: 2 March-April2021

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