USSVI Thresher Base News USS Miami Sailor Michael Zito Earns Dolphins, WWII SubVet Bill Tebo Contributes In Pinning Ceremony At the annual Lobsterbake, The family attended the Lobster- WWII SubVet and Thresher bake and enjoyed the company of our Member Bill Tebo had the op- members. Our members were delight- portunity to meet USS Miami ed that a young sailor and his family crew member Michael Zito, had attended one of our functions. Michael’s wife Kimberly and Michael was impressed with Bill their daughter Lilah. Tebo and invited him to participate Kimberly and Lilah had at- in his Dolphin pinning ceremony that tended the Memorial Day was held on July 27, 2012. Bill read Sevice at Albacore Park in May “The Submariner” and Michael’s wife without Michael, as he was tied Kimberly pinned on his Dolphins. up dealing with recovery efforts Kudos and congratulations to Mi- due to the fire aboad USS Miami. Kim meeting. Commander Galeaz recom- chael on this accomplishment, and to asked if Michael could attend a future mended that Michael take the time to WWII SubVet Bill Tebo for passing meeting. Bob McAlpine, Thresher meet the WWII SubVets that would along his legacy to a Submariner of the Base’s superb greeter, invited Michael, be in attendance. current generation. Kim and Lilah to the July Lobsterbake Election Results Green Mountain Base Donates Thresher Plaque At the September meeting, John USSVI National Officers Granger, Base Commander, Green Commander: Michael Bircumshaw Mountain Base, presented a hand- Sr Vice Commander: Carl Schmidt made plaque of the USS Thresher Jr Vice Commander: Al Singleman, Jr emblem. Commander Galeaz was Secretary: Tom Conlon touched by the gift and thanked Com- Treasurer: Richard McPherson mander Granger for his, and his base’s Northeast Director: Michael Naughton generousity. A thank you Thresher Base Officers card will be Commander: Kevin Galeaz brought to the Vice Commander: Rick Cecchetti next meeting Secretary: Frank Hood for members Treasurer: Dennis O’Keeffe to sign before mailing.

Dolphin Pinning Ceremony.. 1 Member Bios Requested...... 5 Lost Boats...... 13 & 14 Green Mountain Base...... 1 New Member Welcome...... 5 Arlington Thresher Project.....15 Table Base and National Elections.. 1 Kittery Thresher Project...... 5 USSVI Scholarships...... 15 of Commander’s Message...... 2 Dues Reminder...... 5 Holland Club...... 16 Member Birthdays...... 2 National Convention...... 5 Eagle Scouts...... 17 Contents 50th Service Update...... 3 July Meeting...... 6 & 7 Calendar of Events...... 18 Students Honor Thresher...... 4 September Meeting...... 8 - 10 USSVI Conventions...... 18 Thresher Service Donations.. 4 To Perpetuate the Next Meeting...... 18 Website Updates...... 4 Memory...... 11 & 12

Volume 2012 IssuePage 15 Base Happenings Base Commander’s Message Shipmates, aboard USS Thresher. I had the op- freedom. As I write this portunity to assist the classes with Robin and I wish you and your fami- on Veterans Day, their presentation earlier in the week. lies a safe and joyous holiday season. I am reminded of I was impressed with their questions Fraternally, the cost of freedom and their ability to comprehend the Kevin that has affected loss. a large number Tom Shannon and Peter Koester of families in our from Marblehead Base brought their Nation. My Uncle trailered parade float model of the Member Birthdays Francis Callahan was killed in action USS Thresher to the event and I September while on an US Army recon mission watched in appreciation as Tom & 8 - Leo Cloutier in Korea, in what would be known as Peter answered numerous questions 9 - Mark Franklin “the forgotten war.” about the , questions that 12 - Kevin Galeaz For years after Korea and the Viet- varied from “Where are the batter- 19 - Thomas Clayton nam War, the honoring of Veterans ies located?” & “What is a nuclear 20 - Thomas Stewart by those who did not serve was limited reactor?” to “How do you operate the 22 - Bob McAlpine & Joseph Barnofsky at best. This is thankfully no longer toilets?” 24 - Don Simpson the case. It’s important to recognize our role October 1 - Al Page This past Friday at the Marshwood in fostering and maintaining aware- 18 - George Stevens Middle School in Elliot, Maine, ness and appreciation in those who 28 - Fern Wagner WWII SubVets Bill Tebo and Bill have not served, for what we, as 30 - David Woodman Seward, Korean War SubVet Bob Submariners, have contributed to our 30 - Carl Bonenfant Flannery, and Vietnam War SubVets Nation’s defense. November Frank Hood & Bob McAlpine, were Our WWII SubVets possess the 1 -Michael Egan among the over 250 Veterans who richest histories. I encourage you to 4 - Vince Mahany were sincerely honored in a moving take the time to listen and remember 6 - Denny Bryne ceremony by the entire student body their stories, as you are in the best 9 - Chris Smith of 6th, 7th and 8th graders. position to serve as the link to main- 10 - Linda Stewart The two 7th grade teams focused tain awareness and appreciation for 11 - Dennis Gallant & Robin Galeaz their presentation on the men lost their significant role in our Nations 13 - Elmer Flanagan 14 - Larry Goelz 15 - Dick Hillman Thresher Base Charter Newsletter Information 16 - Glenn Appleton 17 - Harlan Brown USSVI Thresher Base was chartered The base newsletter, Thresher Base December on 15 November 1989 in the memory of News, is published 6 times a year to those 129 gallant men who at 9:17 AM inform the membership and com- 1 - Thomas Murray on 10 April 1963 lost their lives in the munity about meeting happenings 4 - Edward O’Neill performance of their duties aboard USS and upcoming events. All members 6 - Brian Lewis THRESHER (SSN 593). are welcome to submit non-political 8 - Joan Lyman Our mission is “to perpetuate the articles for inclusion in an upcom- 9 - Larry Oiler memory of our shipmates who gave their ing issue. Send submissions to Kevin 10 - Dave Dickey lives in the pursuit of their duties while Galeaz, Editor, 1465 Hooksett Road 14 - Joseph Palmer serving their country. That their dedica- #239, Hooksett, NH 03106 or 14 - Eric Lindstrom tion, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a [email protected]. 17 - Frank Hood constant source of motivation toward 22 - Carl Chase greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States 28 - Charles Bennett 31 - Legs Legare Government.” Page 2 Base Happenings

50th USS Thresher Memorial Service Update On October 31, Thresher Base Com- internet by the Defense Video and near the closed back gate. Those at mander Kevin Galeaz received a call Internet Distribution System. Traip will proceed to the waterfront regarding location options for the 50th Gary recommends reserving the behind the Academy. The tide is USS Thresher Memorial Service from Thresher Room located above Tirante low at 1319. Provided the wreath is former Thresher Base Commander Tavern to rebroadcast the service to thrown away from the bridge piers, Gary Hildreth. Gary works as a Public the expected 100+ members of the it should pass Traip within a few Affairs Specialist on PNS. The call USS Will Rogers Association who minutes of the time it is dropped off was notify the Planning Committee have already expended nearly $10,000 the PNS East bridge. I suggest that we Chairman that PNS would be unable in hotel room and banquet hall res- consider a second piper and trumpet to repair the Building Ways in time ervations for their annual reunion player to play echo taps at Traip. Gary to use for the upcoming 50th Annual designed to coincide with the memo- concurs. In addition, Gary will ask USS Thresher Memorial Service. rial service. one of the COB’s to bring their crew Gary indicated he, along with PNS Gary reports that the only other fa- members to Traip. Our goal is to help Naval Facilities managers, had tried cility on PNS will hold 80, still falling those who attend at Traip to feel they to secure two other locations, both of short of our expected turnout. are part of the service. which did not pan out. Thus, Gary Everyone who attends regardless of reports that the only option available their location will have the opportu- is the Base Auditorium which has a nity to take part in the post-service re- seating capacity of ~500. ception that is planned for the Tirante With an expected turnout of be- Tavern. Gary will coordinate with the tween 750-1000 guests, Memorial Base gate security to permit those at Service Planning Committee Chair- Traip to drive over to PNS immedi- man and Thresher Base Commander ately after the wreath laying ceremony Kevin Galeaz met with Gary at PNS to look at the storyboards, attend the on November 5th to look at the ap- reception and meet the family mem- proach suggested, discuss the impact bers and dignitaries. and brainstorm. The impact to Thresher Base of us- Gary recommended that the Base ing Traip as the 2nd memorial service Auditorium be reserved for the USS location will be to rent two video Thresher family & former crew mem- projectors and rear-projection screens, bers, dignitaries, media, and Thresher and one Thresher Base member to set Base SubVets. Preliminary estimates it all up and monitor the computer vary between 350 to 400 family and Instead of nearly eliminating or se- rebroadcast and video projectors and former crew members, and ~40 digni- verely reducing the number of Subma- a second member to direct operations. taries and media personal. rine Veterans, Shipyard Workers and Secretary Frank Hood has volun- The USS Thresher family member Civilians who can attend, I recom- teered to direct operations at the R.W. storyboards will be setup in the rec- mended that we reserve the R.W. Traip Academy location. reation center known as “The Relief Traip Academy, and rebroadcast For the reception, we will be serving Valve” with the entrance in the front the service there as Traip can easily very light h’orderves including cheese of building 22. The opposite end of accommodate the overflow. Gary con- and crackers, fruit and veggie platters “The Relief Valve” leads to the audito- curs as it will eliminate sending guests along with soft drinks and bottled wa- rium entrance. This area will also be to other facilities on PNS. ter as the majority of family members used for registration and rose distribu- Guests at both locations (PNS Au- are heading to dinner at 1630. tion. ditorium and Traip) will take part in Gary has indicated that memorial the waterside wreath ceremony. PNS service will be broadcast live over the attendees will proceed to the bridge Page 3 Base Happenings

Elliot Maine Marshwood Middle School Seventh Graders USS Thresher Memorial Prepare USS Thresher Presentation Fund Donations As Part of Veterans Recognition Between June and November 2012, $681.60 in donations were generously The Marshwood Middle School made to the USS Thresher Memorial in Eliot, ME makes recognizing Fund. Cards will be brought to the the Veterans in the community next meeting for members to sign in an annual tradition. This year, appreciation for the donations made. the 7th grade teams chose to learn • Donations made in memory of for- about and honor the men lost mer Thresher Base Associate Mem- aboard the USS Thresher. ber Hilda “Jill” Arsenault Robinson: Thresher Base Commander, ($100) Ed & Georgia Arsenault, Dean Kevin Galeaz, had the opportuni- & Cora Stevens; ($50) Raymond ty to attend classes on November & Bonnie Muse, Doris Doucette; 5 to help the students with their ($30) Manual S. Garganta; ($25) slideshow for the November 9th Barbara McCoole, ($25) Lorraine assembly. Barnicle, ($25) Elizabeth True-Gibb, In addition to over 200 US Kevin Galeaz, Thresher Base Commander at ($25) Bernice DeRoche & Theresa Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Marshwood Middle School, Elliot, ME O’Driscoll, ($25) Dannie & Jane Bar- Air Force and Navy Veterans, the Thresher Base Commander Galeaz rett event was attended by Thresher Base • Donation made in the memory of members Bill Tebo, Bill Seward, Bob to return with a small number of Thresher Base members at next year’s former Thresher Base member Jack Flannery, Bob McAlpine & Kevin Gill - ($115) Audrey F. Gill & Family Galeaz. Marblehead Base members assembly. Commander Galeaz will show the • Donation made in memory of the Tom Shannon and Peter Koester also family members of the men lost attended with their USS Thresher 7th grade students USS Thresher pre- sentation at the upcoming Thresher aboard the USS Thresher - $111.60 float parked in front of the school. from the USS Thresher Family Fund. The moving event also featured cov- Base meeting. erage of Wounded Warriors and the Both Seacoast Online and Foster’s Korean War. online local newspapers featured ar- An invitation has been extended to ticles regarding the event. Webmaster Updates 118 photos have been edited and uploaded to Thresher Base’s Flickr ac- count for the July 2012 Lobster Bake and Holland Club Induction Cer- emony; Keelan McCoole Eagle Scout Court of Honor; and September 2012 Thresher Base meeting. See Thresher Base Flickr website for access to the latest sets, as well as the 48 additional sets of photos that have been uploaded since the 41st Annual USS Thresher Memorial Service. WWII SubVet Bill Tebo, Thresher Base Secretary Frank Hood, Steve Deven, Marblehead Base members EN1 Commander Tom Shannon & Peter Koester and the Marbhelhaed Base USS Thresher Float at Marshwood Middle School, Elliot, ME Page 4 Base Happenings

Members Photos & Biographies For USSVI National Website by Kevin Galeaz rent photo is the Thresher Base Flickr and what activities you are currently USSVI National has requested that website for those who have attended active in now. all members include photos and a brief the meetings and functions. If you need assistance with uploading biography on their personal USSVI • Your biography. Include a descrip- them to the website, please send your webpage. Thresher Base Secretary tion of your Naval career such as the photos and biography to Vice Com- Frank Hood will be contacting each of boats you served on, when you quali- mander Rick Cecchetti at RECC@aol. you over the course of the next year to fied, shore duty assignments, awards, com who has access to the database in obtain the following: Shellback, BlueNose, etc. Additional his capacity as Membership Coordi- • Two photos, one when you were in information to consider including in nator. the Navy, and one current photo. If the biography is any post-Navy edu- finding one from your Navy days is cation, your post-Navy occupation too difficult, just upload the current or professional career, your fraternal photo. One possible source for a cur- associations, your family, your hobbies Thresher Base Welcomes Kittery USS Thresher Flag Reflections on the New & Returning Members Pole Memorial Project National Convention by Kevin Galeaz A letter of support has been sent to by Tom Young Thresher Base extends a welcome the Town of Kittery USS Thresher Shipmates, aboard to the following new and re- Flag Pole Memorial Project by A short note on my trip to the Na- turning members: Thresher Base Commander Kevin tional Subvets convention in Norfolk • Bruce F. Aquizap, qualified on the Galeaz. this past Sept. They had a very good USS Chopper (SS342) in 1954. Commander Galeaz will recommend turnout for this convention, in part as • Maurice R. Goodson, qualified on to the membership that a donation to it was in Norfolk which brought back the USS Growler (SSG-577) in 1964. the project be made from Thresher many memories for shipmates who • Brian G. Lewis, qualified on the USS Base. The amount approved will be sailed from here. George Washington Carver (SSBN- submitted to the USSVI National I attended the Holland club breakfast 656) in 1982. Charitable Foundation with a request and it was an outstanding event as • Michael Gigliotti, Associate member. for matching funds, and then pro- they honored all the WW2 vets who vided to the project director, Gary were there. In addition we elected a Beers. Any member who would like to new leader for the Holland Club. Bud have their donations included in the Atkins a shipmate that I qualified 2013 Dues Reminder amount that will be matched are asked with on the Wahoo was elected. Thresher Base Dues and National to send their check to Treasurer Den- I also attended the final closing of the Dues must be paid by January 1st. An- nis O’Keeffe, 1 Eureka Ave., York, ME WW2 Subvets charter. This was a nual members pay both the Base dues 03909 no later than Dec. 1, 2012. very moving event as they closed this of $15.00 and National dues of $20.00 chapter in their lives. They did vow to a year for a total of $35.00. National continue getting together when ever dues are paid to the Base Treasurer they are able. A wonderful group of who will forward them to National. Life shipmates. members only pay Base dues of $15.00. The closing banquet was well done Please make your check payable to: both with food, entertainment and the USSVI-Thresher Base and send to Base outstanding speaker Vice Admiral Big Treasurer, 1 Eureka Ave. York, ME Al Konetzni 03909.

Page 5 July 2012 Meeting Minutes

was conducted. E. Snow was unable to attend and his There were 23 mem- certificate was mailed to him. Thomas bers with a total of E. Farnon passed away before he could 62 people in atten- dance for the annual lobster bake. Minutes of the May meeting were read by Robin Galeaz and approved by the members. Due to the focus of this meeting being the lobster bake and Holland Club induc-

Bill Livendale, Green Mountain Base, WWII SubVet Bill Tebo, tion, the meeting Michael (USS Miami), Kimberly & Lilah Zito, component was & Nicholas Ottomaniello III, Bay State West intentionally short. Updates were given The July 2012 meeting was called to by Kevin Galeaz on: order by Base Commander Kevin • 50th USS Thresher Memorial Service Galeaz. The meeting started with an • Kaps for Kids WWII SubVet Carl Weber opening prayer and the pledge of alle- •Thresher Memorial @ Arlington giance. The tolling of the bell was done National Cemetery receive his certificate. It was presented for the boats lost in July and August, •Town of Kittery Flag Pole Memorial to his wife and family graveside earlier Dedication in the summer. Carl Weber shared some informa- The meeting was adjourned so all tion on medical assistance available could enjoy another amazing meal through the VA. prepared by the Sons of the American Nominations were taken for Base Legion. Officers. It was agreed that the base would keep its current officers: Commander – Kevin Galeaz Vice Commander - Rick Cecchetti Treasurer - Dennis O’Keeffe Secretary – Position is open due to resignation of Bob McAlpine. Frank Hood has offered to take this position. Al Page, Thresher Base Chaplin Holland Club In- which was followed by a moment of duction: Howard J. silence. Dmytro and Roland E. Miller were in- Gordon Wentzell A sound off of members and guests ducted into the Holland Club. George Page 6 Lobsterbake

Left to right: Ed Storer, John McCardle, Ian Johnston, Al Page, Bill Livendale, Bill Tebo, Nicholas Ottomaniello III, Tom Young, Larry Goelz, Charlie Manes, Harlan Brown, Carl Weber, Gordon Wentzell, Gary Hildreth, Bill Seaword, David Pratt, Bob Flannery, Herm Stozenburg, Ken Keegler, Dennis O’Keeffe, George Thomas & Kevin Galeaz. Photo by Bruce (Frenchy) Defrehn.

Gary Hildreth and Harlan Brown

Thresher Base thanks Bruce (Fren- chy) DeFrehn for providing Lobster Bake photography services.

Sons of the American Leagion Charlie Manes

USS Will Rogers Reunion Association Members Bruce DeFrehn and Ken Keegler Page 7 September 2012 Meeting Minutes

The September 2012 meeting was in the Thresher Memorial Fund were require a formal response from the held at Newick’s Restaurant, Dover to be used for invitations and flowers? office of the CNO. Point, NH. There were 21 Members Gary indicated that the family mem- Kevin brought up the Thresher attending, plus First Mates. The meet- bers were planning a reception type Flagpole project from the town of ing was called to order by Base Com- meal after the ceremony, so the Base Kittery, ME. This has been going mander Kevin Galeaz. would not have to cover that. Kevin along very well and actually looks like said the PNS is covering creating and they will raise the $70,000 required Opening to do it. Kevin noted that on their Chaplain Al Page gave the website, President Bush 41 had made Invocation. Kevin led the a donation, and had given a quote of Base in the Pledge of Alle- strong support. Kevin indicated that giance. During the Member this flagpole ceremony would be held Sound Off, a new member, the day after the official ceremony Bryan Lewis, who qualified sponsored by the Base, and that was a on the George Washington change from their original plans. Carver SSBN 656 in 1982 Kevin mentioned the Arlington indicated this was his first Cemetery Thresher Memorial project. meeting. He has heard from Senator Shaheen’s The Call of the Boats for staff who are helping him make con- September and October was read by printing the invitations and the Pro- nections down in DC. He has learned Kevin with Rick Cecchetti sounding grams so that all our Base had to cover that this would be a multi-year project the ship’s bell. was the Flowers. Kevin also pointed and that about $500,000 would be Robin Galeaz read the minutes from out that this Fund was to be used for needed for all the design reviews from the July meeting. They were accepted continuing the memorial ceremony the local authorities. Kevin is attempt- as is and approved. year after year, not specifically for this ing to contact a member on the Ar- Dennis O’Keeffe gave the Treasurer’s one 50th anniversary event, although lington Cemetery Board of Directors, Report. The starting balance was that was certainly very significant. Mr. Thomas Kelly, who was a Navy $3,269.92 and there were deposits of Dennis pointed out that the Base had Vietnam Medal of Honor winner. $150.28 and expenses of $1505 leav- not tapped into any money from the Kevin pointed out that the key to ing a new balance of $2,375.70. The Thresher Memorial Fund to date, but raising the funds was to have the big Thresher Memorial Service Fund has had always funded other expenses contractors donate and this would a balance of $5212.25. Dennis indi- from the general operating fund. require a massive letter writing cam- cated the Groton Base has requested Kevin asked Gary if the attendance paign from all subvets writing their the traditional Thanksgiving donation by the CNO had been confirmed yet? local congress person. of $25 to support their annual dinner Gary said that VADM McCoy at the Kevin clearly pointed out that NAV- and Dennis recommended that be PNS was handling all of those details. SEA cannot be mentioned in any of done. This motion was approved. Kevin said he would send a formal let- this correspondence. VADM McCoy ter from the Base because that would is head of NAVSEA and no connec- New Business tion can be expressed or Kevin mentioned the Hol- implied. land Club ceremony held in Al Page reported that July where 4 shipmates were one Eagle Scout Court inducted. of Honor had been Kevin asked shipmate Gary performed by Kevin Hildreth to give an update on and that both the Scout the location for the Thresher and his family were very 50th Memorial coming up next appreciative. The boy April. Gary asked if the funds Page 8 September 2012 Meeting Minutes

John Granger, Base Commander, Green Mountain Base came up and presented Kevin a USS Thresher plaque that they had made up and asked if it could be used as a raffle item to help raise funds for the 50th Anni- versary Memorial Ceremony. Kevin accepted the plaque with the thanks from our Base and said we would vote on an approprite way to use it. Since each Base Officer nominee was was the grandson of Ray McCoole, ing it a bit difficult for the attendees running unchallenged, a motion was who was not on board the Thresher to hear. The next Convention will be made, seconded and unanimously because of a freak accident where in Rochester, MN (Minneapolis area) passed to vote for the nominees with his wife got glass in her eye. He was and the 2014 Convention will be in a show of hands. Kevin then asked for allowed to attend to her when the Burlingame, CA, near San Francisco. a show of hands to approve the Base Thresher was lost. The wife was there Kevin said that all the proposed Officer Slate for the upcoming year: and most appreciative. amendments to the National By- Laws were passed, and that Commander Kevin Galeaz National Dues would stay Vice Comander Rick Cecchetti at $20 for next year. Tom Treasurer Dennis O’Keeffe also told Kevin that the Secretary Frank Hood National Website was go- The hand vote approved the motion. ing to receive some needed renovations. Rick Cec- Old Business : Nothing was presented chetti indicated that the Meeting was adjourned at 1300 hours. database available from the National Web Site was not Submitted by Frank Hood up because someone had hacked into it. It would be down for a bit longer. Kevin reported that in the recently concluded National Election for USSVI Officers, that only 24 of our 90 members voted. While this is an improvement from past years, this needs to improve in the future Kevin indicated. Kevin gave a report on the recent National Convention that he re- ceived from Tom Shannon. He said a good time was had by all, especially the WWII sub vets. He indicated the Tolling of the Bells took place on the USS Wisconsin, and that the PA broke during the ceremony, mak-

Page 9 September 2012 Meeting

Page 10 To Perpetuate the Memory

Kenneth Ray Corocoran was born retired in 1956, with the rank of lieu- ment. He had worked aboard and on January 28, 1917, in Buffalo, tenant. Upon retiring, he embarked participated in the sea trials of almost Mont., the son of Charles Corcoran upon a second career by enrolling in every nuclear-powered submarine and Ethelyn Bea- Westchester Com- built on the east coast. trice Richardson munity College, For his outstanding service and Corcoran. White Plains, N.Y. performance while working aboard He received In June 1858, he the nuclear-powered submarine his elemen- was graduated with U.S.S. Sea Dragon (SSN 584), he had tary schooling in an associate degree received a letter of commendation various schools in electrical tech- from the Navy. in South Dakota, nology. He then He is survived by his widow, Mrs. and was gradu- accepted a position Priscilla Corcoran, and three sons, ated from Onida with Sperry Gyro- Kenneth R., Jr., an electronics techni- High School in scope Co. as a field cian serving in the U.S. Army, and June 1935. service engineer in Richard, who resides in Masschusetts. Kenneth then their marine divi- enlisted in the sion. Kenneth was naval service and Kenneth J. Corcoran assigned to subma- served honorably Field Service Engineer rine controls and for 20 years. He Sperry Gyroscope Company navigational equip-

John Smarz was born on July 11, 2 years he served in the submarine awards; the National Defense Service 1929, in Shelton, Connecticut, the son U.S.S. Sea Robin (SS 407), in which Medal, the Korean Service Medal, and of Mr. And Mrs. John Smarz, Sr. He he became qualified as a submariner the United Nations Service Medal. attended public school in Shelton, and and was awarded his gold dolphins. In addition to his parents, John is during his high school years, he par- He later attended the survived by his ticipated in both baseball and football Basic Nuclear Power widow, the for- in which he received letters for his School at the sub- mer Joyce Wesley managerial talents. marine base in New Mills of Glovers- He was graduated from high school London, where he ville, New York; in June 1947, and in January of the became qualified as a and three sons, following year, he enlisted into the nuclear power reactor John, III, Rich- naval service. He completed his basic operator. ard Arthur, and training, and attended the Navy’s In August 1960, he James Michael. electronics technicians school in 1949. was assigned to the John then volunteered for submarine precommissioning duty and upon being accepted, he was detail of the nuclear- enrolled in the Submarine School at powered submarine the U.S. Naval Submarine Base, New Thresher (SSN 593). London, Connecticut. He successfully During his naval ser- John Smarz, Jr. completed the course in 1951. vice, John had earned Lieutenant John rose through the ranks, and the Navy’s Good Con- on August 14, 1958, he was commis- duct Medal with three sioned an ensign. During the next stars for three separate Page 11 To Perpetuate the Memory

Robert William Gaynor was born on USS Piper (SS 409) as a member of another letter of commendation from August 25, 1939 in Boston, MA. He her crew. Robert was then assigned to the commanding officer of the USS enlisted in the Navy on June 25, 1957 the nuclear-powered submarine USS Thresher (SSN 593), during his naval and volunteered Sea Dragon (SSN service. for submarine 584) and it was On February 27, 1961, Robert was duty. Following while serving in assigned to the USS Thresher. recruit training this command that He is survived by his widow, Mrs. at the U.S. Naval he became qualified Anita E. Gaynor and three children, Training Center, as a submariner. Carolyn, Mark, and Robert. He also Bainbridge, MD, He was awarded leaves his widowed mother, Mrs. he was enrolled as his silver dolphins Dorothy L. Gaynor; brother, Paul of a student in the on January 27, Keyport, NJ; and another brother Submarine School 1960. Joseph serving in the US Navy; a twin at the U.S. naval Robert was sister, Mrs. Peter Rushing of English- Submarine Base, awarded the town, NJ; and another sister, Mrs. New London, Navy’s Good Burt Buetterfield of Lillian, AL. CT. Conduct Medal, His first assign- Robert William Gaynor a letter of com- ment in subma- Engineman Second Class mendation from rines came in Oc- United States Navy the commanding tober 1957 when officer of the USS he reported to the Sea Dragon, and

George J. Dineen was born on May He is survived by his wife, the former 26, 1920, in Biddeford, Maine, the Gabrielle Valliere, and three children; son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Dineen. Michael George, Barbara Mary, and He attended local public schools, and Lynn Catherine. He also leaves, in was graduated from Biddeford High addition to his parents, two brothers, School. Charles and Robert; and a sister, Mrs. George then enrolled in the Saco- Mary Hagger, all of Biddeford, Maine. Lowell Apprentice School where he pursued a course of study in electric- ity. After graduating, he became a member of the U. S. Army, and served 34 months in the European Area. Completing his military service, he joined the Portsmouth Naval Ship- George J. Dineen yard where he was employed as an Electrician electrician in the electrical shop of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Planning Department.

Page 12 Lost Boats

USS S-28 (SS-133) USS Flier (SS-250) Lost on July 4,1944 with the loss of Lost on August 13,1944, with the loss USS Pompano (SS-181) 49 crew members. She was conduct- of 78 crew members while on her 2nd Lost on August 29, 1943 (between ing training exercises off with war patrol. Flier was transiting on Aug 8 and Sept 27) with the loss of the US Coast Guard Cutter Reliance. the surface when she was rocked by a 77 men while on her 7th war patrol. After S-28 dove for a practice massive explosion (probably a mine) Before being lost, she sank two enemy approach, Reliance lost contact. No and sank within less than a minute. cargo ships. The exact cause of her loss distress signal or explosion was heard. 13 survivors, some injured, made it remains unknown, but she probably Two days later, an oil slick was found into the water and swam to shore. 8 fell victim to a mine. This boat’s last near where S-28. The exact cause of survived and 6 days later friendly na- known ship sunk happened on Sept her loss remains a mystery. tives guided them to a Coast Watcher 25th, so she probably hit that mine and they were evacuated by the USS on or after that date but before Oct USS Robalo (SS-273) Redfin. 5th, when she was scheduled back at Lost on July 26,1944 with the loss of Midway. 81 crew members while on her 3rd USS S-39 (SS-144) war patrol. She struck a mine about Lost on August 14,1942 after ground- USS S-5 (SS-110) 2 miles off the coast of Palawan. Four ing on a reef south while on her 3rd Lost on September 1, 1920 when a men survived and swam ashore, then war patrol. The entire crew was able practice dive went wrong and she were imprisoned by the Japanese. to get off and rescued by the HMAS sank bow-first, with her stern showing Unfortunately, they were put on a Katoomba. above the water. In a dramatic adven- Japanese and lost when that ture, her exhausted crew was rescued destroyer was sunk. USS Harder (SS-257) during the next few days. Salvage at- Lost on August 24,1944 with the loss tempts were unsuccessful, S-5 settled USS Grunion (SS-216) of 79 crew members from a depth to the bottom and was abandoned. Lost on July 30,1942 with the loss of charge attack by a minesweeper near 70 crew members while on her first Bataan while on her 6th war patrol. USS Grayling (SS-209) war patrol near Kiska Harbor. She Harder had won a Presidential Unit Lost on Sept 9, 1943 with the loss of radioed that she sank two sub-chasers Citation for her first 5 war patrols and 76 men near the Tablas Strait. Gray- and damaged a third, but was never CDR Dealey was awarded the Con- ling was on her 8th war patrol and heard from again. Grunion’s mangled gressional Medal of Honor posthu- sank two ships before being lost. remains were found in the Bering mously. Harder is tied for 9th in the Sea in 2006 off the Aleutian Island of number of enemy ships sunk. USS S-51 (SS-162) Kiska. Lost on Sept 25, 1925 with the loss of USS Cochino (SS-345) 33 men when it was sunk after colli- USS Bullhead (SS-332) Lost on August 26, 1949 after be- sion with SS City of Rome off Block Lost on August 6,1945 with the loss ing jolted by a violent polar gale off Island. of 84 crew members in the Lombok caused an electrical fire and Strait while on her 3rd war patrol battery explosion that generated USS Cisco (SS-290) when sunk by a dropped hydrogen and chlorine gasses. In ex- Lost on Sept 28, 1943 on her first war by a Japanese Army p lane. Bullhead tremely bad weather, men of Cochino patrol with the loss of 76 men in the was the last submarine lost during and Tusk (SS-426) fought to save the west of Mindinao. WWII. submarine for 14 hours. After a 2nd battery explosion, Abandon Ship was ordered and Cochino sank. Tusk’s crew rescued all of Cochino’s men except for one civilian engineer. Six sailors from Tusk were lost during the rescue. Page 13 Lost Boats

USS Seawolf (SS-197) USS Dorado (SS-248) USS Shark II (SS-314) Lost on Oct 3,1944 with the loss of Lost on Oct 12, 1943 with the loss Lost on Oct 24,1944 with the loss of 83 officers and men and 17 US Army of 77 men when she was sunk in the 87 when she was sunk near Hainan. troops when she was sunk just north western Atlantic near Cuba. Newly The second boat to carry this name of Moritai by USS Rowell, a Destroyer commissioned, she had departed New during World War II, she was on her Escort (DE). In this tragic error, London and was enroute to Panama. 3rd war patrol. Shark was sunk by es- Rowell mistook Seawolf for a Japanese She may have been sunk by a U.S. pa- corts after attacking and sinking a lone submarine that had just sunk another trol plane that received faulty instruc- freighter. Compounding the tragedy, Destroyer. Seawolf ranks 7th for en- tions regarding bombing restriction it turned out that the freighter had emy ships sunk. areas or a German U-boat that was in 1,800 U.S. POW’s on board. the vicinity. USS S-44 (SS-155) USS Tang (SS-306) Lost on Oct 7, 1943 with the loss of 56 USS Escolar (SS-294) Lost on Oct 25,1944 with the lost of men when it was sunk off Paramush- Lost on Oct 17, 1944 with the loss of 78 men in the Formosa Strait. Tang iru, Kuriles. S-44 was on her 5th war 82 men. She was on her 1st war patrol was on her 5th war patrol. Tang ranks patrol after attacking a target thought and was most likely lost to a mine 2nd in the number of ships sunk and to be a merchant on the surface, S-44 somewhere in the . 4th in tonnage, and had won two found herself in a losing gun battle Presidential Unit Citations. During with a heavily armed Japanese de- USS Darter (SS-227) a daring night surface attack, Tang stroyer. Two men were taken prisoner Lost on Oct 24, 1944 when she be- was lost to a circular run by one of and survived the war. came grounded on Bombay Shoal off her own torpedoes. Nine of the crew Palawan and was then destroyed to were taken prisoner, including CDR. USS Wahoo (SS-238) prevent her falling into enemy hands O’Kane and five who had gained the Lost on Oct 11, 1943 with the loss of intact. The entire crew was rescued by surface from her final resting place 80 men near La Perouse Strait. Under USS Dace. Winner of one Navy Unit 180 feet below. All survived the war, command of one of the great sub skip- Commendation, Darter had sunk a and CDR O’Kane was awarded the pers of World War II, LCDR “Mush” heavy and damaged another Congressional Medal of Honor. Morton, Wahoo was on her 7th war and went aground while attempting patrol. Wahoo had won a Presidential an “end around” on an enemy forma- USS O-5 (SS-66) Unit Citation and ranks 5th in the tion in hopes of getting in an attack on Lost on October 29, 1923 with the loss number of enemy ships sunk. She was a battleship. of 3 men when rammed and sunk by lost to depth charges dropped by a SS Ababgarez off the Panama Canal. Japanese patrol aircraft.

Memorials to Lost Boats by State

Alabama (4) Hawaii (6) Massachusetts (6) New Mexico (1) South Dakota (2) Alaska (1) Idaho (3) Michigan (5) New York (12) Tennessee (3) Arizona (1) Illinois (6) Minnesota (4) North Carolina (2) Texas (10) Arkansas (3) Indiana (3) Mississippi (6) North Dakota (1) Utah (1) California (25) Iowa (4) Missouri (8) Ohio (2) Vermont (1) Colorado (2) Kansas (3) Montana (1) Oklahoma (2) Virginia (27) Connecticut (5) Kentucky (1) Nebraska (3) Oregon (4) Washington (7) Delaware (1) Louisiana (1) Nevada (2) Pennsylvania (6) West Virginia (2) Florida (10) Maine (3) New Hampshire (7) Rhode Island (1) Wisconsin (4) Georgia (5) Maryland (8) New Jersey (8) South Carolina (7) Wyoming (1)

Page 14 USSVI and Veterans News

USSVI National News USS Thresher Arlington National Cemetery Memorial by Kevin Galeaz Project Supporter’s Letter Writing Campaign (POC) All members are reminded to check The USS Thresher Arlington Na- • Send an email with your name the SubVet News link (https://www. tional Cemetery Memorial Project to [email protected] located ( is indicating you have sent a project sup- third from the bottom left on the seeking your help. porters letter to Ms. Condon. USSVI National webpage often for Our mission is to erect a privately Your emails will be included along the following posts: funded National Commemorative with the memorial architectural draw- 1. SubVet News USS Thresher Memorial in Arlington ings & the results of an independent 2. Charitable Fund National Cemetery. This memorial study in a binder that will be submit- 3. Veterans News will be designed to honor and perpetu- ted to the Advisory Board at Arling- 4. Flash Traffic ate the memories of the 129 men lost ton National Cemetery and the US 5. Officer’s Call in the line of duty on April 10, 1963 Commission of Fine Arts for approval 6. Navy News some 300 miles off the coast of New review. The news articles can be viewed England during post-maintenance Thank you for helping to make this without logging into your USSVI deep dive sea trials. In addition, the memorial a reality. National account. national commemorative memo- The large number and long length rial will help keep the story of USS Fraternally, of messages posted each week un- Thresher alive in the hearts and Kevin Galeaz fortunately preclude placement in minds of all those who contribute to Project Director the newsletter for those without minimizing the likelihood of another USS Thresher Arlington National computer access due to printing cost similar tragedy from occurring. Cemetery Memorial Project constraints.

Show your support of this project How to Contact Us: USSVI Scholarships by helping us gain approval from The USSVI Scholarship Board is now the Secretary of the Army to build a Website: accepting requests for scholarship memorial within Arlington National applications. Send an request via mail Cemetery. to the National Scholarship Chairman Facebook: at Paul Wm. Orstad, 30 Surrey Lane, • Download a project supporter’s USS Thresher Arlington National Norwich, CT 06360-6541. Email via template letter from http://thresher- Memorial Project [email protected] or call 1-860-334- 6457. Or go to and click on • Complete the template letter by Email: “Charitable Fund” in Blue, then click filling in the date, name and address [email protected] on “Scholarships” on top left side, fields. Then Click on “Application” on top • Sign and mail the letter to: Phone: left side. Then Click on the applica- Kathryn Condon 603-232-6201 tion, cover letter and hint sheets. Executive Director, Army National Military Cemeteries Mailing Address: Arlington, VA 22211 P.O. Box 4811 Manchester, NH 03108

Page 15 Holland Club Induction

Roland Miller being inducted into the Holland Club. Roland qualified in 1962 on the USS Bluegill (SS/SSK/AGSS-242)

Holland Club Members Ed Storer, Al Page, Ian Johnston, Bill Tebo, Bill Livendale, Bob Flannery, Tom Young, Dennis O’Keeffe, Carl Weber, Howard Dymtro, Gordon Wentzel, Bill Seaward, Herm Stolzenburg & Roland Miller

Howard Dmytro being inducted into the Holland Club. Howard qualified in 1962 on the USS Diablo (SS-479). Page 16 Eagle Scout of Court of Honor

“The path to becoming an Eagle Scout and wearing the coveted Eagle badge has similarities to the one we took to become “Qualified in ” and wear our symbol, the “dolphins.” As Submarine Veterans we saw this as a means to recog- nize such scouts and show our support for the Boy Scouts of America and thus, instituted this recognition program.” Keelan McCoole Receieves Eagle Scout

On August 25, 2012, Keelan McCoole held his Eagle Scout Court of Honor at his home in Bed- ford, NH. Base Commander, Kevin Galeaz, had the honor of representing Thresher Base at this ceremony. Participation in the ceremony held special meaning to those associated with Thresher Base, because Keelan’s grandfather was Raymond McCoole, USS Thresher (SSN 593). Mr. McCoole was assigned to the USS Thresher when they were conducting sea trials and due to a family emer- gency, he was given last minute leave the day before the USS Thresher set sail in April 1963. Commander Galeaz spoke about Keelan’s grand- father and presented Keelan with the USSVI Eagle Scout certificate and patch.

Keelan’s Eagle Service Project

“Following his heart, Keelan chose to do his Eagle Service Project benefiting St. Anne’s Clothing Closet at Blessed Sacra- ment Parish. St. Anne’s Closet gives free, gently used clothing to children in the greater Manchester area. Throughout his life Keelan has donated clothing and toys to this ministry. Keelan repainted and remodeled the existing space in order to give it a more welcoming feeling. He built additional shelving to triple its storage capacity and improve efficiency, also building a bench for clients to use while visiting.” Page 17 THRESHER Base United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. c/o Kevin Galeaz 1465 Hooksett Road #239 Hooksett, NH 03106

Next Thresher Base Meeting Saturday, November 17 @ 1200 Newick’s Restaurant • 431 Dover Point Road • Dover, NH

Calendar of Events - 2013 USSVI Conventions January July 19 - 1200 - Base Meeting at Newicks 20 - 1200 - Base Meeting/Lobster- 2013 bake at Seabrook Legion March August August 25 to September 2 16 - 1200 - Base Meeting at Newicks 25 to 31 - USSVI Convention, Rochester, MN Rochester, MN April 2014 6 - 1300 - 50th USS Thresher Me- September Burlingame, CA morial Service, Portsmouth 1 to 2 - USSVI Convention, (SFO Area) Naval Shipyard Rochester, MN 21 - 1200 - Base Meeting at Newicks May 18 - 1200 - Base Meeting at Newicks November 27 - 1000 - Memorial Day Ceremony 16 - 1200 - Base Meeting at Newicks at Albacore Park Page 18