55 RRC Newsletter

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55 RRC Newsletter Road Runners Club N.Y. Association Newsletter SPRING 1973 i NO. 55 it. Originally we imported the em- Newsletter Format Change blems from England. Later we had them made here. We have a new supply The publication of newsletters and on hand now. The emblem may be worn other materials of Interest to long distance runners is one of the goals on the right hand side of the runn- of the Road Runners Club. We organ- ing shirt or on a sweatshirt or blue ized Just about 15 years ago and we blazer. By using snaps it is possi- are completing years of publish- ble to easily detach the emblem from ing four issues of the newsletter per the shirt before laundering. year. Our early issues were done on a duplicator machine. Then a mimeo- FOR INFORMATION & RACE ENTRIES. graphing machine served until now. President Fred Lebow has suggested When you write to the RRC or to the a new format starting with this our AAU for information or blanks, please 55th issue. We will experiment a send along a self addressed, stamped bit and come up with a final format. large envelope for a reply. * Runners are strongly urged to send Dr. Norb Sander's wife, Terri, in entries to races before the race who writes and does the lay-out for date. This will make life easier City Islands monthly newspaper has or more tolerable for meet officials volunteered to put the issues to- and cut down on mistakes. We will gether for us. charge post-entry fees, but we would rather not. Enter races early. History of RRC Emblem The RRC of England was organized 2nd Annual in 1952. The aim was to bring to- gether all those interested in long Mini Marathon distance running, and to promote the .Distance: 6 miles - Women Only. London-Brighton race as an annual Central Park, Sat., May 12. event. The idea was expanded from Dressing at West Side YMCA. there. The RRC of America was orga- For information contact RRC. nized in 1957 and it was patterned after the body in England. We adopt- AAU MASTERS NATIONAL 15 KILO CHAMPIONSHIP ed^ the same emblem and we have agreed Rochester, Minnesota to'cooperate with them in as many Sunday, 2 P.M., June 10, areas as possible. 1973. Standard AAU medals and patches The RRC emblem (or patch) is a tri- to each age group plus a unique award* angular shaped badge with a horizon- to t,he 1st 100 finishers. For Infor- tal bar across it. It is the symbol mation and entry blank, contact: of the Greek element air. A figure Dwight Pierson, 270^ 5th Ave., N.W. of a runner has been inscribed into Rochester, Minn.53901 501-282-69^^. Munchen Olympic Marathon Afterglow Several questions come to mind. Will by Ted Corbitt the USA have to wait 64 years for It was equally improbable, in nor- another Olympic marathon victory? mal circumstances, that the USA Can Shorter score an encore victory would coTD an Olympic Marathon gold in •76? Like Ethiopia's Abebe Bikila, medal, av that a Soviet sprinter Shorter has the necessary speed and would take the 100/200 meter sprints. and tactical gifts to do it. And, It happened in 1972. like Bikilst's approach, he is on a limited marathon racing diet, and so The years 19O8 to 1972 were a long perhaps his inner "fires" will still time between Olympic marathon vic- be hot in four years. Let us savor tories for the USA, Clarence De- the victory anyvjay, just in case. mar, the great Buddy Edelen and a And what will happen on the lo;ng few other Yankee super-runners, distance scene within the next gen- real killers, were not able to end eration if the promised greater the drought. leisure time comes to pass? The 19O8 Olympic victory by Johnny A day after the Olumpic marathon race Hayes triggered off a "marathon a friend asked me, "What did you think craze" In the USA. The victory by of Frank Shorter*s marathon victory, Shorterat Munchen in 1972 was pre- and what does it mean ? " I said, ceded by an on~going "marathon craze" "Beautiful. But I don*t know if its in the USA» Shorter's victory was a trend or not." I decided to put executed by means of a typical the same question to a number of shorter marathon flight. people. The responses foil ow: = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE Aldo M. Scandurra, runner, official, promoter of long distance running, Millrose AA —- "Frank Shorter®s vic- i staff tory in the Olympic Marathon is to J. Chodes be classified as a personal achieve- Gary Corbitt ment consistent with the careful Ted Corbitt application of known techniques of Dr. Sid Gendin of distance training. Bill Newkirk Dr. Norb Sender Terr1 Sander The performances of Shorter, Moore, Bill Wiklund and Bacheler, however, have great- er significance as a group. These are the culmination of many years Pres.: Fred Lebow of effort by many people. Not to 226 E. 53r<3 St. deprive the athletes of their per- N.Y.N.Y. 10022 sonal accomplishments and indivi- 1st Veep: Gary Muhrcke duality, they are nevertheless a 121 E. Neck Rd. statistical product based upon the Huntington, L.I,,N.Y. activity in long distance running 11714.3 in the last decade in the U.S. 2nd Veep: Paul Fletscher 183 Maxine Ct. Certain details are known about Hempstead, N.Y.ll^S^ Shorter: Secretary: Nina Kuscsik 7 Flint Ct, 1. He trained in ideal training Huntington Sta. ,N.Y.11714-6 grounds in Florida. Treasurer: Ben Malkasian 2. He competed at distances from 590 W. 167th St. 2 miles to 10,000 meters in both N.Y.N.Y. 10033 1971 and 1972 seasons, indoor and outdoor, with world class performances. A criterion of 5 Address Correspondence to: j marathon running is to perform 1 T. CORBITT, RRC, P.O.BOX 881 ! well at 10^000 meters. i FDR STATION, N.Y.,N.Y. 10022 j = iilllil!illiUUillHi§llillS!llllililSillilliliSinilllliilliillililliiillllllllllilill 3» Shorter is good at both X-C and road races, Indicating a style Bin Hargus, civil engineer, mara- that is adaptable and economical. thoner, San Diego, Gal.— "I He has had International experi- thought Shorter's performance x^as ence and high altitude training Just sensational, although I missed and has achieved an excellent any sight of it. Can*t help thinking iweight to height ratio. that all the interest in marathons in the U.S. recently has had a part It is noted that Mamo Wolde and in this victory." Ken Moore have probably the same physical parameters and excellent "Johnny" Kelley, Watertown, Mass., speed at 10 kil'ometers although 1936 and 19^8 Olympic marathoner, Shorter is faster at this distance Boston Marathon and National AAU than both of them. Marathon winner— "Frank Shorter's win at Munchen, Fantastic! U.S.— So much foi' the technical aspects of 3 man in first 9. No other country the event. Shorter did has homework before I think has had this? Shorter well. The activity since 196O in dis- worked hard for years; but but he tance running in the U.S. has attract- ran the smartest race of all the ed talented athletes in competition •Big Shots.* I was thrilled J ... from 10 kilometers to the marathon. I hope to meet him sometime." Programs of Jogging have brought on extensive public support necessary to Joe Kleinerman, Millrose AA coach enhance the sports status and attract road runner, AAU and RRC official talented runners like Shorter. The "Prank Shorter's victory showed summer speed programs, the training that the marathon distance success camps established by the U.S. Olympic is due to hard work, speed and sta- Committee, the International exposure mina. It means that the RRC start of U.S. distance runners are all part in 1957 has hit its goal: a vic- of the stage necessary to create a tory in the Olympic marathon and great athlete and to set the environ- general acceptance in the world ment for his maturity. (modern days) of long distance Shorter's victory is his personal running in the USA." achievement - this can never be questioned. But his desire to run Ed Winrow, former long distance c and the joy he derives from it is champion; track and cross-country only possible by an extensive pro- coach at Valparaiso University-- gram and the status of distance "The Olympic coverage on TV was f2:reat. Prank Shorter's m.arathon running as a sport..." victory was long overdue. Many Rod MacNlchol, Quenns, N.Y., marathon- Europeans, non-Americans assume we er, artist—"The magic of believing are not good long distance runners; you're the best, that's what Shorter but this is not true. Our courses has. I think Shorter's race wasn^t are accurate and usually touf^h. To as easy as it looked. I think he run 2:15 at Boston is like 2:o5-2:08 was relaxed because he has a lot of at Fukuoka. faith in his head and body...he also " My honest 'prejudiced opinion' of- cut down his mileage two wks. before why an American won the Olympic ti- his race which gave him needed rest-- tle and others placed well is the running 'in his home town must have opportunity that Road Race Promoters given him a lift, and I think every- in the US have given long distance thing must have been 'together' : feet, runners in the last few years.
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