19th October 2004


South Derbyshire District Council Representatives Councillors Atkin, Ford, Hood, Mrs. Wheeler and Councillor Whyman, MBE Ian Reid (Deputy Chief Executive), C. Mason (Grounds and Facilities Manager), C. Payne (Engineering Technician), J. Bellm (Democratic Services Assistant).

Derbyshire County Council Representatives Councillor Harrison, T. Pierce (Emergency Planning) and L. Unwin (Highways Department).

Parish Council Representatives C. Barker (Barrow-on-Trent), J. Bates and T. Beresford (Foston and Scropton), L. Brown (), S. Brown (Hilton) and P. Watson (Ingleby).

Environment Agency Representatives M. Swain and M.Wray.


Apologies for absence from the Meeting were received from R. (Hatton Parish Council), L. Kolkman (Hilton Parish Council), B. Cowley (Egginton Parish Council) and R. Spaldon.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th April 2003 were received.


M. Ford expressed concern with regard to the Ferry Green Trust Pumping Station at Willington. It was reported at the last Meeting that Severn Trent Water needed to work in partnership with the Environment Agency to prevent further flooding incidents. It was noted that M. Young (Severn Trent) had written to the Parish Council in order to arrange a meeting between the relevant parties. However, it was reported that to date this meeting had not been arranged. It was agreed that a representative from District Council would write to Severn Trent in order to express the concerns of the residents of Willington and to arrange a meeting.


South Derbyshire District Council

C. Payne provided information on some of the areas within the District which were most vulnerable to flooding. Page 1 of 6 - 1 - Flooding Meeting – 19.10.04

He reported that the programme for the Hatton Flood Alleviation Works would take place as follows:-

❑ Tenders would be dispatched to five approved contractors on Monday, 25th October 2004. ❑ Tenders would be returned by 9th December 2004. ❑ Confirmation of scheme funding by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs would follow receipt of tenders. ❑ Landowners compensation would be finalised. ❑ Commencement on site on 28th February 2005. ❑ Tree felling and hedge removal would take place in March in order to accommodate ecology issues (bird nesting and bat roosts).

During the interim winter season the Salt Brook would be inspected monthly in order to identify and remove blockages in order to minimise the risk of flooding. Fallen trees, fly tipped debris and a collapsed bridge were removed from the Salt Brook in June, August and September of this year. On the Sutton Lane watercourse the riparian owner was requested to clear the watercourse of silt and vegetation to ensure unimpeded flows. This has now been completed.

It was reported that liaison was again taking place between the District Council and the riparian owners of the watercourse from the A516 to Marston- on-Dove, including its confluence with the Hilton Brook. The aim was to prevent this important watercourse from becoming overgrown by ensuring that clearance took place on an annual basis.

C. Payne reported that work would start on the replacement of the highway culvert on the A444 adjacent to Stanton Village Hall in January 2005. He explained that work was imminent to divert a public foul sewer, which was necessary in order to accommodate the new culvert. This work was scheduled to take four weeks. SDDC consultants had investigated flooding from the Stanton watercourse and concluded that the culvert needed upgrading to prevent restrictions to flow.

It was reported that exceptional heavy rain experienced in August of this year, had caused Ivy Close in Willington to flood. Properties were not at risk but the highway was flooded to such a degree that vehicles were unable to access the Close. It was identified that a culvert which facilitated runoff from the highway had structural failure such that pipework needed replacing. Quotations had been obtained for the completion of this work and Derbyshire County Council had been approached for possible funding. During the same storm in August, two properties along the Sand Brook – Repton Road were flooded. These properties had a history of flooding as their floor levels were lower than the top of the watercourse bank level. Residents had been informed of domestic flood prevention measures that could be taken and it was reported that the watercourse was routinely inspected for obstructions to flow, and cleared as necessary.

The Meeting was advised that with effect from 1st October 2004, the Environment Agency had taken over the role of Enforcement Authority, with powers under the Reservoirs Act, for all reservoirs in and Wales. However, it was reported that SDDC still had ownership of Willington Reservoir and would still be responsible for its maintenance and safety. Page 2 of 6 - 2 - Flooding Meeting – 19.10.04

At Shardlow, the section of watercourse from Wilne Lane to the Trent and Mersey Canal was cleared of overgrown vegetation and debris in August 2004. Regular inspections were carried out at the Shardlow Dyke and blockages were cleared as necessary. SDDC have been working with the Environment Agency Lower Trent in order to make repairs to the Wilne Lane culvert, which has been the cause of flooding to property. This work was to be carried out shortly. It was also reported that another structural problem had been identified with regard to the Wilne Lane culvert, but that it was the responsibility of the County Council, who were dealing with this matter.

C. Payne advised that of watercourses situated within Egginton, the District Council’s most important responsibility was with the watercourse known as The Drain. Clearing works had taken place earlier in the year to improve flows to The Drain and riparian owners have now been approached with regard to the clearance of further sections of the watercourse. The ditchcourse between Church Road and The Drain has been identified as requiring re-grading and the riparian owner has been approached with regard to this issue. It was reported that The Drain culvert under the Trent and Mersey Canal, which had previously been suspected of causing restriction to flow, had been investigated by British Waterways and had been found to be clear and in a very good structural condition.

At Hilton, the New Road watercourse has been cleared of debris and overgrown vegetation and was reported to be flowing well.

The Meeting was advised that further clearance work had been carried out on the Watery Lane watercourse at its approach to Scropton Village. This was to ensure free flows into the watercourse overflow system.

C. Payne advised that a CCTV camera had been installed at the Well Lane – Pinfold Lane surface water culvert in Repton. This was to help resolve highway flooding at The Square. The culvert was reported to be of brick construction and structurally was in good condition. There was however, heavy silting within the last six metres of the culvert, before its outfall to the Repton Brook. Levels of silt within Repton Brook were causing this problem. It was reported that the County Council was liaising with the Environment Agency Lower Trent to investigate whether the removal of silt from a section of the brook was feasible.

It was reported that de-silting works were to be carried out immediately downstream of the Bakeacre Lane culvert in Findern, by the end of February 2005. This work was necessary as the County Council Structures Section intend to clear the culvert of silt but this work would not be effective if silt levels downstream were not reduced.

C. Payne advised the Meeting that this Council’s Critical Ordinary Watercourses (COWS) were to be enmained by the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency had issued a new draft contract called their “Memorandum of Understanding”, which would have to be agreed if the District Council wished to contract back maintenance of the watercourses after they had been taken over in April 2006. A report had been prepared which would be presented the District Council’s Working Party to enable them to reach a decision as to whether or not they would apply to contract this work back. It was reported that the affected watercourses were Stanton watercourse, Hatton Salt Brook, Willington Sands Brook and Shardlow Dyke. Page 3 of 6 - 3 - Flooding Meeting – 19.10.04

In response to a request for details of how “contracting back” would work, M. Swain confirmed that an agreed plan of works would be put in place and on completion by the District Council, the Environment Agency would be charged accordingly. Councillor Whyman, MBE, questioned how the system would cope with emergency works. M. Swain advised that these would be dealt with as they arose but confirmed that they would be catered for. It was reported that the District Council would need to enter into a 365 day contract with the Environment Agency which would require Members’ approval.

Councillor Ford thanked Officers of the District Council for the work which had been undertaken in Willington. Councillor Whyman, MBE, expressed his delight that the Hatton Flood Alleviation Works were soon to be implemented and thanked the Chair, and C. Payne, for the works undertaken in the interim period in order to prevent flooding.

Environment Agency

M. Swain reported that the Trent Strategy, launched in April 2004, was currently at the consultation stage. The final report was due in January 2005. In response to a question from Councillor Atkin, the Chair advised that the deadline for input to the Trent Strategy was 1st June 2004. The Final Report would be presented to the District Council in due course. M. Swain confirmed that a final version of the Trent Strategy would be available on CD rom.

Following the completion of the Trent, and other first phase strategies, DEFRA had called into question the level of detail and cost of these studies. It was questioned whether the cost and level of detail was appropriate in cases where flood defence works were unlikely to be justifiable. The Environment Agency was therefore asked to take a Preliminary Strategic Review within the region, with the objective of progressing to a full strategy where there was real potential for flood defence works. A PSR had been undertaken for the River Dove and it was reported that as a result of this a full strategy would be launched. In Scropton and Hatton, schemes had been identified in the Aston Bridge and Foston areas. Both of these schemes had received high priority scores and it was reported that the works would be cost beneficial. It was also reported that Egginton was likely to receive further Flood Alleviation Works due to the standard of current defences. The meeting was advised that it was important that the residents of Egginton provide input to the consultation process.

M. Swain reported that there were ongoing works in various parts of Egginton, including the Monks Bridge area. He also reported that materials were now available for the installation of a new flap valve at Scropton. This work would be completed when the level of the River Dove was sufficiently low.

M. Swain advised the Meeting that a new version of the Flood Map had been launched on 7th October 2004. This map covered smaller watercourses and detailed three probability bands;

Significant 1 – 75 years Moderate 75 – 200 years Low 200 years plus.

The data was drawn together during summer 2004, using consistent methods across the country. L. Brown commented that the Flood Risk Map had been Page 4 of 6 - 4 - Flooding Meeting – 19.10.04

produced by imposing a national model on local areas and was worried that this was misleading. M. Swain commented that the local environment agency recognised these concerns and confirmed that documents were being produced by the local agencies, which supplied information at a local level. This local information would then hopefully be entered into the Flood Map. L. Brown also commented that owners of property located in a higher risk area, had concerns with regard to property insurance and also any future house sales. M. Swain confirmed that the Environment Agency would provide written details of individual properties to solicitors on request, but advised that this service was chargeable.

A number of parish councillors expressed their concern with regard to the generalisation of the information provided by the Flood Map in areas where flooding had been a problem in the past. Hatton in particular was an area that was highlighted as the Flood Map shows the whole village as still being a high risk area, when in actual fact a large amount of flood alleviation work had already been completed. Councillor Whyman M.B.E commented that in his view it was critical that details of all flood alleviation works recently completed should be included in the detail of the Flood Map. This was necessary for the purpose of obtaining house insurance and also for house sales.

M. Wray reported that a PSR was being undertaken on the River Derwent in order to determine whether or not any capital schemes were feasible. He commented that Shardlow had received a less than “priority” score and would therefore not be included in any current programme. Councillor Harrison expressed his disappointment that Shardlow was not to be included, as this area had been badly affected by the floods in 2000. In response to a query regarding Shardlow flood gates, M. Wray reported that they had recently been visually inspected and that no work was necessary at this time. M. Wray was asked what level of priority rating had been received by Elvaston and he agreed to respond to this question after the Meeting.

In response to a question regarding an on-line storage plan at Weston-on- Trent, M. Wray advised the Meeting that this was an option that had been considered, but had subsequently been discounted. C. Barker commented that the possibility of such an option had caused great concern to the residents of Weston-on-Trent and requested that the Environment Agency forward written documentation to the Parish Council to confirm that this plan would never be put into action.

Derbyshire County Council

(a) Environmental Services

L. Unwin reported on the A6 at Shardlow. The road had been de-trunked and the County Council would endeavour to complete the scheme by the end of the year. Councillor Harrison requested that Shardlow Parish Council be advised accordingly.

T. Beresford queried when work would be carried out to repair a blocked pipe in Watery Lane, Scropton. L. Unwin was not aware that this work was required and agreed to speak to C. Payne following the Meeting.

Councillor Wheeler expressed her thanks to the County Council for works undertaken in the Repton area. She reported that there had been no further Page 5 of 6 - 5 - Flooding Meeting – 19.10.04

incidents of flooding to houses in this area since the work had been completed.

L. Brown commented on the silting-up of drains in the Egginton area. She queried whether a pump had ever been used to try to alleviate this problem. L. Unwin confirmed that a pump would not be reliable in this situation and was therefore not a possible option at Egginton. He commented that de-silting needed to take place at Church Lane.

(b) Emergency Planning

T. Pierce reminded the Meeting that sandbags would be provided to any parish council upon request. The District Council would provide the sand. He reported that 1,000 sandbags had recently been provided to both Egginton and Elvaston.

A resident of Ingleby reported that river bank erosion was continuously taking place in this area and the was now only 15 feet from the road at one particular point. He commented that the road flooded at this point 4 or 5 times a year. L. Unwin confirmed that this was the responsibility of the Highways Authority and agreed to investigate the issue.


Councillor Whyman, MBE requested an update on the current situation with regard to surface water run-off on the A50, within the Hatton area. The consultant report which had been produced to provide information with regard to this situation, had reported no problems within the Hatton area. M. Swain agreed to review this report and consult with Councillor Whyman, MBE, at a later date.

Councillor Ford requested that an update on the Ferry Green Trust Pumping Station at Willington be included as an agenda item for the next Meeting.

M. Swain advised the Meeting that a report detailing 1-100 year flood incidences was available on request.


It was noted that the next Meeting would be held on Tuesday, 12th April 2005 at the Civic Offices.

The Meeting closed at 11.45 a.m.

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