H.f T«« *-a4 Uomn Hodffa*. tk. Dnwit EmIkb ui Nilivt Ofrtm OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. tern CM WIM Tm GOOD EATS CAFE A* *

nFTY-nFTH YEAR. NANAWO. VANCOUVER ISLWO. BRITISH COUIBU. FWQAY. JlfC 6. 1928. TVmfBY.NUMET DOOTBUT I nSM LAOOU COMPLETED OH JOLT ■ TSt work ol eWint thr hJi l» Iht rt«rr l« Great Central lake woaM defend Mt tilk agaiaat Tom A lariK n»»fcer ha*c already a^de the Heaam M fka Yankm Stadam, her. 6. Ill paaaa«e peer Sproat Uecr Falk iol« Urged in House of Commons ______TobogfBn Woo Omlu Pr«imOT MmLmo to PliNEn)ltO(l!l SukM Cootest Victoria Stot TiCTWliElliiXS iaom, En«.. Jane 8 -Lord nerbj a C, am eaiMd ia iba Hnata ibte Victoria. June I—It U aaaaanecd by IDEOIIStTlimT Lems TiAoctran won the IdMh renewal ol C J. V. Spratt. Prrtidcal ai tba Vk- HOP TO BE TESTED The f >aki tSakta today. Kwe Geoecr's toeia Ijberal AaMKial When Eaclea meet BacMa fraihcrt tia. hield. June 8 -The BeUanci Seattle WM tccoad and S TattartaD i MacLran w« N a wiBBy. plawr in which Miaa Thea Raaehe Flecrre third. The Uake i> a ml* a«d Oa Ike Sparta Gmoad at iJS pja lleaipi a flicht to Geraany Saadty the local aad MOPria dcIiTered friim the iactory on Statei a aab if tbe cm- EMUat win ttacc what hr a lalaad today. ■mM lb. IWMi. aa I. preaida far SEDi BELIEF mi real faal hamUB cmae. The Vktoria Cac«et me tit wMi tbe RoMMfcDt ol Cmu by Mdgik- MHTUimS NatWe Sont for kacn. teadertMp la tnl« Cmm% McCm to Walk e A ttin m Vktoria. Thaae The wiaca of the cralt arc So icet PBESERTTTUIIIT a kaec played tw out of Vaacomrer Police front wine tip lo wi^-tip. providinc 2S TOBEBESTOCKD s-eHsKrE aad hare to pky a third to daetde Ika Court feet iadditnoal wia« area and Miin* Genera. Jane E-Tbc coancU of the power, which n rUinwd to he 4fn Jone 8 —Anaaal rcaMck- Leaewe of Natioaa waa iaudorwl by Ak pouiWlt createe than that ol Charlee — aaimak." h. .aM. 4BD ma OFF SHORE WANTS MAYOR ON SIAM) lac of Britnb CclaBibia inland waiert kbarbad. wiD be oat m htcM an Urioe-t BeDaaea aoaoplaae Ce wCb came fkh win be ttar.r: .non. it TW iKmkhobori wee Earape for relief iroaa the "tyraaay of ■form oa Stwday. with probaWy am “ it annonneed by tbe Domnioa Fkkep. Ahmad Bey Zoca." preeidnal of that Saa Frarndma. Jam E- N anenaver. Jane 8.^>penty iaaia- ro otber new face.. taoiinr eaf^ty it 4J0 Ca>V«t Miaacir Meyer. wOl aaaoaacc natino that Pobre ll4»trate Shaw andihdpi koa ia painted Jade trren and fiaUUl Kamloofi trrwl CCC« Jme^ ia bmorrmr a paper He wil had held a coafereiMC with Alea. Hra- Crom ihmtMS Ae rrd. Miu Kaarbr pachaaH •re heme dwtribaled from Vancoamr Ahmad .Za«B a rale in ABawl fwld tbr atroaccat team poeMbb ia deraow, ICC, recar dine the renuadinc I. gperieacad oa tht the pUw’froa A R liarttne. who or- todd) •« Mke. of (he Maialaad aad cntwilntcd a *m«B of Mrmr." poeerty order to defeat theb ,.l tke v^imrf rharcc acaml FraiA tht aco f. Vancoater lilaad They were coOnel- ia^ac aad faar. accordiac ta the peti- art from Victoria. t aiaa. acewaed by Uayor Taykir «( atantic flnthl he had ewnteapUled ed hr the IJoed'i 1 reek Hatchery of padbioa wbb dimbar bat aictK. it waa makmc faaae tUleaeata ObnM him at the drpartMral. neai by raAa biriktim pickad the pobee enqairy recaMly. and ftal- Hich water frem thr ar la fiwe . inc that Mayor Tayljr and hit counael ca ’heriiic at Ottawa. June E-The HoaM thk "For the faat two baan we hare hci- •am -liaoAoeiatiac tba pabbe'. G G matanaoil. Adoption of DtlWlSMBEni POLITICiLPHITlES tended far retlockiac parpoa. tbd the warb weatbar of the whale IdcOcr. ctamaei lor Caka waaml oat io. repod yaatard.7 had year. bat. h w eaphlaad. tbe fl«ht at 7Jto feet Hmey rmae. baiupe a< ccan when Machtrale Shaw re- > beinc ditiribated k ecaal to tbe THRISTOlIllim care aa aeeeral drape of orar foar Mm- maaded the csac aolU Jaae IS. aa he UBEOPrOBFltiT race planted aaanBy for tlw hwl died le« m toaea. ’ oaw report mdd. dMi Bot want to prorred with erhninal tix yean. The pbac aftvwardi raa mla e eac- Hoa. J. A. Babb Chasid Ihe Coater- FoBawinc b tha draw far the Naaai Vineouter. Jane 8 -Anniwncemeal The ecc« wit be pknied in tbe fd- o Team. dab-, aaaaal baadbai luwinc Uket : PuweD Lake. Link Lake. ratieet with tnipiiic al t^e MimMer of that to bmp haaalf ia power Ahmed thr upere tort oa aborc beard the pbam I ihe Pronncial electioa date. Jnly McGeer aHec*d the peoaecwHM. of Ocean FaU.: kkrt near Priaw immvratiiia. When be obmirad that Ze«a had dcaed a pact wWi Italy by Pby U eiartinc •« emx Ccaprator ahrick wildly apwmrd. aad it 18. fiiMb the laU of eaddaUtr. of both •ad thoac who harr talerad ate a wao learad Ihr ae«W hwi faBea bta Caia wa ainwd at intiaMdatk Rnprrt; Kathlyn Ubr. near Saatba r* Iba iiaarc —repot^ I»<1 >>*** ■** poblKal panwt •« tea M wbmw faBtead. Lator. haw other witneaaea. [tabrHc Lake. IribatarT lo Pkt Lakt . wrth tbe eacrpiion of Vancoa r. the leaarttor wM pictot « • ilert akmc the Pacific Great EMtecn Tit had heea adopted oafy I, aad Vktoria. Bat m both ihett Ktilway. inrladinc Aka Lake. DaMy ■d »Ukiw I raeka ander tke ricM cm reatrea. mlormal coatrntioo* Hoa B B Beaaen dwdared that H M. C. Bhml tS%. ea hye. ■ Mid Mr McGeer. "thea I wBI I.ake. fUribaMi Uke and Lac k Ha- •titiitcd of two or mere party i E Breckearidee St, ra hyfc BfidUar. Jane i^The SoUtora hc. Vancootrr IiUpd Uket inelodmc ' CamcMeM with the f hate tilled the Ikt of poaaibi the Hoaae,^ J F Parti^oa IS. ea. bya. CramwrnkmdmadgOraBmatfthiwe other wwiwaaea If yoa refuae to hear ameCon. Sproat. Ccwkhan. Qaami- prtiliaa, rrporu receiwd from Vt- tivtiack ficare*. N. E. Cam^ gto. at bye. the eaae are allowtac L. D. Taylor chaw Other bkrt. iadadinc many ia mdd act mle the tapply ’ . ji italcd it had heea reported Pkn* aHB CO lorwr------'*• W I. R E. Bmto^ the Inteeine of the prottnee. are aB» "There it no need of Ik Ikch AlbaniaB etreWt Ahmad 7<«a r. A. Doa rrepariac to proclaim a BMaareby wkb ■^G. Mclaaaa MW. tv R Mmae 15Tb Mr Ilcnnctl. N T. CarfitU dB *• F. A. Huma^ IRSMBIAl^Fli B.C h« to BCCIISEDDIDUI OPEUfillFmCE J. F. DeMacedo 1S», .a E C wmly ta hia owa DEilESTIXir E C Bnma pba to mmm With the newly .. Benaett'i J A. Fwran Sc, TV LHnirtable MI5 (HfENGHLUIIG M fmaace. H— I>ac»« D»«- licadiim the \ ancoover city Liberal RenncM from eeperteace aad COURT CUKiES lickeLi tama other poewlulitiei arc New Weatimnner lane 8 - Mi meniiaaed. Of them Chr». McRae Vanewyrr. Jam R-The * wj abibti" Mr. nial that ha had a W. S. Roberteoa. Sc tv bye. Sankey. Indian, aa a chanre of tha al 1‘mriacial minitter »f rmaare; Mri l.iberal Party and of the rortaebi Ga- He wa, qnhe wiHinc to Uke abm. -offwbla- ia lb U Haapbrey ph. 15. tv by. kced marder ol Loretta ChiMtolra. J / Han. Aid a E Almond. Frml rnment PremirT MacLran decbrrd f.w any mirtiket he had amde. bnt the Exportrra Lid, a Laeaf MaMb. Port F.taioci.ei ach.«l teacher. May 2J. t rime. F. J t o> k aad Re» Hcnder < an aadicncc al Abbottford bat n«ht. membera micht haee the deceacy to Mba U Eittbm, to tv bye The pobey of tell or boild the P. G. by W F. Bra D. D. .we maeakba in apeakiac «< -«• Mb. G Garbcbe. pha HL *v N At the roaclaaion of the defence. J E: Railway at bid down hy the Lih- priratc life and capacbim. ______th. of the haba. m it hrtkrad it had Edward Bird, coonaot foe the defend rr»l cooBrfitmn wM ft® ihe polity ol -liaM" ol pabce eoawt ebarcev ( .mpuaitKin of the city CoaMTei * ra Mrv Wrtch, reMfy heard Sfom Ihe dirigMt a«Bia. WitacM abo daebred thM be bad aat. annoanced that hk rlient WM wiH- vbte. It it known. rr»l, to a c ••k the people Latoa* D.dkh, Crow ttronefy objected Later H r~ .pend amae money ta ..tend that Unc • rirri Bl lri*MM." Mrv Hardioc aad Mrv Kiac H15. Koamr City fMc. derided htt Dr J Wett. PHnee Rn lau in S. L that we ran .wen up that CJ^e* Umerick Competition Mat L ChappeBow and Mrv Car- pm,, who omde the leal, of tbe ttai-t Mrt. R. C Peace Riter coontry wilh.iat deby." he HIS Mba Sahaoa aad Mba L Hodc«aa on Saakey-t clolhinc. thoald carry oat » pniimiBenll. added. WinnerB Announced ana « MBaaa wiD he redaced b oe- Sc, TV Mb. B N FentiaMi uM Mat Ihe eaperiment at the retomed hearinc in the city She bat kmr dcr lo iaMiroTe acctaacy aad aBalpAr- Cnad. pirn IS.. dbpmchea receirad by that Tmaaf* been actiee m the Conterra t Mim Doreen CopeUnd ISLAM) ATHIETES TO______The wtnnrr, of the Limerurk Coa Tendered Shower Mba G. WaBter aad Mrv Cooaray Pi.^ Ahaaaa. Pm Sankey, who took the ttand on hit IS, TV Mrv WriUb aad Mr* Strrea- ANaaaa. Pa, Jam E-Aa Ahoooa ihhert receotnc attrntioB M pro- Tharwlay tvn >nu a »ur,ui»r tbracr own hehaM yetierday. wm bid Iwhilitie. arc R I- MaitUnd, C. M beM at the himc ot Mr, John ROID TRICIHKT a crillinc rTot,-e»»amintti< ’« '•*"* Mrv WiWTh M and Mba D Taky plaa I Brwn. R. H Tupp.r.-Tb,m.t kirk, • qiebnd. 957 Wentworth atratt, in Fh„. Mr. F E Dma, Stewart .me and a half hoar. ( oanrel remmd- HIS. TV bkyc porting to be from Bw Nobik party in and L-ol. Ncl«ia Spencer. ;.»or of her danphtcr Doreen, whoae former tiatement bka*. B.iAhl tl* far aortb, ia wkMi it wm mU tke ed Saakey of Poini t.rey Liberal nuirbcc take, place ahortly- Rcc Ciwfield and Jnnea. -IS. ev bya ahereia Saakre had o.erhear.1 rtble ItaBa hwd baea 'eraabed likriy to CO to NkhiJ Thompma. Utile SyKb Bewkk preaented G Mclaaa aad E C CorfbU, -to iait a moaatma." PoahioB wm gk- mark made by Shkaaka. a Japan _ While formal ralificalioa of the i whkh the Tatter bad ttated tlut it ^ ______2--i£SS5l tbe operator. Clyde Aaaia. aaid. dkbime ol How laa MMkmaw. the f.I preamt. af.« which *e aaked by ber cae*t N. S. Ki^ and E Bnrtaa, Sc, tv The meaaagc m gbea oM rend: a fmmy tbmc that tbry bad loaad tbr proemcml aectmary. at Liberal What tea ahe lAcd beat. felinely. i The meet will he emducted by the loeal Brechenri^ and P. A. HM. U -SOS. SOS. De Nobhe. No aheher body M “we bad been wartWnc lh«t f.« N.ath \ancoa»er M at Oh, -MtIkinV. the aid. brat, the r The ere^ wM wh of the Ama.ea A.hb.k L moa H Home and C A. D PaU. phu to •aim of Itaka. wbwh ermhed accepted there will be ao demnr —‘IW. The r>r>*'n< coolena were I - . ------^1-:Xra;::S..heyi.hehad.re _ J Foaraem »nl M. C wainit mmmtaiw Poaithm he party roavcnlkm -Satnrday byIV theIhr Mi.vr,Mier. MacMe Mo-iav.MO-ray. ______pre,idcnt Percy 1 The day, that are cuminc J Partnwtoa aad E C. Brawn pha marhwf o. tha. oecation .»«.the north. IStoto Sank Temperatare b nbht. The way hat alrewly been pa»- rmi C.VipeUnd...... Gwen Hacker* aad^ I -Mri«c the ' B-t I a r. Baahfoad AB bStv See- bead wm. Ma*r< »»d the had been . Walvm " I jro.pd ,o the ,lora ^ hy the wnhdrawal ol J. M. BryMC Uttk , HIL erM iajared. Hmrd no cala. WU be I preekmaly beta ‘wellM Where yooB come back lor n Wlton ami I. Haai phrry Sc, t. did yoa know that?" a.ked .Ttiml The arc. «U. local M 'of ice crcM. ard cMidb. Ihr Daren jmn. 06 00 G N T. SOE SOS. Grk Unit., will Inmiah the toawr- Me t^iwund .M, a.^to \ an ^rtubt, Huatahk aad A^ C HageB pIm HIS Rao, Rm>. JRTO. Hobik " poet't fot. Mr Bird. oppoailkm. The deck, lb»e Wn. Uttk and Joyce CopeUnA j N. EC.rtM.odJ. A.F.1MI -I5H Amoe .aid he wm aaiao • w«t« ki^tl* SaMwy rapbed. 1 be«d H .■ntibrly hern ck.red in New \Tr.l- ofSUSmetrev He abo mid he woald n.„»t,e wHk Ik. A. M. Saalord. Con - - -- n i^l b Mealed on Vaocoaver laUnd. ” % Ckwfkld aad W. S. Bobenaoa eomiaae oa the air. .Ithoweb he kaO m» . and Went Gray. Uberal. Baptist Delegates Referrinc t® ' k-w" with tyeryone wiahinc Mba Cope- A aomher of »ood boy. were div:OTcr. , to. r, hy*. e oecation in which idea what boar WU apecified ia the Saakry oa tbr i inch bappinc. for the fotnre. ed bat ptbr. and wWi thr tr.inmf that ] ‘ To Tour the Coaal Mined Daahia. _ _ m G N T." The Aaao. I. w,,% rrpated h.r. tbry WiB aadrrfo lor thr mert. offi Mb. U ChappcHcmr and D Wihon .latioa b the moat poamrfal aaiMear der what that W.le cirl wat d«W «" Sooth Vaneomrrr and Bnrmaby. rep- HIS. TT Mb. E Khckea aad JJ>our- autioa ia *b anction arbh Ihe eneep- ihM kmcly place." Coamd “‘‘^”1’" .caented by Ubor awniber. ia l^ »Ml of the Baptbt World ra -ISH. Ikin of that at Stale Calbgv did yoa know it wM a Wmaljr •■TJSS.r:I“Si=--:ySL-- H<«.e. ...11 kner fkW loe .peeatatma ton: wette-n Canada Mrv Conway and U Good. pin. IS. *t did not tay tfwt. I** In both CMC, the Worker. ’ iW^' MM in JMy nccordinp k Mr. Carter and J. B. Conway Sc. that mram anywhere in the wood. Babe ami Lou Arid tmive,. t. H Mr, .Mrcnaoo and N. S King. Sc f In tbr Pacific Browne, are recarded .. eartam in wrkt training for thr CTcntv ] ^ ^ ...... of the C P. B Some I Mr. King and E C Broara pla. to Homt Rub Totol ft .i-ik pa^i New York. Jane E-The big gana of wiev S,mth Vaacoar ef Coam : MB member, of the coagrea, arill .r'lre ISH. In addituHi to thw hMkar | the Yaahmv aikat for .evmi inmaga. .M w™*. ir s«.lio ■«>« ti,e. are tapecta^ lo mpport Rcem H it. Sahnoa and CAD Pant, pha that tbe tewammy «Wea by wit“ I W Cornett, whik the Bnmaby 5. V. Miv Harding and W. S. Dob brahe looae a*h a rom ia the eighth at to hb dream ond laoerment, rrtwm. St nnd aiath at Oertlaad yeaterday la ■hoiee b Mwmtato Boraoby Ubar- V!TT.."l,7'v-".'i,. TiUicam Ath- : wil carry aremnd • of the party ’ I aa • to t raetory orer tha day of Ihe marder wrr. h amni ,U are .aid to faeor Dr. J. A. Mtleer. The Aibntw eqab wM ( V r STir whth^.ni.h WiB emi- ' wTirimr in Winnipe. J.V L The, will Ml.. I Gimd and E C CorfirM -IS. h,yee„mC. ImnberC - thr month. _____ Bake Rrak-a 30lh homer and Theh aebetion ia So«h Vi ------tnimber of Up. acoand the prncrrd diirrlly acr. .. the pcaww pro- Mb. n Tnrky aad G Mclnnb -IS from tba ,pnrt ahowT. al«P«»"” .tmb. a ^ ,^hing at Banff. Lake Lonim Mim r. Walker aad F. A. lUn«a. » Loa £ehrig a IBk rapped Ihe nimh- ,er^Ue track at the Roy a , P^y.ncr to .hi, pan of I* «m..n«m >v Mb. B..N Ftntiaaan and W R. rally whkh made George Plp- Britain SeoraB Third ^bng r,067.130 fret. JaP«" •'»' "* Joae. pla. ISH grm‘ lOih Tfcgmy eartala. r: Ur^'.; mliVk;. I^7«7.m Mi.. L Hodg le the eighth, fear ram were leorad Victory Orer Germany Pb. HIS. T*. Mr. Whit, o. Ward-, f—hb. Derocher-a deahb. ret Cweral hoapltal r.er ai^ « t^ To the Vniied Kmgdnai B'iti.h OA t . , |,4y IS. farter -HlS. Ruth-, iatrafioiml paav iaIitM „ ______.a to the track and fkW re..! ..* W imin^a J^ oat. Pe-chaTa mcrIHce fly aad Toap effect that he U improeinc ^ _ ____ X, Jone B- Great Mrv Partiaglon aad J. A Fagan the Son. of Canada are eodea- irr.l ahoal the 19th. lAaaeri-a faarth homer. I. m pwaen. .Bowed to -t J|P - Brbam aeorad ha atraicht w, »ke Irfy J a ruralar fkM The ertir, part, will ret ora to Smgk. by PipgTm aad Derochcr art and wiB be oecwpyinc • ,„y Arer Germany la the third n C^-.V;u.nid^“«*mi m atagr lor.Rmh’a homer, which aail- •khin.lwd.ya ,, ,he E-rapra- 1 - mn.haaa. aad other altrac- from Qorbre Jaly to W. C T U home cwokiag tak Jmw rd high .bore the ngbt fkU acreaw moalk he capccta k. be .Mr t mio. whr. today J C. will be take. : The baUne. of A. party no* mak- 23rd ia aid of TabUc HealU Nan ibhfH faBmrad bmwdbmly wBh hb the hoapkal lor hb horn* hme. mi the Tcteraa Geraraa. Otto Prafti- *“** conflicting of the limei ing the wcalern loor wiB tom throagh 'ZZ to prermd any conihetu drbe oe«r Ih. righi fieU fapaa. OMarin aad Qpabac. Zl eeMc M7S7.177 tret ol b«, •"< • for the diiiereni CTeotl. Mt7. .hddrro. Teddy. M ., and l.iwrrnce n-L« lw«» Area to areen year. mTv, HaK,.«S. and Harold Wat-*. the bca4 of a lOTt' •bbfll* iM> Wtifc •» hh^ ict ►«» ~ U^'vtit.'*BeBi Najrtmi'h aa “ Hatty . *ffr Hatty «• in, M be ar«ed the track, atrf Binca UU. ...w aad Er------the bt.Ae^ hot the car .WdjM TRISCUIT- «ai hrontht to a el^ **7^ b«an aakias K t JnOy «M. the aiar«« of Tor ^ ffiteca feet ander the nhee! of the jladsKrTheCi ibeyb Ofira ,*^. ,«•■ AMriMa OooO F.B-- r!?? mrb hapaitKaa ta her am «ob«t«ra L—M^ Wl«* we wo*f ■ h, ih. UaM Slai« >e hatm oaQ» thoaa ol Ok tan U remrt to peiKfraft ,W to rota. r,S^ Bed Outfit r.“.:=-5irr^ North AUantSe ateuaw BIG FOOTWEAR BARGAINS faira." ______FOR MIMii^FLAOUK M *0UTM aeTS^teada* .eer « yeWA Ih. 24nch POST BE^ IliiwFnePntt ,reat eepeaae caatod by ice at power B-eao. Aire. J— >-H»lt|^ jdatH.. bridr. «d -a«T SATURDAY and MONDAY o.-itk» nf« a^HWia* »my* fTT^ aad lb. *-ace fro-nood^ TOIL. SPRING, md ed by ice iua. can be tr«a^ raQa cett- __ SPECIALeorriAi SJoTTiektiS^.^ SPECIAL Ice caa be brohM by Maat^ or ^Sre eaa« ha»* beea Jacomretl ia felt mattress . M«'. B«»v. Cteiv« Boeto: wduMiiAw eodnead to w-e by beat. * Ladwa* Blood or Roto ICid Strap or Slcp-in S,aria#o '»'• ______bylh.-dafeb-ato.la 0-ck ^aucbb to ncaiT Kde. rubber heeU: lether f«b,A ^ la^an of Wa^'a CaaaHaa Ol* ______tore, powtofl jaeapeatore Puinp,; h.«h or Rtodoioi heolt. €4^05 imoki oh mlt * TahaNHaa ihodi ara rwaatoed. To .aw^art.i.- Specially Priced at $7.00 value, for r ■ c—Rt naoMh haal to —ek ■ here — Laitcheoa to —ber. at tb. Boy..«.,l»o5. --$IJS iMlp.^ Satarday. May •. at-tocb i*i h beyoad tba ra^ of $27.50 ArcK-Abl or Aidi H«lef Sfcoe^ 0*fo«k. „i^^ Victoria aad Vaaa^ — SkfMal b-ited ia a « Onhe wH be prtoe"' BeaWto.^ Tto. or Straw.: all buflt-i. feetum; medi ncit caa ba -ad MfoctaalV a.Wrka Nea otoda af baa. Wbea prop-ly waited UtohtoB. to - i■lel^i^r. acaeratiac t«>r $2.65 liU', Work Beets. «W b-h« d-*b Udie.' Ktd Strap., leether isle. : low rub­ of UDpaaaH. botbsaMitoaL Tbef«»l ber heel. : mIkI cooifort $1aSS ^ $4.95 ______In neltoa ia e*y Mreeto wber. AB HMS. per Ptet Per pair ...... nil ioiat. of a trabay «« ArteBitckH ddUru.*. BM SKppm : wteUbb pa Alao Udiea* Suttp Shppen: leather wle.: "-TW ea««y fttas tbia atoftoa tieel CUARAirrCElt rUWfITURE n„ tb- ototo or .arpa - $1.95 «f the taa ia poww to peaetrafe i,' fni C—w—t 0®* laet. H k actio, of .hr I oM the ice b rcanrk- SpacW Price, in Ronnin, Sho.^ Taini. Shia. »a Oatin. Skwa batmnc suits We have a large Range of W.1. in all «»a Btohing Sho« « dl the wanted Shade*. •1. thb wv a baai iMi , tat —iapaatoat it tiH float* srSTo .1. i~« «•" y/jJW HAIEWOOD MMta MO Camniauty Hell YALE SHOE STORE Satorday, June 9th FOR FOOT COMFORT and FQQTWEAR^^^^ ^Gka ,j5r?«str.TiS.. .•wmeare tr. tha week Headnckioa. Lakm. Bob TW nn. NeiUon and Forwrtb -weal aa thb wH baa Caad TI-. Uito- *e i (iood tefchaKat. JYM «*TS «d JYM TRUNKS JK Gotefaor VSV.KV TRICES doa. the Wee cmmm%\ The SEASON’S GREATEST ftee a reeiul here oa Moato. Jaaa II. » . _ 4US hto.) ia lb* Pbto Utotod Cbatob S%tS4c Mn SAVINGS EVENT Tbb body of liaccrt eafoyt Ibtaad hn- »SS par Btoi .i.ateliaa It b ct-pnaa d af — ^ -ON- bay. atoactod -adaly Ira- a. r«te- CWrubce Sale of e- nf eawfc di toHWdrte ebab*. aiM HATS^ COATS COATS, SUITS, Hammer Halt Drrare »mW. m ywtoire af oae ba a dre d aad fifty piact. t. many mater ab daOto ate MCtad aad taeabr. ensembles and fal ollernw pretoatmp atywa. ctoom. - and Straw* that are tb* ato — popa Sdtee of tlw ftoew voiee. Irato W«-- DRESSES Hr ; every head *be Yoa a baply eaa- («riilap fi afamr Abbey. St Geoa,e t Wiadtoe, M. . wen 1 7 nid afford do wflhoat one. Sport Cbrito Charcb CalbedrU «ad tod St ■ $15.95 Hat.. r Hate —Hwt for Sired $12.50 ^WsM«llMSi»l«...... P,Br.. -e iadadto ia the orsatotoria* Wrar whtob wa. itoiMhbrd by Idwarf Y-ZuUUws-te i-i« Braaicotokc, fiMcrly aad for tei l CAPS-NEWCAPS year* tala tcaer at We»t—ia*tor Abbej *inMrt wort »it« ta PaUorei MEN’S STRAWS -e-f far r-r ■«* P~ a a tow of the Brkbb WmpH*. For Garden and Drrai wear. Inrlifan dte _ J, to dtoOto (toto. «ri u» f"» ...... 45c Reeently the Will-iaa ter Glee woe to^ —M aad wrap aroam r« niawlrted two yaa*» traeal ia An*- SkWu. • New Sheik Boater, priced fraa 40c. TWWNe.iMr rnto No* ZcalaM aad ladia. aaa Malaritoa. Kato- Cloth Faacj they arc Jer-y wcaeea and muted Tweed ‘ * f«od« Frock* » Gcorvetti rfcAiSpiWfar ...... ;..r..|MB JOHN the HATTER & CO. b Ateortod Color, teul PteUM. jaor they cave « lUMHiksr: Tkb i. OeOty IkrckMJb.. TW lfe«t sf Slyk. m4 Tha •olabto iach Edward r.__a ,-a_-a WrmWu -PW*P 71. PsH A»HH JtoaaM Raid, -ito ako af S*. PadPi rXT.WnUAMS A CO. Catbedrto. ia addMoa to a -art- ; mrndm Ito- Itopatort 4tos««.5^ of boy.' voiMt. eowpo* of E<«btoi Cathedral ainslag. The ptop.aa.to are -ad. «0 of aB torta of aecto- aad aacred -aaic that Calbeteal ta«BW caa Haatr-e. and win irtotode -adrittoa. gbe*. part^toafa

\ ben lor .^ tobaa only, aad Mb CORSETS g«%ncue«. THt Wiiiaiailir Gk« Ptpn IN CASH TVO SHOWS *Sto,tra -abe tbtor priadpal appeal GIVEN A WAT AT AT ; thrnadi the tocabr aawic they toa» BACH SHOW bat tbr aacred -atoc b aoae the kto .‘r-jstits-rs.Trj'js ' rypieto of Eapbak catbadtol ebab liar •I * T*cm - 14.75. 54J5 ..1 l5iS ^EKfetikiixmervt^ I ,nc at ha Uto. 1 The work of thew tu«en bat Steui lhmm» CsnHs ol pi.h coud wkh i-«r eUteic to. TO-NIGHT ONLY bellj Ae rarfteosd eews. hot. four hose of toMi tadaec. the beauty of rsprto- pteta. Prio.. -...... -... 13.54-i«An i ro.oed.ratW- aad pre ebioa. yartica Red Cross Vaudeville Society ’s 1 hrk - the a pa ria -paali d faatw- W'hctbct to tha bayt ’ einpias. the -en a work, ar ia the co-bined perfor —ance of the c—apkl* body. ifcuM who baow aowtobne of .—aJslC....lHt.wluAgve.atoWN»e«t*°«fa Wa-b. of Enptbh Catbeteal i will raaew tod aad precioat ntM 2 First Big Show ^ _^b.-ubolHro.i.c--ih^vd,lto«dsjd whoa they hear tbb body of aiai ^ “ (Aid pf Rsfnsd Spldter.’ 'W-d. Ward. N smNsmWWp pIbspitol) IbspilRl) ^ ., fcte itobdu* bote* of eltetic. Phee , - llJt TW delaib af the pripri—e i « 17 ACTS AND COMEDY PICTURE VITTH be apoowred by the local Gyro Oah FO* SALE BY TEHDEB ERNIE MALUNS AND HIS hi Gwiie. mUt to auppert Acine: i kwmit The s £ vine of the tod Hoaprtto. iMlac Machteary cm Franhlya Mrect. rontaiaiac noK raoma.katb room, waah “CAPITOUANS" room aod lailet. Ho* water keaba, .yttena 1W boBdbw to be remOtod Two Hoar* of Solitl EntorkabaMot for 35c. * MALPASSfcW'iLSON j. H. MALPASS 1 lo thirty daya Tead«* to be ladtrd » «rae-T SH fky Caada, Fboae ton 1 ctk Mr Wm. MeOrr. Coatowref.l fi*;XT ATTRAi. IlyS -*RIHCIHC UP PATMEB' ■ALMURTOlt STREET Ceacery. Phone JB? «reet before noa. Friday lS«h toto. * Tmiu eada HlSht- off- aat aeeoa- [ MM-PAflB 6t WILSON GROCETERIA I i-*y accepted- Ike dty awna thrto lenckM kft aeesto the tor.- which

4$J*4^IM3 NANAIMU fKtt PRESS. FHlMT. o. i-y^ PUN ion or SUES QMsimiinu) DiHOTOilLESSPUllE IIKMKaifllDS Nr* York. J«n» 6-Thrr* of Ger- onuDiETocm^ •aay-t ooM UiMal piloM o< that ch ■catary flyin* auckiac the «•««•«» Enrt,^ Me. )*■ S--A nr* kiikmi ' to youtkial ariation Records tkro^.JN Main' WiMefnrm frc4 I ir tkia chantry a fc« paint tkia twwejMe Cunadsk »o« nitcor k.€ Ike ikic, .n w pplaaca.—c. Tkc. Was It A Dream? ciarton arc CaiMaia Paul Rockrc, 1 WaMa WaWwa * P«ncyf.*nlaiW MW the dmm of • dkto>Al WMS * ter Hcia«K>ack an4 Dr. Puri Laa6 IwafglR^ Ihal Trait aa the new mwte hto Onnaay kaa probaWy fOM iartker ..j-aiad. wiM hp«« «< than any atker aatioa ia l6c Atcakw- pktmratar of tha JMM. betadto pto ■aat of gUdum «lnc« the war. She kaa ^^Ramotia** cidang a aharteg »oto« Vtween re to r *ke «»*»y paniaa. ,Tkcac euoccrm no* demand teml. gar* Irmg Mmd* *»-*.*• tkat tkek be “three bird“ (M- ..mig to Pamda. ng iW Ck8dl > «< H ;-JOYAL inc and anariM caperta beiore they De«l *wor to ita angrcc agd thremgh ASSETS and LIABILITIES caa take Ike ardaoni two-year cowrac Tnanie IWs noMfc ■ tk. mg-toiw - Kb u tkc prakmuiary oat th* Cagsdbn hgrdti. At AmoM, YEAST Mth April. 1928 ______piknias. Tkc three Laugh ! OdWn, Laugh ! Pond it rogpMpta with a highwto “ bwdi denote .that the yoaiw aira^a Walta Wnrtm a ...... *"• Wobnm and Mcgantig, PQ. gkopw - hare auiterrd the three coOMion typet then )to» tkr ngdn road to TWae .Raa i ASSETS af Bkdrra OiKbto and, Mootrgsl. CAKES Air caraott procMie the anocc power Caikmlbmi...... 8 9>.i1I.«S7-4) Whem You ’re With jr a flider. and the knowdedte o< the — XjMMOuntKaDi DOtn and ctaquoi if which the proepectiee Utiot %b4 ’‘■'■uT . . . y fVTiVUM) pUd Maine in lluthti »ith thii ----- Somebody Else toe proeiaiona of *r S^i DqwBt m Cei*r*l GolJ R««nw . I9.ooo.ooo«> machiae o o< great rakM M> him whew ptnn and Hta Oechnatm MM oramgAbe project, the coat to the high CJI Md Vurt torn oo toiKl*, Dehca- he gradnama to a cWp *at kaa - tuMi«*J«Mha...... mMTM— ower pisst. The firit type o( ■otorfem plaM. a- wgaed to the begimnr, • aaied a dr- dnm machme It U limply cemitTweed HeOo Montreal! ■ da ihare to the amt a a e. mda- ao tkat aepaira «aa be JMda caady aed aaed chieOy tor tcackiag ordiMry , ..idii«. When a itadent caa operate Tgeto -Stoapy W and M«U it efficiently he wiaa hia firai birA HU Maigdy ■ay* Railway »"■! <** ‘*' BonJa. Ckhmturat «JS»-A. A9»»5^ K. al to Naagimm Brdiah i. the Crnnea, he eBnained aloft ^h L carryiito on baciarto amder the . liiii-- foe iiaa hmara and fifty Todll ti^PiiWr $Kn5.fiyv8tgAt ,*« »PK to B-r, and Loto«. *. •tontea The aingh- aeater anark » Bmatno*Atnctnover Liohilitir* hrtd by Ferdmand Schnlw who ^ed * I 62.491.756 89 Dtoadat f for U bemra and 25 mintoea watW a m hi. Etod day m may. •>— aCHARD JAM^iyRY. The Geeman wromm. —c •- •OBEBT H UBUMn tbd coantry at the medatioo of J. C. vm LOUISA ELLEN UOUEES P«ney. Jr, and th. Moagr- dk. C?U4. Iraa Ariatioo rhih. recently FLETCHER K«i York to pro-totr i..^ » sSi«. ----r i,* wmring They P»an lo gi»e i Indkaaptod. Ind.. Jo« 8-Baton.e ,tdta^ etoiibition. .n rariowa citwa. COMMERCIAL :. Ik wa. alrmd to tell h.a parent, he had amall 2Ta tollate to RESTAURANT Lure of Ring Bring CBcrriNC BUM- chase m a garden m S-tton Rond, wke« ■« Opm iw nowu Sw to LrJ^’rJi.r .r. Many Old Bosar. - k sAftblc to dccMK ijT lAPPa imw ibcihK 4a cfcaigc ita pnraaera. Back Into Gama London. Jnne «“boB which eicap- POPULA*-JMCCS ------cd from a i6i«litcr Loata in Sotobead A dmmtdtrtr diachargad hmh Ur- n. Jane • —The Inre of the ^ ^^..4 for more than three honra rela to a ahoigna into tha bnl ghKh .ank to the grommd.______riag i» hard thing for the tod timer.. by „orei to men armed with ahotgima to ihakrIhakr off. Frankie FhantoP- 'and koto atiAw Abortm anempto | i Montreal leatherweigkt who achireedj^„ alao made at U.«-g. and om . D.J.JENKIB»,U L e by knocking oto Benny LeonaH cowboy wa. canght on the U,|l.wS^ln*ny Pu Wtb k m ms. before Lcoamrd becamebcaat ’a homa aad loaaed mreral f-et I.H.0nin«l MntwcKht champion. ii hack in the ,„io the air He narrowly cacaped ham Harfwoed I.J .M S Baation Straat ^ Mujrt. tbw tnae aa a manager. hamg un-pM «A and wn. nnknrc ea- ______------^Sidderw.jccgctoraahtodngPtors. « i eept Hr a inaning. Tctoiwo wnme* S2t£KSf 2B.*ear old Monttral jonk* wrker-, knocked down by the boP . mad mih Community kgper Board FoVeBaer awl itorTs Ikw mi SacoBl vcmht. a taerihe pnnrhar aad ia grow- | ,p and down the atreet., hnt they were kt. a teerifcc pnnrhnr ana la pro*- ( np ano oown rne . PdMl StrippinB. « raptoly titot.u.. he prolmbleo^Jiehl. win be ikW nmonalyi^iondT hnrt. ___ -a,. m tototor FWfll- TV*The kaatlhnll mrwcktfwreckad many front garden RaaiVc Maletiak $1 Al a ,1 ,______- ______a yr**^ mg nil! tafc for an boor W irnce.. and itoeplecka.ed nacr pticaM HaU B#k «;V brdge. duara the whole ka*6 «C aer- and Toot, of eidry de«4v<«a the boaer he A W itolw .» *» ^ihan';/ er.l .treeta It wa. finaUy cornrred fUrmt md PdrtM, mUm H *•'»“ d^i *». when h» boy ia in the ring. S-nWbo •* MeCUr^^veBBod tBB ALSO BUT AMD TBAOB. ybrofyds^ I, i. more like f.tbae f Cil iiiilT Ha binauon. rather than .*« boner end |l b. hOI 4 Ik Ha Swiw ANGEL’S iMt. who wai one to I fcgBgpSt •Pk—m TdltS 428FBiwSa»St icra to the nng. ha. [ \VAVTET> Man to take oeer good onuide buMne... ILhk chaMioaahip to Canada track, $2» ca»h Preai City Taxi Co. PAY DAY W plnapaerf Prop. SPECIALS Have CABS rOB HIBE FOR SALE H.TO., beet annhty. halt ^ C-KTOl Feuigba M^ rod CABS BVaSEO Specials for Saturday OR SAV^—OOOO ffTTBEia - Bsanon St. Nanaimo aad rake. S. MmJin. Bariae atr.^^ ^ELEPHOi#t jjTHfrf. * ‘**^^-*^*' YourEyes 49c I8r36 Bemru Towels, per p>« 2 Ibl^TCblr Brant BW 21s30 Glms Towels. eoA 15c MONDAY phone SM aloBephM. Brown 45c JUNE 11. ^•30pf«• «Vc hot. Li.terina - ^ Examined 45.45 Jap TA»e Oodu eack 366 MILTON STRECT OR SALE- Fiee roomed houK. Pke Ptwd . Van.*ing I re^. &Son cheap: aitntoH 116 Manning BgB — Witek^kt 50r50 LiBeB Ooths. each ------95c Apply SI Kennmiy Itreet. **-M 315 Vmbr St. Nmbbi 36iBchllwW-«lSciim.yMl 25c FOR SALB-Eattlt* ’ Dtol (louae Ssv..5v;is»:to«: B.C Pk—M«-______,...n Table CartKlmn' H. Thomeycrofk , 36 IP 444-Bba- »W ^ Lki. 'l Voiding t aw rxrm. BE!' , 8ki to 10 Colorad LiJ* **>•«• :~ B. vcmjr • ------W^; <,,..r.. wdl ba naaan« hr Jtoy ^ I amm le.,^e ^ ,4^^ lar rototo mm tok. toot to 10 Back Mk Ho...... ^...... BILL HART L G. t^namam- , . mB&i Jwt One Real V—A 5-roomad cottage, ha*. PiPtry. TkB Handy Mm ^ X to 44 Men’s SurtA Bii RESTAURANT MAMKIIW low Wbap yon «n«am wwkA*a«^ yitirrat ft S-i, b. - ... CHOf SUET. BOOOUES J 1414 »• ^ Jardiniere Stand. One me only. Me.'. Crey Socks. 4

t^rmmka*. Jnly. Angnat. ------14 m. .‘^Ub Wood, loai- »•»* FISH FISH I 2 h. Cord Wood, load ------^ --a 30 ml32 wb. Bw- Nw* — I59C r- flooi $miumnma Kiiidlmg Wood, loto ------IM* * wmtrr. fn* trrev rhirken rmn. sJL::‘F'^r'h..d ' 4-fr Wood tor tala. £«*Teo.TP*«««««“"« Fortenn.^Bo.n.Fr^ QuBBB’sFuhMarlmt aenPro. and Carorof Matoto g ; »i rrato or l*-e ' R. KNARSTON Royal XrmnBfBr * WH. ANDERSON NAMAWU =1«E PRfSS. FWDAY. JlfC »926. “Knischen saved my Hfe.’ ICE DEUVERY W* wi*h to annoanct Ihu ^ IDULUailKITE Old Mao Bool Ice J>n. of ih, Empw,

KIWQIISrilll has had year* of eaperieuc* re- lo yonr home la addMuoama pairiap tire*, aa bi. mlci..ns “mimla ^ tp- HDDIPLW pbal U eoaplet* .a ap-to-datt I repair for ilapa bnea. *» »•*» For a normal eWpe vt «• alM store mkH fruin «ad Ttna- NVw York. JwK a —A Jorty-«tfl«<- not ior yon? tabirt a. ar, m warn, pnaraw hMT fNRtH froa Spain to New York rin tke Anorc* n>4 HnIHn: with IflBO ■ o< nail niMl a crew of fov. ki a remember Empire Brewto fov-iMaored acaplaw, it iht Anvatt ok^actirc of Capt. Joltei Soia tfe Ahla. Co.. Ltd. 5paouL •W ft “ Kinaady Su Jnm a Cm— Bd. Captaio Rah 4a AMo o«4 Coowna o- NABOB 4rr RajBKM Fraoco wort *t fml to

qwii tbt *omtk AUautie. ia l«S On V arrival in N«r York ia Aopi I, the Seiberlings jroooK Okt v»y». •>» »««y »■ t by MapiaM arooik th* world bf kni es.ryaae kMw. b. A. TMo riiLPomcm m Haraua. Mtaxo. CahfDrala. OPEN DAY AND NKHT. Alaaba aod Japaa. £& »rJ Ropers' Block, CommereW M '^cfS *^0 arc not cootao«i'.a.ia« a Maat tkMKnocktn played a great part in saving my w. M. PNiLrarr. Pta^ iragrant llwbt,* kc «ya "W# ahal aia^ilr Itfe whan athtr things had failtd. I WILL TRADE lor* w« follow nwwhrty bc.woea tb* / rttamtd home from hospUal on Sth inst^ ^ oM lire, lor a complat oM worM and the atw. «, of .hem lamona tire, at a PANTORIUM -Vlt will Irart Cadi* .\omMI I. at ^ lorprjtinp low coat to yoo aa OePMig. Preawn*. Repppi^ 1 and oar icaptaa* aril br •oorad •^MarvaOms!” I reply, “Kmschen! term, lor paymcal I tkr fool of Maahaltaa Iclaad at 4 Being connected with athletic dub I have a PAlT»lonH 4 1" PHONE M daat i. to bt a MO h> large ' Sapor Dcraicr Wal. In Hit ertw will Rng Up 36 and Get be CooBnaadit France and Captain in touch. Gallam a* paota Raia * Alda act- iac a* nariiator. niw fipht ha> been wcO plaaatd.* BASTION declared the flier, in ibe United Slate, to pcrtoct dcuili of the Tcatara. “Wc hare ckoacn a teapiaac becanac it i* FISH and CRIPS Meat Market l^uschenSalts or THE FINEST QOAUTY the oaly aircraft capable of acfoliat- iap the dirtanee aaeccaMy. Olhdr. Good Health for a Half-a-Cent a Day. W.Twrti CBISCO U*a far Fryinp mmy fly batwaaa A bi land plaac*. bat tbe fact that thop PUSH cod ' fillets w aw.. Ud. awawv oa a that tUa a sS^ Beef, Pork, Lamb, YESTEROArS RASERAU. Ciocinaati 9. Brooklyn 1. Veal and SMM«e caa COM down, attcik to repoin atrf Pitttbnrp I. Boston 6. OLD COUirntY RSH A ff apain. SeapiMM* art hearier Chirapo 2. PbiladeMa •I pnres ikpl nrill utemik —bertpu. b« they caa carry American Lrapne — OOP STOVE Anpcia you. Give Me d tripl od iMpcr moton aad acntraSac tba drfact Nrw York 8. OeTeUa l COMMERCIAL STREET Oaklaa 7. IMIywoa 4. af wo^t throwh added power ana Washinptaa 7. Oiicapo 5. be couviKed. Saa Fraaciaco J. Scaltlc t to carry omwc fneL Boston 2. Detroit 5 -We Aa .Uft prtciioly at the tea- Si. Uni. 3. Nrw York 4. Pbiladriphi. I. St Looi. 4 ton wbea the wnnibtr i* beat, brinpim with n. M» poMdi of ana. In the Aaorc* we wil refli onr tank* to we awy bar* aba« MS paloM for tb* lone bop. Tbt* we *ba lane a* tec leari^ for HaSfas. 'My cabin wil be mted with the

the captain'* cabin of • Mip* Imt. If athar ia feaiy *a I eaamat r*a aapaa. nr* nril pa above the

rcrtoailobeaMiaial tMt. m A Man Flays Sa£e sm a towh A shift balow *a to

when he buys a lap ■* chnneet. Om plaac wfl hare laa wnipbl of eipM toM. or of 16 a My loaded. KueSuit -W* wiA to prom Ae poaaAAty of SikW A Bhie Sait fita in ever ywhafa. Ifa ahrayaingood taata. It never Captaia Rni* A AM • » ynart of me. Ifia pM* wa be raady ia Jaly oAoda the aooreotiaQs of dreaa. It looka aa waO on the youi« • Winner* at Harewoa Cnmam nity maa aa it doea on hia eldara. IfaB whiM drive tart evnniap t Ifa aa baoominc to one com. Ladits. 1st Mra BaHry, 2a Mm Ga ­ ver RNper. May Jt. vin. Ad Mrs. Wataon; pa a rtmim 1 Vision aa it ia to another. It J. Batean. 2a J. Na pMAb. Srd Gyro BcBefit to ht appKH to the I wflbaaaatylMi neat year aa it btad^y. m If lor several day*. Slperial Blue Serge A Phone Call Brings them to your Door

PHONE yonr Mofc or the 4X BOerr mkI ^have . bcp of IWjfAi tfa hvn ia w«h ygurInataMDRonr. far Moncav pnrtie* or the bddiM’ hwh bop. They an dchcMsOy frnh and (Mponi with then BDidcn brown lAy |Dodncat yw* «»« •Bow the cfatldmi as nminr a* they want wuhoA any iOr. DpwUjMm Me .mde sS die very incM ptumhoM A our wcodohd dot^hnut machm. srhich ate* the dau^ cwta, fnca and perfcra* the whole taA of

CaldweD's tuM haatk. Oortang House Dmmjgdmete-rneotlmmyee. PIm* yonr ordtr new.

TVk OOMCRChO. ST. PARTINGTON Mmooon l^^tar ftai IA. df BASEBALL UTS. «« .ier

t t^mek----- Ik,.------$1.M From the Home of 4X Bread and Ca^es ]>eR>.mu. mmm \ Game Played Here r' LartETenm mpicms! In > X ancavTtt l»Und Ua«»rt* G'-i DOCK SCENES yr«trrday. «i «>.I5 |um, Itx Om» h.n Iran took tkc ncawrf at iht local F*«1**. itwai aot. Ttia fi«I I Uomtaal. June a - At tSe rrteni wurr licinc 2 to 0 in Utot r4 Or- ; jprtnK exhil.itioa ol the -Art A*wcia Sheet Munc } tKjn i>( Montreal morh intemt wa* It «*a a nitcber'i 4mI Iroa nan liH thowii in a *toop <*l water color*, eac- ZgmZr talr. whMiS by Akaander Bcrcuvitch. a Raa- ■ end o4 tbr 7th iftmoa when the rSi the Chlnem tm bmiu T»Iwm «ai raHcd •■wmg to karkneu. St:cknry im. IW IK-’* ■ lo recently arrued in Ihit OMmtry ... ^ viryintliape.m elMM. In IndtaIndia thay i atam ar^ : that he ha. not yH acunired more than * “ .“ nt tone ioeiB and h«U the local* lncalaur,Ma ------———— •(Pak-ha). (Mew F«Trot BaSud. I* WrfW D- KoU: I .and Stiekney I. Fi r Na- Vwnna Se« Fteie Preaae Irom Ag- pit Aeawd ap Kkt Jaagnet Caroer aad CORPS immnenve actnaly landing here and 1. She My GM Ftkndl ^ Aamp Frmn Tnm ram (ZagrebI Croatia, today taid re newrd &fi4 more riotmt ftsti-jltoctk' them doing the ihtogt which tonnd- Inwa. (WM Waap Mo More) Eia. and Make «p. CANADIAN and ha. only hb rvening. tar the por- on the recelying end loe dcnooMratioci. had UknB pKce a rd the Canada ol today inatead ol be- om .1 art. hat accomplnhed thi. in at mg told to atody pa«t S5 lor horn RYE WHISKY. lra.t three atbit eahihit* aad aerne. on ; *•« ^ /ara. Dalmatia. Many jugetarian. were rt yon inM imacini to the commeat ol a highly in- F-ng ^nng -- mt rtwir peopeet, damagBd W ^ thrilled they a Coae ■ «Ri H Ike lichi A boAing. aea bitlea B lone, I.ewiTT Tim nniiiwm in • ,a« report anid. Two Jkgaator Irrighter moored at the docMc. wa* al«. i«t in Chrma -TOUR «AW B CAIUN6 at-k n-w Irrday't game IhNl* wera reported to hare been apnt given it. aeathrtie rahae', it. c< Th,i .dverfi.en.ent it not pnbliahed or' prMMd pmger. .tapped Uyed hy the l.«tuor Cemw^' ‘ " ------coontrka hare rhotea for tbeh hamet. Board ol hy the Oovemenent of B. C gihly. In aneeher water cniar. pietwr- , --^ °i"Ew NEW CBATEB SEEM volcano Akkra. Time ol and taid the arcraBB morit actor wa* ing one ol thoa. tangle, ol derrick, and I derotad haahand and lather, and an hon. and rope. w> cranmonly met with > Wmr » n natch Harbor, AUaka. Jane on the harbor front. Aleaander | ol yifF* tmokc and atreamera of Bra, nUiSTiitSliiD motomsti CET BBEAES coaitch dkplayed an arreating mattery not alwayb bnr«tii« Iroto * »«» ®" **" of dcaign. mooBtain 61 Akatan. which laoa.t over Thera toip he w*a trwth ia the aid FLETCHER Uocoln. Neb, Jane » -The motorHl rttoltoka. ftor. dbaerrad W WWESCIPE ^w to the c wAu.«.rr.« Fo. i«M. breed, cotoempt. hat k doaa am ap- INBOliyWOOD n.EVom.’'*’'"” , riTo’SrT-,!. L J.; ^ «t>lp in the cbm of fho Greater .eenrity tab&ahet hhnaell to lire-eKapc Hollywood. CaL. Jane l-A beary td aaeh a ftoaa. tha Fngtond for p.,-nnaneat—------mMaBaHoaon , to -prevent paaaing cnr. Irmn aloah^ |ewtly qan a tapioaioa which wrecked the Ra..mn and faetorie*. «ya Popalar j water aad mad the iniereM ol itt EagW Cafe here a lew minate. altar a Big Dunce at Lantavllle SMnrday. f.r win be greatly Mechanic. Magarmc. It. raagi are i .ignallwht. to .------I n,h Hear Card-. Mabapma th- w^ore at fiha telebrniaa headad by why It pap. to fiad an haM linah to the waB hy mean, at By raiMng the .treet •'»^** •* ’* I ,„hh aBa« the totea*bteat nn.hHa ynweyJkney . — LharW. Spencer CTmpSn had Had loL nwtal pnoiectma. whwh keep it Irom • trrMCthm. .Bghtly water w« dram Ml , Garage *J8 and MJB Z;..,.** tm^kaappa-S iMing an atarm of fire, yeaterday »■ ...ying It » ka. convWocm. than!,»d pa.ing atoianolMle* «.n ».- tMl Ware. imad tea peraon.. two ol wlunn aaay other lormt of Iwc —' *i-*« hoiirry with muddy wnler. I » die. The bU.t occorred ia the area inM meat ai tkp atadm centre. Th«4ore Lochi.vn.ky. former Ri^ tian army general, amd owner M the talc, vllerrd what phyaician. hajkaad after (ir.t raaminalioa to be a h»“' akaH frartare aad ac.ere bead laacera tnmt. Hi. coadkk* wa. aeriooa. Iraing J Strobe^ a g-ra«. «- hehered to have a akull l.act.rr and poaaible inten.al hit.Mie. T. AR DAYS 3 An .nve..*.tm» hv .he .hetiff. ol- IK. and the tuon.y lire wifden fe*«^- cd Utol at 6 oclock bM nahk e«hf ^-1 by * wmked Mring had been loand h-mM in an attic ol the place A oontrivaace wa. repor.rd to haye been diacovrred at midnight. Pending confirmalino of (hear (md tog*, lb* coroner-, ofliee declined t« ...... to wlKlto Iw, and eaptoaioa were atcldemal • tL reaah ' A gay party wa. m progrr.a at ^ eale. p-imtor film retread. .• t^ ai^ ninht hone pa**ed VMth the Bm cd- p~by.it of Gl«» Swanaon; )oh" Nf- toeanck. dieectnc, and hi. wife. Colleen Moore ; Benee .ddoree^ Jack Mr. tkmpacy and Mvaral other Hhn tom. J Our ol ctir JgpancK Paraaala: teg. tSe, Inr - Uk.-Wbo. »«1. b-* 2. ud»- iw o* »i JB4.ck B-l~ ^ "Wk 85t Jjto Udw* Wlute Ribbed Hoae; reg. 75c. D^ Pv. 3 l»«k <<» ------I'W I remaining The Wart orrarred a lew larDay.Bfor >*** miaate. alter the arriral ol tha fir* Udtot- Sdb Hoae: reg. 50c per pair. ^ Sptoi sa. 30 iwl 36 iwb» wide. ■ aatry. W Dw. a l"to to tl.*t ’'^TwTbIK of the hoilding ^ "^k.wb.e.pf.k: T.l-.N.$1.5a fo. K„.U«. BMawto. dtototol iw ward aad lirt roo. cama down H«h SJl »Wh k. in—1* Dgy. 3 pair, for $2.75. DofcrDay >1^ vohage electric wwc. a*ich we« t^ Udie.’ CoraelelleL Special ...... per ynfd...... - - ...... ** dema. charged metal obiecU m 36 meb SuwbiNe VoJe ■ al eJnis; reg. 3^ and made the work ol ramoymd *•» Ww^^yardafor ...... - H ** InJgred daagcrodP L^-Ob.. i«* sjk 2»«kU*n~.^= Jfc • 1^ Stop. Lm*. Urtlea- brown awl frey: reg. $« 75. pair » • Delia, Day. 4 yard, for...... -......

NATURAL ooMEirs SSHIMk SPUN snx LADIES’ i>d P0N6EE SBX COTTON HOK babtshawu JAP SILK CREPE DE ABCdm Auction Sale buck pebble CREPES Nn DiuBiif Wtaa. Bh*. Bmi. AB Weel Duty PyJmu CHEREr-AlCdan BeatQuakty ------1 Crepe Srt- Al Cebn Regular 59c. Regular 55c peb. R««uUr $1.75 Regular $1-50 Regular $150 yd. 36 in. Reg 95c. ABerfabat 49c Yard 39cYBid Hmlty Aft«—^ J— •» ABwpi. $1.00 Suit $1.00 Yard liSSa-ff dollar day 12*/,cYMd 69c Yard $1.00 Rtailwcd Ifc*- J- a..^; S.V.WO - Jto u-k -a 155 Hie.* Sirtdl regular $4 95. Dollar Da> 27-Bch in«te Damd tWb fee Drapa. l-ndcr whSkM CurtBnb DaBar Day. yard .too -J; Sak Knitted VadtLaUd«a awl Spn^ ------27-iwb1, LTtDiencnruL'nbiroehed --Canton------FkawL ----- Dollar „ ______35e a yard. Sdk Kwtud Bboowr.. al bwa a^ color. I. DJU. B.y. 4 F«* to^- «j rt .ntebVeMa. Each ...... - Sts”g-S 36^awGtco.5,«*l«^ S.B k-«»l Nk* (tow. i- * to IA IWJc^toiWtoao-Stow. Sy« Special, each ...... r...... $TTi Cbadroa ’aWa.hHi.frd«.n.f* Ulrl^r pair mw% SatwJay, Monday and A. W. WHITTINGHAM Tne«Uy Bed I. a haaaty terms CASR NS.nWKK IMDAMO FREE PRESS. FWDAY. JlfC 6. iW

n«i Mhn I* cack Mr>ir at ^ .Mk ih— Mii«k( .1 7.9 ai.4 »-ll. •> ^ «kt b« K*4 Chm I...... ikMr. C«M ..rf — «ke roan Dok (bow pfaaaa ottaad. Important Sale ol Women’s Coats oaaoa la Oddfdfaai- Hal ky Laa Tfao. I dm dnwU< s u>4 > io« Picnr*. Cnaa aad kfa ■.kaaa l Cakaro t SPECIAL SALE of KNITTED SUITS ^ akaana. Taaaday. Jma IX. Oaa •awe be overlooked bjr die • nl. ddna.i... taaii It A hMm .Com to buy. AB «« -tefcU dm soU M . much higber pnee eorly m tbe SeMoa. Mr AM TfandoM Mhiy raertrad aoli- 5S :r.t;.o S19lr SATIRDAY aiO.WW )oM 2Ut. Inn S n & IKanoa Of RU o^mwrai a< . Women ’s Spring CoaU iiW olfierr far ihr Nanakao Ekctoral Pythte SiMM Sol^ CM 10 dfatrfat fa tka fa nkca -faK prori ' Printed Foulard Dresses Reduced from $19.75, $22.50 n tk. hono of Mn. Mol. Bcn> $25.00 0-0. - FfMoy tnoiM •« ^ No« k tkr tkaa n Cafak that rooi NOW $15.00 •Ml wan koard. that sroiaen hsw eapr^d tlw* pnttr^ Eanirr Board ------4Hf to ft. anoa for the — Theaa deeer v \n iniprr%..vr gr.Rip of drrs.drrss) (Hati m Broad I kccaaae they •ra'^h-b pretty Cyproc board. - dc n »*■ cUrth. Pairel Twtll. Dosetyne and Kasha. Th. r S^^fVcticaJ it .all arrare snappy, np-to-the-nsintnp to-the-ininate nsodels. AH ih» Paal Bcaaatt ’i Hardware Snra. Wkar wanted colors, and sues to CoMi rnl Vkni— __55*:-2i3 Mh M4 TcM W. H Hauler, ^op . a Brotkerhood of OwU neet to- Women ’s Dmsay Coate «Ml at • pja. prooipl Tka oMkert ^SrS2£~‘Si ransc floweredl aa4 f*Rwed Mftrrw to Reduced from $29.75. $35.00, OnM .1 LM« an loranw o- ia h« aomberi to ch^ froo. wnh a strong preiertnee for Mx ia *a BiMrt Baadiir ^rikoy the Graad CaBph. $39.75 n « M* Coaiyrino Al M ky yar fawniia Bad. Daaaa NOW $25.00 aalra fra- Halai B.kaaal. Vaw Dainty Porch DresaoB A gorgeoas array of Drr«y Coals, featariag Char- w^ a. Jaaa ink. Aa-faaa Cyra mrens. Poirel Twtls snd F-aghsk Broadcloths .n all In an rscradfaghr raUr shades, inelnding airy aad black The tai ­ loring in these Coals n cMStslandsag. tad eeery one is i' arr wMal drfaa. Ufioa HaO. Satarday fully silk hned. I olfar. .re in mole aad piam. aifkl al • o’clock Ererybody Childr«*B Cmreralk Girk’ Voile DroBBe* pHiaor aWM ^ «■ Amy ood LADIES’ SPUN SILK DRESSES t hildrcn i Coveralls, mad. from IMy M naM*. • adock: ■ood muucAMcnxsD VahioB to $5.00. Now $3.50. heavy quality l»s^»n Irrnimed New York Jon. k—The threatened with bands of runtrasling ccslors Colors bill, or khaki , 4 to h iimshed srsth atiikc ol PollBua porters, tel for Fri­ SIm^ in ili colors atid white, aad around skirt Sue 6 ^4 Tl»Ifc-ai-.CmCMMI1»*dth. lloat. belts, pockets, etc ^att |o i< yrs; reg $1^ 76- day BOOH, was called off Iasi aidrt by srith trimsmngs of pleats, b-lc 14 s'7s aaaky Aao» oa *0 aa ,,„-.-$2:95 A. PhBip Kaadoipk, ■eaeral orgaaiscr SPECIAL SATURDAY $3.50 ’aiatanoiiimaadMoa. Children ’s Bloomers Girk’ Sweater Coate lor tka Bmkerbaod of Skapiac Car m im. Knii Material. g<«>d wear tiirls All-Wool ^.ral^r Portara. MILLINERY SPEClAL-SnsMt! r Models ing rUstK. al naisl. kners. ciOort roll collar, two patch pockets TW ariot Wiaaafa al lha EBm Hal - striking roll , teaih and whit. Sues i coksrt. tan. blue and rrd s,,., «Mbi la« naaiaa.nti.: IM aM —alTtad*" ■r. aad Ut% Kaidi 3ad. Mra Sonera t«di7teriM»To Spaciany Priced, Satarday . ... ’$3.9S rp^lalH... $1.00 $1.98 $1.96 «d m. 9mtmi M Mfa. liyalar aad MmI at Ottawa 1929 be the Tka Weana't Aaaliary al Ac O- BMariai place of the lUV feaaral —- aadtaa LaM nai Im oifi* aad c«a- of the Preakyteriao Cbarch io Saturday Values in Summer FOOTWEAR pittad irraiwaBroU far a ■ardra laU n k« fadd al Ifca kon. ol Mi-U Cald- day a aMCtfaf of the preacot coadaee Men’B Footwear Women ’s Footwear ■. Jaaa U. Bf- ocaapnd Ike -ykMioo of St Aadrcar ’a Boots mi Oxfords for Mem, m brown Shoes for Woaiea ai bloade. frey. two- nraWnttayi ck-«h fa dw Dc-nioa capHai md bhek Buchers miid Bak.; leather toue black, ete: m Straps aad Ties, spike Ike -a-kaea of ika Cn-dfa- Unoo Udyamith to FiaU soles Md lubber heek Cil Aft hoco-a koala at a joMl iofor«al path- $3.95 ■I sites. Per pair Per potf arM -hick look the iom of a aoesai Stag Satarday Ladyaouthi tea — Io oppoaa New Men ’B Work Boote Women ’s Footwear Yettapiaat- BoyMe ia tkc Coaaaaikl Sobd leather Work Shoes for mea. m Wonea ’s Shoes m Straps. Ties aad m laBM al Coa Joart' Park Salar- browB oaly; heavy graia uppers. %vith Piaapa. ete. ia satia. pateat. kid. bloade. day. will ke coanoaed of tbe fokowioc Tail, lool; F. Straac aad Data Tho-- leather aad Paaco «>i« >><1 M 7C «.;.dii«is Pnt» $1000 Misses ’ snd •oa. hacks F Warpo. Bob Holliday. hwk; «l sues, pt^ pair ^ ,swat bo 1 Harps. hsH hadks; Simsna. D. Ka Children ’s Sho« fai. Brown. Halla-i aad a M-la. tor Mi...* and nd Oi.ldrrn . C.nv.i Aomen', and Children'. Rath i.rtl:^f YMtoa ia oaly aar cha^ fre- the liag Shoe, with Running Hhoe. m brown »n<| crepe clear them .« It . cok«. of ^ faeta wktoh woa Or Piwetoca Cap. ■ad cripette -noler vrhitc Strap; cripette »nl.t. all krowa. two i aad lhal la A Straac. a*o has traas m Ike groap famd la dM Bayali. aid ss« be rc- » 5 — u**». Sntardny only $1.00 rs.' 79c Per pair Wkial Drfa. aad Daae. .1 Ik. Speed- ptoced by To- Brown of St Saefaars. jny Hal. Friday. Jaaa k at • o'clock >a lha ceatre poaitioak 43-Jl SELF SERVKB Dnm Saturday U 9 cent Day in Small ware CfeMX FOX nWTALLBO GroCMry Spwnl. ■m Face doth. 2 for ...... 9c Cankarfaad. Joae k-Tbe -atalla Rick PaaMy Tea, wOk C» tiofi of oCiaan of Canoa Aerie Na Lsfa. IhremL bhek. while ami browiL ..... mmsn. wimum Picaic Pfaica. daa ______Me &L!^t Ifaa fee » 1153 took place reeeally in the prrsenn Ice Cr—m Plates, dog- S< 2 spook for ...... 9c DfameM *9*1 I of a hH«c la tk-toi of Eacks froai aD lia. fa. ■> rVw Arriral af Wai Piper, per rol------lan >MMSS Cotum. amoftod colors. 2 cards — M diMfiot Bso. B l SaaMem-Bf r-n, Dfammid -9*1 I m Rafter ft GaBctt Caraaimn Loed Now SpodB past presidcsK. officiated aod tbe fol Coal HmstetL each Soap, cake ------Jto King Bewck RarykT.... b lowiaB odfieen were tostalfad Worthy lOeiMTlb. Boia Stering Slidt -Ifa L)mleTwemBteta.M.2d«e. 9c Safety Piu. 30 aaeicted sm. « rii«. Syn—, pw tin fo past pfesidrat Thon Carney, worthy Kalngg-. C«n Ffahmi M Tk-a a n ■swwa by Kenhlry. Per not ...... 9c pre sidaot, Tkos, Base; worthy eice- Cbarme Bath IZIten Peari BunoM. astoirted sixes. 2 carrk. 9c pndknt . > Icfag 5u^. Dinawnd presidaM. Chaa. Bradley; aecrtlary. Bo-Peep Ppwter PaS Ale Daraiog Wool assorted colors. 2 cards 9c White Elastic. 1/4-ia. witkh; i-j6 btmdes Ja— SaMk; treaaanr. J. H. Bohan- Tuitot ttafWri - soo: ckapiaia. F Bradley Jr ; fasidi Cap dtape Hair Nets. 2 aeu for 9e per bundle 9c ‘■-L.-** " ’'•t foard, Jahw Brawa; a —aide laard. B. B-l quMMy Omog. !*«.-► ^ssr.PKXBD DAILY StoeIdP; caafMctor. W F. Hklddi Da Barry Face Powder, per fadn, par 4-ft. Im . • Silk H obo Trinngk Scanros Likk,'. Mutenrd. pw bet to O.T., k. reinffired r>v'nty dr.ign. in lh.w la(e.t .tyled ^arv... Bird SoM wwk Cettia FM abomM at al weari —t poini.: good a It ol t^. lat- add. to the ap{>caranc. of Suit, or IH c.m.. good eat cokM-t. Sne. SW.to W irment I of color, in Crepe de Ch.nr. Cr^rg_ : Stafor 91.60 lWtaSt.G«wto SATL'BDAY SPECIAU pai 79o Mie. Flat Crepe. toied Hasa. Bi Ha-. Pss- SATURDAY, eacli ii.'fS I’of. Shmlil,.. . a wy a-tVai SilkGloTes t>af.wd Sanu-r 2 lb., io. »i Eatra good apecial in the latr.t .fvle. \\\n J Ik. kprm«f..ld Rutt.r IIJI Kaycer Silk Glovrv donbir lipprd, in fUre o. (are TrUngkScanrM Ayrthir. Bacon .l...d, ft te The DaaBblan af St George hutal back cult, trimmed m contra.ting color., in all Special in TrUngl. Scarv.. in .trnttn.d dr.i kd tbak alficcrs leal aeoafag. Siairr the UtctI .hade*; »iaei 6 to 7"/,. Goiri >»lu. at grxHl quality ..Ik knit... an Stockwdls 1. Saaphaaaoa, Diitrict Depaly, acting Ikte.l cok*’.. as iaitalBin officee. assfalad ky Post Sfr^SArsP^T^; pfar $1.29 sSTl RDAY SPECIAL, each $1.25 Praaidaat Steer E. Hadley Boys ’ Summ«r r Wsigid UlB Undte tn't NataraJ Balkriggaa QUALITY AND VALUES IN itioat. tbowa m abort Penman ’. N.iur.I Baling ticeea aad leg ttyW: aJno On.- Shirt, and Drawru. m*d. "«• Bettoa Step-M ttylr; good wlected fnie Co Shirt, have long or tborl Inssda Ga-d. Sister M MOkara. wearing Sonuncr we kbt Under ­ I>rawar. arr tbown in knee •» OnsUa Ggard, SMer E. Ca^kefi wear vec-lftr priced S.r« M SUMMER NEEDS ankle length boe. U Diatrkt Oepaty Sfaaer I Swpbiaiiin 59c 73a, o 44 Spcrul. garment reseasad kialer C Dinoa with her FOR MEN AND BOYS rrtificaw aad Jewel, for which tbe Boyi’Wairt* Boys’ Fancy xbogly raapowdtd. Stater E. Hediry S d«ea Wan*, tpecfally ^Mters alan rec a faad C burly bBaq —t of Bow- koaghl to aetl at thit low fig- High Grmie Worsted mmI Swg« Suite Siaatr B. BMo. the new presideM. arc. They art aude fro— —ill PUring on tal. Satnrdsf. * WM DIalrict Drpoty aal Prasid- big grtwp of Boy. Fam^y r all diSerent over Sweater. ~ tear L Slapb niia wkh a boaqoet . Ofenottoow remarkable vdue.blltB ’.aftdYo«c » 14 y. wool Moaurrh ...... _ aaara. for wkicb she tbaakrd oaa . cork Mai ’s Clofhins. Attractively styled ia the seoMo's .howa m a ktg variety of and tB The fodn ibea adpiorard far m tern, and coloring. Sire. ■ Newest Models. These arc vggy aeteiy tailord from -cfaJ tiate wbieb maryoae taj. Boy.’ Balhfac Swia $2J» Tbf fargeil aaiortmeat of All-wool Worsteds ia acw cnlntiBgi; ftho P« Strgie JUME ROSE TEA BopF aad Kiddict' AU-wool Patteras. Also our famous ’’SpOHcne'' Navy Blue ^ Kiddiw’ SmU in all models. ^^7 M Santdap. Jaae 9. fro- 2 to S ia Ike Lumhwjwifci MaaaaM Hal. onder the aaapicaa of irmal and Jantacn makes; ipee- Mad. hv Monarch from ----- the Toaag Ladiaa' Oak. First T'nit.d faliy tclertnl tan color* or m— reawtMU Wucated Yarn, in fetM Charch ia aid af cofara htyfat aad tint for Extra puiU can be purchaaed for mt of these W color, with fancy check de»ign. Boy* or Girla .Age. 2 to M yrt Ha-r caokiag aad rtwes for sofa. Lomkeriack style*; am 2 ‘ P».d aceording to toe*. amm The progra- sril be at lonowa : I SSsr* $1JKI Piaao Solo-Hrten Brcbhcr. il.25“$3.75 9 am - Soag-dfailcr B Msttbawa Mfa ’. Work Skirt. Mm’. Fancy Edkf atrong and daraklc are Youths’ Long Pant Suite Sweaters Piaaa Soto-A Palletea theac Men . ^oo! .Shins, y.t fildit and cool lor Sammn wur All wool«l ,jaemrad Patiera- SbawB ia pfafa KJiaki Drin. also About 33 Suite in this group. Shown m Ttveok rd Pullover.er. V ueck Styfa^ Fancy Da ace-Margaret Woollall roiored eheca Priat. aad Cala- alM> wool fin. rfbkcd 'V-eeck Birte dii Master Bante (Vaacoa leaa. Sia — IS to 17 Citt foil Worsteds ud Serges. All extra weD tailored ■ the arrh •sSeT"^ $1.25 .faftcy Double-Breasted styles the boys Ukv A good Sweater., ofimd Plano Soio-Baaa- Stallh. •ouabl. pric*: Song-Masttr McGfaiuMW. AU-WooI Ribhod rutee of coloriugs. Sixes30to36in CIA QC .1... .Special •■-$Til the group. Spocally priced ^ Sodu Fwwy SakTu. Medina weight Bhek. AR far.f) woof -fm* rfchid »tyle. A very paltcrued Silk Ti gafafortabfa Sock *b^ I. cob atriped designed lAWH SOCIAL Fm Acre MiatioB Hal. Moadar. r’l.'ir"™ ;BaaU.faa-2n«p«. Sasringgrak. Special valaa. 2 pairt .. WWte DAVID SPENCER, Ltd