UBE3A-mediated PTPA ubiquitination and degradation regulate PP2A activity and dendritic spine morphology

Jie Wanga,b, Sen-Sen Loua,b, Tingting Wangc,d,e, Rong-Jie Wua,b,f, Guangying Lia, Miao Zhaog, Bin Lua, Yi-Yan Lia,b, Jing Zhanga, Xuewen Chenga, Ya Shena, Xing Wanga,b, Zhi-Chuan Zhua, Ming-Jie Lia,b, Toru Takumih, Hui Yanga, Xiang Yua,b,f, Lujian Liaoc,d,e,1, and Zhi-Qi Xionga,b,f,1

aInstitute of Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience, CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 200031 Shanghai, China; bSchool of Future Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049 Beijing, China; cShanghai Key Laboratory of Regulatory Biology, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, 200241 Shanghai, China; dKey Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics of Ministry of Education, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, 200241 Shanghai, China; eShanghai Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, 200241 Shanghai, China; fSchool of Life Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, 201210 Shanghai, China; gDepartment of Neurology and Institute of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University, 350005 Fuzhou, China; and hRIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako, 351-0198 Saitama, Japan

Edited by Michael E. Greenberg, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and approved May 13, 2019 (received for review November 28, 2018) Deficiency in the E3 UBE3A leads to the neuro- plasticity. However, the mechanisms that link changes in UBE3A developmental disorder (AS), while addi- level to neurodevelopmental disorders are not well understood. tional dosage of UBE3A is linked to autism spectrum disorder. The Accounting for 1% of total cellular , protein phos- mechanisms underlying the downstream effects of UBE3A gain or phatase 2A (PP2A) is highly conserved and responsible for most loss of function in these neurodevelopmental disorders are still of cellular serine/threonine phosphatase activity (12). Its holo- not well understood, and effective treatments are lacking. Here, is a heterotrimer, consisting of a core dimer of a catalytic using stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in mammals and C subunit (PP2Ac) and a scaffolding A subunit (PR65), and one ubiquitination assays, we identify PTPA, an activator of protein regulatory B subunit. The regulatory B subunit belongs to one of phosphatase 2A (PP2A), as a bona fide substrate of four families containing PR55/B (B55), PR61/B′ (B56), PR48/ Ube3a Ube3am−/p+ UBE3A. Maternal loss of ( ) increased PTPA level, PR72/PR130/B″, or PR93/PR110/B‴, and determines the sub- promoted PP2A holoenzyme assembly, and elevated PP2A activity, – Ube3a strate specificity and enzymatic activity of PP2A (13). In the while maternal 15q11 13 duplication containing down- nervous system, PP2A is crucial for neuronal growth and dif- regulated PTPA level and lowered PP2A activity. Reducing PTPA ferentiation, cytoskeleton assembly, dendritic spine morphology, level in vivo restored the defects in dendritic spine maturation in − + and synaptic plasticity (14, 15). However, it remains largely un- Ube3am /p mice. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of PP2A activity with the small molecule LB-100 alleviated both reduction known how regulatory factors function together to modulate in excitatory synaptic transmission and motor impairment in PP2A activity in vivo. − + Ube3am /p mice. Together, our results implicate a critical role of Here, we show that PTPA (phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activa- UBE3A-PTPA-PP2A signaling in the pathogenesis of UBE3A-related tor), an activator of PP2A, is a ubiquitin ligase substrate of UBE3A. Ube3am−/p+ disorders and suggest that PP2A-based drugs could be potential In mice, elevating PTPA protein level increased the therapeutic candidates for treatment of UBE3A-related disorders. methylation of the catalytic subunit of PP2A and promoted PP2A

UBE3A | Angelman syndrome | ubiquitin | protein phosphatase 2A | Significance spine morphology Deletion or loss-of-function of the maternally he imprinted UBE3A encodes the E3 ubiquitin ligase inherited allele of UBE3A, which encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase, TUBE3A, which conjugates polyubiquitin chains to specific lead to Angelman syndrome (AS), a developmental neurologi- lysine residues in its substrates, regulating the expression and func- cal disorder with severe intellectual disability. The conse- UBE3A tion of these (1, 2). Deletion or loss-of-function mutations quences of dysfunction are not well understood. Here, of the maternally inherited allele of UBE3A result in Angelman we demonstrate that UBE3A ubiquitinates PTPA, an activator Ube3a syndrome (AS), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by of protein phosphatase 2A. Maternal loss of in an AS mouse model leads to significant increases in PTPA level and severe developmental delay, intellectual disability, motor dysfunc- PP2A activity. Genetic reduction of PTPA or pharmacologic in- tion, and seizures (3, 4). On the other hand, maternal duplication or – UBE3A hibition of PP2A in an AS mouse model alleviated the deficits in triplication of the 15q11 13 region, where dendritic spine morphology and synaptic transmission and resides, is associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (5). improved behavioral phenotypes. These data suggest a critical UBE3A These studies demonstrate that appropriate dosage of is role of UBE3A-PTPA-PP2A signaling in the pathogenesis of critical for normal brain development and function. UBE3A-related disorders. The AS mouse model with loss of the maternal allele of Ube3a m−/p+ (Ube3a ) recapitulates many of the phenotypes of AS, in- Author contributions: J.W., L.L., and Z.-Q.X. designed research; J.W., S.-S.L., T.W., R.-J.W., cluding motor dysfunction, seizure susceptibility, and cognitive G.L., M.Z., Y.-Y.L., J.Z., and Y.S. performed research; X.C., X.W., M.-J.L., T.T., and H.Y. Ube3am−/p+ contributed new reagents/analytic tools; J.W., S.-S.L., T.W., G.L., B.L., and Z.-C.Z. analyzed impairment (6). mice have significantly reduced data; and J.W., X.Y., and Z.-Q.X. wrote the paper. spine density and aberrant spine morphology, deficits that are The authors declare no conflict of interest. highly correlated with abnormalities in synaptic transmission − + This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. and/or synaptic plasticity (7–10). Ube3am /p mice also display Published under the PNAS license. impaired experience-dependent dendritic spine maintenance and 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or ljliao@ synaptic maturation in cortical circuits, consistent with sensory bio.ecnu.edu.cn. processing abnormalities in individuals with AS (8, 10, 11). These This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. findings demonstrate that UBE3A plays a critical role in normal 1073/pnas.1820131116/-/DCSupplemental. dendritic spine development, as well as neural circuit wiring and Published online June 3, 2019.

12500–12505 | PNAS | June 18, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 25 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1820131116 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 − + holoenzyme assembly. Genetically reducing PTPA expression using Ube3am /p mice (SI Appendix, Fig. S2 A–C). These results suggest + − Ptpa / mice or pharmacological inhibition of PP2A activity using that PP2A is unlikely to be a direct substrate of UBE3A. LB-100 significantly rescued the deficits in spine morphology and − + excitatory synaptic transmission in Ube3am /p mice. Chronic UBE3A Regulates the Protein Level of PP2A Activator PTPA. We thus − + treatment of Ube3am /p mice with PP2A inhibitor LB-100 also used stable isotope labeling of amino acids in mammals (SILAM) significantly rescued behavioral deficits. In summary, our study combined with quantitative mass spectrometry (18) to systematically Ube3am−/p+ identifies the PTPA/PP2A complex as a UBE3A substrate and screen for proteins whose levels are altered in mice at – SI Appendix D suggests that it serves as a target for therapeutic intervention in P14 P17 ( ,Fig.S2 ). Mass spectrometry analysis also UBE3A-related disorders. did not show significant changes in any PP2A subunits in cerebellar and hippocampal lysates (Fig. 1B,andSI Appendix,TableS1,and Results Dataset S1). Interestingly, we found that the level of an activator of UBE3A Negatively Regulates PP2A Activity in the Brain. To in- PP2A, known as PTPA (phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator, Ppp2r4 vestigate whether UBE3A regulates the activity of PP2A, we encoded by ), was elevated, compared with that in WT mice B systematically assayed PP2A-specific phosphatase activity in four (Fig. 1 ). The levels of other known PP2A regulators, including developmental stages, namely postnatal (P) 7, P17–P20, P25– IGBP1 and LCMT1, were unchanged. Consistent with PTPA being P28, and P30–P37, by immunoprecipitating it from brain lysates a potential substrate of UBE3A, its protein level, rather than its − + from littermate wild-type (WT) or Ube3am /p mice (SI Appen- mRNA level, increased significantly at P14 and P30 in the cerebel- Ube3am−/p+ dix, Fig. S1A). We found that PP2A activity was significantly lum and hippocampus of mice, compared with litter- Ube3am−/p+ mate WT mice (Fig. 1C and SI Appendix,Fig.S3A–D). Consistently, increased in brain lysates, compared with WT brain – matDp + lysates, from the third postnatal week onwards (Fig. 1A). We in the human 15q11 13 maternal duplication mice ( / )with elevated UBE3A protein level (19), we found a significant reduction further evaluated the effect of UBE3A overexpression on PP2A in the level of PTPA (SI Appendix,Fig.S3E). These results indicate activity in HEK293T cells. Consistently, overexpression of UBE3A that PTPA is a potential ubiquitin ligase substrate of UBE3A. dramatically reduced PP2A activity (SI Appendix, Fig. S1 B and C). Was the elevation of PTPA responsible for the dysregulation Conversely, overexpression of the ligase-dead mutant (UBE3A- − + of PP2A activity in Ube3am /p mice? Using whole brain lysates, C838A) of UBE3A significantly increased PP2A activity. As an we did not observe a change of PP2A activity between WT and − + additional control, expression of GFP did not affect PP2A activity, Ube3am /p mice at P14 (Fig. 1A). However, when we used ly- indicating that the regulation between UBE3A and PP2A activity sates from specific brain regions to measure PP2A activity, we NEUROSCIENCE was specific. Together, these findings demonstrate that UBE3A found that PP2A activity was increased in the cerebellum and − + negatively regulates PP2A activity at early developmental stages. hippocampus of the Ube3am /p mice at P14, compared with Using Western blotting, we found that both UBE3A and PP2A littermate WT mice (SI Appendix, Fig. S3F). Neither PTPA level SI Appendix D − + were expressed in and glial cells ( ,Fig.S1 ), nor PP2A activity was changed at P7 in Ube3am /p mice (SI consistent with the published literature (2, 16). Using duplex in Appendix, Fig. S3 G and H). The temporal similarity in changes situ hybridization, we found that they were coexpressed in the of PP2A activity and protein level of its activator suggests that same cells in hippocampus, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex, and PTPA elevation may be responsible for the increased PP2A ac- SI at high levels in neurons of the hippocampus and cerebellum ( tivity in Ube3a-deficient mice during the second postnatal week. Appendix, Fig. S1E). Since UBE3A has been reported to function as an E3 ligase or a transcriptional coregulator (17), we next tested UBE3A Ubiquitinates PTPA. To further test the hypothesis that mRNA and protein levels of PP2A subunits in cerebellar and PTPA is a potential ubiquitin ligase substrate of UBE3A, we first − + hippocampal lysates of the Ube3am /p mice. Although PP2A examined the physical interaction between UBE3A and PTPA activity was negatively regulated by UBE3A, the mRNA and by GST pull-down assay using purified proteins. Glutathione protein levels of PP2A subunits were not significantly affected in Sepharose resins charged with GST-UBE3A or GST were

A m-/p+ B WT Ube3a 1.5 1.05 ** PPP2R5A 1.02 LCMT1 Cerebellum 0.99 PP2Ac PPP2R2A 1.0 IGBP1 m-/p+ PPP2R2C 0.96 PPP2R5D PR65 0.93 0.5 Ube3a ) ratio 0.90 PTPA PP2A activityPP2A (A.U.) 0.0 0.96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 H/L (WT/ H/L L/H (Ube3a m-/p+ /WT) ratio P7 P17-P20 P25-P28 P30-P37 Fig. 1. UBE3A negatively regulates PP2A activity, as C Cerebellum PP2Ac 1.08 well as the protein level of its activator PTPA. (A) PPP2R5A Hippocampus m−/p+ PPP2R5D PP2A activity from brain tissues in WT, Ube3a at m-/p+ m-/p+ 2.5 * 1.02 PR65 PPP2R2A P7 (n = 3); P17–P20 (n = 3); P25–P28 (n = 4); and P30– 2.0 0.96 IGBP1 P37 (n = 7) (n represents the number of mice). (B)

kDa m-/p+ WTUbe3aWTUbe3a PPP2R2C Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of the pro- PTPA 1.5 0.90 LCMT1 35 tein levels of PP2A-related proteins in the cerebellum 1.0 0.84 and hippocampus based on SILAM. Black dots, pro- PPP2R2A 55 Ube3a ) ratio PTPA 0.5 0.78 teins with no changes in levels; red dots, PTPA. (C) UBE3A 100 PTPA protein level was increased in the cerebellum 0.72 m−/p+ PTPA intensity (A.U.) PTPA 0.0 of Ube3a mice at P30. n = 8 mice per condition. 45 m-/p+ Actin (WT/ H/L 0.96 1.04 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.36 WT Ube3a m-/p+ In all quantifications, error bars indicated mean ± L/H (Ube3a /WT) ratio SEM; *P < 0.05, Student’s unpaired t test.

Wang et al. PNAS | June 18, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 25 | 12501 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 incubated with His-PTPA and the bound proteins were eluted we examined the effect of overexpressing PTPA on dendritic and subjected to Western blotting analysis. We found that PTPA spines in cultured pyramidal neurons and found no significant directly interacted with GST-UBE3A, but not with GST (Fig. 2A). effect on spine density (SI Appendix,Fig.S6A and B). We further Ubiquitination assay with lysates using HA-tagged ubiquitin categorized dendritic spines into three groups (mushroom, stubby, showed that PTPA was efficiently ubiquitinated in the presence of and thin), according to their morphology, with mushroom and UBE3A, compared with cells expressing the ligase-dead mutant stubby spines representing mature spines and thin spines being (UBE3A-C838A) (Fig. 2B). Using K48-linked polyubiquitin anti- more dynamic and immature (20). We found that the proportion body, we found that PTPA was ubiquitinated by UBE3A in K48- of immature, filopodia-like thin spines significantly increased in linked polyubiquitin chains (SI Appendix,Fig.S4A). In the in vitro PTPA-overexpressing neurons, compared with control neurons, ubiquitination assay, purified PTPA was ubiquitinated by UBE3A with a concomitant reduction in mature spines (SI Appendix, Fig. in the presence of E1 and E2 , an effect that was blocked S6C). Quantitative measurement of spine morphology showed a C by omitting ATP or UBE3A (Fig. 2 ). Further ubiquitination significant increase in spine length and reduction in spine width in experiments using purified GST-PTPA and brain lysates showed neurons overexpressing PTPA, compared with control neurons (SI that GST-PTPA can be efficiently ubiquitinated by brain lysates − + Appendix,Fig.S6D). These results are similar to previous obser- Ube3am /p D − + derived from WT, but not mice (Fig. 2 ), directly vations in the visual cortex of Ube3am /p mice (10). supporting the hypothesis that UBE3A is the specific E3 ligase To investigate whether a reduction in PTPA level could re- − + mediating PTPA ubiquitination. Using mass spectrometry analy- verse the spine defects in Ube3am /p mice, we generated Ptpa sis, we identified four lysine residues (K28, K286, K302, and K310) mutant mice using CRISPR/Cas9 technology (see Materials and in PTPA that were significantly ubiquitinated in cells over- Methods E SI Ap- for details). Homozygous mutants were embryonic lethal, expressing UBE3A, but not in control cells (Fig. 2 and while heterozygotes displayed a significant reduction in PTPA (SI pendix,Fig.S4B). Consistently, a mutant form of PTPA (PTPA- Appendix,Fig.S6E). Using Golgi staining, we compared spine density 4KR), in which all four lysine residues (K) were replaced with and morphology in cerebellar Purkinje cells and the apical dendrites arginine (R), rendered PTPA much less susceptible to ubiquiti- of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons between WT and three nation (SI Appendix,Fig.S5A). Additionally, in the presence of − + + − different mutant mouse genotypes (Ube3am /p , Ptpa / ,and UBE3A, both PTPA-4KR and wild-type PTPA in the presence of Ube3am−/p+;Ptpa+/− inhibitor MG132, were more stable than wild-type ) at P30. Similar to the results in cultured pyra- PTPA alone (Fig. 2F). To determine if all four K residues con- midal neurons, we observed a higher frequency of immature, thin tribute to the ubiquitination of PTPA, we constructed single K spines and a reduction of mature spines in neurons from these two Ube3am−/p+ A– mutants of PTPA (K28R, K286R, K302R, and K310R) and per- brain regions of mice, compared with WT mice (Fig. 3 D formed the ubiquitination assay in transfected cells. We found that ). Importantly, these changes in spine morphology were completely Ube3am−/p+;Ptpa+/− the ubiquitination of each PTPA mutant was less than that of the reversed in double heterozygous mice ( ), deficient WT form, and that each lysine contributed similarly to the ubiq- in both UBE3A and PTPA. Consistent with the spine subtype results, Ube3am−/p+ uitination of PTPA (SI Appendix,Fig.S5B). Together, these re- neurons from mice displayed longer and thinner spines, m−/p+ +/− sults demonstrate that UBE3A regulates PTPA at the protein effects that were also rescued in Ube3a ;Ptpa double hetero- zygous mice (SI Appendix,Fig.S7A and B). In terms of spine density, level through the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). − + − + + − both Ube3am /p and Ube3am /p ;Ptpa / mice showed reduced spine Regulation of Spine Morphology by Interaction between PTPA and density, compared with WT mice (SI Appendix,Fig.S7C and D). In UBE3A. If PTPA were a substrate of UBE3A, would it mimic some the basal dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of motor cortex of the effects of UBE3A loss of function? To address this question, and of primary somatosensory cortex, alterations in spine subtypes of

A C E Pull down Input E1+E2+Ubi + ++ 1 GST + - + -+ Mouse - + - His-UBE3A K28 GST-UBE3A +- +- His-PTPA + ++ PTPA His-PTPA ++ ++kDa ATP - ++kDa IB: 250 His PTPA 130 130 100 PTPA 100 70 -(Ub)n 70 GST 55 55 PTPA 35 K286 K302 25 K310 B D m-/p+ 323 UBE3A-C838A -- -+ Brain lysis WT WTUbe3a UBE3A -- +- GST-PTPA -++ F Fig. 2. UBE3A ubiquitinates PTPA. (A) GST pull- +++ down assay to validate the direct interaction be- Flag-PTPA +- ++ Ubi Flag-PTPA - ATP +++ kDa WT 4KR tween UBE3A and PTPA proteins in vitro. (B) PTPA HA-Ubiquitin ++ ++ UBE3A - --kDa IB: 250 was ubiquitinated by UBE3A but not its ligase-dead MG132 ++ ++kDa PTPA PTPA PTPA 130 35 mutant Ube3a-C838A in HEK293T cells. Immunoblots 35 130 -(Ub)n 100 GAPDH were incubated with anti-HA antibodies. *, non- 70 IB: 100 GST-PTPA specific bands. (C) In vitro ubiquitination of PTPA 70 HA 55 Flag-PTPA - mediated by UBE3A analyzed by immunoblotting. 55 WT WT 4KR IP:Flag UBE3A + +++ (D) In vitro ubiquitination of PTPA using WT and * m−/p+ 35 Actin 45 MG132 - -+- kDa Ube3a mice brain lysates. (E) The lysine residues in PTPA ubiquitinated by UBE3A analyzed by LC-MS/ UBE3A 100 PTPA 35 PTPA 35 MS. Rectangles in green indicate ATP binding sites. UBE3A 100 (F) PTPA (4KR) blocked UBE3A-mediated

Input UBE3A 100 PTPA degradation. Three independent experiments Actin 45 were performed.

12502 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1820131116 Wang et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 A B methylation of PP2Ac, not its phosphorylation, is specifically WT Ube3am-/p+ 100 regulated by UBE3A in the brain. ****** 80 thin m s t Since PP2Ac methylation was known to enhance binding of 60 stubby

** *** the PR55/B subunit to the PP2A core dimer (24), we further ex- 40 s m t mushroom 20 amined whether PP2A holoenzyme assembly is affected by

m-/p+ +/- +/- Percentage (%) Ube3a ;Ptpa Ptpa 0 UBE3A deficiency. Our co-IP analysis showed that higher amounts ; Cerebellum +/- WT of PR65 and PPP2R2A subunits were coimmunoprecipitated with m-/p+ m-/p+ − − +/- Ptpa the PP2Ac subunit in lysates from Ube3a / mice, compared with Ptpa Ube3aUbe3a WT littermates (Fig. 4 C and D). Furthermore, PPP2R2A immu- − − C D noprecipitated more PP2A core dimer in Ube3a / mice (SI Ap-

100 *

m-/p+ * WT Ube3a *** 80 thin pendix,Fig.S8G). The immunoprecipitates enriched with the

60 * *** stubby PP2Ac antibody were analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem 40 mushroom mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Consistently, we found more 20

m-/p+ +/- +/- Percentage (%) 0 PR65 and PR55/B subunits in the immunoprecipitates of the Ube3a ;Ptpa Ptpa m−/p+ ; +/- Ube3a mice,comparedwithWTlittermates(Dataset S2). Hippocampus WT m-/p+ m-/p+ +/- Ptpa Taken together, these findings indicate that UBE3A negatively Ube3a Ube3aPtpa regulates PP2A activity through UPS degradation of PTPA, which enhances PP2Ac methylation to promote PP2A assembly. E F 2+ 100 Increased phosphorylation of Ca /calmodulin-dependent WT Ube3am-/p+ * * 80 thin protein kinase CaMKIIα at T286, a substrate for PP2A in the cy- m−/p+ 60 ** stubby toplasm (25), was reported in hippocampus of Ube3a mice (26). 40 mushroom α 20 Although we observed an increase in phosphorylated CaMKII m−/p+ Ube3am-/p+;Ptpa+/- Ptpa +/- Percentage (%) 0 in Ube3a mice, the phosphorylation level of CaMKIIα did not + − ; +/- Ptpa / SI Appendix H Motor cortex WT change in the hippocampus of mice ( ,Fig.S8 m-/p+ m-/p+ +/- Ptpa and I). These results suggest that CaMKIIα might not be down- Ube3a Ube3aPtpa stream of the UBE3A-PTPA-PP2A axis.

Fig. 3. PTPA is required for UBE3A-mediated spine maturation. (A)Repre- Pharmacological Inhibition of PP2A Activity Rescues Cellular and NEUROSCIENCE sentative images of dendritic spine of Golgi stained Purkinje cells from WT, m−/p+ m−/p+ m−/p+ +/− +/− Behavioral Phenotypes in Ube3a Mice. Previous findings on Ube3a , Ube3a ;Ptpa ,andPtpa mice. m, mushroom; s, stubby; t, Ube3a thin. (Scale bar, 2 μm.) (B) Quantitation of dendritic spine subtypes. n = 60–80 -deficient mice have shown extensive defects in spine dendrites per condition, n = 3 mice per genotype. (C) Representative images of morphology and physiology, as well as behavioral impairment. apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in WT, Ube3am−/p+, Therefore, we examined motor behaviors of WT and mutant − + + − − + + − Ube3am−/p+;Ptpa+/−,andPtpa+/− mice. (Scale bar, 2 μm.) (D) Quantitation of mice (Ube3am /p , Ptpa / , and Ube3am /p ;Ptpa / mice) at − + dendritic spine subtypes. n = 20–40 dendrites per condition, n = 3miceper P30. Although Ube3am /p mice performed worse than WT mice, genotype. (E) Representative images of basal dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal Ube3am−/p+;Ptpa+/− − + − + + − we did not observe an improvement in mice neurons of the motor cortex in WT, Ube3am /p , Ube3am /p ;Ptpa / ,and Ube3am−/p+ SI Appendix A +/− μ compared with mice ( , Fig. S9 ). Since Ptpa mice. (Scale bar, 2 m.) (F) Quantitation of dendritic spine subtypes of the regulation of PP2A by UBE3A occurred postnatally, we motor cortex. n = 30–40 dendrites per condition, n = 3micepergenotype.In all quantifications, error bars indicate mean ± SEM; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, surmised that down-regulation of PTPA during the embryonic ***P < 0.001, two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posttest. period may exert a pleiotropic effect on normal development. Since PP2A activity was significantly elevated in Ube3a mutant mice from P14 onwards, we asked whether pharmacological − + − + + − Ube3am /p mice were also rescued in Ube3am /p ;Ptpa / mice (Fig. inhibition of PP2A activity at later developmental stages in − + 3 E and F and SI Appendix,Fig.S7E and F). Together, these results Ube3am /p mice could ameliorate cellular and behavioral defects. suggest that PTPA plays an important role in mediating the effects of We thus examined whether PP2A activity could be reversed in − + UBE3A on spine morphology. Ube3am /p mice using LB-100, a small molecular inhibitor of PP2A. Treatment of acute brain slices with LB-100 (300 nM) − + UBE3A Inhibits PTPA-Mediated PP2A Assembly and Activity. Having showed that the elevated PP2A activity in Ube3am /p mice could shown an interaction between PTPA and UBE3A at both the be rescued by LB-100 (SI Appendix,Fig.S9B). Then, using the biochemical and functional levels, we next asked whether these same treatment, we examined excitatory synaptic transmission in interactions extend to the PP2A complex, as PTPA is an acti- the primary motor cortex (M1), by whole-cell recording of mini- vator of PP2A. PTPA interacts with the catalytic subunit PP2Ac, ature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSC) in layer 2/3 pyr- and is known to regulate its phosphorylation and/or methylation amidal neurons. Consistent with previous findings (8), we found − + to promote PP2A holoenzyme assembly in nonneuronal cells that average mEPSC frequencies in Ube3am /p mice at P30 were (21, 22). To test the link between PTPA up-regulation and en- significantly lower than those of WT littermates, whereas average − + hanced PP2A activity in Ube3am /p mice, we first examined mEPSC amplitudes were not affected (Fig. 5 A–C). Incubation of + − PP2A activity in Ptpa mutant mice (Ptpa / ), and showed that brain slices with PP2A inhibitor LB-100 elevated the mEPSC + − − + PP2A activity was reduced in Ptpa / mice (SI Appendix, Fig. frequencies in Ube3am /p mice to a level similar to that of the WT S8A). Co-IP in HEK293T cells expressing Flag-PTPA also mice (Fig. 5 A–C). These results confirmed that the synaptic − + showed that PTPA interacts with PP2Ac (SI Appendix, Fig. S8B). deficits in Ube3am /p mice were due to elevated PP2A activity. Using an antibody that recognized methylated PP2Ac (Leu309) Since the PP2A inhibitor LB-100 is a small molecule that can (23), we found that the level of methylated PP2Ac (Me-PP2Ac) cross the blood–brain barrier (27) and inhibits the activity of was significantly increased in both the cerebellum and hippo- PP2A (SI Appendix, Fig. S9C), we intraperitoneally injected mice − + campus of the Ube3am /p mice (Fig. 4 A and B and SI Appendix, with LB-100 (1 mg/kg) every 2 days starting at P14 and examined Fig. S8 C and D). Conversely, matDp/+ mice displayed a re- their behavior at P30 (Fig. 5D). Using gait analysis, wire sus- duction in carboxylmethylation of PP2Ac in the hippocampus (SI pension, and rotarod, we found that muscle strength, motor − + Appendix, Fig. S8 E and F). In contrast to PP2Ac methylation, coordination, and learning in Ube3am /p mice were deficient phosphorylated PP2Ac (p-PP2Ac) was not significantly different compared with WT mice, and that these deficiencies were largely − + between WT and Ube3am /p mice. These results suggest that rescued by LB-100 treatment (Fig. 5 E and F and SI Appendix,

Wang et al. PNAS | June 18, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 25 | 12503 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 A B 2.0 ** 1.5

m-/p+ m-/p+ 1.5 Cerebellum 1.0 kDa WT Ube3akDa WTUbe3a 1.0 Me-PP2Ac 35 p-PP2Ac 35 0.5 PP2Ac 35 PP2Ac 35 0.5 100 100 UBE3A UBE3A Fig. 4. UBE3A regulates the PP2A activity by regu- 0.0 0.0 Actin 45 Actin 45 intensity Me-PP2Ac (A.U.) m-/p+ m-/p+ lating its holoenzyme assembly. (A) Representative WT Ube3a intensity (A.U.) p-PP2Ac WT Ube3a images showing that PP2Ac methylation level was C D increased in the cerebellum of Ube3am−/p+ mice. (B) IP:PP2Ac Input 2.5 3 * * Quantification of Me-PP2Ac and p-PP2Ac level, nor- -/- -/- 2.0 malized to that of PP2Ac. A.U., arbitrary units. n = 11 2 mice per condition. (C and D) Co-IP analysis of the 1.5 amount of the PP2A holoenzyme in WT and

kDa WT Ube3a

WT kDa Ube3a −/− PPP2R2A 55 PPP2R2A 55 1.0 1 Ube3a mice. Quantification shown in D as the ra- tio of PR65/PPP2R2A intensity to that of PP2Ac in- PR65 70 PR65 70 0.5 PR65/PP2Ac 55 55 PPP2R2A/PP2Ac tensity. In all quantifications, error bars indicate PP2Ac 35 PP2Ac 35 0.0 0 mean ± SEM; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, Student’s un- 100 -/- -/- UBE3A WT Ube3a WT Ube3a paired t test.

Fig. S10A). After behavioral testing, we used Golgi staining to excitatory synaptic function in the developing brain. First, using examine the synaptic morphology of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons quantitative mass spectrometry and biochemical methods, we in M1 and cerebellar Purkinje cells at around P50. Consistent demonstrate that PTPA protein level is bidirectionally altered in with the behavioral results, we found that the increase in the the AS mouse model and in the human 15q11–13 duplication − + proportion of thin spines found in Ube3am /p mice was signifi- mouse model. Second, we observed corresponding changes cantly rescued in mutant mice treated with LB-100 (SI Appendix, downstream of the UBE3A-PTPA pathway, including methylation Fig. S10 B and C). These results suggest that PP2A inhibitors of PP2Ac, assembly of PP2A holoenzyme, and PP2A activity in the could be used to ameliorate cellular and behavioral deficits in- AS mouse model. Third, down-regulation of PTPA or pharma- duced by UBE3A deficiency. cological inhibition of PP2A rescued spine morphology defects and synaptic transmission in AS model mice, suggesting that Discussion UBE3A targets PTPA-PP2A to regulate synaptic function. Col- Given that alterations in UBE3A levels leads to AS and ASD, lectively, these results suggest that PTPA functions as a substrate identifying neuronal substrates of UBE3A E3 ligase is critical for of UBE3A, and that dysregulation of the UBE3A-PTPA-PP2A understanding disease progress and for developing methods for pathway contributes to UBE3A-related neurodevelopmental dis- clinical interventions. In the present study, we demonstrate that orders (SI Appendix,Fig.S11). UBE3A directly binds to and degrades the PP2A activator PTPA, The diversity of PP2A substrates and function depends on mul- a process that is critical for dendritic spines morphogenesis and tiple PP2A holoenzymes and a plethora of endogenous regulators,


WT n.s. n.s. 15 * *** 20 Ube3am-/p+ 15 10 m-/p+ Ube3a 10 +LB-100 5 5 WT mEPSC Frequency (HZ) mEPSC 0 mEPSC Amplitude0 (pA) +LB-100 WT WT m-/p+ m-/p+ 10 pA 5 pA m-/p+ m-/p+ 0.2 s 10 ms +LB-100 +LB-100 Ube3a Ube3a Ube3a Ube3a WT+LB-100 WT+LB-100 DFE Rotarod Fig. 5. LB-100, an inhibitor of PP2A activity, restores Wire suspension changes in excitatory synapses and motor deficits in n.s. WT − + P14 i.p. injection n.s. Ube3am-/p+ Ube3am /p mice. (A) Representative mEPSC traces 600 LB-100 ** * WT+LB-100 (Left) and average waveforms (Right) from acute 120 m-/p+ 500 Ube3a +LB-100 brain slices of motor cortex of P30 mice, conditions as indicated. (B and C) Quantification of mEPSC fre- 400 * P30 80 quencies and amplitudes. n represents the num- behaviors n.s. = m−/p+ = 300 ber of cells: WT, n 12; Ube3a , n 9; *** Ube3am−/p++LB-100, n = 9; WT+LB-100, n = 13; one- 40 n.s. *** Latency to fall (s) Latency to fall 200 ** way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest. (D) Schematic of

~P50 Golgi (s) fall to Latency 100 experimental design. i.p., intraperitoneal. (E) Wire staining 0 suspension test. n = 7 mice per condition; one-way D1 D2 D3 ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest. (F) Rotarod test. n = 8 WT m-/p+ m-/p+ mice per condition; two-way ANOVA with Bonfer- +LB-100 roni posttest. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM; ***P < Ube3aUbe3a WT+LB-100 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, n.s., not significant.

12504 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1820131116 Wang et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 including PTPA, IGBP1 (α4), LCMT1, PME-1, and TIPRL1 (13). pathway from the second postnatal week, a period important for Our data suggest that UBE3A regulates PP2A activity through experience-dependent formation and maintenance of dendritic ubiquitinating its activator PTPA, specially regulating the methyl- spines (9). Thus, our findings offer an important mechanistic link ation of PP2Ac and its selective recruitment of PR55/B regulatory between impaired PP2A activity and synaptic and behavioral subunits. In AS mutant mice, the phosphorylation levels of deficits in UBE3A-related neurodevelopmental disorders. 286 305 CaMKIIα at Thr and Thr in hippocampus are increased, and Last but not least, to our knowledge, our results provide evi- its PP1/PP2A phosphatase activity is reduced (26). In neurons, dence that the PTPA/PP2A complex may be a target for treat- α CaMKII is dephosphorylated by PP1 in the postsynaptic density ment of UBE3A-related disorders. LB-100 has recently been (PSD) and dephosphorylated in cytosol or synaptosomes by PP2A. tested in a phase I clinical trial for cancer therapy (28) and was The latter pathway is likely to be regulated by the α4 regulator of α α found to be safe. Since our experiments demonstrate that PP2A (25), because 4 physically interacts with CaMKII and a LB-100 administration starting from P14 significantly rescued spine neuronal specific α4 deficiency in hippocampus leads to an increase maturation, synaptic transmission, and motor function, it pro- of CaMKIIα activity in the cytoplasm. Thus, we reasoned that UBE3A-PTPA-PP2A targets other downstream pathways to regu- vides an exciting direction with much potential for the treatment late brain development. Consistently, we found that IGBP1 (α4) of AS. Taken together, our findings offer an understanding of level is not affected in AS mice and the reduction of PTPA in the mechanisms underlying the pathology of UBE3A-related hippocampus did not affect the phosphorylation of CaMKIIα. neurodevelopmental disorders and suggest a target for thera- Together, our findings thus provide insights into a specific regula- peutic intervention toward AS and autism. tion of PP2A activity in the nervous system. Materials and Methods Abnormal spine development and maturation have been a consistent anatomical observation in neurodevelopmental dis- All experimental procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care orders, including AS and ASD. However, the mechanism and Use Committee of the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of through which UBE3A regulates spine development and matu- Sciences and were in accordance with the Society for Neuroscience guidelines. ration is not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that Ube3a-deficient mice were generated by Jiang et al. (6). The UBE3A dupli- excessive PTPA protein in an AS mouse model contributes to cation mouse carries an interstitial duplication of 6 Mb on mouse chromo- some 7 that corresponds to human chromosome 15q11–13, as previously defects in dendritic spine maturation. Importantly, in vivo re- described (19). duction of PTPA or pharmacological inhibition of PP2A activity For details, see SI Appendix, SI Materials and Methods. prevents these defects in the AS mouse model. Consistently, NEUROSCIENCE inhibition of PP2A activity also restores the level in excitatory ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Prof. Mu-Ming Poo for critical com- synaptic transmission in AS model mice. Phenotypically, ad- ments on the manuscript. We thank Dr. Qian Hu, Qian-Ru Ma, Dan Xiang, ministration of LB-100 rescues defects in motor function and Xu-Xin Chen from the Optical Imaging Core Facility at the Institute of Neuroscience − + learning in Ube3am /p mice. In contrast, genetic reduction of (ION) for assistance with confocal imaging, and Ms. Ling Han of the ION + − PTPA using Ptpa / did not rescue the motor defects in Ube3a- Animal Facility for assistance with animal care. We thank colleagues at ION deficient mice. One possible explanation is that PTPA has and members of the Z.-Q.X. laboratory for helpful discussion and sugges- tions. This work was supported by grants from the Chinese Academy of UBE3A-independent functions during embryonic development. −/− Sciences (XDB32060000, QYZDJ-SSW-SMC010), the Ministry of Science and Consistently, Ptpa null mice are embryonic lethal, while Technology (2016YFA0501002), and the Science and Technology Commission m−/p+ Ube3a mice are viable. UBE3A regulates the PTPA-PP2A of Shanghai Municipality (16JC1420202).

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