Spring 2009

Eversheds: Recruiting the “can do” lawyers of the future

Solicitors and : still so different?

CityPeople: Gillian Woodworth in profile

Law Report: The Legal Services Act – what you really need to know In Law 2 The University for business and the professionals

Legal Translation MA

• qualified in law? • fluent in a second language?

...so what’s your next move? launced in sept

City University’s new MA in Legal • study while you work – you will be Translation – launched in September taught in a flexible format combining 2008 – builds on the Centre for intensive workshops with distance Language Studies’ long-running learning short courses in legal terminology for translators. • decide your own progression – take individual modules for continuing It also recognises the increasing professional development or the full demand for specialist translators two-year course leading to an MA or in the legal arena. Postgraduate Diploma

• language combinations – translate from English into French, German, Italian or Spanish, or one of the latter into English.

See www.city.ac.uk/languages for further information about the Legal Translation MA, as well as other short courses in translation for commercial, corporate and contract law Email:[email protected] • Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8865 In Law Team In Law The University for business Dean / Director: 3 and the professionals Professor Peter Kunzlik [email protected]

Publisher: Seth Stromboli +44 (0)20 7040 4209 [email protected]

Contributing Editor: Edward Fennell Legal Translation MA +44 (0)20 7040 8396 contents [email protected]

News Desk: Claire Lees +44 (0)20 7040 8783 • qualified in law? [email protected] Beverley Alton +44 (0)20 7040 0221 • fluent in a second language? [email protected] Marketing: 10. Marie Wood +44 (0)20 7040 8396 [email protected] Law Report 10. The Legal Services Act

Production / Design: Melissa Sterry +44 (0)20 8780 1954 04. Welcome: [email protected] View from Dean’s Office

General Enquiries: ...so what’s your next move? In Law Magazine 06. CityView: The The In Law Roundtable City University , London EC1V 0HB 09. LLM in Focus: +44 (0)20 7040 8396 Yes, Crime does pay 06. [email protected] at City City University’s new MA in Legal • study while you work – you will be Published: spring 2009 Translation – launched in September taught in a flexible format combining For advertising and editorial 12. CityPeople: 2008 – builds on the Centre for intensive workshops with distance contributions, or to receive your FREE copy of In Law, email [email protected] Meet Lorna Woods Language Studies’ long-running learning or call us today on +44 (0)20 7040 8396. short courses in legal terminology for translators. • decide your own progression – take 14. ExpertWitness: individual modules for continuing A Question of Professional It also recognises the increasing professional development or the full Trust demand for specialist translators two-year course leading to an MA or in the legal arena. Postgraduate Diploma 14. 17. CityPeople: • language combinations – translate Gillian Woodworth in from English into French, German, profile Italian or Spanish, or one of the latter For more information on into English. The City Law School, visit 19. Eversheds: www.city.ac.uk/law, Recruiting the “can do” email [email protected] lawyers of the future! or call +44 (0)20 7040 3309. See www.city.ac.uk/languages for further information about the Legal Translation MA, as well as other short courses in translation for www.city.ac.uk/law 21. CityBriefs: commercial, corporate and contract law 17. Part of City University London News round up Email:[email protected] • Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8865 In Law 4 View from the Dean’s Office

Professor Peter Kunzlik, Dean of the The City Law School talks about life during the Credit Crunch

t a time when uncertainty stalks understanding of how organisations the popularity of what we offer only much of the City of London function (both of which are ‘must increases our motivation to perform A – and indeed the financial have’ requirements of law firm at the highest standard. community globally – it is hard not to recruiters). But if there were any temptation reflect on the impact of the ‘Credit For those seeking further study The to sit on our laurels – and given Crunch’ on the legal profession. City Law School might be able to help. the consistent top ratings of our We are certainly going through tough Our LLM in International Commercial LLM, there might be – it would be times for firms, their lawyers and for Law offers an impressive range of quickly unseated by the forthcoming new law graduates. Experience of no fewer than twenty-four specialist changes brought about by the new past recessions suggests, however, options ranging from antitrust to style LPC which arrives over the next that the legal services sector as a shipping law, from banking law to couple of years. Our profile of Gillian whole is both highly resilient and world trade and from international Woodworth, the new Director of LPC adept at extraordinary innovation litigation to the law of government Programmes, discusses some of the and these characteristics will, I commerce. It also offers a unique issues implicit in the new structure am sure, carry it through. My bet, ‘wrap-around’ of additional activities of the course and there is no doubt therefore, would be that in two or to enrich the students’ experience and that it will create new opportunities three years time the demand for expose them to the world of lawyers in for some students. For our part, we new lawyers will have returned to business and government and to the are determined that we will continue pre-Credit Crunch levels so that markets and institutions of the City, to offer an LPC of exceptionally high those who have just commenced as well as a competitive (usually paid) standard which will get our students legal study will be graduating into a internship scheme supported by a off to a flying start regardless of the receptive employment market. For number of the major global law firms. prevailing financial conditions. those graduating now, however, The programme is designed to attract So the School continues to grow its whose expected training contracts top-notch students from around the portfolio and to work had to serve are deferred or unavailable, the best world who will be tomorrow’s elite its current and future students and strategy is to position themselves lawyers wherever they practise. stakeholders. We hope that, in one positively for when the recession lifts. Raising Standards, New way or another, you will be part of Next Steps Challenges what we do. For some this might involve taking Complementing the success of the an extended ‘gap year’ travelling and LLM is the popularity of our LLB. This re-charging their batteries before is now attracting a growing number embarking on their working lives. For of non-UK students so that we have others it may involve further periods of reached the point where, typically, study, acquiring specialist knowledge we have about 2,000 applicants to help them stand out in the crowd. competing for 130 places on the Professor Peter Kunzlik Others will find some type of work - programme. Rest assured that this Dean / Pro Vice-Chancellor, or work experience - which will help does not make us complacent. We The City Law School equip them for practise by developing recognise that legal education is now City University London their commercial awareness and their a very competitive market and www.city.ac.uk/law In Law 5

Spring 2009

Eversheds: Recruiting the “can do” lawyers of the future

Solicitors and barristers: still so different? Editorial Coverage CityPeople: Gillian Woodworth in profile

In turbulent times it is important to be able to look ahead into the medium term and not to become entirely obsessed by the immediate crisis. If you want an example of this then think of the landmark Education Act of 1944 which had enormous implications for social development in the 1950’s and Law Report: 60’s and yet was approved by Parliament at the peak of the Second World The Legal Services Act – what you really need to know War when the future seemed at its most uncertain. So, in times of difficulty, education can offer hope for better things to come. The ‘once in a lifetime’ financial cataclysm which has engulfed the business world poses deeply worrying threats. However they will pass and life will go on, and education offers the best way forward whatever comes next. This second edition of IN LAW provides an overview of how legal education at City continues to evolve. The Legal Services Act could be the equivalent for the legal profession of that 1944 Education Act by ushering in changes which will profoundly change the shape and nature of how lawyers work. Our article by James Greene examines what these changes might be and their implications both for legal education and business opportunity. New LPC, Old Standards Meanwhile, we know that the will be right at the centre of a new approach to preparing the next generation of lawyers. City has an exceptional record in providing a high quality LPC and is determined to maintain that record and reputation. As our interview with her demonstrates, the new LPC Director, Gillian Woodworth, is ideally placed to continue that tradition. Meanwhile developments are also afoot in a well-established niche area. Robert McPeake who leads the LLM in Criminal Litigation explains the background to this fascinating programme which was the first of its kind in the country. Its significance lies not only in its ground-breaking approach but also in the way that many of its students are not qualified lawyers but are policemen and women or members of the Crown Prosecution Service. It is a fine example, in short, of how a university can pioneer in an area of deep relevance to the wider world. The same applies to the work that Penny Cooper has been doing in the field of expert witnesses. Once this was a field which attracted little public interest yet its profile has grown massively in recent years because of gross errors made by experts especially in the case of cot deaths. As Penny Cooper demonstrates, much of the problem stems back to the way that many expert witnesses have no systematic professional training and have often given ‘expert’ testimony on topics outside their expertise. Fortunately no-one is complacent anymore about the nature of this problem and Penny Cooper’s research and recommendations go a long way towards remedying that deficit. Joined-up Research? Building on work like Penny’s the new Associate Dean responsible for research, Lorna Woods, wants to draw together the School’s research community and give added value by stimulating enhanced co-ordination between researchers. This looks like a potentially very important move. Finally, because City is also very alert to what lies beyond academe we have a feature on Eversheds, a City firm which has recently moved into splendid new premises between St Paul’s and the Bank of . You might say that places it loitering between spirit and mammon. But, of course, that is often the position in which lawyers find themselves. Enjoy this issue. get involved >>>>>>>>>>

If you have any suggestions for coverage you would like to see in In Law, or if you would like to write Edward Fennell something for us email [email protected] or call us Contributing Editor, In Law on +44 (0)20 7040 8396. [email protected] barristers In Law 6 CityView: The In Law Round Table

Solicitors and Barristers: still so different?

In each edition of IN LAW we bring together leading experts from within the School to discuss a topical issue. With the Legal Services Act now poised to transform the face of the profession – and some QCs already employed by top City law firms – we asked Professor Peter Kunzlik (Dean of the Law School), Professor Alan Riley (LLM Programme Director), Gillian Woodworth (Director of LPC Programmes) and Stuart Sime (BVC Director) to consider whether the divisions between solicitors and barristers are about to crumble. Gillian Woodworth (GW): Yes, that Edward Fennell (EF): To put our discussion in context, what historically have been the also links to the way that solicitors are key differences between the various branches of the profession? trained – which is not to give an opinion. Solicitors are trained to say to the Stuart Sime (SS): Broadly speaking solicitors have had direct access to the client base. The High Street firms serve the general public and then specialist commercial client – these are your options and now firms, often City-based, work for the big hitting corporate clients. In both cases they you decide what you want to do. The primarily use the Bar as a kind of referral service for two main purposes. First, to act can then come along later to as advocates. Secondly, to provide advisory services on specialist areas of the law – give their opinion. rather like a sending for a second opinion from a medical specialist to ensure that a EF: So are you saying that there is process is being moved in the right direction. still a distinct difference and, indeed, EF: Now in that advisory area of expert opinion – which is possibly an area of overlap advantage in having these two arms of between solicitors and barristers – how can individual barristers compete with the the profession? massive resources of, say, a major City firm? GW: It really depends on the client and Peter Kunzlik (PK): I think the answer lies in the emergence of specialist sets of what kind of advice they want. Both barristers - say, a couple of dozen people in the same field. By focusing on a specific in the High Street and in specialist area they build up a concentration of expertise which they then share with each other. commercial firms the solicitor can The other dimension though is that there is a real advantage in having chambers being normally perform both functions quite detached from the client so that they can offer objective advice. It means they can satisfactorily but in relation to more more easily give the client the advice that they don’t want to hear. Sometimes even complex commercial issues there are still solicitors might want their clients to get counsel’s opinion so that the client can hear benefits in having counsel’s advice. the unwelcome news in a way which will not risk disrupting the relationship between PK: Also it must be remembered that solicitor and client. It can actually suit the solicitor to be able to bring someone else in there are financial issues here. In some to deliver the unpalatable opinion. cases it may actually be cheaper to get counsel’s advice on some points than to get someone from within the firm “although there is a gap between simply because the cost base is more barristers and solicitors it is favourable. nothing like as wide as it used Alan Riley (AR): Yes, I agree with that. For complex advice the overhead of to be” using the Bar is much cheaper than it is for an equivalent person in a firm of GW: want toworkfor–andbythemselves. the onepersoninroom uponwhomalleyesare focused. Theyare peoplewho to bepeoplewhovaluetheirautonomyhighly. They are quiteconfidentaboutbeing become barristershavenormallydecidedtodosofrom averyyoungage.Theytend PK: Inmyexperiencetheyare self-selecting.ThepeopleIcomeacross whowantto who wanttobebarristersandthosesolicitors? EF: Butdoesthisalsoreflect adifference inpersonalitybetweenthekindofpeople of eachthevocationalcourses. up onbarristerswhenitcomestothelevelattainedinskillofadvocacyatend greater thanontheLPC.Sointendingsolicitorshavealong,longwaytogocatch diverges. TheamountoftimeontheBVCdedicatedtoadvocacyismuch,much GW. in it. witnesses isaphenomenalskill.To begoodatityouneedtoconstantlyimmersed and thesolicitorisinlivequestioningofwitnesses.Knowinghowtoexamine PK: Ithinkthekeyarea where youseetheessentialdifference betweenthebarrister knowledge theyusedtohaveandnetherdothemonopolyofadvocacy. gained manyrightsofaudience.Barristersnolongerhavetheexclusivespecialist solicitors itisnothinglikeaswideusedtobeinthepastnowthathave presentations! SoIwouldsaythatalthoughthere isagapbetweenbarristersand before European CommissionAntitrustOralHearingsusingall-singingandall-dancing where youcanbeonyourfeetforhours.InfactwenowhaveUSfirmsappearing lengthy writtenarguments.It’s alongwayfrom privateHighCourtlitigationinLondon they are comparable.Thereason isthatinEurope it’s primarilyamatterofproviding litigation inthecontextofEuropean court,where solicitorshaverightsofaudience, competition law, forexample,theyhavepretty similarskills.Andevenincompetition AR: Insomerespects thisistrue.Butit’s amatterofhorsesforcourses.In solicitor –atleastinthefieldofadvice-ispretty muchinterchangeable. EF: But,again,thissuggeststhatthetypeofexpertiseoffered bythebarristerand opportunity. chambers shouldbedoingmore ofthis.Theyare missingoutonanimportant high qualityadviceatcheaperpricesthansolicitors.PersonallyIthinkthatbarristers’ standard withouthavingtotakeontheextrastaff. Sobarristersare abletoprovide flow ofworkwhilethesolicitorsare happybecausetheycangettheworkdonetohigh charging themoutatsolicitors’rates.Thebarristersare happybecauseit’s aregular competition lawwhere afirmofsolicitorsiscontractingoutworktobarristersand staff andpremises thatthemajorlawfirmscarry. Infact,Iknowofaninstancein solicitors. TheBardoesnothavethemassiveoverheadsofdatasystems,support Interestingly enoughthat’s thewaythatsolicitors’andbarristers’trainingactually Whereas thesolicitorsare trainedtoworkaspartof ateam. service, P&Iclubs –there are plenty of legal In-house lawyers, thegovernment even whentheydon’t getapupillages. up inveryinteresting jobsinthelaw at CitybecauseourBVCstudents end career adviseandsupportwegivehere PK: That’s whyweare proud ofthe to peoplefrom theBVC. other opportunitiesandoptionsavailable isintensethere are plentyof mean bythat.Althoughcompetitionfor have tosaythatitalldependswhatyou Bar students‘notgoingtomakeit’I AR: Goingbacktothepointaboutsome lawyer. characteristics whichwillmakeagreat And oftenitisthenon-academic undistinguished academicbackgrounds. There are somegreat lawyerswith just amatterofacademicachievement. veer towards caution.Thatsaid,it’s not conservatism inwhotheyselect.They and therefore there issomesmallc’d for them.Theyonlywantthebest who’s goingtobeabadadvertisement chambers willwanttotakeonanyone GW: make it? are notgoingtobegoodenough there someBVCstudentswhosimply responsibilities putonbarristers,are EF: Inthelightofveryheavy dealers –manysolicitorsare. together. Barristersare notwheeler- doing bigdealsandputtingtransactions bytheglamourof the work isconcerned, are alsoattracted,asfarcorporate enjoying theperksthatcanbring.They being partofanorganisationandthen with theideaofbeingemployees, PK: Yes, theytendtobecomfortable make it?” be goodenoughto are notgoingto students whosimply there someBVC on barristers,are responsibilities put the veryheavy “In thelightof Thatistheperception, certainly. No

7 InLaw opportunities out there for barristers who many chambers which are now acting don’t get pupillages. very corporately. So although the emblem have your say >>>> In Law of the bar is still the sole practitioner I AR: For example, I know some very 8 think there is a lot of variety along that senior people at the Office of Fair Trading If you have an opinion on the route. I think we’ll see a number of who are barristers who didn’t get a issues discussed here and chambers thinking about setting up a . One of the routes I recommend you like to comment on or partnership and saying, “That looks a to those in that position is to take an respond to this piece? good thing. I think we’ll go there.” LLM, say in competition law, and they will If so, please email then be well positioned for a number of EF: So, they’ll look increasingly like [email protected] or call us jobs in that field. firms of solicitors – except they’ll all be on +44 (0)20 7040 8396 barristers. EF: So in the light of that, going back to and we may include your our key question, how much difference is views in our next issue! there between the two main branches of the profession?

PK: I think the big difference is in oral advocacy. It is not just that you need constant practice but that as you get more senior you get to know the judges. And that can give you a significant advantage over a solicitor who may have “I think we will end up with a spectrum higher rights but isn’t doing it all the time.

GW: If you see a lot of court work then of models of legal practice. There will you are far better honed and have much better view of tactics. be, as now, solicitor law firms and EF: So what is your view of the firms sole practitioner barristers. Then who are now recruiting barristers to develop an in-house advocacy capacity? we’ll also have legal disciplinary AR: A handful of heavy litigation firms may use it successfully but the majority partnerships (LDPs)” of firms won’t have enough litigation work to keep the barristers permanently busy. Besides, firms will continue to want to have the choice of the whole of the bar in order to select exactly the right barrister for the particular case.

PK: I think the in-house advocate in a firm of solicitors is in a strange position. The American experience suggest that the trial lawyer will inevitably be out of the office a lot and as a result will suffer from a loss of influence in the management of the firm.

EF: So, based on this experience, what do you think will be the model for the future once the Legal Services Act comes into effect and enables a variety of new business structures?

PK: I think we will end up with a spectrum of models of legal practice. There will be, as now, solicitor law firms and sole practitioner barristers. Then we’ll also have legal disciplinary partnerships (LDPs). What is also very interesting is the possibility of partnerships between barristers. The current thinking is that if you can have LDPs then some important sets of chambers will want to go down that route because already there are In Law LLM in Focus: 9 Yes, Crime does pay at City

and whether it is admissible or not. There is more to The City Law They also report on application of the procedural rules, the judge’s summing School than ‘The City’. It’s also got up and then, potentially, the sentence form when it comes to crime. and how it relates to the tariff.” Sharp End

Students on the course have the While the LLM provision at The City Law It also appeals to solicitors who want to benefit of hearing from people with School may be best known for its work hone their advocacy skills.” vast experience and deep insights in the area of corporate law the School into criminal litigation; these have is also distinguished by its commitment Practical Focus included, for example, members of the – over more than a decade - to post- Counter Terrorism Command in the graduate programmes in Criminal Another major group of part-time Metropolitan Police. It also introduces Litigation. students consists of Metropolitan Police students in a very practical way to the officers. “In fact, we get quite a number very latest thinking about concepts “The City LLM was the first from the Met and my impression is that such as ‘Wigmorean’ analysis (inspired postgraduate degree course in this they undertake it because they want to by Professor John Henry Wigmore country to be devoted exclusively to ‘know the enemy’ and understand the of Northwestern University) which Criminal Litigation,” explains Robert tactics which may be deployed against reduces the proof of a case to scientific McPeake, the principal lecturer who them!” says Robert. principles. “By the end of the module runs the programme. “It’s a niche the students have been forced to think qualification for people with a strong The heart of the course is the four key rigorously about how you put the data professional interest in the subject and subjects that underpin the criminal together to construct the arguments at any one time we only have about justice system in England and Wales - from the evidence. I think they find it twenty-five students across all the criminal procedure, criminal evidence, very useful.” options.” criminal advocacy and sentencing. “It’s a Masters course so it has to have a One clear bit of evidence is that the Significantly the students are split pretty certain rigour,” says Robert. “But I think course pays off in terms of career much equally between those at the start that its unique selling point is that it advancement with promotions, of their professional education (who offers a combination of the academic pupillages and traineeships all following. have just completed a degree or maybe and the practical – it aims to enable Proof indeed that crime pays at City! an LPC or BVC) and those who are people to do their jobs better.” already well into their careers. A key ingredient within the programme “The full-time students are often is to examine intimately how trials boosting their credentials as a step are conducted. “One of the ways the towards a pupillage or enhancing students do this,” explains Robert, more information their qualifications prior to deciding “is through the maintenance of a Trial which branch of the professions they Book where they go off and spend For more information want to enter,” says Robert McPeake. time sitting in a Magistrates or Crown about The City Law School “Meanwhile the part-time route is court and following in detail a particular or our LLMs, please visit ideal for people such as associate case. Based on this experience they www.city.ac.uk/law, prosecutors in the Crown Prosecution write a reflective journal where they email [email protected] or call Service who want to improve their analyse and evaluate the advocacy, the +44 (0)20 7040 3309. promotion prospects or for lay justices. prosecution’s case and the evidence LAW REPORT THE LEGAL SERVICES ACT: what you really need to know

According to Senior Lecturer James Greene MBA.

Our regular series on topical legal and business issues as seen from a ‘City University London’ perspective

The introduction of The Legal Services Act has been a long solicitors and barristers. These changes the Legal Services time in the brewing. However, now that it include: Act is probably the is about to come into force the profession • The establishment of a new body, the biggest change to the needs to pay attention. Its impact may be Office for Legal Complaints, to deal legal profession since bigger than you think. with all complaints; its liberalisation in • The establishment of a new Legal the 1980Õs. Yet the The origins of the Act go back to the Service Board, to coordinate the evidence is that most Clementi Report, which identified that the regulations applying to all branches of lawyers have yet to previous regulatory system was flawed in the legal profession; wake up either to its a number of ways. In particular it was • The acceptance that non-lawyers implications or the • overly complex; should be able to take part in the opportunities which • slow at dealing with customer management of law firms; and may arise Ð including complaints; and • That non-lawyers should, eventually, for the education of • too restrictive in the way by which be able to take a share of the lawyers. Here James legal businesses could be structured. ownership of firms. Greene MBA, Senior Lecturer at The City To address these issues, The Legal Initially all firms will need to be authorised Law School, explains Services Act makes a number of key by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority what it is all about. changes to the regulation of all those (SRA) if they wish to conduct any, except providing legal services; including the most limited, legal business. In Law 11

How will the Legal Firms in this sector are likely to find based’ approach. Such flexibility is to be Services Act affect themselves competing against acquisitive welcomed as it encourages organisations law firms? new players in this market. The profession such as The City Law School to develop is already aware of Tesco’s plans in this courses which are much better targeted In the short term, the affect of the new area. Perhaps a parallel can be drawn at the needs of particular sectors of the Act on the profession will not be great. in this regard with the effect which profession. Moreover, the outcomes Apart from the need to implement new deregulation of the mortgage market based approach also allows students to complaints procedures and to obtain in the early 1980’s had on the property study subjects which had not previously authorisation, many firms will carry on market. Some may recall how the big been taught at the vocational stage of as before, their business structures banks and building societies, including training (such as MBA level components). remaining unchanged. There are a Lloyds bank, aggressively acquired This kind of provision is something which number of reasons for this: independent estate agencies, bringing we are currently exploring in conjunction • Many lawyers will be simply unaware about a major change in the market with our sister school, Cass Business of the opportunities for change place. Again for some players, especially School. afforded them by the Act those organisations with a financial • Lawyers are generally risk averse services provision, the synergies of such Whither the training and, as with the Limited Liability a move would again be attractive. contract? Partnership, many law firms will not wish to be the first into the water. So what does this It is worth noting that further changes are Instead, many will take a wait and see mean for legal also being piloted by the SRA, the most approach. education? interesting of which is the abolition of the • The turmoil in the financial markets training contract and replacing it with makes the case for multi-disciplinary Currently there are three main routes into a non-firm specific form of work based partnerships less attractive the solicitor’s profession: training again based on outcomes rather • Some firms are complacent and do • Law degree (or any undergraduate than a prescribed syllabus. not see change as affecting them. degree and GDL) followed by attendance on the Legal Practice It is not just the vocational stage of legal In the long term, however, the affect of Course and then finally the completion education which may have to change. the Legal Services Act could be profound. of a two year training contract; One has to ask also whether a review In particular there are two probable • Practice in another jurisdiction of the academic nature of legal study consequences of its enactment. followed by successful completion of would be required. Many would argue the QLTT (qualified lawyers transfer that the studying of a law degree has Firstly, it is likely that the larger corporate test); or a value that goes far beyond preparing firms will begin to offer a range of • Experienced legal executive followed students for professional practice. There financial services in addition to their core by GDL and attendance on the Legal is considerable merit in such a view. legal provision. In particular, it seems Practice Course However, the fact remains that many inevitable that accountancy, management students read law with the avowed consultancy and possibly wealth Aside from the route for overseas intention to becoming a lawyer of one management services will be offered lawyers, the programme of study that form or another. The issue then is to clients. Similarly those organisations must be undertaken by those wishing whether the current requirement that which hitherto have not offered legal to enter practice as a solicitor is highly students study a prescribed range of services, because of the soon to be prescriptive. Similar prescriptions apply subjects - at the opportunity cost of defunct requirement that law firms had to those wishing to study for the Bar. The studying other non-legal subjects such a to be owned entirely by qualified lawyers, rationale behind such rigid requirements foreign languages or business skills - is would suddenly be in a position to do is the belief that solicitors should be the best preparation for legal practice. so. Competition in this sector is likely equipped to deal with all manner of legal to be fierce (although, of course, some issues and not just a narrow range of In summary, the Legal Services Act is would dispute this point). However, the specialist subjects. likely to require substantial changes in the synergies that could be created by such way lawyers are trained. These changes organisations would lead to significant In light of the changes outlined above, are likely to affect both the academic and competitive advantage, especially in a this prescriptive method of training is vocation stages of legal education. The global market. rapidly becoming outmoded. Already lawyers of the future will need a much the SRA has announced a substantial wider range of non-legal skills than those Secondly, at the other end of the overhaul of the LPC, moving away from a of today. spectrum, down in the high street, the prescribed syllabus (the so called written change is likely to be just as significant. standards) in favour of an ‘outcomes CityKnowHow: City right on Top-Rated Research

Lorna Woods, the new Associate Dean responsible for research at The City Law School, is impressed by the School’s record but now wants to capitalise on the overlaps between researchers’ interests.

Research provides the intellectual and trusts, human rights, media law, “However, we do have a number of areas lifeblood of any university and the benefits planning and environmental law and for which we are a centre of excellence of having leading edge thinkers within an public international law. and maybe there is scope for further institution radiates out affecting students contact between people. Researchers at all levels. New face tend to bury themselves in isolation as The person responsible for the overall they pursue their particular field but there So The City Law School is fortunate in strategy for research within the School is something to be gained from sharing having an exceptional reputation for its is Professor Lorna Woods whose own research interests.” research track record. With twenty of its research interests cover broadcasting academic staff engaged in research, Law law and policy, regulation of the media Record of interests was rated 5 (the highest level) in the most (including the Internet), and related issues As part of this process of Lorna has recent Research Assessment Exercise of freedom of expression and privacy. embarked up on the development of (which measures the quality of research She is also known for her work in EC Law a register of research so as to record on a national scale). (particularly free movement rights and the clearly who is doing what. This can law relating to public services) as well as provide a useful platform for developing The general thrust of research within the European Union and human rights links with partners in the wider world so the School is towards commercial law as to build scope for knowledge transfer. and this is characterised, perhaps, Having recently joined City from Essex Moreover, as she points out, researchers by the dedicated law and economics University Lorna realises that she has at City can address a variety of potential research group consisting of Professor taken on a new challenge at City. Unlike audiences. In addition to students and Peter Kunzlik, Professor Alan Riley, Mr most universities City has a twin role academics there are also the politicians, Dan Wilsher and Mr Robert McPeake. in pursuing both an academic and the policy-makers and the practitioners Alongside them, however, are people vocational mission. This means, says within the profession. Reflecting that with interests in areas as varied as equity Lorna (who herself practised as a solicitor diversity the range of publications in for five years, working at which research can be published is very Simmons and Simmons) varied extending from peer-reviewed that it is equally committed learned journals through to more popular to researching cutting edge but specialist legal magazines read by substantive law as it is to judges and practising barristers and investigating the ‘skills solicitors. base’ of the profession. Looking ahead Lorna is aware that the One of Lorna’s aspirations way in which research is evaluated is on is to gently steer her the verge of being changed. Although the colleagues into more co- details are not clear she acknowledges operative work - or at least the possibility that the new model which to see the links between the emerges may not fit well with the nature parallel work that they are of law. All the more reason, then to be doing. “Because research is clear about the value of what is done in creative you can’t tell people this, one of the best research institutions what to research,” she says. in the country. CitySneak: In Law 13 the ultimate alumni?

In this regular feature, In Law catches up with former students who have really made their mark on the legal world.

In this issue, Craig Robinson, co-author of the Ultimate The Ultimate Guide to Training Contract Success Guide to Training Contract Success, talks about his highly walks students through every aspect of the training contract successful book, his experiences within the legal field and his recruitment process. It gives useful tips on how to write “top- time at The City Law School. level” application forms for the most competitive law firms, how to improve interviewing technique and offers an insight on what The Ultimate Law Guide, is a group of qualified solicitors, to expect as a trainee solicitor. who studied law at City and went on to train with leading City law firms. “While some law schools, including The City Law School, offer exceptional careers advisory services, some students are not They aim to help would-be solicitors in securing a training sufficiently motivated to use these opportunities to their best contract by providing first-hand knowledge of the training advantage and can struggle when making important early contract selection process to assist students in becoming decisions. better informed and more effective in planning for their legal careers - helping to bridge the gap between education and As a result, students sometimes miss the recruitment milk- employment. round of the larger law firms (which recruit two years in advance of the training contract start date). Students need as Their book, the Ultimate Guide to Training Contract much help as they can get with this process and should be Success, assists aspiring solicitors by providing practical using all the available resources they have access to, including solutions to the many challenges and common pitfalls involved our Guide…” comments Craig. in trying to forge a successful career. In addition to some of the training contract process information As Craig points out, breaking into the legal profession is no offered, the Guide also has chapters on commercial awareness mean feat and like many other talented aspiring solicitors, he and networking, and the examples of questions asked at found it very challenging to secure a training contract at first. interviews are invaluable - as are the suggested answers and “I felt there was a real need for a singular, all-encompassing case studies! source of reference for potential trainees to turn to for practical guidance at the all-important early stages of their career”. The Ultimate Law Guide team has also recently launched a Commercial Awareness Forum, in partnership with Practical “We all require advice at some point during our journey to Law Company (“PLC”), which provides students with free becoming a lawyer and I have often seen many prospective access to articles and podcasts on legal and business issues trainee solicitors left behind in the competition to secure to help them stay abreast of commercial/legal developments training contracts, simply because they had initially been less during their studies or in a gap year. informed and less prepared about the various routes available. In some cases they also lacked an awareness of the qualities This unique and innovative resource helps students (and that law firms expect of a budding solicitor” adds Craig. current trainees) understand the business of a law firm and the environment in which law firms’ operate. The “know-how” Whilst going through the process of applying for training content covers recent topics of commercial interest to help contracts, the authors of the Guide, learned that it was build-up students and trainees commercial awareness which essential that students acquire work experience in order to will be invaluable in their future legal career. gain some insight into what legal practice is all about, to gain the ability to build networks and work collaboratively with others, and develop a measure of self confidence.

“We successfully secured a training contract at top City law contact box >>>>>>>>>> firms, and want to give something back by helping to inspire the next generation of lawyers and empowering students For more information on to achieve their career goals. We want to help students by the Ultimate Guide to sharing our knowledge and experiences to help them go Training Contract on and enjoy a successful and rewarding legal career.” Success, please visit: explains Craig. www.ultimatelawguide.com 14 InLaw There were alsostrong inferences that over theapparent fallibilityofexperts. Moreover, thecontroversy wasnotjust kind ofomniscience. as an‘expert’seemedtoconvey some the jurybelievedhimbecausehisstatus expertise. Hewasoutofhisdepth–yet statistical mattercompletelybeyondhis was drawnintogivinganopinionona was anexpertonmedicalmattershe evidence tothejudge.AlthoughMeadow analysis which was the basis of Meadow’s by challengingpublicallythestatistical of thecasesinwhichMeadowappeared Statistical Societybecameinvolvedinone As iftobearthisouteventheRoyal over familyandthathasgottochange.” knowing. Theexpertshavebeenbelieved crazy beliefthatexpertsare likegods,all on experts.There hasbeenthismad, of yearsago,“There isanover-reliance special briefingonthematteracouple Correspondent JohnSweenywrote ina reliability ofexpertwitnesses.AsBBC media andthegeneralpublicabout sown deepdoubtsinthemindsof such asProfessor SirRoyMeadowhave the testimonyofpreviously revered figures cot deathcasesreached asaresult of The shockingseriesofunsafeverdicts in these people?’ increasingly asked,‘Justhowexpertare courts, however, thequestionisbeing to callinanexpert.Inthecaseof point ofbeingimpenetrablewewant When thetruthseemscomplexto approach, andsheispersonally leadingtheway. answer liesinbettertrainingandamore professional For TheCityLawSchool’s PennyCooper, the expert witnesseshasbeenseverely undermined. Following recent scandals public confidencein A QuestionofProfessional Trust ExpertWitness: issue ofexpertwitness competence Penny hastakenadeepinterest inthe interest intheirexperts’credentials. by encouraginglawyerstotake more to makethemmore professional primarily Continuing Professional Development, is and TheCityLawSchool’s Director of The answerforPennyCooper, barrister witness system? we restore confidenceintheexpert So thequestionmustnowbe,howcan and interpreted byan‘expert’. made accessibletoajuryifilluminated examined whichare onlygoing tobe scientific andtechnologicalissuestobe wide varietyofcasesthere are complex with therole oftheexpertwitness.Ina be aprofound mistaketodispense Despite theproblems, however, itwould A Necessary Evil? the practicecandistortevidence.” expert witnesses-withcriticswarning renew thedebateaboutpaymentsto basis ofhistestimony. will Hisearnings were wrongly convictedofmurder onthe evidence againstMargaret Smith.Both Angela Canningsandalargesumgiving also made£3,462fortestifyingagainst police withthe(SallyClark)case.He in court-andthousandsmore helping “Made £6,471helpingtheprosecution Standard reported thatMeadowshad the money’.Forexample,Evening some ofthesepeoplewere ‘initfor now a Governor of the Expert Witnesses oftheExpertWitnesses now aGovernor moved intoteachingatCityandsheis Herinterestjournals. continuedwhenshe contributing articlestotheprofessional writing andcourtroom skillsaswell training toexpertwitnessesinreport Penny becameinvolvedinproviding It wasafascinatingarea ofworkand parenting.” individuals couldprovide goodenough or psychiatristsastowhethernot expert witnessessuchaspsychologists argument dependsontheopinionsof where, assheputsit,“Somuchofyour representing localauthoritiesincases she specialisedinchildprotection work for anumberofyears.Whileinpractice In Law 15

Institute and editor of the Expert Witness A Key Role more reason then for both reform and the Institute newsletter. She also runs formalisation of the skills and knowledge courses, produces books, DVDs and Expert witnesses, as Penny explains, required. even podcasts for expert witnesses. So have a unique and distinctive role she is a pretty busy person! within the court process. Moreover, Research results their responsibilities have recently been In the midst of all this what had once clarified so as to make it crystal clear that The starting point for Penny Cooper’s been a Cinderella subject started to their prime obligation is to the court – and research was to mail out a questionnaire attract much wider interest in the wake of not to whichever side happens to be to thousands of expert witnesses in fields the Meadow affair. As a result in January paying them. as varied as medicine, ballistics, family, 2007 Penny was awarded funding by engineering and architecture as well as to City University to examine critically the Yet the surprising fact is that to stand in judges and lawyers to find out about their whole topic. The result was a fascinating a witness box as an expert requires no experience and attitudes. With a 10% and groundbreaking report Expert specific qualifications at all other than return she had a good enough sample Witness Lessons – A Study of Expert those which are technically relevant. to make her inquiry valid. And the results Witness Training which may prove to be “Anyone can do it,” says Penny and were revealing. a landmark in the development of expert the only check is whether the judge is witness competence. satisfied with the expert’s status. Often, The headline figure on training was that though, the scrutiny is minimal. As Sir while 80% of respondents had taken Louis Blom-Cooper has described it, part in training of some kind there was “Courts in England and Wales have still a significant minority – twenty per been left, unassisted legislatively, to cent - who had not. Although there are determine ad hoc, the relevant expertise several membership bodies for expert and the qualifications for the provision witnesses only the Expert Witness of the expertise. The sufficiency and the Institute actually demands training before relevance of the expert’s specialised admission. Amongst the rest – such as knowledge and skills have rarely involved the Academy of Experts, the Society of any questioning of the particular expert.” Expert Witnesses, the Council for the (In the USA by contrast experts have to Registration of Forensic Practitioners prove their expertise is relevant). – training is not mandatory (although it’s useful to have membership on your The consequence is that once someone business card!). has got started and is regarded as a ‘safe pair of hands’ then they are passed Moreover, there is a wide choice of around without any external monitoring variable training providers. Although of performance. “It’s not an easy field many of the mainstream professional to get into and we keep churning round bodies (such as the Royal Institute of the same pool of experts,” says Penny. Chartered Surveyors) are involved there “Permission to give expert testimony rests are no established standards and both with the court, but in practice the shortlist course content and delivery may not be is firmly in the hands of the parties.” up-to-date or well-targeted on key areas of knowledge. Disappointingly, perhaps, Ironically since the Meadows scandal a significant majority of respondents there is now a serious shortage of experts rejected the idea that training should be in areas such as the families specialism. mandatory for expert witnesses. After all, what had once seemed to be something of a sinecure has now turned The problem is that it is still quite easy to into a hazardous occupation. All the get away with this rather slack attitude. So what is vital, says Penny Cooper, is reform. These are relevant to providers of more proactive stance. This could be a major change in attitude amongst the expert witness training, to law schools, achieved if the civil, family and criminal In Law legal profession. If there is not going to be to the Ministry of Justice and to expert court rules encouraged lawyers, as Penny 16 legislation then improvements will depend witnesses professional bodies. has suggested, to delve more deeply into on lawyers themselves (judges, barristers the expert witnesses they use and their and solicitors) taking greater interest and Amongst the most important of these credentials. As it is, Penny is investing becoming more demanding of expert is that the time has now come for the her hopes in the new Forensic Science witnesses. expert witness professional bodies to Regulations and the way they might be introduce requirements – or at least very used to specify in more detail who should “You need to get lawyers interested in the strong guidance – for expert witnesses qualify as an Expert Witness. real credentials of the expert witness,” to undertake expert witness professional says Penny. “Are they sure that they have development and training. They should “The culture is changing,” she says. got the right person for the job?” also explore more up-to-date forms “There are fewer ‘hired guns’ now of training than the traditional passive operating. But the time is ripe to make Compounding this is the way expert lecture which is currently the norm. Work decisive change. However, if there isn’t a witnesses tend to be forgotten once their shadowing, mentoring and distance rule requiring it then I fear it’s not going to evidence is given. In many instances, learning all have a part to play here. happen.” they hear no more of the case once they Meanwhile, law schools themselves step out of the witness box. “In order to should do more to involve practising secure improvements the expert witness expert witnesses in teaching law students needs to receive feedback about the use and legal practitioners about expert that was made of their evidence and what evidence. (As it happens, The City Law was the outcome,” says Penny. School already does this through its regular series of forensic science lectures Strong Recommendations run by Keith Simpson – well worth ALL CHANGE FOR following up!) EXPERT WITNESS Arising out of her research Penny TRAINING Cooper has made a number of major Real impetus could be given to all of this recommendations on the need for if the Ministry of Justice were to take a Penny Cooper has some very down to earth, practical guidance to offer to the providers of expert witness training. To get better results she says that they should:

> Ensure that the teaching is delivered by multi-disciplinary teams with up-to-date, practical knowledge – this includes practising lawyers, judges and expert witnesses

> Ensure that adequate emphasis is placed on practical topics including ethics for experts and confidentiality and data protection

> offer expert witness training divided into court practise areas e.g. civil/family/crime where number of expert witness students are sufficient

> communicate well with expert witnesses and their professional and representative organisations to ensure that expert witnesses training meets the needs of the trainee In Law 17 CityPeople: Gillian Woodworth in profile

The new Director of the LPC at The City Law School brings a wealth of

experience to her new job – but also a Profile unique career history which ideally suits her for the challenges ahead.

Rather like the business entrepreneur last Master’s exam was take a career The next step was the Law Society who was so impressed by the product aptitude test. The results were striking. Finals course at the College of Law in that she bought the company, Gillian They said that I should be a French Guildford. This was, perhaps it is fair Woodworth’s decision to apply for the teacher – or a lawyer!” to say, back in the Dark Ages of legal post of Director of LPC Programmes education. “It was just a matter of rote at the The City Law School was a Career change learning. The lecturers would come in at marvellous endorsement of the the start of the year and proceed to read School’s quality. Inspired by this insight Gillian then through their notes until they reached started the long journey in her early 30’s the end. It was hardly education.” “City is a hidden gem in the heart of towards qualifying as a solicitor with the legal London,” she says. “In my previous result that there are significant lessons Nonetheless, as a good learner, Gillian role as Education and Training Officer at here for anyone who decides to come survived and she went on to four very the Law Society I was in the privileged into the profession as a ‘late entrant’. productive years with Wilde Sapte in position of having inside knowledge the City. The effect of it was, as she of legal education throughout the “I got through a part-time CPE course puts it, “To convert me from a teaching country. Naturally I was aware that City (as then was) by pure self-discipline,” professional in a secondary school consistently achieved top ratings for she says. “It was a matter of two hours to a professional lawyer in a City its LPC. So when I was offered this a day of study in addition to my normal environment.” job I knew that I was coming to a teaching job. The advantage I had was great institution.” that, as a teacher, I ‘knew how to learn’. But you can’t keep a natural teacher I realised when I saw the drop-out down. That aptitude test and Gillian’s If flexibility and diversity is now rate from the course that many other first instincts about becoming a teacher increasingly the background mood part-time students lacked that were not wrong and so Gillian decided music which accompanies the LPC understanding and consequently to go back into the classroom – albeit then no-one embodies it better than could not cope with it.” in a very different context – by joining Gillian. Her career history covers all the BPP (another legal education provider) ‘bases’ - and a lot more. Indeed it would Seeking a training contract she as a principal lecturer. Here her natural scarcely be possible to find anyone with encountered a fair amount of outright talents shone out and she progressed better credentials for the job of LPC ageism. In one case for example a rapidly to Course Director of the part- Director given the way vocational legal partner (probably not much older than time Legal Practice Course and then on education is about to change. her) said, “I wouldn’t like to have to to become Director of Staff Training and tell you what to do as a trainee!” Of Development. “Having gained a degree in French I course, that said much more about went into teaching but after three or four him than it did about Gillian. But in any In keeping with her commitment to years I knew I could not do that for the case she got her big break when Wilde professional development Gillian rest of my life,” she explains. “Starting Sapte (now part of Denton Wilde Sapte) also gained in 2001 ‘Professional to explore other options I did an MA offered her a training contract. “I was Accreditation in Teaching and Learning in French Language and Linguistics. interviewed by a female partner and we in Higher Education’ at the University But it dawned on me that this was not just clicked,” Gillian recalls. “The key to of London Institute of Education. This necessarily leading anywhere. So the it, if you are a non-standard applicant, is provided very good credentials for her first thing I did when I came out of my finding someone who appreciates you.” move to the Law Society as Education In Law 18

“The overriding factor is that we must produce the right kind of training to enable our students to have the best foundation for their careers”

and Training Officer. technology, resources and the general amongst other LPC-providers to offer environment of the school. ‘bespoke’ programmes (i.e. to run Welcome to City LPC programmes for self-contained, But the key issue for Gillian is that City exclusive groups of trainees from So with that rich mix of varied should continue to be seen as the major law firms or consortia). Although experience, professional engagement leading, high quality providers of the City is not doing this at the moment and excellent qualifications she is now LPC. “The overriding factor is that we Gillian would be open to discussions if able to bring an unrivalled width of must produce the right kind of training the opportunity arose. awareness to the LPC at a time when to enable our students to have the major changes will start to affect it. best foundation for their careers.” As it is though, she takes considerable The switch to a compulsory Stage pride in the way that the City LPC 1 followed by a choice of Electives serves ‘free-thinking people’ who in Stage 2 marks a significant and subsequently move into a wide (potentially) very positive development “City must be spectrum of employment. “These following years of debate about students have chosen to come to City the structure of the LPC. It gives able to offer... for the kind of programme we provide students and trainees the chance to the prospect and we are very proud of the standard start specialising after Stage 1 and to we achieve.” combine achievement of Stage 2 with of ‘sustained employment. employability’” At a time of great turbulence in the wider world success on a LPC Exactly how it will work out in remains one of the most-valuable practice and the benefits which will starting points for a career. It is clearly be achieved remains to be seen. Given that students without training in safe hands at City with Gillian However, Gillian acknowledges that contracts must risk – or borrow – a Woodworth at the tiller. what is proposed could certainly help lot of money to fund themselves “spread the costs” for students through the course, City must be able who are funding themselves through to offer, says Gillian, the prospect of the LPC. ‘sustained employability’. One of the many ways that City does this – aside Meanwhile, City is pressing forward from providing superb teaching – is by with other of its own changes getting networking going amongst and including planning for a part-time firms. Although the legal profession is more information LPC for 2009 and also offering the more meritocratic than of old there is possibility of ‘topping up’ the LPC to still professional advantage in having For more information an LLM by undertaking a dissertation. personal contacts and being known in about The City Law School At the same time there has been a professional life. And that must start at or our LPC, please visit massive amount of investment recently law school. www.city.ac.uk/law, in the physical infrastructure of the email [email protected] or call programme in terms of information Of course, there is a trend now +44 (0)20 7040 3309. In Law EVERSHEDS: 19 Recruiting the Òcan doÓ lawyers of the future.

In the first of a new news because its partners were warned are adaptable, have positive attitudes, series dedicated to by their Chief Executive, David Gray that high energy and high ambition. what the top legal they would not receive their quarterly employers say about bonus unless they hit their billing targets. How do you identify their commitment Nonetheless the firm is likely to be high those? on the hit list of many ambitious students to recruiting and “Well, in a number of ways, including and trainees. So what is their secret? developing their the use of psychometric tests. But also junior lawyers, we Rigorous Recruitment we are looking for behavioural traits. For put the spotlight on example, have applicants got on their Eversheds Undoubtedly Eversheds have been CV a really crap summer job. If they very good at recruiting and nurturing have then it shows they have a strong When Eversheds moved into their new the right trainees. They were one of work ethic. They know they need to offices in the City, a stone’s throw from the first law firms to use psychometrics roll their sleeves up. So if someone had St Paul’s it was an important statement of and to develop a highly structured and done a summer job flipping burgers what the firm had become. disciplined developmental process whilst studying at uni – well, we’d say Over the last fifteen years or so the from the LPC through to preparation ‘Good on yer’, that shows real drive and City of London has been a target for for partnership. They even hired, in the determination. ambitious law firms from all over the world mid-1990s, a very bright former senior “Through this new approach we are now – whether that be New York, Paris or military figure who specialised in officer picking up graduates from less well- Sydney. But maybe those who have had development to create the appropriate structures for management training (pretty known universities because they have the the biggest impact on our own home- early signs of commerciality. And that is grown UK lawyers has been the arrival of unheard of throughout the rest of the profession at the time). very important because it is this kind of firms based in the English regions. attitude which our clients love about us. Are there enough of those kind of people From Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol and So, relative to other law firms they were about? No, there are never enough of the south coast they have poured into ahead of the game. Now the Director those kind of people! But that’s who we London and enjoyed various levels of of Human Resources at the firm is Lucy are looking for.” distinction. But perhaps the biggest Adams. IN LAW spoke to Lucy to get her views on what makes Eversheds tick from success story of all, along with DLA Piper, There’s been a lot of interest in your a junior lawyers’ perspective. is that of Eversheds which emerged new building in London. What does that from a collection of successful local How do you go about building say about the firm? firms who first associated and then recruiting trainees? gradually integrated to become – against “Well, maybe the most important thing all predictions – a major worldwide “We know that we must attract and is that we’re all open plan. That goes presence. develop talented people who share our from David Gray, the chief excecutive commitment to make Eversheds both the through to the receptionist. The lay- So the arrival of Eversheds at 1, Wood most client centred international law firm out of the office reflects the best way Street marks the culmination of a and a great place to work. to do business. It’s not about who has remarkable journey. With its 5,500 staff the biggest pot plant in order to reflect working from 40 offices spread across “As a result we have changed our status. It’s about how we can use the the UK as well in the world’s leading approach in recent years on how to building to work together most effectively. business centres it has proved that it has recruit and select trainees. We used to In the Executive area, for example, it is a remarkably successful alternative model start by looking at Oxbridge and then the secretaries who have the best views to the Magic Circle. This does not mean, work on from there. But we have turned because, frankly, the management team of course, that it is exempt from the that on its head. We now start by looking is out at meetings most of the time. So pressures which afflict the rest of City law for those personal qualities and attributes why would you put the people who are in firms. In November Eversheds was in the which we value. So, we want people who the office most in the worst positions? Tell us more about the “The way forward is by thinking more How do you develop firmÕs values broadly and that means there will be your lawyers once In Law more chances for more international they arrive with you? 20 “I like to think there is a certain earthiness assignments. For example, when we about Eversheds. But officially the firm opened our office in Abu Dhabi we invited “We have a very clear system – the has six core values which are, namely, people to apply for a secondment there. Eversheds lawyer development to be client centred; accountable; The response was overwhelming. The guy framework. innovatory; straightforward; committed who actually went comes from Newcastle to team work and with mutual respect for and he is doing a fantastic job. This lays As far as legal technical training is colleagues. the foundations for the future ethos of the concerned we use a very wide range of firm by exposing individuals directly to first methods and they will vary from job to “In practice this creates an atmosphere hand experience of other cultures. job. Within each individual service line which is highly collegiate in which people there are practice support lawyers and ‘tell it straight’, as it is. There is no talking Are there implications it is their responsibility to ensure that abut people behind their backs. The here for work-life lawyers have access to the right kind of lawyers here want to be open, decent balance issues? technical training opportunities.” and honest. “Dealing with clients and colleagues “Where commerciality and business You mentioned team- around the word inevitably makes people awareness is concerned we provide a work. How do you re-think their working lives. The simple bespoke professional skills course which develop that? fact of having to adjust to other people’s addresses issues like managing a budget, time zones or presumptions about what is service excellence, presenting a pitch, “The Eversheds approach to team work is meant by the week-end puts a whole new leadership and so on. Essentially we are based on relationships which are formed slant on flexible working. training them to be business people who when the trainees first enter the building work in a law firm of the 21st century. And right at the start of their careers here. How do you ensure when it comes to partnership we promote that people donÕt entirely on merit regardless of age. We “In many ways a big law firm is like a become workaholics or have moved away from the notion of collection of SMEs (small and medium become overwhelmed advancement as being based on time- sized enterprises) where people have a by stress? served.” strong sense of belonging and ownership of what they do. Belonging to that small “Well we have here a culture of openness What about partnersÕ team is vital but we also move our people in which leaders are visible and remuneration? around a lot to that they also feel part accessible. That means if people are of the big team that is Eversheds. In the starting to feel under pressure they can “Eversheds has been a maverick over future I would expect to see our trainees go and talk frankly with their line manager. partners’ remuneration. We opted some increasingly moving around internationally time ago to move away from lock-step as well so that they do not spend all their “The firm emphasises the need to work (where reward links to seniority) and have ‘seats’ in the same location. That way on a collegiate basis and this is expressed gone for a more subtle system based they bond into the worldwide team of through our system of Network Law. This on the contribution and importance of the firm. It also makes them more flexible means that the work goes to the best an individual to the firm as a whole. In and adaptable and helps them to think possible place for it to be done effectively fact, we look more at the accounting internationally from an early stage in their in the interests of both the client– such as firms and the corporates for ideas about development. cost and expertise – and staff workload. how to address these issues rather than Network Law is very good as a way of other law firms. So our reward system is How important has balancing out utilisation rates and we based on criteria linked to clients, people, that international review this on a weekly basis. It’s not a profitability, behaviour and strategic value. dimension become for matter of team leaders hogging the work. We operate a 360 degree assessment the firm? Partners are actively encouraged to pass and one of the key questions for partners on work if there are pressure points. So if is, how are you developing the talents “The international side has certainly there is a possibility of overload the work in the next generation? How are you become much more prominent in the last can be switched elsewhere. nurturing them? few years and the issue of international integration is very much on people’s “In addition we have a system of buddies Finally, how would you minds. In fact, the firm is now re-shaping so that each junior lawyer has someone a describe Eversheds the way it views the world. Whereas few years older they can turn to for advice in less than twenty in the past lawyers, especially in the and support. The buddy will be in a words? London office, would think in fairly limited different team so can give objective help. geographical terms they are now being So if people are feeling stressed then they “A very positive place to be. Lots of encouraged to think outside the office do have people they can talk to whether energy. Lots of drive. A really “can-do” – indeed outside the UK – so as to be its their line manager or their buddy. atmosphere!” able, when appropriate, to refer clients to the global network and to be part of “Finally we have put 900 partners and international teams. associates through a programme in coaching skills the purpose of which is So what will the not just to drive up performance, but also international to enable people to help with these kind opportunities for of issues should they arise. Take all these junior lawyers look initiatives together and we should be like? pretty well-covered. In Law CityBriefs: 21 NEWS ROUND UP…NEWS ROUND UP…

City’s LPC is top of the class Legal Services Commission CEO addresses City Law > The City Law School’s Legal Practice Course (LPC) has achieved the School highest possible gradings in the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority’s (SRA) Monitoring Visit. > The Chief Executive of the The LPC highest grading of “Commendable Practice” across all of its Legal Services Commission (LSC), monitoring categories, namely Curriculum, Learning and Teaching; Carolyn Regan, recently spoke at Assessment; Student Support; Learning Resources; Leadership and The City Law School highlighting Management; Quality Assurance and Enhancement. how the worsening global economy The SRA assessment aims to ensure that a course prepares students for is increasing the demand for legal practice. These results place our LPC as one of the best in the country, as aid services. Gillian Woodworth, LPC director at the School, says: “The award reaffirms The During the talk, Carolyn highlighted City Law School’s position at the forefront of training for lawyers which is both the trend towards integrated relevant and dynamic.” services with a single point of access, for example future contracts for providers, and the creation of Community Legal Advice centres in five different International Commercial Law LLM attracts raft of cities, as many of the most industry internships disadvantaged people have many connected problems and are > The City Law School’s International Commercial Law LLM has had a very bewildered by the ‘advice maze’. successful year, attracting a host of internships with major law firms and other commercial organisations across London and Brussels. Amongst those to Peter Kunzlik, Dean of The City offer three-month placements to CLS students are British Telecom, O’Melveny Law School says: “It is vital that & Myers, Thomas Cooper and Stibbard, Howreys and Sidley Austin. people in need of legal aid have easy access to services. It is also Each internship is offered on a competitive basis and comes with a bursary. important for institutions such as Open to home and international students, the LLM in International Commercial The City Law School to continue to Law is highly focused on practice, with a number of experienced commercial provide high quality, talented new practitioners coming in to City to teach on a number of courses. The course lawyers who will support legal aid.” has proved so popular that an extra 20 places were added this year.

Keith Simpson named Director of Equality and Diversity at The City Law School

> Keith Simpson has been appointed as The City Law School’s Director of Equality and Diversity. The appointment follows Keith’s previous work as Equality and Diversity Adviser for the Bar Vocational Course (BVC) and Legal Practice Course (LPC) and demonstrates the School’s commitment to equality and diversity across its courses. He will be working with employers in the sector and its professional bodies to promote the School’s students, many of whom are drawn from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups. Diversity expert Professor Gus John is also working with the School to build upon the BME student experience whilst ensuring that it is at the forefront of good practice. Keith says: “We pride ourselves on the diversity of our student intake. Our message is simple: law is a career that you should consider whatever your background.” >> In Law 22 CityBriefs: NEWS ROUND UP …NEWS ROUND UP

The City Law School launch new Maritime LLM in Athens. Dean goes to Europe

> Over 30 key figures from Greece’s legal and shipping community > Last September Peter Kunzlik attended the launch of The City Law School’s LLM in Maritime Law was honoured by being invited recently in Athens. to attend the annual ‘Judiciary and Academic” Conference The City Law School is delivering modules from its Maritime Law LLM as a guest of the judges of the for the first time in Greece, the centre of Europe’s shipping industry. European Court of Justice and The course, which will be taught in Athens, is designed for students of the Court of First Instance. who work full-time, as they will be delivered in weekend blocks, with The select two-day conference annual in-takes in March and September 2009. which was attended by a Anthony Rogers, the Director of the LLM in Maritime Law says: dozen or so guests including “City already attracts a large number of Greek students to the wide- members of the House of ranging courses that it offers. This is a great opportunity for The City Lords, Court of Appeal, Court Law School to offer some of the modules to students who have of Session, Northern Irish employment or family commitments in Greece.” Court of Appeal, and High Court - and a small number of academics - focused on the workings of the European MA in Legal Translation is a first for UK universities courts, their interaction with domestic courts and important > City University is now offering an innovative MA in Legal Translation. developing areas of law and This is the first course of its kind in the country and marks the opening practice. Some guys have all of a new range of MAs in Translation for the Professions within the the fun! University. It is expected that in October 2009 an MA in Audio-Visual Translation will be available followed by further courses in areas such as finance. Leading the programme will be Karen Seago who has joined City from London Metropolitan University, where she taught translation across its undergraduate and postgraduate courses.She sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Specialised Translation and on the executive committee of the British Comparative Literature Association. “City University London has an excellent reputation in short courses and continuing professional development for translators,” says Karen. “Our new MA courses will build on this experience and provide an academically challenging programme with a distinct professional specialisation. Translation as a profession is undergoing tremendous changes and the City MAs are among the first to respond to UK and European initiatives, giving our students a distinct edge in a Press Office> competitive profession.” The course will be offered in six language combinations: English into For media enquiries or to one of French, German, and Spanish or one of the latter into English. arrange to speak to one Students will usually be expected to translate into their mother tongue. of our leading legal academics, please Teaching is offered in a very flexible format, combining elements of contact our Press Office on intensive face to face input with distance learning. +44 (0)20 7040 8783 or email For more information, vist: www.city.ac.uk/languages [email protected] Solicitors_Journal_AW.qxd:Layout 1 19/3/09 13:40 Page 1

World-class legal education In Law in the heart of London 23

Our LPC is top rated by the SRA, top rated by students

Study full or part-time!*

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at The City Law School… there is a strong community spirit and a well-equipped, supportive learning environment.”

Amy Kennedy Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP

“The excellent opportunities the course has to offer and the rapport the lecturers have with the students is what impressed me most…I had a great time at The City Law School and would recommend it.”

Chris Knott Ingram Winter Green

“The tuition I received has been fantastic… The lecturers are enthusiastic about their work and get to know everyone…I enjoyed my time at The City Law School.”

Rhian Williams White & Case

For more information or to apply online visit www.city.ac.uk/law Alternatively, please call +44 (0)20 7404 5787 or email: [email protected], quoting reference: ‘Student 01’

*Part-time LPC from September 2009, subject to SRA validation

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