Alloway Primary School

Information Booklet for Parents and Carers

August 2019 to June 2020

“Good communication between home and school is essential for the well-being of our children.”

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Dear Parent/Carer

In Primary School, we are committed to providing the best possible educational experiences for our pupils in order to help each child achieve and reach his/her full potential.

We are proud of our reputation for encouraging achievement and place great importance on ensuring that our children are safe and happy in school and have many opportunities to develop as individuals.

I firmly believe that by working together to build home/school relationships, which are based on understanding, mutual respect and trust, we will be well placed to meet our shared responsibility for educating your children.

This booklet has been prepared to ensure parents, carers and pupils have information and advance notice of some of the key arrangements for this session.

It is important to read our communication and return permission slips etc so that children can be involved at all times.

Should you require any further information, please contact us at the school – we will be happy to help if we can.

Yours sincerely Karen Butler Head Teacher

The school Vision Statement, “To create a safe, happy, caring and inclusive school where children, staff, parents and visitors feel valued, are encouraged to succeed , are treated with respect, enjoy learning and actively work together to be the best they can be.”

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Friday 16 August 2019 Teachers – in-service Monday 19 August 2019 Teachers – in-service Tuesday 20 August 2019 Pupils return

Friday 20 September 2019 Local holiday Monday 23 September 2019 Local holiday Tuesday 24 September 2019 Teachers – in-service

Friday 11 October 2019 Close Monday 21 October 2019 Teachers – in-service Tuesday 22 October 2019 Pupils return

Friday 20 December 2019 Close Monday 6 January 2020 Pupils return

Thursday 6 February 2020 Close Friday 7 February 2020 Local holiday Monday 10 February 2020 Local holiday Tuesday 11 February 2020 Teachers – in-service Wednesday 12 February 2020 Pupils return

Thursday 2 April 2020 Close Friday 3 April 2020 Teachers – in-service Monday 20 April 2020 Pupils return Monday 4 May 2020 Holiday – May Day

Monday 25 May 2020 Local holiday Tuesday 26 May 2020 Teachers – in-service Wednesday 27 May 2020 Pupils return

Friday 26 June 2020 Close

Monday 17 August 2020 Teachers – in-service Tuesday 18 August 2020 Teachers – in-service Wednesday 19 August 2020 Pupils return

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR INTEREST

School Sports Day Nursery 10thJune 2020 School 11th June 2020 Sports Day is always subject to weather conditions

End of Term Service 20th December 2019, 2nd April 2020, 26th June 2020

Parents are welcome to all Church Services where you are respectfully asked to sit at the rear of the Church.

Alloway Sponsored Event – All children have the chance to take part in the following events: Malawi Disco 12th September 2019 NSPCC 19th September 2019 Children in Need 15th November 2019

Monies raised by sponsoring the children will boost our School Fund or support a charity. More details will follow.

Christmas Lunches 10th December 2019 An order form will be issued Christmas Parties 13th December 2019 – P5 16th December 2019 – P4 17th December 2019 – P6 & P7 evening party 18th December 2019 – P3 19th December 2019 – P1/2 18th December 2019 – Nursery Party Nursery Nativity 11th December 2019 Infant Nativity 10th and 11th December 2019 Christmas Pantomime P1-P3 – 11th December 2019 P4-P7 – 12th December 2019 School Photographs 4th November 2019 (Individual & Family) (Individual & Family Photographs) End of year School Show 2nd June 2020 (Evening) 3rd June 2020 (Evening)

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx REPORTING TO PARENTS AND PARENTS’ MEETINGS

Parents Meetings have been arranged for session 2019/20 as follows:-

21st November 2019

27th February 2020 – This is an optional meeting for parents of children not on staged Intervention Levels 1b, 2 or 3 as they meet teachers regularly throughout the session.

21st May 2020

Details of each meeting will be sent home in good time via schoolbags. Written pupil reports will be issued to parents on 10th May 2019 prior to the Parents’ meetings. If children attend the parents meeting with you then they should be supervised during your visit please as we do not always have available staff to supervise or mind children.

They should not bring scooters or wheelie skates into the school for obvious reasons.


A school newsletter will usually be published each term. These can be sent home with pupils or emailed to you, please check schoolbags and be on the lookout for the current issue. We are attempting to move towards to e-letters and hope to do so again this session once we have all parents/carers details. This saves paper and clerical time however you need to check emails regularly for updates. They are also posted on our website.

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Every member of the support staff and teaching staff in the school has responsibility for the welfare of pupils.

The class teacher is the best first contact should a parent/carer wish to discuss their child’s progress, behaviour or general well being. The management team of the school is always interested and willing to assist when required, however it is important you discuss concerns initially with your child’s teacher.

You should note that our management team consists of only four staff this year after a council exercise to reduce numbers of Principal Teachers.

As a health promoting school we are again this session focussing on Active Health promoting Physical Exercise and Healthy Eating. Please contribute by discouraging your children from bringing sugary snacks to school and instead bring fruit whenever possible. The school nurse, Marion Brown, is available should parents wish to discuss their child’s health with her. Her telephone number is 01292 571122. She is very approachable and easy to speak to – a friendly face!

Our Active Schools Coordinator is Miss Emma Parker. She is very supportive and keen to involve parents too.

We intend to promote exercise as fun by holding a number of fun events throughout the school year especially as we move nearer the health and wellbeing focus in the last term when we have sports day.

Our teaching staff are all qualified to teach P.E. and children will receive 2 hours of P.E. in a full week. P7 receive input from a P.E. teacher from Belmont Academy at some points over the course of the session. We often involve the children in run the mile a day activity. A maximum time of 10 minutes is allocated to this.

Mrs L. McCarrell will also be delivering P.E. to some classes.

PE kit should be worn during PE lessons and kept in a drawstring bag in our cloakroom. All items need to be named to ensure they don’t get lost.

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx CHILD PROTECTION CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Butler, Head Teacher is the co-ordinator for all Child Protection issues relating to children attending Alloway Primary School and Nursery Classes. Any person with a concern regarding the care and welfare of any child should contact Mrs Butler without delay in order that any issue may be addressed timeously. Child protection is given the highest priority. Mrs Butler is also the Named Person for all primary aged children.

LEADERSHIP TEAM Members of the Leadership Team have specific areas of responsibility.

 Mrs Butler, Head Teacher has overall responsibility for all pupils and staff in the school and curricular development in line with Curriculum for Excellence, the management and overview of all school issues including Pupil support (including behavioural issues) CFE development and finances as well as being the Child Protection coordinator, LAAC coordinator and named person for primary aged children.

 Mrs Meney, Depute Head Teacher has specific responsibility for overseeing our Nursery Class and Care Commission links, Pastoral care, transition from nursery and technology developments as well as ICT development. Mrs Meney is the named person for children in our nursery class.

 Mrs Hopper, Principal Teacher has specific responsibility for overseeing numeracy and maths activities. Mrs Hopper will act as Principal Teacher for the Infant Department and is currently on leave. Mrs Stewart is the link PT for the Infant Department.

 Mrs Stewart Principal Teacher has specific responsibility for Pupils Equity and for some aspects of pupil support across the school. Mrs Stewart is responsible for all teaching students and work experience students on placement and for raising attainment in Literacy.

 Mrs Park Acting Principal Teacher has overall responsibility for community links, mathematics and numeracy across the school. She takes the lead as Principal teacher for the Upper School and is our web/Glow champion.

If you need to contact the school it is always best to speak with the class teacher in the first instance when the discussion is in connection with your child, then you should speak with the department Principal Teacher before contacting our Depute Head Teacher, Mrs Meney. In certain circumstances it may be necessary for parents/carers to discuss matters with the Head Teacher, Mrs Butler. School contact No. 01292 612490

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Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their child(ren) attend school regularly.

Alloway Primary School operates a computerised registration system which holds information on pupils’ absences and lateness.

We also use text messaging to send alerts but you cannot reply by text due to this system being one way only.

It is essential that

 Parents/carers contact the school by 9.30 am at the latest on the first day of absence to advise of reason for absence and indicate how long this absence may last.

 If your child is absent and we have not heard from you by 9.30 am, the school will telephone the child’s home so that the child’s whereabouts and safety may be established or send a text message if possible.

 We may need to use other emergency contacts if we do not get a response to ensure your child is safe.

The first step to progressing at school is regular attendance. I would urge any parent foreseeing a difficulty in this area to make early contact with the school. Attendance is tracked on an electronic system which will produce alerts if a poor pattern emerges. Please avoid holidays during term time.


The wearing of earrings is likely to cause difficulties on ‘gym days’. Please ensure that your child does not wear earrings on these days or alternatively, if removing the earrings causes a problem, then pupils may bring micropore tape to school and use this to cover over the earrings for the duration of the P.E. lesson. All other jewellery should be kept at home.

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Alloway Primary School has a very attractive school uniform consisting of a sweatshirt in the school’s colours of navy and yellow or blouse/shirt and school tie. Girls wear a dark or navy skirt or trousers and boys wear dark or grey trousers or shorts. Please name all items clearly

School uniform can be purchased from School Wear suppliers in Dalblair Road, .

The school will make every effort to return lost property. However, if your child’s name is not marked clearly on their property, we may be unable to help you. We can only store lost property for a duration before we donate it to charity or use it for changing children who require clean clothes.

Lost property can be collected from the cloakrooms. Some lost property is also handed into the school office if no name or class is marked up on the label.

The following categories of clothing are deemed unacceptable for school wear:-

 any item carrying advertising for alcohol/tobacco.

 any item encouraging factions (eg. Football colours). Accessories with these emblems are also unsuitable for school life, including stationery.

In Alloway Primary School we strongly discourage the wearing of denim clothing to school.


Our children receive 2 hours of PE each week and for these sessions all children must bring the appropriate kit. This should be – White Top, Black/Grey Shorts, Gym Shoes and they must be in a gym bag with all items clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please ensure senior children wear deodorant as appropriate, but do not send it to school. Please send your child to school with plimsoles without black soles please as they mark our wooden floors.

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Homework is any school work that takes place out with formal classroom teaching.

What is Homework for?

 Allowing parents and carers to become familiar with work which is currently being taught in the classroom

 Providing opportunities daily for school and home to communicate where necessary and to demonstrate to pupils the shared commitment home and school has to their learning

 Practice and consolidation of work done in class

 Allowing preparation for future class work

 Developing skills for working independently

 Training for pupils in planning and organisation

 Developing good work habits, self discipline and responsibility for own learning.

Each stage from Nursery to P.7 brings with it different demands on different pupils. It is difficult to be exact as to how much time each child should spend on homework. Please note that we do not necessarily issue homework every night. Infants are issued with homework on a weekly basis. This is set out in a weekly grid.

Please see your child’s homework guide which will be sent home early in the first term. It will give you more details of expectations at each stage.

Our Early Years teachers will send home weekly homework grids for you to follow and P5- 7 will be issued with personal homework diaries which you should also check and sign to let us know you are supporting the homework. We report on a child’s homework standards and effort in our end of year tracking report.

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The following should act as a general guide:

Nursery Story Books and Story Bags and home link activity sheets P.1 10/15 minutes each day reading and early number P.2 15-20 minutes each day P.3 20 minutes each day P.4 20-25 minutes each day P.5 20/25 minutes each day plus research topics P.6 25/30 minutes each day plus research topics P.7 30 minutes plus each day plus research topics

We encourage children to read regularly at every stage in the school and we send home class readers as well as library books. We also provide each child with log in details for ‘Sumdog’ to allow them to build their maths and number skills.

Any child who does not have access to a Laptop or I Pad device can access our PCs during breaks or after school on a Monday and Tuesday 3-3.30pm.

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES In Alloway Primary School we place a great deal of importance on the provision of extra-curricular activities which are provided on a voluntary basis by our staff and some willing helpers and parents.

The range of activities below should give you a flavour of what is normally on offer. These may change and more may be added.

Musical Activities - Choir – Miss Baird and Mrs McKinnon Orchestra – Ms Connell P4 Drum Coach – Mrs Harrower P4/5 Glee Club – Miss Baird Musical Instrumental Club – Percussion – Mrs Herbert

Dance - Scottish Country Dancing, Zumba, Tap and Hip Hop are often offered as well as cheer leading

Sports Activities - Fitness – Mrs McCarrell Swimming – P5 Class Netball –Mrs Ramsay Football – Mrs Meney and parent Mr Ecrepont Jogging Club – Parents Cheerleading – Miss McGahon Cricket – Cricket Club Basketball – Mrs McLeod Football – Ayr United Active Health Activities – Emma Parker and volunteers Cycling P5 -7 Support Staff etc.

Homework Club Mrs Stewart

Music Matters Mrs Herbert

Modern Language Miss Gilligan (French)

Computer Programing Mrs Wylie

Art Club T/B/C

Bikeability P5-P7 led by support staff and parent helpers (on road)

We try to offer a range of sports and experiences throughout the year. Other activities will be offered throughout the year. The staff give up their own time to run after school clubs so ensure the children return letters etc. and are collected at the end of the session at times agreed please.

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx A CURRICULUM FOR EXCELLENCE

Alloway Primary School has now fully implemented a curriculum which meets the needs of all children and young people from 3 to 18, ensuring a focus on developing the four capacities at every stage:

 Successful Learners  Responsible Citizens  Confident Individuals  Effective Contributors

The purpose of a Curriculum for Excellence is to ensure that all children and young people of develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need to flourish in life, learning and work, now and in the future.

We take a thematic approach to learning but give the children a variety of opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge to real life situations

Each area of our Curriculum has a skills pathway known as a framework which we use as a guide. We track a child’s progress through each pathway and report to parents at a meeting in November and May when we also produce a written report devised by South Council.

S:\Office staff\GenStaff\MASTERS\Information booklets\Information booklet for Parents and Carers 19-20 draft.docx ASSEMBLIES

Pupils and staff assemble for various purposes throughout the school year.

We come together to share information, celebrate achievements, promote our school values and share the work of our classes with each other.

Our assemblies will take place every Monday for both Infants (P1-3) and Upper School. Mrs Meney and Mrs Butler organise and plan these thematic assemblies and link them to our learning themes as well as to the UNICEF charter as we are a Rights Respecting School.

Special Assembles are as follows:-

 20th December 2019 – Christmas closing service at Church and all parents welcome to attend at 9.45am

 24th January 2020 – Burns Competition

 2nd April 2020 – Easter Service in the Church and all parents welcome to attend at 9.40am

 26th June 2020 – Closing Service/Awards Service all parents welcome to attend at 9.40am


We offer a range of workshops for parents and children throughout the session.

P1 workshops on 30thAugust at 2pm.

P7 workshop on 29th August at 7pm in the ICT suite.

Other dates will be shared throughout the session.

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Time is now allocated to Social Studies across all stages with a focus on a skills approach through active learning and interdisciplinary learning. We have a whole school plan to ensure depth of understanding. You will be given a termly curriculum flyer to keep you up to date with learning themes.


Science is taught in individual classes as part of an ongoing programme and through interdisciplinary learning. We encourage outdoor learning and often visit the local area to investigate and explore. We offer lots of STEM opportunities and parents support this work as we have STEM ambassadors in school from local businesses and the industrial sectors.

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We have a STEM week when we all focus on these skills.

Eco School

We have developed strong links with the community and work will continue with the development of our Garden in our gardening weeks in Term 3. We encourage parents and grandparents to get involved. We have an outdoor classroom which we will use across a range of subjects to allow children to learn outdoors. This was kindly donated by the Parent Council who appreciate your support. We have a monthly Fairtrade tuck shop and encourage the use of recycling bins including food recycling in the dining room. We have our second Green Flag Award and discourage litter in our grounds.

Please help out by limiting the amount of packaging you use to wrap snacks and lunch items. Try to cut our unnecessary plastics etc. We all do our bit where and when we can.

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In the interests of pupil safety and security, you should always report to the main office in order to sign in unless you have been asked to enter through another door specifically.

Primary 1, 2 and 3 children should be collected at the end of the school day at the exit door of the classrooms. Please encourage children in these stages to return to their class if an adult is not there to collect them. Should you wish your child to walk home alone, please inform the school in writing or meet with the teacher to discuss this arrangement for infants, otherwise we will call home to check arrangements.

Please note that parents of pupils in P1, 2 & 3 should not enter the classrooms after the 9.00 am bell in the morning so that class teachers can settle the children as quickly as possible. If you need to speak to a class teacher please catch the teacher at the end of the day instead or make an appointment. Outwith teaching times.


The car park is for the use of staff and visitors to the school and the library. Parents should not drop their children off in the car park. Children are not allowed in the car park at any time. If, in an emergency, you have to park in the car park please ensure that your child is accompanied to and from the car. Please do not part in the disabled bay unless this is a necessity and you have permission.

We thank you for your support in these matters and hope that the school and parents can work together to provide a safe environment for the children. Please consider the safety and needs of others. Parking

There is a drop off zone in front of the school. This is not a car parking facility. Parents should not park in the drop off zone or bus lane. You will have to park safely and walk to school or allow the children to cross with our lollipop people. Please consider their safety too when parking. Do not park on walkways. Please also consider our neighbours and be aware of their driveways as these are often blocked. It is important to respect our neighbours and be mindful of their access points – don’t block them in or out please. Think before you park. We encourage children to walk to school so think about their safety at all times please.

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Our playground is supervised from 8.45am each day by support assistants. It is important that children feel safe and happy in the playground so dogs should not be brought into this area nor left unattended at the school gate as some children are afraid of dogs. We have signage around our school to support this – please adhere to this. Only guide dogs and therapets known to us are welcome. It is important that our gates are locked as soon as possible after the 9am bell and the 3pm bell so parents should leave the grounds quickly. If you chat too long you may get locked in!

Our nursery children remain on site now until 3.40pm and they enjoy using the outdoor area but can only do this when the area is safe and the gates locked so please be mindful of this now and leave promptly so that they can enjoy the outdoors.


Our school supports the “Hungry for Success” campaign, and as such provides healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.

We hope that you will support us in this project.

As part of our Health Promoting Schools Policy we promote healthy eating and encourage good choices. We will be reducing sandwich choice from the menu to discourage snacking.

A Cashless Catering system is in operation at Alloway Primary School. Parents should ensure that their child’s account has money in it. All money should be sent in the special envelopes provided. These can be obtained from the office. Some children buy snacks too so take this into account when you top up their balance on a regular basis so that it remains in credit! Children in P1-3 receive a free lunch but have to pay for additional snacks.

Some parents are using the I-Pay impact system. You will have details of this options. This can also be used to pay for trips and outings

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Head Teacher Mrs Karen Butler Depute Head Teacher Mrs F. Meney Principal Teachers Mrs L. Hopper (maternity leave) Mrs L. Stewart Mrs E. Park (Acting position) Class Teachers Miss M Baird Miss G. McColm Miss C McGahon Mrs Y. Clark Mrs M. McLeod Miss M Baird Mrs C Ramsay Mrs C. Agnew Mrs J. Martin Mrs S. MacKinnon Mrs D. Harrower Miss N. Rainey Miss A. Wylie Mrs Harrison Pupil Support Teachers Miss F. Gilligan and class Contact Time Mrs A. Hearton Teachers. Mrs A McPerson Mrs L Herbert

Early Years Teacher Mrs K Gilmour Senior Early Years Practitioner Mrs L. Gibson Early Years Practitioner Mrs A. Ahmed Mrs J. Lorimer Mrs J. Tyson Mrs E. Easton Mr R. McGill Mrs L. Oyston Ms K. Adgie (On Maternity Leave) Music Specialists Ms N Connell – Music tuition (violin) Mr O’Connell – Music tuition (cello) Mr S Bird – Music tuition (brass) Mr A Gonzalez – Music tuition (woodwind)

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Clerical Staff: Mrs J Renshaw - First Aider Mrs J Paul – First Aider Mrs C McHugh – First Aider Mrs S Cannon

Janitorial Staff: Mrs S. McRobert Mr R. Garrick

School Support Assistants: Mrs M. Balmer (Part time) Mrs A. Campbell (Part time) Mrs K. Fraser (Part time) Mrs S. Tait Mrs K. Livingstone (Part time) Mrs T. Taylor (Part time) Mrs V. Donaldson Mrs Y. Herron

Kitchen Staff: Mrs L. Laing (Cook) Mrs J. Kelly Ms K. Fisher Ms A. Wells Mrs D Dickinson

Crossing Patrollers Mrs Pauline Scott Mr Bob Bell Mr Richard Grace

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Alloway Primary School 16 Doonholm Road Alloway,AYR KA7 4QQ  01292 612490

Head Teacher: Mrs Karen Butler Named Person: Mrs Karen Butler Child Protection Coordinator: Mrs Karen Butler

School Nurse: Marion Brown 01292 571122 Educational Psychologist: Jennifer Wright (Maternity leave covered by Yvonne Coyle) 01292 268379 Campus Cop: PC Blackmore 01292 612054

South Ayrshire Council Education Services County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR

 0300 123 0900

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We are a Rights Respecting School. Our values are respect, equality, cooperation, honesty and responsibility.

Our staff are entitled also to work in a pleasant, happy, safe work place and are protected by Council policies, Equality at Work and Violence and Aggression at Work.

Please see our full handbook which is available on online and on our school website. This has information about the appropriate use of social media which should not be used to discuss any individuals from our school community.

Please remember that as employees of South Ayrshire Council we are happy to consider your feedback, we will consult you when we can and when we think appropriate, as we enjoy a positive relationship with our parent body.

Children, parents and all staff should display respect at all times. It’s what gives us the ‘A’ in Alloway!

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