K.Trautman/CCAFS Kagera Basin/ CCAFS siteatlas CGIAR Research Programon ClimateChange, AgricultureandFood Security(CCAFS)

Site Atlas Correct citation: Sijmons K., Kiplimo J., Förch W., Thornton P.K., Radeny, M. and Kinyangi, J. (2013). CCAFS Site Atlas – Kagera Basin / Rakai. CCAFS site atlas series. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark. Available online at: www.ccafs.cgiar.org

Titles in this series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.

This document is published by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) which is a strategic partnership between CGIAR and Future Earth. CCAFS is supported by the CGIAR Fund, the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the Australian Government Overseas Aid Program (AusAid), Irish Aid, Environment Canada, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Netherlands, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT), UK Aid, the Government of Russia, and the European Union (EU). The Program is carried out with technical support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Contact: CCAFS Coordinating Unit - Faculty of Science, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 21, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark. Tel: +45 35331046; Email: [email protected]

Creative Commons License

This Atlas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial–NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Articles appearing in this publication may be freely quoted and reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. No use of this publication may be made for resale or other commercial purposes.

©2013 CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


This Atlas Series has been prepared as an output for Theme 4.2 under the CCAFS program and has not been peer reviewed. Any opinions stated herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of CCAFS, donor agencies, or partners. The geographic designation employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CCAFS concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without written permission of the source. Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction...... iv

Regional Map...... 1

Topographic Map ...... 2

Satellite Map ...... 3

Chapter 2: Climate and Climate Variability

Annual Rainfall ...... 4

Annual Temperature ...... 5

Aridity Index ...... 6

Chapter 3: Bio-Physical Characteristics

Altitude...... 7

Soil Type ...... 8

Agro-Ecological Zones ...... 9

Landcover ...... 10

Landuse ...... 11

Length of Growing Period 2000 ...... 12

Length of Growing Period 2030 ...... 13

Crop Suitability ...... 14 Livestock Production Systems ...... 15

Livestock Density...... 16

Chapter 4: Socio-Economic Factors

Livelihood Zones...... 17

Human Population Density ...... 18

Market Access ...... 19

Poverty ...... 20

Conservations Areas...... 21

References and Data Sources...... 22 Introduction

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) seeks to promote a food-secure world through the provision of science-based efforts that support sustainable agriculture and enhance livelihoods while adapting to climate change and conserving natural resources and environmental services.

Climate change is an unprecedented threat to the food security of hundreds of millions of people who depend on small-scale agriculture for their livelihoods. Climate change affects agriculture and food security, and likewise, agriculture and natural resource management affect the climate system.

CCAFS has initially focused on three regions; East Africa (EA), West Africa (WA) and South Asia (SA) to carry out its research. The 15 CCAFS sites in these areas represent areas that are becoming both drier and wetter, and are focal locations that will generate results that can be applied and adapted to other regions worldwide. In this year, 2013, CCAFS is expanding its portfolio to additional sites in Latin America and South-East Asia.

These sites serve as the initial focus of CCAFS partnership-building and long-term research activities falling within the following CCAFS Research Themes; Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change, Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk, Pro-Poor Climate Change Mitigation and Integration for Decision Making. At all 15 CCAFS sites, baseline surveys have been conducted, including three levels of data collection and analysis at household, village and organizational levels (see: http://ccafs.cgiar.org/resources/baseline-surveys).

More information on CCAFS work in all the three regions can be accessed at www.ccafs.cgiar.org

To better understand the CCAFS sites’ characteristics, a list of geospatial indicators for climate variability, bio-physical characteristics and socio-economic variables have been mapped into site atlases.

This Atlas was developed for the CCAFS site at Kagera Basin / Rakai in Uganda, in East Africa Region.

IV CCAFS Sites: East Africa

30ºE 40ºE 50ºE N N º º 0 0 1 1 º º 0 0

Ethiopia: Borana (ET01) Kenya: Nyando (KE01) Kenya: Makueni (KE02) Uganda: Albertine Rift (UG01) S º S º 0 Uganda: Kagera Basin (UG02) 0 1 1 Tanzania: Usambara (TZ01)

CCAFS Country Sites 30ºE 40ºE 50ºE 1 Citation: GeoMapa (2013a) !(


!( Topography Kagera Basin

31°E 31°30'E Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( !( CCAFS Site UG02, Kagera Basin / Rakai, Uganda Kadugala !( !( Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( !( !. Kyakabunga Kabula Mukukute Kaboyo !( !( !( !( Kyeibuza !( !( !( Bulimbale Bukoto !( Kaganda Bezinza Lwantobo !( Busubi Mukoni !( !( !( !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Balimanyanka !( Nakaiita Birinuma !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( !( !( Busibo Kibona Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Makano

S !( !( !( Kabuwko S ' Rweibumba Butembe ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° Mutondo Kibbe °

0 Nombi !( !( !( 0 Lwamatama Kiyumbakimu Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa !( !( !( !( !( Lwamagwa Katera !( Kilembwe !( Bale Kijwara Bugere Village !( !( !( Buny!(onyi Kayonza Kakundi Gayaza !( !( !( Bukyanju !( !( Ddwaniro Lwqanda Mweza !( Bisanje !( !( !( Kakoma !( Kabumba Lugando Kasesero !( !( !( Lutete !( !( Banda Gombe !( !( Kisogo !( Rakai Town Nakatogo !( !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya Kibaale !( Kabale Katoke !( !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo Sanje Lake Victoria Buganza Lugage Katoma Kinaku !( !( !( Kakuto !( Kakango Mayanja !( !( !( !( Bigada Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( Bugela !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( !( !( Coordinates of the CCAFS Baseline !( Kakira Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba Sampling frame !(

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 31.484E 0.621S 1 1 31.484E 0.713S 31.394E 0.713S 31.394E 0.621S

Sampling frame size: 10km x 10km

!( 31°E 31°30'E !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

2 Citation: GeoMapa (2013b)



!( !(




Satellite Image Rakai

31°25'0"E 31°30'0"E (! Kateera B

11 01-20 m 30- ry fro S S ge " " ima on 0 0 e ti ' ' idEy solu 5 5 Rap d re 3 3 un ° ° gro 0 0 at 5m line Base ehold !( Hous HBS= ey Surv

ine Basel llage S= Vi VB rvey Su e aselin onal B nizati Orga OBS= ey Surv

Kyengeza Ddwaniro (! .! !( Kijuna B S S " "

0 Kasesero 0 ' ' 0 0

4 !( 4 ° ° 0 0

(! Gosola

Road !( Settlement .! CCAFS VBS/OBS village (! CCAFS HBS villages (! Kituntu Kakumbiro (! S S " " 0 0 ' Bubba ' CCAFS Baseline 5 5 4 4 ° (! ° Sampling Frame 0 0 31°25'0"E 31°30'0"E

Scale 1:150,000 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers

3 Citation: RapidEye (2011)




!( !(


!( Annual Rainfall

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

Rainfall (mm) Rakai Mean MRoanktahi lMy Reaain fMallo Dnitshtrliyb uRtaioinnfall Distribution s ) < = 250 y

200 20 a m D


250 - 750 y ( 150 15

n l i l a a

750 - 1,250 f 100 10 Rainfall (mm) R

n f i a o 50 5 No. of Rainy Days .

1,250 - 1,750 R o N t

0 r 0 t r c y v y e g b n l

> = 1,750 c a p p a e o n u a e u e J O A F u J D A N M M S !( 31°E 31°30'E J !. Town International boundary ta all da Citation: Jones et al (2002) Settlement Road Rainf nnual Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 A t urren !. f 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers of c ons o polati inter ata, rved d obse tive 1 cm = 7.5 km senta repre 00 0 - 20 of 195

Rakai 4 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Hijmans et al (2005) !(


!( !(


!( Annual Temperature

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

Temperature (ºC) Rakai MRaekaani Moenatnh Mly oTnetmhplye Traetmupree rDaitsutreib Duitsiotrnibution

< = 15 30 ) l

e 25 C

15 - 20 .

g 20 e Temp. Max d (

20 - 25 15 . p 10 Temp. Min m

25 - 30 e T 5 Temp. Mean 0 t t r r c y v y g e n > = 30 b l c a p p e a o u a e n u J e O A F J D u A N M M !( S 31°E 31°30'E J !. Town International boundary e Citation: Jones et al (2002) eratur Settlement Road Temp nnual nual Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 A ts an resen a of !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers rep re dat peratu tions tem erpola nt int curre data, 1 cm = 7.5 km served of ob r ged fo avera - 2000 1950

Rakai 5 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Hijmans et al (2005) !(


!( !(


!( Aridity Index

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

ates Aridity Index indic Index Aridity ness, Hyper Arid f dry n level o piratio the otrans Arid evap en taking t a giv ount, a fall Semi Arid o acc rain int known tion of Dry sub-humid loca

Humid !( 31°E 31°30'E !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 6 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Trabucco et al (2009) !(


!( !(


!( Altitude

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left

Altitude (m) s the dicate > = 2,500 de in vel Altitu sea le above 2,000 - 2,500 height eters 1,500 - 2,000 in m

1,000 - 1,500

500 - 1,000 !( 31°E 31°30'E < = 500 !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 7 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Jarvis et al (2008) !(


!( !(


!( Soil Type

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left

e soil Soil Type * s to th e refer oil Typ e FAO Acrisols S per th ps oup as il grou gr on. So nt Alisols ificati r pare class y thei c fined b geneti are de orpho Cambisols l and m s of ateria n term m istics i d Ferralsols racter ies an cha ropert ural p nd struct , silt a Fluvisols (sand l as texture as wel !( tent), t. 31°E 31°30'E Gleysols y con onten cla atter c !. Town nic m International boundary Histosols orga Settlement Road Bukoba Leptosole River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers Nitisols

1 cm = 7.5 km Podzols * Legend corresponds to left map

Rakai 8 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: FAO et al (2009) !(


!( !(


!( Agro-Ecological Zones

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left Zones ogical Agro-Ecological Zones * o-Ecol n of Agr divisio te the e Mid Altitude Derived Savanna indica t hav as tha nd are ristics Mid Altitude Humid Forest la aracte , ilar ch itability * Legend corresponds to left map sim d su to lan related ltural l agricu otentia p n and ductio pact. pro ntal im !( nme 31°E 31°30'E enviro !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

9 Rakai CCAFS sampling frame Citation: FAO (2008) !(


!( !(


!( Landcover

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left


Rainfed croplands Open needleleaved deciduous or evergreen forest

Mosaic Croplands/Vegetation Closed to open shrubland

Mosaic Vegetation/Croplands Closed to open grassland

Closed broadleaved deciduous forest Urban area

Open broadleaved deciduous forest Closed to open broadleaved forest regularly flooded (fresh-brackish water) !( Closed to open broadleaved evergreen 31°E 31°30'E or semi-deciduous forest !. Town International boundary s the Settlement show Road cover sical Land oB)puhykoba River Scale 1:750,000 ed (bi bserv !. arth's 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers o f the e t ver o minan co .e. do ace, i use surf land 1 cm = 7.5 km ation, veget de an-ma and m es. featur

Rakai 10 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Arino et al (2009) !(


!( !(


!( Landuse

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left

Landuse *

Forest protected Rainfed crops (Subsistence/Commercial)

Forest with moderate or higher livestock density Crops and moderate intensive livestock density

Grasslands high livestock density Crops and high livestock density

Shrubs unmanaged Agriculture protected

Shrubs protected Urban area !( 31°E 31°30'E Shrubs moderate livestock density Wetlands protected !. Town how International boundary ion of escript lves is a d .It invo Wetlands unmanaged Settlement Road nduse e land Shrubs high livestock density La ilize th i.e. the ple ut tivity, Bukoba peo mic ac tion River Scale 1:750,000 econo odifica!. socio- and m nto Open Water, inland Fisheries ement ment i 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers manag nviron tural e as the na t,such ts. of nmen tlemen * Legend corresponds to left map enviro nd set le built elds a multip tural fi ay be gricul herem a lace, t 1 cm = 7.5 km any p e. At the d her uses, esente land e is pr ant on domin

Rakai 11 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Natchtergaele et al (2010) !(


!( !(


!( Length of Growing Period 2000

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

rowing th of G Length of Growing Period (Days) Leng efined The P) is d < = 50 d (LG ays Perio er of d numb ich 50 - 100 s the g wh a r durin fed a yea e rain 100 - 150 in ailabl e is av ly for ther e supp 150 - 200 oistur soil m . rowth > 200 plant g !( 31°E 31°30'E !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 12 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Thornton et al (2006) !(


!( !(


!( Length of Growing Period 2030

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

wing Length of Growing Period (Days) f Gro ngth o 000. he Le year 2 < = 50 T the iod in d Per perio ar 50 - 100 s the e ye This i ring th s) du able 100 - 150 in day avail y ( ere is suppl en th sture 150 - 200 wh il moi fed so ; here rain rowth > 200 lant g . for p r 2030 !( 31°E 31°30'E led fo mode !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 13 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Thornton et al (2006) !(


!( !(


!( Crop Suitability

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left rs to y refe Crop Suitability itabilit rop Su rce Not suitable C resou land the t that nd Very low men al la ssess cultur a s agri vant Low sider rele con s with n option nditio Medium low use al co ologic gro-ec pected Medium a e ex stimat s. to e ctivitie !( Medium high ing a 31°E 31°30'E cropp !. Town International boundary High Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. Very high 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 14 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: FAO and IIASA (2007) !(


!( !(


!( Livestock Production Systems

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left s tems a on Sys oducti s take Mixed Rainfed Livestock only ock Pr system Livest ltural o agricu ns int Arid / Semi-arid Arid /semi-arid rt of nditio pa atic co ied in o-clim classif agr d are ck Humid / sub-humid Temperate / highland unt an livesto acco d and odities of fee comm ; Temperate / highland Closed to open shrubland terms stock ology s; live techn ; source ction ctions Mixed Irrigated re produ k fun uced; vestoc ons; prod and li locati ct use aphic . Arid / semi-arid Urban area produ geogr ported vered; ns sup !( rea co ulatio 31°E 31°30'E Humid / sub-humid a an pop Other d hum !. Town International boundary an Temperate / highland Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 15 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: FAO (2007) !(


!( !(


!( Livestock Density

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left

2 is Number per km ensity tock D ers Lives numb No Observations red in g measu cludin ck, in p, < = 5 livesto shee of ts and le, goa 5 - 10 catt 2 km 10 - 15 per

15 - 20 !( 31°E 31°30'E > = 20 !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 16 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Wint et al (2007) !(


!( !(


!( Livelihood Zones

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left nd plex a Livelihood Zones * re com tors. oods a of fac Livelih variety s Albertne Escarpment Cotton Cassava Zone by a e map haped d zon s elihoo areas Central and Southern Cattle Cassava Maize Zone se liv phic The eogra adly eate g le bro delin peop Lakeshore and Riverbank Fishing Zone which ihood ithin e livel w sam ess to Urban Area re the g acc sha cludin ets. rns in mark patte e, and Midwest Central and Lake Victoria Cresent incom !( food, 31°E 31°30'E Robusta Coffe Banana Maize and Cattle Zone !. Town International boundary * Legend corresponds to left map Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 17 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: USAID (2011) !(


!( !(


!( Human Population Density

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left lation Popu d 2 man ridde Number of persons per km Hu he g ity is t per Dens ersons < = 5 r of p numbe 2 2005. 5 - 25 km in 25 - 50

50 - 250

> 250 !( 31°E 31°30'E !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 18 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: CIESIN (2005) !(


!( !(


!( Market Access

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Kadugala !( Kyankonyo Lwamabala !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N !( Kyakabunga Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu DEMOCRATIC REP. !( !( !( !( Makano !( !( Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3

° ° OF

0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( CONGO Lwamatama Katera !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere !(Village !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Lwqanda 0 0 Mweza Ddwaniro !( !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Lake Gombe Banda !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Victoria Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto T A N Z A N I A !( Kakango !( !( !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi International boundary Scale 1:12,500,000 Kasese Kyesimba !( 0 125 250 500 Kilometers

S Mutukula S

° !( ° 1 1 Corresponds to the map on the left re measu e is a ed Travel time to nearest large town/city (Hours) vel tim termin Tra ility de < = 5 essib taken of acc ours) , ime (h centre 5 - 10 the t rban in rest u tion he nea opula 10 - 15 to t of a p r city more town o ple or 15 - 20 0 peo s of f 50,00 t mean o ifferen unt) > = 20 king d o acco (ta ion int !( 31°E 31°30'E ortat transp !. Town International boundary Settlement Road Bukoba River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 19 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: Nelson (2008) !(


!( !(


!( Poverty

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left obal ted gl Percentage of People living on less than 2 US$ per day nstruc at IN co rty th CIES pove 0 or missing ets of ates data s estim ed on t 0 - 20 re bas l infan a ationa subn hild 20 - 40 of and c rtality ta, mo on da 40 - 60 utriti both maln that nizing 60 - 80 ecog or !( r xies f 31°E 31°30'E e pro lfare 80 -100 ar nd we !. Town rty a International boundary pove Settlement than Road Bukoba ather es. r easur River Scale 1:750,000 !. ect m 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers dir

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 20 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: CIESIN (2005) !(


!( !(


!( Conservation Areas

31°E 31°30'E 30°E

!( !( Lwamabala Kadugala !( Kyankonyo !( E T H I O P I A Chankoko !( Binikira Kanoni !( !( S O U T H S U D A N Kyakabunga !( Bulimbale !. !( !( Mukukute Kaboyo Bezinza !( !( Masaka !( !( !( Kabula Bukoto !( Kaganda Kyeibuza Lwantobo !( !( !( !( Busubi !( !( Layantonde Lugologolo Mukoni Nakaiita !( Balimanyanka !( !( Biwolobo Kikenene Bukeri Ntarama !( Birinuma !( !( Busibo Mlundu !( !( !( !( !( !( DEMOCRATIC REP. Kaianja Kyasenya Kibona Makano S !( !( !( S ' Rweibumba Butembe Kabuwko ' 0 !( Lyangoma !( 0 3 3 ° ° OF 0 Nombi !( !( Mutondo !( Kibbe 0 Lwamagwa U G A N D A Rukukuru !( !( Kunswa Kiyumbakimu !( !( !( Kilembwe !( Kalisizo !( Lwamatama Katera CONGO !( !( Bale Kijwara K E N Y A !( Bugere Village !( !( !( Kayonza Kakundi !( !( Gayaza!( Bunyonyi Kyotera Bukyanju !( !( ° ° Mweza Ddwaniro Lwqanda !( 0 0 !( !( Kabumba !( !( Lugando Kasesero !( Kakoma !( !( !( Bisanje !( Gombe Banda Lake !( Lutete !( Kisogo !( Nakatogo !( Rakai Town !( Bwende Nabubare Lake Kijanebabola Victoria !( !( !( Kibanda Byakabanda Kasasa !( Manya RWANDA !( Kabale Katoke Kibaale !( !( !( !( !( Lugongo !( Lake Victoria Buganza Sanje Lugage Kinaku !( !( !( BURUNDI Katoma Kakuto !( Kakango !( !( T A N Z A N I A !( !( Bigada Mayanja Bizera !( Magabbi Nyakabingo !( !( Lukoma !( Kiswere !( !( Bugela Kakira !( !( 30°E !( Mubanzi Kasese Kyesimba International boundary !( Scale 1:12,500,000

S Mutukula S ° !( ° 0 125 250 500 Kilometers 1 1

Corresponds to the map on the left

Areas Conservation Areas ation reas onserv cted a C t prote , State Forest Reserve resen IUCN rep ing to aphic ,accord geogr Forest Reserve that fined ed arly de edicat are cle ized, d r ecogn legal o Nature Reserve aces, r rough sp ged th mana ans, to Hunting Zone and ive me ation effect onserv other term c Gorilla Reserve long- ted chieve ssocia !( a with a nature es and 31°E 31°30'E of servic system !. Town International boundary eco e. ral valu Settlement Road Bukoba cultu River Scale 1:750,000 !. 0 7.5 15 30 45 Kilometers

1 cm = 7.5 km

Rakai 21 CCAFS sampling frame Citation: UNEP and WCMC (2012) !(


!( References and Data Sources assessment. Version 1, 2002. CD-ROM and User’s Manual. CIAT, AA6713, Cali, Colombia, 87 pp. Aridity Index Regional Map Trabucco, A., and Zomer, R.J. 2009. Global Aridity Index (Global-Aridity) and Global Potential Sijmons K. 2013a. Digital Satellite Image based on, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Evapo-Transpiration (Global-PET) Geospatial Database. CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information. Spectroradiometer ) NASA, 2009, Ground resolution : 1 Kilometer. GTOPO30, (DEM) Global Published online, available from the CGIAR-CSI GeoPortal at: http://www.csi.cgiar.org/ Digital Elevation Model U.S Geological Survey, Ground resolution: 1 Kilometer. Topographic Features derived from: Global GIS, U.S. Geological Survey and Google Earth. Projection: Altitude Geographic, Lat/Long, WGS84 Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database. Available at http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org Topographic Map Sijmons K. 2013b. Relief represenation derived from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of SRTM Soil Type (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) 2000, Ground resolution 90 meter and ASTER GDEM, FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISS-CAS/JRC. 2009. Harmonized World Soil Database (version 1.1). FAO, Rome, Ground resolution 30 meter, NASA. Topographic Features digitized from Google Earth Italy and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria. Projection: Geographic, Lat/Long, WGS84 Agro-Ecological Zones Satellite Image Fischer, G., F. Nachtergaele, S. Prieler, H.T. van Velthuizen, L. Verelst, D. Wiberg, 2008. Global Agro- RapidEye Satellite Image, 5 meter ground resolution, ecological Zones Assessment for Agriculture (GAEZ 2008). IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria and FAO, Rome, Image acquisition, 17-01-2011 Italy

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23 June 2013

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) brings together the world’s best researchers in agricultural science, development research, climate science and Earth System science, to identify and address the most important interactions, synergies and tradeoffs between climate change, agriculture and food security. CCAFS is a strategic partnership of CGIAR and Future Earth, led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).

For more information, visit www.ccafs.cgiar.org and www.geomapa.nl