Isrublistaed June 2:1,18#2.-Vnl. 4. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 15. 1865. TermsV# yenr, in^dv»nee~ i’O&TLANB BAIL! Fj&ESS4 Educated by Providence. W Stilling was an eminent MISCELLANEOUS. ANTS, LOST.FOUNP FOK SALE & TO LET. MISCELLANEOUS. B Henry Young CARDS. JOUK T OIIiMAM', ltor physician in the service of the grand duke of f -BUSINESS MERCHANDISE. Baden. He died in the year 1812, and conse- published at We. 82* KICK AMO 1 8TBKKT b} The Catarrh WANTED I house lots” PORTLAND ACADEMY ! was well known to many persons now Eye, Ear, renuue.*. quently WILL pay ikk oente lb. for ah, f ti. & career was an —aiid— per Pamphlets SOLDIER’S inu A. rO«TB8 CO. living. His extraordinary one. I delivered at the offloe ol the Portland For Sale. CLAIMS, BB1,8^Co«'e8«»eri'ho.pbateol Sugar Co., The Term will Feb. V. oi m 1500 In youth, Stilling was extremely desti- oorner Commercial and sts. Spring Begin uni, 500 bble. Crushed Bone poor, THROAT! Maple finely located House Lott in tute of the common con torts and M, BROWN. C.peKlit rilHIS Sahooi is for both Misses with- ltM bbl*. XJttleflelds 1'BB PobiLamo DAILY rtill it p ublisbed aldS.OO necessaries JanSldtf_J. SKYfRALihetjj, three minutes’ walk irom the Cape Bridge. and Masters, or Tuudrette out to or ai Bought Collected. at Portland Agricultural err in advesoo. of life. After a season of Enquire ofUS N at the Sherifl’, regard age taiuments. For sale Warehouse e d per y long anjciety and PEitRY, Office, be ajmbstatl To Cutters. where a of IWpiis may admitted at any time in the term. Settlement. Seed Store, 1'BB M Punas is every Thurs- he felt satisfied that he Portland, plan Capo Elizabeth lota may Cubed, tad aU nlnln.. * published prayer, should go to a For iurther particular* to the ngninlt MarketBulJVabyKE.NDaLL 4 day »2.0o per annum, in advanoe; ss.36 experienced Cutters wanted Im- t* Men- apply FNALGovernment collected, WHITNEY morning,at university and prepare himself for the medical Clothing m*y]8tf^ by Portland Feb If paid within six months; and if be FEWmediately, WM. SEEKING A 87,1M»tebMdUhia »2.Ei, payment He did at by CO., ftfiatfJ‘ MANASSEH delayed beyond aix months. profession. not, first, make choice a-dtf M Freest. For Sale. Um CojfcreaaBt. SMITH, of a university, but waited for an Intimation OfflMilo. 62 BxohanfQ Street. Coal, coal! Carriage Horse, old, kind and -* lresh min'd • Creek Cem- from his heavenly for as he had in- eight years Portland. /A/A TONS Ue.rgf Father; Wanted to ONEsonnd in every one and tN/ berlaad Coal—a e»i eiior ankle for Plsok- Kates of Advertising: tended to Purchase; respect; Buggy Wagon Dr. Fred 1 study from he would darne-B; one H A. a simply faith, BUCK MOUSE, situated In the Western part oi also, iwing Machine. Apply to Prince, emitb us shliped f on Ba’iimur wUm'Irg and not follow his own will in the bad FRANCIS Stevens' CHA8. F. for MoAl LIr>Te.K • Cu. One lnoh of space in length of oolumu, constitute* anything. Three A city. Possession to be May 1st lnSI. PURINTOS, Plain., HOLMES & CO., sale by KANDaLL, Bubabb." weeks after he had come to this Address Box No. 70, Portland P. O., stating loeal- majl3d3w* Morrill’s Corner. Dentist, Botu Cnmmeioia st. determination, MRS. Manafaotnreri and .f *1.60 per flret week; 76 oents per week a MANCHESTER, ty, price Ao., for three weeks. deolBdwti Wboleeale Dealer. In I All orders by mall prompt’/ ati, ndidtu. spM sqnare daily friend asked him where he intended to go. after; three insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- For Sale. No. 11 n He replied he did not know. THE INDEPENDENT Clapps’Block, ry other day after first week, 50 oents. Congress St., Porto Rico Nilgais 76 eentsi OB( said tour Wanted. and Land on ths oornerof High and Half square, three insertions or loss, ‘Oh, she, neighbor, Mr. T—, Is PORTLAND, HE, BOOTS AND 1 HHDi ohoioe Porto Boo SITUATION as or Norse. HOUSESpring streets; oneoi the most dtsirable loca- ()/W Ssgais, Jest week, *1.00; □ oenta per week miter. going to to the Housekeeper Good SHOESI A Straaburg, spend winter there; A ii tions in the oity. Inquire ol Maroh 28—dtf elVAX landing f. o brig Caroline he ey with reference*given, required. 4 tinder head si AKusastaxTB, #3.00persquarepai go him.’ Address Mrs. A. Portland Post Offloe. K TAYLOR. NO. 164 THO'S ASENCiu CO, I MIDDLE ma- one CLAIRVOYANT om Wharf. week; insertion, *1,60. This touched Stilling’s he felt that may 9 dlw* Portland, May 18,18:6.—d8w*K<^ STREET, 2d3arcm Bouse avnniAL Kotiobh, *3.00 flret week, heart; per square this was the intimation he had waited for. per after; three insertions or less, *1.60; Eclectic Engines, Boilers, &e., MB. Porto •1,00 square Physician, a Partner. PORTLAND, Hlco Itlolashcs. half a square, 'are. insertions, *1.00; one week, Meanwhile, Mr. T- himself entered the Wanted, a oash badness, well FOR SALE. Boot!land 11A HHDS. 1 Porto Pico Molatstt •1.60. and was profitable established, and For Sale. Shoe, made of the beet material and .Superior room, heartily pleased with the prop- From 618 New has returned to X I V/ »ln b» ai inserted la the Xaihb Stay* Broadway, Tork, IN ospahle of being largely increased. 'of!*® •bfafoetlon | told , rIts e se e, neiur- Advertisements osition. and can be consul ted at her No. Particular atteutiou The whole of his welfare now de- Portland, office, 11 mayOtf Address P. Box Engines, 12 inch Cylinder 3 feet stroke. to the man 11 Tlsrees nay, April 29, at XX at Fuses (whiob has a large oiroulation in every part ol O., 1711, Portland. paid fiotur ng of aen’a oalf booU D al- ) o’oleek, on fur Clapp’s Block. A One five Inch 14 inoh stroke. •r< will And •tore of the foi *1U0 per square for first and pended his becoming a physician, and j Desirable Stand for Business, TWO Cylinder it tor their iutorcat to call ,nd examine State) insertion, Two Boilers 30 feet 4 feet diameter with 2 before THO’S ASKNCIO 60 oents lor each subsequent Insertion. this a thousand dollars at least were One the Greatest Cures on Record. Wanted. long, purchasing. « Co, per square requisite, of at “Locke’s mills.” return flues, 16 inches diameter. maylOdtw ap28tf Cu-tcm House Wharf. IntoAL WcWlua et Usual rafts. of Gentleman and on which he could not tell in the whole world Prompted by no other than ths feeling of beneve- Wife, or before the firat —AlttO— of a bouse sever Store and Dwelling Honse at Locke’s jy All communications Intended for the paper tow to raise a hundred. He nevertheless fix- lence, and for the benelt of the 1 desire to FOE June, containing to ten rooms, Mills, Steam Drum, Shafting. Steam ■* afflieted, in a near the Brand Trunk now Pumps, Heaters, Trinidad and Dlolautw. should be direoted to the Editors of the and pleasant location. Bent two hundred to two THE Depot oooup'ed by do dc. E. E. UPHAM A Dana & Co. Sugar Press," ed his confidence on and reasoned make known a short of disease and J. Bartlett. The pipes, SON. those of a business character to the Publishers. firmly God, description my hundred and flttv dollars. buildings are two storle- In front HBDS. Grocer*’ and stories in ap8dti prime sugar. as follows: “God without ter- the care whioh I obtained from Mrs. Address Post Office Box 17SS. three rear, ah la good order. Theriot of executed begins nothing unexpected msylOdlw* Fish 0Q syjOBPmirnwG every description baa a front of 180 feet, and back to the wa- and and all minating it gloriously; now it is most certain- Manchester’s Medicine. of two ---- running Salt, 361 Hbda. I with dispatch; business to the of Upwards years — pertaining ter. This is a very desirable stand for business INTERNATIONAL M To*. floe or transacted on true that he alone has ordered tc J Choice Muscovado Molasses. paper promptly appuoation as ly my present •inoe I was taken siek, whioh gradually increased The present owner contemplates itoin the | WET NURSE moving Lather Dana, 16 Bbls. ) above. ciraumstances without my Address Fobt Office Box 1987. place, and will sell on reasonable Portland, entirely co'opera- until 1 was so far reduced that I never expected to te-ms, together Dana, Cargo of brio J. D. bow and lo A with a mall Fire Insurance ! Woodbury J Linooln, landing blim. VUUCC4UCUUJT, III 19 UUIUSb CC1 LZUUty maylOdtl and well seleoted S’ook of Goods salt- Company John A. tf. Daca •ala at No. 1 Central be well again. I bad the attendanoe of six eminent ed to the trade. ) MuiUe. Wharf, by true that he will re Apply to J Bartlett on the premi- QT New Tork, Office 113 Broadway. Mar 1-tf HOPHKi t.Al’jN. accomplish everything physicians, and never reoeived the slightest benelt ses, or to Monday Morning, May 15,1865. garding me in a manner worthy of himself.’ luneldtf_ until I commenced using Mrs. Manchester’s Medi- NEW SPRING JOHN C. PROCTER, He smilingly said to his friends, who were is ap28ecdkw3w Portland Me. CASH CAPITAL ’Wholesale New oines. My disease at that time was as follows:—f-I $1,000,000. and Retail, Crop Mo/asses. poor as himself, ‘I wonder from what quarter ASSETS Clayed was extremely feble—confined to my bed. My fleth 91,304,188:40. Abraham Lincoln.. my heavenly Father wiil provide me with For Sale at Great Bargains. 137 KS- Whan had all disappeared, the whites of my eyes were yd- WM. E. WARREN, President. i.. Mr. F. B. Carpenter, the artist who money.’ they expressed anxiety, 'Be- MILLINERY House and 8table pleasantly situated HAMILTON Tioe President. DAVIS, painted also the skin 1 had a dull in BRUCE, lieve that He who was able to feed low, yellow; heavy pain BRICKwith 11 finished roomsana abundance of wa- the oi “The of the assuredly GEORGE W. SAVAGE, Seoretaryl ALSO, picture Signers Emancipa- a the right side, and it was very muoh enlarged: pain ter. Cottage Honse on Frarkli.i st. 8 finished rooms. thousand people with a little, 11 res still, and Bookseller, 400 BHDS. Prime Sierra Morena luared MoJarr- in shoulders and The left side seemed to Two story Honse on Liuoaln St. 11 finished rooms — Stationer, tion Proclamation,” contributes to the Inde- to Him I commit He will my spine. GOODS! Portland Board enoee: Ann ee, for tale myself. certainly Two story House ou Melbourne -St. 9 finished rooms of Refer MAXorioTuaxM or by find out means. so that thete was a hollow in it. I his Personal of Mr Ho not be anxious: the Lord decay quite plaoe Two story House on St. 8 finished rooms.— Jobs B. Brow* & Fljttchsb k Co. pendent Impressions A and Munjoy Son, Hsrskt, THOS. ASENCIO * COn will had a very pain at the ol Urge complete assortment of Cottage Honse between and H. J. Libby k Co. John Lyhoh * Premium some remin- provide.’ distressing pit my stomach; Congress Monument Co. Paged Account Books, janlOtf Custom Lincoln,” embodying interesting S'*. House and Stable with The House Wharf. Forty-six dollars was all he could raise for tongue coated thick, stomach very acid, appetite en- large lot ot Lana 140x undersigned having been appointed Aemrr which we below: 120 feet on North 8t. within 160 teet of the Horse and Attorwby lor this Company, la now prepared PAPER HANOINOS. Iscences, copy his He met unavoidable on tirely gone, not being able to on my journey. delay keep anything Railroad. to issue Folioies on Insurable at ourrent Htt. 88 Scotch iaavan, Mr. LINCOLN’S SADNESS. Property Exchange Street, Portland, Me, the way, and while in Frankfort, three dayB’ stomach, fever, night sweats, thirst violent, d|y Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, • rates. Oi lA BOLTS ot “David Conor A 8 n'a” Leith, the ALSO, It has been business of my life, as you ride from Strasbnrg, he had but a single dol- cough, difficulty of breathing, doll headaehe. I can- Honse Lots, Water Lots and Wharf Property. IT Portland OJhe. m Pori Street. __Jnneldtl 4ml\J\J o soil-olotb of superior qa» v, lost rs- re of Oiived direet from oad for sole know, to study the human face, and I say lar left. He said of It to not desoribe as 1 wish to do m'ssrable situation Enqn MOSES GOULD, JOHN W. HUNGER * Liverpool, by nothing any one, but my GLOVES, BEREA.GES Co, Ag’ta. OKAS. I. BY AN A as I have said to Mr. aplO amd&wlm 74 Middle St. up stairs. SOKTJKACHIE, MowiLVlSBY, DaVIS, now, repeatedly Iriends, waited for the assistance of his heavenly and suffering as every organ inmy body was diseas- Jans 3,1864.—dtf. Sept 34th—dtf 1*1 Commercial St. the Lincoln bad saddest face I ever painted 1 Father. As he was the and ed. said I was fast to the -AND-- Fresco and Banner walking street, My physicians hastening Farm tor Sale, Painter, During some of the dark days of last to he met Mr. a WARREN’S IMPORTED spring praying inwardly God, L-, consumption. No. Treenails. and summer I saw him at times when his The subscriber beeomo eo 144 Middle Btreet, merchant from the place of his who I at this time and this is a having residence, enjoy perfect health, advanced in years, and somewhat FIRE AND WATER-PRO Of xa“NAI-Ui-" careworn, troubled appearance was to says to STRAW GOODS! enough him,— plain, short history of my oase, and is the truth. 1 feeble in health, has decided to offer POBTLAIfD, MB. 100,000.0AK bring tears of sympathy into the eyes of his what heref’ lor sale the well S1MONTON A ANIGHT. ‘Stilling brought you would reoommend every and all invalids to go and Adapted to the wants of the known Farm on WP" Work executed in most violent enemies. I recall Fort mT COMPOSITION, every part of the State. Commercial wharf. particularly ‘I am to to --__ Hill, bo called, in Gorham, so going Strasburg study medi- consult Mrs. Manchester. Mast A. Moulton, Portland, Jane 13,18*4. mnelSdti one day, when having occasloa to pass cine.’ long occup; y himself. Tin farm contaias 110 __ juneltf Edwaed L. Moulton. acres of land, a of the main hall of the domestic ‘Where do and good proportion wh!oh is wood Ghravel through apart- you get your money to study City Country Trade, and timber land. The are in condi- Hoofing JOHN F. New molasses. I found him all and ?’ Portland, May 9, 1861. moh9dly buildings pood ANDERSON, ments, alone, pacing up with tion, of a two noose, t arn and out- BVR WLAT ROOPB. consisting story UU B UDd new CCA TOD MOL AS SB* SK bore down a narrow passage, his hands behind ‘I have a rich Father in heaven.’ -!-L —AT- building*. It is about a mile from'Gorham village, and Civil OC7 Trovatora Dorn oaybaran If or tale by head and miles from Portland. The urioe is — E. HERSEY. Asexat. Surveyor Engineer, him, his bent forward upon his breast, Mr. L looked at him steadily, and in- 104 95000 aprlS.f a. T. MAC HI >, Uait Wbarf. WHOLESALE ONLY. terms of payment easv, and possession imme- black rings under bis eyes, ‘How much money have you on Schuylkill Coal Notice. given lanaa dtlNo.18 Union atrset. OFFICE, const AN heavy showing quired, dately. inquire of Messrs Harmon, near the BLOCK, such a WM. prem- sleepless nights—altogether picture of hand V undersigned respectfully notify their friends H. HORTON & CO., ises, or of the subscriber at Auburn. ■lUldknti Tiani Brant. Pine Boaids. the effects of weighty cares and responsibili- 'One says THEand the publio, that the leases from the ap28d8w* JOHN W. RICH. The Union dollar,’ Stilling. 19 & 14 Franklin St., Boston. Sugar Refinery! Pi,*',llfp ties as I never had seen. ‘So,’ said Mr. L——, I’m one of your Fath- B. 0. 150,000 a lew York and Schnlkill Coal May M. feet rawed out board*, And yet he always had kind word, and er’s stewards,’ and handed him thirty-three Conp’y I—am_ C. O. WHITMORE & SONS, A*ts, HUNKINS, D, _ 7£5,.CA_>0 gang pine Farm for Sale. J. n. ua.UY almost always a genial smile, and it was his dollars. TOBUBBLY .rorsoloby subscriber offer, hii Farm, situated in Offer fbr sale all grades of ap33tt Commercial bt. Head tt< bsuu’t Whoil. to relieve himself at such felt warm tears in his FIRE Cape SIKGEOY & way frequently Stilling eyes; says The Forest Improvement Company, WORKS, THEEliiabetb. about three and a half mile, from PHYSICIAN, times some harmless I recol- ‘I am by pleasantry. he, now rich enough. I want no more.’ Portland Bridge, oontairing 70 Aorta Land, Build- OFFICE NO. 8 wood. lect an told me one the most under which they have heretofore opt rated various in.a good, Fenoea substantial S'onewal1, Or- Refined & CLAPP’S BLOCK, iucident by of This first trial made him so courageous that FIRE WORKS! young I SA CORDS tana n*T nano Collieries in Schuylkill County, Pa., have severally chard, ohoioe grated Fruit About 200 oorda wood, Sugars Syrups, quality wood, radical members Of the last It he no doubted that God delivered LvV for tel- In lots to bu.l LUi cLW to. at Congress. longer would help expired by limitation Of the same, and Com- halt Oak and Walnut. Also and (0 free at any depot or wharf in Boston. MARKET (the Wholesale and Retai Farming tools, SQUARE H. L PAINE A CO'S Coat and was during the darkest days of 1862. He him through everything. pany having determined to engage in cords dressing. WawTaff; By arrangements with Board at United States Hotel. ap2dlm *i67 Com«a©icial Si, hmith'a Wliarf. called upon the President early one morning, He had been but a short time in Strasburg, By W. D. ROBINSON, Terms suit, not lest' Lamb A ha^osom^lv funi ihed a * hetab HI8 SYMPATHY. The was in Five o’clock in Westbrook, Tyler, Co., eia»til day spent prayer. bargain. thau #600, on one, two, three, four, and ten year*' with tho bolt'e *ea*< n afford* Thwtrav. A number of those whom he saw eve- the and there was no mon- COAL COMPANY. of st time, with interest el r willMuu ai thiA large evening came, yet Enquire FRANCIS B. HAN80N, Geo. B. ooupond attached, payable semi- LEATHER AND ««tablfts’»men tnry t. h g to came with to his in His faith almost to he Baboook’s, Federal Street, or oi ASA annually. FINDINGS! make him comfortable and humored. 1 ry t.ay, appeals feelings ey. began fall; broke 46 York. Goods at Wholesale OANSON, good bl»>6i Ai'pirifl i South Street, New Millinery head of Berlin Wharf. »ltd dtf I*. AI«o, Hssafsetsrere and Wholesale reference to relatives and friends in confine out into a his face was wet with PH11/13 827 Walnut LORD, perspiration; ( Street, Philadelphia. marlSdtl .HENRY ment and under sentence of death. It wa9 a tears* Some one knocked at the door. ‘Come 132 Treasurer. Web&ter Hanover bt„ Boston DIKBOTOKS, Middle St. House* for Sale. Dealers in Boots Sc Shoes. House, constant marvel to me that, with all his other in,’ said he. It was Mr. R-, the gentleman Tbo underilgncd hare 'aksn the above Moses Samuel Sloan, HAVE in for 0"Orders promptly attended to. Uou»c for a cares and duties, he could giye so much time of whom he rented the room. Taylor, my hands, sale, several desirable For Sale. term of etie, and have mui.- Chas. A. Heoksoher, O. Wilson Davis, I Houses in locations. aod refurnished it with n w r so ‘I TXTE huro Dwelling goed v-rving ty unman, c, r- and be patient with this multitude. I have called,’said Mr. R-,‘to see how you John J. Wm.E. Just received a large assortment ol in size and value: the latter too tons White and Yellow Oak BHIP 31 and 33 Union St, Pot land, Me. Phelps, Warren, TV ranging from #700 to Bede, ao.. eo that it ie now one on e known him to sit for hours liked your Richard Heckscher. Spring Styles of to ABOUTTIMBF.B, situated in Waterbore, will be sold March (lBiwta. patiently listening room.’ #6,600. Apply JOHN J. W. REEVES, 81—dim KRneateec, and in every resp.ce one of the tf 496 ata bargain 11 applied for soon. comfortable hovelsln to details of domestic troubles from poor peo- ‘Thank you,’ says Stilling. ‘I like it very apr8 Congress Street. Bueton, aosiain n> all ti e Straw modern t oi ee much of of careful- much.’ OTTIOBRS. Gt-oods, ALSO, iUturee ot llr hotels. b. t end co l ple, it, coarse, irrelevant, Wm. -A.. baths, Ao. It will O. Wilson President. Valuable Real Estate bale. The oonneoted with tho Forest Harris, beocndncteu In eon ecticii mth ly sitting the facts and manifesting as much Says Mr. I I would ask Davis, for Bowling Alley OMuew Ocean R-, thought you E. and BONNET A TRIMMING Avenue House, at Rye B«ueh, N H, whiec Wm. Wabbbn, Treasurer Secretary. RIBBONS, on House, Morrill’s Corner. Westbrook. (Formerly Draughtsman for Corliss' 8team anxiety to do exactly right as iu matters ot one more question: Have you any Southgate property, Pleasant ,-t, ‘he let Engine will be opened July i, 1866 brought W. W. Du/.ihld, Resident Manager at abnnt App v to GEOBGK THEcontaining l2sG» square feet. Ftr terms, SMITH, We solicit he of our trlenda the greatest interest Poorly clad people money with you ? Sohuiikill Fa. *P?6tf 187 it. Company,) patronage ar, d the Woodaide, Co., FRENCH A AMERICAN Ac, application may be made to Fnre and will were to a than much I FLOWERS, traveling public ore our beet ellorte to more-likely get good hearing Stilling overcome, answered, ‘No, GrO. E. B. JACKsON, Administrate-, our --- please patrons. Terms, S3 day. those who came in silks and velvets. No man have no CHICKERINO’S Builder of Corliss money.’ \ Notice. Which we are offering at greatly reduced prices to aplSdtf 60 exchange St. Steam Engines, lebl7dSm JOB JtNNE88 A BON, with was ever turned away from his door because Mr. R-then looked at him with surprise, correspond gold. AND tOTReferring to the annexed Card, The New Tork The trade are invited of If he it was sure to be on and at ‘I see how it God has oordi&Hy to call and examine For Lease. ETjL'Fiano Fortes! MACHINERY, poverty. erred, length said, is; and Schuylkill Coal Company announce that hav- oar stook. CAPISIO — Aim — POItJD 220 US. the side of mercy. It was one of his most sent me to help you.’ He immediately left the ing assumed the working oi the several Colleraes No 2 Long Wharf 80 by 60, containing 97 EDDY ST., PB0VIDEN0E, B. L , tasks to coufirm a sentence of death. soon whioh have for several years been operated by KALER STORE(ineluding the attlo) 6000 feet; the same THU RE MILES FROM PORTLAND. painful room, and returned with forty dollars in BOSWORTB, &. CO. square Smith’s by penai.sion to H. Me srs. Chas. A. bboksohbr fc they are now within 77 feet of the southerly side line of Commer- American Befejrs George Corliss, Prse’t, I recollect the case of a somewhat noted reb- gold. Co., Organa, Cortlss. Tnsa., Corliss 'team Co.; Tbe pa bile are reep»otftil)y Intormed that no contract tor the delivery during the > I- Portland, April 14th, 1865. apl7dtw4w cial street. Possession given the 1st May. f". Engine ilt is tbe el who had been condemned to prepared Agency, 163 Middle Street. John H. Clark,Agsat Prot. Steam and Gas intention of tbe Proprietor U'r I prisoner, death, Stilling threw himself on the floor, and year, irom their Wharf, (14) »t Richmond, on n. T. CHASE. Pipe thia auing Co. marTdSm House shall be kepte Hrsr e as rttu I believe, as a A had thanken God with tears. He then went to the tue Delaware near of thtir su- Maroh 26th—BTATtf spy. strong application river, Philadelphia, TB£ Call and examine tbs above unrivalled Instru- been made to have his sentence commuted.— college and paid his fee as well as the best. perior PORTLAND ments. J The choicest Sappers served. —** While this was pending, ha attempted to es His whole college life was one series of just To Let. WI. PAINE. WIUIAMA. PCARtii UKu W MDRCH. from and was shot the such He was White and Bed Ash Schuylkill Goal, mar7eod8m* espe confinement, by circumstances. often in want ol STONE WARE CHAMBERS,over no and 112 Federal st. sentinel on guard. Although he richly de- money, but he never asked man for for he RyOrders reepeotfully soiioited. CO., LARGEApply to PLUMBERI EAGLE it, JEFFERSON A HOTEL, served Mr. Lincoln told Holt In had no man to 0, W. DAVIS, Pres dent. COOLIGE CO., death, Judge ask, and it came when to the a full their XAKBI OF MECHANIC ... always New York, Mar. 11,1866. Trade assortment of apl9dtf Cor Commeroial and Franklin sts. BAGS! BAGS! PALLS, RE. my presence that “it was a great relief to him he needed it. Was he authorized to enter a OFFERmanufactures in of consisting part —bob— A. T. PIERCE. Proprietor. that the man took his fata into his own course of study with such prospects and such F. MACDONALD, Agent, Force and Water Closets. One to Six Gallon Butter $5000 OO. FLOUR, BUCKWEAT, GRAIN, Pumps hands.” expectations? The of Providence- Pots, SALT,HAMS, This speoioni and Inrni.bed hone" leadings 6wed 194 Fore 8t. Portland Will buy a genteel Be idenoe within about NO. 134 EXCHANGE finely It the occasion existed for show- were ap!6 Me. One to Four Gallon Cake Manufactured and for sale atlewsstmarkst STREET, ■ has Just Dean open tolhe tndit wlilte slightest each that he had not a shadow of doubt Pot*, two miles of the City,cons sting oi a H-use, prioes, public to iliil in all revpvete a- a first o ass tel it clemency he was sure to it. that it was his to enter on this course of Quart Four Gallon Preserve Jars, .il'd Stable and with one aors ot land in a POBTLAND, ME. kepi ing improve duty Grapery, BY EZRA. JT. located vithin a tew state WMITON, _is rode oi r.. epot, Is in the same conversation re- he for Quart to Four Gallon high of cultivation. oue if Judge Bates, study; prayed feverently divine guid- Jugs, the pleasantest and most *.*, vino vi la.es o: Cream and BeaD Inquire of JOHN O. PROCTER. 81 ^Commercial Street, opposite the East End of Warm, Cold and Shower Wash the um ferred to said that he had often told ance, and he felt that he had he availed Dissolution of Pots, Water and Regs Pitch- bbUu, 8Ute. « above, it; Copartnership. Jugs Lime st., Portland. Boston, ers, Spittoons. Flower Pots. Fruit ep!4eodtf Quincy Market, ap24d8m It is within five m lee the President that “he was hardly Bt to be in- himself of all the lawfal means in his power Soap Dishes, Jars, of the celetrsli d Polnrd U hereby given that the Beer Bottles, Stove Tubes, Foot Warmers, Ac, Ac. Brass A Silver Plated Hlneral (he water ol whloh la trusted with the for the of his own and when he copartnership Bowls, Cocks, spring, kept oons'ant- pardoning power.” “Why, supply wants, NOTICEberetoiore exestiog under the name of NoyBi, For Sale. ly on bard at toe honae. The aaUit.ee lor trout said the Judge, “he can turn away had no means of his own, he asked of Howard fc ia thia dissolved mutual oon- Frames, and oth’r are scarcely help Co, day by FACTORY NO. END DEERING’S BRIDGE. The two story house and oorner Pino ■STIVEKY of Water Fixtures lor Dsrsi- fishing spoiti excellent. aent. A. N. lot, Frames! description Mirch from the application (if it touches his feelings) God, and never failed to receive what he ask- N0YE8, and Lewis S's, with slated French J-i Houses, Pnblio 87, lgfia —dtf JOHN L. ■jji Roof.— ling Hotels, Buildings, Shops, of a man, aud the ears of a woman are sure ed for. He-became one of the most useful HOWABD, WPott Office Box 2102, Portland. BKeUa Che house is nearly new having been built and GILT, and BLACK WALNUT FHAMK8, ao., arranged and sot op In tbs beet manner, and ail h. c. notes. the owner about one all and at rednosd orders ia town or to overcome him.” physicians, and one of the benefac- occupied by year. Good cel- OVAL,styles sizes, prices. Whole- country falthlhlly executed. A greatest Portland, April 27,1865. J. T. lar, and water on the For oartlculars sale and retail at kinds oi to. A PABDOS. WINSLOW, Sup’t. premises ap- jobbing promptly attended Constant!} Grolton House! tors to the poor that the world ever saw. He on hand LEAD April 8—eodSm ply to A B. STEPHENSON, POLLER f STEVENS, PIPES, SHEET LEAD and BEES A touching instance of his kindness of restored sight during his life to five Commeroial St, PUMPS of all descriptions. apt dti Center nearly Copartnership Notice. 147 Middle 8t. 8t., Opp. Lancaster Dali, heart occurred quite recently, and was told thousand blind most of whom were Or W. H. STEPHENSON, 2d National Bank. people, tV All kinds of Frames to order. RE. me one of the servants. A and The J. E. FERNALD & April 12—dtf Square mads PORTLAND, incidentally by very poor unable to render him any pecu- undersigned will oontinue the SON, mchaidtl woman from SHE poor had been wait- niary reward. Carriage Manufactory. Thiahooaaia to be on th» Philadelphia [Home Magazine. To Let. kept ing, with a baby in her arms, for three days, to Store Sc Furnace Business, Merchant /Alexander D. Reeve*, see the President. Her husband had furnish Tailors, at 874 Middle street, for either a barbers' F. £E. European Plan. at the old stand STOREor tailors’ shop; (or to a wholesale dealer in Hand.all, ed a substitute for the army, but sometime af- No. 8» middle 81.,* fruit, \_I as it has a large cellar connected with it.) Tailor Ac Draper, Manufacturer of IC/- Meals Cooked to Order at All hours. terwards was one day made intoxicated by FREE Have received an of Also, a and 1RARE. NO. 35 EXCHANGE STREET, Elegant Stock large tenement, centrally located; Q D some companions, and in this state induced furnished Rooms. ap26tf 98 EXCHANGE dcoi«dtf 8lLLEB,PropriA'o>. on all commerce hay- CARRIAGES, to enllist. Soon after he reached the he legitimate under ST., army been the the name and style of ▲HD RESTRICTIONSing removed, pnblio may with the- SPRING Manufactures to order and In the best manner, deserted, thinking that, as he had provided a gnateat freedom continue to trade for GIOODS! FOREST their eloth- -FOB- AVENUE HOIn substitute, the Government were not entitled ing at HOUSE LOTS itary and Navy Uniforms, and Boys Gar- A. N. NOYES & SON. SLEl 61$, ToxwxnLT Known as rsn to his services. Returning home, he was, of GENTLEMEN’S ments. GARMENTS, FOR MoCLELLAN course, arrested, tried, cenvicted and sentenc- No. 113 They also assume and will settle all the liabilities SALE. « soptSdtl No. 20 Preble Street, Portland, Me. HOUSE, Exchange Street, and would be to ed to be shot. The sentence was to bt exe- of the late firm. pleased see their old friends and lots marl7 '88dtf Bo-opened with New Furniture * ON LIBERAL TERMS- Parties having unsettled aeceuntsare to ol hbw one, to whom they will exi ibit the new finely located Hour© Lota at Sterena’ Fixture', cuted on Saturday. requested and oall and settle the same without delay. Goods, manufacture such garments as may be SEVERALPlains, two minutes walk trom the Hoipe Bail' WINSLOW a THAYER, his wife left her her V. a WEALTH. Proprleiou. On Monday home with maylltf MORRELL A Co. Ur. John L. Howard will remain with the now ordered in road. «J. T. Lewis r the of and about one Pleasure to his rooms to a ol Elizabeth, Bridge, mui on avasT dbbouiptio* GOODS, reception Company passage private get cup 898 fr >m Portland Post office. Parties. Every attention will be given to the com- some Congress Street, (Morton Block.) PHOTOGRAPH GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS OBambtre Sot. 1 ml! Free Street Biot* fort of tea or take rest.” (This passage way ROOMS, It contains eight finished Rooms —has Stable guests. good AT SHORT NOTICE AH D FAIR PRICES Care Dons Portland has lately been constructed, and sUuts the per- maySdtf —i*—i 24 feet square—also Wood Shed, aid hard and soft (Over H. J. Libby A Co.,) MrThe every ball hour. Water in WINSLOW A son entirely out of view ol the occu- ldl Middle abundance. Size of Lot 76 by 110 feet. So that Money can U Saved in that War lima. TUATRR. passing at., RNDLRSM VARIETY. The owner MX. Westbrook, Oet. 10—dtf “On his being about leaving ’his part of the j\ P. POBTLAND, pants of the ante-room.) way through Shirt moh27d8w will a. B. 8TOBY, No. St Exohaage fit. Lew!*! Patterns, State, roll on vary favor*bl“ terms. IrUdtJ he heard a little baby cry. He instantly went PORTLAND. Apply at A. 8. 1) YEtt’3 Store, Aug 37—dU Cut from Measure, uovSdtf back to his office and rang the bell. ‘Daniel,1 Alexander Types Melville Sawybb Ma, 8. 4w near the premises. BIGELOW & SARGENT, said 'is there a woman with a in the By CHARLES PIANO he, baby CU8TI8 A CO. Late Dep’y P. H. Gen’Iof Mo. Leave Your Demands for Collection FORTES. ante room!11 I said there and if he was, may3tf Morton, Block. Scotch Oanvaa, Hatch House for Bent, COMMISSION MERCHANTS! would allow me to say it, I thought it was a TYLER de SA At B 0. VERRILL’S -FOB BALB BT- YEB, —AND— leave case be ought to see; for it was a mttter of The above named, located and Mum!g( beg to ai centrally OK’1"" <*>» J Ate mannlae Said FOR GENERAL well kn wn Public Houbi. situated on LAW AND COLLECTION taring* auf life and death. he, ‘Send her to me at SALE. OFFICE, '“keep eonstanlty oi band Hein Street, in this city, to rent for a term Ship ^Brokers, once.1 She went In, told her and the JAMES T. FATTEN & CO. No. 117 iddle story, oi y» ars from the first of June next; or St., Portland, janlStl MD. President her husband. COMMISSION J day BALTIMORE, pardoned As the Bath, Me. MERCHANTS, f£ranffement8 may be made to take possession on Piano woman came out from bit G hildrens* the first of For further Fortes, presence, her eyes Carriages', day May. particulars apply Coal and WoortJ improvements 7 M. Second to ALBER r REFERENCES : wKh which her can were lifted and her Ups moving in prayer, the Me. Street, EMERSON, porohasel BOLTS Superior Bloaohodl No. 20 summer £ subscriber tho Stock of N. Boynton ft Co., Hewlmd. Hlnckltt A Co, A. elsewhere, cu tbe i)AA St, Bangor. haring pnrohased haTe ma * tears streaming down her cheeks.” Said Dan- MARBLES, ST. Coal and J Benton Cashier National Bank, Bos •rr*o*ei»e*tp. *'Ao, ^U J 800 do LOUIS, HO Bangor, April 24,1866.ap26tf TB Wood, ana taken the stand recently Kxohaiye ?aiJ®to ho aworimoat or : “I went to Boss Bros t and; Cobb. Kuigbt A Case k«»p Now York Hud Bottom Pil iel up her and pulling her shawl occupied by Messrs. f head of ton; Po ano TWINE BAGS FOB dassap » attention tothe -chase and sale ol Sawyer Whitney, Fortes, among which are it was the that did it P11 SCHOLARS, 200 do Extra AU Long flax I Prompt given p Main' Wharf, are now to Bookland; A Sargent, New York. said, ‘Madlm, baby Flour uud Merchandise prepared supply their Thaytr 800 do N«i 77 Fine j generally For Sale. formtr patrons and the »p8erd3ro publio with _ A TOUCHING INCIDENT. Recking Horses, Bbfbbbnoss—Dwight Durker, St.Louis, generally, a 3TXINWAY H ol Banker, A storied house, with stable and all One assortment of 8018, NKW YOHK Another touching incident occurred, I be- Delivered In Portland or BoMoa. Mo.; Thayer A Sargent, New York; Tyler. Rice A l£ shed, A & J. in good repair, and )| acres of land, his prop- MERRILL SMALL, ,0‘d b7 U* ,r* ••rr»I‘ua t0 the same week. A woman In a faded YIOLINS, BANJOS, GUITARS, TOTS, Bath. AprUSO. 1881. epIldU Sons, Boston, Hass; B. Brown f Sons, Portland, ■jjl WELL PICKED AND SCREENED lieve, He. ■nil erty is pleasantly m uated at Windham Bill, gi^ati»fkS'{oS“,I'U aplBc 8m has *° shawl and hood,somewhat advanced in life, Ladiu’ a fine young orchard, plenty of waier, nnd will 014 Wholesale Fancy Goods! *>• *•». **d toning dene by axperlsnced Traveling Bags, IfC-, be sold Company Lehigh, at length was admitted, in her turn, to the low. No. 146 Middle St, Evu'e New Bnildidg, FULLER & STEVENS, Inquire of P. R. HaU. Treasurer, at Port- Sugar Leaf Lehigh, President- Her husband aud her three As usual by PIANO County ME. CALVIN EDWARDS A COu sons, FORTES, land, oro* S GARLAND, on the premises. Hazel ton PORTLAND, all she had in the enlisted. Her hus- Lehigh, Maroh world, W.D. ROBINSON, Manufactured by Windham, May 8,1866. may9d2w* xr Silk. Twist. Buttons Thread, Binding, Pins, 8—dAwtf band been killed, and she had come to ask the Stock. Locust Mountain. Needles, Edging, Elastics, Hoodi, Ao, Ae. mohMeodSm 81. Photographic Bontxgs, President to release to her the oldest son.-— 10 Exchange John’s, PICTURE FRAMES AND MIRRORS, HALLET, DAVIS A 00. For Sale. UMDSRTAKRRS’ TRIMMINGS. "ortable satisfied of tbs truthfulness of White and Rod Ash, Knjfiiies Being her' The received the ct these A House, nearly new, apaOdiim TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ) subscriber having agency cottage containing the most approval ooBstraoilo amneteotur he if her was ta- 147 Biddle the to call and nine finished rooms. Location gening >te> m row, r. boys.” He immediately by satisfactory evidence 9 ■amu»aotur*b o» presented April apI7eodlm 9} Meehan! It. May edtf ot ten horse p.wtr or the the discharge of the young matt. The poor WHEREAS,to the undersigned, it has been mode to sppear 10,__ I Fortsbleengine- that -Thu0.4*00 Natiokal Baku Cumberland Coal woman thanked him very gratefully and went os Poutlakd,” OIL. VruLLH, in the Conn of House Lots A Superior Coal BiaektmUht. and she “‘becity Portland, y Cumberland, TRUNKS, VALISES, for Carriages Sleighs, at theao worki. a high are away. On reachlag the army found that and 8tate ofMsine, baa been Fire Briclts. are made eminently adapt- duly organiz'd uuder AND Home L ts, comprising 46,000 tect ot Faeble ed to that business, th y been son a recent and Ftre "pLEVEN Hard Wood, Preble street, (Near House,) having designed with this had been iQ engagement, aooording to the requirements ot the Aot ofCon- Celebrated New York on Cushman and ewis for Al*o, and Soft A-iLand, Emery, sc, sate sp cis! relerenoe thereto, by an b-nglnier ot large ex- wounded to She grus entit'ed -An Aot to a National Cur- KREISCBEK’SBrioks, s, If not in to any w PORTLAND, was aud taken the hospital. provide eqna superior quality by H. STEPHENSON. Delivered to order in of the oity. ME. perience ns buperinten- tnt gru worker ol 01 renoy, *oared by a pledge of United States Traveling manuikotured in any part fonnd tiie but’ the was dead, or to Bonds, Sags! Europe. Portland, April 26,1866.—dtf Welle. Address, H M. hospital, boy and provide Tor the and ■ A stock on hand of such as Whit- PiY.M, circulation redemption sJl ahapes and sizes, The former customers of Messrs. Sawyer fc Sale ilO 113 in Roomis, and Matt _ Men died while there. The surgeon charge thereof, approvod June and has Manufactured and for tale Common No. 1 a oall. Sudbury St., notion _ NewOuryport, 8,186*. oompl ed Brisks, Soap Brioks, ney are respootthlly invited to givens Or Messrs Cbas. Etatlxs t bos, ol I'oiuaso made a memorandum of the facts the with all the provision, of said Aot to be Common No. 2 Pier Rooms to JLet. Impel ti upon required Bricks, Bricks, fc CO. mohlldlin oompdedwith before the business ot WHOLESALE and RETAIL Arch Bricks, BAND ALL, HoALLISTBB back of the President’s order, almost oommoncing Brioks, Split the third on near the head of $nd Banking under said Aot: Wedge Bricks, Bull-head Bricks, story, Congress the woman found her IN Casco st. at 221 Cumber,and ] Portland, June IS. ISM.—dly broken-hearted, poor Inquire st, tram __ Noa,th,rt/.re. I, Frexuan Clarkb, Comptroll- Stove Brioks, Key Brioks. to Commission. er of the DVR AW A BRACKETT 2 o’clock. mayStf Sanitary way back again into his presence. Carr,ney, do hereby certify that fUK Cupola Bricks, Furnace Brioks. U 8. Vommittion, I DEAFNESS, Caboo Natiokal VJIeeo/the Sanitary He was much affected her Ba.x," i„ the city of Portland, Also, Fire Mortar and Clay. WM. JE880P A SOHd, 388 N. Ybee, 30, 1884. I ITS CAUSES AHD by appearance 1-1 ®f HO. 165 MIDDLE STREET. For eale For Sale. Broadway. PREVENTION and “I know what ‘he,c““ntf Cumberland, State of Maine, ie by I8R VEL WASHBURN, Jn., of Portland, story, and said, yon wish authorized to commence the businees oiof namingBanking AUG’S E STEVENS A Co ACHT NETTLE, 20 tons, built, of white oak,cop. HON.Maine, has consented to aooept the dntiee 01 BY DR. me to do now, and I shall do it without your underthe Aot aforesaid. All \A Steel Manufacturers, for LIQHTH1LL. orders In the city or from the country prompt Manufacturers’ Agents. per fastened, and coppered one year ago: no w General Agent of the Commirsion Maine, and I In whereof, witness mar27tf sails And Importers of WITH asking. shall release to yon your second testimony my hand and seal 1? filled. eeptSSdt! Hoad of Wtdgery’s Wharf. and rigging. Ballasted wti h 6 to 7 tons iron. is hereby appointed snob agent by authority of the ILLUSTRATIONS. o; offloe, this For a e of son.” 18-” further particular inqnli Commis-ion. For sale by Bailvt ft twenty-six^dajv B to furnish advloe to the f Not*, Exobsnge St.. this he took ofi^Hl, J. WILLARD, St Lawrenoe Rouse, He will be ready friend Upon np his pen and commenc- « 1 of For Sale. work the Portland. [L. Comptroller 7 A. A. j ndia of the Commission’s tbronghont 8*ate. ed the his 1080. tbe^SS^ncy. STB OUT, ap29dtf_ st. This valuable book hse reached Its flnb edition. writing, poor woman stood by side, No. aplPMm In ElJzatx 21 mllee from All money contributed iu Msiue tor the use of thr Cape th, IB.jCB.CT.0Fand Fvory lamlly slurb Id a other Norway Swedes Iron. possess e-ipy. mrhl&unm the tears running down her face, and passed Counsellor and at the city, on the direct road to the And Commission should be paid to Mr. Washburn or to Attorney Law, FOB SALE, Milk Street, Boston, and 91 John 8t. New tim. her hand over his bis Wash. Atlantic Hou"e, 80 acres of land, 147 persons designated by softly head, stroking Sheep CANAL BANK BUILDING, of most ‘P ** d6m Mr. Washbum Is the which or cannot the desirsb’e lots for a York. Bon. sole agent resognlaed as I have seen a fond mother do 1 Art DOZEN Sheep Wash, a sure remedy tbr early marketing building New rough hair, b (1 ONEfirst olassresidence, In this on tbe Commission 'or Msine. Bedford 1UU Ticks and Lioe on than Middle Street. Portland, exoelled- well wooded—build- city,situated Deer by Oopper Oomp’v. to a son. By the time he had finished wrltr Sheep; ohoaper auy He ing Street. Notice. J. POSTER JENKINS. other artiole. For sale by ings g< commanding slew of city, harbor, _ of the and d8m w2m« Also, a Bouse Store, and z\N and after Marsh 1866, oar Arm will be deo38dAwtf General undersigned, agents shove Company. Ing, his own*heart eyes were full. He KENDALL A apll, and BurrouB'iing country. Terms easy. garden lot, equated in 1st, Seoretary. »re WHITNEY. a pleasant v Davis Brotbere. % THE prepared to tarnish suits of handed her tbe Portland Feb. H, 1866. febJ8dis3ra Apply to Dr. E. HUTCHINSON, on the prezal- Ilage twenty miles from Portland, will U paper. “Now,”said he, “you be sold at a alo. HALL L. have Dissolution. •«*. apl7dl~wtf bar. DAVIS, one, and I one of the Other two left. Apply at the Probate Office. Maroh 4—dta No. 66 8t. B. D. VERRILL, Tallow Metal & firm mayl0d8a* Exohange Oopper Sheathing, That U no more than right.” She took the Catarrh Catarrh It I fpHE copartnership lately existing under the A ot Elwell A Morrill has t-een dl-solr-d. The Bricks for Sale. Bolt Bolt Yellow and her is a Removal. Counsellor and at Copper, Metal, paper, reverently placing hand again WARDSWORH’B ‘.'DRY UP” sure for sobeorlher may hereafter be found at the Dressing eale at The State Seform School, Five Hun- For Sale. Attorney Law, upon his head, the tears stUI her DR.the above complaint, after all other remedies Rooms of John M. ooruer of Middle and Ex- dred Thousand BLVKW, Cabinet Maker and Uphohtertr, Sptku, Railt, go upon cheeks, Todd, FOE first quality Bricks, appl to ONE and a half in order, HAS KEMOTED TO have failed. Bo say thousands'who have tried it. when he will be story House, good CH.• haa removed from Union street said, “The Lord bless you, Mr. change streets, happy to see his old JOS 8. BKBBY, Sup’t, A the lot 3d st short ootloe and delivered atony port r-wiulred. President, may H. H. Druggist, Bpeclal Agent, pleasantly located, together with by To be the Hat, J.HA MORRILL. Or to JaaeaT. MoOobb, 88 Exchange Street. twreet Prioe ot NO. 93 CROSS STREET, No 04 MIDDLE you always head of this great nation.” marSeaodiew Me lew—terms liberal. Inquire 8TRERT. MoGILVEKY, BY AH ft OAYIa. Portland, W£tfh-lwd ap28dtf aplfidSm C. PROCTER. 1 One door from Middle St. 98 dSw JOHN sp OrroaiTs Pom Orrica. may«J3w« Bept a.—dtt town- er mi s to Onorgia. To the great mate $100,(100 a quarter tar the sale of postage Hope, Bull wheel and Ar at Gloneeeter 10th, acba Ida May, Blatohford; Piper Margaret mri AT haaa cwniti men to such com- Lewiston last E. Adams other cumbrous and now E Paraer thousand militia suppress week,Revs.Dr. George expensive fixtures in use, Fanny R, Wells; Lacoet, Jameson, and Grenada, Curry Georgie Mary K mrs ■tamps. and is so being constructed on wheels and Chaffin Lydia mrs Patrick olive 0 om ciumu* thia new* gave aa maeh aatia- Four days later he issued another of U. Balkam of Geo. arranged, Sargent, from Georges. •T binations. Brunswick, Lewiston, portable, that Tt oan be removed tor Crookett Louisa F Hew- F M and 140 y The editor of the Skowhegan Clarion easily the pur- Cld at Plymouth 6th inst, acba Adeline, Rogers, 148 Middle 81. this combination an in- of wells in different localities. Cu-k'ev Mary A Howe H mrs aa did that to the turrender to Lee proclamation, styling L. Walker of Portland, and David Shepley of pose sinking for the Banka; ttb, Matilda, Bates, do. speaks of the remains of a human ptrton re- Thm Dbtritos is removed from the well our Chase Margaret Noel Jennie This with the arm- by a turrteUoH. Insurrection, Yarmouth; and Hons. Woodbury Davis of Patent Hydraulic and d esnot the Cushman M.ry E mraKoBer.s Marla L mrs Thaaa wan very few excepllona to joy at cently dug up in sinking a well in that region. process, require DOMESTIC PORTS. of the executive the national removal of the drill from tie boring. This process Spring rt Smith AdaS mrs ed posse power, Portland, aad E. P. Weston of were NEW ORLEANS — Cld Pathfinder, As the pabUo are aware, that oa all similar cost- aud thaaa ware from thoaa who y A reward of six thousand dollars has been Gorham, not only removes all the detritus In from 6 to 10 1st, barque Cue Nanay mrs Spurr Augusta hit capture, Robinson. Providence; 2.J, Harriet, forces, he has ever since been steadily sup- chosen to the National minutes, but likewise dears out and ship Mooney, Chapman Sarah E mra 8weetslr mrs oar has been in offered for the arrest of the assassin of Hon. delegates Congrega- effectually Boston: Star of Peace, Frontera. benjamin •ions, praotiea aoeordanea with oar have with him. Now that he it opens all the small oil veins that are so often entire- brig Boomer, Ousti ng William mra Smith Bridget •yaipathiaed subduing and arresting. To sa, tional Council to be holden in June Ar 6th, barque G W Merriman, im New pressing, Burr Burton, in Syracuse. Boston, ly elosed up b the old process of sand Rosevelt, Causer W mrs Small Katie A professions, we feel justified in belierleg that the pumping. York: brig Belle Bernard, Cook, do iat him have a (air and juatlce that the when are not to 15th. With this Machine and a practical engineer, a D ivis Cornel us A mrs Sullivan Catherine mrj tnhau, trial, criminals, arrested, yNew York city is said to contain MOREHEAJ) CITY NC—In 8th abose annoanoeaaent needs no and 150,000 well oan be sunk from 400 to 600 feet within a peri- port inat, ship Dyer Emery D mrs Smith Caroline confirmation, be not to be on account C Maria to him. tried, punished, of Germans. Of are od of from 16 to 80 after the soil has been Sterling; brigs Mary Mariner, Wheeler, Deeriag Ellen Synotr Ellas Jane that oar done these, 43,000 Jews,46,000 are days pipe Tubal Cain, and others. present efforts will seeare a “What to do with thk cold Mutton,” driven Dunn Mary li mrs Sanborn L'zzie M any considerations pertinent to any assumed Romanists, and are Protestants. RICHMOND—Ar 10th. sch F A 61,000 Arrangements a-o made for the construc- Faizley, Freeman, Do lee Mary E Smith Hannah is the title of a book on cookery, which aims being City Point. immunities theirs, is to say that the posse A in New Haven has a tion and of these machines at New York, Day Mary A m-s 8tevens Iciah 8 mra of y gentleman lost delivery HORTRESS MONROE—Ar Uth, to at a want often felt the Norwich, N. Y., and Pa. ship Northamp- Dav's Susie B Skllliu Jonah G mrs A Denial oome Judgment. was called out for no that the war of kerosene and also supplying by young Newburg, Pittsburg, ton, Weeks, Bath. TOTAL CLEA8AUCE purpose, quantity oil, twenty-five For further information, price, terms, we., ad- Deering Sarah M Smith Joaian AT mrs 0th and mistress of a Sid Uth, ship Paotolus, Tobey, 8t John NB. The Portland AdvertUer of May had no and that we had been fruit treee to which he it. inexperienced household, dress, SIMEON LKLAND, Dodge Lydia J Swell Johnathan mrs Inst, cause, dancing young applied BALTIMORE—Ar lOih, Almon OF OUR Mbtropolitak Hotel, brigs Rowell, •Lizzie" • San born Louisa mrs certain views of criminal In to the The where a moderate income, rather than pos Yazoo, Call, Fortress Monroe. promulgates law, this carnival of mutual murder hor- J3T Baltimore American denies the story rpI7eod8m Now York. Boyd, Sagua; Emmons John in Stoyell Mary mra Cld Uth, Herald, Minnie and unsoundnees we have renders economy advisable. It contains brigs Qrny, Demarara; Anuamr* DanlorthS wettsir S C mrs which lor absurdity ror ot the whole world In a wanton crusade about the breaking upon of ex-Govemor Hicks’ ition, Miller, Anderson, Portland. Fenay at senter sarsn B mrs ENTIKK about 400 different for pre- PHILADELPHIA—C.d 10th, Ste- STOCK \ never seen equalled. We quotea passage: fellow tomb, which has been extensively circulated. receipts cooking, “A Thief Cries Thief.” brig Titania, Foster Ann O mra Alex mra against peaceable countrymen. Stop vens, Port 8C; sob New Boston. Thompson sauces &c. The will find Royal Globe, Bray, ilelen Titeomb Ammt C 2 and honest conviction of (cer- But Great Britain and other E#"The Detroit Board of Trade has resolved paring housekeeper The are . base Ar Uth, brig from Ch sob F A Ferguson “In the esteem foreign pow- public cautioned agaist imitation Concord, rlestou; Fletcher H H mra A id mra the it a valuable sale Davis Brothers Howe, from Stockton. Temple jr outride oracles of popular thought ers have the of the to invite an internal convention of similar com- help. For by of L. F. Atwood’s a manufacturer of Folsom William mrs Talbot A miss tain) recognized belligerency Bitters, by Cld Uth. sch Waterloo, Bath. all the South, who have upheld the Confederacy, No. and No. 51 street. medicines in this who has not French Jaa J'mra Thurston Emily A ON TO-MOBBOW «r.r, rebels. Should a American citizen ar- mercial bodies, to be held in that on the 53, Robinson, Exchange propietary city only NEW YORK-Ar Uth, ship Onward, Chtse, New WI WILL the moat cavil loyal city Gill George H mre Thomes Mien X and leader especially beyond copied the label in part and the same Orleans; brig Nellie Mows. Bailey, Trinidad; sohs seoond Tuesday of adopted style Green Martha E mra Thurston Ha rial mra are of treason, and oan be indioted, rogate rights for traitors as against his own July. Baltic, Grant, Cardenas; F A Heath, Williams, do; guilty legal In of the of bottle, but states on his label that he has purchased Gordon K mrs John mra if and oonvicted and igno- UT The editor of the Bangor Whig is consequence pressure telegraph- Lookout, Hall, Machias Nenoy Tripp arraigned, captured, based an act ot a likely the entire of Dr. and as “L. F.” are Hal' Cha lea A mra Troit Mary Lfislo a government, upon foreign our articles in right Atwood, Ar Uth, Juliet C Clark, miniously hung for treason ! But grosser to cool. He has been ic matter upon columns, many brigs Freethy, Nenvitas; Hamburg Caroline B HOOP and received keep already presented the Atwood Bitters ever up in Maine which Vincennes, Hodgdon. Portland: sohs Flora, Pease, Tyler Mary SKIRTS! error never into the or intel- State, false, treacherous, every- only pat Holman Eliza Sarah mra entered judgment a mess for this issue, are unavoidably Machias; Geo Tylar with of lettuce and raised type, prepared have leads the un- Gilman, Randall, Cutler; Leonora, men. It is in fact not where our as an insult oucumbers, gained oelsbrity, this evidently Hill Frauora K mrs Worcester Anna A an ligent passion judgment, among countrymen Spofford, Bangor; Prudence, Coombs, uo. At prioeo that w. dar. waarttliatiif powitii.i into the of war ana inter- this season in that omitted. wary to that it is L. F. Atwood—who has Hatch Martha 0 Waite Amanda L not insight principles and a sufficient to city. suppose Cld Uth, barque Casco, Gardiner, Trinidad; brigs grievance amply justify HuistonN L mra oape EWhlttlngCalvin mra national law, &o.” y The Army of the Potomac has returned We give a portion of the testimony elicited never oonveyed to him, directly or indirectly, either Faustina, Harrington, Cardenas; Georgia, Phillips, war ? Besides such British of Washington. Hayes Sophia Wrscott David mra Surpass any of Our recognition from the scene of its at the trial of the assassins in the title to or any information respecting bis Bit- Jaokaon Elmira F Walker Edith L Yormor It teems strange enough that there should late conflicts, and is now Washington.— Ar IStb, barque Hamlet, Snow, Cardiff, belligerencg related only to the status of Bri- Th’a is the same Jordan Mary J mra Webber H mrs within of the of Also the lull as far as received of ters. person who formerly aigned N EW HAVEN—Ar Uth, sob Julia Elizabeth, Mer- George be to be singularity in the opin- encamped sight dome theoap- particulars, Jackson Bebeooa Wheeler Hannah mra Efforts. thought any tish subjects, within the limits of British sov- M. F. Instead ef ‘L.‘ F. Atwood. "Beware rill, Calais. ital. of Hesays Wight John D mra so erroneous; the capture Jeff. Davis. PROVIDENCE-Sid Uth, soh Catharine Beals, KyasJnltaR ion here pronounced has no • of counterfeits and wh'cb seems to be Lawis mra flippantly ereignty ; it relation whatever to ____ imitations,’’ John Waterman Lucinda For* rights y The “dresses Haskell, Ellsworth. we that it is a matter of history, Springfield Republican says the same that “A Thief Cries At Langley Lorana mrs st for apprehend of under American and Hoemwabd noon seve- upon principle Stop Dutch Is’and Harbor Uth, soh Margaret, Pen- persons sovereignty, are worn so low in the Bound.—Saturday Libby Waterhoaao A mrs and neck in Paris that we Thief.” The is L. F. and dleton Machias for New York. Mary Lydia that It is the of both the late of genuine signed Atwood, Lee Riohard mi a Wabb Ellen opinion amenable to the laws of the United ral cars loaded with home PAWTUCKET—Ar sebs Emma Wadsworth, Mary NOTE States; should blush if we were there—we know we soldiers, returning bears an extra label on white headed "Cau- Uth, mra THE FOLLOWING : the President of the United States, of paper, Hertsy, Pembroke. Libby Susan Woodwa'd Mary present when such or are from the arrived from Boston. Washington mra Weatherb. persons surrender, arrested, should.” war, here, tion, Extra." Countersigned by H. U. Hay, Drug, Sid Uth. schs Elizabeth Cowell, Smith, L*bby Margaret L of branch of the national Bangor, Anna M nr the Cabinet, every surrender themselves to the took the train for the East. As Sole General )or New York); Lyndon, M-Caa'ey 16 for they jurisdiction y The Boston Herald says the City Council They they gist,Portland, Agent. Coggins, Dennytvilie. Mi Dcrmott Katie Webster Sarah Hoop, Lading', 75c, worth $1.20 the NEWPORT—Ar Uth, scb Moses Patten, Carlson, O government, including Supreme of the Constitution and laws of the United Portland, 24—Sawkwtt MoClintock Kate 8 White Mira 8 mrs 20 Court, has done a very sagacious thing in its aotion passed through Commercial Street, on then- April Elizabethport tor Bangor. Hoop, Indies', 8 in. tape, 1,25, worth and of the of the nation. A man HOLMES’S Merrill Ella loyal people States and not to the jurisdiction of the un- for the Publio to the Grand Trunk were HOLE—Ar Uth, sobs Mary Fatten, providing throwing open Library way depot, they Cardenas 28th nit for GENTLEMEN’S LIST. 1»6X, who sees fit to fly In the face of all the au- THE HONEST OLD MEDICINE! Phillips, Portland; Constitu- 25 writtten code of nations. to the people Sunday evening. greeted by the citizens; and, in return, they tion, Strout, Mayaguez for Newboryport; Palos, Allen A K Hurbert Jai Bbops, Ladies’, 3 in. tape, 1,25 worth of his time In to an N. H. Downs’ Balsamio for Wosster, for Portland. Alexander B A E John thority giving publicity But our own has instituted a The heifer in the United States is made the air their Elixir, Coughs, Colds Elizabethport Horigan government y largest vocal with cheers. Ar Uth, schs Bedabedec. Kennedy, Rockland for Aston D H Horton J W 2,00. eccentric to do so with modesty. Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the throat, faith, ought blockade, has exchanged aDd paroled prison- owned at Dunbarton, N. 1| ■ The animal weighs Philadelphia; Jas Tilden, Davis, Ellsworth for Nsw Ames Henry Hill John for miss Lvdia It not him to But ohest and lungs. Fair Wind, Smith, do for Providenoe. Atkina 8 L A Hill The above Skirt* are mad. of 16 wire, 10 bottom, is becoming in swagger. has 2600 8 feet 3 and is 10 feet Popolabity of the 7 30’s.—Some idea of York; ers, interchanged military correspond- pounds, girths inches, See circulars tor certificates from Hon. Paul Dil- la port 12th, 8 AM, sohs Vigilant, White, Portland Atkins W F Hebbs John E jr with heavy Kid front*, alaaped oh the aide*, with hers la a writer, who cannot content himself the of this great loan iu this sec- for New York; A G Brooks, and Black Ashnr F 2 Hubbard l.f ence, has received and sent of truce, and long. popularity Hon. Bates late of the Su- Hodgkins, Coruo, all modern and cf Waah- flags linghim, Turner, Judge Achorn, from Baltimore for Sarah Wooster H A D C Hubbard Improvement*, eompoaed with stating a monstrous and offensive prop- is said that M. may be formed from the tact that the Boston; Killings P’uiliipv burn fc otherwise recognized the de facto govern- yit Thiers has informed tion, preme Court of Vermont; Dr. J. B. Woodward, Lord, Newbnrg for do; Red Jaoket, Averill, Amboy Bishop M'York st Harris S’ Moon’*celebrated Wire. but he must fell to First National Bank in on lor do; and Birch 8baa W osition, abusing everybody ment of Jeff. Davis. All these acts we some literary friends that it is his intention to this city, sold Fri- Surgeon for the Vermont Militia. Miunesotta, Fhinney; Jane, Haskell, Jordan Alvin adopt- City Point, Mattbews, Elizabethport ibr do; Gov Boynton Edward 0 Jordan Arthur WWestb’k who will not, upon this flimsy statement, un- write a of the from 1814 to two hundred and thousand Bold by all dealers in Medieines. John F Henry ed, not to befriend rsbels, not to recognize History Restoration, day last, ninety Arnold, Nash, and Ann, Reed, New York fordo; Bryant GR Jordan Domlnlncns far receive it for Bibber Geo mrs supported by a particle of reason, of 1830. dollars of 7-30’s. Waterbary, Vt., Proprietor. Alpine, Pressey, Elizabetbport Newburyport; Elvira Jordan any rights nationality or belligerency, but mar80dlOw&wlt Banner, Abbes, Ca ais lor New York; RH baker, Brown J 8 Jaok Edw as law and He calls all such dissen- yjarrett Mr. and Mrs Kean Brackett Old Clear the gospel. to make the war more safe, more effective and pays Charles Knight, Philadelphia for Boston; Surf, Shaw, Jer- John Q for mraJonea John H Fogies Track! tients in advance, “blundering, projute, and $20,000 for twenty-five nights at Boston, Phila- Attention is called to the advertisement sey City for do; Caroline Grant, Preesey, So Amboy E A Braokett ones job P D more speedy. They are all ancillary to the Is Health Worth fordo; Hepzibah. Lunt, Bangor for New ; Burns John Jordan John and Having? “excited, over-heated, irresponsi- delphia Brooklyn, the engagement to be- ofP. Morrell A Co. They have a fine assort- and the above arrivals. Bowen JnhnN Jordan J W 20 Belmont profligate,” tear. And the war is hostility—against the If Hoop, Skirt, 1,15 in it is, protect it. It is a jewel as eas.lylostis EDGARTOWN—Ar 9th, schs Antelope, Morton, Beloher John H Jordan W A A “ - “ honest followers gin September next. ment of the latest styles, and are to Co 25 ble, uninformed, earnest, of rebellion in Itself, and in all its civil, political, disposed New York far Portland; Nautilus, Plllsbury, do for Brown JnUanH Libby Hiram L 1,35 Galveston of a late some oases as dlfloalt reoover. Na- “ “ “ mere aims.” A flne of y papers date announce sell them on the most liberal terms for cash.— virtue, and Is to Portsmouth; Angelina, H x. do for Boston; Har- Butler J P heighten John G 30 party string compli- International and We Providenoe 1,50 military pretentions. that Wharton of the rebel binger, Ryder, for Maohiaa. Bolster M E Mctjusrie Angus with which to conciliate the Major-General army Give them a call. in our and at this Mt mentary epithets carry un the war to arrest for the of ture, olimate, especially season, Ar 10th, sebs Hope, Spauldinr, Rockland for Bradley Peter Mosher Augustus purpose had been shot a Colonel lor of the New Red Jacket, New York for Bos- Ball attention of minds to his by Bay ^ same York; Aver.ll, Royal Merrill Chaa F Intelligent Illogical the we enter * to be reinforoed. But punishing rebels; into these mil- servioe. requires ooeasionally every- ton. Brown Koseoe Murphy Chaa fbr mrsMar- Sid sob reasonings. for the 01 effect- SPECIAL. NOTICES. 14th, Nautilus, Angelins, Sardinia, Har- Bianohird 8 C tha Murphy itary arrangements purpose HP The Massachusetts thing depends upon the Tonie used tor this and Red Jaoket. fashion legislature h^s been In purpose. binger, Baker Wm Molatosh D capt for miaa He adopts the offensive and reckless on the war. In sobs Mt Your Purse ually carrying session over four and the port Uth, Hope, Antelope. Burns Wm Lizzie McIntosh Bring Along! months, Boston Post The medicinal all of whioh are baaed on a BOSTON—Ar of the most unscrupulous advocate, and af- An tinctures, Uth, barque Richard Irvin, Ames- BroWn Wllbet MeCarth Dennis easy analogy helps our understanding. says it is to its arm EVERY ONE USE from TewnCGH: scb preparing plunge long deep SHOULD bury, Cape Arno, Whipple,** Carter Andrew J Morrill D M We Make No for foods. fects to call In aid the authority of the very common alsohol, are as St John NB. Charge The sheriff has a warrant for a criminal—an into the Treasury, by repealing the law limiting dangerous. Quinine, every- Carter A Millett E F men he assails to them a conceal- Cld 12th,schs Grace, Walls, LepreaorNB; GM Carter O for mra Emily AMilliken Geo E by Imputing if The adulterer arms the Hall’s body finds out who takes much of it, is a slow poison. cape adulterer, you please. compensation of its members. Vegetable Sicilian Partridge, Dorr, Orland; Champion, McDermott, Clark Major Henry ed adhesion to the fatuity just born of his One aafa Banger; Dr Kane, do. A his servants, barricades his house and resists yGov. Pierpont of Va., leaves Alexandria protective lrom all unhealthy atmospherie Ryder, Chaobonrne Howell Mortimer H C Hear him: HAIR RENE Ar IStb,ships Mary Ogden,Caldray,San Francisco; Cole C Harlan Morphy Jere own dishonest brain. the tor WER. influences exist, and one. This arrest. The sheriff approaches the prem- ruchmond vo-day, to occupy the executive | only powerful pre- Santee, Parker, Cadiz; barque Czarina, Tr. at, Bue- Chenery Frank Mick J J Hisses' Skirts. nos Ayres; brigs Lizabel, Messina; Sea Lark, Chick FA Hoop “The officers of the government know, ises with his armed Shots are ex- and restore the civil That splendid preparation for the ha'r which is ventative is HOSTETT£R'S STOMACH BITTEK8, Geary, MoCallar John high posse. buildings, authority Collins, Philadelphia. Connors and all well read legal and judicial minds must Hugh MeserveJ M It is war. The criminal has throughout the State- The rebel leaders will fast beooming so popular, and so reuoh inquired to •. a compound of the purest stimulant ever manufac- Cld IStb, barques Edmond Wells, Suri- Carroll Jones know that neither Jefferson nor Con- changed. be- Dwight, Henry Milley 8 for 35 cents, Davis, any nam; Lady Franklin. Mitchell Cientaegon; schs Clohert* Jae Moore or Hoops come a have no voioe in this work. No one who has onoe tried it tured, with the most effective Morse John W federate actor in office with him is at all or under belligerent. Now, if after being suc- will ever give np it. tonies, alteratives.reg- Jesee Benton, Snow,Castine; Star, Keen, Kookland; Clifford Jae Ml’, hell J w 10 Hoops for 45 cents, any pretext of law whatsoever amenable to the cessfully resisted for three hours, the sheriff BT"Among the new fashions in New York at nse. ulators, and depurators that ohemistry has yet ex- Laura Frances, Higgins, do; Morea, Keller,Thomas- Cram Jaa Mtllikea M C eivil on the of treason.” ton; Joseph Maxfield, May, Gardiner; E lza Ellen, Clarey John McKenney M A 12 for 65 cents. power charge consents to a from the or even present is this, that no lady goes to the It ie a tracted from the botanioal kingdom. Conva'.esoc-nt, Portland. Hoops parley roof, grave vegetable compound and contains no in- Noyes, Colo J M MoLellnnd N .tbl capt to offl- with a child Clark J 8 W Westbrook McGowan Who Is this, that Imputing the high enters into arrangements to his at- husband, or friend. Women are jurious properties whatever. It will restore gray languid and feeble fram recent sickness, will find Stephen suspend FOREIGN PORTS. Collett Job 2 hair to Its Moeae Simon M eers of the an that the a compelled to sit solitary in the while the original color; it will prevent the hair the Bitters an government opinion directly tack dead body of constable may be house, incomparable restorative, not disa- At Shanghae March », chip Reindeer, MoLoilan, Cram Melville G Me-rill Sami Corsets, the rites of at the from falling oat; it causes the hair to grow on bald unc; and others. Cook Michael Miller WmH opposite to what It Is officially declared they removed under the fire, or a wounded hostler gentlemen perform sepulture greeable to the taste, and eminentlyinvigoratlng — heads; it dear sea the aoalp, and makes the hair toft, At 8watow March 8, barqnes Catalcppa. Stevens, Chambers Stephen Mitchell W vaunts In this Insolent his own le- burial. hold, style in the house may have has he so No other ftimulants the same effect aa and Raver,Hunt for Shanghae; Wild Gazeiie.Hum- Camming* Simeon tape EPaine Chaa C P surgical aid, lustrous, and silken. It is a beautiful hair dressing. produces this ft#"A man was exhumed in phreys, for Newchwang and baok, 10.000 pienla. at Connelly Ihoa Parker 0 K Corsets, gal and judicial candor and comprehension? far the faith of the State that petrified recently It it recommended and need the pledged Judge by first medical au- Stomachic. It does not excite or flatter the nerves, 42c pier picul. Clement* T W 8 Pateb Henry C We have heard of no We can conceive of a man thus» Davis cannet the when Philadelphia. petrified thority. At Hong Kong March 16th, chip Clarke Wm U Patten Heny writing try adulterer, at last or ocoasicn undue arterial but at once Mary mover, men in thU but any action; Hughes, for Melbourne and A1900 D. ug.aas Allen M Pentad* H d who had studied law more as an artifice to state, petrified politicians are Sydney, ldg, gate Corsets, the sheriff shall overpower but must let Be very particular to a-k for Hall’s Vegetable in full. Deehan Cornelias forNealPackard J A A him, common. scothes and strengthens the nervous system and the quite The specimens are fast be gath- Sicilian Hair as there ia a At Manila March UDonnall aid In overreaching an associate, than as the him out ot court as a with the Kenewer, worthies! imi- 6, barque Nabob, Pettingill, ane. Phiuney Mnlor c go belligerent, ered for animal spirit-. At Marob 28. Emerson Power* Martin sublime whose voice is the up preservation in museums of natural tation In the market. Singapore ship Winged Arrow, Bar Dyer Corsets I science, harmony aided crimes of riot and murder on his head? ry, uue; barque Chase, Hamilton do. Drew Geo A Pearson Monte • curiosities. New York House, 60 Cedar Street, N. Y. ■R. F. HALL A CO., H.— At Batavia March 16, ship to Deerlng Graayl lo H Pratt Morris of nature; who has investigated the nature of An officer has a an Proprietors, Nashua, N, Humboldt, Proctor, process against lndieted 9 load on owner’s account. Daria Joalah E French ET There have been some very successful Wholesale Agents in Portland. W. F. Phillips and may dbw2w eape Park Pairb-k and Amerloan, crimes, in the remorse of their commission, or let us for subornation of Sid to Penang March 10, barque Rocket, Dsnn Sami Quimhy Cyrua L man, suppose, per- races at H. H. and sold and Freeman, Borne, although some of the jockeys Hay, by Druggists Dealers gen- Boston. Tbo* B E Hand* 1 Chaa B the expedients to insure impunity, rather than jury. He meets him in another State. The Dyer eape got hurt. Miss Harriet Hosmer’s erally. maylttw TRY IT ! At Calcutta 26th ult sbipa Golden Hind. Davb. for Downing Wm (hr mlaaRIng Chaa A IN ORE AT indicted not to submit groom got _ VARIETY! in the remedial to relieve man, wishing to the Bouton; Regent. Hamlin, for New York, taking Ne'lle OarrtshI Rich F G GWX 2 agencies society by thrown and Miss ignominy of in the company of a injured. Charlotte Cushman Howl k Stevens' Family Dt* Co lobs.—The f eight at Bit. Six ships were loading tor America, Dyer W 8 Rhodes Gilbert H their and We can travelling Charles’ prevention punishment. sheriff or was more F. mily Dje Colors, manatee' n. ei! by lha wed Liniment. and thirteen Am-rtean vssssb seeking. to DrinkwaW WlC Record L L Key 28 going to jail, gives the officer his fortunate; two of her horses took Freights Maes Amsbioas, 8S eta per pair, worth.SI,‘16 one that his known chemists. Howe A Stevens, 280 Broadway, CURES Chapped Uanda. Chilblains. London 80s. Emery Chaa Begt see how conscious character and check to seenre his attendance at the time it is said. Clupptd Lips, prises, are in general demand throughout the Country.— Cute, Burns, Brul.es, be, be. Passed 21st ult, ahip Assyria, Detaao, to Kitts Chaa Rich M C raaaon, el,76 per pair. career are not with the standard and place of trial—gives him his This Is Just what might bo a. clod, when tbs bean Shields tor Alexandria. ElwetUaoob Rleo compatible parole.— A pr Price RDPAKRR Depot How does this It#' gentleman from a neighboring town re- tv, and excellence Twenty-Five end Fifty Centa. inst. Edwards rhea E Baal Oaa«An, $1,60 p.r pair. maxims of law and ethies, might the transaction, wholly incidental peimansnoy, pnri’y general of AtSaguald barqne Aberdeen, Cochran, for oape Humny oapt attempt 'he'# is considered. There are no leu econom- For Sale BURG FOBE8 b Boston; brigs Loch Lomond, Black, end Baron do A G 8taw*r Chaa eant to the arrest, the mlliltary power, in any marked to us the other day that he took real dyes by ESS, CO, Faggart audacious task of a new ical than excellent; can be ased mavlSdlm 80 Castine. Johnson, disg; R Fuller A 8 C R improvising philoso- the from readily by every Commercial St. Mary Thompson Lam- Stanley way preclude judicial power pro- satisfaction in having the Prut go into his family; in a few hoars aey material crgana.ntcen phsr, tor Boston 8 days FelUr Andrew F SttbbinsE a new of a new phy, code morals, atmosphere just as if the man had lain all the in- bs colored te any hue desirad, and In a not Ar at Nassau NP 21st u t. Maine Law, Fuller B 0 SteyinsR ceeding family, beoause he always felt sure it would con- style Ameabury, — DU- c d 2d of public feeling wherein his actions might tervening time in jail ? equaled by any dyeing establishment la the land IiANOI.EY’S Camden, (and tor Boston); 28ih, ship Anna Fuller C K Runlet F 0 tain no word that a would blush The for tae Femily Dyes is in- Kimball, Moore, Turks Island (and eld 1st inst lor Fitsaibbena Edw for KliaSierena L We have purposely abstained thus far from gentleman to dempnd c'netaatly ROOT AND HERB BITTERS Gao HOSIERY shine with the lastre of universally accredited creasing; Once tried they become indispensable, Boston); 6»h inst, barqne Sallfe Bonsa i, leavitt. 8 Fltzgibbena Stew* d Geo W and GLOVE the absurd read in the presence of ladies or children. assailing doctrines of the Adver- mayl&dlw The Great Blood Purifier; the best Health Restor- Matamoras. (and o d sarao day for New York ) Folaom John Stinson John N virtue. and the most A tiser if it were thus er, perfect Spring and Summer Medi- Old 20th. brig Lewis, (or Baltimore via Fiokett John for mra Mar.Sanborn W by authorites, necessary lyThe Prut a letter Hyperion. J 24 Philadelphia publishes cl"c ever need Ragged Island); list, R G W or But why, rorsootn, may not “Jefferson Da- to answer propositions enforced only by one or barque Dodge. Walls. oy J fan Sanders J 8 Department. from Fernando Wood to Governor Wise, advis- CHARLES* LINIMENT, The- effiotually oure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Holmes’ Hole vis Turks Island. Fiokett John Sawyer Joseph rla nor Confederate actor in office with two citations that fully disprove them. In an- and Bilious General and ali Ar at Quebec 9th M any him not to John Complaints, Debility, hast, ship R Ludwig, Harding, Fuller R B Shannon Nicholas the but and other we to show that the ing hang Brown, but to im- A sore and speedy ears for Scratches, Galls, kindied diseases. Undoubtedly largest variety ia Port, to article hope pretend Cals, Liverpool. Fish Sami E Spaulding Stephen him be made amenable the civil power on him for life. A letter eleanse the Ar at Halifax land, nnd at cd research into the principles of war and in- prison from James Bu- Ae, on Heraos To owners of horsee it la ladiipen They system, regulate the bowels, re- 6th inst, sob Susan, Lang, from Flood 8 H True A E a of treason t” the store the appetite. drive out all humors, the Portland French Wm charge Because, says ternational law was an Impudent assumption chanan warning Governor Wise of a to purify H Townsend E F plot table, earing 8waat, Galls, Cats, Flesh Wounds of blood, and strengthen, invigorate, build and re- Ar at St John NB 8th eobs F Wm the acts which would otherwise to deceive a circle of up, inst, Cotnam, Coalflest, htobcr Thompson C W Advertiser, designed pitiful wofuily rescue the prisoner, is also store to health and soundnesi, botb and and Cendor, Portland. Grant Geo 8 Jaa E * published. and worst body mind, Pick, oapt Tyler sargt Low Prices! shallow and erery kind, the cases of Scratches in a use Extremely be treason were done inside"of the protection prejudiced partisans. all who them. Price 25, 60, and 76 cts. per bot Greenlow J C Temple Milo J OTA Washington dispatch says llsj. General very snort time. tie. Hold by a 1 dealers in medicine. GEORGE C. iPer steamer Asia—additional.1 Godfrey John TraeyThoe which national and natural law throws GOODWIN & 38 Hanover Daniel E Sickles is absent in Co., St., Boston. Ar at 27th Grindnil N F Franois 100 doz. Ladies’ South America on Fall Directions Lirerpool u’t. Nova Soottan, (s) Brown, Veley Ribbed Cotton Hose, around him as aBBixieKBMrr!" ocoompsnying each bottle. Price uxihl8M4ra Portlands Gray N Varney Wm a diplomatic mission, and has shown Gordon Hand BY TELEGRAPH already 25 and £0 cents. Adv 29th, Nora Scotian, (s) for QubecMay4th; Stephen Willard Chaa I oapt made, observe no seams in feet, We will hereafter about this nation- that he is Webster, for New York. Gerry Sylranna B 2 Woodrord Chat for mtoa inquire admirably qualified for this field. He For sale by BUKGES8, FOBE8 A CO, Qpxsh Victobia’s Diadem is rewplendant with Norris, Passed Deal 21th, Lorenzo. from Gormley Wm Clara Woodford for 20 cents natnral law. Bat how under this -TO THE- writes in of the effeot 80 stones, but its is Merriman, Lon- per pair. al and ab- good spirits produced by mayl8dlm Commercial St. precious royal splendor transcend- don for Cardiff. Gardiner Wm H 2 Wallace E A mr or miss the ed by the luxuriant hair with which Sid to Falmouth Harris Allen N Wentworth J H surd could there ever be treason glowing prospects of the Union cause in the Sterling’s Am- 27th, John Watt, Wlnchell, for 100 supposition, Howard Chat 17th O 8 J W doi Knglloh Iron Frames from 88 eta ta 70 Sts. EVKAIA'U PAPEMH. brosia orowni the heads of the flair maidens of Co- Pembroke. InfWeroeoter at all? tor the Constitutional countries he has visited. TO MAINE SOLDIERS. Hersar C P for mill Ah-Wish John 100 dos German Iron Frames by definition, lumbia. from IS Ota to M eta. The would maj9d2w Sid to Sunderland 27th hie P lleraey Walker F treason shat) “consist In war OTThe Argut says that at the office of Dr. undersigned give notice that they are ult, Valentin, Bosworth, Lyman only levying Callao Ham Edw A W&tberbee mr prepared to their exolnsive to Tewksbury in this city is a leg that he amputa give attention to the Ar at Chefoo Feb Hoffaes Edw W Webb Wm J against the United States, adhering its en- IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO • 18, Star King, Smith, Shanghae olaims of all Officers and Sol iers who are about to Boston Stock Usts Bid to Havre 26tb Hamlen E R Young Leri and ted, of a young lad fourteen years of and ult, J A Stamler, Sampson, tor emies, giving them eld comfort.” “To age, leave the service. SALE AT TBE Bbokbm’ Now Tork. Harrison Gao B Moses Q I that Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Boabd, May 18 Young GLOVES, GLOVES to the Juariet* ot the our the lower portion, the ankle Hull levy war,” according to Blache tone, is to raise j*y Bupporeeeion of inclxding Pay, and Prize oollected 62,000 American Honey with despatch Gold...’ ijwu SHIP LETTERS. Rebellion—Buocooooo of the Liberate— Maxi- joint, with all thefieshy even to the 600 United States SPOKEN. 100 dos Choice Lisle and or war. But whenever men raise or be- parts, skin, The latest Prize with the nzme Coupons (May)..il29* Ganatlet Gloves, from 18 begin Lists, and value of 600 U 8 Sixer “ lo» Smith 8 N bark Chaa Brewer milian Hondo hie Chief of Cabinet to the liave been or transformed etch Coupon 1881) ...1091 8> 82 W, barque Lillian, from Capt to M oents. war the United States changed into a solid Prize, oan bo examined by one who chooses Unted States Now York1’>“ for Hirer Chaa* Franklin Co'erado gin against they be- United ttateo. any 1.000 Ten-Forties. 95? Platte. ship rock-like substance and to to eall. Ail good olaims cashed 26 000 United States 6-20’s Longstreet Peter 2 Eldorado 80 dos Kid la Sleek come btllum or enlarged three times if desired. Advioe (old). 104j J*1 8hiP Galatea, Cook, from ship Gloves, tad Colors, 81,60 gerentes belligerents,—their 6.000 United States Debt Certificates New Tork lor Sana®’ 1S“Francisco. Huff Jaa B do New York, May 13. the natural size- It does not partake of the free. No charge, unless successful. (Jane)... 991 as e at once asserted 2.000 Rutland 1st Mortgage Bonds. 60 Wilaon Horace A Capt do belligerency fact, by The Herald’s City of Mexico The Junior member of this Clift°D’ Gmt’ correspond- nature of bone, but is like ivory or stone. firm, having been con- 1.000 Rutland 2d Mortgage Bonds....16 fromBLiUnJor.4foVRi0onj^elro‘rq0e Young Guatavoo do liable to be neu- ence says that the of oar with the late Vermont John themselves, recognised by intelligence triumphs neoted 6th Kegt. Maine Vols for ever 400 Central R R l«t Mort. 73 ^ E‘° Gr,Dde’ from fhompaon do over the rebels vast I#1 A few days since President Johnson 10 Boston and Maine John do if the war is carried oo afforded encouragement three years, understand s the of both Railroad,. 114 M^to^stor Nfw%Key8' I'Ofan trals, and, long enough lully rights Of- 1 Eastern Dinamo-e W Kleetr'o to the adherents of Juarez. His cause is signed the death warrant of three of Railroad.. 94 ®> Cape Lookout, barque Maria Henry, of Joseph ship Spark Back and with to the United rap- the Wes- iloers and Soldiers, a-d would rospootfully ak his 9 Vermont and Canada **•/ °£from Jaa 8 Firm Combs, peril enough States, A Railroad...... 106 Portland, Beaufort NC tor Philadelphia. Wiley Brigt idly recovering ground. number ol vic- tern oonspirators known as the of the friends to call at bis J L Webber J M aoh Harriet Baker be in certain for “Knights military Office, where he will on, Henshaw.] sure to recognized modes its tories over the bad Hill Imperialists been gained Golden orSons of attend to them 60 Manufacturing Company.188 Bennett W m ship Parana Circle, Liberty,” in conse- personally. 10 Bates own sahe and not for the sahe of the traitors, recently. The reports of the capture of Sal ISAAC N. Manufacturing Company. 146 (Ferry Sylraaua B 2 brig Bobin Back quenoe of the FELCU Portland NEW Combs! tillo and are confirmed. is testimony produced and made 10,000 City Sixes, 1870 901 ADVERTISEMENTS. Rogers Luugdon SUSS Rhode Ieland the itself. Monterey It rn- FRANK G. PATTERSON. 2 by government before the several Popperell Manufacturing Co.1090 White Pliny ach Rescue We Have Got inored that Matamoras has been captured. good military courts and in Portland 1 York them in Ali Judge Marshall held in the caae of ex parte May 9.1865. dim Manufacturing Company...11024 A. T. DOLE, Postmaster. Styles. These events restore nearly the whole of accordance with their recommendation. 6 Western Railroad.,.,....121j Swart that there could be no treason They CITY Perfect Beauties wont, by Northeastern Mexico to Juarez. were to be last £7, for $2.00 and 2,25, hung week. This is the first exe- ^XTATiL Portland, Saco and Portsmouth R. R. the mere of that the war most The are much alarmed at the Notice. enlisting men, Imperialists cutions of the kind since the MARRIED. of our beginning of the The after fifteen Master Former Pries H. be levied or to that suppression rebellion, fearing the en- undersigned, years successful Bichard actually begun. Up stage rebellion, and is a Coker, forcement of the Monroe doctrine. signal indication of the de- praetioe in the old firm ol Bradford k or ANNUAL meeting. treason is after that the Harmon, In Dixfleld, Mareb 16, Emery F Savery and Julia principal Soprano Trinity Church, New impossible; stage, by The to termination of our will one expedition Northern Mexico, and the heroic Executive. would inlorm bis friends and tho public generally, M Holman. LATETort, give GRAND CONCERT, on “natnral treason in to At Rumford Stockholders law,” merges beUigerencg project fortify the nothern frontier, have that he will still give his exclusive attention to Point, May 2, Alpheni Morse, of of the Prrtland, Saco and Grafton, and Hannah O ThePortsmouth Railroad are that and becomes innocence, and that too by the been countermanded; and eleven thousand the prosecntion of claims lor Tensions, Kimball, of Bumford. Monday Evening, May 33d, Oompany notified Bounties, In Brunswick, May II, Benj 8 Merriman and Sarah the annual meeting ot the Company for the oboloe BUTTONS, Imperial troops have been from the Letter from of the Arrears of and Assisted by the Artists: "national law,” if, by the very magnitude of dispatched Agent Maine Oamp Hos- Tay, Prize Money, and all other D Coombs, iollowing of Direo ore for tha enaning rear, and the transac- to Matamoras. Miss BESSIE COKER, Haetxb tion of any Capital claims arising out of the war for the In Boston, May 6, Alexander, of and GEORGE EL- other bniine-a which may b* legally pre- the crime, the for its own pital Association. present Union Joseph B, LARD (Mexzo Soprano of government, safety, Juarez is still at Chihuahua with a Mrs Hanneh A Thompson, of Topsham Trinity Church ) Ms •antad, will b* he'd at ihe Baptist Meetinghoaae, at large His facilities for the transaction of this business are GEO. 8. WEEKS (Tenor), BUTTONS, has been to of City Point, At Kittery Navy Yard, May 2, Charles of Doaghty’a Falla Villaga, North Berwick, on MON- compelled adopt modes action army. Va., May 0,1965. snoh as to insure Brans, promptitude and success In all mat- Newbury port, and Virginia of Batb. D4.Y, the fifteenth June at twelve V Gwinn had returned from France with im- Dear S:—Vfe Jones, Hr. Henri day of next, tantamount to a recognition of belligerent very gladly received the ters entrusted to him. IuPownal. May 7, Geo W Toothaker and Helen Mollenhauer, o dock noon. By order of the Directors. portant instructions, said to be relative to sent to us. M Blaokstone. (The Celebrated Solo CHARLES E. Clerk. BUTTONS! rights. this convenient the crime of %ioney you We are still Late Prize Lists oan always be seen at Violoncellist), BARRETT, By logic Louis schemes in very busy, his effiee. Napoleon’s Sonora and as the men Mobs. HENRY B Portland, May 11,1886. inayltnwrtd treason becomes a legal myth. Let the traitors who are unble to march are sent All advioe and information free. Terms low. and LASSERVE, Pianist and ac- Senaloa. companist, under the diree ien of DR. CUTTER here with no lor their ns pay required until the eiaims are obtained,— Every Style, Every pinch up heart, boldly consummate their plot, New York, 13. provision sustenance. DIED._ Organist of Trinity Cbmrob, New York. Do sot Dxlay. Now la the time to doit.— Variety, May Office, Jose Block 88 Exchange Street. The Management take pleasnre In HARRIS A CHAPMAN’S their treasonable steamer Havana Yesterday, we made chicken broth and In this announcing that push purposes beyond the The Liberty brings dates hasty- Z. K. city. May 10, Charles A C, sob of John B the|prloe of admission Is fixed so that HARMON. and Julia E D every person Every Kind. verge of wholesale murder, wade of the 8th inst., advices from the City of Mex- pudding and chocolate, and with crackers, Portland, May 8—tfdiw Carroll, aged 18 years may have a epporinnity of bearing this wonderful deep, deep In Brunswick, May 8, Harriet B artist. ico of the 27th ulfc, and Vera Cruz of the 2d ralt-fish and Lewis, aged^ 76 yonng in the blood of fellow-citizens defending the pickles, we fed two hundred men, years. inst. In Brunswick, Mr laws, and pretended teachers besides cooking for the wounded in the May 16, suddenly, Owen Wood- ADMISSION,..SO Cents. political will confirm the reported capture of Sal- wards; Dr. P. P. sid •. aged 62 years. [ They SEATS, 76 CTS. kill- Moths effsotu and cheap 11 at- Yankee Notions, rise amid the thick an and this we are still Quimby In Harpswell, May 8, RESERVED lly, enongh you up lying graves of their tillo and Monterey by the Liberals, besides morning, busily by drowning, Charloi Brig-* has it. engaged' Having coneluded not to loeate himself permanent- ham, a ied 22 years 6 months. To at Paines’ tend to It note. Krery druggist m*yl(8t are the besecured Musio and at frll announcement that the Liberals gaining feeding huagry. I wish we had would In East Store, the boro got their Orders and victims, passionately asserting their inno- only ly hereafter in an, one place, give notion that Livermore, May 7, Israel C, ton of ”Dr W door. For particulars see Programmes. Marching Mast b« ground in every direction. to cook for B Small aged 17 yaars. A Card. Sold. cence! strength them till every soldier he will return to his home at BELFAST on Satur- Doors open at 7; to commenoe at 8 A forced loan of has been In Waterford, Deo 26, Capt Thoe aged o’clock. $100,000 imposed had a Hapgood " subsarlber, baying had rareral The Advertiser! method of the been fed. day, May 37th, stopping few days in BATH. Ail 62 years. WWD0WS- &*»'**•• years experi- treatment the French and in Saltillo Manngtr, ence in the examination and upon Imperialists unsettled accounts with May 15-lw^' THE settlement of Black Lace seems Evening.—1 am now persona having him are re- and Merohanta Vaila, of traitors wonderfully like Dogberry’s and Monterey. writing by the sick Shipmaatara acooueta. will derote n quested to call at his offiok and settle the same. portion of his time to th* adjuatmant of inch aoeonnta to the which runs thus: It is reported that Juarez would establish bed ol Mrs. H., wife of the Indiana PASSENGERS. Gauze charge Watch, Agent. a addressed to a) may require particular attention. Ho be Vails, his at Letters enoloalng stamp him at BEL OutT~ mny capital Monterey. Our poor soldiers, martyr aa Selling ound at No, JbJ Exobange Street orer the offlei of If you meet a thief you may patriots, they suf- FA8T, ME., whore he oan be consulted the In from Mask Vails “Dog. suspect Maximilian, on Orizaba, heard of daring barque Winslow, Cardenas—C F the Oman Insurance Company.7 him Tirtue of office to be no true reaching fer from every body’s O'good. D^’*8“ 16ed2w» by your man, the fall of Richmond, and the of incompetency;—when sammer, will be promptly answered. May j. N. MORRILL. Cambric Bands, and for such kind of men, the less you meddle capitulation marched back THenHVe^^oo°n^XgT„hflr,)r Lee, he hastened back to they from the iront, they were Portland, May 8,1865. tf IMPORTS. or make with more is tor whereupon Mexico, German and them, why the your and so American Worsted, Modern Brick House for Dimity Banda, dispatched iiis Chief of Cabinet, Mr. inarched rapidly that many of them fell in Sale honesty. thro* Brlek ltloen, to the United who arrived at and those who Shetland atory Honae, 17 Myrtle atreot Ruffling, Single and Double Watch. If we know him to be a thief shall States, the road; reached Richmond m> w Wool, THEnearly eleren Havana in time to take the Corsica. There uiA™Z£t new, oontalning finished rooms' we not lay hands on him ? were all worn out,—a criminal waste of fnt£*Sl££*-m Saxony and Wilton Yarn. together with Bath room mad ample oloeela Linen Handkfs, are various reports as to his mission. health Dog. Truly by your office you may; but I "" h“4 ,natk.-290bbd.88 Portland, May 16th, suspect sagacious magistrate must Hold Matamoras without Is arrest for it. Then those who were the best in the world. It il the cheapest, the most 1885._ mayl61w* assistance, and rein- under ir^Ao/M" Notice* Ladies, osll tad sse ss 1 We bare not and in failed,clear- aptly disclosed the animus of the editor’s de- forcements had been sent to him. were reliable, most convenient. Complete one bot- t0nS unable to march to Washington sent to pl‘* ed out, ersold oat; but will be found at oar tle. Dees not of iJiSSSK bale* French New fence of Jeff. D&tIs in his afterwards It is said that rebel deserters are joining require any previous preparation the JK5iJSf,,# Fluting! colloquy e with short rations of hard tack, Store, No lit and ISO Kiddle street, where we, s* Oortinas. City Point, hair. No trouble. No erookorstain. Do'es not rub off widths in a .^SSsS^'^ssi.’js With the Sexton: Done all superior manner them to draw rations af- by heretofore, continue to manufacture oar Justly eel* and no provision for or msko the hair appear dusty and dead, but imparts “Sext. Which be bra ted Skirts, to whloh thousands of ladles In Port- the malefactors T The Rebel Ram Stonewall. ter so were six or seven hun- to it new life and luster. Produces a beautiful black S. arrived; there Mrs. land ofto Marry, that am miniature almanac. and Tioinity testily, Dog. I riry Aaioolation. on Wholesale and Retail beak of twenty feet in days, only regret 'k*he 18thrf?!0?®*11* Thursday, thought that the liberal pursuits of the length. Her entire’ COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. day of May, at 3 o'clock r K, to make or- lawyer, officers and not give them all what they could eat. The ForEllsworth.SebrLadyKUen.Lib- rangemeats for the crew, men, number about seventy. POBT OF ■by, now,ready| :o reoaive freight lor reoetrlng and dietritutlng their Coal. tbe editor, legislator, the publicist, were THIS oelebrated in PORTLAND mayl6td The Stonewall’s officers acknowledge that Hospital is breaking up, and Is going to Alex- Toilet 8oap, inch universal Ellsworth, to sail from Union Wharf Per Order. Dahlia Skirt& Goods Store with the character of the in is made Tuesday, Ml hi. it. Fancy lucomjMttlble crimi- they were too late getting and ad- whither we shall soon follow. We demand, from the ofaoioeat materials Saturday. 18. afloat, andria, ...May -——— For Mills are so ? mitted that the war Is is mild and emollient in its Hodgdon’s end Damarif- IsOSt. 148 and ISO Middle nal. But they necessarily ended; as she nature, fragrantly AWYSD. cotta, Bohr It St., and, have had a fine supply of stores, has Steamer Foreet Iko, Capt Royal, nowreadyto reoelva could be of no she would nothing and in ite City, Donaran, Boston as Friday May 12th, a thread laae la * crime that may be pun- use, probably be aoented, extremely beneficial act upon Freight above, to *»-l trom Union Wharf Tubs Svening, Tell, Horsestealing out but the aud we shall need Sob Morning Star, (Br) Miller. Windsor NS. ON h*4*'.® Ingursoil's Bouse and Atlantic taken back to Europe, and sold. She was to given clothing, the skin, for Sale by all end day Evening, May l«th. Eating PORTLAND, MX. five thousand Druggist* faney Sob Woleoma Home. (Br) Hatbeld, Hillsboro NB. tliroagn lftdd!o. India and Fore etreote ished by Se civil power, But If leave Nausau on the of the for a few weeks R. evening 7th inat. supplies yet longer. Goods Dealers. jauSldlyr. Sob Matanaae, Hamilton, Batten. ,»w"d*d m. B.—Shirts mad* to order M»y », 1*«3. maylbdlm DOHLJjAND and vicinity FRANCE. I these three : and got boxes of Colt’s Cart- was going along too. At the theatre we met BY Napoleon’s reception at Lyons and Mar- ridges. David C. Harrold. ■N. v A, ma nlost bone Bftoth, by The Philadelphia Velvet and French Panxel Al- cityHall, increase In value. will be Wab I solution of the succession question. handle, and sheathed in red Surratt to hire a I rapid.y They d.vlam in Department, leather.] buggy. When I bum, wi'h embossed make the sn chance win SWITZERLAND. You got there, richly edges, lots to t purchase's. A better never Supreme Judicial Oourt. Washington, 13—10.30 P. Q. did not see him in the room saw Atzerott, and asked him handsomest article in the market lor May M. ) your- what he wanted. POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS he Offered to secuie good lota Tor private lesidences. To The Federal Council has forwarded an ad- seli ? A. sir. ONLY l > BARROWS, PRESIDING. Maj. Gen. Dlz:—'The despatch, No, He had left it the be- He said to hire a horse. He asked Brooks if Terms easy, and will be made known at ate. J., following to day just received from Gen. dress of condolence America. fore. The who was said he could have a Tha above sala Is po-'pon d to TUS8DAT, Saturday.—In the case of Cobb Wilson, announces clerk, there, he horse, and he told him he A PRESENT. and May trespass the SPAIN. would Monday, Tuesday Wejnesday, 16th, at 4 o'clock P, M on acooi unt at the storm. surprise and capture of Jefferson recognize the man. could not Then we left and both went as far ts. in Davis HERMIT HAILE I A CO., Auci'rs. Chipman, the evidence was all put and and Staff The Senate has a bill for the aban- B. A N. a 25, and 11. by Col. Pritchard, of the adopted Jndge Advocate.—Get him after you have a9 the Post Office. I had a letter to and 83T have large variety cf Gold Pons, May 25, ap281td Michigan donment of San been draw, and Pen Holders. Gutta Poroha court adjourned to 9 o’clock Monday morn- Cavalry, on the morning of the 10th at Domingo. examined, with or witheut a after that we went towards Tenth street. and Iverv Pocket inst., of subpoena. Pencils and Pen Holders combined—all Gold mount- THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY K. M. com- in Irwin The Council Ministers and Congress Bring him as soon as can. Was this PATTEN, AUCTIONEER, 11 Exchange 8t. ing at which time the will Irwlnsville, County, Ga. you Q. horse kept there Surratt’s or ed ajid Gold of are arguments to a Upped. Muiy them of new pat E. M. unanimously agreed resolution expressive Here the examination in which Booth’s? A. I will terns and convenient 2or mence. (Signed) Stanton, chief, had state that on Tuesday the pocket use. TONY of sympathy with America. been conducted PASTOR’S Secretary of War. by Judge Holt, waa closed. previous to the assassination, I was also sent House hold Furniture at Auction. The rumors of a Ministerial crisis were un- Lieut. Gen. Grant and the CROSS EXAMINATION. to the National b> get his buggy for Mrs. Sur- Court, May 13. Honorable Secre- founded. Toudxy, Mar l«(h, at 10 A. M, at home No Municipal ratt. She wished me to drive her into BAILEY & MAMMOTH COMBINATION! tary of War, Washington:—I have the honor Q. What is your business ? A. A detective Ihe NOYES, ON60 Flea-ant St, will i*« gold rural ore, PMl, nolo contendere to PRUSSIA. Booth said he Mary McGlnty pleaded to report that at on the 10th officer of the board of enrollment of country. had sold his buggy, Faroe. Miastrel 6 Carpets, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Minor- Ccok- daylight inst., Solemn services in the German and English the Dis- Street. Opera, Pantomime and a of larceny In the store of Mr. Charles Col. trict but he would give me $10 and that I should Exchange iug Air-l'lgbt Stovss. may I8dtd Charge Pritchard, commanding 4th Michigan were of Columbia, of which Maj. O’Bierne is languages performed at Berlin on the 2d a E. and the fine of two Jeff. Davis and with Provost hire buggy for Mrs. Surratt, and spoke of Portlind, May 13—dim Troupe, Jose, paid Imposed dol- cavalry, captured family, in of Mr. Marshal. The most talented memory Lincoln. Numerous depu- horses that he at and artistio ever con- Regen, Postmaster Col. How have followed kept Brook’s stable, and performers Buildings, Land, Scales. Safe, lars and costs. Messrs. O’Donnell and Carle- General; Harrison, tations were present. M. Rossmark attended. Q. long you the busi- gregated in one oump my lathe world, numbering Private Col. ness? then said they were mine. 2l artist* of at Secretary; Johnson, A. D. C.; The A. I have been in the service ever merit, assisted by a full Ui chestra and Wagon, *c,, Auction. ton for the accused, and in conse- King was represented by his aids-de- Did Booth HOOP appeared Col. Morris, Col. Lieut. since I left New York. At the Q. give you ten dollars? A.— SKIRTS, direction of 1 OR Y T Lubback, Hathaway, The church was beginning of ,th* uraday, May ]8tb, at 10 a w, on Walk*r'f of their was and camp. crowded. sir. rA5ir««K. t*o world renowned quence representations let others. the Yes, Clown, Comedian near Boston ► Mary war, I was in the 95th New York Volun- aod Comer; Job Was on; one Lumber Ws*- a The is the latest news via Did return that on; Ktur Sata Truck Jot of ment of Mr. Proctor closed on Saturday even- strong guard without delay. I will send following Queens- unteer from the 95th New York. Q. you day? A. Yes, sir; Corsets, Corsets! Harnesses. Also, no town: we GRAND land on Clark Street, tbe Shovel further at once. You mentioned a only remained half an hour. Mrs. Surratt marly oppotit* ing, when he was another particulars Q. conversation with some Factory, abont 60 60 fe*t—a lot. greeted by large said she went for the of by tpltndid (Signed,) J. H. Wilson, Liverpool, May 4.—The Edin- one in reference to a purpose seeing Mr. Musical HENRY BAILEY A Auctioneers audience. The was the steamships suspicious character at Festival, (JO., play Jibbenainoeay, Brevet Moravian and Nolteway, who owed her mayiatd Maj. Gen. burg, New York arrived on the the Kirkwood House: where aid you first Bee money. BUT TOUR IN BOSTON. Aid it was in the best State whether on the performed manner, WAB DEPARTMENT, ) 3d inst. the man who told you his name ? A. I first Q. following Friday, was The rate of discount at saw that is the day of the drove Mr. Proctor always popular in this city, Washington, May 14—A. M. j the Bank of Eng- him in the house. assassination, you The Handel and U. land has been Mrs. Surratt ? A. sir. Haydn Society. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. and his has resulted in a succes- To Maj. Gen. Dix:—The details advanced to,4 1-2 per cent. Q. Was he a clerk ? A. A intojthe country Yes, Skirts and Corsets! engagement following night watchman, Hoop Will hold a of the Demonstrations of the I Q. Where did you drive tol A. To Sur- (rand MUSICAL FESTIVAL nt the capture of Jefferson Davis, while at- sympathy of public think. —AT THE— Boeton UXITKD STATXe 0» sion of good houses notwithstanding the bad bodies rattsville. We arrived there at about 412 XUBBIOA, 1 tempting to make his escape in his wife’s throughout England with America are Q. What was his precise language to you ? District or Maim*,bb, J weather almost every have still most numerous. A. He said to o’clock. evening. clothes, just been received from Mai. Gen. me, there was a suspicious, bad, Button Music Hall, to en Interlocutory Order of The Q. Did she at the house of Mr. McCoy Store, Sale, This evening a new play is to be brought Wilson. Spanish Senate and the lower House of villainous-looking fellow come into the stop Lloyd? Un commenoration of their ink PURSUANTtome directed, lrom the Hon. Aahar Ware, house, A. F\f Inniversarv, of the Austrian Keichrath and a room. Yes, sir, she went into the Where can a 40 on Jadai the United Statea Diatrioi and entitled Ambition, of which we find the (Signed) E. M. Stanton, have unanimously took He didn’t like the appear- parlor. you get good spring Bklrt for SI,SO. oommenciag the 23d and oloemg on me 28tb ol Court.»iihiu out, What time did the toi the Diatrlct of Maine, I shall e I ore auu aeii at Secretary of War. voted regret and sympathy with the United ance of him. Q. you leave to return? A. The undersigned having taken the above named Mmy Of preeent ye.r. notice in the Cincinnati Gazette: About half public Vendere, to ihe hlghea' bidder th r nor. 'ha following States. When was it that the past six. store, has added to the usual variety, Macon, Ga., 11 A. M., May 12. Q. person had come A Chorus ot Six Hundred Trained folowiog property and mrrchaudi.a at the time “This new play, ‘Ambition,’ The House had debated Mr. and taken a room Q. Can you go down there in two hours ? Voice*, and within said produced by To Hon. E. M. Stanton, of War: Baine’s bill re- ? A. I think it was the day HOOP SKIRTS, place District ns fb.lows, rla— Mr. at Wood’s Theatre the Secretary A. When the roads are can AND Procter during ducing tbe franchise without action. before. good you easily go At lowhenro on The following dispatch, announcing the cap- Harbor, Boothbay, FbidaT, past week, was in every respect so admirably Uan for certain down there in two hours. CORSETS, Oicheitra of One the ture of Jefferson has been handed me you say ? A. No, sir: I Nineteenth day of May onrrent, at 10 o’oloek A. we do not hesitate in describ- Davis, KID Mundied, performed thas Col. would not be positive about it. I to the GLOVES, x. by Minty, commanding the 2d division: Trial of the think, AND THE ing it as one of the very best historical dramas Assassins. best of it was and a long list of Goods not heretofore in said UlADqOARTSRB 4TH MICHIVAH I my knowledge, the day before. kept The Schooner of the Mr. ProOtor, in the character of CaVALET, Did Trial of Mrs. Perrins—Reported Capture store, which he can and mil sell Essex, day. CumberlandTiJie, G» May 11. ) Washington, May 13. Q. he describe his appearance? A. of anHAT oaaAM himself to be the best R. M. T. Hunter—Arrival the Armies in HsrTarkle, Apparal and Tarnltnra, together with Ethelwold,again proved To Capt. T. W. A. G. Division:—Sir : The Court is held at the Old Yes, sir, he did. of with Scott, Penitentary, together the beet tolo talent in the o .unty will tae CARGO lately laden on boaid. actor of his clasB now upon the stage; and in an the Vicinity of Washington. CHE^E. I have the honor to report that at daylight, upper room, with two windows at the Q. Bepeat his' description ? A. I don’t unite in rendering the great Oratorio, of never were his more think I The same bien ordered to be io'd powers fully recognized yesterday, at Irwinsville, I and west, and two at the north. These windows could, as he described it to me. I Don’t having by tbe surprised cap- Washington, May 13. buy you Hoop Skirtt, Corsets, Kid Olovei, Coort of me United Statea lor than in this character. The house, during the tured Jefferson are don’t recollect: I think he or kin d of Handel, Haydn, and Mendelssohn Dj.trlit the Dhtriot Davis and his family, together ironed with fiat bars. On the wall on the said he had a grey Mrs. Perrine, charged with assisting the any of Maine. two nights of the performance of ‘Ambition,’ his coat on. tn a manner with wife, sisters and brother, his Poet- west side on raised seats were Dr. Mudd, rebel cavalry in plundering the train between enrpaeaing anything ever before at- T.rma of Sale—CASH. was welt and to its suc- tempted in this ooaotry. Dated at filled, owing thorough Master General Reagan, his private secretary David C. Harrold, Lewis Payne, Edward Q. Have you ever seen, to your know- Baltimore and the inva- Fancy Q-oods, Portland this eleventh day of Kay A. t>. it be until further notice.” Philadelphia, during The Fes ivei will open on the forenoon of Tuss- AoUSe cess, will repeated Col. Harrison, Col. A. D. C. on Da- of Fords Michael ledge, Mr. Atzerott ? A. I don’t know that I sion last until you have examined our stock. Johnson, Spangler Theatre, O’Lough- summer, set up a plea to day, through day, the 23d, with CHARLES CLARK, The time of the is vis’ Col. Morris have ever seen him. I commencing performance staff, Lubbeck, Lieut. Hatha- lin, Atzerott and Samuel Arnold. Sitting out- have seen most every- her council Mr. Corwin, that the Military Com- A. WILLIS PAINE. maylldtd D. 8. Marehal Dint: ot Maine. aud several other names, and a side the was around MENDELSSOHN’S HYMN OP PRAISE, now changed. Hereafter the doors will open way, train of paling Mrs. Surratt, leaning on body knocking Washington. I don’t mission has no right to try, nor jurisdiction HT“Don’t torcet the plsee: The HoCoy Button five and three a small know as I ever No IS To be followed with wagons ambulances, making a green baize table beside her. saw him to know him by name. over her case, now that it Store, Market fcquare. maylSdSw* at 7 o’clock and the performance commence at peace proclaimed; HAYDN’S most perfect snccess, had not a most Beyond her on the other side of the table Can’t say that I have not seen him. that such cases as the -CBEATJON," Tue«dav Evening, 28d.- United painful one before the court uANDTL’S ISBAEL IN States Cotton Sale. 8 o’clock. Reserved seats can be secured mistake whioh the 4th near the northern windows sat the EGYPT,” Tunr.day occurred, by Michigan counsel for Q. What first brought you to the Kirkwood are to be tried by Judicial Courts. The Court J. 8. m ILL AK , Evening, 26th, the and the 1st Wisconsin did that which cost us the accused, who are as follows: Mr. Thomas House ? A. during day. I was at home, my overruled the plea and adjourned to Monday. MENDLKSSOHN’S "ELIJAH,” Satnrdey Even- 5,000 Balsa of Cotton two killed son of the eating sup- SHIPPING, FORWARDING, 27th, Upland and Lieut. Boutle wounded through Ewing, Ohio ex-Sanator; per, when Mr. came It is from that R. M. ing, Attorney Cunningham after me,— reported Richmond T. HANDEL 8 Will be sold under direction of Simeon the arm in the 4lh and four men Walter S. Hon. one of our "MESSIAH,” Snrday Evening, 23th, Diaper. U. Fatal Result.—Frederick Frank, 2d, of Michigan, Stone,Mr. Cox, Reverdy John- force. No: I had gone out after Hunter has been arrested near his residence and Messrs. And Commission Vocal and Ineraunnnr.L with 8. Cotton Agent, on wounded in the 1st Wisconsin. This occurred son, Aiken and Clampett. supper, and met him a from the house. In Virginia. Co»o«*t*, the N. who was while en- square Merchant, °* Gne hundred, w 11 also be Buffalo, 7., mangled at after we had the east and west beside the northern “You are wanted The of the FuW*rcheatra given just daylight, captured Running Says he, Immediately at the Army Potomac has reached the on Wednesday an* Saturday Atfcrooone and rhnrs- in minute gnns at Fort Preble, on the advance of the 1st Wisconsin. runs a also covered Kirkwood defences 72 Tower Saturday, May 90lh, 1860, gaged firing camp by wall, long table, with House.” Went, and there was south of the Potomac. Building, <*Va_a,,<*JHrl ay Mornings of tbe Festival week. were baize. At this table The of tickets will be At 1 o’clock P. K. at the the death of President Lincoln, after lingering They mistaken for the enemy. 1 return- green sat the Court. Maj. O’Bierne. I found men all about Gen. Meade’s Headquarters are at Fort Al- Er prices duly announced. there, Liverpool, gland. ap27 few 8 w LORING B. ed to this point last and shall move Mr. Mudd looked calm, collected and atten- detailed for to the bany. BARNJfid, Sec'y. In great pain for some weeks, died last Satur- night, right duty protect Vice Presi- Exchtnee Salesrooms 111 Broadway ¥.7. on the Macon road without orders tive, learning on the table that surround- dent. The 2d Gen. The for a waiting Corps, Humphrey’s, and the undersigned, many years put resident ~ At the time he was he was en- taP""Sample, can be ae< n at the offloe day. injured from as that the whole ed him, as if to relieve his wrists from the Describe the 5th Gen. will of this city, begs to inform hi* old of Hesarr. you directed, feeling Q. appearance of the man who Corps, Griffin’s, encamp in the respeot'nllvr Euton A Co, three dais befor. ihaeale in and the of is of the that friends that, haring estab'fshed himself at the abors gaged spunglng swabbing pieces, object the expedition accomplished. It weight handcuffs encumbered them. gave you the information ? A. The man was vicinity of the railroad from Fall’s Catalogues will be on the 17 h at leading hc dr, at Merchants’ Ex. of McCook’s and bad been not connected as usual with a I don’t. Sheridan’s Cavalry will be here on man. His age was abont 19 years. brigade division, culiar, being Tuesday — The isle of the second series of Three Hundred Mil- ON change, mime lately after ihe .a., ol tee Me- young sent east Gen. but a will describe the jr All these trooM uenaa Home,n due by Croxton via Dublin.— chain, by bar about eight inches in Q. Now, you relative posi- Wednesday. will encamp ad, tw« deelr .b’a bnl’dlrg loti, oor- The funeral occurred and was lions, payable three from the 16th of i'0r yesterday, Col. Minley had distributed his command all length. tion of Johnson’s room and the room in which within the limits of this Department, although HATS, years day June, Fore and Waterville Sti, S3 b, Meath. found this the was attended by a large assemblage of friends.— aioug the south bank of the Ocmulgee and Payne was dressed in a gray woolen shirt you coat? [The witness here en- Army of the Potomac, Sherman’s army, 1366, begun on tho 1st of April. In the short W. K. AUCTION Altamaha. This accounts for the collision be- and dark He seemed tered into a series ot ex- tud the will retain Its PAT1EN, BER, 13 Exchange Mt. The services were conducted by Rev. E. Rob- pants. more intent in gesticulations and Cavalry corps organi- space of thibty days, over One Hnndred Millions tween of the 1st and 2d and to obtain a full view of the from which neither sation and transact its HATS! at parts divisions, trying sunny land- planations, the Court, military business inson of the M. E. Church Cape Elizabeth, or af this series hare besn so this less Valuable R-at Astute on Plumb shows the zeal of the command in the pursuit. scape through the barred windows, than of counsel, reporters could derive any under- thiough the regular officials as before. d—leaving day after which the SL at Auction. and were very appropriate, I have directed increased vigilance on the part confining his attention to the details of the standing of the locality he sought to describe. Coe & McCallar, than Two Hundred Millions to be disposed of. The at U moved to the old cemetery on the of the in the of the As ha a Q. Did you find any of Atzerott Tueeday, May 38d, o’olock, at procession command, hope catching proceedings. looked, strange listless, signature aterest is payable semi annually In currency on the in the room ? A. I did not. From QK where the deceased was other assassins. Our dispositions are good, dreaminess pervaded his face; his hair Washington. N"o. 95 Middle hill near the church, hung Street, L6th cf Usoember and 16th ol June at* MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, and so far none of the rebel chiefs have been over his face aud often clouded his dark blue Q. What made you think this was his room ? by Coupons interred with honors. A. Washington, May 14. A*e now opening some new styles of Light Cloth Will he sold a lot ol Land oontaioirg .boat military able to son was his thick and somewhat Because it said so on the It was ached to each whioh are cashed • eighty get through. Breckinridge’s eyes; protruding lips register. Dr. J. B. Morrill, a rebel Iron Bats, and are daily all of the new note, readily anj ■lx hundred leet, with me No. Tennessee, receiving styles together tnilaing. thero- before eleven miles south were as if his were 120. as fast as issued. on, situated uu th taat a s captured night last, glued together; legs cros- who went Canada last year, has been endeav- where. It amount* to Co ofPlamb riot, being will sed and his hands rested You have no other evidence Hats in ihs Homes trad of the late 1 hots. McUlian Tbe Citizens Recruiting Fund.—The fund from here. I send further particulars as upon his knees. Q. except the to procure his and fails Boys great variety. oring property, to es- One oent on buitdiagj oon.iat or a three atoned bitch soon as received. Laughlin was keenly observant of register ? A. No sir, I do not know as I have tablish his per day a #50 note. latge that was raised by the citizens last fail, for re- every loyalty. Sun Two oenta.. “ dwelling, sheds and barn. J. H. move made in the Court. He leaned other evidence. That’s all. Umbrellas! Sun Umbrellas! #100 (Signed) Wilson, back The Marquis de Montholon, was Ten “ « For particuUuaoail on Deblots f Jaekeon, Ex- cruiting purposes, was placed under the charge yesterday #500 at Brevet General. with his head the TESTIMONY OF to At •< change Brigadier against wall, fully exposing LOUIS WEICHMAN. introduced the President, the „ Co* <6 McCallar’8. 30 <« •« <• maiBtr committe of one from by Acting 81000 of an executive seven, his broad, but not crowned with of as 12-d2w “ “ •« •* Macon, Ga., 9.30 A. M., May 13. high forehard, Q. State to the Court if you know John N Secretary State, the French minister, May $1 $5000 “ a full head of black hair. each ward. After having filled the quota To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: bushy He has dark Surratt ? A. I do. I first made his acquain- and made remarks to the effect that glorious eyes and a pale bloodless and traditions do not More and \mder the call, recruiting was continued until —Lieut. Col. Harden, commanding 1st Wis- complexion, tance in the fall of 1862 at St. Charles County, permit France ever to ap- Butter, more Desirable. REMOVAL I wears a heavy moustache and wide or the fall of pear indifferent to the consin, has just arrived from Irwinsville. He imperial. M^ 18591 should have said. destinies of this great The Rebellion is the city commenced the payment of bounties Atzerott is a man of some five suppressed, and tbe Government struck Davis’ trail at Dublin, Lawrence Coun- feet six in- Q. How long were you together then ? A. Republic. He was happy to bring hither the Butter, DR. W.M.' last. At a of the Com- ches in and had it not been for his hae measures DEKimO, in Ftbruary meeting on the of the 7th, and followed height, Until 1862. I renewed my with loyal and frank expressions of the wishes or alrenly adopted to reduoe ex;»ndl- ty, evening he have acquaintance it was voted to the manacles might been taken for a mere him till the for the Butter t lures as mittee, held on Friday last, him closely night and day through pine January, 1863. Emperor complete restoration of rapidly ns possible to n peso* tht* Medical Electrician He a of face LOT ol footing, of the balance wilderness of Creek and Green spectator. possesses style most Q. In this city ? A. Yes sir. peace and concord on the continent of Ameri- very choice Butter Jast received and make the following distribution Aligator fbr sale at id Lime withdrawing from market aa borrower and Hu removed his oGieefrom Blook to common in the Southern gentry. His hair When did ca. The whole of France A at, by pnrobst- Clapp's to viz.: the Swamp via CumberlandvlUe Irwinsville.— Q. you begin to board at the participated in the of the money ($905) unexpended, To and beard are of the reddish color. ar. At Cumberland Col. Harden met Col. Pritch- His eyes house of his mother, the prisoner here ? A. same thought, and will always view with satis- HATCH A FROST. 174 MIDDLE STHLLT, Maine Association, $250; to are faction the Camp Hospital ard, with 1&0 picked men and horses of the light. On the first of November, 1864. coreolidation of the prosperity and This Is tbe ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now One officer sat beside mayl2d8t_ Ike Uiiteti tittles the to be for 4th Harden followed the trail di- police each prisoner. Where is her house ? it that is greatness of the United States. He also ex- l«ul; Mppoaite Ktiel, Vksre Soldiers’ Home, $250, expended Michigan. Q. See Mrs. alter el by the Government, and oonstilntee the while fresher Mrs. Surratt has already been correctly des- Surratt ? the of the of those to the Prov- rectly sooth, Pritchard, having sitting by you there A. Yes that pressed sympathy Emperor and Hot Tea Rolls I respect In;, y anaouaeeto tha citizens e the objects Associations; is a sir, GREAT 2 C|rOUJL.D down the towards cribed. She stout buxom widow is Mrs. Surratt. France with the in which the LOAN OS HE PEOPLE. TV Portland and that be hu the Widows’ Wood horses, pushed Ocmulgee befitting grief most atroc- vioinlty, per main nt- ident Association, Society, FalstaflV ideal of fair and She ious looated in this Darina the two we and thence by P ouse Creek to Ir- “fat, forty.''’ Q. Will you Btate when yon first made of crimes has just plunged the Hot The Ssven-Thlrty Notes are convertnble on their Ijr city. you. Hopwell, your gov- Tea Rolls! have been In this we have the Samaritan Association, and the Martha there at of the was dressed in black, and looked sHtttle flush- with Dr. ernment and of the city, cured seme o winsville, arriving midnight acquaintance Mudd? A. It was on people United States. at tbe of tbe worst forms 01 disease in ed. Tea Rolls oin ba bad at No 88 Braekett Bt maturity, option the ho!der Into persons who Hare triad snm of $101.25 each, 9th. Jeff. Davis had not arrived. From citi- or about the 15th of 1865. The President replied, the Min- o her forms of treatment in vain, aau "Washington SocietyVthe January, welcoming HOTevery r m, at 6 cr 5j o’oloek, until lnriher no- cur.ns pa- learned that his were en- OBJECTION TO BEVEBDY JOHNSON AS COUN- State The of this tients in so short a time that the it to be them for the zens Pritchard party Q. under what circumstances ? A. I ister, saying: people country have tice, Suada. a excepted. question oiten by expended exclusively SEL. C. 8. 9-90 8ii Per Ctpf. tskod, do they stay our, d F To answer this camped two miles out of the town. He made was passing down the street with and a traditional regard for France, which were G. W. H. BROOKS. question soldiers’s families and*ol- Surratt, we will say that all that do not a v wit, benefit of SoUjiers, surrounded the be- The first testimony taken in the case of the when so stay cured, bis dispositions and camp nearly opposite the Odd Fellow’s Hall originally deeply planted and have been so doctor tile second time for nothing. diers’s The amounts voted have all several was a of that and N- B.—Also in addition to a widows. fore day. Harden had encamped within two parties arraigned, portion some one called out, Surratt.” On universally warmly cherished that it must, general aaeortment GOLD-BEARING BONDS I Dr. D. hu boon a practical eleotrici&n tor tsrcm • “Surratt, each at it usua which the government deems it for continue to )y kept by Bakers. one and Is also o «.i « been paid to the various Associations. miles, as he afterwards learned, from Davis. necessary looking around Surratt recognized an old ac- flourish and expand unless it years, regular graduated physiol the to withhold from the CREAM Whioh are always worth a preminm. Bieotricity is perfectly adapted to ehroniu uiseue, 1 The trail being too indistinct to follow, he present public. quaintance of his, of St. Charles Md. should be checked by events most uncommon CAKES, County, lathe form of nervous or sick beodnobc; neuruli ( on at 3 A. and had but little When that testimony had all been render- He introduced Dr. and not to be DYSPEPSIA James W. pushed M., gone Mudd, and Dr. Mudd in- anticipated by ordinary fore- CAKES, in the head, nook,or extremities; consumption,wt ■ Sudden Death.—Mr. Leslie, Gen. W. Harris stated that he GINGER Free from Taxation. more than a mile, when his advance was fired ed, Brig. T, troduced Mr. who was sight. He said: “1 trust the result of SNAPS, in the aoutestagee or where the Inner are not in. 17th Maine Booth, in company your j a soldier in the 1st and arose to to the admission of mission PARKER HOUSE The 7*8) notes oennot be Involved', scute or chronic rheumatism. 1. « formerly upon by men of the 4th Michigan. A fight en- object Reverdy with him, to both of us. They were coming will be to strengthen and perpetuate BUNS, taxed by Towns, Cities, „e*dlula, from the latter los- Johnson as counsel before that the LONDON diseases, white swellings, spinal disease- ucrrati o by sued, both parties exhibiting the greatest de- pleading Conrt, up the Btreet as we were down. good understanding between two govern- BUNS, Counties or and the Regiments—discharged he did this coming States, Interest is not taxed un- of the spine, contracted moaeles. distorted lira; I", and that upon the that in — ments." BOSE a who re-enlisted last year, termination. Fifteen minutes elapsed before ground Q. By Court. Do you mean J. Wilkes BUNS, or paralysis, 8t. Vltu' Daaoe, deoinoss.stai >\ ing finger—and an delivered Mr. less on a surplus of tbe owner’s income palsy was discovered. The in opinion by Johnson, that Booth? A. TEA exoeedieg or ol • on account of heart dis- the mistake firing Yes sir, J. Wilkes Booth. RUSKS, miring hesitancy speech, dyspepsia, lndlg< but was discharged gentleman had his ofthe COM. six ti and liver this skirmish was the first warning Davis re- expressed disregard Q. Where did you go to then ? A. He in- Death of a Telegraph Manager. SHEET BUNS. hundred dollars ayear. 1 his fsot increases the r n, constipation eomplsdnt, plica—wo on • at his residence of an oath. maylldlw #virv oas« that oan be asthma hr • ease, died suddenly yesterday ceived. The that he sanctity vited ns to his room at the presented; captors report hastily National Hotel. 14. value from one to three per sent, per annum,aooord- a, ,Hn-e. of the ohest, usd all forms of feme an before he Gen. Harris then stated that he referred to Boston, May I on Vaughan street. Half hour put on one of his wife’s dresses and started to Q. Who? A. Booth. He told us to be Mr. W. F. Richards, manager of the Ameri- ing to the rale levied on other mpUlnts.l our who an opinion expressed in a letter written and property. was in the street. He returned home, the woods, closely followed by meD, by seated ordered cigars and wine to the can office 83 State brook died hg Mr. Johnson at the time of the Telegraph, Street, died to- at first thought him a woman, but discovering Maryland room for four, and Dr. Mudd then went out His AND SUBSCRIBE undressed himself and went to bed, and In a day. death was unexpected to his mauy QUICKLY. By laiootrioity his boots while his sex at Convention, held with reference to the adop- and had a him. running, suspected private conversation with friends, although his heilth has been Xj tti Less than *300,000,000 of the Loan authorised The Hheumotio, the the lame and the la; » time was found a having un- tion of the new constitution of that State. failing a k: a by gonty, whort corpse, once. The race was a short one, and the rebel Booth and the Doctor then came in and called for some time1 leap with Joy, and move with the agiiitv end eiutu. Mr. Johnson made a Jointed the last are now on died from heart disease. His age President wss soon to He bran- lengthy reply, when Surratt out, me Rode, Trout Flies, Spring Bait, Fi«h Baa- Congress the market. This lty of yoath; the hooted braiu is oooicd; the frost doubtedly brought bay. leaving alone. Bait the was withdrawn. kets Boxes; Silk, Linen and tiair bitten limbs rostorod, tbe anoonth deiormitles k. J. S. Gould was dished a bowie knife of elegant pattern and objection How A. Fifteen or min- inee; Beau amount, at the rate at whioh it Is was about 30 years. Coroner Q. long? twenty Commercial. Boole, Books tied to Out and being abrorbed, moved; faintness converted to showed of but The Court being re-opened, Gen. Harris utes. Gimp, Hooka untied vigor, weakness a under the signs battle, yielded promptly Per Landing Nett, Sinkers, will all be subscribed for strength; the blind nado t*> «ee, the dsaf to tear a d called but deemed it unnecessary, stated that be desired to his steamship 8rxon'a. at New York. Casting Lines, to within two month*, wh to any part of the building. I told the farm to Booth as he was not to Per of at New 1st, 1866. use with thorough instructions. of his humanitv In the lives Major willing give steamship City Boston, York. May family ledgement saving the circumstances. him for Dr. D. an accommodate a fisw enough it. 4. will patients w tb “Edith li^fcapooL, May Subscriptions be received by the board and treatment at his house. ot the crew of the British brig Ann,” ■Q- When was this? the witness Q. You did not hear a word between Cotton Market.—The eaten of Cotton on Wednes- Arrival of the Saxonia and of Bos- [Here spoken Offlee hours from ( a I nk a w t. City Iroked at a A. was of them in to day and Thordav were 18 CCO bales, 7,COO First National Bank of Port'and. which vessel was totally wrecked near Wood paper.] It the night the regard the farm ? A. No sir. I Including fi^DR.C. KIMBALL, from lto6F.it., and 7 to tin the bates to s emulators and The market Bvening- ton at New York. 15th of I then and while there not the nature the exporters Stoond National Bank of Por la-d. Ion Frea. of the 16th of March April. went, did know of conversation was qniot. and nnc Consults* novltf Inland during the night anged. D Canal a friend came to me and said there was a rath- at all. Breadstuffi— inactive. sad less firm. entist, National Bank of Portland. last. er suspicious looking person who had taken a Q. Did I understand you to say that you did Provisions—quiet, and hae a downward te deucy. No. 1361-2 Middle Street, Portland, Me. Merchants’ National Bank ot Portland. The when will be for- Nxw York, May 14. room the and had better not hear of the Produce—qufet and steady. Glass, completed, day previous, I go any conversation at all, but on- References—Her. Dr. ma>8 sd&«3m Wholesale The from went and the Loudon Mav 4. Carrnthers, Her. Gso. L. warded for to Mr. steamship Saxonia, Southampton and look. I found in register, ly saw the motion of the pencil ? A. Yes sir. Walker. Dr. E. Clark, Dr. Wm Millinery! presentation Emerson, arrived. Money Market.—Consols, for money, Koblnson, Capt Cy- 3d Inst., has the name of B. A. Atzerott. 9ii4®904. rus Sturdivant. E. badly written, I You continued to board as Mrs. ? Ameriom Securities—D 8 6-2'i’s Egginton. J.nl4eodtf through tho Government at Washington. In the House of Lords Earl Bussell moved Q Surratt’s 64®65; Erie 134 Middle St. made it but in fact nobody could make it Railroad Shares Illinois Central out, A. I boarded there up to the time of the assas- M3(ft614; Railroad THE an address to the Queen, expressing the sor- out until I asked tfte proprietor, and he made Share# 76j. NINTH UTIIIU BAM, Foreign Exports.—The value of foreign the House at sination. row aud indignation of Mr. Lin- it out on the register. Of *na City of Naw Yonx. to Q. After this interview at the National Hotel C. H. exports from this port last week amounted coln’s aBsassiuatioD, and that these sentiments did after that? A. I OSGOOD Q. Where you go state whether Booth called frequently at Mr. S*«c York Kitrktt. Included in the were be communicated to the American Govern- went stairs and saw one of the and $213,042.50. shipments up clerks, Surratt’s? A. Yes sir. Kiw Yoke. CAPITAL. $1,000,000. PAID IN. ment. He said the had written a asked with May 13. DENTTIST, box 1050 shooks and Queen pri- him to go up to the room me. I to sales 11,076 sugar shooks, her Q. Whom did he call see ? A. He gen- Cottcn—heavy and lower; 760 bales middling vate letter to Mrs, Lincoln, expressing found the door and he said the upland, 51o. Vo. 8 Clapp’d Block, Market Fttfteb and Aaarican 15 sets truss locked, party erally called to see John H. Surratt, and in his Square, Flowers, heads, 29,600 hoops, do, 303,587 deepest sympathy for her in her irreparable had taken the withiilm. I went to one of Flour—receipts 11,491 bbls.; sales6800 bbls; State P OR TLAND. Fiscal Afent of the United key absence calle 1 for Mrs. Surratt. and States, From feet 1118 bbls lbs loss. Earl seconded the motion. the Western du I, and 5@'0o 1 >wei; superfine State tbe best Hew York II oases. lumber, flour, 22,500 nails, Derby proprietors, and €sked if he had any ob- 6 Q. Were these interviews held or in n0@* 26; extra State 6 ‘•O@0 66; choice State 6 Teeth Inserted on And Agent for Jay lbs In the House of Commons Lord Grey, in to apart 80@ V*Artificial (fold, Silver and Special Cooxa, 8ubsoriptk a! Also, a 650,200 lbs cut meats, 12,000 beef, 5100 lbs jections my going into the room if we could the I 8 76; Round Hood Ohio 7 oheice do 7 Vulcanite All splendid lino of Okxauxxis, In every con- of presence of other persons ? A. Apart. 00@7 40; 45® bate. operations warranted to mlvt Agent, ceivable Lord Palmerston's illness, find a to fit. we 9 26; 6 common style. 3700 lbs 1 bbl 3 consequence key He said no; but though have been in with Booth in the Superfine Western 00@6 26; to go >d satis fiction butter, cheese, vegetables, Mr. ad- company par- Extra do 6 Southern a laneSleodisAwly’df Will Deliver 7-30 Notea Free ol moved and D’Draell seconded a similar tried hU keys we could not in. I asked lor with 6O@0 90 ; shade lower; Charge, cases 7 bbls 12 rolls 6 get Su- ratt-, but Booth has taken Surratt sales 280 bbls; Mixed to 7 89; and HEW GOODS EVEEY DAY, dry goods, beef, leather, dress. Both Houses agreed unanimously. him if we might burst in the door. said good 30@8 lanoy all of the He to his room stairs and in extra 8 85@12 00; Canada dull and 5c lower; sales nolasscs. ty express,in parts country, and receive 75 31 various The demeanor of Parliament was in the no up engaged private Orders solloited end promptly attended to. chairs, pltgs hardware, pkgs he had objection, and we burst the door 550 bbls: common Extra6 60@6 90; Extra to in payment Cheoks on New York, and conversation, He would say, “John can you good HHD8. Philadelphia degree impressive. When I went in I saw a Choxe 7 25. 32 2 Mnseorado Molasses now land- current A ATKINS. merchandise. highest open. coat hanging spare me a oome stairs.” 00@8 [ Boston, bills, and all live per oent. interest HILLMAN Mr. at a word; up They Wheat—auli and ; sales 7.000 bushels ex brl* Jea—quiet and steady. 31 EXCHANGE STREET. Portland Feb. 1«. !»«*■ febl7iedtf again. the coat down, and this Q. What was the name which he was LUMBER! aud America may be said without exaggera- and that also. by Spirits of turpentine 2 *3>@2 90. marlSdkwistf D. tion book, known by the ladies of the house. A. They LITTLE, Agent. Concert.—We learn that a Concert Is to to share, caqngt pass by without Did look Fifh—quiet. making Q. you inside of that book, and understood to came from Port and Oils—dull; L{nseed 186; Lard,Snerm end them better acquaint^} with each other and Tobacco, Whale be in this city, next see what was written? A. Yes, sir: there instead of nomi si; Petroleum dull; oude 87@874; refined, L»hoit U. account, Ontario for him the nick aeetlsg Ladle.’ “ ■ ■ — mJ““ tie* orders Master the Bank, gave name of “Port Tobacco.” Tob aooo— sa e« f Chriatian ta—*■ ■—■■ ■ solicited. by Coker, extraordinary Soprano er’s faults than before.” firm; K ntuofry nt 7@80. THE 4t *455. then hand in and h*’,r r*»r th* I put my the pocket, Q. Did you ever see him on the street. A. sales lb at ™.Te a ZiWln',,,J8id *oo™. mmoroia.! Street. be«d of n ,s. Mr. Slidell declined to the Tallow—dull; 76,000 loi@U, Mondsy, * * singer of Trinity Church, New York. attend funeral found this xeiop May 15th.at 4 o'clock for J*»KT»OK handkerchief with Mary R. Booth I have met him on the corner of Wool—lull. A Rre in Yited to Freight Bath, Richmond and ,0S J7hV. Tr..,T services in Paris over Mr. Lincoln’s Yes, sir, preeent. Portland, Si. 1M4. performed on It. I then out this handker- *roight*to Liverpool—dull. mavULMt** April n; ted8m one pulled other Seventh street, and Pennsylvania Avenue. It 0rder. Personal.—Sir W. , the death, stating that no could feel greater I Gardiner. chief, and had some difficulty in making out was about the time Booth “Pescara” mavl8d8t_per of arrived in this horror'at the late crimes, but he feared his the played Stohr Amer'oen, Capt. Blenohard. will taka Brig Tor Wale. hero Earl, city Saturday mark; but I think it is F. A. Nelson or in the Booth had 8urratttwo Coni. for presence at the would lead to er- Apostate, given Sloth THEFrelnh; tha abora namad placed, lor the cuts- at U. S. on his to ceremony F. E. Nelson. I found this with Mar hot. OootlAteratb of tbo good P*t« Di» and stopped HoteJ, way roneous handkerchief, complimentary tickets on that occasion, and 1 LEHIGH LUMP COALfor Foundry Isgaaaaon. r*L if orb 18. nnTOSa Book* cen be lo«, it interpretations. N. H. on the corner. I this new Nrw May TUv/ uae, for tale by For thrthar Information tnanirc of bought ap- . got pair of they went down to meet Atzerott. We told Gold plied for soon. Confederate lp^n, 12 a 15. dosed at GBlister's Evening Kxctiang*|Bt SAN DELL, MCALLISTER h CO., FL1NH A DREW, be Commercial gauntlets. I labelled all the him where we were and he said he 130. St 14. L. BAILfcY. things myself; going, maylldfewSw. No. do Gommaroial Street. Portland, May 6th, 1866.—dJw Vi •plSeodtf 42 Exchange ot. BOOTS POETRY. ! RAILKOAi‘&_[ ANDSHOES MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. MEDICAL. vlKpiCAL. PETROLEUM. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, THE Temp6ranoe Song- 320 Street, 320. »B. J. HUGHES THE Of Canada. Congress B. US SCRIBED TO PRIVATE MILES. “O’REILLEY,” GREAT DHR1BDTI0B g CHINESE-JAPAN la the WIN TEH ABEANGEMl(NT. place while can °AB BU BOOT'D AT HU ■ML' LAROOKAH'S yon putehaae BY THE ''Mile*." r the "broth of a boy,” 6, ye -j!mh IT1 0n ftnd after Rot. 7, 1864, So IV# from the rery beginning; Monday, B O 8 T O IV thought V-8,-^Ti*l, il rjr' run dally, (Sundays except- Manifesto ! And now come out in your own jolly way, you’ve until so follows: PRIVATE MEDICAL To toe boy*” In their finning. ed) luiibernotion, ROOMS, encourage UP TRAINS. Go&ds, Fancy Goods, IUMKA GIFT ASSOCIATION! sarsaparilla Och l be *isr. be aisy, me lad, Dry for oontu Paris and Lewiston at 7.40 Tha Wi»e M»n of the E*e( I” or the Kb®. 195 & 197 No. 5 AJYD Nor “out af y’cr skin to be jumpin’*» Leave Portland (East Broadway, Mew York, Temple Street. Island there with a Remember me boy, if the walls ts’nt high, a M Also Pond, connecting ®bbbo!) ere making good the old saying, giro OP for Montreal and the West, at 1.36 P. M. HOOP he oan be luady not yer heart, will be trains he will soon him- SKIRTS, oonsulted privately, and with H'sjsr “thumpin’.” monkey rope enough, and hang the OHIO RIVER 0 say, can’t ye honor the b lag, DOWN TRAINS. Rosewood Pianos and Melodeons, WHEREutmost eonadenoe by tha at all self." o! brothers" hare come ont in a afflicted, Compound! This "band a And rejoice in the countbry’• salvation, Leare South Paris at 6.46 A. M., and Island Pond noon daily, and from 8 m. to 9 p x be and be the at 6.60A.M. oard in the Boston Dally Adveriiier, and, claim- AND Fine Oil Dr. H. addresses those who are And •sobor,” laving whiskey alone CORSETSj Paintings, Engravings, aufferiaa under th* FOR THE CURE OF Or take U with some moderation. OF K6 of private dimaee, whether IKQ TO OWN TUB STATE MAINS, DICTAT- jdBicUou “.*rZgVo» Pm in for an Uilgant Silver Pine impure oonneotion or the terrible vioe of time, The Company are not responsible for baggage to to the of New CHEAPER at Ware, Gold and Silver Watches, self-abuse When comes home ING terms capitalists Boston, York, than auy other Store. Devoting his entire time to that ticular Larry’* from his lighting. any amount exceeding tto in value, and AND ELEGANT pa> branch o- Liver Scrofula, PETROLEUM the man who would a flfatper- and ALL outside barbarians." “We, JEWELRY, the medical profession, he teels ws -ranted in Complaint, Dyspepsia, COMP'Y, But “carry brick in his hat,” sonal, unloss notice is given, and paid for at The/say, (iuan- the rate AHTBUIWO A CtJHB IB ALL CASKS- Whether Is the man I can never de ight in. of one passenger lor every 8600 the Undersigned, hereby give notice to all Banners CONSISTIHG OF of ions Neuralgia, Epilepsy, additional value CALL AND SEE. or Dropsy, I’ve bought me a handsome new gown. C. J. standing recently oontracteu, ,-ntirely removing Tu- —or— BRYDGEg, ManagingS ft Directoruirsctor. or So’icitora of Orders by Samples, not residents of Diamond Pins, Diamond Gold Brace- ol disease from the Boils, So fine that I know it will plazc him, H. BAILEY, Superintendent. Rings, the dregs system, and making » Erysipelas, this State, that we will cfand Lava and PERMANKNT CURE. But if he should stop for a dram on the way, Portland, Not. 7. oompUin prosecute L. D. 320 St. lets, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, perfect mors, Salt nov7 STROUT, Congress Ladies’ He would oali the attention of the afflicted to And sure, l*il do nothing bat tase him. 1804._ any one for selling or offering for sale an^ goods, and Cameo Sets, Gold Pens tin God rest the who have and fact of his long standing nnd well oarned reputation, Rheum, poor boys, gone, MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. wares or merchandise as above within the limits of Portland, May 6—eod2w* with Gold Silver extension Boston, Mass. And peace and will to all furnishing sufficient assurance of bis skill and suc- and Pain in good for,nr th SUMMER this east of the Holders, Sleeve seta Ulcers Sores, Rheumatism,! Here’s a health to the who hare fought ARRANGEMENT State Kennebec river. We also de- Buttons, cess. boys, ot Vest and the De- Fiag 3 Trains leave Portland, Grand Trunk clare that we will shun all Jobbers and Manufac ur- Studs, neck Stomach, Side and Bowels, And out our ©ountry'* salvation; for at TO THE TRADE! Plain and CAUTION 10 THE PUBLIC. wrought Lewiston and Auburn, era who send Banners into this as far as we Chains, and all aris- And and Stripes. Rotation.^ State, bility complaints here’s to the Stars " Chased and person must know th® can Gold Every intelligent thinking O here’s to the flag of free» lor use should from of the * Ac. that remedies handed out general ing imparities me boye, jo»‘ plp“’ It has been . Rings, An Bend an bit or out “East of cian, whose preparatory Kiitor:—I you Itllgain Both theee train* oonneot at Portland with trains for breaking the Kennebeo,"—so likethe Evan’s Yew is flooded will APwror be afther *• “ “*• Building, duties he must fliiiflU; ye, theoountry J««* P“ttiD* Boston. of the slaveholders ot the South does thi6 defi- $500,000. to rhymt'7* spirit Distribution is mode in tne manner: poor nostrums and cure-alls, purporting be thr train leaves Portland at I A. and re following It will cure Nervous U y' Freight M., ance to the ou8toms rnd civilization of each article and ita taluk best in the which are not only useless, but al- Affections. Palsy arising from 500,000 Shares. oblige KATHLEEX. is in at M. commeroeap- 145 MIDDLE Stairs. Certificate* naming world, P“Jid turning dus Portland 1P. STREET, Dp are in sealed should be parWio- the abuse of Mercury or Lead, it “crack the the p aocd envelopes, which arc well ways injurious, l'hc unfortunate isa Tonic as well conneot with trains at pear. They whip" with good old it is a Stages principal stations, mixed. Or e of iheje envelopes, tin cer- ulab in selecting his al lamentable aa the for most of tho towns North and East ol this orack of South containing pbyBiciao, Alternative, restoring tone of the system, daily Carolina, and the tificate or Order for some article, will be delivered incontrovertable fact, that many syphilitic line. yet thus curing Dropsy and Qeneral at car office, or sent by mall to any without are made miserable with ruined constitutions Deblllity, tending in Potatoes. C. M. WHITE address, patients Experiment Earning MORSE, Supt. SLATES, MERRILL & SMALL. to choice on receipt cf 25 cents. maltreatment from physicians in to Consumption. It is a great protaction from at- Waterville, November, 1888. deol4 regard by inexperienoed Working, Capital A farmer in as in the On the certificate the will see for it is a point oonceded in Michigan, reported i. e. the Retailers or are the receiving purchaser practice; generally acks that originate change of climate, season and PORTLAND, SACO A Mains, (in Imagin- Our Stoclu la intended to aa a fitted a PORTSMOUTH comprise great what Article it draws, and its value, and can then generaly the best typhilographers', that the study and man- Western Rural, having piece of Bward ation of these aa of life. RAILROAD. worthies,) variety any first class Boston House, and toe in- send One Dollar and receive the Articf) named, agement of these complaints should engross tb for the a of in the ducements such as A purpose, planted part it, to secure the Maine trade. or can choose any other one Artiole on our list of whole time of those who weuld be oorapetent and 30,000 Shares. SUPPOSED TO TBEMBLE! full line common way with that region, with cut pota of the same value. suooeseiul in their treatment and oure. The inex- °“ “d alter April 3,1886, Dr. Larookah’s Sarsaparilla Componud, has been three iu a rows three SSSlIiS Passenger What say Betailers of to jar5"Purchasers of oor Scaled may, pi aotitioner, neither op- so a in our that we toes, patting pieces hill, .-..*** "Mgi Trains leave as follows; you, Maine, this bare- Envelopes, perienoed general having great blessing flunlly class It in Urn manner, obtain an Article Worth from one nor time to make himself acquainted with with Larookah's the best article in use for feet apart, hills two and a half feet in the ro,w- A,oave Portland for Boston, at 8.40 A.M. and 2.60 faced attempt to cut you off irom the privilege of portunity S> rup, SHARES Lace Goods, to Fivt Hundred Dollars. their commonly one system f it to do. The Other of the same field were P. M. Hosiery, Gloves, pathology, pursues what purports SYRUP, lntheoplnkm parts planted ordering goods in yonr own places of business by treatment, in most oases an indiscriminate saved lift And Mrs has Boston tor Portland at 7.80 A. M. and 3 making of my friends, my Helen, as will the shown CABLE VELVET FOR OAF DOLLAR and Her- use differently, appear by following i^»ve by samples you, putting you to the trouble CORDS, RIBBONS, use of that antiqmted dangerous weapon, been as greatly benefited by the of the Harsa- statement of results: to to which need not tut 1 it ie known whet ii cur. parilla Cokpouko. REV, N. P. SELEE. One Freight trains leave Portland and Boston daily. go the wholesale dealer, or order “in the Dress and Oloak they pay Dollar Each, The in the usual way, as men- Buttons, Bogle Trimmings, drawn, end ita value. Melrose, Mass., Dee, 1st, IBM. part planted FRANCIS CHASE, Supt. dark,” without samples, or take the stnffthat is thus HAVE CONFIDENCE. tioned with three in a Portland, April 8, 1808. edtf WHICH Ia PAR YAL UR. above, cutliugs hill, attempt'd to bo foroed onto yon by thoso “East of HANDKERCHIEFS. Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Oases. All who hare committed an excess of any kind hills yielded a bushel to twenty-two Noth- the Kennebeof” whether it be the solitary vice of vouth, or the sting YORK A Have yon no rights or privileges BRAIDS, HEAD THE EUREKA GITT ASSOCIATION is with regard to the size ct these; CUMBERLAND RAIL ROAD. NETS,ORNAMENTS,&c. ing rebake of misplaoed confidence in maturer years ing reported unless granted you by Ihe “Lords ol Cra it ion, who would call attention to I he fact ol Its the Or- Nor. 1864. make CHA8. SMALL. H. MORRILL being Melrose, but every grower of this crop, will up iginal end Gift Association in the SEEK FOR AN ANTIDOTS IN SEASON. 21st, OFFICERS: RUMMER ARRANGEMENT. at some time quietly got a law put into the 8taiutes Largest ountry. Dr. La rook AH:—I have been In the habit oi pre- bis mind at once, that they must have been ol Portland, May may8dlm The business continues to be oonduoted in a fair and and and tor two that rule the rest of the inhabitants of 6,1865_ The Fains Aches, Lassitude and Nervous scribing Larookah’s J-arsaparllio Compound they might honorable and a and increas- It will be President, a. I sizes, from the smallest to the largest, many manner, large greatly Prostration that may follow Impure Coition, are years with the most satisfactory results. On and alter Uondtv, 10th inst, 1866, the State? Look to it that the next trade is that our this MflgOKia Legislature ing proof patron, appreciate the Barometer to the whole system. found a well adapted to cure Scrofula and too small to be of much worth. will tears a* follows, until fur- Pearl Street Gardens. remedy HON. JOHN A. of flpaZSEitraina out this Statute. method of ootaioiugrioh and eltgint goods. Do not wait or the consummation that is snre to fol- It the Blood, di- GOODWIN, Lowell, Maw row butt-ends a ther nouoo: wipes Anti-Bepubiicau Incipient Consumption. purifies The planted with yielded the this Association has sent a not wait for for sad at the same time Saco What sav Hotel and Stable During past year low. do Unsightly Ulcers, verts humors from the lungs to all fit for Leave .River for Portland, as 6.46 and 8.20 you, Keepers Livery number of valuable to all of the bushel tttteen hills, large, cooking, large prizes parts Disabled Limbs, for Loss of beauty acts ss a sure and Tonic. A. M„ and 3.46 P. M. men of Maine? Will not Plants, Flowers and Seeds ! permanent your business suffer for oountry. Those who patronize us will receive the and whenever an Alter- no small ones. The size of these was just Loave Portland for at A. Complexion, It will give good satisfaction Tr...erer, 8aoo River, 7.46 K. andT the benefit of the full value of their money, as nlf article on our list is an observant this P. M. monopolists? Have yon ns native and Purifying Medicine is required. GEORGE *'. what grower of crop' would 1.60 and 8.20 Mrs. M. worth less than One and there are NO BOW MANY THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY TO BAKER, of Boston, Mis that an is FRASER, Florist, Dollar, retail, BKNJ. F. ABBOTT. The and near the end The 160 P. M. train ont and the 6.46 A. M. train rights? expected amendment to be THIS BY UNHAPPY EXPERIENCE. expect. smalleyea,in BLANKS. No. 46 Strve'. into Portland, will be freight trains with passenger made to this Statute those “East of ths Kenne- 152 Pearl with us on Washington of the tuber, are apt to produce small pota- by No, Street. t-artios dealing may depend having Young men troubled with emissions in sleep,a oars attached. and the Artiol. drawn sill be im- PRICE 91.00 PER BOTTLE. toes but the set in and near bec,” that a flue will be put upon yon if you harbor Offers for sale a assortment ot prompt returns, complaint generally the result of a bad habifir ; large deeply eyes, Stages oonneot at Gorham for West large or Gorham, mediately cent to any address by rstarn mail ex- treated scientifically, and a oure war by 8. Seavery. the almost Standish, Baldwin, Donmark, or pnt np a Drummer, unless somebod y owns the youth, perfeot Prepared butt-end, always produce large Steep Falls, Sebago, press. ranted or no charge made. Directors, Lovell, he offers who has lived five in the State Garden ones unless too Bridgton, Hiram, Brownfield, Fryebarg, goods years Roots, Herbaceous Plants, The following parties have reoently drawn valuable a passes but we are oonsulted one DR. E. R. KNIGHTS, Proprietor prevented by frequent hillings. Bartlett, Hardly day by Fkahk often ou the Conway, Jaekson, Limington, Cornish, of Maine. What interested in Bailroad prizea from the Eureka Association, and have kindly or more man with the »«.C7» ol Costiui, Tbepotatoe, however ground Porter, N.H. say you yonng disease, some Melrose, Mass. Freedom, Madison,and Eaton, Shrubbery and Flower Seeds allowed the use of their nain at— whom are as and emaciated as need should Stocks in Maine Will this tend to make more weak ibougb the} Shoo And may weeding, be hilled once, and Al; Buxton Center, for Wost Buxton, Ea- any Andrew Custom Boose. For sale W. F t Co., and H. H. Boot, Leather Dealer, Id Pearl it, Boston. Bonney OP HSR OWN Wilson, Philadelphia, had the consumption, and by their fHends by Phillips Hay, for the reason that Lintiifuton. New- when cut the can travel RAISING. ALSO supposed in but once; every time the gle,Gouth Limington, Limerick, travel, nobody of State Penn Oil Painting, value, #100; James Hargraves, to have it. All snob oases to the (Fbol.sale Agents, and retailed by all dealers B. F. field, and yield proper and Bbowh, earth is drawn up the new sets ParsonsficloT Ossipee. with unless with a “East of 821 Broadway, Hew York, Oil Painting,value, #100; corroct ocurse of treatment, and in a short thn- modioine. mob24’65eodgeow6m against stalk, At for South Windham samples passport signed DAHLIAS AND ROSES. only Saocarappa. Windham, £ F. Jones, Barrett, Marshall Co., Kansas. Melo- are made to in health. Brown Brothers, State street, Boston are formed, and if the operation is and North the Kennebec?” What say the ef the East- rejoice peridot repeated, UilJ Windham, dally. Agents SOME HUNDRED VARIETIES, deon, value, #200, Patriok J. Byrnes, Wat.rbury, the sets become too and must numerous, there- DAN. CARPENTER, Supt. ern Express Company, and the Company itself?— Ct., Gold Watch, value, $125; J. F. Shaw. 224 East to Females. Joan A. Goodwin, Lowell. Which can be purchased lower than at Important fore some of them be stinted. If the butt-ends Portland, April 6,1886. dtf Will not this if carried reduce any other 24th St New Y ork, Piano, value, #860, Mrs. Com. MIDDLE AGED MEN. doctrine, out, ycur Garden in the State. Prloeof Flower Seeds Bbth Boston. are if the soil is of a fair only J. Nevis, Elmirs, N. Y., Pisno, value, # 00; Miss Wilmabth, only planted, quality j business for the benefit oi the few "owners” East, three cents per paper. There are many men at the age of thirty who tre Lucy Janeway, Elmira, N. Y„ Cluster Diamond I>R. CHEESMAN’S PILLS William A. and the potatoes hilled but once, the PORTLAND AND KRNNEBEC R- R. Cut.Flowers, and Wreaths from to troubled with too frequent evacuations from the f Putnny, crop may Ac ? What say the hundreds of travelling agents Boqueti April ring,raise. *200; Mrs. K. Peanojer, City Hotel, The combination of in tbes be to consist of tub- { bladder, often aoeompanied by a slight smarting or ingredients reasonably expected large who are thus thrown out of Maine November._ may Nashville, Teon.. Melodeon, value, *126; Oscar M. Of Roes. Footer k II'. employment, sensation, and weakening the system in s Pills is the result of a and extensive Co., Chicago, ers there no reason set Allen, Co. b. l»2d regt Ind. Vols. Nashville, Tenn., burning long prtctioe only, being why every men bora and bred, taxes and Coun- manner the oannot account for. On examin- are mild In Iheir and oannot do Althnui prying holding Watch, value, #86; Rowland S. Patterson, Co. patient They operation, Oat, Manohester, N. H. should not attain a liberal growth. D, a ropy sediment will often, be harm to the most certain in correcting all ty Licenses to eel), but after all, having no right to SPRING GOODS! 10th Iowa Vet. Vols Oil Painting, value, *100; Mrs ing urinary deposits delicate; The row with whole found, and sometimes small partioles of semen oi irregularities, Paimul Menstruations, removing aU Joan C. Young, Manohester,N. H. planted potatoes yield- On and »fl«r Monday next, trains will leave Port- •ell unless the are owned by who Abby J. Parsons, Spiingfield, Mass., Molodeoi, val- a goods somebody albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin obstructions, whether frcm cold or otherwise, head- ed bushel to seventeen hills, some small land a for Bath. Augusta, Waterville, Kenda i's ne, *160; JamesL. Dexter, City Surveyor, Syracuse, John Fidiubnn, Jd 81 Court street Boston. ally has lived five tears in the State. Aie your rights the undersigned take this to in- miikish hue, again changing to a dark and turbid ache, In the side, ation of the heat ones. is what an Mills, tnd Skowhegan, at 1 r. x, and on opportunity NY, Go:d Watch, value, #150; Mrs James Ely, 187 pain pslpi J. A. This, too, exactly experienc- Saturdays WEform our friends and that we have re- There are many men who die of thif all nervous hysterics, pain Q. Saboiht, Manchester, only for Bath and Augusta at 8 16 p. x The rain to be all “gobbled up” by those “East ot the Ken- patrons Wooster street, oor. uleeker. Now York, Oil Paint- appearance. whites, affections, fatigue, ed observant potato grower would have ex- ceived another difficulty, Ignorant of the canse, which 1b the in the back and limbs, ko disturbed which from Portland at 1 r. x, connects at Kenda I’s Mills what the Must ing, value,#100; Mrs J. C. Coles, Grand sleep, M. Pbout, Manchester, N. H. nebec?” Finally, say people? yon Rapids, arise from natnre. 4 pected. More Mills were required for a bush- with the train for and other stations east, Miohigan. Silver Castor, value, *40; Dr. J. R. Sin- STAGE OF SEMINAL interruption of Bangor who are on farms and in SECOND WEAKNESS- el than in the last case because the same night. Passengers from Portland desiring to busy yonr yonr workshops clair, No. 4 Main street, Utica, N. Y,. Framed En- Samuil Cbaib, Manohester, M. H. j simply FRESH SUPPLY I can warrant a peridot enre in such and * tale this route oan purchase tickets to Ken. Mills be deprived of the low pricss and good goods that value, *26; Hon. Lnther Dethmold, Wash cases, DE. OHEESEMAFS PILLS A many small plants, springing from the seed graving, tall and healthy restoration of the urinary organs. and inform the conductor in the oars that or D. C., Oil Painting, value SlOo. was new era in the treat- end of the whole potato, were a hindrance ol they go yon will always get where there is competition?— ington, Persons who cannot personally consult the the oommercemeut cf a through to Barigor, and he will so arrange their Were we permitted, we might add many names to Dr., ment of and obstructions which have the and the Or do yon with to make a few men virtually “rulers oan do so by writing in a plain manner a description irregularities The of this Is located on “Coal growth productiveness of large fares through as that it shall oost them no more FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC the above list, but many persons object to our to to to a premature grave No fe- property Company by of their disease, and the appropriate remedies will consigned many from the butts. The seed this route other. ver to set the prioes and the we therefore no names without slit ia and Run In State of about plants, springing rhinbyari} you,” give you quali- doing, publish per- be forwarded male oan enjoy good health unless regular, Creek,” Meigs county, Ohio, are due ia Po tlsnd to connect with trains mission. immediately the from the potato crop should be so as Trains ties please, poor or good, the way oanmake will whenever an obstruction takes general ten miles from Athens, one hundred and adjusted for Boston on they thiy All striotly confidential and place eontainlng to not weak Mondays at 8 29 rA. x, and every day Letters from various parties throughout the coun- correspondence health begins to decline. Theta Pills form the finest give, many, and plants, all stug- at p. most out of it? Doeskins, be returned if deeired. live aores of land. A number of wells are 280 x. the money Tricots, the rooeipt of valuable ever with IMMEDIATE large try acknowleoging very Address, DR. J. B. HUGHES, preparation put forward gliog for space, but few and strong Freight Train leaves new Portland at 6.46 A. See to it that the from be seen on file at our offloe. worked in the some plants, depot representative yonr town AND gifts, may of Portland. and P^KSISThNTsliCCE88. DOS’TBKDE- successfully vtoinlty, of whloh with for each fo M. daily. FANCY CASSIMERES. No. S. Temple St., [eorner Middle] space enough allow It to or district isin favor of oat” this CEIV K<». Take thie advertisement to your Drug- are handsome dividends. This EDWIN wiping “blue LIST OF ARTICLES ENT Send Stamp for oironlar, paying eompanv pro- branch ont, tree- lashlon. On a well NOYES, gist, and tell him that yoa want the HMSTand most prepared, April 27, 1866—apr20tf law” put into the statute without your Harris’s Best pose to commenoe operations at ones, and entertain there be few if Superintendent. knowledge Hake. TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH, reliable female medicine in the world, which is com- fertile soil, should auy no doubt that at an plants or consent? not to lor Eleclic Medical in these Pills. early day they will be able to less than of an inch in Without regard to value, and oe paid un- Infirmary, prised five-eights diameter; Ladies Which we make in the a of Maine! Whatever else ma^bedone in up best manner and style to til yon know what you will receive. bach. pay handsome per centage on the Investment.— few that do not assume the form of a tree in- to Travelers! luit purchasers. Rosewood Pianos. TO THE LADIES. EE. OHEESEMAN'S PILLS Important this matter, yonr retailer will prooure for yon ths 10 Elegant The known ability and commercial standing of the stead of a creeping vine; and there will be but worth from #260 00 to 600 00 DB. HUGHES Invites all Ladies who TOTHS fashionable, durable and boots and shoes particularly hsve been s Standard Remedy for ever thirty years, officers of this alTbrd a sufficient gffjBffjl P^jSSfgP stylish 10 Melodeons, Rosewoodoases 126 00 to 260 00 aeed a medical to eall at his 6 company guaranty few indeed, if the seeding and cultivation be * Lower Ilian adviser, rooms, N*. end ere the mcsteffeotual one ever known for all 00111- wi h any other House 60 Fioe Oil Paintings 26 00 to 100 00 whioh will find lot that the alibirs will be conducted In a manner to se- North-West Temple Street, they arranged plalnts peculiar to J/vmalee. To ill classee they are right. West, South, and the Oanadas. 200 FineSteel Engravings, framed 12 00 to 26 00 their accommodation. cure the rue IN TH1C OITY, espeoial invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical reg- confidence of those who arc disposed to In row planted with the seed ends of large HE 0—0—D MAH’S 100 Music Boxes 12 00 to 46 00 Dr. H.’s Eleotio Medicines are unrival- Renovating They are known to thousand., who bare vest in It. a bushel to 100 Silver Revolving Pat. Caators 16 00 to 40 00 ed in and virtue in all ularity. potatoes gave twenty-eight hills, W. D. UTTIE effioaoy superior regulating; used tnem at different throughout the coun- FOR 1' 0 Stiver Frnit and Cake Baskets 15 0d to 36 00 Female Their action is and periods, The tract of land the of this some of fair size mostly small; and the row Agentforall the Great Bootes to Chi CASH, Irregularities. specific try, having the sanction of some of the most eminent adjoining property Leading 600 Sets silver Tea fc Table Spoons 16 00 to 30 00 certain of relict in a short time. with seed ends of small IScago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Milwaukee, producing in America. company Las pissed into the hands of capitalists, planted potatoes give Detroit, ALSO, 100 Gold Hunting Case Watohea 75 00 to 150 00 LADIES will find it invaluable in all oases ot ob- Physicians Galena, Oshkosh, St. Paul, Green directions, stating when they should not who hare sent out an its bushel to thirty-four hills, all small of course LaCrosse, Bay, 160 Diamond Rings, 60 00 to 200 00 structions after ali other remedies have been tried ii Explicit experienced superintendent to Quincy, St, L'. uU, Louisville, Cairo, Work be used, with each Box—the price Oue dollar per and worthless. Indianapolis, Military Strictly Attended To. 250 Ladies’Gold Watches 60 00 to 86 00 vain. It it ic commence and their first order for ma- nearly fto. and is prepared to furnish Tickets purely vegetable, containing nothing Box, or 6 Boxes for (6, containing from 60 to eO operations Through 460 Silver Watches 26 00 to 60 00 the least to the and bo taken The best seed for potato growing, Is one from Portland to mi. the Cities ami Towns Injurious health, may P1U1 sent by mail, promptly, secure from chinery was $15,000. Oar property has been exam- principal AND 2,600 V06t and Neck Chains 6 00 to 2600 with at all times. to in the States and the at the WARRANT, perfeot safety remittlog to 1 ho J Dr. medium sized tuber the hill, with the seed loyal Canadas, Thankful to friends for continued Pairs Ear new 160 to 6 00 of with observation, by Proprietor*. ined under instructions from A. A. Hayes, Stats patronage, hop- 2,00* Kings, styles, Sentto any part the cenntry fulldlreetlcn> SOLD BY BBOGOI8TS OKHKBALLY. end a continuance of the same. / pared off, but otherwise uncut. The next .LOWEST RATES OF FARE, wig 8.000 Gold Pencils and Tooth Picks, 3 00 to 8 On by addressing DB. HUGHES. Assay-sr of Massachusetts, who pronounces the coal, 8 000 and Brooches 4 00 to 10 00 HUTCHINGS k HILL YEIt, best is one half ot a large potato to the hill, UPON Onyx, Amethyst No. a Temple Street, oorner ef Middle, Portland. Proprietors.^ which is in abnndanos, to be of the best And all needful information furnished. THEM, Lava and Florentine Brooches 4 00 to 6 00 81 Cedar 8t., New York._^^ quality, cut from end to and the and near cheerfully 8,00C end, eyes in M. H. MasonioPins 4 00 to 660 raar39d.1ra k wit yielding eighty gallons of oil to the ton, and has no the seed Travellers will find it greatly totheiradvantage You Insist It, REDDY, 1.000 N. B.—Ladies may consult one of their end cut out, so as not to produce lit- If Upon 00 Fine Gold Watch 8 60 to 6 60 desiring from the location and of the to procure Through Tickets at the 2,' Keys Own sex. A ef in constant attsM doubt, position proper- tle vine-like to be 107 Ware’* Children’s Armlet* 2 60 to 8 00 lady experience plants entangled and in the For every pair that proves defective Block, 6.000 Isnl 18«5 A Perfect that It will be foand valuable in the Portland Sets of Bosom Studs 1 60 to 6 00 dfcwft Cure for Catarrh! ty, production way of the larger plants. The third best Railway Ticket Office. 3LEx- 22 dtf 2,600 anoe._ A NEW PAIR BE ap Federal Bt„ Portland. Enameled Sleeve Buttons 2 60 to 10 CO of oil. Most companies have to pay very would the of change Street, lap stairs.) WILL GIVEN YOU 2,600 high pri- bq butt-,ends small potatoes, few 10 OuO Plain Gold and Chased 1 00 to 5 00 for the defeotive onea, unless have been worn Bings ces for their eoal, all of which we save; oil can be in a hill not more thin two or three at W. D. they Stone Set and Seal 2 60 to 10 most; LITTLE, Agent. 5.000 Rings 00 C. P. KIMBALL’S manufactured from tho the at a so that it would be unreasonable to a So,ooo Rolls eoal upon property, as with more, a thicket of feeble with Tickets for long expect 6.000 Lookets. all sizes. 2 00 to 7 00 plants, Passage California, by the Old Line cost not fra It Mail Steamers and new 10,U00 Sets oi Ladies'Jewelry 8 00 to 20 00 PATX XT exceeding cents per gallon and Is pro- many and smaller tubers, would be the result. Panama Railroad may bs secured pair. New and of DR. R. Elegant Styles 4 000 Watch Charms, each, 8 00 to 6 60 GOODM.E S to oommencc the mannlhcture in eonneetion The fourth best by early application at this office. The C—O—D Man who will do the same posed would be, the seed ends ol thing by 6,000 Gold Pens, Silver Ex Cases 4 CO to 6 00 March 20,1866. marSOdfcwtf with the of wslls. One dollar will boy a very large potatoes. The writer has viewed the retailer who does the fair thing by yon. See to 6.000 Gent’s Breast and Soarf Pln3 8 00 to 20 03 JUMP-SEAT CARRIAGE! sinking it Ladies' New Belt Buoklea 4 00 to 8 60 CATARRH bare of this stock, which is the par ■value, and all the matter practically and experimentally for that you are not deprived “by the Statute” of 2,090 Style The attention ot tlie public it respectfully ea led REMEDY, ROOM 2.000 Cha’elaine and Guard Chains 6 00 to 20 00 b ueflts derived from the either sales of a term of and believes most con- the boots and shoes you like! PAPERS, to my Nkw style Patent jump-beat Carriage lands, by long years, getting 1.000 Gold Thimbl e, 600 to 760 AMD XODB OB TRBATWIBT II —as used for two or four passengers—invented and oil, land, or of any kind, are to be divided tadently that nothing is gained by 2.000 Sels Lad es’Jet and Gold 10 00 to 20 00 prodnots driling po- STEAMBOATS. HENRY And by me. btoes increased that should DAHOJY, Borders ! Gold Grossta 1 50 to 6 00 patented among the stockholders, and In addition, $20(1 U00 except labor; they 10,000 Thereby certify, that I have used, the past reason. 6.000 Oval Baud Bracelets 6 00 to 20 00 The Acme of Perfection! worth of useful and desirable be in rows three feet apart by two in tne 30 and 33 MILK STREET Embracing every of the Kimball Jump-Seat Carriage, on which Mr, C valuable, property row, Portland and 18, variety 4.00 > Chared Bracelet} 8 00 to 1(00 fir iu land Penobscot Hirer P. Kimball obtained Letters Patent on tbel5tn ef will be to the as soon as all tho perhaps very weedy two and a hall 2.000 Sets Ball mil 8 00 given stockholders, BICH STAMPED GOLD, Eardrops, oolore, to 5 00 Nov. 1864. I take in tq all feet each way would be and that the BOSTON. 6 000 Fine Gold Pens 2 00 t* 8 so great pleasure saying penetrates the secret ambush of this terrible shares ars of. The this better; a and servioedble disposed Company adopt Summer Arrangement. GILT EMBOSSED, 2.000 New Jet fc Gold 8 persons desiring good, genteel XT disease, and extt rminates it. root anti branch, seeding so as to get but few and large may9(ilmfcw6w 8tyle Eardrops oAk 7 00 Carriage, that, in the coarse for the purpose of disposing of the stock it plants PLAIN and Gold Pens with Gold Mounted Family my opinion, Kimpall forever. in each hill is to the DECOBATIVE, 2.000 far of the kind aver important beat resuits * Jump-Seat surpasses any thing It removes all ths wretched of this the par value, rather than to sell it, as many compa- wit'' a. On and alter Monday 24th, the SATIN and COMMON Ebony Holder 8 00 to 3 50 befo symptoms April g invented—being very genteel in style- as loathsome and aver s nies ■sifeiaaLnew and Steam r “BEG- malady, consumption do, at a subscription price, which Is unally fast-going and well adapted for one or two persons as my It cleans W. H. leave Kail- light the head, deodorises the breath, and af- i/h4ioa,' capt. Mower, will chance to obtain of the yet and comfortable for mr one-half. Thu. It will bo perceived that every bnt not road foot of CROCKERY WARE! jar-a any above single Carriage, roomy J fords the most grateful relief, Believing Understanding. Whaif, State Street, Portland, every 'ull also one of the easiost ric PAPER HANGINGS. articles for One a Seal- grown persons—is leg It alleviates more agony and silent than stockholder owning ten shares, for exampls, will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday at lu Dollar, by purchasing have suffering The American Journal thus evening, Carriages 1 ever sees, either with two or four can tell. Phrenological o’olook, with the 3 r. x. train from Bos- the various and from the best mak- ed for 26 cts. tongue sure to realise a handsome dividend when the prop- connecting patterns, Envelope persons. The seats are so constructed that even a It is noted the ton- ers of fine Jnat received by will bs seat for jor curing most hopeless casts, illustrates the objection to faith: ALL Ware. Five Sealed Envelopes *1; Eleven oan so Is a whieh Is ohild shift them, and well proportioned and that known means failed in. erty divided', plan entirely honorable, Returning, will leave every lor *2; Thirty for *5; Sixty-five tor B10; Oaa Hun- every not believe Bangor Monday, made that they do not get ont of repair. It cures Rose and Periodic and In all ‘I will anything that I cannot Wednesday, and Friday at 6 dred for *15. Hay, Catarrh, of ths respects perfectly legal. morning, o'clock, China I advise all to examine beforo eth- and said a man at W are, POOR & CO , purchasing any most obstinate violent The property to be distributed among the stock- understand,’ self-confident young touching Rockland, Camden, Belfast. Searsport MARRETT, er kind ef typre. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Family Carriage. Ho form qf Catarrh or noise in the head can resist in a hotel one Bueksport. Winterport, and Hamden, both ways A Good Assortment. Jacob of Me. holders will be equal to any In the market, and will day. McLe'lan, Mayor Portland, Its penetrating power Passengers ticketed through on (he Maine 85 & 87 middle A fresh assortment of Certificates for the articles Rev. Alex. •• ‘Neither will 1,’ said another. Boston, St., Up Stairs, Burgess, Dr. »7S Greenwioh8‘ York. but the ones are full.” Thursday of * ^ over the sate, empty all at 7 o’alock P. M.,and India Judges Pianos and purchasers are requested to The knees are to be iree from all defects, and and Sold by Druggists all World. Friday, Wharf, Bnston, coll at 112 Middle Refined. every and st, Portland, Maine, any time subject to the nsual inspection of the Yard The maySSCdly $6001 in Ladles’ best quality Kid Gloves, Menday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday tin, The Hair. Friday, at 6 o'clock P. M. during day or evening, where two Pianos are for price of ont-squate knees will be 20 percent less than a sale, and for themselves, For sale Notice. Faro in Cabin...S2.00, judge the prices named ior square and in-square knees. & Dealers 99 Cents a $6000 la Maresttlea hjf A Good by Druggists It or Only Bottle, Quilts. will ba received by the undersign- Freight taken as usual. Bargain is warranted, “By order Commodore T. BaILkY, Command- prevents stops the Hair ed, until for a St A The are not for from PROPOSALSslay 26th, eonsiruoting Company responsible baggage to SCHUMACHER & HOWE, generally, and falling; Cleanses, $6000 In beat quality Blahhhts. W ALL on the at XUlzt- any amount *60 in and tnat M. P. WENTWORTH, by Beautifies, Company’s property Cape exceeding value, per- Agents for New York Piano Forte 394 betu u 876 feet on the N. E sonal, unless notioe is and for at the rate Co., Hudson Store Preserves, and renders it Soft and REYNOLD’S CRINOliA follows, yis; long line, given paid Keeper. A of one street, N. Y. ROBERT COLGATE & $6000 in Fhelsn Collender’s Billiard Taels?. (oommenomg at the Bridge) and Bom 1 to 200 leet passenger for every S6C0 additional value. May 8,183^Nava1 Co., and the Head free FORTH* on the B. E line. fob. 18.1863. dtf L. BILLINGS, Agent. References—M. Hermann Kotzsoblnar.NewYork, Glossy, frdm mast state The Mr. Emry. feblBdtf Dandruff. $6000 in bbls off lour. Proposal prioe per onbio yard. Fairbanks Standard Scales l General HAIR! Cirectors ri serve the right to reject any and all Agents, olds It is the best not deemed satitfsotory to the interest of the New England Screw Co Hair and $6060 ia tons of Coal. Steamship J. W. SYKES, Prices Reduced Pearl NEW Dressing It is Company, ! 287 St., YORK. Preservative in the world. highly perfumed—makes the hair dauk, Farther particulars may bo had of the Treasurer. OLOB8T and re- $1000 in SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. PURCHASER FOR EASTERN With the fall of and the soft. BiAUTiroi., disposing it to cords ol Wood. C. M. DAViS. Treasuubr, ACCOUNT, gold antieipated reduc- OP main in any desired position. the Hair from Portland Dock tion in prioee ot materials and we this Stops Dry Co., JP -—AT .. The splendid and fast labor, bare Sterling’s 117 Steamships Ambrosia its and the $6000 in bandies of pare Correa. _ Commercial Street. a scDtrcmow Falling (Out—promotes growth keeps CHESAPEAKE, Capt anu FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS, LARD, BUT- day made in the prioee of our Portland, May 18,1886. .Sherwood, TER, and WESTERN mayl8isedtd FRANCONIA, Capt.Sherwood’ will PRODUCE generally. scalp elean and oool. $6000 in bandies of 6ret rate of ■■IHuntil further notice, run as Manufacturing quality Tea. follows: Particular attention to REMOVAL. Comp’y, Nobtob h Co., Sole Agents, NOTICE. Leave Brown's Portland, given shipping by quickest STANDARD SCALES. Wharf, every WEDNES- and cheapest routes. No. 152 South Water 75 Bleecksr at., N. Y. Fobtlabd, 18th 1866. DAY and at 4 P. and leave St., SOLE $6000 in bundles of Shuar. BALEDon May SATURDAY, M., pier PROPRIETORS. proposals will be receives at the office 9 North River, New York, every WEDNESDAY A complete assortment of Hay, C. al, Railroad and 3E3- P. MILLETT Bold by H H. Hay h Co, Portland, Me. 64 SCAT y Bd*in®er' by the Committee on and SATURDAY, at 8 o’olook P. M. Chicago, Illinois. Store Scales will be found at our JuneS dly in ursins end u P. O. Box 471. Warehouse, Hu removed from Long Wharf to NEW YORK. •6000 different qualities Ladies' Boots. Bowers, nntu Saturday 20th Inst, at 12 These vessels are fitted up with fine accommoda- o clock M., for References—Messrs. 8. G. Bewdlear & apl7d6m extending the Sewer through tho tions for passengers, making this the most Co: Mayn- No. 3 UNION in speedy, ariiac Sons; H. & W. (j. H. WHARF, PINKERTON’S •6000 in Gents’ Dress at *10 fll.ing Maple street, from near the Bonthrriv safe and comfortable route ier travellers betwesn Chickering; Cumm nested to appear and make such claim witbin nine- day dia on completion of the house. From parties who HEREA8, by evidence In testimony whereof, witness my hand 'and seal •jaUswaassr- solved mutual ooneent The business satisfactory presented * ia John B. Baker's, sad other’s first class ?Anyy days Irani the date hereof; otherwise the said THE by of the build immediately, so cash ratm**ts naquinnc WHFRPARundersigned, it hr, bean made to of ofllee this seventeenth day of April, 1365 (6000 firm will b" settled by M. L Merrill who appear will be disposed of in accordance with the act wi'l con- A from nine to ten man [l. F. cLahKE. goods arc attod in at old pply every day except Sunday, a.] ot pnrtmenisland np every respect U, in- tinue the Shoe business the eund, No 4 C 8 A. the of the Boost Hakhsssbs, SIX. Congress appproved April 2,1844. iure the BB&Bty, com ort and m, at the office o subscribers, where pitas Comptroller Currency convenience of passen- HotelBuilcin*. W. P. te even an ISRAEL WASHBURN, Jr,, experienced MERRILL, may be seen, and lull particulars obtained. “The Canal National No 1038. ap32d2m doing Injury infant! 'as thev^oontalaVo gers. Ap Burgeon accompanies 0^1 M L. MERRILL. Bank, poisonous but •6000 in sod Top Baggy May 4, 1866—dlaSwColieetor. will be maygd2w*_ J. B. BROWN A SONS. drugs, am purely vegetable, and keep Open Trotting Wagoas.. ship, ITieprovisions properlyV > cookedc00ted' amilnd serVed in unlimited quantities1. Portland, May 8,1865.may4tf OF baaitby. Tease bitter* are House PORTLAND,” Lh?o’!!‘‘^0r0"“i ““ and Land at Auction. Union lil. sTltWERisT ?!! .ih!r£.,,lerito *n<1 b® b»d in every town Rates of Passage. Illuminating Ordinance i?r.tAie.y a of United WOODMAN, A D*iK>tl4»l«JameeBt,Sy.aonsn,H ing used SECTIONor loose i. say street, lane,alley, court or and pledge TBIIB CO., St, Hew York. Those who wish to sand for their Island* can in those l amps. It is a perfect fubstitute for large to provide for the olreuletton and for Internal buy traveled or in y unlnolosedor public in E, L. Staswood, Gen’l for Portland, Me. al to par Revenue Stamp. Certlleates tickets at these rate! irom the Flihd, safe and non explosive. way, g plaoe redemption thereof,” Jane 8, 1864. and IAG-KNTS, Agent Agents. this until the “nor or keeper of such or approved ap27eod 8m FRANCIS MACDONALD fc CO For tale at No 183 Fore street, bv city, dog, b“°°™D,ied with all the provlitenz of raid aot of 6,10, 10, er any nnmber or sham a the bead of the laa or the of the requir- *•«. «4 and 36 ..... Mi Idle liitsi. only require S New York. JOHN PURINTON. -lj, keeper house, ed to be compiled with before Jftn9d4m Bowling Green, w, a _ commencing thebuai- store, ehop office, -r other plaoe where such dog is ness of Keen stamp. Portland, May 4,1866 -eodSm Banking under said Ant: Needles and Trimmings alwayi cnbaid, A Card to our Creditors. kept or herbored, siji'J have paid to the City Mar- f e Freeman Clarke. Comptrol’ei sccbMSf Agents Wanted in and shall two dollars fin a license dor ouch to at Of .£therefore,< ‘' /~TIBCUMSTANCES have constrained ns to ask as every olty |town in He dog go the nrrency, do hereby certify that The Canal largo. National Bank vy extension. Toe oondl'lon of th* markets aad s Bddgton of Portland," in the City of Fort- to ad- Academy, Sso. 7. In shall bs found loose or in Just regard your Interest hava made this step Ragland. eaeeaity Dog the County oi Cumberland, and State ot Wood, AT NORTH goiog at large, to or the for ^nd, ir [Mirrors, risabls and necessary. KiudUng BRIDOTON, MAINE. enu.'vary any going pro- Maine, authorized to commence the buelneee of take «he place ol Soft will be visions, the ownei *, or the ot We trust that the next few months will Coal, prepared keeper thereof, head Banking under the Aotaferemld. Mirrors f witnessbu-i «EOR«E F. Guardian of Harriet E. 8m.,. TOft>r delivering In a few days it. of>hl»Institution will com- the family or ttr -*T«ner o*' the honse, store, offloc, In snoh Improvements as to Justify os in resuming BAKER, Try »>etlmony whereof, witness my hand and seal TNRENCH and Slid In the mean- 80th. For further or otherplaeo where "U0h dog is or ol GESMAM Mirror piatee In fine ness, meeting every obligation J» e“.K*ytte ,M“y kept berbored, office this twenty-seventh of March, 1866. A and TREASURER, 322 Commercial particulars, address E. fbrfeit and a sum day Gold and Black Warnot Frames, low at time we nek the indulgence of yonr patience Street, prlnoipal, Charles Hilton shall ^pay net exoeding ten [6 »■] very F. CLARKE, f>rl>earaooe. Ho efforts will be wanting on car part dollars. JOHN S. HEALD. of the FULLER & Vo, 40 snay6!2w* Between foot of Park and _ Comptroller Currency. STEVENS, to Street, Boston. High sts. ANorth Bridgton, may2d2n City Marshal. Mo. Ml. promote onr mutual interest, Washington mohSOdSm mehfil i47 Mddll Bt. apittr CHASE BROTHERS A 00. .na+KVMflm