BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit June 29 & 30, 2020

1 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit

BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit – Advisory and Planning Partners

BC Academic Health Science Network Ministry of Health BC Emergency Medicine Network Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC BC Forest Safety Ombudsman Providence Health Care BC Patient Safety and Quality Council Provincial Health Services Authority BC Rural Centre Shared Care BC Rural Health Network SPARC BC bethink solutions Specialist Services Committee Doctors of BC Tekara First Nations Health Authority UBC Department of Family Practice General Practice Services Committee UBC Faculty of Medicine Institute for Health System Transformation and UBC Health Sustainability UBC Rural CPD Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues

2 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Introduction

The summit is organized to support dialogue and deliberation around community leadership in health care systems change. The summit is guided by the following question: How COVID- 19 has taken us out of our silos and to collaboration to make change quickly, is there a way to sustain that what have we learned?

There are six (6) main topics for engagement at the summit, with each being briefly defined below. Topic 1: Virtually Enhanced Care Advancing virtual technologies to enhance longitudinal relationship based on culturally appropriate care. Topic 2: Transportation Emergency transport (911 to ER), interfacility transport (ER to higher level of care), and transportation as a social determinant of health. Topic 3: Team-Based Care Moving toward the idea of team not being constrained by the people in the room but the people who need to be around the patient Topic 4: Cultural Safety and Humility Embedding Cultural Humility as a way of delivering healthcare and Cultural Safety in the way it is received Topic 5: Addictions and Overdose Designing and implementing new strategies for addressing the overdose crisis affecting our communities Topic 6: COVID-19 - Gaps & Advances Exploring the most important advance/programme in your community, or gap highlighted, by Covid-19; that you don’t want to lose, or that must be addressed

3 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit

Overall program learning objectives

• Assess and anticipate the legacy of the partnership approach post COVID-19, with a focus on patient access to care, quality of care, and our health system’s efficiency of care • Co-create organizational developments and transformations of health systems • Employ respect of other people’s perspectives • Identify opportunities to overcome challenges • Identify areas of action for future systems change • Iterate next steps in our health system

4 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Day 1: June 29 (8:00am-1:00pm)

Purposes for Day 1 of Summit:

• Engage in cultural learning with First Nations Elders and Knowledge Holders. • Participate in learning and activities that ground us in the purposes of the summit with a focus on building consensus about priorities; and, • Engage in learning about and collectively describing the context in which primary health care re-design and transformation is taking place, with a focus on rural and remote communities; and, • Follow appreciative inquiry guidelines and identify strengths from which to co- create vision for short term next actions in the primary health care transformation efforts of health partners and peer groups.

5 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Day 1 June 29, 2020 Time Agenda Items

8:00 Webinar – https://zoom.us/j/97213773921

Welcome and introduction – Peter Lee Opening song – Brianna and Shauntelle (Songhees Nation) Welcoming and Blessing – Elder Roberta Opening Remarks – Honorable Judy Darcy Minister of Mental Health and Addictions

Setting the Stage – Dr. Ray Markham / Richard Jock

Review of Word Cloud and moving forward – Peter Lee

Tsow-Tun Le Lum Cultural Support for the 2 Summit days. http://www.tsowtunlelum.org/. Available: Monday June 29th and Tuesday June 30th | 9am -12noon // 1pm-3pm. How to reach them: Call 1 888 403 3123 (back up: 1 250 248 7414) ‘Please identify that you are calling from the Summit’

Relationship Assessment Tool – Adam King

9:10 Community Partnership Discussion – https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#community

Step 1: Describe what is happening now…

10:10 Wellness rest Speakers’ Corner opportunities

10:30 Community Partnership Discussion – https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#community

Step 2: Dream with partners about what could be…

11:15 Panel discussion Webinar – https://zoom.us/j/97213773921 Dr. Santa Ono – UBC President to provide opening remarks Dermot Kelleher – Dean of UBC Faculty of Medicine, UBC Vice-President, Health to provide remarks

Leaders Panel Moderator – Peter Lee

Panelists will include: Stephen Brown Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health Cathy Ulrich, CEO Northern Health Richard Jock, CEO FNHA 6 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Time Agenda Items

12:00 Peer Group Discussion https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#peer

Step 3: Dream with your peers about what could be…

1:00 Afternoon Open Space. You choose… https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#afternoon

1:30-2:30 Elders Teachings with Elders Roberta and Syexwaliya 1:30-2:30 What can primary care data tell us about recovery from the pandemic? 2:00-3:30 Recruitment and Retention of Physicians in Northern BC: From high school to practice 4:00-5:00 Real Time Virtual Support in BC: Performing today, Preparing for tomorrow

7 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Day 2: June 30 (8:00am-12:30pm)

Purposes for Day 2 of Summit:

• Re-engage the priority areas discussed on Day 2 and continue relationship building and learning across different mandates and perspectives; and, • Participate in knowledge exchange and consensus building in pursuit of practical actions that can be implemented in follow up to this Summit.

8 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Day 2 June 30, 2020

Time Agenda Items

8:00 Webinar – https://zoom.us/j/97213773921

Welcome and introduction – Peter Lee Opening song – Brianna and Shauntelle (Songhees Nation) Welcoming and Blessing – Elder Roberta Welcome – Kathleen Ross, President, Doctors of BC 8:35 Reflective Panel

Panelists include: Dr. Terri Aldred, RCCbc Indigenous Lead Ted Patterson, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health Fiona Dalton, CEO, Providence Health Care Dave Snadden, Rural Doctors’ UBC Chair in Rural Health 9:10 Community Partnership Discussion – https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#community

Step 4: Design what you want to see…

10:10 Wellness rest Speakers’ Corner Opportunities

10:30 Peer Group Discussion – https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#peer

Step 5: Deliver on your action commitments…

11:30 Webinar – https://zoom.us/j/97213773921

Reflections on emerging stories and re-creating shared values for moving forward to work together

Panel Moderated by Peter Lee Roger Harris – Linked Sector Perspective Randy Morse – Community Perspective Alan Ruddiman – Health Professional/Provider Perspective Shannon McDonald – First Nations Health Administrator Perspective Shana Ooms – Policy Maker Perspective

12:15 Lək�ʷəŋən Traditional Dancers 12:30 Closing and Blessing – Syexwaliya 9 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Time Agenda Items

1:00 Afternoon Open Space. You choose… https://rccbc.ca/summit-meeting-links/#afternoon

1:00-2:00 Meet Health Match BC and the Rural Locum Program! 1:00-2:15 Comprehensive, Longitudinal Relationship-Based Care in the Pandemic Era and Beyond 1:30-2:30 Stories, Songs & Poetry with Brianna and Shauntelle – Songhees Nation 2:00-3:00 Social Enterprise and Technology Synergies – Open to Interior Communities 2:30-3:30 Mindfulness Grounding Session with Rahul Gupta

10 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Appendix A: Summit Design Principles

• Ensure there is a partnership between Indigenous ways of knowing and being and western ways of knowing and being • Honouring the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act by co-creating the agenda design • Responding to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission • Calling people in – Cultural and ceremony benefits everyone – explore further • Human centric, relationship based • Co-leadership with partners • Appreciative Inquiry and deliberative dialogue frameworks • Top down & bottom up approach • Amplify community voice • Partnership approach, simultaneity, safe space, variety of perspective • Principles in forming our technology – ensure that practical technology is included throughout the framework • Making a tangible difference

11 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Appendix B: Speaker Bios

Brianna Dick & Shauntelle Dick-Charleson (Songhees Nation Sisters) Shauntelle attends Reynolds High School where she is enrolled at the Centre for Soccer Excellence. This specialized program merges soccer training with academic pursuits. At 16 years she is also a slam poet who has competed in many local competitions. The confidence she has cultivated on the soccer pitch is the same she accesses when sharing her perspectives on First Nations issues that are close to her heart – the legacy of residential school, status cards, pipeline construction through First Nations land, and inclusivity in the Canadian anthem.

Brianna Dick TEALIYE (ta-a-th-le-ut) Brianna was brought up around her father's territory of the Lekwungen people, learning many of the teachings from her grandfather Skip Dick and family members. Brianna has done several traditional welcomes to the Lekwungen Songhees Territories. Since her teenage years, she has always been inspired by various Indigenous artists from across . She has had the honour of working on murals such as the third phase of the Unity Wall at Ogden Point, the Rock Bay Mural project and the Victoria Native Friendship Centre.

Elder Roberta Price Elder Roberta Price from the Snuneymuxw and Cowichan First Nations, has worked tirelessly over the past three decades to educate and raise awareness about issues affecting First Nations people in a positive, informative, and productive manner. She does this by working as a First Nations educator, sharing her traditional knowledge in schools, within the community, and with First Nations people.

Hon. Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Judy Darcy was first elected MLA for New Westminster in 2013 and was re-elected in 2017.

She was appointed ’s first and Canada’s only Minister of Mental Health and Addictions in July 2017. Judy has committed her career to building strong and vibrant communities and has earned a reputation as an effective and compassionate leader.

As a tireless advocate, she has spent much of her life working to improve health care, seniors’ care, education and child care for British Columbians. She is committed to bringing people together to find innovative solutions to the issues that affect families to improve their lives.

12 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit As Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, she has taken urgent action to combat the devastating overdose crisis that is affecting families and communities across the province, including increasing the number of overdose prevention and supervised consumption sites and access to naloxone, and expanding treatment and recovery options. She is also forging ahead with her work to create a seamless and coordinated mental health and addictions system in British Columbia, so people can get the help they need, when they need it.

Born in , Judy’s family immigrated to Canada and shared many of the challenges that new Canadians face. She is married to human rights and labour lawyer Gary Caroline and has an adult son. She enjoys the Royal City Farmers’ Market, devouring good novels, hiking, kayaking, and watching the ever-changing activity and light on the Fraser River from her windows.

Professor Santa J. Ono, President and Vice-Chancellor of University of British Columbia Professor Ono is the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia, a global centre for research and teaching with 64,000 students, 16,500 faculty and staff, and a $2.5 billion operating budget. Prior to his appointment in 2016, he served as president of the University of Cincinnati. Inside Higher Education named him America's most notable university president in 2015. In 2016, the American Council on Education awarded him the Reginald Wilson Diversity Leadership Award.

As a professor of medicine and biology, Professor Ono has worked at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, University College London, and Emory universities. He was also inducted by Johns Hopkins into its Society of Scholars, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Inventors, USA.

Professor Ono’s research encompasses the immune system, eye inflammation and age-related macular degeneration.

An avid music lover, Professor Ono studied at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore and still finds time to play his cello – even taking to the concert stage to perform on occasion.

He is married to Wendy Yip, who trained as an immunologist at McGill and as a lawyer at Boston University. They have two daughters, Juliana and Sarah.

Dr. Dermot Kelleher, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia

13 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Dr. Kelleher brings significant experience and is recognized internationally for innovation in academic health leadership and administration, clinical care, research and education.

Dr. Kelleher joined UBC in 2015 as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Prior to his appointment at UBC, Dr. Kelleher served as Vice-President Health and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London, where he also held a concurrent appointment as Dean of the Lee Kong Chian Medical School in Singapore until 2014. Dr. Kelleher has also served as Head of the School of Medicine and Vice Provost for Medical Affairs at Trinity College, Dublin.

Dr. Kelleher graduated from medicine from Trinity College Dublin in 1978, going on to specialize in gastroenterology. Author of 300 publications and 14 patents, Dr. Kelleher’s research examines the immune response to many of the leading causes of gastrointestinal infectious disease worldwide. Over the years he has received many prestigious awards including a Fogarty Scholarship at the University of California San Diego, Wellcome Senior Fellow in Clinical Science, and most recently the Conway Medal from the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland.

With a strong commitment to innovation and collaboration, Dr. Kelleher has worked to found several companies supporting both translational developments in biomedical science and fostering collaboration in biomedical research in both Dublin and London. He also served as President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine until moving to British Columbia.

Dr. Kathleen Ross, President of the Doctors of BC Dr Ross is a family physician in Coquitlam, where she has practiced for 26 years. You could say she actually has three jobs – family medicine, obstetrics, and open heart surgical assist. President of Doctors of BC is her fourth job- so you can see that she has a very busy life.

Her presidency began in June 2019. It has been an extremely challenging year, as she is helping to navigate the profession through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Ross stepped into the role after holding many leadership positions including: Doctors of BC Board member, Vice President of the Royal Columbian and Eagle Ridge Hospital Medical Staff Society, and Founding Member and Chair of the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice.

Her term as President has been extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and she remains in office until December 2020.

14 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit Lək�ʷəŋən Traditional Dancers The Lək�ʷəŋən Traditional Dancers started back in 1978 by late uncle Ray Peter from the Cowichan Tribe. There are about 25 in their group when they are all able to come together, the youngest being Baby Jesse at 8 and ‘Momma’ being the oldest going on her 79th year. The group is highly sought after to represent the Ləkʷ� əŋən people at significant events throughout the region.

Elder Syexwaliya (ANN WHONNOCK) Syexwalia is a Knowledge Keeper & Elder Advisor from Squamish Nation & also works with FNHA as a Knowledge Keeper / Elder Advisor with strong Indigenous worldviews, ancestral knowledge and traditional teachings. She is widely respected and acknowledged for her work, energy and commitment to her community.”

15 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit