OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threafened Taxa fs dedfcafed fo bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally by publfshfng peer-revfewed arfcles onlfne every monfh af a reasonably rapfd rafe af . All arfcles publfshed fn JoTT are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonal Lfcense unless ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unresfrfcfed use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of publfcafon.

Journal of Threafened Taxa Bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf)

Nofe A cenfury lafer fhe Manfpur Argus Callerebfa surofa Tyfler, 1914 (Lepfdopfera: Nymphalfdae: Safyrfnae) recorded fn ffs fype localffy fn Manfpur, Indfa

Jafshwor Sfngh Irungbam, Harmenn Hufdrom & Baleshwor Sfngh Sofbam

26 February 2017 | Vol. 9| No. 2 | Pp. 9866–9869 10.11609/jof. 2931 .9.2. 9866-9869

For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp:// For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp:// For Polfcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp:// For reprfnfs confacf



Threafened Taxa Journal of Threafened Taxa | | 26 February 2017 | 9(2): 9866–9869 Nofe

Callerebfa (Bufler, 1867) fs a A cenfury lafer fhe Manfpur Argus genus of fhe subfamfly Safyrfnae fn Callerebfa surofa Tyfler, 1914 fhe famfly Nymphalfdae. The genus (Lepfdopfera: Nymphalfdae: Safyrfnae) fs resfrfcfed fo fhe Sfno-Hfmalayan ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) recorded fn ffs fype localffy fn ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) regfon - rangfng from Kashmfr fo Manfpur, Indfa soufhwesfern Chfna and cenfral OPEN ACCESS Chfna (Bruna ef al. 2000). The Jafshwor Sfngh Irungbam 1 , Harmenn Hufdrom 2 & genus consfsfs of approxfmafely Baleshwor Sfngh Sofbam 3 12 specfes, composed of medfum fo medfum-large buferlfes wffh 1 Faculfy of Scfence, Unfversffy of Soufh Bohemfa, Ceske Budejovfce a dark brown colorafon and a large bfpupflled ocellus 37005, Czech Republfc 1 Insffufe of Enfomology, Bfology Cenfre, Czech Academy of Scfence, on fhe upper forewfng. The buferlfes of fhe genus Ceske Budejovfce 37005, Czech Republfc possess small heads and bodfes, and a promfnenf eye 2 Yafskul Hfruhanba Lefkaf, Imphal Wesf, Manfpur 795001, Indfa 3 fn relafon fo fhefr broad, rounded wfngs. The hfnd Nfngombam Mayaf Lefkaf, Imphal Wesf, Manfpur 795003, Indfa 1 [email protected] (correspondfng aufhor), wfngs are exfended fn a more or less promfnenf lobe af 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] fhe anal angle. The anfennal club fs fhfn, only slfghfly fhfckenfng fowards fhe fp. The markfngs are very varfable buf follow a fafrly consfanf arrangemenf fn all easf, Sfhaf Vfllage fn fhe norfheasf and Lunghar Vfllage fhe specfes: fhe upper ground colour fs dark brown fo fn fhe norfh. blackfsh; fhe forewfng has a bf-pupflled apfcal ocellus; Durfng 12–16 July 2016, we conducfed a survey wffh or wffhouf one fornal spof fn fhe upper hfndwfng; on fhe Lepfdopfera fauna of fhe Shfruf Kashong Peak fhe under hfnd wfngs are ofen covered by whffsh (25 006’20.04”N & 94 027’23.91”E) befween 1,320m scales of dfferenf densffes, fones and paferns: wffh or and 2,763m alffude (Ffgs. 1 & 2) and surroundfng wffhouf one or fwo fornal ocellf fn fhe under hfndwfng; areas. Buferlfes were observed af dfferenf alffudes fn addffon, some specfes have a sef of up fo four posf- of fhe peak and surroundfng areas durfng fhe day. dfscal whffe dofs on fhe under hfndwfng (Roy 2013). Lfghf frappfng was done for nocfurnal mofhs af nfghf. The Shfruf Kashong Peak (SKP) fs locafed jusf 7km Durfng fhe survey we encounfered dfferenf specfes of away from Shfruf Vfllage and 25km from Ukhrul Town. buferlfes and mofhs. In fhfs presenf paper we reporf The peak fs af 25 006’20.04”N and 94 027’23.91”E af fhe sfghfng of fhe rare safyrfd buferly Callerebfa surofa 2,763m from sea level. If fs locafed af Ukhrul Dfsfrfcf Tyfler, 1914 afer more fhan a cenfury sfnce Tyfler (1914) on fhe easfern parf of fhe Manfpur Sfafe. The peak descrfbe fhe specfes from fhe same localffy, Shfruf Hflls, and Shfruf Vfllage are bordered by Ukhrul fn fhe wesf, Manfpur. Langdang Vfllage fn fhe soufh, Mapum Vfllage fn fhe

DOI : hfp:// 2931 .9.2. 9866 -9869 | ZooBank:

Edffor: Purnendu Roy, London, UK . Dafe of publfcafon: 26 February 2017 (onlfne & prfnf)

Manuscrfpf defafls: Ms # 2931 | Recefved 24 July 2016 | Ffnal recefved 31 January 2017 | Ffnally accepfed 06 February 2017

Cffafon: Irungbam, J.S., H. Hufdrom & B.S. Sofbam (2017). A cenfury lafer fhe Manfpur Argus Callerebfa surofa Tyfler, 1914 (Lepfdopfera: Nymphalfdae: Safyrfnae) recorded fn ffs fype localffy fn Manfpur, Indfa . Journal of Threafened Taxa 9(2): 9866–9869 ; hfp:// 2931 .9.2. 9866 -9869

Copyrfghf: © Irungbam ef al. 2017 . Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonal Lfcense. JoTT allows unresfrfcfed use of fhfs arfcle fn any medfum, reproduc - fon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of publfcafon.

Fundfng: Czech Scfence Foundafon (GA CR: 14-36098G) and Granf Agency, Unfversffy of Soufh Bohemfa (GA JU 152/2016/P).

Compefng fnferesfs: The aufhors declare no compefng fnferesfs.

Acknowledgemenfs: We wfsh fo fhank fhe unknown revfewers who provfded useful commenfs on fhe earlfer versfons of fhe manuscrfpf. The frsf aufhor fhanks fhe Czech Scfence Foundafon (GA CR: 14-36098G) and Granf Agency, Unfversffy of Soufh Bohemfa (GA JU 152/2016/P) for provfdfng fnancfal supporf fo fhe work. We also fhank fhe Prfncfpal Chfef Conservafor (Foresf), Governmenf of Manfpur for provfdfng us wffh fhe permff fo sfudy fhe lepfdopfera fauna of Shfruf Hflls. We also sfncerely fhank fhe Vfllage Chfef and Shfruf Youfh Club, Shfruf Vfllage for provfdfng supporf and encouragemenf durfng fhe conducf of fhe projecf.

9866 Record of Callerebia suroia from Shirui Kashong Peak, Manipur Irungbam et al.

northeastern India

Arunachal Pradesh

Assam Nagaland



Tripura Mizoram

Figure 1. Study area; Shirui Kashong Peak and surrounding Shirui Village, Ukhrul District, Manipur, India (Map prepared by using DIVA GIS 7.1)

Manipur Argus Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 polyphemus thus treated C. annadina as a subspecies Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 is only reported of C. polyphemus and suroia as a distinct species as from Manipur in India (Varshney & Smetacek 2015). originally described. Huang (2003) mentioned that Outside India, the species is reported from northeastern there is no difference in androconia between male C. Myanmar (Talbot 1947); Dali, Kunming at Yunnan suroia and all the subspecies of C. polyphemus, but did province of (Okano & Okano 1985; Huang 2003) find differences in the genitalia. Due to overlapping and northern Vietnam (Inoyashi 2016). The species distributional pattern of C. suroia and C. polyphemus, C. suroia Tytler, 1914 has been subject to several separation of these two species is very difficult. The taxonomic revisions. Tytler 1914 described it as a only reliable feature which separates C. suroia from C. species, distinguishing the species from C. orixa by polyphemus confusa is the appearance of fainter and morphological characters, Tytler makes no mention thinner striation on the underside of the hindwing which of C. polyphemus. Evans (1927), treated suroia as the is usually denser in C. polyphemus confusa (Huang 2003). synonym of Erebia annada polyphemus. Goltz (1939) The detailed description of C. suroia is illustrated in treated suroia as a subspecies of C. orixa. Evans (1932) Tytler (1914) (Image 3). The appearance of C. suroia placed the species in the genus Erebia and treated it as is also very similar to C. orixa. “Upperside of forewing a subspecies of Erebia annada. This arrangement was with a much broader orange ocellar ring, especially on followed by Talbot 1947. Later Okano & Okano (1985) the distal side of ocellus; Underside of forewing similar reinstated suroia as a valid species of Callerebia based to above (C. orixa); hindwing with a sub basal and discal on the different wing markings and also in the different reddish-brown band, tornal ocellus absent, white striae shape of male genitalia vulva from C. orixa. Bruna et denser and more conspicuous than in C. orixa” (Talbot al. (2000) considered that C. polyphemus was a “widely 1947). C. suroia can be easily distinguished from all distributed polytipic species” and thus treated suroia as the subspecies of C. polyphemus by the more yellowish a subspecies of C. polyphemus and raised the status of C. and broader ring of the forewing subapical ocellus; annadina to a distinct species, because of its sympatric hindwing underside discal line is always clear; hindwing distribution in northwestern Yunnan with C. suroia. underside striation is fainter and usually denser than in Huang (2003), however found no difference between C. polyphemus and C. ulfi and distal branch of valve is the male and female genitalia of C. annadina and C. usually longer than in C. polyphemus and always much

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2017 | 9(2): 9866–9869 9867 Record of Callerebia suroia from Shirui Kashong Peak, Manipur Irungbam et al.

© Harmenn Huidrom

Image 1. Open wing posture of Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 Figure 2. Google Earth map showing the observation site of Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 at Shirui Kashong Peak, Ukhrul District, Manipur.

© Harmenn Huidrom longer than in C. ulfi (Huang 2003).

Sighting of Manipur Argus Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 In this note we report the sighting of C. suroia Tytler, 1914 from Shirui Kashong Peak, which is the type locality of the species by Tytler (1914). On 13 July 2016 at around 14:30hr, we found the butterfly flying near the footpath leading to the peak ofthe summit (25006’46.48”N & 94026’56.67”E at an altitude of 2,330m) (Fig. 2). The butterfly settled for some time Image 2. Closed wing posture of Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 with open wings on soil (Image 1) and later it flew away and sat on a rock with closed wings (Image 2) and sipping on wet rocks. Later, due to the disturbance by hikers the butterfly flew away towards the cliff. The butterfly is mainly found near the rocks which are surrounded by perennial herbaceous plants like Roscoea ngainoi Mao & Bhaumik (Zingiberaceae), Lililium mackliniae Sealy (Liliaceae), Allium sp. (Amaryllidaceae), Swertia sp. (Gentianaceae), Aconitum sp. (Ranunculaceae) and many grasses which grow in much colder mountainous regions (Images 4 & 5). The day was quite cloudy with less sunshine and intermittent rain on the peak. The present sighting of the butterfly from Shirui Kashong Hill, Ukhrul District is important and significant because it is the first photographic record of this species after more than a century in India. Image 3. Illustration of Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 from the Conclusion original description of the species. (Photo courtesy: Tytler 1914, pl. Some members of the genus Callerebia are known 1, figure 2) to be very local. Thus our sighting of C. suroia Tytler, 1914 in Shirui Kashong Peak (where the habitat is well

9868 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2017 | 9(2): 9866–9869 Record of Callerebia suroia from Shirui Kashong Peak, Manipur Irungbam et al.

© Baleshwor Singh Soibam © Jatishwor Singh Irungbam

Image 4. Habitat of Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1914 at Shirui Kashong Image 5. Rocks surrounded by perennial plants and grass; a suitable Hill range habitat for Callerebia suroia Tytler, 1915 at Shirui Kashong Hill range.

protected and undisturbed) gives us an opportunity to Huang, H. (2003). A list of butterflies collected from Nujiang (Lou Tse understand the ecology of this butterfly. Further studies Kiang) and Dulongiang, China with descriptions of new species, and revisional notes. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 55: 3–114. on the ecology of this butterfly will give us an idea why Kehimkar, I. (2008). The Book of Indian Butterflies. Bombay Natural butterflies of this genus are local which will help us History Society, Oxford University, Delhi Press, 497pp. Okano, M. & T. Okano (1985). New or Little known Callerebias from to initiate further steps towards the conservation of China (: ). Artes Liberales 36: 157–160+1pl. habitats of these butterflies. Roy, P. (2013). Callerebia dibangensis (Lepidoptera: : Satyrinae), a new butterfly species from the eastern Himalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(13): 4725–4733; http://doi. References org/10.11609/JoTT.o3293.4725-33 Talbot, G. (1947). The Fauna of British India, including Ceylone and Bruna, C.D., E. Gallo & V. Sbordoni (2000). Guide to the Butterflies Burma: Butterflies. Vol. 2. Taylor and Francis, London, 486pp. of the Palearctic Region, Satyridae. Part 2, Subfamily Satyrinae, Tytler, H.C. (1914). Notes on some new and interesting butterflies tribe Ypthimini: Argestina, Boeberia, Callerebia, Grumia, Hemadara, from Manipur and the Naga Hills. Part-I. Journal of the Bombay Loxerebia, Paralasa, Proterebia. Omnes Artes, Milan, 58pp. Natural History Society 23: 216–229+1pl. Evans, W.H. (1927). The Identification of Indian Butterflies. Bombay Varshney, R.K. & P. Smetacek (2015). A Synoptic Catalogue of the Natural History Society, Bombay, 300pp+32pls. Butterflies of India. Butterfly Research Centre, Bhimtal and Indinov Evans, W.H. (1932). The Identification of Indian Butterflies. Bombay Publishing, New Delhi, ii+261pp.+8pls. Natural History Society, Bombay, 454pp+32pls. Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957). Butterflies of the Indian Region. Bombay Goltz, D.H.V.D. (1939). Die Callerebien der Ausbeute Hone. Ent. Natural History Society, Mumbai, India, 523pp+72pls. Rdsch., Stattgart 55: 102–107. (esp.: 105)

Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2017 | 9(2): 9866–9869 9869 OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa is dedicated to building evidence for conservation globally by publishing peer-reviewed articles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate . All articles published in JoTT are registered under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise mentioned. JoTT allows unrestricted use of articles in any medium, reproduction, and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. ISSN 0974-7907 (Online); ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) February 2017 | Vol. 9 | No. 2 | Pages: 9777–9884 Date of Publication: 26 February 2017 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jott.2017.9.2.9777-9884

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Threatened Taxa