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Book Your Tickets in Advance Online HADRIAN’S WALL WALKS STARTING FROM: GREENHEAD 1 24 JUN Birdoswald Fort & GUIDED WALKS Irthing Gorge (M) 8.5 miles £10 SPRING/SUMMER/AUTUMN 2018 WALLTOWN 2 IN NORTHUMBERLAND NATIONAL PARK 11 APR Aesica Fort & Thirlwall Castle (S) 8.5 miles £10 BOOK YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE ONLINE 20 JUN Aesica Fort & Hadrian’s Wall (M) 6 miles £10 01 JUL Flowers of Walltown & (E+) 4.5 miles £8 Whin Grassland NORTH TYNE & HARBOTTLE FORESTRY 22 THE CHEVIOT 28 JUL Moss Peteral and Thirlwall REDESDALE 02 APR The Drake Stone & HILLS Common (M) 10 miles £10 Harbottle Castle (M) 5 miles £8 WALKS STARTING FROM: WALKS STARTING FROM: 23 SEP Aesica Fort & Hadrian’s 29 JUL The Drake Stone & Wall (M) 6 miles £10 STONEHAUGH 11 Harbottle Castle (M) 5 miles £8 INGRAM BRIDGE 28 CAWFIELDS 3 25 APR Old Roses Bower & ALWINTON 23 22 JUL Iron age Hillforts & the Pennine Way (S) 8.5 miles £10 Breamish Valley (S) 9.5 miles £10 02 MAY A Roman Aqueduct 23 MAY Clennel St & Biddlestone (M) 7 miles £10 HARESHAW LINN 13 Chapel (S) 8 miles £10 24 OCT Wether Hill (M) 4.5 miles £8 14 OCT Haltwhistle Burn 28 MAY Natural History of 29 AUG Alwinton & Clennell St. & Cawfields (M) 6 miles £10 Hareshaw Linn (E+) 3 miles £8 (S) 8.5 miles £10 HARTSIDE 30 12 AUG THE SILL 4 Hareshaw Common & 10 OCT Alwinton & Clennell St. 03 JUN Upper Breamish Valley (S) 8.5 miles £10 the Pennine Way (M) 5 miles £8 & the Salters Road (S) 8 miles £10 27 MAY A Walk along GREENHAUGH 14 WEDDER LEAP 24 Hadrian’s Wall (S) 8 miles £10 CAREY BURN BRIDGE 31 09 MAY Dally Castle & Tarsetdale 08 APR Windy Gyle & Davidson’s 06 JUN 17 OCT Harthope & Old Hadrian’s Wall, Crags (M) 10 miles circular £10 Linn (S) 9 miles £10 and Loughs (M) 6.5 miles £10 Middleton (M) 4.5 miles £8 04 JUL A Tour of Tarsetdale 27 JUN Upper Coquet Valley & 15 JUL Flowers & Birds at (M) 8 miles £10 its History (M) 4.5 miles £8 WOOLER COMMON 32 Greenlee Lough (E+) 4.5 miles £8 05 AUG The Bastles of Tarsetdale 08 JUL Natural History of the 17 JUN North Cheviot Circuit (M) 7.5 miles £10 (S) 8 miles £10 25 JUL Crag Lough & Cheviots (M) 4.5 miles £8 Sycamore Gap (M) 4.5 miles £8 ROCHESTER CAMIEN 15 13 AUG 01 AUG Coquet Valley, Ward Law Yeavering Bell & 08 AUG The Three Loughs 18 APR Brigantium & Bremenium & The Street (S) 7 miles £10 Whitelaw (S) 10 miles £10 (S) 8.5 miles £10 (M) 5 miles £8 19 SEP Windy Gyle & Davidson’s 16 AUG Carey Burn & 26 AUG Hadrian’s Wall, Crags ELSDON TEA ROOM 17 Linn (S) 9 miles £10 Broadstruther (M) 7 miles £10 and Loughs (M) 6.5 miles £10 11 JUL Looking down on Elsdon 28 OCT Coquet Valley, Ward Law 26 SEP Humbleton & Harehope (M) 8.5 miles £10 02 SEP High Point of Hadrian’s & the Street (S) 7 miles £10 Circuit (S) 8 miles £10 Wall (M) 7 miles £10 30 SEP Gallow Hill & the Reivers 25 WOOLER 33 (M) 5 miles £8 BUCKHAM’S BRIDGE CHEVIOT CENTRE HOUSESTEADS 6 29 APR Woden Law in Roman 15 APR Cup and Ring marks 20 MAY Sewingshields & COQUETDALE Footsteps (S) 10.5 miles £10 around Wooler (M) E+ miles £10 Broomlee Lough (M) 7.5 miles £10 WALKS STARTING FROM: 16 MAY Exploring the Border KIRKNEWTON VILL HALL 34 22 AUG Marches (S) 11 miles £10 Seldom Seen ROTHBURY RIVERSIDE 18 (M) 8 miles £10 13 MAY Hethpool Linn & St 27 AUG Exploring the Border (E+) 4.5 miles £8 04 APR Lordenshaws, Simonside Gregory’s 05 SEP Sewingshields & Marches (S) 10.5 miles £10 & Great Tosson (S) 10 miles £10 (M) 9 miles £10 30 MAY West Hill & St Gregory’s Haughton Green ALNHAM CHURCH 26 (E+) 3.5 miles £8 22 APR Intro to Navigation at NEWBROUGH 7 Rothbury (M) 5 miles £25 06 MAY Salter’s Rd & the 19 AUG The Three Tors 01 APR Shepherds Cairn (S) 7 miles £10 (S) 11 miles £10 Newbrough Roman 18 JUL Intro to Navigation at Wall circular (M) 8 miles £10 Rothbury (M) 5 miles £25 10 JUN An intro to Navigation at HETHPOOL COLLEGE VALLEY 35 Alnham (M) 5 miles £25 SIMONBURN 8 16 SEP Lordenshaws, Simonside 15 AUG The Schil via Red Cribs (S) 10 miles £10 12 SEP (S) 14 miles £10 07 MAY Ravensheugh Crag & & Great Tosson Salter’s Rd & the Shepherds Cairn (S) 7 miles £10 the Goatstones (M) 8.5 miles £10 07 OCT The Armstrong Terraces 18 AUG Ringchesters & Eccles at Rothbury (E+) 5.5 miles £8 Cairn (S) 8 miles £10 03 OCT Haughton Castle Pick up our Visitor & Events Guide for (S) 9.5 miles £10 TOSSON LIME KILN 20 further details. HAWSEN BURN 36 Log on to our website for the walk BARDON MILL 13 JUN River Coquet to start point locations. 14 AUG A circuit of the WAR MEMORIAL 10 Tosson Hill (S) 9 miles £10 (M) 7 miles £8 www.northumberlandnational Harthope 21 OCT Thorngrafton 09 SEP River Coquet to 17 AUG Hedgehope Common (M) 7.5 miles £10 Tosson Hill (S) 9 miles £10 or call us on 01434 344 396 (S) 9 miles £10 HADRIAN'S WALL GUIDED WALK AND EVENT START POINTS COQUETDALE 1 GREENHEAD Tea Room 18 ROTHBURY Riverside Car Park 1 36 START POINTS 2 WALLTOWN QUARRY COUNTRY PARK SIMONSIDE Choose your event 19 National Park Car Park Forestry Car Park then look on the 3 CAWFIELDS map to find where 20 TOSSON LIME KILN National Park Car Park it starts from. Go to National Park Car Park our website for a 4 THE SILL: National 34 33 21 HOLYSTONE Landscape Discovery Centre full description and Forestry Car Park details of how to get 35 32 5 STEEL RIGG there. THE CHEVIOTS 31 22 HARBOTTLE National Park Car Park 36 Forestry Car Park 6 HOUSESTEADS 23 ALWINTON 29 28 National Park Car Park 30 National Park Car Park 27 7 NEWBROUGH Town Hall COQUETDALE 24 WEDDER LEAP 25 26 National Park Car Park 8 SIMONBURN Car Park 24 25 BUCKHAM’S BRIDGE 23 9 HEXHAM National Park Car Park National Park HQ 22 16 26 ALNHAM CHURCH 10 BARDON MILL 21 20 18 WAR MEMORIAL 19 NORTH TYNE 15 AND REDESDALE 17 The Cheviots North Tyne and Redesdale 27 INGRAM Valley Cottage 14 Cafe 11 STONEHAUGH 13 Forestry Car Park 28 INGRAM BRIDGE 12 National Park Car Park 12 BELLINGHAM Heritage Centre 11 29 BULBY’S WOOD National Park Car Park 13 HARESHAW LINN 8 National Park Car Park Hadrian's wall 30 HARTSIDE Breamish Valley 6 14 GREENHAUGH Car Park 5 31 CAREY BURN BRIDGE 2 3 7 grass verge 15 ROCHESTER Camien Cafe 1 4 10 9 32 WOOLER COMMON 16 CATCLEUGH RESERVOIR Forestry Car Park Entrance BOOK 33 WOOLER Cheviot Centre 17 ELSDON YOUR TICKETS Old School House Tea Room Keep up to date with IN ADVANCE 34 KIRKNEWTON Village Hall our events programme 35 HETHPOOL Scan the QR code ONLINE National Park Car Park with your smartphone 36 HAWSEN BURN for our Events GUIDED WALK GRADES SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATION EASY+ (E+) Short walks of 2-5miles (3-8km). Paths may be or telephone: 01434 341200 rough or uneven with some short ascents and Trained National Park Volunteers lead the Guided Walks. They will be at descents. the Meeting Point well before the start time to welcome you. MODERATE (M) Dress for changeable weather, waterproofs and sun screen can often be Medium length walks of 3-10 miles (5-16km) needed on the same day, and good footwear is essential. on hilly ground with rising and falling levels. A Please bring refreshments such as lunch, or a snack and don’t forget to reasonable level of fitness is required. bring a drink. STRENUOUS (S) Sorry - Dogs are not allowed on most walks. Please visit our website for Long and energetic walks up to 11 miles (18km). further details. Some ascents and descents may be quite steep and To avoid disappointment we recommend that you book on loose material. A good level of fitness is needed. your tickets in advance online as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. ALL WALKS START AT 10.30 AM
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