SRI 1, Jalan SS15/7A, 47500 , Darul Ehsan. | T: 03-56343491/3 | F: 03-56343489 | W:

OMEDB/SKL/20-16 Date: 25th April 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians,


Please be advised that at 8.30PM on Thursday 23rd April, the Malaysian Government officially extended the Movement Control Order (MCO) until May 12th 2020.

Whilst being another round of tough news for all parents and staff, the extension was widely expected and we, the Sri KL community, must continue to deal with the situation as best we can. As such, online classes and selected online co-curricular activities will continue to cover the new extension period.

It must also be noted that, in his announcement, the Prime Minister said that further extensions of the MCO could not be ruled out. As such, it is our considered opinion that schools in will not be allowed to reopen until after the Hari Raya and mid-year school holidays. We hope this is not the case, but parents are advised to plan accordingly.

Second Semester School Fees • As previously mentioned, payment for Second Semester School Fees will be split into two equal payments.

• The first payment should be made on or before 9th June 2020.

• The second payment for the remaining 50% of Second Semester School Fees should be made on or before 1st September 2020.

• Those wishing to pay fees by credit card may now do so for both instalments of Second Semester School Fees 2020 without extra charge.

• Students leaving Sri KL Secondary School after Y11 in 2020, may further choose to offset their security deposits against the second payment of 2020 Second Semester School Fees.

• The first round of invoices will be sent to parents within the next two weeks.

Rebate on School Fees • Following the latest MCO extension and projected extended closure of schools, we have now calculated the proposed rebate on school fees based on the school being closed for 38 school days up to the mid-year school holidays.

• The quantum of the rebate has been based on operational cost savings and also on an additional amount we believe reflects the loss to our students of normal school life. This loss might include co-curricular activities, arts and humanities subjects, the chance to socialize with friends, participating in Sports Day, Swim Gala, class activities and so forth.

• We have also taken into consideration the fact that, although teaching and learning continue via online classes, parents now have to shoulder the burden of child care, particularly for younger children.

• As such, the School will be giving a rebate of RM700 for every Primary School student and a rebate of RM1000 for every Secondary School student.

• The rebate will be included in the next invoice parents receive.

Y11 IGCSE Examinations • As previously outlined, we have decided to use predicted grades for all our students registered to take the Bahasa Melayu and Chinese Language papers.

• However, the mock examinations for all students have been cancelled due to the new MCO extension.

• Therefore, all predicted grades for Y11 students will be based on past and present work, the recent oral examinations and departmental recommendations regarding each individual student.

UNSW ICAS tests for Sri KL students • We have been informed by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) that the ICAS tests scheduled for June will be postponed to a later date and may even be cancelled for 2020.

• We will keep parents informed as we receive further clarification from UNSW.

We hope the financial arrangements above will help to alleviate some of the cash flow pressure felt by our parents until such time as the virus is brought under control and the economic situation in Malaysia and the rest of the world improves.

May we also take this opportunity to wish everyone in the Sri KL family, especially all our Muslim parents and students, a peaceful and blessed Bulan Ramadan and all the strength and courage needed to get through these difficult times.

Thank you and please stay safe.

Yours faithfully, The Board of Management of Sri KL