GET FILE='Y:\research\ polling\State FOIA\Registration\KA Datasets\09 11 KARL Political II SPSS Raw.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. DISPLAY DICTIONARY.

File Information


Output Created 21-APR-2017 12:34:44 Comments Input Data Y:\research\Iraq polling\State FOIA\Registration\KA Datasets\09 11 KARL Political II SPSS Raw.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter Weight Split File Syntax DISPLAY DICTIONARY. Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.03 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.03 [DataSet1] Y:\research\Iraq polling\State FOIA\Registration\KA Datasets\09 11 KARL Political II SPSS Raw.sav

Page 1 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width M1 M1- 1 Respondent Scale Input 6 Right ID Number M2 2 Major Metros Scale Input 4 Right M3 Sampling 3 Scale Input 11 Right Point M4 Geographic 4 Scale Input 4 Right Code M5 5 Province Scale Input 4 Right M6 Year Of 6 Scale Input 6 Right Interview M7 Month of 7 Scale Input 4 Right Interview M8 Date of 8 Scale Input 4 Right Interview M9 Day of Week 9 Scale Input 4 Right of Interview M10 Interviewer 10 Scale Input 11 Right Code M11 Interview 11 Completed on Scale Input 4 Right the M12 Supervisor 12 Scale Input 6 Right Code M13 Record Time 13 Interview Scale Input 6 Right Began M14 Record Time 14 Interview Scale Input 6 Right Ended M15 Record Length of 15 Scale Input 6 Right Interview in Minutes M16 Keypuncher 16 Scale Input 6 Right Code M17 17 Region Scale Input 4 Right Q1 In your opinion, what is the most 18 urgent issue Scale Input 4 Right facing our country today? How closely do you follow political 19 Scale Input 4 Right events taking place in our country?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values M1 Right F11 F11

M2 Right F11 F11 M3 Right F11 F11

M4 Right F11 F11

M5 Right F11 F11 M6 Right F11 F11

M7 Right F11 F11

M8 Right F11 F11

M9 Right F11 F11

M10 Right F22 F22

M11 Right F11 F11

M12 Right F22 F22

M13 Right F11 F11

M14 Right F11 F11

M15 Right F11 F11

M16 Right F22 F22

M17 Right F11 F11 Q1

Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 3 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q2 How closely do you follow political 19 Scale Input 4 Right events taking place in our country? Q3 In general, do you feel things in Iraq are going in 20 Scale Input 4 Right the right direction or the wrong direction? Q4 Compared to one year ago, do you think the political 21 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq today is better or worse? Q5 And what about the economic situation in 22 Iraq? Is it Scale Input 4 Right better or worse than the situation one year ago?

Q6 Of all the political leaders in Iraq today, which would be 23 Scale Input 4 Right most likely to make a positive change for Iraq? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 24 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Nouri al- Maliki?

Page 4 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q2

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 5 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q7a Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 24 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Nouri al- Maliki? Q7b Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 25 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Ayad al- Samarraie? Q7c Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 26 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Jalal Talabani? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 27 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Mahmud Mashhadani?

Page 6 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7a

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 7 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q7d Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 27 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Mahmud Mashhadani? Q7e Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 28 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Tariq al- Hashimi? Q7f Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat 29 Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Osama Tawfiq al- Tikriti? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 30 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Masoud Barzani?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7d

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 9 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q7g Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 30 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Masoud Barzani? Q7h Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 31 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Moqtada al- Sadr? Q7i Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 32 Scale Input 4 Right somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Iyad Allawi? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 33 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Nashirwan Mustafa?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7g

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 11 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q7j Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 33 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Nashirwan Mustafa? Q7k Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 34 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Ammar Al- Hakim? Q7l Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 35 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 36 Scale Input 4 Right somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Rafi al-Issawi?

Page 12 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7j

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 13 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q7m Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 36 Scale Input 4 Right somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Rafi al-Issawi?

Q7n Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 37 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Ibrahim Al- Jafaari? Q7o Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 38 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Ahmed al- Chalabi? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 39 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Usama Al- Nujayfi?

Page 14 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7m

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 15 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q7p Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 39 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Usama Al- Nujayfi? Q7r Please tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, 40 somewhat Scale Input 4 Right unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of Khasro Goran? Q8a How much confidence do you have in the following 41 to improve the Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki? Q8b How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 42 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq... Parliament Speaker Ayad al-Samarrai? How much confidence do you have in the following 43 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...National Assembly?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q7p

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 17 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q8c How much confidence do you have in the following 43 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...National Assembly? Q8d How much confidence do you have in the following 44 to improve the Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq... Provincial Government? Q8e How much confidence do you have in the following 45 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...Iraqi Army? Q8f How much confidence do you have in the following 46 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...Iraqi Police? Q8g How much confidence do you have in the following 47 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...U.S. Forces? How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 48 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Local Security, like Awakening Councils?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q8c

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 19 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q8h How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 48 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Local Security, like Awakening Councils? Q8i How much confidence do you have in the following 49 to improve the Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani? Q9 To what extent does the current Iraqi government 50 Scale Input 4 Right represent the views and interests of people like you? Q10a How much confidence do you have in the following 51 to improve the Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Dawa Party-Nouri al-Maliki? How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 52 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq-Ammar al-Hakim?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q8h

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 21 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q10b How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 52 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq-Ammar al-Hakim? Q10c How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 53 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq... Kurdistan Democratic Party-Masoud Barzani? Q10d How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 54 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...Patriotic Union of Kurdistan- Jalal Talabani? Q10e How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 55 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...Iraqi Islamic Party- Osama Tawfiq al- Tikriti? How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 56 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Iraqi National Accord-Ayad Allawi?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q10b

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 23 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q10f How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 56 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Iraqi National Accord-Ayad Allawi? Q10g How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 57 situation in Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...The Martyr al-Sadr Office- Moqtada al- Sadr? Q10h How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 58 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...National Dialogue Council-Salah Mutlak? Q10i How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 59 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Islamic Virtue Party- Muhammed al-Yaqubi? How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 60 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...The Change List- Nawshirwan Mustafa?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q10f

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 25 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q10j How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 60 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...The Change List- Nawshirwan Mustafa? Q10k How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the situation in 61 Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...The Awakening Council- Sheikh Ahmed Abu Risha? Q10l How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the situation in 62 Scale Input 4 Right Iraq...Al- Hadbaa National Gathering - Usama al- Nujayfi? Q10m How much confidence do you have in the following to improve the 63 Scale Input 4 Right situation in Iraq...Fadilah Party - Mohammad al-Waili? How much confidence do you have in the following 64 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...Nineveh Fraternal List?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q10j

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 27 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q10n How much confidence do you have in the following 64 Scale Input 4 Right to improve the situation in Iraq...Nineveh Fraternal List?

Q11 Some people say that leaders of political parties care about and protect the interests of ordinary Iraqis. Others 65 Scale Input 4 Right say that party leaders care about and protect only themselves and their friends. Which view is closer to yours? Q12 Please tell me whether the current Iraqi government is very effective, somewhat effective, 66 Scale Input 4 Right somewhat ineffective or very ineffective in addressing the concerns of our country.

How effective is the national government in 67 Scale Input 4 Right dealing with improving security?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q10n

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 29 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q13a How effective is the national government in 67 Scale Input 4 Right dealing with improving security?

Q13b How effective is the national government in 68 Scale Input 4 Right dealing with improving the economy?

Q13c How effective is the national government in 69 Scale Input 4 Right dealing with reducing corruption? Q13d How effective is the national government in 70 dealing with Scale Input 4 Right addressing unemploymen t?

Q13e How effective is the national government in dealing with 71 Scale Input 4 Right improving services such as water and electricity?

Q13f How effective is the national government in dealing with 72 Scale Input 4 Right providing quality education for our children? How effective is the national government in 73 dealing with Scale Input 4 Right improving infrastructure in this area?

Page 30 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q13a

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 31 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q13g How effective is the national government in 73 dealing with Scale Input 4 Right improving infrastructure in this area?

Q13h How effective is the national government in 74 Scale Input 4 Right dealing with Paving roads in this area?

Q14a Level of priority for our 75 Scale Input 4 Right leaders... Uniting Iraqis?

Q14b Level of priority for our leaders... 76 Scale Input 4 Right Resolving the status of Kirkuk? Q14c Level of priority for our 77 leaders... Scale Input 4 Right Improving security? Q14d Level of priority for our 78 leaders... Scale Input 4 Right Improving economy? Q14e Level of priority for our 79 leaders... Scale Input 4 Right Reducing corruption? Q14f Level of priority for our leaders... 80 Scale Input 4 Right Addressing unemploymen t? Level of priority for our leaders... 81 Scale Input 4 Right Improving the electricity supply?

Page 32 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q13g

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 33 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q14g Level of priority for our leaders... 81 Scale Input 4 Right Improving the electricity supply? Q14h Level of priority for our leaders... 82 Scale Input 4 Right Resisting Iranian influence? Q14i Level of priority for our 83 leaders... Scale Input 4 Right Resisting U.S influence? Q15 For the next Parliamentary election would 84 Scale Input 4 Right you prefer voting system...? Q16 Which of the following types of political parties would 85 Scale Input 4 Right you prefer to support in upcoming parliamentary elections? Which of the following types of political parties would 86 Scale Input 4 Right you prefer to support in upcoming parliamentary elections?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q14g

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Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 35 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q17 Which of the following types of political parties would 86 Scale Input 4 Right you prefer to support in upcoming parliamentary elections? Q18 Would you say that Iraqi leaders are more committed to the idea of a unified Iraq, their ethnic or 87 Scale Input 4 Right sectarian affiliations or their own personal interests, or have you not heard enough to say? Q19a Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 88 Scale Input 4 Right or religious group or to all Iraqis...Nouri Al-Maliki?

Q19b Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 89 or religious Scale Input 4 Right group or to all Iraqis... Moqtada Al- Sadr?

Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 90 Scale Input 4 Right or religious group or to all Iraqis...Ayad Allawi?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q17

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

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Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q19c Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 90 Scale Input 4 Right or religious group or to all Iraqis...Ayad Allawi?

Q19d Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 91 or religious Scale Input 4 Right group or to all Iraqis... Massoud Barzani?

Q19e Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 92 or religious Scale Input 4 Right group or to all Iraqis...Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha?

Q19f Works mostly to help members of his own ethnic 93 or religious Scale Input 4 Right group or to all Iraqis... Ammar Al- Hakim

Opinion of statements...A secular 94 government is Scale Input 4 Right the best type of government for Iraq?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q19c

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 39 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q20a Opinion of statements...A secular 94 government is Scale Input 4 Right the best type of government for Iraq?

Q20b Opinion of statements... Religion is a matter of personal faith 95 Scale Input 4 Right and should be kept separate from government policy? Q20c Opinion of statements... 96 Only a single Scale Input 4 Right strong leader can rule Iraq? Q20d Opinion of statements... Politics offers 97 Scale Input 4 Right no solutions for people in Iraq today? Q20e Opinion of statements... Voting gives people like 98 Scale Input 4 Right me some say about how government runs things? In your opinion how much do you have in common with 99 Scale Input 4 Right members of these different groups... Average Turkoman?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q20a

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 41 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q21a In your opinion how much do you have in common with 99 Scale Input 4 Right members of these different groups... Average Turkoman?

Q21b In your opinion how much do you have in common with 100 Scale Input 4 Right members of these different groups... Average Kurd?

Q21c In your opinion how much do you have in common with 101 Scale Input 4 Right members of these different groups... Average Arab Sunni?

Q21d In your opinion how much do you have in common with 102 Scale Input 4 Right members of these different groups... Average Arab Shia?

How much have you heard or read 103 about the Scale Input 4 Right upcoming parliamentary elections?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q21a

Right F11 F11


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Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 43 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q22 How much have you heard or read 103 about the Scale Input 4 Right upcoming parliamentary elections? Q23a What is your main source of information 104 about the Scale Input 4 Right upcoming parliamentary elections? Q23b 105 Specifically? Scale Input 4 Right Q24 How likely are you to vote in 106 the upcoming Scale Input 4 Right parliamentary election? Q25a If the parliamentary election was 107 Scale Input 4 Right held today who would you vote for? Q25b Who would you be 108 Scale Input 4 Right inclined to vote for? Q26 How likely are you to change 109 your mind Scale Input 4 Right before election day? Q27 How important is it for Iraqis of your 110 Scale Input 4 Right community to take part in the upcoming election? For the next national Parliamentary election would 111 you prefer an Scale Input 4 Right open list system or a closed list system?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q22

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Q23b Right F11 F11 Q24

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Q25b Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 45 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

Q28 For the next national Parliamentary election would 111 you prefer an Scale Input 4 Right open list system or a closed list system?

Q29 How free and fair do you think the next 112 national Scale Input 4 Right Parliamentary elections will be? Q30a Opinion of statements... The area where I live is controlled by 113 parties or Scale Input 4 Right other organizations who would force me to vote for them? Q30b Opinion of statements... All political parties regardless of their policies 114 should be Scale Input 4 Right allowed to have campaign meetings in my community? Opinion of statements... All political parties regardless of their policies 115 Scale Input 4 Right should be allowed access to television in order to reach voters?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q28

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 47 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q30c Opinion of statements... All political parties regardless of their policies 115 Scale Input 4 Right should be allowed access to television in order to reach voters? Q30d Opinion of statements... The best guarantee of free and fair 116 elections is Scale Input 4 Right the careful watch of international election experts? Q31 What is the most important issue that needs to be 117 Scale Input 4 Right addressed by parties and candidates in the upcoming elections? Some people say that regardless of who wins the upcoming elections, not much will change in the country. Others say 118 that the Scale Input 4 Right results of the elections do matter and it will make a difference who wins. Which of these views is closer to your own?

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Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 49 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q32 Some people say that regardless of who wins the upcoming elections, not much will change in the country. Others say 118 that the Scale Input 4 Right results of the elections do matter and it will make a difference who wins. Which of these views is closer to your own? Q33a How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader has following 119 Scale Input 4 Right attributes... Performs the obligations of his or her religion? Q33b How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 120 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes...Is a religious leader? How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader has following 121 Scale Input 4 Right attributes...Is a leader outside the religious world?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q32

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 51 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q33c How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader has following 121 Scale Input 4 Right attributes...Is a leader outside the religious world? Q33d How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 122 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Same ethnic group as me? Q33e How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 123 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Same religion as me? Q33f How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 124 has following Scale Input 4 Right attributes... Stayed in Iraq during Saddam era? Q33g How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 125 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Stayed in Iraq since 2003? How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 126 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Highly educated?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q33c

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Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 53 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q33h How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 126 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Highly educated? Q33i How important is it to you that an Iraqi leader 127 Scale Input 4 Right has following attributes... Honest, not corrupt? Q34 Who do you think would be best choice to 128 serve as the Scale Input 4 Right next Prime Minister of Iraq?

Q35 Would Nouri al-Maliki serving a second term as Prime Minister be a very positive 129 Scale Input 4 Right development, somewhat positive, somewhat negative, or a very negative development?

Q35aa In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 130 Scale Input 4 Right Maliki dealing with... Improving security? In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 131 Scale Input 4 Right Maliki dealing with... Improving the economy?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q33h

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Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 55 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q35ab In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 131 Scale Input 4 Right Maliki dealing with... Improving the economy? Q35ac In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 132 Scale Input 4 Right Maliki dealing with... Reducing corruption? Q35ad In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 133 Maliki dealing Scale Input 4 Right with... Addressing unemploymen t? Q35ae In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister Maliki dealing 134 Scale Input 4 Right with... Improving services such as water and electricity? Q35af In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister Maliki dealing 135 Scale Input 4 Right with... Providing quality education for our children? In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 136 Maliki dealing Scale Input 4 Right with... Improving infrastructure in this area?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q35ab

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 57 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width Q35ag In your opinion how effective has Prime Minister 136 Maliki dealing Scale Input 4 Right with... Improving infrastructure in this area? Q36a Please tell me you think the election was... 137 The recent Scale Input 4 Right Presidential election in Iran?

Q36b Please tell me you think the election was... 138 The Kurdish Scale Input 4 Right region parliamentary elections?

Q36c Please tell me you think the election was... 139 The January Scale Input 4 Right 2009 Iraqi provincial elections?

Q36d Please tell me you think the election was... 140 Scale Input 4 Right The 2008 US Presidential election?

D1 How old are 141 Scale Input 4 Right you? D2 What is the highest level 142 Scale Input 4 Right of education you finished? D3 What is your 143 Scale Input 4 Right ethnic group? D4a Are you 144 currently Scale Input 4 Right employed? What is the main reason 145 Scale Input 4 Right you are without work? Page 58 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values Q35ag

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

D1 Right F11 F11

D2 Right F11 F11

D3 Right F11 F11

D4a Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 59 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width D4b What is the main reason 145 Scale Input 4 Right you are without work? D4c Is anyone in your 146 household Scale Input 4 Right currently employed? D5 Would you describe your household's current standard of 147 Scale Input 4 Right living as very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? D6 Compared to one year ago, would you say that your household's 148 financial Scale Input 4 Right situation has improved, worsened or stayed the same? D7 Which ONE of the following statements best describes 149 Scale Input 4 Right your household's present financial situation? Please tell me whether you have access 150 to each of the Scale Input 4 Right following...A television at home?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D4b Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

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Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

D8aa Please tell me whether you have access 150 to each of the Scale Input 4 Right following...A television at home?

D8ab Please tell me whether you have access to each of the 151 following... Scale Input 4 Right stations at home?

D8ac Please tell me whether you have access to each of the following... 152 Satellite Scale Input 4 Right television stations at a friend or relatives home?

D8ad Please tell me whether you have access to each of the following... 153 Satellite Scale Input 4 Right television stations at coffeehouse or other public venue?

Please tell me whether you have access to each of the 154 Scale Input 4 Right following...A land line telephone at home?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D8aa

Right F11 F11


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Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

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Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width

D8ae Please tell me whether you have access to each of the 154 Scale Input 4 Right following...A land line telephone at home?

D8af Please tell me whether you have access 155 Scale Input 4 Right to each of the following...A cell phone?

D8ag Please tell me whether you have access 156 to each of the Scale Input 4 Right following...A computer at home?

D8ah Please tell me whether you have access to each of the 157 Scale Input 4 Right following... Internet access at home?

D8ai Please tell me whether you have access to each of the following... 158 Scale Input 4 Right Internet access at an Internet cafe or other public venue?

How much time do you 159 Scale Input 4 Right spend on the Internet?

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Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D8ae

Right F11 F11


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Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 65 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width D8b How much time do you 159 Scale Input 4 Right spend on the Internet? D9a What one source do you rely on most for information 160 about Scale Input 4 Right important events and problems in our contry?

D9b Which in particular do 161 Scale Input 4 Right you rely on most? D10 How safe do you feel in 162 your Scale Input 4 Right neighborhood ? D11 Which of the following do you consider the most 163 important for Scale Input 4 Right giving you a sense of who you are as a person? D12 Are you 164 registered to Scale Input 4 Right vote? D13 How many people of a different ethnicity or religious 165 group from Scale Input 4 Right your own currently live in your neighborhood ? D14 If I asked you about your religion, what 166 Scale Input 4 Right do you prefer your answer to be? What is the 167 doctrine you Scale Input 4 Right believe in? Page 66 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D8b Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

D9b Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

D12 Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 67 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width D15 What is the 167 doctrine you Scale Input 4 Right believe in? D16 168 Sex Scale Input 4 Right D17 169 Locality Scale Input 4 Right D18 170 District Scale Input 4 Right D19 Which of the following statements 171 best Scale Input 4 Right describes the interview situation? D20 In answering the questions in this 172 questionnaire, Scale Input 4 Right the respondent seemed to be D21 In your opinion, was the 173 respondent Scale Input 4 Right being candid in his/her responses? D22 Which of the following statements 174 Scale Input 4 Right best describes the respondent? D23 Please observe the surroundings of home, dress, etc. of 175 respondents Scale Input 4 Right who answered Muslim, Don't know, or No answer for D9 D24 176 Sample Scale Input 4 Right Which Questions 177 Caused Scale Input 4 Right Uneasiness- First Mention?

Page 68 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D15 Right F11 F11

D16 Right F11 F11 D17 Right F11 F11 D18 Right F11 F11 D19

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

D24 Right F11 F11

Right F11 F11

Page 69 Variable Information

Measurement Variable Position Label Level Role Column Width D25a Which Questions 177 Caused Scale Input 4 Right Uneasiness- First Mention? D25b Which Questions Caused 178 Scale Input 4 Right Uneasiness- Second Mention? D25c Which Questions Caused 179 Scale Input 4 Right Uneasiness- Third Mention? D26 Was the interview subject to 180 Scale Input 4 Right quality control/back- check? D27 Method of quality 181 Scale Input 4 Right control/back- check Age Age 182 Scale Input 5 Right Category1 AgeGrp2 183 Age Actegory2 Scale Input 5 Right EduGrp Education 184 Scale Input 5 Right Group Ethnic 185 Ethnicity Scale Input 5 Right Rel1 186 Religion1 Scale Input 5 Right Rel2 187 Religion2 Scale Input 5 Right CumRel3 Cumulative 188 Religion Scale Input 5 Right (Rel1-Rel2) Group Ethnic- 189 Religious Scale Input 5 Right Group SexWt 190 Scale Input 10 Right AgeWt 191 Scale Input 10 Right GroupWt 192 Scale Input 10 Right ProWt 193 Scale Input 10 Right TotWt 194 Scale Input 10 Right

Page 70 Variable Information

Variable Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values D25a

Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11


Right F11 F11

D27 Right F11 F11

Age Right F8 F8

AgeGrp2 Right F8 F8 EduGrp Right F8 F8

Ethnic Right F8 F8 999 Rel1 Right F8 F8 999 Rel2 Right F8 F8 CumRel3 Right F8 F8

Group Right F8 F8

SexWt Right F8.6 F8.6 AgeWt Right F8.6 F8.6 GroupWt Right F8.6 F8.6 ProWt Right F8.6 F8.6 TotWt Right F8.6 F8.6 Variables in the working file

Page 71 Variable Values

Value Label M2 1 Baghdad 2 Basra 3 Mosul 4 Kirkuk 9 All Other Locations M4 1 Urban 2 Rural M5 1 Anbar 2 Basrah 3 Muthanna 4 Qadisiyah 5 Najaf 6 Tamim 7 Babylon 8 Baghdad 9 Dhi Qar 10 Diyala 11 Karbala 12 Maysan 13 Nineveh 14 Salah Ad Din 15 Wasit 16 Suleymaniyah 17 Dahuk 18 Irbil M7 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December M9 1 Friday 2 Saturday Sunday

Page 72 M9 Variable Values Value Label 3 Sunday 4 Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 Thursday M11 1 First Contact 2 Second Contact 3 Third Contact M17 1 Baghdad 2 Kurdish Areas 3 Mosul 4 Kirkuk 5 Tikrit 6 Baquba 7 Mid-Euphrates 8 South 9 Anbar Q1 1 Jobs/unemployment 2 Poverty/standard of living 3 Other economic issues 4 Infrastructure such as electricity, gas, energy and water 5 Education and schools 6 Overall security of the country 7 Street crime 8 Other political issues 9 Presence of U.S. Forces 10 Housing crisis 11 Disarming militias 12 Corruption 13 The relationship between Iraqi ethnic and religious groups 14 Federalism 15 Amending of the constitution 16 Forced migration 17 Status of Kirkuk 18 Resolving the status of the Sons of Iraq 19 Slow reconstruction 20 Lack of Unity among people 21 Intervention of neighboring countries 22 Lack of investment in agriculture 96 Other Refused Page 73 Q1

Variable Values

Value Label 97 Refused 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q2 1 Very closely 2 Fairly closely 3 Only a little 4 Not at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q3 1 Right direction 2 Wrong direction 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q4 1 Better 2 Worse 3 Same 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q5 1 Better 2 Worse 3 Same 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q6 1 Nouri Al-Maliki 2 Ayad Al-Samarraie 3 Jalal Talabani 4 Mahmoud Mashhadani 5 Tariq Al-Hashimi 6 Osama Tawfiq al-Tikriti 7 Masud Barzani 8 Muqtada Al-Sadr 9 Ayad Allawi 10 Nawshirvan Mustafa 11 Ammar Al-Hakim 12 Ahmed Abu Risha 13 Rafi Al-Issawi 14 Ibrahim Jaffari 15 Ahmad Chalabi 16 Usama Al-Nujayfi 17 Khasro Goran 18 Ali Al-Sistani 19 Salah Al-Din Baha Al-Din 20 Dhafir Al-Ani Abd Al-Karim Al-Enzi Page 74 Q6

Variable Values

Value Label 21 Abd Al-Karim Al-Enzi 22 Mishan Al-Juburi 23 Adil Abd Al-Mahdi 24 Mithal Alousi 25 Salih Al-Mutlaq 26 Muhsin Abd Al-Ahmad 27 Barham Salih 28 Fuad Mahsoom 29 Adnan Pachachi 30 Khali Al-Attiya 31 Ayad Jamal Al-Din 32 Fadhel Merani 33 Hassan Al-Shammari 34 Baha Aragi 35 Ali Adeeb 36 Hareth Al-Dhari 37 Faruq Abd Al-Rahman 38 Mahdi Al-Hafid 39 Mohammed Al-Yaqubi 40 Nechirvan Barzani 41 Hoshiyar Zebari 42 Adnan Mufti 43 Hamed Majed Musa 44 Hussein Shahristani 45 Salam Al-Zebari 46 Baqir Jabir Al-Zubeydi 47 Mahmoud Othman 48 Muwafaq Al-Rubehi 49 Ali Dabagh 50 Kusrat Rasul 51 Sabah Al-Sahdi 52 Mahmoud Al-Hasani 53 Saad Al-Din Ergech 54 Jalal Al-Din Al-Sagir 55 Humam Hammudi 56 Abbas Al-Bayati 57 Haydar Al-Abadi 58 Salim Abdullah 59 Nasar Al-Rubehi 60 Ali Babir 61 Jiwad al-Bulani 62 Abd Al-Karim Al-Samarrai 63 Sami Al-Sarki Khalaf Ulayan Page 75 Q6

Variable Values

Value Label 64 Khalaf Ulayan 65 Haid Al-Amiri 66 Hamid Al-Haes 97 None 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q7a 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7b 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7c 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7d 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7e 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7f 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Very favorable Page 76 Variable Values

Value Label Q7g 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7h 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7i 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7j 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7k 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7l 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7m 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Very favorable Page 77 Variable Values

Value Label Q7n 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7o 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7p 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q7r 1 Very favorable 2 Somewhat favorable 3 Somewhat unfavorable 4 Very unfavorable 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8a 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8b 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8c 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Great deal Page 78 Variable Values

Value Label Q8d 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8e 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8f 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8g 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8h 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q8i 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q9 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Not at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Great deal Page 79 Variable Values

Value Label Q10a 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10b 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10c 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10d 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10e 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10f 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10g 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Great deal Page 80 Variable Values

Value Label Q10h 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10i 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10j 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10k 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10l 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10m 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q10n 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 None at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Strongly feel that party leaders care about ordinary Iraqis Page 81 Variable Values

Value Label Q11 1 Strongly feel that party leaders care about ordinary Iraqis 2 Somewhat feel that party leaders care about ordinary Iraqis 3 Somewhat feel that party leaders care about themselves 4 Strongly feel that party leaders care about themselves 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q12 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13a 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13b 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13c 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13d 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13e 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective Don't Know Page 82 Q13e

Variable Values

Value Label 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13f 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13g 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q13h 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q14a 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14b 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14c 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14d 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14e 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority Don't know Page 83 Q14e Variable Values

Value Label 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14f 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14g 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14h 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q14i 1 High priority 2 Secondary priority 3 Low priority 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q15 1 Vote for individuals 2 Vote for parties 3 Have no preference between the two 4 Have not heard enough to say 99 Refuse to say Q16 1 A party with mostly people from your same religious group 2 A party made up of people from different religious groups in 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q17 1 A party with mostly people from your same ethnic group 2 A party made up of people from different ethnic groups in Ir 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q18 1 The idea of unified Iraq 2 Their ethnic or sectarian affiliations 3 Their own personal interests 4 Haven't heard enough to say Don't know Page 84 Q18

Variable Values

Value Label 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q19a 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q19b 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q19c 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q19d 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q19e 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q19f 1 Works mostly to help members of his own group 2 Works mostly to help all Iraqis 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q20a 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q20b 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree 98 Don't know 99 No answer Strongly agree

Page 85 Variable Values

Value Label Q20c 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q20d 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q20e 1 Strongly agree 2 Somewhat agree 3 Somewhat disagree 4 Strongly disagree 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q21a 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Nothing at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q21b 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Nothing at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q21c 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Nothing at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q21d 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Nothing at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Great deal Page 86 Variable Values

Value Label Q22 1 Great deal 2 Fair amount 3 Not very much 4 Not much at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer Q23a 1 Television 2 Radio 3 Newspaper 4 Internet 5 Mosque 6 School 7 Family members or friends 8 Flyers/leaflets 9 Posters 97 None 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to answer Q23b 1 Zagros TV 2 Kurdistan TV 3 Kurdsat 4 Ykgrto TV 5 Kani Kurdistan TV 6 KNN TV 7 Azadi TV 8 Payam TV 9 Al-Jazeera 10 Al-Arabiya 11 Jamawar TV 12 Al-Iraqiya 13 Al-Sumariya 14 Dijlah TV 15 Al-Muthanna TV 16 Al-Forat TV 17 Al-Sharqiya 18 Al-Baghdadiya 19 Al-Masar TV 20 Al-Hurra TV 21 MBC TV 22 Al-Nahrain TV 23 Al-Fayha TV 24 LBC 25 Al-Vatan TV Biladi TV Page 87 Q23b

Variable Values

Value Label 26 Biladi TV 27 Al-Salam TV 28 Al-Babilia TV 29 Ishtar TV 30 Al-Rafidain TV 31 Al-Rahi TV 32 Karbala TV 33 Al-Diyar TV 34 BBC 35 Afag TV 36 Al-Hurria TV 37 Salah Al-Din TV 38 Al-Turkmania TV 39 Abu Dhabi TV 40 Nineveh TV 41 Mosul TV 42 Baghdad TV 43 Navrose TV 44 Hawler TV 45 Turcoman Eli TV 46 Ashur TV 47 Dubai TV 48 Kirkuk TV 49 Al-Rasheed TV 50 Al-Anwar TV 51 Al-Ghadeer TV 52 Al-Najaf TV 53 Russia Al-Youm 54 Al-Alim TV 55 Al-Maarif TV 56 Komal TV 57 Khak TV 58 Dahuk TV 59 Al-Mustaqilla TV 60 Sumer TV 61 Al-Anbar TV 62 Al-Khawtar TV 97 Others 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer 101 Radio Nawa 102 Ykrto Radio 103 Ashti Radio Quran Radio Page 88 Q23b

Variable Values

Value Label 104 Quran Radio 105 PUK Radio 106 PDK Radio 107 Zagros Radio 108 Komal Radio 109 Mashkhalan Radio 110 Harman Radio 111 Hamoon Radio 112 Al-Biladi Radio 113 Al-Hadara Radio 114 Radio Baghdad 115 Dijlah Radio 116 Shat Al-Arab Radio 117 Radio sawa 118 BBC Radio 119 Voice of America 120 Iraq Al-Hurr Radio 121 Al-Hurriya Radio 122 Al-Iraq Radio 123 Al-Rasheed Radio 124 Sumer Radio 125 Al-Alim Radio 126 Radio Monte Carlo 127 Huna Iraq Radio 128 Al-Nahrain Radio 129 Al-Mahloumat Radio 130 Al-Parlaman Radio 131 Al-Najaf Radio 132 Al-Maarif Radio 133 Radio Dar Al-Salam 134 Radio Al-Ahid 135 Al-Nas Radio 136 AUR FM 137 Demozy Radio 138 Al-Hadath Radio 139 Al-Mutamar Radio 140 Fallujah FM 141 Diyalah Radio 201 Hawler Post 202 Kurdistan Newspaper 203 Khabat Newspaper 204 Hawlati Newspaper 205 Asso newspaper Al-Sabah Newspaper Page 89 Q23b

Variable Values

Value Label 206 Al-Sabah Newspaper 207 Al-Zaman Newspaper 208 Al-Sabah Al-Jadid Newspaper 209 Al-Takhi Newspaper 210 Al-Dahwa Newspaper 211 Al-Badr Newspaper 212 Al-Adah Newspaper 213 Al-Bayan Newspaper 214 Nas Masriq Newspaper 215 Al-Mutamar Newspaper 216 Al-Dustur Newspaper 217 Al-Mustaqbal Newspaper 218 Dar Al-Salam Newspaper 219 Kul Al-Iraq Newspaper 220 Shat Al-Arab 221 Al-Zawrah Newspaper 222 Al-Bayan Al-Jadid Newspaper 223 Al-Sadr Newspaper 224 Al-Mada Newspaper 225 Tariq Al-Shaib Newspaper 226 Al-Ahrar Newspaper 227 Adalat Newspaper 228 Badir Newspaper 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Al-Iraqi website 316 Sout IRaq 317 Iraquna website 318 Ielaf website 319 Asuwat Iraq 320 Arab online website Alsharqiya website Page 90 Q23b

Variable Values

Value Label 321 Alsharqiya website 322 Al-Babiliyah website 323 Al-Baghdadiyah website 324 Al-Sumariya website 325 326 BBC Arabic website Q24 1 Very likely 2 Somewhat likely 3 Not very likely 4 Not at all likely 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to answer Q25a 1 Grand Ayatollah Said Ali Al- Sistani 2 Nouri Al-Maliki 3 Ayad Al-Samarraie 4 Jalal Talabani 5 Tariq Al-Hashimi 6 Osama Tawfiq Al-Tikriti 7 Masoud Barzani 8 Muqtada Al-Sadr 9 Ayad Allawi 10 Nawshirwan Mustafa 11 Ammar Al-Hakim 12 Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha 13 Ibrahim Jaffari 14 Ahmed Al-Chalabi 15 Usama Al-Nujayfi 16 Mahmoud Mashhadani 17 Rafi Al-Issawi 18 Khasro Goran 19 Adil Abd Al-Mahdi 20 Mithal Alousi 21 Salih Al-Mutlaq 22 Muhsin Abd Al-Ahmed 23 Barham Salih 24 Nedim Al-Juburi 25 Adnan Al-Pachachi 26 Khalid Al-Attiya 27 Ayad Jamal Al-Din 28 Adnan Al-Dulaimi 29 Hassan Shammari 30 Baha Al-Aragi Ali Al-Adeep Page 91 Q25a

Variable Values

Value Label 31 Ali Al-Adeep 32 Hareth Al-Dhari 33 Faruq Abd Al-Rahman 34 Mahdi Al-Hafid 35 Mohammad Al-Yaqubi 36 Nechirvan Barzani 37 Hoshiyar Zebari 38 Adnan Al-Mufti 39 Hamid Majid Mussa 40 Renewal Party 41 Salam Al-Zebari 42 Turcoman Front 43 Mahmoud Othman 44 Sahawa Council 45 Ali Al-Dabagh 46 Shirwan Waili 47 Iraqi National Coalition 48 National Dialogue Front 49 Iraqi National Assembly front 50 Shahid Mihrab List 51 Hummam Hammoudi 52 Abbas Al-Bayati 53 Free Independent Movement 54 Salim Abdullah 55 Nassar Al-Rubaie 56 Falah Shansal 57 Al-Wasat Movement 58 Abd Al-Kareem Al-Samarai 59 Independent candidates 60 Khalaf Ulayan 61 Hadi Amiri 62 Hamid Al-Hais 63 Unadim Kanna 64 Salah Al-Din Baha Al-Din 65 Sabah Al-Sahdi 66 Abi Babir 67 Free Independent Movement 68 People of Iraq Front 69 Saad Al-Din Erkech 70 Abd Mutlaq Al-Juburi 71 Mahmoud Al-Hassani 72 KDP 73 Kurdistan National Party Change List Page 92 Q25a

Variable Values

Value Label 74 Change List 75 Islamic Komal Party 76 Kurdistan Islamic Union 77 Kusrat Rasoul 78 Fadil Mirani 79 Fuad Masom 80 Iraqi National List 81 National Reform movement 82 Fadhilah 83 Competencies of Iraq 84 Islamic High Council 85 Da'wa Party 86 Al-Sadr Movement 87 Al-Da'wa Tanzim 88 Independent gathering for people of the Euprates 89 Iraqi Islamic Party 90 Iraqi National Congress 91 Iraqi Communist Party 92 Iraqi National Council 93 Al-Tawafuq front 94 Iraqi independent tribes 95 National Justice movement 96 Will not vote 97 None 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer 100 Iraqi National Assambly Gathering 101 Freedom and Reform Gathering 102 Iraqi Sahwa council 103 Jawad Al-Hasnawi 104 Iraqi National Coalition 105 Amal Rafidain list 106 Coalition of the State law 107 Islamic Alliance Party 108 National Reconciliation 109 Yusuf Al-Habboubi 110 United Iraqi Alliance 111 Mishaan Al-Juburi 112 Nation Party Q25b 1 Grand Ayatollah Said Ali Al- Sistani 2 Nouri Al-Maliki

Ayad Al-Samarraie Page 93 Q25b Variable Values

Value Label 3 Ayad Al-Samarraie 4 Jalal Talabani 5 Tariq Al-Hashimi 6 Osama Tawfiq Al-Tikriti 7 Masoud Barzani 8 Muqtada Al-Sadr 9 Ayad Allawi 10 Nawshirwan Mustafa 11 Ammar Al-Hakim 12 Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha 13 Ibrahim Jaffari 14 Ahmed Al-Chalabi 15 Usama Al-Nujayfi 16 Mahmoud Mashhadani 17 Rafi Al-Issawi 18 Khasro Goran 19 Adil Abd Al-Mahdi 20 Mithal Alousi 21 Salih Al-Mutlaq 22 Muhsin Abd Al-Ahmed 23 Barham Salih 24 Nedim Al-Juburi 25 Adnan Al-Pachachi 26 Khalid Al-Attiya 27 Ayad Jamal Al-Din 28 Adnan Al-Dulaimi 29 Hassan Shammari 30 Baha Al-Aragi 31 Ali Al-Adeep 32 Hareth Al-Dhari 33 Faruq Abd Al-Rahman 34 Mahdi Al-Hafid 35 Mohammad Al-Yaqubi 36 Nechirvan Barzani 37 Hoshiyar Zebari 38 Adnan Al-Mufti 39 Hamid Majid Mussa 40 Renewal Party 41 Salam Al-Zebari 42 Turcoman Front 43 Mahmoud Othman 44 Sahawa Council 45 Ali Al-Dabagh Shirwan Waili Page 94 Q25b

Variable Values

Value Label 46 Shirwan Waili 47 Iraqi National Coalition 48 National Dialogue Front 49 Iraqi National Assembly front 50 Shahid Mihrab List 51 Hummam Hammoudi 52 Abbas Al-Bayati 53 Free Independent Movement 54 Salim Abdullah 55 Nassar Al-Rubaie 56 Falah Shansal 57 Al-Wasat Movement 58 Abd Al-Kareem Al-Samarai 59 Independent candidates 60 Khalaf Ulayan 61 Hadi Amiri 62 Hamid Al-Hais 63 Unadim Kanna 64 Salah Al-Din Baha Al-Din 65 Sabah Al-Sahdi 66 Abi Babir 67 Free Independent Movement 68 People of Iraq Front 69 Saad Al-Din Erkech 70 Abd Mutlaq Al-Juburi 71 Mahmoud Al-Hassani 72 KDP 73 Kurdistan National Party 74 Change List 75 Islamic Komal Party 76 Kurdistan Islamic Union 77 Kusrat Rasoul 78 Fadil Mirani 79 Fuad Masom 80 Iraqi National List 81 National Reform movement 82 Fadhilah 83 Competencies of Iraq 84 Islamic High Council 85 Da'wa Party 86 Al-Sadr Movement 87 Al-Da'wa Tanzim Independent gathering for people of the Euprates Page 95 Q25b

Variable Values

Value Label 88 Independent gathering for people of the Euprates 89 Iraqi Islamic Party 90 Iraqi National Congress 91 Iraqi Communist Party 92 Iraqi National Council 93 Al-Tawafuq front 94 Iraqi independent tribes 95 National Justice movement 96 Will not vote 97 None 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer 100 Iraqi National Assambly Gathering 101 Freedom and Reform Gathering 102 Iraqi Sahwa council 103 Jawad Al-Hasnawi 104 Iraqi National Coalition 105 Amal Rafidain list 106 Coalition of the State law 107 Islamic Alliance Party 108 National Reconciliation 109 Yusuf Al-Habboubi 110 United Iraqi Alliance 111 Mishaan Al-Juburi 112 Nation Party Q26 1 Very likely 2 Somewhat likely 3 Not very likely 4 Not at all likely 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to answer Q27 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 DOn't know 99 No answer Q28 1 Open list 2 Closed list Have no preference between the two

Page 96 Q28 Variable Values Value Label 3 Have no preference between the two 4 Have not heard enough to say 99 Refuse to say Q29 1 Completely free and fair 2 Free and fair but with minor problems 3 Free and fair but with major problems 4 Not free and fair at all 98 Don't know 99 Refuse to say Q30a 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Disagree somewhat 4 Disagree strongly 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q30b 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Disagree somewhat 4 Disagree strongly 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q30c 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Disagree somewhat 4 Disagree strongly 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q30d 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Disagree somewhat 4 Disagree strongly 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q31 1 Economic issues 2 Electricity, water and essential services 3 Corruption 4 Education and schools 5 General security of the country/reducing violence in the cou 6 Neighborhood safety Getting U.S. Forces out of Iraq Page 97 Q31

Variable Values

Value Label 7 Getting U.S. Forces out of Iraq 8 Getting foreign terrorists out of Iraq 9 Reducing the violence caused by Iraqis against other Iraqis 10 Keeping the country united 11 Federalism 12 Status of Kirkuk 13 Protection of Borders 14 New law for the political parties 15 Human rights 16 More attention to youth 17 Women rights 18 Democracy 19 Elimination of ethnic and sectarian problems 20 Solution for Housing crisis 21 Improvement of living standards 22 Elimination of unemployment 23 Conditions of rural areas 97 Other 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q32 1 Not much will change 2 Elections matter/make a difference 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33a 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33b 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33c 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important Don't know Page 98 Q33c

Variable Values

Value Label 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33d 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33e 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33f 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33g 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33h 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q33i 1 Very important 2 Somewhat important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q34 1 Nouri Al-Maliki 2 Ayad Al-Samarraie 3 Jalal Talabani 4 Mahmud Mashhadani 5 Tariq Al-Hashimi Osama Tawfiq Al-Tikriti Page 99 Q34

Variable Values

Value Label 6 Osama Tawfiq Al-Tikriti 7 Masoud Barzani 8 Moqtada Al-Sadr 9 Iyad Allawi 10 Nawshirwan Mustafa 11 Ammar Al-Hakim 12 Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha 13 Ibrahim Al-Jafaari 14 Barham Salih 15 Nechirvan Barzani 16 Hoshiyar Zebari 17 Mahmoud Othman 18 Kusrat Rasul 19 Fadil Merani 20 Fuad Masoom 21 Ali Babir 22 Salah Al-Din Baha Al-Din 23 Nori Shawees 24 Khalid Sawani 25 Molla Bakhtiyar 26 Adil Abd Al-Mahdi 27 Ahmad Al-Chalabi 28 Hummam Al-Hammoudi 29 Sabah Al-Sahdi 30 Khalid Al-Attiya 31 Hassan Shimari 32 Independent Candidate 33 Mithal Al-Alousi 34 Hussein Al-Shahristani 35 Baha Aragi 36 Ali Al-Adeep 37 Yousef Al-Habubi 38 Hareth Al-Dhari 39 Saad Al-Din Ergech 40 Baqir Jabir Al-Zudeydi 41 Osama Al-Nichefi 42 Salih Al-Mutlaq 43 No one 44 Khalaf Ulayan 45 Abd Al-Karim Al-Samarai 46 Dhafir Al-Ani 47 Jawad Al-Bulani 48 Mahdi Al-Hafid Hadi Al-Amiri Page 100 Q34

Variable Values

Value Label 49 Hadi Al-Amiri 97 Others 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35 1 Very positive 2 Somewhat positive 3 Somewhat negative 4 Very negative 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35aa 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35ab 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35ac 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35ad 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35ae 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35af 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Page 101 Q35af Variable Values

Value Label 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q35ag 1 Very effective 2 Somewhat effective 3 Somewhat ineffective 4 Very ineffective 98 Don't know 99 No answer Q36a 1 Completely free and fair 2 Free and fair but with minor problems 3 Free and fair but with major problems 4 Not free and fair at all 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer Q36b 1 Completely free and fair 2 Free and fair but with minor problems 3 Free and fair but with major problems 4 Not free and fair at all 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer Q36c 1 Completely free and fair 2 Free and fair but with minor problems 3 Free and fair but with major problems 4 Not free and fair at all 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer Q36d 1 Completely free and fair 2 Free and fair but with minor problems 3 Free and fair but with major problems 4 Not free and fair at all 98 Don't know 99 Refused to answer D2 1 None 2 Primary 3 Intermediate 4 Secondary 5 Diploma

Baccalaureate Page 102 D2

Variable Values

Value Label 6 Baccalaureate 7 Post-graduate 98 Don't know 99 No answer D3 1 Arabic 2 Kurdish 3 Turk 4 Assyrian 5 Kildanian 6 Other 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D4a 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to answer D4b 1 Student 2 Housewife 3 Pensioner 4 Voluntarily quit job 5 Dismissed from job, lost job 6 Disabled

7 Temporary or seasonal job ended

8 Could not get job following completion of work 9 Have never entered workforce due to lack of jobs 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D4c 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to answer D5 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly bad 4 Very bad 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D6 1 Better 2 Worse Same

Page 103 D6 Variable Values Value Label 3 Same 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to Answer D7 1 We have only the monthly ration 2 We often do not have enough even for our basic needs, such a 3 We can get by if we avoid buying non-essential or expensive 4 We have enough to get by but have almost no luxuries 5 We have enough money to live comfortably 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D8aa 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ab 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ac 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ad 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ae 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8af 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ag 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ah 1 Yes 2 No Don't know Page 104 D8ah Variable Values Value Label 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8ai 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't know 99 No answer D8b 1 Several times a day 2 Daily 3 Several times a week 4 Several times a month 5 Less often 97 Do not have Internet access 98 Don't know 99 No answer D9a 1 Television 2 Newspapers 3 Magazines 4 Radio 5 Word of mouth 6 Mosque 7 Internet 97 None 98 Don't know 99 No answer/Refused D9b 1 Zagros TV 2 Kurdistan TV 3 Kurdsat 4 Ykgrto TV 5 Kani Kurdistan TV 6 KNN 7 Al-Jazeera 8 Al-Arabiya 9 Al-Khawtar 10 Al-Anbar TV 11 Jamawar TV 12 Al-Iraqia 13 Al-Sumariya 14 Al-Sharqiya 15 MBC 16 Dijlah 17 Al-Forat 18 Al-Baghdadiyah 19 Abu Dhabi Al-Watan Page 105 D9b

Variable Values

Value Label 20 Al-Watan 21 Al-Hurra 22 Al-Diyar 23 BBC Arabic 24 Al-Fayhaa 25 Afagh TV 26 Al-Hurriyah 27 Al-Babiliyah 28 Al-Masar TV 29 Biladi TV 30 Al-Itijah TV 31 Salah Al-Din TV 32 Al-Turkmaniyah TV 33 Al-Rafidain TV 34 Nineveh TV 35 Mosul TV 36 Sumer TV 37 Nawrose TV 38 Hawler TV 39 Turkmen Eli TV 40 Dahuk TV 41 Ishtar TV 42 MBC 2 43 Dubai TV 44 Kirkuk TV 45 Al-Rasheed TV 46 Al-Mustaqilla TV 47 Al-Ghadeer TV 48 Al-Najaf TV 49 Al-Salam TV 50 LBC TV 51 Russia Al-Youm 52 Al-Alim TV 53 Al-Maarif TV 54 NBN TV 55 Al-Rahi TV 56 Al-Alan TV 57 Al-Ekhbariyah TV 58 Nile TV 59 Khak TV 60 Komal TV 97 Others 98 Don't know No answer Page 106 D9b

Variable Values

Value Label 99 No answer 100 Radio Nawa 101 Ykgrto Radio 102 Radio Ashti 103 Quran Radio 104 Puk Radio 105 PDK Radio 106 Zagros Radio 107 Komal Radio 108 Mashkhalan Radio 109 Harman Radio 110 Hamoon Radio 111 Zari Kirmanji Radio 112 Zeen Radio 113 Karbala Radio 114 Radio Sawa 115 Radio Monte Carlo 116 BBC Radio 117 Al-Malumat Radio 118 Radio Iraq Al-Hurr 119 Al-Ghadeer Radio 120 Al-Najaf 121 Al-Maarif Radio 122 Radio Al-Nas 123 Radio Dijlah 124 Al-Ahid Radio 125 AUR FM 126 Al-Hadath 127 Al-Mutamar Radio 128 Baghdad Radio 129 Sumer FM 130 Radio Dar Al-Salam 131 Demozy FM 132 Diyalah Radio 133 Biladi Radio 134 Al-Hidara Radio 135 Fallujah FM 200 Hawler Post 201 Kurdistan Nawi 202 Khabat Newspaper 203 Hawlati Newspaper 204 Asso Newspaper 205 Al-Sabah Newspaper Al-Zaman Newspaper Page 107 D9b

Variable Values

Value Label 206 Al-Zaman Newspaper 207 Al-Takhi Newspaper 208 Al-Dustur Newspaper 209 Al-Dahwa Newspaper 210 Al-Ahrar 211 Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Newspaper 212 Al-Iraq Newspaper 213 Badr Newspaper 214 Al-Baena Al-Jadida Newspaper 215 Al-Mutamar Newspaper 216 Al--Mashriq Newspaper 217 Dar Al-Salam Newspaper 218 Tariq Al-Shaib Newspaper 219 Sadr Newspaper 220 Al-Adala Newspaper 221 Al-Dustur Newspaper 222 Al-Itihad Newspaper 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 Al-Iraqiya website 309 Radio Sawa website 310 Google 311 MSN 312 Yahoo 313 Iraqi websites 314 Iraqi news agency 315 Sout Iraq 316 Iraquna website 317 IELAFF website 318 Sasuwat Iraq 319 Al-Jazeera website 320 Arab online 321 Al-Sharqia website 322 Al-Babiliyah Website 323 Al-Baghdadiyah Website 324 Al-Sumariyah Website 325 BBC Arabic Website Al-Hurr Website Page 108 D9b

Variable Values

Value Label 326 Al-Hurr Website 327 Al-Hurra website 328 Radio Sawa Website D10 1 Very Safe 2 Fairly Safe 3 Not very safe 4 Not safe at all 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D11 1 My town/locality/region 2 Shia/Sunni/Christian distinction 3 My tribe 4 My nationality (Arab/Kurd/Assyrian/Turkomen, etc) 5 Being a citizen of Iraq 97 Other 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D12 1 Yes 2 No 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D13 1 Many 2 Some 3 Just a few 4 Practically none 98 Don't Know 99 Refused to answer D14 1 Sunni Muslim 2 Shia Muslim 3 Muslim 4 Orthodox 5 Catholic 6 Protestant 7 Christian 8 Other 9 None 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D15 1 Sunni Muslim 2 Shia Muslim 3 Muslim Don't Know Page 109 D15 Variable Values

Value Label 98 Don't Know 99 No answer D16 1 Male 2 Female D17 1 Urban 2 Rural D18 1 Abu Al-Khaseeb 2 Abu Ghraib 3 Afaq 4 Ain Al-Tamur 5 Akre 6 Adhamiya + 6 Baghdad districts 7 Amara 8 Al-Ba'aj 9 Basrah 10 Al-Chibayish 11 Al-Daur 12 Diwaniya 13 Falluja 14 Fao 15 Al-Faris 16 Al-Hai 17 Al-Hamdaniya 18 Hamza 19 Hashimiya 20 Hatra 21 Al-Hawiga 22 Hilla 23 Al-Hindiya 24 Al-Ka'im 25 Kadhimiya 26 Al-Kahla 27 Al-Khalis 28 Al-Khidhir 29 Kufa 30 Kut 31 Al-Mada'in 32 Al-Mahawil 33 Mahmudiya 34 Al-Maimouna 35 Al-Manathera 36 Al-Mejar Al-Kabi 37 Al-Midaina Mosul Page 110 D18

Variable Values

Value Label 38 Mosul 39 Al-Muqdadiya 40 Al-Musayab 41 Al-Na'maniya 42 Najaf 43 Nassriya 44 Al-Qurna 45 Ramadi 46 Al-Rifa'i 47 Al-Rumaitha 48 Al-Rutba 49 Al-Salman 50 Al-Samawa 51 Al-Shamiya 52 Al-Shatra 53 Al-Shikhan 54 Al-Shirqat 55 Al-Suwaria 56 Al-Zubair 57 Ali Al-Gharbi 58 Amedi 59 Ana 60 Baquba 61 Badra 62 Baiji 63 Balad 64 Baladrooz 65 Chamchamal 66 Choman 67 Daquq 68 Darbandihkan 69 Dahuk 70 Dokan 71 72 Haditha 73 Halabja 74 Heet 75 Kalar 76 Karbala 77 Khanaqin 78 Kifri 79 Kirkuk 80 Koisnjaq Makhmur Page 111 D18

Variable Values

Value Label 81 Makhmur 82 Makhmur 83 Mergasur 84 Penjwin 85 Pshdar 86 Qal'at Saleh 87 Rania 88 Samarra 89 Shaqlawa 90 Sharbazher 91 Shatt Al-Arab 92 Shekhan 93 Sinjar 94 Soran 95 Suleymaniyah 96 Sumel 97 Suq Al-Shoyokh 98 Telafar 99 Tikrit 100 Tilkaif 101 Tooz 102 Zakho D19 1 Private location, only the respondent and I were present 2 One or several family members/friends were present, but did 3 One or several family members/friends were present and did i D20 1 Comfortable/ at ease 2 Nervous/awkward D21 1 Yes 2 No D22 1 Wearing a scarf 2 Wearing a headscarf and face covering (niquab) 3 Wearing neither a headscarf or face covering D23 1 Shia 2 Sunni 3 Other 98 Don't Know 99 No answer National Sample

Page 112 Variable Values

Value Label D24 1 National Sample 2 Nineveh Boosted Sample D25a 0 None/no others 1 Q1 2 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4 5 Q5 6 Q6 7 Q7 8 Q8 9 Q9 10 Q10 11 Q11 12 Q12 13 Q13 14 Q14 15 Q15 16 Q16 17 Q17 18 Q18 19 Q19 20 Q20 21 Q21 22 Q22 23 Q23 24 Q24 25 Q25 26 Q26 27 Q27 28 Q28 29 Q28 30 Q30 31 Q31 32 Q32 33 Q33 34 Q34 35 Q35 36 Q36 37 D1 38 D2 39 D3 40 D4 D5 Page 113 D25a

Variable Values

Value Label 41 D5 42 D6 43 D7 44 D8 45 D9 46 D10 47 D11 48 D12 49 D13 50 D14 51 D15 52 D16 53 D17 54 D18 55 D19 56 D20 57 D21 58 D22 D25b 0 None/no others 1 Q1 2 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4 5 Q5 6 Q6 7 Q7 8 Q8 9 Q9 10 Q10 11 Q11 12 Q12 13 Q13 14 Q14 15 Q15 16 Q16 17 Q17 18 Q18 19 Q19 20 Q20 21 Q21 22 Q22 23 Q23 24 Q24 Q25 Page 114 D25b

Variable Values

Value Label 25 Q25 26 Q26 27 Q27 28 Q28 29 Q28 30 Q30 31 Q31 32 Q32 33 Q33 34 Q34 35 Q35 36 Q36 37 D1 38 D2 39 D3 40 D4 41 D5 42 D6 43 D7 44 D8 45 D9 46 D10 47 D11 48 D12 49 D13 50 D14 51 D15 52 D16 53 D17 54 D18 55 D19 56 D20 57 D21 58 D22 D25c 0 None/no others 1 Q1 2 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4 5 Q5 6 Q6 7 Q7 8 Q8 Q9 Page 115 D25c

Variable Values

Value Label 9 Q9 10 Q10 11 Q11 12 Q12 13 Q13 14 Q14 15 Q15 16 Q16 17 Q17 18 Q18 19 Q19 20 Q20 21 Q21 22 Q22 23 Q23 24 Q24 25 Q25 26 Q26 27 Q27 28 Q28 29 Q28 30 Q30 31 Q31 32 Q32 33 Q33 34 Q34 35 Q35 36 Q36 37 D1 38 D2 39 D3 40 D4 41 D5 42 D6 43 D7 44 D8 45 D9 46 D10 47 D11 48 D12 49 D13 50 D14 51 D15 D16 Page 116 D25c

Variable Values

Value Label 52 D16 53 D17 54 D18 55 D19 56 D20 57 D21 58 D22 D26 1 Yes 2 No D27 1 Direct Supervision 2 In Person By Supervisor 3 From Central Office 4 Not Applicable Age 1 18-29 2 30-49 3 50+ AgeGrp2 1 18-24 2 25-34 3 35-44 4 45-54 5 55+ EduGrp 1 Primary or Less 2 Completed Secondary 3 University or Higher 4 DK/Ref Ethnic 101 Arab 102 Kurdish 103 Other Rel1 100 Sunni Muslim 101 Shia Muslim 102 Muslim (Respondent Refused To Be Categorized) 103 Other Rel2 100 Sunni Muslim 101 Shia Muslim 102 Muslim (Respondent Refused To Be Categorized) 103 Other CumRel3 1 Sunni Muslim 2 Shia Muslim 3 Muslim (Respondent Refused To Be Categorized) 4 Other Kurdish

Page 117 Variable Values

Value Label Group 1 Kurdish 2 Arab Shia 3 Arab Sunni 4 Other

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