Hognaston News No. 333 October 2017


Trick or Treat from Sam Walsh Please join us for Trick or Treating on Halloween, Tuesday 31 st October from 6.00pm till 7.00pm. The usual arrangements apply – i.e. if you wish to take part and/or if you want your house to be included on the map of places to be visited, please contact me on 370490 or [email protected]. As per last year, please note that due to current insurance constraints Trick or Treat cannot be an HPA organised event as we are unable to guarantee that “all children under the age of 18 will be accompanied by an adult at all times”. For legal reasons, I therefore have to state the following: Parents/Grandparents please note that attending and involving and allowing your children and any friends of your children to ‘trick or treat’ in Hognaston is entirely at your own risk and liability. Please ensure that those involved are aware of the risks of long flowing outfits near candles. Looking forward to seeing everyone in their spooky outfits. Meet outside the Red Lion at 6.00pm on the 31 st to collect a copy of the map of places that have asked to be visited.

2017 Hognaston Winter Festival updates from Alan Cribbens, Carolyn Lucas & Sian Tower Christmas might still seem a long way off, but the time has come to let everyone in the village know what is being planned for this year’s Winter Festival and to give you the opportunity to take part by decorating some of the 34 trees to be displayed in the church, which will form the focal point of the festival. Those of you who receive printed copies of Hognaston News will find a leaflet attached to this edition of HN containing the festival programme and information on how to register your interest in decorating a tree. Those of you who receive emailed copies of HN will have a file containing the same information emailed to you. In addition to the impressive Festival of Trees in the church and a Festival Concert with something for all, there will be: a Living Advent Calendar featuring intriguing displays in windows throughout the village; an evening of nostalgic entertainment featuring video clips from village pantomimes; a wine tasting evening; a wreath making workshop; a Christmas walk; a return performance by the Hathersage Carol Singers; and the traditional New Year's Day Morris dancing outside The Red Lion. The next meeting of the HWF Organising Group will take place at High Barn on Thursday 12 th October at 7.30 p.m. If you would like to have a say in the organisation of the festival, please come along. Advent Calendar Slots for the “living” Advent Calendar have been disappearing like mince pies but if you would like to present your own window or to make a window available for someone else to use (see September’s HN for more details) there are a few still available. Contact [email protected] 1 Hognaston News No. 333 October 2017

Mark ([email protected] or 370094), Liz ( [email protected] or 372742) or Carolyn ( [email protected] or 372158) to express your interest. We will be in touch shortly with those who have signed up to confirm the details. Winter Festival concert Those who came to the Winter Festival concert last year will remember the fantastic performances from Hognaston's younger residents. As we intend to hold the concert again, (on December 16 th ) I'd like to invite any village children under the age of 16 to come for tea and cake at my house (Stanbridge House - opposite the pub) on Saturday 28 th October at 11.00am so we can discuss what they would like to do this year. If you're a bit shy or have just moved to the village and would rather get in touch with me first then please do either by email ( [email protected] ) or phone (01335 370 733).

The Hognaston Parish Christmas card from David Lucas Hannah Link will be producing this year’s card. The donations will go to her nominated charities – Macmillan and Cancer Research UK. I hope as many of you as possible will put your names in the card and give as generously as you are able to – more details of what you need to do will be in next month’s HN.

Hogfest update from Darcie Cousins It has been three months since our second Hogfest – apologies for the late update. We had a fabulous day with great weather, a fabulous crowd, and delicious cocktails. There was some great local talent to entertain, with many compliments for The A52s and a warm welcome back to Corey , The Foxgloves , and Hessian (Throw couldn't make it). Mia Mitchell stunned with a selection of songs from West Side Story , and Dogs On Bees brought the house down with their new set list. As a result of the generosity of those who came and supported the event, we are able to donate £400 to the Hognaston Village Hall and £300 to breast cancer research. Many thanks to all involved in organising the event, including the Brookes-Claytons, the Ward family, the Gormleys, the Coopers, and the Greens. Also thanks to the Village Hall Committee and everyone who came along for your support.

Hoglit – Hognaston’s book club from Stephanie Taylor The Book Group’s verdict on Sebastian Barry’s novel The Secret Scriptures was that it is a beautifully written and complex novel with a dramatic ending that truly surprised most of us. The story explores political, religious and social issues with subtle references to real events that have shaped recent Irish history. It describes tragic and life-changing events which are hard to read about but gripping too. We thoroughly recommend it. This month we will be discussing Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel which has recently been released as a film. The Guardian’s reviewer described the novel as a “mysterious and enthralling masterpiece of tension”. If you would like to join us to discuss this book we will be in The Red Lion on Tuesday 10 th October at 7.00pm. Book Exchange in the Church Thank you to those of you who have already donated books. We have quite a number already on the shelves in the meeting room of St. Bartholomew’s but if you have a couple to spare, then please do add them to the collection. Members of the Book Group will be at the church coffee morning on Saturday 14 th October (10.00am until 12noon) to explain a little more about how the scheme will work and after that date you are welcome to borrow any book that takes your fancy – if you can replace it with [email protected] 2 Hognaston News No. 333 October 2017 one of your own that would be much appreciated (but not essential). We will be keeping an eye on the shelves to make sure there is a good selection of books in good condition and reserve the right to dispose of those that, for one reason or another, are unsuitable or just excess to requirements. We hope that the parish will find this a useful resource. We will be reviewing its operation in the spring to assess whether or not it has been a success. Thank you for your support.

Hogweed Garden Club from Nicola Mosley September’s Club activities On the evening of the 19 th we met at the village hall for the judging of the annual competition. Club members nervously arrived with their prized exhibits, proudly placing them for the first time in front of other club members. This year the challenge was to grow the best hanging basket; with 3 categories (edible, colourful and original) up for grabs it was going to be a tough evening for suitably bewigged local horticulturalist “Judge John” Dick to decide on the winners. John performed his role with distinction, humour and considerable fairness and integrity. At the time the category winners were announced the atmosphere was tense; such a lot was at stake – pride; reward for all the efforts of a full year of planning and growing; plus the opportunity to hold the club’s coveted overall champion grower/best in show title and trophy for the following twelve months. After much deliberation from Judge John, Stephanie Taylor was awarded "best in show" and will now be referred to as the “Growers Gaffer”. Well done Steph and many thanks John. Hogweed events in October The next club meeting will take place on the 17 th October (7.15pm in the Village Hall). This month, our speakers are Richard and Leigh Woods from Lilies and Chillies , growers of rare, unusual and traditional perennial plants and bulbs (including lilies and chillies) at their nursery in Aston-on-Trent. The husband and wife team will be bringing some of their plants along on the evening – some will be available to purchase. Free to Hogweed members; non- members £4 per person, payable on the door. Refreshments will be available. Everyone is welcome. For more information on this or anything else Hogweed please contact me (370406 or [email protected] ).

St Bartholomew’s Church, Hognaston from Tony Clarke & Jean Gardner We continue to hold Ellen in our thoughts as well as anyone known to us who is unwell or in need of prayer. Services Our regular Sunday services are as follows: • 1st – Morning Prayer @10.30am • 8th – Holy Communion @10.30am • 15 th – we will join with another Church (see the Church noticeboard for details) • 22 th – Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) @9.00am. • 29 th – Holy Communion United Service at Bradley @ 10.30am. Midweek Med will continue as usual on the third Tuesday of October (12.00 noon on the 17 th ). This will be followed by Lite Bites in the village hall. Coffee morning The Aquabox Coffee Morning (plus donations from those unable to attend) raised an impressive £350. Much of this was gift-aided. Many thanks. Our donations are much needed considering the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico, where many Aquaboxes are now being delivered to help ease the plight of the thousands of homeless. [email protected] 3 Hognaston News No. 333 October 2017

At our coffee morning on 14 th October, members of Hoglit will be present to show how the book exchange scheme will work. Harvest Sunday 8 th is our Harvest Festival service. As last year, all produce donated will be taken to the Ashbourne Food Bank. Cherry Dennison has been in touch with the Food Bank at Elim to ask what food items are particularly needed – these are as follows: • Breakfast goods – UHT milk, coffee, tea, sugar, cereal, jams • Lunch/dinner – tinned meals (e.g. bolognese, curry, chilli, stewing beef, pies) and sauces (pasta, curry etc.) • Sweet things – tinned rice pudding, packet sponge pudding, biscuits, crisps, tinned evaporated milk • Other foodstuff – Pot Noodles, Mug Shots. Any items must be in-date and there is a general prohibition on anything home-made as the ingredients etc. cannot be reliably identified/verified. Also no beans, soup or pet food please. Our service will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch in the village hall, to which all are invited and welcome.

Hognaston Parish Council from Dave Jackson, Hognaston Parish Council Clerk Play Area Drainage work scheduled for w/c 18 th September was delayed: it is hoped that it will have been completed by the time that you read this. If not, we will circulate dates when known. Planning The PC has expressed objections to application 17/00787/FUL (Land opposite Brook Cottage - Erection of dwelling) but no objection to application 17/00817/FUL (Brook Cottage - re-position of vehicular access). Dirty Lane Further to some concerns being raised at the PC Meeting, Councillors are monitoring the state of the hedgerow and drainage on Dirty Lane. DDDC Public toilets in the Dales currently cost £470,000 pa to run. DDDC is surveying local people and visitors to the for their views on the future delivery of public toilet facilities in the district, including possible charges for their use. The short online survey can be found (until 20 th October) at http://www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/your- council/news-and-publications/latest-news/2558-take-part-in-public-toilets-consultation Mobile Library Derbyshire Library Service has two mobile libraries which offer a range of services for everyone including fiction and non-fiction books for adults and children, large print books, books on tape and books on CD as well as a selection of local studies, books and general information. The mobile library calls at various points in our immediate area on Monday of week 3 of each month and in Hognaston at 11.20am (corner of Mills Croft) – see table below for details. The next time it will be with us is on Monday 16 th October. If you want to use this service – and it’s highly likely to be another one to go if no-one does – then simply turn up with ID to prove your address.

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Next meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council is at 8.00pm on Monday 13 th November 2017. (Agenda and Minutes are always posted on the Parish Council website and on the noticeboard at Knowl House.)

The Village Hall from Tony Clarke Car park Visitors to the hall cannot help but see the great job which has been done on the surface of our car park. The sunken areas have been re-laid and the whole carpark has been cleaned and re-sanded, then given a coat of an inhibitor to slow down the growth of weeds. This was a big job, made worse by some appalling weather which led to much of the work having to be re-done due to flooding. Our grateful thanks go to Tecni Block for their efforts. Events Lite Bites will take place as usual on the third Tuesday (17 th October at 12.00noon). It is lovely to see so many of our village coming together and enjoying a chat and excellent home-made food. The next event to be organised by the Village Hall Committee will be a return of the popular kurling evening. This time the meal will be pie, peas and mash. Soft drinks will be provided – you may bring your own of a more alcoholic variety if you wish. The evening will take place on Friday 10 th November. Tickets will cost £10 each and will be on sale from committee members from mid-October. Look out for details on our posters. Numbers will be limited.

Return of HogYog? from Helen Mackenzie I have recently moved to Hognaston and understand that there has previously been a Yoga class in the village – HogYog – but that it stopped when the instructor moved on. I currently go to classes in Carsington but am wondering whether anyone would be interested in re-starting Yoga in the village. I have spoken to the instructor and they would be able to offer classes in Hognaston one evening per week if sufficient people were interested – please email if you would like to attend ( [email protected] ) so I can get an idea of numbers.

Atlow News from Jean Bond I have asked David if I can use HN to mention things that are happening in that may be of interest to our neighbours in Hognaston. A couple of events in our village hall to draw to your attention this month: • We are having an Official Opening of our newly furbished village hall on October 14 th between 3.00 and 5.00pm. The ceremonial bit will be at 3.30 with Councillor Lewis Rose doing the honours. Refreshments will be provided free of charge • We have a “pub night” – to include pub food and games – again at Atlow Village Hall, on the 28 th October at 7.30pm. Entrance is free. Food is priced separately but usually works out at about £5.00 per head depending on how much you have (one course or two). All welcome.

Celebrating 25 Years of Carsington Water in words from Sian Tower Most of you will probably know that Carsington Water is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary; as part of the celebrations, I will be their Writer in Residence during the year.

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The residency, which has been made possible with help from Foundation Derbyshire, Writing and the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, will bring together more than a hundred writers aged 7 to 70+ from across the county to take part in a series of workshops. The workshops will explore people's relationship with this beautiful landscape, its history and its wildlife. If you know of or are a member of a community group locally which might be interested in taking part in the project, then please do get in touch with me (370 733 or [email protected] ). No writing experience is necessary and the costs of workshops are covered by the residency. Also as part of the celebration, a writing competition will run during the year with the ten winning pieces being published in a ten-mile trail around the shores of the reservoir in 2018. Again, contact me if you would like more information.

County Council press releases from David Lucas Flu jabs Coming up to “flu season” I have been asked to pass on the following message: “Flu is a common infectious illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but you'll usually begin to feel better within about a week. However, for young children, people aged over 65, those with long-term health conditions and pregnant women flu can be far more serious. It can lead to serious health complications including bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. All children in reception class and school years one, two, three and four will be offered a free nasal flu vaccine at school. Younger children aged two and three, older people and pregnant women can receive their free vaccination at their GP surgery.” More information at http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/flu/Pages/Introduction.aspx or contact Colleen Marples, Public Health Communications Officer at Derbyshire County Council ([email protected] or 01629 538944). National Recycling Week Also from Derbyshire County Council, this time for National Recycling Week (25 th September to 1 st October. Who knew?), a campaign to “bust common myths about recycling” has been launched – “myths” they are “busting” include:

Myth Fact

Recycling uses more energy than Up to 95% less energy is needed to make new it saves. products if recycled materials are used.

Rinsing out recyclables is a waste Giving recyclables a quick rinse before recycling is of water and energy. one of the most useful things you can do.

Aerosol cans can’t be recycled. They can. All metals can be infinitely recycled without losing quality.

It doesn't matter if you put the Putting the wrong things in can contaminate the whole wrong things in. It all gets sorted. load and mean it gets sent to landfill, not recycled.

More recycling myth-busting facts and a competition for the chance to win a Joseph Joseph indoor recycling bin “worth nearly £200” [I guess this must be the colossal Totem 60 Waste Separation & Recycling Unit] are at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/wastemyths . More useful may be an A-Z list of what can/can’t be recycled (see www.derbyshire.gov.uk/recycling ) or you can email any recycling-related questions to [email protected] . [email protected] 6 Hognaston News No. 333 October 2017

Small ads Babysitter Julian Tower (Stanbridge House) already babysits for several children in and around Hognaston but has room for a couple more. £5 per hour. Call 01335 370 733.

Regular information and dates for your diary To hire the Village Hall please contact Tony Clarke on 372748. Hourly rates are £8 for residents and £15 for non-residents – bookings must include your time for setting-up before and clearing away after your event. Discounts for regular users may be available. Regular Hognaston-based events are as follows:

Most Thursday Hogfoot . An informal, friendly and not overly competitive evenings game of (usually) 5- to 6-a-side football. Outdoors at Wirksworth (meet 7.45pm at the Red Lion or 8.00pm at the Sports Centre by Anthony Gell School). Thursday evenings Bowls . In the village hall at 7.00pm. Last Friday of most Ladies that Lunch . 12.30 for 1.00pm in the Red Lion, months Hognaston. Contact Jenny Waterall at the Red Lion. The second Tuesday Hoglit. An informal discussion of the month’s book. In the of most months Red Lion at 7.00pm. The third Tuesday of Lite Bites in the Village Hall from 12noon to 2.00pm. most months Midweek meditation in the Church at 12noon. Hogweed . Meetings usually @ the Village Hall 7.00 for 7.15. Sundays Boules at the Red Lion, Hognaston (or another local pub).

If you are not currently registered with me to receive HN (and occasional updates on other matters) by email but would like to be please contact The Editor at [email protected] .

Summary of key dates in this edition of HN [see the related HN article for details]

8th October Harvest Service followed by a sharing meal @ the Village Hall

12 th October (7.30) HWF meeting @ High Barn

14 th October (10.00) Coffee morning @ the church

14 th October (3.00) Atlow Village Hall re-opening

16 th October (11.20) Mobile library van @ Mills Croft 20 th October Last day for completing DDDC WC survey

28 th October (11.00) Children’s HWF Concert meeting @ Stanbridge House

28 th October (7.30) Pub night @ Atlow Village Hall 29 th October Deadline for copy for next HN

31 st October (6.00) Trick or Treat – meet outside The Red Lion 10 th November Kurling @ the Village Hall

13 th November (8.00) Parish Council meeting @ the Village Hall

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