Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster Stephen L. Carter Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster

Stephen L. Carter

Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster Stephen L. Carter The bestselling author delves into his past and discovers the inspiring story of his grandmother’s extraordinary life

She was black and a woman and a prosecutor, a graduate of Smith College and the granddaughter of slaves, as dazzlingly unlikely a combination as one could imagine in of the 1930s?and without the strategy she devised, , the most powerful Mafia boss in history, would never have been convicted. When special prosecutor Thomas E. Dewey selected twenty lawyers to help him clean up the city’s underworld, she was the only member of his team who was not a white male.

Eunice Hunton Carter, Stephen Carter’s grandmother, was raised in a world of stultifying expectations about race and gender, yet by the 1940s, her professional and political successes had made her one of the most famous black women in America. But her triumphs were shadowed by prejudice and tragedy. Greatly complicating her rise was her difficult relationship with her younger brother, Alphaeus, an avowed Communist who?together with his friend Dashiell Hammett?would go to prison during the McCarthy era. Yet she remained unbowed.

Moving, haunting, and as fast-paced as a novel, Invisible tells the true story of a woman who often found her path blocked by the social and political expectations of her time. But Eunice Carter never accepted defeat, and thanks to her grandson’s remarkable book, her long forgotten story is once again visible.

Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster Details

Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster

370 pages , Published October 9th 2018 by Henry Holt and Co. (first published October 9th 2017)

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Download and Read Free Online Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster Stephen L. Carter Jean says

Stephen L. Carter normally writes suspense novels about black lawyers. This book is his first into the realm of non-fiction. He is writing about his maternal grandmother.

I found this book about Eunice Roberta Hunton Carter (1899-1970) fascinating. Stephen tells what it was like to be an intelligent ambitious black female in the 1920s and 30s. The book opens with the story of the 1906 race riots in , GA. Eunice and her family huddled in their house listening to the white mob coming closer and smelling the smoke from the fires as homes were burning. The family moved to New York after the riots. Eunice’s parents were highly educated and worked for the YMCA/YWCA and the NAACP.

I was amazed to learn that Eunice graduated from Smith University with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in just four years. She married a black dentist and had a son. She then went to Fordham Law School. Eunice was the first black woman lawyer in New York and also the first black woman federal prosecutor in the country. She worked with Thomas Dewey (1902-1971) on his Organized Crime Task Force. She was key in bringing down Lucky Luciano. I found what she accomplished and the obstacles she had to overcome almost overwhelming. This is a book everyone one should read.

I read this as an audiobook downloaded from Audible. The book is twelve and a half hours. Karen Chilton does a good job narrating the book. She has the perfect voice for Eunice. Chilton is an actress and audiobook narrator.

KOMET says

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hearing at a local bookstore the author Stephen L. Carter speak about his paternal grandmother Eunice Huston Carter (1899-1970). Sometime later, after the Q&A session, I had the opportunity to speak with Professor Carter as he autographed my copy of this book.

"INVISIBLE: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America's Most Powerful Mobster" puts the reader into an era in U.S. history barely half a century behind us, when were restricted by law and what was accepted custom from realizing their full potential in what was an overtly racist America (Jim Crow segregation). Notwithstanding all that, what I found to be deeply inspirational from reading this book is learning about the life of this most remarkable woman - as well as the lives of her parents (who were both fully engaged social activists; Eunice's father with the YMCA (its 'colored' section) for whom he worked tirelessly both in the U.S. and abroad til his death in 1916 and her mother Addie was a graduate of Boston Latin School, and a college graduate who later served as a teacher and worked with a variety of organizations promoting racial and gender equality til her death in 1943) and younger brother, from whom she became estranged.

This is a book that would be instructive (as well as inspirational) to any reader who wants to learn about the value of living -- in spite of the obstacles and challenges arrayed against someone because of their color and/or gender -- a purposeful, committed life wholly dedicated to advancing socio-economic justice, as well as racial and gender equality. Lesley says

How disappointing to read a terrible book by a competent author. Carter’s overlong, badly edited history of his unpleasant grandmother is an uneasy mix of family memoir, awkward social commentary, and ham handed potboiler. Purporting in the breathless subtitle, to tell “the forgotten story of the Black woman lawyer who took down America's most powerful mobster” Carter’s account of the Lucky Luciano case takes up a mere 44 of the books 384 pages, and exaggerates her role; while Eunice Carter did conceive of the strategy for indicting Luciano , she did not prosecute the case, and the claim that “without her work the Mafia boss never would have been convicted” is a stretch.

Carter lards the narrative with unwieldy prose worthy of a dime store novel, ending chapters with clunky cliff hangers (“Or so she thought” “To no avail” “It sounded so simple. It was anything but”) and incessant, irritating references to “the darker nation”, “sassiety” and “the slippery slides of the Great Social Pyramid”. Ugh.

But the true weakness of the book is that Eunice is its least interesting character. Carter blames her many failures on her left wing brother Alphaeus, whose unpardonable crimes include organizing black voter registration drives and attacking the Republican party. There is a fascinating story to be told here about midcentury African American political divisions, and about Alphaeus’ role fighting racism and McCarthyism alongside Paul Robeson, Mary Mcleod Bethune, and W.E.B. Dubois. One hopes Carter’s next book will explore that story.

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