el , | - : | Vase DUCKS. PRESALE OEE the : Com- | pWO two months, if the ‘services of 1876. SPRING. . Mr. Dodd also regretted that the | he a 1876. with, Elyria AUC LION. were to be dispensed drummer was in POETRY. missioners sonienee | | A Cleaveland name of Wesléy was to be dropped, inconv«; . nienee his O be sold by was apprehe nsive t hat great few Sundays ago, and while sitting in public auctio ——— touch he believed thatif Wesley were to have te T DAY, } p might ; the 18th JULY 1 and ersons next, 7 . . he would would result, | -oom, heard from the next room (he mysteri- 20: of * ose bk Rl N j O ERIN! » up and look at his followers the pre-| 12 o'clock, noon, longer in jail th an under in front of the Col. cil as such, He | remain | ous question and answer: on in Charlottetown, i fail to recornize many of them a nnder a non ay ol sent law. i. ale instr, amo ! m when (Mr. Dodd) | some | ducl meee € — the the time ‘Whose Like rembered Mr. Laird remarked that 17th December, oO] as far as | aie. a uld recognize a Wesleyan lady was required, but «I’se your ducky ? 7 e kind illiam recken ‘ me was not the case prov ision of that and Luc could see her, but if the County ¢ ourt Act A few moments had passed, during which Brecken, he understood that Je ROBERTSON, of the = ae i doubt but that the Bill Elizabeth s ive frown oO" He had no it would be better the drummer sat in open mouthed wonder | Haviland, i e ‘ be amended, and of the ot er. oe With regard to the holding was to | - that piece of in va . = pecessary in that Act to require and the silence was again broken : Jand, part of foun then nfad Ani there was a to insert a clause et Number Thirty-eight,in Whose spit uitlives oi propert> but he must say County. o you ?’ yt the Firgt x Judge to reside in the ‘ Whose ducky are undred of Town at this day irom the rules the Lots in Charlottetown. throug the vent ‘ re to imprisonment for debt !’ commencing O EK t i to many was opposed ‘]’se your ducky at the Corner of King tears Joh esley with re gard be shown CUSTOM Pownal and f could he | ‘TAILOR! Streets, fraud Jonger alone and altocether. Unless Unable to stand it much runping along th of bone re, thy §} things as yell as dress. criminal—to north side of King Ofa long was barbarous—almost to that a} Street, aforesaid eight approved of the re- 1 it v hurried down the office, learned four feet; thence . pea s Mr. Strong | means of pay- at right angles i confine a man who had no house in- north. the leader of the Op: newly married couple were in the | wardly forty feet; thence thou ; marks of his honor | West eighty-fo Hay fa n. and ing his debts feet to Pownal : i at »*pations ae ; he wouid three other drummers to hear the fun Street, tie n toa certain extent, but | | vited ‘'o. 50 Queen aforesaid. on young. ¢ had not heard any Street. thence along ene > T2511Bill | Hion. the Pres ° | the east side ne WwW ‘ ers d that there was provision In the and tip-toed back to his room. The wicked of said street Thy in of the performance of the } ck ye he had been ad— complaints gether y y's , earry out the views quartette crammed their handkerchiefs in “with | al At did 1 the the wommaneemet, in oe duty by the commissioners, he | hereditaments and te i hath hung, vo ting The Methodist Chureh was their mouth, an! during the next quarter of OWN.” FL AT, appurtenan 9 . ee : necessity Piagada . any : . e was sna ‘ sit = understand there anywise : f reeaom put | not appertaining, i 4 , not congregational in its diseipiine, sprung upon the | an hour heard that fond conundrum put and P10Psing, oF in connected, for the bill. It was Terms made known at Sale. in the shade, eovgregations were intimately no- wered no jess than four times by the un- Erin !O Erin sueh long louse, and the country without any an SUPERIOR SPRING & SUMMER FREDERICK the prouces The General Con- DeSr. Cc. shine 1¢@ « out when one with another. | and his blushing bride, 1 IThy sta supposed it was designed to | conscious rustic EDWARD but the people had { tice, and he J. HODGSON ee sli fac ference was supreme, | —— more money in the : pockets : of the | At dinner, as luck would have it, the bride Assigaees of Mor : tw he entire control of their property, which put (Ga and unwaked by th April 15, 1876,—till “7 hy the rain, gre The commissioners resided in j and groom were seated between two of the sale (april . 1) I was held py trustees, There was a unix | Judges. ; tar’ ‘the country, and were as well acquaint~| grummers, while the original discoverer of : through } winters form deed in which the doctrines taught | rhe e } ; es sieepin? FREEHOLD hour ed with the circumstances of persons | the bonanza sat opposite. The table was FARM d E cod & sie . ask chain U0- in the Church were recited. The trus- spring her dark chain U Magnificent Patterns in Ti1] the hand of tees could hold a Church building against imprisoned as the County Judge could | cleared of the substantials, and orders for ON LOT 44 bind, any Minister whose te ching was contrary be. He was glad to observe that there Was | qoccort had been given. At that momenta te hier he ’youns young and ]liverty yer bless le the a disposition to relieve poor men from And daylight ight nd to those doctrines, but they had no power | spirit of mischief took entire possession of FOR SALE. fower. to pay, but did nast for prison who had nothing | SPRING is I t i from the purpose the Cleavelander. Leaning across the table TROWSERINGS! winter i wrest property +n 18 ‘etn ria tthe thy winter 'to Frin yy ‘ {30 ) I .. shoneeiiie 0 chal not see what object the Bill was intended (PuE Subscriber offers for sale all it lived through It sna | which it was intended. The people built he looked archly at his nearest friend, and the And the ho right title, and interests in the Farm blossom at last and conveyed them to Confer- to promote, a | Churches, in duteet tones propounded the conondrum: In English, Scotch and Canadian, lately owned by John Kickham, situate on Iion. Mr. Strong: The fees taken by | ———— | ence for a particular purpose by their own ‘Whose ducky are you ?’ | Township No. Forty-four, at the head ot ore ge WaTEE to the Judges will go into the Treasury. 'aet. The Conference was responsible The other chap was equal to the emerg- Souris River, consisting of fifty acres, The COUNC!4 SE ave Hon. Mr. Laird obsesved that the Bill 5b. LEGISLATIVE a kS ATIVE i them and they to the Conference, The | said farm is conveniently situate to Schoo} a man at| ency, and in tone of affected sweetnes put in LPL LOE ” trustees could not s¢ lla Church building | authorised the Judge to set House, Grist and Saw Mills, and is worth ae ; his answer: NICE SUMMER VESTINGS the attention of those who require a nice April 6. | liberty immediately upon proof that he | Thursday, without the consent of the Conference farm. Title good, and terms easy, The Bill made no alteration in the mode | had nothing to pay, but the present law ‘I’se your ducky ! INSI RANCE ( OMPANY, Wa. D. STEWART. MARINE of holding Church property. The Gene | required him to remain in jail fourteen Two scarlet rustic faces, the fluttering of CALL AND INSPECT PRICKHS. ; ;| Ch’town, Aug. 3, 1874 an Act to Incorporate | days. A Bill te amend ral Conference would not have any Jjuris- }a white dress through the door-way, two vance Com Clom-= the Merchants’ z Marine i Insurance | diction over property held here. As to House resumed and progress reported. vacant seats at the table, and four crazy C. ROBERTSON, Edward Island, ind, was was readre id | any of Prinee dropping the name Wesleyan, he believed, drummers, laughing till the tears ran, flash- CHOICE that 1¢ be PERIODICALS FOR 1876, time ana on moving ed across the vision of the spectator as the April 17, 1876. Duncan’s Brick Building, 50 Queen Street the second || as Shakespeare said, there was little ina THE CAREFUL MOTHER AND referred to ¢om mittee, | TIE she | name. He had attended the General curtain fell.—Cleaveland Leader. Strong said, ‘nie object of THE MODEL BOY. Hon. Mr. Conference which met in Teronto in 1874, >) ee to reetify an error in the Bill was merely which was the first time lay men were ads STADACONA Leonard Scott Publishing Co, The two didn’t belong to each other, and HOME TEACHINGS. _ THK opinion of | the Act of last year. In the mitted to a Methodist Conference, and he Legislature | this very good boy may have been a little too 4/ Barclay the Minister of Justice, the had voted for the name Wesleyan to be Teath them that a true lady may be found Street, New York, ] 7 » smart and saucy. ~ the law would : its powers, as had execeded dropped. There six eight branches of in calico, quite as frequently as in velvet, Continue their ne reprints take risks UPOR | Little Mary was prettily dressed, and fired Life lasurance Co. of to . allow the Company : the Methodist body which had broken off Teach them that a common school educa- she precints of this standing in the front of the horse waiting vessels opened beyond the | from the parent Church on matters of dis- ; for her mother to go out to ride. A tidy boy, tion, with common sense is better than a Four Leading Quarterly Revisws Province. | cipline. Some of them had come back, college education without it. : passed through committee | dressed in coarse clothes was passing when The Bill was } and others desired to do so, but objected HEAD OFFICE: QUEBEC. EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), the Teach them that one good honest trade, without amendment, and was read ' the little girl said: ‘Come here, boy, and LONDON QUARTERLY REV } to the name Wesleyan. In the time ot well mastered, is wortha dozen beggarly servative), 1EW (Con- third time and passed. Wesley, his followers were called Method s’ake hands wi’ me. I dota boy dus’ like “« professions.” WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal NEW ROAD—COVEHEAD. ists, by way of derision, and in after you, named Joey.’ The boy Jaughed, shook AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, BRITISH . Teach them that “ honesty is the best - >.>. $5,000,000. QUARTERLY REVIEW ee to notice, | years, to make them more respectable in hands with her, and said: ‘ l’ve gota little gelieal), Hon. Mr. Munn, according pulicy ’’—that’tis better to be poor than to COVERNMENT DEPOSITS, $100,000. of the Government why | the eyes of the world, the name Wesleyan girl just like you, only she hasn’t any little Containing. masterly criticisms asked the Leader be rich on the profits of ‘* crooked whiskey,” and sum- from Neil Shaw's Cove Head, to | was given them, but not by the desire of cloak with pussy fur on it.’ maries of all that is fresh and valuabie the road elc., and point your precept by examples of J. B. RENAUD, Es@., PRESIDENT, in Literawre, had not been opened | Wesley. The Bill had beea drawn up by Here a lady came out of the door and said : Science & Art; also, Angus MeMillan’s those who are now suffering the torments of HON. JOHN SHARPLES, Vice-Presipenr, the Government intended to open | Judge Wilmet and an eminent lawyer of ‘Mary you must not talk with bad boys on and if the doomed. GEO. J. PYKE, Genera, MANAGER, Biackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine it next summer. Halifax. It conferred no new powers the street. I hope you haven't taken any- upon the Conference,neither did it change Teach them to respect their elders and CRAWFORD LINDSAY, Secretary The most ion. Mr. Strong replied that the rea- thing from her? Go right along and never powerful Monthly in the English any doctrines of the Church; but the themselves. Teach them that as they expect language, famous for STORIES, son the road was not opened, was that stop here again boy.’ ESSaYs, | union had unsettled the laws by which the to be men some day, they cannot too soon CHARLOTTETOWN BOARD: and SKETCHES, of the highest literary the people could not agree among them- | That evening the lady was called down to | Chureh property in the several Provinces learn to protect the weak and helpless. merit, = selves respecting the location of the road. speak with a boy in the hall. He was neat~ C. Patmer, Esq., Chairman; | Joun Quirk, Esq., | Joun F, Rosertson, Esq., was held, and hence the neeessity for this Teach them by your own example, that ZLerms, Including Postage. The Judges had decided that new roads } ly dressed and stood with his cap in bis hand. Joun Inas, Esq., | P. W. Hynpmay, Esa. , 7

o— Diil, smoking in moderation, though the least of must be run off, and surveyed before a | It was the enemy of the morning. ‘I came Payable Strictly in Advance. The Bill was passed without amend- CARVELL BROS., Agents.. commission could sit upon them. to tell you that I am not a bad boy,’ he said. the vices to which men are heirs, is disgust- For any one Review,...... ++ seeeee 4.00 annum per ment. Hon. Mr. Munn said he understood | ‘I go to Sunday schoo! and help my mother ing to others and hurtful to themselves. Charlottetown, P, E. Island. For any two Reviews,...... 7.00 a do had already sat upon | PARTNERSHIPS, Teach them that to wear patched clothes Local Boards Established throughout the Dominion. For any three Reviews,...... 1000 do that a commission all Ican. 1 never teil lies, nor quarrel, nor For all four Reviews,...... 12.00 de | Qn motion of Hon. Mr. Laird, the is no disgrace, but to wear a “ black eye” is. Fire and Life Policies issued at Moderate Rates. the road. say bad words: and I don’t like a lady to For Blackwood’s Magazine,...... 4.00 do for a third reading of a Bill relating | Teach them that God is no respecter of Charlottetown, April 17, 1876. For Blackwood and one Review 7.00 do WHARFS. call me names and ask me if I’ve stolen her to partnerships was discharged, and the sex, and that when he gave theseventh com- For Blackwood & two Reviews, 10.00 do little girl’s clothes off her!’ Hon. Mr. Laird asked the Leader of Bill was again referred to committee. For Blackwood & 3 Reviews,... 13.00 do | mandment he meant it for them as well as For Blackwood & the 4 Reviews 15.00 do the Government if he would lay upon the Hon. Mr. Laird said he considered it ‘I’m very glad you’re so good,’ said the .'s for their sisters, - NATIONAL | a statement showing the number of lady, lau ght ng at the boy’s earnestness. CLUBS. table unfair to business men in Prince and Teach them that bv indulging their de- wharfs and bridges let by public contract ‘ Here’s a quarter of a a dollar for you.’ ‘7% King’s Counties to require registration of praved appetites in the worst forms of dissi~ f a Gg) Sara se ) BA ay PE | A discount of 20 per vent. will be allowed te past year, the amount of each } clibs of four or more persons. Thus: four for the I irtnerships ia the office of the Prothono-~ don’t want that.’ said Ben, holding his head | number for which wharfingers pation, they are net fitting themselves to EM es 62 Fa Fe. i copies of Blackwood ur of ove Review will be contract.the tary in Charlottetown, and submitted an up very high. ‘ My father works in a foundry, = es os ee fae Se COMPANY with a list become the husbands of pure girls. sent to one address for $12.80 ; four copies of the had been appointed, together imendment authorizing such registration and he bas lots of money. You've gota boy four Reviews and Blackwood for $48.00, and so furnished - quarterly re~ Teach them that ’tis better to be an honest of those who had o be made in the office of the Deputy bigger than I, haven’t you? <‘ Yes; why?' On. man seven days in the week, than to bea turns, and the amount of each, respect- I *rothonotary in each County. ‘ Does he know the Commandments ?” ‘)'m | PREMIUMS. | christian (? ) one day and a villian six days. FLHMAD OFFICE, ively. Hon. Mr. Strong approved of the pro- afraid not very well.” ‘ Can he say the New subscribers—applying earl y—for the Hon. Mr. Strong replied that he had Teach them that ** God helps those who posed amendment. ‘The priuciple was sermon on the mount, and the twenty-third | iSO ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. 1876 may have, without , tke num for the necessary in- help themselves.” for the last quarter of 1875 of sach periodicals made application acted upon with regard -to Bills of sale. psalm and the golden rule?’ I’m very much and as soon as the reports Do all this and you will have brought them as they may subscribe for, formation, It would be more convenient and there afraid he cannot,’ said the lady, laughing at} Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount came to hand they would be laid upon the up “ in the way they should go.” would be no additional expense. the boy's bravery.’ Doesn't he ride en his} to clubs can be allowed unless the money is re- table. The amendment was agreed to, as was CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000 mitted direct to the publishers. No premiums pony on Sunday,instead of going to Church ?’ given to clubs. ’ EDUCATION ACT. “iSO a form of certificate proposed by Hon. ‘lm afraid he does, but he ought not,’ said ‘RANDOM READINGS. Circulars with further particulars may be Mr. Laird. The Bill was reported agreed ittla WITH had on application. Hon. Mr. Munn asked the Leader o f| the lady, blushing a aiteic. a epee enema f to with amendment, aud was read the the Government if it was the intention « ‘Mother don’t know I am here,’ said the The Leona 4 Scott Publishiug Co., third time and passed. Ode to my landiady—three weeks’ board. Power to Increase to $5,000,000, the Governme nt to make a Ly aiter ition < I little rogue, ‘but I thought I would just come When does a Jawyer work like a horse? Nov 175 41 Barclay St., New York. T amendments to the education Act thi RA LWAY ACCOUNTS. round and see what kind of folks you were; When he draws a conveyance. DEPOSITED WITH DOMINION GOVERWMENT, - - - $50,000 | session. The railway contractors, in account and—and—I guess mother would ratber The only men who don’t get out of pati. Arex. W. Oarrvre, M. P. P., President, Hon. Mr. Strong replied that it was with the Government up to 3lst March, your boy wouldn’t come round our doors, be- ents in warm weather—the doctors. not for the reason that many of the mem | 1876, presented to the House by Hon. cause she don’t want Hittie Susan to talk io One theusand dollars given to the poor of Wituiam Anous, First Vice President, THE PEOPLE'S PAPER, New York is about a herring apiece. bers were pledged not to make avy altera- Mr. Strong, were laid on the table. bad beys in the street. Good evening.’ And Epwarp H. Gorr, Second Vice President and Manager, tions in the Education Act till the ques A Bill to amend the Iusolvent Debtors’ A Western editor returned a tailor’s bill 1 the boy was gone. Henry Lye, Secretary, tion would De submitted to the people at Act was brought up from the House of indorsed, ‘ Declined ; handwriting illegible.’ be r ~e¢— wesw o —--— C. D. Hanson, Inspector, the polls. pei | e was in that position him- Assembly by Hon. Mr. Brecken, and read Pride of birth is the most riviculons of all POKER AND POLITICS. vanities; itis like the boasting of the root It will be our aim to make self. the first time. J. R. Hza, Inspector for Maritime Provinces. of the tree, instead of the fruit it . PeTITiIons. MEDICAL PROFESSION. They were talking politics and playing Envy is a littleness of soul which cannot see beyond a certain point; and, if it does All Deseriptions of Fire Risks taken on Favorable Terms A petition was presented by Hon. Mr. A petition of a committee of the Medi- | bean poker, twenty beans for a quarter. | not occupy the whole space, feels itself ex- cal Association of P, E. Island, praying There were three of them, all Democrats, Che Examiner Walker of E. P. Ford, Mount | cluded. AGENT FOR P. E. ISLAND: Stewart, praying thst the proposed act that a Billrelating to the medical pro- Smith, Jones and Robinson. Smith was | True progress exists in not unlearning the Medical profession, may fession, a draft of which was upon the dealer, and while he was dealing the| relating to much that is old, and acquainting one’s self tab! ; might ba passed, was pre St nted by EMPHATICALLY cards Jones and Robinson were discussing with the new, in order to be able to deter- JAS. | ESBRIS AY, not become law. ; ae . Hon. Mr. Dodd, was laid on the table. | Mines its worth. By |! Mr. Dodd, a petition th I i g corruption among the of- 'Ch’town, Feb. 28, 1876. 83 Queen Street. 4 ’ i A lady missionary in India has converted nuy r of inhabitants of th CITY COUNCIL. ficials of the land and shoving cards up their | | a whole neighborhood by simply inducing | Ct t wn praying t I aaa sleeves, The cards being dealt, Jones- who | THE PEQPLE’S PAPER, A petition of divers inhabitants of the the people to wash themselves. Cleanliness | ’ N I LSé4, tue tth section of ag act p2ss | city of Charlottetown, praying that un-]| Sat next the dealer, passed, at the same time] once established, a masked improvement in Executor’s Notice. prohibiting ipterment in the £rotest.nt limited powers of taxation be not given to remarked : ‘As I was sayin’, the fearful cors | morals al once followed. | EW PALL GOODS ! to make it represent of this city. | Cemetery in the fifth ward } Mayor and Common Council, was | ruption “which runs through every brancd of | Nothing new about these pull-back skirts 4 LL persons having any claims against Hon Dir. MeGill and said that a | after all. In the reign of Edward I1., a 4 the Estate of the late HoNoRABLE | ales presented by Hon. Mr. Dodd and of the public service is horrifying to every netition, signed by James McWilliams, monkish chronicle records that the ladies DANIEL BRENAN, of Charlottetown, laid on the table. true patriot ; the blush of shame mantles my | ‘wore such streight clothes, they were con- Prince Edward Isiand, deceased, are re- The People’s Wants and the inhabitants of Pinette, praylog and other President strained to have long foxes’ brushes sewed quired to furnish their accounts, duly at- CRIMINAL LAW. cheek when I think of Grant, the for the opening of a new road, had been} of the United States, lending himself to al) | within to hold them forth,’ tested, to Mr. JOHN GAHAN, of Char- 44 Cases and Bales of sent to him to present to this Llouse, but Hon. Mr. Laird, according to notice, lottetown; anc all persons indebted to the People’s Opinions ; kinds of thievery and jobbery, and surround- A negro being asked what he was in jail as it was against the rules of this House asked the Leader of the Government if | for, said it was for borrowing money, ‘ But,’ said Estate are required to make immediate ing himself with a horde of blood-sucking | to receive petitions praying for money he would lay upon the table a copy of all said the questiouer, ‘ they don’t put people payment to him, he having been authorized to make it a free, liberal, independent, grants, he would forward it to the Ex- correspondence between the Minister of robbers, who are draining the very life blood | in jail for borrowing money.’ ‘ Yes,’ said and appointed by me to receive the same. NEW GOODS outspoken, and powerful champion of the the darkey, ‘but I had to knock the man Dated at Charlottetown, this 6th day of ecutive Council. Justice of the Dominion of Canada and of the people.’ down free or fo’ times befo’ he would lend March, 1876. A bill to consolidate and amend the the Attorney General of this Province, ‘Iu's perfectly awful. I chip,’ said Robin- PETER McINTYRE, it to me.’ JUST RECEIVED AT THE J } inWs rein ting to the M thodist Church of resry v vting the extension of the Criminal | son, as he neatly disposed of his hand and of Charlottetown, PEOPLE’S RIGHTS! In answer to the query, * Who are the Canada, and a Bill further securing the | Laws of the Dominion to this Island. got four kings outof his sleeve. j rich?’ a writer suys: * The man with good, March 13, 1876 —3m Executor independence of the General Assembly, | Hon. Mr. Strong replied that he had ‘ I pass out,’ said Smith. firm health is rich; so are the parents of In order to do this, it is necessary that were brought up from the House of As- | made application for the correspondence ‘Just look at Belknap and Babcock and vigorous, happy children; so isthe wife Consumption Cured. BRITISH WAREHOUSE, I raise who has the whole heart of a good we receive the sembly, were brought up from the House | and as soon as it could be precured he Baine and the rest of them fellows. as he husband ; so is the maiden whose horizon is of Assembly by Hon. Mr. Brecken, and wouid Jay it upon the table. you twenty beans,’ remarked Jones, not bounded by the ‘coming man,’ but who N old physician retired from active +4 practice, having had placed in his hands uueen Square, read the first time, got from his sleeve the four aces which has a purpose in life whether she ever meets COUNTY COURTS ACT. deftly by an East India Missionary the formula of PEOPLE’S PATRONAGE Adjourned. were there concealed. him or not.’ A petition of divers inhabitants of a simple Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy By Steamer Prince Edward ciennnslail ‘ Yes and think of Bristow and them mules. The silk interest is becoming one of very and permanent Cure of Consumption, Bron— and vicinity praying for an great importance in this country. Ten years see; I call that, raise and go you chitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and a!! Throat and Friday, April 7. amendment of the County Courts Act, Let’s ago not a yard of this costly end beautiful Lung Affections, also a Positive and Radical twenty better,’ replied Robinson. fabric was made in America Now we FROM ENGLAND, METHODIST CHURCH. was presented by Hon. Mr. McEwen and ‘That sizes my . Just go back a few Cure tor Nervous Debility, and all Nervous laid on the table. have 170 establishments engaged in its Complaints, after having thoroughly tested A Bill to consolidate and amend thi | years in this administration and ponder on manufacture, and American made silks are its curative powers in thousands of cases, SELECTED BY OWE OF THE FIRM, BUSINESS MEN laws relating to the Methodist Church of | Adjourned till Monday next. fully equal, if not superior, to the imported. the Credit Mobilier, the hack-~pay steal, the feels it his duty to make it known to his Canada was read the second time, and on | These establishments consume about 170,- suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive raisin’ of the President's salary, and the use 000 pouuds of raw silk per diem. and are now open for Inspection REQUIRING moving that it be referred to committee, | APRIL, 10th. and a conscientious desire to relieve human of money to carry elections in New York. DR. LEIFCHILD’S RULES FOR PREACHING. and Sale, and will be dis- Hon. Mr. Strong said, that in 1874 a INSOLVENT DEBTORS’ COURT. suffering he will send (/ree of eharge) to all Such things as them were never heard of in Begin low; who desire it, this recipe with full directions union took place of several branches of the posed off at the A Bill to amend the Insolvent Debtors’ Andrew Jackson’s time, or when the Demo-~ Go on slow; for preparing and successful using. Sent by Methodist Body, including the Wesleyan Act was read the second time, and on JOB PRINTING crats were in power. I call you; what have Rise higher. return mail by addressing with stamp nam- Methodist Church of Eastern British moving that it be referred to committee, And take fire; ing this paper. Lowest Cash Prices. you got; said Jones. America, under one General Conference, Hon. Mr, Strong said the Bill would When most impressed ; DR. W.. C. STEVENS. * lve got pretty nigh an invincible—here’s Be self-possessed ; WiILL FIND which were to meet once in four years. render action more simple and less ex- Munroe Block, Syrause, N.Y. jan I7 ’76, _—_—. Thus there were six Anaual Conferences. pensive than under the present law. two little pair of kings,’ replied Robinson, At the end wax warm, as he laid his hand on whe table. And sit down in a storm. One for Newfoundland; one for Nova | Under the law commissioners were ap- per day at home. Samples The above Stock is worthy Scotia; and oue for New Brunswick and pointed to hear persons who made appli- ‘Oh, I can rake them—here is four buls From the Toledo Blade. $5 to $9 worth $1 free. Strxson & Co., SPECIALITIES IN MEDICINE. Portland, Maine. Prince Edward Island ; and three in the cation to be discharged from jail by reason lets,’ said Jones, as he reached for the pot. May176 ly the attention of Purchas- is Ghe Examiner Upper Provinces. The annual confer- of inability to pay their debts, and by the ‘Great snakes!’ exclaimed Robinson; We publish on our eighth page a lengthy article describing the system of the noted spe- who desire walue for ences were composed entirely of clergy- Bill, the Judges, of the County courts you're a nice pill to be talking about the cialists, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in The Greatest Metical Discovery men, and the general conference was com- for the Prince and King’s Counties were corruption of the Administration, ain’t you? which he sets forth with considerable force and their money. posed equally of clergymen and laymen. authorized to hear those applicants. If If I couldn’t play poker honester’n you I'd clearness his reasons for devoting his whole time . JOB OFFICE and attention to asingle department of medi- OF THE AGE! ‘The union had of course affected the law | it should be found that a person had never talk about other folks. You and Mr. cine—the treatment of lingering chronic dis- by which church property was held, and } given up his property, and had acted Smith continue this game while I go out eases. The same article also takes up the sub- After lengthened experiments, PREPARED hovestly, the Judge was authorised to jects, of diagnosis, methods of consultation, and necessitated the passing of a law to meet and rustie some more soap.’—Auslin Reville. W. & A. BROWN the case. The name by which the Church discharged him. He considered it a treatment, etc., and will be found to contain Dr. Samuel La’Mert, —e~—wee +. -- many valuable hints to the invalid. Dr. Pierce, movement in the right direction. Jaiis Oct. 4, 1875. TO SUPPLY THEIR WANTS iii would be known would be the Methodist | CURRAN AND THE DOG, is the author of @ work which has already at- of 15 Gower Street, Bedford Square, Lon- Church of Canada, the term Wesleyan | were for the lawless and disobedient, but tained a large circulation— The People’s Com- don, has discovered an infallible remedy

having been dropped. ‘The bill referred for a man who was unable to pay his debt men sense Medical Adviser’—containing some in allcases of Nervous and Physical De. In the way of An amusing anecdote is told of an advens nine hundred numerously-illustrated pages, aud bility, Spermatorrheea, and Impotence, the to the appointment of trustees, and the to be kept in confinement was, to say the devoted to medicine in all its branches, a work ROOM PAPER! ture between the boy Curran, who became results of Solitary Habits, excess or infec- Posters, amount of property they would be allow- least unmerciful. well calculated for the guidance and instruction the celebrated Irish orator, and a mastiff. It tion. ‘The treatment is based on experience The Bill was referred to Committee, of the people at large, and which may be had ae ed to hold, which was not to exceed $100- acquired during more than twenty-five Hiandbills, shows that it does not answer to turn your for $1.50 postpaid by addressing the author. 000. It was intended that there should Hon. Mr. Reid in the chair. Dr. Pierce has now been before the general years successful practice, und has rarely back upon an enemy unless you intend to be uniformity in this respect in all parts Hon. Mr. Laird asked if there was any- public long enough to enable the formation of been found to fail. Patients residing in the HE subscribers wishing to close out Circulars, of the Dominion, and a similar bill was thing in the Bill to require a judge of the run away. a careful estimate of the efficiency of his treat- Colonies, can be treated by correspondence, their ment and his medicine, has been universally and the appropriate remedies can be for- intended to be passed in all the Provinces. County Courts to reside in the County ‘I had heard somebody say that any per- Bill-heads, favorable to both. warded, with safety and secresy, by post. Iien. Mr. Laird did not intend to for which he was judge. He had not had son throwing the skirts of his coat over his eee Dr. La’ Mert’s work on Whole Stock of oppose the principle of the Bill, but he an opportunity of reading the Bill, but be head, stooping low, holding out his arms, ‘Cards, oveerved that the Church property was to could understand that if a judge of one and creeping along backwards, might fright- GOLD AND WHITE The Phisiology of Marriage, At Moderate Prices be held by the Geseral Conterence, which of the distant Counties were to reside in en the fiercest dog and put him to flight, I Room Paper was to have its head quarters in some Charlottetown, there might be great delay accordingly made an attempt upon a miller’s with a review of the causes that lead to pert of the Dominion. He was of and inconvenience. DRAWING ROOM PAPER, domestic infelicity, and prevent the attain- AND dog in the neighborhood; who would never opision that it was a wrong principle. mentof the legitimate objects of the Hon. Mr, Strong replied that it would let the boys rob the orchard. I found, to married state may be had, price 25 cents, THIS SPRING Church property should be held by the AND SUMMER, | not be more difficult than under the pre- EXPEDITION. my sorrow that [ hada dog to deal with who VERY CHEAP of J. H. Woolrich, Druggist, Halifax, REASONABLE different congregations for whose use it sent law. A person might apply to one N. S., of H. A. Parr, Druggist, Yar- will sell was intended. They could learn from _Judge of the Supreme Court instead of didn’t care which end of a boy went forward ai Harvie's Bookstore, Queen Square mouth, N. S., of Henry Eliiott, Pictou.N. S., L. Cotton. history that there had been troubles in | two as formerly, There was nothing to so as he could get a good bite ont of him.’ ae Sremner Brothe rs, Charlottetown, William (april 17.) a some partsof the Church. At the time compel a Judge to reside in the County. ‘] ptshed my instructions,’ said Curran, at Prices Lower Aug. 8, 1875. of the disruption in Scotland, the Church ‘and as I had no eyes save those in front, | Judze Pope did reside in Prince County, FOR sALE. than can be purchased elsewhere. property was held by the mojority, and in | and he understood that Judge Reddin fancied the mastiff was in full retreat; but some cases Churches were left without a | was preparing to remove his residence to was greatly mistaken, for at the very mo- HANDSOME CARRIAGE, for one or ROOM PAPER ! single worshipper. He was apprehensive | King’s County. ment I thought myself victorious, the enemy two horses, with hood, spring and CALL and SEE. that wnder the operation of the Bill a Hion. Mr. McGill felt disposed to insert attacked my rear, got a reasonably good 1 mps complete. Apply to the subscriber, —— CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, large minority might be deprived of the a clause to compel a Judge to reside in the mouthful out of it, and was fully prepared at Judge Young's stables. BREMNER BROS. Orrawa, Sept. 10th, 1875. use of JOHN COYLE. their Churches, burying grounds, County. It was so in Canada, to make another before I was rescued, J] Cheapest and best in the City, discount on American (april 17.) [april 17 1876.) UTHORIZED etc, He «also regretted that the time | Ilon, the President said as they only further notice, 14 pet cent. thought fora time the beast had devoured AT Invoices tili honored name of Wesleyan was to be had the presence of the Judge of the R. M. S. BOUCHETTE. my entire centre of gravity,and that I should UBSCRIBE for THE EXAMINEK, HARVIE’S BOOKSTORE, dropped. County Courts of King’s County once in Queen St. ET YOUR HANDBILLS AND Commissiouet never gO 01 @ steady perpendicular again. One Dollar and Forty Cents a year (april 17, Posters printed at the Examiner office. Aug.23, 1875.