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GO FOR Colts RB .Joseph Addal.

BY JAMES GAMRAT this season, he has only played two Student Athlete Correspondent complete seasons in his eight-year ca­ VISit our website for reer. If-or when-Taylor goes down Welcome to Week 11 of the NFL! with an injury, be sure to pick up Mau­ a store directory This week I'll review the good, the rice Jones-Drew, an excellent running­ bad and the ugly of running backs back who will put up huge fantasy and a oomplete listing arounq the league. numbers when given the chance. ofspeci8l events. Some of football's greatest running Running-backs to avoid in the fol­ backs are hurt right now, and with the lowing weeks are Tampa Bay's Carnell Abercrombie & Fitrh • Hollisrer fantasy season coming to a close it is "Cadillac" Williams, who is anything but imperative to have consistent playmak­ a Cadillac in his sophomore campaign. ComingSomu Wet&m ers in your lineup. Key contributors Williams has only one touchdown on such as Shaun Alexander of the Seattle the season and four hundred ninety­ Seahawks, of the Wash­ seven yards rushing. Another running ington Redskins, and Willis McGahee back to avoid is Lamont Jordan of the of the are all nursing inju­ Oakland Raiders. I've said it before and ries. Shaun Alexander should return to I'll say it again, the Raider's offen.'live the starting line up in a week or two. line is awful, and Jordan has only gone Willis McGahee will reportedly miss over a hundred yards rushing in a game two to four weeks due to three broken once. nbs, while Clinton Portis is out for the If you have Brian Westbrook, you remainder of the season with a broken knew how great he was in the begin­ hand. When Shaun Alexander is healthy ning of the year. However, I don't see again, expect him to return to his domi­ him producing similar games in the nant form that we saw last year. second half on the season. This is why If you need to pick up a running I'm telling you to package him with an­ back, then look no further than Joseph other solid player and try to get a more Addai of the . Addai is dominant like Shaun Al­ currently splitting carries with Dominic exander, Larry Johnson, or LaDainian Rhodes, but if the current trend contin­ Tomlinson. The Eagles' schedule gets ues, Addai will get more carries as the harder after this week as they play weeks progress. If Addai isn't available, away against the C..olts, home against then you can look for Washington run­ Carolina, and finish the season with ning backs Ladell Betts or T.J. Duckett. three away games against Washington, Betts should get the starting job but New York (Giants), and Dallas. expect Duckett to be substituted in for Check back next week when I offer short yard situations and goal line sets. wide receiver advice. Good luck this Lastly, keep an eye out in Jackson­ week during your games. ville. Running back Fred Taylor is the most injury prone player in the NFL, James Gamrat is a sophomore exer­ and although he hasn't been hurt yet cise science mc1jor from Lynbrook, NY.

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