Jarkko Levänen

Lappeenranta- University of Technology LUT Department of Sustainability Science Room D302.6, Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti, +358 50 472 5686, [email protected], @JarkkoLevanen

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2019 – present Assistant professor (tenure track) in sustainability science, LUT University, School of Energy Systems. • Theme-lead in Sustainable Circularity of Inorganic Materials research platform • Sub-project PI and WP-lead, Strategic Research Council* • Member of Sustainability Change Research Group

2015 – 2018 Postdoctoral researcher in sustainability in business, , School of Business. • Project manager (2018) and research coordinator (2015-17), TEKES** • Member of Sustainability in Business Research Group (SUB)

2009 – 2014 Doctoral candidate in environmental policy, , Faculty of Social Sciences. • Project researcher, Academy of Finland (2010, 2014)** • Member of Environmental Policy Research Group (EPRG)

2007 – 2008 Researcher (2008) and research assistant (2007-08) in environmental strategies and technology assessment, Helsinki University of Technology (currently Aalto University), TKK Lahti Center. • Project researcher, Nordregio (2007-08)** • Member of Laboratory of Environmental Protection

* See details from ‘Personal grants and fellowships’ ** See details from ‘Other research funding’

EDUCATION 2015 Doctor of Social Sciences. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences. Major in environmental policy. Dissertation: Overcoming the institutional obstacles of industrial recycling (eximia cum laude approbatur), supervisor Prof. Janne Hukkinen.

2008 Master of Science in Technology. Aalto University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Major in energy technology and environmental protection, minor in environmental strategies and technology assessment.

2008 Bachelor of Social Sciences. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences. Major in social and cultural anthropology, minors in development studies and philosophy.

VISITING APPOINTMENTS Visiting research fellow, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 1,5 months, 2015.

Visiting Fulbright scholar, University of Colorado, School of Public Affairs, 9 months, 2012-13.

1 PERSONAL GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Sub-project PI and WP leader, Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland. Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks (FINIX), 2019-22 (227 000 EUR). Consortium PI Prof. Minna Halme.

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant for research exchange and doctoral studies in the United States for one academic year, 2012-13 (15 000 USD).

Graduate school fellowship, the Finnish Graduate School in Environmental Social Science, 2011- 13 (full time vacancy for three years).

University of Helsinki Chancellor’s Travel Grants for the participation in Midwest Political Science Association’s annual conference in Chicago (2013) and in International Sociological Association’s annual conference in Yokohama (2014).

Emil Aaltonen Foundation Grant for research exchange and doctoral studies in the United States, 2012 (5000 EUR).

OTHER RESEARCH FUNDING The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (TEKES): The New Global: Co-creating Frugal and Reverse Innovations in Complex Global Systems, 2014-19, PI Prof. Minna Halme.

The Academy of Finland: Risk Governance of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, 2011-14, PI Prof. Janne Hukkinen.

The Academy of Finland: Pro-Environmental Product Planning in a Dynamic Operational Environment Now and in Future: Methods and Tools, 2007-10, PI Prof. Kari Heiskanen.

Nordregio / Nordic Council of Ministers: Knowledge-Based Tools for Sustainable Governance of Energy and Climate Adaptation in the Nordic Periphery, 2007-9, PI Prof. Janne Hukkinen.

AWARDS, PRIZES AND HONOURS Best Sustainability Paper Award (with Valtteri Ranta and Samuli Patala). Global Conference on Creating Value, 23-24 May 2018, Leicester, UK.

NOMINATED OR ELECTED POSITIONS Chair (2020-), vice chair (2019) and member of the board (2011-), The Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS ry).

REFEREE FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer) 2021 Ecological Economics (Elsevier) 2020 Business & Society (SAGE) 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (Wiley) 2020 Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Elsevier) 2020, 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) 2019, 2017 Global Sustainability (Cambridge University Press) 2019 Organization Studies (SAGE) 2018 Tiede & edistys (Tutkijaliitto) 2015 African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Academic Journals) 2015 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (Inderscience publishers) 2014 Journal of Mountain Science (Springer) 2014


2 Lapland University Press 2015

MERITS IN TEACHING AND PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE PhD level teaching Responsible teacher • ‘Scientific writing for PhD students in sustainability science’ LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2020- Lecturer • ‘Concepts and contexts of design for sustainability’, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2017. MSc level teaching Responsible teacher • ‘Sustainable system transition’ LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2021- • ‘Sustainability challenge project work’ LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2020- • ‘Introduction to MSc studies’ LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2020- Lecturer / teacher • ‘Technical cycle in circular economy’, LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2019- 20. • ‘Food-energy-water nexus’, LUT University, School of Energy Systems, 2019. • ‘Creative sustainability capstone’, Aalto University, School of Business, 2017-18. • ‘CEMS Business project’, Aalto University, School of Business, 2018. • ‘How to change the world?’, Aalto University, School of Business, 2017-18. • ‘Circular economy design forum’, Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, 2018-19. • ‘Sustainable fashion and textile design’, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2017. • ‘Technology, society, and environment’, University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, 2014. BSc level teaching Lecturer • ‘Strategies and management for circular economy’, Aalto University, School of Business, 2018-19. Course assistant • ‘Introduction to environmental policy’, University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, 2009-14. Supervisor of completed doctoral dissertations • Laura Kainiemi: Finland in energy transition: The interplay between actors and institutions and the application of climate abatement technologies, Aalto University, 2020 (co-supervision with Sanni Eloneva). Officially appointed supervisor to doctoral students • Anna Härri, LUT University, since 2020 (co-supervision with Lassi Linnanen) • Sujoy Banerjee, LUT University, since 2020 (co-supervision with Mirja Mikkilä) Supervision of MSc students • Officially appointed supervisor/examiner for eight completed Master’s theses at LUT University and eight at Aalto University. Educational leadership • Head of Master’s programme in Circular Economy, LUT University, 2019- • Substitute member of the board, The Arctic Doctoral Programme ARKTIS, 2012. • Substitute student member of the internationalization committee, Helsinki University of Technology (currently Aalto University), 2006-07.

3 Participation in teaching development projects • ‘Moninäkökulmainen asiantuntijuus kiertotaloudessa’, with Aalto University, LUT University, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland and (2018-19). Objective: Creation of a nation-wide minor subject on circular economy. Funded by Sitra. • ‘Problem-Based Learing (PBL) in East Africa’, with Aalto University, Nairobi University, Makerere University and Dar es Salaam University (2017-18). Objective: Improve partners’ capacities to use PBL philosophy in teaching. Funded by Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (HEI-ICI program). Professional training experience • Responsible teacher at a two-day module on sustainable development as part of Aalto Executive Education’s Executive Programme in Leadership for Tanzanian public sector leaders. 25-26 October 2017 and 18-19 October 2018, Arusha, Tanzania. Pedagogical studies and curriculum development • Pedagogical studies at Aalto University and LUT University. • Curriculum development experience from Aalto University, University of Helsinki and LUT University.

EXAMPLES OF INVITED PRESENTATIONS ‘Kestävän viennin haasteet ja mahdollisuudet’, YHYS Politiikkadialogi, 10 June 2019, Helsinki, Finland.

‘The role of institutions in the advancement of circular economy’, Sustainability Science Days, 9- 10 May 2019, Espoo, Finland.

‘Entrepreneurial innovation process’, Aalto Sustainability Day, 18 May 2018, Espoo, Finland.

‘Frugal energy innovations, cross-sectoral collaboration and societal impact’, Energy Gala by the Aalto University, 23 May 2017, Espoo, Finland.

‘Frugal innovations that stick: Co-creating markets and real impact’ (with Minna Halme and Sara Lindeman), Innofrugal Conference, 25 April 2017, Helsinki, Finland.

‘Kiertotalous käytännössä: Mitä se tarkoittaa, mahdollistaa ja edellyttää?’, Aalto Festival, 30 May 2016, Helsinki, Finland.

‘Global view on circular Economy’, Research Leads in Circular Economy by Sitra and VTT Research Center, 30 March 2016, Espoo, Finland.

EXAMPLES OF CONFERENCE CHAIRING AND ORGANIZING Organizer (with Anna Härri) of the Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS): Valuing and Measuring Sustainability, 19-20 November 2020, Lahti, Finland.

Discussion lounge facilitator (with Tatu Lyytinen), What can we do for the climate globally?, Waves festival, 8 May 2019, Espoo, Finland.

Member of the scientific committee for Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS), 23-26 January 2018, Lesotho, South-Africa.

Workshop facilitator, Co-creating frugal businesses: Corporations, start-ups and universities, Innofrugal Conference by the Nordic Frugal Innovation Society and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, 25-26 April 2016, Vantaa, Finland.

Convener (with Farid Karimi and Arho Toikka) of a working group, Developments and breakthroughs in energy systems: From scenarios to projects, experiments and change, 20th Fall

4 Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 19-20 November 2015, Tampere Finland.

OTHER WORKING EXPERIENCE Service in projects’ steering groups: Tulevaisuuden hiilineutraali ja omavarainen lähiö (2021-) by Ministry of the Environment, Vihreän kasvun biokylä (2019-21) by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and Gradukiihdyttämö (2019-20) by European Social Fund.

Secretary. The Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS ry), 2011-15.

Secretary for international affairs. The Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology (currently AYY), 2006-07.

Trainee. Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre, 2004.

Trainee. Onandjokwe Hospital, Oniipa, Namibia (voluntary work), 2000.

Various trainee positions and summer jobs in pulp and paper, energy and construction industries, 1998-2003.


SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Freire, F., Levänen, J., Bonvoisin, J. 2021. Challenges of open design in low-income communities: A case study of residential rainwater harvesting systems. CoDesign.

2. Hossain, M., Levänen, J., Wierenga, M. 2021. Pursuing frugal innovation for sustainability at the grassroots level. Management and Organization Review.

3. Härri, A., Levänen, J., Koistinen, K. 2020. Marginalised small-scale farmers as actors in just circular economy transitions: Exploring opportunities to circulate crop residue as raw material in India. Sustainability, 12(24), 10355.

4. Sandman, H., Tarek, M., Levänen, J. 2020. Unboxing empathy: Reflecting on architectural design for maternal health. CoDesign.

5. Hyvärinen, A., Keskinen, M., Levänen, J. 2020. Innovation process and uncertainties in resource-constrained environments: A case from the water service sector in East Africa. Environmental Science & Policy, 114, pp. 242-252.

6. Savela, N., Levänen, J., Lindeman, S., Kgabi, N., Koivisto, H., Olenius, M., John, S., Mashauri, D., Keinänen-Toivola, M. 2020. Rapid urbanization and infrastructure pressure: Comparing the sustainability transition potential of water and energy regimes in Namibia. World, 1(2), pp. 49-66.

7. Levänen, J., Hukkinen, J.I. 2019. Rethinking climate policy with alternative framings of carbon dioxide. Global Sustainability, 2, e25, pp. 1-4.

8. Kainiemi, L., Eloneva, S., Levänen, J. 2019. Transition towards a decentralised energy system: Analysing prospects for innovation facilitation and regime destabilisation in Finland. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31(9), pp. 1003-1015.

9. Levänen, J., Lyytinen, T., Gatica, S. 2018. Modelling the interplay between institutions and circular economy business models: A case study of battery recycling in Finland and Chile. Ecological Economics, 154, pp. 373-382.

10. Sandman, H., Levänen, J., Savela, N. 2018. Using empathic design as a tool for urban sustainability in low-resource settings. Sustainability, 10(7), pp. 1-24.

11. Levänen, J., Eloneva, S. 2017. Fighting sustainability challenges on two fronts: Material efficiency and the emerging carbon capture and storage technologies. Environmental Science & Policy 76, pp. 131-138.

12. Levänen, J., Hossain, M., Lyytinen, T., Hyvärinen, A., Numminen, S., Halme, M. 2016. Implications of frugal innovations on sustainable development: Evaluating water and energy innovations. Sustainability 8(1), pp. 1-17.

13. Levänen, J. 2015. Ending waste by law: Institutions and collective learning in the development of industrial recycling in Finland. Journal of Cleaner Production 87, pp. 542-549.

14. Kainiemi, L., Eloneva, S., Toikka, A., Levänen, J., Järvinen, M. 2015. Opportunities and obstacles for CO2 mineralization: Mineralization specific frames in interviews of Finnish CCS experts. Journal of Cleaner Production 94, pp. 352-358.

6 15. Levänen, J. 2014. Policy deliberation and the trading zone metaphor: Evaluating expert participation in the reform of Finnish waste policy. Environmental Policy and Governance 24(5), pp. 364-376.

16. Levänen, J., Hukkinen, J. 2013. A methodology for facilitating the feedback between mental models and institutional change in industrial ecosystem governance: A waste management case-study from northern Finland. Ecological Economics 87, pp. 15-23.

BOOK CHAPTERS AND ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES 1. Levänen, J., Rosca, E., Park, S. (Forthcoming in 2021). Frugal innovators as change agents in circular economy transitions, in Leliveld, A., Bhaduri, S., Knorringa, P., Beers, C. (Eds.) Handbook on Frugal Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.

2. Mikkilä M., Koistinen K., Levänen, J., Kuokkanen A., Linnanen L. 2021. Legitimacy of operations. In: Idowu S., Schmidpeter R., Capaldi N., Zu L., Del Baldo M., Abreu R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.

3. Levänen J., Mikkilä M., Koistinen K., Kuokkanen A., Linnanen L. 2020. Emerging markets. In: Idowu S., Schmidpeter R., Capaldi N., Zu L., Del Baldo M., Abreu R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.

4. Koistinen, A, Kuokkanen, A, Mikkilä, M., Levänen, J., Linnanen, L. 2020. Sustainable transition. In: Idowu S., Schmidpeter R., Capaldi N., Zu L., Del Baldo M., Abreu R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.

5. Koistinen, A, Kuokkanen, A, Mikkilä, M., Levänen, J., Linnanen, L. 2020. Systemic transition. In: Idowu S., Schmidpeter R., Capaldi N., Zu L., Del Baldo M., Abreu R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.

6. Mikkilä, M., Koistinen, K., Kuokkanen, A., Linnanen, L., Levänen, J. 2020. Acceptability of operations. In: Idowu S., Schmidpeter R., Capaldi N., Zu L., Del Baldo M., Abreu R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Härri, A., Levänen, J. 2020. Just sustainability transitions in developing countries and the role of marginalized actors: The barriers and enablers to supplying straw for fiber production in India. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 19-20 November, Lahti, Finland.

2. Levänen, J., Härri, A., Dahlbo, H., Horn, S. 2020. Exploring social and environmental implications of circular textile economy. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 19-20 November, Lahti, Finland.

3. Härri, A., Dahlbo, H., Horn, S., Levänen, J. 2020. Social and environmental impacts of promoting agriwaste for fibers. Preparing for the future Conference by the Strategic Research Committee of the Academy of Finland, 7-8 October, Helsinki, Finland.

4. Levänen, J., Uusitalo, V., Kuokkanen, A., Jäger, M. 2019. Reflecting the promise and the reality of circular economy business models. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 21-22 November, Jyväskylä, Finland.

5. Mikkilä, M., Levänen, J., Utanun, P., Luhas, J., Linnanen, L. 2019. Promoting circular economy through a sustainable business model for pulp and paper industries in emerging markets. Academy of Management Specialized Conference: Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies, 23-25 October, Bled, Slovenia.

7 6. Levänen, J., Uusitalo, V., Kuokkanen, A., Jäger, M. 2019. Understanding sustainability impacts of circular economy business models. Sustainability Science Days: Making Use of Sustainability Science, 9-10 May, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.

7. Hyvärinen, A., Keskinen, M., Levänen, J. 2019. Functions of intermediaries along innovation process: Water sector innovation in resource-constrained environments. TRIPOD seminar: Intermediary actors accelerating socio-technical transitions, 11-12 April, Espoo, Finland.

8. Sandman, H., Levänen, J. 2018. Architectural design for maternal health: Emphatic design enabling sustainable replicability. 10th Architectural Research Symposium in Finland (ATUT), 26-27 October, Espoo, Finland.

9. Wierenga, M., Lindeman, S., Levänen, J., Hossain, M. 2018. Entrepreneurial innovation processes: Adding a spatial dimension to effectuation theory. British Academy of Management Conference, 4-6 September, Bristol, UK.

10. Levänen, J., Lindeman, S., Tervo, M., Lyytinen, T. 2018. Developing balancing practices to overcome institutional voids in Tanzanian forest sector management. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 10-14 August, Chicago, USA.

11. Wierenga, M., Lindeman, S., Levänen, J., Hossain, M. 2018. Entrepreneurial innovation processes: Adding a spatial dimension to effectuation theory. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 10-14 August, Chicago, USA.

12. Lindeman, S., Levänen, J. 2018. Hybrid organizing at the global level: Exploring the roles of an intermediator in solving complex sustainability challenges. 34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 5-7 June, Tallinn, Estonia.

13. Sandman, H., Levänen, J., Savela, N. 2018. Towards holistic urban sustainability: Designing affordable housing with empathy. The Nordic Association of Architectural Research Symposium, 31 May - 1 June, Seinäjoki, Finland.

14. Ranta, V., Lyytinen, T., Levänen, J., Patala, S., Aarikka-Stenroos, L. 2018. What’s the value in circular economy? Mapping customer value proposition archetypes in circular economy start-ups. Global Conference on Creating Value, 23-24 May, Leicester, UK.

15. Levänen, J., Halme, M., Lindeman, S., Lyytinen, T. 2017. Co-creating sustainability solutions for resource-scarce contexts. Sustainability Science Days: Pathways to Sustainability Transformation, 11-12 May, Helsinki, Finland.

16. Hossain, M., Levänen, J., Lindeman, S., Wierenga, M. 2017. Frugal Innovation for low- income customers: Two novel approaches. R&D Management Conference: Science, Markets & Society, 1-5 July, Leuven, Belgium.

17. Lyytinen, T., Levänen, J. 2017. Modelling interconnected business models in the circular economy value chain: The story of portable batteries. 2nd International Conference on New Business Models, 20-23 June, Graz, Austria.

18. Levänen, J., Lindeman, S. 2016. Frugal innovations in circular economy: exploring possibilities and challenges in emerging markets. Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), 26-29 June, Washington D.C., USA.

19. Kainiemi, L., Eloneva, S., Levänen, J., Järvinen, M. 2016. Transition to a decentralized energy system: institutional obstacles in Finland. 11th Conference of the International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 4-9 September, Lisbon, Portugal.

8 20. Levänen, J. 2014. Institutional feedback and collective learning in industrial waste management. XVIII World Congress of Sociology by the International Sociological Association (ISA), 13-19 July, Yokohama, Japan.

21. Levänen, J. 2013. Collective learning as a framework for environmental policy research. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 21-22 November, Jyväskylä, Finland.

22. Levänen, J. 2013. Institutional action situations as trading zones: comparing the participatory processes of environmental governance. 71st Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, 11-14 April, Chicago, USA.

23. Levänen, J. 2012. Policy deliberation through action situations in a changing institutional setting. The Workshop on Policy Process Research at the University of Colorado, 26 September, Denver, USA.

24. Levänen, J. 2012. Initiating deliberation: participatory analysis of the implications of institutional change for the prospects of industrial recycling. 8th International Conference on Social Science Methodology by the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Logic and Methodology, 9-13 July, Sydney, Australia.

25. Levänen, J. 2011. Analysis of the implications of institutional change for the prospects of industrial recycling. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 24-25 November, Joensuu, Finland.

26. Levänen, J. 2010. Knowledge integration in industrial ecosystems: a waste management case study from the Bothnian arc area. Fall Colloquium of the Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science (YHYS), 25-26 November, Tampere, Finland.

27. Levänen, J., Hukkinen, J., Salmi, O. 2010. Consequences of EU’s waste and climate policies for the prospects of an industrial ecosystem in northern Scandinavia. 4S – Summer Symposium on Sustainable Systems by the Aalto University, University of Helsinki and the Academy of Finland, 14-17 June, Sannäs, Finland.

28. Levänen, J. 2010. Knowledge-based tools for anticipating the consequences of multi-level governance for natural resource livelihoods in Upper-Lapland, Finland. International Conference on Governance of Natural Resources in a Multi-Level Context by the Marie Curie Research Training Network, 20-22 January, Leipzig, Germany.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS 1. Levänen, J., Eloneva, S. 2014. Comparing options for carbon capture and storage: institutional and environmental perspectives on mineralization. Research Programme on Climate Change (FICCA) Final Symposium. Academy of Finland. 2-3 December, Helsinki, Finland.

2. Heiskanen, K., Dahl, O., Fogelhom, C.-J., Salmi, O., Mälkki, H., Eloneva, S., Wierink, M. Pajunen, N., Wat-kins, G., Mäkelä, M., Kainiemi, L., Hukkinen, J., Ekroos, A. Levänen, J., Pusa, E.-V, Paavola, I.-L., Fabritius, T., Heino, J. 2010. Pro-environmental Product Planning in a Dynamic Operational Environment Now and in the Future: Methods and Tools (ProDOE). Sustainable Production and Products (KETJU) Final Seminar. Academy of Finland. 7th of September, Helsinki, Finland.

REPORTS AND POLICY BRIEFINGS 1. Levänen, J. 2015. A Turning Point in the EU’s Climate Policy? Carbon capture and the third period of the emissions trading scheme. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, briefing paper nr. 176.

9 2. Hukkinen, J., Levänen, J., (Eds.) 2009: Hukkinen, J., Hansen, K., G., Langlais, R., Rasmussen, R., O., Jeppson, S., Levänen, J., Sørensen, F., L. and Schmitt, P.: Knowledge- based tools for sustainable governance of energy and climate adaptation in the Nordic periphery (K-Base). Nordic Research Programme 2005-2008. Nordic Council of Ministers Research Programme Report 2009:7.

PUBLICATIONS INTENDED FOR PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITIES 1. Levänen, J. 2016. Opportunities in Fixing the Broken Global Circulation Loops of Resources. In: Ovaska, J.P.: Business Models for Circular Economy: 7 Companies Paving the Way. E-book available online: economy-e-book/

2. Levänen, J. 2011. Report of the working group on natural resources governance, sustainability and legitimacy. YHYS Tiedotuslehti, vol. 2011(2), pp. 15-17.

3. Levänen, J. 2009. Paikallinen tieto avainroolissa ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisessa. Poromies, vol. 2009(4), pp. 30-31.

PUBLICATIONS INTENDED FOR GENERAL PUBLIC 1. Levänen, J. 2020. Yhteiskuntavastuuta on ajateltava yhä laajemmin. Helsingin Sanomat – Mielipide, 2 October, p. B11.

2. Levänen, J. 2019. Rikkaiden maiden pitää hillitä nopeasti haitallista kulutusta. Helsingin Sanomat – Mielipide, 25 May, p. C15.

3. Levänen, J. 2019. Kestävä kehitys avaa vientimahdollisuuksia. Helsingin Sanomat – Vieraskynä, 28 January, p. A5.

4. Halme, M., Levänen, J., Suomalainen, S. 2018. Kehitysmaiden markkinoilla sopivuus ajaa huippulaadun ohi. Talouselämä – Tebatti, 18 May.

5. Levänen, J. 2015. Ilmastokokous on tärkeä myös pakolaiskysymyksen kannalta. Helsingin Sanomat – Mielipide, 2 December, p. B11.

6. Levänen, J. 2011. Uusi laki ei ehkäise teollisuusjätteiden syntyä. Helsingin Sanomat – Vieraskynä, 21 April, p. A2.

THESES 1. Levänen, J. 2015. Overcoming the institutional obstacles of industrial recycling. Doctoral dissertation in public policy / environmental policy. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.

2. Levänen, J. 2008. Climate change scenarios and indicators in Lapland, Finland: Understanding a global phenomenon in a local context. Master’s thesis in environmental strategies and technology assessment. Aalto University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.