ARE YOU RIGGED AND READY FOR A MAN OVERBOARD £3.25 EMERGENCY? 28 February 2019 Visit Issue: 5452

TURN TO PAGE 2 FOR THE FULL SEA ANGLING STATUS FIGHT REPORT Midwater fisheries in full swing at Killybegs

The Killybegs midwater trawlers Antarctic D 97…

† … and Paula D 165 returning to their home port in Co Donegal last week, after to the west of Ireland. (Photos: John Cunningham)

Fishing activity at Killybegs is currently at a As the mackerel season draws to a seasonal peak, reports David Linkie. close, blue whiting will become the focus At the same time as the main run of of midwater trawling activities for both local mackerel followed their customary migratory and visiting vessels. instincts and moved into the southwest, in The first Scottish midwater trawlers relatively close proximity to the coastline started fishing blues from Killybegs this of Co Donegal and onwards towards Co week, where they were expected to be Galway, blue whiting started to swim in joined by several more midwater trawlers the opposite direction, further out into the from Fraserburgh and Shetland in coming Atlantic. weeks.

ARE YOU A SERVING OR RETIRED UK SEAFARER? Seafarer Support is a free confidential telephone and online referral service helping to support serving and former UK seafarers and their families in times of need

Freephone 0800 121 4765 2 NEWS Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 ‘Anglers must not be equal to commercial fishermen’ Inshore fishermen’s message to minister as fisheries bill debated Inshore fishermen’s groups are calling on fisheries minister George Eustice to reject moves by recreational angling interests to gain equal ‘stakeholder’ status with commercial fishing in fisheries management, reports Tim Oliver

They say that in evidence to the parliamentary committee taking DEFRA: ‘We’ll work closely with all sectors’ evidence on the new fisheries DEFRA confirmed it had They said DEFRA recognises bill in December 2018, the received the letter from the that recreational sea angling is Angling Trust recommended that Warsash fishermen, and would a popular sport, bringing both recreational sea angling (RSA) respond ‘in due course’. economic and social benefits should be explicitly included in A DEFRA spokesperson said: to the UK, quoting figures that the fisheries bill as ‘a direct user “The fisheries bill creates the show that nearly 1m sea anglers stakeholder’ in UK sea fisheries, powers to build a sustainable spent £1.23bn on their sport, and be considered ‘part of the and profitable supporting 23,600 jobs. catching sector’. as we become an independent They said, “The under-10m It also recommended in written coastal state – one which fleet also plays an important evidence to the Environment, is in the best interests of all part in our fishing industry and Fisheries and Rural Affairs fishermen and allows our our coastal communities. That (EFRA) select committee that coastal communities to thrive. is why we top-slice some of the fisheries bill should promote “We will continue to work the uplift quota allocation from “Joining that angling group prior to the ‘the sustainable development closely with all of our fishing the discards ban and direct it government caving in to the recreational lobby should of public access to recreational sectors as the bill enters report towards the smaller inshore double our bass quota quite neatly.” fishing opportunities as both part stage.” fishers.” of the catching sector and the leisure and tourism industries, including promoting coastal fishing contribution to the economy, but RSA would have to comply (see to ‘set the record straight, once taking into account socio- activities, taking into account say that ‘elevating recreational sea NUTFA endorsement below). and for all, that the inclusion economic factors’. socio-economic factors. “We will angling to stakeholder status would They say that certain MPs have of recreational sea angling to It also recommended that include recognition of recreational have some important ramifications’ uncritically endorsed the Angling ‘sector’ status will not lead to there should be a ‘binding duty’ sea fishing as a sector in the which have been overlooked by the Trust’s views and ignored the any future disenfranchisement on ministers to ensure fishing fisheries statement,” wrote George committee. interests of the commercial sector. or erosion of the rights of the limits do not exceed MSY levels. Eustice. They say that the goals of the They point out that as registered licensed fleet operating under A letter from Warsash Inshore He also points out that the bill Angling Trust and the Bass Angling food producers, commercial statute, especially in the small- Fishermen’s Group to George modernises the existing grant Sports Society (BASS) are publicly fishermen have to obey statute scale, inshore sector’. Eustice expressing its concerns scheme ‘to explicitly enable available on their websites. These law, while RSA has no ‘burden of The Angling Trust ignored an is endorsed by NUTFA, Thanet funding for recreational sea include reallocation of certain compliance’. open letter published in Fishing Fishermen’s Association, angling to be made available for fish species to RSA, future plans “Fishermen expect their News regarding the erosion of Commercial Fishermen’s the first time. This demonstrates to manage and license their own government to create and sustain fishermen’s existing rights under Rights UK and Poole District the government’s aim, set out in members, and ring-fencing the fishing opportunities within the existing statute (1 November, Fishermen’s Association. our white paper, to better integrate commercial catching fleet (in the bounds of sustainability, and to 2017, ‘Elephant in the room the An endorsement from Clyde recreational angling into fisheries case of bass, as outlined in BASS’ protect them, not erode them by angling lobby keeps quiet’). Fishermen’s Association is also management’. 2004 Bass Management Plan). stealth through the very regulatory The fishermen have also pending. The fishermen’s letter says that They ask the minister to bodies that are empowered to copied their letter to George The letter points out to the amendments to the fisheries bill by clarify, before the fisheries bill is increase fishing opportunities, Eustice to the attorney general, minister that he wrote to the NGOs such as the Angling Trust ratified, how licensed commercial such as the IFCAs,” the fishermen Geoffrey Cox QC, and have chairman of the EFRA select should not be made ‘without due fishermen’s existing legal rights as tell the minister. asked him, as the government’s committee after the debate consideration as to the possible food providers will be protected They ask George Eustice for senior lawyer, for his views on the stating that the UK government effects on the existing licensed from erosion or sacrifice by ‘definitive written assurances’ on legal aspects of their arguments. ‘fully recognises the economic fleet, especially the small-scale unregulated and unlicensed the points they make, and ask him and social benefits of recreational inshore fleet’. It says that the recreational sea anglers, if they are sea fishing’, but that ‘specific amendment submitted by the given ‘sector’ status. reference to the recreational sea Angling Trust should be rejected The fishermen tell the minister fishing sector as a stakeholder is until there has been a full inquiry. that there is no existing regulatory Bass authorisation transfer rules unnecessary’. The fishermen point out that body in place to determine how The MMO has issued guidance replacement vessel is no larger He wrote that the bill makes the proposed amendments RSA could be practically included on bass fishing regulations for in engine size and tonnage. provision for a fisheries statement could interfere with commercial with regard to catch monitoring, 2019. All bass fishing is banned “Individuals wishing to by the secretary of state (Michael fishermen’s rights and their vessel safety, periodic safety until 1 April. transfer an existing authorisation Gove) that will set out policies commission to supply fish as food. inspections, legal fishing limits and On vessel replacement to a new/replacement vessel for achieving fisheries objectives They acknowledge sea angling’s licences – with which, presumably, and transfer of authorisation, should make initial contact the MMO says: “If you are with their local MMO office replacing a vessel that has a as soon as practicable, ‘Anglers will have to be managed like commercials’ bass authorisation, a transfer of providing evidence that their NUTFA, in its endorsement of sector. Thanet Fishermen’s authorisation will be considered, circumstances meet the above- the fishermen’s letter and stance, NUTFA contends that the Association says: ‘The providing the replacement mentioned criteria. says it ‘very much supports’ the costs of this would be prohibitive implications of recreational vessel is no larger in engine size “Authorisations will transfer letter, particularly with regard to to government, and that ‘the sea angling being promoted and tonnage. to a new owner of the vessel the questions it poses relating to average recreational sea angler to a position where there “In addition, owners when the ownership of the the ‘promotion’ of recreational would be violently against such is an influence on fisheries intending to sell vessels being Union vessel is transferred. The sea angling to ‘stakeholder an intrusion into what, for the management are significant, and replaced should also make current catch uptake by that status’. vast majority of participants, is will only be to the detriment of the purchaser aware that the vessel will also be transferred NUTFA points out that nothing more than an occasional commercial inshore fishermen.” vessel being sold will lose – ie the catch limits will not be if the RSA sector is going hobby’. Poole District Fishermen’s its authorisation to catch reset. For example, if a vessel to be included in fisheries But on the plus side, NUTFA Association says: “To have bass once the transfer is has used all of its hooks and line management as a ‘stakeholder’ says that such licensing and recreational angling groups completed (written evidence annual catch limit, then the new as proposed, individual sea monitoring would ‘shine a light being made stakeholders, and from the purchaser to confirm owner of the vessel will not be anglers will have to be ‘equally on the somewhat exaggerated then having an undue influence their understanding may be permitted to catch and retain licensed, monitored and claims of the Angling Trust upon fisheries management, is required). further bass using hooks and managed in the same way and and others’ with regard to a very real concern to fishermen “Where a vessel is lost at lines.” to the same extent’ as other RSA numbers and the claimed operating bona fide registered sea and/or is damaged beyond Full details of the regulations stakeholders in the catching economic benefits from RSA. and licensed vessels.” repair, a transfer of authorisation can be seen on the MMO will be considered, providing the website at: 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook NEWS 3 Summit in Spain on static and mobile gear issues Scottish fishermen and leaders given the recent incidents and the among other provisions: held a summit with their Spanish increase in numbers of non-UK ● Agreement on a common VHF counterparts in La Coruña, Spain vessels operating in Scottish channel of communication – earlier this month, to try to resolve waters. channel 10 was felt by attendees problems between static gear and Juan Carlos Corrás Arias, to be the most appropriate Scottish trawlers. president of La Coruña port, gave ● A request that AIS is set at the A number of recent incidents a presentation on the gear types maximum power available between vessels operating gill and fishing areas prosecuted by ● While operating on the shelf nets and lines and Scottish trawl vessels operating from La Coruña, edge, that nets and lines should vessels led the Scottish White many of which were UK-registered be set in a northeast southwest Fish Producers’ Association vessels. direction (SWFPA) and Shetland There was an early indication ● That corridors should be ‡ SWFPA and SFA members and officials at the international summit in Fishermen’s Association (SFA) to that everyone in the room provided between lines and nets La Coruña. arrange the summit. understood the benefits of that take account of tidal impacts Chaired by NFFO chief a protocol that set out the ● That, in general, ‘gates’ should should provide a template for the Shetland whitefish trawler executive Barrie Deas and approaches and understanding be provided for mobile vessels moving forward which would Alison Kay, was also at the supported by formal translation that everyone should adopt. to move freely through static be disseminated among those meeting. “We’re seeing an awful services, the event was Co-existing in what was a operations. present. The approved output lot of boats setting static gear attended by over 30 skippers, relatively small space was seen The meeting acknowledged would then form the centrepiece in areas that we’ve never seen vessel operators and industry as a precondition for everyone’s the significance of continuing of a follow-up meeting with the before, and unless something is representatives. economic survival and success. to move towards a common French. done, tension on our grounds is The meeting heard After a lengthy – and what understanding and approach. David Milne, chairman of bound to increase,” he said. presentations in the morning from can only be described as well- It also acknowledged that the SWFPA, who attended the Simon Collins, SFA executive SWFPA chief executive Mike Park, balanced – discussion, the meeting was the first in a series, meeting, told Fishing News: “It officer, said: “Pressure on the who set out the gear types and meeting agreed to create a smaller given that a number of French was a worthwhile event that fishing grounds around Shetland mode of operation by Scottish group of people who would be operators could not be present. brought various competing has reached such high levels that mobile vessels. He also set out tasked with providing a common On its conclusion, the factors together. What was local boats are effectively being the importance of the summit, set of approaches, containing meeting agreed that Mike Park evident throughout the meeting shut out of the areas they have was that no one wants conflict, fished for generations. We need a and that we should all work sensible accommodation, sooner MoD: ‘RN vessels won’t protect UK fishermen after Brexit’ together and seek common rules rather than later.” There are no plans for Royal Navy fishermen after the UK leaves the accompanies the withdrawal of engagement.” Mid-Channel Agreements vessels to be used to protect EU.” agreement is clear that both the James Anderson, skipper of history – page 7 British fishermen if they are In another Brexit-related UK and EU will use their best attacked after the UK leaves the question, Edinburgh South MP Ian endeavours to conclude and ratify EU, according to the Ministry of Murray asked fisheries minister a new fisheries agreement by 1 Defence, reports Tim Oliver. George Eustice whether the UK July, 2020, so that it is in place in Defence minister Mark fishing industry will be able to time to be used for determining Lancaster was asked by Romford export tariff-free, and without fishing opportunities for the first IRELAND’S MP Andrew Rosindell whether the customs checks, to the EU after year after the transition period.” MoD will ‘provide protection for the transition period. Meanwhile, the Norwegian FLAGSHIP FISHERIES SHOW British fishermen who encounter The minister said the aim of Directorate of Fisheries has sent aggressive action from French the future economic partnership out preparatory information to fishermen in British waters after between the UK and the EU is ‘to Norwegian vessels fishing in what SHOW TIMES the UK leaves the EU’. provide for no tariffs, fees, charges will become UK waters after Brexit Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 The minister replied: “Royal or quantitative restrictions across on 29 March. The information Navy vessels operate in UK waters all sectors’. covers issues such as electronic in addition to the UK Border Force, He said it would also provide for reporting, vessel tracking, “Show was well marine policing units, the vessels ‘ambitious customs arrangements licences, port state control and organised it’s a must of the inshore fishery conservation which build on and improve the catch certificates, according to the authorities, and maritime and single customs territory provided Norwegian website Fiskarlaget. for all skippers.” coastguard agency aircraft. These for in the withdrawal agreement’. The Norwegian Ministry of Owen Mc Loughlin – Sligo operations ensure that freedom “Under the withdrawal Trade and Industry and the of navigation is maintained, so agreement, if the UK does not Directorate of Fisheries have talked that everyone who seeks to use agree a trade agreement with the to the British authorities to ensure “There is no show like the seas for their lawful business, EU – and we subsequently need that Norwegian and British vessels a snow show.” regardless of nationality, can do to enter the backstop – then fish can fish in each other’s economic Jim Foley – Wexford so. products could be subject to tariffs zones after 29 March. “There are no plans for Royal unless a fisheries agreement is in Among other things, work is Navy vessels to be used to place,” replied George Eustice. being done on a common legal “Well run. Very professional.” provide direct security to British “The political declaration that and technical framework. Errigal Bay (Janet O’Donoghue) Investment plans needed post-Brexit A Scottish MP has called on affirmed their commitment to the Indeed, this afternoon I am meeting the fishing industry to present growth and expansion of the sector with the secretary of state for fully costed proposals for the – but the industry needs to come DEFRA, and that will be one of the investments that will be needed to forward with fully costed proposals issues on our agenda.” gain the maximum benefits from for economic investment.” Mr Duguid said he was pleased Brexit. He said that he had previously to see the government building David Duguid, MP for Banff and secured commitments from the on its commitments. He added, Buchan, said he is working with prime minister that UK fishing rights “We are going to regain control the SFF and the Scottish Seafood will not be up for renegotiation with of the UK’s waters, with all the The For more information on Association, among others, to help Brussels in the coming weeks. opportunity that entails. But that Skipper Expo Int. Galway 2019 to develop a ‘shopping list’ of what The Scottish Conservative MP doesn’t mean our fishermen Skipper please contact: is required to make the most of the asked the secretary of state for and processors won’t need Sharon Boyle ‘sea of opportunity’ presented by Scotland, David Mundell, what support. So I am pleased that Commercial Fishing Manager leaving the CFP. discussions he had had with prime the industry’s future needs are He made his comments as minister Theresa May and DEFRA high on the agenda at the heart of Email: [email protected] senior ministers met last week chief Michael Gove specifically government.” Tel: 00353 (0)74 95 48037 to discuss industry support. about financial support. The UK is due to leave the EU on Mobile: 00353 (0)86 8401250 Welcoming the UK government’s Mr Mundell replied: “Both the 29 March. If a deal is agreed, there ‘ongoing commitment’ to Scottish prime minister and the secretary of will then be a transition period up Web: fishing, he said: “The prime minister state for DEFRA have made very until the end of 2020, during which and others have repeatedly clear their support for the industry. the UK will still follow EU rules. 4 COMMENT/NEWS Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 COMMENT EDITORIAL: [email protected]

ARE YOU RIGGED AND READY FOR A MAN OVERBOARD £3.25 EMERGENCY? 28 February 2019 Visit Issue: 5452

TURN TO PAGE 2 FOR THE FULL SEA ANGLING STATUS FIGHT REPORT Midwater fisheries in full swing at Killybegs

The Killybegs midwater Separate commercial and fun fishing trawlers Antarctic D 97…

It is clear that recreational sea angling downside. If anglers have such a stake in the the commercial sector, on what basis will † … and Paula D 165 returning to their home port in Co Donegal last week, after fishing mackerel to the west of Ireland. (Photos: John Cunningham)

Fishing activity at Killybegs is currently at a As the mackerel season draws to a seasonal peak, reports David Linkie. close, blue whiting will become the focus At the same time as the main run of of midwater trawling activities for both local mackerel followed their customary migratory and visiting vessels. instincts and moved into the southwest, in The first Scottish midwater trawlers relatively close proximity to the coastline started fishing blues from Killybegs this of Co Donegal and onwards towards Co week, where they were expected to be interests are determined to ensure that the fisheries as they claim, it follows that they the amounts they are allowed to catch be Galway, blue whiting started to swim in joined by several more midwater trawlers the opposite direction, further out into the from Fraserburgh and Shetland in coming Atlantic. weeks.

new fisheries bill gives sea anglers equal must catch significant amounts. And if they decided? ARE YOU A SERVING OR RETIRED UK SEAFARER? Seafarer Support is a free confidential telephone and online referral service helping to support serving and former UK status with commercial fishermen on catch significant amounts, they must accept Furthermore, the logistics and costs of seafarers and their families in times of need Freephone 0800 121 4765 fisheries management. the same controls as commercial fishermen. controlling thousands of anglers would be a Editor Kelsey Media, Cudham We hope the government resists this We have to wonder whether the rank huge problem. Cash is already tight, and the Dave Linkie pressure and ensures that a sharp distinction and file recreational sea anglers would extra resources that will be needed to police email: [email protected] Tithe Barn, Berry’s Hill, is maintained between those who catch fish accept such a fundamental change in the and control fishing in our new 200-mile 01434 607375 Cudham, Kent TN16 3AG as food suppliers and to make their living, status of their hobby, simply because of the EEZ after Brexit will not leave much over and those who catch fish for fun. ambitions of bodies such as the Angling to devote to the widely dispersed angling What must absolutely not happen is Trust and BASS to be part of the fisheries sector. for the angling lobby to be given an equal management establishment. It is certain The sea anglers make much of their voice with the fishing industry in fisheries that angling charter boat operators would contribution to the economy to support management, without being subject to strongly resist being regulated in the same their case for a bigger say in management. the same controls and restrictions as the way as commercial fishermen, with all the Many believe these claims are much commercial sector. recording of catches and associated hugely exaggerated, and at least the data from If anglers want to be given equal increased paperwork and bureaucracy a more tightly regulated angling sector News correspondent stakeholder status, it is only right that they involved. would indicate its real economic Assistant editor Tim Oliver must be subject to all the same licensing, There is also a problem here for DEFRA significance. Rachel Graham email: [email protected] catch, control and other restrictions that and the MMO. The authorities have enough The recreational angling sector email: [email protected] commercial fishermen have to with. on their hands managing the existing under- would do well to bear in mind the They cannot have it both ways, being 10m sector without adding the angling phrase ‘be careful what you wish given all the advantages of a voice in sector to their task. If the sea angling sector for’ as it pushes its claim for equal management but without any of the is given equal stakeholder status with status with the catching sector.

LETTERS Cornwall correspondent Phil Lockley Art editor email: Rob Terry [email protected] Inner Sound of Raasay second consultation doesn’t deliver fairness email: [email protected] 01326 340372 Dear Editor, to supporting ‘fragile fishing communities’. Press, requested sustainability advice The announcement from Marine Scotland This new opportunity is, therefore, too from the environmental lobby groups that there will be a second consultation on much for a government that is always Open Seas and the Blue Foundation. the Inner Sound of Raasay is hungry for support and votes to ignore. I have been through the websites of disappointing, though will probably not In October 2018, Marine Scotland held these two organisations, and am sure that come as a shock to those who fish from the Inshore Fisheries Conference for they will come up with robust evidence on the east coast of Skye or from the Scottish Scotland in Inverness. Interestingly, three sustainability in this small area to support mainland nearby. of the main themes that came from that the proposed project, but I have not seen Sussex, Kent, Hampshire and Lincolnshire, East Anglia and Despite there being a quite categorical conference were evidence, safety and anything meaningful on the websites that Dorset correspondent John Periam Essex correspondent decision from Marine Scotland on the fairness. How disappointing it is, therefore, looks to the welfare of fishermen. They are email: periam.photojournalist@ John Worrall original proposed Inshore Fisheries Group that Marine Scotland and its politicians, in good company there. The proposals email: [email protected] project, a second consultation was with tedious regularity, have, once again, from the NWRFA and the Scallop Divers’ 01243 584718 07748 644971 published recently due to what can only either broken or used to their own Association have never looked to the MANAGEMENT be described as political meddling for advantage these important topics. But a welfare of fishermen, the most recent Managing Director: Phil Weeden Chief Executive: Steve Wright political gain. The MP for Ross, Skye and good question to ask would be: does any ‘economic’ report from the Scottish Creel Chairman: Steve Annetts Lochaber, Ian Blackford, decided to put of this even matter outside of this small Federation did not look at the safety of Finance Director: Joyce Parker-Sarioglu his weight behind the North West discrete area, and for those inshore fishermen, and neither have the West Retail Distribution Manager: Eleanor Brown Responsible Fishing Association (NWRFA) vessels that do not even fish there? Coast IFG, Marine Scotland or SNP Audience Development Manager: Andy Cotton Publishing Operations Manager – Charlotte Whittaker and the Scallop Divers’ Association, who The ongoing theme for the NWRFA, the politicians (except when they were in Senior Print Production Manager – Nicola Pollard wanted the original decision rescinded, Scallop Divers’ Association and, in opposition) looked to safety for their Print Production Manager – Georgina Harris and after a deal brought about by Marine particular, the Scottish Creel Federation inshore fishermen. Print Production Controller – Alicia Stewart Scotland politicians, we now have this has been to ask for more, more and more, So does any of this matter? Well, yes, it Subscription Marketing Manager – Nick McIntosh second consultation. and this second consultation is little does. If the principles of this project are ADVERTISEMENT SALES Naturally, this completely overturns the different from what we have seen before, accepted in the Inner Sound, then this Gary Smythson, 01732 447008, [email protected] so-called evidence base that is supposed albeit in a new guise. There is no real same bias separation, that has ignored the Simon Hyland, 01732 445327, [email protected] Production: Nick Bond to be a requirement of the Inshore evidence for needing a new management evidence base, could be replicated Tel: 01732 447281 Fisheries Strategy 2015, but Ian Blackford regime in the area and, in truth, there is no elsewhere. Why would it not? Email: [email protected] is not known to be exactly dripping in evidence to even support the seasonal In the summer of 2015, I attended a SUBSCRIPTIONS political altruism. In his speech to the closure that is currently in situ. cabinet meeting of the Scottish UK subscription - £165.75 Europe subscription - £175.00 House of Commons in November 2018, he What, therefore, can be proved on a government in Oban, Argyll. At the Outside Europe subscription - £190.00 said: “Scotland’s fishing communities wider scale by separating the two modes meeting, Nicola Sturgeon promised the Latest subscription offers please visit our website at have been used as a bargaining chip by of fishing? Scottish people ‘fairness, participation UK subscription and back issue orderline: 01959 543747 the Tory government.” Pot, kettle, black, True, there are so-called scientific and prosperity’. It is difficult to see much Overseas subscription orderline: 0044 (0) 1959 543 747 Mr B, but however distasteful this is, the projects in this second consultation, but fairness here. Creel men were given extra Toll-free USA subscription orderline: 1-888-777-0275 real blame lies with Fergus Ewing MSP they have nothing to do with the principle grounds to fish in when the network of UK customer service team: 01959 543 747 since, as the fisheries minister, he would of separation, and these could be carried Marine Protected Areas was created in Customer service email address: [email protected] Customer service and subscription postal address: have had to sign off this second out by the creel fishermen in the area even Scottish waters, as they were not banned Fishing News Customer Service Team consultation. without the separation of the two fishing from the MPA grounds, while mobile Kelsey Publishing Ltd, Cudham Tithe Barn But the Scottish government is always sectors. What can be proved, however, is fishermen were. Scottish politicians and Berry’s Hill, Cudham, Kent TN16 3AG United Kingdom keeping its eye on the green lobby, and in that there will be displacement of effort, Marine Scotland are now trying to do the Kelsey Media 2019 © all rights reserved. Kelsey Media is a trading name of Kelsey Publishing Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden except with permission in this area the greens have been vociferous. up and coming fishermen from the area same here in the Inner Sound. writing from the publishers. Note to contributors: articles submitted for consideration by In the recent MPA fiasco, the Scottish and beyond will not be able to fish in the Fairness? They were sweet words that the editor must be the original work of the author and not previously published. Where photographs are included, which are not the property of the contributor, permission to government decided to support the 4,600 Inner Sound, and a safe haven for fishing you spoke in Oban, Nicola, but I don’t reproduce them must have been obtained from the owner of the copyright. The editor cannot guarantee a personal response to all letters and emails received. The views expressed in formulaic votes made by Scottish on the west coast will be removed. think all of your ministers were listening. the magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. Kelsey Publishing Ltd Environment Link over the wishes of The NWRFA and the Scallop Divers’ accepts no liability for products and services offered by third parties. Kelsey Media takes your personal data very seriously. For more information on our privacy policy, please visit: fishermen and its own advisors in Scottish Association have, according to a Tom Bryan-Brown If at any point you have any queries regarding Kelsey’s Natural Heritage, despite being committed publication of the West Highland Free FV Arum, Portavogie, Co Down data policy, you can email our Data Protection Officer at [email protected] Want your say? Email your letters and comments to: [email protected] Letters may be edited. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook NEWS 5 More work needed on selective gear A report on selective gear trials in Ireland fishermen. trialling the ING 400, but this version The roof comes off at Scalloway Northern Ireland says that progress has “The ideas that were collected tended was not as effective at releasing fish. been made in developing ideas aimed at to be relatively simple modifications to “Some further fine-tuning of this design eliminating unwanted catch and meeting existing gear designs, as opposed to truly seems appropriate, given the partially the objectives of the landing obligation/ new approaches to the catching process, successful results achieved to date,” says discards ban, reports Tim Oliver. and this was mainly because fishermen the report. However, it says that the avoidance of understand that even a small change to “The optimum size of square mesh juvenile fish in Nephrops trawls ‘remains a trawl can mean the difference between netting from which the inclined panel a challenge’. a profitable catch and catching nothing,” should be made will need to strike a “It is apparent that there is no single says the report. balance between encouraging fish to solution to addressing the issues around Increasing the mesh size of codends move up it, while allowing Nephrops of ‡ The first sections of roof. (Photos: Sydney Sinclair) discard reduction and meeting the and extensions is regarded as a simple Irish Sea size to pass through it and onto challenges faced by full implementation approach to releasing more unwanted the codend.” Demolition of the old significantly deeper, the new of the landing obligation. A significant catch. But the data collected during the The trials also included introducing fishmarket at Scalloway market building will be fronted amount of work on gear selectivity has project indicated that increasing mesh lights to different parts of the gear, which moved into top gear earlier by a wider apron. been carried out in Northern Ireland sizes in the NI TR2 fleet ‘may also have produced differences in the catch of fish. this month, when contractors Fish-grading equipment will over the years, and much progress has a negative impact on their Nephrops They suggested that fish behaviour can removed the first sections of be located in a separate area been made, but the issue of below- catch’. This was particularly evident be influenced when inside the trawl. roof and outer walls, reports of the single-storey building, MCRS fish being caught in Nephrops when trialled on single-rig vessels. In most cases, it appears to produce a David Linkie. which will also include an trawls remains.” “As under-12m vessels currently work deterrent effect. External work started after extensive chilled transport The results of several of the gear trials to a minimum mesh size of 70mm, the “Whiting, for example, appeared the building, which has served corridor. This will allow fish to detailed in the report suggest that there large increase to 90mm appears to be to be particularly deterred by blue local whitefish boats since the be stored on pallets before are options for improved gear selectivity, too great,” says the report. light. Lights have shown potential as early 1970s, and was extended being collected by refrigerated and that ‘further development and “It is likely that a contributing a new and novel way of improving the 20 years later, was fully trucks for transhipment on the trialling of novel gear designs is needed, factor to this observation is the relative selectivity performance of a traditional decommissioned and stripped overnight ferries to Aberdeen. and possible to achieve’. lack of engine power in the smaller trawl, and the results of the trials suggest out internally. While Scalloway’s There is variation both in the fishing vessels. When engine power that where lights are placed in relation When the existing structure new fishmarket is under technical specifications of fishing gears is insufficient to keep a continual to the location of the escape point on a is removed fully, work will construction, whitefish used on individual vessels in Northern longitudinal strain (drag) on the gear, trawl is key.” begin to prepare the area boats are landing their shots Ireland, and in fishing techniques. “It meshes remain open over a larger The successful outcome of future to build a custom-designed into customised temporary is therefore probable that some of these proportion of the towing time.” work aimed at meeting landing larger facility in the same premises on Blackness are already fishing in a highly selective Results from trials of inclined net grid obligation objectives is likely to involve location. Pier. Shetland Islands manner with low discards,” says the (ING) trawls (200 and 400 versions) a combination of more development With 1,015m² of floor Council commissioned the report. provided clear indications that this and trialling of novel gear designs, and area, twice the size of the construction of this facility by The report says that there was a design of trawl can remove a sizeable research on specific technical aspects old market, the new market, installing insulated panels, ‘forthright response’ from the industry component of the fish catch from a of gears belonging to individual vessels which is scheduled to open in internal chiller units, external over the duration of the project, Nephrops trawl. currently involved in commercial fishing. 2020, will have a capacity of condensers and generators that clearly indicated that ideas and A reduced Nephrops catch was The Northern Ireland Gear Trials around 3,000-4,000 boxes of within an existing large suggestions on how gear selectivity may evident during the ING 200 trial. This Project 2017-2019 final project report whitefish. In addition to being warehouse. be improved exist among Northern was partially addressed by building and can be seen at: Photo: RNLI/Nathan Williams RNLI/Nathan Photo:

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Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered in England and Wales (209603) and Scotland (SC037736). Registered charity number 20003326 in the Republic of Ireland 6 NEWS Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 A dangerous atmosphere In a new occasional series, the Sunderland Marine team provide guidance on safe working and claims avoidance in a number of key areas on fishing vessels Enclosed spaces, confined What are the reasons? by ignorance of the hazards, Training and competence are, spaces or areas with These types of incidents could a disregard for the procedure, of course key – let’s go back to dangerous atmospheres: call occur on any type of vessel where or an ill-fated attempt at a the basics of a risk assessment. them whatever you want, there are tanks, holds or voids. On rescue, they are all likely to be Before going into a tank, hold or but these can kill, and have fishing vessels, rotting fish in the linked to shortcomings in safety other space that is confined, rarely killed. These deaths continue holds or RSW systems can result management and safety culture. accessed, or contains material to occur at a worrying in generation of toxic gases such It is very worrying that despite that could affect the atmosphere, rate. Alvin Forster, deputy as hydrogen sulphide. There is the high-profile campaigns to raise stop and take time to think: director of loss prevention also the risk of asphyxiation due awareness of enclosed spaces ● What could go wrong? at Sunderland Marine and to the oxygen levels becoming and dangerous atmospheres, ● How likely is this? North P&I Club looks at how depleted. deaths keep on happening. ● How severe are the failure to take the necessary As marine insurers, we review It is apparent that a better consequences? precautions when entering both our claims and the publicly understanding of the behavioural ● What can we do to lessen the these spaces onboard available investigation reports on factors is needed, as well as of chance of it happening? vessels has led to the deaths confined-space incidents. There the impact of external influences. ● If it does happen, what can we of hundreds around the often seem to be three distinct These could include the demands do to lessen the effect? world sets of circumstances: made on a crew that lead to taking ● Think again: is it now safe? If not, ‡ Alvin Forster, deputy director 1. The space was not short-cuts. There may be other repeat the cycle until it is safe. of loss prevention at Sunderland The size of the problem considered to be dangerous, factors that affect a person’s From this, simple procedures Marine and North P&I Club. We are all probably very aware or judgement, such as fatigue or can be created, and form the of the tragic circumstances 2. The dangers were known stress. basis of a ‘permit to work’. Some practical people, and will often on the Fraserburgh midwater but entry went ahead Complacency is sometimes companies carry out a hazard find a way to get things done. trawler Sunbeam last year. regardless, and/or a factor – doing it a few times analysis of all the spaces onboard Safety culture is a huge but But how common is this? The 3. Would-be rescuers and getting away with it, perhaps their vessels, and formally identify complex influence. There are no most reliable data available was becoming victims themselves. getting more and more lax each ‘enclosed spaces’. This can short-cuts in creating a safety published by the Marine Accident The last one may come as a time, until one day you come to help the identification process, culture – it takes time to mature. Investigators’ International surprise, but it is reported that regret it. but there is a risk of creating a It’s important to understand Forum (MAIIF) several years ago. about two-thirds of casualties are false sense of security when what influences the behaviour Unfortunately, it only considers those who try to rescue the first What can we do about it? entering any spaces that are not of those onboard. Owners and the period 1997-2009 and has victim. It is an understandable There is no simple answer or silver ‘designated’ as being hazardous. skippers must lead by example, not been updated since, but the and perhaps natural reaction for a bullet – we are dealing with the 2. How can we prevent and the safety message has to report does present some very person to rush in and try to save complexities of human behaviour. people entering spaces that be unambiguous. Those carrying interesting information, not least their friend or colleague without But consider the three sets of are known to be dangerous out the tasks must be provided the fact that a surprisingly high regard for their own safety. circumstances mentioned earlier: without taking suitable with the knowledge, skills and number of incidents occurred on 1. How can we get better precautions? necessary safety equipment, such fishing vessels, particularly in the Why does it keep happening? at identifying a dangerous This relies on a good balance as gas analysers, to complete the fish holds and RSW tanks. Whether the casualty was caused space? between a practical and sensible tasks safely. safety management system and 3. How can we learn to resist trained, motivated people. the urge to rush in and save Keep procedures relevant, someone? simple and workable, and make Practice, practice and more sure there is sufficient time to do practice. Like any emergency the job safely. Over-complicated response, the key is regular drills or restrictive procedures might that are taken seriously and are lead to more mistakes being realistic. Do it enough times, made. There is a risk that crew will and it should become automatic bypass them in order to save time, behaviour. Carry out proper or just to make the task workable. debriefs where problems and Fishermen and seafarers are improvements can be discussed. Contract awarded to design new Irish marine research vessel Skipsteknisk AS of Ålesund, to the use, understanding and and the public gain a richer Norway, has been awarded the management of our oceans. The understanding of our ocean, and contract to design Ireland’s new funding of the new vessel will facilitate exploration that will marine research vessel, reports demonstrates the government’s lead to discoveries that stretch the Pauric Gallagher. commitment to expanding and bounds of our imagination.” The new 50m vessel will replace strengthening marine science in He added, “This significant the RV Celtic Voyager, and will Ireland, to ensure that our nation investment in the nation’s be a sistership to Ireland’s largest is equipped with the best scientific scientific research recognises research vessel, the 65m RV Celtic advice possible to enable a strong the Marine Institute’s quarter- Explorer. negotiating position, and to century of leadership in the field of Once the design phase is maximise economic opportunities oceanography and its longstanding complete, the next phase in this in a sustainable manner.” and fruitful collaborations with three-year project, funded by the Dr Peter Heffernan, CEO of partner institutions. The new vessel Department of Agriculture, Food the Marine Institute, welcomed will enable us all to more efficiently and the Marine, is to tender for a the signing of the research vessel explore, collaborate, and conduct shipyard to construct the vessel. design contract, saying: “The global ocean research.” ‡ Dr Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute, and Hans Ove Holmøy, This is expected to be completed Marine Institute is on track and Based in Galway, the new managing director of Skipsteknisk AS, at the contract signing for Ireland’s by the end of the year, with delivery on budget with the design of the vessel will be used by the Marine new research vessel. of the new vessel expected in early new vessel, which will provide Institute and other state agencies Fisheries Policy, as well as climate- marine biological resources. 2022. critical national infrastructure and and universities to undertake induced impacts on our oceans. It will also allow for continued Minister for agriculture, food marks a major milestone in the fisheries research, oceanographic It will facilitate service demands transatlantic surveys with and the marine Michael Creed said: Marine Institute’s efforts to provide and environmental research and under the European Maritime international partners through the “There are many challenges and world-class marine science. The surveys, and student training. It and Fisheries Fund, including the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance threats in relation to our oceans, significantly enhanced capabilities will support Ireland in addressing conservation, management and (AORA), as well as EU-funded and research is an intrinsic part of of the new research vessel will help some of the research challenges rebuilding of fish stocks and the survey programmes obtained formulating a sustainable approach researchers, educators, students of Brexit and the Common long-term sustainable harvesting of through Horizon 2020. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook NEWS 7 Professional discussion delivers 40 years of Mid-Channel Agreement French skipper/owner and fishermen’s leader Daniel Lefèvre highlights the long-lasting benefits that mobile and static gear fishing on either side of the Channel achieve each year through mutual agreement and consent French skipper/owner Daniel Lefèvre gear boats lost countless pots, while included Lower Normandy and Saint- was present at the ground-breaking mobile gear vessels lost a lot of time; Malo, Cherbourg, Port-en-Bessin and meeting in Cherbourg in 1980 that the common dominator being a loss Belgian, the fishing associations of delivered the first Mid-Channel of catch and therefore earnings. , Jersey, , Newlyn Agreement. Since then, he has “A very difficult and irreconcilable and Brixham beam trawlers, and attended each annual meeting. cohabitation between incompatible Cornwall/South Devon crab/lobster Daniel Lefèvre was president of fishing techniques created conflicts, associations. the Regional Committee for Maritime where fishermen and their vessels “The first of a long series of Fisheries of Lower Normandy were put in dangerously unsafe meetings took place in a heavy and (1994-2017) and a member of the situations. confrontational climate, presided local Cherbourg committee (1988- “Such a situation could not last over by a leader from Normandy. 2005). He also chaired the Channel forever; solutions of appeasement had Fishermen previously in conflict Group from 2005-2017 at the North to be found quickly to avoid dramas. with each other, on an all too regular Western Waters Advisory Council. The UK and French governments, basis, were finally face to face in the For many years, he fished a 24m worried about the surge of violence, same room with the leaders of the artisanal trawler in the Channel encouraged the professionals to organisations. ‡ Daniel Lefèvre with a chart of the Sea and west of Cornwall between put an end to the conflicts. At the “Language difficulties wereMid-Channel Agreement, which he Milford Haven and the Isles of same time, it was acknowledged solved with the help of interpreters. has contributed to since 1980. Scilly, and very often within six to that the actors on the stage – ie Fishermen from each country were † Fishermen and their 12 miles of the UK coast, as well as fishermen – had the knowledge able to discuss the difficulties they representatives at the Mid-Channel in the waters of the . and understanding required to faced in trying to live together at sea, Agreement meeting held in the He recounts the long history of the resolve these serious problems of with different trades. Each accused historic Fishmongers’ Hall in London Mid-Channel Agreements. cohabitation between the different the other of being responsible for the in 2010. “Now aged 67 years, I am old fleets concerned. incidents that frequently arose on the enough to have experienced the UK “The various officials of the grounds. was based on the principle of zones historic. The 40th meeting will be becoming a member of the EEC fishermen’s organisations from the “Thousands of pots were lost reserved for the caseyeurs (pots) held in France in March, and has in 1973, the establishment of Blue countries involved were constantly in each year when trawlers were forced and corridors of circulation reserved been organised by the Maritime Europe (PCP) in 1983, and now, contact with each other, by telephone to leave fish-filled areas. Many for trawlers, based on the Decca Fisheries Committee of Brittany. unfortunately, Brexit. and fax. They were all trying to plans of fishing areas and nautical navigation system that prevailed at “I will attend this 40th “In the 1970s and 1980s, the reason with their fishermen to avoid charts of the Western Channel the time, and which was widely used anniversary, because I participated waters of the central Channel (West conflicts at sea, but the incidents helped professionals to finally find a by the vessels involved. Agreement in the first meeting in Cherbourg in Mid Channel) to the south of Pointe continued. In 1980, they decided by solution. The climate calmed down, was also reached that the zones 1980 and all subsequent 38 meetings. de Start and the island of Alderney mutual agreement to organise a first and after two days of negotiations, would be alternated every six months. Forty years of work have created firm were very popular with many French, face-to-face meeting with the various a first agreement was found for a “Of course, all the difficulties bonds of friendship between all the Belgian and British fishing skippers. organisations and professionals period of one year. were not solved with a ‘magic wand’. participants. Unfortunately, many of “This situation caused numerous working together in the same area, to “Of course, it was necessary to 1980 was the start of a long process my early leader friends have passed incidents between trawlers, beam find solutions to resolve conflicts. give a name to this agreement – it of future annual meetings to refine away. But were they there, they would trawlers and crabbers from Devon, “The first groundbreakingwas the ‘Mid-Channel Gentlemen’s these agreements or modify them at be justifiably proud of the continuing Cornwall and the Channel Islands. meeting took place in Cherbourg Agreement’ for some, and ‘Central the request of a stakeholder. These beneficial outcomes they contributed Violent clashes took place on the Theatre Hall on 21 July, 1980. Channel Agreement’ for others. A agreements were applauded by the towards. common fishing grounds. Static Attending producer organisations second meeting was held in Exeter reciprocal governments, which “These historic agreements are on 21 September, 1980 to formally encouraged the administrations a unique case where responsible endorse and sign the agreement, responsible for achieving mutually fishermen have been able to set aside applicable on 1 October, 1980.” beneficial outcomes to perpetuate their differences to work together them forever. Since 1980, many years in a peaceful and harmonious way. ‘Unique’ agreements of effort by all parties have gone Over the years, our common fishing “These agreements were, at the time, into improving the initial ground- sector has had to go through many a unique case at sea and in Europe. breaking agreement. crises (fuel, markets, quotas, vessel Indeed, without the (unwanted) “This is the 39th year that these decommissioning, NGOs, etc). presence of administrations and agreements have been in force, But beyond the differences of each politicians, professionals agreed renewed annually after two days of country, the sea remains a ‘common among themselves to solve their working meetings with the fishermen garden’, where fish know no border difficult problems, to work together and their leaders in a relaxed and and every professional has his place. in a common space. Previously, such friendly atmosphere. “The 40 years of operation of arrangements were unheard of. “The principle of an annual these agreements are a brilliant “The proposals implemented working meeting was established in demonstration of the fact that only were very technical, and only the 1980, and the meetings are rotated. the professionals are able to settle fishermen could find them. The They take place in a different country their disputes at sea, and they remain leaders of the organisations involved each year, with the associations in the an example for many to ponder. were charged with making these host country taking full responsibility Some have copied these agreements new agreements, respected by their for arranging the meeting. elsewhere. members. The agreement reached “These agreements are now “The media speaks little, or not often, of this exemplary participation. 15 MAY 2018 - 15 AUG 2018 15 MAY 2018 - 15 AUG 2018 15 MAI 2018 - 15 AOUT 2018 News is catching up with us as to the 15 MAI 2018 - 15 AOUT 2018 future of hard-working professional CRPN Basse-Normandie be [email protected] OBPN Port-en-Bassin op relations over the years, in the CRPN Bretagne [email protected] CDPMEM Finistère [email protected] SWFPO Beam trawlers swfpo@ South Devon Potters sdandc [email protected] context of Brexit and the future exit Guernsey fishermen [email protected] Jersey [email protected] Belgium (Belgique) [email protected] of the UK from the EU. Visned [email protected] “I must remain optimistic. We cannot throw away 40 years of relations. I trust the professionals to continue working together at sea, and that mutually beneficial outcomes can be delivered by informed discussion, for which the template is already well-established.

Box 4 - opens 01.04.18 to 15.05.18 Communication zone between South Devon Potters and South West PO, then closed to trawling until 15 August 2018. “I thank you for all your Box 4- ouvert du 01.04.18 au 15.05.18 Zone de communication entre caseyeurs du Sud Devon et l'OP du South West, puis fermé aux chalutiers jusqu'au 15 août 2018. interest in this brief history of our

While they are in force, outlined and numbered areas (boxes) are to be used for potting gear. Three miles around each agreements between professionals, box is exclusive for trawling. During the changeover period (Chart A to Chart B) the following year, pots mus fail, be removed from the boxes or areas to be suppressed, between the 15th and 17th of the month (3 days).t, without Les zones encadrées et numérotées (carrés) sont réservées aux casiers. Autour des carrés, une bande de trois and especially between fishermen, est réservée exclusivement au chalutage. Lors du passage de la carte A à la carte B de l'année suivante, les casiersmilles doivent être impérativement retirés dans les trois jours (entre le 15 et le 17 inclus) des blocs ou parties qui sont ‡ The first chart, showing the boxes and zones ratified after the first series of supprimés. whose solidarity we know.” meetings. ‡ One of the 2018 Mid-Channel charts. 8 NEWS Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 Human interference – are wind farms really environmentally friendly? Leigh-on-Sea fisherman Paul Gilson zones, we will see an increase in for the decline in shrimp over recent has raised concerns several times the biodiversity and more fish. With years. Yet this year, the fishery was in Fishing News regarding low fish the fishing effort at an all-time low, better than it has been for many stocks in some areas of the English along with reports that there are years, with freezer space in Holland Channel. He feels this is linked to now possibly fewer than 50 full- and Germany at a premium. The the Thames dredging and recent time working fishing boats, why same could be said for shrimp in wind farm development, which has are there no signs of any increase the Wash – I have heard anecdotally also caused seabed and beach in stocks between Norfolk and of one vessel filling the nets to the erosion, reports John Periam. Ramsgate, where huge areas of the brim for just 20 minutes’ fishing. Currently, the NFFO is in seabed have remained untouched? However, in the Thames it is an discussion with representatives The Dutch working outside the endangered species – when once, from the Dutch fishing industry non-fishing zones confirmed that, it was a targeted fishery by many organisation VisNed to achieve last year, they had not seen a boats.” more interaction between the Dutch single English vessel working in the and the UK’s inshore fleet. beamer-free zone.” European management The discussions have proved Concerns were expressed Both the Dutch and the British are to be positive. However, this over the change in water clarity, of the opinion that management was actually the start of a more and the fact that to catch fish in from, and by, Brussels was poor- important debate – about the these areas, coloured water was to-inept. The discards ban/landing condition of the southern North needed. However, over recent obligation had resulted in too many Sea. years the water has become very fish being killed. The sea bass ban “The Dutch appear to have clear, reducing the effectiveness had also proved to be very wasteful. ‡ The London Array wind farm project is situated 12 miles off the Kent and very similar issues over the North of our own fishing fleet. The Dutch Paul Gilson said, “Sea bass caught Essex coast. It is considered to be the world’s largest wind farm. (Photo: NASA) Sea to us,” said Paul Gilson. agreed with these observations, in a mixed non-targeted fishery “There are three major factors that too, referring especially to how would still be dead, whatever been aware that there have been the Wash to change diesel filters we all need to discuss in more some species were changing. For happened to it. Throwing fish cases of excessive scouring around – the amount of turbine noise detail: changes in fish species example, squid and red mullet are back served no practical purpose individual wind turbine stems/ that vibrated through his hull was and fishing conditions, poor now becoming more prevalent – whatsoever, other than it would help towers. Many have had rocks and deafening. This was endorsed by a European management, and human two species that love clear water. the farmed fisheries of sea bass in protective mats placed around Dutch fisherman who experienced interference.” “There are reports that the Greece and Southern Europe.” them to try to stop the erosion of the same, even though he was not French fleet has seen some the seabed. that close to a turbine. It has also Changes in fish species significant changes, especially Human interference “What we now have is the been proved by the Dutch that “We put forward our fears about relating to fish stocks in their Paul Gilson has commented many internet, where we can access pile-driving for new turbines has the inshore fishery – ie fewer boats inshore waters,” said Paul. “The times about human interference in satellite imagery direct from the damaged fish eggs, due to the and fewer fish,” said Paul Gilson. other species that was mentioned the Thames estuary. The dredging NASA website. Let’s look at this in amount of noise and vibration on “We are told that by leaving the was the brown shrimp. The pulse of the main spawning ground for more detail. the seabed. seabed and creating conservation beamers have often been blamed Dover sole has contributed to the “When you are at near sea level, “We now have a sound and collapse of that fishery. you do not get the same image mobile sand barrier that extends “What has concerned me is as when you look at the satellite across the Thames and along the the proven fact that it has clearly pictures. The Dutch have many English east coast – created by not recovered as the experts said downloaded images, and when humans in our quest for green it would at a recent inquiry. We laid out in order, you can see in fine energy,” said Paul Gilson. have a domino effect taking place, detail the boil or turbulence made To try to tackle this problem, with cables being laid across the by the turbines. Lines of coloured a joint meeting is to be arranged North Sea and continual ongoing water streamed down-tide by each with fishermen around the North aggregate dredging, which is one, with some as long as two Sea, to work together to address disturbing the environment and the kilometres, with lines stretching out the problems that they and the seabed.” north and south across the Thames environment face because of these One subject that should have estuary, clearly forming a liquid developments. been investigated in more detail is sand barrier.” In conclusion, Paul said, “We the proliferation of wind farms and Fishing News also understands need to make people aware the effects of each turbine on both that a locally approved flight over that this free energy comes at the seabed and stocks. There are the area clearly showed the same a very high price to the fishing reports from other areas around the effects as in the NASA images. industry, while the cost to the UK of changes in water conditions Wind turbines make a lot of planet is immeasurable. Free and and fish stocks. noise. A recent case was that of eco-friendly, in my opinion, it is not This ongoing concern was also a Boston fisherman who had to – it is a silent killer, working 24/7, if ‡ VisNed map of developments in the North Sea. highlighted by Paul. “We have stop his engine while working in the wind blows!” FFL: ‘Pulse ban welcome – now ban flagships’ Fishing for Leave says it is foreign fishing pressure removed its pulse ban and clamp down FFL wants the UK government ● 60% of a vessel’s crew must ‘delighted’ that the UK government from British waters, allowing local on flagships in the new fisheries to reinstate the 1988 Merchant be British, but with a five-year is to ban pulse fishing in UK waters fishermen and communities to bill, with tighter ‘economic links’ Shipping Act, which tried to stop derogation to allow vessels to use after Brexit, and that the EU is also thrive again.” conditions that define whatEU flagships but was overturned skilled foreign crew until a lost to ban the method, reports Tim Along with the EU decision, it constitutes a British fishing vessel. by the European Court of Justice generation of British fishermen is Oliver. means that ‘this abhorrent method “When the UK automatically (ECJ). The ECJ ruled, in the replaced with the next The UK has laid measures before will be gone from both sides of the repatriates the 60% of our infamous Factortame case, that ● 60% of catches must be landed, parliament to ensure that pulse southern North Sea’. resources caught by EU boats – as the act discriminated against EU sold and processed in Britain, to beaming is banned in UK waters FFL says that the success provided for in international law – citizens’ right of establishment. ensure that British ports, processors post-Brexit, and the EU is to ban comes after a lot of hard work to it is important that the ability of EU “This landmark case proved and the wider community derive pulse fishing after July 2021. Half raise publicity and parliamentary companies to re-register as British that our parliament was no maximum economic benefit from of the current 84 pulse beaming awareness. ‘Massive credit’ should flagships is stopped. Otherwise, longer supreme or sovereign. the UK’s resources. licences will be withdrawn this also go to Thanet Fishermen’s they will jump the jurisdiction Reinstatement of the provisions “Such provisions are no year. Six vessels will be allowed Association, East Anglia fence to buy up what Britain just of the 1988 Act would not only different to those of Norway and to continue pulse beaming for Fishermen’s Alliance and NUTFA, repatriated,” says FFL. protect the fledgling opportunities the other Nordic nations. We scientific research purposesas well as the BLOOM eNGO “This would squash the Brexit provides to UK coastal look forward to the government (Fishing News, 21 February, ‘Pulse which ‘worked tirelessly’ in the EU opportunity to rejuvenate UK communities, but would also right moving such an amendment beaming banned’). parliament. coastal communities with the a constitutional insult,” said FFL. immediately, as failure to do so “This will be a huge saviour for FFL says ‘huge thanks’ must repatriated resources allocated to It says that tougher new will allow economic exploitation the marine environment that our also go to East Anglia MP Peter all fishermen (outwith the current economic links regulations must of British fisheries despite Brexit – fishermen depend upon to see their Aldous and Labour MPs who monopolised FQA system), which require that: something that the British public, industry and heritage continue for supported a ban. would provide incentive and ability ● 60% of beneficial ownership of who see restoration of our fishing generations to come,” said FFL. But it says that the UK to attract the next generation to a a fishing vessel/company is held by as totemic, would be apoplectic “It will see a huge amount of government must now follow up good career at the fishing.” British citizens about,” says FFL. 28 February 2019 28 February Name: Girl Stephanie G 190 LOA: 51.90m Built: Karstensens Shipyard Skagen 2018 Type: Midwater trawler Home port: Galway Join Fishing News on Facebook BOAT OFTHEWEEK 9 10 LAST VOYAGE OF THE CECIL RHODES Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 LAST VOYAGE OF THE CECIL RHODES Part 4 in the series A Trawlerman’s Reminiscences, written by Hull skipper William Oliver in 1953 (Photographs courtesy of Alec Gill) n March 1905, we sailed fallen asleep through sheer again in the Cecil Rhodes for exhaustion, and I suspect the William Oliver sailed as mate in the IIceland. We had a terrible trip watch had done the same. Shakespeare in 1905, during the period the for weather, and fishing was The ship had logged 30¼ skipper of the Cecil Rhodes was serving a six- carried on only with very great miles, and when we measured it month suspension of his skipper’s certificate difficulty. Gales of wind from, it back to our point of departure, after the grounding of that vessel. That year seemed, every direction, with it made us on the corner of saw the first landings from the Murmansk blizzards of snow, prevailed for Onundas fjord. This proved to be coast of Russia, popularly but wrongly called days. At long last, we managed the case. We launched the small the ‘White Sea’ grounds. Shakespeare H 406 1,000 kits with 400 kits of , boat and then tried the engines was lost in 1907 when she was at Breckness, .and we were fshing about full speed astern, but the vessel near Stromness, Orkney 12 miles north of Adlevig one refused to budge. She started evening when the skipper called to bump heavily, and after about me on the bridge and asked me two hours started to fill with what I considered we had in. water. We remained onboard We were all dog-tired, and until daybreak, and as the vessel eventually he decided to steam showed signs of breaking up (we south as the wind was again could see fish coming out of her freshening from westward. He bottom), the skipper reluctantly instructed me to lash up the decided to abandon the ship trawls, intending to complete his and take to the boat. He and I voyage at the Westmann Isles were the last to leave. He was if the weather was suitable, and very distressed, and we all felt a if not, to go home. I was told to great deal of sympathy for him. set the watches and to turn in, We learned later that had we as the skipper was remaining on arrived home safe, our voyage the bridge for a time. would probably have constituted Three hours after I turned a record, owing to the shortage in, at 1.15am on 4 April, I was of fish at Hull caused by the awakened by a terrific crash, prolonged heavy gales. and when I went on deck I We pulled up the fjord, and found that the Cecil Rhodes about noon we landed – a had steamed full speed ashore. bedraggled-looking crowd at Our poor old skipper had the settlement of Flateyre. We

had some difficulty in making communications with Iceland, so Rhodes stranded, came to ourselves understood, but at last as yet, no news had been given the settlement for news of the an Icelander arrived who could of our disaster. crew. Half the crew, including understand and myself, went onboard speak English Pointer (Humber very well, and I was awakened by a terrific Steam Trawling we were soon Co), and the other made very crash, and when I went on deck half went onboard comfortable. We Peridot (Kingston were really very I found that the Cecil Rhodes had SF Co), the skipper fortunate, as that remaining onshore afternoon the steamed full speed ashore. Our according to wind increased rule. We fished in to a heavy poor old skipper had fallen asleep Pointer for a few gale, and had days, and then our landing through sheer exhaustion proceeded home, been delayed calling at Longhope ‡ Cecil Rhodes ran ashore on the west coast of Iceland in 1905 and a few hours, in the Orkney Isles was wrecked. This was not the first time Cecil Rhodes had run aground we could all have been lost. At for coal. – this sketch shows the vessel grounded at Thorsminde, Jutland, that time there were, of course, The way home Meanwhile at home, vessels Denmark. Date unknown. (Photos: Alec Gill) no telegraphic or telephonic After we had been ashore for were arriving and reporting nine days, two trawlers arrived, heavy gales, and all trawlers seeking shelter from the bad were making long trips. Cecil weather, and seeing Cecil Rhodes had been seen leaving

‡ Ocean Queen was owned by J Hollingsworth, steam trawler owner/ ‡ In 1906, William Oliver sailed as mate in a new-build vessel, Ocean Queen. manager and fish salesman. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook LAST VOYAGE OF THE CECIL RHODES 11

‡ Golden Sceptre… the fishing grounds, presumably the evidence I gave, and it was for home, and skippers had arranged that I should be his expressed surprise that she mate when he was free to sail hadn’t arrived. again. I filled in my time as mate We had now been away over of Shakespeare, owned by the six weeks, and great concern now-defunct National Steam ‡… and Princess Victoria landed some good trips from the newly opened so-called ‘White Sea’ grounds was felt by our families, and tide Trawling Co, running to Faroe, off the Russian coast in 1906. These grounds and the Barents Sea, and Norwegian coast region in general, after tide my wife was coming under skipper Henry Forrester, were vital for Hull and Grimsby trawlers, until the era of 200-mile limits in the 1970s ended the era of the on the dock in anticipation of a Grimsby man sailing from distant-water industry. our arrival. One evening, my wire Hull. I remained with him from (sent from the Orkneys) arrived June to December, when my old built with a whaleback on her for my wife. It was the first news skipper’s period of suspension forecastle head. Formerly all that Hull had of the loss of Cecil had ended. I left to go mate with English trawlers were open- Rhodes. My wife took the wire to him in a new vessel being built decked forrard, although a the owner’s house, and he was at Earle’s for his former owner, few German trawlers had convinced of its authenticity. Mr J Hollingsworth. whalebacks. This design was I was required by the Board That year, 1905, saw the first a distinct improvement, as of Trade to give when a vessel was all the particulars We had now been away over steaming head to in the absence sea in open-decked of the skipper, six weeks, and great concern ships, all the water who was still in rushed onboard in Iceland, and was bad weather and instructed not was felt by our families, and tide the vessel had to sail until the constantly to be Board of Trade after tide my wife was coming stopped to clear inquiry. I received herself. With the a subsistence on the dock in anticipation of whaleback, when allowance of £4 the vessel dived into per week. our arrival the seas, the heavy In due course water was diverted ‡ Princess Victoria is pictured in an advertisement by trawler owner the skipper arrived, and the landings of vessels from the overboard again by means of Armitage’s Steam Trawling Co Ltd, offering its services as trawler Board of Trade inquiry lasted Murmansk coast fishing grounds a breakwater constructed on manager, fish salesman and commission agent. three days. The skipper (miscalled the White Sea), and I the after part of the whaleback. was awarded six months’ think the first two vessels were The next whaleback trawler was 2,000 kits, and had three To my great disappointment, suspension of his certificate, Sir Francis Drake (National SF the Earl of Shaftesbury, and furnaces in their boilers. it was arranged for our ship and I was free to look for a ship Co) and Drax (Collisons). others followed in very quick Our new vessel was the to sail on the very Saturday again. Drax was a new departure succession. Trawlers were now Ocean Queen, and we sailed at 9am that I was to sit for my He was very pleased with in trawler construction, being constructed capable of carrying on our maiden voyage on 3 certificate. January, 1906. We did very I was very upset about it, as I well in this vessel, landing did not want to stay ashore and some good voyages from the miss the chance of going to the Westmann Isles, and later from White Sea. I went to my skipper North Cape. At the end of June, about it, who very kindly said, we stopped for what was then “Don’t worry, Bill, we’ll fix it.” known as our six months survey And fix it he did. He explained – six months being the period the circumstances to the owner, when all defects were remedied and he was good enough to put before the builders finally turned a substitute onboard to leave the vessel over to the owners. the dock in Ocean Queen, when they would drop the anchor I go for promotion off the Victoria Pier until I had As we were to remain in dock been examined. I had to give a few weeks, I decided to go my word that I would proceed to ‘school’ for my skipper’s onboard immediately after my certificate. I had been at examination. I would say that ‘school’ just over a week such consideration is very rarely when some vessels landed shown in our industry. some good voyages from the As the Ocean Queen was Murmansk coast. Two of these leaving St Andrew’s Dock, I was vessels were Princess Victoria on my way to the Mercantile (Armitage’s ST Co), skipper P Marine Office to sit for my Hansen, and Golden Sceptre examination. (Hall Leyman Co), skipper GW At 11.15am I came out of Leighton. It was decided that the boardroom with my blue our ship, Ocean Queen, should paper, which denoted I was now be completed as soon as qualified to act as a skipper ‡ Golden Sceptre H 862 was wrecked in January 1912 when she ran aground at Kettleness on the possible, so we could proceed of a fishing vessel of 25t and Yorkshire coast. to that area. upwards. ■ 12 SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 SKIPPER EXPO INT GALWAY 2019 – 15 YEARS OF SUCCESS he 15th-anniversary number of trailer stands. Also and aquaculture industries. Skipper Expo Int Galway certain to prove popular are FISA manufactures a full range 2019 (8-9 March) looks set the pool demonstrations – a of nets made of nylon, polyester EXHIBITOR LIST T ● ASAP Supplies ● Finer Filters ● Murphy Marine Services to be another great event for the unique element of the Galway and polypropylene (HDPE ● AIB (Allied Irish Bank) ● Finning Power Systems ● Irish fisheries sector, with 125 Expo. Hosted by the RNLI, Supra). The company’s products North Sea Shipbrokers ● ● companies booked to showcase various flotation devices will be include knotless Raschel, twisted Anderson Marine Fishermen’s Mission ● O’Sullivan Marine their products and services, demonstrated in the pool. and braided knotted, and twisted ● Aquabroker ● Fishing News ● On Site Power ensuring there will be something There are also a good number knotless Shogun netting. ● Arklow Marine ● G Smyth Boats Generation Ltd to interest everyone. of first-time exhibitors this year, Sharon Boyle of show ● Art Kavanagh ● Glen Campbell Painting ● Padmos Engine and The number of exhibitors has which will spark interest among organiser Mara Media said: “As ● A/S Scan ● GlobeWeigh Ship Repair doubled since the inaugural visitors, with the expo featuring ever, Skipper Expo Int Galway ● ASTANDER shipyard ● Guy Cotten UK ● Pat O’Donnell & Co show in 2004, underlining just virtually every type of equipment, 2019 will have something for ● Atlantic Marine ● Hardware & ● Peter Bruce (Patsy) Ship what an important event this has product and service available to everyone, and as well as being Supplies Ltd Marine Supplies ● Painters now become in the Irish fishing the fishing industry. an all-encompassing fisheries ● Barrus ● HBG Service ehf ● Polar Doors ● ● industry calendar, with it gaining One of the highlights of the showcase, it provides a fantastic Barry Electronics Injector Doors ● Prolines a strong reputation as a great expo will be the buffet and opportunity to network and ● Belco Marine ● Inshore Ireland ● Proteum place to do business in a friendly dance night on Friday, 8 March, socialise with colleagues in the ● Bere Island Boatyard ● Irish Coast Guard Unit ● R&D Marine and convivial atmosphere. serving superb Irish seafood, fishing industry.” ● Bord Iascaigh Mhara ● Jackson Trawls ● Riverdale Mills Corp Sponsored this year by BIM which this year is sponsored by Skipper Expo Int Galway 2019 (BIM) – show sponsors ● Jesslight Ltd ● RNLI Fishing Safety and Cavanagh Hooper Dolan Fibras Industriales SA, which is will be held on 8 and 9 March at ● BIM Coastal Training ● Jimmy Walsh – One Insurances Ltd, and held at commercially known as FISA, the Galway Bay Hotel, Galway. Unit – show sponsors Stop Prop Shop ● RNLI Fundraising the Galway Bay Hotel, major and is a leading producer and Entrance is free. Opening ● Bison Engineering Ltd ● KER Services ● Ross Boat Photos attractions include the outside distributor of fishing nets, ropes times are 10am-6pm on Friday, ● BOPP ● Kerry ETB ● Ryan & Roberts Boatmart, which features a and twine with more than 70 8 March and 10am-4pm on ● CA Clase UK Ltd ● KK Hydraulics ● Scanmar Ltd vessel display alongside a years’ experience in the fishing Saturday, 9 March. ■ ● Cavanagh Hooper ● KT Nets ● Sea-Fisheries Dolan – show sponsors ● Lost At Sea Tragedies Protection Authority ● Cavanagh Nets (LAST) charity ● SeaQuest Systems Jackson Trawls supplies a wide ● CH Marine ● Latitude Kinsale ● Selva Marine ● Charles Cleghorn ● Liam McDermot Pots ● Shipshealth range of whitefish and prawn nets ● Chartistic ● MacGregor (GBR) ● SIRM UK Jackson Trawls has been ● Christy Hannon ● Mactex Oil ● Sofrimar supplying a broad range of Engineering Distribution Ltd ● Solent Engineering whitefish and prawn nets to ● Cleggan Marine ● Mantsbrite Marine Services Ireland for many years, and has ● Clements Engineering ● Marine & Industrial ● South Shore Marine & built up a good reputation for ● Clever Lighting and Transmissions Ltd Diesel gear that works and is of good Electrical ● Marine Design ● Stor-Loc ● quality. Commissioner of Irish International ● Swan Net-Gundry The Peterhead netmaker Lights ● Marine Institute ● Teignbridge Propellers supplies all over Ireland, from ● Costello Boats ● Marport ● The Fresh Fish Deli Clogherhead in the east, to ● Craemer UK ● Marine Survey Office ● The Skipper – show Castletownbere, Baltimore, Union ● Crown Marine Seats ● McDonnells (Queen organisers Hall, Killybegs, Rossaveal and ● Cummins St) Ltd ● Greencastle. ● Davidsons Painters ● Medley Pots Thyborøn Trawldoor On whitefish gear, Jackson Department of Marine ● Mermaid Marine ● Tom Hand Electronics Trawls is selling single-boat ● DMG Welding Services ● Michigan Marine ● Tyson’s Ships Riggers hopper trawls from 60ft up to ● DRAWM Propulsion (MMP) ● Union Chandlery 140ft, with hopper sizes ranging ‡ Three dual-purpose prawn trawls and hopper single trawls in production ● Echomaster Marine ● MMG Welding ● VHF & Chartplotter from 14-21in, used for catching for Irish skippers in Jackson Trawls’ expansive net loft at Peterhead. ● EK Marine ● Mooney Boats Training round fish such as haddock and ● Engine Solutions ● Morgère Trawl Doors ● WestWard Scania whiting, and also groundfish like It has also recently been at the Galway expo – nets for ● Errigal Bay ● ● Whispaire monkfish, megrim and . supplying – and will be promoting catching cuttlefish and squid, Mullion Survival both single-boat and twin nets. ● Fairwater Fishing Technology ● Ziegra Ice Machines Some of its Irish customers have been down in the Channel for the cuttlefish, and up at Rockall On Site Power Generation – fishing for squid. In addition, the company market leader in the sector has also supplied a number Galway exhibitor On Site Power speed controllers, actuators and of seine nets, both clean Generation Ltd has been in this much more. grassrope nets and hopper nets, business for over 20 years and Its market area is diverse, designed to give good height represents some of the world’s ranging from PTO farm while maintaining good ground market leaders in the power generators to domestic, contact, which enables them to generation industry. construction, industrial and fish well. Its agencies include Mecc marine generators. For prawn gear, Jackson Alte generators, CGM diesel SmartGen generator controllers Trawls will be promoting its wider generators, Beltrame AVRs and and Beltrame AVRs supplied by bosom double-bag trawls, which SmartGen generator controllers. On Site Power Generation provide are performing very well on the In addition, Mecc Alte generators top-class and cost-efficient Porcupine grounds. Its double- from 2.2kVA up to 165kVA are replacement components which bag nets have proved popular held in its warehouse at Wexford, are compatible with a huge range over the years for their fishing with sizes up to 5,000kVA of generating sets from almost effectiveness and durability, available. any manufacturer. and the company has slightly The company also stocks new Its knowledge of the workings changed the design to give more silent diesel generating sets up of generating sets affords On Site fishing area. to 175kVA, with any size required Power Generation the ability to Single-bag prawn nets continue available. help and advise customers on a to be popular, ranging in length On Site Power Generation range of possible solutions to any from 10-40 fathoms, and mostly always carries a substantial stock problems they may experience ‡ The Jackson Trawls team making a seine net with small mesh rigged on 6in and 8in discs. guard for targeting groundfish. of AVRs and genset controllers, with their power plants. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY 13 Michigan Marine Propulsion Mooney Boats Michigan Marine Propulsion continues to provide a wide range of high-quality propulsion products and packages, many of which are specifically tailored for the fisheries industry. To complement its Michigan propellers, it also builds and supplies complete stern gear systems, underwater hardware, rudder assemblies, and a variety of replacement spares and after-market propulsion products. Within this range, it stocks its Aqualube water-lubricated bearings, MMP serrated rope cutters, and the Ercem series of shaft face seals. Its repair centre facilitates propeller refurbishment and tuning services, providing very high-accuracy repair and modification for customers. The workshop is fully equipped with a custom-designed, custom-manufactured hydraulic pitch adjustment machine, and two separate MRI computerised propeller measurement machines. ‡ The wheelhouse interior on the 27.46m trawler Fiona K III that Mooney All of the company’s products and services are Boats delivered to Tralee skipper Tom Kennedy three months ago. bolstered by outstanding engineering, technical and design capabilities. Mooney Boats Ltd will be and maintenance, it has also been This is something, says the company, that exhibiting a wide range of goods a significant year when Mooney really sets it apart from the competition, and is and services. From new boats Boats has experienced growth, supported by its 110-year history of continuous being built at its base in Ireland with many new customers visiting trading, experience and expertise. Over the to the latest in industrial marine the yard for the first time. years, it has successfully worked with many technology, Mooney Boats Ltd Mooney Boats Ltd will also of the world’s leading shipyards and military offers the ‘complete marine be exhibiting state-of-the-art agencies, and has been involved with many high- ‡ Michigan Marine Propulsion provides a bespoke solution’. ultrasonic antifouling from profile recreational applications. propeller design and service facility. As part of its exhibit, Mooney Sonihull, in the form of the Soni8 Boats Ltd will be showcasing and Sonihull Duo, as well as three of its most recent boat commercial fishing oilskins and builds, Fiona K III, Amethyst and the new Deck Boss safety boot Ocean Challenge. For boat repairs from Grundens. GCM Painting GCM Painting Ltd is a marine painting service company based in Killybegs, and it will be exhibiting on the Mooney Boats stand at Galway. The bulk of its work is carried out in the Department of Marine synchrolift, which dry-docks boats up to 600t and has a shed facility to paint boats inside. GCM Painting Ltd also provides services to both Mooney Boats and the bigger vessels in the Killybegs fleet. It works closely with other companies to ensure all projects are run smoothly, thereby providing ‡ Hull fabrication of a 20.22m twin-rig trawler for a Fraserburgh a top-class service. ‡ A vessel being repainted in Killybegs’ ship hall by GCM Painting. partnership is progressing well in Mooney Boats’ building hall at Killybegs. Mactex Oil Distribution announces new authorised distributor agreement Galway exhibitor Mactex Oil Distribution said he was delighted that Fuchs had Mactex Oil also owns the Ecolubrium Ltd has announced an agreement to recognised the hard work the company Oils brand. Under the Ecolubrium brand, become a Fuchs Lubricants authorised had put into developing the Fuchs Oils it supplies a core range of automotive, distributor. brand in Ireland. commercial and agricultural lubricants. After eight years successfully “We look forward to growing our Ecolubrium Oils can be sourced directly promoting the Fuchs range, Mactex Oil business with the help of Fuchs, and from Mactex Oil or from one of its many has been appointed as official Fuchs welcome the opportunity to promote resellers. Ecolubrium Turbo-Syn 15w/40 industrial lubricants and metalworking its new range of Ecocool metalworking LD has become the oil of choice of most fluids distributor. Fuchs leads the field in fluids,” he said. agri-contractors and farmers. This long- industrial lubrication and is a world leader The Ecocool range exceeds all global life, high-performance engine oil is the in several markets with its various brands. health and safety legislation and CLP class leader when it comes to quality and One such brand range is Fuchs labelling requirements. These newly value. Its Newdraulic HVI high viscosity Cassida. These food-grade lubricants are formulated products are all FAD-free index hydraulic oils outperform all recognised as the world leaders when it and lead to a safer working environment similar oils in the market, and again offer comes to protecting machinery where within plants where they are used. outstanding quality and value. incidental lubricant contact with food From its state-of-the-art warehouse For best quality, best service and best may occur. The full Fuchs Cassida range in Oranmore, Co Galway, Mactex Oil price look no further than Mactex Oil. is now available from Mactex Oil. Fuchs Distribution Ltd can offer a next-day Visit: or call 091 788826/086 Lubricants PLC is the largest independent delivery service nationwide. For quick and 8513080. lubricants producer in the world, and easy access to all its products 24 hours blends over 10,000 unique product a day, buyers can log on and purchase † Fuchs lubricants will be promoted formulations. through its online shop: by Mactex Oil after its appointment as Liam Grealy, the MD of Mactex Oil, Alongside the Fuchs Oils products, authorised dealer. 14 SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 Tyson’s opens new Exclusive 20% parts discount available from Finning Finning UK & Ireland (Finning) specification with performance superintendents, offering a will be offering an exclusive guarantees, purchasers can range of Cat and MaK marine chandlery and online store 20% discount* on genuine Cat help to ensure their engine’s propulsion solutions, auxiliary parts at this year’s Skipper longevity. engines and packaged Tyson’s Ships Riggers Ltd is Visit Tyson’s on Stand 8 at the Expo Int Galway show, Paul Hoban, regional sales generator sets for the marine proud to announce the launch of Galway show. while also demonstrating representative (marine) at industry. its chandlery and online store. Jonathan Tyson is happy to its servicing and parts Finning, said: “Engines are * All sales are subject to The company’s Jonathan announce that all orders online capabilities. one of the most important Finning standard conditions Tyson said that the industry has and by telephone will have a Finning will be encouraging expenses for a vessel, and of sale and supply: the 20% seen changes in the ordering delivery charge of only €12 for owners and operators to take ensuring a high-performing discount offer is available habits of fishermen, and they up to a 30kg box. advantage of an exclusive solution at the best possible only to customers who attend now want flexibility in ordering There will be special offers on 20% discount on all Cat price is a key concern for the Skipper Expo Int Galway outside of the 9am-5pm working Tyson’s Gold Strand wire. Union marine parts and components owners and operators. event on 8-9 March, 2019. To day. Its online store is open 24 Hall skipper Zeik Tuit described purchased during the show Informed by decades of benefit from the discount, hours a day, seven days a week, it as ‘excellent-quality wire, and and up to 22 March. This diesel engine innovation and customers must quote code and can be accessed on any the Tyson’s service is always discount will cover all engine expertise, the Finning marine ‘SKIPPER20’ when placing online device. 100%’. components, as well as filters, team will be on hand to offer an order for Cat parts at the “We know that when There will also be offers on oils, coolants, batteries and the best solutions for your event, or at their local Finning fishermen come in from a hard the King Crab range of ropes, other essential maintenance vessel. branch by 22 March, 2019. trip at sea, their day does not 17mm leaded, which is used parts. “We will also be offering all Only one discount code can stop there, they need to plan, and by Christopher and Anthony This offer will allow owners attendees a 20% discount be redeemed per customer. prepare their crew for the next Harley, who say: “Tyson’s King and operators to take on all Cat parts ordered This discount cannot be used trip. With one click of a button Crab leaded ropes are excellent advantage of the reliability during the event, with a in conjunction with any other on their online device in the quality. Its motto is ‘Trust and durability of Cat genuine comprehensive 12-month offer, national agreement early or late hours, onboard their Tyson’s’, and we fully agree.” parts, ensuring their engines manufacturer’s warranty or pre-agreed discount. vessel or from the comfort of Tyson’s will also have continue to deliver optimum that will reduce owning and Standard delivery charges their home, their order for ropes, its Tyson’s Euro Polysteel, performance while maintaining operating costs in both the may apply. This promotion wires, gloves, boots, clothing, etc Shamrock, Multi Colour, and all efficiency, resulting in lower short and long term.” is subject to availability, and will be processed on our website its other ranges of potting ropes, total cost of ownership. Finning works with Finning reserves the right to and be delivered for when they plus chandlery, clothing, boots, Furthermore, by using the boatbuilders, owners and fleet vary or withdraw it at any time require, leaving them time to gloves and all its online packages correct component – and without notice. This offer is not spend with loved ones and rest on display, with the team looking not a third-party spare part available for purchases made before their next hard trip at forward to meeting as many – designed and built by the via: or Parts sea,” says Jonathan. people as possible at Galway. manufacturer to the correct Direct.

● Steam Cleaning/Power washing. ● UHP water blasting (Ultra High Pressure 30,000psi) ● Dry Grit Blast ● Hot Zinc Spraying ‡ All genuine Cat marine parts can be purchased at a 20% discount at the Galway Expo. ● Internal & External Docking Facility ● Fire Retardant Coating Application Upgraded coatings removal service from Davidsons ● Epoxy / Resin floor specialists Peterhead-based Davidsons more traditional methods of service using the Falch Multi- Marine and Industrial Painters coating removal practice. Worker tool is a first of its (Davidsons) continues to be at Davidsons has already kind to be delivered to the SPECIALIST DECK COATING the forefront of introducing and completed a number of North East fishing ports, maintaining best practice in the projects local to its area in and will further enhance the marine coatings sector. the North East of Scotland maintenance services on offer NET WORKING DECK Davidsons is the only marine with outstanding results. The from Davidsons to the fishing Hand trowelled resin floor system coating company in Scotland enhanced coating removal sector. creates a smooth seamless, to own one of the most highly chemical resistant hard wearing efficient, cost-effective and safest coating removal tools finish. on the market. Expert in its field and with over 40 years’ experience in the marine FISH HANDLING DECK coatings industry, Davidsons Safety and durability with an has brought to the fishing fleet an upgraded coatings removal attractive scatter and seal finish. service with the purchase of the This enhanced slip resistance will Falch Multi-Worker. not deteriorate when faced with The Falch Multi-Worker is oils, chemicals and aggressive an innovative coating removal tool which is 200-400% more cleaning agents. efficient than more traditional methods for coating removal. It allows increased productivity Seagate, Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 1JP and significant reduction in Email: vessel downtime, with the [email protected] added benefit of greatly Tel: +44 1779 474455 Mobile : +44 7725 866163 reducing the health and safety risk associated with the older, ‡ The highly efficient Falch Multi-Worker. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY 15 AS Scan Upgrade to popular Cleghorn bronze pump range AS Scan designs, produces, from being a local fishing gear The widely used Cleghorn installs and services all types provider to also become an bronze centrifugal pumps have of hydraulic and electrical export-orientated company had an internal redesign that winches for the fishing with several products for will interest visitors to Skipper industry. The company has various industries and markets Expo Int Galway 2019. extensive experience in steel worldwide. The target feature was to structures, engine and hydraulic Its newest development is its radically reduce self-priming installations. unique Trawl Computer, which time, says Cleghorn. This AS Scan has its own CNC gives increased levels of fishing has been achieved, and machines with CAD/CAM efficiency and safety on trawlers first became available when systems, and all products are and fly-shooters. More than 25 incorporated into the 2in AM50 produced directly from 3D AS Scan systems have been three-phase motor pumps, in drawings. The company evolved installed in the past three years. mid-2018. With a remarkable reduction in priming time of approximately 50%, the benefit will be particularly effective in larger vessels where significant pipe runs occur, and where there are isolating valves and manifolds. The new feature is also appearing in the pedestal versions of the AM50D, ‡ Schematic diagram of the popular Cleghorn bronze pump. for main engine-driven applications. Design is now identical external dimensions will be the well-established completed and testing in and are therefore fully PC models, mostly applied to progress for the smaller 1½in interchangeable with all gearbox and hydraulic system AM40D models, which will be AM40/50 series which have cooling duties, plus TS following the AM50 series into been sold into the UK and Irish models designed for engine production. fishing industry since 1986. cooling on propulsion motors The new models have Complementing the new units of up to 850hp.

‡ An AS Scan Trawl Computer system installed in a vessel’s fishing console. Comprehensive range of services High-performance V3 and Exocet from Engine Solutions Ltd Engine Solutions Ltd is the trawl doors from Morgère YC Europe Marine engines are sole distributor for YC Europe distributed in Ireland and the Morgère will be promoting its performance, due to its strength Marine industrial engines for UK by Engine Solutions. versatile V3 and Exocet trawl and stability and excellent Ireland, and larger engines doors at Skipper Expo Int trawl spread, combined with for the UK. The range is from Galway 2019, both of which are reduced drag that benefits fuel 100hp to 1,700hp straight eight- ideally suited to Irish demersal consumption. cylinder engines. YC Europe fisheries due to their excellent Michel Dagorn of Morgère also features a six-cylinder performance in challenging said: “We are looking forward 1,000hp engine. offshore conditions. tremendously to the Skipper Engine Solutions also has The V3 trawl door features Galway expo because we have YC gensets for marine and strong reinforced construction a long tradition of supplying industrial purposes, from 3kVA that has been specially designed Irish fishermen with our high- up to 3,000kVA. It is also sole for use over rough seabeds, performance trawl doors. A distributor for Aderco organic with its oval shape well-suited key factor behind our success fuel treatments. for fishing over rocks and other is our determination to provide Andrew Deacy of Engine challenging environments. the best-quality equipment, Solutions said: “Meet us at the The Exocet trawl door is combined with excellent Galway Skipper show, where also renowned for its high customer service.” we can help with the 2020 sulphur cap regulations and ensure clean tanks and reduced smoke emissions.” There will also be representatives from Leo Maritime and Simplex-Turbulo tanks, hulls, decks and test equipment for oils and on the stand. Leo Maritime superstructure. It also supplies lubricants on fishing vessels. It carries out steel repairs on environmentally friendly offers a mobile unit for testing fishing boats with no heat lubricants. oils onboard, with results (welding) needed, including Simplex-Turbulo supplies provided the same day. New Marine Engineering Traineeship course Kerry ETB Training Centre will be promoting its geared towards new entrants to the marine new Marine Engineering Traineeship course at industry. Skipper Expo Int Galway 2019. “The aims of the programme are to attract Ioseph Nestor of Kerry ETB said: “We are new employees into the marine industry, and really looking forward to attending the Galway to provide them with the basic skills to allow expo in March. them to work effectively from the start. The “We are delighted to be in a position to programme is nine months in duration, and will use the expo to officially launch our new run for the first time in September 2019. The Marine Engineering Traineeship. We have programme will also include approximately been working over the past few months with a 10 weeks of on-the-job experience, giving the number of boatbuilders and boat maintenance trainees an opportunity to put their skills into ‡ A set of Morgère Exocet trawl doors in use on the Peterhead yards to develop the traineeship, which is practice.” stern trawler Atlantic Challenge. 16 SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 Busy time Chartistic – art from for BOPP nautical charts BOPP has been busy with a number of projects, including Chartistic’s mission is to capture a fisherman’s favourite the supply of a complete piece of coastline and transform it into a stunning and package of deck machinery unique personalised work of art. to the new 27.8m whitefish The sea and coastline evoke special memories and vessel Audacious BF 83 for emotions, especially in those who make their living from it, skippers David Gatt and Barry or use it for pleasure. Chartistic captures those memories Reid. and emotions by faithfully recreating the nautical chart of The package supplied the area, and presenting what lies above and beneath the included three split trawl waves in an innovative 3D form on wood. Any chart, from winches linked with an any coast, anywhere, can be created individually. autotrawl system, net drums, As the Chartistic 3D chart is made just for you, it can be Gilsons, steering gear, bow customised to suit your exact size and requirements, and thruster, oil tank, hydraulic ‡ Three 18/24t split trawl winches are fitted in a dedicated room can be inscribed with words or other important features, components (pumps, forward… such as your house, your boat, or almost anything else! Each chart is therefore unique to you, making it a very manifolds and valves) and special thing to have. control desks. Charts are created with laser precision to faithfully Sea trials were completed reproduce the original paper chart with incredible detail. The in November 2018, with final piece is then assembled by hand and professionally service engineers from framed, to produce a truly unique and stunning personalised BOPP and JC Hydraulics piece of art that you just won’t find anywhere else. The 3D of Peterhead onboard effect in wood adds depth and structure to emphasise the Audacious. nature of your special bit of coast, and what lies beneath. Meanwhile, one of the Major depth contours are painted so that the final chart is major shipowners in France, presented in beautiful colours similar to the paper chart. Armement Porcher, opted for So if you love the sea, or know someone who loves the BOPP for the complete fishing sea, and you want to treat them to something special and package for its next two new unique that they will treasure forever, this is the perfect 25m trawlers, which will be thing! Please visit: for more information, or built by Socarenam shipyard email: [email protected] in Boulogne sur Mer. The most recent one, Diogene, has been fishing successfully ‡ … on the versatile pair-seiner/trawler Audacious BF 83. since last year. Mullion Survival Technology The commercial fishing industry has improved its safety record as more and more fishermen accept the need for on-deck use and wearing of PFDs. Mullion Survival Technology continues to play a major role in improving the style and ergonomic design of lifejackets to provide even greater wearer comfort and performance. The design features of the new Mullion Compact Supreme are the result of extensive communication between Mullion Manufacturing, RNLI commercial fishing training management and commercial fishermen in Ireland and the UK. This new-design PFD is available through a BIM PFD replacement scheme under the Enhanced Safety Scheme initiative launched four years ago. All registered Irish skippers and crew qualify for the replacement, with the PLB reinstalled in the new- issue lifejacket. The support schemes in place for training and safety awareness ensure a continuing uptake by fishermen, learning how to stay safe on the job and having their personal PFD. Further to the uptake and use of PFDs, fishermen are also now aware of the added importance of ‡ Irish inshore fishermen wearing Mullion PFDs to having a PLB as part of their safety equipment. enhance their fishing safety. This ensures that in a crisis situation, an alert to the rescue services is now very much in the hands of PLB unit is serviced by an authorised service centre the individual fisherman. every year. Whether purchased through the BIM Enhanced On the Mullion 150N Compact, issued through Safety Scheme, or as an individual investment the BIM Enhanced Safety Scheme, there is a in safety, it is essential to ensure that the unit is service record card on the reverse side of the cover, registered online through ComReg. This is the indicating the month and year when service is due. statutory body responsible for the regulation On the first service, a pre-alert text message will be of the electronic communications sector transmitted to the personal contact of the registered (telecommunications, radio communications and owner. broadcasting transmission). Once individual contact The mechanism is also visible through the cover, details are registered, the rescue services can react showing two green indicators as fit for purpose. If instantly, with the full knowledge of the information either one is showing red, it is not fit for purpose, immediately available. and must be checked before use, as either the gas canister or mechanism is loose or already used. PFD servicing Ursuit, a companion company of Mullion within ‡ A personalised It is a very important requirement under the the Sioen Group, will demonstrate the range of Chartistic 3D chart. Enhanced Safety Scheme legislation that the PFD/ professional drysuit styles which will be on display. 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY 17 GlobeWeigh delivers catch compliance from net to plate Weighing, labelling and and compliance with regulations. GlobeWeigh’s engineers inspection specialist GlobeWeigh GlobeWeigh’s wheelhouse source and install high- will exhibit its wares again at systems also provide a viable specification equipment due to this year’s Skipper Expo Int labelling and traceability solution exclusive partnerships with some Galway. Operating throughout for frozen-at-sea prawns, of Europe’s leading suppliers. Ireland from offices in Cork facilitating the labelling of inner Many of the following products city and Portadown, Co and outer boxes, in a range from its range will be on display: Armagh, GlobeWeigh is expert of European languages, when ● CRAFT system (catch, report in identifying strategies to required. and fish traceability) maximise production efficiency This year, GlobeWeigh will ● E-locate technology and and manage compliance, having demonstrate its solutions traceability systems worked with many of Ireland’s to manage the intake of fish ● Onshore boxing stations leading fish co-ops and fish from boats to the factory, ● Onshore intake, process, processors. while maintaining full source dispatch and traceability systems Its expertise covers a catch’s and traceability details, which ● Marine scales journey from sea, to shore, is essential to meet SFPA ● Onshore scales. to the supermarket. Onboard regulations. The team pride themselves on weighing, using a range of Its onshore solutions include delivering exceptional customer specialist marine scales, allows full traceability systems, which service. The company’s products to be weighed and trace the catch back to the boat, maintenance engineers are on labelled accurately in even the area and time of the catch, and call 24 hours a day, 365 days roughest of seas. This uniquely its factory systems facilitate a year, to service machines addresses the requirements of all aspects of factory floor regularly and review stock levels the frozen-at-sea prawn industry, management, including intake, of consumables. This ensures as well as the whitefish industry, stock, yields, labelling and that production downtime is kept ‡ The GlobeWeigh team will be on hand to answer questions about providing complete traceability dispatch. to a minimum. their wide range of fish weighing, labelling and traceability equipment. New smaller Thyborøn trawl doors offer bigger spread and reduced fuel consumption

Danish trawl door manufacturer giving much greater spread our trawl door supplier, we didn’t stable that they maintain this Thyborøn Trawldoor is without any reduction in sacrifice any catch-per-tow spread through the duration of introducing its new Type 23 catch rates, while retaining volume, even if the spread was the tow without any problems,” Bluestream doors, with fishing normal, or even reduced, fuel improved,” said Tonni Karlsen. he said. trials having shown their consumption,” said Tonni “But we certainly have no Ole Kjærgaard, who has effectiveness. Karlsen, skipper of the 54.6m concerns now, with these new been with Thyborøn Trawldoor The doors have been twin-rig trawler Ole-Arvid Type 23 Bluestream doors, as for over 25 years, said that developed using the company’s Nergard. they have increased the spread the company’s doors are an experience, and feature the The vessel fishes in the of our gear by an amazing 50m, advantage for fishermen facing dimensions of its Type 14 Barents Sea, the Svalbard area and without losing any catching higher fuel costs. doors and the effectiveness of and off the Norwegian coast, capacity in the process,” he said, “If we switch our own well- its Type 22 doors, combined fishing for cod, saithe, haddock, adding that with the new doors, known Type 14s 10m² with a with implemented Bluestream redfish and shrimp. the vessel’s fuel consumption Type 23 Bluestream 9m², there special technology, in which With its 17-man crew working has not increased, and is even is up to 50% less resistance on the waterflow is forced to its trips ranging from two to five slightly less than with their the doors when pulled through maximum through the foils of the weeks, the 2001-built Ole- previous doors. the water without any bottom door, thereby creating a more Arvid Nergard has a frozen “What is fantastic about these friction or contact. Meanwhile, powerful spread force and less hold capacity of 420t, making doors is the fact that they ‘spray’ they produce the same powerful drag resistance on the doors. it important that catch volumes (spread) from the moment you spread on the nets,” he said. Feedback from trials of the remain constant, so the vessel start shooting away the gear, so The Type 23 doors are new Type 23 Bluestream doors can maximise its catch during its when the trawl hits bottom, you constructed using the same from several vessels yielded fishing trips. can see that you already have steel plates that are made for extremely positive results. “It is therefore important that, the maximum spread that you shipbuilding, and require less ‡ Thyborøn’s new Type 23 “These powerful doors are when we considered changing need – and they are so incredibly maintenance. Bluestream trawl doors.

PBP SERVICES - PETER BRUCE (PATSY) Peter Bruce (Patsy) ship painters BLAST CLEANING & PROTECTIVE COATINGS SINCE 1968 PBP Services is once more looking forward to INTERNAL SHIPHALL / DRY DOCKS UP TO 165 METRES welcoming customers and friends to its stand no. 25 at the Galway exhibition. Following on from last year’s show, PBP Services completed a number of blast-cleaning and painting projects for Irish pelagic customers in both Denmark and Killybegs, by carrying out works to various pelagic as well as whitefish and polyvalent customers. PBP Services also worked in numerous other locations throughout the UK, including the south coast of England. SPECIALIST FACILITIES | PROTECTIVE COATINGS | REGISTERED TECHNICIANS 2019 looks like it will again prove to be a very busy year for PBP Services, with work already booked in Ship Repair / Refi t Works, Blast Cleaning and and numerous other enquiries for blast-cleaning and Protective Coating Services to the Marine, protective coating applications to the marine sector, Oil and Gas and Industrial Markets. both at home and abroad. ‡ PBP Services repainting the Kilkeel midwater Traditional and modern services include robotic trawler Havilah. and lance UHP water-blasting, grit-blasting, hot-metal experienced personnel who take a great deal of zinc spraying, coatings applications, tank blasting, pride in their work, and work very closely with the cleaning and painting, and engineroom cleaning and customers in order to achieve the highest quality, painting. using the best equipment and materials on the market. PBP Services is the sole supplier and installer Peter Bruce looks forward to meeting existing and of leading German deck and flooring resin to the new customers at Galway, and can be contacted on: fishing industry, which has unrivalled properties for 0044 7831260109 (main office: 0044 1346 514056) wear, abrasion and anti-slip, as well as being highly or by email: [email protected] T: +44 (0)1346 514056 aesthetically pleasing. For more information visit: and: E-mail: [email protected] PBP Services employs a dedicated team of 18 SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019 Prolines Naval Architects – designing innovative new vessels Prolines Naval Architects is that we try to keep the projects in expo gives the company the Ireland’s only independent Ireland,” explains naval architect opportunity to network with chartered naval architects, with Rob McConnell. “It will greatly new and existing customers. It nearly two decades of trading improve production time for gives customers the chance to in both the commercial and the client, keep costs down, and ask questions and review projects non-commercial sectors of the prove that Ireland is up there they have been thinking about. marine industry. with the best countries in the Prolines’ partnerships with Having upgraded its software industry.” Ireland’s largest boatbuilding offering with the purchase of Prolines is known and trusted manufacturers ensures that Cadmatic in 2017, Prolines has within the industry, and it feels projects will be reliably overseen been involved in the design of that it can compete on both from the initial design stage, right new and innovative vessels in the price and true knowledge of through to finished vessel flagging Irish, European and worldwide the industry, which will save its compliance. The high-quality markets. clients both time and money. engineering software allows for Cadmatic is the industry- There are very few companies a higher degree of prefabrication standard design tool for detailing in Ireland capable of offering and pre-outfitting of blocks, all steel and aluminium vessels. the design of a new vessel, and thereby reducing building time As a result, Prolines has increased Prolines is the only company and, in turn, reducing costs for its productivity and has been able with the combination of skills, the client. to offer new services in detailed experience, and a full-time naval “Vessel structures can be design and CNC kit production. architect. modelled easily, and the accuracy Prolines is an independent Prolines has been an annual of the drawings are second to company, and so is not tied to exhibitor in attendance at the none,” said naval architect Brian any one boatyard or supplier, Galway Skipper Expo, and says McConnell. “We are thrilled to allowing the client to get the best that its presence at the show is be the first in Ireland with this ‡ The Prolines team of naval architects will be on hand to meet deal possible. “It is important invaluable to its business. The software.” skippers at Galway. Union Chandlery displays revolutionary new proportional controlled Vetus BOW PRO thruster Union Chandlery, the Cork-based marine Benefits include proportional control – a total occur while the boat is at sea, equipment and product supplier, will be in which exactly the desired amount of health solution for ship thus ensuring peace of mind displaying the revolutionary new Vetus BOW thrust can be applied, which is a huge owners, managing onboard for skippers, their crew and PRO thrusters at Skipper Expo Int Galway improvement on the normal crude on/off medications – will be their families. 2019. thruster controls. exhibiting at Galway. Brendan Woods of Vetus BOW PRO thrusters use proven As long as there is sufficient 12v or 24v The company also offers said: “The induction motors without carbon brushes. power available, there is almost no limit to dedicated direct 24/7 team is really looking forward As a result, the bow/stern thruster motor how long this brushless motor can run. This telephone access to a doctor, to attending the Skipper Expo is maintenance-free and has endurance- has enabled Vetus to add a lock option to should a medical emergency Int Galway 2019.” rated run time (this is governed by battery allow the thruster to be used to hold the capacity). boat alongside while lines are secured. Vetus has a built-in over-temp controller Roger Betts of Union Chandlery said: and low-battery protection. Combined with “The main advantage is the proportional the brushless induction motor, this makes control, in that you control how much power the BOW PRO series highly resistant to you need at the touch of your fingertips, abuse and ideal for the most demanding as opposed to the old way of zero to 100% CH Marine boater or charter vessel or the most difficult thrust in short uncontrolled bursts. This Having missed only one electronics and electrical, manoeuvring situations. The proportional can give you a gentle throttle-like ‘more of the past 15 years since and Leo Humston, covering panels, along with a lock and hold-to-dock push more power’ controlled thrust and the inception of the Galway fishing and chandlery. function for easy docking, utilise the same manoeuvring. And due to the induction Expo, CH Marine is looking “In our new products propellers and gearboxes proven in Vetus motor, they don’t overheat in a matter of forward to meeting visitors line-up, we will be thrusters for more than 30 years. minutes, like the old DC motors.” to the show. presenting the Ocean Nicholas Bendon of CH Signal range of PLBs, Marine said: “Manning EPIRBs and GMDSS the stand this year will equipment and the be John Kelleher, heading quality range of power up our safety products management products from and servicing division, Tim Mastervolt. There will also Manufacturers of Baudains, looking after be lots more to see.” quality lobster pots and fishing creels Full equipment range for over 40 years from Cavanagh Nets Cavanagh Nets will display trammel, bait, plaice, , a full range of its various monk, skate and sole nets, types of pots, in frame and as well as a large selection of completed form, for the monofilament gill nets. These inshore sector, along with a nets can be rigged to suit range of netting, polyform customers’ requirements. A buoys in all sizes and colours, re-rigging service is also and a wide range of Powerflex available. potting ropes in unleaded and The company will also leaded. be displaying a selection of Its staff will be on hand knives, gloves, clothing and Call the sales office on 01405 764465 or contact to meet existing and new general chandlery for the customers to discuss their commercial marine and potting Chris Martin on: 07970 721659 email: [email protected] needs and requirements industry. Cavanagh Nets is for the season. On display also an approved Mullion PFD/ will be a range of rigged lifejacket service station.

Fishing News Ad 157x114mm.indd 1 27/01/2017 15:02 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook SKIPPER EXPO GALWAY 19

South Shore Marine and Diesel Robust plastic fishboxes and containers from Craemer Galway exhibitor South Shore Marine and Diesel Ltd is one of Ireland’s leading marine diesel engine and transmission supplier and repair centre. The company is the main authorised dealer in Ireland for all Cummins marine engines and Cummins Onan generators. On its stand at Galway, it will be displaying some of the latest Cummins engines, ZF transmissions and Garmin products.

‡ Craemer UK manufactures the popular CB3 heavy-duty pallet box in a wide range of colours. Craemer UK has supplied the highly demanding fishing of the most reliable plastic the fishing industry from its business may require this pallets in the marketplace. You production factories in Telford 610-litre big box to do. It is would therefore expect the CB3 in England and Herzebrock in 1,200mm by 1,000mm standard pallet box base to be stronger, Germany for over 35 years. pallet size, which is great for with higher impact resistance, A longstanding family transport, and has extra-large than an ordinary pallet box company, Craemer has now entry gaps in the pallet base, for – and it is. Clean-lined and introduced a new, heavy-duty easier handling with all types stackable for transport, the pallet box for use in a variety of pump trucks, fork trucks and CB3 also has a baby brother, of fishing industry applications. pallet movers. the 1,200mm by 800mm Euro The CB3 is an extremely As well as making standard size CB1 pallet box – another durable, robust container, used fishboxes, Craemer is option within this special range for fish, ice, nets, or waste acknowledged nationally and of products, available from transport, or anything else that internationally for making some Craemer UK Ltd. Riverdale Mills’ Aquamesh is technologically advanced and multifunctional ‡ South Shore Marine and Diesel is agent for Cummins engines and Riverdale Mills will be displaying creels.” generators. Aquamesh – the only marine wire Aquamesh is a multifunctional mesh in the world specifically product. It is used worldwide in engineered for ocean use, the construction of lobster and Cavanagh Hooper Dolan and manufactured to ensure a crab pots, oyster and shellfish sturdier, weather- and corrosion- trays, and conch and whelk Insurances Ltd is ‘one-stop shop’ resistant lobster pot. The traps and fish pens, and is durability of Aquamesh goes a available in a variety of patterns Skipper Expo Int Galway 2019 and trades: long way to keeping costs down that can easily be fabricated show sponsor, Cavanagh ● Fishermen’s co-operatives and businesses profitable. into numerous configurations. ‡ Lobster pots all around the Hooper Dolan Insurances Ltd, ● Fish processers Manufactured in the United Standard mesh size is 1.5in x world are made with Aquamesh. is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all ● Engineering States by Riverdale Mills, 1.5in 10.5-gauge. Widths range your insurance needs, afloat or ● Painters Aquamesh is manufactured from 6in to 57in. Aquamesh is are manufactured in-house. ashore. ● Welders from high-grade premium steel also available in a heavy eight- Riverdale Mills CEO Jim Knott With over 75 years’ ● Electricians that is hot-dip galvanised after gauge 0.5in x 3in mesh. The Jr and his team are committed experience in the insurance ● Engine suppliers welding with a thick layer of zinc heavier-gauge mesh, issued to producing technologically industry, the Cavanagh family ● Propeller maintenance around the weld to prevent the for constructing the base of the advanced and sustainable and its staff have established ● Hydraulics steel from corroding. The wire is lobster pot, holds pots on the premium products to fishermen individually tailored insurance ● Boatbuilders and boat then covered with a proprietary ocean floor, thus reducing the and women. “We are honoured to packages to cater for their repair yards marine-grade PVC coating wear and tear often caused as be a part of this dynamic industry clients’ needs and provide ● Chandlery that forms a protective layer to pots travel the rocky bottom and are committed to providing a 24/7/365 claims service to It provides a range of prevent the wire from peeling waters off the shores of Ireland our clients with superior-quality their marine customers. insurance products for or stripping in harsh saltwater and the UK. Riverdale Mills’ products and customer service.” As part of its marine other areas in the marine fishing conditions. proprietary marine-grade PVC Riverdale Mills revolutionised product range, the company environment, such as pleasure “Aquamesh is an incredibly coating is offered in yellow, green the lobster fishing industry can cover everything from the craft, passenger vessels, versatile product that holds and black. in 1980 when the company smallest inshore vessels to ferries, workboats, chartered strong in Ireland’s harsh, rocky Riverdale Mills also offers designed and created Aquamesh the largest pelagic vessels. angling, rowing clubs and bottom oceans,” says Pat ‘The annealed, stainless and to build a more durable lobster Policies cover a wide range of marinas. Chief’ O’Donnell. “The lobster galvanised steel hog rings, made trap for New England lobstermen. marine risks, such as: Cavanagh Hooper Dolan and offshore crab pots made from high-quality steel, and Today, over 75% of all lobster ● Hull and machinery Insurances Ltd looks after the with Aquamesh fish as well, and handcrafted, 54in and 60in wire traps around the world are built ● Protection and indemnity needs of owners and crews oftentimes better, than the old mesh benders. Both products with Aquamesh. (P&I) with a competitive range ● Crew cover of personal products. The ● Personal accident company knows how busy its MIT to run a Galway giveaway on its first visit ● Cargo clients are, so it can help to To celebrate its first-ever stand at Skipper ● War risks. take the stress, time and work Expo Galway, MIT will be running a giveaway, Cavanagh Hooper Dolan out of shopping the market featuring a MIT and Skipper waterproof jacket, Insurances Ltd can also for personal products like a Lego Technic Ocean Explorer set and a provide cover for commercial car, van, house, health, farm bottle of the finest Irish whiskey. insurance requirements and travel insurance, etc. Its Simply visit the MIT team on stand 80, onshore. These include: professionally trained staff can complete a short questionnaire, and like the ● Onshore storage units and explain the differences in the Facebook group @mitgroupuk to be in with a property features and benefits of the chance of winning one of the three prizes. ● Employer’s liability products offered. Winners will be drawn no later than 15 ● Public liability For product information and March, 2019, so be sure to keep an eye on your ‡ MIT is running a Galway giveaway with three ● Offices free quotations, visit Cavanagh email and the MIT Facebook group to check if prizes up for grabs. ● Forklifts Hooper Dolan’s website you are one of the three lucky winners. an essential aspect of the value delivered by ● Motor fleets, etc. at: or email the team With over 40 years of marine driveline MIT is its team of qualified service engineers, It also works closely with the on: [email protected] or phone: 074 experience, in 2019 MIT is committed to better offering extensive service, preventative marine trades, and provides 91 77500. serving the Irish marine market, offering both maintenance and overhaul capabilities on service to businesses that Cavanagh Hooper Dolan new and reconditioned marine gears, clutches, most models of marine drivelines, as well as supply to the marine industry. Insurances Limited is PTOs and hydraulic pump drives. being the UK/Ireland distributor for Twin Disc, This includes, but is not limited regulated by the Central Bank The company understands the need to keep and official service partners of ZF Marine, to, the following areas of work of Ireland. vessels at sea and businesses profitable, so Reintjes and Servogear. PB QUIZ Join Fishing News on Facebook 17 July 2015 20 QUIZ Join Fishing News on Facebook 28 February 2019 Can you master BREAK TIME these brain teasers? THE 2-SPEED CROSSWORD SUDOKU You can choose to do either quick or cryptic clues, the answers are the same. Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9. 1 23456 CRYPTIC CLUES 78 ACROSS BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE 1 Study programme that makes 910 an impact (5,6) 9 Leprechaun found in Belfast (3) 10 Adore travelling to city landing 11 12 field (9) 2 689 65879 11 Can be relied on for cash (8) 13 12 Singer who is in the midst of a 341 3126 14 15 16 national tour (4) 14 Bounce along when cold 9823 456 17 confection is 1p less (6) 16 Fashionable attempt to hide 37 914 36 79 18 19 20 tail (6) 18 Duck in park finally makes 7 26 1 21 another animal sound (4) 2 643 1249 22 23 19 Stupid group, heavily built (8) 22 Media star, craftily, to produce 567 59 231 for the stage (9) 23 Twitch of insect, say (3) 4821 24 24 Openly, a girl interpreted act of imitation (4,7) DOWN ADVANCED QUICK CLUES 2 Plunder weapon (5) Last issue’s solutions ACROSS DOWN 3 Boy about to ring one for a shallot (8) 825967314 862753149 1 Fast-track syllabus (5,6) 2 Ransack (5) 42 7 934152768 137498526 4 Croon about a circle of light (6) 761843592 495216783 9 Fairy-like being (3) 3 Onion variety (8) 5 Open ground often conceals 74453791286 376924851 it (4) 10 Landing field (9) 4 Sun’s ring of light (6) 287634159 514687932 6 Bloated when some channel 82 619285473 289531467 11 British currency (8) 5 Disconnect (4) low, so lifted (7) 576429831 658379214 12 Lowest female voice (4) 7 Sea worlds we confused with 25 6 348516927 941862375 6 Bloated (7) 192378645 723145698 14 Bound along misleading language (6,5) 7 Misleading language (6,5) 49 2 clumsily (6) 8 Storage device for club, after 564271983 2-Speed Crossword 8 Digital storage device (6,5) recollection (6,5) 987453261 ACROSS: 1 Incessantly 16 Chic, fashionable (6) 13 Fragile items caught by garden 83 132896745 9 (F)Act 10 Entourage 11 Ensnared 12 B-l-o-c 13 Chinaware (8) feature (8) 218634579 18 Grunt of a pig (4) 75 68 479185632 14 Tether 16 Writ-h-e 18 Co- 15 Yearn to have a turn, but not at 19 Mars-Hals 22 Unethical 19 Muscular, bulky (8) 15 In ancient times (4,3) 356729418 recently (4,3) 542 23 Ice 24 Unrealistic 17 Ear-splitting (6) 695317824 DOWN: 2 Notes 3 Elev(en)- 22 Overstate (9) 17 Quiet little stream? Quite the 841562397 ated 4 Set-tee 5 Nous 23 Facial spasm (3) 20 Form of protest (3-2) reverse (6) 79723948156 6 Leaflet 7 Talent scout 20 Model at home makes a 8 Teacher’s pet 13 Bristles 24 Acting a part (4,7) 21 Bedrock (4) protest (3-2) 15 Trade-in 17 Rasc-Al All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd - 20 A-lib-i 21 Shoe See next week’s edition for all puzzle solutions. 21 Worthless foundation (4) 28/02 Cornwall IFCA announces Taking undersized bass in two new byelaws Two new byelaws have been open on 25 February, 2019. Only Poole Harbour nets £4k fine introduced by Cornwall Inshore five permits are available. Please Fisheries and Conservation visit the Cornwall IFCA website Two men pleaded guilty to taking a quantity of also used in court evidence. Authority (IFCA), as part of its duty or contact the office for more bass below the minimum size, removing bass At the case, the magistrates heard that 40kg to manage fishing activities within information. from the Poole Harbour Bass Nursery Area and of fish was landed, but there was no evidence inshore waters out to six nautical The second byelaw introduced using an unregistered boat, when they appeared of any of it being sold through the restaurant. miles around the Cornish coast. by Cornwall IFCA prohibits the use in Poole Magistrates Court on 14 February, The prosecution followed an investigation by The first byelaw aims to manage of bottom-towed gear, such as reports John Periam. Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation the practice of a new fishery where dredges and some types of trawls, Tran Doan, the owner of Eat Pho Vietnamese Authority (IFCA) on the night of 26 August, 2018, several species of are across the majority of the Whitsand restaurant in Bournemouth, and Tran Hoang of when the two men were initially seen to be using caught in fish traps to be shipped and Looe Bay marine conservation Thatcham, were fined £500 each and ordered a net from an unregistered vessel. alive for use as cleaner fish in zone. to pay court costs of £1,500. In all, the fines and Robert Clark, chief fishery officer for Southern Scottish salmon farms. The wrasse This byelaw is part of a number costs totalled £4,060. IFCA, said: “The authority is grateful for the eat sea lice from the salmon that of measures brought in to protect The proecustion was made possible by witnesses who came forward with evidence are grown in sea pens. marine conservation zones, which the fact that Steve Cullen, a member of the which led to this prosecution. Cornwall IFCA has acted quickly are designated areas that protect public, was sitting in his car at Rockley Park, “We are there to protect our fish stocks, to bring in this new legislation, due a range of nationally important Hamworthy, when he noticed two men carrying and most importantly of all, to support our to the concern that this new wrasse marine wildlife, habitats and a bucket of sea bass. He confronted them while local fishermen who obey the current rules fishery could rapidly expand. seabed features. filming it, and removed the bucket from them, and regulations while trying to make a living. The Live Wrasse Fishing (Limited Sam Davis, chief officer at throwing the bass back into the water. At the These incidents will not be tolerated, and our Permit) Byelaw 2018 introduces Cornwall IFCA, said: “These two same time he shouted to them: “It’s bass – what fishery officers work hard to make sure that a permit system and places new byelaws will help to ensure the do you think you are doing?” they are not. Further protection for bass has other restrictions, with the aim ongoing sustainability of Cornwall’s One man then drove off in his van, with the been introduced in recent years. Anyone fishing of maintaining this practice as a marine environment, by ensuring words on the side reading, ‘Eat Pho Traditional for bass is advised to check the bass fishing small-scale, commercially viable the correct balance between Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup’. Steve Cullen guidance and the local regulations for bass fishery. environmental protection and posted this footage on Facebook, and it was nursery areas.” Applications for a permit will economic activity.” 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook PORTS AND PRICES 21 PORTS & PRICES STRONGER FINISH AT PETERHEAD

Just over 11k boxes of whitefish were sold and round whiting 95p-£1.45 per kg. Golden Sceptre, Guiding Star and Fruitful on the closing two markets of last week at Monkfish sold at £2.20-£4.90, lemon sole Bough, together with two consignments Peterhead, reports David Linkie. £2.80-£13, plaice £1.65-£2.75, megrim from Caledonia III and Ocean Endeavour, The generally lower level of supplies £2.30-£5.55, ling £1.65-£3.25, coley contributed 5,080 boxes to last Thursday’s that has prevailed in recent weeks £1.05-£1.80 and squid £3.35-£7 per kg. market at Peterhead. This sale included continued to ensure constant demand from The following morning 11 boats, 1,786 boxes of cod, 1,009 boxes of gutted buyers and firm prices in a week in which Courage, Ocean Dawn, Courageous III, and 88 boxes of round haddock, 760 large cod again made up to £4.50 per kg. Ocean Reaper IV, Norlan, Tranquility (BF), boxes of coley, 704 boxes of whiting (490 Seven boats, Victory Rose, Our Lass Moray Endeavour, Opportunus IV, Ellorah, rounders), 135 boxes of hake, 93 boxes of III, Steadfast Hope, Fruitful Vine, Keila, Tranquility (PD) and Leanne, together with flatfish, 61 boxes of monkfish, 53 boxes Jubilee Quest and Celestial Dawn, together one consignment from Beryl, contributed of squid, 38 boxes of ling and 30 boxes of with five consignments from Audacious, 3,973 boxes. Tuesday’s tally included 1,113 megrim. Faithlie, Deeside, Aalskere and Atlantic boxes of gutted and 20 boxes of round Twenty-four hours later, 12 boats, Challenge, contributed 5,856 boxes to the haddock, 760 boxes of cod, 754 boxes Guiding Light, Allegiance, Summer Dawn first market of last week at Peterhead. of whiting (667 rounders), 347 boxes of II, Golden Gain, Sunrise, Victoria May, Monday’s sale included 2,492 boxes of coley, 340 boxes of monkfish, 270 boxes of Ceol Na Mara, Ocean Harvest, Harvester, gutted and 610 boxes of round haddock, flatfish, 46 boxes of squid, 31 boxes of ling, Achieve, Amity II and Revival, plus two 875 boxes of cod, 677 boxes of coley, 344 13 boxes of megrim and one box of hake. consignments from Transcend and Russa boxes of whiting (243 rounders), 182 boxes Four boats, Karen Ann II, Shekinah, Taign, landed 6,004 boxes to Friday’s of monkfish, 154 boxes of flatfish, 56 Shalanna and Westro, together with two market. This sale, the biggest for three ‡ Guiding Star landing into Peterhead fishmarket after pairing with Guiding Light. boxes of ling, 48 boxes of squid, 25 boxes consignments from Opportune and Harvest weeks, included 1,563 boxes of cod, 1,363 of megrim and two boxes of hake. Hope, landed 2,196 boxes to Peterhead boxes of whiting (1,094 rounders), 904 £1.75-£2.25, metros 80p-£1.70 and round Forty-three boats and 12 consignments At the start of last week at Peterhead, market last Wednesday morning. This total boxes of coley, 807 boxes of gutted and haddock 80p-£1. Large cod sold at £2.40- contributed to last week’s total of 23,109 large cod sold at £2.40-£4.40 per kg, included 864 boxes of gutted haddock, 145 boxes of round haddock, 260 boxes £4.15 per kg, sprags £2.75-£4, medium boxes on Peterhead market. This tally medium £3.10-£4.40, selected £3.05- 293 boxes of coley, 210 boxes of cod, 206 of squid, 255 boxes of ling, 199 boxes of £2.75-£3.35, selected £2.55-£3.35 and included 7,148 boxes of haddock (863 £3.75 and small £2.30-£3.10. Large/ boxes of monkfish, 134 boxes of flatfish, monkfish, 87 boxes of megrim, 72 boxes of small £2.45-£3.45. Monkfish sold at £2-£5, rounders), 5,194 boxes of cod, 3,320 boxes medium gutted haddock made £2.15- 128 boxes of whiting (120 rounders), 72 hake and 66 boxes of flatfish. gutted whiting £1.35-£2.25, round whiting of whiting (2,641 ungutted), 2,981 boxes £2.70, selected £1.75-£2.90, small boxes of ling, 37 boxes of squid, 28 boxes Last Friday morning at Peterhead, £1-£1.40, plaice £1.60-£3.05, lemon sole of coley, 988 boxes of monkfish, 717 boxes £1.50-£2.65, chippers £1-£2.45, metros of megrim and 18 boxes of hake. large/medium gutted haddock made £3-£9.10, coley £1-£1.50, ling £1.80-£2.95, of flatfish, 452 boxes of ling, 444 boxes of 75p-£1.50 and round haddock 55p-£1.10. Nine boats, Budding Rose, Lapwing, £2.05-£2.55 per kg, selected £2.40- hake £1.95-£4 and squid £2.30-£8.15 per squid, 228 boxes of hake and 183 boxes Gutted whiting were at £1.20-£2.15 Searcher, Faithlie, Acorn, Audacious, £2.75, small £2-£2.90, chippers kg. of megrim. CUTTLEFISH LANDINGS UP AT BRIXHAM MID-WEEK LULL IN SHETLAND Monday and Tuesday’s markets were the market. Size ones averaged £3.15/kg and 1s, 2s £9.50 and 3s were £3.50. Octopus A generally quieter week of whitefish 4,065kg of megrim, 1,842kg of plaice, largest of the week, and sales were steady £2.21 for 2s. Size 1 dabs averaged £1/kg, averaged £1.80/kg. activity in Shetland followed a familiar 1,498kg of lemon sole and 700kg of hake. at Brixham. Cuttlefish landings were up, at 2s were 80p. John Dory 1s were £16/kg, 2s Plaice 1s averaged £2/kg, 2s £2, 3s £2, 4s pattern of a mid-week dip in supplies. Top prices tended to vary across the 96t, and there were good supplies of hake for £15.50, 3s £13.50 and 4s £9. £1.90 and 5s £1.50. Pollack 1s were £3.40/ After 1,587 boxes were sold from six markets. On Monday’s market, halibut most of the week, although tailing off latterly. Haddock 1s averaged £2.70/kg and 2s kg, 2s £3, 3s £2.70 and 4s £2.30. boats on Monday morning for the largest sold up to £3.64 per kg, ling £2.35 and Total sales were up on the previous week, at £2.40. There was plenty of hake during the Sand sole 1s were £6.50/kg and 2s £3.40. market of the week, supplies dropped monkfish £4.74 per kg. Saithe made up £771k. early and middle parts of the week, size 1s Large scallops reached £12 on Friday but on Tuesday and Wednesday, when 759 to £1.73 per kg on Tuesday morning, Blondie wing 1s averaged £3.80/kg, 2s averaged £3.40/kg, 2s £3.20, 3s were £3, averaged £9.50 and 2s £3.80. Dover sole 1s boxes and 222 boxes were landed by when turbot sold for £13.94 per kg. £3.20, 3s £3.20 and 4s £1.80. Size one black 4s £2.50, 5s £2.30, 6s £2.30 and 7s £2.20. averaged £10.40/kg, 2s £12.20, 3s £13.40, three and two boats. Supplies increased Lemon sole and gutted whiting sold for bream averaged £6.20/kg, 2s £6, £3s £5.50, Lemon sole averaged £9.50/kg for 1s, £10 for 4s £10.70, 5s £8.50 and 6s £6.50. Large again on Thursday and Friday’s markets £10.14 and £2.25 per kg respectively 4s £3.50 and 5s 80p. Size 1 brill reached 2s, 3s were £8.20, 4s £3.80 and 5s £2.60, squid were £8 and 2s £8.70/kg. with 1,398 boxes and 1,414 boxes landed on Wednesday’s market, while round £16.60/kg on Friday, but averaged £12/kg, 2s with strong demand for the smaller sizes. Ling Thorny wings averaged £2.80/kg for 2s by six and eight boats respectively. haddock made £1.91 per kg on Thursday £8, 3s £7.30, 4s £6.50 and 5s £5.80. averaged £1.50/kg for 1s, 2s were £1.50 and and 3s, 4s were £1.20. Large tubs were At 78,387kg, including 58,743kg of morning, when hake sold for £3.90 and Size 1 cod averaged £5.50/kg, 2s £4, 3s were 60p. £2.50/kg and 2s £1.70. Turbot averaged ungutted fish, whiting led the way last squid £6 per kg. The highest prices for 3s £3.50, 4s £3 and 5s £2.90. Conger Mackerel 1s averaged £4.50/kg, 2s £4.50 £21.50/kg for 1s, 2s £21.50, 3s £18, 4s week, followed by 50,636kg of haddock cod (£3.88), gutted haddock (£2.95, averaged 70p for 1s and 2s, and 3s were 30p. and 3s £3.70. Monkfish 1s averaged £9.80, £14.50, 5s £12 and 6s £9. Large whiting (2,882kg of which were rounders), megrim (£7.26), plaice (£3.08) and round Cuttlefish saw more than double the landings 2s £12, 3s £10.50, 4s £10, 5s £8.90 and 6s averaged £2.30/kg, 2s £1.50, 3s £1 and 4s 35,806kg of cod, 25,293kg of saithe, whiting (1.54 per kg) were paid on Friday of the previous week, at 96t, and a strong £3.60. Red mullet averaged £10.20/kg for 30p. 21,859kg of monkfish, 7,226kg of ling, morning. BUSY START TO THE WEEK FOR NEWLYN Monday’s auction was supplied with 47.8t 0.6t mackerel, 6t megrim, 3t monkfish, 0.7t boats. Good volumes to note were 5.3t of MSC from three netters, four beamers and inshore pollack and 0.5t of whiting. hake, 0.2t brill, 0.9t Dover sole, 0.3t haddock, boats. Top prices from the morning’s sale were 0.3t lemon sole, 1.7t mackerel, 0.8t megrim Top volumes were 1.6t of cuttlefish, 1.5t LM mackerel £5.06/kg, N3 monkfish £12.40/ and 0.5t monkfish. Dover sole, 0.8t haddock, 19.5t MSC hake, kg and N1 John Dory £13/kg. Demand was good throughout the duration 1.2t lemon sole, 0.2t ling, 4.7t mackerel, One beamer, three netters and inshore of the sale, with top prices being N3 haddock 5.3t megrim, 3.5t monkfish, 3.6t plaice, 2.3t boats supplied Wednesday’s market with £3.60/kg, N2 monkfish £12.49/kg and N2 pollack, 0.2t turbot and 2.5t of whiting. 10.7t. turbot £21.50/kg. Prices were good for most species, Good volumes most worthy of mention For Friday’s sale, two beamers landed although some of the higher-volume species were 0.5t cuttlefish, 0.3t Dover sole, 0.5t 10.1t. Highest volumes were 0.5t of cuttlefish, did drop when compared to the previous haddock, 3.8t MSC hake, 0.3t lemon sole, 1.9t 0.5t Dover sole, 0.3t haddock, 0.5t lemon sole, week. mackerel, 1.2t megrim and 0.8t of monkfish. 2.5t mackerel, 2.6t megrim, 1.4t monkfish On Tuesday, a volume of 31.9t was on offer Again good prices were achieved, and and 0.1t plaice. from four beamers, three netters and inshore for some species slightly increased when Most prominent prices from the morning boats. compared to the previous days, possibly due were N2 monkfish £14.28/kg, N3 turbot Partly contributing to the day’s volume to a large tide. £21.42/kg and N2 John Dory £12.65/kg. was 1.3t of cuttlefish, 1.1t Dover sole, 0.5t Thursday’s auction was supplied with 13.5t The total volume auctioned for the week haddock, 10t MSC hake, 1.2t lemon sole, from one beamer, one netter and inshore was 114.2t. QUIET MARKET WITH GOOD PRICES AT LOWESTOFT As had been expected, it was another quiet week for the market at Lowestoft last week. Herring had dominated the market the previous week, but, while the boats had been out, they largely came back empty. Monday was the main auction of the week, with Tuesday and Thursday seeing no ‡ The Buckie trawler Conquest landing into Lerwick fishmarket earlier supplies. While volumes were light, there was a good variety seen over the week, and generally strong prices. Skate saw a high of £3.40 per kg, this month. (Photo: Ivan Reid) turbot £13.50, brill £12.50, and John Dory, which had not been seen at the market for some years, saw a high of £13. 22 PORTS AND PRICES Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019

PETERHEAD, WEEK Min Max Min, Max, wk GRIMSBY, THURSDAY Min Max Max, Max, yr TO 22 FEBRUARY price/kg price/kg wk ago wk ago 21 FEBRUARY price/kg price/kg wk ago ago Five-day rolling-average price and volume trends for main species

week wk ago yr ago Cod (1) £3.10 £3.20 £3.20 £2.73 £5.00 50,000 £5.00 50,000 Boxes whitefish 28,254 23,259 22,120 Cod (2) £3.10 £3.30 £3.40 £2.77 Peterhead cod Peterhead haddock Catfish £2.49 £3.11 £2.79 £2.85 Cod (3) £2.90 £3.00 £3.00 £2.43 Cod (A1) £2.76 £4.29 £3.16 £4.32 Codlings (best) £3.00 £3.30 £3.00 £2.60 £4.00 40,000 £4.00 40,000 Cod (A2) £2.99 £4.25 £3.10 £4.56 Codlings (small) £2.00 £2.00 £2.40 £2.37 Cod (A3) £2.96 £3.79 £2.92 £3.84 Haddock (best) £2.20 £2.40 £2.80 £2.30 Haddock (jumbo) £2.00 £2.40 £2.50 £2.00 Cod (A4) £2.85 £3.54 £2.53 £3.55 £3.00 30,000 £3.00 30,000 Cod (A5) £2.27 £3.49 £2.32 £3.18 Haddock (large) £1.80 £2.30 £2.30 £2.20 Haddock (medium) £1.80 £2.40 £2.50 £2.38 Haddock (A1) £2.10 £2.56 £1.95 £2.86 Haddock (small) £0.80 £1.80 £1.70 £2.35 (kgs, small) Haddock (A2) £1.98 £2.84 £2.14 £2.97 £2.00 20,000 Monkfish (best selected) £3.50 £3.50 - - £2.00 20,000 (kgs, large/medium) Haddock (A3) £1.67 £2.76 £1.64 £2.82 Monkfish (large) £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 - Price per kg (small) Haddock chippers (A4) £1.39 £2.34 £1.56 £2.25 Monkfish (medium) £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £1.00 Size 3 high price per kg Haddock metros (A4) £0.90 £1.75 £1.18 £1.74 £2.50 £2.50 £2.50 £3.50 £1.00 Daily sales (kgs) 10,000 £1.00 10,000 Hake (A1) £3.97 £4.48 £3.33 £5.00 Size 3 high price per kg ICELAND (RSF), WEEK TO Kg Avg Avg, Avg, 4 Hake (A2) £3.65 £4.09 £2.89 £3.25 Size 2 high price per kg Hake (A3) £2.87 £3.55 £2.81 £3.76 THURS 21 FEBRUARY landed price/kg wk ago wks ago £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Hake (A4) £2.70 £3.17 £2.36 £2.36 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 week wk ago 4wks ago Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Hake (A5) £2.22 £2.56 £2.22 £2.22 Kgs sold 1,950,426 2,067,062 1,847,170 Halibut £8.51 £13.60 £11.27 £13.08 Average price £1.74 £1.75 £1.66 £5.60 35,000 £5.00 20,000 Lemon sole (A1) £8.13 £10.34 £10.83 £12.54 Value of sales (£) £3.37m £3.54m £3.05m Shetland cod Shetland haddock Lemon sole (A2) £4.80 £7.78 £7.90 £8.45 Arctic charr fillets 175 £9.54 £9.90 £10.10 £4.80 30,000 Lemon sole (A3) £3.02 £5.96 £3.83 £6.50 Blue ling (gutted) 429 £0.71 £1.71 £1.67 £4.00 16,000 Ling (A1) £1.74 £1.86 £1.49 £1.65 Blue ling (ungutted) 3 £0.87 £1.26 £1.49 sales, size 3 (kgs) sales, size 2 (kgs) £4.00 25,000 Ling (A2) £2.71 £3.11 £2.27 £2.60 Catfish (gutted) 85,795 £1.65 £1.37 £1.52 Avg price, size 3 Avg price, size 2 Ling (A3) £2.50 £3.14 £2.21 £2.63 Catfish (ungutted) 27,912 £1.22 £0.95 £1.14 £3.00 12,000 Megrim (A1) £6.34 £6.51 £5.83 £7.81 Cod (large, gutted) 215,374 £2.24 £2.22 £2.27 £3.20 20,000 Cod (large, ungutted) 655,090 £1.86 £1.95 £1.82 Megrim (A2) £4.78 £4.96 £5.16 £5.81 Cod (small, gutted) 12,744 £1.15 £0.93 £1.00 Megrim (A3) £2.94 £4.44 £3.48 £4.57 £2.40 15,000 Cod (small, ungutted) 13,788 £1.14 £1.09 £0.88 sales, size 3 (kgs) sales, size 2 (kgs) £2.00 8,000 Megrim (A4) £1.89 £2.11 £1.85 £2.49 Cod cheeks 22 £6.38 £5.26 £6.11 Avg price, size 3 Avg price, size 2 Megrim (A4) £2.96 £3.55 £2.81 £3.97 Greenland halibut (gutted) 294 £2.28 £2.90 £2.20 £1.60 10,000 Monkfish (A1) £3.63 £3.99 £3.54 £3.75 Haddock (large, gutted) 179,521 £1.63 £1.53 £1.67 £1.00 4,000 Monkfish (A2) £3.61 £4.30 £3.86 £4.24 Haddock (large, ungutted) 277,635 £1.63 £1.64 £1.72 £0.80 5,000 Monkfish (A3) £3.85 £4.60 £4.05 £4.52 Haddock (small, gutted) 5,246 £1.15 £0.89 £0.93 Monkfish (A4) £3.47 £4.62 £4.16 £4.41 Haddock (small, ungutted) 3,281 £0.97 £0.85 £0.96 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Monkfish (A5) £2.41 £3.72 £2.64 £4.27 Halibut (gutted) 1,001 £3.57 £2.94 £3.56 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Plaice (A2) £2.51 £2.98 £2.80 £3.06 Lemon sole (gutted) 6,223 £4.28 £4.48 £4.66 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Plaice (A3) £1.96 £2.40 £2.24 £2.68 Ling (gutted) 26,797 £1.25 £1.22 £1.23 £4.00 250,000 £3.00 150,000 Ungutted sales (kgs) Gutted sales (kgs) Plaice (A4) £1.36 £1.79 £1.39 £1.83 Ling (ungutted) 20,071 £1.23 £1.31 £1.23 Icelandic cod Pollack (A1) £2.71 £2.71 £4.17 £4.17 Megrim (gutted) 2,092 £1.65 £1.00 £0.75 £2.50 Ungutted price Gutted price 125,000 Monkfish (gutted) 7,415 £3.11 £2.70 £3.15 200,000 Pollack (A2) £2.74 £2.74 £4.15 £4.39 £3.00 Pollack (A3) £2.30 £2.41 £3.26 £3.78 Plaice (gutted) 76,406 £1.99 £2.03 £1.80 Icelandic haddock £2.00 100,000 Round Haddock £0.89 £1.22 £1.08 £2.01 Redfish (ungutted) 127,895 £1.35 £1.22 £1.35 Saithe (gutted) 61,821 £0.95 £0.89 £0.83 150,000 Saithe (A1) £1.08 £1.45 £1.20 £1.59 Saithe (ungutted) 10,786 £0.62 £0.63 £0.57 Saithe (A2) £1.14 £1.44 £1.21 £1.45 £2.00 £1.50 75,000 Skate (gutted) 3,278 £0.54 £0.44 £0.38 Saithe (A3) £1.18 £1.50 £1.23 £1.46 Spotted catfish (gutted) 5,926 £2.13 £1.59 £1.95 100,000 Saithe (A4) £1.37 £1.57 £1.25 £1.37 Spotted catfish (ungutted) 130 £1.40 £0.74 £1.18 £1.00 50,000 Squid trawled £4.67 £8.55 £4.86 £7.91 Tusk (gutted) 36,100 £0.64 £0.72 £0.74 £1.00 Ungutted sales (kgs) Turbot £2.00 £2.40 £10.50 £15.17 Tusk (gutted) 36,100 £0.64 £0.72 £0.74 Gutted sales (kgs) 50,000 £0.50 25,000 Whiting (A1) £2.20 £2.20 £1.90 £1.90 Tusk (ungutted) 4,306 £0.40 £0.37 £0.51 Ungutted price Whiting (A2) £1.68 £1.98 £1.65 £2.02 Whiting (gutted) 6,319 £0.57 £0.63 £0.64 Gutted price Whiting (A3) £1.67 £1.83 £1.44 £1.75 Whiting (ungutted) 719 £0.37 £0.51 £0.34 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Whiting (A4) £1.14 £1.67 £1.28 £1.68 Witch (gutted) 548 £1.33 - - Sun 03 Sun 10 Sun 17 Sun 03 Sun 10 Sun 17 Whiting (round) £0.20 £0.30 £0.98 £1.34 Witch (ungutted) 2,166 £1.46 £1.58 £1.02 Witch (all sizes) £1.20 £2.56 £1.82 £3.99 £8.00 32,000 £6.00 10,000 HANTSHOLM, WEEK Kg Avg Avg, Avg, 6m Hantsholm hake Size 2 (kgs) TO 22 FEBRUARY landed price/kg wk ago ago Hantsholm cod SHETLAND, WEEK Kg Avg Avg, Avg, yr £7.00 28,000 Size 1 (kgs) TO 22 FEBRUARY landed price/kg wk ago ago Avg price per kg week wk ago yr ago Size 3 (kgs) Size 2 (kgs) 8,000 Kgs sold 491,922 633,129 346,070 £6.00 24,000 Avg price per kg week wk ago yr ago Avg price per kg Avg price per kg Boxes landed 5,380 7,363 5,380 Average price £2.92 £2.18 £1.96 £4.00 Value of sales (£) £1.44m £1.38m £0.63m Catfish 548 £2.54 £2.39 £2.54 £5.00 20,000 Catfish (1) 845 £5.09 £5.23 £2.34 6,000 Cod (2) 15,816 £3.42 £3.39 £3.42 Cod (0) 1,073 £4.07 £3.74 £2.30 £4.00 16,000 Cod (3) 8,044 £3.41 £3.13 £3.41 Cod (1) 8,001 £4.14 £3.46 £2.94 Cod (4) 6,435 £3.18 £2.74 £3.18 Cod (2) 19,438 £4.48 £3.64 £2.78 4,000 £3.00 12,000 Cod (5) 3,307 £3.08 £2.67 £3.08 Cod (3) 17,729 £4.59 £4.40 £2.79 £2.00 Cod (6) 763 £3.12 £2.51 £3.12 Cod (4) 25,657 £3.39 £3.76 £2.65 £2.00 8,000 Haddock (1) 5,238 £2.01 £2.03 £2.01 Cod (5) 8,729 £2.80 £3.03 £1.89 2,000 Haddock (2) 26,630 £2.49 £2.38 £2.49 Saithe (1) 18,303 £1.76 £1.46 £0.73 £1.00 4,000 Haddock (3) 6,351 £2.15 £1.99 £2.15 Saithe (2) 43,682 £1.72 £1.31 £0.75 Haddock (4) 6,315 £2.12 £1.83 £2.12 Saithe (3) 89,006 £1.80 £1.27 £0.71 Saithe (4) 66,118 £1.79 £1.29 £0.51 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Haddock (5) 3,220 £1.77 £1.59 £1.77 Haddock (1) 7,837 £2.87 £2.14 £2.09 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Haddock (round) 2,882 £1.65 £1.39 £1.65 Haddock (2) 6,942 £2.21 £1.58 £1.54 £9.00 6,000 Hake (2) 11 £3.74 £4.86 £3.74 Haddock (3) 2,775 £1.63 £1.36 £1.07 £6.00 80,000 Hake (3) 175 £3.70 £3.50 £3.70 Haddock (4) 157 £0.39 £0.35 £0.34 Brixham cuttlefish Brixham scallops Hake (4) 514 £2.56 £2.21 £2.56 Hake (0) 2,766 £4.03 £3.10 £2.43 Halibut (3) 116 £13.13 £12.39 £13.13 Hake (1) 3,668 £3.77 £2.80 £2.19 Halibut (4) 56 £11.63 £11.01 £11.63 Hake (2) 7,035 £3.70 £2.64 £2.11 £4.50 60,000 Lemon sole (4) 580 £5.56 £5.69 £5.56 Hake (3) 6,569 £2.55 £2.25 £1.57 £6.00 4,000 Ling 7,226 £2.11 £1.55 £2.11 Lemon sole (1) 344 £8.86 £11.74 £8.46 Lythe 2,690 £3.03 £3.57 £3.03 Lemon sole (2) 1,287 £7.88 £11.50 £7.94 Lemon sole (3) 1,740 £4.23 £4.58 £4.46 £3.00 40,000 Megrim (2) 1,818 £6.08 £7.13 £6.08 Ling (1) 13,979 £2.25 £1.78 £1.45 Sales (kgs, size 1&2) Megrim (3) 1,392 £4.49 £5.01 £4.49 Ling (2) 7,093 £2.71 £1.97 £1.47 Avg price, size 1 £3.00 2,000 Megrim (4) 855 £3.18 £3.52 £3.18 Ling (3) 5,521 £2.58 £1.90 £1.27 Monkfish (1) 774 £3.31 £3.32 £3.31 Megrim 1,237 £3.46 £3.39 £1.13 £1.50 20,000 Monkfish (2) 6,680 £3.80 £3.78 £3.80 Monkfish (1) 6,523 £4.27 £3.84 £4.34 Daily sales (kgs) Monkfish (3) 10,045 £4.23 £4.07 £4.23 Monkfish (2) 22,264 £4.38 £4.00 £4.20 Monkfish (4) 3,250 £4.17 £4.03 £4.17 Monkfish (3) 22,175 £4.57 £4.16 £3.98 Avg price per kg Monkfish (5) 725 £3.22 £3.03 £3.22 Monkfish (4) 4,840 £4.50 £4.10 £3.88 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Monkfish (6) 385 £2.21 £2.22 £2.21 Monkfish (5) 428 £3.02 £2.92 £2.67 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Plaice (2) 321 £2.56 £2.20 £2.56 Plaice (1) 1,166 £3.42 £5.11 £2.15 Plaice (2) 2,459 £3.97 £5.41 £2.39 £5.00 5,000 £6.00 7,000 Plaice (3) 663 £1.90 £1.66 £1.90 Plaice (3) 4,973 £3.25 £4.40 £2.13 Newlyn hake Plaice (4) 858 £1.01 £1.10 £1.01 Plaice (4) 13,811 £2.77 £2.95 £1.66 Newlyn megrim £5.00 Sales (kgs, size 2&3) 6,000 Saithe (2) 1,287 £1.57 £1.50 £1.57 Pollack (2) 505 £4.67 £4.30 £2.55 £4.00 4,000 Saithe (3) 5,726 £1.21 £1.23 £1.21 Pollack (3) 1,693 £4.02 £4.13 £2.36 Avg price, size 2 Avg price, size 3 5,000 Saithe (4) 18,280 £1.10 £1.06 £1.10 Pollack (4) 364 £3.20 £3.75 £1.99 £4.00 Skate 963 £1.04 £1.09 £1.04 Squid 1,323 £1.85 £2.28 £4.93 £3.00 3,000 Skate, mixed 95 £0.40 £0.40 £0.40 Turbot (0) 66 £19.22 £18.02 £14.40 4,000 Skate, roker 15 £0.11 £1.54 £0.11 Turbot (1) 145 £17.23 £18.15 £12.54 Sales (kgs, size 4) £3.00 Sales (kgs, size 5) 3,000 Squid 5,290 £4.54 £4.40 £4.54 Turbot (2) 181 £15.34 £15.20 £13.44 £2.00 2,000 Turbot 16 £13.31 £12.74 £13.31 Turbot (3) 226 £14.35 £13.24 £10.71 Avg price, size 5 £2.00 Turbot (4) 824 £7.15 £8.19 £6.49 Whiting (2) 6,746 £1.99 £2.01 £1.99 Avg price, size 4 2,000 Whiting (1) 3,084 £1.60 £1.94 £0.58 Whiting (3) 13,998 £1.54 £1.50 £1.54 £1.00 1,000 Whiting (2) 5,670 £1.54 £1.78 £1.30 £1.00 1,000 Whiting (4) 810 £0.93 £0.87 £0.93 Whiting (3) 1,690 £1.54 £1.53 £0.81 Whiting, round 58,743 £1.14 £0.98 £1.14 Witch (1) 631 £5.26 £5.80 £3.23 Witches, (2/3) 203 £3.16 £2.01 £3.16 Witch (2) 2,811 £3.68 £3.26 £2.54 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Witches, (4) 430 £1.38 £1.20 £1.38 Witch (3) 2,582 £1.72 £1.55 £1.28 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook PORTS AND PRICES 23

BRIXHAM, WEEK TO Kg Avg Avg, Avg, yr NEWLYN, WEEK Kg Avg Avg, Avg, yr Five-day rolling-average price and volume trends for main species 22 FEBRUARY landed price/kg wk ago ago TO 22 FEBRUARY landed price/kg wk ago ago £5.00 10,000 £3.50 35,000 week wk ago yr ago week wk ago yr ago Peterhead monkfish Peterhead saithe Kg landed 235,789 153,964 234,693 Kg landed 114,205 75,480 103,753 £3.00 30,000 Average price £3.27 £3.46 £3.58 Average price £3.28 £2.75 £3.24 £4.00 8,000 Value of sales (£) 771,414 532,139 839,251 Value of sales (£) 374,867 207,559 336,668 Brill (1) 925 £10.80 £14.50 £10.70 £2.50 25,000 Blonde Ray (L) 1,046 £1.56 £2.30 £3.51 Brill (2) 781 £7.71 £10.57 £7.73 Blonde Ray (M) 1,201 £1.12 £1.78 £2.80 £3.00 6,000 £2.00 20,000 Brill (3) 1,393 £7.12 £9.40 £7.50 Blonde Ray (S) 183 £0.65 - £2.06 Brill (4) 1,278 £6.24 £7.42 £6.27 Brill (1) 34 £10.42 £13.40 £11.78 Brill (5) 59 £5.53 £5.79 £4.86 £1.50 15,000 Brill (2) 289 £10.88 £12.94 £10.88 £2.00 4,000 Cock crabs 383 £5.50 £5.97 £5.24 Brill (3) 236 £8.27 £9.97 £8.45 Cod (1) 18 £5.34 £4.36 £3.65 Brill (4) 145 £6.74 £7.63 £7.67 £1.00 10,000 Cod (2) 80 £3.60 £4.12 £3.63 Claws (9) 11 £1.60 £1.09 £2.09 £1.00 Daily sales (kgs) 2,000 Daily sales (kgs) Cod (3) 26 £3.28 £3.18 £3.47 Cod (3) 97 £4.95 £5.14 £3.94 Price per kg (3) £0.50 Price per kg 5,000 Conger (1) 152 £0.64 £0.60 £0.68 Cod (4) 97 £3.70 £2.81 £1.24 Price per kg (2) Price per kg Conger (2) 39 £0.53 £0.71 £0.85 Cod (5) 126 £2.11 £3.76 £3.12 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Conger (3) 29 £0.17 £0.15 £0.23 Conger Eels (1) 56 £0.60 £0.80 £0.48 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Cuttlefish (1) 72,914 £3.15 £3.37 £4.19 Cuckoo ray (M) 2,618 £1.07 £1.27 £1.47 Cuckoo ray (S) 200 £0.14 £0.30 £0.48 Cuttlefish (2) 22,674 £2.20 £2.15 £2.97 £3.00 12,000 Cuttlefish (L) 1,524 £2.93 £3.27 £4.21 £5.00 10,000 Dogfish 3,241 £0.25 £0.25 £0.21 Cuttlefish (S) 2,449 £1.96 £1.90 £2.83 Shetland monkfish Shetland saithe Gurnard (2) 201 £1.97 £2.80 £0.98 Dover sole (1) 724 £10.71 £12.28 £10.96 £2.50 10,000 Gurnard (4) 15,339 £0.60 £0.60 £0.59 £4.00 8,000 Dover sole (2) 924 £12.08 £13.77 £11.61 Haddock (1) 306 £2.54 £3.06 £2.74 Dover sole (3) 1,429 £12.52 £14.77 £13.58 Haddock (2) 20 £2.39 £2.64 £1.97 £2.00 8,000 Dover sole (4) 985 £9.94 £10.86 £9.78 Hake (1) 73 £3.23 £4.06 £3.44 Dover sole (5) 287 £7.86 £9.50 £8.90 £3.00 6,000 Hake (2) 300 £2.82 £4.07 £3.40 Gurnard and latchet (L) 469 £2.30 £3.85 £3.00 £1.50 6,000 Hake (3) 1,134 £2.83 £3.97 £3.20 Gurnard and latchet (M) 345 £1.40 £3.19 £1.24 Hake (4) 2,026 £2.34 £3.85 £3.06 Gurnard and latchet (S) 2,375 £0.57 £0.56 £0.56 £2.00 4,000 Hake (5) 3,308 £2.26 £3.83 £2.75 Haddock (1) 578 £2.38 £2.85 £2.81 £1.00 4,000 Hake (6) 4,024 £2.26 £3.26 £2.26 Haddock (2) 1,089 £2.48 £2.49 £2.82 Hake (7) 343 £2.16 £2.59 £1.96 Haddock (3) 528 £2.86 £2.73 £3.23 £1.00 2,000 Haddock (4) 176 £0.97 - £1.33 sales (kgs, size 3&4) £0.50 Daily sales (kgs, size 3&4) 2,000 Hen crabs 255 £3.28 £3.63 £3.09 Avg price, size 3 Avg price, size 3 John Dory (1) 5 £15.90 £15.23 £13.62 Haddock (5) 12 £0.50 £3.06 £1.00 Hake (0) 357 £0.73 £0.85 - Avg price, size 4 Avg price, size 4 John Dory (2) 7 £15.42 £14.39 £14.00 Hake (1) 1,200 £1.89 £2.72 £2.70 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 John Dory (3) 37 £13.40 £11.20 £10.37 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Hake (2) 3,099 £1.90 £2.80 £2.62 Lemon sole (1) 260 £9.43 £9.28 £8.61 Hake (3) 5,760 £1.83 £3.43 £2.63 £1.50 75,000 £3.00 24,000 Lemon sole (2) 367 £9.80 £9.60 £8.08 Hake (4) 9,256 £2.16 £2.96 £2.50 Icelandic plaice Icelandic saithe Lemon sole (3) 929 £8.05 £8.95 £7.74 Hake (5) 13,732 £2.17 £2.84 £2.17 Lemon sole (4) 3,931 £3.72 £3.67 £5.20 £2.50 20,000 Ungutted sales (kgs) Ungutted sales (kgs) Hake (6) 3,300 £2.01 £2.60 £2.06 Lemon sole (5) 2,867 £2.59 £2.58 £2.79 Herring (M) 63 £1.28 £0.60 £0.80 Ungutted price Gutted price Line mackerel (1) 5 £4.40 £6.00 £3.06 John Dory (1) 19 £13.00 £13.76 £12.94 £2.00 16,000 £1.00 50,000 Line mackerel (2) 48 £4.48 £5.26 £3.09 John Dory (2) 73 £10.02 £9.73 £7.46 Line mackerel (3) 145 £3.65 £3.86 £1.27 John Dory (3) 106 £9.77 £7.73 £7.32 £1.50 12,000 Lobster 120 £20.28 £19.73 £23.04 John Dory (4) 87 £7.38 £6.71 £10.90 Monkfish tails (1) 70 £9.54 £12.71 £10.58 John Dory (5) 111 £4.48 £2.94 £9.23 £1.00 8,000 £0.50 25,000 Monkfish tails (2) 615 £11.14 £14.67 £11.49 Lemon sole (1) 659 £7.75 £8.81 £8.20 Monkfish tails (3) 1,354 £10.10 £13.46 £11.33 Lemon sole (2) 449 £8.42 £8.64 £7.90 Monkfish tails (4) 802 £9.82 £11.42 £10.61 Lemon sole (3) 935 £7.64 £7.90 £7.56 £0.50 Ungutted sales (kgs) 4,000 Lemon sole (4) 1,258 £3.42 £3.69 £4.90 Monkfish tails (5) 697 £8.72 £10.15 £9.41 Gutted price Lemon sole (5) 338 £2.37 £2.54 £2.78 Monkfish tails (6) 512 £3.57 £4.93 £5.95 £0.00 0 Ling (L) 233 £1.60 £1.62 £1.86 £0.00 0 Octopus 8,411 £1.75 £1.90 £1.67 Sun 03 Sun 10 Sun 17 Sun 03 Sun 10 Sun 17 Ling (M) 212 £1.51 £1.74 £1.81 Plaice (1) 1,394 £2.00 £2.50 £2.04 Ling (S) 116 £1.70 - - £8.00 16,000 £3.50 140,000 Plaice (2) 2,720 £2.00 £2.38 £1.86 Mackerel (LM) 479 £4.16 £4.05 £3.56 Hantsholm monkfish Hantsholm saithe Plaice (3) 2,811 £1.96 £2.30 £1.81 Mackerel (M) 6,701 £1.74 £1.20 £1.70 £7.00 14,000 Size 3 (kgs) £3.00 120,000 Plaice (4) 2,605 £1.89 £2.38 £1.43 Mackerel (S) 4,104 £0.54 £0.49 £0.43 Plaice (5) 3,995 £1.43 £1.40 £1.38 Megrim (1) 879 £6.38 £6.28 £4.86 Size 2 (kgs) £6.00 12,000 Size 4 (kgs) Pollock (1) 118 £3.14 £3.75 £2.87 Megrim (2) 1,439 £5.68 £6.00 £4.36 Avg price per kg £2.50 100,000 Size 3 (kgs) Pollock (2) 1,256 £2.86 £3.66 £2.77 Megrim (3) 2,192 £4.60 £5.11 £3.77 £5.00 Avg price per kg 10,000 Avg price per kg Pollock (3) 447 £2.63 £3.04 £2.59 Megrim (4) 2,698 £3.67 £4.34 £4.36 £2.00 80,000 Avg price per kg Ray wings (blonde, 1) 556 £3.77 £5.78 £5.16 Megrim (5) 4,105 £3.38 £3.97 £2.46 £4.00 8,000 Ray wings (blonde, 2) 869 £3.03 £4.87 £4.16 Monkfish - Cheeks (9) 12 £8.07 £8.31 £8.13 £1.50 60,000 Ray wings (blonde, 3) 506 £3.07 £4.92 £4.17 Monkfish (1) 79 £10.75 £12.82 £10.59 £3.00 6,000 Ray wings (small eye, 2) 5 £2.80 - £3.50 Monkfish (2) 1,508 £11.11 £12.72 £11.54 Monkfish (3) 2,926 £9.24 £10.80 £10.92 £1.00 40,000 Ray wings (small eye, 3) 22 £2.56 £3.50 £3.55 £2.00 4,000 Monkfish (4) 2,175 £9.43 £9.88 £10.55 Ray wings (thornback, 2) 43 £2.57 £3.69 £3.50 Monkfish (5) 2,112 £7.36 £7.38 £9.05 £1.00 2,000 £0.50 20,000 Ray wings (thornback, 3) 49 £2.94 £3.65 £3.49 Octopus (L) 33 £2.05 - £1.51 Ray wings (thornback, 4) 48 £1.12 £1.63 £1.63 Octopus (M) 467 £1.85 £1.91 £1.48 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Red mullet (3) 35 £10.03 £11.19 £10.12 Plaice (1) 185 £3.28 £2.88 £2.65 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Round pouting 12,821 £0.37 £0.43 £0.30 Plaice (2) 191 £2.72 £2.47 £1.99 £16.00 1,400 £20.00 2,500 Scallop (2) 16,774 £3.83 £3.82 £5.34 Plaice (3) 256 £3.02 £3.15 £1.73 Scallop meat 239 £12.38 £13.00 £16.00 Plaice (4) 143 £1.68 £1.33 £1.45 Brixham monkfish tails Brixham sole Sole (1) 986 £10.37 £11.60 £10.47 Pollack, lythe (1) 980 £2.85 £3.87 £2.81 £14.00 1,200 Pollack, lythe (2) 1,706 £2.92 £3.76 £2.89 £16.00 2,000 Sole (2) 1,324 £12.04 £14.00 £11.83 £12.00 Sole (3) 2,501 £13.20 £17.63 £13.71 Pollack, lythe (3) 434 £2.73 £3.41 £2.87 1,000 Sole (4) 1,714 £10.62 £12.35 £9.94 Pollack, lythe (4) 36 £2.50 £2.12 £2.63 Pout whiting, pouting, bib (m) 48 £0.30 £0.49 £0.15 £10.00 £12.00 1,500 Sole (5) 1,716 £8.40 £9.97 £9.71 800 Sole (6) 246 £6.44 £7.53 £6.85 Pout whiting, pouting, bib (S) 337 £0.25 £0.33 £0.15 Red mullet (1) 78 £11.01 £11.15 £8.45 £8.00 Sales (kgs, size 3,4&5) Squid (1) 509 £7.86 £7.84 £6.51 Avg price, size 3 Sales (kgs, size 3&4) Red mullet (2) 106 £8.80 £9.89 £5.56 600 Squid (2) 1,318 £8.64 £8.25 £7.09 Avg price, size 4 £8.00 Avg price, size 3 1,000 Red mullet (3) 28 £8.00 £9.40 £4.25 £6.00 Squid (mix) 765 £7.26 £7.74 £5.86 Avg price, size 5 Avg price, size 4 Red mullet (4) 43 £3.93 £3.67 £3.01 400 Turbot (1) 91 £21.02 £25.61 £20.39 Saithe (1) 18 £1.91 £2.74 £1.75 £4.00 £4.00 500 Turbot (2) 282 £21.19 £24.61 £16.01 Saithe (2) 31 £1.26 £1.42 £1.67 Turbot (3) 344 £17.90 £23.07 £16.01 Saithe (3) 31 £1.00 £1.40 £1.44 £2.00 200 Turbot (4) 632 £13.35 £18.87 £14.06 Scallops 429 £1.05 £1.37 £2.09 Turbot (5) 1,282 £11.87 £13.34 £11.60 Sea Breams (2) 12 £12.90 £10.90 £8.01 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Turbot (6) 426 £8.91 £9.34 £8.20 Sea Breams (3) 1 £9.00 - £10.09 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Whiting (1) 1,574 £2.22 £2.13 £1.69 Shagreen ray (L) 31 £1.14 - £1.69 £16.00 3,500 £20.00 600 Whiting (2) 654 £1.43 £1.58 £1.07 Shagreen ray (M) 16 £1.20 - £1.11 Newlyn monkfish tails Newlyn sole Whiting (3) 922 £0.97 £1.03 £0.73 Shagreen ray (S) 12 £0.80 - £1.38 £14.00 3,000 Daily sales (kgs) Small-eyed ray (L) 431 £1.25 £1.51 £2.11 Sales (kgs, size 3,4&5) Avg price, size 3 Avg price, size 3 LOWESTOFT, WEEK Min Max Max, Max, yr Smoothhound (L) 657 £1.09 £1.34 £1.24 Avg price, size 4 Avg price, size 5 £16.00 £12.00 Avg price, size 4 TO 22 FEBRUARY price/kg price/kg mnth ago ago Smoothhound (M) 731 £1.09 £1.05 £1.00 2,500 400 week mnth ago yr ago Smoothhound (S) 96 £0.80 £0.30 £0.86 £10.00 Kgs sold 1,000 2,310 3,635 Squid (L) 12 £9.00 £8.00 £7.60 2,000 £12.00 Skate £1.40 £3.40 £2.50 £2.58 Squid (M) 60 £8.37 £8.44 £8.04 £8.00 Cod £1.50 £3.50 £4.50 £3.90 Thornback Ray (M) 14 £0.80 £1.60 £0.80 1,500 Turbot (1) 12 £19.50 - £18.90 £8.00 Herring £1.50 £1.50 £1.50 £0.99 £6.00 Turbot (2) 32 £20.86 - £18.66 200 Monkfish £1.50 £4.00 £0.00 £4.75 1,000 Turbot (3) 121 £19.81 £23.56 £18.46 £4.00 John Dory £5.00 £13.00 £0.00 £0.00 Turbot (4) 141 £17.21 £16.16 £15.37 £4.00 Brill £6.00 £12.50 £0.00 £9.50 500 Turbot (5) 139 £12.95 £16.91 £14.45 £2.00 Dover sole £7.00 £12.00 £0.00 £14.33 Turbot (6) 124 £12.20 £12.10 £12.12 Squid £7.00 £9.00 £0.00 £6.50 Whiting (1) 2,571 £1.46 £1.65 £1.56 £0.00 0 £0.00 0 Turbot £7.00 £13.50 £0.00 £12.00 Whiting (2) 465 £1.41 £1.22 £1.18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Mon Feb 04 Mon Feb 11 Mon Feb 18 Halibut £9.00 £11.00 £0.00 £12.50 Whiting (3) 98 £0.72 £0.76 £1.09 24 CLASSIFIEDS Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews 28 February 2019


INSURANCE LICENCES FOR SALE ELECTRONICS NEW ANNUAL WHITEFISH RECORDS FOR PETERHEAD AND £3.25 SHETLAND 29 November 2018 Issue: 5440 We provide competitive quotations for fishing OCEAN BLUE QUOTA COMPANY QUOTA REALLOCATION PLEDGE vessels, charter boats, work boats, and private craft. • Fishing Licences • Quota • Valuations TURN TO PAGE 2 FOR THE FULL REPORT ConsideringConsidering newnew electronics? Soph-Ash-Jay 3 joins JAS-N at Burnmouth We also offer commercial insurance for marine trades. Berwickshire skipper John new fast potter Trefjar has built Soph-Ash-Jay 3 LH 60 started potting last week Affleck and the crew of the high- for John and Nicola Affleck in 15 from Burnmouth… Contact us: spec fast potter Soph-Ash-Jay 3 years. The fast potter features PleasePlease contact contact Furuno Furuno Leasing Leasing Ltd at: LH 60 started fishing brown crab an extremely high level of finish and lobsters from Burnmouth last and equipment specification, week, reports David Linkie. including a Seakeeper Gyro The Cleopatra Fisherman 40 stabilisation system. A similar is a sistership to the recently unit fitted on Soph-Ash-Jay 2, renamed JAS-N LH 50, which the the first installation on a UK boat, T: 01779 490500 Fraserburgh 01346 518300 well-known Icelandic boatbuilder fully justified its inclusion from day Ltd at: Trefjar delivered to John and one, as a result of which skipper Nicola Affleck 18 months ago John Affleck had no hesitation as Soph-Ash-Jay 2 LH 60, in specifying a Seakeeper Gyro and is now skippered by Neil stabilisation unit to be fitted on Havant 023 9244 1000 Rutherford. Soph-Ash-Jay 3. E: [email protected] Fraserburgh 01346 518300 Soph-Ash-Jay 3 is the fourth Over 100 boxes of shellfish, Marine Insurance Brokers. or email us on [email protected] Tel: 01736 360808 – Email: [email protected] – AuthorisedHavant by 023 the Financial 9244 Conduct 1000 Authority (FCA)

kept in optimum condition by a multi-beam sonar, and MaxSea Soph-Ash-Jay 3 is fishing Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 595866 or email us on [email protected] double-pumped sprinkler system, TimeZero, Olex and Simrad potting gear supplied by can be accommodated in the plotting systems. Caithness Creels and Gael Force, fishroom. Insured by Sunderland Marine, and landing to DR Collin & Son of Charity & Taylor and SIRM Soph-Ash-Jay 3 is fitted with an Eyemouth. UK supplied the vessel’s Iveco FPT C13 engine, a SCAM Further details of Soph- ‡ … where the Cleopatra Fisherman 40 joined her 18-month-old comprehensive wheelhouse diesel 17kW generator, and a Ash-Jay 3 will be included in sistership JAS-N LH 50. electronics, including a WASSP HydroSlave 1.5t pot hauler. Fishing News next week. FISHING NEWS AWARDS 2019 MAKE YOUR NOMINATIONS NOW! The Fishing News Awards shine a spotlight on the achievements, expertise, and innovation of the UK and Ireland’s commercial fishing industries in 2018 CATEGORIES RANGE ACROSS THE WHOLE OF COMMERCIAL FISHING NOMINATE YOUR FAVOURITES NOW ONLINE ★ Demersal Fisherman of the Year ★ Fishing Port of the Year Looking For Quality Commercial Marine Insurance? ★ Pelagic Fisherman of the Year ★ New Boat of the Year – demersal AT FISHINGNEWS.CO.UK/AWARDS NOZZLES & PROPELLERS LIFERAFTS ★ Shellfish Fisherman of the Year ★ New Boat of the Year – pelagic ★ Independent Fresh Fish Retailer ★ New Boat of the Year – shellfish Winners will be announced at a gala awards presentation of the Year ★ Trainee Fisherman of the Year dinner in Aberdeen on 16 May 2019, hosted ★ Fish Processor of the Year ★ Young Fisherman of the Year by acclaimed Scottish comedian Des Clarke ★ The Sustainability ★ Lifetime Achievement Award Make your only "Port of Call" ★ Service Company of the Year Porthcawl Insurance Consultants (UK) Ltd BT Marine Propellers Tel: 01656 784866 propellerS & STerNGeAr Fax: 01656 784872 sterngear up to 8” diameter re-pitching & re-furbishment NEVER MISS E-mail: [email protected] noZZLes & props suppLied Or log on to our web site: cutLess bearings from stocK Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) propeLLers & shafts in stocK AN ISSUE! PROPULSIONswift industria TECHNOLOGYL units 10 CENTRE & 11, greenhiBLACK LLSWAN way, ROAD, Kingsteignton, DAWLISH newtonDEVON, abbot, EX7 tq120GF 3sh SUBSCRIBE Tel:Tel 0162601626 864378 368484 Morgan Marine LEADING MARINE INSURANCE PROVIDERS TODAY CALL nsurance Email: [email protected] 01959 543 747 Competitive premiums for Commercial fishing vessels, workboats, Charter boats, marine trades

ARE YOU RIGGED AND READY FOR £3.25 A MAN OVERBOARD EMERGENCY? 13 December 2018 Visit Call now for a quote or visit us online Tel: 01277 224440 TENDER NOTICE Issue: 5442 TURN TO PAGE 2 FOR THE FULL E-CATCH RECORDING FOR U10S REPORT Early records and winter weather in Shetland REGIONAL NEWS Whitby fishing apprentice awards The Burra trawler Venture passes Hamnavoe lighthouse to resume fishing west of Shetland in moderating seas, following a RECRUITMENT TENDERS ARE INVITED force 10 southerly gale.

Ciaran Gilmore is presented with the Apprentice of the Year Award by Craig McBurnie of sponsors Sunderland Marine. (Photo: Whitby Gazette) For the supplier and fitting of a Volvo Penta D13HM Whitby and District Fishing Industry Training School held its AGM recently, when the achievements of the apprentices were recognised by the presentation of a number of awards, reports David Linkie. The Apprentice of the Year Award – Sea Fishing Pathway – was presented to Ciaran Gilmore by A succession of early winter gales in Shetland were a Craig McBurnie from sponsors Sunderland Marine timely reminder that 2018 is rapidly drawing to a close, Insurance. Fraserburgh Harbour Marine Engine with a power rating of 221Kw & Twin reports David Linkie. The Arries-Ide Award (in memory of the two young With a record number of boxes of whitefish landed, fishermen from Amble who tragically lost their lives in new vessels preceding the arrival of further fleet additions, Whitby harbour in 2014) was handed over to Kieran large-scale investment in new shore-based infrastructure, Bush of Stevenage, Hertfordshire by Duncan Atkins of and high uptake in fishing training courses, 2018 has been sponsors Whitby Gazette. another successful year in Shetland. The George Traves Excellence Award (in memory Concerns about the discards ban, higher than usual of George Traves MBE, a founder director of Whitby numbers of foreign vessels fishing in local waters, and Fishing School), given to the fisheries apprentice Disc MG5114DC Gearbox with a ratio 4.76:1c/w Brexit, serve as reminders that challenge is a constant displaying the highest levels of commitment, dedication, Commissioners factor in fishing. spirit and tenacity, was presented to Liam Riley of A detailed Shetland feature will be included in Fishing ‡ The Whalsay creel boat Resolute returning to Symbister in fresh Redcar by Chris Traves. News next week. weather. (Photo: Ivan Reid) Further details in Fishing News next week. Assistant Harbour Master clutchable power take off & electric shift valve to MFV FISHING NEWS AWARDS 2019 MAKE YOUR NOMINATIONS NOW! The Fishing News Awards shine a spotlight on the achievements, expertise, and innovation of the UK and Ireland’s commercial fishing industries in 2018 CATEGORIES RANGE ACROSS THE WHOLE OF COMMERCIAL FISHING NOMINATE YOUR FAVOURITES NOW ONLINE Hope B377, all tenders to include prices for associate ★ Demersal Fisherman of the Year ★ Fishing Port of the Year ★ Pelagic Fisherman of the Year ★ New Boat of the Year – demersal AT FISHINGNEWS.CO.UK/AWARDS ★ Shellfish Fisherman of the Year ★ New Boat of the Year – pelagic ★ Independent Fresh Fish Retailer ★ New Boat of the Year – shellfish Winners will be announced at a gala awards presentation The position of an additional Assistant Harbour Master in the port is due of the Year ★ Trainee Fisherman of the Year dinner in Aberdeen on 16 May 2019, hosted ★ Fish Processor of the Year ★ Young Fisherman of the Year by acclaimed Scottish comedian Des Clarke ★ The Sustainability ★ Lifetime Achievement Award pipe work wiring etc., for further information email ★ Service Company of the Year to become available and suitably qualified applicants are invited to apply for the position. [email protected] Applicants must have a recognised marine qualification and recent ship Tender to be received by 8th March by email or post

handling experience. £3.25 6 December 2018 to MFV Hope, C/o NIFPO Ltd, 1 Coastguard Cottages, Issue: 5441 TURN TO The successful application must have the ability to work well within an PAGE 2 FOR THE FULL Portavogie, Co. Down BT22 1EA FISHING CENTRAL IN BREXIT REPORT effective operations team to provide a high standard of service to the ‘Protect our fishing’ SFF urges politicians REGIONAL NEWS Politicians from all parties at Holyrood The pledge, which the SFF will urge clear since the referendum in 2016 and Westminster are being urged to all politicians to sign, states: that anything other than full, unfettered Guide Them launched sign a pledge supporting the Scottish ‘I pledge to back Scottish fishermen sovereignty over our own waters would customers of the port. You will be required to deputise for the Harbour fishing industry’s demand that full and our coastal communities by: be crossing a red line for the fishing on the Clyde control of UK waters be taken back ● Voting against any arrangements industry. from the EU. that would extend our membership of “Despite the stated wishes of French Along with the UK fisheries the CFP beyond December 2020, or president Emmanuel Macron, which bill, the Brexit deal and political that would take us back into the CFP we know are shared by the other declaration provide the scope for the after that date large fishing nations – Denmark, the Master and be on call as required. UK to become a fully independent ● Voting against any arrangement Netherlands and Germany – we should coastal state, with its own seat at that prevents the UK from negotiating give a clear and resounding ‘Non!’ to all the relevant international fisheries access and quota shares as a fully the idea of guaranteeing continued negotiations from December 2020. independent coastal state from that access. But a specific fisheries agreement date “Access and quotas must be must also be negotiated, and the EU27 ● Upholding the UK’s right to exercise negotiated annually, not carved up in appear determined to try to make complete control and sovereignty over advance. The link between access continued guaranteed access for EU its own waters.’ and trade breaches all international Full Job specifications and application forms are available from the boats to UK waters a precondition of SFF chief executive Bertie norms and practice, and is simply tariff-free trade in seafood. Armstrong said: “We have made it very unacceptable.”

‡ Guide Them, ready to be launched into the Clyde Harbour office or available to download from at Ardmaleish… The 11.95m twin-rig trawler Guide Them, built by Ardmaleish Boatbuilding Company for Alistair Roberts and his son Jamie Roberts of Brora Fishing Company, Renfrew, was launched into the Clyde last month, reports David Linkie. Following the launch, Guide Them was towed by Brora Fishing’s trawlers Guide Us GK 77 and Guide Me LET 1 KY 227 to Ardrossan marina for completion. Two local companies, MMA Scotland of Ardrossan and AJ Autolecs, will now carry out the engineering and electrical wiring work on Guide Them, which is scheduled to start fishing in the spring of 2019. McMinn Marine of Fraserburgh will supply and Assistant_Harbour_Master__Job_Specification.pdf FREE! install the wheelhouse electronics equipment. continues on page 3

‡ The Brexit pledges that the SFF is urging politicians from all parties at Holyrood and Westminster to sign. Completed applications together with names and addresses of 2 CAC_V7HTS_Fishing_News_72x265_HR.pdf 1 04/10/2018 09:29:56 REGIONAL NEWS SELL YOUR BOAT KVH Agile Plans No Commitment You are not tied into a 12 month or longer contract C Unlimited VSAT Plans independent referees must be submitted to the Harbour Master by M FREE VSAT Plans from £569.00 per month Y ANTENNA Free VSAT Antenna System Based on exchange rate on 19th September 2018 CM

MY Friday 22nd March 2019. Please note that canvassing will automatically CY Unlimited Data Channel CMY For further details contact [email protected] Now you can K High Speed Data Channel or +44 (0) 2392 247 920 disqualify any applicant from being considered. Lifetime Warranty Thomas Boyle, Harbour Master, Harbour Office, Shore Street, sell your boat Fraserburgh, AB43 9BR and equipment Tel: 01346 515858 absolutely free Email: [email protected] of charge in Fishing News. † Don’t miss this great opportunity to showcase your TO ADVERTISE boat in the UK’s premier industry newspaper. PLEASE CALL † All you have to do is complete TO ADVERTISE the form in the READERS FREE ADS pages at the back of Fishing News or email fi shing@kelseyclassifi TALK MEDIA PLEASE CALL and don’t forget to include a photograph of the boat you are selling. SALES ON TALK MEDIA SALES † Or go to facebook “Fishing News Buy & Sell” ON 01732 445325 supplying your contact details. 01732 445325 28 February 2019 Join Fishing News on Facebook CLASSIFIEDS 25 NEWS PUBLIC NOTICE

AQUIND INTERCONNECTOR - SECTION 48, PLANNING ACT 2008 SeaFit dental treatment for REGULATION 4, THE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING (APPLICATIONS: PRESCRIBED FORMS AND PROCEDURE) REGULATIONS 2009 NOTICE OF PROPOSED APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE fishermen at Bridlington A HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT SUBSEA AND UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION LINK Fishermen and their families will from a mobile dental unit at Gunners BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE have access to free dental checks and Wharf in Bridlington harbour. The 1. Notice is hereby given that AQUIND Limited of OGN House, Hadrian Way, Wallsend, NE28 6HL (hereafter referred to emergency treatment at Bridlington Dentaid unit will be open for just one as “AQUIND”) intends to apply to the Secretary of State under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 (the “Act”) for a on Tuesday, 5 March, as part of the day, from 8.30am to 1.30pm, offering Development Consent Order (“DCO”) to authorise the construction and operation of a new High Voltage Direct Current (“HVDC”) marine and underground electric power transmission link between the south coast of England and Normandy SeaFit programme. a wide range of treatment, from in France, with the capacity to transmit up to 2,000 MW of electricity between France and Great Britain (“AQUIND Working in partnership with the check-ups and emergency fillings to Interconnector”). Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, SeaFit has oral hygiene and extractions. 2. AQUIND is seeking a DCO to, amongst other things, licence and authorise those elements of the AQUIND Interconnector commissioned international dental For more information about the that are located within the UK, which include: charity Dentaid to provide the free free dental service at Bridlington, UK onshore elements: treatment. This is part of the SeaFit contact Tracey Stephens on: 07917 a. works at the existing National Grid Lovedean substation near Lovedean in Hampshire where AQUIND Interconnector will Healthtrainer service for fishermen 754527 or by email: hullcentre@ connect to the existing Great Britain electricity grid; on the East Riding coast. or the b. high voltage alternating current (“HVAC”) underground cables, connecting the Lovedean substation to a new converter Dentaid will provide free dental Healthtrainer team on: 0800 station; checks and emergency treatment to 917 7752 or by email: hnf-tr. c. the construction of a converter station located to the west of Lovedean village, comprising a mix of buildings and outdoor local fishermen and their families [email protected] electrical equipment; d. underground high voltage direct current (“HVDC”) cables together with a fibre optic cable from the converter station near Lovedean to the proposed landfall site in Eastney (near Portsmouth), approximately 20 kilometres in length; and UK offshore elements: e. four submarine cables approximately 100 kilometres in length between England and the border of the Exclusive Economic Zone with France, which can be bundled in pairs, and small diameter fibre optic cables for data transmission. (hereafter referred to as the “Proposed Development”). 3. The Proposed Development is not of a type that is detailed within either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 to the Town and In partnership with Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. However, due to the environmental and human sensitivities within and surrounding the Proposed Development, AQUIND has decided to voluntarily undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”). Free dental checks 4. A Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”) has been produced based on information compiled to date on the likely environmental impacts of the Proposed Development and is being consulted as part of the suite of consultation for working fishermen and documents. AQUIND will submit an Environmental Statement (“ES”) and a Non-Technical Summary in support of its their families in Bridlington application for a DCO to set out the findings of the EIA in due course. 5. The documents, plans and maps showing the nature and location of the Proposed Development, including the PEIR (with n Sick of that nagging toothache? a non-technical summary) (“Consultation Documents”) are available to view free of charge during the consultation, which n Worried about swollen or bleeding gums? will run from Wednesday 27 February 2019 until midnight on Monday 29 April 2019 at the locations and times set out n Struggling to get to the dentist? below: n Time to get it sorted! Venue Opening Times Beddow Library, Milton Road, Milton, Portsmouth, PO4 8PR Mon, Tue & Fri: 09:30 – 17:00, Wed & Thu: 09:30 – 18:00, WHAT’S ON OFFER? Sat: 10:00 – 15:30 FREE - Dental checks and emergency treatment for all fishermen and their families Waterlooville Library, The Precinct, PO7 7DT Mon, Tue, Wed & Sat: 9:00 – 17:00, WHERE? - Gunners Wharf, Bridlington Harbour - look for the Dentaid van Thu & Fri: 09:00 – 19:00 WHEN? - Tuesday 5th March, 8.30am – 1.30pm Horndean Library, 12 Fiveheads Road, Horndean, PO8 9NW Mon & Thu: 14:00 – 17:00, No need to book - just turn up! Wed: 10:00 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:00, Friday: 14:00 – 19:00 For more information, contact the Healthtrainer team: Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Mon – Fri: 09:00 - 16:00 Tel: 0800 9177752 or email: [email protected] Portsmouth, PO1 2BG Or contact Supt Tracey Stephens: Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Mon – Fri: 09:00 – 17:00 07917 754527 [email protected] Tel: or email: Road, Havant, PO9 2AX Fit Body + Fit Mind = SeaFit Winchester City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Mon – Thu: 08:30 – 17:00, Fri: 08:30 – 16:30 Winchester, SO23 9LJ Supported by Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 18:00 8UJ Central Library, Portsmouth City Council, Guildhall Square, Mon & Fri: 09:30 – 17:00, Tue, Wed & Thu: 09:30 – 18:00, /GetSeaFit @GetSeaFit Fishermen’s Mission, Registered Charity England & Wales No. 232822. Seafarers Hospital Society, Registered Charity England & Wales No. 232822. Portsmouth, PO1 2DX Sat: 10:00 – 15:30 Cosham Library, Spur Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3EB Mon, Tue & Thu: 09:30 – 18:00, Wed & Fri: 09:30 – 17:00 Sat: 10:00 – 15:30 Plymouth City Council secures further Petersfield Library, 27 The Square, Petersfield, GU32 3HH Mon, Tue, Thu & Sat: 09:00 – 17:00, funding for fishermen’s safety Wed & Fri: 09:00 – 19:00 New entrants to the fishing industry success. Look at #wearitforthem 6. The Consultation Documents are also available to view at public exhibitions to be held as follows: at Plymouth will be among the local – families of fishing crews who fish fishermen to benefit from the city from Plymouth have been proudly Date Venue Time council being awarded a second sharing their pictures on social 07/03/2019 Broad Oak Sports & Social Club, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB 16:00 – 20:00 round of funding for lifejackets, media. We’ve had calls from across 08/03/2019 Eastney Community Centre, Bransbury Park, Bransbury Road, Eastney, Portsmouth, PO4 9SU 16:00 – 20:00 following its successful initial the country, from Cornwall to the 14/03/2019 Jubilee Hall, Crouch Lane, Horndean, Hampshire, PO8 9SU 16:00 – 20:00 scheme last year. Highlands, asking about how they After being awarded £77,000 can copy this scheme.” 16/03/2019 The Drayton Centre, 238 Havant Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, PO6 1PA 10:00 – 14:00 from the European Maritime The lifejackets have in-built 21/03/2019 Waterlooville Community Centre, 10 Maurepas Way, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7AY 16:00 – 20:00 and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) locator beacons and were 22/03/2019 Acorn Community Centre, 3 The Kestrels, Wecock Farm, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 9UX 16:00 – 20:00 and the Maritime Management distributed by Saltash company, 23/03/2019 Deverall Hall, 84 London Road, Purbrook, Waterlooville, PO7 5JU 10:00 – 14:00 Organisation last year for the MarineCo. The project was 30/03/2019 Milton Village Community Hall, 182 Milton Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 8PR 11:30 – 15:30 scheme, to help reduce loss of designed with input from life and accidents within the local fishermen’s representatives and 05/04/2019 Denmead War Memorial Hall, Hambledon Road, Denmead PO7 6PW 16:00 – 20:00 fishing industry, Plymouth City the emergency services, to create 7. Copies of the Consultation Documents are also available to view and download on the consultation website at www. Council has secured a second a more co-ordinated community and may be requested from the e-mail or postal addresses below or by phone on 01962 round of EMFF grant support for 60 approach to training and 893869. Where copies of the Consultation Documents are requested, they can be provided free of charge on a USB more E250 lifejackets with personal equipment, to reduce the number Memory Stick. Hard copies of the consultation documents can be provided on request (subject to printing and delivery locator beacons. of fishermen’s lives lost at sea. costs). Council leader Tudor Evans said: The scheme has cross-party 8. Responses or other representations in respect of the Proposed Development should be sent in writing to AQUIND by “Fishing is one of the key industries support from councillors and MPs, e-mail to [email protected] or via freepost to ‘AQUIND CONSULTATION’. in Britain’s Ocean City, but it is also as well as the Inshore Fisheries 9. All responses must (i) be received by AQUIND on no later than midnight on Monday 29 April 2019, (ii) be made in writing one of the most dangerous, which Conservation Authorities, RNLI, (e-mail or letter format), (iii) state the grounds of the response or representation, (iv) indicate who is making the response or representation, and (v) give an address to which correspondence relating to the response or representation may be sent. is why we wanted to do our bit to Maritime Coastguard Agency and, Postal responses will be accepted up to three working days after this deadline and responses received after this date will not support this important sector. importantly, the fishermen and their be taken into consideration. Please note that responses or other representations may be made public. “It’s been a phenomenal families. Fishermen! Advertise boats, equipment and accessories, for sale FISHERMEN'S FREE ADS! or wanted, absolutely FREE! BOATS FOR SALE CYGNUS 26 HOLTON 24


£6,550. Brand new Icelander 600 door version and pilot house complete boat 2006, £170,000. Very well rigged and only offer we can create packages of versatile boat Daewoo 136 engine, new used engine and trailer. This is for Spencer Carter 1.5 ton winch 2 a complete boat all moulded bonded Gilsons, 2 tipping winches pull down flocculated and fitted ready for engine. winch, landing winch, all winches can Please call 07450 013532. (11.66) be controlled from fore or aft side of winch for working single handed, 4 ORKNEY SPINNER 13 aside Reid's scallop gear with tipping bars and tipping mats, just pick up the scallops clip mats into Gilsons and stones go back over side, 1.5 ton £75,000. '10.42m 1970 McCauchey creel hauler 1 soft ground prawn net,1 Clinker Wooden fishing boat. Ford hard ground prawn net 5 ft Dunbar Sabre Engine 89kW, Including AO doors 2v sets sweeps 2x 160 fathom licence with shellfish. Please call brand new wire, dual engine and 07763 355927, Kirkwall. (11.68) steering controls, all overboards just 18FT PLYMOUTH PILOTE been replaced with brass non returns £POA. Full crab licence. Capped fish, and all engine cooling and exhaust pot/net hauler, 20HP lister engine, hoses just replaced, olex,3d sodena £50,000. With full cat a with shellfish with dual screen hondex sounder 2 garmin rotter/fish finder, radio post, no bass jcb engine don’t miss a beat nets and ropes included. Deck furuno gp. Please call 07545 586425. ideal single handed boat price plus (11.66) washed and in good condition. Please vat possible part ex Buccaner 21 or call 01305 788021, Dorset. (12.02) similar. Please call 07884 146946. HARDY 24 BOAT (11.69) CYGNUS SF33

£11,250. Hardy family pilot 20ft with 80hp mercury efi 4stroke 92hrs, plotter,vhf,sounder, stereo radio cd in cabin, all working fine boat is on £POA. Rapp 4t winch package, two a swinging mooring in Stromness drum winch. Double independent Orkney but can be delivered at cost. alloy net drums, landing winch. Please call 01856 761053, Finstown. Everything is either Stainless/alloy £25,000. Comes with Ford mermaid (11.68) or fibreglass no expense spared on melody 2. Prm box. Solo net/pot COBLE anything, absolutely immaculate. hauler been whelking and prawn/ Please call 07710 242397, Looe. (12.02) shrimp fishing. All working will work as she is but needs new wheelhouse GM33 and a painting,as she coming to the end of her working season. She has a under 10 license no shellfish. 52kw 3.25 tonne. The engine can b deraited to 32kw. Please call 07977 026359, £1,500. 9.8 tohatsu 4 stroke engine Cardigan. (12.02) runs sweet as a nut starts first pull ICLENDER 600 trailer has brand new hubs wheels and tyres good galvy trailer, trailer also has guide arms to help retrieve it back onto the trailer. Has oars rod holders ready to take and use really clean boat and engine. Please call 07940 959859. (11.59) SOUTH AFRICAN OFFSHORE 590

£25,000. Real nice example. Volvo 200hp . All new alloy windows . Door, suspension seat. Carpet. Headlinings. Twin batterys. Micrawave. Inverter. Deckwash. Raymarine c120 radar chartplotter. 2x vhfs. All original gell. £1,500. Coble hull and engine only. 20 knot cruise. Please call 07968 Please call 07824 316743. (11.67) 757098, Plymouth. (12.01) Advertising on these pages is free for fishermen selling used boats and equipment. If you are a commercial supplier, please contact TalkMedia Sales on 01732 447008 Fishermen! Advertise boats, equip- Email your advert to: [email protected] and accessories, for sale or FISHERMENS' FREE ADS! wanted, absolutely FREE! WILSON FLYER DORY ENGINES AND MACHINERY CATERPILLAR 3412 OTHER MACHINERY FOR SALE REDFINN 6000 20FT PREDATORMARINE ENGINE 165 FISHING POTTER BOATS FOR SALE FISHER FREEWARD 24 TURBO DIESEL BOAT 15HP HONDA HERRING NETS SEAHOG ALASKA 500XL

£800. (Open) with steering consel, steering wheel and hydraulic steering £14,000.and lights, Fisher good Freeward solid boat24 , 80with hpsealed ford fibremermaid,colour glass deck, sounderboat only ,vhf,garminfor sale there plotter,cd, is NO trailer,R10 pot out hauler. board openmotor tothe offers boat Licenceis no longer available. fishing Pleaseregistered call 07749or licenced, 220443. asking 11.36 price is £800, the boat is currently on mooring ORKNEYat Gosport ORKADIANhants. Please 20call 07936 284880. (11.66) £POA. Rebuilt caterpillar 3412 engine with Rina test certificate. 465KW@ WOODEN BOAT £350. 8 herring nets Approx 25m long 1800rpm. Injectors, nozzles, starters x 4.5m deep. Good condition. No VAT. £1,300. 15HP long shaft Honda and various filters also available. Please call 07873 476972, Swansea. outboard fuel tank, throttle lever, Reasonable offers will be considered. (12.02) cables, electric key start & battery Please call 07803 951221, Galloway. with low hours. Please call 07624 (12.01) WOODEN PARLOUR POTS 484247, Isle of Man. (11.68) MARINE ENGINES 200HP HPDI YAMAHA

£10,099. Built 2008 yanmar engine put in 2014 7.26 meter.s for sale with shellfish licence open to offers. Please call 07852 947178. 11.38 BOATS AND OUTBOARDS 2006, £8,995. Predator 165 “Sea POA. Prices for most on website £7,500. SeaHog Alaska 500XL fast Angler”. Yamaha F50 EFI 4 Stroke Please fishing boat in excellent condition. £30. 80 x 40"Wooden parlour pots Outboard. Single Axle Roller Trailer. call 07719 663128. 11.38 Fitted with 2 x swivel seats, padded £30 each. Used 6 months. Please call Fitted with new brakes and wheel cushions, nav lights, white light, 07774 757375, Whitby. (12.02) bearings. Freshly antifouled. Polished. BOAT IP 15 search light, battery cut off, cabin All ready to use. This was traded in light, fish finder, fire ext, VHF radio, WANTED to us for a Merry Fisher 695. It has aux engine bracket, rod rests etc. The 2006, £8,750. South African offshore decent electronics, a half canopy. engine is a 50hp 4 stroke longshaft 590 powered by twin 2006 mariner Full tonneau cover and is presented INFORMATION WANTED engine with power tilt trim and as 50hp fourstrokes which are tidy and 2006/7, £2,100. Engine sat for a good very well. These are popular day Wanted. Information wanted about new prop.It was serviced by Clyde look in very good condition ,this is while it Starts and runs but won’t take fishers suitable for family use or keen the disappearance of a splicing Rice outboards in April with no issues. It £12,750. Orkney Orkadian 20 a brilliant piece of kit for sea or lake anglers.£3,250-£3,500. Easy to 1 towx perkins around M90 and with in Scarborough. Please call 01847 sits on a galvanised bunked trailer Pilothouse powered by a Honda 75 2003,revs £17,750.handy fixed redfinn to someone6000 comes who fishing , has teak deck and seating for launch.borgwarner Easy to2.1, story £3,250. at home.2 x 4 cylinder The 892795, Scarborough. (12.02) with winch jockey wheel and lighting fourstroke comes with trailer and withknows trailer what , powered they are by ata Mercruisercomes with about 6 good men she is just under Yamahanannies 4 Stroke115 hp Outboard keel cooled has low with board. Boat can be viewed on Loch electrics, toilet , cooker everything 1.7dtiall clocks with andonly controls140 hours , I haven’t plenty timeof 20ft in length , both engines can be £POA. Hopeful LK7, under 10 metre hours and runs well. There is a spare YANMAR ENGINE Earn and tested by serious potential you need any test welcome also roomto sort to fish it , would , comes break with if Chartplotterget the right 2.1 gearboxes, £3,500 ono the pair, seen running and pumping plenary with shellfish entitlement. Length, 7.4 engine bracket. Please call 07930 Wanted. 12 to 15HP, in good condition buyers. Please call 01764 670481 or trade welcome. Please call 07784 andinterest. vhf , runs Delivery well ,and any courier test welcome available will split. 1x5 cylinder nannie none of water. Please call 07784 717247, metre, engine 36HP beta. Please call and trade welcome. Please call 07784 421007.runner 11.38parts offers. Please call 07783 or similar. Air or water. Please call 07813 200035. 11.35 717247. 11.36 throughout Uk and Ireland. Please call Kilkeel. (12.01) 07718 679210, Lerwick. (12.02) 717247.07784 11.36717247, Kilkeel. (12.01) 555218, Hasttings. (12.01) 01346 59562, Aberdeenshire. (12.02)

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Last voyage of the Cecil Rhodes See pages 10 - 11 MEP calls for Ireland’s 200-mile zone to be restored In the event of a no-deal Brexit, an Irish of no-deal Brexit, something I have been Ireland and the south, especially given MEP has called for the full restoration of fighting for consistently as a contingency the disputed status of Carlingford and Ireland’s exclusive 200 nautical mile measure since the outcome of the Foyle loughs. Irish fishermen, wherever zone, reports Pauric Gallagher. referendum. they’re from, must be able to continue Liadh Ní Riada, the MEP for Ireland “It’s important that this contingency fishing for stocks such as mackerel and South, was speaking after it was plan takes effect immediately if Britain Nephrops. announced that the European Maritime leaves the EU without agreeing a “Fishermen have every right to be and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), on which she withdrawal deal by 29 March. frustrated with the Common Fisheries is a rapporteur, would include financial “What also needs to be guaranteed is Policy. The way it has been implemented support for people in the sector affected the prevention of a mass influx of foreign by national governments, especially in by the UK crashing out of the EU. EU fishing vessels into Irish waters Ireland, has been a disaster, which is why In a statement, Ms Ní Riada said: “It following a no-deal Brexit. We already fishermen want to see a 200 nautical mile is only fair that Irish fishermen should be have numerous problems with the foreign exclusive zone. Jackson Trawls supplies a wide eligible for compensation if the British vessels which enter Irish waters, from “Ireland should have the same rights range of whitefish and trawl nets government blocks access to its fishing illegal shark finning to supertrawlers, and as the outermost regions, especially See page 12 waters in the event of a no-deal Brexit. a significant increase in such activities given that after Brexit, the closest “I am delighted with the change to the will destroy our indigenous industry. member state to Ireland will be France, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund “It is also important that mutual which is over 1,000km away. to include financial support to coastal beneficial and fair reciprocal access is “Ireland should have greater or full communities and fishermen in the event given between fishermen in the north of control over our 200 nautical mile zone.” Call for management of seals on west coast of Ireland Seal numbers have soared out of all the smallest to our largest, from pot fishing, proportion off the west coast of Ireland to pair pelagic vessels, trawlers, gill netters, over the past few years, and West Cork seiners and line and hook fishermen, and fishermen want a reduction in the seal every one of them has contacted us about population, reports Pauric Gallagher. the massive increase they are witnessing in Fishermen say that their livelihoods are our seal population, which is affecting each Mooney Boats See page 13 being destroyed by record numbers of seals and every one of them. We also believe this raiding and tearing nets, damaging the is having a massive effect on the fish stocks catch, and having a massive effect on all of all species in our waters.” fish stocks in the area. He added, “We now feel that some work They also say that seals in some areas must be carried out by our Department are more than capable of opening crab and of Food, Agriculture and the Marine, and lobster pots and taking both the contents we are asking for some measures to be of the pot and its bait. Fishermen and their introduced to protect the livelihoods of ‡ It is estimated that each seal eats representatives are calling for an urgent fishermen and fisherwomen who work in around 10-15kg of fish a day. review of legislation protecting seals so that the hardest, and what has been identified their numbers are managed at a functional as one of the most dangerous, of industries. ports and harbours, such as Baltimore and level, and say that any seal cull, if granted, “We would also like to thank our Schull,” he concluded. should take place where their numbers are independent TD, Michael Collins, for To date, all calls for any form of seal greatest. raising this important issue, and other management have fallen on deaf ears, as Peter Bruce (Patsy) ship painters Patrick Murphy, CEO of the Irish South issues that are affecting our industry, one seals are protected under Irish and EU See page 17 and West Fish Producers’ Organisation, told that is in serious decline, with hundreds legislation, but until there is a reduction Fishing News: “The organisation I represent of vessels being forced out over the past in their numbers, the current conservation has members who operate fishing vessels decade, as is clearly evident by looking measures to protect salmon, sea trout and SEE INSIDE! measuring in length from 7m to 37m, from at the number of boats fishing from our bass are deemed futile.