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Southern Accent - 1976

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Tuesday, September 2, 1975 Collegedale. Tenni

1635 REGISTER FOR FALL TERM NewRecord Registration

record. 115 students have registered Smooth on the Orlando and Madison campusi and 1520 students will be eating in

30d Hall, and omeihing here

Another improvement which helped greatly was the addition of air con- ditioning. Surprisingly this not only added to the comfort of the students but also helped out the computer. Last year the computer sheets got wrinkled from the sweat and several were rejected. girls to guys. 442 r The admissions office is always

gestion made by a student was imple-

According to cit is as follows: 486 and 113 second-ye sophomores, 287 j seniors and 190 bai laints,' says Kutzner. added, Thus far the South Then he f anyone has any suggestions on how

) further improve registration, please

be the featured speaker, speaking at chapel on Thursday the 4th, at joint worship at the church that evening, vespers on Friday, and both services Nursing Building Sabbath. Summer Session Sabbath School will be conducted

I MV Department. At 3 p.m. jSpei by Nears Completion ral SMC s This

by an SMC English maj The Nursing Departm Desmond Cummings,

charge of the Saturday night prograi entitled "We Have This Hope." Thi is 3 coverage of our church's heritag highlighting events in our church's history. There will be singing of ok aulaureate degrees and

t Associate degrees.

The " skills lab will not be

'-r date, however. 3n the second floor of this two ^°^^y building are housed twenty

3uble occupancy offices, for use

'ill have a The structure was designed b\ glass wall facina th :ck H. Tyler of Chattanooga ar uilt by the Engineering Oeptrt lent of SMC. The interior dec

St of bookshelves and cabinets on all building le side with a plain, vinyl covered ail on the other side, l-urnishings are being installed The Nursing Department has irrently witfi hopes of partial com- been one of the most rapidly etion and functional use by the growing departments of the co 'd of September. Throughout lege. According to Mrs. Christ sar ine Shultz, head of the Asso- details will be added grad- ciate Degree Program, the class

-I iir —

September 2, 1975

I'm sure mosi of vou have s of your asked this question, or e asked it jtole 'home selves. What does motiv the tune ot and spend two to four years here to a year for thirty five hundred dollars or more ol lectures, read- listeninq lo fiundreds of hours papers ing scores of books, wnlinq numerous and and essays, studying countless evenings, what worrying over how he is going to combine and desire to is required with what he has lime accomplish? college, To those o( you who are returning to college perhaps you have already decided what elsewhei'"" "'"" has to offer you thai you can't obtain and are content with thai. But back t guesiion, what made you come here n 1 the first place? dauohler charging Traditionally, men came lo college lo get education for a job; women came lo get the me I'm sure you're all acquainted with the joke about "S.M.C." meaning "Southern Matrimonial Center", or heard ol the "hoards" of women coming to get iheir "M.R.S." degree. I reiect this generalization. We're more complicated ihan thai. Maybe your parents have strongly advised

ihai college is "where it is at", and if you wanted parental approval and/or support, you'd qo "where it is at"! Many of you knew when you vi/alked through these doors for the first time w/hat you wanted . out ot life, and that college was the only place to get it. Perhaps some of you hope to gain social elevation or a higher economic status, and have been told that the only way to do ' tliursday the 4tli to qet a college degree. "That's where the Chapel- Dr, Edward Heppensi money is, boy! You'd be a fool not to into qo at 11:05 a.m. anything else!" It this is your major motivation, join the crowd who are "rich and increased with Joint Worship. Dr. Edward goods and have need of nothing," for you have Heppenstal in the Church at 6:45 p.m. a good chance of getting jusi that if you keep «

ai it. Although figures suggest that well over half of entering freshmen have a predetermined-^ major, the "undecided" category outnum- bers all majors except nursing. This group represents to me the largest single reason a young person comes to college. Sun^el - 8:02 It's simple, most of us come here because Sabbath the 6th we haven't anything belter lo do. We're sure

we want to be happy and succeed in I ife, so we come to a place that we feel offers happiness and success in exchange for a few years' worth ol money and time. Then we spend those years in frustration trying lo determine under what label we should consider ourselves successful.

I sincerely hope that every student is satis- lied with what he gets here al S.M.C, because

whatever ii is that you want, whether it is pres- tige, money, a life partner, a goal in life, a |ob, or lusl an enjoyable social lime, Southern Mis- ednesday the lOlh sionary College has ii for yuu. I'm not qomg lo say what it is that should be Last day to add cla; your motivaiion. You decide where your prior- ities in lite are. Just don'i fall inlo the ratrace ol one young person I know, who after several years ol searching and trying to meet his prior- ities, said in disgust, "I find this all foolishnes; and chasing after the wind!" University of the South. (Ecclesiastes 1.14, D.A.V} Lecture by poet Howard


The SOUTHERN ACCENT is published bv the Sludeni Gordon Doneske As- sociaTiOh ol Southern Mis- sionary College m Collegedale,

and pW>" e Southern Accent September 2, 1975 3

Counselors Corner Presidential Message

DEAR DR. SOLVITT: in a non-SDA community, I grew up to date 3 my folks didn't allow me ny during my high school years. Now m here at college and, WOWI I feel

girls I lue years behind all the want

3 date. What can I do to catch up?

ill that secure. If you feel i

would suggest that you date

ocially as far

If you try ti ainfully obvio

school year do just this for each of

There is a challenge in any new as he reaches. My personal wish is that all 5^. U/ students enrolled at SMC this year challenge in living three to a room. reach upward toward the ideals of Victories in all features of Christ- God, who in His infinite providence has brought us together on this cam through the scraggly sagebrush challenge of each day in a profit- pus for another school year. of mv mind - like a rat in a maze, they race helter-skelter Most students begin a new school Very sincerely yours, through the grades, friendships, and reputation. President

last c DEAR DR. SOLVITT: McKee's Crumbles My boyfriend and I have been go- ing together for quite some time now,

have done all three of those things ]e than here. We've talked the almost anywhere. I'm concerned with the purpose of fellowship and hardly 'steady' although we'll true corporate Christian liying. see each other. What should 1 There's something to be said for a group of humans who come and SA Pres. live together, motivated by reasons other than purely self-interest; for Speaks a community of people who think and act and move in concert, seek- Welcome lo Southern Missionary ing to become a blessing to others College. might be new to you. SMC and to show them what character You may well be experiencing the of the Infinite, Personal God is all reality of living with two (or more) roomniales. the other hand, you On These ideas are embodied in the be consciously trying to fade may theme for the Student Association out of the picture gracefully, know- this year-"Something Better." I ing you're graduating going to be hope you'll determine right now this coming May. You might be sus- that you'll take the time and effort pended somewhere between the in to explore with me the possibilities wide-eyed the seasoned freshman and of some of the things I've just eran, but I'm convinced of this

; thing-God brought you, me, all of ui here together for a purpose lliis year.

I'm talking about a deeper pur- lose than merely running between classes, typing term papers, and punching ihe clock. You could First Black Joins Staff

nd Union College, where lated in 1967. asked by ACCENT staff

issibly fill .... 1 just happen to

Dr. Dulan will be teaching Mar-

ologv courses. ings h /lie. Je;

of California ''just finished his doctorate in t AVT, the remedi sociology. He received his under- in Brainerd. Organic Chemistry. Advanced Calculus, Physics, Genetic: graduate education at PUG. Oak- e to SMC. DulansI The Southern Accent September 2, I

Make It Your Business If You Own A Business Accent To Run An Ad In The Southern

JCiichcyj {J/?vvMpu5r

The Campus Kitchen

Apprecmtes Your Patronage

Phone 396-2229 for Takeout Orders THE APPETITE APPEASER

At The Campus Shop

We Have

The Novus Calculator (^ Littie Debbie '^a^„Jr SIMAK CAKES ^^. HAS A FUTURE Electronic Sliderule WITH YOU IN MIND

m mcKee eaKinc companv

Welcomes SMC Students Back

For The

75-76 School Year the Southern

Accent Tuesday, Seplember 16, 1975


Dorm Student Protest Stopped be unable to provide extensive help ex- changes were made on the engineering cept for disaster relief. plans. However, he emphasized that Sludenl Ken West challenged the com- college students of Nashville whose

mission by indicating that he is a citizen homes are located outside the city or of another state. Mayor Fuller answered, state are required by law to pay a fifteen "You are now a citizen of two places." dollar vehicle registralion fee. According to the census bureau. College- In answer to the possibility of ex- dale dormitory students are citizens of tending the lime limit of this tax, Mr.

Collegedale, Tennessee. Fuller said. "When the funds aren't

The mayor continued his defense by needed, it's my aim lo do away with

describing the complications involved in it." But if flood conditions arise, that the new road construction. Rerouting could give way to extending the tax be- the stream to the north side of the rail- yond the necessary two-year period. road tracks and relocating an eight-inch A protest was made which suggested

diameter gas-main that is in the area of that the students were illegally taxed.

the proposed road site are necessary be- The description in higher law courts

fore the road can be laid. would call it "taxation without repre- Telephone and utilities companies will sentation." begin the first phase of the project soon The commission took the offensive

to avoid the oncoming winter months. position by declaring that students in And by next spring students and resi- Collegedale who arc employed while dents of Collegedale will have a safer having out-of-state license plates could

road to travel to and from the college. be subjected to the existing law in Mike Bradley, SMC student, asked the Tennessee that says, "A vehicle operator

city commission if all other possible must purchase Tennessee plates if he Sludenl show for Collegediile sticker. sources of aid have been investigated. lives and works in that state for thirty

Mr. Fuller mentioned Ihe various depart- days or more." Up to this time, officials 1 iic ( nllcticdale City Comiiiission According to Fuller, statistics recorded ments within Tennessee that help out in in Collegedale have not deemed it neces- enLiiiifil nrin in its stand to impose a over the past three years reveal that six these projects, including possibilities sary to enforce that law. With that in 'ivc dollar veliicle registration fee on SMC deaths and numerous accidents have occui that could come from the state capital. mind, the city council settled the case. iiudi-iiis jf (he September 1 council meet- red along the stretch between Four Comers But in iiis visit to Nashville, only minor ng. The fee which was put into action and McKee's Baking Company.

II include motorcycles as Altiiougii motorists of SMC use tliis road

well as cars and will be used to aid an as the main entrance to the campus, M; 580,000 road project scheduled to begin Fuller explained that road improvemen this la'i > are not part of the college expenses. Mainte- Religion Retreat Begins Friday Student body President John Cress was nance funds come out of gasoline sales and present lo voice his concern along with 15 are turned over to the state. Whatever

Talge residents. money is left will then be handed back to Elder Charles D. Brooks will be

Mayor Fred Fuller replied with a list the cities within that state. the featured speaker at this semester's uf reasons why students who already have Hamilton County has money for pro- Religion Retreat to be held September

motor vehicles registered in other cities or jects like this, but the decision to allocate 19 and 20. He is currently General stales must comply with the commission's the aid was not approved. And for the Field Secretary for the General Con-

decision. next five or six years, county officials will ference, serving in any area requested by the General Conference Committee

r the j: Elder Brooks holds a B.A. in Congresswoman Lloyd Speaks theology from Oakwood college and was ordained a Seventh-day Advenlist At Banquet minister in 1956. Since that time he WSMC has pastored in the Allegheny Con- ference and served both as Field

growth and development of the radio Secretary and Ministerial Secretary in the Columbia Union Conference. Elder Charles D. Brooks The evening was capped off by We welcome him to our campus. Chattanooga attorney, Lynn Nielsen All meetings for the Religion permitting, and in the cafeteria banquet

as he made a special presentation lo Retreat will be held in Thatcher room if it doesn't cooperate.

1 programs t Hall chapel beginning Friday evening An afternoon question and answer

The t at 7:45. Sabbath morning meetings service will be held at 2:15 and at 3:30,

as opposed to "on-air advertising." will begin at 9:00 with Sabbaih Elder Harold West, ministerial secre-

Lovcman's. the business selected as School at 10:10. At 1 1:30 the church tary of the Florida Conference, will the "Underwriter of the Year." service will be held. Lunch will be bring the retreat to a close with a Lovomairs received a plaque in re- ai 12:30 in the student park, weather dedication service.

cognition of its continuing support

and will also have its name eneraved on a permanent plaque lo be hung Foundation Gives Grant

President Frank Knittel hai rcce Congresswoman Lloyd During the course of the ling, word from the Kresge Foundation education, and health. The founda- the underwriters were treated to Troy, Michigan, that Southern Mi tion has recently contributed to such

WSMC - of the station complex and FM honored its Program lours sionary College has been awarded diverse organizations as the National Underwriters last Sunday, September musical entertainment. grant of 550,000 Braille Institute and Ducks Unlimited, l4,jWith lo General Manager ipleiion of the new Nursing Educa- as well as toward the construction of a special banquet and re- According tion building on campus. a library at Andrews University and -""«"n in Wright Hall. Don Self, Program Undei The grant proposal was presented the new library on the La Sierra cam- _^^ i- Marylin Lloyd, third district by SMC's Director of Development, pus of Loma Linda University, costs of presenting a^esswoman, was the keynote help pay for the Dwighl S. Wallack, al the foundation's In October. Mr. Wallack will fulfill ^er for the event, which was Program Underwriters play an in- headquarters. the obligations stipulated by the When interviewed, Mr. Wallack s Kresge Foundation when he submits ^nsored by the Community Advisory tegral role in the daily operation of staled that the Kresge Foundation is final figures on the nursing building. »cilorwSMC-FM. WSMC - FM, and the station as well the "fifth largest in the United States He will show the actual costs and ^^fj^bllowing presented this Mrs. Lloyd's remarks. as Ihe Advisory Council with assets of three-quarters of a finishing statistics. Then the cash alJnef slide show,"A Sound Idea," banquet as a bit "thank you" for the billion dollars." grant will be supplied by the founda- was presented Underwriters' support. Kresge's interests lie primarily in \ which outlines the Question Another Look At The $5

does need improve- The Apis^^ _. Road does need money. -rt'v of Collegedale use the road; but andthe stJdents of SMC do condone the wav the city council Dear Editor, still I can't become firm the mis famil- fee which has no Those students having a registration - passed iar with "Foundations of the of not being on campus legal basis. fortune Advent Movement." nan- missed Tennessee code 6-742 this past weekend really According to I was delighted to hear of charged a fee or tax for residents can not be something. the plan to share the program here, using the roads. This is my third year the privilege of with some of our other churchK| last our MV week- at the I believe that Contrary to statements made and in the Southern Union, My Collegedale is year was the best ever. meeting, the city of end this only regret is that those council outside | favor by not forcing Dr. Knittel expressed in chapel not doing the students a of the Union may never have license plates. Some- on Thursday that he believed them to buy Tennessee the joy of experiencing it. mention or didn't know we had obtained the "ultimate" how they forgot to We have some fine, innovativrl law full-time speakers in the person of Dr. that according to Tennessee in MV leaders this year, whom " I under 40 h" Heppenstal. I'm certain that students who are working believe really have the Holy to buy new plates. the "ultimate" in programs was required Spirit. If this past Saturday presentation dormitory the Saturday night is then to decide if night was any indication of Have This Hope." Collegedale and of "We students ar^ residents of what's ahead, I hope everyone for me, as I order to reach this It was a real thrill therefore t< xable. In will make a special effort not precedent part of the audience, to become conclusion :ommon sense and to miss any of the MV program! involved with the participants must be ca t aside. this year. in sharing the joys, hopes, and not only done m the "ultimate" in Using this 1 threat was With of our MillerJte of the disappointments poor taste out was also a misjudgement weekends already past, my onlyl making and Adventist ancestors. It cer- gullibility of us students. Maybe we are question is, What are we five dollars and tainly brought to life those a ridiculous fuss over a measly to do for next year? about and idealistic. I read -erly 2 s and things had With best wishes to the MV | studied in my Religion class - But remember George III misjudged the staff. one which most of you already feelings of the colonists when he imposed the Stamp Act. It was also a means of gaining badly needed revenue, and the British couldn't understand the uproar it either.

No I'm not calling for ; oluti

an organized boycott. In fact, I even suggest that those dormitory students who aren't too pinched donate five dollars to the city. But remember that's what it is-a donation and not a legally binding tax you have to pay. On the other hand, if you are interested in the city government, don't mind paying the tax except for the fact that you had no representative voice in making the policy, I t i and would like to vote, I suggest that you u

gister so you c 1 the r :ity election. "Wait a minute," you say. "Students ednesday the 17th " aren't allowed to vote. If you've been taxed, though, you've classified been as a ; Hun I of resident, and residents can vote. According Opening 3-5 p.m Exhibit! to Glen McColpin. the legal counsel for the American Paintings in Sou*! city of Collegedale. "If you're required to thursday the featuring Mm " ISlh ern IVIuseums, have a sticker, you can register and vote. Oils and Watercolots ftomT University of the This issue isn't settled, and I South. Lec- imagine it Through OctobiT ture Museums. won't be for some time. Let's not have a "American Humor" by 10 Bluff View. Museum K direct confrontation where nobody wins, James Cox of Dartmouth - 11 ' University. Tuesday Saturday, but instead let's both learn some lessons. Bishop's Common 1-5 p.« 5 p.m. ; Sunday, For the city commission, they need 8:15 p.m. (CST) to learn Admission $1.50 adults, S.| that taxation without representation can not uncler(| friday students. Children and will not be accepted. the 19th The students need to realize the problems

- londay the 22nd the city c Sunset 7:42. on face and t inh them in finding solu BoatRi*| Music Department Faculty Social Retreat .

Religion Retreat, uesday the 2,lrd

KsnnetliS_ Sabbath the 20th Chapel. Elder Chu«] at 11:05 a.m. in the

- Pasture Party - 8:30 p.r

^ Thebouthern .

The Southern Acuent September 16, 1975

Musicians Organize Obituary The first meeting of the year was held Monday niglit for the MENC For most SMC students Ihis past (Music Educators National Confereni summer was a summer of laughter and Club. The local chapter of this natii hsten to guest lecturers and artists, and and hard-earned wide sunshine, vacations organization has been inactive t gain insights in specific areas which the expectations for up- money, and an the past several years, but with the Music Department doesn't offer in its coming year filled wilh challenges oft but for the and new experiences; / fum The officers for the 75-76 school Taylors, Neuharlhs, and Schmehls it year are president, John Brown; vice- was a summer of tragedy. president, Wendy Nash; secretary- In Mav Sieve Neuharlh graduated treasurer, Judy Wuttke; chaplain, Alan from SMC with a degree in secondary Mathieu; and executive committee, education and accepted a call to teach Sharilyn Neuharth Doug Knecht. Michigan, school. The club is not just restricted in the Kalamazoo, CABL Kicks to Graduation also meant that Steve those with minors or majors in music. could marry his sweetheart, Sharilyn Anyone who likes music and wishes Taylor. Off to be considered for membersliip after should June I was the happy day, and get an application blank from Twenty-five dorm a the ceremony a very excited couple the Music Department desk. students met in the cube room of left for Estcs Park, Colorado, on their Next weekend the MENC is having the student center at 6 p.m. on ihe honeymoon. Their happiness was brief, a retreat at Atoka Springs. According 10th of September for the first CABL though, for only five and a half days to Judy Wuttke, the retreat is planned the 24th of September. Plans for later they were both killed in a car primarily so those with a common following meetings include reading interest in music can get acquainted, Ellen White's The Ministry of Healing. Maynard Schmehl, a sopho have fun, and enjoy a weekend of and presenting films and skits on fellowship through uplifting music. health subjects. Steve Neuharth Cutman's desire for the club is to "get the students involved with health." (Collegiate Adventists for Better Liv- ing) meeting of the school year. Grade School Grape Vine To the Student Association- Mark Gutman, director of CABL, opened the meeting with prayer. Focus; Music Dear Ones, After introducing Miss Alice Calkins, sponsor of the club, Gutman told of Thank you so much for the lovely CHORAL-- bouquet of while pom poms and red the plans for CABL. Spaulding's newest and most elil roses you sent in honor of Steve and An Early-Riser's Club, a running singing group, a treble choir, is n Sharilyn. program, and a mixed doubles tennis being organized by Dr. Marv Steve often spoke of his wonderful tournament are some of the planned friends at SMC. We are grateful. physical activities. Programs to be put on by the club include a health The Neuharths and Taylors

at classes the f

The members of voted t CABL of up to thirty-five v have meetings bi-weekly, the next will be selected from both the Spauld- being in the cuhe room ing Choraliers, a group of 65 fourth Student Tn. TuHion Grant and fifth graders, and the Spaulding Singers, a choir of 55 from tlie sixth, Hissionaries Still Not Dead seventh, and eighth grades. ORCHESTRAL— President Frank Knittel attended a Cress To Speak years special session of the Tennessee Council Four ago, Dr. Orlo Gilbert State began Spauldin'g "orchestra" of Private Colleges on September 8, in On Of SA with Nashville, to discuss ways of dealing five members. Today, sixty musicians, General ages four with the problem of the Tennessee The Assembly of the Student to 14, comprise an ever-en- Association (you're a voting of larging orchestra. Tuition Grant not being funded for member Because of the large the 1975-76 school year. that body if you're taking more than number of aspiring violinists, two The TCPC. an organization of re- eight hours of classwork) will meet for individuals have been recently hired to presentatives of all accredited private its first scheduled convocation, Tuesday, help with private instruction. junior colleges, senior colleges and September 22, 1975, during the regularly INSTRUMENTAL— universities, met to show their ob- scheduled chapel period in the Physical Students in this year's Cadet jection to Governor Blanton's op- Education Center, (advanced) Band total 58. A beginner's position of the bill to refund the The agenda includes an address by Band of 25 or 30 is soon to be organ- Tennessee Tuition Grant for this SASMC President, John Cress, on the school year. "State of the Association," and a dis- Blanton did not realize the wide cussion following. Members present disapproval from both Democrats and will be invited to express their view Republicans on his decision, therefore and to ask questions concerning any he may reverse his decision, which may area of student life and Student Associa- still bring financial assistance to some SMC students second semester.

Returned Student Hissionaries Solvi Here" Dear Dr. "It Is Crowded CoHRselors lie ihal ifl ^ buy me Birgisdol Corner Jlege ihey would Johanna when I goi just three Iceland, dii dough now. I need Ihe lell her Trouble is, weeks ago vrote home to won't give me sriuiig to but they here." Dear Dr. Solvill, would rather family "ii iwded help me iluough. ! 55.000 ca her Seandi have SI.000 a year than a they won't have discovered back in car al the end. Bui fi'ilier, Leif Ericson, it's dumb! ihat way. I think lursclves "friends." Al least it 1000 A.D, agreed lo! 17-ycar-old, fair-skinned, Ihal's wlial 1 tliouglil wc Johanna, a avoiding me the capital Somehow she keeps blonde freshman comes from sil and talk lo her, when I try lo doesn't allow dogs Dear Disgruntled, city Reyjavek, which eat with her, or just plain do any- no objections lo fish, being one Hung around her, bul has that your folks It does seem strange ports in Iceland. Wliji's Ihe mailer with lier? Does of the two largest fishing this sort of motivation lo would arrange the she liavc lo treat me iikc a scab celebrale each new summer season, your educalion. Evidently tliey To Iricnds?" My casual friends for he "Visl for Reyjavek catches Ihe first salmon are financially capable of paying mayor of you waters your educalion, but would rather from Ihe Eliida River whose rushing responsibility yourself for of llie city lake the iravel right through the center Ihe experience. Maybe you can com- of 115,000 in population. promise with them. Reyjavek lies on a "lazy" sea- responsibility to Though Since it is your north winds and icebergs make it finance your college expenses, why shore, ask noi gel a part-lime job and then difficult for one to swim even in summer, "long-term, low- Birgisdotlir means she is Birgir's your folks for a but water piped in from natural under- (father, r the r You first name) daugliter. Her ground hot springs allows year-round swim- brother's Ian somewhere, and | will need one from therefore, pools of comfortable temperatures. name, would be Bireisc certainly give you the ming in fulu I for they could central heating after sihe you are still This same piping provides her, lliis only heightens the \\-.. best rates. This way last responsibility, and the city and gives Rey- same name, but her children will The besi ihing for you to do is shouldering ihe for the houses of though named after "bug off and do you both a favor. they won't have to feel as javek the nickname, "Smokeless Citj'" be her husband's first nam; handing you every- they are just Johanna smiles as she recalls making with "dottir" or "son" attached. doii'i want you anymore, but I still Uiing-yel! Iceland's national holiday is first acquaintances here who have asked. June 17, I need you," and I'm afraid she is the Tills is graduation "Aren't you hot? It is cold where you day for ihose who

come from, isn't it?" Johanna says it is will attend university in the fall. Thest

more humid here and windy there, but graduates may be spotted m any crowd, |

the climate is not all that different. yes. even at the soccer arena for tliey

When asked what she found most all wear white hats on this particular fascinating about America, Johanna Zollinger's Weavings Presented replied, "I like how the sun shines so When asked what the major differ- ' briglitly. ence between our two cultures was,

Because of the strong Religion De- Johanna's blue eyes danced in sliy Zion August 30 a( the B'nai Con- partment, SMC was recommended to merriment, "You American; gregation in Chattanooga six weavings Johanna by a friend from Newbold, our too polite!" To which her designed and made by Miss Ellen sister college in England. Johanna hopes briskly replied, "You're in Ihe South!" Zollinger of the SMC Aft Department | were presented. to return to Iceland after graduating and

leach "Wanda Patsel I Miss Zollingei was commissioned al Ihe academy she graduated from. last year by the decorating commillee of the new Jewish Synagogue fo weave a series of wall hangings depicting the Exodus. The thematic thrust Miss Zollinger chose was to show through MV Play these Successful weavings that the character of God

was the same 4,000 years ago as it is today, that the miraculous dis- play of power given to the Israel- ites has not diminished, and that God has always been and will always be actively involved with His people.

Each of the sbc wall hangings is a pictorial account of a Biblical pas- sage. The first one was taken from Exodus 14:26 and shows the parting of Ihe Dead Sea. The second one, laken from Exodus 48:30, repre- sents the pillar of fire and covering cloud. In the third wall hanging Miss Zollinger visually manifested God's power in sending manna lo feed the people. This story is re- corded in Deuteronomy 8:14.16. God not only guided the Israel- ites with the cloud and pillar of fire but also gave them Iht- ten commandment"^ to guide their life styles. Tms is what the fourlh wall hanging, which was mm^ laken Irom Exodus 19:2, shows. Drama, suspense, and excilemeni chosen by Matter The iiiih hanging The cast which was A Of Taste portrays the were all displayed Sabbath, glory oi Scplember Warren, his staff, and Elder Cum- God filling ihe labernacle Center section ol after it's by mings came from a cross completion, li was laken fll/Jr,^*'"""^''"'"""•lie MV department of the Student one de- ^rcam mix defeated trom Exodus 40:34. the student body with no Association In the foim of the nla«*^' ot the iii\ in a icsl The sixth "^ partmeni providing most conducted and last of the set We Have This Hope.' I Diaper talcnl. of the Campus represents the promised land a PO'l'^yii 'he evolution an" land of of„f yu"J'''>' The play started on time, milk and honey and ful- the Seventh-day Advenlist vie\^ filled church'-""f'-ft. from point of dreams. depict siirli „. ... the audience's Leviticus 25 -10 is no .„„„„. s the e mistakes, Ihe text it was based on. (here were very few ptodud" I All of the Warren said that the wall hangings are 4'/; was made possible through Dr.f«»| tv of the audio-visual department, lesi was conducted by placing offered not only technical assisB' amount of each brand of „"'"?' ^'P'^i'l'^nt own ice of he SA *aid but also many hours of his »| I" separate, unmarked bowls. After a vivid scene showing " Ifs. Draper »J| randomly chose sal""z™"^' t';:i;^ni^a™"""I'lJin, of wi« down n, nl „. .1 i' ding ceremony with words to g lasle both brands and tell real for those contemplating the ich lliey preferred. thing, there a brief intctn»«" oulcome of this was lest will two ICC the The total production lasted brand the Campus Kit- ses in the future. Up until The we lie ihcy have been using both play was so .»i:Kk '" "",!' now Uil'lc i"'M'h'o,,l"f^|"'," here al SMC Ihat plan: under way to lour various chu' and academics in the Soulliem Union, tcmindine them in ll»' Bicentennial year of the chuK" rich heritage. "

jSOO^ li.ZV9Zkl

This year the Soulhern Accent will Perfection, the Impossible Possibility. be printing a number of (we hope) the third in Southern Publishing's highly readable book reviews which will ANVIL series, is a collection of essays be of interest to a significant majority by four Adventist scholars: Herbert of the students here at SMC. The pur- Douglass, Edward Heppenstal, Hans pose of these reviews will be not only LaRondelle, and Mervvn Maxwell. 10 entertain but to be of service lo Douglass is an editor of the Review you, and we will be considering books and Herald; the other three writers of outstanding interest or usefulness, whether SDA or non-SDA, religious. Douglass and Maxwell tend lo lake secular, or reference. Some of the up- the "possible" position against Hep- coming books and topics now in plan- penstal's and LaRondclle's "impos- ning are 77)c Secret Life of Plan Is; sible" (the subtitle was well chosen!). books on Noali's ark; the best refer- One must be willing to overlook the ence Bibles; God Invenied Sex: Jona- e-doliar price tag for a 200-page than Livingston Seagull; the SDA magazines; and a host of other tant- alizing goodies. The first of these quality of the c reviews appears in this issue. ing worthwhile. We realize how much you students In the last decade or two fi will long to acquire these books after have lost a good deal of their reading about them, and so to pre- about putting conflicting opin vent riots we have made arrangements with the two book stores in the mail to have each book on sale at the lime the review is printed. Bibles and SDA books will be sold at the Book & Bible ventist theol House, and all others at the Campus fascinating r Shop. These may be put on your statement. Furthermore, if the book

reviewed is in the library, it will usually be put on three-day reserve for one month as a service to the students [i.e., to keep the eager beavers from viewpomts of the authors grabbing it the first day and keeping but perhaps

it for a month). You may ask for it disagreement. Controversy, after

Scholarship |o« JVrc ®l|g Offered ^^ Tlie night was soft, warm, and moist. Not stuffy, just so full of vapors and flowery scents. Little. gentle eddies heavy S300 scholarships for of air meander- Forest Lake Academy, Mainland, Flori- ed around us as we walked in da. The money will be given according silence. (The moonlit mist lo financial need, and is lo be used at barely revealed her fonn; only a Southern Missionary College, Collegedale, half-sparkle came from her soft, Tennessee, in one of the college's voca- brown eyes.) Senaforiol Candidates tional curricula.

She sighed. I was walking slower PRECINCT: SHC Students Win now-too soon the walk would end and the last chance to soak in the • 1 Thatcher Hall (Th) 100-144 smothery Sets Of night. (Was it disgust, or 2 • Th. 153-198 elation she felt? My heart 3 Jean Herman (Th. 200-245) rippled un- easily.) 4 • Thatcher Hall (253-298) Two SMC students have gained I was filled lo the brim with the 5 Donna Donesky (Th. 300-348) nation-wide evening's kindness. "Julie, " I whisper- 6 Debby Livingston (Th. 350-398) recognition for their ed, "the night air— it 's so so.... 7 Jan DeWarc ( Jones HaU) accomplishments in the Home "Damp!" she snapped. all 8 Tere Bradwell (Talge (T) 23-49 Economics field. "And my curls are wilting by the minute! 8 Steve Cambrel (T. 2349) Miss Cynthia His is the first- It's no use lo roll my hair living around prize winner of the 1975 Oxford 9 Rick Blondo (T. 105-139) Coordination "It 's the humidity. " I murmered. Rick Stier (T. 105-139) Contest. The con- Mike Lombardo (T. I4I-IS4) test is based on the application Gary Williams (T. 141-184) of art principles in the coordin-

1 Lester Keizer (T. 201-236) ation of china, crystal, and flat- 1 Wesley Richards (T. 201-236) ware design. Eight complete 1 Ron Whitehead (T. 201-236) place settings of Oxford 2 Daniel Bennett (T. 238-284) Bone China 2 Gary Kirk (T. 238-284) and Lenox Crystal are her 3 Steve Bennett (T. 302-336) prize. She also placed fifth in the Twenty-first Annual Lenox of Fostoria Bone China 3 Dennis Campbell (T. 302-336) Table Setting Contest. four-piece place setting ( 4 Jerry Hold (T. 336-384) Both girls tultilled coi Miss Diane Parsons is 4 Geoff Owens (T. 336-384) the Na- quirements while taking 4 Steve Welch (T. 336-384) tional First Plateau Prize winner from Mrs, Thelma Cushr 5 * Orlando Campus in the Fostoria Table Setting 6 * Madison chairman Campus Contest sponsored by the editorial of the Home E Village (fiv. staff of "Bride's" Magazine. Her Department. Mrs. Cushr ilso received prize is a five-piece some china and crystal Rod Colson (Village) place setting Tom Lynch (Village) David Riesen (Village) Bart Willruth (Village)

* MAGNOLIA Precincts PHARMACY not represented by a Senatorial Candidate will be filled by a presidential appointment until On All Orders Over $5 107. the next regular election. With ^UiA- Gcut^OK Qff

iitd^denJ, Qi>aii intercession or t.nriii employ well-reasoned Holy Spirit deny His when the ar . the to of sanctuary above are cease in the although Heppenstal has a holy God penchant in the sight of a Stand for making unsupportec theological mediator. Their roues ni without a oronouncements which felt When this work vveiB be spotless.... self-evident. far from N either side been accomplished, the te sinlessness._ hall haue ; Christ's ready for SSowers of Christ will be And what did they His appearing." usually implied in i of a knowledge ' lack? They lacked of perfection; the ffuit i: the lullv ripe and "the Sabbath and rain- IS the doctrines of the proved their point. Yet they according to necessary have forth" which, ' vitally 3ughi (page 85). Yet. im- sanctuary, doctrines us and Christ," largely ignored 1 "the reprodu plan on , len G. White, means com- completion of God's not in . . . the perfection persists, for in doing so. as the above table ^o^l coming in . . . mitting willful sin, but 3 deny that Ellen " out to great G. (COL 67). Douglass points Christ." ^^'LikrDouglass!'Maxwel! goes short of the ideal in Jesus aught carefully define his terms, lengths to y olh e Chris perfection with- term "sinless that man can since the limply too plai ._, Jthe't"emptation to mean " Rather abused by fanatics . ^A In hk sinful state has been explained away. Where does that reach of sin, some- and f-ving state beyond the siriving ior sinlessness a leave us? Have we finally found a than repudiates. He also in a shop wm- thing Maxwell disagreement between the "like a display piece point of corn/' (page 221. of absolute disavows the possibility Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy? of his paper In the second haH beyond which there can perfection There is a possible I of I think not. delves into the subject Douglass be no progress. His incarnation, Ihc riyluic of Cluisl in words do not appear in Since the dealing with is an examples another hotly debated subject in the and r we are issue with : perfection? Bible, Maxwell takes revelation? church. Douglass emphasizes a Christ __ the progressive .... Our specific purpose now is to The Spirit of Prophecy is neitha

answer .. . . the fact it merely investigate the inspired looking another Bible nor is Testament. of k..-e passages he quotes recorded in the Old pears in one appendix, a huge footnote, to gi^oed pages LaRondelle then takes us on a from Steps to Clirisi elucidatini is d iensc entire Bible, later. True, he says, mere the t from the spirit of prophecy [pages tour through the a third testament, being on this topic. we are saved solely by grace, 40-45). To Douglass this is crucially the texts having a bearing in which of inspired writings given by GodK| nature -derived def- important since, if Christ's LaRondelle's Biblically His churcli. In each successive Ie- inition of perfection is similar to ament more is revealed than wasr of and their could not be expected t Heppenstall's. Perfection in the Gos- "through the grace God 4251," of principles own diligent efforts (GC goal for thi pels is "the revival the God has had a plan, a by Moses The Adventist position has been of perfect love as proclaimed planet, which he has never abandt fathers and Christian this view some- t of the church repeatedly di lending away from and although it has been theologians in this debate ("Luther what, as presented in the book Qiics- and thwarted. God revealed as m which argues knew nothing of the third angel's linm'oii Dovlrinc (1957) sent gift £ of this plan to His people in past entire on all of man's message."). He devotes an for a Christ who took they could understand i establishment section to defining sin and another .nlv< only at the ultimate y for . Oth^l objections of his h such passages a; of the kingdom of glory." (page 121), to answering the our perfection opponents, which the other three of it 2T 202; "He is a brother in LaRondelle's conclusion: For example, the doctrine forgiving ignore, making his mfirmiiies. but not in possessing I "living daily out of God's writers tend to in the Old is Trinity is not revealed Heppenstall's grace .... The only paper the longest and most thorough passions," This is p and keeping Testament. AUer the Israeli-'-' absolutely perlect, that is, inherently been weaned from P°'v"^^'^' . sinless, character has been revealed would h^ OnfLo^rd" (Deut 6:4), it around « been impossible to turn teach them that God ^^^ ^""V and not really God); but :aliy in the perfection of Christ. not persons. They could in himself." three ie silence persists when ef Man has no perfection accepted or understood this. 1^ lually in order to refute \ (page 136). To Maxwell, sin is yielding to temp- New Testaments Maxwell approaches mained for the Like Douglass. tation. Heppenstal takes a much in" teach this new doctrine perfection from the standpoint of ers to Testir preparation for the second coming. paration from God,

His main point is that there is a dif- stated inll«| rection li nut clearly T God. Sine 'this early T Testament. After the 1 holim New GC 623: "He IJesusl ;t until Chri; fr"*" Christians had been weaned i/ill always by sin. As righleousness by works and U so often true of theological debate, righteousness of to rely on the luch of the problem here is one of nothsil^ mediator, they could victorious dead by simply attending sfinition. However, this by itself their not enough to reconcile the two srnlTsrper?ec5on'''Vhere is a paradox oi one ^J different thing for those are aliv here, like the who As I ding this book, it dawned re seemed to be a def- comJlet'elv'''

filing yoke" Suppose just after liieir sins were but generally the "impossible; paradoxes. Testament Chrrsti blotted out, the saints committed Bible-oriented and the "possit The New a moral machine standina before»| new ones - what would the blotting nothing about EUen-G.-White-oriented-that i'

usually rely more on one or t authority throughout their en

I with God, so

Little Debbie SNAK CAKES

to Jesus Christ." Noal was termed "perfect" (Gen. 6:9) even though HAS A FUTURE three chapters later we find him in a drunken stupor (Gen, 9:21). Ever WITH YOU IN his ) before t'»"*'a "perfect'' Job Uob 2:3) had to con ' Vhite, quoted tess his sins (Job 42:6). And in the MIND New Testament, those who are peif

"" debate than to clarify ''^m of P*| goad us to begin a work ^ the Southern ^

Accent Thursday. September 25, 1975

CAREERS DAY TO BE HELD ON SEPT. 30 Schaifer Walden Publishes Paper Guest

thereafter, Dr. Walden received a Speaker request to publish the findinos of a ted

her research for ERIC, which^ is that t Richard Schaifer. assistai to the president of Loma Line inqhouse supported by the United the control group in certain modes University, wi II be emphasiz Slates Department of Education of conceptual schemes of classifi- the importance of opporluniti r the auspices of Health, cation (the categorical mode and in student's varied field-in- Educ; and Welfare. ERIC's the inferential and relation:il mode) terests at the September 30 and as compared to the control group Careers Day chapel. disseminate information of the who had not participated in the leading current research conducted prescribed curriculum additives in the United States. and methodology. Based on her research. Or. Southern Union Conference Walden has suggested certain in different sectionsi of the Complete copie Physical Education Center and Hall. from ERIC on both microfil, Wright Twelve and c paperbound form.

Those interested in the following fields meet and be served lunch in the Physical Education Center: Nursing, Hamm Receives Doctorate Dietetics, Hospital Administ ion Center (ERIC), has recently tion and Para-Medics. iitjlisiieci a research paper, The The Accounting, Business 'micemmil Schemes Used By Five, Professor of English, received her and Secretarial majors will IK. oik! Seven Year Old Children doctorate degree in literary criti- be served in the east end of 'I Develoiiniq Clossiltcacion Skills, cism on August 16, 1975. from Cafeteria. ten by D^. Toini Halden. assis- George Peabody College for The following majors will of Dr. Hamm has been working on the west end of the Cafeteria her doctorate degree for the past Education. Library Science, three years. The actual writing iign and of the dissertation, entitled Anatomy of the Center-an Appli- cation of Some Concepts of Northrop Frye, took from January to July. 1975. the small banquet room while Grant Sought Dr. Hamm's purpose of her

Medicine are to meet in the useful to the student of liter-

I arger banquet room.

buildinti, Director The remainder wi II be of Develop- She gave original criticisn nieni Dwi^lit Wallack served in the Student Center. flew with of and added to some of his 0. D. McKee Those interested in Law. Psy- of tlie McKee concepts, such as "The Bible She Bakinc) Company to chology, Social V.ork and Decatur, is the conceptual framework of Arts in English in 1969, IHmois. Monday. Counseling will meet in the September 15. and give and her Specialist Degree in Tliey met with Don Nordlund, Games Room while those in- the 2 0f r hty.- Education (English) in 1972 president of the A. terested in Journalism, Photo- E. Staley After graduating from Shen- om George Peabody College Manuf.icturJnti Company, and graphy, Public Relations and andoah Valley Academy. New )r Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. Radio-T.V. will gather in the Or. Dr. Hamm has been teach- TliH Market, Virginia, in 1944, Sisley Company is a big says, Cube room. Hamm started her college ig at SMC since 1966 and career at Southern Missionary My work with SMC has been lias soarinq profits under College in the late forties. timulating and delightful. I After being a missionary in ;arn more from my students The JOKER staff regrets lo South America. Dr. Hamm than they learn from me. The announce that the JOKER, which returned to SMC and received people are fascinating and herB.A. in English in 1966. wonderful to get to know." was to have come out this week, has been delayed Decause of a pPDOlem in getting the pictures processed. Please oe patient. We are the reason h? souflhl to i nte Faculty Entertain doing all -nq can to get it into theSlalevCompanv in cjivin your hands as soon as possiDle. expansion The Faculty members of of the Inclustnal As .^coert Curns sdid: "The best Education program luthern Missionary College at South- laid plans of mice and men oft go II be personally inviting e students of SMC to their

and r Geoff Owens. Editor They do r27. give financial a?d to colleges 2, Don't plan on a sti that have been innova- approximately 8 p.m. i '°, "^^^^ ^^^ "^StlS <;l)!^ of students faculty will make their 3. If you would like I who desire alternatives 'o the traditional colleae ara arrangements with the £ demic programs he said 4- Do r cost of the Indus- trial A?^'^'^ as a meeting place. This expansion may S195IW^r!}^ prooram is games, puzzles, food, records, produce unwholesome chaos. 000 and S41 .000 has been '"ised Be towards the amount TV, food, scavenger hunts, out- 5. prepared for plus or relay races, minus five ^°'^" side games, food, students other than K lundwa'"'^'"'^'^"''^'''^''- contests, food, campfires in the backyard, roasting marsh- HOWEVER, not all students "' ^'^^ '""ds request mellows, food, singing, telling I1,- Wp°y'"e Board popcorn, of Directors of stories, food, pizza, and who knows i" Com'^'^'^^'^^'"'f^cturing taffy, fudge, ^°'"Pa"V in the near future. continued on page three Chance Give Us A Dear Dr. Aussner. I've bought a dress, had can hardly believe an I bet you encounter with the milkman, no^ see 1 kept my your eyes! You to out eat, and the market was I've only been here a promise! the most unusual thinq - you would i'|| I knew that week, but never forget it. At one part the, to know how yO'J'' *-'^' ^ want had a big whole hog's head, Korea were doing. Just Great! |usi " another in waiting for you to you mumble, buy him for "Here coes," >re is a different deadlines just The t lunch! Yuckl Oh well of a paper'that meets to year but 3lly I as presidents fulfill pres- , aouut as well TheotherS.M.'sarea lot of fun of paper idential promises, another year 3 all get along pretty good. to show any and we -.n Knittel IS ashamed Joke Rhonda Griffen and I are iJriUlliei yearycai ofui The•••" Southern visitors,, another Accei that instead of The Southern hope your school year is Carol Pape is stationed here also, going great and that you are that (he paper lives in house H6B. Rahn I'll be the first to admit but smiling as always before. or what it went to Kwang Ju. Bill hasn't been what il should be Shaw God has been so good to years there George Deland are could be In less than three Laspe and me. everytime I ever needed four of Ju also. have oeen nine different editors, stationed in Kwang or need help. He sends some- started yesterday, and that it still Classes I at I which were co-editors. Even one. just hope that can ful different times someone has fill the mission that means that four Rhonda and i are really enjoying He has sf of planning, stepped in without a summer it. I can tell that the people organized without the cohesiveness nf an really want to learn, whereas I Please Write and send a

staff, the hours if smooth running and without know when I was taking Spanish and an Accent you could thought as to whether this of reflection and I couldn't have cared less. A- We need student missionari were prepared to take on. was a job they nolher thing that tickles me is very much; if you see a got that they bow to you when they person, grab them and senc No this isn't another farewell speech, our way, O.K? Must close for I il ^tory begging you, the and isn't a sob me feel important, and I guess now. Your friend in Jesus, students and faculty to accept a second- I'm doing an important thing to rate paper. It is a request for understand- Mara-Lea Feist ing and support, though. I am confident thai with your help we can make the Accent Eds. note: This letter v/as 3 paper everyone will be proud of. But it sent to Dr. Aussner. the dir will take time. missions here at that I had a Korean translator. of student It's easy to criticize the paper, a lot easier It was a great experience. The SMC, and he felt the whole than giving support, out that's what I'm body would enjoy sharing i' - asking for support. The Accent i s your the bus and subway and didn't

If something we print bugs you, write a tetter to the editor. If you know about something that we have neglected to cover, tell us aoout it. Also, v\hat do you expect from the Accent? Would you rather have a

few in depth features, or do you like lots of three or four inch news shorts? The slaft would like to know how you feel.

On the paper staff , we've had mechan ic- al break-downs, frustrating nights of only three or four hours sleep, a sickening feeling in the pit of our stomaches when we found out that after frantically trying to get a paper laid out by Monday morning it couldn't flet printed until Thursday, and numerous hours of valuable learning but I i mited pro- thursday the 25th ductiveness. But we haven't given up, and

don't you give up either. There wt II oe an Chattanooga Opera Associa- Residence Hall Forum, T3l| Accent this year, and it will be a paper tion - presents "Tosca." Robert p.m. you'll be proud to call your own. Hall, 7:00 C. Austin, Jr.. conductor. Tivoli Theater. 8:00 p.m. For tickets Tuesday the 30th call 698-3263. Also Saturday, September 27. Chapel — 11 :05 a.m. Careers' Day. Gymnasiu"' friday the 26th No classes 12:00-1:50 P-f" 'bsit^ Residence Hall Forum, Vespers — 8: 00 p m Hall. 7:00 p.m. Elder Ed Zackrison National Geographic Sunset — 7:3?

Saturday night the 27tn

faculty Home Parties

7:31 ^ theSoutherr^ .


Editor iat'io'n o/soulhei C Bruce Yingling Business Manager laty College i" 37316. John Wentworlh inessee Layout Editors Gordon Doneskey Secretaries Steve Porter Carol Neall 1 Accent September 25, 1975 3

continued from page c ; probably depress: Talge Cover- Up specific faculty home to

Those that do not will I to the privilege of going gym for their entertainmei their towels and it doesn't bother her "as long as the towels are a modest length." Dean of Men, Everett Schlis- ner, when asked whether thought had been given towards warning and there charge there also, Talge residents in a will be refreshments and qamt light t cted, Dear Dr. Solvit!. said It was impractic 3 do s Lately I've been getting these and that informing the men of her calls from a guy I know. I don't actual presence should be ad- mean just a short gab now and then-he calls nearly every night In comparison, maintenance men working in Thatcher often Bui he never asks me out or any- Coinselors have the desk worker warn the girls that they will be working Corner ' don't mind talking Mrs. Florence Stuckey, t does he hope Dean of at Thatcher, Pli! ould r Women pointed out, hoLvever, that this was not

I had E When asked whether the dorm administration had con- sidered that Talge menmight

to invade their privacy. Dean

depressing me! I get so gloomy Schilsner said he had not an-

from the weather that I can't stand

ii som>;times. I from What can do Never the less, Talge men qettinq down so low? If this is were generally disgusted when

the normal for around here, I need tory Club with Bill Davis, Pres- they arrived but soon adjusted. some hetp! She has indeed added a few homey touches which have been Signed, Soggy President; and Jan DeWare, Sec- retary. All students are cor- long overdue. For dially invited to future meetings instance, the new kitchen Dear Sopriv, decor was her idea. She is also sponsored by this club. The Although the weather can have responsible for the new door next meeting will be Cbtober 15 at 5:45 p.m. in the Banquet really shouldn't affect your extend it throughout the dorm. Room of the Cafeteria at which precious since Mrs, Sharon emotional slabifily to the point A friendly lady, she enjoys time the Collegedale Commis- Brown has taken the job of of actual uncontrollable depres- sioners, Dr. working with college age young Wayne Vandevere ekeeper for sion. I believe that your problem of SMC; Mr. Walter people and Itkes to have them Herrell, Com- ;iden( Fort is more than the weather. stop You missioner of Police; Mr. William by her office and chat. er It has added to the thrill. McGhinnis, The first few weeks of school and Mayor Fred Fuller When queried whether she have shown her an indispensable had encountered any streakers, part of Talge - our "mom" away she said yes but that most fel- from home. lows modestly wear towels Mrs. Brown is taking a class History Club around their waists. Accord- in crafts and design and has ing to her, the fellows didn't made a few things to brighten up the dorm. She says she has a Organizes family - two children, two min- ature dachshunds, and a husband. Mr. Gene Roberts. Commis- Rec. Room Refurbished sioner of Fire and Police for the citv of Chattanooga, spoke to Precinct One, Patri cia Osborne; the first meeting of the SMC Precinct Two, Joyce Cookson; Nslory Club on Wednesday. Precinct September Three, Jean Herman; 17, on the topic During the summer, at a cost of Precinct four, Michelle McCarthy; "Crime in the Chattanooga about $5000, the former recreation are really almost negligible as Precinct Five, Donna Donesky; and weight rooms were remodeled far as paying for the new equip- Hes i Precinct Six, that i Debby Livingston; and new equipment purchased. ment goes. The money is used Precinct Seven, Jan Deware; This includes a Nautilus upper to keep up the maintenence of equipment and for paying the Precinct 10, Gary Williams;' abandoned by the time the vii Precinct 11, Wesley Richards; reports the theft to the police duct and handling of equipment.' Precinct 12, Daniel Bennett; Commissioner Roberts said Precinct 13, Steve Bennett- that mosi murders are of per- Other equipment scheduled to Precinct 14, Steve Welch; sons known to the murderer. be purchased as funds become Precinct 15, Joan Clarke; Random murders are the excec available includes a Nautilus Election Returns Precinct 17, Rod Colson,- lower torso machine, and perhaps Tom Lynch, Russ Kelly,- Roberts cautioned us to be Dave Reisen and Bart are Willruth. there, and why we are the For In the same election Bruce example. 4 a.m. rs not a c time Yingling was approved as Southern to iour a ghetto area. Sc

To join the Club, a member- lip fee of S12.50 per year for irm and S20 for vil- students | •'°° persons r-k-.^. on the -hattanoocfa Police force. They are responsible for the safety of the public seven days a week, ^^Vs a year. They work in I i^^ three shifts and it takes five men behind the scenes for every three AIR-CONDITIONED FAIMILYENTERTAINIMENT °" ^^^ street. COMPLETELY "p^k' said that the best I kindi,i„H.'^ I of a lock for a home is one that requires the use of a key both from the outside and the

h"M„„ core doors nter rogram Such a do^ Fall-Wi P Ue " quicklv kicked or battered "i=''- SK' ? Here in Collene- I tlaletliefai,, efor I Olympia SkatingCenter s^?=-hsSora:d'crr"c':' 1 DAYTON BOULEVARD PHONE 877-1291 Mr. Roberts' presentation ;'J°^^dbyabriskquestior

3S sponsored by the SMC h 'Schedule and PricM Subject lo Change WithourNotic Softball In Full Swing

agai" in the outMeld =<..:- ^^Jcoslly Errors u unearned (Swede) Hell- Wieners severa "'^-,'imo'ii'itr', ''wofgan gave the ' the intermurals BultheSluflCiersputoflense |, ,!i,. , lor of runs. ,,,," II,,. against tne (or captains defense loqether I'l" niH h.i^ chosen and I, Hoover 13-1 put- liihn Nafie, Bob Ra.derstohandthema liF i^sii'iii !i the blues and Tommy Davidson. down. Thev moved on to Bill Hoovei. took . The Sluqcfers a 14-1 viclOfY of 3 up 3 HollanTl'keBrarv'.RandrRu^e'ils the Blues to 5 innings Amer- good plays by the David Kay. and Gene Clapp. down with some Us Bulter- qot 2 home runs can Leaqiie: Roser WlBlin. mfieid.Fuchear Mooley, 1 pull it out Ron Whillicad, Tony andHollandgot to field, League 25^12. In the American the captains look to be the te ""''in womens Softball the Greenwaves Marilyn P™Ph'fV- by handing the a,e Joyce Marshall, They started off Lou Ledford. Errors by the Kim Taylor, Holly Lacey. Blues a 12-4 lose. is wh; and Cindy Ditcman. Blues and Mobley's hitting started " went on F.istpilcl, action did it. The Greenwaves tough. to Navy. The going was was tie After 7 innings the score s hitimg < but in overtime Mobley 11-8 win. through to give him the Greenwaves other victory came Navy against the Braves 11-3. Out has been an overtime team. three have of their last 4 games won gone extra innings. They ng two of these games beati Army 19-15 and Wiehn 7-6. The Wolverines are giving Holland a run for first by tak- games ing 3 out of their first 4 National League. The 1 in the in this croviri Evidently from Terry Woif and Notice the predominance of females i the are t i ed n other East teams special hero on or if they Ihey must be out to cheer that triples by Spears, Dullan, and Kauf- National League. Army, Braves and have one to find him. mann. Nafie couldn't pull it out so In don't the Raiders are all 1 and 3. had to take a 11-2 defeat. Nafie American League action the came back aganist Davidson on the knocking on the 11th. He had solid hittinq from Wiehners are Evans home run and help from David- door of victory with 2 wins and

1 I TheE The they stand now at 1 and 2. Racers at and 3 say they hope qave him a 7-2 loss . On the I6th their games. Bob kept rollinci aganist Davidson. to win the rest of Bob put it toqether with some qood

d Davit Womens Softball seems to be allLacey. With 2 big wins over Ledford and Taylor she leads the league. Marshall is back at 1 and with onlv 8 men. Nafie's pitcher, 1. Then Dittman 1 and and Ledford Doug Kneck pitched a 1 hitter to and Pumphery both at and 1. e the 3-0 advantage.

tight Tlie Sluggers started off with a great

From the fi rm look of determination on Debby Livingston's face you can tell she is a teal swinger.

iFor Sale Complefe Golfing Ouffif

' ««» w»«f«m».a>MB, »»».a .MBi " Con be Seen P.E. Center « Mr. Durichel<4294 i MAGNOLIA PHARMACY a

Studeni C(Ui-aaH ^f-ecld^' m I TieTiria. Moda On All Orders Over $5 o\


Cl'' . D.iviv, R. Ph,

Plujii" 233-4t'83 tr,lli.i|,.;|,ile, Teiin, W..1...I —— a ,, ,, , ! PHONE 622.4176 m ^ the Southern ^ Accent


Taiwan Artists U.S. Debut

llsiii chiiang, .voiniK

I u stunning feats le cirned vertical- iilders or head-

I be Vi n, the Id Jt L ir tlis \L ir jiiBklnifc it chi balls tiid/or d _ nic\ will pcrtorm lets of supoi- humui strength nnd endurance dcm instate methods of kuiig fu, thrilling The Chinese Acrobats of Taiwan leits on bicvclcb sensational tum- ire all highh polished and skilled. hiiiife jitt,gliiis balancing acts and Most ol tliem started practicing I ts mi re All ire done in elaborate these greit te its at around the age and culorlnl costumes of three or lour vcart, old Tlic acrobatics the Chinese ac Fbr centuries, people aronng robats will perform are far more than the world have been fascinated and merely a series of stunts. It is an amazed by the dazzling performances ancient and integral part of the of the Chinese acrobats. Chinese culture and is based on All seats are reserved. 'H ckets their desire to achieve perfections / be purchased at the Campus through perfect harmony of bodv and mind.

Plans For New Dorms Discussed

The building of the fine arts center will not interfere with the in the SMC board building of new dorms since two tember22, 1975. different groups are financing the

Jack H. Tyler, t for n projects. Private money will be

of t

tentative sketch. and the Committe 1 of One Hundred If these plans are finalizec will support the I uilding of new a dormitory housing 250 womer dorms. This mea s the building

a resident's I dean's home will projects may go c 1 built behind Thatcher Hall. A wing extending from the < In the board n of Talge Hall housing 120-250

than an entirely new building i being considered for the men.

a later date another wing and < October 10 Free Day resident dean's home could be

its LjegiEiniiigs several \cars ago In those dajs when first stmebter ended in Jmiian there whs not a critical shortage of school d'i\s so SMC in

itnted whit IV IS kn wn is I Iw fall

picnic U \ I II ir lull

it sclio I i

llierelore when the Mrst semes w is moved forwnrd to cntl heloi Christnni nnd the number ol c (h\s reduced the adminnstntic

I It to drop liiG d i,\

SA Constitution Revisions a, w © V John Cress, ihe Student As- ^ '"^ ® improve @ s^ our SA constitiitinn° ^ress, at the ^ Advi ' / fi Convi Student Finance, Student Missions, ^N t'on at Andrews % / ® Student Uni ^rsitv \i Student Publications and v^i sPnng, obtained cop regarding SA functions. Cress / _.,. s ^i^-: T North American^CoMeges. working on now is a new fiscal ng these instead and our present SA year from July 1 to Jbne 30 constitution goes one step further Cre of the present year which 3 - ©^ ^"anged © © i ihe general outii ne and from commencement to commence- °f 'he proposed con- Stio''^' l^ t^t T — 1

nd the rea( the importance of a close relation- ship between student and faculty.

More than anything else we as stu-

dents and faculty need to lojn can a requirement k ou how hands and try to Sabbath School accepti ng treat tr,rh as'co/npu/sory each other as responsible, growina| attendance be instituted and church When V ? accept such a large P""'"" ai SMC when change. seems to be s another v Letl of the student body I'm not speak- all schoc , lii-^ against it? tlTi decidedly /og/ca//y explained. And w mall group or dissen- ing of i turn .infiir i Ijarenl. of our students should in stand tc but ot large percent nch Ihey'll lake ters, we believe and stop giving blin sent merely to curry favor. unless il's faculty and adminis- rule isn't a rule Should I Let me close with a few questioj with student irators sit lown " are ils favorile slogans, for serious thought: s freely sharing and 1 . How can student willing lo express to develop ! than pToling ideas, in order principles 'I govEfl whenever anyone dares guidelines and uncover to will be relevant and clear premises. that cluill ent;(' lis sacred students alike? Lan so staff and iideration and impleti Revenue be so in rule Hdicy IS when the Internal many concerned students miles to collect the same time about Serv'ice sends two men 200 very wrong at 3. What do you think the her who made a mistake on faculty relationship should bi S25 torn a widow 'The Ah, Student involvement in sc tax Ibm. workings is quite important t visiting But it seems Fblicy is when a young lady y ame of SMC." happiness of the student body. Oj| nevertheless, that shows up at only reasonable, paper is provided for student v is embarrassed when she SMC students should have a reason- the so if you have words concerning wearing jeans. process. | the cafeteria able involvement in this these preceeding subjects, don't student with that during the short Fblicy is when a freshman Why is i t settle even deeper into a here I have transportation period of my attendance other means of practical of si lence. Step out anc no heard so many jokes concerning our that from you. other than his car is told on arrival representation in school government? his license even if lie did offer to turn in plates and keys he still couldn't park campus. his car wilhin 50 miles of the SMC can't Fblicy is \*en a girl in Thatcher have her sister who happens to stay in .Jones come spend the night with her with- beg out having to either break the rule or and plead for a special dispensation. And yes. policy is when I'm told that there is no way of getting into the Student Center before 10:30 on Sunday morning to well start 1 ayi ng out the paper because— because at the beginning of the year it was decided to stay firm on this issue; because well because other student centers operate on this policy. luesday, oct. 7 Seriously now, il's a lot easier to poke ..- fun at mies and rationalize behavior llian Houston Antique "An Olde Hiolograpli, a New m i s 10 obey them. With over IGOO students it Director of M«s»l N1E Application Deadline Dale for By Hll Rogers, rules must be implemented and enforced to FliotogralAica, hl-ankfort, » November 10 exam. of For int«-| avert chaos and uphold the standards of tucky. Admission S2. mation cull 17-7170. Christian education. friday, Oct. 3

1 only ask those in administrative positions Mis; s Field Day. 10 remember the purpose of any rule estab- Vespers — MV, 8:00 p.m. thursday, oct. lished and lo always be people oriented _ '"Hie Biemy." rather than policy oriented in the enforcement No ClMiicl of these rules. Sunset 7:22. friday, oct. 11

this ill mind, and 1 respect iheil Ibril. But 1 Free Day. Vc

still need I., gel into the Sliidei t Center before t'niversitv of the Soutli - organ Sunset 7:13. 10:30 Siinilay morning. «ln — recital bv Dr. -Joseph Running. All Saint's Chapel. 3:00 p.m. Admission free. Chinese Acrobats of Taiwan. Hiysical Education Center. 8:00 p.m. .Admission 83.50- SI.

^ Tnebojinern .

A^CEN I The SOUTHERN Ac^nt published bv the SI"""" I sociation of Soo'be'" ',J I." sionary College m ,| Teohesseo 37315. I'"'l

Lavotit Editors ^ i Gordon Doneskcy "^ "'" ^°'"' Secretaries Steve Porter Technical Advis Carol Neall Jeanne Eryvin 1 Accent October 2, 1975 3

continued from paqe one The proposed constitution wa esented to the Execn'ive SA second is the orqanizatioi The luncil at Atoka Spripqs before Alloha Holley Ganir of f i ve standrng committees; Public Relations, Social AcTivitie CABL, Religious Activrties and Academic Activities. The pfesen constitution has had directors of setti ng she finds SMC has a more formal culture than that of Hawaii committee. The Academic Activi- Holley was born into a Seventt ties Committee is completely new day Adventist family and has at-

JSDA ; ; for Student Affairs Coi tweh i appropn; The third gives the president for her to seek highei power to appoint elected Senators at an Adventist College. by the Student Affairs Committ Here Holley found "good Christi an people who are warm the constitution will then be di and friendl y." She likes the tnbuted to the students for the spiritual atmosphere here and

dents are friendly. Holley at this time to answer any be- The fourth establt; questior regarding the proposed constitutior In a general assembly the students tifyc

Vi/hen asked if he expected this Christian college." But her first proposed constitution to be passed Hoi ley Ganir and Dean Speai night here Holley longed to be Cress said, "Cfefinitely!" This legis- back In the Hawaiian sunshine lation will affect all the students. If with her parents. She wondered you Holley Ganir, a new student desire more information or a copy if she had chosen the right college of the from Hawaii, has come to SMC to present or proposed constitution Gradually, however, Holley be- receive contact a Christian education . The fifth area outlines John Cress at the Student came more accustomed to life of the Executive SA office here at SMC, and now she even Holley is here to enjoy the feels that if the officers g enjoys it . many facets of college life. for being an SA represents Holley will be needing the She selected Southern Missionary College after touring the United Research Articles at Southern Missionary College, States and visiting several SDA illyc I concept IS because her ambition is to re- colleges. Holley said ihe statement of purpose at the be- she chose turn to Hawaiian Mission Academy, Publisfied to attend Southern Missionary t]inning of the proposed constitution where she graduated, to be the College because This would be the first time a state- of its beautiful ment of purpose has been included Articles written from research m an Adventist SA's constitution. at the physics department of The reason for including the pur- Southern Missionary College have received a stimulated response from the scientific world nauge in planning SA functions that because of implications Nineteen New Faculty harmonize with Christian ideals. for energy pro- Arrive grams and laser development, Cress says that if the proposed according constitution calls for any office to to Dr. Ray Hefferlin, Nineteen new faculty members be abolished, the officer would chairman of the department. Judith GIe s Ass ant Profe arrived on the campus of Southern Correspondence with scien- sor teaching organ in the Music Missionary College before the begin- tists from ail over the world and Department. She has a M.A. music 3 of the Fall Semeste visits for exchanges of information degree from the University of Texa To the Behavofial Sc at laboratories nationwide have at Austin. She also plays jrgan ;nt came Dr. Garland Dulan from resulted from these articles. for the Collegedale church e University of California at River An article by Dr. Hefferlin Fifteen of the new faculty New instrument side where_he completed his work have has been published in the Journal come to the for the Ph.D. Nursing Division with of Quantitative Spectroscopy and the Acquired logy. following six instructors going Radiative Transfer. Another ar- to the Madison SMC's Communication Department Campus: Wayne ticle, written by Jorge Flechas Bechthold. 8.S., Pat has two new teachers. Francis Jones, M.S., and Joe Mashburn, students at Rosa The Chemistry Department Andrews, M.A., Ann Norman, 8.S. degree from ha; has came to the South from 'ecenlly SMC, been accepted by the SMC, Donna acquired an instrument Columbia Union College where she Roberts, B.S. degree '"-' Journal of the Tennessee Academy "" in Atomic from SMC, Pat Sutton, B.S. Absorption Spec taught English. Because of her inter- , and of Science. This article was from Madison Ann Welch. M.S. from est in journalism and a background witten with of the help of Dr. Hef- Medical College of Georgia. Pat education and experience in the field. ferlin and Roger Main, a scientist Jones is the Director of the program ling I t SMC. Principle, from Germany. It as Dr. Campbell, of the presents an at Madison. In h ' days as a -nemistry eight-page, computer-printed com- student here, she v Department explains it, The Orlando Campus the first editor of the Southern has receiver IS this. "A sample pilation of scientific measure- Accent. (such as food, two instructors in nursing with the blood, ments on She has worked for such newspapers hair, etc.) is reduced molecular spectrum line B.S. degree to as The from SMC. They are nne particles Washington Post and The in a flame through Kathy Gooch and Paula Wade. Which a Washington Star. suitable light is shone, Ina Longway has 'he Ole Kristensen, originally from arrived on the sought for atoms absorb some SMC campus from Loma Linda Uni- oMhe light, Denmark, comes to the Communica- This amount of light versity where she tion Department from the Los Angeles was the chair- woman of the f^irecMv area. He has his B.A. from Division of Nursing. related to the con'cenlra- Genesis Exhibition Opens Cal State She Los Angeles and will defend his holds an M.A. degree in nursing. Other Mas t the e teachers coming from Loma Lrnda are A new concept in art apprecia- Feliza Mopeia and Dorothy Hooper, tion is being sponsored bv South- experimental cross cultural study of both with M.A. derjrees. Four iology ern Missionary College with the facial expressions to ten emotional teachers holding 3.S. degrees have i joined the staff: > 'c iiiitriKsiea in plantina exhibition of the works of art sts Carol Thomas seeds Nathan Rice, that have been treated with from the Cliristian colleges in Eleanor Brown and Ruth "'fcurv containing fungicides, the greater Chattanooga area. Abott. ai'owi ng the plant to mature, and The Genesis Evhibition 1975, analviing the mature plant to' see as the showing is called open- '"here " IS any mercury present ed Sunday, September 28 at s^'l Dr. Campbell. 2 ni in the SMC Student Cen- Fhe p Spectrophotometer can be ter Ihe exhibition will be at "sed for medical and crime detect, s\l( until (Ktobir 17 It then purposes. Little Debbie jg Inthemedi ield 5l detect 1') to No\- SNAK CAKES ^'oodbtr'T.!'!^^- and hair if = „ , , ^ of Doi>;nn,„ ^ ^^se lead suspected. In crime detection a'^ ^^" ^^ '°""'^ HAS A FUTURE St '" "^^ hair. -Tietal WITH ;| fr'^om^unpowie^r oJ'the' YOU IN be measured deterln^^f'^.^"c e mine to whether the case was MIND ^loe or murder. Spectronh''^^"^^°"''"^«dthe ST "^^^^^ for enf^er of but the instrument ings, engraving-,, mcKee eaKinc companY is a soT°^^^ ^"'l^seful addi- tion '"ine?o°?hi^rh^'^'' Chemistry Department. .

Traffic Committee Field Day Ingathering Oversees Violation October 241 Scheduled For Complaints

bus loads. 10 Atlanta in two be (i field Day will north as Mor- ,,,„,„ g Bands will so as far Oclober 7, wnlithc as lar held Tuesday, and Gatlinburg and Thecampaiiin ristown nnalselforSIO.OOO. south as Macon. isgoinglobelluledifferenlthis College I! Southern Missionary qoal respect Ihat the funds for Ibis year in 1 he not expending any exception 01 to campaign With the is responsible Atlanta such as parking tickets, SMC auto- '^"iBCollcqe one bus for the brought providinq nnd businesses that are paying for mobile stickers, such relnlGd the bands. The church is field day. Preyibtsl' in during the Faculty members enure coititiu v ,he other bus. the church and the time and gasol ( were are donatin.) their brought in all the college for the fund r that year on the due lor go t ectly The lunds collected jringn Day.uay. „..- General Conference v. year witli the combined to the I Budget. This in college and the com- Seas Missions efforts of the such as will 90 into fields munity 516,000 was raised. turn Welfare. ApptoKimately 500-600 students Education and tenth of the participate. Those Approximately one are e»|]ected to budget of the Seventh-day do not participate worl d who from In- Adventist church comes 'Ihc committee consists of Mr. gathering. Robert Merchant, the school treat Some of these dona - . PR director of lunds don- Bill Taylor, two students who are a^ . earnings. Usually the Mr. iirer, and around quoted as saying. But the student body. Tm ated by the students are SMC, was pointed by students alternate on the St .500. extra campaign." We can all agree c committee while two otiicrs iiref- students participating will of The di ng. Tours the Tluis for this is a chance to wn sidered as regulars. thereanl make up about 80 different bands. this, and every- in our Iding'were conducted tliree to four n the love of Jesus Christ always at least Out of these bands 20 will be to punch and one was tr eated present at a hearing.

The Ttaffic Committee was . One of the classrooms and the appears to be doing t last year and skills lab downstairs stil 1 aren "I think it's a good ii completed. According to Mrs. quite weU. want to appeal tlieito Hunter Art Museum Opens Christine Schultz, a nursing if students instructor, a definite time of com- said Myers. . offenses the finesj pletion isn't known but hopefully For parking as the offenses ra" all the finishing work will be begin at S2 and and are pa.vablei. done in the next month. they go up to $5 held in Uie first tliree days foUowingffl loan through October 31 Classes are being in latecbad all of the issuing of the ticket. A Among the distinguished guests one classroom and moved into an extra S2 and if the fine wiotj present were Congresswoman Maryliii instructors have is going on the student's staieiw Lloyd, Pat Rose and the directors their offices. up Mayor theab= stated that the extra 53 is added. For of the many museums that contributed Mrs. Schultz an house auto-stickers the fme is works to the Southern Sampler Exhi- purpose of havi ng the open of SMC car is not registered wilt bition. was so that the students would When a first 48 hours after Iwmg or In his opening remarks, l^obasco find out where their teachers' the the charge is S2-'i. commented on the significance of offices wer e. campus having the Hunter Museum in Chatta- rowdof 1,200 turned nooga: "It's one of the largest mu- seums for a community tliis size and well could be the largest in the country on a population basis." Collegedale Air Park Flying High "The real reason for its success is the merit of volunteer work and the type of people that have taken an in- Kinzer, whois terest in the arts here." filany new developments Mr. Aubrey chief fUfil't in- Congresswoman Lioyd said, "It's have been taking place at the president and Collegedale Air- great day for Chattanooga. This Collegedale Airpark in the past structor of part-time and luseum is here for the future, for couple years. The airport serves park, has one instructors on our chil dren and grandchildren to the community and the college two full-time ^re two have and appreciate." students with expert guaiity his staff. Also there W. R. fendolph, Jr., chairman of avaition instruction. Currently

ot i the Itnwood Foundation, which has there are about 35 SMC students qualified to do any type given much to see the dream become aircraft. I wlio are enrolled in beginning repair job on any light a rciili t y, paid tribute to George int"| and advanced flying classes. Proaressrrogresa has picked up Hunter, founder of the museum in 1947. t- ,, ,(,= run™ past few years. ^'^^""^ ' Mited, 'This is one of the year se^i,pf| paved. Then last itstanding museums of the South, was buildings were con- architecture as well as its col- eral new

structed. ..jj,5

up-to-date lounqe housing an sma aviation library, and a added to doctor's office nave and comfort o^ the convenience |

' ^ Among the improvemenls^JJ '^re i^^^^ the airport grounds "T" hangers which hous lOTe«'" small aircraft and a for ss»"'L,l I room larqe a«!^l arge pla s This Jequate space pair work. , __ ^„ A sales offi' Cessaii s eioped which ; and hig* ' light s engir , nine pl3"^ I oiirc e ^^ ="." ell snip in 11"!. - ^ ^jnienj

'l'n?aci','o'u''rsu~i»al'';=;.=ir Dallui E. Mormix .,n.l What are Som ''''' you like? depends on i'- of me "Jirlie Where have you been? are expensive and »'_j„ Are up i you still the same i high to Keep lity.' «"". down a In the tie ^"^'"''Li, , plane^ 27 spaces for '"Janes present time '=^._ At the | ' continued on paqe .

The Southern Accent October 2, 1975 5

continued from page tour Study Tips The Collegedale Airpark program offers a flight training parts of this Review Is Vital One of the unrque

This class emphasizes how and should become a habit of study. conditions an Here are six ways to do it; !o fiv 'f extreme 1) You review a phrase or leaches the students to conduc limrted safety checks and re- pair work on their aircraft ''l You review a page you have Several pilots trained at

3} You reassess a chapter by jotting down the main ideas on

4) You re-evaluate the material by joining in c

"Flipht Instructor of thi for Tennessee last vea' I reflects the quality of t 6) You make the final re

s from the Federal iur textbook underlinings s

1 the different flight

Prepare Now ised For Exams

:su!i of the development of .Authorities in education agree the physical plant and word- that successful preparation for of-mouth praise of the flying exams starts at the beginning of [)rogram. the term. Six main steps are Vt'hy do people decide to recommended: Make a term study taking flight lessons? start plan, use good review techniques, Why would the average "Joe" develop a confident attitude, suddenly decide to take off organize the pre-exam hours, pace into the wild blue yonder. the exam carefully and reassess ting h lifet your grades and work at the end skillful use of that of the term.

Kinzer answered the ques- Free Study Booklets in this way: "Being different /es you the motivation that Selei ondui Severe rains result! m, iron, h,„„ca„e Eloise u're doing something the resulted I n flooding mum of Tuesday afternoon September 30. Iliese distraction. Make sure t do. students didn't seem to mind too much thougfi. good light and all the tools you need. Before the term starts, have on hand the required textbooks, Students Help Build School study guides, outlines, dictionaries paper, notebooks and pencils that will allow you to concentrate with- d go places that otherwi s out interruption. u wouldn't have the time students has been great. When go in your automobile." Get Set To Study months a group of Southern they arrived the first time the Another strong motivatir Missionary College students building had bare rafters; when The Association of American has joined forces with the they left that evening it was Publishers has developed a series Seventh-day Adventist church ready for shingling. Rasmussen of booklets designed to help col- I h membership of Murphy, North said that job alone would have lege students improve therr use of dreamed of flying. Carolina, in the construction study time and learning materials. Of course taKen a week without help. there are dangers of a now nearly completed termed the school V'rite for a free copy of "How to in flying but no more Calkins than there schoolhouse. Get the Most Out of Your Text- are on building "a miracle all the way." the new highway that Prepare The project began early last Mr. Charles Woods. books". "How to Success- runs through She told how Collegedale. summer when Mike Rasmussen, fu//y for Examinations" and "How Kinzer said that if a non-Adventist businessman in there is a teacher in the Murphy school J Improve Your Reading S/

Ms, ; Calkins, professoi 3t SMC. readily agre to sponsor a group of students finishing the attic. for the undertaking. Together Dedication services tor the with Connie Morris, an SMC student school have been set for Satur- she has been largely responsible day. October 4. The featured for the organization and success speaker i s to be Josephine of the project. Cunnington Edwards, renowned speaker and writer. A group of 14 left the first Adventist Those from SMC who have been time a~t 7:00 a.m. , Sunday, This Friday involved in the project are REDKEN PRODUCTS night a dramatic July 27. and put in several hours planning to attend and to pre- ntitled The Enemy of work before being treated vill sent the school with a bell bep ed at the MV "as a symbol of our caring vespofs members, Another group of 14 progra m. Some say the story returned on Sunday, August 17, of spirit of fellowship be- Phone 396 2600 the w Grid's end is The and a third group of ?5. donated sy; tween the Murphy church members hers believe it be rea and the SMC group was expressed Come Friday night and by Mike Rasmussen, who read 1 ear n'lL to weather the Psalms 133-135 £ tri cks. ?of I Nafie, Holland, and Mobley Lead Softball

Evans HnmP Runs been the story this week in soft- Martin oplay Dulan Fast-pitch did squeeze in )nly^ Rnqers Wolf players to begin the c Hellgren weeks thounh. Davidson was without a pitcher. Hoover, Rob Rlair Nelson Thomas's home run wasn't Kolesnikoff Burke enough to beat Buddy Roger's HcClure Evans Nafie catching in center as Davi dson Shultz, J. got their first victory 4-3. Hoover, Bob Spears There wef e two games in 'icKenzle slow-pi tch. The Butterf ield Thonas Wolf Blues pulled out their second win

agai nst Kay's Army 1 1 -7. Keeney's victory against Bob Hoover. home run and good gits from the Next Davidson met Bil I H rest of the team gave Butterfield for 3 real ball game. After s the win.

Runnels Raiders landed V/ilson's top of the ninth Davidson's t' Racers their CAMPUS RHOP^ fifth loss in a 7_t scored a run. It looked like victory.. might win, but in the bottom All ftnerlcan League P.E. Supplies

VI nil! Hoover 2 f>reenwaves 4 ^ATgrae^V oriety GpoS-l Rob Hoover J Of Sporfing^ tiavy 4 Davidson Wieners 3 tlational League Put On YOUR li Sluggers A Ioan_Patt 1nq Avora' -es Wolverines 1 Hob Hoover ,261 Army 1 Davidson jo? Braves 1 Nafie .I6n Statement Raiders 1 Bill Hoover .^^^ .

»^ the Southern ^ Accent Thursday, October 9, 1975


a Initial Stage Comprises

' j::: . '^^ — » ,r-.,«h , ^^^^H Office Building And Nursing Home \, A large-scale lieallh-care development is planned for the southwest corner of Rob- spring. 1 inson Corners. Mr. O.D. McKee has don- The funds for site preparation and roads - ated the land to Ihe Southern Union, and are coming from Ihc sale of land to Develop-

! the Southern Advenlist Health and Hos- ment Enterprises of Cleveland, Tennessee, 1 , «i ;^'?^v^vo pital System, Inc. has begun the initial which is going to build Ihc nursing home. stages of promotion and development, The money for the medical complex will According to Mr. Charles Fleming, come from financing. > director of promotion on the local level, The nursing home will provide jobs in 1 long range plans include a nursing home the near future for SMC students, and of 120 beds, professional offices to accomo- althougli there are lots of barriers to date physicians, dentists, optometrists, and overcome before a hospital can be built, ^ , a pharmacy; a retirement complex, apart- Fleming says that it would not only pro- ments and condominiums, a church, park, vide employment but also be a very strong -U lake, and a hospital. asset to the nursing program here al SMC. In the first stage the nursing home and The Southern Advenlist Health and

JO ', W -> ?..,„,. _^.. office building will be built. Fleming says Hospital System, Inc. presently has ulti- that the surveying is being done now and mate control of the 11 hospitals presently that if everything goes as scheduled, hope- operated by the Southern Union. fully construction will begin on the medi- Proposed pljns f(ir lu-altli-c cal clinic before the end of the year and General Confer en ci

class of Suinmervillc High School. a graduate of Fletcher Academy in 1 97 1 Mr. Harold (Ken) West, Jr.. is the son Awards SMC Loma Linda Miss Marti Baum is the daughter of Dr. und Mrs. Lloyd Baum of Stony of Elder and Mrs. Harold K. West of Florida. He will be complet- Grant Accepts 8 Brook. New York, She will be com- Orlando, M500 pleting her requirements for a biology ing requirements for a biology degree in December. Ken graduated from degree in December. She graduated Southern Missionary College, along wilh Forest Lake Academy in Mailland, SMC Pre-meds from Loma Linda Academy in 1972. six other Seventh-day Adventisl colleges, Florida. Mr. Hans Boksberger was a 1975 has been awarded a S 1 500 grant by the Ms. Karen (Kay) Waller will also be graduate of SMC and is fromSwitzer- General Conference of SDA's. According completing requirements for a degree Kiiilii SMC sludciils liavc been accepted to M. E. Kemmerer, undertreasurer of the study in biology this December. She is the lo iiiL'ditJric at Loma Linda Univer- Miss Debbie Sue Fillman is the daugh- General Conference, these grants are design- sity lin ilie daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Waller class. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fillman of ed to strengthen tlie communication depart- of Candler, North Carolina, and was Tlic L'ighi are: Callicrine Bacheller. Nashville. She graduated with a degree ments' teaching programs. Marli tijum. a 1972 graduate of Mount Pisgah Hans Boksberger, Debbie in social work in the 1 975 class and was The grant for SMC will be used for Filliuaii, Kalliryn Ippiscli. Academy in Candler. Robert Moore. 1 972 graduate of Madison Academy. practical leaching aids such as books and Karen The Soulhcm Acceiii wishes to con- Waller, and Ken West. Madis i.Tcnni laboratory equipment otherwise not Mrs. gratulate these students and alumni Catherine Bacheller is the Mr. Robert Crumley Moore is Ihc available with the existing departmental daugliier of Mr. and Mrs. George E. sonofDr. and Mrs. P.J.Moore of for their outstanding perserverence Dutluii nt SummerviUc, South Caro- Fletcher, North Carolina. He gradu- and scholastic achievement. lina. Sli.- IS J gradualc of the 1975 class ated as Ihe president of Ihe 1975 class with ,1 dciircL- in biology and of Ihe 1970 with a degree in mathematics. He was Pierson To Address Alumni

lull Thequar- "69, 1 l^aiiisey.

Jack Vcj/cy,liJrilo ic;JimMcClinlock

56. bass. Vea/^ey is a former student of SMC. The Friday iiieli s|.eal

Featured on the Saturday night pro- gram will be Marilyn Dillow Collon and Lariy HIaekwell, holh well known forme Train Hits Volkswagen >f Oc MmiiinE to Alumni President Ellswor'lli McKee. At 7:55 a.m. Friday morning, a red 1972 1 believe the train was at the bridge when Speaker vMii - ! .-tihght willbea for the Sabbath services at I Volkswagen was hit by a train at the College- she started. The train blew its whistle, JO and »; 1 1; 20 will be Elder Robert H. dale railroad crossing on the Apison Pike but she kept on going. I looked underneath rietson, president of the General Con- Road. the train cars to see if she had made it or retence of Seventh-day Adventists. Dr. Aussner, an eyewitness observer of not. and saw the VW on the other side." Waihlnglon.D.C. He, no doubt will the accident, recounts what happened: The car was thrown approximately 35 a »« tepor, on the recent General "There were two cars ahead of me. I yards. The driver, a 27-ye3r-old Oollewah ^Mfeience session, held in Vienna, heard the train coming from Apison, and lady, and her daughter were shaken up but "uslna. present lor one of the greatest week- He is a former SMC student. be then the front car ran across the tracks. not seriously injured. the history of SMC. V\V also preceded to cross. Appearing with Elder Pierson wUI be ends in The lady in the Vou Do? s Why Do You Do What

I'd J"'J Hi'-^ ^eek , r ,„ioihnnl DOluv Iflt

,neaTbeLsBonatem™,es,taveed,neren, standards lor 1;°™ se, 01 '"^_^*°°^| „,||i a ui i,,,^i la on a lour v side III. I...', -ii„. .;. Seuefal years ago I was from a U,S.Advent.^^^^^^ ,,o;oi college ..uden^s walls ocear. away, ryos. ol ih aiidyuuiqucslion willbc ?ege were an professional and ihere was Ihe a psycliolugisl, EvenTfJ lowered, _ resir.ciion had been ol don'l have a problem, ^o to do. L- cliancc ahead what I want anijl "Now I can do yene-'al feeling of one up and wail and girls see wiial kind did, loo. Some of the J| Thai's exacilv what they answer you gel. wiih Italians off the Til on blind dates One more thing, if even went oui !'- -'l-'^'^-abig yoi considered doing wouldn't have write. Ihe Accfiii is llif bcsl street which ihey the editor. way to burdciiii i.'"M',. M your name in prim (jfno home. symelluiigyou really back If a teacher did with what your folks least your writing). If you submii[(( just gone along about it. Teachers 1 1 you've apprccialcd-teli us and haven't established a few nice said or what ihe school said are human beings, loo. and it for the thouglil secium. Ifi morals will for Iheir morale. your own personal convictions, your words might do wonders experience in news wriling, 1 guess I pi when you leave the blanket of As long as this is a letter, probably crumble us; we'll be glad to give you on mote a: campus. have the privilege of rambling security of an Adventis! a limited basis with tin- so (hat's what I'm going po^ibiliiyd further and than one subject, Now I'm going to go one step work second semester. the to do. strongest convictions are just clay in say ihat ihe Poor Dr. Solvilt isn't gelling any prob- break- much more than just isn't of the devil's hand. Sin is lems lo solve. Maybe this column problem. f^/Iaybe this is the ing a rule It's the sign of a deeper anv interest to anyone, and if sin is a coping you won't agree with me, but I say when mechanism. Have you ever noticed that it's your you're discouraged that you feel like tossing morals out the window and having a good time. The quotation, "Every man has his price." isn't your too far from The truth. Your needs determine behavior, and strong beliefs will break if enough

pressure is applied. Peter stated emphatically that he would never desert Christ, and right after that, under pressure

of lear, he swore he never knew Him. Some people have stronger backbones than others and look disdainfully at their weak friends.

It's easy for them to shake their heads in sancti- monious piety and say, "Did you hear about..." They seem to forget that under the same circum- stances they'd probably do the same thing. "are trying "Now hold on there," you say, you tuesday, October 14 to say there is no such thing as right or wrong?" B This isn't what I'm trying to say at all. I'm just Chapel-ll:05a.m.

propounding that the answer to sin and its terrible

consequences is not through sharpening your will In Town Gallery at the ReidHl Sunday, October 12 pairlin. power through mental gymnastics. There is hope Featuring drawings and Tli[oughCW| for the sinner. God offers you a relationship with Frances Hosteller. Faculty Social. Him that will fulfill your needs and give you the Wednesday, October 15 strength to follow the lifestyle he's outlined. Monlcrest Art Gallery-Exhibit of This IS where the crux of the problem lies. So original paintings by Kate Luplon Soulli/Cineial University of the Crosland olten we either let of Dallas, Texas. 3507 Audil the situation shape our morals "Macbeth." Blackmail J Broad Street. Through Nov. 1. Adniissioiii| or try to shape them ourselves with rigid obser- 8: 15 p.m. (CST) vance of a hsl of do's and don'ts rather than Rafael Neira presents 'The Romance thursday, October 16 working on forming this relationship. of Ihe Spanish Guitar." Miller Hall. Establishing a trusting relationship 5:00 p.m. vi-ith God Chapel-n:05a,m. ElderDfil isn't easy, you have to work at it. fvlaybe it will mings, Jr. monday, October 13 even mean gelling up earlier lo study and pray. octobffl What you do and what think friday and Sabbath, you is your business, Kiwanis Travel and Advcnlure Series- but as far Ron as I'm concerned. I've decided that the Shanin, "High Adventure in Southern Missionary ColleS'l best way lo find happiness Central Africa." Memorial Auditor- is lo trust God vvilh my WcekenJ. ium. Homecoming hang-ups 8:00 p.m. Tickets available at knowing that this is the nly way my box office. behavior problems will be taken c

^ TnebouTnern . Reporters Photographers NewsRepurline'-"" Accent Sue Eiscic Chuck Rooscnbutg Keilli McMahcn

Business Manager The SOUTHERN ACCE* JohnWctitworlh publtshed by Ihe Slud^"'

Secretaries :ro":',rCoMeg°e"n'c.ll«"' Layout Editors Editorial Advist Tennessee 37315, », Coidon Doneskcy Gerald Colvin Carol Ncall Jeanne l.shed Sieve Porler Brwin ""Vy-J nenoJi'' David Technical Taylor Advise ?he'°"'de""' """' JohnDuiidick Sports Editor trial^Edu'cation depa""" Bill Arni.ld SMC does the pfin>""' ; October 9, 1975 3

Unwanted Children Helped


Kiiillel iiuti ii real birthday surpri^* Tuesday, SMC I'resitieiil Frank Sepleniber 50 students filled liis office with newspapers. Ruinor lias il llial his wife and when ject IS lo provide the chance for these security officer were also accomplices in the crime. f|e children to gel out into the world by SIcatIng Party Held taking the younger ones camping, to museums, parks and playgrounds, and By Dorm Clubs Band Officers Announced by instructing the older ones, by exper- ience, how to find an apartment or

II Mis /0)l c Band Secretary-Janet Kramer, senior English On the religious level the leaders of the Bonnie Cakes project fee! (hat lliisvLii. iKUMiniin; wilh Ihc Alumni Treasurer-Gary Parfitt, junior prcmed it is important for the children to form WccUml-ii Mr- IKlhol Oclobcr.

(v..-iiii'h.- Ml I',' r- I wil! be playing a Publicity Secretary-Don Gertans, try both to keep lime willi iho iniiMi. [iipl. ii'ii iiinriier tiir (Iic Sabbath senior communications major. Schlelsner Announces and also avoid running into each other. .1 jlioii . ;. Ihc full band will Pastor-Mickey Thurber, sophomore Some of the couples skating together Ik' ,ii,ii'_ i:i^ s.iuirJjy night program. Limited TV Use were an example of fluid motion and l'.)|.,i.MU^Lii i,s voiuiiig up on the 25th the others-well, they enjoyed the learn- orOclober which ihc Orclicstra, Chorale, On September 22 in Talge worship, ing process. Men's CliDrus, and Concert Band will be Dean Schlcisner announced that "The Besides free skating, single and charioi prescnling joinlly. Tour Manager-Doug Ronning, sophc . TV will be back in service, but only for races were organized, teams were divided a limited number of special programs." according to class standing and separate

i>) I i.i .. .i.|. v,n . "Hnonl, and conduc Among that "limited number" are races were held for the girls and guys. i.^iiLj .1 different kind Jacques Cousleau specials, the Super- The party was scheduled from 7:30 ui ^L. ;....M. The band will Spanish Guitarist bowl, World Scries, several bicentennial to 9:30 p.m., but, according to Men's Ik 1)1 .:.:-.n -,,11 [j.iiU doubled on programs, Olympics, and the election Club president, Tommy Davidson, "The cilhci .iJl uI ihe I'.L. Center with the year primaries and conventions. turnout was so large and we were having pctcii^sdiii ill Ihc center. This should be Rafael Neira Schleisiier noted that 'This list we so much fun that we kept on' rolling iiilcte^-dii]^ Id sec as well as hear. have drawn up is the final word, and until 10:00 o'clock." The major Christmas Concert this Scheduled By MENC to put it bluntly, we (the deans) don't After the party a concensus was taken year jseiiiillcd "America-76," which, want to be bugged about it." as to whether everyone enjoyed them- us the title implies, will be on the bi- He said several discussions with Dr. selves and would like somctliing similar centennial theme. The guest artist 13 at 5 On October p. Knittel and others strengthened the in the future. Those with sore feet and lliisycat will be trumpet player Rafael the will be presenting Hall MENC Club the deans have had for a bottoms had to think a minute before Mende/, who was here as guest of the lecture is en tied, Mr. Rafael Neira. His answering, but in the end there was baiKl for the 1 973 Christmas Concert. Guitar,' "The Romance of the Spanish "We feel there is not that nmch worth unanimous approval. Thisis not definite as yet, as Mendez and will include an introduction to watching anyway, and we've tried to pick According to Davidson, he and Barbara is having health problems. But if he classical guitar, starting with the funda- the best from the worst. We hope we Pierson, the Women's Club president, arc can Tccuver in the next few weeks, he mentals and concluding with a demon- have included something for everyone in planning another skating party in the near will be here. There will another be stration of works by Guilani and our varied selection of programs." guest artist m the event that Mendez

. The c I be Neira is very involved in the arts. He Saturday u :nber6th. paints and sketches, and besides being a

classical guitarist is an accomplished f»f the ycji. whiL-h promises to be an orches- Salvador Girl Enrolled violinist. He has performed with El tras across the United Stales and abroad. The hand utTicers elected for this According to the president of MENC, 01 alio rn I g tule t \ scluiol arc: ore ha the John Brown, this is a meeting no mem- aceres T sopho l'rcsidciii..Rnb St ct o of con ng to bMC troi Mills, junior premed bers will want to miss. Those who do majiir. not belong to Ihc music club but are interested in hearing Neira are also

''33,500,000 Unclaimed Scholarships

Over 533,500,000 unclaimed 5cholar5hip5, grants, aids, and fellowships ranging from 510,000, Current list of S50 to anywhere." these sources researched and complied as of Sept. 15, 1975, Aida's main ambition is to UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS from her four year nursing 1 1275 Massachusetts A»e,, Los Angeies, CA 90025 and go back to H Salvador

I am enclosing S9.95 plus SI 00 for postage and handling


school family, and soon

1 II I \ 1 a H Salvador will have another de- i 1 1 1 I e t m to dicated worker for the cause of God.

i better college or university J

Decorator Showhouse

BOOK mn^'^ Opens In Chattanoga Remember The Chattanooga Symphony Q^A Couldn't honor of the Nation's Know But Bi-Cepiennjai L ,„,ed T. the Symphony You Always W Guild's Twenty.pifthT What recaU of learned versary, announces techniques of increasing Chattanooga's and What's-his- fim The secret of Lucas- Decorator Show House. have a bad mne- ilerial. Most Americans, il seems, memory is tlieir mnemomsls name's marvelous pokes a little fun at The Victorian Showcase system of words Laird House lu= Perhaps il is our linking different as "arti- memory. monc^lsy^X^m of schemes, labelling them at 427 East Fifth Street, at avaiJa- and their Ihecorn^ perhaps it is the easy associations invo- more educaUon; "gelher by ridiculous remembering. He opts for Fifth and Lindsay, will be and paper; perhaps exanipie, fical" decorated bu bility of print and pen pictures. For self- bizarre mental of learning such as the area's leading interior television. ing natural means designee Z something to do with remember a list of it even has wish to practice. The book will be open daQy to the suppose you recitation and spaced public for of ilHterates and a ihn,| The memory capacity need to buy: envelopes helpful bibliography. beginning things you includes an index and a weeks October 4th and surpasses thai of Western and so enfe,! Orientals often shoelaces, frying pan, lo knowa// the trash can, the student who wants October 26lh. Mohammedan university act- For I. In one huge envelope on First picture a both books are necessary. The Decorator Show Hoi requirements is that techniques, of the entrance Got il? Now see interested ing as a trash can. Oh"incidently, you miglit be Monday through Saturday from document slightly Khii)", ,„^ entire Koran, a of shoelaces thousands and thousands G. Wlutc's formula for to 4:00 p.m. and on Sundays New Testament, must in knowing Ellen 1:00pm smaller than the Next picture a large fry- falling into it. the memory: "nothing else will 6:00 p.m. faculty here should improving be memorized (the shoelaces are being ing pan in which (students] a retentive mem- Plans for the Decorator that we are not recommend- so help to give Showcase eo understand (Coun- study of the scriptures." a plant bourique and a tea r (his). ory as the ing . crazy, yes, but it works-in which It'sounds 483). to fourteen rooms displaying Short of becomming illilerale, The more sels to Teachers, p. fine funii that's why it works. or becom- fact, art, and imaginative decor, may be somewhat impracticd, longer the mental image, the unnecessarily ridiculous Crosby house will be done ming Oriental, which seems -Tim the by one of Ch'at3 retained. for a it is nurseries. difficult, arc there any remedies different ga's leading This basic metliod has many Scientists working proceeds from the treacherous memory? include All DecoraloiS applications, and tlie authors made some interest- benefit the on the problem have or House will Chattanooga S) ;hapters on remembering speeches fact that discoveries such as the phony Orchestra. Tickets may be puF I ing foreign languages, names and specific sermons, specific memories are stored in chased in advance for S3.00. Admiml and numbers, not to mention scientists faces, molecules in the brain. Two at the door is S3. 50. A special price the stock market, and where dl giving appointments, trained rats to shun the dark by groups keys. Names, for S2.50 is offered to of filieena I well- where you laid your Ihem a choice of running into a example, are remembered by altering^^ box or a dark one in which they liglilcd For tickets, write the Chattanoop I slightly if necessary ("Thatcher" shocked. They then extracted Ihem were at 4169 becomes "That chali") and associating Symphony Guild GannStortll from their brains the chemical they Tennessee 37343, or 302SJfe| to some outstanding feature of the Hixson, suspected was responsible for storing them person's face, which is mentally exagger- dale, Chattanooga, Tennest this memory of fear of the dark and rats. These injected it into untrained Jerry Lucas memorized the first few rats then also avoided llie dark. Further- If pages of the Manliatten telephone more, the same chemical also produced hundred certainly a chemistry student could fear of darkness in other animals. Some- book, elements with their weights Write Your day you may get calculus by injection! memorize the system. Greek Don'l wait around for it thougli. and symbols using this overjoyed at the new Other drugs aimed at sharpening the students will be Student Missionaries reading memory are now in the test tubes, but ities open to them after able for the squeamish here are two books <:hapter seven. If Lucius Scipio was that wiL do the same thing with no side to remember the names and faces of all effects. the citizens of ancient Rome with a Mara-Lea Feist do The New York Knicks may have lost mnemonic system, perhaps you could George Deland gained a for all the residents of your a basketball star but the world the same Griffin You buy the largest umbrella at the Rhonda mnemonist when Jerry Lucas teamed up wing in the dorm. Some enterprising Campus Shop on your student card, William Laspe with his mentor, Harry Lorayne, to write students might even enjoy committing wait for a rainy Chapel day andWhamo! Carol Pape The Memory Book (Stein and Day, 1 974, the Joker to memory. :et all kinds of new people, new Ronald Shaw i7.9S.paperback-Sl.95), seven months on According to the authors, once the fact frowns. Your umbrella gets tangled Steve Young the bestseller list. Lorayne is an old pro, has been learned by association the associa- ith Frank's umbrella. having written a number of books on tion itself soon fades, leaving behind a Frank's um- brella Chung Ryung improving the mind. Lucas became a natural memory. This has been my exper- gets tangled with Gertrude's P.O. Box 200 disciple of Lorayne's after reading one ience as I tried out the system in learning umbrella, and Gertrude's umbrella gets with Seoul, Korea of his books. He put its principles to Greek vocabulary. One criticism 1 have is Ungled Clyde's.

work in liis studies and graduated Phi that it does require practice to become Then you decide you're not going Beta Kappa from Oliio State University, adept at formulating the proper links on lo carry an umbrella to your one o'clock 'having put in something like one fourth the spur of the moment. This may not class. Yourhair looks like a Brillo pad

the study time that most students used." come as easily to some people as it anyway because of the humidity. It's Office Box EA Lucas went on to appear on television evidently does to the only sprinkling! Then, you're halfway authors, althou^ Agana,Guam 96910 and perfect a few techniques of his own, the authors insist that their natural memory up the hill and Collegcdale's famous (airmail stamp) ind finally one day the two authors met is no better than average. faucet gets turned on. You walk with for the first time and gabbed on for about If mnemonics is beneatli your dignity, all dignity you can muster with your eighteen hours, some of which gabbing you might prefer Techniques for Efficient Brillo pad held high until you reach they recorded and inserted in the book. Remembering, by Donald and Elearnor Lynn Wood Hall. You decide to run It is these personal reminiscences which Laird (McGraw-Hill, 1960, paperback, up the last few steps when suddenly English Institute make tlris book so readable. Atone S2.4S), which covers just about everything you're beheaded by two umbrellas 3-17-3 Amanuma, Suginami-k point Lorayne claims to have memorized :lse about memory other than mnemonics. Tcly umbrellaing along, unaware of Tokyo 167, Japan around twenty million names in his career- This book will never make the best-seller your downcast Brillo pad under which enougli to start his own country, he quips. hst, but il is a useful, non-technical appli- downcast eyes watch your wet refiec- Not that Nicaragua we want to quibble, but that cation of scientific findings to the student's Linda Gadd comes lo around 1 ,000 a day for each study methods. Laird reviews the results Girls, il isn't the prettiest dress in Miguel Castillo day of his life. Of course, perhaps he I"" of many different experiments Collegedale conducted that is popular, it's the always lived in New York where there by researchers and applies " these results to lots and lots of people Francia Sirpi formulate general principles and You specific buy a new clock radio to wake ATCHEMCO you up gently with one of your favorite Puerta Cabezas songs al seven in the morning, only to Nicaragua, Central America hear, "The number one song on Ihe (21 -cent stamp) charts this week is S-T-A-T-I-C! " Then: 'The weather today. Fair to crack-ly East Africa cloudy with a pop chance of sputter- Russell Cooper Little Kirk King Debbie You Usten to a conversation of two friends with "dampened spirits." "Going lo dinner today? " "If it doesn't rain." HAS A FUTURE "Going to Six Flags tomorrow? " "if il doesn't rain." WITH I'Going to play lennis this afternoon?" YOU IN Specialists If il doesn't rain." Gutter MIND "Where are you gome?" "TO SLEEP!"

I "It must be raining." *"' 1 "Yeah." Ml m mcKee BawnG companY Dallas E. Momn>

Free Estimates For Any J 1 I 1 ^ the1 It? OUUSouthernMt^M ^

Soullicrn Missionary College Volume 31 Number 6 Accent Collejieclale. Tennessee 37315 Tluirsday. October 16, I97S I


botl „ ^ „jine was somewhere around 500 In summing up the Field Day this early in the Ingathering season Taylor slated, "All in all. the Field in the history of the College. Day demonstrated that even a small The combined total raised thus proportion of the student body can far has now reached 523,000. The do a great deal if thei/ will combine College had as a goal SI 0,000, .and their efforts with the faitii they have it went over this goal bv S384. in God's helping them." The Collegedale Academ ""' and the total for

lose of the Ingatf. . approximately SI 2.000. Maxwell Speaker The Ingathering bands went from For Week Of Prayer

Spiritual batteries need recharging? Has your prayer life dwindled into no- The business solicitation for the thingness? Have you seemingly lost that College, headed up tiy vitarconncction with your Creator and terisan and Dwight WaWailack, reached "" "" " total pf S42S0.. '.5b. The fifty-three bands of students who for the day reached a total of ;d iusi SMC's annual \Vecl approximately SS,300, averaging ual Emphasis, a'.id Dr. D.M."'-" ! SlOO per band. professor of relig" — "' William Taylor who directed the Field Day states that in spite of the rain, there was a good spirit on Arthur, famed author of the Bcddinv Pre-med Game Tightens the campus. "Some students prob- Stories series. A blessing is definilely in store for all as he speaks to us. ably slept in instead of going on for the Spirit- the Atlanta trip because of uie Meetings Week of G.P.A. almost as high, yet the MCAT ual Emphasis will begin Monday morn- d, "t • ing at 11:05 a.m. with joint worship at 6:45 p.m. The same schedule will lund $100 per

range one finds much liigiier MCAT Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. ings will be held in the churcl Keep in mind that class sc) on Monday, Wednesday and F mornings will be changed due For students wondering about the

' 1.!^ hcen our observation that

' 5iu(.i , rtho come into medical school mendation of the Admissions committee Willi Uti; minimum of requirements do cMpcriciiCL' some difnculty with the

Tiierclnrc wc recommend that additional Glass To Perform On Organ amrscj be taken, such as. Biochemistry, yujiKiUiiVL.' Analysis^ Embryology, His- adequate for gomg c More Iielpful infc in the letter and may be briefly 1 of credit, making it next

graduate witb anything be completed at the end of the junior „aT, h„i It is possible for one, such a still be in progress at the t

staff of schools lo help them

wise to note that due to the jniber of qualified students, all gain admission into Loma Linda. > lake spccificaily Organic ^o....«,. should bear in mind, however, that uring Ihe s One there are viable alternate schools that compile My that Hie w present no Sabbath head-set pre-med student advice for llie - bound for Loma Linda ^'or Bust is with due respects lo philosopher Camp- bell - in order to join their union, you must buy ihcir union card. aninglui. lliese bas

19 at 8 00 p m in the ^ite';r;n!;\i,ri^T;h:;r''--w;;: Oulober ^ Pops Concert Talee Hall chapel Mrs Judith Gla^s ttiilbe performing on the organ and an \1 A Af the end Ihe theme is repeated So Coming October 25 She fias both a B A n organ from th<. University of Texas that maybe the people will remember and lias 45 hours towjrds a doctorate what It was says Mrs Class The degree Her postgraduate \^ork in cornnoscr for this piece is Pachalbel eludes studying under Anton Heiler Tile fourth piece is one of the few renowned composer and perlormer, composiiions Bach wrote in the Italian jl the Viennd Academy of Music for style This Toccata Adagio and Fugui this time period TlTev will be singing and playir two vear:, During opens with d scale passage on the manuj and pedal The is liglit cfassical and popular piece' second movement Colic,; V"!;fi !'"!,'"!'! "f lilt Medical "TRlAfT"-'''^ Test, Dr. tvjtd said,

I close with a piece written "'",' lllo and lo be ™ S' E'adcs lias Cher Heiler Entitled Tanz nni 'olerpreied a hinu win, tl,., .„mr.,1l L IS very modern with Irequenl leler and no key signature '•"' if l''-'' Soutliern Accent K s"ude"nrs XcOTd'-"'''.' week the skcd if she eets nervous before published Irs Glass lusl laughed may """skid "lo""',' will not be and tWcAT' 'i'^ Basically, Bruce YingliVig, edit- r head I t^t very nervous useful....r.T'*': llic MCAT i .upper and lower end he gives is that due ^I'lpie. one of vo in t m .ke il before every c

t deadlines for the paper. jicss I the ri^ht t^V '


OulModed InstituHon? Dear Editor, Is It An Friday evening short and that the Lord II was a quiet, lazy could c talgc Hall when a group aiiylime. Many lliiuRs arc on I ic porcl. of to be reer.! niet together. , mzed for its potential of n en lust by chance and used lo^l dwelt upon many lungs cxti-m Tiik «,„,.,:,... ."i The conversation greatest This c "'" recognized t no aspect of the '""Pn^ew'semeslcr "but in'rilc ^midst bi,. nkh ) carry it Ijterature forward, i^ liic word lo icn uiking, the subject of Bui i,...,th,.riiiL'-iiisl meiilioii o? 'a'lTflie is going to be needed. the discussion ouireach came up. In . of having Wilh a man like Cliff Mcv Qi people to erac (hat followed, the idea evolved c |)oUcs. Sonic il inoliona at first involving the as the faculty sponsor, ant it's the luglilight an organization, otlR-rs hutc il and lor some, even- efforts of the five men, but perhaps Des Cunimings standing bcliind many more people ii'iJ "' dav. and tually involving a great w;is IngJlhering ficIO in altainng "ust w2ek thai would involve themselves to the Scci freely to all literature and distributing it him for the I1rsi time. '14 imploved "So 'you'rc'liiiW hmv'u'couki need il. thus helping "^mnlli and ^^ who want and pistol behind it all.;' and continued or iiol carried on t)y he's r^l und wTicther il should be spread the cause of God the meeting : the I This year approximately one-third, of our church. They held a forma! firing, something is bound parlicipaled in Ingathering, sohc- a few days later, elected officers, and lofa sdideni body Autumn. in the sum ol drafted the name, "The Leaves Of What can you do? Right iliiiK and contributing wages is go to all support is needed. Your "The message of tmth to opinions, ii the its publi- ''From a strictly monetary standpoint, nations, tongues, and people; t equal iiioncv -aincd through Ingathering doesn cations, printed in many different lan- is of the iiioiiey lost by cancehng classes. If we guages, are to be scattered abroad like a need any Adventisl litciatuiel rimirc thill a one hour class costs S4.40, then the leaves of autumn." 4T 79 any type. Especially is there a need] class it would Christ Lun if (.-vervbody had only one Thus, in the sliorl span of a few weeks, Steps lo and Insights which a W- worth S(i,yOO, or S800 more than the money permission has been given for the new everywhere here on campus. Puljll " '- "':—'""'- paper to work for the Lord. club t Takeil any of the on campus doinis utienl

aiting t the froni deiil still play- the day are canceled. So ;rature has bMnrf of dollars and cents, let's take tune ceived and put ti se. Hundreds of another angle. What if the students Steps to Christ v administration tc irrangement with the the recent Ingath ng effort thehistory of our church. Literatui " ' never been so readily available and at missionary Africa* such low prices. For example, one case the way nd all this was^l of WO Steps to Christ costs just under which IS one of the r seven dollars. Furthermore. Seventh-dav the effort. Adventisls are probably now better able Thanks is extended to No, I'm not trying to be ridiculous. I'm to financially afford this literature and t' helped so far and have t usl pointing out that there are easier ways to contribute to the literature evangelism keep you going on what's liappfniiaj ^et S6,I00 tlian tromping up and down the hills than ever before or ever again. n the rain, fighting off dogs, and asking for We all that time is very iioney when you'd rather not ask anybody for do agree

ontacts. Two students who ' CALENDAR

bunch of legalists who don't eat pork and keep Ihursday the 16th monday the 20th Saturday for Sunday. Wouldn't you consider their day a successTIf tlie students donated the Chapel, 11:05 a.m. Cliuicli money rather than solicited it, this wouldn't happen. Joint Worship. 6:45. Climtli I can t agret /ith the complete^_,^ .....^.m,,.,shut-down friday the 17th Emphasis ol all tliB college facilities when two-thirds of Week of Spiritual the student body^ were present, and on the Tennis Semi-Finals. - - 3:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - , ^i^Qgg GRE Exam Students who |

I band and i : showed. Vespers . Elder Tom Ashlock. tuesrlay the 2[st i Ingathering's major Sunset. 7:04 Chapel. 11:05 a.m. Churth Is Ingathering field day p.m. _ t-moded i pun^ose? I don't think 6:45. Clioi* '.n'"so. Wi'.VIf^ir^- "? "^^'"rf Sabbath the 18th Joint Worship. Why SMC just wouldn'^t be | the same: withoutwithou' tae. .1,^^^.'.^'^ romances Grundset keeps teUinE Week of Spiritual Empluiis ^ n Missionary College ?"g|"^^? 0" tl'etile Atlanta trip. Alumni i", V n 'ti'" Or for something bes' Challanooga Symphony be , all tlial dramatic, Richard Cormier Music i loiif as Dr. Kulllmaiuhlman Sabbath Spealie Elder R, H. keeps telling t Gary Graffman, pianisl, nv and Picrson, I'hysioloCT da! Richard Cormier, condii no' theater. 8: 15 p.m. For 8:15 p.m.

.' kills 267-8583. \mII mumble abouVi. v^mtia lj\-seepiii!; and studying, aiid the 22nd -^"'' '" money Wednesday the .' """S irlliwhS" Sunday the 19th Chapel. 11:05 a.m. Chuidi

J Challanooga 6:45. Cliur* Track Joint Worship. —Bruce Yingling Clul Annuai'"cr'o"s'."c™Slry | thursday the 23rd

Cliuich Chapel. 11:05 a.m

Joini Worship. 6:45. Cl.««> | Week of Spirilual Empl"S» ^ Tnebouthern .

Photographers News RL-porling Class Distribution Sue Eiseic P.''»,ii Holbrook News Edi " Chuck Roosenburg Linila Vandcrlaan Keilh The ACCENT" Cll P McMahcn SOUTHERN »' pulihshed by the Studenl Ediio ial Adviso Business Manager Advertising Manager s?oTa',rCol'le?e",n''co"ileg"d»li JohnWcnlworlii T^nelse^^PsiS.". ;> , Tech Advi Jul iDu lichck Spoils Editor The Soulhern Accent October 16, 1975 3

A NOSTALGIC LOOK BACK -'25, '50, '65

Alumni wcck™

Elder Fram:' Ashlock graduated Troni iouthcrn Junior College in 1925 in what ,vas considered n large class--36. He's Houd of thai class, loo, and the con- ribulions it's made. Personally he knows

if five doctors, cighl ministers and nine Iciichcrs who've spent countless hours of Jodicatcd service in "the Lord's work"

but neither the cost nor the A'ere. "1 think when I first cami ^ould just about gel me througli S57; -'"- says. This- J year s schooling,"scnooiing, he --,-, ,--, included 10 hours of donated labor week li>r llic school. Probably free lahiir would cause an uproar if im- nlcniciiied today, but back in 25 it w;is all in a day's work. for pay he When he did work Nelda (Mitchell) Reid was hour making an year graduate in 1950, "The two-yi graduates were step-children back tn. she says. "But still the highliglit of my vear was graduation." One of her distinct n .. the trauma of her first registration.

ickled, "and hikes up Grinestone thouglil, that_ if evetyth,

worked hard, studied

__ialler where you are, tn your heart that's what ^you de- de lb do." and 20 hours a week during One of his most pleasant recoUect- the school year, she )ns ol life at Soulhern Jiinior College only owjn_g S2CfO. as the lact that almost everybody

'Why," she exclaimed, 'Sve would have and then is he replied jeen shipped home and never invited """*- hesitation,"""sitation, 'S''"'Size and back if the faculty saw us walking ac-

then took i > the campus holding hands. rnore serious tone, "Some old people when lliey \ dispensary of know- ; worked with young people ledge. Nelda says there all my life and their id'ea

pressed her were the president, Elder wri^it, and Dr. Kuhlman. "President Wright always looked so imposing and dignified. F always had a lot of respect for him, and Dr. Kulhman - well, liis anatomy and physiology class was hard." "SMC almost seems like a difTerent place now it looks so different," she said with nostalgic sadness. "But it's still the same old rainy climate. The 60's were a decade of rebellion and according to James Hannum a grad- uate of '65 ffie main issues on the SMC campus weren't racial discrimination or any of the other conflicts confront-

1 married student I ;

Right after graduating he joined a

(D Vacation Center

Studied By Mrs. Knittel Commiiiee I

Gives Answers SfJm';randS'uly^''"""B'''eVa|

Husband bcsunteed1,!d'tlu>"'r«'^'«illic cost About rnr 'lv,ol^ ^N wuudlsl chii^T;fcSK'"n;:,?:.s^,'|l

Oilier plans jiicludc liaving Collcgcdalc l|i Academy nin scieclf tours lo Ciiv' Rock Ruby Hill. Cm aniauga Lake and TJani, andlohH """ '"'""^"'' -"- burg at"' aboveal

1 four-color brochure ind^

emirc .luuinern union and eudu'lal world ?K^"*^4'"^ would knowsitll SMC offers. In Ihc commilicenBl it slated that the reason it wdumH difficult to run Ihe Vacation Ctnial any longer than June and JulyiiM

and the need for gelling' ready (mI coming school year. The commilfee was ,„.. pearl Everett Schlisner, Dean Floia

the academic dean, Mr. Roy Bili^ tile Academy, and Mr. Ron GiJ [he food service dirccli

Middle English. He was a fabulous _ . _ . , the few

teacher, bat I never worked so hard Jijpcr's, vaeuuiniiig floors, when I can't sleep he tells me in all life. After all, I didn'l want ni^lJsh, being a vice-presi- my that if people have a cfear conscience ' iiiifoiii ^irrairs(lic sympathizes him lo Ihink he was married lo some- :y can sleep. Then he ducks. :ho wasn't too bright. And I .ir^(, academic Jean Which of his virtues do you most p an linistrl t about lo ask him for any help, I III liilclicr), and, of admire? Oh, wow! Aside from his 3U9 Christian virtues 1 guess I would have Dwell on this for a while . "1 ilii'se his patience and tenacity. If jobs made you the say "None should feel at liberty I can't eet something to work just sanclificd time in an uiiprofiiL....- What is the thing ^llldjrlg, Seiiously, it hasn't most unusual he riglit, keeps right on trying until he Il is displeasing lo God for SabaU difference. has ever done? That's a hard one, but He is ihe (ype he does figure out a way to make it keepers to sleep during iimli u/ll 1 would say that building almost single- who is always lerribly in- Sabbath. Thev dishonor llm mm iiuMcr wlial handledly a two story (2400 square kind of job doing, and, by their example, aj^ feel) home plus a full basement would the six davs are too tirccioiis fmt I ilK m egghead? Not really. > owe is because of my 'o spend in resliu^. " 2T 704. Does he watch much television? He Have we fuunJ nurselvcs ll probably averages one hour every six this too many times? Perhaps. months, althougli I can I remember we come up wilh e stand, but liveable. He laid all those Do the last 3J"w tune he watched anything. there is nothing to do on I page, and then the thousands of bricks one by one. That He is an avid reader, tliougli. beautiful house, very well-built. Not so! What are his hobbies? Besides me, Let's open our eyes and ears he likes to work on the house. At hearts and sec what the Lord ti: least that's what he does. In Colorado, ""' vided for us to do. Both s' but I would have said snow-skiing. He . in this ____ ,^._, and sharing aclivilics are prt really enjoyed that. louder than words. Actually, it has Does Sabbath. Singspira ord puzzle been a matter of self-defense. I'm he have any annoying habits? must al- a He real animal nut. When he goes on certainly does. He snores {I can't long trips, stand the quiet when ike a choice between we quite often manage to he's gone) and Siiblafi campus jail bands, hrjncli smuggle in another stray he eats loo fast. I can't get the food "' and he lets New Testa"'""' them arranged Bonnie Oaks, stay most of the time. All I on my plate before he is gone. others. and , can say is that I am glad you didn't ^ Well, folks (to quote Dr. McClarty), Sabbath afternoon ^'^"'''''''^1 ask hmi about this one. He could here it is - your ofB^""^,,/! write a long college president ss always need lo involve article on tliis subject. you'fl 1 see him (a completely objective, un- can be alunc wilH He says I should have been a bul you veterinar- biased ian or opinion). There are no dull any single efforl. have run an animal shelter as .•..vM. moments around our house. sjlisHed wilh * Just when II vou aren't I think things might become predictable. Is he a fast driver? No, just absent minded. yoo arc Ihcrc lo provide for Does he always have so much energy' «"* selves. Tell us wlial you Absolutely. He's a mornine oerson a

• SMC Student Sees President ;33,500,000 niarkcl, liiere will 1 be a need of in i,l,i "loiial "'''' l|f>00 000 Lobs until too" V<^sidenl Tord Uiiclaiiiicd t^,. ,, commented in a ,.',"","' f'J' "''°»' lite selliiiE ol' "]

'->' ^J' .""I 500,000 uriclaim.jd scholaisn.i^

" i.-ny,r,g \':> 0* | , gm S50 !o 510,000 CunCT.t ' .'!an,ic,,.„..„|a>ois.:oi 16,1«6 UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS ' '• Los AnyJ^^, CA 90025

Gutter Specialists ^^^^ ^OUR CURRENT LIST OF i m,p!^5^ UNCLAIMED TO: [ SCHOLARSHIPS SOURCES Dallas E Moinm „„,( Sd.i,

Tennessee ^'"d, Guu'moVl!',',,' ii?'''"'' many > "l"""". and oil.c, diiinitariB. The Soiilhem Accent October 16, 1975

School Grapevine of her life were spent in Canada, "Grade where she was born in Alberta, September 24, 195G. Wanda first visited SMC the W. Spalding Elomenlaty photographic print paper is inserted SMdenIs at A. MimnuT iH'fore her Junior year of j° a iwofoU education. Tliey inside the box. After the camera is set „| receive Af.i.lriiiv ,tnd w;is L'renttv'influeni ""'' motionless for 20-25 'o "°''' ™"' minutes, "focused" ''f i'^ 'I" ^'-r- .i.. Jlauilil nol "nlV tnry. Tlie "O'l' "'"' ""' '""''^• on the desired scene, a negative I'll' - appears I the iii bill also 10 dorm scvenlli and eighth graders on the print paper. Ss ,est 1 10 praclical educa- Gary Brown and Doug Faust, Binvolveii in Spalding's photo- graphy instructors, leach Ihc students the various techniques used in the dark-

.in.'iiB.slsHjJciils an opportunity to room, and help students to lake belter ;„.„a....nw,ucl..ocnroll To

There are 16 boys and girls in this class. s(i,sl,sa>.iiJ.,u,dllnrdvucations Principal Howard Home Economics loit^sli'r placement. Wanda Melashenko students Mrs. Connie Jones endeavors enfJv M A., (hen assigns llie to make her classes v.ini'Ui vucalional classes. Home Ec. practical by teaching I ihc Wanda Melashenko classes, students nutrition and AiiiT ili'ii-' weeks of by providing her students lo change vocational with experience in cooking. Last Comes From Far East u'ople have ay jiiHisL'-.'iiliL'i year, in tlicir present among other projects, jssfs or lo ^iiritmue her students made weeks. and ClassesVor a maximum of nine canned soup. More recently, her the Flir Spalding's praclical educatio students prepared an entire supper for the lihst, Wanda Melaslicnko conies to Southern Missionary lund II sof College Student Aids, who work at Spald- not as frieniliv ;i- |>.'t.|)l,. si,\ 1 1,,-v instructors. ing- College as a FVeshman Nursing I several V iaiiie

Wanda is glad lier sister lives Her first three Garden ing years were I Model Rocketry nearby. 'Ihere are quite a lew spent in t he Hiilippines where Getaid Linderman, Science instnic- girls who are feeling lonely as Mr. Mr. Richard Cristoph isn't narrowed her father was the Business Ad- with an to teachiiTg only Math, because the year begins. "In fact, I or,flcacliES Model Rocketry he also ministrator know teaches for Mountain View Iff seventh and eighth grade of one girl who hated peanut emphasis on its practical aspects. Students College. but- I BUYS and eals to grow flowers and pot- ter before coming here, but now gleaming to utilize principles of math Some of these plants grow She took Home Study courses A , [jgyg jjggj^ located she's eating it in the shower. id'science in designing rockets and in to complete her Elementary ed- ._ to improve its ap- This place does strange things to calculaling the heiglit of a rocket flight, Students ucation and then went to Fbr I become proud not you. Bit I do like it here. Fbr 'tj^c rocket spirals approximately Ehstern Academy in Singapore one year I think it's really nice." where she finished her Fresh- Wanda's parents are in Hong man and Sophmore years. oi i!r' cIjss's rockets has an 8'A Kong this year. Her father is Tlie school year of 1973-1974 the business Administrator for I millinKk'i eaiiiera in its nose cone and found Wanda living with her sis- the South China Union College. n mid-fliglit. ter in Nashville, Tfennessee and She has spent two monl''' '" Tumbling Hong Kong with her pai attending Madison Academy, " I Steve Wilson and Sandy Grant are, wanted a change." shopping." ". according to Principal Kennedy, . , Mr. Calvin Fox, seventh and eighth- She then returned to her par- doing a fantastic job of teaching tum- Wanda loves the Far Hist and ,rade English instructor, also instructs bling. Steve and Sandy are instructing ents, and Singapore, and finished wouldn't trade those years of her seventh and eighth-grade art class of Spauldine's tumbling team of 17 sevenm her Senior year at Far Eastern life for anything. However, she's and eighth graders. They also teach tum- |22boyi and girls. Mr. Fox seeks to Academy. glad to be back in the States and bling to 100 fourth, fifth, and sixth Itfore going overseas, Wanda attending Southern Missionary graders. When the eighth grade tumblers lived at Sierra, California for [whether little or much. reave the team, their positions will be La College. idled by talented five years. The first eight years The class centers on three phases of sixth graders. The team meets on Fridays and is iTi: drawing, painting, and ceramics. now preparing for future perlt I For their ceramic's projects, last year's Student rt class huill their own ktir and learned Teachers Implemented orked. Student Aid Program efului iiinai fee, Mr. Principal Howard Ke As the new quarter for the Sabbath Fox Diane Tennant direct Sl ^_ lesson starts, so starts a may open the ceramics kiln for col- School new Aid Program in which lO seventh and tegeand kind of Sabbath School at SMC. The community use. eighth grade students help daily with students will be the teachers this time r help. There is the class activities of children m grades a need around. According to Dr. Melvin Camp- Woodworking one two, and three. In this way, older students share in the responsibiUty of bell, Sabbath School sponsor, the idea I Spalding Social Studies teacher, Mr. helping younger students and acquire was very well received and enough valuable experience in working with students volunteered to teach to im- |Weslon Babbitt, also teaches woodwork- children. The Student Aid Program has plement this plan. Instruction for the s practicality. worked well, and primary grade teachers new teachers is being planned. There ^ludenti, luvL' repaired have appreciated tlie Iclp and interest broken school is the possibility that Elder C. D. Brooks Kiwanis faeiltiies of the older students. Club Formed such as lables and chairs, and and Dr. Wilma McClarty will be the I^^s built speakers for the training sessions. _ . enclosures for Witnessing Program The first Sabbath School, held on The newly formed Kiwanis Club for ihe October 4, featured Elder Frank Hol- Tri-Community area has elected R.C. Mills, bach ul ihe nine Elder Ron Rogers and Mr. Richard business boys in woodworking brook for the lesson study. Eider Hol- manager of Southern Missionary 'ass Will Cristoph are organizing a witnessing - Coljege, as its president. ctmiplcic one project. — -latli Previously team for Spaulding Students. They nc woodv.,,rka built a doghouse, and hope to teach students on the team how to to give students f'veralbvcbudtbirdhouses. Students witness and American National Bank. Other elected 'auglil practical experience in witnessing. officers are Cari Tallant. vice president: 10 use wood wisely and to Last year's eighth grade class sent i from Korea and Japar Lee Holland, treasurer; and Charles Wi/soi '^Projeoi plans to a Xicaraugua, sponsored scale. hearing aid to On October 25 llie Woodruff Family, secretary. a studenl in Africa, and visited nursing, Serving the board a musical group featuring stringed in- on of directors i homes at Christmas time. They also "tioloBraphy struments, will present the Sabbath hosted an orphan Christmas party. and for two years: Willis "","' ''"'' School program. Also on the agenda eighth-grade students in Cushman,-.., ChadesL,'hades Davis and Roy BattU.Battle. programs is ig s for future Sabbath School To begin, meetuifis will be held in the pimiography class have taken Mrs. Thelnia Kotecki presenting on SMC cafelc Thursday ^. „., |;=^"rcs Willi oatmeal ---, box cameras. To Coilegedaie residentsr At each home, January 22, "A New Dimension in October _23 the.„_ 41-member«^ club will hold prayer ^^"'^"•" a small square a promise was recited and a Witnessing," and on February 7, Bob charier nigh leiscii^/^ -"-schapKr i Club "' in the front of Zollinger will give a program on "Self ._ the oatmeal the Coilegedaie, Apison, and Ooll ^-aild the Supporting Work in the South." opemng IS covered with All in all the Sabbath Schools for "m'num foil. Also fdriTied„was the Circle Through ; school where "Cltri: K Club I the foil is the 1975-76 school year look exciting Che •lens"), and and worthwhile. If you. as a studenl, I provide an outlet whereby students '-" may become"me more involved ini i and campus activities.


i befoqgled and all a iv Fall-Winter Program k of nolhin' else but I starts Ihumpin' mighty fast, Olympia SkatingCenter Whenever she happens to walk pt My qrudes are droppin' lllie Dow

Money 'i disappearin' have to ge

Oh qofid grief I've fallen in love. *Schadul« and Pricei SubJKl lo Chonge Wilhoul Notic SoftbaU Sputters To End Of Season With Wolverines Nafie, Navy And MarshaU Leading Divisions

spullctcd 10 (lie eii' Son ball I I liaJiiKiiiy of anollicr Due 10 llic hccri h-jrU^M Ciillcgcdale ,cs luivc

'H^l'H.Hwa"jii(i aii-

"^Bill tip in'^ lli^'srandingf lii udcr''C move' nioic wins lloovci has held slcudv al Uvo Bob iwicc, jiid iwu more losses. Me look Bob fe ! Inil fell 10 NaHc and Davidson, games la Uill, into ;i slump. He gyve up Davidson. •^1*11 NaHe jud , , IIoov.-}r Country ^ », r ,j Annual Cross Run Willi only Iwo games left Nafic holds al il- Havidson Hrsl, bnl IJill lias a good slipl League ihe S ueeers lii ihc National "oh I'oovcr For October 19 \Vpiver- Slated liave uivcn up firsl place to the incs In a \2 iniiine game the Wolverines onc-niile divisions--l2 and urito sqia-e/ed by. Tlic Sluggers dropped two boys; 12 and under girls; Junii lo Navy and Uie Btave^j and , more games Press and Chattanooga Track Club Hich boys: Junior Hieh EiTls: the campus of Southern 15-^9. 36-i9. and 40 an^owr, Wiilverinei ul-ji mt ui.;i...«o.-- - be held on Inil lost 10 (he Wcincrs. The Braves anu Army have picked up Iwo more games i-'olvpn'riPS iccoraing lo^ike Bradley, sports an each hul have also dropped llircc while ncer forlVSMC, "This is one of the Slun^ers 19-23, 24-29. 30-34, 35-39,4 liic Raiders have won one and lost five Graves

III' the American League Navy has pulled up to first with Big wins over tlie SluRuers. Braves, Raiders, and Racers. The : athlete association) '"" '— "- their tic lor lirst place junior lii^i students will bcg^in at 2:00. beaten by the Sluggers and their starting shirts will be g^iven to 175 fmishen in Angrican Lna iiid Wcin . The \. - s held ( hiid nU .vith four school students

ameritan Collegiate ^oets ^ntljolosj

International Publications

i^ational College ^oetrp Coiit]

- - Foil Concours - -

open to oil college and university students desiring to hove t onthologized, CASH PRIZES will go to the top three poems

SlOO $50 $25 First Ploce Second Ploci Third Ploc!

AWARDS of Iree putlicntion tor ALL occeptcd monuscripts in our p.?| handsomely bound ond copyrighted onthology, AMERICAN COLLECII| POETS. _ __. Deadline: October 25

CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS; 1. Any student is eligible to submit bis verse. 2. All entries must Charles Davis exchanges be originol ond unpublished. library for baseball bat. 3. All entries must he typed, double-spoced, on one side o( the p"?! Eoch poem must be on o separote sheet ond must beor, in the "P* # hond corner, the " NAME ond HOME ADDRESS of the student, -f the COLLEGE ADDRESS. 4. There ore no restrictions on form or theme. Length of poems three ond sixteen till'. Little Debbie lines. Eoch poem must hove o s-nnrntc 1 line or words of poem OK, but ovoid "Untitled"!) 5. The ludges' decision will be finol 6. Entr.nts should be keep o copy of oil entries os they connol <"1 P"" winners ond b^ HAS A FUTURE oil outhors ow.rded free publicotion will 'l immediotely olter deodlme. publicotion iU*| WITH YOU I. P. will retoin lirst IN occepled poems. yt'"s MIND 7- is on initiol one eM dollo, registrotion fee for the first 'J of '« fifty cents for eoch toS'-| odditionol poem. It is requested

mcKee sawnG All companv 8. entries Zri,rZZZ7„o, deadN""| m later then the obove l"s be poid, cash, check or money order, to: INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 1747 Fountoin Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029 5

the Southern

Accent Tliursdiiy. Oclober 30. 1^75


cialion. This action came, Monday evening, S 10,000, the Senate unanimously recom- October 6. following a presentation of the mended to the college Administrative final Hnancial reporl for ihe 74-75 fiscal Council that they appropriate addilional year, and the current Finance Committee's funds for the project's completion. presentation of a proposed budget, both The response from ihe Adminislralive

of which were brought lo the Senate Council was positive, providing that if floor by S.A.S.M.C. Treasurer, Larry Lee. the S.A. would appropriate an addilional

The proposed budget, ratified by the 51,000 to the projecl, making a lolal of Senate covered all projected expendit- S8,500 available in S.A. funds, that Ihe

ures by Ihe Student Association during college would assume ihe financial res- the current fiscal year. Just under 15% ponsibility for any expenses above Ihe of the lotal budget was appropriated for S8,500 mark. administrative expenses, with the remain- ing 85% allotted for the actual product- PROJECT TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY ion of S.A.S.M.C. programs, activities, projects and publications. The budget Along with the motion for requesting included an assignment of S7,500 additional funds from the college admini- lor a proposed picnic shelter to be built stration, the senators voted unanimously in the Student Park--a project that has in favor of beginning the project immedi- drawn favorable discussion for several ately. Their appointment of Elder K.R. ^^H A drawing depicting the planned student pnrk shelter. years and which was recently approved by Davis as general coordinator of the con- by the college's Administrative Council. struction project seemed a natural choice, On the heels of the budget ratifica- considering his past involvement in similar $55,645.62 Budgeted tion motion and approval, came two ad- projects as well as the thorough work he'd , ditional motions intended to give direc- done in already securing the plans, bids, and The OclDber 6 session of the S.A.S.M.C. tion lo the specific appropriation of information leading up lo Ihe Senate's for Picnic Shelter decision ^olcd Ihcir unanimous support to three suc- S7,500 an S.A, to make the Student Park Shelter Projecl. an official S.A. project. js cryslalizing financial poii- With increased enrollment and a surplus Al this point it is important that two ;s for Ihc present fiscal year. As a member of facts be recognized. Association we thought you'd unused funds from previous administra- First, this year's tions pushing the income :actly how and where your of the Student S.A. budget is exceptionally large due to Association to a record high, the Senate over SIO.OOO in surplus mg spent by your elected offi- funds. It is not voted unanimously to appropriate a total Whereas the total cost of constru' suggested that this figure represents iliis article assumes the format an of 555,645.62 to the administration and might well exceed the allotment of average for future S.A. budgets. laj, yet current, and hopefully the activities of this year's Student Asso- S7,500 possibly extending as high a Second, a poriion of these surplus rcnorl on the financial status. , continued on page 3 Kiwanis Charters Granted

Over 300 Kiwanians and guests were on h^nij when (he International Presiden Principal officers included R.C. Mills, Ted Osborn of Lexington, Kentucky, at- business manager of SMC, the charter tdcd the presentation of charters to foi president of the East Hamilton County vanis Clubs in the Ooltewah-Apison- Club; Carl Tallant, vice-president, and Collegedalc area. Martin Counts of the American National

The ji s held ii Bank as president-elect.

ofSouihi The president of the Circle K Club is onOctnb Duane Anderson. President of the Key Givinj: charters to four clubs al one time Club is Mike Grimes and president of the is somelhiiig of a first in Kiwanis; there- Builders' Club is Johnny Rewcastle. fore, ihe Iniernalional president decided Clubs in the area, which attended lo make Ihe irip for the unusual occasion. brouglit gifts from their clubs such as Being granted charters were the East banners, gavels, etc., for Ihe new clubs to Haniillon County Club, Ihe Circle K Club at Southern Missionary College, the Key Club of Oullewah High School and Ihe Builders- Club of Oollcwali Middle School. Membership in these clubs total appro- English Club Organizes ximately one hundred, and two hundred guests, including representatives from the Pires President 'en Chaiiunooga area clubs, were in at- tendance lo mark the occasion. The English Club recemly organized and Dr. George Young, former district elected officers for the coming year. governor, and Malcolm DeFiese, immediate Robert Pires was elected president of the past president of the Braincrd Kiwanis Club, club while Dale Townsend. Dolly Wickham made piesenlalions and the LieutenanI Sally McMillan, and Yvonne Kuizncr were elected to the executive conunitiee. President Pires said thai he was very pleas The and hoped thai Ihe clul Attack Scheduled would be as successful ; for Oct. " He meniioned ihe vesper pre s previ MV put on by the dcparlnienl ar the members to create ideas good vesper program this ye; Koreans To Perform Sunday Club members were then a

iliey would like the club to s Ihe Physical Educatic, ^ c.„fi . , 1 1 IS 1 The Little Angels of Korea, on their eighth girls and 3 boys, ranging from eight to P'ogramissublillcd, for suggesi 77ie/i//ort."and , The tloor open Korea's national Mncerns lour of Ihe United Slates, will perform in the years of age, are known as itself with Satan's devices against Physical Education Center al SMC on Sunday folk dancing company. 'teChnstian religion. One member suggcsied reinsliluling an In previous tours Ihe group has per- ft *'™ entitled, "nrce :Fmlh. Hope, mid exchange program wilh the Oakwood College the Ed Will program will consist of folk and formed al Ihe While House and on W^s, be the feature of the evening's whereby we put on a vesper program on their The The nfnldir lent Ic- Sullivan show. *?A'™- college society, and itspres- campus in exchange for a vesper program Iradil --. u Tickets for the performance can be ^iiuiiiaii isIS metlie plotpior ofoi thistni! film. put on by them here al SMC. Member re- s-old Recording to Ray Hartwell, the publ sponse was affirmative and President Pires purchased al the Campus Shop in Colle- 'fUons director for the campu agreed lo look into it. gedalc, or al the door. All seats are reser-

Also planned for Ihe English Club members ved, and prices range from S 1 to S3.50. this year is a Christmas parly. , ,

SounJ Off AUut LETT

the roar and life Tlicrc's \bise-ifs full of vitality , , ev tmion Ixi-t ort ™t ol aSletti„s,^nh.|>

other Students: Dear Mr. Editor and wilh one. This has opened lor phenomena lias been The Southern Memories i of who monslrated by us numerous times, school year. For those you w, llKn- s UK lv»|h anoiher avid suliolar. Ami Uicii j^ when can shoot pictures of buildings in finding out about and i. M.iild> 1..1 n are interested arel iJilunalmg to and lots of other things, but slralinE, of last year's annual is we kmj d"ni»lor>' Ihe supplement roar lliroudi ll«-- ll»" ";'"^^^™^^'^'^= told figured you'd like some sln>isof\u, u„d Joe Rudd, its editor, has coiiccnlralioiuv^n i be ready, Mr. im|)o^ililL' and your classmates in Ihe ila'P the publisher's place outside annual also. iiic liial it's at '^"^ that's all we Well,' c glad V e got bed orNjshvillc- Unfortunately jII have yoii d^^ided to gp to g How nviny limes soon, and as you out there behind us, be in exhausted to study tor know jboul It. It may " kno^ng Uiat you're too early, we have agreed lo dis- help, and affection. {Riglif^ rcwhoiiRof refreshingdeep soon js il arrives, that hiji l^-^l ^vlthout a students. Jack Waagen and Sieve your neiglibor s stereo Inbule il lo all you only lo end li|> listening to lo talk about this year's editors of the annual, request that d, maybe if it isn t But.. .we prefer blanng away al 100 deciblesVOr of art, prose, poetry. one please be prompt so all will i;i. . bull session on the annual Selections slerto il-s a fuU-nedged his have a terrific of stacatto pholography, cartoons (we opposite m:x coniplele with burets of humor), and everything else you bidilLT and baek-s)apping l^arity. sense ^ readers of the year- as you re the tliink may interest the Sure noise is no problem as long the Memories one trying to study or book can be submitted to us al one makinu it rather than the 9. niglU tlie roles office in Ihe Student center, room sleeo But reinember. tomorrow use- Several people have already submitted art, and pholo- solutions then^Durmg ful pieces of poetry, prose, What is tlie solution or several should be enclosed in Alumni Weekend a vislor who had been an RA graphy. All entries i2:30andnextdoor undressed elephant (we years ago stayed in my room. It\vds a stamped, white, sleep almost typist, so far). Please, if you P.S. Student group pictures (ji; they were tiaving a jam session which made have a terrible were ^Kakers name and of your choice) will be taken anywiiiji iiipossible. "Wliy when I was here tliere submit sonictliing, give us your ," there \ras noix you get our photographer lo;ofanyj(( in the liall he said, "and anytime phone number. Thanks. down." people vity you like (that you'd want la a monitor wDuId go and quiet tiling Also, we've noticed that some

I tliink annual). Let us know a day or t\ Altliougli this isn't a complete solution, do develop a strange aversion to cameras not only to take room clieck picture may be taken of time if you can. it is the RAs' responsibility when they think their Thanks, love you. and keep track of everyone but also to do everything We roar. Tliis in their power to keep things down to a dull improve. So, if is one area where 1 believe tliey could you arc bothered don't just mumble under your breath how inconaderate your neighbors are-let them know you'd appreciate some peace and quiet. Ihen if they're decent members of tlie human race and would appreci- CALENDAR ate the same conaderation when you're bodiering them, they'll tone tiling down. A domi is a dbnn, not a convent, and as long as tliere ore several hundred young people filled wjUi vim vigor and vitality living in tlie same building, there will thursday the 30th UTC - Fiber Structures, an ex-

be times wiien it seems like it would be easier to sleep hibition of three dimensional or sh-idy in tlie main lobby of a busy airport than in weavings, wrappings, and knot- your room But even at tliis if everyone would remember tings by Rosemary Musick. to follow the golden rule and use common courtesy UTC Student Cenler. 7:30 tlierc would be lots of healthier and happier students. a.m.- 10:30p.m. Admission November 25. Bruce Yingling free. Throu^i friday the 31st Wednesday the Sth VesperS"MV 8:00 "Raindrops Keep Foiling [ University of the South- On My Head" 'The Dairy Show" sculpture by Thomas Frasier and sludeni> sabbath the 1st Guerry Hall Gallery. Caller)' Sure it's easy to complain about the adnunistration, hours 10 a.m.- 1' cafeteria prices, or how the teachers mercilessly frust- Bible Conference Ends. Friday, 2 p.m. - rate us witli more tliaii we can handle. Why shouldn't everyday. Admi we feel dowivlrodden and oppn:ssed?But r^ly who's for us any less than several of our own coliorts? Wlial do you mean you don't know wliat I'm talking .iK.Hir.'Mt .\v often tuive you heard of someone laying 5^««^^/ ... Ilk II nnilMvila down, going to eat, and coming back

' >iil\ h iihd someone has njn otT with it. PSYCHED OUT

I i\k Us only a few who would tliink of doing monday the 3rd ^uIl^il^lllg Hebbs inverled U like tills, but it only takes a lew bad apples lo spoil Psychosis loo llie wliole barrel. Excuse nie if I'm getting Neurosis and a Tivoli --•=—' '- - Theater-Gene little'— . Kelly's Schixophrenia and hypomuw" "Salute lo Broadway" starring youH^ Baby I 'm crazy about Howard Keel, Ken Berry, Mimi Hines. 8:15 p.m. Admission S8-S6.

^ TnebouTnern .

Photographers Distribution Sue Eisdc iJ.vvn lln|hro>, Editor Neu. Chuck Roustnbut^ Editoi Lind:. Va.uleria The SOUTHERN ACCt^ Uruce Ym^ing Keiih McMalK-ii l>ul,lislisd Ihe Siudf"' liv W» iotialion ol Souihetn , Business Advertising Editorial .\dvi>or Manager Mana iiona.v College in CoW-' ,,. Layout Editors U>ulJt.,K„> lulinWeniworth ^^'lian L.ndso Tennessee 37315. Gordon "."..iF Doncskcy hshed weekly, Steve Porter '^"^'JltA Technical Advisor Secretaries David Taylor J"linDundiok spoils Editor inal Educalion deparli""'' Tl,e Soiitlic : October 30. !975 3

talents lo work-swinging hammers, build- oif tola! budget is russcs, laying cedar shakes, painting, e> are /^^ and {yes. ladies) llie College bringing all (hose ole' College Church c goodies V^ainuus- I Budget and relrcshmcnls to tin crews MlnllniS-trurtr " SA Southern Union ol hard workJUj, gentlemen oooandM.v. Sobbafh Schools Y0UASKbD^OR IT Over a month ago our Sabbaih School kicked In order to give the individual member off our Branch Sabbaih School oulreach program. of the Student Association a compkle Al that time we at- picture ol lenipted to show the greai need of child w here hii mon<.> is goin^ John theSA evangelism, and the Iremendous soul- prLsidcni lull it wuuld be winning polential Iliat ihe helpful to Sabbath School summarize the budget in the possesses. Through this piper promotional 1 i.lIi J li Ikr ,11 TlicScnjtcs Sabbaih School program, il was our endeav-

J 1 lunds jvaildbk or to turn our vast "polential energy" inio

1 [ii Id, I 1 S4500hjs been powerful knielic energy", (action!) jdJ lu then iji an With God's directing we have done just

ii 1 1 1 [111 ellt 1 -ui talked about To this dale we are mucli r LLdn] jiawousK (niginaled pro conducting ten Neigh- file borhood Bible Clubs and jecl total revenue lor thisyearsSA two Story Hours. budget Approximately 100 of you arc IS SS-i 645 62 S41 850 ol this involved YOUt ANHbLP comes m our new program, and have accepted from student dues i500 as a grant ihe challenge lo branch maid from the College Sl,150lromin oul for Jesus! And imly ihis is a challenge. Pre L'tiilv, Jl you walk ihe few hundred lerest, S200 from Joker sales. 58,945.62 To break down prejudice in many neigh- yards i IhcSludenl Park you'll sec the from surplus funds left over from the borhoods is not an easy task. Nor is oper- rufiiis uiriy buili lor ihc foundation. last The two years, and a 53,000 :iling appropriation a S2.000 program on a S500 budget. s ondcrway. piojivt Plans call for a rustic for the Park Shelter fund. On November 1, Sabbaih School's Special 72X4U cci sfruclure, open on all sides, The administration r-eature will of the SA is alloled present a progress report of our and i..prialely topped by a jpf roof of 56, 1 Branch Sabbath 75. This includes Ihe salaries of all School organization. '" 4X4 dc kiiit; and cedar shakes. The de- "le meantime, let us the officers, office expenses, and oilier each plan lo give ilie buildmg, Don Ashlocka ra special offering, and be a pari of miscellaneous costs such as the fall re- furthering student Jl S.M.C., incorporated in his God's work by supporting treat and public relations. our child blucpri Is an appealing, circular fireplace evangelism outreach program. Together The appropriations subtotal is S4,400 - kvork and pray, we can be located n the center of the building. with confident S 1 ,650 going for social activities and Ymghng, editor of the Souihem that God will conliriue to bless. All f (he labor, with Ihc exception programs, and 52,500 for guest speakers. Accent, will be attending Ihe Adventist ifllicl ii.liint; lo be done on the concrete The student publications take a large Student Press Association convention which Jim Moss lluur.'.v H Ix' donaled by students and portion is being of the budget. 55,050 has been held al Union College this year. fjcu|[v 1 S M.C. Weather permitting, He says allocated to Ihe Joker, 59,450 to the South- that the purpose of Ihe meeting jlisll..; ^-d iliji (he project will be IS, "To provide com- ern Accent,andSI2,450 to the Southern an open forum for rep- pleled by ihc beginning resentatives of next semester Memories. of Adventist student publi- dividuals possessing construction cations lo share ideas and discuss J,500 goes for Nicaragua and the the most Sauna pressing Will y d like to donate to this problems they face and possible project Campus Ministry, and 5 14,645.62 for (he Spare-Time solutions to these problems." Construction miscellaneous expenses. This includes He feels that Ciinipjny by contacting this convention will stimulate Be Fixed Elder Kenneth subsidies to the Orlando and Madison his thinking and hopefully will Wrigh( Hall. give him campuses, the money for the Park constructive Shelter and practical ideas to use in im- As 1 e construction progresses. sauna Fund, and SA projects and contingencies proving Ihe Soiiilicrii Accent The in the basement of Talge Hall scvcrul s Jndays will be designated is presently inoperable, as which is 3 floating fund to take care of un- Yingling will be leaving Coliegedale for but according to aisin' Sundays" Lincoln, Dean Schlisner, the Engineering in which students planned expenses. Nebraska, on October 30 and will DepartmenI and tacully members can those will have il fexed in a few days. put latent Althougli the SA only gives 52,000 to In order lo understand the When asked whether there is justifiable cause of Ihe breakdown a few basic ;ason lo spend Ihe money required for an principles on how the sauna rplane lickel. he answered, works need to be explained. Il pAftT Of "I cerlainly hope {^P^^^B^ A m is the dry heat type, and the is 3, or I wouldn't be going," heat generated by electrical wires which run throughout During his absence Gordon Doneskey and the boxed-shaped, heat generator. wires Robert Pires will assume his responsibilities These heat up Ihe rocks in putting (he paper oul. which lie in a pan-case structure on lop of Ihe generator. These rocks in turn heal the air. In the past, some have thrown water on Everyone the sauna to make steam. This does work. Wins Sleam and more heal are generated but in In Talent Program the process, some of ihe water has not evap- orated before it reached Hie wiresjusi inside the generator. The result is thai the hot The SA Talent Program will be held wires burned oul and cracked. This is the November 8 al 8:00 p.m. in the Physical cause of the current break-down. Education Centex. According to Dean Evans, "After the Featured talent will include comical sauna is repaired, village students who be- long lo the skits, dramalical readings, and musical Talge Hall Health Club will be i use Ihe numbers both vocal and instrumental. sauna along with ihc olhcr The program has been planned with the idea of being entertaining. The participants will nol be in competition with each other so no individual prizes will be awarded. However, the entire cast will be taken to an Gutter Specialists

undisclosed restaurant in Chattanooga fol- lowing the program. SA Social Director, Verbelee Nielsen, commented that student interest has been

great and some talented students will be performing. She feels Ihe program will conlain enough variety so thai everyone's should be included.

"1 ( ^ ^ Littie Debbie '^^ SNAK CAKES > HAS A FUTURE WITH YOU IN MIND

ffAi TicKee BaKiHG compariY « SPORTS SOFTBALL a lull Soflball his lo kick off. In F.vans conliniied a„„ foolball is ready Ted None handed 6-2, 64 win ,|„»y'fs 1 Willi a sound 11 Willi" llic Hnals. Davidson a sound lliiashing n Halvcrson in of Hoo.cidefcalcd 1 wilh lols 6.0 viclory. and Bill sahard-hilliiisnialcn 8-7 squeaker. Imb.olliO.. Dob. in an very l-away sluils and Nanewennulolhc finals will, lush

6-2 in the irend by beating Sloncr

lusl scl. . . , u .., semi-final malcli bvan For ihc olher Ihe Naliunal Fo. the all Slat eame over Robert h /ed 10 a 6-2 victory lo give Ihem Uasue's hilling pievailed look him c'olgiove, and allhough 11 Ihe American an 8-5 viclury over second sel he of muscles mile longer in Ihc in Ihe held a Schlisner displays his form 7-5. Dean finished Colgrove off October 19 for Men's Club.

Ihc Frmlball slarled up on Sunday Sittings For Senior The ,0,1, will, ihi-.toosingoflcams.

,,!,,, ircPhil Younls. , I,, ^ I Commissioners And Mayor Portraits Sclieduled , III \mold, Tommy ; I!. VLi. and Brooks Burr , I Address History Club For November 2 And!

benefit cooperalion will senior porlrails will beU Commissioners Wayne the college. Such Sittings for Mayor Fred Fuller, July 4 cele- SMC and the city. The Sunday. November 2, and Monday, HerreU, and William Mc- _,. VandeVcre, Walter area where there has "" bration is another 3, from 12 lo 5 " " History Club program November Ghinnis presented the continuing cooperation. been Center. Seniors are free i of the cafeteria on dent in tlie Banquet Room Mayor Fuller said that students who live wish for the portraits. K«pii| October 15. at 5:45 p.m. ever they Wednesday evening, ere six months can register lo vole m Collcgedale mind, however, that Ihcsc are tlKpictuB They said that Uie population of Collegedale elections by going downtown 3500. Sources of in- or by waitmg thai will b e used in the senior plac*Ml is now approximately the Election Commission gasoline here in College- booklet. Four different color poseswill High School Wants come for the city are the sales tax, until there is registration city registration takes place period- Proofs will be returned foittl tax, property tax, and beer tax. The dale. Such be made. election. He strongly students one week fromif Temperance Talks operates on a budget of about 5200,000 ically before local amination by vote. roads, and urged SMC sludents to register and portraits are shot. per year. I U biggest expense is day the that SMC students are invited oneofi An appoinlmcnl lias been scl up tluougli S700,000 has been spent on roads since He stressed All seniors should check are ministry CABL to lo attend City Council meetings which for tlielii off-campus icligious and the city was incorporated. lists that have been posted program at the Chat- held on the Tirst and third Mondays of have been put on a (empcrancc The lotal indebledness of the city is be- their portrait sitting. Lists on November 5 each month al City Hall al 7 p.m. LynnVd lanooga Howard High School veen S760,000 and $780,000. This con- posted in the Student Center, will begin Gulman, director of costs It is anticipated ihat work Tbtil According lo Mark sts of bonds to be paid. Continuing Hall, the library, the Post Office, shortly the moving of the gas line, are needed who have had the retirement of the debt, on CABL, "Speakers of the city are in Hall, Jones Hall, and Talge Hall the S80,000 project which caused the a special acqiiainlance With drugs, whether lice, the roads, garbage collection and sticker on each maintaining the city to assess a S5.00 car (lirniii>li liiiMHi'^or personal experience." 1 operating expenses of Collegedale driver. It is hoped that the

1 1;. J.."'' w.itits short talks for six road can be completed by the end of 1976. Manager, who is Mr. Lee Holland, I lulman feels thai it would The City Winsl We invite your attendance at future Dorothy Clark receives a salary of 512,000 per year while ' ' IS I . by two, so therefore History Club meetings. The next scheduled the secretary lo the City Manager who is also Scholarsliill event is Ihe showing of "The Great Loco- Home Ec. the City Recorder. Mrs. Gladys Mather, re- motive Chase" on Saturday night, November ceives about S7000. (laiigWci of Mr, «i(| 1, at 8 p.m. in the Cafeteria. The admission Dorothy Clark, Southern Missionary College is titled to McDoiiilil,l'»l fee will be only SOt, and ihe event is open RoyccA.CIark.Rl. I, non-pront ed- the Southern Union. As a 100 sclmlirihifj| al! SMC students, faculty, and staff and has been awarded a S ucational inslilution il is not taxable. How- Econol* their families. the Chattanooga Area Home ever, SMC pays to Ihe City of Collegedale Also projected for the future are several Association. Miss Clark, a junior,! an amount equivalent to die property tax guest speakers: Dr. Cecil Rolfe talking economics major al Southern MMllJ Crawford To Address il would be charged if it were taxable. Thus, on inflation and recession on December 3, College. The award, which wasp™, it cooperates with the city financially and given anninlMi Ministerial Mayor Pat Rose of Chattanooga on Jan- at the Sheraton Inn, is Association in many other ways as well. An example is uary Senator student whose record slio«sj«»r the light near the Gymnasium installed by 12, Ray Albright on April local ol Attention all Religion and Theology and and gives evidence P"'"! the city at the request of the college. The 12. the British Consul in Atlanta, scholarship majors and minors- November 4 ai 7:45 sidewalk from the Academy to the Gym- speaking on the American Revolution p.m. following Joi[il Worship in Ihc nasium was another cooperative project. from the British standpoint at a date lo be Student Church, the Ministerial Association Since SMC is the largest non-profil organ- determined. If you will watch Ihe Campus will mecl with Dr. J, Crawford of Loma ization in llie city and since Collegedale Accent you will see notices of these var-

Linda University, lo discuss different as- without SMC would be unthinkable, it ious meetings. pects of Modern Medical Ministry. follows thiit there needs lo be close coop- Miss Ann Huizenga has been chosen as eration between the city government and Inlerim Secretary to serve for Ihe balance

of the semester while Jan DcWare is doing practice leaching al Forest Lake Academy.


and sponsor '*33,500,000 I Dr. Jerome Clark. Uiiclaitned !§»cliolarsliips

Over 533,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and

fellowships ranging from S50 lo SIO.OOO. Cuirem hsi ol itiese sources researched and compiled as of Sepi. 15. 1975. THOUSANDS ON FILE UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS md for voui up-to-date, leO-page, mail otdei cataloa 1 1 Massachuseits Ave.. Los Angeles, 275 CA 90025 500 topics- Enclose SI .00 to cover postage and handii

1 am enclosing S9.95 plus SI .00 for postage and handling, COLLEGIATE RESEARCH


! UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS SOURCES TO: ^ therne Southern^ournern .

Southern Missionary College Accent Collegcdalt, Tennessee 37315


has caused heads to sliake and wallets (0 shrink. Ronald Grange, the food service director, admits that mosl of tiic complaints students make about (he cafeteria are not on the quality of the food bui on (he cost, Bui he explains. "Contrary to what some siudenls feel, the cafeteria is not

ii> It is ' make money. provided _ . oui as which wi[l ,,ii|(j be sLTviLe t(» the students, and all we a charged Im ; ,,, \v,irii 111 do is lo break even. Last When ask.d num-iki n\ii lud con- ycjr liuciiuse of the fluctuating costs ai ilio end of the year, the college had charge Grange said dial this had been lo suh^iili/e llie food service to a discussed but that any change would We're laiiii' decree. not planning be up to the College Board. Then he tins this Oil happening year." went on to explain several of the dif-

I \k major cost increases have been ferences such a system entails. ihc in entrees and desserts. Worthing- For those who think a flat-rate toit and Loma Linda, the producers system would enable them to eat ot iliL- health-food products which are the same food that cost them SI20 icnsively in (he entrees, raised under itemized charging for S90 they [their prices, but according to Grange are sadly mistaken. "The biggest dif-

have also cancelled the inslitut- ' Jiey ference under a flat-rate system that' bnal discount they used to give. He iimpier meals are served," explained [Opes that because of increased com- ")n in this area prices might go slightly. General Mills has en- such as vegetables which students can the [etcd marketjbut it's too early eat all they want of. Many items like determine the results this will the nuts would disappear from the state of flu- . For example a 36 oz. can of serving line, and others like yogurt itroganoff the in ler Bits cost the cafeteria S1.09 wouldn't be available nearly as often," and lasagna was only . il the Ij ..„„ ist year, 45 cents. Grange says and presently it costs SI.56. He then went on to say that if that he hopes the final price changes hadn't been things ....II 1. ._ Many of the forzen desserts such students were more selective now they will work c jjj^j ^^^ j.^^ chocolate eclairs and pecan pie will could cut down on their bill. Although r 50 c ve lo be discontinued, "Because," many items have gone up, vegetables lys Grange, "if the wholesale price are actually 2 cents cheaper now than les were passed on to the stu- llicyjust plain wouldn't be Also the Hat-rale system is based on Ible to afford these items." a certain Students percentage of absenteeism. If Produce Action Film The I c of r; t the everyone went to every meal the charge only escalating expense. "This year —nuld have lo be much higher. full-time wages have increased by Usually the V 530,000," Have you ever been to the Chevy This show will be shown exclusively Grange explained,"and much as the men too, because while we've cut back as far as possible Show at Sbc Flags Over Georgia to SMC students and faculty in the on they eat smaller quantities it is figured labor. Any further caught yourself tensing at s of the Collegedale Academy Auditorium at cut-backs would they eat the more expensive items like ^It in having to pay for overtime." close calls j'm/ experienced 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, The breakdown the driver's seat? Have you eve December 4. The show then will be on cafeteria's The Campus Kitchen is almost as budget is 44% for the food, The American Panorama at presented to the general public the fol- 30% for cheap as the cafeteria now, but it isn't labor, and (he and wondered how product lowing Sunday, December 7. There is rest of it is swallowed going to stay this way very long. "We film in which _i'o(( are the ci no admission charge. Now you have a "No such show has been produced here at SMC before," stated Fetter. IS majors are pre- "The Chevy Show at Six Flags Over paring a multi-medi; Georgia is similar, but we will be using " entitled "Experienci which will, through still photography as well as movies." special visual and so ind effects, propel This program is being produced for enter of the action up to three hours college credit by The 45.r students in the Special Projects in Com- presentation is divided into three parts: (Continucd on page 4.) "Experience in Sight and Sound," "Experience in Comedy," and "The

roller through the first-person perspective. The viewer will actually see the ground rushing up to meet him and hear the screams that he would hear if he really were on the

A very unique "aulo" race is llie setting for "Experience in Comedy," which was filmed al the Atlanta Speed- way and features a number of SMC studeni personalities as competition

audience in actual battles [ion's past. This segment ilh a panoramic tour of the United Stales. How will all of this be achieved? 'We will be using no les jcclors, s Kerry Fetter, a senior lions major who is producer

r of Ihe show. 'Two pro-

lated in the r rof the audit< will be behind Images will be projected onto e screens which have been combined nakc a viewing area 24 feet long. 'Sound has been produced on four separate tracks and will be projected I, renown cellist, will be performing with the SMC College througli four speakers, one in each cor- I. Saturday night, November 15 in the Physical Education ner of the auditorium, to give quadra- all resides in Chattanooga and is a professor at UTC. phonic sound." CAMPUS RUMBLES nice Price is not are honest enougli to remain sealed pricing SMC kind of choice is ri, .horafeteria is What that? seems I'l^' this Yes. .t really of „ It's argued that a call gives a marKei,^"^'/^"'becausea"" new of tlie food , students out c-P"s; liungry, convert a chance to publically affirm familiar -ving =" -;„,, ,„,,u decision. But isn't Ihal fTetos, „, his why we have the question this comes it's And from baptism? Again, maintained that give just the a call may impetus a m- liui. individual needs to 10 down vering make his de- V, '|,^![Valso were let cision. Are wavering decisions desirable'' ' le""°"'jand Doesn't this type of convert often board, unfinished ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^, playing (he fall room, T-; who was o Sl^" ^m 'k'Vllic'guy into apostasy within a short time? That comes , music. expenses. ^ ,|o„e. ^ on some 'beiier turn Incidentally, there's an interesting Ifastu^ he'said thai the P^^Pj^^^'^^^^^'^ Smont. ™d sidelight to tliis thesis. If I believe calk -S=o?7rjSt the musn-. meii charge brought it is in are wrong, then hypocrisy for nie lu really let down! I was condone them by participating in our stand- them. has happened to What Since hypocrisy is a sin, it follows thai f«" "»^'"*'^ '-?^'^ i person^ ards^ I stand in response to a call I us that if am have been there with couldn't And I don't think it should icesj Add m im- sinning. conscious of food p are we trying to thev are nielit. Whom ever be wrong for nie to declare my what kmd ot im- nress'' I wonder guys there faith. Eion was left with the Maybe Pm a bi. old fashion- LP in charge. -Geoff Owens the Lord requires it ed but I beheve nthe tock music CV ^ flat-r at times. I know let's be realis of'us But people, and the a. ... •— ' really works on young of such things • elimination -|j part. I one entree wouio t,eoe joins right in doing his variety of desserts. Only devil O and a make when more understand what this kind that don't se^ed but what difference does just for other than lunch. ^h^n one entree is rarely sen/ed College. to Geoff Owens and lunch only, according of a Christian A tip-of-the-hat JAndrews serves two entrees at staff on the great job they did on the student.) to a former AU bit old fashioned. the wait. Q is ..a loker. It was worth systern Another disadvantage of the flat-rate benefit from it. SMC wo- Ui that the women would not their bills way below rnen are generally able to keep this way save money the hundred dollar mark and in able to do if they Ui which they would not have been e the guys benefit from Dear Editor, v.o.eatAnd Ofc- 3 the lovelier scenery con- After having given the matter D be found, the Soif th con- daily trek uplo thought, 1 have become Recently I made my that it will siderable flat-rate system. At least not so in the so-called alter call is cafeteria for my noon meal. 1 made there vinced that the tlie everyone. Let's quit complaining. If normal manner benefit not only unfair but wrong. Let me my selection in a most can be licked, write a letter to is a way this problem and went through the check stand with the suggest- editor. We'll gladly publish it and pass the All those ill the congregation who I picked up the ion on to Mr. Grange. have dedicated themselves to God will When I sat down, checked it over-l O not affect tlieir relationship with Him register receipt and was whether they respond to a call, stay try to do that with each meal, 1 that an en- seated or walk ( for them calls dumb-founded when 1 read For tree on my plate cost 60 cents. mad. In my U are not about an hour I was really But the remainder, who several things which ready lo accept Christ, are faced with anger there were the choice of publically acting a lie or T'ain't no fun! Continued o making a spectacle of themselves if they (

T'ain't no way I'll ever underestimate the efferts of a newspaper editar. I's been in Yingling's shoes for a weak and don't want no part of it agin. Why jist listen to sum of the things dat can happen. y/UATS MAPPENING! For instants, our typist got to bizy durin the weak and hat to go campin over the weakend. So we hat to go looken for anuther one. Den sum of the equipment for layin out the paper broke down. Den on top of dat, the layout people didn't show up accept fer the layout editar who had to rite two turnpapers and study fer a test. But he still came. On top of dat, we ain't got no copy editar. No, t'ain't eezy bein editar. No time to git every- thin dun. No tellin how many miztakes in dis har paper. We's jist have to say theys on porpuse. So jist don't critisize. It t'ain't no fun bein editar.

-Robert Pires

!he Southern Accent Sabbath the Sth 'c°21,. sv.,P.

Phoiographers Sporls Editor Pbvsic.i Keilli McMahci Bill Arnold ir='cX-'— \hTtTj.uiij Mark Anderson

Sunday the 9th Wednesday the 1 2th Edilorial Advisor Gerald Colvin

""^^-'il^TLVH^ln'""! Tecfinical Advisor "i'„';i"r"r'„"u rZ£?H": JohnDuriclick • r-o.lii b. «„3i so'irl^'s" "ml,^"!l"Z^,

Th. SOUTHERN ACCENT is published by the

College nCollegcdak-, Tennessee 17315 I IS published weekly, Advertising Manager exeept for vacatinr,s'.,„ Nathan Lindsay "'""°" ^''"""^'""t SMC doe tile prinUnl Knittel Returns from Council

Knittel recently President Frank programs, and the total tone of the returned from the denomination's Fall Council was quite low key. One at General Confcr- Fall Council held could not help but be impressed, how- Headquarters in Takoma Park, ever, with the fact that althougli dif- Maryland. ferences of opinion were expressed, ~' great, dramatic etc were no there is increasing evidence that there at 1975 for the council the is continuing and increasing unity ssion, according to President within the basic church structure. Knittel. A good many people were The Seventh-day Advcntist Church on anticipating a discussion the ordina- annually has a Fall Council which con- 1 of y ducts most of the continuing business of the church. It is the resnon'^ibiiilv this, but i been working on a report of (he General Conference, in session ady foi the Fall Council. Another every five years, to establish the gen- commitlee has been working on the eral structure of the church and ihe questions of distribution of lithe money, various departments within the church.

as the whole matter of divorce 1 is not feasible well 1 to have a total General d remarriage among Seventh-day Conference session every year, and yet Advcnlisls. The committees working there is a considerable amount of busi- hese issues are preparing formal ness that needs to be conducted annually. for s. These were nol ready the For this purpose, the Fall Council is Fa'll Council. convened each autumn in order to take Allhougli the cost of living index care of business items that must be :e a great deal during this past year, attended to at frequent intervals. i also during the last few months, Each fall, representation includes the Fall Council finally authorized only the division presidents from all the small increase in wages. There is a !as divisions, together with other Insight Announces Contest that all need to eat feeling we be overseas officers on a rotating rry much concerned about church In North America the represen- The editors oUnsighi are pleased to finances and that we need to make tation at Fall Council includes the presi- announce the 1976 Short Story Contest. that the rcnumeralion of denomi- dents of all of the conferences and Cash prizes will total SyOO and will from competent journalts mal employees does not lend to i, the presidents of the colleges include a S500 grand award. along merely because writing teachers. liversilies, heads of the pubhshing The contest is open to both student When seleciing their houses, heads of other story, writers major institutions and professional writers. Separate judgine must keep in mind that Insight's pri- rclircment program for denomi- operated either directly by the General will be done. audience national employees was modified only Conference mary ranges from 16 to 25. or by the union. The atten- The first place award is S250, second Younger readers tend to appreciate sliglilly, and no substantial changes dance at the Fall Council is usually place S200. and third SI 50 for each simpler stories that highlight action anc Iwere made. There were no significant about 200. A list of delegates to the category - professional and student adventure. Older readers Trequently lalteraiions of basic policies church or Fall Council is drawn up, by the General There will be one S500 grand prize. In enjoy subtle stories that emphasize re- Conference addition, other stories will be purchased lationships, decision making, and cover at Insight's regular rates. the complexities of living successfully

Insight is looking for stories that il- in the 70's. Thirty-one luminate some aspect Most in Who's Who of Christian life winning short stories develop found in witnessing experiences, social one incident through characters skill- Thirty-one relationships, drawn, seniors have been chosen Theology; Mr. Merwin Daniel Stewart, parent-children encounters, fully througii dialogue, and by ilie faculty school life, and student senate at art; Mr. Dale Townsend, English; Mr. young married situations, effective portrayal of mood Southern Missionary man-God encounters, and, frankly, Most unsuccessful short st< College to make Riely Franklin Trimm III, Religion; Mr. any up the Who's story that Who in American Colleges Jack Alan Waagen, communications; deals with the religious dimen- lack a central incident or story line and and Universities. sion. But this does not end up becoming just a telling. Miss Judith Lee Wade, art. mean an obvious, Approximately preachy, moralizing, kind judges will 75 ballots were cast, Miss Karen Sue Waller, biology; Miss of conclusion. The use five criteria in eval- seleciing these out-standing seniors on Franziska We are currently overstocked with uating manuscripts: (1) spiritual value Karen Wiegand, Religion; Mis; tlie basis of what they have done for I'enfant terrible, or the struggles of a of insight gained; (2) character descriptior "MC, on their grade point averages, and youthful rebel type stories. We none- (3) use of language and believable dialogue their .1 promise for success in the future theless recognize that occasionally such (4) artistry; mood, place, sensory appeal, Following choice is a list of those who \ 1 story, while painful, can provide a mir- of appropriate detail; (5) develop- Sected to Who's Who, vith their or of ourselves that can have a positive lajors: Faculty To Have esult. Such stories should indicate why ; closes March 15, 1976. Mr. Duane Ande; . person left the church and why he To obtain contest rules, contact your Mr. journalism-communication-English teacher Michael Pizza Party Edgar Bradley, behavioral science- Short stories submitted for this con- department, or write Narrative Contest, Mr. Jefferey Lynn est should ighl. Review and Herald Davis, biology; Miss There is going to be another Faculty be short. No more than Publishing Donna 800 words. Kay Donesky, Religion. Social on Sunday, November 9. It will All stories should be based on actual Mr. Gary Martin Edgmon, biology; be a pizza supper and the faculty are invited vents. The writer may change names, . Candido Enriquez, post-graduate to come with their spouse any- time between the and juxtapose -.--ology; Mr. Mark Meivin hours of 5:00 and Gutman, for 7:00 p.m. purposes of dramatic i; Theology: Mr. Warren James Halversen, h terest. However, the thrust of Fire Department This pizza the story Busy Jiysical education; fun is to take place at Mrs. Cherry Baize must square with reaUty lay, tlie Pizza Hut on the corner of Lee seen from some nnisic; Mr. Morgan Rolf Hellgren, Members of the Tri-Community Fire Highway and Shallowford Road. Christian viewpoint. physical education; Mr. The Department may speed away from the Herbert Harvey is essential for writers lo entire place has been reserved for U keep in Henderson, nursing; Miss the fire station by McKee Baking Jean Katherine mind that every short story contains Company. oernian, elementary education; Plant I, as many as 2,400 tunes Mrs. conflict in some form. judges a year, t.mdy The Faculty Social Committee, chaired The will Parker lies, elementary education. responding to calls of distress. be looking for it in action that builds by Elder K. R. Davis, is in charge MissJanei Mae of the Most of these runs, 1200-1600, involve Kramer. English; Mr. o a climax and denouement. Student insung event. The cost wLl be S2.00 per person Lee. chemistry; Mr. Robert the ambulance service the fire depart- for pizza and salad. The drinks are not yarles Mills, chemistry; Miss Verbelee ment operates. Even so, one or the included. Circle K Chh ;,Nielsen, mterior design; Mr. Jon other, or both of, the two 1,000 gallon- is is an R.S.V.P. event, so those lael Schleifer, physics. per-minute American LaFrance pumpers faculty members who are Has Ir. Harry planning to Fund-raising Joseph Sharley, nursing; I housed at the station roar away from Ihe attend should make their }om Alan Shrader, bays approxunaleiy times a biology; Mr. with Circle K, the junior division of the 800 year. ithy the switchboard opei alor by Nov- Robert Snow, industrial ed- The great majority of these responses Mr. Daniel Gomez SoHs, answer real fires or other emergency -Paula Cox situations. But the fire department es- timates that eight lo ten per cent of mgc the calls it answers turn out to be "MFA's' According to Duane Anderson, pre (Malicious False Alarms). president of the SMC Circle K, said that some 43 cars were washed by some 15 club members in front of Little Debbie Wright Hall last Friday. Cars were Dear students and faculty, .i|^ washed, dried and vacuumed. SNAK CAKES I'm sorry Funds raised will go toward Commun- about (he consternalion resulting ity Services. President Anderson could from the recent add in the lot be definite on exactly what. Accent concerning research papers. It was an add that came in the mail, and HAS after A looking it FUTURE I felt over that it was Gutter Specialists offering research assistance rather than WITH YOU IN wholesale cheating. But after looking MIND at it more closely with retrospective wisdom, I realize that the student who would write in for this information Dallas E. Morrow artd Son^ would not be seeking supplemental re- search material but a completed paper. «Ai mcKee BawriG companY I '

ol be commended c their vast wealth "Ireirhtu inhibition. to four or 'had bought up ••""' The prizes for the three , with a whole harem finalj,,, suppers >"•=nrt ate "' r,vc „, dia„hea light out on "Choo Choo ".5 No inuigesuou"J' ;„ City of women. the girls whose boxes were voted ih most attractive by Men's Club oira, PALL The party concluded with marSI prfpri hu Mr FHo^r r^r.,„j... * action. Miss men was btoughl into ,i"Baum,ii.MhcaidofMrBarry director, SMC s when commended cniceed as eleven of PROLICKERS r-owler, party, attributed its success legs appeared from to hei Inosl beautiful male social committee and all who heM stage curtain.^^ behind the especially Mr. finalists were out, Crundsel anjlll Hysteria mounted s student K.R.Davis. WhhasiehwlUchd*P the applan ; of the FED chosen by played her ~"' .... • up was Adrian body. Second runner-up got Coopet"oTcollege

lendcs of three's ( cs), and lliirly-on<

IS games and conl e I siudcnis could ;lhe /CDLng v wheelbarrow races, ballon), popping games, and baskclball-lhrowing There was also a foolball throw liirow a Ihe parlicipanls had to tire while foolball through the center of a forth. Some look part t swung back and jump-rope contests to n huUa-hoop and rich feUows. In tliis way some became hulla or jump the longest. x^ iec who could while others became poorer. Neverthe- ^ better acquainted. s, everyone became After this, the party was called to Meanwhile, students could order and all games and competitions names. If, when tliey 1 ask people Iheir U-^ stopped. Approximately 180 box relumed, the person to whom they intro' suppers had been made by the women duced themselves could not remember and were to be auctioned off by Bob that person had to pay the their names, using SA earne Gammenthaler to the men other a fine. In this way also Ihey Halloween currency. Auctioning became money. heated with men bidding up to 200 Gradually, the fine for forgetting a pumpkins. {Soulliern Accent reporters another's name became higher. At the I found that the SA bank had been that all tlie guys later end it was announced one another." a "Love robbed.). After about an hour and were to kiss the girls' feet. The girls half, all box suppers had been sold. jwere then to give their money to the was any one thing thai could cor It's happened in every age - leaders arise, characterize his true foUowersil people follow mob-like after their words, of necessity be something of himaHi and symbols come lo characterize those And so it was that he lefi wilhhisH| leaders and groups of disciples. lowers his credentials which vv r founding fathers, 200 years ago, come their credentials. "A ne symbols were a broken bell and an the lowo ment 1 ^ve to you, that you unbroken circle of thirteen stars on a Christ told thf J background of blue. Thousands of pa- The following day credentials fiomifl triotic citizens marched through the about his "new" And those whoq of western Europe inspired by made of cross-ties. love's sacrifice spoke oftaa their leader's enthusiasm and his myster- him pay most convincii|J swastika. In the latter half of the cross-ties, but their one's Christ hadi^ twentieth-century other symbols have dentialswere the emerged. Everything from station wagons to use. "By this all men if you have IokM food and tiolet-bowl cleaner may are my disciples, I have lovei] yoti,4f be purchased with full assurance that these another; even as another." products will enhance one's sexuality. you also love one As he took his last meal with a few of another." his closest friends, many things must have passed through the mind of Jesus - con- 1 John 13:34 templating what symbols, what credentials

iglit leave for his followers ~ some token by which others would know that they, indeed, were Ihe true followers of the Christ.

He glanced into the future and observed

• Counsels from CABL i; cross thai he would mount the fol- lowing day. There it was I pray llial all may go wel decorating the shields and banners of piaclices if we will continue to have good men marching " (3 John 2 RSV) is'a well-known against their fellow men. Could this be the symbol? Bible lexl used in support of the idea This column will be taking a look at He looked further the distant should have good health. It is each of these phases over the next sev- future and surveyed an probably urban safe lo say thai most of us know eral weeks. Though the possibility exists avenue. Signs lined the boulevard, "lis text, and that all of us know we that some readers will find nothing they each bearing a symbol. Some depicted lould be in good health. equally a cross, others a fish, a cluster But an did not already know, il is the hope and some of ell-known fact is that angels, some a a busy college prayer of this writer that many will stop star, while other signs were shaped like and take a look al some of their health liglithouses, and behind each ito a sad heap of unfulfilled wishes one stood a building and habits, and the benefits will ensue physical- where people met it might have been's." "We know belter to extol the virtues of their ly, mentally, and spiritually. particular lian we do" applies on a college campus symbol to the exclusion of the others s as Until next week, spend a little time much anywhere else. I Looking back to his guests around the This column is intended pondering these statements: dinner to help the table, things began to gel in his loing come closer to Ihe "When students leave college Ihey thinking. knowing. While If there was any symb-d that should have v-e may not reach pcrfcclion in this life better health and a would not be subject to misuse •. there belter understanding of the laws I GIVE in fire), of life than when we can aim in that direction, in Ihey enter it. Action Film (continued from page 1). The BLOOD FM , 1 physical as well health should as spiritual and menial be as sacredly munications guarded class. In addition to Fetter ense. After all, is il possible to develop as the character." ' students responsible for any one aspect fully wilhoul Child Guidance, production are developing p. 343 Kent Lopez, narration writer and assis- i wein tant producer; Chris "It is Lindsey and Gene This column does not intend lo give as truly a sin to violate the Clapp, photographers; Gary I lectures the laws Eldridge on harmful effects of cheese of our being as it is to break " cinematographer; and Don |*and eggs, nor lo make Olympic runners the ten conunandnienls Gerrans location sound 1 of man and assistant SMC students, 1 3 promote Cowiieh oil Dicls aud Food'. sound

I fads of any type, li is simply a n °P"^t'0"s director attempt torm?'w<;m^"S'/-'^""' WSMCFM is sponsor and t aspects that make' host for th, presenlalron. All equipment is courtesy o^ Film «"'" Sound, Inc., and the SMC Com- ,„oot,a Blood munications Department.

P^^^''^^ °'" "lis u-.n k""!'^"^*^" program slSnttZertteTt'trraV^^ " ments m later issues of the Accent. -Barbara Palmer November 6, 1975

These prices a

take when I see s RUMBLES (continued) mo^ /^^W^^ my opmion arej

I would like to canic lL> my mind that

[he first thing ( would like to say

cook. 1 think that 1 have a pretty js a 1 personalK jsktd Mi i :j\\y<. iIil pii idea of what goes on bciiirid the Lfair pose for this Hl u.\pliiiii.d liiat ihi. I am convinced that all the e help that is hired is necessary; land I find very little room for com- plaint that there is loo much student

. The work is steady and jljnost have a good lime. to get t jspi There is one area liiat I think could ful IS o ^upi-r Ibe improved. The servers arc not wliat . VL^etable bowls were bought It i*. my arc stow; \1 would call up to par. They guess that probably 3 000 of thusL wuri. arc sloppy; they are generally un- Shey bought at no less than 30 cents eath Jnlerested in their job. One should That IS S900. The mont.y has to coniv earn that when one is behind the deck ^hey have not time to chat. When I There is one other area also-BAN- QUETS. These functions provided by

our food service is supposedly available liriiuph. Most of the time food is th- to supplement the service provided for m'.ii nil ilic plate so that it looks bad. the students. In other words, banquets siiiiiL' IS dangling off the side, no at- I arc an instrument designed to take up empt IS made to clean it up. Then some of the loss incurred by the cafe- teria, I wonder just how possible this THE tch BATTLE OF VERSIONS is with the expenditure evident by ban- inly to pick up the spoon quet prices. Certainly there are many There is no question but that the Word "Our conversalion is in heaven"? Has le right on serving. One day things necessary for banquets; but some of God is abounding. In English, the Word Paul been dialoguing with angels? No, l;iM week one girl picked up a piece of things just are not. Last year there were has been abounding at the rate of 2 14 new he means "Our citizenship is in heaven."

I put it in her mouth. This is whiskey barrels purchased to cut in half translations a year. There has arisen a gene- Really, God's Word should not be made

V unsanitary but it looks awful and serve green salad in. These items ration that knows not King James. Yet, any more cryptic than necessary. The iin our side of the deck. 1 did are very expensive. Tliey looked real amidst the plethora of modern versions on authors fear that "There is a grave dan-

I want to eat the food she ser- nice and added to the atmosphere most the market today, none has attained the ger that the continued use of this ver- il she had washed her hands, delicately. But there were salad bowls status of the authorized version. Those sion may ^ve modern man the impre- a lot of noise about it but she in the cupboard which would have ser- who have been seeking a guide to orient ssion that the Bible belongs to another did nui care. ved most adequately. It is true that the them in choosing a Bible now have that age, and that it is irrelevant to the tw- i'c sidetracked from the subject. same effect would not have been present; guidance in So Many Versions (Zonder- entieth century." A note of caution Ding to talk about money. It but, 1 am willing to bet that the banquet van. 1975, pap. S2.95) by Sakae Kubo might be in order here, however, to IS though things are getting just guests would not have known the diiTer- and Walter Specht, professors at Andrews ministerial students, who will find that it of hand with the prices. How- sity. tlie KJV is still dear to the hearts of prices are going mi told that food These are some of the thoughts I Several scholarly examinations of the many in their congregations, and it up, up, up! I agree; but it seems dif- have had about the cafeteria lately. I major versions have been pubhshed; this may be necessary to use it in the pulpit ficult to justify 60 cents for a bowl would like to say one thing further. We is the most complete and up-to-date. Si- (and the authors recommend this) and of noodles with sour cream working with and meat have the best tasting food of any of our gnificantly, it is also one of the first books when fundamentalist ev- muted together. I also have heard that schools in which I have eaten. Obviously written by Adventist scholars to De puD- angelicals from other denominations. ent to a restaurant it would cost there will be problems in any organization, lished by an evangelical publisher such as Those used to the KJV are in for

I more. Very true. But please and since this hits us all, I decided to ex- Zondervan (Evangelicals have always clas- some surprises when they turn to the e a very large difference between press some of my thoughts. sed SDA's as a cult along with Jehovah's modern versions, which sometimes (ing a business for profit and Witnesses, Christian Scientists and Mor- agree unanimously against the KJV in -Thorn Hamm olTermgd student service. mons, but this position is being relaxed). certain passages. It is a bit disconcert- Besides the in-deplh evaluation of 19 of ing, for instance, to learn that what the most important versions, the book sounds like a noble expression of faith includes an appendix listing 131 versions on Job's part in the KJV ("Though He

publisiied since 1900 not important en- slay me, yet will I trust in Him," Job ougli to merit a complete chapter with 13:15) actually means something like brief annotations. The book is conclud- this: "God may kill me for this, but 23 months of study ed with a chapter on guidelines for sel- I intend to argue my case with Him." X years of job security and satisfactic ecting a version. In the back there is a There are also otiier passages in Job = a lifelime of meaningful service separate bibliography for each chapter. where the KJV translators softened Unfortunately there are no indexes. Job's complaints against God, painting

his faith in rosier hues than it really THE NEW VERSES THE OLD was. Also disconcerting is the disappear- a promise as "When the Conservative evangelicals have not ance of such shall come in like fiood, the always hailed the new versions with joy enemy a Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a stand- and rejoicing. When tlie Revised Stan- ard against him" (Isa. 59:19), which is dard Version first appeared, one pastor simply a mis-translation. burned it in his pulpit on Sunday morn- ing(what belter way to induce every Not all changes are so discouraging, person in the congregation to purchase however. Often difficulties are resolved, the angels sing of a copy!). Typical of this type of at- as in Lk. 2: 14, where Christ bringing "Peace on earth, titude are such titles as Good News Fur j ardmen"(KJV). But Modern Man : The Devil's Masterpiece

and 77ic' New English Bible : Satan 's Polluted Translation. Probably these a scrolls have shed n folks are not aware that similar con- troversy greeted the arrival in 1611 of the King James Version, which was call- ed a heretical translation that would per- making the peace pertain only to Chr- tne contr- vert the faith of the people. ist's followers and resolving adiction. There are many similar im- Why do we need new translations any- way? The authors list three main reasons: There were also a number of pass- new discoveries of older manuscripts, arch- ^^1' ages in the KJV of dubious validity eological discoveries which shed liglil on which have been deleted or relegated the meaning of the text, and the process to footnotes in the newer versions,

of change witliJn the English language, such as I John 5:7, probably the strong- in which old words become obsolete, etc. est trinitarian passage in the Bible, which, These factors will continue to operate in unfortunately, was not in the Bible until it was inserted there in the middle ages. But rest assured that, with aU the chan- Adventist doctrine remains intact, the authors. fes. eventh-day Adventism does not rise The King James Version (KJV) was or fall with any one version. a monument of English Prose, yet those who have grown up with it can hardly LITERAL TRANSLATION VERSES realize how extremely difficult it can be PARAPHRASE to understand today. The KJV contains It is impossible to translate a passage over a thousand obsolete words and not of any length from one language into few indecipherable passages. For ex- a -"*''' —'' -"-^T 100% ofthe mr~- ample, what does Paul mean in 2 Cor. original text. A sequential, there is al- ye are straitened in your own bowels"?

ddk bnglish might t-xpecl Paul to go on and prescribe a good laxative in the next a different culture, using thouglit pro- but Paul is actually protesting the verse; ises which arestranee tous. Thus Corinthians' coldness toward him. And why does Paul claim in Phil. 3: 20 thai (Continued on page 6.)

r.' -jz^jmr «3 SPORTS ACTION

start by putting 1» a ruiining start. down Foolball is off Hickmm 3(1,1 tlien giving Wilt a 41-21 lose G..;l thaler took his first one ™;.T'ssrJi;h^sssig against 32-6, but Stephens eanie back ti AmoU was a little over Brunken 40-13 and then Vte first half 4 "If^m. '°ll|nE "Me one to Blinn 32-39. BmiHe"? slow settins ^f Second half was lost one to Bhnn 13-31, Younts got a few. but ta 24-13. Rogers game ended 3M0. dropped Ills the reveFsc and the firs: out and R°8"= Bigliam, also 12-6. Hickman Davidson came ^^'Pf,"> ci,. . and marched to an easy from loosing to Keeney to will, his offense hurt Bi>A were what 24-19. Wilt is having 42 13 win Interceptions a hard tin, I_ Next Hoover started. He dropped to seemed to hurl Rogers. Keenev nM and pulled out and Bradwell, 30-13, Bair and Butiised went at it alsolo the same time, Younts a 21-21 tie At Davidson wasnt look on Davidson. one and fell 13-3J. quite ready for this Arnold met Hoover In a following play, Neither team for a really close game. got an played up to par, but Hoover the 19-18 extra point that gave him out a squeek- edge. Burnscd also pulled 26-25. er against Davidson, weren t In B-Leaguo action things can quite as close, although anyone off to a good still take first. Keeney's

1st half ?nd h.ilf most SnnpF5 modern standard. Its text is used for Versinns (continued). being produced navidson The Battle of the Biblical reference works ntirnsed

The Modern Language Bible (1969) it^uvcly tlian would a literal translation. An excellent committee revision of srntJES Kubo and Speclil approvingly quote Paul the Bcrkely Version ( 1 959). It includes Cauer's dictum thai a version sliould be Arnold interesting footnotes. Worded with pre- "As free as necessaiy, as faitliful as pos- fioover fi 13 sible." Perhaps no better rule could be (rill to Schultz) (Schiiltz to nouso)

take the field as a Bible for general use (Schiiltz to .Hnenoz) when the among conservative churches (Scholtz to Halter) Old Testament comes out around 1979. (r.aiiften to fiob) Reliable, accurate, clear. (f.ill to r.ob) (Scluiltz to Pouse) Schultz) many renderings which are dictated by Testament have been published but it {ini to llie tlieology of its translator, Kenneth Taylor, and which ate directly contrary to the teaching of Scripture as a whole. e often obscurred in tliis Jewish work. Therefore, its renderings must be accept- IP Ilnfir I'cKo io) (!!afio to "cKenzio) Oulan) which includes the Apocrypha S— _ TO (nejia to when it is used for enlightenment. One throughout the Old Testament and has TO C^avis to I'ollond) can oflen learn more about an obscure many unbiased footnotes wliich aid PA (Onvirlsnn to llnlland) passage in a few seconds by reading it understanding. in tlic LB than by pouring over comm- n (navis to f'GJIa) entaries for hours. The best policy, PA (Pavi'Ison to "cCliire) then, is to own at least one literal and in (llonri to Lovejoy) one dynamic translation, and to use s (in the unabridged hard- bolli logellicr in Bible study, cliecking back edition) whose value is enhanced TO (tlafiG to Hoo'ls) each against the other. index of Biblical themes PA (tlafie to Woods) which serves as a guide to all the notes in {Onvidson to "cClurn) TP (fififio to Cherno) However, one-man Iranslalions do lend to be more colorrul, spicy, and fun to PA {^lafio to Purnsn'i) The New English Bible (1970). read, and this should dc Kept in mind Pnhli^lipd in ttjdand, this is a dynamic wlien choosing a Bible for devotional fi high literary English. Very

. AND HERE ARE THE WINNERS Reading the Bible in a modern version Choosing the bcs can be quite an exciting adventure; there Uiiclaiiued ndied or so availa... are fresh revelations on every page And niidable task as it miglil thanks to Sakae Kubo and Robert Spechl man translations we can now arc excluded from con- choose wiUi conPidencfi the Scholarships sideration, then there would probably be version that fits our needs. Every version a general consensus o! opinion has its defects; every among sch- version has something Over $33,500,000 unclaimt-d scholarships, grams, aids, .md olars thai llic followiiiy ten versions unique lo offer. As are Specht has stated pri- o' the most fellowships ranging from S50 to 510,000. Cuireni list important. Tliey arc listed here vately 'You can gel tlie Gospel out of in order of hicralness. any of them." these sources researched as of Sept. 15, 1975 The Hrsl three Indeed, "Eve^ version is and compiled versions are very literal and use good, and nothing italics to to be rejected if it is indicate words supplied by received UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS llie translator with thanksgiving, for it is the 11275 Word of God" (1 Tim. 4: 4-5, Crosby's Massachusetts Ave,, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Living Paraphrase). handling D 1 am eoclosmg S9,95 plus SI .00 for postage and

Tim Crosby

The American Standard Version (1901) This is the American edition, with some f the English Revised Version of

ncidly literal, - word-for-word tidi.i m whicli has fallen into disuse. Ou- 1 trequentlv by Ellen G. While

New American ,,JJl« Standard Bible Fall-Wi (1971). Probably the best study Bible nter Program due to its abundant marginal r Very hleral ("stilled " - ' SkatingCenter SfeSPif"l-EVARD The Revised Standard Version ( I9S2). PHONE 877-1291 RED BANK, TENNtSSE

J!!l:!^::l!f2^i;^subi«„„ch„„B.wHho„, i ,

^ Tne^ouTnernthe Southern .

Southern Missionary College Accent Collegedale, Tennessee 37315

NEW STUDENT CENTER LOBBY r PLANNED Nielson Appointed Coordinator

mately S3.500, but much of the labor will be donated and some materials will be to redesign the lobby of the Student Centf changed, so no figure can be quoted at The lobby has been much criticized as "too cold," "sterile," having a "waiting Related to this project is a proposal to room" atmosphere, and receiving a min- appropriate a certain fund each year to buy an expanding collection of student artwork. miplied Ms. Nielson after her appoint This artwork would then be used to decorate the Student Center. The project includes plans for raised Verbelee pointed out that the plans would platfonns in strategic locations which will be on display and that she would seek to be psycologically subdivided with planters, implement all feasable suggestions made to shelves and furniture. This will allow couples and small groups to hold conversations with- student center J out feeling conspicuous, Ms. Nielson explained. She emphasized that the plan was not her idea, but had been done as a project for a Proposed plans for redisgning the Student Center lobby class in Interior Design by a student who Essay wishes to be anonymous. Contest Announced Projected costs of the design changes are Students itill in college or graduate school undetermined. As figured for the class ha'.., m opportunity to win a top project (he cost was estimated at approxi- award of S2,S00 I \ cash plus a S2,500 research or travel grant in [ * an essay contest on welfare reform sponsored Knittel Raises Funds j For TICF by the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies. Leonard M. Movie Scheduled For Greene, Institute president, Presidertl Frank Knittel raised said the award will be made for funds will be divided into 20 equal units, and the best .Or tlic Tennessee Independent College 10,000-word paper on the subject the other 60 % is divided proportionally "Income Fund in Johnson City and Knoxvilie according Supplementation - A Solution to America's November 10-12. to enrollment. Although Vander- Siturday Night Entertainment Welfare Crisis." buLlt is the largest private The TICF is school, only a group of 20 accredited A second prize of S 1 ,000 cash and up to four-year private colleges which have The movie "Miracle ol" the White band- Slalhons" 10 consolation prizes of $100 each also will ed together will to raise funds. Although there be shown free of charge on November 22, be awarded. tage of funds. The staff and trustees of the has been some Because of this SMC w at 8:00 sort of fund raising for the p.m. in the gymnasuim. Institute will be judges. receive the largest past 20 years, just two years sum of money. "Magnificent" performance ago the east by the horses, The research program of the non-profit According to Knittel. "If the and west 3300,000 beautiful scenery and music areas of Tennessee which accompany foundation of White Plains, is had goal is raised, we'll N.Y. focused get between S 1 6,000 been this World War II movie under separate organizations got about a dedicated on exploring possible reform of United Stales; andSI8,000." He went on to explain logeihei. Austrian Colonel who disregards This is when SMC was invited his orders and welfare policy. that this money is not to be used for build- courageously evacuates the Lippizan Stallions Deadline for entry of ing but for the general operating costs. papers is IVlarch I Almost every state from bombarded Vienna and smuggles them has a similar 1976. The essay ' plan, It would also be available for contest winners will receive but scholarships. to St. Martin where Tennessee is one of the more active General Patton offers their awards at a He said that at the present presentation ceremony in time the ad- the horses safety. Ust year TICF had the highest Wasjiington, D.C. early May, ministration has no idea on how the money m 1976. While The 1 15 minute movie stars Robert 1 increase which resulted Taylor, in Washington, both the in receiv- will be spent, and that essay winner and mg SMC won't receive Lilli Palmer, Jurgens, special grants from IBM Curt and Eddie Albert. runner-up will meet and Levi any money until next spring. with ranking niembr- of Congress in a symposuim on The budget for private higlier education welfare r Each year all of the college form to be sponsored the presidents is just as hi^ as the by Institute fo spend amount the stale spends five days soliciting funds Socioeconomic Studies. from bus- on the public colleges and universities, there- ,^[','"^' solicited in Johnson continued ^Tt City fore according to Knittel private education on page three With Jack Nipper, an insurance executive plays a very and important role in Tennessee. Tom Bach, the manager of the John-' If all of the private colleges were to sud- «>" Lily Uvi Strauss plant. Harry Car- denly shut down the increase in tax dol- michael, president of the Ira Watson store lars that would have to be spent on «iam educatioir Cutting accompanied him in Cafeteria Costs Knoxvilie. would be measured in millions of dollars. Km teUays that they were cordially re- ceived Knittel says that"hopefully in three and were successful The Food Service Management in raising a or four years the amount of money students and juice, bread instead of rolls, fruit P«">c>n of the have 5300,000 goal for 1975 solicited by TICF will reach one a dual interest in the recent discus- or salad instead of dessert; buy some Th.s,S3S60,000increase from last year's million dollars." sions regarding cafeteria prices. As stu- tilings at the VM. Many people keep dents, they watch their money, as food their Porty percent food bill between S40-80 a monti of the money raised offers a variety of kidney beans, lentils, You can too~if you choose carefully. baked beans, and others at the price of a vegetable, not the price of an entree. -Alice Calkins Navy What about desserts? Most of us Band Trumpeter Slated would do well to avoid lliem 90% of the time; and subtract the cost from our bill. Try an extra serving of bread <^'"istmas IhJ'Si,;?^'"' Concert by was given to Dr. McClarty, the director or vegetable or a salad, instead of the nSn^^rl."''""^ I'"''™ Saturday of the band, to write out for the band. more expensive, sweet dessert. While S',,'?«.'''I>.>1 8 p.m. in the Physical This score, along with several other we're talking about sweets-look at the artifacts from the Lincoln Collection beverages you drink. Juice and milk now in the possession of the ivIcKee give more nutrition, often at a lower '"* Scimonlli, cost than the soft drinks. Of '"ma, r former Library, will be on display during tlie course, ""'' 'or ?'? P°'' 'wn soloist you don't have to drink with your iL irl , Also Julie McClarty, daughter of Dr. meals at all. •&' *"i™iin of the McClarly and 1976 United States cham- Consider eating two meals a day- pion of Drum Majorettes of America it's difficult to eat as much in two will be twirling her two batons. meals as three. Consider keeping "'"''" some food in your room (or brown- For those of you who have "''" "»» "> t>= The band will be playing a section of wondered *=»;r' whether this Bicentennial bag it to tlie cafe to cat with your is some secret experiment "*"nsE'ofhlf ""°' '^'' '° =°mc music, and a section of Christmas music. Santa Claus (E.O. friends). Ajar of peanut butler, a loaf of bread or fresh fruit are easy to keep ""Icri "''"""=«" '"me at Grundset) will appear with his elves and goodies. on hand, if you have a refrigerator, keep some milk and granola. There is a band tour scheduled for • To summarize, choose simple foods, '"'' too Z f "^""''"l °r Venice Nov. 20-22. The tour will include a "°^n solos. be moderate (temperate!) and plan Oib,..r secular concert at Oakwood College =="«" ahead. Budget your food dollar. Dial- ",*"' U„i"il"« include Thursday night, a sacred concert at ^''"^ a-mcnu, so you know in advance what ?*-l>ahZI • eeneralion cousin Panama City Friday night. The Brass "I'o to plan. Above all-look at the alterna- V^MIn'! ». Vj"^"'"' "ill read from Ensemble will be giving the church """"eiiral tives. Good nutrition can often be '; I""!! Sav. address, as service with Mr. Taylor at Mobile, and obtained for less money: substitute a secular concert at Pcnsacola Saturday The original legumes for entree, milk for sofi drinks «*.whSt""*;was Written for the piano, !


money, why not "li vouVe got (he don'i-welUmd some and if you for tjie cuslomary spend It, customer TodSI"^ I anyway." Or. Sure. I m however, a most way lo spend it strange anci m,', l Or. thmg occurred. I am. {After^v.^d I think J for it; at least all that the following aVj but don't worry. is riot altogcihciar I "I don't really care,

I'll vote yes." this bug lor Tlie government has had was accosted in what :: American families be an offliand, casual r a long time, lots of •I've never seen you in here afraid SMC has some befo,i; have it, and I'm student are you a here? 1 smiled it the "spend I call nodded the serious' symptoms. and affirmative I ihouohi il was nice that someone the money" syndrome. finally was more showing some mlercsl in who wasp^ budget is almost $20,000 Our SA sing throuEh the portals of seem the cafe Andrev^s University's, and we ". I.D. " than . . with an number? she here con more than willing to spend $1,000 linued. (Is the pope Catholic?) without a momenl's "Yes," I rephed, (A and $1,000 there number of us students have been known lo hesitation. possess , , . . budget I.D. numbers.) editor, I was on the As Acteni have I.D. "You an card?" 1 ihou£M| voted on this year's committee which that I had implied that. It was obvisii s budget belore sending it to the senate. quickly delfr-

and just like everyone else, I nonchalantly voted yes for every proposition. Unanimous P. S. Being a Temale iny reasons for being votes may be a sign of unity, but they're surprised and upset do not stem from the also a sign thai badly needed cliecks and fact that I couldn'i be a hero by playing t making conversation so (hat lliefroll are missing. " balances in the games this year area could empty a bii before thcliw don't The majority of students here which was being held up, could con- repre- really seem to care how their SA " "Well, may I see il? sentatives spend the money. Oh, one or "Now that's going a little bit too two grumble now and then, but as a whole far." 1 thought. Talk about forward! the student body is apathetic towards the Re Ihe letter by "a bit old fashioned" hcrsclP. in turn leaves the officers oducc SA, and this SA in ilie November 6 issue of the Acceiil. c it pleas ' Must and senate wide open to do as they please. Who does ihe author think he (or she) stood there star Ya kno*, I is lo criticize others for "what kind of im- Now don't get me wrong, I'm not lash- your idenlifical She waited in was when is apparently so "' ing out against the SA officers or the pression left" he patiently hat of a ashamed of what lie believes that he won't about her. senate. I'm sure that every penny that's even sign his name to a letter stating those I blurted. Somewliat per- been appropriated has been done so with bclicl's? The author talks about what "the whai il interests the in s Icadinihil the best of student body Lord requires ... of us". Read Matt. 10:32.33. mind. I'm not complaining so much that There (lie Lord "requires" us to "confess me heloic and apprehensively plai the money is being spent, but on the way men", which 1 lake lo mean in part iinl heiny ashamed lo associate one's it's being spent, name wnh ones beliefs. I'd like to see some controversy, yes, even some contention between penny- pinching conservatives and spend-ihriit continued on page three liberals. I'd like to see some students with enough gumption to stand up and

speak their mind even if the majority

disagrees with their viewpoint. I'd like to see a little of the spirit ol the 60's ^^MAT'S rather than the apathy of the 70's. HAPPENING For instance, last Thursday night a town hall meeting was scheduled to discuss the planned revisions of the Student Center lobby. You know how

many people showed up? Four! This is a very important issue. We're talking in terms of around $3,000, and I think this much money should at least warrant inter interest for enough students lo show to have a meeting. I'd be willing to wager that il the a iek's paper announced that the proposal had been passed, not one person would bother to complain about the expenditure of money-ai least not to anyone excepi for a couple close friends Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I was lusi looking 3 for something to write an edi- torial about, iAfednesday the 26th maybe a good number ol you will, and have, expressed your ieel- ings. I certainly hope so.

Accent Phoiographcrs

c«- Ediu,, T„, SOLTHERN Aa^,,|

BuMne.. M,„,B,, Layout Editors Tennessee 37315- »,', Goidon Doneskey Steve Poller reclinical Advi David Taylor CONTEST (continued) ESSAY Zarandona Comes From Cuba RUMBLES (continued) H

publication is I rurrenliv planned for there, now could eat; now tliat US Representative s!ic 1 an escapee ttialvsis by former was convinced was not n After uJiln W Griffilhs of Congress' next being born m Mexico, Joshua of either Silverdalc or Moccasin Bend. weffare reform ^A to develop Zarandona found his way to CoUegedale Did she fear I would murder eveiyone, rob the card registers and steal all the legislation. to attend SMC. He moved to Cuba when the competition, Mr. food? Maybe she just didn't want me In announcing he was about three months old and there to the checkers and remember objective is "to encourage to get Greene said ils he spent eleven years of his life growing that my card was in the wash. Per- students to think constructively America's up. haps she just wanted to make sure I the vast problems caused by the had card out for a quicker exit about Althougfi his father is from Mexico, my of present U S socioeconomic policy." througli the line. I don t know! failure Havana Cuba was home to him, his mother All through dinner I queried whether. Entrants' papers, he said, may give con- and most of his family. evaluation of iideraiion to such topics as an is in a setting it techniques of in- Cuba tropical where existing welfare programs, never gets much hotter than 80 degrees and come supplementation, and how work in- never quite as cold as it gets here. "Even if centives are affected by present welfare policy altered it in the tropics, thee and how thai migiit be by adoption of an income supplement. it in the tropics, there is never quite as much The Institute will have the option of rain in Cuba as there is in CoUegedale," says publishing winning papers, Mr. Greene said. Joshua. l<)75,The Institute has published two During Joshua's home is now in New Jersey. In monographs, ''Great Britain's Tax Credit In- Joseph Zarandona fact he moved to the United come Supplement", incorporating a paper by States on his birthday. "I regard that as one of the best they don't allow any r ihe Ri. Hon. Lord Barber. T,D., and "Social birthday presents I've ever had," says teachers," explains Joshua, "and they Abroad", a comparative study of the Welfare indoctrinate you pretty good there.' \^a inpu? I linistrLj social insurance and public assistance programs Although they are able to attend industrialized democracies throughout the church in have of ing about SMC from some friends a. Cuba, "you to keep College life has a way of keeping you Belle K. Fishbein, staff economist your moutli shut about religion when world by den Stale Academy, he decided SMC was busy all the time. Daily assignments, teait out of the church and of course the of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies. the place to attend college. projects, along quizzes scattered with and tests | legislation. Smce Adventists didn't." 10 develop welfare reform no church schools are allowed tc here and there not to mention keeping your Institute reserves the right to cancel function in Cuba, Joshua had to attend Joshua is thankful to be at SMC where The room clean and clothes ready to wear. Why public schools. first and second prizes if, in the sole judge- he can exercise his religious freedom. ihe it's a wonder that you find time to do any- "All the teachers there are Communist ment ol the judges, no suitable papers are sub- thing but go to classes, study, eat and sleep. mitted. But you do! There's tennis, baseball, fool- forms and complete informatic Kegislralion ball, ping pong, parties, clubs, singing groups. student essay contest about the may be ob- Branch Sabbath School, a little sewing or tained by writing to Essay Contest Director, baking on the side or maybe time spent wilh a "special friend." Broadcast Needs Money Somehow it all seems to get done. It may not have been done the very best way pos- sible but at least it's all done. All vou had to do was cut your sleep to five hours Focus Broadcasting, Inc., is searching cinatli, and Gatlatine station. instead of your usual seven. for a Committee of One Hundred to help The organization, composed of members Hiss Remley Joins PR In the midst of it all, have you taken lime finance its radio-evangelism outreach for from Ihe student body, is now in the pro- to get to know Jesus? I don't mean a 5-min- this coming year, according to Wilfred cess of writing and producing these spots. ute prayer and a quickly-read verse. Miss Hilda Fern Remley hasjoined VanGorp, Focus Director. VanGorp says that the process has been What's that you say? You're too tired; Ihe College Relations department of Appeals will be sent out by mail to slow because of the busy schedule, but You don't have lime. Is Ihal really the reason? Southern Missionary College as Field previous supporters and friends, requesting that things will soon be in the swing. Isn't that really a cop-out, the truth being that Representative, doing admissions counseling, that they join the committee and donate VanGorp also mentioned the record friends, hobbies, studies and extra-curricular according to Dr. Frank Knittel, President. five dollars a month for a year. This will being sold at the Campus Shop featuring activities are more important? We seem to Her responsibilities will consist of visiting hopefully raise a badly needed S6,000. Lester Reiser on the organ. Sales have find time for those things we really enjoy and prospeclivf SMC students, acquainting This money will go into financing the been good with most of the records being want to do. them Willi ihe jdvantages of attending a airing of public service broadcasts-com- sold after various concerts put on by In each of our souls there is a void that only I mercial type spots giving listeners a bit Keiser. The album was produced by God can fill. Will we, due to our indifference She will visii of good in all Seventh-day Adventist cheer and offering enrollment full orches- Micky Thurber and included and indolence refuse to have it filled? yound people attending high schools and the broadcast's Bible studies. tration, including the SMC Brass Ensemble If we would come to know Christ we must public colleges in Ihe Southern Union, Last year the Focus broadcast was aired and members from the Charlotte Sym- take time to read His Word. This is the only which covers the states of Tennessee, Georgia, phony Orchestra. The records are on sale :r seven stations at the discression of way to resist temptations, the only way to Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Florida, for five dollars and all profits will go to the broadcasters. They were heard on tmly witness for Christ. It is the only way lo andNorth and South Carolina. Nashville, Louisville, Rome, Atlanta, Cin- remain unruffled and at peace in the midst of Previously Miss Remley was dean of women Ihe trials and annoyances that come to us at Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska, holding each day. lliat.position for 22 years. She also has had I honestly believe we need to re-evaluate MpeJiencB as an elementary school teacher, br CI r er ? I^emxc^-hion asadean Li 4 vJf f our priorities. What is really more important- of girls and as a high school teacher. friends, grades, hobbies or peace, joy, and Bprn in Dallas, Texas, Miss Remley grad- here is a man doing the right thing in ualedvfrom eternity? Union College with a B.A. degree the right place. A totally delightful I" If we're too busy or too tired lo become English. She has since done graduate work man's discovery commentary on one acquainted with God maybe we need to elimi- at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Mich. of how life should be lived. Miss nate something in our busy schedules. Then Remley is a member of the National there won't be so much lo do, and there will Association of Women Deans and Counselors. be more time to rest. Taking our Bibles and praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us into truth, we may seek to know God. Studying His love letter, verse by verse, we may come to SMC Student Implements tobiography of a black orphan girl comprehend those things He has said whose accidental (or providential) meet- and apply them lo our lives. Log Cabin ing with a young white matron in a "I don't have time." I wonder if it Classroom small southern community changed the wouldn't be more correct lo say, "I don't course of her life. Her progression from have lime not to study."? We are told In Chattanooga School a cowering, wistful, and unkempt fledg- that the deceptions of Satan will be so ling to a poised and happy young lady, subtle ihat only those who have been in spite of a mind-jarring encounter diligent students of Ihe Word will be able the and constant lugs to ...j^Sl^y Chattanooga elementary school with KKK ' revert to her old ways, is a moving ex- attending classes in a log cabin 1 belie vital t with the 'J their study of American perience, freely punctuated iry so Ihat we may have por- iiumorous and comical. A graphic time lo spend studying Ihe Scriptures. Our trayal of the transforming power of Lord is coming soon. What's really most Say, gang, study is great, but let's unselfish love, this is one you won't important? ^^ relax a little, loo. The library is where want to leave until the last page is ''y "^^ ^n*^ througli third Eranl.^?"!" it's at for instance: for both. Try, caulion~ils binding is ^"-' '^li^t'anooga Sevenlh-day devoured. One --Tcrri Mussclwliil Adve Jf"list James Herriot, All Creatures Great church school. old-please treat it kindly so others may and Small-A veterinarian in the beau- inspiration. " '^ "'^ brainchild of Cindy lies, share ils asiude , tiful Yorkshire Dales, Herriot shares Southern Missionary ^'^Ikss u',J'°"^ his reminiscences as a beginning vet ''"^band. Dale, felled eight Or t(ce,T„H , thoroughly appealing J^^«and shaped a charming and the logs into a six and one-^ larralive sprinkled gene ously wilh Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Winter- structure. He the a lime? School '""' then look dnccdolc and i[ iriguing personalities. Think you're having hard lo'tl.^'^"i"^.'ne ,_, school and let the children reassemble its sensitivity to Ihe pu sating beauty getting you down? Read how Laura and .":«bininacoi[,.:r. lerof their long winler of homeroom. The of life dr jws Ihc nexorably into her family Mirvivcd a nd the boys helped the currc It ofe on Is in Vales and one jecomcs f ils sit alions-sofTic- imcs movMig, o len joci 1 the spring with majoi '1 <^lenien ivcly. In and behavioral scicnci; d 2 a.m. lousc'c jlL shiv r^ tlirough the r after gradualioi birth of calf a cold nighl and

...... uuimingnnu leclmi '^''fst log cabin he has built. SPORTS ACTION Counsels from CABL are stUl close with LEADING SCORERS • Foolball standings much play. indulged in too season still -< theylin-y arc half of the IS wlieiiwhen very Walters agamsl i-j' ^ and looking jg,, "lirodcs" times. Hoover is in first Afici Dr. Crawford's or at the wrong »«*s ago, a^snra^l^^ meals, they are sugar a couple of ,1 nr in between Bob Hoover "" the wondrous 32-26 squeaked sj,,,, ,n ^.,. e uoublc to "' He* "beat Younts But if we 26-25, trounced bavidson Creator has made. by Rogers Higginbolham re 1 close and 44p^ '-th food, like the 3il9, and then in a Ka P Ob Buinsed 26-24. we are gmngu, exc tiig game beat Dunforrl 'SerbL Ethiopian, Hoover 41 pi^ iMOsi is challenging wrong wi(li out habits. Arnold 'T^^^^'Z^"' have trouble changing 4-2-! record. Over- for first with a Hellgren an e^'\"8. a game Jjp,, Fla- people with P^^''^' '^.L^' almost cost him Dairy Queen 31 than confidence healthy people? theit problem second busniesscs le, at recognizing Rogers, but in the o.her swee.-tooth may be Sst Burnsed vors and - intentions up wrth 37p^ expec solvinc it. Your managed .0 come while American life half he arc Ihriving ganies win Arnold's next two counter m a n-33 resisting the dessert over Davidson and trouble were a 36-13 win B LEAGUE standings] more than your In tliis the cafeteria, you need 26-18 win over Burnsed. despite problems. a didn't score until at leasl^ partially will power. game Burnsed West As colleeo students Foods, when he Counsels on Diet and pp. Ihe second half. Just gives some won- momentum Arnold ourselves that Ameri- 152-155 and 166-170, was gaining Keeney S surely we'^don'l kid though overcoming the to YoSnts. He came back physical shape. derful counsels on lost cans are in excellent the with appetite. Looking to wet, cold night to beat Burnsed Richards Digest, weekly newsmagazines, problem on a Readers t put articles is stressed. Don newspapers all carry Saviour for help 20-12. „ ... J and daily prayer Burnsed tred Stephens 4 shape we on yourself. Faith, In other games ihc terrible physical dependence decrying needed. 34-34, tlie second tie for Lack of physical exer- and perseverance are what is Younts are actually in. just and defeated Rogers Ford 3 Incidentally. Thanksgiving is both teams, reason, but improper diet has come to life bv cise is one comet. For many, that is 26-19. Rogers important fac- around tlie touchdown in the Drunken 2 and nutrition are also lurkey (vegetarian), getting a winning a day of television, Younts fast nine seconds to beat thankfulness (in a few instances). Advenlisls, with so and 25-20 and then going on to smash Wil As Seventh-day your style of day. Show Don't make that 35-7. much inspired counsel regarding the Davidson thankfulness by observing the day proper diet and the your importance of (although, [he way that Christ would harm of sugar, we shouldn't have any everyday Thanksgiving Day for But admitledly. sometimes wasn't A LEAGUE STANDINGS questions. people's opinions on Him?) ) Thou^ cafeteria trays don't live up lo our thai Chnst that miglit vary, rest assured il'! L T ihesc counsels, and con- W wouldn't lie in front of a television, of Prob- slirug off pricks holding His hands tentedly grunting while 1 luld do us lillle good if s Hoover 5 over a vety stuffed stomach. walked up to us {wiUi three servings one lo be a HealUiful living doesn't have Arnold 4 2 1 of dessert on our tray) and gave us a chore. Ptay for help in living it and ling the harm ol eating 100% 3 2 liking it. Who is happier than a Burnsed 2 healthy person. And who is mote 3 2 than a person with overeat- Younts 2 ith should control our whole miserable forget. Cars run lo the tempta- ing problems? Don't body. But we all yield Davidson 2 4 better on higli octane than on lion to indulge sometimes, and probably much do we. most of us see the harmful results, low octane. So whether physical, mental, or spiritual, or any combination of these. Sugar or sweets ate not harmful in themselves. Where the hi

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Accentthe Southern


In Construction Program

There is a student affiliated chapter on the campus. Each month speakers in the building industry present a topic

the National Association of Home Builders' Convention which is held in Dallas each year. This convention draws attendance from all corners of the world. who joined the teaching staff the si Last year it drew approximately sixty- ond vear of thousand the program. people from as far away' as Mr. Warner started the program with Japan and Russia, 15 students the first year. They built The administration allows the stu- — e of the first homes in the Hiawath dents to attend every other year. The faculty and students attend the five- day session viewing all of tlie latest innovations and ideas in the building

. ind, and was pur- industry. Besides seeing over six hun- chased before completion by Mr. Pete Austin, a local Chattanooga business-

well as important builders and lai The students have built seven homes in the Hiawatha Estates subdivision, with prices of the homes ranBine over $70,000. house gave away four dehumidifiers, The purpose behind the Home Build- priced arf und $300, and our student ing Technology Program is to prepare won two of the four given. Other Christian young men to become con- prizes won by the students were: an electric-cyc opener for a garage, two Nutone medicine cabinets valued at in all aspects of building-framing, plumb- about S lOU each, a clock and some ing, wiring, etc. Currently the class is haiiging lights. doing work here on the campus of SMC. Many of you have seen the new apart- """t complex for married couples, jpartmenl complex which is being constructed b> the Building dent clubs in existence in the USA. og\ class IS scheduled for completion in April of 1 976 The club officers are president, Tom Hall; vice president, Norman Estes; secretary, David Kay; and treasurer, Jack Clifton, date will be in April. 1976. The build- The course has been a real success ing consists of eight two-bedroom Notes From Nicaragua so far, drawing students from as far apartments, an exact replica of the two away as Oregon. California, Pennsyl- complexes next door. Incidentally, the vania, and l^^w York. of our Greetings from Mision Adventista-SMC; writing about a "typical day." Instead, One name of these apartments is "Tennessee students, Luis Carlos, came all the members of our family will share with Apartments," for those of you who have way from Mexico. First of all, ; t us identify ourselves you little long been a picture of some part of life waiting their arrival! Someday thr and y may even take in a bring I you i to date who's One. big advantage on who here that means a lot to them. in taking this few girls. course is that the ^..j/i. This month has brought Mike Castillo (SMC student) \vrites: students belong to the mo^ than its share of pain and sadness Waking up in the morning in a dif- M.We said goodbye to Wendail and Kathy ferent country with different surround- Wag and family on September 18. Jon ings and atmosphere, I find that my God H^ld plans to United Fund return to Goal Reached the States on is waiting for me to point me to the # P^ber 7. We greatly miss their varied riglit road in my actions, thouglits, and *- but this is a part the of Advent words, and all that I do around these SMC Honored At Banquet '""' On the other side of the people that I associate with. -, ./ere Another year of accomplishment - happy on September 1 The first few weeks in this new jungle was |lcomc Bud hicliliglited on Monday, Nov, 10, when and Joan Schermerhorn home I was greeted in my morning wor- SMC's efforts for the United Fund were inie, Judd, and Hans, ship by a heavenly feeUng. My thoughts recognized with a 14-year Honor Award. -ith them were Jim McLamb and senses pointed to God and His warm Under the guidance of William Taylor ,(,as-""^y Sloop. Jim and Sandy are both atmosphere which can be felt the in of College Relations the goal of 95% or 'mB^duatcs of Fletcher Academy. Jim reading of Isaiah 55 and Revelation Four. more participation was reached in this SDfiffl^[l,e summer of 1974 here. But this heavenly blessing left me in my year's campaign. Faculty, staff, and Grove School for Retarded Children. "I and Connie Johnston arrived on second month here, and since then I other employees gave generously. The This year's goal for the area was iber I and are enjoying a one year haven't looked for^va^d to my worships 53,055,785. iTie goal was exceeded when 53,154.475 were _ - _ tropical paradise. With as much. Somehow the Lord keeps me collected in this butoi sharing program. g work they are doing now, some going in my meetings with Him. words At the Awards banquet, held in Reed With its present goal achievement, the I in that sentence might I enjoy my morning worships here. I House, it was noted that Southern Mis- Greater Chattanooga area has succeeded sometimes am heartbroken that I cannot sionary College had finished successfully in maintaining its oDjectjve for the fifly- : ranking veteran nurse have this heavenly feeling with me, but on our its fourteenth consecutive year of par- IS Linda Gadd. She has been here soon my desire of this will be fulfilled ticipation. While there were others who ^July. She " carries the biggest tor I have the promises of Psalms 21:2 iwards.SMCalonchada 14- °f^t load mobile c now. Walking 20 and Revelation 22:12 to claim. "^y a Jay and ing Miskito round Linda Gadd (SMC graduate) writes: owjier d.y. If I had known all the hiking I'd be ..iyihe time '" '*^'^ letter, Jon involved in doing, I'd have worked out HgffiiH II ,. - b"' ^'1' bi; X^. home {we miss her already in a gym. But since I didn't, I learned Miougl, she hasn't left us yet). That on the job. One of the villages we pro- ' C-aslillo as "the" ranking vet- "m^ continued on page five "I'ssion family. frffiffip?"/ Mike comes '"'' ^'^ SMC. oS r Mike is dean

News Alert Accent format newsless

two nurses out geScaii"^ on an emer-

I week s paper. Bui on the other hand il finm. home for supper only to n,'^^""^ I would like some interesting reading, ^, stretcher beside the for <''rii! nvl' "I' I won't feci cheated. The reason a :urc oriented paper this week is the break

I year has rtailicd ^" '"s arm. SMC their United Fund goal. President Was II,!. ^^''"'S That dr'^"-''nnic, Iheir Linda, and did r,,^,''^ Joan -'Huring. So we gave up on '

Let's just be friends riRST CLASS MAIL

beginmnq to over like to encourage more of ^><<"\>'^'''J';""^„^''Zlcyr. It too--a Domosnen. i for you. I mind may tend to alter its not really sure about my feelings individuitj Tm wouK favor of Its ideal. ' I think it a lo, of thinking lately, and bee^ do ng Dear Editor, Now let me digress around for a while. Now a bit. if we both dated be better is perfectly human, and it your com- 20 issue) compell me c; George, I really en)oy Two items (Nov. Son'tget mewrona great advantages, even good; in Campus buloiihil but for now let's just be friends. write: one, questions asked nanv the mass priorities are (me andvalii P a trivial love story printed without the cour- of mav wonder what Rumbles but that is to say correct. If Some vou correct prioi :. j„^ *h„ fl^.rnrial nsnP ot the ACCi'lU. The an answer. Good grief, Charlie tesy of are needed, then, anri these are foim of thi; scene take place get some reporter off his type- into rational propositions, fact is, though, that variations Brown, wli 1 hallowed luglt do s some system of evening after evening after evening t the r long e to precedence oi sSotiihem they be adhered to? grounds of what is jokingly referred t gating. Here lies the cmx of the College. And second, the "proposed plans for IT Malrimonial . ^ senator approximately s just Student Center lobby.' onem Let's take a closer look at the phrase, "Let redisgning (sic) tlie help fellow senators and myself vo by examining it see if we can t To me it appears that the design was be friends," and a set of written propositions hope- i clarify a few of those hard to define feelings and created by the same person who created

general principles and guidelines to caption. I groan inwardly every time fully find some the il 1 hat is, a project does not i find themselves in this situation. traverse that great echoing emptiness help those who I standards of^this code, it cam cases although turn that "Let's just be friends." is in most and agree that someone should Sorted by the S.A.S.M.C.forthisiffll In the ( said in sincerity almost an impossibility. acreage into hospitable urrah! But by tlie same loken,ifi s that c first pla. rthis congenial to the human project meets these standards, it iajli - person f a relationship than the other. people and groups. be supported, if possible, witlun reai ndship has to be established on eaualitv. and when- Why not underwrite a modesi campaign At the same meeting the senate volfJi exploitation. V student park ever there is inequality there is inevitably to get ideas?To assure some degree of building. Giejllll In the beginning of a relationship a couple can just uniformity, print off a scaled floor plan clearly define be friends. Their desires and qoals are not on 814 by 11 paper and provide these lo for it IS the process of friendship which defines these interested contributors. Somebody goals. At first a relationship has an aura of carefree will subdivide that range someday. Per- voted to give S400 n happiness, but gradually the pressure begins to build. get haps interested students could in photos, while at the same meelinj If both parties either get sick of each other or fall an idea betore someone covers the whole S.A.S.M.C. voted down sendingas in love with each other at a fairly even pace there is place with shag carpet and puts another dent missionary to DutchGuiaiuf no problem. fountain up. ^ The problem arises when one person decides that the relationship is more than a friendship, that it Eternally optimistic, is a romance. This outs pressure on the undecided partner to make up his mind. The person who hasn't R. B.Gerhart made up his mind often has ambivalent feelings. He is having a good time and yet at the same time isn't Eds. note: When the letter concerning sure whether he wants anything more serious. He the Rees series came Charlie Brown did would just as soon keep the relationship at a stand- not have any reporters available and was still riqht where it is. too busy at the typewriter himself to go snooping around tor an answer As tar as the typographical nfortable. don't get involved any further, and have e a good time. But it just doesn't work. Once the process of friendship has served the purpose of defining goals, the relationship will either grow or die on the basis of whether or not these goals are congruent What should Sally and George do?Since Sally has the least interest she holds the trump card, so for lack of space we will deal with her options. Oh, she could exploit George's devotion, pouring on the charm when she wanted a date or someone to talk arid telling 3 him to jump iri the lake when she felt alternative nd George's emotions

- ght down to it . there are really only feasible options, Sally and George can either make -^.jan break no matter how painful it might prove or Sally can ignore her fears and the relationlhip can con- tinue progressing. What did Sally and George do?Oh aftei



l)a»ii ll,,li,,„„k A^jl Ti,., SOLTHERN «cSbli™ l,ub1istied >V rt

s Manager Advertising Layout Editors Manager Gordon Doncskey One Girl's Opinion

Following the abrupt announcement, classic comments such as, "Oh, you're welcome!" "Great! Send him to Room 302!" "Is he for real? " and "How long can we keep him? " echo down every hallway. Very few minutes seem to pass before the procession begins. Someone (i/rf for- get her books in me lobby; someone did leave her sweater in the chair (a month ago); someone did have to empty the trash in the janitor's closet (for the

the announcement was being made? Arc they left to their own mercy and embarrassment? They suddenly clad their intimate wraps about them and hurriedly swish past the goggle-eyed

endeavor to disappear ii

/es the dormitory, totally obli- !o every open window and small '^\\t JRcboIutton ^n f laccrUtlb which peer outside as he leaves. On( The Rebels the young people who would where have to spear- called Placerville all of the buildings there Ofc , e young ri head any revolution if it were to prove a were structures boxy, windowless of in gades town who flaunted authority and success, was througfi music. He started a brick and steel without one bit of aesthe- disregarded the laws of Establio. One musical group and traveled from cafe to beauty. Oh, you couldn't tell that to afternoon several of these rebels met cafe singing his philosophies under the citizens, thou&li. They liked their secretly to discuss the burdensome require- f haunting melodies and symbol- square, tasteless buildings. "Beauty is ments a square society forced upon them. , Philic eidoi functional," they said, "and our build- "Square meals, square deals, square is of the under-thirty generation. The staid • ings are very functional. Besides, 500 beautiful," Reaal, one of the more radical conservative couldn't stand his music, years ago everyone lived in tents. The \^Oi r I lini^tr^ dissenters, mimicked in facetious disdain. but they considered it just another passing great and venerable Establio, one of our "I'm sick of all the ridiculous slogans, we fad and nothing to get shook up about. town forefathers, invented square build- have to chant on public holidays, the un- ings; and if square buildings were good realistic laws we have to obey, the tyranny The Revolt enough for him, they're good enough for the of town elders." He slammed a fist It came exactly one year and two weeks down on the table, his eyes burning with after the first clandestine meeting in Reaal's not what it means to several v the firm determination of revolt. Establio vs. Anti-establio house. When the code word to start the hearted students who know of others armed revolt was sent from the jail by who need their company. Every Sab- In the center of the town square ex- Reaal, i( spread like wildfire among the bath afternoon at 3:30 a few car loads cerpts from the laws of building and dissatisfied populace. Within hours, scream- and van loads of students leave for the design, codified by Establio in the sixth Silverdale County Workhouse, about a Each week the members would ing mobs swept like a tidal wave through the year after tents, were emblazoned on a twenty-minute drive from SMC. basement of Reaal's house to plan theii streets of Placerville, They overwhelmed the towering steel prison, the students monument. These laws revolution. Of course, they sat around the guards stationed at the jail, liberated all played an important part in structuring round table and ate their snacks on rou of the prisoners, and began burning and pd-

all building projects in Placerville. Any laging anything they considered Establio. s prison. The other group, "Give us a year and we'll enlighten the new architectural plans from an outhouse Reaal, Philio, and the other leaders of headed by Ken Bryant (who is the over- poor, ignorant masses about the glory of all Jail Bands coordinator), goes to a new government building were judged 'The Society of the Round" led the into the our new round world," Philio, the secre- throngs with a cry of victory on their Ups men's section. Sometimes a group must by a select committee of the town elders tary of the society preached, undergo a harmless, routine search, since and labeled and the determination of revenge in their as either Establio or anti- this is a "Yes, give us a year," the others echoed. pmon that is being visited. Eslablio plans in an official ceremony The students then find their places to As the weeks passed, Reaal and his After having all government officials of i,whicli ail citizens of the sit inside the worship area, and gel ready town were re- followers worked night and day. They the previous administration executed, Reaal juired to attend, pubUshed underground newspaper an declared himself town mayor and formed a and special entitled For Squares Only wliicli presented new goveriunent. "Utterly destroy all e enjoyed-_, byJ --jdentsstudents and pr.pri- [Overreaction insidious doctrines in a seemingly innocent square buildings," he commanded his fol- alike. Following opening prayer, At first Establio's laws only applied to way. After reading the title, the town lowers, "and we'll begin building a grand thcreisa 15-20 guilding one of the students. and design, but as time went by, elders agreed to subsidize the paper, not and glorious town of spheres and circles. "-ei-zealous Finally the service is over, and the citizens began searching for bothering to read tlie content. w continued on students have the chance to talk with areas to bring under their jurisdiction. Philio decided that the best way to reach page four the prisoners. In the women's section II became a fad to see ^ what new things there is free and open could mingling of stu- be made square and therefore Es- tablio. One fool even fried to invent square wheels. After this ludicrous idea ended Taking A Look At in failure, the would-be inventor oegan preaching the woes of wheels to MVe face. "Any pure and fundamental _ible lessons are collected' Series religious ollower of Cooke's America and given out, although mat- Establio will shun wheels as »ie erials are not pressed on the prisoners, dominant factor in bringing about "ered. Tiie prisr ine These films ai,- a chronological story ow disregard for physical labor and ; Tuesday niglit ard work of themes that shaped America. "Mak- our young people have today," class. More than 50 of the ing a Revolution," "Inventing a Nation," p said with religious have participated fervor and sincerity. "Gone West " Domesticating a Wilder- in this Bible class so far. Of these, ten have completed ness," and "Money on the Land." These the Bible course. One prisoner has titles are all dealing with forces in requested baptism, and three more Jhe First Noel Slated America's history, forces that were are studying lo be baptized. friend puu,,^v. .^...... - probably not recognized as such at The Jail bands present students the SMC choit, chorale and orches- "Alistair, you better talk fast.' effect on chance to witness, to benefit others » °' Bp'fo'mine m a Christmas America-with a title like this, you the time, but still had a great elaboration the nation. on the Sabbath, to make themselves EJ"s °" December 1 2, In the Collcge- would expect some on the future of the whole useful. Several students have been * church at 8 p.m. traditional stories in American liistory, In summing up liis feelings on these missed faithful in working with the jail bands, but as pointed out by Cooke, history is films, one student said, "I haven't the people's idea don't plan lo miss any in but more are needed for special music, P'ssMted by 1 30 voices not what happens, but a film yet and Sfn" insiglit what personal Bible studies, and general of what happens, Cooke validates some the future! I have gained on "fOr.t^rGS'""""""'""'"™ of England^s actions toward America and makes me. an American, peculiar to the shows that today we pay some ol the 3 faithiuliy. same taxes that caused the Revolution These films are being s' j^'^Qii-val in r n 1 1 1 of play "The First Noel" wliich without so much as a second thought. Tuesday niglit at 7:45 dialogue of the events lead- our founding fathers a" DaniellsHati, inc Though c day hear the words. ti'ri,'"^ the narration is filmed on loc; ifij;,'A ""St s birth demonstrated by All of Cooke gives more than just Bam" "'°'^ ^^ arranged by von Mallhcw 55:36. "e Leeper will be singing the irano 1396-2436. or Lynn Brain- 'ilossolos and Steve DarinodyDarin ' will crd at 396-4941. the baritone solos. , chorale and orchestra *illbe presenting other Christmas Childers Exhibits Prints At Gallery •

aesthetic Walter Pater, propounding t in the 19tli you pro- ceniury wiu.c, ...<... v. - but tlie higli- posing frankly lo give notlilng as tliey pass. esl quality to your moments and simply for those moments' sake. pithy man- n a similar vien but a more in liis preface to ..... Oscar Wilde asserted Hie Picture ofDorian Gray. "All ait is useless." „jth comments bring to mind tlie fun- damental question does art exist only to or message itself or can it have a basic idea stone, metal beneath tlie surface of paint, chooses to or whatever medium the artist

Walter Pater or Oscar Wilde. Malcolm ^o Mis- Childers, art instructor at Southern during the sionary College, is exliibiting Art month of November at the Notchwood which he Gallery, a display of liis prints in attempts to convey to the viewer a message or expression of his tlioughts relative to God and man. explams The artist lectures briefly as he people are liis work. He feels that many and artistically steeped in sentimentaUty, that Uiey don't view art, particularly an objective viewpoint. "Christian art," from \ MaLolm Childers 'God made man in His image," says kloii. "and there are characteristics of is an essential- works gave the impiesflxl : [M found in man. God that Childer's hf This, Cluldets believes, refutes the dogma characteris- without any-' . of His sufficiency I .1 1 ivo being, and one complete self current in some intellectual circles, that operat- of man. This parallels the fact Ihatm; man is a creature composed of matter, seems to feel that he needs Goi ed by electricity and governed solely by cer- longer | recent drawing, basic drives. Pointing to his most ip above the instinctual level. tain primitive then, is en^ne Childers said, "I haveti "My prints are for the most part portray- railroad ^^ parable of modem MB als of machines and other man-made objects," from page three) said Childers, THE REVOLUTION IN PLACERVILLE (continued rospeclivs m "Througli these objects, I try to demon- He closed oi created man prints, though Ihnitless boundaries of strate my belief that because God No longer will we have to endure the out- l mastered, then the man invests his created objects with some of moded, tyrannical square as the basis for creativity can be tackled. When the laws his own characteristics." building." of function can he expanded lo buiid """' "---' '— - " aesthetic building, An Atlanta ar( critic made Ihe commenl both a practical and tlien the ultimate purpose of architecture destroy the monument'to Establio wWch will have been reached." wjs siill standing straight and true above Reaal was shocked. He couldn't believe

1 II some- 1 r,n

ii,iij tried lo tear it down, but their thing so progressive, and yet so practical.

.iiij molotov cocktails hadn't even He wanted to make this sagacious stranger .IluuJ ihe surface of this gleaming edifice. his number one advisor and rebuild the town following the njles of Establio. "You'll Be Sorry" But if he ^id this, what would happen to The demolition experts had already his childhood dream of a round world placed 40 charges of dynamite around the free from the confmes of squares? What monument, promising Reaal that in a would happen to his newfound power minute ihe last reminder of the square and glory?No, he couldn't do it. He'd society would crash to the ground in a worked too hard for this revolution to shower of twisted metal and broken con- make an abrupt change in policy all he- crete, when an old, wrinkled man rushed me stuffy old up to the group of laugjiing men. document 500 years ago. "Please don't destroy this magnificent Reaal (ooked up into the old he begged Reaal. "If you do, penetrating "blue eyes for a second, then he turned bis head and glanced over at ril be sorry! Just who do you tliink the seething crowd. , Grandpa," Reaal s "Take him away ."he boomed. "Take get out of here before you get blown up this Establio lover and feed liim to the vultures." "Ah, your honor," the old man per- sisted, "have you ever studied for yourself Eslablio's laws of building and design?" " 'Why no, the perplexed mayor re- ^X^M^X/ plied. Takehin revolulionari Ihe explosion of the monument shouted, 'Take this demented old man who still believes in Establio and feed him lo the

>unda "Silence," commanded Reaal, "let's ._e My Sunshine' iOiTri; Is, skip to class, put The Truth Rejected ^f is doors for people lo walk througli, whis' ^,_,,... "I would like to read a quotation fron Am I x^rong in thinking that the tenth law of Estabho." the man life is fun and sjjould be enjoyed to the ut- reached in his pocket for an antiquated [jiosl ; 1 see so many glum people peered ii arotind campus. Sour faces, limp bodies lifeless voices. 1 want them lenng, s ratchy ti to see how wonderful You are in giv- ing us so many tilings to love. I m not hurting anyone or anythins- maybe myself, though. Ami being an exiubmonist? Aprangster? A pest? ^"^ *"^''"6 ^''"^ ^'aybe ^t "hSs"'^ ' shouled above Ihe noist between being 1 lie square is th--^ fundar -hc^^^^Trt^h'^''"^"'^'^ ini for all building aiid d I- the primary shape usee hisisacocquilledrawingofa- NOTES FROM NICARAGUA (continued from page o

Ron Johnston (SMC student) writes: Not just aEiyone can go (o a mission moiitlis, and tlie here for four field. If you don't like camping for more For the past tliree toads have suffered. than one weekend,you wouldn't like reach tliis village in- or four weeks to hike trip. volves a 22-mile round Each Francia Sirpi is different from most the detours that liave week as I've gone, mission stations in that you almost live, to be to be taken are getting more and eat, and do as the people here do. more. The bridge over the largest river My job here is in many areas. For out this past week, leaving those was washed who need teeth pulled, I pull this river only the pylons. To cross now teeth. For the sick, I play the part of boards the involves going single file over nurse, doctor, and pharmacist. When a on top of the pylons. |[id);ins have laid truck breaks down. I become a mechanic. is waslied out in All logetlicr the road I have been teaching the afternoon It's a trick to jump aboui five places. nursing classes, and that is where I get full tliese places with a backpack of close to the people; they're just like medic: The Lord has be nwith any other students. They like to play, c marathons, as the only skip class, and be serious. the bot- Of all these jobs, the most rewarding heeis ant a sor 1 of my few was lo have the students tell me they Jin knows, when get back were sorry for problems they cause, and

s, I may hike the Appala- for them to come to me individually and cliMfi rr.iil ask for spiritual help. To see the expres- sion of relief from their fears and anxie- Jon Harold (SMC graduate) wri ties is a double reward. It's a moonliglil niglit and 1 ting As a missionary you are lost if you by kerosene lamp. Around tlie table are ten bowed heads studying hard. Every few minutes one will ask. "What is the " Recreational Outfitters normal hemoglobin? or "Which is it. or arteries that take blood away the heart?". We're studying for "I will never be a In teacher." Well, here 1 Open College Plaza nal lest on the circulatory system. am, not only the school teacher, but I I feel like they're all my brothers and am in the charge of school. There are Life is waking up on a cold brisk Speaking of food, one can still enjoy the iters. We've all grown so much in the ten students from nearby villages. Most morning to the crackling of a fire primitiveness of being out in the wild and si eight weeks since nursing school warm of them speak English fairly well; how- just outside your tent and the sweet still eat like a king. There are so many good aricd. I live in one bamboo house ever, there are a few who don I seem to smell of breakfast cooking with foods that are made just for camping which idi ilie girls and the boys bving in mixed understand any English. the smell of pines, oaks and smoke. are so easy to fix. iiiiher bamboo house. We all built I try to give the K houses together when school started students the basis of There is nothing quite like it anywhere. Some of the dehydrated foods the out- anatomy and physiology for each system is a get it fitters sell arc gorp, cheese omelettes, scramblj ik'ii we slept on the floors until we Camping way lo away from we start into. Then I lake them into the all. It's a rather common sight to see ed egg mix, hashed brown potatoes, pancake different diseases, 1 have started to leach SMC students on their way out on a mixes, soup, instant apple sauce, freeze dried them some of the basics of physical exams Friday afternoon with their back packs peaches, freeze dried strawberries, instant and diagnosing so that they can be getting headed for a weekend in the woods. puddings and it is even possible to take along r facilit , but into proper habits during their clinical vith you freeze dried ii villages around hei Many students have never been able experience. By the lime they graduate, I of their own to (each to experience this closeness to nature due hope they will be able to use live healthy and to treat physical to the lack ol equipment. No longer do The shop has only been open for about

diagnosis techniques to find out what I weeks, wc asked for young peopk these folks have an excuse. Now there but according t< David Parks bus they need to do to treat the n sludy for a year. When disease. is an outlet right on campus selling some Our clinic requirements are quite dif- If lere may be no pay of the finest in camping apparatus that you're ready to inves ferent from most clinics. We have no camping equipment, you c t work, but they will be doctors. Therefore our students will Recreational Outfitters is located in on a purchase of $50 or nn

have to be able to diagnose without Bill onapurchase of SlOOor r .veVe learned a lot more the College Plaza Mall and run by lab equipment and know what medica- has to be ordered, tlierc is n addiii ung. There's Ina, who has Wliite, Jeff ALen and David Parks. They tion to give and when not to give it. choice equip- e years of grade school, can help you make the of Also Ihey will need to know how to ment that is riglit for you. Just because winter is coming up and it's i Id learn so much. She al niglit inpcr, (hough, and is always distinguish whether or nol a patient The shop sells all kinds of equipment getting cold doesn't mean you can'! h someone, A couple of needs to go to the Moravian hospital by the names of Gerry, Northface, Op- go camping and enjoy it. Winter is one of the weeks ago. after blowing her lop at one about two hours drive from the mission. timus, Vasque and others. They sell such best times for camping. It is the most fun if of Ilic is a junior nursing student tilings sleeping bags from $50 to S165, you choose Ihc right equipment. students, she said to mc, "Jon, I My husband as rtajly is from to dehydrated Camping is good all times of the year and don't want to be like thai, I want at SMC, He teachmg the math for back packs S35 S70, an." And there's Yamilla medication and will be leaching different food, food containers, pack stoves, boots, there's no lime like the present to go. ng a Sukia (witch sections of the nursing. He recently jackels. mountain climbing equipment and doctor) Gary I-lJridge was afraid lo take it off taught suturing. ikia told her when she did As you can see, this is a very unusual sick again. We talked nursing school. We are trying to make Jiid finally, after almost nursing praclioners out of these students

; prayed, Slie in one short year. and Ihen lUble

IS (mission director) writes; : Carlo: ) has been Bud Schemierhom Mission life seems to exhibit an Inlcnsi- ficalion of all our previous feelings-the tremendous joy of helping where there is such need, the agonizing frustration of nol being able lo communicate as we would wish because of language, cultural and educational differences, and even the continued on page six


fAi TiCKee BaKinG companY i NOTES FROM NICARAGUA (continued from page fivel

tiredness seems 10 be e,cata,n,|,„j If we loolial I ri) ourselves we c„,lM of much we arc giving up, bul wC^ lookattliciesloftlievilia,,;?""' acknowledge tliat we are rccipimi, yd of niore than our fair share or world s blessings. idiosyncrasies known or all llie man < Godisgoodtous inhabil the mind of modern WeibrJiHiaJ 3,000 I cct our many blessings. nine out of an airplane We realize mor' good old "terra nrmai? than ever how dependent more above we aicuna, of.llie most ridi- without a doubt one the Lord, Just now Ihe diescl loom people do il every day, culous. Ycl. light plant is broken down, for fun. the I and what's more, lliey do It "ham' radio isn't working and our Paraehuling for sporl has been only J the early %0s rooster cainc dawn willi ound only since pneumonii ifel - (ben, Ihc ac ivily has morning. We don t know Ace the soluiia I cnlhiisiastic following 111 to these problems, but wilhGod'sul rccogniz-cd as a major Ihat il must be I'm sure that by the time we increasing wiiieSF sporliiii! alliaclioii. With month the problems will all has be solved I eiiiiipnicnl and sophislication ' and God will have supplied » r 1 "purity, and with us wiihi sporl para- new set of challenges lo help ,„ ,„„ llionsof our fijiJ of air- grow and keep us from ,.„ people who jump oul becoming a!f 1 sfor Ihc fun of it. sufficient. I oucslion haunts most people Please don't neglect One us as you pi* I friends invilc (hem lojump. hen ihcir each day. Even more important.jii'i I really safe? The ; sport paraclniline give licart each one our to nni^ ihs an unqualified '^es. Stalis- iswcr is work in every part of the diving, vineyans foDlball. skiing, soccer, and most other

qualified jump master. safety statistics. A good jump ofa club IS the need for a Reflections impot- will give safely paramouni ilialeverys In ihe quiet interlude ofdawn.^.. __ss fiees westward. Tlic occaiiomin ., __. c each safcl; long before he leaves the g ofa Pine Warbler siirs a loiicb o/wl It seems that anyone who can scrape his first jump. air. Minaret for together Ihc money for a plane ride is to the frosted, led imoit I law, each jumper must wear By days-soldiers, polic trails upward from ozy iwoduoYHH " Jumping these paiachulcs--r ' ""' facedown position and his parachute. dreamy fireplaces. with with Ihe static-line opening mechanism Tlie air is lingcd p people may jump in the day o It lost _... cliulc and open the t( still attached inside llic plane, opens and autumn leaver Blly malfunclions sparkling clear, mow chule. What about two cool, , jumps, the studeni in a row? Well, you'd better slay in After 5 static-line water. Totally saiisfyiitg. Mocki'^^ you mighl gel hit is usually ready for his firsi free fall-thai your house because slir and pine trees yawiiingly shifty Why docs a person jump? Why did ineteor-lhc chances arc about the is, the first jump in which the student is by a ions as waking restlessness iimdaSi 1 jump? 1 really don't know. Perhaps same. The true danger in parachuting required to open his own chute. After sleep. To the east the glowingsh/M lies with the jumper himself. If he knows the supervised staticjumps. most students existence. the Sugar Mapled colors of Am and reviews the safety procedures, is can handle this assignment flawlessly. Elclcly unknown realm of with stark and cold, ill meticulous in packing liis chute, and However, it is comforting to know that laybe it's the thrill of a Tiie mountains, paiium^ keeps his head about liim, he will always an automatically opening reserve chute wind streaming around your body. It siloutted against such living have happy landings. will blossom at a pre-determined alti- mighl be cniiipk'tf frocdnm from earthly majesty. Below, to the valleys, an^ Parachuting instruction begin: tude should the student freeze or some- bonds nr i)v v'v '>t W\u-2 ri'uniled with ribbon the Ml trails of silvered mist how foul his main parachute. After Ihe thec;Hili (SjP veiled brides and wedding trains successful first free fall, the jump master lo that joyful mca ' stepping forward

. chule, in-drop emergency techniques, continues supervision until he is sure his hisl"l';'^u'. . ! I't'cause he whiteness.' Hiding procedure, methods of para- student can liandle hiniselfwilh confi- I Such Eagle perclung \i dence under any sel of circumslances. tlte spoit pjraclujijMs up just once more" A lone Bald its awem The new jumper then joins the growing before lime or winds Icll liim to call il letoned tree stretches feels a studeni is competent enough, Asters and m ranks of sporl parachutists, ever challeng- a day. Sporl parachuting is sate, exhila- and falls into flight. expam ing his potential and improving his ability. rating and relatively inexpensive. You rod lean to the east snuling bonu owe it to yourself to try it. Tlien like the first child being nioiw(fl| sun peers over Chilhowee's When and where do tliey jump^ diamond splendor, like a coniel.i haps most difficult of all, why? zling, sprouting fireball! crawso Tlie migrating Monarch flexing i^ on to a sunlit golden leaf its orange wings. A ^V'^j'^^.^'J its instinct and ih-? butterfly "^ sweepmf^ floating in circles and child Reaching out tlie rc-boni P'', the strings ofa chilled sf^'^'r^'X the pearled tears of dew «'/^'"lj| SpUndoi- promise to Noah. Such | broken! Uiiclaiiucd , Marnine has Scholarships

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# GIVE BLOOD TO ATURNIR Fall-Winter Program StePif SkatiugCenter Accent^ the Southern .


Mr. E.O. Grundset. llie Southern grateful, affectionate hugs from the un- Missionary College programs commil- fortunate; caroUing; and of course, the tee, and others liave charged a variety SMC Band's memorable presentation of of outstanding Christmas activities for their "Bicentennial Christmas Concert." SMC's fortunate faculty, students, and To complete the festive atmosphere staff, on campus, Christmas really is in the air, Mr. Grundsel, programs committee with seasonal sounds echoing over the chairman, directs tlie planning of 10 campus during the evening hours, cour- to 12 enjoyable programs which are lesy ofWSMC-FM. presented througjiout the school year. What does all this add up to? As This year's holiday activities include: students, we want to say "thank-you" the annual Christmas tree ligiiting, com- to Dr. Marvin Robertson, Dr. Jack plete with carols, Santa, and refresh- McClarty. Elder Des Cummings, Eider ments; and inspiring and moving chapel Gary Patterson, Mr. Don Self, Mr. Ron- sermon titled "Christmas," by Elder Des ald Grange, Ms. Verbilee Neilson, and Cummings, Jr.; a Christmas MV program; all the many others, especially those on

' '.ps featuring the musical sounds the programs committee, who gave of

" " their time and took the ir " vide us with these excellent Christmas at Northgate Mall perfor ing Christmas selections; and an evening To Mr. Grundsel, programs committee open for various Christmas parties; a hairman, Santa will surely say, "Ho, Ho, sacred Christmas concert by the SMC lo, Edgar. You've been a good boy," choir and chorale; the men's club under- privileged children's party, which brings delighted smiles of appreciation and Lighting |, Christmas Tree Opens Holiday Season

TKl' Christmas tree tigliting held Decem- the feelings of the Chri ber 2 at 7:00 p.m. opened the SMC holiday season. Festivities began on the Wright Hall steps with an enthusiastic greeting from our Mr. Grange and the cafeteria staff wen very own E. 0. Grundset, seasonably adorned standing by at the refreshment tables will with a red and white wool scarf. hot chocolate and doughnuts. Folks had a little more for After a wait of a few minutes, Mr. all they could hold plus Gffiidset reassured the anxiously waiting After Mr. Grundset's welcome, Ihe Die Meisteisingers, under Ihe direction of Dr. C^ren - and adults - that "Santa is on Robertson, Christmas carols. The l^ay!" And he was right! Moments M. sang Brass Chuir cunfiiiucil wilh more stewards, sirens creamed and lights flashed- SMC Santa (alias Duane Anderson) arrived on a firetnjck. Jumping from the truck with a 'HO! Hi)! ho!" he bounced over to the tree to lura on the liahts. The liglits came on, ihe crowd cheered and without delay Sania tossed out candy. Someone standing behind this reporter remarked, The lights on tin "In all my years at SMC I have never every night al suns( been able (o catch any candy from Santa." December 2 t 57 To Graduate

December's graduating class will include led Ihat : r diploi Ath- live non-enrolled seniors along with 52 ot- will r hers who are graduating from SMC this iny formal graduation ceremony. They may return for the spring ceremonies if The majors of those wlio are not cur renlly enrolled one theology and twt SMC offers graduate placement assist- Spear's Llcmur lary edi 3n najors wl o will re ance under tl e guidance of Dean Two associate degrees ollice according to Dr Kutzner. How- ever llicv graduates wdl receive the most wil be g intcd one i olfce adniin sng help from il e r major departments. new D rector ol Adm s Kuliiner also announced that a Kutzncr slated that the total majors graduat on policy for SMC is presently policy would lu Ihe baccalaurc lie degree number 34 be ng exam ned The new bl Tiajors entail a graduation approximately on the w tl two si I s I jv t, d said. Tl e tabula '"I first of each monti he beneficial to gy Il would be particularly nurs ng students who would complete

tl L r work before May "The State re-

quir s tl al nursing graduates be able to

si ow II e r d plomas before they will reee v placement Many of our grad- uates have been faced with a problem

I this area j d I s felt that our pro- pos d pol cy eould be of great benefit Physcal Ed a i ology w t) those n tl e future who will be meet-

II at Kutzner asserted. There w 11 b ng ssl m The pr posed plan has passed the Academic Policy Committee and will go to the Senate on Tuesday. December 9, 2 31


An Unsatisfactory Institution :o you because I trusl yoi fessed agnostics in : ^idiji numbers '^ yyou mijJi I apprcciale, even il the prob- even be surprised at. I ad and The will way ,„ y , r realm of influence. those who do not attend _^ __ is firsi I ' J' ironbled about mandatory cliurcK vert them. Forced church That's Here To Stay i iini attendCj some of llie reason- only harden them in attendance. I know the samewaril

it sounds good, but I am Pharoah was hardened ing beliind it, and by repeaijl' the actual harm it is doing. The majority of the aho aware of students are de- o r everyone wishes to liave their side, and they will Surely, not be turned easier b- cisions made for llicm; thai is much making their own choice. Togeihei,' the harried willpower. I would trepidation, last-minute cram sessions, and than using their own the faculty, they could do much to Jih teacher's going to ask on the test game much rather be carried above the wave the apathetic by example "guess what the to the U>ifM take away the Christmas from anyone. than have to swim, but very soon ! must stead of pushing ihem can just about into unwillif.

it time I started getting swim, and I think is Thank you for taking time losur grov^fn up in has Yes. by coming here,I ; environment we've used to the water. The scholasti meager judgement of Ihe situation. for grades, to , ti for knowledge, but used power of choice and chosen taught us not study have my continue this at some length, the moti- bin *iil feelings, but what we think the let someone else provide for me not to express i ur true den you no further. not I only wishihirl self satisfaction from to do what I should be doing I hear, not to gain vation teacher wants t were some way for earnest and of own sludenisto reaching our ov n goals, but from beating out the other only willfully, but willingly my meet with faculty together in Iheais™ guy on the curv of nature and of God in order loinrfjl Aspirin and other symptom-relieving reason together, prayerfully, before Spirit of This mama of placing so much importance on a letter drugs are advised against by the chided Is not mandatory church much starts in the first grade. Little Billy is praised or Prophecy.

1 1 covers the symptoms depending on what the first report card says. "You're like these drugs? relation- so smart," his parents say. "Here's a dollar for each of of inadequate family and Christian the A's you made." Or, "This report card is lousy. No ships, but does nothing to strike at the more TV until you bring these grades up." heart of the real problem. In fact, it has, like many symptom-disguising drugs, harm-

After a while, a child begins to place his self worth on ful side effects, mainly that of the weaken- the results of a report card. If he gets D's and F's, he ing of the will- thinks of himself as a D or F, so why try? Or on the other If the student is departing from "the

hand, if he catches on to games students play and makes way that he should go", il is because he A's, he doesn't care what he learns as long as he keeps get- has not been trained early enough to make Dear Editor, ting A's or B's. Creativity and iniative may be rewarded, his own decisions. Forcing him to go now

but why should a student go to that much trouble if he is only in a way placing a shameful hand When [ wrote a

; which brings just as over the real problem~a problem which skating parly my r irds with half the effort the college wishes to hold no blame for. ]"ve never written a letter to theediaB

The left hand is paying no attention to before and wasn't awaie of how h

So what's the solution-throw out the grading system? what the right hand is doing. my original letter, as to how it woMM This would be great, but both teachers and students l

I can understand the concern of faculty^ my name printed but I did. Soaliw Since the system is probably here to stay, as students and sponsors of the school over lack of out there who had a ques we're going to attendance, have to resign ourselves to accept its inade- but is this the right way to I am nol quacies. We can blame all solve the our woes on a lousy institution, problem? of what I ^ else ! would % this but isn't hurting anyone but ourselves. The church is sick, and the apathy of the youth (D testifies to this. SMC is a strong We need college, stronger than many of sister to remind ourselves that the professors are here het

to mstill as Adventist colleges. But even ! much knowledge in us as we're willing to absorb here, see Everything learn all around me in the dorm both we at school is something less we will have (hose who to learn when we out into are apathetic and also those who are pro- 90 the "real" world and get a job.

There are areas some where I believe a pass/fail system based on participation and attendance should be implemented or at least seriously considered.

For instance, the physical education recreation classes a taught for only one reason-to provide an opportunity for students to get some exercise and to gain skills that will make life healthier and happier. Why do you need to grade a class like this?

Also, ; tha /ise to try and put re gion classes through the same scholastic mM mold as every other class. We already tend to put a grade on our ret tionship with God based on performance, and it seems dangerous to me to put an A,B,C, or thur^day. D on anything re december 1 lating to religious experience. Christmas Activities

Sunset, haven t 5:30 1 offered any answers, but I do hope I've made fridiiy, you think a little bit december 1 about the way ' you relate to grades sunday-wednesday. december 1+ Anyway, it s too late to ' philosophically discuss grades "'"''! ''i'^™"a*i finals, and have a exams Merry,MerTv Christmasrl'^f"' Me;,v Semester and a Happy New Yearl Vespers-Music Depart First monday, december 15 NoEl." 8:00 d.ii Happy New Year, GRE Exam, 8:30 a.m. Bruce Yingling Sabbath, tuesday, 16 december 1 december

No chapel. ^ tnebouthern ^

Photographer Keilh McMahen

Secretaries Reporters Business Manager Jeanne Erwir John Jerry Lien Wenlworlli Carol Neali Denisc Scliallct ACCENT publishedr,"hiM°VI"'^'<^' IS David Kav b> ,l,c siudeiil 7»"^"lionaIL„L Paula Cox >l Soullu,,, Miss,„„,„ „ ColktiJak '" iLmii!: 1 , :^JMi

The Southern Accent December 11, 1975 3

Girls Club Cc ipu9 M,n,

"I wonder if I may leave this with " you? This is what 1 usually ask after Delivers a conversation I've had with someone

as 1 am offering them a Steps to Christ or some other piece of literature. Food Baskets Literature can be an opening wedge where all other efforts may fail. It is Willi the purpose of directing attention a great work, an important work, and others, getting to know from self to some a quick way of giving Ihe 3rd Angel's dwellers and giving encourage- comniunity Message. Ellen White writes, 'The mes- it was needed, the Giris' Club metii where sage of truth is to go to all nations, and to delivered food baskets needy families people; it's publications, printed in many I the evening of November 20. different languages are to be scattered Under the direction of Heidi Neplune, abroad like the leaves of autumn." each Girls' Club Vice-president, wing in I believe that now as never before Thatcher and each floor in Jones worked in SDA history is the time for us to with their R.A.'s in preparing baskets of spread our literature like the leaves of

food for the families. autumn, to continue to sell it, but most Most of the food was donated: May- of all to give it away while we still a^^ cottage have field Dairy gave milk and cheese; it in such abundant supply. ^V McKees Bakery contributed Little Debbies; The Adventist population in the U.S. Colonial Bakery presented bread and can- composes only 20% of the world Adven- ister are: standing, from ned food was donated by the community', opulation; however, we possess 80% I - ...... -^ , -etary; Debbie Leeper. one hundred dollars was spent of choruster; of Ihe Adventist wealth. What a privilege Aboui Andy Turner, pastorette; sealed, from left to right: Renita Mitchel Girls' Club funds for fresh produce. presrdenl; Patti Roberts, vice-president; Lynn Anderson, treasurer. and what a responsibility we have of In ilie divided groups, several enthused sharing the resources the Lord has so you Is wilh their R.A. boxed the food, ad- here," was one woman's remark. abundantly blessed us with. By negleci- unique touches-homemade bread, Neighbors in the ing to do our part now, we will later e community give the These people were not down to their pie>, Jiid Bible verses, poems tucked here pastors of the various Collegedale last have the same work to do under adverse churches bread crumb-but had very little money names of families conditions, and our neglect will nccessi- that need encouragement- and did appreciate the food, but more than resentment was heard on the part mental and spiritual as well ite heavenly angels finishing the work as physical. that, many were lonely and grateful that of the families. A little surprise, but mostly These names are passed hich has been intrusted lo us. We must to Ihe Dorcas someone took their time to show them thankfulness. 'The Lord has certainly led Society, which was where the club got the remember that we are judged by what we could have done as much as what we have done. By not doing anything, aren't

: denying Christ? The Joys And Frustrations Of Student Teaching There is now more searching than ever other churches. It is up to us to help

them find what we hold so precious. I

'Miss Jones, I turn in may my report FRUSTRATION IS: n the receiving end myself only tomorrow? What did I on make my test? about four years ago. I was in a church May I go to the restroom? Miss Jones, !. Having your students held their own traditions above that " fail a test when are you married? you gave them all the questions and answer: of God's law, a church that kept its Answering these and countless other people as much in the dark as possible, the day before, Not all teaching is serious— humor . questions is only part of duty as a my well as joy and frustration is found in church that taught its people to be- student teacher. I grade papers, write lieve that tliey 2. When students misunderstand the as- student teaching experience. A were not qudified to lesson plans and construct tests. understand the Bible regardless of signment after my futile efforts to give linger in my mind from indicents occurring their ng a music teacher at Brainerd High, them directions. at Brainerd High. For instance: education. But because of the love I have a wide range of students in my On my first day of conducting varsity /as in my heart as a newborn classes. Most students enrolled in Music Christian, and because of the truth I 3. Seeing 12 people chewing gum in choir. choir, I became slightly annoyed, for all I and y Music Appreciation are plan- could see were heads buried in the music. searching for, I rejoiced and will tiing on pursuing a musical career in be grateful for the piece college. I could not get their attention. The room of Ad- In choir, ihere are many hard workers; temperature was rising and without think- ist literature that I received. lhes€ members are in choir because they ing I started to unbutton the jacket to my e lo sing and perform. suit. A sudden stillness filled the room. On the other hand, in the first period The girls on the front row were blushing lOir Mail Box Blues must of the students attend because with embarrassment. By the time I reacliea eir altitudes and dlcipline was so bad (he third button, one of the girls shreid Ihat Sending away endless pages teachers had no other place to place with embarrassment. By the time I reached Ih'^m. of thoughts, Thats the time the third when I play baby- 2. Is stating my instructions so clearly button, one of the girls shreiked , " stamped and sealed. '^'""'^^ "Miss Jones, what are you doing? ^^ '"^lead of student that there is no question about what needs every teacli/r"' Then day experiencing It was now quite obvious what they were to be done. tthe empty mailbox help you understand more about thinking, and without saying a word, I re- And feeling very lar away and ^"'dcniteachirig. the jacket, I constructed a list of the moved revealing a blouse under- Id imstralions mailbox I feel on any given day neath. Willi relief the same girl exclaimed, The empty "She does have on clothes!" For 15 minutes howls of laugliter could be heard coming from choir room 101. Bui

I'll tell you this, I had their attention the rest of the period. Other memorable occasions come to mind- of fellows in my class asking for my phone

number, or the time I got kicked out of the library because no "students" were allowed

in al that time.

I finish my practice-teaching December 12.

You're all invited to our Christmas program, Thursday night, December 11.

Slatp Farm ; lufiurance

= Frffd Fuller - Agent \ ^i^^ : 396-2126 '>^f1

1) QDooBoooooooooaa ^ednesdi 10 evening Department held " December 3 (he Communications loring their December graduates. The five seniors were all

"'" ' j;!v vV^irgift'ify'lhe"u.,...... uPictured .,is Duane.u.... Hallock who just ^'ved his gift from Mr. Hanum, the head of the department

PC^ SPORTS ACTION Be^r. • A P-tle Of TUee Bhnn won his playoff game wiih Ford, 25-24, This ' set the stage lime in Hie great Happy fl Once upon a close and cxcitinE game between bears liappily roomed Blin, Valley Foiesl three Bair. and The score went back One bear was so liuge and furry and logeliiei. forth until in Ihe closing rolled inio minutes afi, thai when site sal liet slomacli extra poiiil ^ bear was won il, 25-24. three or four layers; llie middle Departmental basketball mediumish, rather dainty, and certainly has been organized. The was so small llial rules are the same nol far. and llie last bear as last year. Each learn would stuff her the only game Hoovi.r gets or lows just a few bites of food '^ bowls cally Ihis was mm I didn I lji torty Wdl ! m surL by how much he wins or top of her furry liitle head. loses by. to the enjoying cooking lost. Thai their grits. I've been tlic four top-point the three bears left of Arnold met Icams play are|u|jj One rainy morning be Then second-ranked P all month. There must big, big my own food their den on third floor of tJie fourlh place Rogers. Rogers pulled Middle Bear tried nol to lived. Under some mistake." cave where all the She-Bears off the second upset with a 31-18 win. walked merrily sound angry. their bright umbrellas lliey For the championship game, Rogers cried at the Ihoughl of Tiny Bear just P.E, I to the center of the forest lo the wide for Burnsed, and he breezed slufled into was ready forty whole bowls of grits clearing where all the bears came to be poor little stomach. served their steaming meals. her action, Bair started off Business I bears In "B" leage as they could, ihe three through line and As soon Religion I Big Bear scrambled by taking Keeney to the cleaners. This Forest Granger in the center of three bowls of grits. Middle found the Religion II emerged with was Kecney's firsl loss, also. He just the bears caine to eat. her feminine wiles worked her Ihe forest where all We'll Bear with couldn't get his offense rolling. see you at the gym. Remem^l fiercest growl. Middle lines to get her Big Bear growled her way deftly througli the 'crybody likes t have a spectator. a dignigied rumbling noise, and bowl of grits. Tiny Bear squeezed in and Bear made Bear cried again. The Granger listened around all the bears gathered for breakfast, Tiny cleared his throat, Club Starts and finally came forth carefully guarding to their complaints, Circle K moment, and then handed half-serving of grits. whislled for a Co/legedole lier Project When they sal to enjoy their meal all Ihem a well-worn document. Community this," he assured Ihem, three bears looked at Iheir bills. Big Bear "I didn't write Credit Union stales plainly Circle Club of Soulhcrn Mission- roared. Middle Bear grumbled, and Tiny "but your Forest Handbook The K least forty embarked on a unique pro- Bear squealed in dismay. The Forest that you will be charged Tot at ary College has Granger came running from the inner den bowls of grits a monlh whether you eat ject. According lo Vice-President, Mike was prepared. When he charge you for Arniayor, a project has been conceived by where the food them or nol, I do hale to COLLEGE PLAZA saw the three bears making the uproar he food you haven't eaten - but il'sjust our Club Sponsor Dr. Wohlcrs to canvass all of asked with concern, "Whatever is wrong? the city of Collegedale in a petition drive " Did Goldilocks eat your food? -Grimm Aesop for home mail delivery. Circle K mem- "Goldilocks nothing," Tiny Bear whimp- bers will be going house lo house with a ered. "I've heard Ihal Old Tale before, but home mail petition. this is no bedlime story! Instead it keeps Postmaster Dick Wodzinsky has been me up all night worrying." contacted and is in favor of receiving the They all shoved their bills under the Six New Members Join community's opinion on home mail dc- Grangers nose. "That's what's wrong," livcry- Big growled furiously. "I can't afford Bear Alpha Mu Gamma The petition drive will starl aflet Jan- bills like this!" uary 1 and will give each citizen of Coll- "I understand how you feel," the Forest egedale an opportunity to express his op- Save and Borrow at llie best inter Granger soothed. "But we still have lo pay The SMC chapter of Alpha Mu Gamma, Ihe bears that work here, you know. We national scholastic honor society in the This is only one of the service projects rates. "It's where YOU belong," should have raised the prices many moons field of foreign languages, initialed six new of Circle K lo get involved in community ago. We are cutting all the comers we can, members on December 5. affairs and lend a helping hand. and I assure you we are not making any The newly inducted members are Duanc money off of you." Anderson, Darieen Elkins. Vickie Greenleaf, /e'U Alexander Rojas, Kielh Schleifer and Frank-

buy all t Ihe Foi I Market. lin Trimm, They were initiated prior lo an Then we'll cut our own corners by not informal supper meeting of the organi- paying any other bear to be fixing out zation in an SMC banquet room. food. Any way, we might as well gel- be Requirements for membership in Alpha Debbie ting Little some use oui of the lillle cooking den Mu Gamma include al least two A grades in one foreign language, and a satisfactory SNAK CAKES overall And so It was ihat the three bears ale average. happily and heallhlully for many days. The SMC chapter of Alpha Mu Gamma But al the lime of Ihe new moon ihey each was organized in 1965. Roger Woodruff found a note in their hollow tree at the is chapter president for the current school HAS A FUTURE entrance of ihe big cave where Ihey dwelled. year. The national organization was founded "You have been charged for forty bowls nearly jialf a century ago. WITH YOU IN nf grils." Ihey read in astonishment. All If there are questions, call R,R, Morrison LWH 208-A,exi. 20 MIND

fAi mcKee eaKinc companv

Uiiclainicd Scholarships

aids. F

1 S50 I SI 0.000 Cut inese souices researched and comijrled as o( Sept. 1 5. 1 975 UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS 1 1275 Messachuserts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025


PHONE 622,4176 Accentthe Southern


Sex Ratio Equalizing

Southern Missionary College registered This year the se> ' ecord 1562 si ' " for the spring si 83 men and 742 w

students who are expected Dr. Arno Kutzner, director of adn Housing Provided and records at SMC. Of tliese, 51 ticipated at the BS degree nursing For Male Nurses campus at Orlando. Kutzner also said that 62 students a nMis expected lo register at the Madison, T^ making provision for the housing of male nursing students on the Madison Campur The largest class, according to Kut; Dean ofStudenls Kenneth Spears ' ted th 463 registered. Tliree that the college will provide housing ' ' - Thisprovis- theNladisuii

. The trailers a inceof the hospital, so tins

for the associate degree (two year) and the remaining 207 anlicipaiing baccal- aureate degrees. Seventy students reg- istered as post-graduate orspecial students. clearance According to Kutzner, the department live off campus must obtain a from the office of (he Dean of Students. with (he most students is nursing with 430. the Orlando the housing Also high are theology and religion majors On Campus, situation is somewhat different. Spears a( 181. and pre-med students at lI8. remarked, "There has been no provision Kutzner mentioned that Canada is the made for the Orlando Canipu! foreign country with the highest represent- that of Madison. There' ation at SMC with 24 students. Florida has for housing to be built t onimodate male student

Rising Grades Nat. Concern mENC Schedules Pianist above the usual, and out of «,000 issued grades only 85 were F,s. This is due, he Hinderas To Perform lecfure Recital feels, to the high percentage of dropped igned by teachers. The adm classes. The drop date has also been Internationally acclaimed pianist Natalie moved back to three weeks after mid- Hinderas will be presenting a lecture-recital term compared to several years ago when at the MENC meeting scheduled for Monday, B(r J ---.e several yvaio agi,. ^-t- the drop date was about two weeks after January 19. The program will be held at gsed ACT scores and increased GPA's jegan. The n 5 p.m. in the Miller recital hall. l_e boosted this concern recently. tog According to John Brown, president of an example of this situation. MENC, "This is a program no music lover K ge GPA at SMC has steadily in- them. Students would rather drop, of would want to miss." He then went on |sed from 2.29 (o 2.57 over a period than take an F. to emphasize that the MENC meetings are IE hsi Hve years; however, the ACT as noted that the GPA's this past not just for the club members, but for any- ir the entering Freshman class one who is interested in comine. Miss Hinderas is blazing a musical trail across America with dates that include the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Kennedy Cen- the Cle- ter the New York Philharmonic, veland Symphony, the Atlanta Symphony,

the Symphony, the Hollywood Bowl and the Los Angeles Philharmonic among others. The Ohio-born pianist lived the life of a prodigy-performing her first full length Natalie Hinderas recital at the age of eight and performing as soloist in the Greig Concerto at age by network television and signed with NBC- twelve. Shortly after this she was accept- TV for appearances on major network pro- ed into the special students school at the prestigious Oberlin Conservatory of Music Tuesday at 8: 15 p.m. and Wednesday at in Ohio where she graduated with highest 7:30 Miss Hinderas will be the guesl artist honors as its youngest graduate. Awards for the Chattanooga Symphony concert. She will be playing Beethoven s third piano concerto. In this same concert the orcli-

Braluns "Tragic t. 1 Dvorak's "New World Sym- the Martha Baird Winner of the Leventritt, phony." Rockerfeller and the John Hay Whitney Fellowships, Natalie Hinderas was persued

Self Service Saves Money Grange Estimates $1600 Savings

leria had trouble keeping under

.jfeler a self .ording toMr Ron did Grange the diri.ctoi of lood service By trymg lo economiZL on labor even more we can come below our pi.rceiil and age allotted tor labor and ihus irv "Xii k ktep from passing on the incri.jse in raw luidpriu This J jp (00 J Cr. PIRST CLASS MAIL Solutions L.W. 218 D.H. 101 For Talge lobby 'Irresolutions' church chmies ex ample using Ihe rie For min- {afthoiigh even Ihey arc I a standard True, some of these are minor, lime hui iel| phpliiiid "Ai"AmericanAintu National ). ureehehinobehind . to the frustrated , that student • these who br- unci ],is dismay, one will discover, eezes into a classroom only to find ihai lions: devia the teacher's "2-minule quiz" hasiusi been given orally "once and for all" Student Center Most places on campus can be reached S.D.A. room in less than the 10-minules provided reality. Music Building enslauglil of during breaks, but many teachers like e- CompuierLaMD.H.) ,avj^ou^rn^.ec^ed^ou.elf upon. to run over 3-S minutes in a generous HOW often,

[ don't like my life run by clocks

any better than any of us. but if ih^i's !he way it is, let's at least have some consistency! Dale Townsend that you were really hungry Bui you end up much more mvitmg than the lib- and a crispy .ostado seemed couple weeks really get rolling for a raiy. that teachers don't absolutely necessary, and that once so why study when it isn't you know. CALENDAR you get started talking-well,

Or perhaps your New Years "irresolutions" bipassed as your social life scholastic aspirations and hit on areas such or your relationship with God.

these and have I've gone through experiences similar to thus eliminating been tempted to never say I'll do anything, look at New any chance of failure. But after taking another me that they can Year's resolutions. I think you'll agree with realistic and serve a wortliwhile purpose if approached in a practical manner.

Remember, the person who never tries to make any chang- es won't change, and if goals are never set they will never be reached. The first step is to make goals that are feasible to reach. For instance, rather than saying you're going to lose 50 pounds,

it might be better to tackle your weight problem five pounds at a time. ]umpi,ig from a 2.0 to a 4.0 is great but highly im- probable.

Secondly, its a lot easier to reach short term goals rather than long term ones. Although the new year is a time for re- flection and introspection, "new day" goals are the ones which bring about true success and self satisfaction. Failure need

last no longer than a day if the next morning you can start out again with a fresh slate.

Finally, do-it-yourself determination might raise your GPA, but the only way to become a more worthwhile person is through submission to God and time spent daily in Bible study and prayer to establish a meaningful relationship with Him. Smooth Move Grange

Kudos to Mr. Grange for showing his willingness to cut corners in the fight against the spiraling food costs by initiating self service in the cafeteria line. There are a few drawbacks such as slower moving line which will hopefully improve when students get used to the new system, but overall 1 think it was a successful move. The cost of the servings hasn't gone down, but if I can get another spoon-full of black-eyed peas for the same cost by serving myself, I'm all for it.

Bruce Yingling

The besl v/av lo \^in fricrxis »"'' mfluencepeople if loreacf Ihe M ^ inebouTnern .

' Denise Schallei Ascent Cox Paula Jackie Mason David Kay Business Manager JohnWentworth ACCENT,, The SOUTHERN lishcd by Ihe Student As» .ayout Edit Soulliern Missionary ColW'-p,!^ Gordon Do 37315- ""rjral Secretaries dale, Tennessee weekly, except for vacatioi Carol Neall the acjdCTj_^.„ Judy Wutlke periods, during Industrial Education depa"™" docs the printing. Accent Editor Interviews Actor Jack Thomas •

Saturday night, January 1 0, Jack Thomas Have you been influenced by Hal Holbrook? gave a rendition of Mark Twain. This young actor ot 34 graplucally portrayed the aged Twain with his slow-moving gestures and cracked voice. Included in the program were excerps from "Huckleberry Finn" and sev- eral of Twain's candid and forthright opin- ions on life and living. you presented toni^t? After the program the Accent conducted an interview with Mr. Thomas. The quest- I spent three hours on the make-up, and ions will be printed in bold type and the I spent a good part of the day in my ho- answers in regular type. tel room finding out what will work and what will not work on Mr. this campus. You Thomas, How did you first become in- see, I think it's a slap in the face and an terested in Mark Twain? injustice to do anything other than *""*"" en- Twain did have some things he

'';i ;"" "^"^ uutspunen againsi war Dl )uldn t find a thing, so I began to look

veled with him ail the t How many years ago was thJs?Seven Were you a little apprehensive, Mr. Thomas Engagement How do you find it as a young actor trying m presenting a character such as Twain who to establish youreelf? was critical Very difficult verv^ of religion on a conservative -- difficult. religious campus? /lutliers will not. The broken

lit IS hy no means a minor break, rasts in family background, and influenc What advice would you give to an aspiring No, not in the least bit. I hment that is severed brings pain. of family was absolutely and friends. For instance, dur- actor who is interested bi doing solo work? comfortable. I have done Twain before i>jeinent and final break precipi- ing the summer each has had an at opport- places where they wouldn't have ce, perhaps tears and occasionally unity to get his anyone feeling and values aligned; Unless " you're willing to be versatile in else come, places where controversial pei ijiiiil. Only a very few sever the upon returning to school one or the other make-up and write can not your own material go. People know that 1 come on ip with rejoicing and relief. There- has the courage to break. besides put up with the lonelin to entertain and that anything short of advised that it is better to break Recovering from a broken engagement that is wrong. I told Pat Paulson c *" iient than to dissolve a marriage. IS one of the certainties of life which we can count on. Landis found that the broken-heart" hypothesis has very little foundation. He (ound that fully one Is there any particular message you think third had recovered within one month. 2 Mark T\vain has for contemporary society? In summary, if only 25% of engage- To do what I have done is an absolute ments are broken but one in three marr- Yes, I sacrifice and injustice to ray family. How think the emphasis of Twain's life iages end in divorce, and of those remain- u/as a they accept it is beyond my comprehen- message not (o practice hypocracy and lowers one's frus( ing married one third are unhappy, is it ... any walk of life-in religion, politics or presumptuous of the writer to suggest any other area. Twain didn't get Periods along with of stress bring out the true that Americans need to know more about Theodore Roosevelt at all. In fact, Roose- personaliiy. Ellen G. White pointed out dating, courtship and engagement? E:G. velt infiuenced about one hundred'news- Dial many become engaged without un- White counseled.. "Take need, lest what papers to cut Mark Twain's writings. dersiandiiig fully the true character of think to be pure gold ihesweelliearl, 1 Painful as it be may What general impressions have you had of tnere is no better time for discerning true character than during stress periods. .v,ii not B slop with the 90 involved. Th pain uiualiy spills over onto room- 1. White, E.G. The Adventist Home m^^.ves.ev^nthedorm- Is there one specific memory or impress- Landis and Landis, Building A Success- ion that you will take with you from SMC? isgrace about tlie broken en- ful Marriage '' e fodder it provides the 3. Saxton, Lloyd, The Individual, Marriage he l^i'ike II engagement is the depen- and Family ...V ^^,„,„^,,i,.j ij avi uu, I lie idiru will al- .^'T'- T^li^ Pf'nie time for the ways go back to the college. This in my Dr. Dorcus Ferguson opimon is magnificent and took a great deal Thomas's acting and Twain's humor I of forelhougiil.

resulted in an evening of ei and humor for the audience.

or stter R. ig

IS the most important learning look the need to continually use and im- can acquire • for success and en- prove good reading habits. Remember your tlttouglroutlife. It is an integral eyes, like fingers for the piano or legs for skiing, must be trained to be skillful. Little Debbie a„,'''.™""":h time every day is If you would like lo improve your read- SMAK CAKES ^* """P=P'"- l=«"s. lJt,ol 4. Adapt yout speed so you understand WITH YOU IN the material "•"'dsandn'"" '>"''°""'''="""''i"e " 'ssociation 5. Practice on a regular basis llUiil T„ between MIND EVALUATE YOUR READING HABITS

^/™pin8of„ords,orideas,ata Analyze your present reading habits improve your TicKee BaKinc compariY "yon. ToV.""""" """ '" 'onifo'tablc so (hat you know where lo lAi ^' ^°"'' conctfnirai. ^ ^'^^'^^t yon must skills: °" "Itat feiin you arc doing and 10 |,J *°"' <^y«s to tlie mind 'kJily M, , best or your Do you use your lips, throat or »«tb,ai„,'r"""" '11= that allows to "vocalize" words? 1%. *"'''"'= "I'i" ideas print- You are probably still using the child- page hood habit of sounding out each word. i' "°9'' Ilo 1(1,*!' nol IJi-rieLInerf„.| ,t. 'lit; rifd. J '"' Iheir readme This slows you down. S'-"J<;- '"^^r,,,,;'"' High school and college "• "lien bad continued page four readers. They over- on 4 The Southern Aci

GRADES (continued Concert TIPS ON II Gospel DEAN'S LIST from page three) Heritage 17 siup yoi January Do slrangc words constantly Slated For progress? Your vocabulary needs improving.

Bradford, Karen Cliriy Brooks. Cheryl Ann Buroc, Clocy Can.illc BullerJamcsJackvon

Do you always read at ll>c same speed? the Speed should vary depending on , John Charles material and your purpose for reading, ow, Adrian John

, Sally f e.g. fiction, newspapers, textbooks. Doneskey, Gordon Tren Douglas, James Wilbur speed and compre- Has your reading Emm. Beverly Moniea of hension remained sialic for a number George, Janel Marie Halley, Gregory Lee

Skillful reading is an arl and needs con- Harlow. Wayne D. Hillle, Theodore Allan linual praclicc- The more you read. Ihe Hoover. Frederick Alan more you will enjoy and remember. lies. Cindy Parker Jaeobson, Rulli Belva USB YOUR EYES EFFICIENTLY Jacques, Richard Glenn Jenks. Lowell FrosI

II is the eyes that see printed words and transmit them to the brain. Under- ihe stand how I jcy work and give Ihcm Heritage II Singers opportunity to perform well. Eyes per- The Koles, Maureen Laurel! ceive words only when they stop moving, Kuna, Elahic Rutli or make what is called a "fixation". It is Lee, Larry Edward Lovejoy, Morris Lester during tliis pause that the brain records II Mis Mashburn.JoeDon what the eyes sec. Depending upon your rts of Ihe U.S. McCarthy. Michele Ann January 1 r Buzz Starretl, you will perceive one, two "eye span" McMillan. Sally Jean no admission charge. member group ii fixation. The average or more words in each Heritage II is a sister group to the Heri- college student, for example, has a span of tage Singers, U.S.A. Both groups are self- supporting and based in Placerville, Calif. 1.1 words and makes four fixations per Tliey spend ten months of the year ira- '.William Richard Jr second. Vdcali/.iii^ wiirds impedes reading pro-

^i, r i.Ilts jfe inclined to whisper, Kniffel Reports On Council For Higher Education jiKijte silently in their Pumplirey, Marilyn Sue Ricks, Frartklin i. the words in llieir mind. F. Donald Yost, archivist for the Gen- Wade al Conference, suggested college Roddy, Sarah Marie ]i ^.>ll li.jM iii\ ni ilicse bad habits they every (a place for preservation Sharley, Ann Elizabeth Ini'ken because they slow down slmiild he of records) and an archiv Shaw, Carl Edward John Alan understanding. Learn to move your eyes Knittel presented a report on the leeal Cautions in accepting federal aid for Shradcr, issues involved in hiring colleges were given by Warren Johns, Gen- Siddall, Diane Bennett continually forward at a pace that allows practices of coll- ege radio stations and emphasized the eral Conference attorney. He said that Snyder. Brent Gayland need for understanding the policy of the applicants for federal aid should state their Soils, Daniel Gomez Federal Communications Commission. unique religious identifications and not Stevens, Mary Urlene Approval was given to SMC for nation- take money with obscure restrictions. wide advertising of it's Business Manage- A Bachelor of Science in Human Bio- logy was approved for the Loma Linda Townsend, Dale Joseph University School of Dentistry to make Trimm, Riley Frankhn np. provisions especially for persons finishing Umlauf.VailisDiann Don't allow your eyes to go back over their bachelor's degree while sirnullane- Weeks, Wallace Ray 'urds. Think about what you are seeing University or Loma Linda Uni ously attending the School of Dentistrv. Wentworlh, Jonathan Dale Jr, mi keep Hl^mg at a speed that is fast enougl West, Harold Kenneth,

! ' ii iliu end what your read ai

1 .I'ler reading, with no re-

I ' . ' ! 'uiprehension. Woodell, Angela Joy -cd glas WoodrulT, Roger Dean e fatigue, Woolsey, Cheryl Wuttke. Judy Ann Yingluig, Bruce EJwarJ u think your eyes need IJuclaiiucd HEART HOLD HAND HOLD HEARl I


Autiiiion for Ihis year's SA 3 Talent Program, Audiiions i will be held onlhe19ih 21 ih •! and 22nd of this month. Sign Fall-Winter up sheets will Program be in the dorms and ihc Student Center. Be a winner! Enter Ihe SA Talent Program. ^tePi.^ SkatingCeriter onooooDflna ftajii auijuul'. a ajuji r -

the Souther

Southern Missionary College LAccent Collegedale, Tennessee 37315 SMC STUDENTS HOLD MEETINGS IN SURINAM

Hindus Attend Bible Studies

Christmas Holidays in the village of Uitkiik in the Bible. Bible studies are now being Surmam. South America. This is the first held in his home every week. time that such an evangelistic effort has been As with any evangelistic outreach pro- held among the Hindu population of Surina gram, the devil triedTiis best to keep people Twenty-one persons out of the one hundred from coming and this series of meetings adults that attended the meetings made their was no exception. The bus that was being decision to continue studying the truth in a hired to take the villagers to the meetings special Bible class. This mission project was suddenly stopped coming. Another bus financed by several churches in tne United was hired, but after a few niglits the dri- Slates and by various individuals. ver refused to take the interested villag- Lester Keizer, Sheila Keller, and Mike ers. Il was later learned that the bus dri- and Karen Porter left Collegedale, Tennessee vers in the area had agreed among them- for Surinam in a Piper Cherokee to hold the selves not to take any more people be- (wo-week evangelistic series. After 21 hours cause it was a Christian meeting. of flying they landed at Paramaribo, the ca- In spite of all the difficulties including pital of Surinam. On hand to greet them power failure during the last night of the was the president of the Surinam Mission, meetines, once again the power of God L. E. Keizer. triumphed over evil. Land is now being Surinam, formally called Dutch Gui- cleared for a church. ana, gained its independence from the Ne- therlands on November 25, 1975 and re- cently became the newest member of the United Nations. It is a country of various ethnic groups from Africa, , Indon- esia and Holland and lies on the north- eastern coast of South America between Guiana and French Guiana. Meetings were held nightly in a palch-

they said in "Sranang Tongo," the local language. A small hut was built nearby It provide the sixty children with a meeting place, Sheila and Karen helped out with

and the , Uitkijk boasts at least three "Pandits' She was honored several times by the SMC idu priests. One of these "Pandits", a Sheila and Karen helped oul SMC For 27 years, serving Alumni Association, the latest being at I I ikpaEtment, where she tau Alumni Homecoming in October, 1975, when Lpisnp, until her official retirement in 1967. ^[lecher teaching career, was appointed Educational Testing Service she ptional s isaslani director of alumni relations and tne college. (dilotof theSoKf/iem Columns, the alumili Miss Wood is survived by a brother, Ben indwnstitutency magazine, published Wood, Lakeland, Florida. Other survivors Announces Program Change Varterly by SMC. include Mrs. Esther Weagle, Candler, N.C.; Httser\'ice for the Seventh-day AdventisI H. T. Wood of New Orleans; and Mrs. Educational Testing Service (ETS) re ideational system totalled 52 years. She Gladys Giles of Collegedale. ports several major changes in two national -tai^in (he elementary grades in New are as Memorial gifts may be given in her honor testing programs whose scores used

I Her college teaching experience included the Graduate Record Examinations{GRE), JoikatSouthwestetn Union College, Keene, together test more than 400,000 prospect i«as., and Union College, Lincoln, Neb., as graduategraauate studentsstuaents every year. wllasSMC. the changes were made to help MSsWood ETS says , was born in Natalbany, La., test-taking process by making registratii simplify the , ™er^her father to provide a needed s ran a general store. She ,1 bemg-emgcor_.__..continued ,v ..,«.-mrtrp accommodatingjccuiiiiiiuudiiiig for student can- "isg^duated from School ) candidates who are unable to preregister Hammond High didates , , . , beyontl their control. The GMAT formerly was called the Ad- ETS administers the GRE for the Graduate mission Test for Graduate Study in Business. Record Examinations Board, an independent her bacheloi The new name parallels a similar change in board affiliated with the Association of _e and the master's degree sponsoring council's name refiecting the and the Council of Graduate .jjaJversity of to Graduate Schools Nebraska. a trend among graduate business schools Schools in Ihe Uniled States. attended Newcomb College degree titles to T,,i W,^° broaden their curricula and ' ''fWniversily, both in New Orlean include other areas of administration, as ^gadvanced work in music. as business. Students well . j j 190 Nursing conducted organ and piano Eo hundreds The program is developed and people; forGrad- !E she loured with vocal h\ ETS for ihe Admission Council -accompanist all Management, agrouprepre- over the South; Lijle Study in To Be Dedicated ^ rved as Collegedale Church orgar Hline 43 graduate schools of management. •" of her teaching career at SMC. Another significant change in the GMAT ce as ticket correction executive secretary for the li an expanded admission At Sabbatli Vespers to verify, 11 Association began in 1965 whei lorm that allows the candidate necessary, the accuracy ot the and Lorrccl if One liundrcd aim iii...-l_,;ty SMC^.-^ nursing..-..,.(, or she provided ETS on the ' intormalion he students will beje dedicateddedicate at Sabbath Ves- Walk-in registration, es- reeislralion form. .... iryrv:)4.5:0C24.5:00 p.m., in Ihe Col- 1974-75 academic vear, Jwo Added lablished during the legedale churc New Degrees and material ^ur, ,,/ill hp hrttmred.ired, suacespace n 'Dr'!'M'^'H.'schaffner,(M.D.), president of Kettering Medical Center, will give the Jnal Conference General add Board of Higher offerings, twenty-seven hours of mere aiw kic scwil address before families, friends, faculty and - KMnlly passed and six hours of the first ..i...... ^..full-length.-- „, , J° two new Assoc- Education requirements the GRE. For fellow students. available '" ='<' '" SMC's cur- electives. sample GRE aptitude lest is Thi nof n wllKn'""!","'' , , .^ °' 'he Associate De- an accurate vi**™ n inlBBT f mw degrees will be The Computer Science eive candidates Miss J its kind here at IiSb* "'""'"fV and tile oilier will gree is the first dearee of rcopeoflheleslandlhelypv.- II ;i!iiaiiiiiniiter has "--- test is th Science. SMC. Until now iToniputer Science The sample lum, I his new Illy used the Communications only been offered as a minor. length and foi.u". - lairman, to have .=... a..v. -"•;" in per- says "The Media program will require the student forms of Ihe aptitude ChrisI no longer is in the worid Business used in past tests. An and towns program is designed for the emphasis in either Math or nueslions previously son, to go through our cities II InEl"^ an aptitude emphasis, llien the provided. The sample villages, heafing the sick, but He has 'l-C?„lsP;:*'"i.<>"°'i™tcd student If Math is the desired 5nwer key is and of Comp- separately or as pari student will take fifteen hours test may De ordered and AdmiMions "'""lake sixteen hours of Math and the Graduate Programs iliti"ki,'"> , uter Science, of Har Ifthesludenl three hours of Accounting. uaimgff; r-"(j'°iii js lo give thetne stuaenstudent "^^"l\f5'?oEu"otSlSrtrS \he 1975-76 GRE Infor- 190 students being dedicated, fllSBfeilf .!°'°e>' 'ha' supports med Ofthe Bulletin tor more details, 160 are freshmen in the Associate of Scienci n shortened rs also has been and 30 are sophomores in R ,/" J^" s andana if11 at the end ofot The aplil degree program |lte former three-hour student decides lo complete Both emphases re- rom the Ui'icc'lioursorMath. 15 minute "helor of hours of gen- imaled additional Arts degree, he quire tlic usual twenty-seven 3 SO With no loss in edu- it the I here background info^^'f "'Tlicse'lreiv'niuTors will be offered saVed by"solidting form rather than at ine Teehnology program will beginning in the fall of 197

ariuary2V197^ Southern Accent | 2 The PIRST CLASS MAIL

Is tlie Rees Series a wild pvi,;i,-,- self and '""^ competition, or is it not I Foul/ honor of a Technical dedicated man and hifS' Sex Stereotypes Does not this highliehted spirtS" win or lose, but SMC provide a healtTiyschoohpB"' "It's not whether you you play the game." I personally have not it's how sorted oui h„ mind the answers to all of these qup!-^ I However, of three thines I am mt,?,^ And First of all, we as Seventh-djy aI^ Christians need to come to grips\73 Tightness or wrongness of sports C^ murals are promoted throughout q J Class educational institutions, Mechanics and I believe Auto ii is high time ^hat we, as a church, take stand on thisissue.Itseemsionieihii inquire, wherever you go They In the near luture you may many are concerned, yet enough You run across these statements come 1 Rees Senes? and so the problem is ping-pong balls in both dormitones "When is the ignored. are tossed around like slipped right past you! conversat ons to find out the event We certainly aren't immune lo in Lated dinner-table haiin, L Srown back and forth be!" you exclaim. But chauvinists and "That couldn't out own little "worldly" sports aienall pseudo-women's libbers and male calendar between You should follow your here at SMC, claiming that fall Hat. I m its so we are apan I any comedian's repertoire would to be without them more closely, for it is scheduled from the world, yet in reality and generalizations, f or m- 24th on]yen\B,l talking about sex stereotypes played Saturday evening Januaiy the to know somethmg stance-"If you want the whole world p.m. {in the gymnasium)_. continued at 8;00 on page xhsu first and they will know. If someone for scolding tell it to a woman Actually, I must apologize it had to have been dented your fender in the parking lot vou, because the calendar of events threw woman's knowledge about see, somehow a woman driver. The extent of a us all a nasty curve. You ignition, and sometimes she listed as "Dorm-Village a car is that the key fits in the this activity was No Fire Alarm round or were probably SysteJ can't remember whether to use tlie key with the Basketball game," and you Right? Thai s looking for "Rees Series' . the square head." . , the other side of the fence-"Any man who spends only logical. Or on are well to eat is a Now up 10 this point, as you time in the kitchen other than the time required been a bit sarcastic. And you FIRE! FIRE! a he-man will have aware, I have little bit fazed. Big boys don't cry and What has that I a sports enthuasiast happened to oui fiie-aJanii know probably Ihink am I emotions of steel. When it comes to fixing cars men pfstem < on campus? In case no r minimal who is upset because the Rees Series has all about it or if they don't they can learn with I—* been mysteriously phased out. Also, those effort-for after all they're men." of you who believe sports and competition The sad fact about stereotypes is that often they are only should be eliminated from SDA schools are a shallow fascade of half-truths. This week I'd like to con- perhaps a little hot under the collar, or myself with a sex stereotype affecting the scholastic for an indeterminate length of ti cern bored to say the least. But read on. I campus. no more disturbed classes, no more iin o program of a number of students here on the SMC find point valid. think you will my are but this doesn't drills, no more protection from the \ti Perhaps the majority of mechanics men believe sports in America Actually 1 danger if it comes. majority of are mechanical. H mean that the men today are nothing less than an idol. And A short time back a flie engine caiw The only tnily introductive class in auto mechanics on ni,.t..w, a..- I— SMC is lu roaring and screaming up the campus tliis campus is only open for women, thus keeping a large So, idolatry can be on e of the evils of drive and back out jusl inat fast. Tfui I of non-mechanical who would like to know sports. Another can be the stiff competition number men ""' " wasjust tolet the firemen in Talgeknoi involved in v''"' " Q something about cars from gaining this very fundamental fire to lo," we had a they needed come and important knowledge. themselvesv ^ the dispatcher explained. thirdly, in otder t And, of the 13 "Now wait a minute. ' you say. "There is too a class t particular fond ponent and inflate ones ego, mere is dii for men. It's called Automotive Fundamentals." Sure th- immense amount of time wasted in perfect- ere's a class, but it also happens to be notorious for lowering ing those skills which bring victory. your taking hours of study time, and being one big GPA To be fair we must examine both sides headache for the person not really interested in an in-depth of the sports issue, particulary the Rees knowledge of auto mechanics. Series. Last semester the average GPA for Automotive Funda- We must ask: Is all competition bad? mentals was 2.34 as opposed to a 2.77 GPA for the whole Why single out sports when practically isn't every school's average. This so bad. but there were only nine aspect of life is compelition?(grades, officer's meeting-hardly a legilimaliHi students in the class and there was also one withdrawal right jobs, dating, the great controversy). Are nerves of so rnjnj to involve the ears and | sports not an acceptable before the semester test and one incomplete which weren t form of recreation other people, but this is the opposi included in the average according to God's word? Can not sports be of value Another contributing factor which keeps the student who if put in their proper perspective? Does the nature of sports make this compe- feels he needs to know something about cars but who isn't

interested in mechanics is the fact that for this class it is re-

quired to buy or obtain in some way or another between S 1 50 and S200 worth of tools. I'm not suggesting that the Fundamentals class needs to be watered down. If I were CALENDAR an industrial arts major or fas- cinated with cars, I wouldn't want to take a rinky-dink course.

I would want to get my money's worth, and if 1 didn't already have a set of tools, I'd be happy for a chance to get some. On the other hand there is a large number of male stu- «^ dents who never will want to rebuild an engine, do a valve job, or understand the car's electrical system. All they want is enough knowledge to keep from getting gypped when they go to a mechanic. They'd like to be able to do a tune-up and other minor repaid and would appreciate knowing en- ough to carry on an intelligent conversation about cars with their friends. A two-hour class which fulfills all of these requirements Tuesday the 27th is offered but it's called Automotive Survey for Women rather than just plain Automotive Survey. I consider this a prime case of sex descrimination or at least a bad over- siglit. For the girls who know nothing about cars it isn't really Wednesday the 28th a serious handicap, because this is what society ex- pects, but for the male who doesn't even know how to ch- ange the oil It's a completely different story. He is respon- sible for the upkeep and maintenance of the car and mech- anics are more than willing to drain his pocketbook. Iherefore 1 strongly recommend that the Industrial Arts Thursday the 29th department seriously consider either opening up another Automotive Survey class or else open up the class they have

^ TnebouTnern .

' Denise Schalle' Accent Jerry Lien

Business Manager atbara Palmer ACCEN The SOUTHERN A «' J hshed by the Sludenl t

by (he Studem AffafrfcSlLe'' Ar"" "'JS'lew'iiitl ihat Instead of IteV'1-t"he radifonal series, that each litis f^° e™«. team had the world because our operation i; of ,' " !,'",°'^- ' """i e^e would not be Hsbigastheir's. A. played. Instead a ten minute that here at overtime would I believe SMC we coul decide the outcome. Fine It worked very well. Then, to my knowledge nothing more was said concernLg '"'« decision to I, 5'" S"'"- eliminate ...wthe Rees.,1.^.0 Series,>jtiics, anddiiu tolo navhave merely a low- keyed, Dorm-Village basket! f philosophy of physical education ""'""' lall game \ by what committee? be. Some things may demand Jiould You may wonder why iange, but what's wrong with progress? Isav t ' mysteriously phased out". Simply"t I Secondly, I believe we must reevaluate cause I would assumee that other areas of campus life in Talgetalge Rail,Hall, which ome order to initiated and sponsored this e consistent. For example, it was said fe certainly be aware of ti ' its ;I the Rees Series was "de-emphasized" Not only are the deanrof :ause there was "too much hoop-la", Talge noi .^sponsible for this action, ridiculous parties, or (hey know very^ little about it! isical concert with a I personally don't 'Jow, don't misunder- feel that the new ulingwent through the proper appreciate a skilled perfor- channels. And surely one or two persons don't ( almost any kind, (musical, baton have thorily to change something wirling. acling, (alenl shows, even basket- so subtly '" expense of many others involved. And I have a suspicion that any

ixalling, competitive, and time c - - - discussed in the proper' I say, let's not pick on sports, then made common [be consistent. knowledPR long

Finally I'd like to refer back t beginning paragraph to make my final point. whistle! After all, referees "do i believe ''How you play the game" is of m^"e'mistakes It SMC while Mr. '^ but, well Williamim Wohlers.'a'SnrprofeWohlers. assistant nrofp«nr/.fhitt«.,- p„„i,/„.. iilmosi importance. And . . .that's the way the ball bounces! from my in- '^^'^^"j*ly assumed responsibilitie) f c„^;„-.i. J president of the Tiestigalion of what happened to the Rees Association T Atlanta. The' Seventh-day Series, I must blow the whistle and call a of the technical foul on someone. American Historical .The Diamond Expert Comes To Town Mr. Loren Phil Hunt A Parable By Bruce Yingiint Joins SMC Staff to have handbill in front of the group ol men no time fer fun," Tom O'Leary I gathered at the entrance of the mine. As Mount Pleaseaur. For all "What Nursing Instrucforl of the 250 'I found it on my doorstep yesterday does the writing at the bottom residents, today was just like yesterday, afternoon." of the picturesay?" queried Ed, "My

and tomorrow would probably ' readin s a little rusty, I be the "IfoundouL the others„_chimed and can't make same. The men got up before out all them fancy words." dawn and in. Peering intently at the glistening dia Inideed up the hill to the shaft. They s pictured on the front of the climbed p Edwin Stroole, on the elevator and descended then the o .., 1 the group Staten island with a high school education. He ad- Community (College, Staten Island, siped,had justed his glasses cleared N.Y., from January lo \fay 1975 babies, and spent the money monds before, his throat, and but they didn't really and at SMC during the the men brought home. recited, "James Lester, lecturer extra- summer of 1973. know much about Ihem. One thing they Mr. ordinaire and representative of Consol- Hunt graduated from Pacific Union Ever>'thing changed, thoui did know, Ihougli, was how hard they College, Anwin, idated Diamond Works, will be in the California, with a degree were to find. "Why, if ya become one in AD nursing in June, said city of Tabilon lo present the ad- 1972, and obtained I of them diamond hunters, ya don't get his vantages and rewards of the glorious BSN degree from SMC in May, 1974. He received the M. Ed. quest for diamonds. All wearied and degree from Co- lumbia University in December, restless coal miners come hear Mr. Lester 1975. Mr. Hunt is married; wife speak on 'The Catastrophic Cave-in' his Connie holds a BS degree in nursing from SMC. Monday nigiit, the 17th, at 8 o'clock."

Ed Block asked, "Beats me," Tom O'Leary shrug- ged his shoulders and sighed. "Cues; we'll have lo go and find out." At 8 o'clock (he city hall was pi Everyone wanted lo hear what Mr. Leslei had to say about diamonds. Although no one would admit il, there were sever- al miners who were disenchanted with the coal mines. They were tired of the darkness; the fine, black coal dust thai permeated even the pores of their skin, the endless schedule of back-breaking work. They wanted lo find what dia- e like from an actual represen-

across the stage in long forceful strides, , Loren Phil Hunt Mr. Lesler slopped at ihe podium and gazed down on the gawking audience. eloquent and powerful sentences, With Girl's Club Reception ^ Ihe speaker outlined the woes of coal To Be Held At Choo Choo

Siema Iheta Chi, ihe Southern Mission- ary College women's club, wil' '"''' i'= biennial reception in the Chat

Masters of (Ceremonies for the event P'^louch the clouds will be Mr. and Mrs. Dave Knechi, teach- /"(l not 1 have doubts ther morning, the men of Tabilon gol ers at Collegedale Academy, she said, add- 'Opick the clover p before dawn and trudged up IheTiili ing thai Ihe iheme for the semi-formal J ai«dnnd4-leafsallover > Ihe coal mine. affair would be An Old-fashioned Valenline] that feller r°/oll down "Well, what did ya think of Transportation will be available if needed. grass hills at' 20 lat talked lasl nighl?" asked Ed Block. Not following a crowd, "Superb!" Edwin declared. 'he warmth Ihought "Down right funny," a bearded old- Irio composed of Debbie and Darla Leeper ,„,' of a cozy fir. Nol thinking another's | feel and Suzanne Knight; a men's quartet c K^"1 I have al! or life's desi But knowing my own '"''^ prising SMC men*s dean Everett SchJisi by myself I rhynin and r Wyatl B "^es being with people special diamond is7' persisted Ed. mody a "Heals me." they answered as lliey Boys for [Ij^^^t-atlwantiobe, climbed onto ihe elevator and started descending into the dark recesses of Ihe T '^"whailwanttodn

4 .. 4 The Southern Accenl lanuary 22, one^S&tfSS^Jell'Sfwhet. What About College Marriages?] not. drinks Coke or her he The Opinions Of Students think our Example 1 simply not drrnk Coke, and „ very And The Family students were giving a Marriage Cfas PJ^'J^'^^l'always seems In Theie we were again. It that Advent- thai people know will marry wlule I had been and women I admit tliat if Some men is Is do not do, will not. have had a Coke, college students; others same place, I would thev are n Ihe obviously feel that theit was nothing different to dnnk. ?Sse who do marry since there marital relation- the right^ thing will be satisfied in a Convictions Bui would it have been needs " ' ''"' would n Bufchinal report) two nr""'!" do?Aftei^..., u., likely ship. Somewhere around "S"' act fret|uentl; id eternal damnation for this single lege students a example I would be relationship provided s'siaS;rdriii;"isfsrpV.± but what about the other people? and produced greater n. -'-,-,, . leaving with the behavior wrote in to Companionabl^e Some years ago a woman is understandable- bss;ss,2s;!^o^wS had a free from ti- Abby Van Buren saying (hat she is practically wore ' « Seventh-day Adventlst Triend who 'Y.|u?fetsitlSby oS invo'r'' be merely assumed "''=.« She (tlie woman wnimg in) on the otherhand, may a corrrpound fif a necklace. udents irrcluded smce developed. Because our society throat arid an was very confused concerning this rather than massive head injury, a sill husband and wife as Simulation she understood that Advenfists do not labels the positions of eye hanging from its sod

younger than 20 for whom there

s that the majority of married Itzhak To Speak In Chapel students make a better-than-

On Archeology And The Bible I think marriage will relieve i lot of the tensions; financial und emot- ional. The benefits oulveigh the disad- | as . married and have two childrc itages. Katz, said 'A wife is such

what I want to do in life and realize what ablizing influence. She is s(

it will lake to get an education. I feel that can count on. She offers moral support. I have greater motivation to achieve She creates a comfortable my " goal than say a young single person (or the Yes, she's a help.' average person)." Female Student: "Marriage in .Tiigrated from Liihuar..- „. Male Student: "Although Mrs. White is a good thing. Especially ifthe Col. Ilzhaki visited the U. S. in 1967 wrote much about young people going ready to settle down. The twocanslufly.l on a special grant from UNESCO and was overboard with the idea of work and still have time for each other I enthusiastically courtship and acclaimed. He toured the lii»| marriage while in college, it must be rem- Marriage can be a wonderful thing! embered Ihat she was writing about much lege, you need a lot of comforting n™ r younger people than who are in college to- you don't usually get. With the stienglh I He is currently touring during February day. in then and March. We must pray to seek the will oFGod of God they will become strong jopi and then use the wisdom He has promised love and understanding. I am going to guide us in our decision," married while I'm here at SMCanalffl

Female Student; "Since I am getting sure glad." Dorm Village Game married this summer, 1 tend to side with The examples of student comment the positive thosi^M side of college marriages. ! show the trend of thinking for agree with what you said in class a couple believe in college marriage. Theproal' Replaces Rees Series of weeks within ago-married students have to titudes seem to fall somewhere work a little harder to make their marr- these seven opinions. Eiglity-five peisa I A Dorm-Village iages succeed. Landis and Landis, marnagese? I ' "'"6'^ udSKciuaii uame win page of those who favor college 1 , , ,^ be,j held SaturdaySaturi" 92, said that people are conditioned and fast nJl?" night in the Physical by ress that there is no harcf | their family decisiMi Education Ce background in ways that af- go by. They point out that the fect their marriage of eacJi ability. If they were IS dependent upon the maturity reared in then happy homes, their parents mo- individual, their relationship and respective teams. deled what successful eupVeofanjl^ However, the Accent family hving is all 1. Willingni about No one las not been able to find who has been said it would be easy, but ;hosen to play for the event 2. Readiness for parenthood. .^f^niale Student: "Even work''"and M I'^^J^°™;^'"^S^P"^^ '^ 3 predecessor college admin- 3. Willingness both of»f the Rees Series which originally ran tor two It provides m^us, Thursday and Saturday tiled life with College on February and if necessary three nichts with a "Sud- es. Besides, ...a. ...u^ u.„i. .u .11= college P. E. Cenler, den married death' hald on Sunday night students may have His speech, at which he will show slides, will -"'—^--^'^'^^ However, recently the goals and thus more concentrate on executive admini- motivation, (The third article will report theog how archeology substantiates stration decided Male Student: to change this Two rea 1 beUeve that young the Bible. The public is invited. sons encouraged the 18-21 years a administration to , of• "ge are old enouch make this move - first, marry.y. _But, not the extreme cost But,notduri..gduring the actual scTi- ool year. There is much 1. Dr. Dorcas Ferguson 'he the Jewish people. He graduated fro ii?i?'^^°°'5''°"^'y- emotional spirit possessed not only by Hebrew University and is the players but author by rnembers of study the peanut^ileQ material on the Bible for the u we 1 " ^''^^ '"'efviewed.Dean of stu- deSflents Ken Spears said that during these games it training Bible teachers sounded like the roof and conductinE ad- n. was SnE '^'''''- -^ ' He feels that ult seminars and course-^ — Bible and Jew- limiting the seVies to nnl ish history, but he also n educat- '^''''''' 'he tension Scomnand competitiverf'"^- ional consult; spirit. Dean Spears ex South Africa, Previously Col. Itzhaki supervised 'ellowship, but haH )i instead it had become a t curricula in the public schools competitive war game The Rees Series I training aids for teachers as Dir started in 1970 in of the Pedagogic Center of the Israel irom 1^58-1967. Ministry of Education. li included two eames n thai he served 2 1 ^?'^ S='hbath years wiih the serS ?."h^[^"^' worsfiip n-_. ,. ^ Israel Defense Fore :,) wjiere he was head of the Educational B ^Sof'^s^Smtrl's^li'^W'^^' of the Yetliat Ha-arelz (knowledge of the' -opened^i.h:hrn"a.^iitiaSenr;d land) program whereby young Israelis be-

wtSffi:;:J';5l"'!^"-Save,h.i, '

The Southern Accent lanuary 22. 1976 5

Just Call Me Professor

President Knittel-no not this time- .Knittel feels-stronely iust professor Knitlel. about the Each Monday, role Wednesday educators-shouldlake and isn't and Friday at 10:00 he shoves afraid to state hisvKws. "I think grad- aside his administrative duties lor he staled 50 minutes and picks up the chalk and , "and 1 don.'t m; pointer, lecturing his students on Medieval English verse and prose. graded on his I " ....^ „ like leaching, Knittel says, now he compares with someorie'else'.'! because It gives me the opportunity to When asked what he thought about be with the students in a totally unadministrative teaching the Medieval literature class roll, and 1 appreciate this very much." The' replied, 'Tl fust ...... c for,^, full-timefull teaching."• His dynamic personality and compre- hensive Dean Spear; , V understanding of not only the the teach- of Knittel. bul he does ...... ,,. ouiiit. iiiiticsi III uib ^uujeci an studenu. Several years ago he tau^t 's Students- to his classes. One student commented, "! would not even consider taking a class in Med- ieval literature if it weren't for Kniltel. I took 20lh century writers from him and he made it so interesting, I figured uii lu icLcive ms iviasier he would even make s uegree in something I con- Accounting' sidered fjom Middle Tennessee dry interesting. Besides 1 like Slate University. all the President Knittel lectures his students on the intricacies stories he tells.^' of Medieval lite "I really like teaching," he says. Althougli students look up to him '-To me it s a b'reak. You get to do as President Knittel and picture him as something different," But then he leading out in board meelings and admin- went on lo explain what he really likes istrative councils, he's perfeclly at ease about teaching a class-the student- in a class room situation. He's been ipr 1— or =AU l\ea< mg teacher relationship. "Unfortunately, leaching for a total of 25 years, includ- most of my contact with students concei ill the way from the elemen- discipline, bul in a class I deal with the _ .... university level. BUsualfy a good reader arn sludenls on a different basis. I like the '"v:..V graduated from college Woids are Ine basis of hum with ma- contact with the Maintain a list of new words you see or students. I really do. and enable people K s in En^ish, Math and History, got cjlion hear. Be on the lookout for ones you don't Master s Degree in Secondary Ed- know. Jot them down, look them up. and ucation and his Doctorate in Medieval then make a point of using them in writing Languages, proof positive lliat this little being lias the what he felt like telling this student. "Son, tomorrow you will know as much if you remember their meanings and how geometry as I h..^'

e the number and under- ADAPT YOUR SPEED SO YOU UNDER- STAND THE MATERIAL a Mti M.S, each of which has its own

wi rhe origin of words helps in J, indiri)! new ones. Most English words fi>ni Ljiiri or Greek, This is why somi 5 the t. tnowledgei t liiese languages is helpful. If Above all. you must understand and remembci knov riu derivation of a word s parts what you are reading. you will be able to analyze its meaning. Read with a purpose, be aware of wiiat Iwavs have a dictionary nearby whether you are reading ana why. Your speed shoifld are reading for pleasure or for work. be adjusted to the type of material. Don't expect to whiz through a chapter of biology jfliMyou are reading textbooks or technical at the same rate as a chapter of a novel. KfflKs, familiarize yourself with the glossary Scanning material first can (TeJielpful in ometimes printed in the back to de- nearly all types of reading. Gel in the habit

Next you will want to know the important details that support them. Read carefully the first and last paragraphs which should You've heard of Dean Spears expounds his knowledge of accounting. slate the most important facts and conclusions. You should read the straight material in be- Wash 8c Wear tween at a faster rate that allows you to under- stand the matter in as much depth as you want. Education Retreat Held When reading a text first survey the entire book. Look over the table of contents, the participants. Social a NOW chapter headlines and subheads. Get an over- :afeteria chores-all r. view of the author's objectives by reading n Association and Ihe SMC Department the introduction and preface. of Education, was held last weekend al Fall Creek Falls State Park near Pick- Just remember to keep your eyes moving for- Clean ville, Tennessee. The retreat gave an opportunity for students of elementary If you are reading for enjoyment you can skim more easily over the lines, paragraphs and pages. It is not important that you take & tendentsand academy principals depth. As in in every word or sentence in first snowfall one of the Southern Union. most writing, each paragraph usually has they had ever witnessed. in which you Special guests al the retreat were main idea supported by deiaUs According to Dr. Stuart Berkeley, Dr. Bailey Gilespie. associate professor Steam of religion al Loma Linda University, Efder H.R. Bothwell, chaplain al rhythm of eye movements or fwatic~ ind When you read a newspaper c- .._.:„_ ..„ .„. [ograsi ."his kinu ... .v^-.i

is lui Bt..=.u. information. It differs from T'w nev»ost thing student your leisure reading because the material is Friday and Sabbatli on the tea- iil handling more serious, not as liglit or as easy to compre^ n-wnat it is and how lo and example. Bui it still mi^it 'uide the student up Eaycare hend as fiction, for garments Ihrougli ihis important poinl in his Co//egec/a/e fw completely. life. 40 cents a lb. Eider Bothwell spoke for Ihe Friday you can have your night and Sabbath ctiutch services, Crec//f Union pointing out the importance of a person- *»ilileknits drv-cleaned u.. consistent prayer life to anyone e imporiani i,uin.cpu onw al and in. comprehend directly influences the life of if 5 lbs.) y details as necessary to who so points and another as a teacher. Glllne terial. Underline major COLLEGE PLAZA in studying the material m^'emargTn notes too highlight yoyour obser- In addition lo iwo featured speakers, •Hi ask us havelave finished r

The Association of American Publishers Save and Bonow al the best inte to send you a complimeniary arrange- will be happy and his officers made ail the 10 Improve your Reading higlily where YOU belong." copy of "How menls for the retreat, which was rates. "It's booklets il Skills" and oilier sludv skills of fun according lo SERVICE, organized and lots you write to: AAP STUDENT f)ne Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1976 6 The Southern Accent lanuary 22,

. . SPORTS ACTION . A League Predictions

Ua6U«" Basketball takes on a sliglitly Team 3 MIKE SCHULTZ ri teams look this year. "AUague different nese League players, Mike Schultz decided it wLL Dick up two "B would h*. « I y-^;aXr?g1i5e"?l'ti\» ''^''"' Sfiiii^^'is^^e-^-'-vSi^- lard in the league. Bob Hoover and Rookie Bruce Kaiif ..lann will hold down forward

posillon, i to who is going t while Nafie and Rick JacqueswilliaV. icklyickiv fomislomis vviews a* pre- if back Snate. and why. More than not court duties. afler the te- . ,.is team has excellent scoring clions end up being wrong po. I teams teallv tential. Kaufmann and Schultz ns aet on the nooi. Some ate both good mdivid- hard to stop and if they get with ' :1 wliile other teams hot-waich unit. out! Naiie hkes coordinate as a team to sneak away premai als can't ' t incluae "rely for easy hoops, The following rankines don and tliiscouldpjv will be chosen irom ig dividends if teams allow it. le two players who Rebounding is this team's mainweiV ' ..ess. When Mike Scliultz takes his 15 foot fall away jump.... there isn't anvbaK I ' ;r 6 feet tall left to rebound. '

I choose, and taken ick hadn't 1 Team 4 STEVE WHITE by the two previous captains, v Jickly grabbed up Jeff Schullz. Thisw Steve White took some gambles in hii I ginning oftlie most balanced te„„ - draft choices. Sieve had Ihe sec ' the draft and picked the h strongest point will be de- '' ' This team's ed Rookie, Ron McClure. fense. Wes, Jeff and Rookie Brian Martin will discourage inside play wl\ile Jim Moss and Steve Welch will be scrappers out fr- Tom Sawyer Shown ont fo balance off the team. This team has only one weak point Person to person and that is ihe ability to score heavily if I this ti 11 could be the dark horse in ik I At English Club Party needed. Rookie Al Jackson could help health insurance provide such punch. erry Hertel! and Byron The Englisli Club liad its belated Chrisl- hold down forward posilio because iias parly wliicli was postponed bert Brock and Bill Hoovei 2 WARREN HALVERSEN of scheduling conflicts, this pas! Saturday Team White handle Ihe back cou at Drs, Jack and The party was held has good shooters but no c .,„„ McCfarly's home on Bowen trail. tside shooler. friends. because of experience. Watren Halversen Approximately 20 majors, their Lack of size and inexpe has led his team to the championship in the hurdles this team will I .... of the last tliree seasons. Last year " his teasingly called when he failed. Nelson Thomas led themselves wilh fruit im to the championship. After stuffing Team 5 JIM DOUGLAS salad, finger sandwiches and ice cream This year the two big guys ate teamed everyone went downstairs and played parly up. That means it could really be black Jim Douglas gives llii eveningwas games. The highliglit of the a uuis.uvutside shoolers«.v.«.v theleagut. _ gtesenlalion o\ Reader's Digest 's . ^om andGiiy I depend onn Ron Railz1 [1 should have the advantage -^--'' Sawyer." This was made possible by Dr. helpo k'ith' rebounds.

[larK since nu one icauj r-n"..; -- was ihe previous o handle the ball while Tom Pyke and Herb Ue an which shown Sunday St year players Will do. Mike Carilhers will help out on board strength. i ken Richards definitely have potenUii, This team will be lough defensively and solid peIlo^I^ and if they prove lo be invnnm:H3H^[WsBmBmHaH excellent on conirolling rebounds. lot ol ers this team could surprise a

This team lacks a man" as well as overall tt Moda Tienda Rebounds will c




PHONE 622,4176


lAi mcKee eaKinc company Mike Schultz number!'" attempts a jump shot against number 44, Duland, and dtfa"- In the first week of "A League" action two games were played. Halverson i.dio*' Schult7. 69-67, scores are and White defeated Holland 67-64. If these close of the future sea games everyone can look toward lo an exciting basketball week the Accent will begin coverage of "B Uape" action. the Southern lAccent Southern Missionary Colleee Collegedale, Tennessee 37315


Rediscover America On Fi/r

V'i !.^c^voncm the Uniied Slates In the Mississippi Delia, they pho ' 'Iv^.^Mining- : 1 sooner or later, som d an elderly fisherman who has ven uiside a iwo-iiiile radius of iii*; imm I ^'cKc [j^iinan Kodak Company plioi nee for a Irip lo Memphi: It's a happy cr^phLTi iravekd more than 50,000 miles 27 states to illustrale that lliouglu for "Pr rybody coul '16," '^"" file Kodak's multimedia bice nial feiimiswav." schetiiiled to premiere tcinigl- One of ilieirmosi memorable took place in Star Valley, Wyoming. Tliei for a tew days, the photographers became their part of the Heiner family wiio grow, huni On Moi.Ik-v. ' lisii. and process all ihcit own food on a I of Main.. acre farm. Sclf-sufficicnl and relatively Dialed by mountains, the Heiners have c lered their lives on (heir family and Ihei Mormon religion. Yet, they made room llie photographers who lell iheir story o

"We a and pholograplied thei

boal and head for the island. Il _ til Roth asked Iiim if he could let the crew 1 land yachling "sail" across California's El Mirage Dry Lalie at speeds to where ihey could s that of the wiitd. The fast-moving landlubbers show off Iheir ex- '76" ,v sport in a "Profile sequence that focuses on Californians and the Ihousandsol miles away in the liny village of Hana on Maui in Hawaii, llie Ko- dak pholographers enjoyed yet another variation on the liospilality they encount- ered Ihroughout their travels in the United Slates. Arriving to film a communily ch- airl's Club Sells Cundy family they'd be filming SOOTickets Ihe next day. orus of 20 villagers who get together once a week to sing original Polynesian music, Banquet To Begin At 7:00 p.m. they were greeted wilh leis and a luau. Be- fore they left, ihe photographers were sli- Once (he islanders goi lo know the photo- graphers, theii intent, ihe total meaning of

the show and their pari in it, they opened lailei, usually reserved only for chiefs. their homes lo the film crew. Roth says they Back on Oahu, natives who saw the film couldn't finish filming for ihe day wilhoui "s piled 10 deep around Iheir Slopping for coffee wilh Prudence Cundy, ' You must ha' " She's jusi one of the ordinary people who r the few plac of llie slage a siill say aloha wilji leis." for performai "Instead of concen Iraling on scenic won- very coopera ders for this show, we decided to gel invol- For the b ved with the ordinary people in our country, ined readei says Roth. "We asked ourselves at the out-

ill be served family style. SlJO trckels set. 'Why does Ihe United Slates of America seem to have been sold for S 1 i per couple. Defin- belong lo everyone?' I think we ciiy recreation deparimenl professional; itely a good job, ladies. Congralulations! even surprised ourselves wilh what we fou- working with handicapped children. And in Tulsa Oklahoma a deputy sheriff helped Like Rolli residents of ihe Collegedale Frank Polls the pholographers find the high ground

Editor 's nole: In last week 's Accent the

article concerning the women 's reception ri„,^A ,i,„i !, ..,^j semi-formal rather than formal, Mr. and Mn. Dave Knechi "' """' .vc,« iU t/c ...^ " icrs of ceremony. Boih of these facts v wrong and we apolo- gize for the err Christensen Writes Textbook

on for undersinnding

^^^H»:'. 1976 2 The Soullicrn Accent [anuary 29, Talge Hall Men Chickens Or Roosters 1^

Gordon ?? Oonesliey POINT COUNTERPOINT looking over my roommate's shoulder 1 jiisl liappened to be as lie writing tliis editorial. I've V how much 1 regret editorial for the Accent, and You do was writing tliis weeic's what 1 saw made traditional roles of guys asking girls ever in the me shake my head in amazement. Maybe he had just gotten engaged, in capitalism and free enterprise. |'\VilihPi"llnrMev is in the belief to believe that in just a few months' time he could'have' dates but it's hard . I...... reasongirlsdidn'tgetasniany 1 M.i dial theonly been won over to tlie "camp with the curves" ( tliey always are de- didn't go out with a smile , \'.,i^ because they just ceiving) and betray his true friends in Talge Hall. Just waitmg to ,1 , the euvs who were ., .^, , , , i-clves known lo For those of my friends in Talge who didn't catch the not-loo- that if there was a dating prob- 1 vc always thought .,^k [li^i.i >.La subtle inference in 'Vingling's editorial, its major thesis is that llie to be the girls' fault lem on the SMC i^ampus it had a bunch of chickens, and that's v.'hv not too recep- men in Talge Hall are Now what happens? The girls get a chance to ask for the O many girls are getting asked out around here. line up by the hundreds the tion and they storm the telephones, asserts that the banquet~a Going even further, Yingling's editorial females minute tickets go on sale, and buy 800 tickets to the commended for their great courage in tak- deans even giving on this campus are to be sellout. Last year for the men's reception the were ing an initiative which the male population is too cowardly to make. worship talks begging the guys to please call up a girl on the phc— Q editorial, an editorial based upon anything but questionable I resent such a rash For a while so few tickets had been sold that it w s objectivity! vvlieili.T nr mil there could even be a banquet. that I going to refute his argument point by point, is-

I am asking the guys of Talge to take a hint from the girls in Thatcher than the guys do. are three reasons, great and Joiu-s ,i^ td their availability for dates. I'm asking them to quit u I would like to suggest that there perhaps such an aggres- kii' II 11 I lie reasons why they don't really want lo date just be- courage not being one of them, why SMC co^;ds took this . ired to face up to the possibility of rejection. The sive "ask em out" stance towards the banquet ye; than I a guy I (lis way. Some of them asked four or live times be- First of all, a banquet really isn't that much differe

u>i. iii. \ 1 1ll. illv i;ot what they wanted. I'm asking forlhe true males any other date, for he has the option of asking a girl c lo si.inii lip ,tiui call up. Why not. they might have a good time. wants to. For the girl, however, the banquet is that o opportunily lo -Bruce Yingling that comes along every two years when she has the ask oul the guy of her dreams. Under such circumstances, it's my IheoW opinion that a airl would be more highly motivated to get on phone! his ale Secondly, in our society a guy that isn't married - even in just play- 20's ~ is often considered a cool, swinging bachelor who is who ing the field and enjoying every minute of it. But the female a very gels through college and doesn't snag a man is stigmatized in keep ncualive, old-maid type manner. Parents, relatives, and friends asking the question, "I wonder what was wrong with her thai she le- couldn't gel a man?" Obviously this stigmatization of the single iiiale leads to a more intense motivation to establish a permaneni, dale ana interpersonal relationship, thus resulting in a greater need to J

guys iirls nply have different emotional needs than

'" '•"'" courage!" iii> roommate slated that it took great llic icniales would lo do what they did for this year's banquet. I like to point edU" out that I have vindicated the male race with my orial this tor it look grcal courage on my part (as a male) to write editorial - able lo knowing full well that 1 will probably never be get a date on this pro" i" campus again! 1 f you girls would like to wrong, and my phone number is 4799 and I'm available anytime


Please share opini"" your ideas on this subject by filling ou the poll on page 4, and by writing a letter to the editor Accent

News Editors

Biirbara PaiiiKM The SOUTHERN ACCENIJ^I„„,„„.-_ Sludenl As "»%,(« '^''S''*'';sM''ni| lished by [he Soulhern Missionary ':f".f:,,atl>V dale. Tennessee 3M1S. I' 'Llill weekly, except for vacalioni ™ fcrioJs, during Ihe acad_emic^;„,„if Induslriat Edu( _TlTe Southern Accent January 29, 1976 3 pros And Cons Of College Marriages

chipctivitv is central to each personal man makes. If the decision decision that to liim, it appears to be og- dents' lovi sense __^_ n'*'' S, . il le it S til „, is ornr noi.nlll ^v.nSo n, Wwim attraction. I icalwhellier it know girls who get i[\e joker. personal question such as S,n,norl3nt look through it see a Ihe guy who is handsome "}T'.%Jy while we are in college." and then say, 1 m going lo date him." [iswers the question depends They do. The next thing I hear those girls \ient on the individual's im- are eneaeed. This is true what I write. Not all students want lo print.- needs- This is unripe love. How can they be Out of a «iied while a student. ready for marriage? In The Advennat ^17r. expressed negative views Home, S^,!! of tiS 1 read, 'ooys and girls enter upon ^'^" enough leslion. Interestingly .viih u questioned the wisdom of iudgernent, without who noble elevated' feel did express that it was an «,,y ..ip.tiages and take upon themselves marriage vows for each concerned ^dividual decision wholly led by their boyish, girlish passions of noteworthy beliefs iSmake. A number .... Mrs. White also said early marriages college marriages are summanzea. should not be offing encouraged. Well, 1 see nTuch There appears to be "Nlale student: around aMC that throws young men and to being married while " " some advantaees togeth~-

during college. If not at the begi only because it's a whole new experience for both of them. College is expensive. Marriage is expensive. The two together great deal of growth Ihoueli I ii'vc Fier. A No! Datine is expensive enough. But social side of college. ld(es plauL' on the married? Wow!" life it will Female Eilher (in-'v give up social or student: "I want lo be real ineviiabiy bring conflict. To me when a sure that the man is riglit for me, and thai man lak*;^ himself a wife, he should be I am right for him. This takes a lot of thinking - able 111 supporl and care for her. This is and time too much lime for

School life and studies interfere it lo be thought out during college. I maniiuod. know ._. at SMC. Too many girls who with tho nnportant years of marriage, spend most of their waking hours students are not really knowledgeable about marriage. Choosing the nght partner, on firm ground when starting a marriage. handling finances or raising kids are too " much for mosi us. of iale._ Perhaps most of us here a Male student: "Generally, it is not the

best plan for students to marry. 1 have euiy marriage. Sure, times have c Male student: "Some 18-21 year olds noted a number of wives who drop out of

' better. It takes longer ti arc siilt * bill not for the growing up. They have been de- ;ollege afier they have been n ; most of Iheni. financial independence than it pendent on their parents all life, -*" adiieve their esthistohe Male student: "Had I been asked this suddenly they are away from home and While this question len or twelve years ago, I would in need of learning how to be independent. often t!ie couple find selves growing in two different direc-

. Eventually they will grow apart, You. T PIRST II CLASS MAIL

We the staff of the Accent would like to know whether you There has been something on my mind ide with the editor, Bruce Yingling, or the layout editor, Gordc causing a bit of concern. Ever since I have been a student here at SMC ihere has been )oneskey, on their opposing editorials. The staff feels that a "Whalisyourl.D. nui an increased use of the student I.D. numb- J paper is one in which the readers can participate. Please er. It seems ihat each year the school finds t us dow iR on the fact that if any issue and improved way lo use your I.D. can draw a good respons this one can. Please tu n in this poll lumber to replace the ofyo.

by tearing it off and plac ng it in the marked box es in Talge, of thought was started when I could be made for llie extended use of the Thatcher, recently entered the infirmary. As I was I.D. number, bul I am against it. I believe and | ones Hal s. The results will be an lounced in lying upon my bed of affliction one of the that loo much emphasis on the I.D. number our special Valentine's is ue. For this issue we auldalso w first questions that was asked was "What has a dehumanizing effect on the individuals like contributions of rom antic poems, short stori s, and picture is your I.D. number?'" You have to have who receive the number. Let us not forget to consider as feature en ries. Payment will be m ade at our that we are humans. Humans created num- bers, or shall we say, discovered them. Let's regular rate of $.25 a col jmn inch and $3.00 a pi cture. r identity has been reduced I nol let numbers have the power to replace our identity. I suppose that if lime were to last long enougli people would change 1- start lo their family to a number and accord- 1 am: (a) dating steadily, (b) dating at least once a week, When you go to the gym and name their children numbers instead (c) rarely dating. check out some of the equipment, you ingly give must prove thai you have an I.D. number . Wen t lhat you would have a broader seleclio n as ar a' nan 2. feel that: 1 (a) Bruce Yingling's editorial best expresses my I kno\ we needou good old I.D feelings, (a) Gordon Doneskey's rebuttal best expresses my jers. but don'l lliink Til righ along wit Ihe rest of the w arid and eivs of your physical being within the leavily o numbers lo den Iv-s ome ^ne a of our gym. When I opposed using iheir : (a) male, (b) female 75%V the other r this campus require yt CALENDAR

Wednesday the 4th

^ow \n the student center snack room

only 35c

* ii<^» » 1

I— or etter R. I IDS U ing

Reading Requires Practice

current reading skill, reading requires practic speed is in Like any words per m,n the Habit of good n ute. You can get the average In order to develop numbJrT eyes and mind to wordsonapagebytakmgfhe^avtr ine vou must train your have tc me and multip pe'tform well together. You don't ymg ,t by the numbln rewards lines, omitting hVafings' """"'^'"f take a speed reading course. The take the will be most worthwhile if you time and persevere. miss ' Seiasidel5io30miiiui every day you imporlaill delails y<,„, „,','; 10 practice reading, much a *=' lypisi or golfer would. practicing. '' "P page lengtli Read 3 or 4 articles each day s Digest, 1 for ivan, I ' is to three weeks. Use the same and sliorl articles. Your objective lenEVS best speed. rial each day. read with understanding at your Push yourselfbut "• ^' Compare your speed to established . makings! youcheckya, for comprehension norms. The speeds generally accepted of the n rial. Record ''" " " light your speed faithfully e average readers 3 : easy or 250-350 words per: check your progress. 200-^50 wpm; leihini ium to difficult n' rial. le dilii. and difficult mate [at 100-150 wpm. yourself clly for two pages this for Iwo more weeks, quesiioni a second hand. Cal- self and recording your time. '<4 January when Ihe with a clock that has Afiera loiil Hich \sintls cnuvd [iiii>n'\ini,i(cl\ 000 worth of damage on H | presently culate Ihe minutes and seconds and div- of six weeks you should have increased roof was blown off at the FoiirCorners business complex. Repairs are ide the lime into Ihe number of words on your reading ability coirsiderably. under way, and according to the manager these repairs will completed in about a the page. This will tell you what your Try to get your speed on ea^ msleriil lo about 300 words per minute. Onwyoi

have reached this level you will know you | can do as well as the average good icjdei Maintain the habit by reaaiiip ji \m The Master Mirror Maker a half hour a day. You will be mwki k keeping up with newspapers, rriagj/mes and books. You will also enjoy k-jdmi: Q' The Better A Mirror Is The Less You See It' more as your proficiency increases

This article, "How to Improve Your great front, and head their din Reading Skills", is one in a series develop- I handful of letters lo be dropped ed for college students by ihe Associaijoo one great truth about "The inificent of American Publishers. Other lopicsin ^e been discussing fine n rrors?" they relumed collectivelj the series are "How to Get the Most Out I "Yes! Listen carefully, rary in such a way as lo visit and don of Your Textbooks" and "How lo Piet | ist once a year and purchase are Successfully for Examinations." Tfiff I group, s superb mirrors. He nevei 1 are also available in booklet formfreeof I The little old man, wise arid experienced, charee to students. If you would likec» I chose his words with the same meticulous ies please write to: AAP STUDENT SER- loyal cusIomersoT the little: care so long devoted lo his notable craft. VICE, One ParkAvenue, New Vork.fjy f years increased, these men passed away. er. What does he have ihal we aon i "The better a mirror is," he oronounced '0016. The little workman was adding new wrinkles haveV he questioned in a way thai lold with quiet authority. "The less you see it." lo his forehead, as well. Sure, tlicre were Ihe others he was thinking of doing some- other manufacturers of mirrors-some of thing quite out of the oitfinary. them very reputable in their own tight- "Let's set some answers tonight," he bul no one ever seriously posed Ihe pos- nling nods made Bibles sibilily of Ihe products coming from these their way a i the c shops being on an equal plane wilh those -ni of the The oulslanding feature of both of The edit. rned from these Bibles is their lopical indexes to ;tually "Cover the material of in_^ I For some reason-while outwardly wel- the Lmiversity, said. Ihe scriptures. The OB contains a 300- advanced course in systematic theology." coming the attention his ciartsmanship "Fine, fine, fine," they all whispered page cyclopedic index using such up-to- The KJV text in the OB is nicely diviW "" ^ " ^ Iheir village, and referring li in unison. Jh ' i "Geoloev." "Nuts," th sectional heading distinct as he 'Orphans," "Riol," and- which the CRB does not have. Cross- light of the [own squ ready?- "Television." The texts are the OB are given right afia I r of great c 'Tell us," called out the young sch- selectively center colii(Tin,)i» Whyw olar in an arresting tone of voice, "Why chosen and the page number not in a | "- which do those of any oUi iducer in tl 3 much belter than any- which Ihey appear is given along with _live renderings -u._. J ^. KJVwoidit* region they would qucsti 1^.^ draw- much to clarify the archaic "'' ' the local notes. W "philo''sophers*fjiiiiosoph"" - --- stopped and lurried to for s that i The OB has 32 lined pages the evening around face ihe these interrogating eyes. For years Bibles have maps. „„ "s^nif- he'd avoided conflict wilh the townsmen, of the W* there is no cross-reference under the entry Because they use the text J wcrsalion woulif but now, he spoke. "Christ" to the enlrv probably the best study Bible May > making IT - "Human nature of rhiswasa "Belter?' he repeated. "You tell me, Christ." In contrast, the CRB cyclopedia would be a toss-up between ">e'«'^^L for those living in a my friends. What is a quality mirror'?" is liberally 1962. SI;"! They were stunned. Nobody moved. sprinkled wilh cross-references, Study Bible (Harper & Row, and texts They would draw diagrams dust, All eyes suddenly shifted to the University are quoted in lull instead of id up) and The Oxford AnrnXoK^f and late into the night you could hear having a single line of description, as in (Oxford University Press, 1962, Sm Ihcm arguing and IheoriKing aboul the Ihe — '" "5. He.^Hel^ _ OB, but entries are more traditional.;-p/t« 1973,511-95). master craftsman's mirrors. Some wro In as the H8 addition to these indexes, both Bibles after these will be refcrrcJ it off lo inherently superior ^If ill <;''-'^'n'rrmv Bible (B.B_ Kirkbride Ihal have studying the Bible f Bible Co.. been made there. l%4.Sl8.9Sandup) fii nlry is numbered, Bible,...'J*I hshedinl908,orclscanewwork,r/,i and this number past. Obviously, ,r given in the tionsalw.y>«rja 51 CO Bibles con- Open Bible margin of any Bible verse ilroduclions (Thomas Nelson. Inc., I' ferring lo Ihat city. Althoufk s which make ^U.'-)S There arc also sent Advenlist doctrine. and up); hereafter these will maps, charts, the 'on and lists all num- lists side with be referred lo as CRB and OB. generally of belief**J paradoxical J that, while using The I lible thai of »' xplanalory as our doctrine of the slate neither supports lie CRB or .•OBc which Ihe liberal OAB

footnotes. ,. ,„. ini,-. belie For an Adventist, who «Jjl

Bible is its own best inl='P;"" any " ,. Bibles with Topical Indexes most important features of "-ip^ marginal references, which po"'u„» .xplai a' OAB mil the HSB is really rffti'l n doctrines (prayer, aboul ntinued Ihc Holy Spirit, the HSb avcraees only on column 3, Conlinuei I ^SBd

_TheSoutliern Accent [anuary 29, 1976 5 College Marriages


'Sludent 1 paee 438, form attaclimenis

le in flirtation or courting but l. ^'^IC Yes, I know tlul ' education.' , u„ J\ r lliat she v ''^ ''"'"''' ^Advenlistssay '-"- i'lVhii iliui.ij age ir a- different time a different marriages' What about tiie (fivoKe iith. I believe tiiat we ra"e'^?hild abuse adulter) and the o other evils God Hld'apply iier counsel gave Ellen G White a mes';a c

par! be the fault of the '1 ii have been acquiring point of departure for all discussions in Ij'ie about myself and other -"'"" '"- '"- 'and will " be) on the in- Wells \ more important than Gives dividual in m ige rather than upon ihe Information • effects of the family II about what line of Marriage and living in a faniily On Grants And timate Loans and involved relationships. For it to be an ongoing, fruitful relationship it and altitudes about must be built on interpersonal understanding. grants and loans for the school year 1976-77 s learned a lot about Interpersonal ble according to Laurel Wells, understanding does not mean "* ed. Thev are scheduled for Tuesday Feb- Director ' 1 what I have said; of Student- Fin She explained ruary three, acQueiscing or ignoring rciationships. It Thursday February 19, and thai there is currently ri''.'- "'.ffi cautions the youth- is the ability of one person to pretlict the a Thursday February 26. The time for each the funding ol^ grants an response of^anoliicr in u ^ivcii situation. meeting is 6 o'clock p.m., and the location will be posted ,|, i This type of iiii.Ti. ,1 ,,^ , MKlum throughout the campus. other situations, the 11.5 i. , aids adjuslniLMii , l .nP Health, Educatio d Welfare has had to justmenttounc.r . ,k^ student aid. "This helping niiay pick up studentshave o'lnniuii.,.. >i .|i.,,i icohngs ih- brochure taking the about college marriagL'^. riicy reuli/ed n_._. s progr ion," Wells stated. The that their responses to the questions would grant a grams directed toward be published. Hopefully, the responses nursing education is presently operating on an emergency will serve as some defense againsi future basis. Among the loans and grants available dashing to pieces of marital lies. are The National Direct Student Loan, The MENC initiates Exchange

' Dr. Dorcas Ferguson Guaranteed Student Loan, The Supplemen- I definitely do not belie tal Educational Opnormnity Grant and The Of MuHpnt Talftnf J'"aeni I Basic Educational 6ppormnity Grant. "Th- "' dieill islaltergrant is the floor to the financial 190 Nursing Students Dedicated u,.., ,,t*» kj . . aid program. Students need to apply for it Vvrtll UTC MUSICiailS..«.#•*. «iij K-fiirn nit..,»p|]|,g (q get otlicr grauts, said Wells. Januaty Tile upcoming school year will find any 29 at 1:00 p.m. selected ms

sludcnt eligible lo apply for [lie Basic Ed. bets of the MENC Club will represent t ucational CJpporlunily Grant under llic fol- SMC Music Department by performing UTC. Music students from UTC will re 1. The student must establish financial ciprocatc by performing February 2 at the monthly nieeling. : llK sludent should be emolled in an MENC

H..' saic

change If hl'iiiig SCI

poriai not o ly lor improv ngsludt relalio nsbeiw e Ihe schoo sbulals giving musics ud ce to exp icncc rofessit exchange 1 areao empha

According t ol town, "Th MENC ,splan, nig mo = xchaiige programs o

All those who are inte ed to attend Ihe MENC p

February 2 at 5:00 p.m. i LTC students will be perl

' "spiring and inspirational

LOommunications Club Organizes /Jp4 Little Debbie ' ' \K>. ' |r 5NAK CAKES Clapp Elected President ^^7 |»»'shaveforrcd'"comm'uni'?aii°Qm ' .' 'I'l A ''"«n' lias been willioul any HAS FUTURE linl o,,y x:L:::::::. .'^'"^'"''SinmcIntele'.KoniK!''"-,'ii'eri.sis oi iiK W/TH YOU IN "Unicat ni,.- ..,..,1.

Other plans for ll e club 1 MIND alSablKill possibility of preseii Horn, churdiL-s !^^ odw School programs to lis, the Chattanooga are '^1 "ele 1 beca Clapp; Vice Presitlern.tPresitlen Owens also said fAi mcKee eaKinc company

that although

locially ITO 6 Tlio ^.iiilOTn Accent Ijnuarv 29. nS ACTION

Lament Of A Losing Coach

The hicky rascals scored again hnl ", . said the Talge troops "TheirVato! '.^ pop and we will be champs." "" So down the court they came win . r, i more determination, lorTilge but tVS «, * the same. No score | JK?ri^;cl,s\,n,dNK;oSeJ| went up on the T board, and village ,rj went lltrough had the ball atain "TIME OUTT TIME OUTi"\™_,a . Jl "''='' *•"' frantic fellows of Talge. The craoie wnue o..,e,. ....„ ... temfrS'^l of a Village team wasmanx,ll,eyhadLtyeV:Sl7l,*I ft as this the make up trotn I a coach assured them not (o game warm-ups the team fret, for V

bencli, while tne oiu iiiei .ym ... j-.-o es of old. personal inspiring basketball la The game begaivto the shock of soine ...- village lad village took Ihelcad. A young behold it went througli up a feeble shot and

Talge came down the court an 1 ne men of their every movij. A shot air of conHdence in but was no where close, and village for the tip^ff. went up Halverson out jumps Schiiltz the ball so merit of all, won the gan--c 70 had the ball again. They moved look of gingerly and iTien an old man shot. A again gloSm crept up on Talge. the ball went in A LEAGUE ACTION TEAM AVERAGES

Scoring Average

Schullz 72 White 70 Halverson 64 'Hojbnii 62 Douglas 57

gi liol lisndsi Score Point Difference 1 1 Dennis;S Wood got vided Holland willi ilic n Seltullz +7 teams' Halverson i lolkind is disltcssed over his poor shooting percenlace (35%) as well Holland -2 as the excess amount ot lurn overs (20). White Holland could have dug himself loo deep Douglas 1 into a hole already. Halverson, who jumped

Field Goal Percentage

GAME OF THE WEEK Halverson 48% White 487< , In d with the best game Schultz 407f. Douglas 37'A Holland 35%

Free Throw Percentage

Schultz 59% While 46% Halverson 43% Holland 43% of (he second half. Douglas 297. il Halverson from run- '.inie wl)en, during the aighl jump Rebound \verage IS 69-67 in favor of Holland 48 While 45 A LEAGUE Halverson 44 J STANDINGS Schultz 40 Douglas 35 Standings as of January 23: Turrtover Average

White Halversen goes up for a lay-up in dorm-village game. Schultz the Holland 2 Halverson 2 Douglas Bibles (continued from page four)

ces pet text in the BiB New Testament and If you don't want a refcience less in the Old, while the mil' "' OAB has none that is ready-made, and which except as appear in its foolnolos ni your theology, then why not P^ The OAB contains ot a a few features your own? Buy a wide-margin absent from Ihe HSB such as an study i»' index loose-leaf Bible and as you 10 the maps, and 27 pages of tables and come trtyo;* general down thoughts that articles of aid to the Bible student, I the OAB can also be purchased wilh the Spirit of »» P apoctvpha, or'in'a'sera'™ rm'the which is also annotated jiB'' phccy or in class which shed ^^1 text. Make up your own ehai"-'; ' jji| annotated Bible studies. Beside Jl : Bible With Good Marginal when GoJW I write down Ihe limes "» niled that promise in your life. lost-'"' let a lifetime of study be down discover. Yom what you »» rcsourii J* will become a valuable years will grow in value over the

Tim Cwsby

a" Eds, These Bibles ate 1 Note: Bible Ho«« either at Ihe Book and Brain"' at Unhams Book Store in 7-81)4-292'" 1 Village (phone: Nafie takes a jump shot from the fre .

^ the Southern . Accent


TeHennepe, Alice Calkins and James Hai

was given approval by the Board of Tr- Summer service leaves were granted ustees of Southern Missionary College a to Edgar Grundset, Peggy Bennett, Bruce the regular board meeting held at the Ashton, Floyd Greenleaf, Christine Per- college on Thursday. January 29. kins, Sue Baker, Doris Payne and H.H. With the growth of enrollment al thi college, living space has been at the mil imum with three or more students oc- cupying rooms meant for two in the re- will be back with us for the 1976-1977 sidence hails. school year," staled President Knittel. Thursday's decision was Ihe outcome "Mrs; Kuhlman is retiring from the of an extensive investigation of various architectural plans to alleviate the cramp- '"' -1 ' student housing cc "' Knittel said. e present decision, It was voted thai the present staff of instructed for 116 a SMC was to be rehired. The instruct- 52 women. Work will be started as oral staff will soon get their contracts on as possible on these expanded fac- for the upcoming year.

for "The Board of SMC Mr. Judy Gl; with regret the resignation of Di In regard to the sale of the College of Trustees chance' ; that future students may be able to practic Kuizner from his position as Director Tracker organ, con' Broom Shop and Hydrophonics Plant, of Admissions and Records," stated Dr. it was voted that the McKee Baking Co- Knittel, Kutzner has accepted a call to mpany would purchase the industries. go to Loma Linda University to assume Operation of these two plants will con- a similar administrative function. Major Offered In Psychology Approval was given at the board employ student labor. Southern Mis- meeting for definite exploration rel- sionary College has obtained its invest- ative to the purchase of a Tracker or- The Tjculiy Senate recently masters programs in Counseling I approved a Education t 1 t gan for the Music teconimendation ihe at Andrews thr( this Department. Ac- , by Curriculum Com- University and Lonia Linda The Board voted sell cording to Knittel. the B.A. degree major of 30 hours University. Majors are also being accepted to Collegedale Tracker organ in will be a great asset Psychology be granted through the Be- into the masters program in Marriage, Fam Interiors to Charles Fleming, Jr. to the department. Ifiorai Science Department at SiVlC. This ily, and Child Counseling at Loma Linda Other items of business which came "It is considered in most musical II will be printed in tJie 1976-1977 col- University. In fact, with a specialized Be- before the Board of Trustees included circles in Europe and^ther parts of bulletin and is designed specifically havioral Science for minor, Theology majors the naming of Ihe new building for nur (he world to be the finest type of or- students who plan graduate study in find the Family Counseling study a valu- sing. For this purpose, a committee wil gan available. In contrast to organs Dlield of psychology. able area. be appointed to make a recomniendatio which operate on electrical impulses, ' e than 43 of the 60+ Behavioral The other major offered througli the the Tracker organ provides direct me- e emphasizing in Psych- Behavioral Science Department is the B.S. chanical operation of the pipes and degree Behavioral Science major of 40 add a fiftli gives greater hours with a 21-hour emphasis in Psych- sensitivity of response be- ology, Social Work, or Sociology. This a doctoral degree. tween the organist and the mechanism." Decisions by the board were made The Tracker organ system usually )r graduate study. This major is less specialized, and its cognate ... jygggjj applications lo other concerning doctoral leaves for the 1976 requires a two to three year waiting - facilitate their entry in- for the summe LW^^aie schools in such psychology sub- Summer Session. Leaves period between time of order and in- "|as as: clinical, counseling, educational, minors in the department have been granted to Jan Rushing, Sue stallation. 5:8^° '.Sj^penmenlal, personality, social, approved. These are: Psychol- inousirial and personnel and management. iage and the Family, » number of Behavioral Science majors ^ in, a less specialized no Want (0 work red just in Behavioral Scie Robertson To Work On Series as school counselors t^e already lound acceptance into the Of Music Textbooks % newest SMC StaH Member The General Conference has asked Dr. Marvin Robertson, chairman of the SMC Music Depar 'o Give Piano Recital r that will be making plans to dev- sof n books and materials for u n SDA ele- ^«>>-S In Miller Hall mentary schools. In 1972 Dr. Robertson wrote to the GC suggesting thai the current textbooks being used by the elementary schools were in need of revision. He also said iLMching i(oj^, piano and music his- that the books used by the upper grades were going out of pririt and asked the P"""^ Pteluder'rt" ^^''H^ Martin's Eight GC to study this. Sonala "iiiM.jiiV R'",^ Number Three, Miss Ethel Young. General Confer- '^'^^"^es at an '"n- Tl ;„'-, y^ Exhibit- Elementary Education Supervisor, '^"^1 IS ence fourti,,, c (he last in a series of replied that the education department fulfill the »\*<«!™f,,;?(;[rp=t"i!,"8i" was aware of these problems and that be discussed at ihe i" New Jersey, by. the needs would ""Klhe"'" nexi meeting of ihe textbook comm- Young asked Dr. Robertson Dr. Marvin Robertson the SMC campus January 16 uoni Cal- ittee. Miss ro write a letter directly to the com- ""= f™ily k|," *' relocated in Sage has always loved music, and mittee dealing wilh the books. also music performance. "I would much In January 1974 a special commiliee known because some of the conferences from La a^paper, haven't them '*"S8''H,"'"8 Sierra col- ather give a recital than write was called by ihe GC to evaluate the chosen yet. married and •"

FIRST CLASS MAIL 9 Good-bye Kutzner

learning inai i^i. n.,.^ ""::;,":• Upon j „ma Lin -

hear ng people your identity to? {See Rev. Vm sick and tired of 2:17) over vea;.^.^.n^^^^^^^^,_^3, "dentity^being ,0<.,n,haa ^ complain about -'their numbers ! May- The first 1 ^^^^ reduced to a series of having my 'dentity re- be I don't like How de- duced to a series of fetters! just sym- humanizing! Aren-l letters symbols? bols'' Areninumbersjust Whois.osaywhichsetofwmbos.s to so I signed up. me . „„,!,;„„ "™'n^vu another? Wlial interested rn trying °i" s"?'':"! "8 to be preferred over Kutzner is always where different teaching or whetlier .t s putting about other countries wliether it's a new method of stand symbols are used? Cou d you list the computer print-out The book on place?place 1 cann heariiear you announced that°[/=fhe had'""^..^^daccepieu hving in such a At the end of the year he di.i^.^.different-The muHerr "Oh, thatthat'ss -.— office? papers get director of admissions 1 thot|^ Do blown about and a cVl to go to SMC and be symbols would depend entirely Kutzner had to waste les oi lines transposed? Or are little elves too bad a good teacher lilie Well, have you that it was onmv Bnglisliname!" sneaking in at night and purpelrating position. go his talents in an administrative not noticed that the I.D. numbers years later you know Little did I realize that two 1."°;''^^/ in alphabetical order? Don't studeiits coming to SMC fromfmm rehes entirely his desk, as one of the many that your I.D. number tour of the SMC outside he Southern Union, and ask for a on your given name(s)? Bil didn't the 'school before and really Why don't you write y&ur congress- gigreat but here I was It was"-js the sad practice of birth- 1I had decided to come, man about know whyWhy'' undefined blur of stran- numbers. Tell him it is a familiar face"ace in the midst of an registration tence and changing the meaning. And carry a I to feel at home. for you to I mention the seven 1 long before began "dehumanizing" won't even mis- adjustment a around! helped make my first year of college birth certificate spellings on one page. Nobody's per- Kutzner conven- time he saw me on the sidewalk he d always The numbers are merely a fect. But you started the article on little easier Every of It was ience for the benefit of all. Think Bibles in the middle and put smile and say "How's your courage Bruce?'' reference flash a big needed in cafe- just to know the ledgers and clerks the first page near the end, which,! only a small gesture but it made me feel good lines if names were used instead teria suppose, provides tor variety, but doesn't would you like that time, of numbers. How do much for intelligibility. Kutzner has been at SMC for five years and during this l,old up? I know-it's RELIGIOUS However, his But 1 forgive. I Icnow that tjeiuno there has been a 217f increase in the enrollment. the apparent confusion there must be a grealcsl contribution was his untiring effort and enthusiasm in purpose to it all; however, like Maria he arrived, the com- L'uuiinL' SM( into the computer age. When to have s e go througli :eded t at the very beginning. W.IS UM-d on a limited basis, but not nearly to the same pulvt a very good pla And like a bear- LXtciil llijl 11 IS used today. This has made registration . said, "God is not lulhor of keeping faster and more efficient. tack mandatory attendance do that- able inslilulion and record confusion." And let's I forget Mat- handed out but don't knock a system ihat makes His workers will remember him for the times he thew's maxim, "whoso readetiT, let him life half bearable on everyone else. ilkshakes at the end of registration, and the majority of other understand." Wherefore, brethren, let How about the eym? Ever thought students here at SMC will r > the t icellent proofreading. that without some kind of I.D. any- into them SMC. md use the equip- I don't you're going to "waste Good bye Arno. know why .- ,hal if sucl your talents at a big institution like Loma Linda University when you could stay here in the friendly South, but I guess student might have preference over for moving is what life is all about for an educator. Good Luck. you in using the equipment because Editor's note: Thanks

he got to i! first. I suggest that if this fry to catch renewed int -Bruce Yingling is one of your most pressing problems, In fact, with four your schedule must be very lax. found What are you going to do at the words in your original -.pelled. Softy pearly gales when God hands you a including the the switched paragraphs.


In the editorial "Sex Stereotypes and Auto Mechanics Class," the need for a survey class in maintenance and repairs for men as well, as women was stressed. Dr. Janzen of the Industrial Arts Department felt that there were several drawbacks in having a Tuesday the 10th 2-hour survey class for men, but he did agree to give a hst of the areas that could be realistically covered. Here is the list:

1, Ihirory of engine operation Wednesday the 1 1 th 2. engine and chasis lubrication 3 cooling system problems 4 minor ignition system servicing 5, tires-wheel alignment symptoms

If you would seriously consider taking a 2-hour survey class in auto mechanics that would apply for a general education require- ment but not toward an industnal arts major, please tear off the tollowmg poll and it 1 place in the box at the desk in Talge Hall Thursday the 2th

1 would like to 1 survey class in auto mechanics

Class standing -

l'hologi,.pller Accent Kni,„,e Rm,_ Jeirv Lien Paula Cox

liusincss Manager BP* llie SOUTHERN ACCENT Advertising M.ina| hshcd by the Sludent Assoaauon" Soulliern Missionarv College in C»ffi Secretaries dule.Ttniiessee il3li. lUsPriJ is'aMI'Ss, Cai,,! Ncall weekly, except for PL-nnus, during the academic V^f jM^ Jud> Wullke J Industrial Education deparimeni | does the printing. The Southern Accent February 6, 1976 3 Needs SA Communication For SA Elections According To Opinion Poll Filing Begins Feb. 1

Filing for candidacy for elected Stu- dent Association ofrices began Sunday February 1 and will continue until 6-00 Seiic Uck of communication between p.m. Thursday, February 12~t!ie dead- students line Snideni Aisociation and for filing for candidacy. survey of the student population, All eteclcd S.A. offices are A -J .-... ,..^u jjjttiai Mjrrrerrirn open and Talge, Jones, and Thatcher res- students interested in ftfcluding '""'*' becoming a candi- community studenis "" '^"" date for Senis along with fS r1 the position of President, Vice- a distressing fact: Students DO ThitiBS President,/ oArer Editor, Soui/iern revealed CAN be changed if the Accent stuc Editor, or ems will do Iheir part, Southern Memories Editor and use their \ should file for what it his or her name with the was made for. During this the Student Association office, year of the Bicentennial, we Heed no. 3 in the k Student Center, revolution of knowledge and commun- before Ihe deadline. Late applicants may file for candidacy ;sled in your Student In by receiving an official petition blank 1776 the issue was "taxation with- out representation". For 1976 we must Doward To Speak On vote for a "REPRESENTATION WITH COMMUNICATION". student body; however, no petitions Boobytraps Of Satan will be accepted after 10:0C) p.m. Feb- Jim Shanko niary 16. ; may convince you as tlicy did Jan S. Doward will toward speak here Feb- In order lo qualify radical change public ruary for candidacy . 12-13 on the "Boobytraps of Sa- jch student must: fl rust he a l

I scheduled for March 1 and 2. February 4, at 5:30 p.n_. Wash & Wear In short the purposes of Ihe South- ern Outdoor Society as staled in Article Frank Potts To MC II of its constitution # and by-laws are to: "Help develop a person's physical, mental, and spiritual powers and lo better pre- SA Talent Program NOWl pare him for service to God and man." which is posted on the The Student Association Talent Pro- gram will be Saturday nighl at 8:00 p m in the P.E. center. The master of cere- monies for Clean compeli s the the evening is Frank Potts, and Ihe program's theme lakes the I this goal. on er SOS sponsored a back format of a television variety show with packing trip and biking trips. Serikaku the audience participating as studio & gives caving, camping and possibly moun- guests. tain climbing and repelling as proposed Fifteen different acts will be per- activities for the coming semester. formed ranging from vocal and instru- All students arc eligible for SOS mem- mental pieces to skits and even a magic Steam bership (upon payment of dues of course). act. The participants will not be in com- David Serikaku and Dolly Wickham. Eetition with each other. Everyone will secretary-treasurer, have bolh requested e awarded equally with a cash prize for have a untypical mother-son talk in student ideas, opinions, and interests Ihe play. 'If Girls Asked Guys for I IE the Society's Dates,' performed at the reception. Southern Outdoor

ster, the students in the talent program nioyed the lack of tension between each

llier and just seemed to enjoy it better." grand prize has previously been cho,sen

Little Debbie ® SNAK CAKES HAS A FUTURE attacks Ihe ear > Cars wade thrc WITH YOU IN ihal have overl MIND A rumbling in Ihe sky approaches, explodes into a jagged fiash fAi TicKee BaxiPG companY

turtles out of their shells. 1976 4 The Southern Accent February 6. A League e L e ca g u e STANDINGS B LEAGUE "tun? ^, A. D o u g I S W. versen League, League or the -.Bicentennial" B were Douglas knew that in order now well under way. Only four games to win as some call it. is he must stop Halversen and season show up week. The league has t Thoma; xciling Thomas and Halversen evenly matched scored baskeu almosi nightly 2 very ^" Wholers •••^j •' - on the inside while Douglas ?eam"siarted il off by de- tlie hard-luck leani. counter en acted with the Skinner s Keeney 2 total of only three long soft touch on C. Davi s leain 49 to 35. two games by a tb fcaling outside. first 1 they turned The half ended emendous balance at both Hickman points. Againsi Holland Halverw^^ Ihe times in the last two leading 34-30. rebounding and scoring. Tim Bair was Davis ' Ihe ball over five lead. During the half-time Marden I minutes and blew a five-point break DoueW, that " could easily big center, Charlie Harris, Will Higginbotliam With a little luck Schullz arrived. U„ Gary ran lugh for Douglas defeated Barry Marden's forces 4 and record. as he realized cy have a . , ih? . , Tirstp , he had a 71" led in Ihe scoring very respectable now chance to stop to 55 Larry Dunford White played a Haiversen'i I and Hoover had inside game. The plan attack for Will's learn with 25 points half against Halversen. Bill worked excew points for the losers. they were actually lead- for one small problem. Halversen Bill Arnold scored 28 TEAM SCORING a holliand and eol the season put Gary Halversen hot from the outside. With The next game of ing al half time. However, seven min Hickirian s stopped in utes left, the score board Keenev's leam against Dave 65.0 and Thomas could not be read Halver- wilhm a few pomts score was sen 54 - Douglas 45. But then team The score stayed 64.0 the second half. The final DouiJn^ throiieliout the game, with Keeney coming came lo life. Wilt 59.3 75-55. top 50 to 47. Bill Wohlers showed Mike Lee, Gary Kirk, and out on 52.0 Is the giant Douglas reckoned willi as the range outside. ihai he has a leam to be dead? Holland, v ^ found Four minuies destroyed Clark Higginbolhem's Davis 51.0 later Mike Lee scored his leam lo be the team to beat, showed some and tied Iheeaine sliooting 74 to 44. Wohlers has a good Keeney 51.0 disastrous at 61 all. Then he hit a free leam signs of waking up after a throw to hit as as a very lall team. Three men Higginbolhan- this week put Douglas in the lead for well start. They did beat Schultz the first timti double figures m their higli scoring victory. number Douglas and Halversen Skinner in a real squeaker. Holland is traded baieti I C Diivis's leam hit victory lane with a win over Kceney's team. The score was 46 Bair led NDIVIDUAL SCORING LEA to 44 in a very physical battle. Tim But Douglas was in trouble-Ted points. Evans. Gary Kirk, and the war with 13 Mobley 20.0 center Charlie signs of life in T. Hickman's team showed Harris had all fowled out. No one th- 19.6 to 54 D. Hickman their next game with a convincing 75 ought Douglas had a chance lo win Burnsed hit for L. Dunford 19.0 win over Nfarden. Brooks but Scott Westermeyer. making his de- while Bill Arnold Wood 18.0 25 points for the winners, D. but in A-league, popped in a field goil Arnold n.2 B. GAME OF THE WEEK and hit a free throw. Also, Ron Railz B. Burnsed 15.0 grabbed several loose balls and put thin I W. Cliett 14.5 have to help ArnoW with vill D. Brannum 14.0 Thomas a T.Day In a league divided evenly, any'team 13.6 78 points, but the hustle and G. Wilt can be a winner on a given night. Doug- work of Douglas payed off a T, Bair 12.5 absent, and turned the game _.. las proved ihat Wednesday, January 28 win. Dennis Wood had Ihe hoi hand as he D. Merchant 12.5 by beating Halversen in overtime and D. Hunt 10.7 saving ihe league from being a runaway. A LEAGUE STANDINGS

together to defeat Higginboiham ii - 3 1 -& lo 54 win. D. Hunt was high scu.ei i>i Halversen 2 - : lis contest wilh 17 points. Holland - : Keeney, slill smarting from the rugged Schultz 2 White 2 - :

- Douglas I 3

iic score was 62 to 58. Wohlers also revenged his loss to W Irannum's 15 points and T. Mobley's S A ELECTIONS INDIVIDUAL SCORING LEADERSi

Febniaiy 19 PRIMARY ELECTIONS: M. Schultz 18.75

STUDENT CENTER (all students) STUDENT CENTER (village students) JONES HALL Ircsidenls only) TALGE HALL (residents only) THATCHER HALL (residents only) Colleg eda le cbruary 20 PRIMARY ELECTIONS: on Credif Un STUDENT CENTER (all students)

RUNOFF ELECTIONS: REBOUND LEADERS COLLEGE PLAZA STUDENT CENTER (all students) SKH'lFf'?^'^?'''""^': students) JONES HALL (residents only) TALGE HALL (rcsidenis only) THATCHER HALL (residents only) ^frL RUNOFF ELECTIONS: 1 9:00 a.m. . noon STUDENT CENTER (all students)

Save and Borrow at (he besi interest Ifs where YOU he,o„,- VOTE

Person to person health insurance COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONEDCONDITIONED /J\ FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT It can make you feel belter. Call me. Fall-Winter Program ^fe^Pi^ SkatingCeiiter —

the Southern . Our Special Heart-throb (5^ ^^^ Issue Guaranteed to Tickle Your Sino-Atrial Node

Volurne Accent Collegedale, Tennessee" 31 l>Jumber 16 Wzv Thursday, February 12, 1976


The H\s\ory Of Valenfines

nappy Vaieniines Day! You may won- ing. Around der how this day for sweethearts got started Before in ueinury gift cx- 496 the Romans had a festival every changing ilaced wilh card giving. The year called Lupercalia. Men would chance be very r" geitme their dream girl by picking names In The United^'Siales, Valenii out of a hat. Then the partners exchanged became^opu'laTin 'ilir\ 800's gifts as a sign of affection. They usually of the CivifWar. The valentines of thai enjoyed one another's company for a long pmod^were hand painted. Usually ihey lime after the festival. Many of these court- showed a fat CupiS who; pierced ships ended in marriage. heart. Some had satin, ribbon, and After Christianity spread, churchmen tried to give Christian meaning to the pagan festival. In 496 Pope Gelasius changed the Many of these old valenti Lupercalia festival of February 15 to SainI Valentine's Day on February 14. However, the sentimental meaning of the old festival Today. Valentine's Day is still t braled on February 14 as a festival oi Who is St.' Valentine? There are two love and affection. People send cards different men, and it is not clear which Iheir sweethearts, their friends, and uk one the day was named after. was One a bats of their families. Tender Ihouiiht' priest who lived in Rome during the 20O's ...nied on the valenlii under Emperor Claudius II. He was tailed :heme almosi always i by the Romans for aiding persecuted thrisi- ians. Tradition has it thai he cured his jail- keeper's daughter of blindness. About A.D. 270 the Romans beheaded him on Palaiine Love Sfory , Christians named a Rome, Porlo Valent...,, u..^. ^^. -u,^...-,^. The name was changed later to Porlo de! Popolo. Another Si. Valentine was a bishop ot Inleramna about 60 miles from Rome He was persecuted for converting a Roman faniify to Christianity. He was beheaded in [An SMC Romance Of Yesferyear Rome about A.D. 273. The Middle Ages brouj Or Hello hAary Lou Goodbye Hearf Around 1446 England recognized Val entine's Day. A man would get his spec iai Valentine by picking the girl's name c of a vase. This practice'conlinued into tne 1700's when the men started wearing their Ke Religion Dent, of Helderburg Co!- girl's name on their sleeve. This is where Hpethaps unwittingly took upon him- the saying "He wears his heart on his ;, just something like Pizzaville. sleeve, ' came from. ues admits that he isn't much of a Valentine's Day used to be a day for letter writer, but the second semester of his senior year when Mary Lou, who had graduated in December, was working as a Va/enf/ne nurse in Elliiav, Georgia, he discovered fun. iHe s; 'good com; Or ^. „„. .jrrespondence." wfll tile true spirit of a bu: Marriage, according, to Des, was a nat- ttto ma!(e eveiy second concFusion to Iheir romance. There April Fool c ural Bca and Bob Francis % Lou to lielo him run was no dramatic surrounding of moonlight ( at It was know the difference * a local fair. It wa and roses" Des says of his proposal. Dr. Knitlel doesn't April Fool s just a gradual, spontaneous result. between Valentine's Day and he felt This love story culminated on June 13, Day. At least one Valentine s Day ll was a fine afternoon al a Wescoesvillc. and filled with enough 1965 when Des and Mary Lou were joined female college Pennsylvania campmecling, when Beatrice - ^ Love Slary look dull and matrimony Frank', (or Frankie as his "------' toeether as one person in holy Hopwood, 19.'9, "spoiled" Robert Francis, oy comparison. L.6r;ij_. r... /-..': .^^. s, \n classmates whistfully whispered when they Atlanta, so sharp thai she just thought of him) could not decide which of dressed rmS?r I'^'^P'Sgy.major^ Des had a check »|llsl ladies should receive his him! Yet her opportunity of airtlic qualities he was sup- later, how his two favorite rtiiu i.u«' almost 1 1 years to lie regards on Valentines Day. To side- * lookinslor in a wife. Buf Des and Mary Lou celebrate Valen- tender do slep the issue he bought two touching Val- SiB k "W,"e "'his senior year, he de- 'That's the lime of year we Ik tine's Day? wrote a very sentimental note aSJ didn I want to be under any pre- says entine cards, blow some money, Des t than Iht usually each, addressed one envelope to Miss "tarried, so he threw away the for the house or the in Sffi A II "Usually something Miss Wonderful, drop- For i; jjaAnd he made progress. met and Charming and one to He whole family." envelopes, mail- dale alacly Tro'm Ihe dormitory, n love with Mary , ., ^ ped the Valentines into the Lou Parker, a girl Elder and Mrs "" had to wrjle a note to the women's resi- »« could This year ed Ihem and waited to see which would an- "enioy as a person anifnot dence dean requesting permission, and about swer him most lovingly. whclher or not she could only after approval was he allowed to do r week later white the great lover was play lite piano." A couples were not allowed lo knows, response from at least so. Also, e techniques the Sweethearts Banquet. Who still wailing for a campus. Des used in courting Hello be seen silting logelher on utiis will strike up , lail UUICi, m. munu were unique. Once they were maybe Ihe band one 01 niS Now, back (o Bea. She found a very Anyway, Happy Valentines looking envelope in his whether or not they shoulii con- Mary Lou". familiar handy opportunity lo invilc Bob lo a Mary Lo\i\..^^j^ Miss Cfiarmmg was bcinj; ,v.-im.. During Ihe course of the Day, Des and Collver card to paily which she and her friends arranged ™iK,™% wilh a nolc scrawled in Miss Wonderful brquglii P"'l'^d Mary Lou over to but lo her disappoinlmenl he fifflft; ?„ •A'^'' nol h" ,over his knee and gave her another girl wifK him. Bul ihis ditf iSij I was not to get 'T "It is obvious thai managed lo meci him any- D«.il,i';r,»';'l««ar. According" 10 slop Bea; she ihis lo invite him he convincing factor. In way, and look this chance right. In his e lo a social with her friends Ihe following lecision was made to con- dropped the wrong hero'iiadK,

;ardrd in ^ihcihc envelope. ^ ,, . had no special m- ned along Jn , his lime Bob in this mailer iil sender fell mlo great The Valentine n any particular girl. Vou might -ou by several of his friends of^'hi's^'swcerhearrs. aisrcDun: vYi.u both shopping . Yefas imoers .„j ...was ,window lonoiy as "idiots did speak to him again, Evenlually Ihcy his dales wilh Bea became more frequent, One Saturday nighl Des and only. bul neither ever became his one he found her to be a very saintly, con- actually sav he fell effervescent creature. couple. Dr. Knillel didn't "entious. and "L ,„., -^ After halfway Willi fool. His words were: I wanted Thev occupied their lime logelher »ih;„,., .'"ffisted turning on the radio. [ike a civih/alion. v'arious'forms.of cnterlainmeni, s--' 10 drop out of _ McMillan my "«» ',inl", and socials which consisted of luil.CoS "u"'' iP"8 "Hello Mary ping-pong, and tiddly-winks. Heart", punch,' litlty ffl™*'-' made popular by Bob says Ihe mosl memorable m "Pj "ho had one of Kis big- Mf,„, of hi iBea "> 1^" Parker. :m::;p^- f^ a ii By pic- '"isldS'S™' Willi Des, one of his IrivcMs iV-. --.. ode in the rumble li"'' Jilieat .Jift,'!!?' ' climbed in the eVft.ii'lSl'ilar and scrunched chool chapel that Bob firsi ihoughi of Mm fime lav to""",! "" ll"«' his cue. Need. .sking Bca lo marry him. Some al a bridge !SpUat^?„°h"»"'"l"''=''r'"" jlcr on a lovely aflernoon h "^ "^r he proposed, and ihaY Ji ™ powers of pcr- ichind Ihe sanilarium .'Jal she was rot ihey were mar- it all roolcfl by ,11 November M, 1938, icd. -Adriana Peiallu — ,

1976 2 The Southern Accent February 12, Love L ettf It's Your Paper

We hope you enjoy th,s .peaal y,^™""j 'f^J/J,*' *rSprc'iin6

to be looking over a I iust happened

[l4'fdi't^[iSrS';;¥afta¥Se'S&- but if really "was warped knocked '™.dly on Ihe AKenl ^You m'^J^l poems in my dorm mailbox, sludenls ;ment, "For the love an otars &ruftaS with more l.terary "«'.! > s thai shot chance J door and handed me a poem, some that comA , anonymously slipped ong every Iw. same deep-fell emolion. and others ^ _ but all Willi Ihe like share with you of her would now to man dreams. There a literary works under the door. in this editorial that girls their , ,. . ,i It was slated, who would ask out „ Iti,vh,rHios hard to their prim all of Ihe material. feel a 'Vrel'l I-m sorry Uial we weren't able lo the girls here at SMC obviously and wh"'.*""^ ^e deal more than the what should be included in an issue such as Ihis neecflo dale a greal SFl'hercTos'e'K^sritter^a^^^^ decide a great need the material was suo- cuvs do! Is ii tnat we feel of those decisions weie based on when left out. Some e just enjoy the SdlXarer^v^i''^^^^"-^^^^^ categories, so if your poem or space left lo fill in specific -' to fin'' nulled or on the wrong A banquet-when e wasii't any good. sloiy wasn't pubhshed, it doesn't mean it _ ___ 1 of others- ... (dre__ war, and just like war, hardly the As the sayineeoes, "All's fair in love and male or female? has been hurt or who is As far as erasping this one-shot ..-..; l!Janfa?ifw"aj!° love leaves its wounds Often the person who ffy^tyt"'! out The^py of^'^^^r dre- finding that special peison is more chance,..lo ask """ ''°™>'' >'™ fnisttated in his or her attempts at wTfo'l^t'i!'. ™*'" paper than is the person who likely to sit down and express his feelings on emoStfthat .*' Since this is the case, we have unique -'.'-..??' has found an experience of muhjal love. y^,u a^^.p. ...— ",- dividual, moTe°oufof S™i'''?il hearts-cheer up. and thai you feel you Sure, girls enjoy ing more sad than happy material. But for all you lonely and different, up and lookiwl does evening, of their comp- pretty (relatively tell you that love really would enjoy an r _, ,.-.-.; J speakin., King) but Ask the Francises OT Ihe Cummings and they'll — — rr""" any? When asked oul.Tve always taken guys spend just as much Time "n misery. happiness rather dian Is it nol a the girls mean il as such. Was I wrong? mg as do. And how so that eveiyone can rt there is enough variety in this paper Hopefully compliment? , . ol , , expressive of their feelings. Maybe some agree that girls have wear as some of the betfer find something pleasing and I very much dressed I rathei than funny and the serious different emotional needs fhan giiys tuxedo-clad guys. Also, the guys the humorous pieces will seem stupid really*"' awful if we all haa the looked like tliey wetpwere -nwiv;S„-'.i,. overly sentimental, but at least give us the Wouldn't il be enjoying'tlie stories and poetry trite and ^- •- • needs and no one to meet those scenery. Don'tHnn t lellipII rm buffs, there will be a paper same credit for ttying to please you. For you news banQuet: nothing but the facts. strictly devoted to the facts and If it was wrong for me to spend the I don't - next week , know whoo vou are, Mr. Don-I great evenmg with Ihe one I thouglit a eskcy. but sometime Td like lo meet deal of, along with others who enjoyed you and find out if you ate actually the lime with us, then I have been wrong for real (or maybe ' put-on") and lU I Opinion Poll Results many limes and will probably be wrong many more times. I doubt Fwill ever ; and pleasure in Ihe Twenty-four students filled out the opinion poll on 'Talge Hall Men- company of the people know and think hidily Chickens or RoostersT'. But if the comments made on the sidewalk and in to the Point-Counterpoint the cafeteria line are any indication, the reaction Layout Editor's Note: Where I got my was stronger than the voting indicated. Based on the verbal feedback the e just ordinary people. information about girls is strictly cnnj|. giris reacted more strongly than did the guys, but 16 males voted as com- pared with only 8 females. The final result was seven male v sfoiB

s for Cordoi ...Misspelled, misspelled, i,„.»^^„.^ .

cent editorial in the January 29 issue { misspellea, misspelled. There. And if I youT! please tell me what Ihe olher I Ihe Soulbern Accent. I think that ner —"" which 1 a' Southern you treated the men a litlle bit unfairl three words were the I'll go home and write Iher "The guys should lake Ihe hint from the ty times each as well. Fou girls as to iheir availibility for dates." But letter! It has been a long i r don't agree with your statement that won my last spelling bee ir implied that the fellows don'l really want Ah well, those were the go to Fongue-in.chK Accent to date just , I am referring my because they're scared to face up to Ihe possibiUty of rejection. epistle of last week, which, I m Mm. tonguein Editi --Brui did not sound quite as " I intended-and h Layout Edilor-Gordon Doncskey as had One scrambled articli News Edilor-Denise Schaller Accenl staff this ye:— Artist-Dawn Holbrook lui., doine a great job of pulling oi Photograplicr-Ronnic Raiu very readable paper, and with hearlmra keep up the good Ijai Advertising Manager-Nathan Lindsey And that should be c ing regularity. So Lefs see now. Misspelled. misspeii*| Business Manager-John Wentworth

Secfetaries -)udy Wuttke -Tim Crosby I ilNcal Edili

themselves. Thaiik-you for listening! thai I enjoy I I just wanted to lell you sinwy™ The SOUTHERN ACCENT is pub- typing the Acceni. especially I Although I lislied by the Student Association of are such a fine, loving boss! hours are long Southern Missionary College in College- the weekend-working Dear Layout Editor: benenis for Ihis dale, Tenr-ssee 37315. His published and hard, the fringe I can no longer keep my feeUngs to my- job are superb!! weekly ^t for vacations and lest self. Every I week as read the paper I lo period. ihe academic year. VALENTINE'S DAY ^ The find myself infatuated by your margins HAPPY you II t)f my industrial baucation Department at you too. Bruce. I'm glad SMC and excited by your straight lines. docs Ihc printing- Valentine forever. Most adoringly yours. Love you, Judy \s Doing The Accenf Crossword Pu Togefher MiJ*

,IllS.^2HlherrWVccent February 12, 1976 3 THE RELIGIOUS SIDE OF LOVE tove. Broaden Your Outlook Conversion,

On Valentine's Day And Miss M. •

Valentine's Day is a holiday dedicated What you are about to read was {until give each otfier now) loLove. Lovers gifts of a true secret between Cod and me andv flowers, cards, cakes, and what I would like to confess the unusual way People are as sweet as sugar that htvey'oii. I became a Christian, and due to its roses as genuine as the paper they nature, ud 1 feel that the Valentine's issue of the Accent would be the most appropriate year, why not broaden your out- i This '- issue ' in which to print it. iMk' Let Saint valentine " '"'^^'' "^'" • It began as I encountered by chance a ifllicii take' group of Adventists who were trying to ^r.n.-.„.-= r^., .!,„. :. ...-j ' [JSilial love agape ncccssary t „>- pisjion for those w w, . ^.^..>j Sped in a Valentine card s message. Hire are some suggestions for expanding vSur capacity to give and receive love. '' Contact your local church pastor I M.) amongst them. I knew that ii* I the names of elderly or retired per- fiir didn't want to put up with these minor -^s in your community who live alone aggravations of being "saved" and all id wiir probably be alone on Valentine's "- '— that, then it would be "Good-bye Iv Visit that person and be his Toots." So while I ; for a flay or an evening^, Take pretended to be very serious Love--T/ie about becoming "saved Inclusive Agent in Christ". I HficiaVchores for the invalid. Give of really trying to think of a way that T..,..\fr., ur.„T (im,. In thp lonely. Re- would go right for anyone and everyone I could Tsuade Miss M. that she would be worthless if I didn't love the ,,,i„„^., — ,, -.-, were young Love supports without people, all yielding or of them, that 1 spoke to Md in love. No doubt they could till sustaining miury. Love However, ' IT I could see the future and under- trusts, whether aftei few weeks the Ad- ies of their youth. Think 11 IS KicKed, beaten, torn apart, stand all the knowledpe in everv area it goes ow impatient. They appreciate s on Irustine. Love that this wgrfd offersf but didVt have fooks fomard to the wanted tok best with desire and confidence. the knowledge and experience of God's Love Jesus Christ as my personal labie to be with or lasts, patiently, and Savior. Not them kive, I wouldn't be without yieldine worth anything. I desiring to lose nv« n.ver stops what little ground I had rdenli Even I being, if'lhere if had the confidence to do any- are with 2. 01 yi r time to the chches, made Miss M., I tried to look pen- (jive handi- thing, such as build the predictions of fut- impossible but After a few capped. Spend .. . _ . minutes of deep con- had no love. I would be a hollow man. orneday they will templation, I or playing with a handicapped child. T If be gone! said that I was willing to I was always eiving what I had to tound to their wheelchair for accept Him, and then successfully faked , but didn't really "" ictofjub--'-^- thought ining of free baby-sitting to the p; r -u-:.. of that r...__ _.. _^ of your choi -fiijj [j something "Ask Jesus to ithing compared with come into your life." It ight enjoy doing t ospel but what we will didn't have the principle ii getting harder to fake, ^"ther. but Oh! the beauty of len 1 was little, I talked, thought, Miss M I asked to be alone. cted as a little one does; but now At least it would give me a httle time to the symbols of Valentin .. grown and I no longer talk, think, its quietly and calmly. Love ct that you're ail heart by contributing the as a child does, is adaptable, aflection 1st of a -ght now we don't box of candy to your local heart completely un- t something like t ,nd or to the derstand the reality of loving, of beine American Cancer Society. 'Okay God, Here we are again. We've :t as -Qurgift could spare someone else real our Father in heaven is. It a'd'vanti been through this so many times before. heartache. sessed by others. Love r I'm getting tired of it. I tell you what- Make Valentine's Day one where love let's make a deal this expressed by actions as well as words, time. Look, 111 understand what honestly believe in all means give that extra bit of attent- love' really You and do those to your favorite girl or boyfriend, but iood things if You will arrange it so that a Valentine to the rest of your commun fIIss M. wiL fall madly in love with me-

' o that we can get married and live hap- faith and hope, is love. " )Uy ever after. Okay? Is it a deal? 1 returned to the room where the ithers were praying and I tried to look lOr /\AEETS ; holy and oveijoycd than I ever had GIRL-A DILEMMA Qj,

matters in another city. All the while I kept my part of the deal by faithfully reading part of the New Testament. On The Kiss That Wasn't the way back I met a rather plain-looking

- -'I s silver bell tinkled and I crammed all that junk in my desk-an The girl really had a deep love f Alice antl Jerry reader, my big Mickey hrisi in her heart. I learned from House pencil, and a whole bunch of mmered. "But remember, you d ariiidgy math papers. It had seemed ;r give me the whole bag.' 'hen I'd seen Bob and Joan kiss they DUijusi l\ke like sort my birthday, somehow it t do it all of a sudden but cept Miss M. She adual. Bob stood on one foot and AU of us first and second graders on the other and his hands hung by e could gel mploym Sol 'e into the back room and grabbed idc like he didn't know what to do lunch boxes. Boy, it was a good them. He sot closer and closer to kissed. She slapped When she finally reli peanut butter and jelly , and then he _ sandwich cheese in the face, and then giggled. But andwich, a""banana7and oatmeal i found that t iV! did^ ! that the girl a f?.?);, Jerri,"! yelled Well anyways, I look a deep breath Jhc room, hands lu. I ui^u noticed a great < Chiquit and got close to Terri. I put my lanana I Christian paths That v an7f;iry!,i3e^.r---"'-fo, on her blue polka dot dress antfgol pe: the lip; illowing. At thaiI point, I realized '°'"iy '•'=sk, she plop- nut belter on it. I puckered up mv Ded''!fn,^'"i''^?' lat was truly a God-because to kiss when all of there '"",'^''- "I g've you rny and was just about '' "" "" '"' aoDrall" ved me so muc' t He let r chocolate c!iip cookies a sudden someone grabbed me. Yuck, f«TvnM"l"''^^ ;lf how awful i luld ha\ 1?"" ^"*1 oatmeal cookies," was Ruth and Joan. Ruth grabbed me, -.oargained,lisri' ;'e„T 1 Miss M. for my and Joan got Terri. I kicked and wig- that I ale °f[.A"dl80'l?'i='<- let, ,n!!>'u^"'^'='l''P her "^f sandwich '>y f°o.'-.. ;''u?,.s?j!}fi '^"ftckS "iV^'ri""u jusi ^' '•''cided that I hollered. They ''deal next time ilJ^tii^

"'? eighth graders--and s Carn^ V^ »mp= ^^j^" the porch and looked •o with a pretty *"* 5 the Fronr^^^^ Thi Just Wasn't Any Time Left !;Hy'. what are " \ J, Qonno, Nan

,ve done anything ' ^'^te anrf looking the hotel pali s 1 looked up c P% kick'th""''' deci^rfed to clearly 'hrough she sffi'^^-^^"-. Nancy was "it", and shining ) forward; I .while ..,_ as walking away. Ihe • ran and hid in ohi,i'^°""''"8- Was he thinking—about 1 ihe s-"' : had s 10 say s ;m pro| I hacf hid Shpl"'^ ^r"! in the Brass with me inelhoi erybody else had g ^i% halfwhid^ boun glad I Snd f'^y ^^i'^ lily g she ran. b the we had gone o F«e bed, or time ~ mv ^rt"^^^"pooiilo. Twinkle, PU of f.-rJii''"'; am and afterwards, spenl'lhe r"' : of his Ihou^ HUMAN HIGHWAY ''"^ IT&'P'*"'"' "11 over her evenine relaxing and lar-"lalktr quierry rcp^k;^ days say she was these I Tew °"^and r&^'°'"'"'P' waterfall? Had j could slay t had to you -. ,„ui.„ .« - ihey My'iiearl beat a little faster.'Oead I knew how lie in throat. How I wished .„.-nce again. A lump was my thing." y fell aboul me. Jhe jea.s^ Uk^^^ ^ a ^..r „It and I blinked t? keep thrnk'she'* "O'nedv oiir plai 'r»l Mil n. 1?" loo much We had already exchanged looked "."*'• Uiough, year. He d be He long *e|oo1

4 The Southern Accent_FebruarjrJ2^J97^ THE POETS' CORNER

UNWORTHY NEAREST STAR SUNSHINE OF MY TIte first I knew your loucli was in a i I liurriedly dismissed. 'Tis foolish, see To think a pale hope would linger T; Was 1 to cherish only neetingly When next your gentle tenderness had ca An achmg void il echoed, "You are frpp To love as I am!" Oh, how long I soSt For lesser gems.. For you I'm unworthy I feel you now in small, uncertain movei Within my heart. I've only threads of sand To draw you to me, hopine vou are fnnH"'' So little fo offer, so much 1o love In you. I hardly dare to take your hand I In mine, presumptions that you will tesponj

--Dale TownsenJ

Can I love you without kissing you, Without holding you real li^f Without knowing that you're close to Without keeping you in sight.

Can I know that you love And that to kiss would be ,your__. choice, Without feeling your soft hand in mine. Without hearing your sweet voice?

But it's your kiss my heart c Before I ever dare to part.

"Bob Reese


Sometimes I wonder what you'i i thinkine.

1 wonder whether you Ihink mt

Or perhaps not 1:

Sometimes I think that time goes by si 8uickly that my thoughts jump in and with ikm^ f my mind before I can calcli up

the i Sometimes I spend the whole of Suddenly, I am broughl back to reality. Wondering whether you ever wonder The words of the book run togetliet in an endless blur What dering. And once again, I am, ..Alone,.. Beverly Benchini Richard Blondo


The Mosf Challenging Sport

/eral other sports- ok" and will still discover that "what ^, sunbathing, ice cream 1 kiss can also bile." Players of both e sclline, and midnight skmny-dipping, aTcw-utilize the beginning mon- e year for an activity commonly aptured. And most will still eventually -pnng taining." which prepares ic disqualified, which is really best, be- the alhleies tor full participation during ause that way everybody wins. I

But man's oldest sport peaks during ese months and climaxes in May and nc when the maiorily of finals are con- mated. The Earne? Not Christians vs. ons not shark-hunters vs. Jaws, not en Talgc vs. Village. Try male vs. fe- ale, the most subtly and highly evolved On Reversed Dating

the point of oiderli The object of An Opinion Poll the game is to e the affections {kn-

fiposine team. The most successful "popular ayeis (known as persons") may of 25 persons", have as much as a dormfull of opposing I "" staff member,member," two...« faculty.n^ members, 10 athletes competing among themselves for ..^ students, and 1 the "popular person's" aUenlion. students. Not in- the SMC campus. frequently two players will capture each The opinion poll laxen over i other's hearts simultaneously, in which I telephone, showed that 100% of case they are disqualified from active par administrators staff and faculty ticipation and put to the business of prO' bers A Date, A Ditch thought that reverse dating (girl '"'' guy) would be accepted. One ' faculty membeis replied "Why . was visiting my brother's house for challenging my manliness, "'pajrf spring HurV^^ 'It wt break. After leading Time Maga- numberVI demanded, zine there would b< nuough at least three times, ingesl- e il to me before 1 l^^i-eftandmS" ing the whole refrigerator, and chasing Saturday night f?""4 Vo-siory stately | „ ..„^.u ^u>vii uji. 'Old Iradilloi he^nei^bor's dog out of^my sister-in- me doorsteps of a 'v'jinjB "Amy Vanderbilt's Dat- hard, law knees, a.poj;,"|>»-i but it would eventually be- --s prize gladiofas for the thirleenlh house with shaky ne accepted" a staff member added y rigorous vacation schedule he heart, and lots of Brute. ', - ^0"*^^' iixiy-four percent of the (tag. 1 - women the Wail al fool," I muttered students asked said no it wouldn't be ..-. when Debbie, myly sisler- 2 difficult, albeit r ^.?iS*^P',^''' *"' '" 3 follow-up question. rmpled^my dee| challenging it would .., ,. Would you ask a guy oulf " rep '^Hey 73% , Ided, "why aboratc suDlcrfugcs and plotlings. Many "the people here are too rcliBinn-i Sallv answered md woufd think M E„ th'"" it wa wrong to ask a Jrawled with soft bouini-i" shocked if he became a _._ _ m out" was one girl' in and meet my rolK\,„, t,ad n"',™ tie means employed to induce him to Hmm, I thought. .No'Sjoniin a^ out his weekend date. i gel them at all. Maybe iwasn I Currently, the more militant women " >"" " youy"" uiKcuasked them out,"t 'A'."'y ink you're are dcmandinQ that ihe rules be cliangcd', ^^..Sixty percent,,ti«,i. ofol Ihethe male studentsstud^..,. try- ""-After taking the the smarter gals arc simply ignoring the asked-'ted thought reverse datingdati- would be ""You P'f-JSylV?oulS'"= me'iTiMlie Sally Hill" 1 slepped ,1 W> of their ciforls Ihc accepted,:eptcd. in" "' r-"— finally her folks, we rules. Irrcgatdlcss and the follo'w-up que managed to ^ Mamincr. ^'No way! 1 of reality and enWd im'Sk. . gime will slay pretty much the same. "Would you 1 a girl ij " si m.glil be bored, but I'm not slfipid." of make-believe cal ed iris will stilt express false surprise at asked yoV? looses fJ^LXh She s just a . girl, Debbie chlded. really living, finally being asked out by slow-witted that's what t'v This is 'Sr'sl^ I Yeah, that's the of my ' pioblem, she's door b'"Jj,BlJ| ' "'hom they have been subtly e guy- loo opened the much girl for me to sports car jn^/t.* Lndle." Soft I Sally. A for What m •'"If, dimpled girl for tlie evening. clieeks-SallyHwlT/^Si- Hitlu"8'J"^''"-''y -Dcnisc Schallcr danced acrow mv a fellow want? g'- mind, leasing me, laughing al mv feir continued o" V _Thejouthern Accent February 12, 1976 5

, A Ditch, And Sally i Date

continued from page four Ihe car out of the driveway Veased .rS;i'""'l'/''l"""^^^^i'- Bye, see ya tiomped down on the eas pedal fTounsh n "."^-k T'^^ ^9"^ <=''cked shut and! HiU" I sajd with a -you floated back to " ""idV the car "Mv eoodness ^ on a voyage of un- ^ mbarking "I'm jj^JJuUered, going to have to ask her Little Q .oty and splendor to the land Susie "dteAsiieville." „ Peering into . the blackness of the back she said if vou don t Little Bruce," , led Susie, don't "Uh, s'f backing out of he drive- you know? we'll be embarking to the way.V^'^°'^J fumhere Thunk! The car arred to an abruoi of the dead-end road. Blushing, stop. Frantically md I shifted into first '""- ntly, •""..-i^H ^rfiiind t he corner. lUSt mis- an^ in and out t I my life- stepped on the gas. >vr,!,'lv'J^'berg Sfet «f'• Tlie whine of spinning wheels conflrm- lilnkitwashisduty 1°^^^ suspicions. After getting "'"•' entering his territop'. %..,^l '"'ofsfflSd'a^nffi^sS^'"""^ ""^ """^^ "»"' '>" •"• car \° "f'er dismay cream, bowling.and tun--the hour ?hlf°Ithat not, 'i^'J l°V"^^ W Did you not notice ice only had 1 backed right my eagerness to laugli with watch sped through time. into a vou _^ hand on my ditch but had knocked down the HilPs sigh with you, ' - bubbling BO 'V's witty personality and mailbox in the process. talk, talk, talk', ~.^ transferred nervousness to self- 31 """^ ^^"^ ^^^ *<"'"')""' the jealous glan- nnrh^?^^"H"^' «* n**^ ''T^ as long as trivia ridence. Watching Sally allowed it so?) ^8» tossed our way, 1 decided that Tak- wasn't all Foolish little Susie! out a good-looking girl "I uh, well l' sort of drove ini ditch," bad an idea. 1 answered sheepishly. t , How can [ e er lei you know that my life revolves 'Hev, we'd better go if we re going She look one look at the car around your aimle s wanderings. it back by twelve, I said make Oh, I cat y your books for you, but my anns!-- 'Aw, let's play one she '. mailbox, t if I led My folks won mind m , eel terribl. , My arms wa 1 to hold YOU! better out, r tie late. You'd watch have been this embarras- * '- - beat you this time." My innocent, carefree Susie! "You re going t ) beat are with "Well,,;ell, if youyoi j AO""8.t drove through Borrow '""- my pen, than the , Besides,;sides, youyou're ibowl better not Use my notes, •^ " She picked up theth b'ail, shut her the ditch. Every b Ask fo; my calculator, ruler, dictionary, heaved it down the tanetane. , and.,id Anything is yours, but she said triumphantly. • Look, did they Will g you nev r see any value in me? the game, but my [They got a wrecker. ipping fast and i' 'Oh/I I Ask for my opinion before class _ victory. Walkii Do you have any wood? I asked. lu INC Luunfer, I emptied my bill- oh, bulS usie,^ up I built up a ramp 1 fold of its last dollar, and we strolled My brother has e stilts," she Are you not interested in my thoughts 'I think this car is more like a Mach abou tyou? shrugged her shoulders. "We c in the garage and see what's there.''' Maybe, I found some kindling in the garage somewher and stacked the wood up under the wheel. somehow ''"sheShe lookedup me and giggled. r About a half hour after my fiasco beaan someway, "Why don l you teach Sally's father came out with a chain. ^He someday, how to shift!" I exclaimed. drove their car, Sally drove mine, and I You will tur around and see me

pushed. Finally the car popped out, and I ^^ smiling, breathed a sigh of relief. After they had waiting, gone inside I crept out of the driveway wishing that your cute little head and headed back to knew and my brother's. 'Vou appreciated myself, "maybe 1 should The drive back didn't take nearly long deep, My deep, adoration for unconcerned, imiessly wanderin g, " t time?

The Secret Admi er makejl back without my g UTTLE OF THE SEXES or The Torch 9

monumentous day "Women are hunters of men. They not , J . cast aside; tlie chainschaii.o of^, seek to find, obtain, and last but love and embraced the doctrines of male least, conquer! They are crafty, clevei chauvinisi

reader, lest you fall for the apticrous sntde of a fair damsel, lest you w deceived by the frcjcle vicissitudes of lenrinrrtily, and irreparably damage your

I acqui '. submit this dissertation: if you should sell your pride and upon a time there was a fair to the every whim of this damsel, you young lass, 110 25 mpg. and her beauty was captivat- iiave bartered away more than your owi mph. she ^^ had sparkling brown eyes, wide dignity. You have conceded another vk of merriment and mischief, dan- lory to femininity, thus striking anothei . - the sunlight of her smile. Soft, blow against the whole male species. Let US put you ™nov, and alive-her bruneii" Don't let us d Pnyed with in the wind. Her imbled s I held the telephone in the defeat and beg '*"' '"" Id melt ! hand, ready to concede 2rl Sflton".^'"^ rniglit for any crumbs of attention she pilot's seat. She « myself. I and pure like a toss my way. "No," I told Wstaklear concede defeat. 1 n cannot and I wil not '"111 from'thTspring" ofdStCd"^ must now carry the torch of male chauv- loose virtuous, undented lips formed inism forever and ever!" "Ids of tenderness, soothiltg comfort, Two weeks later : "Now what was u Wisdom. call that telephone number? I think I II ,Tlie hours 1 spent with this damsel -Gordo and Ying

FALLING one day, I climbed up a mountain her very being, you enticed me all ot me way. f Ihe crest, ,^' i"y I'leai" on righl up to ith ,!., world collapsed 1 slruegled love llicre in your bre: -"1,";«1 suddenness, when to my ut- Ihouglil I'd finti Ws damsel terminated our SSryoijl fnendship. The sweet nectar of fitter as gall! Those chains ni iri„„'"l'!I love whrch •linkcj'' me to happiness your lalk v bound" r dreamed me to the depths of de- '?• 1 was hurtled from Utopia to ilasla'dly «ia mlk,""" sentence; day » ""'{"/ 'P'"; laneuished pica. IhodunT/n laughed in spile ot my

waves ol emotion, a di Puppet nn V'"'^ The ,.,„„ nie a push, and, I fell piide ^"^^dy to sell my still. for M°"6> wfur n I remember "^ "^^" ^'cn stripped myself to sleep. his eon i^™ , ^ So crushed. :ried "° '°"Ser a man, but meref dteam world deep. 'lave In ,k in a WuifSr''"^'^''^™^"^''''^ Yes. r MALE CHAUVINIST SNOB ysein*'^ ""y f^te, and I had resigned A ^ith stoic indifftrencc, l^m *Ca L^?fPy» waki BRANDISHES HIS TORCH "'^nd and shared .rirgenlly 'liese wnfi "i' comrade ' ' "f ""equaled wisdom with mc. I rir,^ ' ^0 my best 10 quote him- *

6 The Southern Accent FebruaryJJiJgZi.

Girls An 'A' In Spife Oi The

female, passed bi^fo'e, gorgeous "'^^^,^^,1wneii In this day and ; ¥ irnfw ihpte was coine to be Irouoie ! say. "01; t.iying out for liber; , mfllfat/was the only Euy irial ilSls h 1 thai nicy could go oil tlie ' swamung wiin- a classroom licerally "^^fAmKov, innocent and lackmg problems, Lite in knowledge, 1 had no ,„J'''^J,riVS-lmle'5i!ls"5"„d'il'way oI Cops and Rob- was lUSt one die came ii. Many of iheni Bui then- ihey'dressed showed bers^' or ''Cowlioys and Indians, was necessarv to re clad onlv in what came, the day when I woke out! Iha 'special day as soon as classes let time in my the Dool up and realized for the fitsl thai couldn t l-le people tell me were more than just girls. D but the life Ihal girls nave been in a beller situation icy were BEAUTIFUL! that slaleiiieiil would more no reversal of lime. I have known I have been in a Since ihal likely be true. I couldn humilialion, em- ace, I have suffered - predicament! infaluauon, rrassmenl, fruslralion, and kids have lence I say, don'l vou the hands of Ihe female race. ' .cspecl'? The teacher was now Take, for an example, the following a.iy standinB and beginning his lecture. already know, drivers year "As many ofyou .lecnlh sludenl learns ' training is a class in which a found me enrolledu III u i-ublic liiglih school drivl by use of the simulator method. in drivers' educatic... 10 i:uui>t hazards, such as little class, for Various driving !r forget my first day in run- children's playine on llie road, cars Irasiic change from the sheltered stop signs, and drunken-drivers weav- lived ai,au^w>j. ning life I had m lo life on ing all over Ihe road, will come You've heard llic saying. If you siit the drjying^ impress the teacher, always be ^'^'?''"-„J!jfJ!."^^'in,''fif/^n? iw up early on the Urst day for cl :IL that's exactly what 1 did, drcssi ' emergency I / f)esl shirt and'flared trousers- In order to-"""do well nervous, but tried my besi .^w.«.w,j ..^.... r- iiewhal must be 111 a simulator, ones attention show it. As I walked into the da focused 100 per cent on operatmglhe am. I held my head high and rny simulator and watching the lilm. You All right, I'm going lo start I knew my gol that? just ddrive (t a school me film now, and you kids way around. I wa " wpy'-^would a real n get the best of me these simulators-jrs like you Ti,™ r;i™ >,.,c Rofionol About Valenfines andanc I Being Shifting my EQ! The film was rolling, ' Ihe classroom, Vn ticed that the teacher «ay. At a time whenv my c IS poll rme over. drivers' cd. manual should have been day. The more daring among v IS fast i Al i InaT,' bui'if ever we' needed e the last things c thisVal- toothbrush. You might even w ,1 had Chas. Darwin has a small thing So it WaJ, ."v..^ ...j ...-. ——- his favor: the' female gender of 3. For added pmu-cimn mo Warning to get off on the riglit fool driving test. I ran over little childri.. ily making evolui

it wise not too bolhcbolher I sped on Ihrough stop i I decided would be crosswalks. ionary leaps! Get several guy's (iu'p,'i iinkTe fuffed him. As quielly as I could, I walked to and red liglits. I side-swipeff ai consider the female per the group to ponii u^t (i.'iijlly the back of Ihe classroom, and sat dowii liav waoon! And for the real clincher,t I She demands equal pay for equal looking driving into a semi-lruck! in a strictly funclional- ni liead-on l"epTai, NEVER'k'i'y.'uficlt" b. be ; My teacher, who also happened lo from the herd by somo skiri-w.^ gaining a of the sim- i After knowledge lan, had these words of encouragement like person darting about with a pin ulator's instrument panel, I looked up lo classroom: "Don'l worry, son. lefl the :atty,' lang. After all. an aspiring ir lake notice of the siudenls beginning to can do as well as you did :h: ' ' nybody who like you should'lould shunshui hotseplj) file in. The firsl five were all girls. Chuck- difficult circumstances, would nder such all others ling lo myself, I figured thai ihings were really beginning to look up! Then, as "* cifuT American gremlin. I more girls began lo file in, my allif Fuel's Day yet, you know to quite rapidly. 1 ss began change -Gordon Doneskey e-hair loin cloths. 4. Last and least, go l amazement asTemale after female, 1 Attach.Attach. What\V the world ol love bul For Valenfines Wfiaf Do Vou Want Afterward, spend thi guppies turn lenline's Day is a special day lor watching your male female parent) people, ll IS one of Ihe days in (past parlicipie oi dam, a -. i'-'---^-- '^- '-* - *- the year when you are able to show your occur on1 this Valentine Day. let i

' are an immediat 'we and friendship by giving a gift. Advice from a Liberated Valenti The first things that come to my mind FROM MEN ipidity. Let there be r '' /hen I hear Valentine's Day ntioned .flicling sea m— No longer toil on land and re hearts, boxes of candy, fioi peace and quiet For candied sweets that lalle iriglit red Hallmark cards. a big kiss Curiosity got Ihe best of n three more wishes lub.a ingiiiy i;uniii a candle-light dinner ; thriving on soil \ ___ ^ __. "If yuc When hearts entwine alone tt e Ll had a choice of what you wanted When fingers clasp eaciynliei gcl^on Valentine's Day, what would companionship with a special friend sighs of latent s^ a reJ Cadillac Leave off your f a mountain of ice cream in the shape of a heart teachers (ii £ivc tests on that day i'f a he; Love's arrows Hay your a bio, home-cooked meal possible. 11 Ihal fails, try to turn yoi his wiles deiay^ou, a Valentine card from someone special mind lo mathematics^cs. working such en-e a hug = if you lingei arid kiss, if I can'l gel Ihal a card grossing I S SlQR 03-01 or y""' a Dalmation puppy would do! rllme" shall'wayl/y w] something my boyfrier a day with that "special friend" and no O Scatter ye thistles

ma..y' cress rapidly on well-groomed bodies, A;;d-^;^iiiSg'p.iSk> fel your hair go for once. Wear yestei day s socks. Leave off shaving for a the SMC students w"(iuld"li'kc." Maybe'ihis migjil help in your tough decision of that perlecl gift lot your special friend!


I J 1 I CAMPUS ^MOP VALENTINES DAY I CLASSICS I ^ PRICE SALE Ireouest cab ' 'DUU all lingerie some Levis

men,s s fi i r f s

Yours for the caf/ing

Tuesdays ]-5 pm TPURSDAY 8:oo p- nd Saturdays 8-12 pr

Krc^.:€s:r«3!:3E:iS5K the Southern

Southern Missionary College Collegedale. Tennessee Accent 373 IS Thursday, February 19,

VOTING BEGINS TODAY FOR ELECTIONS . Presidential Platforms John Cress Geoff Owens

iida student PresidentPres I outlined bod\ in ha\ t l mpliasis in our oi '"'" furtliLrldi^'^^ I spoke of those

GO\LS Of prime impo ng a level ol success is aci.u[uy ui

e I you're going. I have worked n r your senators this year in With thtir interests beuig lu I ar statement of our purpose my primary sderation Some spoufic a Student Association. Thi" objectives i pu pose forms the very first npletely revised Constitutic and I have developed to- issue of the5oHf/(enj I we plan to present to Acceni should contain }f the Student Association a Student Association co' in Which he next few weeks fo a Student Association discusses some aspect of the S.A. affairs which are pertinent lo the

I J.". iLiuiisureu iransportatio way in studying for classes, and it - I IS hard to foretell placeslike Six Flags, special a what circum- :s thai way in operatine a Student A-ill be like seven months hence, I te a good 76-'77 school year and ilion last year as a candidate, and Ih IS Student Assoc- ar, as your President I have worked lo- "Mu ut'"i>Iaing our fine ud jusi that end. Following the first a n which n which student participatic should be in effect j,e m liie new constitution proposed by UieStudent are Senate fifteen additional ending the AdveniisI Intercolleeia (ugiiiy outline a lation convention at Atlantic Unic \ possible move toward increased un- Signed: aiiuii, ueiitr equipped to meet the The theme for the convention lersiandine between the Student As- pliysical, GeofTrey M. Owens 7 > social and spiritual needs ocialion oTSMC and the student gov- )i our growing student body. inments of other colleges and univer- Andy McDonald is an announced pres- suggesting for ities in Ihe Hamilton/Bradley counties

uic iounuacion or goals and oreani- 2. I feel that I can offer you the ad- has been laid, then things can^gin vantage of EXPERIENCE. Tve had L y- ..ypen with predictable results. privilege 1 1 is of serving for three years in an ^desire 10 see Ihe foundational executive work. position as S.A. president a( Vice Presidential mmplislied this year Platforms by the current ad- t-orest Lake Academy, S.A. religious vici iimslration, find its fulfillment in pro- president at SMC, anti this year as your \^'" cons'tanlly iMS^lh ^'^"V"" ^'V'^'l Tommy Davidson ess themselves (o the basic question: ui-n .L . J « .. 'his proHram, this service, this publi- Willrutli And Davidson '^yi'X.nieetmg the anoKAffUKl teedinf ii /S''^''^' WIIH HK COLLEGE A ^""/.'""^ a' i'MC-academically, MINISTRATION, [iliv

1. I will strive lo upgrade student publicat Accent Editor Platform ions wilhoul an increase in budget. 2. Wherever it is expedient lo do so, 1 Jeh/e Running Unopposed will suggest budget cuts lo lower S.A. SMC

I will "ive support '?'trfi!cii,E!l™,;°",'."'porlaiil Chan. 5. uffsL photographer 3. full to religious activities Dolh on ana off campus and I. channel more funds in thai direction. Tommy Davidson, am preparing u for Ihe vice-presidencyidencyofjfieof the SludenSir ihai with my exper- in of SMC. My plalforni is e and goals, that I luld lead the work closely with Ihe S.A. SMC '° ='"!='' simple; I pi. 'Vliemlr' edilor of me of the most e the ''f iiieslothethe student body's pest advania '""nplish ''"I of Southern Mis Ihe'folliwiSj'fdfjIs';'!' I will nol only work widi the p: ill also«,o work.^^ilhallihwilh all the offic lake thehe S.A. more beneficialbeneficidj tolu dnall of I will have just_t finished my lelei I think that the iperience f'^'lowCliricti served on the student e lope thai my record ill show tha lo both student activity and the ifaniiliatwilhpublicalrc Df Ihe community. I feel Ihall

iled a yearbook. ibie to fulfill the requiremenis c

v needed.

1 wouldId like11. year which will enable me to de ;livcS.A.:by i Ihe Student Association "oni lid also endeavor to have various classes, 1^ .. gand informal... during Ihe sun e isible both musically and \ ;l='ionsliin belwccn f'y'w,*' llic biyinplanni ' speakers. To be elected \ fent would be a great hone ^nii ""Tunitv (1 JdniLnislradon 'S«.ar,(Iifcg=»^llKr Advcnlisl

;;*;S!''"'Vingcxpc„cItor' /. /. Ivilewilibc'appreciutcd. l^r"'"">^'"" reporter ws niiinagerial edilor II

FIRST CLASS MAIL The SA Needs Your Support A Note From CABl

enough will Have you ever wished for -"';,•''•"" Ki^i involved ins thai rich dessert or program called power to leave off "Run 76';. In ti,is£. ii.^i ovirf. niprp nf hrp;i

< Pi audits And Pro is I—

sorry about thai) An Jii ol prufesimtB alism permeated the one-acl skit unxl letter lo the young I submit an open of the players had to be "coached". ^B ladies of S.M.C. special appeal were ihe crop of highly o Plaudits and praise for really being on trained singers who performed. Evtiff irihc Ijailly finds the right "irack"' m -cnriducting;' such thing went right on "schedule". We™ H really had a great evenirig-THANKfl (— Sincerely, ' Q that the sludeiu i>'' does, they'll go ahc to find out whethei lot the student body a^ decisions. If a largo nuinbe .tiidcntslcl IhoSAkno A Poll Talks Back This reporter has an apolog>' loniAfl Ihe Sotiilieri)Accai9 didn't want to allocate fiuuK !> In a recent issue of I name of tlie proprielciof 1 they didn't want to spend lu-h quoted Ihe Ihe Village Green improperly. TheK< a newspaper, that they wouK: ' a mix up in the interview and I m-" programs: and if during an cK., I oflen read the Soulhern Accent just lo his name lo be Dan Renniswhen s into taking specific stands on lliid if you've taken another Poll. I find Dan Sees. Also the paper printed making generalized promises, a one of these articles in almost every Accent See's beginning salary as a million uo and always wonder where you've laken the llie paper had belieraf voted for an officer they made lizc llial Ik- ivas iars. Perliaps Sees'begini Poll Ihislime. gizc for this. I wrote Ihe only in office to represent ratlicr Ilian dClil llicii the SA for Iht I Well, ! waiii lo say il's about lime lo salary as one thousand dollars would take on n IsO put the Polls back and lake someone else! month, not one million. My sm«teH We're now in Ollll rsclorolTia thanks forllie PeMiaps a Czech or a Russian or Hungarian, ologies to the Sees' and | and if the trend hull you you will lovely flower.

even bother to v

probably cast \ > responsibility, except for an ui will forget abnii CALENDAR

^ Tnebaiiriern

Judy Wuttkc Carol Neall Editorial Advisor Ms. Andrew^ Technical Advisor BditOT Mr. Duricliek

Bruce Yingliiig Layout Editor Paula Cox Gordon Doneikey

Denlse Sclialler Photographer

e Rait. -SOUTHERN ACCENT ,sp \d\t uMai hiFf

Annual Joker Ipiatform Platform

itiori'for theposilion of editor of tlic I. along Willi _v Khern Memories for Ilie 76-77 school K My past experience as an actual editor leJokt I mc.. , .1 j_ , 'real deal of exper- liere. I km lal --,-;"' i.a,,uiujiei in leader (whicli I '"Jjasipast yearsi have

have also wonilcted die name B^.. »oiMng up iiie sieps of Hal[. Some of the things I Joker

wilt be hardbacked, presented i

111, be put on Ihisjob. I take pride in with pho „'°,l';™S"-'nrealannuar ir( of price list. l'lio|)i

have everything I lined up before I

rolling early so that when we get the pictures they MC Makes Dream C^^ will be ready for the press Any other suggestions you might leality For Rock Springs^ nave would be greatly appreciated.

;k Spiings Georgia will have a The church building is prefabricated Webb For Week Of which ISshelpfhelpful in speeding Prayer up the con- •' n,„.„.,i., .1 ,. jn, fli be adequate Sabbad spiritual emphasis speaker, School rooms and (he and secondly to bring to ifie will seal Chaftanooea area one or approximately 120. "i<^ best "j-T-,- \ and most "HiunisiicODtimis1icevano?lkii> Althougli not leduled evangelistic everyone can help in the | crusades ever. project their prayer will always be Breallv appreciated. a iuih at /.30, JereWebb will bcEin """''" an "ev- s called "Revelation 76 ul with the subject, "Occult go on to cover many varied Amos Cooper and John Cress "', "s- ^T^'ie Mark Baffle Goes ^ r'h/r n^ ""ii'^'lil ^"*^l' of as began the formation To Brazil of plans ^^ ^'VrsUie of til? Sabbath ew n fv- •n t n'^ tie church at (he start of the se- y,-^ l/F-0- s Death Penalty". and linally on March 21st. he will finish To Teach ith the subject. The _ or Cummings wrote up the pro- Bible Classes Mysterious Bad look it to the conference where ^"^ i,=.,'"''^'*7'""''*"^ '°S!S'ic efforts have red. The funds for this pro- Mrs. Gertrude Battle of Collecedale been .underjvi way.Yuy forlui "" nionlhsiiiuuiiis now m p '^ from the lelt Chattanooga the " "' »''' K'r conference Lav- lOlli of February r-.'o!;.!!"^ crusade which"'''iMi williviii * \ue to spend four 1 liie I ^^Foundation and from (he mem- to 'Cws weeks at Brazil ivoli Theaie, downlown College in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where she "'--': will teach Bible marking and witnessing of Spiritual Emphasis co- Bit- will D.u^ u ,^,y iiuporianimportanl rote llie beeinning ofJere Webb's project. Dr. Campbell is Mrs. Battle, who " has laughl classes in Pailding construction Jiapel, ho will t personal evangelism at Soiilliern Missionary speak on "Ichabol^The Jnan, and he o,y ,s ', is the oni College has been teadiine the Bible markine pepartedj "God doesn't^Help «ing the T hus.- win. Hcl;j "666'\ volunteei labor; Tom" classes for several years. She said llie pur- Themselves," llliiy of the Industrial Education pose of the classes was to help persons be- lings Hence,"^ and finish |taetit come better acquainted Ith "The Hardest is the construction foreman. with their Bibles Blow." and the doctrines of the Sevenih-dav Ad- sL ^I'P'^'Vise the on-site con- Church. e the volunteer Mrs. Batde said the invitation lo c( tended bv the presidei '"Pastor """^ fct"? Cummings, i(h of the B lion Confe—" SDA's |««strial Education iring Department s the series, nil the other little over SMC volunteers invol Florida ii's" two hours. Worship credit vill be given for fcl&i'i':5''.''-i'''"U'ii"6 iltendance. Icompiced (jjjj ^___ Music for the Spirit al Emphasis Week is presently undei ill be provided by ou cm thrusl planned for sprin f «verai students will spenltheir 'slpiiig in this worti™ cause .'''"t'P='&EI'i"AmosCoop- l>Mp SMC students involved Hal Holbrook Interviewed lags By in Accent many dillirent ways. \ I orgerson and sev- 'The Hum , , 1 maiors will be holding unquestionably one really elTeclivt t n Toiiiglii! ' (o opened follow up the pon-lau^iter. Power, money, pers , ,.. I%6winnir - - lesotJcieWebb. " ipplicalion, pcrscculi (he Tony I I/' Award for B^.,, nt.ui ji 1956 when played Lillle Rock, Ark- church .1 a colossal I members humbug-push special cKalioii from isas alter jj-i idingj the New York Ihe riots there, and I did nial- rented taciiitv i-L-iken it a lillle, centurylury bycentur^'; oi t ramaCrilic-sCircle- iliai lal touched on il. I was in Oxford '1.. only laughter blow .i'f^lJoiW-hacevilleehuidies can The classic Mark ississippi "'» huilding Twain characleri in the early 1960's. While! IS under eon-

oslly on a i iChallano( ™l To Febri nible afler Address Faculty Ihe Tivoli. ihose riols. I spoke Twain's 3rds about slavery and racism, violence uiarii aied bui he li slong with others who had d brotherhood, all the while wilh shak- *' Chitkamauga |thelev . ,<.nd Ontolhiscor knees." lake ...... (, ..ilhMr Hoi ? Ienipor.1 nDLanilowdls rL )k back ilage after Ihe LVtningipe "When Ihe war in Vielnam became of le Lincoln ol out lance The acloi Uiilinhishe blic concern. I shifted some of my pro- Importance eup sIdUd llial Twain has be Of Humor three Mji )r dviadLS gardtd b> julhor s(, Ihcre would be a silence in the aud- ..„,,JGrady E r,.,„, for children '-.I'^poniiel books BSif^arns In,- director _.., „\%TIh 4d\i. nirc\i>J Turn Saw \ir •m Ihose who agreed wilh what Twain KSBitiliE In'ihlV "'Chatlanooea will fflpiy ColkT '=™,''y of SouiSen He had J dirk sidL loo llial v\ as i-norcd s saying." said Holbrook. "The laugh- for a long liniL The publii. wishtd lo became louder and more general as

r old r ^'rArfoV'^'^Pi^ot He How lliLndous be ^°'^'al houpH k^ !. event grovMnL inlutsl in (he darker more v.i ™.Jics "° "y Ihe taculty men lous sicTl ul Twain iIil side in

loni, unpublished/ 1 //tri/z-f/m iIh l''''<'tlafi'l''nT''".»f Southern and E.°' "'" Am;„,°"''i,'^n^o a ;' ^flJOISate rS , fri m"? heappLiru

Twain His r\ tJ Hamdion Je'L;''^' h!.'i'|',(|'ij ;U00.'ddressesand Jfsonavarieiy of continued on page foui B League Without Officials Game Skinner Ba* ketball Isn't Remains Undefeated loul- The de- be endangered of getting a ent'tleJ to any spo on fensive pfayer is d^Vcirs?fthebeireMe',nK"P'''P^«. person pul the surface while the miDlclelv sane. Would a sane lesser teams T'llii'' wi.e.c -jOaclKs^ looking for the proper combination in^a position ^^ to give any for hSf ff cv.17 man is not required and players vehemcnlly

s often limes given undue advanlaj vilh- ' "" " " n opponent and thereby "'inding in il

s the defensive player can be moving. He can jump B LEAGUE STANDINGS straight up wilhoul reaching in and not SMC's Fairer Sex Out On Tuesdays Holbroolc interview Continued For Intramural Program

Wohlers 4 1 general, sorting out what I will and will irt against the so-called copycat, Mi- The females of SMC have begun the I Keeney 3 : not use in my performances. The process el E. Randall. Hal Holbrook says that fight for their sports rjglilson this campus. of pulling on llic makeup lakes three and Randall plagiarized some of hiscopyright- On Tuesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:45, Hickman 2 3 forly-sevcn enthusiastic women attack -J half hours, and laking it off requires an 2 4 I Marden .iddiiiniLiI iwo. so there is plenty of time Ihe basketball courts at the same time that twenty-eight their colleagues Davis 1 4 i<>[ iiiitikiiig and planning,' he remarked. of fall into posifions by the vollevball nets W lifii tiueslioned concerning his imi- iheTivoli, this reporler Higginbotham -4 at (he oilier end of the gym. This riotous I. lli>lbrook said,"l am told that impressed wilh the friendliness and behavior is known as Girl's Recreation. ilicrc .(fc 2,000 people doing show. my Swede Hellgren. who declares himself lis mil legal, imilators ofcoursc. My in charge of alTthe intramural "messes", seem to I have forgotten that am still 'ith the actor before Ihe performance, is willing to give the females equal sports il, ihal doing I'm here slill pulling that : fejt rewarded for our effort when lime ittney want it. Unforlunalely, ac- material logclher in ils oriental rug pal- his cording to a recent , manager, .....directed u poll of SMC's fairer ' Icrn. I have read where they say 1 sex, Ihey don't want to EKit'i have aj play inttamurals taken the lead and Reynold's anJ quil, died more than one night a week. poll and gone lo Hollywood and This teams are ttying to recover from IM also turned my show over lo ihem." asked and a revealed that Dasketball ranks num- tramping they've taken. ber one in the hearts of female sports basnoten How doesHolbrook feel about his Perhaps we all had wanted to ask Mr Unforlunatelv, volleyball fans with softball, volleyball, imilalors? "1 feel badmilton, popularity, lut""^!' prctly much about Holbrook "Do you find it difficult to -"'' '" joyed basketbalrs — being given m Ihe above oraer more thin on' become Mr. Lincoln for the Sandburg have been so poor That on has had ermp . series you are now doing when you occasion neilher team have even by lorf* membiVs to win the game | been Mark Twain for so long?" Strangely most Birlsa._ yilling^.to spend Goertzen. anil enough, not one of us really Lu/.ader, Peterson, expected mural sports, Swede a to Icttei ihai Willey have begun the campaign saying J approved o liim to say. Yes. We were all cognizant of cidented interest in basketball. enthusijajr L Girls who their members to a new renlly read thai Mr. Hoi- iiis tremendous versatility at signed team cliaracleri- up have made very regular Tuesday intramuralswillno'"^! night appearances HoDefullv Eirls' on the courts. Present- basketball sea«. | -Jerry Lien ly the feams of out aXKf the Smilh and Schoen have softball and ir girls show an interest » soccer intramurals will te orEatuzeJ this year. How do you show inle'J"" Swim Meet Scheduled Talk lo Swede Hellgran. tell hirp want vour equal sports rights, a I sheet There will be a swim meet Tuesday at your iiamc on the sign-up ^ I 's' 3:15 in the gymnasium. All SMC students may ^ participate in the event by signing one S A ELECTIONS *of Ihe sign-up sheets today or tomorrow. The wheels are located in Thatcher, Talge, E^ .ind (lu- (;yin near the swimming PRIMARY ELEaiONS: pool. Collegedole J clas^iricu s -Ihe Tai ir Ihc Monkey 9:00 a.m. i;00 p.m. STUDENT Ci; XT li Credit Union

- The monkey cumesi iiide shenanigans as swimming ^1, carrying a candle above Ihe PLAZA iwmiming lully clothed, and swin COLLEGE ''' :0 PRIMARY * ELtCTIONS: ilh Jswedi^hiM on. ukmg il oft,

STUDENT CLNTtR (all sludc,


STUDENT CENTER (all studenKl STUDENT CENTER vill^ Sen JONES HALL (resident TALGE onlvl HALL (residents 01 K I THATCHER HALL (K'Mdon'sn.K, RUNOFF ELECTIONS: best inf" Borrow a. the i* I 9:00 a III . noon * * bcMs' It's where VOU ***^'™"'''l'™"''"Pi' Soiillierii Missionary Collei-i Ciillegedale. Tennessee 37.


General Fee Eliminated

The College Board has vmed (o raise iilioTi costs beginning (he I'all of next 1 1k' kjiist perhour will go up from area where Ihe added funds could be ol '- loS.Sj. rhismeans that forastudcm taincd.

Even with the tuition raise. SMC still rales third from Ihe bottom on the cost of a tuition hour for U.S. Advenlisl Colleges Oakwood is the cheapest because of its direct affiliation with Ihe General Conference and Ihe subsidies the G.C. provides. Soutli- the S7S gencNil tee wiijch means (hat all weslern Union College is also slightly less ol the entrance lee except lor the room dc expensive than SMC. The cost for several posil will be credited to May's statement. other colleges is within S 1 00 and some of them are quite a bil higher. For instance, the cost per tuition hour at CUC next car than il did this. year will be 598. The comparitive figures Tiie administration gave several reasons )r llie increase. First of all the staff will meeting held in Dallas where college ad- s getting between a four and six percent ncial plans

Another contributing factor is the spirai- ing cost of electricity. For example, Mr. SMC Receives %,000 Merchant, the school treasurer, says that From Edyth Bush Foundation

532,000, and last Jai Summer Job Directory S 20 .000. For Improving Orlando Dorm Merchant said thai next year's tentative budget for educational expenditures, which Gives Comprehensive List doesn't include dormitory, cafeteria, or the building costs is, 34,3 1 2.000, up a little Edvih Bush Charitable Foundai 5200,000 and that the only way Winter Park. Florida. The remaining S42.500 wU! be available in 1977. The Of Work Opportunities purpose of Ihegranl is renovation, re- VandeVere To Chair furbishing and equipmeni for SMC's nurs dormilory on the Orlando campus for ique and inleresiingjobs Business Workshop —-'Many branchosolilic U.S. Govetnmeni lent jobs, is now avail- I llieaniniry including (he Fed- Slated For Next Summer e DrRE(?TORY used ___. _.._ Pollution Conirol Adm.. and the Park, Florida. During its fiscal year ended fin colleges and copies U.S. Aniiy Engineer Waterways Experimeni August 31, 1975, Ihe Foundation con- t University Place- Slalion, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. tributed or pledged more than 53,400.000 idpublic Aberdeen Proving Ground, U.S. Atomic lo various needy charitable, educational ...^.....offices, Energy Commission have requested their and cultural organizations, chiefly in it offices — This unique — enings be included. Florida. njTipIetely revised and All openings have been submitted din 'I- Mrs. Edylh Bush and her husband in- "ach year is for any- dividually contributed many millions of mploynient; expecially dollars lo charitable and educational or- ganizations in Florida, as well as in Min-

and how to obi un ilie |ob one is seeking s Manufacturing Company prior to his death in early 1966. Southern Missionary College is indebted " Ihe great generosity of Mrs. Bush whose " " IS directed towards 3i<" nal institutions, organ. crippled or handicapped children, the blind, ttie deaf, the aged, and certain kinds of cultural activities such as music and the legitimate thealor. Facutty raboTato^rieV Ak«s Addrcjses The Uriandp campus is used by SMC's Bachelor of Science degree nursing students ''^"^ For Vaned Academic Areas during (heir junior year. They spend two imeslers working as nurses and taking cog- Dr Wavne VandeVere ale classes at Ihe Florida Adventist Hos- On Religious Emphasis Dwight S. Wallack, Director of Develop- there will Di (jLurkL \ki-rs Luurdinitc^i dI .ust \ndrewsUni- Religious education at Andriws Umver [| be a pari of sily was on the SMC campus February 23 meeting to address the fjculty r \dvenfist Akers who is widely known in Adven to liiglier education circles spoke the religion; ..iBled lacully , Ihe chairman of the Bus- ihasis in adcnominal a[ SMC and also Andrews he said that .^or some lime he his been inu iness Workshop Jl granl. Knillel Advenlisl Colleees in North ol inslniclion it tt the Ihirtecn 1 as yours niak in the methods also added w ill be involved He I America Missionary Collegt College a sectarian inslilulion in eight thai this IS Ihe first time in some Irom conductni^, l provides educational Whcalon isidc veirs since any gauieiuijj ui uiun-M^io y, religion iho enipl Sevenlh- students at a price which lundamentahst hicher education in the realm of occurred. da\ Adveniisl Eduealion has professors \ppro\iiiukK I 000 eolkge

' ' \ I tile purpose I ir K I M V


"And further, by these, my son, be adinoi

somcll ,,,,,„, ,;,, , .ciher foffUi,d,"'^Ea2inew,lldaduelolhe kilchen. 1" I'l edukiitt in the 1 ,1 bound _


Just Amoteurs Talge D, erntLj MAe. U. Beautiful SloppineJ

To the deans of Talge, display quilts. I. like to go to the quilt 1 am a quilt nut. I make ever I get the "The Dating Game," I have been lo books when . several at Norihgate and browse through quilt of vour wn,.i . 4,2-12-76)'. this past semester IIk- it diversity that makes Page when ffici chance. By looking at a quilt, you realize is cuNimigauuitiius'.subterfuge ""and covert«" evening & I The ideaof ling was on keepirig ;|,c multi-patterned material blend- has rooTi'nS''"' it beautiful-the mulli-colored and plottingsof.herc„,allsou.u.....6^ w. lalfs of thethewoildteworld Thedea.uncharEeofihj" been presented in fun but also with ticular worship c ing into a beautiful work of art. often ' 'vingseriousnes They have been that were so bad thai at the mistakes we have underlying lie liicially cffi„, look back, maybe near, maybe far, wo..s.._.. We commonly)nly uepii;n:udepicted ad* wcii atujuM^... regret the past bait committed as if tliey were flaws in our lives. We of men^ knowing just the rig^il.lpok and stupid things- fcr the desired prey. ^Vith stealUiy and fear the future. Okay, maybe we have done some to use persuasion^ unwitting males are drawn mto fools of ourselves, hurting someone breaking promises, making the web ofmanv a so-called black widow. alongside all the " well needlessly-but it's over. The wrong things go right But are females really as expert at the game needed, for r like to think? True, there are keepers right things we've done. We must be grateful for all we've been as males would and si some polished players in the came, but for arequi it's are what we are now. Diversity is what tlirough for why we the mSst part,girrs are just afout as clever Tliere are some tlungs, however should thai makes us interesting, yes. beautiful people. It's not a waste of time. asmostEuys. The average person is a babe be taken into consideraiionhe,; it comes to developing First of all, this school has Dorothy Thompson wrote: "And only when we are no longer in the woods" when a lendancy n with the opposite sex; buf getting accept bet\veen fifty and a or joyous; relationships hundred more afraid, do we begin to live in every experience, painful In Fact, if girls w"-- «" guys than they can together is still fun. accommodate so ihei- bly betie tw start compressing three to live in gratitude for every moment, to live abundantly." that expert, guys would probably or four lo a tooni as nervous as most already are when These kind of livmg conditions could I entourage you. especially now that "spring has sprung" (prob- and girls. should be compare^ to meeting and dating lo thai of the common ably a talse alarm), to add some diversity to your schedule. Witness of the .^...... swamp rat. Even What a^out the implications though three to a loSi a females as highly skilled in the less expensive, it takes a sunrise or sunset. Go on a wild-goose chase. Start a hobby or description of an even createi toll I man-snarine? Does if cause girls to try on the minds and bodies of habit. Just simply do something you wouldn't normally do. or don't art of ilie poor [nSJ part \vliich often ends up bemg Another thing that to play tlie must be brouehl lo 1. have time for. • may spotted by a guy dull witted thou^i he your at^ntion is that most, if noi affofUifl be not like a butterfly fluttering in tlie breeze, men in Talge go to school when pieces, tjie crazy and sensible moments, the right and they aten'l For the a free- but more like a semi-truck passing on working to pay for it. Shocking hull? decisions fit, ask to make your wrong you've made todayto Jesus way? Perhaps the fact that guys are accused Well, It s true. Many of them are takim life a beautiful quilt. of being dull witted and are warned about the sixteen semesterr hours and workinaw '»" wiles ofwomen causes Ihem lo be leary of nty hourss a week.week, fNow. if y"; -Denise Schaller "letting her get to you." Thus so many de- gunder these conditions w"ha''i wouM I vices are used on both "sides and real com- munication is inhibited, a problem which Student Representation On could be partly solved by a better outlook How about considering each other as amateurs at the game ancTlry to get past the ttie silly showmanship in order to be authen- Faculty Committees Needed tic in dating? An amateur. Bob Sholtes Appreciation Tol STUDENTS TO BE APPOINTED TO 76-77 FACULTY COMMITTEES

Time, Thought, Southern Accenfl Committees will be appointed by the Siudent Association Presidetil.

Any siudent who would be inlcreslcd and willing to si -'""-'" Efforf, A4one/ vear as a Siudent Representative lo any " e that desire by clipping out this uld just like to pause in Ilie midtl I DevofedTo Doting mail box outside the Siudent Association office, number three in llie Student Center. though with ne'w'electio. each , Dear Editor, new ideas and opinions on how to do so The following Faculty Committees need student representation: {circle interest areas) 'thing better, ana along with all Iliis.ab3|| 1 just pemsed my friend Bob Sholtes' full of promises. elter concerning my article in the "Valen- Personally, 1 feel that iheSoiiihem iine Acccni, and find myself challenged Accent is a great improvemeni over oii to append, somewhat Budeel Comniiitee parenthetically per- year. In rememberariKl haps, this "newspaper last my further statement He thereir year,! Siudciil Missions Committee implicates of that "Southern Accident" of last us all as "amatuers" at the busim Sludenl Affairs Committee of inlerscxual let's congratulate Bmce Yingling and his T relationships, which I resen ' itii| Loans and Scholarships I personally newspaper what Sub-Commitle Programs Sub-Committee devote a great deal of time staff for making our Films Sub-Committee ('1°' ^menUon money) today; a long shot from yesterday. tolo ?he the T.V^'?^^'task of becoming a betler more fade I charming, Old Editors never die, they just more worthwhile dater. So between the lines. It's "hat'soff loyoui Prefessional exactly - ffi'I ^I?^ '^^}M ? of the R-|- don I get paid (at editor, from me. at the bottom INFORMATION least not monelarilvl • ""'''" myself an porter's column. Sithe amatuer n interested in sending as a Student Representative to the faculty n waiing. If David Kay appointed, to serve for the entire 76-77 acadeinicye; Eds. note: Thanks, we needed thai

- fresh - soph - ji - sr (circle one) List any ^ the Southern ^ Committee — Judy Wullkc Commit lee — Accent Carol Neall Commiilec -- Editorial Adii» Ms. Andre^^^ Technical Ad^i

Edilor Mr. Duricliek Revised Bnice Yingling Reporler-- Election Layout Edilor Paula Co\ Schedule Dawn Rice Cordon Done.skev HcMilln PRIMARIES Sally Jerrv Lien 5:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M ^^^:£SS?]i: Uenive Sduller iSgiSSKS?};!!,!-^-., I'liotograplier Ronnie MARCH 2 Rail/ 1HEKN ACCKNT 9:00 A.M. -NOON STUDENT CENTER (all s,ude„„) Advenising Manager Nalhan LindM-y

RUN . OFFS '):OOA.M..S:OOPM ™o P.M. -10:00 P.M.

RESIDENCE HAi:u'(RiKl',''i'Sj STUDENT CENTER (all siuden.s) .

Zolvin Fucher To Visit Interviews Educational Seminar Colvin For Spring Break

I spring break coming most facu Love fie Mission Of

a counselor and Clirisiian Df Colvin, as psychology at SMC, what is one Cher of

concerns today for Severn I .our greatest '^Adven lists? by the American Association perliap; ncerned for of Higher ! am Well. Education at the Conrad who spends so much time med- Hilton in Chicago „„™., Bui belore these to meetings begin, he will ng about Cod or even pi^yj"^ God " '" ~'''""" make an unoffical stop-over at "' ' Andrnvs has n efor" his neighbor. he University to talk bes' shop with SDA ad.nin- Ihafs ) istrators. Then on Sunday evening, Marcl' thai so re^illy bad? fees 7, he will arrive inChicago for the first fullest sense, to ignore your fellow fci the A A.H.t, general session. leiiore your God. You cannot • This year." informs Dr. Futcher, oursen from mankind and remain "the main topic to be discussed at the oucii with God convention ugh will be 'Equality in Education." Many administrative heads from predomi- nately black schools will be there and the discussions should prove quite enlighlen- it as a punishment? On the contrary, true iif love is not. to dominate Yes, but love is bound up II as an authentic individual he both with community and - will not love merely to assume an unwar- !in I like love does not force, ranted interference in the other's life. You I jLt should be that of see you are called upon to exercise much what you possess is not likely love. self-constraint in not constraining others. What does love have to do with Iruth? But what if 1 don't like the way the Briefly, ik' docs that work the power of love communicated I How other person is? originates in truth, which, of course require; Though your impulses toward the other a community of two. Your ability to love person may be negative, as a true lover you permits you to touch reality, especially that will move forth in acceptance ri I will definitely be attending," of the other's - " ' essential worth as a being in the process of /s, "will be entitlecf I say, "Welcome becoming in the presence of God, You Colleges." One car ease welcome e the signifigance dare not label unclean what God has de- of this topic t( clared clean! Does Ihis acceptance you speak of mean that I must condone the other s behavior? No indeed. It merely means that you base your concern and care for him on the fact of his infinite worth before God private school systems. But the way you talk, love seems all Fine, but answer the question, will you Iwardly directed. Won't that ultimately please? u immediately become "" — spiritually impoverished? Well, love still excites an old person like SMC !-». icdlly. for love requires both your Organ Students me because through love I become more self-understanding and your self-evaluat- fully aware of my responsibility for my rthy ion. For example, to express love for the Visit fellow man. Man's highest nobility is not Workshop 1 being„ loved yoL_ poor does not mean that you ought only to be found in isolation but in an encounter, I defenses will be found to give alms. The deepest love is expressed th other free human beings On Playing by your effort to know yourself, which in For Church ktplible'to injury anfndicule than turn means to know God. Only then are Thursday, February 19, the organ you prepared fully to understand and ac- students under the direction Mrs. ; lover has such power, cept your fellow man. of Judy il\ Glass went on a field trip to Knoxville, ^ tempted to interfere, Isn't it a sign of weakness to let your- pKhislove Tennessee, First they went directly to jsa reward or to wiilihold rlf express tender, positive feelings? an organ workshop for church service playing. ;rry Hancock, the church organ- Jew Psych. Class Offered In Play Therapy

The Play Therapy class meets on Monday Tiuons troiii 4-(i:30 in Lynn Wood Hall, -'(' ' rimr s (he room with the green i-piiii uik'ring 216 one would notice "ii-- ili-'iiiii[i;iy not an ordinary class- ilii^ ^'ii'ile atmosphere is cheerful, i^mg ;'' ^1 decorated in bright green ;'iue. I tie iwo wmdows situated at i"5nd_of.lie room are large, causing ood i. with light. The view ^^'§^ "=" ^^'"' "le outside U.'ZL7[f Windows Framed by trees. Without *' 'lying one can hear the birds' sing-

iheriglitofihedoorsitsatree ;i^ilh seven large nails sticking out Mji,P°"- A hammer with a rubber son ^1 the lop, ready for someone uonihe nails in order to release S^'tiieir anxieties. "^oipboatds below the windows are \bmvvill bold art suDDhes f elefiolther '^"i mm ,""'"?. ,; holds virin„<^„kV i I^Ns.dmigl, ilookl^Jcmters^^ev^rJ ^"^ '•^'Sr^'i."'^''",'' P^"<^'l's, combs '"'«". some dolls. feife 'Ik' "i'' «lv"'^3"d trucks, and a puppet

fP"PPei family consists of six mem ST,\'^''^^''^"d>ou^eh,ld;en '""Sfcs"'^^ They are made lo Fergu; lie colored fab- According Dr. mo2""'T''3"d To conclude his pro- hyanl^;''ff,inthe_family of the class, one of the major probli gram "he played an improvisation on a '^pifskmis neutral in education is the wrong sellmg-up "rwiha ill tliat lie hadn't seen until it was the physical environment which includes theme classroom or iherap handed i« him on stage. '^''" "s^ the the decorating of the "^':loutt,-» r pup- the ifierapist as she observes not a criteria lor eval- t, "•''"'•'•Irom their own fani- room. Prettincss is obser- Iiie''chird. They write down Iheir """ and later listen while the therapist oTstudems lakt P1j\ Thtr vations a'S% parent. After the 45 iimiiHe Edu. -'"" ">'' talks with the State Farm Insurance ' if-|'].,( """ibcrs apy including tlenicnlar> in. them on the parent and cluld leave I and r "" '^' bv session ends ill darts, Behavioral SLient , Thev Itdrn :,„'-~'"i" the dans are ask the therapist quesi- to "the students can ., ' '^111 Ihem observing in play (.Ijss how be ,, ,| which tlie child Then she shares her observations tome thtrapisls ns. them. chikl ilh _ . , PIjv thtrjp\ iwiscdi . tivt H"- , i Some of the students in the class have en gaining added experience in play anXr'li''' ' ^^''^''^t^c'el hours on ,„erapy by spending Iroin ^-^'ji "'' "laiors Chi dren s Hosp- t^'^oik inu^i J did lit Sabbath afternoons at the volunteer play therapists. I serving as le 1 's i The prerequisites lorPlay Therapy are I- p"^rday As pi Developiiien- t Thi nigiil enler- Inlroduclion lo Psychology. In- reMived I, and the Exceptional &"'lieranrl".°',''"'>' tal Psychology a good neightxjr" D"'l»WoS?i.'""."!»l'»'lanop- the therapisi i dividual. „ I.. ii„„,.l,;.,., -*'"f£' g up (he e therapy MMMMMMfWHWIMMMMM ; .ouraging and February 2b. 1976 ACTION Rogers Seeks Vicepresidency SPORTS

students of SMC are Realizing thai the The 1976 basketball season drew to an B League conipleted its sea^n,, t , words and no corres- tired of liigli -sounding anti-climatic finish. Halvcrsen had built up Sunday, lebrua£22wi,hl»'f ponding actions thai relate to them, 1 pro- that none of the games n ' team defealing such a big lead kf,ke Skinner's leaS pose for your consideration and vole tiie p ay-off game 64-49. The gamewS' objective: to provide dose deiens ' following purposeful ve struffile will, i ,.. Last through the office of vice-president, rel- whether they came to the game or not. deadlocked a, 21 alPa,ai''"' Sunday Wliite's team had only three players Tile second half started out in Ih. and Holland won on a forfeit. fashion, but show up, (lien a few fast break K,™* In the second game Halversen's team 'y- Te"yDjy,TonyMobley,»dRt2 (who already had the championship sewn Eberhart put the game Responsibilities of ihe vice-president out of reach for the a- up) got four players out game ' include providing SA chapel speakers, Thomas, and played '",ie'nJ';,rn''„?"""m>l» giinst Schultz. Haiversen, ^ _ ^ being publications overseer, and chairing were not able to make it. Exciting the leaSing rebounder ulan shot various social and scholastic commiKees, Schultz won. Surprise! and Walter hit blodifj game right? long outside'shois" Below are specific possibilities for our Dest game of the year took place Chuck Robertson The ,._. (he,„, .^au.noav,lead! night. Holland and Schultz er for the losers with last Monday 21 points. SkfnS n t ip r nr^o,.J „_j _.;r^'"."" squared off for their last big show down. teama playedavpd their liardesranirefrdT; I. interchange programs between the In previous games against each other Schultz jp right up until the final surrounding colleges. UTC, Temple, etc. buzze, b won the first and Holland the second. ust wasn't their night. They justi to substantial lead many mistakes Holland jumped off a 3 and turned tht s locally for rele- bi« and looked like the team everybody thought Ken Rogers Some of the other liighUghts of the a. those who not only have an of the s .... .ntetesting topic but can present . The It individual s r, and Thatcher "open door policy". ,_.._„,in the • it interestingly. uation. play Charles Dairis',"lhr 6. The use of meaningful surveys so^om hbranan, wished he hadn't made ly main concern is tliat j'oh receive have a chance to submit ideas. the ball out of bounds. The ball w i.u i,ne could stop Tim Bair that night elhing back from the funds you fun- ed in to Schultz, he dribbled to the and when the buzzer After the SA has provided for the sounded, he'd nto the SA. For instance: line corner, and shot a 25-foot jumper. scored 41 points, Davis's unlucky students' needs and pleasures, that same play the buzzer sounded the second the ball manifested in the spirit can and should be traveled straight througli !. SA sponsored free dessert niglit at left his hand, and surrounding community. For instance, cafeteria. the cords-tie game. or needy ' in time of natural calamities, " " ' Ino •- 2. Luncheon than 30 MiD^ films concerned families, tlie SA can play a follows: 3. Pens, pencils, etc. for your use „ Scoll role in the reshaping of these situations. Westermeyer, 34 pts.; Brooks Burnsed 4. Keinslaiement of tlie annual school .__ fouled,! But these efforts aren't made possible 32 pts.;Tony Mobley.DennisWood and Martin had a lot of pre- by one person. It lakes a united drive the"'bairwent in. BillArnold, 30pts. 5. Dorm improvement-paving lot sit- he went to the foul line, with his of people who are concerned and believe ssure as team behind by only one point. He cooly that someiliing can happen. I believe. " sank the free throw to send the game ' All I can honestly pledge to you is my double overtime. sincerity in a willingness to work con- Schultz's team exploded in the final sistently harder to bring about a relevant period putting the game quickly change today. Respectfully, Ken Rogers FINAL STANDINGS

raveling and be able lo Wins Lo: ell in a group ministry Haiversen 8 2 scribes you, send an Andy McDonald Running Schultz 6 4 n tape (casselle Douglas 4 6 For U President FeUowStudentsofSMC, along wilh a photo, references You are my main concern.' As a can-

didate for the SA president, I can see the Scliolarships (l-2years)or necessity and benefit of planning social full-lime ministries aie available, programs for you. religious programs for wilh special Aiiiil 6oli Tournament I opportunities for you, of organizing a clear and well structur- young married coupfes, both ol ed student government for you, and of whom can sing or play. keeping the channels of communication I Takes On New Format open to you. If elected I not only will For the oppoitunily o! a lifetime "'~'e to carry these things out but will a send your application to Max The annual Men's Club Golf Tourney « strive lo work on other important Mace, PO. Box lake on a completely different format this 1358. s of student life. CA For )ne IPlacerville, 95667. more area 1 feel is important is the ques- information call John Musgrave ., "Are you getting your money's worth 131 (916) 622-9369, Applications n tlie SA?" It is your money and you attained at either Moccasin Bend or B.m,.- accepted until March 31. ild have a voice in the quality of ed- lion you The top 32 qualifiers will Positions 10 be filled August 8, are receiving at today's higli es. This is only one of the areas I would to see us work on; another would be e student initiated programs where ...„.e students can become involved by participating in the SA. Because of my past experience in academy will be the favorite again tiiis year ai' SA, here at SMC as senator, and vicepresident there will be some good competition because of my understanding and friendship from" last year s runner up, John with the administration, antfbecause NaHe. Elder I Patterson besides oldK beheve and Elder Cumniings could be vv.., m SMC and what it stands for, I in the ninnuig as well lioui-yearoppn*^ beheve I as all three of the can serve YOU well as SA president. Talge Hall deans. Ron young men r" Toeelher we can have one of the Knarr seems to have This week some lucky happiest EOtlen i™ Id successful school his game toeelher and could also for the phone and young ladies years that YOU. the appesrn ?,',°''»»ly Ite real challenge the computer sheeis that n„."f "" " " e from freslunan Roger Gir'ls trusting a senseless cm0 them the nametof three perfecgV to ask to a partv may sMiy 'J'i,*wck" 1] but then he whole parly is ^J desk worker at Tale? Hn] »"'*/» may tfiink lli»;»°?fiii(l Febniary 29 oi"j,|(j backward when an onslaught males come to pick up His"' ffSun'T only the beginnine. An eveniiiB .^^ sanies will Sgin atter the wSbeS"- Sic back door*^ M"'*"''ASt*^M on up-side down plales.,2"!„Sl,"li»*| SOCHI" other strange surprises the up. committee will conjure ,,n at t»= ' Students have leaped jj, sheets lor K 1 filling out computer than registration and esis. rt^^jfj Spporlunity 412 oeoplf day of cigj,lii%g.j serves away on the dotted will be.thriled •» kn", S7«s,jW I o" couragmg sex 'aM "", fronl »* response seems to be equai females. ,, , . „„i,,(iinnol'fai Lest any man feel cl« ™',,e0"fj able to maintain his malem fl their fair chance too. .O? '! '„ppottlS' ',"?'' the girls have leaped at "SutelP,!! the gentlemen will find » ESirng, 'f"in girls names m« out with three 'f^ don't liesitate Please guys, f" „ne|Sl (the backwardness m .P"'? ' j oll''"S,

1»''°" 53 yoi test It's ability I

.Sallv MeM*» ^ the Southern . Accent


120 Days Until Completion

l/or relaled medical-

I lie nuildiiig ^ IS ivuti; consirucled by the i»i)ullicrii Adveiilisl Health and Hospital Sys- lom. Inc., wlikh now operates 12 hospilals in the Southeast. Ii is anticipated that the :itst lialfofilie clinic will be completed and occupied within 120 days. ciaii, inh'alaliu liierapv, physical ilici With SI preparation, roads, landscaping. ilitys it of the Wilh thcic tpha TesliOfI[iyc nl plu v(CH vill be ove ii.llel, preMclenl of Soudiem iMi.xsioirary College; tllsworth McKee" S(iOO,000.

!) McKbc, 0- D. McKee, and Jack ' "he entire McKee of McKee Baking Co diaries medical complex as pianni Ir projecl director; Mrs. Jane include additional Sines, nurse-receplinnisl; Cliaries Davis, clinic buildings, a lital, a nursing-convalescent ' vS;;°"^ "'.1''^' '° "8'"- Fra"i:isCosterisan,]>Ianl engineer and home, a III, SMC; Forrest Preston, Developnieiu enicnt complex, Enterprises Inc nursini! Iioines- aparlments and cor

Sines, D.D,S.; Dr. diaries ' inium, \ Scliliefer, O.D,; Ulma E Priester and a ciiurch, a lake and a park, tr (jf Jack Tyler and Associates, he site is a arcliitects; Jan Rosliing. 90.acre tract located at tl > medical com- ri- aspiojectdi ril ineinber: Mrs. Greta Kntzner, nurse; Dr. Waldemar section of Apjson Pike and the Colt Kutzner, M.D ; iral. Dr. Roger King, Ringgold D.D.S. Far left is contractor John H. Edgmon Road-about one and one- iijii miles Trom the college toward Ch al i

I nooga. The land has been donated bv M Cress Re-elected SA President

be jl k

c c la a

Tl e r al

' nnnb o e cnipl asisof 11 c SA ad Ba W II ull 00 o es iM J o (1 g Cress V II be DtnJchle vjs appr ved js/kct/j? ed 'oniniuiiicalion bclwecn the ex- r and Beverly Bcnchina was approved "licciSiiiiJilicsliidcnlbody. He sSfniilifni Mema '! edit. onfreras Donates Statue '"';"'"'""""""" '> IntheSMC I Mr. Cnnncras will begin work on Ihc m ','";'" I" '.M|.i ., monument umcnl in carlv Marcli and it will be here in

'' ' "'- ii"':t \iclnrM.Cnii- ibc early pari of ihc fall. European Tour Scheduled 7 Countries Included •

jcled Ihis lipring by Ihe Southern Mis ry College Dcparlmcnl of Modern La

^ :-.-':.: tulluicol ilicGciin,iii-4X', ;ing world will I'-"^' )ur. Sabbaths ioiial college or

1 inajoi church. Pctsuns wishing college c tcdil nijv.if NOTICE hey aic academy jlinioiso older, o'blain l„cc crcdil hours in Gcrma 1 cullutc and VOTING WILL HE HELD TODAY r.vih/alinn. applicable low rd ,1 iil;i|oi or iliiioiinc.llcgcC.o.manoi AND TOMORROW 10 DETERMINE

''"^''ll!''IIn/,cInili'cJ I'l'l Ih THE WINNER IN THE VICEPRES-

L,,^' LiM.l.nh.lMCc ol' m!™'.!!' ;I"n;. h". IDENTIAL CONTEST. THE CAND-

'.",'! '." '

1 ,; . !,.,,; "jjl"'',!",',',','" , IDATES \RE KEN ROGERS AND lOMMV D \\ IDSON :':"L'\'::':,,','. .: CALENDAR editorials

Formal/zee/ Nonconformity ?

after a week of prayer Walking back to the dorm '^'^^'PjJ ' JTv^.i, enjoying the meetings. Yeah, niented to a friend on how much 1 was Tuesday, the 16th talks about the same every uley are good," he replied, "But he

' "Of course he talks Another friend added his two cents, then, that counts and that s ;ibout rlie same thing. There is only one thmg

ii with God." relationship . c i- exchanged one set ot cii- Tlie question I'd Hke to ask is have we for another, a religion of clies for another one set of pat answers Saturday, the IJth faith which lormaiiiy and works for a religion of righteousness by of us now toss has fuxome formahzed in its nonconformity Do many the mean- around tlie word lelationsliip without really understandmg justificat- ing of Ihc word in the same way that the old stand-byes of Wednesday, the I7lh ion, sanctitication. and propitiation used to be tossed around? afraid it is. The mes- I hope this isn't the case, but sometimes I'm sage that Jere Webb emphasized and re-emphasized in his week of prayer talks is the key to Christianity and salvation. Like my one friend said, a relationship with God is the only thing that counts. A Thursday, the 18lh personalized devotional life is the only way to gain this relationship. But if you don't want to accept the yoke that comes along with the ^ peace, if you don't want to be made willing to be willing, if you don't want God to become an integral part of your life, then even your hour

,1 day spent in contemplative meditation will become another form, an- nllier means of working your way to heaven. On the other hand, if you want the yoke that results in peace, if you wjnt (o be made willing to be made willing, if you want God to becomt an integral part ol your life, then a relationship with God will not just PIRST MAIL J set CLASS W of words but an experience, and the time you spend with God will not be just another thing you have to do but the most enjoyable lime of your day. „ ,,. .. - Bruce Yingling What Happened To Self Service

Dear Editor,

their !.l>jft:jrds, Nowiv. n MIGHT PAY OFF Well, ii looks as Iliougli it is back lo ilie of showing tlicpreKn«o( old regime at the cafeteria. Self-service was only have a system where the card in the macliine is needed Io|(l; "Who, way! but a short-lived attempt lo "'save us all a me-no Everyone else can talk about conserving energy, isabummef, lillle money by keeping prices down." Not meal, but if the card itself everyone else can putter along at 55, the administration can cut rejects it, Whereaiethe that anyone has officially said il is over, but •he computer down on the amount of electricity "- they use. but you're crazy if you dollars" savings being then why is there someone standing at the "thousands of Hunk I'm going to botlier and try to minimize the time I use my air fleeted now? end of the deck nearly every lime I go to lomlitioner or heater. After all, I pay a fortune to go to this to save usmoney.»ti); school serve myself who either serves me, or tells If he still wants and I wliosti uitend to get my money's worth as much as possible." Ihe "door guard" nie how full I should (or should not) fill my not eliminate Dill you find yourself verbalizing l.D.scmliny?0« these sentiments or at least think- lillle bowl? In the article on the front page function seems to be li tliecaid. ! ; 1 111 jl Icr readmg without the article on the rising costs of electricity and of the January 15 issue,! quote: "Grange can't pass the checker ;' Ilic students the tray does not spt '11 to try and conserve their use of electricity. will lake larger iielp- and having il on give 1' iii\ lu^l reaction, The wait in line but remember as students we pay for every- Ihe checkers up. reveal Hie "«1 i-i' . to .mil penny saved is a penny earned. If one sufficient time I we joined the ad- eslimilf "iitcrted the right moment. Conservative 1 drive to save on the electricity used on the I ' Ibis mile ilem I Ilk everyone on the cost of would be surprised with the results. II Sl&OOamanth savings, toSlOaday. 1! I I'ne and we problem which makes it end up uncomfortable in personally un...^ widi All in all, I'm , unless the them back in the same old place lelltiig 1 airconditioner, fan, or heater is concerning the nnand liftiow lo do iheir job, where arc wc saving? wiihslatemenls ^^ ''"''I "ly ventilation a . room gets stuffy in is having. no ^Lasl year Grange complained that diflicully our cafeteria '' the I "f ' electricity is so slioulde'lN ' high. 1 think it would we students inevitably musi

I lie 1 possibihty fixing of the windows in burden. Do I hear a second? "- 'I.I I'm ' 111' mllopen. In my room we haven't used D.ili-T all, it might just pay off.

employee of one of ti The idcaofadiillsanil'i

campus ! ^ as shouM i \

: idcaofcommuMK,!!, ,. .

workers is a bi-wt'.l.

Fund, . so when ..., , ,, an i, , into our »»»'"', grubby liiM. iislraled and t so Accent ihal we may be hli, .i , \, ,, missed. in.,1 nolitieiansvvrotelaws.m*: Be ihal ash Bruce Yingling may. Id like to la opportunity Layout Editor to compliment you Reporters of the The lisle. (lordiin most cleverly humorous Doncskey Dawn Rice i.e vs sheet MisslMrs ?)Be„clnaaw,ili«!% ""'"' Sally McMillan yoiniij'rV'""'''*''^'"" Jerry Lien "'' '"-'' ofwe.'l ' Terry Hall David Kay " '" "'1'' "'' Bi;,.;„„'.:i:n,yho„.sof«# Beverly Bencliiiia cunnmV, ," Don Jehle MilveJ iiiui »elf-C(>Tiscimiss"iSS"'j,„ Two;irlick".in - o'irr 1 aea'"' ' izcd I'd been taken in ,,|,ir» you. The work of you and yjjj^ preparing llu,se enlerlamme ^^, y* '>iuhern liaia i" Missionan articles is going to be r." , salirc and wil ate "^^^^'^buitJS't' *' '* llK-'l,um,'''--m'y po"i adunf Children's Center Provides Christian Day Care # The Collegedale Children's Center, located on ihe first floor of Summerour Hall, is sponsored by the Home Economics department of SMC. [is hours of operation are from Siudeni assistants who arc early child- 6:lSa,m. 10 6: 00 p.m. Monday hood education majors help hrougl. Friday year with Ihe cenle round. This opening The Hour home is the ideal environinenl, bul IS for Ihe convenience of parents who there arc working are nurses, mothers, says Mrs. Sue who work al McKee Bakery TeHennepe, head of or who have CCC and instructor in other early morning employ- -SMC. She feels Ihere should No one be church-sponsored day car. cenk-r specific group is represented by Ihe r children whose parents work. children who stay at the center Their The purposes of llie c parents are students, faculty members bakery Ihe r i the c nilya employees, and come from Ihe quality c for the child, mmunily and Chattanooga. The CCC pen classrooii is licensed as a day care cen- basis. The cliildre , not as allowed to bi a nursery school or a kinder- garten. Two of the requiremenis involved slab, in the sandbox, the in getting a playground license are that the children be from grassy hills beside Su ages 3 - 6 and lhat there only be so irHall. many children for a given amount of space The inside of the inter lime. is divided ii Paul Cebert is an avid sailing fan. For the CCC Ihe number is sections, called 18 children. learn. ..„ child can go to pursue Its operation a particular inleresl schedule is planned, bul These learning centers are music, puzzles, structured and flexible. Worship conies fine motor a,m. development and table games, 9 and lunch at noon with nap time books and quiet corner, large transpor- The Lure Of immediately -following. The These are the Sea only tation toys and scheduled blocks, and dramatic play. activities. If the activity for Ihe The children day have free access to all of the Hver)oiU' at some lirnc or another lias thed is painting, the teacher may bring out materials in the learning centers. dtawii by lite lure of the sea, whether the art supplies at 10 and leave them out The dramatic for two play area is a place where its fresh sah air and wide open spaces hours, but the children aren't forced Wev the children dress to can up in clothes that foam-capped waves and expanse of participate in the activity if they don't Mr, Gebert has been in other narrow remind Ihem of their wani to. mothers or fathers or 'p blue. The adventure of braving The teachers try lo make the the scrapes besides this different one. Probably one of occupations. Then they can act activities interesting and stimulating so Ihe Ihe closest happened roles on an earlier (rip to in any way they may wish li children will want to lake part. Bimini when a ies in language twenty-eight foot crissciaft Debbie Worley, arts, science. Bible what's f there a 1975 graduate of SMC power yacht he was piloting -e also provided for Ihe was almost itli a BS in Home clrildren. me people may have these dreams all Economics, is Ihe head demolished by a Easel painting is always available. freigliter. teacher at CCC. lives and yet do nothing about them, One of her responsibilities "We were probably The peg board provides an about ten miles east is lo plan outings opportunity others decide that it's "now or and activities for ihe never." of for the child lo develop Miami when the mishap occurred." said children. his visual and molo a person is Paul Al least once every two weeks Gebert, an assistant a by using Mr. Gebert. "I was at the wheel and a the pegs to form pali Itisor in the SMC field trip is planned. Sometimes a special Chemistry Department. designs. friend of mine was acting as a look-out on e call of the d guesi is brouglit to (he CCC to speak to the deck. I saw some liglils off the starboard The center serves as a preschool lab used children about some community service. Mr.&d; bow and asked him lo by students with many majors including . born check them out. and r CCC's latest venture was a trip to the fire nursing, behavioral nieresled He investigated them and then came back science early child- in the wiic! department. Through ihesc oulings ind where 1 was and lo|d me not to , - SMC. In fact, worry speakers the children he I gam concLpts ol \\U tl halever it is," said, his he 'it's traveling in llie 1*1 first sail boat, a twelve-foot cata- opposite direction.' But not more than five id from Elder William Ambler, then «tant utes later, he stuck his head in where pastor at the Collegedale church, 'hm Mr. IS and yelled, 'You're on a collision Gebert finished college, he and rsewitha 1300-fool freighler.' 'lie traveled to Florida where he worked issnduate "Well, 1 put the helm down to port and studies. Whde there, he took •Hge swung the boat as far left as she would go," of Florida's inland lakes and related HI •atcrways Mr. Gebert. "Just as 1 did, this huge to improve his sailing skills. freigliter »il skimmed by riglil off our star- 01 Mr. Cehcrl's experience has been board bow, barely missing us. I'm telling oinll light-weight craft, the kind that you, I was to »«si: to, and they can achieve speeds of but surprisingly, slatis- 'Ehlcen sailing has been, miles an hour. In a sense tically, one of the safest." ^*«' plane on the water like a pair With that note of encouragement, iiiav Ih' very exciting but also physically )me of us who always seem lo bang oiir- selves up playing football or baseball ouglii

I ^'.oreeruising III ,!:':" Mr Gebc, I l-'ke up sailing. We niiglil he beller off. The Collegedale Children's Center provides '•irt,<.r bodi a Christian day-care center "My of parents, and it looks like these three children don't mind visiting ci the lortherr Bahunns the itcdi! H. Li Brass Ensemble Schedules

iJu frtquLnl Praise Through Brass duly rning (lie For Sabbath School Program r Ir III K.<.> Bi5cayne iH and Ins Wife speni The Southern Missionar>' College Brass • 'kin diving and visrlin Ensemble, under Ihe direction of Dr. Jack

' ' Debbie llj VLitile ' in Ihe harbor The Mc Clarly, will be petroniiing at a special program 13, 1^76 illlelesspeaLC Sabbath School March SMAK CAKES in Ihe college gymnasium. (lout I 3 be rather The program will be entitled, "Prais Through Brass". The Bra ruble will ' lo inak e the return r'l ' attempt to demonstra HAS A FUTURE sofii LOloi WITH YOU IN MIND Ihe c liphoiial si the piec ^ . Some of played have been presented in ihe cathedra of Europe in the I600's. mcKee eaKinc companY related Mr The complete brass choir of Iwenly-lwo "- r<.adlheSun members will be featured, but Ihe main poi < all Alio the tion of Ihe program will be devoted t •'> cimosl-ireas quartets, and other < IS of the "^iv> in thi. iir Ihat '

Collegedale Academy Band CENTER CHILHRENS To Give Program

^B^ continued from page three For March 12 Vespers

For Friday evening vespers on Ma.-k the Collegedale Academy Band undnTi

variea sacreo selections. According lor. mer, the proeram will uoi be centered/' The CCC room was included in the plans round any particular theme, and ihe el Summcrour Hall was built, but it only or nme pieces the band when plays wUl be thf care center and pre- sacred selections that became a fulitime day have been the mou popular. school lab one and a half years ago in Sep- explained The band has 68 members. lenibei 1974. Mrs. TcHennepe Some of their plans for the future ihal although the CCC is an SDA-sponsored include tripsin Pisgali its Mount and Fletcher project, it is inter-denominalional in out- Academies accompanying the SMC reach. Al the present time, of the 20-25 gymnastic leam for some of their performances, chiJdren in regular attendance, 9 of ihem are and a trip to Knoxville, Tennessee where non-SDAs. they will participate in a performance The board of representatives for the CCC llin '''" ''""' gives them a rating in to gel -''"Sl"' comparison tooihei of individuals from various John C,.»a„d SI,a,o„ Mednnich 1^ IS composed »h will last. high school whether some of the computer malch-ups'1 wilS bands. deparlmenls. The present commillee mem- Only lime mil tell Mr. Cemer has been with the College- bers ate Dr. Cyril Fulclicr. administration, dale Academy for four years, Originiillv he was from Battle Creek. Micliigan ' Dr. Dorcas Ferguson, behavioral science. Senate Approves Constitution Dr. Tioni Walden, education. Mrs. Sharon McKee, McKee Bakery, two parenis, and on a bi-weekly bas- Mrs. TeHenncpe. This committee meets The Student Senate voted unanimously probably be published administrative de- when it is necessary for on Monday, March 1 lo accept a new Con- cisions to be made. Wednesday. February stitution for the Student Association. Sbc You've heard of ANNUAL GETS A RAISE 25 ii met to discuss plans regarding play- months of work have gone into the new ground expansion. proposals and revisions of the present Southern Memories received an addition- The center charges S3 .50 per full day Wash 8c Wear to approval by the Student Af- al S700 from tlie senate to publish 375 (any tiling over 5 hours) and S2.50 per half Subject The added num- fairs Committee, and finally lo the student more copies of Ihe annual. day. The "drop-in" rate is 75^ per hour. to the increase body in a general assembly meeting, the ber of copies is needed cover This service is convenient for parenis who new constitution will provide a clear, con- in student enrollment for the second semes- might have to attend a meeting or go sliop- up-to-date lool to be used by the NOWI cise, and ping for a few hours and want child care SA in serving the students, according to .services, bul don't need full care ser- day John Cress, SA president. vice for their children. Request for "drop- [jss added on being asked his feel- Hi From Korea Clean in" care should be made in advance. ings on the completion of the constitution Any parent who would like to use the ivision, "I feel that we have accomplished 'Hi! From Korea!" heads Mara-Lea services of CCC should have a physical exam great task this year. I've been waiting Feist's letter to Dr. Aussner. Her pale blue areogram sports four colorful stamps inaiion form FUled out for their child by a for this moment for a long lime!" from Korea on the outside, and an ex- doctor or nurse. This preventive measure STILL HOPE FOR HOPE in of a student missionary's lone- is to guard against the possibility of any . excitements and musings within. communicable diseases being transmitted But enoudi editorializing. She can write A proposal was presented to the Student Steam Kiihe children. Senate by Don Ashlock, editor oi Hope, a , body at SMC. religious magazine slatted recently as a pro- I hope the feeling is mutual. How is the ject of the chaplains office. Aslilock asked New Year treating you?I'm sure the Lord SMC Selling Industries for S800 10 continue publication through has given you many blessings. Isr this semester. Most of the time and mater- The newest thing To Liquidate Debts ials are donated, but printing still incurs a heavy outlay of funds. in handling After a lengthy discussion, it was voted garments of Easy-care lo appropriate a smaller amount of S450 e the greatest joys I've ever for Ibis project. Don Ashlock commented For 40 cents a lb. u California based "Our New Year's goal is 100 new souls thai with the money allotted. Hope will "'- have your 'icw with Elder R. '. What's SMC's? Have the kids you can lanager, he double-knits dry-cleaned why I ;..lle(.e selling S( eof Doubles Tennis Tournament (min. 5lbs.) He said that the primary reason the col- Come in lege had purchased the industries was to Beginning In March Things ask us provide employment for SMC students. aregoingjust great! We have and about 1,400 Endish students The college had invested large and 350 amounts of Sign-up sheets are in about it. up bothlaiBc,e ndHall Bible students.s capital This is the largest cnrocnroll- in the businesses and had to borrov and Ihe gym for The Annual Men's Club they've had since I've be'en here, money to do this. By selling the induslrie; Doubles Tennis Tourney. we have eighteen teachers, so most of Mills continued, it brought down the long- Tomorrow, Friday March 12. is the last us ate carrying sbc, one-hour classes. term Two debts of the college. to teachers Collegedale day sign up. have seven, i I's a heavy lerm. Mills was quick lo add thai the bus- The tourney seeds will be "I remember at SMC I always wished posted Monday' inesses were profitable, I but thai these pro- March IS. could be the teacher, but now that I've Cleaners fits were being reinvested in the firms- seen Ihe other side of Last year Mike Will and David Bryant the fence I think some 1 of ihe money being in accounts 11 be happy to be a student again. But upset the top seeds to win Ihe champion- I really do enjoy being here with these ship. David has graduated, and Mike has Elder people. Their kindness overwhelms Mills staled that the Broom Shop signed up with me Jim Douglas. I ' must close for now. will continue lo hire sludor" Thanks so much Houn: This year's tourney will malch teams toryour time. the So long and write soon, Distributors did not hi in 7:305 a qualification round. The winners of Sunday-Tnufsdav dents in the past anyway. this round will play in the championship Mara-Lea Feist Friday 7:M-4:00 bracket; the losers will play in the conso- Chung Ryung ^^ lation bracket. Both P.O. Box 200 brackets will be sin- Seoul. Korea "Ip eliminalinn.



COLLEGE PLAZA Fall-Winter Program ^ly^Pia SkatingCenter

Save and Borrow yiTS. Runyon Taking Over Head Dean Position COLLEGE the dulics sponsibilities and STUDENT'S POETRY becomes acquainted with ANTHOLOGY Je-in lliis fall due to Mrs. Stuckey's the girls by name (ihea'd rather than number of The rfiiitn to scliool and obtain her NATIONAL POETRY PRESS [] (o worship skips. This opening is one that 5 Deyri-'c. Mrs. Runyan has not finished her studies loulcing forward to filling. in behavioral iunyjn is science, but she expressed .... the SPRING ^ - experience witli deaning opinion COMPETITION 9 that the reason SMC doesrv't require further tlian this year's term of the deans lo have xiends a degree is that education Thatcher Hali. She served as IS not the most basic quality of a good dean Mountain Academy for six The closing date for the submission ot tin'al Blue Her experience has manuscriDU by College Students shown that ability to or- i that college .jis.bui she slates deaning ganize, build up a favorable rapport with more than the )peals 10 lier mucli "motherin the girls, deal fairly, make judgements, and demy dean. be consislent, exceed education as important liend dean of women of this campus Tlie qualities for a dean lo cultivate. lor housing assignments, schedul- ANY responsible Consistency STUDENT r college is eligible to of disposition precedes all sub olliL'r deans committee work and super- his verse. There is lol else in Mrs. no limiution to fonn or theme. "Shorler"works ». Runyan's mind as a rule of life u anticipating for lerrcd by the Board of Judges, because a dean. Without a knowledge of what ol ipace limitations. iLqu: nted 1 the girls things will incense their "substitute Each poem mother" must be TYPED or PRINTED on a separate sheet, anci „,iM this position and what things will be gently passed over, NAME and HOME ADDRESS ol the student, and the COLLEGE j[ Mrs Runyan has been in charge a RESS dorm can become a cage of unhappy and jikiidante Thisjob leads to low troublesome, sometimes even beastly, females illing HI girls to inform them Next MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the OFFICE year the Runyans will continue lo OF THE PRESS likTiLC doesn't win fnenas or hvc in their present home until a larger dean's

1 lu please dorm-dwellers. home which is NATIONAL in the planning stages is com- POETRY PRESS

I inijge of disciplinarian will pleted. Another dean will join the SMC 8210 Selby Aven. c sMis Runyan begins her new re- ... staff but no information isyel available as Los Angeles, Calif. who that will be.

The Bookworm

Easy Reading

guys jni] gals. Here are this month's ilions to! pleasant reading while toasl- A contest for i»i tootsies in fron* of the fire. (Whafs alter-no imagination?) HUMOR: students crazy enough

e Hanff. Tlie Duchess of Bloomsbeny

SnA-jio. to this car. 1 bibliophile, want Miss Hanff fol. n het besl-selhng S4 Charing Cross Road ^aiielightful and fun-packed adventure her long-awaited trip to England. Her unique and sometimes startling re- keep the reader off-balance and are mnteed to evoke giggles plus an occas- mcdicinal guffaw. For an en- iMet^mbination of relaxation, human and irnbridled English Uterary crit-

, Helen stheo

I of the world. Miss Hanff oc- »>illy peppers her narrative with lang- •tah may be offensive to some read- "ever, in the opinion of this reviewer I'aaiy value supercedes the sprinkling •itiirable incidents. The opinions of ••m.e, are not necessarily those of the ment!


Ularia. Creati a House. 1972.

!!?,"«' the first t is equipment ofMusic fame Dannon Yogurt cup exterior standard iS,^'"""l is told happened. % A blend of the «et bitter J scenes of childhood, convent Write a yoguil Facts about Dannon" Yogurt "'""ge, and escape from cultured, lowfat milk. ; from Hitler's Ger- radio commercial and Made """a ,'; traces Baroness von Trann^ you inay win this Chevrolet Has the protein, vitamins, calcium of ^^ S:;,?l?™'''P'"'''='%°ve'no»n,g milk. ^ Chevette as first prize It's lowfat balanced food value with reasonable Veraiont the popular four-passenger Offers -*- 1 and her new ded- delight. ™J' coupe, with 14 litre calorie content -a dieter's engine Has Dannon's famous good-for-you cultures. " ADVENTURE: 4-cyliniJerOHC And 50 Panasonic Cas- Tastes tangy and refreshing plain, in flavors and with fresh- sette Recorders go to 50 Available red rasp- **= Lost made fruit preserees: strawberry, Dutchman Mine, runner-ups. apricot, etc. Be creative. Make up a berry, blueberry, *«Utn,,i . 50 Panasonic dessert. ' ''>'"™iiled, exposed commercial on It's a snack, a light lunch, a W i,» to Cassette Recordei- 60-second natural - no artificial anything. Dannon Yogurt Record your masterpiece on a It's all lbH>'"»"»»kes and Apaches, Amenca's favorite yogurt. cassette and mail it in " ''""''. '"^'li by standard audio "ttanTli ,

'-'"'?"«'='"'>= Lost eat right, its the right thing to eat. Cm Yogurt. If you don't always ^"P"sl"ion Moun- Dannon ,"'*'i!oi,a.'" '"" Official Rules: P™'" '"wsligalor cTtv"' " in "uulous wealth buried most in a mine ^ rugged niounta"

'»mtl„ ,"°flitidingit With the

'.".''''•ipher. ''enliiltj he and live puflCHAse REQuineo i '>iecnar. "".^"'I'OUS search for "'""""' "*'Crrn;"est'"' .

Mills Asks Students For I® Electricity Conservation

p." "Electricity is the most c Soullierii Missionary College is faced witli said Mills. after save money." \^ar to year, a record cosi for electrical energy in compar- lalic area in which rising cost of cnergy,ai ison with ilie pasi few years. The sum needed To combat the following acii( 10 pay for the energy consumed on campus s taken the amounts lo approximately 531,000 forllic Costerisan of Engineering has been month of Febiuary. This can be compared 1 Mr. semester after the of electrica with the cost for the same month of the past appointed to oversee use czar" for year which amounted to an approximate energy, to be a sort of "energy S 24.000. SMC. The accompanying graph provides a clear semester, system for Lynn Wood the picture of the relationships of electricity cost 2. A new heating high in three fiscal years. The graph gives a belter Hall is being installed to replace the understanding of the rapidly escalating ex- inefficient one currently in use. pense of electrical energy. According to Elder R. C. Mills, Business CoUegeMaster Manager for SMC, the cost of electrical con- sumption has an influence on sludenl expenses. half the fluorescent bulbs in the ~' It is involved with the budget procedure. hallways of Wright Hall have been taken

budget is determined in the following ma: out. For a period of time, the chandel- ier was not liglited until a private party 1. Every dcparlmeni provides duplicated from Fidelity offered to pay its operating expenses. forms on which anticipated expenses a recorded, This brings to mind Ihe question, "What

2. The departmental worksheets are tab- t do to help cut down ulated and (he results shown on the m:

ter budget. All other incomes and ex- li Life Mills, Union has penses are added to the master budget, except tuition at this point. The operation of heating and air condition- ing takes the heaviest toll. Turning up Ihe air conditioning and turn- been the most ing down the heal can save a great deal of junction with the Admitting Office, money. Also, turning off lights when not in money. When leaving a room, . The amount needed to balance the bud- laking a habit of turning the get is then added to the master budget as accepted, in provide savings on the cam- most tuition income. It is then divided by the ;ase of fluorescent lighting, if anticipated semester hours to bi nby lot going to be in the room, or no one else will be for a period to ten minutes, turning off the Every department is involved in the above /e money, popidarplanon procedure, including Engineering, which over- fall electrical appliances, if .sees energy output and consumption. 1, will also help. This is Although the budget procedure may seem say that the of radios, electric cornplicaled and a bit abstract, what matters hair dryers, etc. is a cardinal sin in directly to the student is this. If there is any the of campuses books the conservat on of energy, all ileni of expense involved which can be re- Prodigality with such appli inces, perhaps, duced, either by the Administration of the but ajudi college or by the student body, the result In the matter of energy uf such reduction will mean savings to the campus, a public awareness of the probl overAmerica. some of its possible remedies "The high cost of electrical consumption can sa' enters most and be of ultimate benefit to a into ihe operating of SMC. This is one rca5on why the tuition is gradually going Find out why. Electricity Cost Comparison • CaU the 1 N Fidelity Union CoUegeMaster' ------j - - - - Field Associate ------t ^ \ -- m your area: ^ - ... - ~ ~ z — I -i 7 -f- ^ ^ r -7 - ^-- - - - ^ r I

•-; - 7 - - - - - ~ -^ ^— - I - y - _ 1 - _ —Li CoUegeMaster L.i.kLj Merv Can- w g,^^^ H„,„es 700 Airport Road 37421 The Cl-aitanooga, Tennessee soli lin Ihe of elec ytor JJa J uly Iiroogh yo 19 6, te' oil December aud'chc dl 615 en he slh efi cal 894-2999 ^l^ca ye 19 73-7 yearon97 4-7S

. ^ the Southern . Accent


1 Df. Melvin Campbell. Iiead of Southern IS dean of Missionary students, is a gra College'^ department of cliem- isiiv. has tiL'L'ii :ipp(>iiikMl dean of student iiinii-ii iijon from Middle ^iNh- ..-.,. >mI, I, : i,.H, !-raiikKniIlel.

'' ' ' 'inKcd that Ken- '•'-''' 'N"- ii '' ;' .k-an, has accepted Ihc piisiiioii 111 dircL'ior ol admissions and iccutds to succeed Dr. Arno Kutzucr.wlio has accepted the position as registrar of icludi Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Ca|. icular a He will be responsible directly to the pre Dr. Campbell is a graduate of Union As director ol admissions and records, Coilepc, Lincoln, Nebraska, and holds the Spears will be in charge of processing and Pii.D dotiroe from Purdue University. He accepting or rejecting applicants to the col- lege, as well as making sure all records con- cerning grades, admissions, transcripts, re- commendations, etc., are in good order and in safe keeping.

Dr. Dederen Sc heduled For

Religion Refreo f March 20

Dr. Raoul Dederen will be the featured with his subject "Who Do People Sa>, speakei for the spring Religion Retreat to That ! Am?" Sabbath School will (c be held Maicli 20. He comes from Andrews low at 9:45 until 10:45 with another University where lie is now professor of service at 1 1:00. His subject then wi McClarty And Runyan theology and chainuaii of the seminary's be "In the Likeness ofSinful Flesh." Department of Theology Ciiristian and Lunch is scheduled from 1 2:00 to iphy To 1: 15 in the banquet room of thecaft Present Faculty Dr. Dederen w: n Belgiu. Recital tcria followed by an afternoon niceli :rved seven vcars at 1:30. Dr. Dederen's subject then' ill Dr McClafl> will IIkii begin liii pari ,e ministry. In I be "Unsullied With Corruption," Af of ihc program by pLrtorniLng a work bv ItvoftheSeniin; a 15-minute break the Guiseppe Alderovjiidini enlitled Smiaia .'e.aiCullonges-s the retreat will get under way. Dr. Dedi " This pardcular number is written lor Iwo en will then speak on "In All Poii

trumpeh Don Ronning a student iiere pted Like As We Are" with the st

al ilie Lolleec will pla> sttond trumpet iiing t( Though the Religion Ret pi.™„

r II Mr hrtv \villpla> Dr- Dederen's topic for tl specifically for religion and theology 'ill be "Studies in Chtistolo jors, all others who wish to attend

s begin al 8:30 Sabbath

I Uk II )r uiI-lJ. n i^-M I uiid ui Ih^ Apoi.r\plu |l^MlUlos,(. luspart of the nil. live songs entitled Km r whose text is taken from II I'y liio poet Rueckcrl and

Mashburn Writes Article For Scientific Journal

htr dis lors 01

Tlic mm,

And Time ". Temperature Now Available By Phone

:e is in keeping with t

to provide all possibh the people of the a was designed and ant.ofAtlanla.Ce

a "compulerixed Ji

le Telephone Company andynly company in the St of this


Pressing Issues Need Coverage Professor GuUn s Dpeeck

1 the long ago the telephone rang ( itlie ot so labor force w noted scholar and historian. "Woulcl efficiency. Students now " desk"of Professor Guken, a Deneniin f • wisdom to our dear students :urrently al hand. Appar- college industries would please come and give your sage becomueiinS you the other end said. the case with the campus unemployed of this area^ ^*" at Happy Valley," the voice at the t eye on each lengthy nipped through he cakndar Accenl. As I my Secondly, even though Professor Guken scratched his nose, competitivebu,

. Thei: sof always do he cleared Ins column, all I mess practices in the on his desk, and then just like professors Collegedale ateaj brought up for the stu- arranged Alter all, enhance the quality and service throat and mumbled, "I suppose it could be of ih.!,, re, how the boys feel a- like it belore, sent industries, it would not I've heard of Happy Valley and schools be long he thought. liow the girls feel about J IJiat boul the girls, Friday evenmg and Saturday like. Of course 1 m sure ^omZl and I'd really like to see what they're suggest to the Accent the boys. I would the interest of the pubUc of After all schools are schools and cours.S it really isn't all that different. need to devote staff tliat we as a coLege be mtroduced. The retailers' students. doorsS students are some time to pressing issues which will swing open on the Sabbath, met Professor Guken at the or should « Three months later a smiling man affect not only Southern Missionary Col- say Saturday? "away from the trials and tribulations, as a whole. One airport and whisked him lege, but the community Lastly, even though increased I busirej the oilier side to the I radicals and agitators, dopers and lovers, of situation which is foremost in my mind would profit the area to a great degree sell col- friendly confines of Happy Valley." (his evening is the decision to the and enlarge it in the future, an influx of L < thought to himself, maybe these people do have the lege industries. unhealthful food and Ah, he drink would bs onhl Utopia or e that r of the students snlntinn tile ills wotld, niaybc I have found a stone's throw . Perhaps this to of thc is the mori schools that attend lius ii closest thing. No it can't be. After all schools are modern image we wish to serve andsprej CV T made by col- and students are students. of the n to the corners of the earth, lege officials ti existing indusl- Some feel the Professor Guken squirmed in his chair while the announcements solution to the problem ' In a discussion led by Mr. Jan Rush- O were being made and went over in his mind the points he was going ing of the Business Administration Depart- to make. Finally the announcements were finished and he was I point was made, and well taken ' ment, the 1 would only result being introduced. He strode up to the podium and cracked his fav- ii , that the college over the years has realized latory agreement, thus discrimination Qoritejoke. A few students laughed weakly. Oh well you can't win no profit from the operation of their in- would prevail. Perhaps we could sell w all. to say important than a dumb them What he wanted was more continue in situation dustires, and to this the condition of no Friday evening otSjtl joke, anyway. would mean disaster for not only the in- sales, I I I urday but once again with the prolJ 1 1-1 After talking for minutes tlie mortifying realizat- ' — he'd been 10 dustries themselves, but the college and lem of our unprofitable industriesoi ion that no one was listening suddenly struck home. Students as well. It community appears that slowly the way, we would only be slapped with I weren't just whispering, they were talking out loud. One fellow on but surely the newly formulated dream of a suit its face, reading on "Unreasonabli | the front row was snoring. The rustle of turning pages sounded a non-industrialized Southern Missionary Restraint of Trade." hke a March wind storm, and occasionally a paper airplane drifted College will become a reality. The industries have made Soutfiern the industries lazily past the eyes of the poor professor. He felt that a flock of When are finally sold. Missionary College a prosperous entity many privileges wliich we now enjoy could chattering swallows would gain just as much from his speech as and have provided a healthy future for easily be taken from us. There are several the as well as the college it- these students were. He wished he could sit down right then and community aspects which should be looked into from self. should we alter a working, wQ call the whole thing off, but he always had had a martyr complex Why tlie standpoint of future activity in the formulated we have so he kept on talking, counting the minutes and seconds plan, unless somt until he Happy Valley which we now know. thing more suitable to put in its place? could escape those little monsters and shake off tliis nightmare in First of all. even though students would the confines of his motel room. Then to top everything, right when be the most desirable workers, due to lo- Sincerely yours. he was in the middle of liis concluding remarks one by one students cation, morals, etc., privately owned indust- began to get up and leave. He muttered something like. "I guess ries would be under no obligation to employ Charles Pohlman it's's time for this program to end." and sat down. When the them, and in fact, could bargain for workers students realized that he was through they showed their first spark of interest, clapping their fare-well. While everyone was stampeding out the door the smiUng man came up to Mr, Guken, "That was a fine speech you made, I'm CALENDAR sorry the students were a little disorderiy but students are stu- dents. By the way, if you'd like I'll take you on a tour of the cam- pus after we go up to the cafeteria to eat."

"Uh, I think I'd like to go straight back to the motel. You know these lecture tours get quite tiring." Professor Guken wiped the perspiration off his brow and picked up his notes. Hmmph he thouglit, may not be the best speech maker in the worid, but I 24th do think 1 deserved a little Wednesday, the more common courtesy than 1 got here at Happy Valley, You could pay twice me as much money as I got this time and I still wouldn't come back.

"'"'' s„Shh5' '1°' °'": *'P=I^ 'h= most interesting and exciting "";''''?"' =™" »e worst speaker deserves courteous Wn,,treatment.^ VRemember his only contact with Adventists and Christian be the hour he spends in a chapel presentation. If • get f™1,r^ you """ '"=• ' suest speaker do .™^h k"^ T ^S r""" discourteously ' f°*"=J""","^

-Bnice Yingling

^ tte Southern . Accent

Unite Vingljiig Layoul Editor po '""'' ''^ wn Rice News Editor Sally McMi an

ryHall 1). vid Kav sing Miinager Ui vcrly lici china Don Jehlc sManuger TH ERN ACCENT is p„bl(s|,,i| | Jlioii orSuiillri'iii "llcgcdulcTcMn. I'liNlied weekly. ••i lost periods dur- Ine liidiisirial Fd- '^MC diu's " Even Ihe III, well dressed co/i/\Titer reads the As&Mli Mardi rs. 1<)76

Behavioral Science Club jcceni Interviews Draws Up Charter Conductor And President And Elects Officers Yugoslavian Chorus 01 0|nc..^^ 1 11 llll llic

li.h. wliic liad lis

lib pres- i.iMlial dt

il.k' MuJci

mil. Hill II LVl'l'lu'.l'Vh"'

^lKMfllKM IJOlS, su.clrai> a.i one likc-iniii.ta ^E

lakcii'hy M


TiK- dub nipt [o Ikiv

nK-efing a ii luring 'ipu-j kcis ol

JciilBcDi»if V'Tslilial

;;;;;';;i Ices l..r spet pcaally app socmlogic or p5y-

Mrs. Marian Kuhlman

Retires After 26 Years

Mrs Mail; iKiililmaii.K N diK-LlOl

ofSM Hcall . Scii'icc. wil

aflcr 1 f'd Only The Best For Coi My Friends Nasliv le. IN ,.„ ,.1 10 SM A Fable By Mike Taylor Dur llg lIlL' liEcn d .1 IkMllliSe, 'i': •fioiiiM ilicslia ve bee 1.1 pi Whin lalcd Anslolle she llfs airivcd Hcallli Scrv »as lo-

calcd 1 Lvnii Wood Halt w slniiild 1 K-lii-v .>«. T leic wcrt? Iw ins used

SUiden 1, ^'>"."':i'' 1 H finnary

L'«Niiiiiied<)ii|):[tiefuur Brinkley Speaks At Dalton

Mrs. Kuhlman has cni,lved^yo^klll, |«iilaiouEh."A„d"d'cvc',viliiiii,is Ihc SMC sludcnls. boih lliosc who liji

i'">'lKii I loiiiiii. I'll hring you sonic

Rogers Elected VP



In the SA tun-olf election loi uicepresidenl Ken Rogers defeated ''"iiniiny " On ihc llooi Tommy Davidson by a 82 uote mar- WU-'Andwhaldoyou Igi il of 51 f votes viete cast

|'"'*«l>UBaU„d,.,,„„„^,,„ Also anyone sted i ling

- -..."''«"' IVhcaidabiiu


wm. Only The Best For My Friends


gather in his "friends" generou! ejfis.1 -Absolutely not. You know how "Scc...,l Andifl bite will lead think that you weak willed you are. One iKrnatyoutnoughtlwasfioinsiothought I v and before you_know it he' you. Why the whole to another idea is 4n ' have you under hi: influence, and It s preposterous!" ' when vou least expect il." "Maybe you have changed. After al to prove that you are wrong. are "Here , you sharing this fine cheese withm lial I said be- Icarus, busily eating the hand-outs I'll share my 'cheese with you." And didn't notice Dugal fore, slowly edging clok - before Aristotle could object. Dugal had I really love this cheese! Poor Aris-'l a small chunk up to Icarus. totle doesn't tossed know whai a feasi he's Immediately Icarus, yielded to lemp- sing," boasted Icarus, hopped ov 3 Ihe morsel, and "It's finest! lation, my Only the best formJ gobbled it up. friends. Here, have the rest." Wiihihisi Dugal shoved the rest of the cheese just I out of reach of Icarus. f "Why, thank you, my friend." Icanisl urged Dugal. answered with confidence and, hopping ~'That'senc over to Ills "friend's" gift, he began to indulge himself. It was at ihis exact mo even himself. "Get lost, Dugal!" "And ment that Dugal executed his cleverly Icanis, you get back up on this perch planned scheme. Without a sound he The Kingsway College Concert B where you belong." shot across the floor: and before Icarus "Let's get some rest, Icarus. Forget knew it, Duga! was upon him, Icams about that Dugal and his cheese. He only tried to escape but it was too late. C!ain;| causes trouble." ing his powerful jaws around Icanis'i "Okay, but you rest, I'll take the first neck, Dugal chuckled sadistically, then reluctantly sluft," volunteered Icarus, as he with a whip-like motion, Kingsway Band To Perform snapped his request. gave in to Aristotle's "friend's" neck in two. "Fine, but remember, keep a sharp eye "What's ail the racket about' peeled for that Dugal." totle bellowed, flapping his win March 21 In PE Center Aristotle soon fell into a deep sleep. ger. Watcliing from the baseboard below, Dugal Going to the edge of the table, and The Kingsway College Cor one of tlie oulslanding music deparlmenls waited until he was sure Icarus's self-ap- gazing in the direction of all the noise, fmn Kingsway College, Oslia\ in Ilie province. pointed protector had drifted off; then he Aristotle, saw only two green feathers will present a secular i Canada, The SMC concerl is part of a 12-day sLthered quietly over to the watch-post. lying in a crimson trail that lead lo the Sunday, March 31. al 6:45 p. tour of Ihe U.S. and Canada the band has "Psst," Dugal whispered so as not to baseboard. | scheduled, with appearances in such Aristotle, "Icarus." wake "I'm back!" greeted Mr. Angelo,-as places as Windsor, Ontario; Cincinnati, "What do you want?" the sudden ringing of the bells broke Ohio; Atlanta. Georgia; Nashville, Ten- "Why, I've come to share more cheese, ,. nessee; and Disney World in Florida. that is ifyou would hke some more." Mr. Angelo quickly made liis way to I There is admission charge, but tlie no "You bet!"added Icarus, forgetting all the corner, eager to reward his friends, from I he n f band lakes an offering to help defray its about what had happened to the other grade Ihrougli Ihe second year of college, expenses. Slowly and with a long sweeping mo has been recognized by Ontario as having Aristotle, unable to speiJt, pointed t( "Here," and with this Dugal heaved the bloody battlefield below. Icarus a larger piece of cheese than be- Bending over, Mr. Angelo picked up I the two blood stained feathers, remem- Brinkley Addresses Students Icarus, without hesitation, quickly bered the beauty they once reflected, gulped down the tasty treat, and began CONTINUED FROM PAGE THREE 10 bargain for more. Slowly, and with great care, Icarus maneuvered off the -Mike Tayji lirinkley gave example after example When the subject of detente came up of the inefficiency Uiat conies ble and onto the floor, as he continued hand in took a very pragmatic approach, say- hand with a large bureaucracy. For in- ing that trust is not a necessary element, stance, he said that in the last several and that all detente means is an attempt years the number of farmers in Ihe Un- lo have a somewhat better relationship. ited States has decreased but that the "Only an idiot would trust the Russians." staff of the US Department of Agricul- However, he added that the alternatives The ture has increased lOO'i'- NRG Food Bar and the budget trying to get along with the Russians iOOTo, When the US printing office jren'i that good. printed the Nixon transcripts they sold At the end of the questioning one lliem for 1 A over S 1 and right after that Comp/efe member in the audience whispered that tAeal when two private publishing houses she felt like standing up and saying thank came out wilh the same material they you Hey! Mr. President. And despite recenl Look what's new at the Village Market. It's a new Protein sold it for less than S3. "Did you ever attacks against the media many in the wonder wlui j Chev>' would cost." asked Energy Food audience accepted his opinions wilh the Bar calleti NRG. Made with all natural ingreaienis lirinkley, "it iIk' government made it?' same awe they would have if the Presi- Alter his slum [jlk the floor was op- and containing no additives, in dent were speaking. "I couldn't believe no preseruatiues this bar conies ened for questions. AHhougli most of was 1 actually standing there talking to the questions concerned three delicious riavors politics, occas- peanut (crunchy) , fruit, ana chocolate. a man who knows kings and presidents, — ionally the personal clement slipped in. a man who millions of "Mr. Americans have The chocolate is Brinkley," one smiling woman asked, watched mainly tor color purposes, and the sweetening every night on television " one "when are you and Barbara Wallers going SMC student said. rs rn the coating only (one ot Ihe Brinkley part per million) . Containing Vi wasn't all that awed with the audience, though. He said that he didn't recommended daily in care allowance of uitamins, minerals and protein what they did while he was talking because nothing bothered him, "1 talk a three ounce bar, it contains only a to people every niglit," he chuckled, 300 calories and provides and who knows what ihey'ie doing." lull meal when eaten with 8 ounces of your favorite liquid.

This food bar is ideal for everyone-active kids, senior cit- izens, and people on the go. For camping and hiking it's terrific (really great tor Pathiinders too) . Not only is il easy to take with you anywhere, Little Debbie but it stands up to 120 degrees without meltins. It has a shelf lite ot six months

and a rrozen lite of two years. According to nutrition ex- perts across the land, the HAS A FUTURE first lesson in nutrition begins at oreakfast. Starting your day WTH YOU IN with an NRG protein meal is a great idea. The way MIND you feel, how well you perform mentally and physically is a direct result of good health resulting trom proper nutrition. NRG Food Bars are economical and ^CKee BaKinc nutritious. companv Eat to m enjoy the lull flavor of eveiy bite. Fo. travel work or play,..start your day THE NRG WAV.

7"asfy And Nufritious 1

^ the Southern . Accent


10 Academies Represented

Studcni5 Ooni ten academies arc ar- ival will be: Dr. riving in McClarly (Festival Band) Collcgedak today to participate Mr. Runyan (Festival 111 tin; Choir and Girls Academy Music Festival held here Chorus), Dr. Robertson {Male Chorus) (ins weekend. The program begins at Judy Glass (Organ vespers(8:00) tomorrow students). Dr. Ashlon in tiie College- and Mr. Sage dale C (Piano students), and Mr hurch. The academy students will Gilbert (Strings). also parlicipale in the church service on Sabhath morning. Then later, at 3;00 (hey will also be at meditations and tlien give Mexican Food And Decor a final performance Saturday night at 8:00 in the college gym. The Planned For participating students in the Fest- Senior Banquet ival are music students from Collegedale Authentic Mexi as well as delegates from the following academies: Fletcher, Georgia-Cumber- :l will c e Ihe a phere for Ihe Faculty-Senior banquet, land, Ml. Pisgah, Little Creek, Forest Sunday. March 28lh. Dr. Wilma Lake, Madison, Highland, Bass Memorial McClarly head of ilie commillec planning the ban- and Greater Miami. There will be 131 quet, eslimates thai several hundred will academy students involved in the Fest- aliend this annual affair given for the ival Band and 135 in the Festival Choir. Sen- iors by the faculty. in addition to the music program Tortillas and burritos are just a few of tiiere wilt be special cUnics the given by the real Mexican foods on the menu for college music staff. Assisting in the Fest- the occasion, according to Rondd Grange, food service director. "We've ordered Mexican hals, special napkins-sounds like ill be awful pretty when it's done." Grange regarding Ihe decoral- From Hitler Youth To SMC Teacher

1 1 was wliile la- was in Ihe prison canif due to my becoming personally acquaint- cupred our housewasdi- that Rudy Aussner became one of Ihe ed with King Hussein," I Aussner said. "I 'Jh^ tiK Bi ish and Russian zontsof camp cooks. "Contrary' to popular bel- am now an citizen honorary of Bethle- gram, which also includes a Irunipel solo- living quarl rs tthe ief, started by some rumor. I was never hem," he added. and slides of Mexico, wwacinl nd the one of Hitler's cooks, allliough as a mem- Aussner received his MA degree from Mofthehous was All faculty and Seniors are invited lo in the 1 riti ber of some of the elite the Hilier of Andrews University in Educational Psych- come, and are reminded IheRussi to respond by A ns lore down fh I Youlh, I did have some personal know- ology and also the MA from Notre Dame calling the switchboard. ledge of him," stated this man of varied University in German Language and Lit- The evening's activities will slarl at ed Rudy Au sne r of the experiences. 1 6:30 in Ihe college cafeteria. ' ' II I. 'i Depart ( me nl ^SMC, "I 1 became an Adventisl in 948 and In 1 964, Aussner and his family moved B thplace was (; rman attended our college in West Germany to Southern Missionary College where he ^'' s inciudt.d m the British I ' where received ministerial training," 1 became a member of the German Depart- BS Nursing Sfudents In 1 95 1 Dr. Aussner and his wife came J'lw.ullipseot the Third Reich His to Canada where he canvassed. "It was Ten years later, he received his Doclor I'w was a government Head For Orlando olhcial and both 25 years ago today (March 17) thai I first of Philosophy degree in German Language Wswerc two of the oldest Na7is in started canvassing. I went to Canadian and Literature from Vanderbilt University. At liigli noon on Thursday. April fools UniiMi Cnlleee in 1953 and graduated in currently taking schooling toward day, the sophomore BS nursing sludenis [orate in Educational Psychology," will embark upon their annual pilgrimage lo Ihe Florida Hospital in Orlando where Mme. Working four days a next year they will spend a full year study-

v'.vLh. Ill .1 colporteur capacity and three er presently is sponsor of SMC's ing.

Jays the German-speaking church of mary effort in Nicaragua. "The Nio Mrs. Shirley Spears, from Ihe Nursing rhcr.v... rfis .Mating at the (ime araguan Govcmnieni and people are very Department, will be accompanying Ihe a I, he r. /ed Ihe mammoth sum the &"'^ a form of elite 1 political .ollege nth. grateful for ihe help that we are trying to students on their trip. She related that liewentonlosiy iSu""'''' These the Jerusalem- ive Ihcm. The whole effort is very worth- the basic intent is to help the nursing stu- " ""1^^^ etc geared tor those to the sludenis in- dents to get acquainted with the environ- among Jordan area in 1958 to work as mission- hile and rewarding '" '"' ^^i^re being groomed to concluded this man who ment in which they will be working in. by Ihe aries among the Moslems. He is the only volved and me." Friday, a fuL lour of the hospital Advenlist missionary to enjoy diplomalii On itinued page three will be given by junior BS nursing stu- privileges in the . "This was on i-iineda degree ot author- dents now slalioned at the Florida Hosp- ital. Saturday night will include a spe- cial program given by Ihe juniors and Sunday will either be spent al Ihe beach ~'sney World. On Monday the d^ I students will return. ^^ I Mrs. Spears said that the students going down for next year will be the last 'old program." When asked what :w program" was. she was only say that instead of the nursing students spending Iheir junior year Ihere, Ihey will begin spending their senior year the Florida Hospital.

President Wriglit Dies " decn> ship an Former President Kenneth A. Wright '""P'li'ed^^'KHrS died Sunday. March 21, al Forrest Lake. Florida. He was 74 years old. Elder Wrighi was Ihe president of Southern Junior College from 1943-1946, md his leadersliip played an important part n Ihe step laken in 1946 lo change from four-year college. He ivtntohim junior college lo a ri% president of the newly named Soulh- II thai a break until 1955. A com- nd night was rn Missionary college appear next week. Dr. Rudy Aussner \plefe obUuary will ;

March :5, 1976 f^iP'^/r .SS MAIL

It's Worth The Cost Imnianpcr-

mire of the Lurd ^ waste. When wc Jc

consisting mostly of college \ viL-w the

Ihen ler I ni goini! lo well enough for their educai^'l lor Ion or Yale perhaps it sjust that the stmn , Tile fiitl IV III most importanl part nTili .n '

again maybe they lion i ii , i -i He saw men as lliey iniglil be, iraiisngurcd ' lini can do an adequau' i raising their grace-'in the beauty of the Lord by His cned with Ihe pruNjn of the barrel ]u- "(Ps. 90:17) our God.' in a crowd on the w.u .'mi World Ri; Inlhe March nd In one of my classes reccndy a man ions. In Ihi- expressed his con- article on the pr< wlioni I iidmire greiitly :ral colleges and iini\ , nil I . spci jusl dessert say the k , 000 were before the nation were listed. I was surprised to ifSlOO, was mi\ i^,

-:- ' ^.niiuls be V )rtli il. And would at least have the deceit.) 'i how much several other schools were charging sMi gelii effor i w „ lor luilion for the meal lo be finished and (hank pretiv compared witli Hie S4400 it would cost vim good the host. Looking ai iliis cost from a practical ear or the S4300 it would cost lor Pnncc Ion to attend Yale ne\t i Could it be that in leavine slaiidpoini liie expenditure is, church private universities, but even lor some ol the financial Granted these ire elite early, we might leave a blessing behind' I in actuality, a very good investment. In Unner ' public universities llu picUiri. u isn I that much better The After all, what do we come lo ehi jusl a year or so (lie tithes from these new ', on s tuition placing sityofMiimi anil u, , use in next s ear converts will almost equalize the amount the cost lor on ii sHOO and the Unixersitv ol llial was spent to bring (hem into God's Southern Cilil o ul Ofc un But some oppose this reasoning with otasexpensne is SMt iikI it ill Ihe belief ihal "a large percenlage of

y 1 m sure you c in tind elie iper i those baptized won't stay in the church." 1 quality education whieli incorpi Such negative thinking is repulsive to me. outlook exhibited the he classes our Adventist colleges i A pessimistic by laymen musl be awful discouraging lo a friend in Talge Hall. I recall llial SMC

men wlio are seeking to do the work of dorm students were enraptured with (he

Ihe Lord in a inighly way. In Evangelism new telephones which had jusl been in- page 72, hlleii While slates: "Those who stalled in every room. are engaged in llic difficult and trying Up and down the halls Ihe rings of

work in the cities should receive every the wonderful instruments could be heard encouragement possible. Lei them not as curious and inventive people worked be subjected to unkind criticism from on such questions as how many phones The Price Of Progress their brethren. We musl have a care for could be joined together for one conver- the Lord's workers who are opening Ihe light of truth to those who are in /n reference to the tree ail ihwn to fascitilate the expansion of Thatchei dark- As a freshman 1 spent amazing lengths ness of error." of time toying with the novelty of havide Christ himself declared, "No house a phone in my own room. Gradually we divided against itself will stand." (Matt. all got used to the idea, and Ihe phone 'C mon, now sawyer what's the poiiit'Why do thib 1 3: 25) Lei's cease tearing down the ef- system metamorphosed from a plaything 1 mean, after all, you put me down so hard and labt m forts of our own brethren who are trying for"' I've been standing here quietly manj years to give this last warning message lo a Now, it is often a nuisance and I fre- world dial's swamped with a great num- quently find myself wishing 1 could be ' W,-l| tountmy rings-76inall Why, I was here fif- ber of attractions diverting their attent- rid of the infernal conlraplmn. 1 spreading out over Happy Valley. ion from spiritual matters. It's not so much the phortf m in^ \liile the st-lioo! did V what's this? In lieu of the fact that Satan is the room, you understand, talthoiiiili l"il' n^hl sawyer to stump way—especially r of the Brethren" why should of its rings are intended for ni\ rtium- I 10 burst You lay me I utiilessly. any It goad of us aid him in this desln ork? male) it's the phones in neighbutLng loom: . hU iliL obtm Lx ho \m11 state not its sting that threaten to drive me up (he wall.

The worst thing I c\erdid drop an acorn o It seems some people cannot under-

wilfi- mgori-ourtin leisurely bene' stand thai if a phone is not answered humiliatingly. a ragged btuni) in four rings nobody is home (how long

' room') "Progress" you say"* E\i does it take to cross a fifteen fool to T h while 1 Iry of grass are covered with as| I ank sf So a phone rings (en limes trailer parks take a nap. Five minutes later ii ringsa- and when bejni '\\ pardon the conce nother ten times. Sometimes it'll ring d\s (.all It progress? every five minutes for an hour and (here s Why does your progress aluaj i.tion-indis The Leaves of Aulumn would like to the thing up. removing everythmg its exlerid a special nothing I can do (o shut m way' I think I should have a say s thanks to Ires Wood It's maddening!! r my friends, the students, ought to be able to defend me. With my rifices in helping the organ- ' to people lha[ ' ' All I can do is suggest " 3 provide nun- if after you've tried twice within ten ules and get no answer, (he person you

railing is I for a trying! CALENDAR

Monday, the 29th

Accent Tuesday, the 30(h

Repurters Dawn Rice sj1I> Maiiii

Wednesday, the 31st : March 25, 1976 3

Lslruclion Class Builds Communication L House For Charily Students Tour Southern Pub. And Visit TV Studio

pp ol Ikp b k J d 1/ sag Mag

1 bl 1 ng \ lo

e iio

0| 1 dUS\ p

lined 01 page four

Nineteen persons; one ornithology in- structor, Mr. Edgar Cnindset, his wife look Review Valera, 13 current ornithology students, Aissner church members in Miami, Orlando and Interview three former students, and one wife, pack- Tampa; ice figlits, much hilarity in the ed themselves and their luggage into continued lot Just Facts two vans (since much time was spent in them) from page one vans, (named) "La Paloma Blanca" and including Rook games, and talking on "Fly, Robin, has been bestowed regular citizenship Fly" and a luggage trailer, the CB, singing, leasing, and laughing. in on March Nicaragua along with a birth certificate. 3, 6:00 a.m. and headed to Arriving back at SMC on the evening Florida for Rudy Aussner maintains Canadian the annual ornithology field of March 9 after travelling approximately ci- trip to see and experience tizenship, althou^ his residence has been new siglils and 2500 miles, sunburned, exhausted, tat- sounds (particularly birds!). for sometime in the United Slates. He tered, torn and delirious, all that (most has been requested The purpose of tlie trip, counted as by the General Conf- oQ the group wanted to do was turn a- erence to tab time, is to keep liis Canadian citizenship acquaint the students with round and do it again! which gives liim birds in their natural ecological zones, more freedom througli- -Denise Schaller the world, since Canada is and lo observe birds in a variety of habi- regarded lutral in the tats. Florida is an excellent location for this intention: some birds are wintering there this time of year, birds may be ob- served along the coast and the gulf, and

the southern tip of Florida is the only tropical zone In the continental USA. Birding was conducted at Payne's ^meritaii Collpgiate l^oetg ^ntfjologp Prairie, Cape Canaveral, Loxalialcliee Wildlife Sanctuary, Everglades National Park, Greynold's Park, Corkscrew Swamp International Publications Sanctuary, with many stops in between. Highlights of the trip included: 1. Spotting and photographing the (College ^oetrp short-tailed hawk at a very short distance, iSational Contest Aniiinga Trail, - - Spring Car

2. Observing the nesting yellow-crown- open rod! coll

ed night heron al Corkscrew Swamp Sane- antholoqiied. CASH PRIZES will g $10 F~.* 3. Seeing a reddish egret at Flamingo $100 S50 S25 pacing back and forth. Firsl Place Soeoad Pla« Third Ploce $10f'|*

Flushing out fulvous tree ducks at AWARDS of publicar.on for ALL occcpred rr>onuscriprs rn our populor, Loxahatchee. horidsomely bour>d and copyrighted onlhologjr, AMERICAN COLLEGIATE 5, A tremendous view of "real" scarlet '""' ibis with five hybrids surrounding it, rang- Deadline: March 31 ing in color from hght pink to orange sal- ' mon, at Greynold's Park, CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS:

1. Any sludent is eligible lo submit his .eise. 6, Seeinglotsof wood stork nests al entries m»st be o.iginol end unpublished. Corkscrew Swamp, wliile many young 2, All were vocalizing.

bond corner, the NAME end ADDRESS of ihe student as well os the COLLEGE rrtlended

al e birds Cape three and sixteen lines. Eoeh poem must ho.e o scporole title. (Avoid "Untitled"!) Smoll block ond white illostrolions welcome. will finol. spponbills 5. The judges' decrsion be 9. Good view? of roseate and skimmers at Flamingo.

shovelers at 10, Mottled ducks and lublicolion rights lor Nine-Mile Pond.

very diligently, The group worked submit However. inolpoem. It is roquesied to n rising between 4:00-6:00 a.m. the diligence payed off because an all later then the above deadline ond record of seeing 148 birds was set. ot most Although the class was "in lab" for PUBLICATIONS of their spring vacation, they managed INTERNATIONAL fun besides birding; there- 4747 Fountoin Avenue fore ^'kiUing two birds with one stone", Los Angeles, CA 90029 A whole day was spent at Disney World evening at Parrel's Ice Cream Par- few lor. There were picnic lunches, a Marcli :S, lllb he '^nnihi-m .\cceiil

Page 3 chana Smith's Team Not Just Facts Continued From in all) have ii quale. The edilors(144 Wins Girls' Basketball experiments includmg the fam- solicited sug- 1974. vior an addre; and have the suivc-y wjs lakcn in that most eluded ,mc .jxperiment which showed Almanac will tell you uoi Tlic People's to authority, With Climactic Finish people will, in obedience inclusion in the r H Her wncd 8 0(0 acres of fa"cc basis for I al Adolf anotlier human inflict serious pain on ti al pi olograpl s re Unlike the report of an anii-chniucljc d , Coloradt. no coercion is empoyed. considerable being even when book does contain a The finish for tlic men's iy76 basketball sea- Inthespoft^^-.lmntiK-edil.ushavc which is of useful information amount son, the women's games drew to a climai index, but it is accessed by an excellent for the serious resear- not recommended Swede Hellgren expressed his appre- get sidetracked in no who is likely to cher ciation for the enthusiasm of the giris who tidbits littering every lime by the enticing out in mass throughout leading cmilendcrsiortlieiillc turned the season, of the (hough, eight doUars ' which has nace For all others, the faithful work of those or dead, into a compute, d who offi- living enough reading for a year ol rainy to hold an imaginary will buy lied Ihe games. Not only was enthus- been programmed wonderful gift for of days And it makes a fine decide with a high degree ^m high, but some playing was also match and thought he had everything. in a real the man who the courts. likeliliood who would have won en on Swede's choice of an baseball match. The all-time greatest llslar team, if he were required lo create been for instance, turns out to have ic would include: Schoen, Smith, Mor- Uie 1927 Yankees. ^ n, Richey. Everts, Pumphry, McGhcc, with an organi- Reynolds, and Fuller. If you want to link up your hobby lion of people who practice COMMUNICATIONS FIELD TRIP Leading scorers for the season were: look in the share your idiosyncrasy, Smith 72 includes continued from page three directory of associations, which Clitb Everts 53 ntries as Vic Procrasliiialor s engineer of the facility want to know what David Hall, chief uj ^..lerica. If you Morgan 26 the students the "inside and under- happens when a major daily newspaper is showed II d icat-l oilier the public rarely week by an editor who ground" facilities which Leading re bounders: arlcleson U e taken over for one II J lascinatine spent several hours with the group thinks Jesus would have edited, sees. He li 'iiory of i as he Craig 43 I jdverti^ and Ilic the I nc and explaining how edited a newspaper." answering questions loiind on walls see The day Christ I d nc grifft (^ dt studio in the world" story for your child- rgest recording Reynolds 41 liic If you need a bedtime in excavaled Pompeii, The section on there is much. rks. mysterious features the ;n, that's here loo. And Everts 32 unknown and At WTVF the students actually sat in the monster, disappearing sliips, Locli Ness the 6:00 News was broadcast. booic bears the defects of a first- idio as biggest surprise of the season vanishing people, and olliei assorted fan- The The be- improve- Eldridge, a student who had worked effort; undoubtedly many Gary large lurn out, came from llie tasies. Skipping fight over the chapter on ne sides ihe edition. " -ity last summer, arranged forihe ...:nlswill be made in the second outstanding lead of Everl's leani ...... of sex. dear _ late, but sit in the control booth of the information is out I class to reader, we come lo the health section, Already some Chana Smith's seemingly unbeatable tean there. The resl Hearst is still missing-and operations from the writers' inveclory against white of dale-Patty met defeat from the previous "Loser." where newscasters in the are fat too many unexplainable om- of the group sal with the bread, sugar, and Coco-cola matches any- Evert's team began by losing it's first twn " "cover up flubs" iHiuiiS. For example, SDA's are not men- .tched them thing written by a Seventh-day Adventist. games and then soared in Iheir third game "In a tioned in the hst of Christian denominat- lithe nc sludenl commented, bvcn meat comes olT badly. And the list to hold Smith to a meager IS points(l3 allhougli Mormons and Jehovah's this will spoil the r of leading vegetarians beginning with Pyth- ions of which Chana scored) while ihe witnesses are. The coverage is quite un- the studio acl so casual and agoras (they missed Adam) lends a little board flamed a big 29 for Everts. Melody's even, with some important topics being iiove around a lot. I always thought they prestige lo the practice. team then completed the lasi game of the neglected while, for example, ten pages so still al that ncwsdesk." The section on human behavior begms at season by defeating Schoen. are devoted to stories of creation taken Studenis returned lo Ihe campus around with a liarrowing description of life in a Unfortunalely Ihe turnout for volley- of from many difTerent cultures. The "Sug- o'clock full of knowledge which they tribe called "Nacifcnia." Al the end ball w ?mall a gestions for further reading" at the end ibility o"" playing al all, If girls are inter- articles should appear much more N,iLiii.[ii,i iMtkw.iuis jnd then reread the of some ested in playing any more intramurals often. Some articles such as "How do they should see or call Swede Hellgren at computers compute" are entirely inadc- the gym soon. Present plans include choosing of new basketball learns and playing basketball until warmer weather allows Softball to begin.

Final Standings:

# The NRG Food Bar Collegeda/e Smith 3 Credif Union O^ A Complefe Meal Schoen 3 Reynolds Hey! Look what's new al the Village Market. It's a new Protein

Energy Food Bar calleii NRG. Marie with all natural ingreaienis COLLEGE PLAZA

and containing no arltlitives. no preservatives this bar comes in State Farm Insurance

three delicious riavors — peanut (crunchy) , fruit, ana chocolate.

The chocolate is mainly lor color purposes, and the sweetening

is in the coaling only (one part per million) . Containing 14 of the

recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and protein in

a three ounce bar. it contains only 300 calories and provides a

S;ne and Borrow at ihe best inte lull meal when ealen with 8 ounces of your favorite liquid. a good neightwc rales. "Us where belong ' This lood bar is ideal tot everyone--active kids, senior cit- YOU

izens, and people on the go. For camping and hiking it's

terrific (really great tor Pathiinders too) . Wot only is it

easy to rake with you anywhere, but it stands up to 120 degrees without melting. It has a shelf life of six monihs

and a irozen lite of two years. According to nutrition ex- Little Debbie perts across the land, the first lesson in nutrition begins at

oreaklasl. Starting your day with an NRG protein meal is a (jieal idea. The way you teel. how well you perform mentally and physically is a direct result of good health resulting HAS A FUTURE

rrom proper nutrition. NRG Food Bars are economical and WITH YOU IN i.utntious Eat slowly lo enjoy the full llavor of every bite. MIND For travel work or play ..start your Day THE NRG WAY. '!iV ncKeo BawnG companY Tasfy And Nufrifious the Southern . I A

Southern Missionary College Accent Collegedale, Tennessee 37315


^'\h\Q Science Sub-commitfee Scientists To Discuss Creation

staff of the institute has collected evi- day who believe in a literal seven-day dence for creation the creation fiood model from will be discussed in seminars and the research work of scientists all over lectures at the upcoming geoscience week the world. They have also significantly to be held on the SMC campus on April contributed to this evidence doing re- live through ten. search in the Grand Canyon and various This gives members of the Geoscience other places. Research Institute an opportunity to com- The members of the institute visit municate with college students and mem- ipmeetings, colleges, and other church bers of the Collegedale community. "institutions to give pre- The Geoscience Research Institute is sentations on creation and the fiood.They a research and communication organiza- also attend scientific meetings and partic- tion funded by the Seventh-day Adventist ipate in discussions concerning "creation church for the purpose of telling the versus evolution" at' public universities world of the advantages of a creation and in law-making assemblies. Wriglil was on hand for Ihe official iDda dedication of Wright Hall flood model as opposed Pictured from to a uniformi- The General Conference has set up a ^''""'"- tarian model of the history "'~ "'"" *•'*•• '«^»' '""S"'' of the world. committee called the Bible Science Sub- Is 'hll'ETde'r'wSefTight™ Members of the Geoscience Research committee which reports to the Bible who will be visiting Southern Research Committee. The purpose of Missionary College and Collegedale for Fleming Honors Wright ^""ience week are Robert H. Brown, nan, Harold James and Ariel Rolh. eral Conference and the Geoscience Re- Dr. Brown and Dr. James are stationed search Institute. I Elder Keriiieili A, Wright, wiio served It informs the General a) Ihe main facility of Ihe institute in Conference of the work and of the JlClongcr ilian any olher of its pres- pre- Berrien Springs, Michigan. Dr. Rolh is sentations being made by the died last week at 73 years of age members stationed at Loma Linda, California. of the institute s buried near Forest and it keeps the institute Lake Acad- God-but I t the r 1 will be V ,0 the problems cjwheie he had served as being faced by men- principal- patience and love, and a if Ihe church. The Geoscience sub- Eiiness manager, pastor, teacher, and that displayed by the father of the prodi- with fcniof lOOO's of members of Ihe students. gal son who always loved that son and on Geoscience Research Institute approxi- I Hjving served as president of Souih- his return saw him while yet a long way yiunior year, usually College and as liie first pre: off because that was the direction the fath- of SMC (1943-55), President Wright er kept looking. ::aieii the plans that brought new "I say he displayed a developed pat- wiih a (alk eniillcd -How Old is the iber of this liings, c upgraded faculty members with ience, and you know I could go on for a World? "-a survey of Biblical and E.G. Last spring the groups met in the John achieved acreditation. long time painting a picture of the Ken- While lestimoiiy related to Ihe pre-history Day formation area of central Oregon status. Wright Hall neth Wright that would include no inher- of our planet. On Aprd 7 Dr. Robert a tribute to his excell- ent weakness, no flaw of character-but God Brown will present Ihe prayer meeting Jc Ifadership. did not prescribe this method-even for in- talk entitled "Worship Him Who Made"- tral New Mexic fulicipatiiig in Ihe services at the For- spired writers of His Word. He had them a presentation concerning the place of The members of Ihe Geoscience Re- Uke church were President Frank picture the impatience of Moses and the In the final gospel witness search Institute will during their slay in fiiEland former General Manager Charl- impetuousness of Peter, and Kenneth I Ihe world. the community be stationed in room IJ P*nung Jr. Wright was no exception. He was born The Geoscience Resear ;h Inst of Daniells Hall and they will have the iRiming had these words to say of "th a temper-a fact I'm sure many of you as established by ihe Ce of telephone number 396-4359. \H\ Wriglit: s not acquainted with. In his earlier "I feel it would be redundant to years of administration I have watched the lo you today Kenneth Wright's redness spread up the back of his neck as Mbmh, where he went to school, something angered him (and often il could P^emained, how many children he be called righteousness indignation) and F]'* had. (heir names, the places he sometimes in that anger he spoke out harsh- Atlanta Symphony To Perform '""fi ''^' »f accomplish- ly. But within thirty minutes he always L VT '"r' ^'^ \^^^^ ^"^ ''"o* ''"I ">ey 'ell :nt back to every one who had been with- r^mielift. 1 ,,f about the real Monday Night In PE Center 'Professor hearing distance of his angry words and |fl' or President Wright that many of asked for their forgiveness. One of his fav- "'^^learnedtolove. ite quotes was, 'no impatient man will

l^ir.J^^^^ehtwithwhomlbe. ter the kingdom of God' I observed Ken- ed 38 years ago last fall was neth Wright until that temper became com- Inrties-a man of great vigor pletely under the control of the Spirit of =P love for his Saviour and God. --I- His youth. , impact on the world "Kenneth Wright understood He oesl related by the students with loved to play ball with thern and when we r^Prayed. by the young teachers (of played he automatically batted in the clean- ""'* '^'"' '^hom he was most up position on whatever team he played foncemingcon7/ our faults and weakness- he loved J« us and desired that we '«3cher and Hewa^'^^' leader that he

pstitution Up For Approval •Siudcm ,, Association consti- that the new constitution will rellect a ;.l.,!'°"''W"Missiona,y College radical change from the old one. Many 'He assembled student articles are taken verbatim from the old ,P"I 13th SA chapel. and transferred to the new. ived prehminaty passage If adopted, the new constitution will '-'nate ORCHESTRA and the faculty go into effect inunediately with officers /MPHONY "nimittee. their ' the con- remaining in their positions until '' Piven a vote of con- "iiple majority (at least I desi -'"dent ning population) conduclor of ihe Atlanta Symphony, "It Ulaiila Symphony " designated chapel ), they should lion of Mr. Rob- The symphony has 87 members and this contact Ihe Student ?:00 p.m. in the year's operating budget will reach almost '"liii Cress, SAPresi- Association Office. two million dollars. The orchestra carries ^'^"nstitulion be brought to "rcnects Questions should on a grueling schedule which will include will be ^° ^tf^fi a much chapel on Ihe lliirteenth. Time concerts this season. I -."ueni n„ "^P almost 200 given for discussion during that sale at the Campus l"*™ bodv""'."'"" "'1" 11"! pre- Tickets are now on lias aised by individuals," h >nj oi™^ a clearer de- s points Shop. ' ""' organizational ^'lis is notn ? In say, though. «5^^ The Southern /^


An Ode To Spring Fever Credit Where Credit Is Due

* to beautiful Dear Editor: i'.'^e congratulate It's those sunny Collegedaie days that's so V\""''^ Dr M, one of Campbell on his float- appointment as you almost forget about all the rainy ones. Frisbees are d e n In this letter I would like to attempt is full of students ing lazily across the campus, the dorm lobby our new director to give some credit where credit is due. of admissions the tennis courts look so in- and - wearing cut-offs and T-shirts, and everyone ' A note of support I won't begin to try to mention to our over- new I almost feel the ectasy of an ace or a put-away officers viting can should be mentioned, so if I've left for 1976-77 which that includes new I this fine weather, of the head. But can take advantage of can thank your lucky stars. comer Don Jehle, editor-elect you out, you of the s, the budding spring- Accent, fresh air and sunshine, of the vibrance of * First, an honorable mention for Ms. em and Bev Benchina,;l/f„i(2 editor. "^ no! Because, you see, I have to write the editorial for the Frances Atidrews, Mr. Hannum, and Gary work and planning There are SOUTHERN ACCENT. Eldridge for their hard just too many mori click. the recent Communications here with this note: However, for some strange reason nothing seems to that made "Never be the Right now I could care less about the economics behind the field trip possible. humble; never be humble to the b pant suit questions or fiscal responsibility vs. quality education. * The Smooth Move Award goes to

and I can't come up with more than one or two sentences on Mr. Grange, of cafeteria fame, who suc-

the old stand-byes of moral questions like the affects of rock ceeded in letting a truckload of Steak-0's Signed, Jim Shanfco music or the efficacy of theater attendance. spoil in the freezer. * Dr. Marvin Roberlson deserves acknowl- But there is one subject 1 can write on-and that's spring edgment for his part in making the Academy It Was Greatl fever (or should 1 say pre-summer fever). This disease has several Music Festival a real success. All the Music symptoms which even those not versed in the medical or psycho- Department people share in this honor. logical fields can detect. Surprisingly, it first begins its insidious * Congratulations, Bart Willrulh, on being work on a miserably rainy day. (At least this is the way it appointed Religious Vice-president for the \ greatly appreciate the works in my case.) You blame all of your woes on the lousy editorial! 76-77 school year. the March 18 weather, begin feeling issue of (he Somheni sorry for yourself, and then start ration- * A note of attention goes to Bruce Accent. It was alizing that great! no matter how many term papers you have due or Yingling for publishing a school paper on Our student body is so mde toei how many tests you have to study for, you're going to treat schedule every week of this year. speakers it's utterly embarrassing. M(s yourself the first nice day that comes around. This is all right * Special mention goes to Dean Evans, of us deserved an even greater rebute as long as there aren't any nice days, but woe be unto who every year tries to outdo himself in your than the one expressed in "Ptofessoi grade thinking up s when a ll of asudden there is a streak of good weather. irrational solutions to the Guken's Speech". room reservation Another symptom is a fiasco. This year he's general feeling of restlessness. You Even if one doesn't want to allind find yourself gazing done it again! out the window during classes, and chapels, treating a guest speaker like thouglits * of Dr. Norman Peek and liis hard-working romance and recreation win out over the causes of the great dirt is not in the least bit justifiable. staff deserve a belated note of appreciation depression or the principles of the quantum theory. In fact. I don't think we should bi for their part in making the programs on allowed to take This disease also spreads faster than a juicy rumor. any books in the gym For in- this campus go as smoothly as possible. stance, take this hypothetical situation. s well as the s lary. Bob comes back to the * Thanks to Ole Kristensen for his leader- Thanks for tlie needed reprinunJ room after class and plops his books the on bed. "How 'bout ship and interest in his students and his knowl- a good game of tennis," he asks his roommate Jim edge of photography. Administration take "I've got to go to class." Jim answers. But in almost the notice: We Want Him To Stay!! same breath he mutters that if he went to class he'd probably * Congratulations to Bruce Messinger, sleep. Besides he who has been really did need some exercise. After plavine elected Religious Director of the tennis all afternoon Jim isn't Education Club for next year. (I Revisifed in the mood to study, so he calls had Perfection up his girifnend and e he's my roommate). tells her that since a full moon comes only ' Honorable once a month, they should take r tion of our student Dear advantage of it and go for a Sir: walk, ler at this time. I won't ad- I (hat the review d; 1 continue this illustration any further, just want to say for i tliink mire the guts and dedication it takes you ve got the pomt. to give on the book Perfection in your Ssplem a year of your life and schooling You can live to bring Could youf with spring fever and still 16 issue was outstanding. be a college student others the Good News. t you keep its worst symptom under vide me with the name of the aulhot. control-procrastination' * Goodbye and a thank you to Dr Arno Thank you. Kulzner, who is leaving us to help put three Sincerely you -™ Donald John "" Ediiet «r/sab"orrr,:'"SnrSL°/ '-' -' ^°- Imighl CALENDAR

The next point I'd like to menti( the fact that (I I'll finish this editorial tomorrow.) j

-Bruce Yingling Accent

Drucc Yingling Layout Editor Gordon Doneskcy News Editor Sally McMillan Wednesday the 7th Dniisc Sclialler Jerry Lien Photographer Tcrrj' Hall David Kay Adverlising Manager Bcvcrlv Benchin Nallian Lincisey DoiiJehlc Business Manager JonWcnlwnrlli

Editorial Advisor Ms. Andrews Technical Advisor Mr Duf,U,,-l, The Soiilhern Acce enior Art Exhibition [howing In McKee Library

Art Exhibition was offic- drawings, and glass engravines, 1^ Senior ^ 24 in McKee Library Gene Pellefier, ~ - opened March Cheryle Pierce, Rhonda from 7-9 p.m. Ramsey, Merwin Stewart, f, lecepiion and Judy Wade the culmination of many are the contributing artists. Upon grad- I This marked preparation for this event uation, Rhonda irspent in Ramsey and Judy Wade emphasizing in art from plan to go into I L students secondary education and Inepariment of Art and Design. teach art, while Cheryl Pierce wants lo exJiibition and prepar- do free lance work. Gene iling on an Pelletier hopes requirements for to use his talent jtfojjos are Ihe by illustrating various denominational tehour Senior project class, the class publications in ihe com- mandatory during the last mercial an field, and Merwin Stewart llf being student taking an ; plans lo pursue glass engraving. Their .f of a present work will be on display in the library through , 1976.

(Works of art tang pieiuies. Vlic painlini!S a kdventism And America Theme For Weekend Series

of Adventism and America desire to conduct an educational system ; subject iheme for a special weekend series independently of government intervcnlion, starting April SfGiing llie bicentennial, for example, fill much of his lime as ed- night thapel. continuing for Friday itor of a magazine with the purpose of and both church services, and con- maintaining the freedoms of Americans, «i 3-dimeiisional soft hanging pictures by Cheryle Pierce. at 3:00 Sabbath especially Adventist Americans ijig Willi a meeting by being lOon this subject will be approached a voice to Ihe thought leaders of the nat-

several different angles. of Kettering br. Greenleaf, chairman of SMC's bi- ,1, W. H, Beaven. Dean will speak for centennial planning committee espressed Student Missions Preview kge of Medical Arts the purpose of the entire bicentennial pro- ipel and vesper programs. He brings , ,.,. SMC will a of „ Si 1 1; work of the church gram on this campus as a probing of ihe be sending new group \iikc I'jrilo Tom i outlook on the

! \\ overall the students to six mission areas this summer H.ill < 111, Perry Virgi! iubjecl. Because of his experience meaning of American experience to work for one year as missionaries. ikinist ration, education, temperance, rather than a meaningless and riotous cele- students will \i These working ! series be at such and ! i.v W ..t ihese-s udents Imsdical work he has had much op- bralion. The planned for Ihe week- varied jobs as teaching, nursing, piloting... 8-10 is this in- vill be loaL:iiiiig bnglisii and som e olhe liinily to see Ihe effects of Adventism end of April to continue into which and even housekeeping. subjects, such as music and religion. te American way of life and will dis- depth probing an area touches students directly There will be seven going to Their maihng address is: illiese effects. Adventist students perhaps more Nicaragua, They are Charles James, John Korean Union Mission 3iletR. R. Hegstad, editor oi Libert)' than any other area of lecture. An under- Sleinkraus, Ron Ammundsen. Alane Hin- SDA Language School aJne, approaches the subject of the standing of Ihe effect of Adventist on kle, Pam Bleich, Jackie Liles, and Claudia Seoul, Susan, Kwang-Gu :u of Adventism of America from the America and how American Adventists Kutzbach. The girls going lo Nicaragua Box 200, Seoul, Korea of llie preservation of the Adventist differ from other Adventists because of will be doing nursing work, except for One lone student will be going lo Ihe face of a democracy, the American experience is the purpose Claudia who will be taking care of the Africa. Stan Moye will work as a pilot lies, Ihe Sabbath, and the of these talks by Hegstad and Beaven. home front (keeping llie living area clean, in Bolswana. His mailing addre s is: cooking, baking, etc.). The men going Kanye Hospital construction. lEngaged Couples Seminar to Nicaragua will be doing PO Box 1 1 via Lobatse Their mailing address is: Boiswana, Africa Mission Adventisia yfell Received By Lovers Francia Sirpi via Puerto Cabezas These students are making a acrifici- Nicaragua, Central America in time and finances (hat will be richly repaid but they need our prayer .and There will be one studeni going to 3ur letters. They arc required t Hong Kong. Jeanne Brownlow will be iheir plane fare lo their mission ield teaching English and Rehgion Ihere, and once Ihere, will work with r opay but their board r There is not a mailing address available room and and for Jeanne at this lime but if you want fare. Remember to write them. A few to be lo write her, wrile the Dean of Students lines could prove an encouragement office in two months and they should

243 Non Adventists ^ Kobe Adventist Hospital 4028 Arondai, Arino-cho Request Baptism Kila-ku. Kobe 651-13, Japan At Tivoli Meetings There are two other students going lo Japan. They will be leaching English For twenty-two nigtits, ranging from Daily and Ron in Osaka. They are Rory February 14 to March 21, Jere Webb's Holliman. Their address will be: "Revelalion 76" cmsade held meetings Japan Union Mission at the Tivoli Theater in downtown Chal- Osakjf English School lanooga. All area SDA churches as well Higasbi-Ku 40-Tanimachi, 1-Chome, as many SMC sludents joined Elder Webb Osaka 540, Japan in an ali-oul effort lo make Ihe soul- winning crusade a success. Korea will get most of our student Now, almost two weeks later, the going missionaries. Eight students are results are in, and all can see just how Ihe meetings in the chapels thought that Ihe subjects Ihe Holy Spirit blessed covered were good, but that there were been included. Continued still more that could have Constitution Some ideas he suggested were relations to in-laws, raising clijldren, and social .109 — ,„,„„,„ 111 pj„je|s relationships after marriage. '! »ie were group have already been bap- regular Tuesday and In previous years, Ihe seminars of Ihis' however. Mrs. was lized with ihe rest of the baptisms to J*;P«I hour, were designeii held over one weekend; * I-A statement of purpose Article of Bible studies. "gaged can't possibly cover for Ihe first follow upon completion He'™ students atlend- Davis says. "You included in the conslitulion Thai's The Lord also poured out another )J'™ topics discussed everything in just a weekend. were nature. «b live chap- blessing which was monetary in st„de„„as..„iev,„,.., why they've run it oul into ""'Article Vll-Senale sub-committees niglil lo help 80-90 students basis; The offerings taken each els." She estimates thai eslablislied on an on-going were the Crusade's expenses went well session, and adds council was defray attended a typical * Article IX-An advisory Iwenly-six (housand dollar" seemed lo be very statistical purposes; that these chapels added for research and Ihe students. committees ™ "'°6'' W^y™ Van- much appreciated by * Article X-The standing '•C survey of non-engaged reestablished; l«l,,„ '"PKwas financial prob- According to a „f iii,> SA were " Ofc s the s seminars should include number ofelecled^^^ ",""*''» related lo tlie students, future l"A,trcirXll-The gaged by numerical '»(ir,e" control, ings shouldn't be subjects: Birth Ti;|„P;°l>lems of the worl<- the following alone. Nol only were people and man- established; stalistics guidance, home planning verc tinjjs featured child pus rcpre biuuglit to the Lord who had never of llie relation- Xill-There was a clarification 1.' "'" opal's on agement, development 'Ariiclc many SDA PitSii. and known Him before, but compalibihly of appointed officers ship before engagement, „„ tiie number members were led to renew a closer feel- make these The general officers who are to •"5 i«'"!.'»l«1."l really and communication. ,|,e SA relationship with God. Area SDA need lor a similar ing is thai there is a churches were also as a whole, strength- non-engageo new method type program for n^';rreXv!lnShcV the meetings be- chapel and ened and refreshed by who wishes to from office was ouilmcd, lechmques °""'»l. "riieiewas couples or for anyone of removal sides learning new and betler ^Ihonr."» confidence was 1. linances-not for a vole of enouoh de attend. a provision in witnessing for Ihe Lord, *! guy who attended -Merry Collver Mustangs Start Off Winning

arrived and so Thompson's Hotspurs Spring lias played CoonPr", Once agai 1 22 enthuastic Comets. In a sloppy tify to thai fact. contest thp rl s occer field to players arc meeting on the cameoutontop,:'^. TI^'cS;?^; prowess. ed to a two goal lead test their skills and on a penain l" year's league, comprised of five Cooper and a break-away Tliis goal bv Hn'ii J men, is risking The teams and approximately 80 Hotspur goal was scored b^tp: Thursday's gave produced a hard o3 captains are: Stanley Vargas, nail biter beUvecn the The five NusianEs and hT Ke! Thompson, Adrian Cooper, Swede On a disputed goal, Swede HelrX?! Grahm Cooper. blood by scoring from Helgren. and close range cl season officially got under scored the equalizer The Soccer on a feed film 23, with two evenly with only seconds 3 way Tuesday, March to play. Helgren v teams, Helgren's Mustangs and a scramble in front of the matched Hammer bo Vargas's Lancers. Il didn't lake the Mus- giving the Mustangs the victory solve that contest. From 25 The two Sunday tangs long to games had similat yards, Helgren converled a free kick, making The Lancers surprised (he Comets 4.1, 1 0. Five minutes later. Coach the Hammers routed the [he score shorlhanded Hoi sent a hard pass in front of the goal spurs 6 - ]. In the latler Moon contest HoUnn, mouth which Lars Gustavsson drilled into Goalie Roy Campbell sustained a minor ir tlie score 2 - 0. jury wliile making the empty goal, making a daring save onJimW The final scoring took place a few minutes ler's shot. His heroics, however, could no, before half time when Helgren blasted a save the lopsided score. Scoring for ik H right corner, which mers were Weller, hard shot in the lower Cooper, Schultz, Bumsed escaped the reach of Luis Carlos. Curnow, and Peters, Thompson tallied foj The second half was scoreless but never- the losers on a penalty kick. BobHoovei over theless full'of action. Vargas took scored twice and assisted once in Lancen the playing goalie position, and he made win over the Comets. 1 full swing on Ihe SMC Campus several spectacular saves on point blank shots by Moon, Gustavsson, and Helgren. In the second game of the season, The NRG Food Bar Loma Linda Announces Return Of Summer Music Workshop

A Complete Meal Once again Lonia Linda University In the pasl, parlicipanis in the woA- is pleased to announce the return of shops have included college and univer- David Willcocks and Herbert Blomstedt sity students, higli school and college Hey! Look whdfs new at the Village Market. It's a new Protein and ihcii summer music workshops to music teachers, and conductors of pro- the university's La Sierra campus, Energy Food Bar callett NRG. Made with all natural ingredienis fessional choirs and orchestras from Blonisiedl, the conductor of Ihe Dan- throughout the world. Tuition rales and containing no additives, no preservatives this bar comes in ish Radio Symphony and music director per workshop range from S2OO-S300, of the Dresden State Symphony, will with full time undergraduate studenis three delicious (crunchy). llavors--peanut fruit, and chocolate. offer a master class in orcheslral con- at any college able to attend al a special ducting and symphonic performance. rate of SI 00 per workshop. The chocolate is mainly tor color purposes, and the sweetening This sLsth annual workshop will last Many participants have said of the from June 20 to July I, 1976. workshops, "It's the best thing I've ever is in the coating only lone part per millionl . Containing 'A ol the TJie third annual workshop on re- experienced." Proof of this can be se^n hearsal technique and performance is by Ihe return year after recommended daily allowance of number who vitamins, minerals and protein in (0 be held from August 1 to II, 1976. year. Last year 17 returnees came from Its conductor, David Willcocks, is dir- the summer before. a three ounce bar, it contains only 300 calories and provides a ector of the Royal College of Music, Further information may be ohiained London, and conductor of the London Musk Work. full meal when eaten with 8 from Frederick Bacon-Shone, ounces ol your favorite liquid. Bach Choir. Previously, he conducted shops. La Sierra campus, Loma Linda Ihe famed King's College Choir of Cam- This food bar is ideal for evervone-active University, Riverside, CA 92505 kids, senior cit- bridge for 17 years. (714) 785-2037 izens, and people on the go. For camping and hiking its

terrific (really great tor Pathiinders too) . Not only is it

easy to lake with you anywhere, but it stands up to 120 degrees without melting. It has a shelf lite of six months

and a ttozen life of two years. According to nutrition eK- i« Little Debbie petts across the land, the SIVJAK first lesson in nutrition begins at ~^L^,^ CAKES otcakfast. Starting your day tirith an NRG protein meal is a ^p/. great idea. The may you teel, how well you perform mentally HAS A FUTURE and physically is a direct result of good health resulting WITH YOU IN irom proper nutrition. NRG Food Bars are economical and MIND i.utrilious. Eat slowly to enjoy the full flayer of every liife. For travel work or play. ..start your oay THE IMRG WAV «At TicKee Bawnc comFenY Tosfy And Nufrifious


# •?«^^.a^'- Fall-Winter Program 9}I^S}^ SkatingCenter the Souths

SoiKhem Missionary Colfege Volume 31 Number Colleged.le,Te„„e»«e n Accent 37315 Thursday. J976 m SENIORS ARRIVING FOR COLLEGE DAYS

Bicentennial Theme Planned

Approximately 650 academy and high Band, under the direction of Dr. McClariy, school seniors will be visiting the SMC will also participate in the program. campus on 1 for the annual college Although Ihe presentation is primarily days program. Mr. Bill Taylor, the director of public relations and coordinator for the college days, stated thai, "This year's col- ulli-mcdia lege day's crowd will be Ihe biggest ever." showing will have film split Siudents will be coming from thirteen moving pictures, slides and academies in the Soulhern Union and also ing pictures "-scenes in tableau pi; from various highschools in Ihe South- eastern United States. The traditional SMC welcome will be given as the seniors arrive here on campus. Accented in a bicentennial spirit, a vast array of costumes, confederate soldiers, Iwo upon,... revolutionary soldiers, and a cannon will Thefir^t .1 .., !, 1 greet the students. will be a quick Hash liirou Some of Ihe activities planned for the done in Ihe canlalu "Freet 1 Sung" by seniors include a tour of the SMC campus. Mary Caldwell. Then, thei laled periods of American ory through song, folklore, and aclion. which will be performed by the SMC Mr. Bill Taylor and Mr. Don Runyan Music Department. have been responsible for the formal of This final program will take place the program. K.R. Davis has also assisted

Sunday. April 1 , at 8 p.m. in the Phys- ivngauza planned for Sunday niglit. 1 greatly with the props. The program will ical Education Center and will depict almost be done solely by Ihe music or- American life and its highpoints from Ihe ganizations. ICollegiate Chorale Plans lime the colonists came over to settle this Mr. Don Runyan, director of Ihe chor- country to Ihe present time. This is being ale and college choir, said that ihey have

done through choral music as performed "tried to make il historical, without mak- Chorale, College ISalute To American Hymns by the the Choir, and ing it dry make it musical without " Ihe Spaulding Caroleers. The College makine it a concert In April 10, during the college sabbalh mpilai , He wanted to be

' '(.!' services, Soulhern Missionary Col- certain they retlecied the principles of li once again present a program in the Seventh-day Advenlisl church. [f^ ^ :sof Bicenlennial salutes to America, "Some of them, though," says Mr. iparticular program will be put on Runyan, "do sound ralher senlinienlal MeSMC Collegiate Chorale whose twenty- and overly emotional, but one must re- pcrlormance will feature a sal- member thai most of them were written

during the 1 840's and 50's, the time of i^ 'lio hymns we've chosen," the great Romantic Movement in America. "II Runyan. director of the As an example, one hymn being sung, -X those which were sung in the entitled 'Scatter Seeds of Kindness', tells hurches of the early and middle the story of a mother who lost her temper |*cc[i(ury. We also picked them because and fatally injured her child when she fUisif advent message and reference to was correcting her. In other words, the TKCond coming of Christ. That's why writer of the hymn was trying to show temper." *"in be found in our church's two us that we shouldn't lose our .. , i^iilli T,iia-.«.e>r^ hymnals, -Hymns and Tunes', and Other iivmns to be sung include "The fe^f^.^jtf'aiilf Gale Ajar For Me", the hymn which H.M.S. These to become a I iwo song books," further slates Richards said mfluenced him Burial of Mrs. "were compiled by one of Christian at 1 5. and "The Judson", an example of (he practice o( publishing hymns by request as memorials to persons.

Colvin Given Tribute As Personality Of The South Df^Geiaio appear in F. C.ilvm, chairman of the North Carolina. Persons who reference volun 'sycliolofiy Depart inis iiuiiuiially acclaimed furnished by are chosen from nominations state, colleges and universities; national and regional organizations; civic clubs, officials; and other cit- biocraphees- local which all students States. Pub- izens throughout the United i he volume lished annually since 1967. fifleen honors people throughout the excelled m areas southern slates who have Park Shelter • such as public and Dedication Of sciences. i: Ihea and prominent April 14 women, Slated For L-n and liny days. Several years lal people, edu- ago 53,000 was set aside by the SA to be used for no other purpose Ihan building nllie student park. This year's 6:00-7:30. a shelter at the SA added S5,500 lo thai money and wilh an added S2,000 from the Admin- was able to begin. with istrative Council work by Eldei K-R- Davis 1,1^ hei;ii ini'll The April 14 program will include Elder Davis has ex- some srudeni help. roasting, and western WJrk on bonfires, hot dog hope that (he main pressed the solo and group singing. The cafe- completed by Ihe lim. style shelter will be supper that [he teria will nol be opened for building of The'sA^lias sponsored ihc be moved lo the cafeteria. n hopes that ii wilh Uiudenlstousclheparki Col lei .\ccml April S, 1976 : The Souchern PIRST CLASS MAIL

Hi, My home is Knoxville, TN editorials planning to come back to SM Dear Editor, my BS in nursing next year. Thosel are pretty dry but I'd Somelhing lias been o ninde like to Zt u infirmary about a of my anything-but-dry past since I ended up in the year wit] lime nionlli ago, and I feel il is about Here at Mission Advenlista someone speaks out on tlie subject of inNics,, gua duties my are varied: I this well-known place! (each injJi prisoners, at nursing school, work in the You Are The Unsung Heros First, they treat us like clinic and! the mobile climes, and am also lunch lime and at niglit. They lock Uie deniia The benefits I've on us as if we are going to escape gained have iHie doors hmt, You ;ire llic iinsunj; lieros ol' l ollege^ Whe infirmary mendous. This work helps or go to the other side of the nie lo cent sessions or at the laundrymal some of you closer to the Lord and back and forth in dorm bull to visit the "opposite sex." We are ma- discover strenrf list. not only have to obey the rules, and and talents that I never thouglu are usually at the top of the You ture, college students (hopefully), I had really ends. 1 made a promise to but you're also supposed to enforce tliem. Your job never should be trusted. Are there reasons for the Lord whal behind, came that I would never say Somehow no matter how hard you try you seem to be one day locking the doors? "No" lo- infirmary, some thing He asked me to do. There having to stay up late and get up early in the morning for last-mmute Wliile I was in the haw' been times when things I began wonder- have preparations. If you don't put these extra hours into your work-it of us were talking and happened that I really had ."What we do if there was a to pray about before shows you get blamed lor incompetency. You're expected to be ing.. would I and could say "Yes". fire at lunch when we are locked in and Through il all ihepn a walking encyclopedia and yet at the same time not be pedantic. Just rmse I've learned to there's no way to get out, (at least we depend on isPhHip to be able to explain it. knowing something isn't enough-you have plans 4: "I can couldn't find a way out)." The only 13, do all things ihrou/ if he You're expected to treat a most rude and obnoxious person as Christ which strengtheneth possibility 1 saw was to break llie win- me." were your own son, and losing your temper is almost unforgivable. There have been times dows or call someone for help on the of discourse Finally, according to the national pay scale you're getting underpaid, ment, like when a one lelephoiie available. It is a Ihouglit woman brou^ither it smaller because you and yet when offered a raise you voted to make to ponder on. To prove my point, a wanted to do everything you could to fight rising costs. You are the friend came to visit my roommate and utes with her impressing (he teachers of the SMC campus, and I want you to know that 1 for one I during lunch time. Il so happened that fad that if the little boy didn't take appreciate your hard work, your dedication, your sacrificing spirit. when the nurse left for lunch she locked his medicslion he would die. I'm the doors and our visitor was locked in now listening to the villagers mourning -Bruce Yingling too. She had a 1:00 class that day, so his death. There we all tried to open all the available have been encouragements loo, doors and all were locked. There wasn't A woman who came to the clinic after receiving a anything we could do except patiently gunshot wound has now re- turned to her family. We took wail until 1 :00 and this resulted in our heilo hospital a :nd being lal in Imck praying all the way Not Just Another Problem that each breath she look was not to Ik lalsc eof the good things about the infirmary. Some of the nurses are really nice and If anyone is thinking about doing thi You'd expect to find this problem in small churches out in the try to help you get well and be comfort- work I suggest that he: Be willing to di middle of nowhere, or even in the middle of the cold realities and able. Il is a great place to catch up on any task that comes his way, expect endless mazes of a large city-but loneliness on our campus which is sleep and get rid of colds or other illnes- les, and be willing to perform all dm so warm and friendly, where everyone walks around with smiles, ses. Lastly, a doctor sometimes stops with a cheerful faith in God. Life here where the opportunities for Christian fellowship are almost innum- .l-.:Jl. by t all trials, neither i: erable-no way. But you're wrong. Loneliness is an even greater 5 people who are just wailing for

problem when someone is starving for meaningful companionship terrific! the chance to be bapli^ed, but 1 in the midst of plenty, because he then begans to think that if he Don't get me wrong, the infirmary estly say it's worth every minute were a worthwhile person he wouldn't be lonely. Shallow smiles is necessary on campus and is good to anyone could devote to il. greetings lo you from all and condescending hi's aren't the solution to this problem, but on have, but it is time some changes are I'm sending Francia Siipi, Ni""" the other hand genuine Christian friendliness can bring a dash of made and NOW! the workers here in happiness into the day of someone who is down in the dumps. A concerned sludenl, God bless you alt, It's so easy on a college campus to spend all of your time with a select group of friends, because you feel comfortable in their pres- Sharon Webster Linda Gadd ence. You eat with these friends, talk with these friends, spend your free time with these friends; and the students who don't belong to a "group" withdraw into their void of seclusion and unhappiness. steak O's Revisited I suggest that you notice if someone is always eating in the cafe- teria by himself, and instead of looking for an empty table where Editor's note: In response stored. Presenlly you can eat with your friends you take the time to to the state- Sleak-0's were being get acquainted 1200 ment in last week's letter to the editor problem has been fixed and with the "loner." You might just get pleasantly surprised, because the mentioning the Steak-0's been moved im otten the which spoiled, cases of Steak-0's have person who is shy and introspective has a certain amount l« Ronald Grange, the director of food are being stored lo ot depth that the extrovert ser- town where they jokester doesn't have. All this person besides Ife vices, stated thai the students will not plaza freezer. Other groups needs is a little prodding, and he can be a fascinating individual. have to pay for the loss and that it is not cafeteria are using this supply, ^ '^« Now I'd like to address myself to the person to only "' who feels that if he being billed to the cafeteria. The problem college decided in the future were to drop off the face of the earth resulted the""*«" no one would notice let alone when there was a malfunction in the cafeteria for the amount care. II may be a cliche, but it's a freezer at true that the friendly person is the the College Plaza where the a monthly basis. one who has friends. If you go out of your way to avoid people no one probably will notice or appreciate you. You may have a thousand reasons to go around with a scowl and you are probably a martyr, but feeling sorry for yourself won't help matters at all If you smile and have a CALENDAR cheerful word to say when you don't feel like It, I guarantee you that your feelings will change

i Yingling

tine Southern Accent

Wednesday the 14th

Ik- 1 southern ACCENT is piMilisli, The Southern Accent Aprils, 1976 .

Math And Physics Outing Spiritual Counseling To Lost Creek ^ Adds New Dimension Planned For April 14

"This has got to be a class assignment- To Religious Outreach right?" Dr. Lawrence Hanson, chairman of the Math Department leaned across his Tiie Spiritual Counseling Program lias been in effect since Week of Prayer, and there has been only so far limited pariic- Physics outing lo Lost Creek was all about. ipalion. Elder Des Cumniings, chaplain After convincing him that the Accent land sponsor of the project believes that really was interested in this expedition, llhe students are unaware of the fact I was able to get Ihe information I needed. llhal Spiritual Counseling has already be- The Math/Physics outing is an annual Igun. "An overwhelming number respond- even!, planned by instructors in Ihe math ed on their chapel cards." Cummings and physics dcpariments for students major- said, "that they would be interested in ing in those fields who are free to invite l^ucli a program." one guest each.

•Spiritual Counseling is designed to Students eligible to go on the outing will I

;ei students' needs for assistance in be leaving campus about 8:00 the morning Imaking spiritual decisions," Cummings of April 17th lo enjoy a relaxed Sabbath, featuring laid. He added thai the program was an outdoor church service, "min- or" hiking before a picnic style dinner, Ibuill around the idea of bringing in fac- then more hiking. There will also be lots Hulty spiritual advisors to assist students of time lo jusi talk and become acquainted in their spiritual growth and renewal, with everybody. lind in answering specific questions. "Lost Creek is a very descriptive name I The program was begun as a result for it", says Hanson of the "nice sized" |of the fact that the chaplain could not creek that flows for 3 miles before empty- r all the requests for spiritual coun- ing into the Hiwassee River. The creek Iding, so the program was expanded to Elder Des Cummings and the newly appointed and accompanying campground, located linclude the faculty, thus helping to meet religious vicepresidei pictured discussing the spiritual counseling program and it can about 42 miles from SMC and situated way ||lhe needs of more students. how religious back in a small canyon, are part of the For spiritual counseling, the student outreach. Cherokee National Forest. There's a jeep llneeds to make an appointment with trail along Ihe creek and plenty of good i. Knittel at the Student Center desk Aftei come for only one session to deal with I places to hike, even for those who don't llfTel. 4243)- Counseling hours are as foro a specific problem or may come on an like rugged hiking. There are all kinds of Ifollows: ual counselors will be matched with that ongoing basis for counseling or for Bible ferns and spring flowers around to pick V 8-9 a.m.. 10-12 a.m., 1-4 p.m. lime period. The counselors are as fol- students. or photograph, depending on your inclin- iTuesday 9-11 a.m., 1:30-3 p.m.. 4-6 p.m. lows: Dr. Campbell, Elder Cummings, Spiritual Counseling is a pilot program ation and who's watching. I 7:30-9:30 p.m. Dr. Ferguson, Elder Francis, Mr. Hannuni, to discover strength and weaknesses in In the past, according to Hanson, be- [Wednesday 8:30-12 a.m., 1-5 p.m. Dr. Hefferlin, Dr. Steen, Mr. Taylor, and (he project. Any problems will be worked fore the college was on the early semester Thursday 9-1] a.m., 1-3 p.m., 4-6 p.m. Mrs. Gilbert. out so that Spiritual Counseling will be system, the outing was held in early May llFriday 9-12 a.m., 2-3:30 p.m. According to Cummings, students may I full-scale by the fall semester. when the weather was a little more ideal, This year if the elements are not cooper- ative on the 17th, the rain date is the 24lh. So, if you are a math or physics major (or if you have an easily bribed friend who James Johnson Went To Jail is) with extra-curricular interests in wad- ing, potato salad and a chance to get to A Lesson \n Trust know your instructors and their families in a casual setting, you are urged to take a versy between Christ and Satan, he mused. li was a fluke, a case of miserable luck. end at the Cederal prison camp in small advantage of this opportunity by signing Arizona. Suddenly it hit him. 'That's it James," I one ihouglit it would happen-not the town in southeastern up in Daniels Hall by the 14th. Or, if book." James fell God said, "there's your ilricl attorney, the probation officer, After finishing the Bible you are not majoring in math or physics, "I asked where I could get one of those ins lawyer-but James Johnston was the presence of God, but there was one but ate thinking of changing your major Great Controversy books and my boss, enienced to one year in jail. problem. He couldn't understand what for the occasion, contact Dr. Larry Hanson 'Here, take thai someone being a typical Adventist, said, People get incarcerated every day, but he'd read. He knew when " or Dr. Ray Hefferlin. (It just might be this one.' ' comprehend some- iiely do you find anyone with the alli- in the Bible couldn't went back to Ten- come set him In November James -Merry Collver ; James Has. "I was perfectly happy," thing an angel would to face trial. The case was thrown last thing he wanted nessee ays, "Sure, I wondered why and traight, but the officers hadn't had a revelation God. Why, out because the afraid to tell my girlfriend and par- /as a direct from search warrant. He breathed a sigh of people in the Bible got scared ;, but I said to myself. 'James. God ven the started out for Florida again. in an angel relief and do anything, and if this is what he and with the mess his life was out if all of the things I'd solu- "I had to find Its would petrify him. There was one for your life all thmgs work toget- out of somebody read were true, so I dropped her for good to those who serve Him."' on. though. God must have school, quit my job, left home, and de- ' to. and this lil he'd revealed Himself was the end of the road for James, horn end- some books voted all my time and energy into lot in the sense that it is the end for crson must have written confusion that had been eating Bible. So James ing the people. It was the end of an eight which would explain tiie books." my soul for the past year." long search for peace, a search fas- said. "God, help me find those When you reach a certain age Uncle of ihe summer he and Rich mating in its complexity, covering Ihou- At the end doorstep. headed Sam comes knocking on your 'snds of into his 62 Comet and miles, and most of all undeniably climbed sure, and that and some fun James knew one thing for foieeful in its leading. for Florida, the beaches, proof of God's never kill another hu- ' James had quit was that he could all started Mich- the sun. By this lime back at Bloomfield in even support the principles of what he knew they man being or James's home town. He was a pretty hard drugs because he of war by being part of the army, so to his body, but no one had loodguy until he quit the Catholic school were doing " objeclor--—-'-"form. niariguana. filled o "i'i anything wrong with been attending for 1 years and found what he told hifnself. so *int lo public higli school. Then he start- At least that's was a nice stash ot "1 smoking and drinking, learned the in's when he left, there continued on page five mdoufsof the "in" generation, and found "pot" in the car. breakdown, police 'hat he thought was the answer to life's Afier an unexpected officers, James's probing questions-drugs. help, and some inquisitive long ways from the By the lime he went to college he'd excursion ended a Florida-the cily jail in Cleve- lapped out, turned on, and begun to ped- beaches of i^sliis religion. "Drugs were my thing," James real- ays, "1 he looks back, though, Collegedale IJJ looking back in retrospect. As leading. Because t that God's hand was ijgh they were from God. 1 not only izes been thrown in jail he would j°'« Ihem but gave them away thinking if he hadn't Cre6\\ Union *a5 the 20th Century Bible i read doing everyone a big favor." not have and he wouldn't have INSURANCE Uuring the summer of 1968 he stayed Course lessons, exposed to this glimpse of truth ,,?l?5"'l'ly Rich's house, a sprawling been his desire for a complete ]'"^.000 mansion. The parents were which intensified COLLEGE PLAZA of God's plan lot his hfe. 5"E at their beach house in Florida, undcr.iaiKhng c first five le; ;r^ispariiculardayjust like ( '!*l''ne nl c two boys engaged in tl if 1 -Wow, past lime-getting ,;,.. myself. high. God on 1 ,, \. I - 1.(1 worshiping 1 I "'^^ S't'ing I |.|i: hn! there in all that luxury,' i"^« recalls,- " 'when I realized, i around to the We can't lessonsTumes wcnt'^ have all of this. There lllc up Million until he'd scrounged people in the worid who other prisoners sc . Like a good .a the complete ,, good (WO lessons of job and security just like ii all but was released. neighbor, AlkT ni.Mini; bond he " off, SO he and I , , ii.ii.Li was # r'lone 1,1 r,, I money, hjust isn't fair "M. ,!'' lor , wait '.,..•,. , MiJiiganlo ,«,"''''?"ly a huge flash raced across t ac llic be%l inle ',?^'^'"^>' ^"''benumbed mim s and ll»rro« the ff Bible,,,, aid. And he aid, W belong." L,. W YOl' .,0 home that lo gcI some s "ll's where zr eveninc e Douay Bible

> read. This "^I'eginningc :h ihal would MEET YOUR NEW STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Ken ^ Accent Editor Don Jehle Vicepresident Rogers

elected SA ional plans are being I'm Ken Rogers, your newly construed to make the vice-president and this is my third year at student center more accommodaiing major. I came to Col- and also plans to check a few SMC. Tm a religion of the ac- Auburn ademic activities to legedale after graduating from make sure ihal stu- Washing- dents are receiving Advenlist Academy in Auburn. a porporlionate am- ount of training to their eforn ion, which is my home stale. financial input 1 pledge to do my utmost Bui firsl V loecla Before being elected vice-president, 1 in obtain- What's ing the best possible chapel MynaincisDonJclile. have served as editor nf the SOUTHERN speakers that's a funny name. I'm from St. One speaker who is being considered Oil, ACCENT and vice-ptesidenl of Ihe men's al- Louis, Missouri. Where are you from? ready is a man who has a film club. Through Ihe office of vice-presi- and lecture concerning the Hey, I passed tliroLg)i there once! I'm a assasination of former dent I plan to deal mainly wiili the wel- junior What about you?. ...You're kid- President John Kennedy. fjre of Ihe students. Of special concern I anxiously ding, I would have never guessed it! My am looking forward to are some of tlic problems with dorm life, is Communicalions, and yours?,,. working with a fine staff, and major parking lot van- am expect- I c, sIuhvlt situations, Thai figures, why the first ing a good yeai d.tliMn, eic. I feel ihat the SA can be itii- I said to myself, "Doesn't Ihat look like poriaiit in bringing about changes and a( major." ) improvements within the system. Addit- Now Ihat we know each other, I'd like lo lell you about some of the plans for the SOUTHERN ACCENT, Since the SA Parliamentarian election, I have contacted several people Don Jehle about obtaining a typesetting machine Ron Whitehead for next year (we might not be able to representative. set the copy as this paper was set because and a column by an SDA US A Parliamentarian, which is an appoint- to there's a good chance thai the present Those are just a few of (he tidbils make ed position in Ihe SA rather than a posit- will to machine will be sold.) Keep us in your your moulli water! There be more ion which is run for, is quite an honor. I'm prayers and we might he able to acquile come. I can'l wail till next year! How humbled that my peers feel I can conduct about you? such a job properly. This job calls for On the less technical end.... the ACCENT If you are interested in working on the someone who, as Webster's Dictionary will offer a "Communiversily" program, ACCENT staff next year, let me know, br expert in parliamentary proced- will form a grievance-action squad (to act leave a note in my mailbox {Room 213). i, rules, or debates." on your complaints), will maintain posted We'll be glad to have you join us. I'd also Busin sAdministratioi I, this ;xperience appreciate any suggestions. With a lillle will be most valuable, SMC and community. work, and alot of prayers, next year, the the best of my ability in the up-coming The paper will be divided up each week ACCENT should provide a great service 1976-77 school year. I was encouraged into several sections. We will have news, to SMC. when writing this ariicle lo include "little features, sports, political, and religious Hey! It was really nice gelling to know tidbits" about myself. My full name is pages. Some of the weekly specialties will you. May be we can talk in person some- Ronald Henson Whitehead. I'll be a junior include: cartoons, a "Joker" column, a lime. So, until then from the great slate of Georgia! My hob- classified ads box, a foreign correspondeni Keep iheFailh, bies are cars (57's), music, and of late, column featuring a SMC reporter, "Knii- studies. What does all this sound like? tel's Komcr". a poem section by Daybreak, Don Jehle Class nighl! Well, this gives you a little insighl on one of 'your" SA officers. Joker Editor Jim Shanko Keep smiling and

Many fellow students may not know me by name, but if you attend College- dale Church or frequent the Saturday night I'm always open ti programs, you've seen my way back in the corner, pretending lo know something Jim Shanko about ihe PA system.

I work in the Audio-Visual Department campus, call Allanla, Goergia my

ly life has been the advici. of Ellen Whiti ) be moderate in all Ibmgs

Some ol Ihi. plans I have tor next

eJOKLR i « luld like lo become J """": progressive SA leadvr and " e respon- ,Q A^ A^


Spring shipment of LEVIS

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The Soulliern Accent April 8. |<)76

Mills Explains Breakdown Of Funding For The College

Tuition rates are always of major impor, should explain that gifts and grants to students. For this reason Business Man- — -.- church donations and union ager, Elder subsidies. R.C. Mills, was asked to give Student Services involve the Dean of Stu- some insights into the financial picture as dents which entails one-half the cost of re- It relates to them. sidence hall deans. The other one-half "We have had a S7S general fee which goes into residence halls," explained students Mills. paid to cover various items." After "Instruction costs involve the money re- a nuciuating career, this has been abandoned quired to meet all teacher and educational 11 SMC as a means of educational Hnance supply financing. However, now we have adopted a plan The man who is chiefly concerned with which incorporates the items previously attempting to keep SMC operating in the covered in this way, into the semester hour black observed, "The tuitional require- charge. This means a paymem of SSI per ments have risen over the past several years. hour, an increase of S6.50 per This seems to follow a general national - hour, without the additional bur- pattern of intlation. For instance, where den of the general fee advance payment." we were once to used paying perhaps S 1 .35 Speaking of the division of tuition costs foragallonof milk wemay nowpay Sl.47 r lasi ye;ir. Elder Mills pointed out that or more. It's now an established inflational ;"rne from students came to a total of pattern and, unfortunately, a part of every- ,100,000. This total included dormitory day life. The same increase is seen in Hal rates, dining charges and various but, I guess as long as the national other financial matters. The tuition itself r- continues the way it is going we ne to 52,900,000. will have to adopt the attitude ofc'est la Distribution of income '' " and expendi- he concluded with a friendly twinkle res of the college can best be visual- d in the accompanying graphs. Interchange Offers Students Discounted Travel Rates

INTHRCHANGE. a nonprofit Found- and both pariie ation located in Amsterdam, Holland, has vilh h opened its doors to students and teachers Foundation subscribers are entitled iiNorl to low cost flights to Europe (S434 for Europe on a low budget. As a result of a round trip ticket from New York to years of research and planning, and fur- Amsterdam) and a wide scope of other ther years of trails and observing young benefits in Europe that until now have Europeans, exciting new opportunities been available only to European stu- are now available in Europe. dents. As a nonprofit structure the Becker Inspires Students Back-packing itineraries, 50% off on Foundation is able to advise travelers train tickets, free travel on river barges and provide services for its subscribers through Europe, how to bicycle indepen- either free or at much lower cost than ^t Education Club Meeting dently Ihrougli Europe, where the cam- normal. pers are. living with European families in Students and teachers interested in Elder cities and on farms, and a new Traveling further information may obtain the \l 1 in Becker tlie educaliona leacJier plays ball with the children, works Foundation's Subscription vniieiK enl ot the Southern Union, with Ihem and helps them with their out- Companion Service are only a few of tlie Form, liieir Foundation's independent activities. Newsletter and a detailed information Ld ills i. \perii.nces of life long servic side problems, he will have their respect lOlher tingn Jet by sending their name, address, eijucalk and lold students what he in the classroom." destination and identity board for hitcli- ; name of their school and one dollar n J pLrspeclive teacher in a Becker's advice for aspiring teachers hikers. The I.D, board helps keep the the equivalent in stamps to cover "tot iliL EdiiLadonClub. is to seize every opportunity and make Elder traveler moving while other thumbers postage and handling to INTERCHANGE, Be the most of it. "The more practical know- left standing because a destination Box 5579, Amsterdam. Holland. JiheKi ledge you have, the more valuable a teach- are dcni s er you are," he said. "Don't be afraid to because 1 laacheris give all you've got for your job

it will be most rewarding for you in the Convention and is really Ashton Goes To v luid prob- end." He also had a word of encourage- ine who had 'mcnt for the prospective teacher wiio may Dr. J. Bruce Ashton spent four day; the occasion for altering specific beliav- LLS jnd only wanted be having problems, "Never give up your in Dallas, Texas at the Music Teacher's Thcre are local, state regional idea of being a teacher. It's the greatest National Association (MTNA) and opened March 28 and auditions held each year for students ol ked by the students profession there is. You may have a hard The convention Ashti ble" members of MTNA. In the local audit- urieeol getting a mas- time getting started and may have your closed April 1. Dr. il March ions a student is selected in the spring J BLckt-rdid sjy that share of disadvantages and trials, but God from each locality. These students arc will always take care of you and make fly sent to a statewide audition in Novem- looked over first provisions for your life." when ber, then to a regional audition in Feb- Wdint,ioBLcker the type of char- The program ended on a sad note ruary. At the end of this audition, seven ^ ^^"lUi would iht students look for in a Becker told the students that this students in each musical area (ic. piano, ,'\'"^ willingness to go out of the be his last year in active denominational help voice, strings etc.) arc chosen to audition someone A child can quickly the national convention. This ^'lllieiMUier at MTNA cares for him. "If a teachers. Some of the a is the feature of the MTNA convention. Dr. Ashton is the certification chair- man for the Tennessee Music Teacher's James Johnson Continued Association, the slate chapter for MTNA

out 1 couldn't y I was so bonihed that il I Daniel and Revdation, write my name. 1 realized PHARMACY totally help- < I MAGNOLIA d gotten from his boss, Eonc needed help was interested iddical and when the Besides I'd become really grass I "tlice started reading y health, and after smoking and listless thai all I'd do is COUPON so tired B\G round foreiglil hours mumbling. man,' to my friends It's happening SALE

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257o off COUPON l^iheylin wifh this qood through APRIL U

r« w ^mm Accent Aprils, 1976 I The Southern

. . . ^PCRTS ACTION . Mustangs Remain Undefeated TEAM Tuesday's make-up game b n the STANDINGS Comets and the Mustangs was le of the seavju. best matches of the short soccc-i score- team won lost tied For almost 30minutes the game was points lapse in the Mus- less, but then a defensive forWes tang backfield gave an opening Mustangs 4 g into an empty Holland who put the ball Comets 2 2 4 half ended with the Cornels. goal. The Lancers 12 2 .Idinga l-Olead, Hammers 13 2 The Mustangs came out the second Hotspurs 3 Q half (lying, and in a span of five minutes ahead. The Comets 1 two goals to pull kick by Cooper. tied the score on a penalty You've heard The game winning shot was the prettiest of of the game.From the corner Bill Am- wluch ienx a pass into the goal crease Wash 8c Swede Heilgrin headed into the net. Wear Thursday's game between the Cooper brothers ended in a surprising 3-0 victory for older brother Adrian. The Comets played their best game of the year. Wes NOWI Holland scored twice and Adrian Cooper red once. Cooper's goal was an unbe- /abie shot. From 40 yards, his lofty to the disbe- Clean it went into the net much

lief of all. Sunday's game between the Hotspurs and Mustangs was uneventful. Both teams played several men short-handed, and in a wide open game, the Mustangs came out on top 5-1. Swede Heilgrin led all scorers with three Steam Moon and James Johnson Continued goals. However, goals by Coach Dean Halverson were the gems of the match Each headed in a goal. Halverson played so he kicked them all out. J lie jumped al the oppoi ss, forward for the last five minutes of the le came and went. Things were lily. game and made the one goal plus narrowly The newest thing really going great. James had turned liim- Evcrv Ihree weeks he'd go in lo Phoenix missing another one. The Mustang's secret in handling In ^-ei supplies. While there he met Rick weapon is no longer a secret! liliiimi. ilio iix-isLiiii pastoral the Camel- In other action the Lancers and Hammer Easy-care garments Ihree years probation plus two years work iMi^k \Hii" leading the Great Con- iffered double forfeits. medical field. He had a job taking For 40 cents a lb. [rinoi-x .I.1IIK-. Ii.kI .111 insatiable urge to of a paraplegic, so that didn't pose tiiiJ nui all he c.uld about Ellen While. you can have your He knew she was either a fraud or a pro- problem al all. '1 was helping kids by showing them LEADING SCORERS double-knits dry-cleaned piiet, so lie borrowed all the books of healthfully they'd have hers he could get from Rick, went back that by living (min.Blbs.) of mind, the ranch, and read during every spare energy and freedom my family had almost accepted God in a per- Top Scorers goals as. isis pis. Come in al way because of my influence and and ask us " prayers, and life had even taken on a sem- Hellgren 10 2 22 ih.i.ic ., di^uMon Mion White was right. S. about it. ince of order and routine." A. Cooper 4 2 10 it happened. A shoot-out in hL'o-iiRM>nc. OnOcli.her31, 1970 he Then W. Holland 3 1 Nogales, Mexico led to the arrest of a B. Hoover 3 1 This ranch wasn't just the run-of-the- "dealer" in Texas who turned stale's Collegedale mill cattle ranch trying lo eke out a living evidence and told all he knew. Included story was the 4-year-old incident from the desert. It happened to be the in his Cleaners center of one of the biggest smuggling where James and Jed picked up the mari-

rings in Arizona, J anies discovered this juana. One minute James was a free man but and the next he found himself charged "Nothing can bring you peace "1 didn't know what lo do," he says. with a felony carrying a 5 to 20 year jail yourself. Nothing can bring you

'Or lalhcr I didn't know what Chrisi peace but the triumph of principles." would do. Should 1 turn in my friends "I'll lell you what," his lawyer lold him. "IVe worked out a deal so that you to the police, or sliould 1 try lo show Ralph Waldo Emerson them a beUer way of life by my example." plead guilty to a misdemeanor, and He made ihc latter choice. "It was that will satisfy the prosecution. Everyone nuts out there," he added, "People ran knows what kind of guy you are, and I'm around naked, shoi guns, and smuggled. you'll gel by with a couple years pro- Everyone did respect my views, though. 3n." The district attorney and his

In fact, I got lo be good friends with one probation officer for draft eviision both nl ilie pilnis. Riglil now he's a Sevenlli- agreed, so James went to court expecting FLOAT TRIPS - MAY TO SEPTEMBER a light sentence. More Dales, Lower Rates. Wilderness- I w..iK I. 'I iln' 1 I'ul in the Northwest." A stand-in judge from Pennsylvania Whitewater. Exciting, Refreshing. Relaxing. OiiL' .itkiit when James and Jed, who didn'l know Ihc case tried him and Individual, group or family fellowship. iliL III out .iwiii 1 iln [.inch who had just flown handed a jail sentence. Looking back ^ Also Kyaks, Experienced, licensed, Ad vent- i\' : 111 tliu 1.1, l-L'tnif from Michigan, were James says this is the best thing that could isi Outfitter-Guides. Vegetarian food. . ^ by themselves, what James had been fear- have happened to him. "When 1 gol to Sabbath camps. SalmonMiddlefork, Rivcr- ing for a long lime happened. The lelc- the jail I said. 'Lord, you know what you of-No-Reiurn, Hell's Canyon of the Snake. ,.<-. phone rang, and when he picked up ihc are doing," and He did. I wasn'l walking i rccfiver this guv began lo plead with him, 24 hours a day with Christ, and God knew 1 was getting off the track. He knew thai DRURY FAMILY 1 was battling with my sins instead Bo.K of 2-iS, Troy, Idaho 83S7I. > till don't smoke the learning lo trust Him." Phone. 20S-335-2136. iincc won't you do ni But with all the lime IV had to think e gotta do is go meet and to study God's word I've come to the

point where I trust God completely with

got plenty BICYCLES ^ ., willing lo listen lo what you have lo say. SALES - SERVICE - PARTS - ACCESSORIES When I get a chance to talk to someone for an hour and explain the whole plan SEHVICE ON ALL MAKES i MODELS of redemption from Eden lo Eden it's Dioler For ally beautiful." James figures he's told Ihe whole plan • RALEIGH . • NISHIKI • AZUKI of salvation to al least 50 of his fellow VISTA prisoners, he has a prayer list of a 100 people, and he's never been happier. 875-6811 "You know," he says, "every morning

1 wake up and Ihink of all the people who are trusting money, cducalion. or the CYCLERY govcrnmeiil OWEN for security when what ihey 5225 Sate) Hwy. 1 53 ( Acroii From North ^ a large-scale smuggling oper the Southern . I ^

Soiiilieni Missionary College Accent Collegedale. Tern


leJi' trzj, ^1 ) Go Ahead Given For Organ

cdtr The Board of Ti ind Shirley Spears of the Nur- Missionary College uled session on Api given for full prehn

1 campus. After considerable

he music component of the Center. Heiller, and Thomas Griiidley of Ir Clearance was given for negotialjoi * dusirial Edm '^ the MA. There /ith John Brombougli Company Ic & Kennedy of the Di of Nursing w granted a Semester's Slpdy Leave. The Faculty Handbook for although not given official clearance' will be in use until Ihe Board of Southern Missionary College has had lime lo sludy

. More specifically. Ihe Board^studied Ihe legal aspects of the land on which the -T^ station is located. Ii was voted that the title ownership SMC MUSIC BUILDING of the land should not be Luclle White Leaves in possession of the college. Rather, it Ihe Nicaraguan govern- nrr-n Alter Serving SMC

isic building. Ilie first sirtic For Fourteen Years

s from Mount Verr Academy and holds ll^ursing Building Dedicated The sunny surroundings of Loma Linda will not be a totally new climate for her, though, because there will be al leas! one familiar face in the crowds. She will he ser- ' 10 8:00 p.m. !" ! !' ' Kutzncr. Ms. While receii cd iiei BS from Einmai ing over $400,000, becomes Ihe Dean of Students ual Missionary Coll ;ge (now Andrews Uni- s, and laboralor- Frank KniHi;! SM' ( . Professor of chemistry. Dr. Mitchell il science and English.; iiid 45 staff mem- Longway, director ol the Jivisii Thiel will now become the aeparlment " Michigan Sta' sing; Mrs. Ellen Gilbert, division sing; Jack H. Tyler, aichilect; N^ Charles Fleming, Collegedale Ini For fourteen years SMC students have " "" • - m Ms. Whil the South.

1 Ihe prospt 'job at LLb.

S\|(\ Brass Ensemble, under the dir- I Marches In Disney World I Band Di. Jack McClarty, began Ilie ii'v tlie main speaker was Elder |*H iiUimidi. chairman of SMC's Board Bicentennial Celebration© J president of the Soulhern Union Con- Knee of Seventh-day Adventisls. I proved lo be a

Band as Ihey traveled Ihe soulhern U.S. Iheir respeclivc spring tours.

This year, the b; " How 7o Travel To Europe Florida, giving concerts at Fores! Lt'ke Academy, Greaier Miami Academy, am Ihe Miami Churcli. Without Going Broke The highliglil of the lour came on Friday, when Ilie band went lo Disney bicenle lile other car- Worlcl and marched in Iheir celebration, "America on Parade", ' ai is sponsored by bolh Disney World ilheasi may Disney Land for 1976. The SMC bar to travel to Nas was one of Iwo bands chosen for the Hiid It iiasier ;iih1 clie:ii'er Air occasion. There were approximately sau than lo New York. Internalional 35.000 people on the parade n Bahama flies from Nassau to Luxembourg the band went J Vero Icelandic's rates and ticketing scheme, On Sunday, under Ihe flight Beach, and spent several hours n id Nassau is only a few nmuies I. which proved or West Palm Beach. Any I from Miami urnham, a to reserve a vel ageni should be willing ide'nt of SMC and bass irom- Air Bahama, though manv will another carrier. The reason try to suggestucBCSt ii higher the fare, the high- As o .. „„..^usr Ihe H spa c He a^e commission. er the acenl's . di x a ciy vo dti L°'i p An onnorlunily wliich has arisen fairly ej b veen Ne v Yo k Charter) 1 G up e f s c TCC (T J oup o You do a o bclont, o g

You '^pi ' "m d s op folio V ' \a qu (i I u on k JO cnpy I p ddvj J a 1 o J TCC n t i

n DC '"n"" TCC ro W K

I Fl d bead

nd CI o ale fn I o

Sunday Ap 1 II

1 e en al p B an


editona In fa fuah' on Or Love?

discover it is difficult to from a New York enjoy ,.., ^ I saved this article il nother unless you know it will newspaper and would like to share end] intimacy. with the SMC students. Love Be Patriotic? "Infatuation leaps Into bloom. I'tiendsKip. Why grows with usually lakes root slowly and

age where an up in an age oT cynicism, an 1 like yOLi luive grown torn away the glamour of the American insatiable search for truth has not happy. Yo' the cnimb- and thrilled but fiasco of Viet Naam and can I dream an age stamped with the miserable when he is absent. You to by leaders in Love means trust. You may fall I have been lied again. into linc political ruins of Watergate. wait until you see him those lies feehng of secunty. ifatuation, but you never fall in love I admire to ignore Love begins with a told by people " "overnmenl and then t lead you lo do swindled by warm with a sense of lus nearness, things lias lied in the past. 1 have been You because everyone else do not sep- ight be sorry, but lovi propaganda to the even when lie is away. Miles by advertisers, and stuffed with near industries, duped arate you. You want him near, but that ultimately truth triumphed, but Love leads you up. Ii makes you point of nausea. 1 used to think or far, you know he's yours and you between opposing factions now I've come to believe that the stniggle married principle but on the basis of who spends Infatuation says, 'We must get IS not decided on the basis of losing liim. Love right away. I can"l risk the most money to present their side. country and my govern- But when 1 find myself giving up on my all politicians as crooks, ana ment when 1 find myself categorizing fanatics, I realize that patriotic flag-waving citizens as over-zealous high places. If cynicil citizens such as myself breed corruption In happens, faith in country to really care what I don't have enough my Commenf On Health Reform officials to feel any differently. If 1 as why should I expect elected principle in my home an individual don't stand up for freedom and President to how can I expect my governor and and community, of students have no diffic level. stand up for it on the state and national nutritious foods, there an talking like Sure America has more than its share of problems, but haven't the moral power " ' ' ' cemetery, isn't helping "s sanctioni it's already half way between the morgue and day these out any of these problems. A country is no better than the individ- Starting with the house of God (the not because comprises the remnant peo : the sanctioned il living there, and the reason America is a great nation is church which uals and habituated lo have pie) the health revelation of Mrs. White food, become of great leaders but because of the industry of a tree people who practice if it is to have bituation becomes defensiveness, individual must be put into ei\>i: i\-i.'. u; h' - >^ing their destiny. It's when the of condoniiii been any effect on the on-looking world. and the final result ,; ' take advantage of his apathy. K.^,,nn. scrupulous leaders An easy way of delermjning_the s

. r , celebration, . if just another Ill [|||. I; we need more than is like a crate of niore ili,ni in 1 i Inik ti>'Nt.ilgic hoop-la. Freedom dark corner. tomatoes, it will spoil it we fgnore it and leave it in some Let's start examining the good in oiir country, and then maybe we can gain the courage to do our small part in changing the bad. Amer- should students lo students on cam- t be right. So why ica has given you and me the best life style in the world. As In speaking many "" great deal del- denying ourselves? Let unlike students in pus, it does not take a of we continue we h.ive ,1 izood chance of iiehieving our dreams ving to discover the truth about campus also partake of Ini LoniiiiKs where liie government structures your life from kindergarten nutrition. Many, many students have be- to our consciences or un 111' \\l' siiII cm worship God according come fastened to the deceptions of Satan openly disj.iini .my belief in religion. In opposition to the slums of concerning the propriety of their diet, lo self becomes clear course which defends, illuslralion the city, there is the unspoiled awesomeness of the Colorado Rockies, and have taken a turn to His word. The above rather than repudi the Lord's own the miles of waving grain fields in the Middle West, the beauty of a is an off-shoot from words, which say, "Hear and understand; Racial prejudice hasn't been eradicated, but on the Southern spring. defiles a not what goes ir lUlh other hand tremendous strides have taken place in the last ten years man, but what c in solving this problem. All men or women don't have an equal this defiles a rna chance, but they do have more of an equal chance than they ever have had before in the history of the United States. defensive and argu- What I'm trying to say is don't give up on America, Even if you that we have become mentative over the item, and covetous- ;i Get informed. the .ire only ^nllege student, you can vote. Take 1 honor Satan's ploy that 'it unwilling to relinquish ijnie ii' It 1. isi skim through a newspaper enough to know what the is wrong to dictate the nutrition of others', '^^r^^^^^'S,

Issues ,ir,' I'l.Klice the principles of the American work ethic which or rather, are we to become as the Israel of en^"" If an\rlide'o?food is capable to which God said, "...put difference be- covelousrie» emphasi/es a eond day's work for a good day's pay dering strife, if it produces tween holy and unholy, and between un- within us, then i Patriotism is critical and at the same time optimistic. It is working clean and clean." (Lev. 10:10) Is if in- deed proper for our school to compromise for the welfare of others as well as yourself. It doesn't give up. and providing o it doesn't shut up. Patriotism is more than a flag and national an- that we neglect them. It's the spirit of America that needs to be cherished and nour- ished in the hearts of the great people in this great land. each posess a quality of addiction which health, and doing dishonor "> >;;""; can eventually lead to over-consumption dougi ^t. -Bruce Yingling degree of sin (whether it is a and final ruin. By mincing our nutrition will noi j" a piece of white bread) philosophy and saying a little of a bad fact that '' "s still sin I thing is all tiglit, we are openly antago- J. To act upon principle is •!f."%oby nizing the virtue of godliness, which says, for tsomj'.,? calling of the Christian to discern principle that wc are able smallest sin. God." (I Cor. 10:32) Habitual practic us ,(. j "True temperance teacnes Continued on page 4 le Southern Accent CALENDAR

Tuesday the 20 th

Saturday the 17th Wednesday the 21 si

tillUliS MCLM Thursday the 22nd

Friday the 23rd ' VJt

The Southern Accent , 1976 European Rates Continued From Page One

pcaiKi'iiiia IS the Council on Internat- 1,31 Educational Exciiange. 777 United Thomas varied OTC group rales is Leaving Plaza. New York, NY that manyK SMC lijons 100] 7. been arranged from ihland costs for this summer range cities. A depari- liutid-tfip ure from Atlanta York, or Cincinnati, for exa!nple 3U from New S373 from ' For can save the traveler Loma much of the cost an^ Linda University ,„^j, and S429 from California. A .. hassle of getting to and through brochuresOrocnures aredie avmijujeavailable in theine b a major IeE SMC gateway like New iBCs office. York. OTC tickets must Nelson Thomas, ,^ Languages LWH 208.:c be chairman of the Physi- v„r^u.,^^ n .. purchased IS days in cal (Advanr—e Purchase Excu advance for dom- Education Department, will I ,uL./^APEX V" , estic be leaving ' destinations, 30 days - sizeableibl savings ahead for over- he nrs week of ^une for es offer „„ on transatlantic seas Loma Linda wl destinations. he will join Idits fo .„.jlers willing .„ -^j...... acais the P.E. staff on the La Sierr Because getting there takes the 1 canujus, Thomas |}or muie days in advance and be over- "" "'^ ""• has been on SMC's P.E travel budget c' stalt tor nine L for periods rangine from 22 to 45 days years, also serving as associa It is difficult foL professor. winter-season example: APEX round- His wife Janet, presently work - — „,., all the possibilities; ing in the Paris. but a book- admissions office , fare D.C. to S353; regular individ- hei el entitled -1976 Charter employed Flight Directory- by the registrars office at L , fare S658. hsts more than 20,000 chartef Highls Linda The another way to save is to family plans to reach Cal Siill the OTC turope and elsewhere, along with names by July 1st. ne-Stop Inclusive Tour Charter). This and addresses of 180 charier operators When asked w form of charter trip makes ticket and and how he felt about leavini choose the chai SMC, Thomas replied, "1 'ss than the individual airline guess I'd have .„ <\te forf,. S2 from„ say I have mixed feelings. The OTC can be to a single We hale to leave P.O. our friends and requires Box 105. and thepeople we work with. _„. , no prior affinity. Kings Park, NY 11754. but we are does require that a group of 40 or more looking To rward to the challerlge On domestic fliglits, it is always of wise to making new friends and our new jobs.'^ check for recent promotional fares such The as Thomas's two sons, Robbie, 15. and '"« f""s" f^t's (a acotti, r *-,'?S^ /^'^''J^'^ saving 11, \yill be facing quite a changi of 35% if you're willing to skip the Ex- plastic meal served aloft) and Delta's new bicen- tourist fare New York ? tennial fares (a saving of about one-third 190, but the OTC fare if you reserve two weeks in advance, slay only S91; a one-week package to Paris seven days or more, and avoid Friday and 1 have that confidence lis tot about S360, as compared with the Sunday flights). Tjular coach fare of $660. "Robert R, Morrison

Mr. Nelson Thomas WSMC Break Down Due ^ To Moisture Build-up ^' In Transmission Line

Monday, March 29, at 10:30 WSMC, Volkcr Henning, communication/theology SMC's radio station, went off the air dur- majorj_and_studio engineer al WSMC; and ' ing an electrical storm. At first it seemed ^ "^'^ major and that lightning had caused some damage. r for WSMC, worked a

off the air for'about a day, while all the full-time staff turned out to help jury-rig a temporary by-pass. He also said they will be investigating fur- The station then went on the air for a week at 50 watts, considerably less

;. Dur-

The NRG Food Bar Man Versus Beauf/ A Complete Meal

The I cool, fragrant air, full of morning scents Hey! Look what's new al the Village Market. Its a new Protein rests upon the yawning day, like a loving child upon it's mother's breast,.. Even flowers there turn petals skyward to greet the morning sun. Energy Food Bar called NRG. IVIade with all natural ingreaients Each ray of gold expels each sleepy shadow. and containing no additives, no preservatives this bar comes in features fill their world with cheerful, grateful song

delicious flavors peanut (crunchy), fruit, ana chocolate. Morning three — time, the s I these yawning, lazv s bask themselves beneath donning robes of light, of green The chocolate is mainly tor color purposes, and the sweetening yellow and purple, amber and b 'nen Sky rains copiously his tea ofjoyo '/: ot is In the coating only (one pari per million) , Containing the 'he waiting Hills and Valleys, Ti recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and protein in And all life drinks deeply of rain, ; Ml creatures celebrate such heaven- gain... a three ounce bar, it contains only 300 calories and provides a

|"„"J''^PP'"8 each new gift, hour upon houi I ""'"g and laughing, and freely giving full meal when eaten with 8 ounces ot your tavoriie liquid. ^\ It to give by a giving Master. This food bar is ideal tor evervone--active kids, senior cit-

izens, and people on the go. For camping and hiking it's fours is not to exist in trust, nor to feel His love and ca is it terrific (really great tor Pathiinders too) . Not only

'f to penetrate that great, mysterious bond, easy to take with you anywhere, but it stands up to 120 ' '^'liich all creation has learned to share, and bind itself a degrees without melting. It has a shelf life o* six months '^^'"''^ simply drink the morning sun, S'll"" ^^^ According to nutrition ex- ^ ^'"^'^ golden ray of gladness, and wrap it 'round hi and a irozen life of two years. I -"aJ li I thereby make prophecy, as does the fragrant, sibilant a nutrition begins at ^™cby visior perts across the land, the first lesson in I Howers speak of God's love, adorning man's ''sting to fear.. "Your God is near.. .very real.. .do not oreaktast. Starting your day with an NRG protein meal is a To the contrary, mankind awaits in darkened tombs of perform mentally great idea. The way you teel, how well you " enlightened minds are neon tunnels, "Sporting "-« health resulting artificial life, and light, and self-"'"^""! physically is a direct result of good -^nsummg reel, and I tons of man-made junk, whereby Ui herself is caused to economical and irom proper nutrition. NRG Food Bars are all naiure, eye: 1^ sadly, through dying, watering, gaseous every bite. Vividly comprehend... Eat slowly to enjoy the full flavor of ,J" J„ -^" cannot, with all his wisdom. or play. ..start your oay THE NRG WAY. ?P=o&iUe his end... For travel work "^^ii so. Lord Jesus, come quickly.,." Amen. Tosfy And Nutritious Associofion Officers A4eef Your New Student

^Health Reform CABi Director Dean Fowler

Continued From Page 4

dozen off-campus trips t (Pain- [)eiise Willi cvcrylhing hurtful." irciis and Proplicls, p. 562) ''Happy is he who has no reason lo judge himself for wlial he approves. But if he to conduct lie who has doubts is condemned, territory. We arc also hoping faith; witl\ cats because he does not act trom several 5-day plans in conjunction bUA for whatever does not proceed from medical institutions in our area, set up a spots faith is sin." {Rom. 14:22,23) Smoker's Dial, and run several radio argument olt- At last, the most enduring on health topics. Other projects for display tempera campus will be a large booth and and jible fast. His at shopping centers such as Norihgate Eastgale and the fair, a public demonstra- others 1 food so that tion of Smoking Sam and the mechanical smokers, and giving out many foriiis of ure at these booths and displays. These are many areas where you can be- ourselves of shouldn't we, too. divest come active in CABL and meet many closer in „jlfish little habits and follow people, with possible witnessing contacts the footsteps of the Master? SA Treas urer In addition to our off-campus program inv^ved act- )r next year, CABL willbe Bren f Sn yder to ely in on-campus projects. Weliope have a physical fitness program desigtied What state would you look to for a Ically for the individual student s 3d SA treasurer? How about Nevada the P.E. deparl- in cooperation with where you can get big returns on your and seek spiritual food thai is of ' Our annual oration-essay-poster- peace nt ( in the one-arm bandits)..., hat we may be satisfied and at m-jingle program will be Fealufed with the body for Collegiate Ad- well.,,,sometimes. 11 is eaten. We must eal of year. CABL stands highlight added. Those who enter. of Christ, and drink of His blood, and re- veniists for Better Living, and is the organ- By presidential appointment I, Brent mber that we are bought with great ization here at SMC for temperance and Snyder, have been selected as your SA better hving. CABL used to be known as treasurer for the 1976-77 school year. the cafeteria line, if the Upon entering Thougli I come from gambling country dent would imagine that his eyes are ,E the material presented in the pro- I'm not a gambling man and am not a- list's own eyes, and that his stomach is ago 'to make it more relevant to college off- gram. These will be used for various bout to risk your money unwisely. have no Christ's own stomach, he would young people. campus and television-radio programs. Some best from God's I be a junior theology niajoi trouble selecting the will DC submitted to denominational pub- will apply my experience and knowledge in as well. We are planning also for itions performing the accounting responsibil- eral top-notch guest speakers. the SA. Be- t)y a heart of concessions to "hitle ities of the treasurership of I feel that CABL's objectives are well then our spiritual lives will forever sides the customary financial statements sins," summed up in our planned activities for world 1 spread the truth of health be reflecting inconsistencies, and the ! will attempt to present the funding and - next year. We are trying to disseminate oui to see Christ in us. s Adventists know it. I would "" will fail knowledge of better livinE expenditures of the Student Association When the injunctions of heaven hold e you to lake part in CABL ne * is possible, both SDA a to the student body in a simple and il- sway in our every deed and thought, we s !976-1977 will be one of our best being appointed to this lustrative way. Througliout my term I will for the first time begin to taste the ginning of this semester, I have tried i will endeavor lo assist our SA President, victory of Christ's perfected character hi My home state is the great s J of organize and equip CABL to be the instru- Cress, in every way possible. Ha> you lasted? (An i Tennessee, and I have lived in CoUegedale John ment whereby we can accomphsh this, and your all my life. One of my goals for CABL Remember I am the treasurer of I believe our planned activities for next here at SMC is to make this organization Student Association. Your comments year can and will do this. Your help is one that all the students will be proud of, questions are invited at any time. needed for CABL to really get off the and one that will have a reputation of getting ground, I believe that we can all have fun things done. We Iiave planned for several as we ; uplifting together SA PR D/'rector Roberf Pi res

bten My name is Robert Piles and I've appointed SA Public Relations Direcloi

"The'ofitce'or Public Relations Direcl- year ana s newly created this past mee jt been well defined. All will jommunication between the Student Association and the students has been in- adequate; so basically my responsibililijs of o» will Tie that of informing SMCiles ne as SA events and encouragine them lo actively involved in these as possible. 1 your will be greatly looking fonvard to support of next year's SA, bus- Tarn ajunior english major wiili a ot Bei- iness minor from the sunny isles SlienanilMli muda 1 graduated from ol Valley Academy and have spent all SMC. My 1 three years here at and ajy i include people, traveling and thing that has to do with the beach

like 1 Oh! by the way, I would mend y'all for being "ritisher SA officer li


20 Percenf OH

Suggested Refail Price

On AU Stock

COLLEEEDALE NURSERY t GARDEN CENTER Do not miss this sale. No. 1 Industrial Drive isouihot CoUegedale. Tenn. 396-4279 You will never forgive youfself. _ ^ theTne^ouTnernSouthern . Accent


Mills Slated For Commencement

and 157 bave earned the two-year Associate degree. The majors with the largest repre- sentation for the Baccalaureate degree arc

week < - end of \1 , .. \ April 30 i^ I'. nursing with 44. elementary education which ident Jerry ! Mobley anin'^.i. I will graduate 3 1 . business administration with | Minon \'i>>\r in^i Hainm, Associ^ie mh ..i { 26, and from theology and religion 29. at will SMC be the speak.-, u., ih.-Cu„^c- Of liie 157 students graduating with the as- cialion Service on Friday evening at b o'- sociate degree. 1!7 are from nursing, followed clock. On Sabbath at II a.m. llie Baccalaui by 18 from medical office and office adniin- address will be given by the President of islralion.lOwilh degrees in building tech- Oakwood College, Dr. Calvin Rock, Tlie nology, and 7 from early childhood edui ( oinniciKcnicnl service will bcnin ;il lU (in-

K-ld ii

I tdm The graduating class will be presented President, Gerald Mobley (Theology-) by Dt. Cyril Futclier, Academic Dean, and Vice-president, Jude Wade (Art) the diplomas will be given by President Secretary, Janet Kramer (English) Pastor, Frank Knittcl assisted by Elder H.H. Schmidt, Jim Clarke (Thwiogy ) isle after receiving their diploi President of the Southern Union Conference olSevenih-day Adventists and Dr, Arno

i)r. Richard Hammill Constitution Vote Invalidated Leaves Andrews University k done by the General

'I ilie SA in ratifying ttie proposed 1 .v^t? voided due lo the lack of To Become GC Vicepresident

I 'tiy percent of llie SA needs to ii're business can be conducted. II John Cress, SA president, Ihc rsily effective June. 1976 to accept the II ^vill bebroughl lo (he student vbyr A "^ wcc president of the General Con- n ballet H'. ->l Seventh-day Adventists in Wasli-

Ciess I said that the overwhelming ii

\ .1 \ . ue president of the General Con- attendance at the General icK-iiLL ilainmiirs duties and responsibil- . iieeting was to ratify the coi _. ities in Ilie field ofcducation will be as- Ijafler making several ammendments. and signed by the president of the General Con- fllhis ammended constitution will be the ference. pthe students will be voting on with no Admissions Office Gives On Dr. Hammili's administration at Andrews University Willis J. Hackett. chair- i"Jments to the com f the board of trustees states, "Dr, I rhe Public Relations Director For Projected Figures istinguished himself as a vecutive officers, removijig all and leader in the Seventh- •>iudent Vespers Director, Stand- Advenlisl church. His vision and ded- ippointment. etc., changing Increase In Enrollment Kcligious Vice-president to Admissions reported Mis work in the development of An- uiies Director, and removing As of , 1976, accepted- Notice I that 1225 students were Vciivities Director from llie ted by AdveiitisI church that this figure is an early one and doesn't t iiieinbers of the SA Senate, acceptances during College D; the United Slates and iiig the intent of a very represeni ellect the oNiid the world. He has been elected to 's for this year, there were 1717 regis- group of SA members in attendance As e of his foresight tered students for tlrsl semester and 1622 'Mhis proposal and its amendments cam tiefferlin Appointed ill educational planning, his broad exper- «ie for the second semester. General Assembly floor, the SA Sen- Over the past ten years, SMC has in- ience and his professional competence."

1 146 to 1717. an Hammill, 62. has been president of An- '^ creased enrollment from Ctiairman 'be amendments suggested, and the Science And Math students per year av- drews University since 1963. "When I ?eStudenl increase of 571 (57 Affairs Committee added look over the hoard of trustees had only erage) That is an average increase of 5Cn Mamp of approval less than twenty- recently established the university I II this At Andrews Worlisfiop have ' sluder alwjvs viewed \ndrews is an emerging by I >h] SMC will have o\ 000 Dr Ri> llellerlin vilh the Iplu SMC r ut-hly on the avtrage actepis than actually reg Physies Department etaei Linda about ^00 niori. students fi Accepts 14 ister Naturally is enrollment increases more students have been accepted The av students havi. been ^e-meds And Pre-denls erage is about 74 more accepted each year over the past years At les will end their school thislrend by 1981 if SMC has an enroll iig their college dipli meni of 2 000 students an estimated s thei 2.500 students would have been accepted 'still ahead. Among these are the to receive 2 000 registered students TjQafid pre dental majors roiirleen These figures represent the trowlb jj^^^'iluvt how bein acccpltd by the Loma On. I> ligurcjusl achieve a eerljin ' I Medjcme and Dentistry SMC to college iK students have bien ac vould lake the t of 20 000 Ii il school Catherine leaders Ihen^ students ind I but Ihc II Baum FredBisholf eieh 10 000 II you Wcs Holland Robert aeh 5 000 students two lo lour years I iheneM J r Karen Waller and m age (ac „j, ,„^ ..ley are of eollef,e of cording to the average) the enrollment "' H ' ' Southern Mismo a \ t W"-^ ^ 3,000 student The Soulhern Accent . 1976 PIRST CLASS MAIL

From Your Student Missionaries

Two of the studenis who represent you

When I first c in ":okyo

sights "Lord, when I said I'd I see and feel all these s 1 I didn't mean Tokyo! What'ira'"

of the world's largest " ; cities? There have^been trials and adjustments, like go- ing for nths without i diesel engines but only 12 seeing as much open land a" " '" running, a boy with a broken, infected arm, t SMC. Bui which he will probably lose because of the / I feel thai Tokyo is the oniy piac to be a student missionary. lack of qualified medical personnel and The Lord has really blessed us this here. We've year seen the attendance at our Bible classes grow steadily, and a few are their ready to make deci^sion for Chriit, above don't scratch the surface), wishing The work here m Japan doesn't ad- you could help but not being able to, bak- vance as rapidly as it does in Korea. The *" '' — religion of tlie people of Japa ing cookies when you dorm room with three others making new friends, explaining what Ad- :an who feels that he ventists believe to a tourist on the train, A Fond Farewell visiting the Adventists on Lake Titicaca, teaching English, wiring a new bakery, learning a new language, hoping for a let- So long, au revoir, fnrew gotten the point by now. ter today, fixing concrete mixers, a thrill, Twenty-five issues ago I nc .Mined the time would learning to be thankful for everything. the sight of a student beginning studies at actually come when I woul ^1 editorial lor the SOUTH- and finally, wanting to go home but nat- the church in his own language. arc ERN ACCENT; but that ti[ low looking back in retro- ing to leave." We having evangelistic series at our English school to May 23. Please spect the good times c eh.-d 1 le ones. Of course there Bryant Davidson pray for this. s when nothing seemed to go right-articles fizzled out at the Inca Union College Yours in Christ. last minute, equipment broke down; and I was sick of commas, good Lima, Peru syntax, balanced layouts or anything concerning a paper. But then Bob Gadd there was always that feeling of satisfaction when going down to pick up the paper from the press. So often in college life the only tangible results you see from your work are letters on a piece of paper, but with a newspaper you have something to show for your work. Every line, We Want Equolity every article, every headline has a piece of your heart in it, and you're proud of it even with all of the blunders and mistakes.

Although I can't mention everyone's name who helped out on the Dear Editor: paper, I would like to give special credit to a few who gave more than their best. First of all I'd like to single out my roommate, Gordon In this year, 1976, we are celebrating our Another example: Picture the aflernoon Doneskey. He was always faithful no matter what and spent countless nation's 200th birthday which is based upon of the Super Bowl or Winter Olympics. Wlien hours each week making sure we had a paper. There were times when the three main freedoms: freedom of relig- are the guys? Most of them are silling in ion, which because of the tedious responsibility he wouldn't have minded quitting, brings us to this school, freedom fiont of the T.V. at Talge Hall. Where is our of the press, which allows us to print this wani to see. but he didn't quit and 1 thank him for it. T.V.? There are some shows we letter, and freedom of speech, which allows On the ma-^thcad Judy Wuttke is listed as the typist, but if the truth us to voice our views, realizing the conse- Please understand we are not condemn- he known sIk' w;ts proofreader, assistant layout editor, editorial advisor, quences we might face. ing the guys. WE think il'sgreof they can i.initnr .1 MxLiiii , distribution manager and comforter to the editor in Instead of going from committee to o. n- have these privileges and we would like lo limes (. .iiso>iirni;emcnt. I Thank you Judy. Without you there would mitlee, wlierc the initial point but where sometimes share in them! We are adults now, ] luivi.- been countless weeks when there wouldn't have been a SOUTHERN gels lost in the shuffle, we feel the best meth- .are our freedoms?? ACCENT except for the extra effort you put into it. od is going through the paper. This way our The women of SMC have been silent H Mr. Durichek spent Christmas vacation in the hospital point due to his can be pul across so other people can long. We have the choice of continuing l< heavy work load, and no small part of that see r work load was staying up how we stand and act for or aeainst. be silent or stand up and be heard. We chose almost - ] all night once a week to print the ACCENT. Thank you Mr. Thi; to be heard. Durichek for the fine printing job you and your class have done. R.D. and D.R. Denise Schaller joined the staff in the middle of the year, and the newsy tidbits she's come up with have given (he paper a little more zest Thank you Denise. c privileges. Such a Picture a hot aflerr . Finally, our sponsor, Ms. _. .._ ' Andrews, has been there when we needed The guy is dressed in cut-offs and T-shirt, Gripe Session her and yet at the same time let us as a staff am our own newspaper. The girl in shorts and T-shirt or maybe a Slic has been a loyal supporter and a fine sponsor. tennis dress. Afler the game they decide lo As for tlie rest of the staff I'd like to mention your names also but go lo Ihe C-K lo get a drink. The guyjour- you know what it's like-there just isn't any more room on the editor- ial page, In response to the letter titled "Ciedil Have a good summer! feel Where Credit is Due," April I issue. 1 Bruce Yingling a rebultal is in order. P.S. Congratulations Jack and Steve, the rest of the annual r school paper staff and bum the college press for putting out a fine annual. 3 Ihe s I body, juilci for needless criticism of '"J'- the To Mr. Wells viduals. The insinuations in some of ol belong in a Christian paper. nore the inaccuracy of reporting Dear Mr. Wells: s shows a bias of not fact but nclion. ' Wo appreciate The unfortunate attacks on M^ '' '' Ihe tireless effort that you hni '^" pill Inrili lorourbehalfiietealSMC. Your (not only in tiie April 1 issue i y'l-' aiK'iiiiy IS :i Jontandmg vious issues are poor Accent one-being on call 24 as well) lioiiti served 'i a d:iy wuh people calling for your sensationalism. The food ti'""- ^ services late into cafeteria is of superior quahty. I the evenings, and early in- to lie inormng, 7 days a week, year round Mr. Grange! While everyone Dr. Kui is fast asleep at night many Let's get Ihe fact: Gordon Dnncskey times you re there in Ihe gym ner isHO( responsible for dorm - organizing due the clean-up where credii is after a program. Then there ing! Give him credit IS the smoother tegis- painslakingjob of keeping all He has given us shorler, the lof buildings in headaches nol only operating condition, along with trations. and less fo;,'7^_., preparations for many special the incoming freshman but also programs of Kutzner- various kinds you Dr. hcie on campus, not to graduating senior. Thank men well lion your , for a job numerous other responsibililies And tliank you Edi Yet your tireless effort and patience con-' tinues lo amaze us. Your devout e interest SOUTH ERN ACCENT 1. -Swede HcllBrra '''" ""' ^'^^°°' "'"''^ ( h? hTn oTe''^'''''.'"-'"" Davis' P.S. Wlialever became of Jefferson : For evcrylhing you have done for us '^'"' Editorial Advisor ^''^' ^'^^"' ^^ ^'^^ y°" ' ihii'ik^ I i' ' opinions ' Eds. note; The "P'^f ',",ts Ms. "^^".'^ ^'* "'^ Aiidiaws ',' y^^'^ e° ''y you will , <^nr il» °"', will Lonlinue lo the letters lo Ihe editor column ;„ Jl J Teclmical Advisor make the Service Depart- ,.i.,.^,„,„ tile slotf. .11. well-organized opinions of Ihe ACCENT 'r°jS^ department j""'""''" II SMC. way are they related lo the i/r„3r sliouia lines which Ihe rest of the paper • Your friends ACCENT INTERVIEW Knittel Answers Questions On SMC Expansion

vilh the Acceni statf lesident Kniltel discussed questions con- sidy is currently being used !o pay for a ilie expansion of SMC facilities. l>ming few of the buildings on our campus that are not yel paid for. The new dormilor- s that some ies presently under construction are being financed by the Commitlee of 100. The population leveling off. I icollege be- industrial arls building was financed another reason colleges may soon le througli private contributions as was the obsolete is because many stu- }nie nursing building. Our fine arts complex are already ...isand teachers realizing ^:^!**n will be financed by non-Seventh-day Ad- arts college is not for every- pi liberal ventist donations and any of these build- There has been a turn towards ings can be used for whatever purpose jtalional and occupational training re- tlie college desires. For the next several Lilly. SMC has some one and two-year years Ihe Southern Union Conference it to ;; is going expand in this building subsidy for SMC will not be used aal air How about a college of tech- to finance new buildings.

. ilial a liberal arts college is .\ ine and within the last quarl-

; schools 111, There has been a turn again but spreading out lo other a _ ,

' I M irial and occupational Irain- why we build and expand running deep- -- "- Ik.iiionsare, however, that debt? She counsels that we should debt only if there is a foreseeable way to pay ini; schools are not those off that debt immediately. It seems to that >M>uld otherwise attend a lib- me the Southern Union's ethics i.c^c and their counterparts have slipped. Her advice is no dif- entnow than it was then. Have you g years likewise did not go to )ught about thai? First of all let us ail be reminded that Mrs. e obsolete." he SMC campu the ad White says extremely little about the size of our educational institutions 1 :\ expand its one-and two- and she gives absolutely no hint as to what I js needs dictate but there she there will subsequently ' be more build- dents away, including those when she talked large 1 within aboul 1 11! foreseeable future to and ings on college campuses. I am puzzled without the Southern k 1:0 of technology. Espec- Union. An interest- about the suggestion that we have had ing fact is, however, uiuhlis that this be strictly that if a Seventh-day continual additions to housing and not Adventist young person desires to 'JjooI rather than one yield- attend to classrooms at SMC. All of our recent a college out of his union and is turned buildings on the campus have provided down, there is a distinct possibihly and I science degrees, Andrews classrooms. We have classroom availabil- likeliliood thai he will not attend a college Continued on page . M'litly has a non-collegiate S ity in the Student Center and in the bot- within his own union. Seventh-day Adven- ''1)1 and also witliin the tom floor of tlie Student Center we have tist colleges represent more than regional . university there is a col- the entire business department. Our nur- interests. They represent the inlereslsof 'l"g>'. There probably will sing education building provides a place the entire world field. An alternative to I . 'i iiT additional similar pro- for our entire nursing curriculum. There the present plan would be for the South- riiliL'jiejr future, are several classes in the McKee Library. ern Union or the General Conference to sliould remember in general Ihat The Sou I ce Our former, library, Daniells Hall, was start a brand new college somewhere in lie college population will probably converted into a classroom building. We the Southern part of the United Slates, f within the next two decades, the hold classes in Wright Hali. Our home Financially, this is not feasible in our pre- ptlh-day Adventist church member- Floods economics building handles classes from sent inflationary times. It is far more ec- from is definitely growing and tliis is espec- that and other departments. Further- onomical to expand on one campus where The Source, n the Southern Arcliing Union where more, if we get into a really light spot the core facilities already exist than lo over star-studded worlds. lOQwIh in recent Racing against ihe years has been the with classroom housing, all we need lo do start all over again someplace else and try end of time, n North Riding America. is run a schedule of evening classes. Many to duplicate everything, including faculty. the waves of thought. WlieD is the building going to stop? schools have a full complement ofeven- Tihe continual additions to housing ing classes and we can move a good body How is the financing done for new iMt lo classrooms? Is growth in the J the 8 )IOp buildings? Is the building designed so T«f of students the most important period. We could also make much n 't can be used for other facilities if fclo SMC? use of our late afternoon hours, Monday need be? no answer to when the build- through Thursday. Southern Missionary College receives to stop. ; Buildings are based The growth in the number of students annual subsidy from the Southern reflects a need. We could turn these slu- Union for its building program. This sub- lEET YOUR NEW STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS

I'^gelism Director Southern Mer J o r ( e s Editor Whve Torgerson Beverly i en china ive been appo ism. I served Hi, my name is Bev Benchina and I'll be "year, and I can Ihink ofnolliing yOUT Sou rheni Memories editor for 1976- «ig, 77. My home state is sunny Florida, and s what Christian education my home lovvn is a little place south of ^Vfi are not learning and Orlando called Avon Park, What do I like penings around campus, Ihose little ji 1. »sliare all of us relate to. the grace of God in Christ lo do? When I'm not working at the lib- ances can P«iE world I appreciate suggestions that have been then we are in its same rary or studying, I like to be with my friends. When I'm not doing any of those given so far and would like lo have any on liope for interested give me a call or leave a note in next year is thai our cam- things. I like lo make new friends. What commun- Thatcher box 220. Share ^ouf ideas! ml'T.''""' "" ''"I'l'ly enllmsiasm is my major? I am a sophomore Ck° "" "'" "''"S souls for the ications major with my field of emphasis rn brings Hope to see you in the f into our lives. What prec- in journalism. Ij. "'!,"' could spend together! Concerning the annual. I would like to ^od's with your help lo make the C™ word has helped me say that 1 plan j"' lliat this love and unity comes »lio use God's gifts to share His IJ«"' T'""s is evangelism, Religious Vice-President Barf Willruth treach programs will be ^'^''^' for the purpose of a well-run organiza- •tor l'" being changed only I'm Barl Willruth and I've been ap- process. Along with these pointed lo Ihe position of Religious Vice- tion, and lo develop a long range plan I™" to California. May- ' "°-v places from Germany ideas, work in the Sum- President for Ihe 1976-77 school year. lo provide conlinuity of programs from be we have some place in our background '"" *"'"'' P"8ram in This is a new office created for the pur- luineid" pose of having a full-time individual lo Anyone who is inleresled in assisting r' been asked to include some in- coordinate all Ihe various branches of in one of ihe programs of religious acliv- "bout „.." myself. So if you read Ihe on and off campus minislrics. Al- ilies next year is invited lo speak with nt I it filled or one of the other officers before ,- think it would be only though Ihis is an SA office, is me ^'lop„, me or who the Religious Ihe end of the year, so that we can know come by the office A special THANK YOU lo ihose by an appoinlmenl from what kind of support lo expect when r-»s^mS^:;^S>;lj have given so sysiematically in support Coordinating Committee. laying plans for specific programs. Nicaragua lliis school I'm a junior theology student from i"arn, of our mission in isStev*-.-.. il in some of ob- Michael Torgerson, year. Please continue to remember Orlando. Florida, and my """ ^^ 3 senior theology jectives tor next year are to clearly de- I (CTa prayers this summer. .'.''vedm your North Carohna before fine all positions in Campus Ministries 0"! 1 have lived in many -

A Very Unique Proposal V/ear after year, I horse, asked Shelli if she'd ride off with him (presumably into the sunset). She re- ""Yes, I would if you had a white the couple involved, i plied, horse and a suit of armor." In the ensuing months Butch reminded Xsemester after occasionally of her promise and li was Sunday, April II, around noon, Shelli he came when sunbalhers on Jones Hall balcony warned her not to be surprised if of armor on a were rather startled to hear the hollow up to the dorm in a suit do it!" clapping of horse hooves and a general white horse. "I didn't think he'd semester, the commotion below them on the road in Shelli insists. But, one miglit note, she came, front of the dorm. Upon invesligaficn was all ready when the big moment dress, made the girls (with blankets carefully wrapped in her "damsel in distress" around them, of course) found that a for her by Linda Rutter. was making knight in a tunic and chain mail was riding In the mean time. Butch CollegeMaster up to Jones Hall on a white horse. Ac- his plans. He had a tunic and cliainmail companied by a squire, the knight was an made for liirn by tlie Chattanooga Coslume arresting and much photographed figure, Company and borrowed a white horse from against a background of thundering cannon- a friend. "If it had been possible." Butch, Chattanooga, says, balls and screaming police sirens announcing a para-niedic living in from Fidelity the arrival on campus of academy seniors "I would have had them make a suit of real for college days. In fact, more than a week later, a student said. "Oh yeali, I saw that During llie wailing period before Shelli

I was heard to re- guy riding around on a white horse but appeared the noble knight — thouglit it was part of college days." mark rather testily, "This isn't a skirt Life to liis Union has However the knight, known friends as "Butch" Barnes, had more serious The venture ended a trifle anti-climatically intentions. He had come to Jones Hall to with tiie horse stepping on Butch's foot and claim the hand of the fair damsel, Shelli knocking him down, then taking off up the down to graze Dager. Shelli floated majestically hill, only to stop at a patch of grass been the most the steps in a long blue gown and a medieval peacefully. styled hat with veil. Later Shelli said, "I An eventful married life is anticipated for think I surprised him more than he did me." this couple, who plan to marry sometime in This doesn't happen every Sunday, so the autumn of 1976. One wonders what accepted, this reporter asked the happy couple where they'll for encore? most do an the idea for this romantic venture came The following is a partial list of engaged from. Back in December while (he couple couples at SMC, Congratulations, and besi was horse back riding, Buich, atop a brown popidarplanon

Wedding Bells Are Ringing campuses all W overAmerica. Sharon Beard and Eric Crago, May 19, 1976, Collegedale, TN Betty Beaulieu and Gary Brown, May 9, 1976, Ringgold, TN Merilyn Bieler and Ron Honeycutt. May 9, 1976. Apison, TN Karen Bradford and Mark Gutman, December 23. 1976, Collegedale, TN Nancy Brown and Fred McDonald, June or August, 1977, Somerset, KY Find out why. Beverly Corwin and Roger Aasheim, May 16, 1976, Hamburg, PA Donna Couden and Franklin Trimm, May 3, 1976, Collegedale, TN Paula Cox and Randy Navy, June 20, 1976, Asheboro, NC LindaCulbertsonand Allen Fine, August 15,1976, Lawerenceburg,TN Shelli Dager and Butch Barnes, Autumn, 1976. Michigian Betty Dunn and Jerry Watson, June 13, Call 1976. Laurelbrook the Academy, TN Cheryl Fcagin and Tim Clark, July 18. 1976, Tryon, NC Renee France and Kenny Ford, June 10, 1976, Washington, D.C. Darlecric Green and Gary While, August 4, 1976. Orlando. Fla. DiJiiin; ( ,rt-cTn.- jjid Doug Ronning, June 6, 1976. Orlando, Fla Fidelity Siis;iri 1 low7L' jnd Blake Beerbower. June Union 13. 1976. Avon Park, Fla. A nd Mark Hall, Summer 1977, Indianapolis, Indiana

Crystal Lake and Timothy Watt, June 20, 1976, Auburr

Debbie Lawson and Gene Fulford. July 1. CollegeMaster' 1976. Avon Park, Fla. Rose l„i.. :'' Anne Marynowski and Tm,. |07f, Lakeland Fla " pr,, ' Jane Miller and Bob Seal, JuiiL'lM ( ,,i ,,,,i,, ii, Renila Mitchell and Todd MlU'' i ,17,, Decatur Ga

Debbie Mueller and . Tommy n.,. ,. Hrojdview Acadei Mullins .-,, Field Martha l.o\\. and Michael \(m \ ,1 i ,,iiegcdale TN Associate Terry Musselwhite Terry and Carmicluel. Mjv :, 197(,, Collegedale, TN Nancy Nash and Don Garrcn, May 19, 1976, Lansdale PA Heidi Naptui e and Bruce Weaver, June 13, 1976. Rogers. Ark :-__.._ Dorthy Nielsen and William Moon Ju, 1,1976, Savannah, TN in your area: Donna Olsen and Ted Hitile, Mav in?? F

MatciaPendelton and Craig W:if.-- \.i .,

Janene Penis and Kenneth Full, 1

Sharon Powell and Tony Mobl,^ \ , Shcrrill Rush and Timothy Muu.,;. ,,!:, Dorecn Reins and Ciaig Williamv Doccm Becky Schoen and David Branum. Augu-- Becky Stepp and Martin Hubbart, May V Lillian Suero and E^ekicl Nitcliel, Augu<

Dcsii jSykc! Terry Taykir and Hi

Cindy Teskc and < lu : I

Kay Waldo and Bud < i. Susan Weaver and Br\'j Jan Weir and Steve Hel August 15, 1976. (jlendale. Calif DonnellWillcy CbllegeMaster Doug Hursh, August 1. 1976. Caniino Calif Michael Witt and L'cky Fritls. June 13, i07ft Flolclier NC " Merv Can- JoyWoodelland Steve Holmes Judy Wright and 700 AirpoH Road Chaitanooga, Tennessee 37421 615 894-2999 The Southern Accent April 22, 1976 5

Knittel Interview Continued From Page 3

very good job ol keeping the Adventist homes. On ihe other hand, the lo a very small accommodaIe_the increasing of its schools down size Seventh-day number of (targe Adventist ^ Adventist church is growing community), wouldn't students, why not hold compared with baccalaureate edu- increased enrollment down it be advisable to >ii pace and thus there is establish a number of a to fill existing the world today. If it is finance facilities? I believe in qual- smaller (in in ^ rand a growing constituency schools rather than expanding? every ity, not quantity. concerned about our economy to- year to Many schools 3[c support higher education as well and colleges have closed This is a v^ry valid that it is far less expensive to as observation and I in detrLes secondary and elementary education. the last few years; could we take over do wish it units. were possible for us lo hold on dun to build new There is absolutely no suggestion some of these? that liie our enrollment me'i to the matter of debt, numbers down to fill only existing The Vlun 1' u of Seventh-day"Adventisls at- problem with the "Battle Creek facilities. There WliitL counsels that we should tending was a proposal lo do syndrome" colleges will decrease at any time was that the Adventisls flock- this when we had for IlHi any further than we can in the future room 1000 students. ed there and were not while our schools are still going anywhere This would not begin lo take care of the - i;r way to pay within a reason- open and there is considerable evidence else. At the time that Mrs. White wrote needs of Ihe Southern Union alone and ,t lime This is the General indicating about the Adventist I that the numbers of students work at Battle Creek in effect we would have denied Seventh- htv and IS the practice which will increase just as size the vast majority of Michigan had no I the of the church day Adventist higher education to those ,li inary follows very Adventisls. There scarcely I Colkge were any Ad- n who wanted il policies of the rel- We need to be very careful about ventisls in the western part of the I ii church fore- United Again, I must state that when students are no lessconserva- casts. The forecast for the 1975 fall States and very few overseas. TJiere were I liiedness sem- are denied admission ester lo Iheir own school, essentially Ti have ever been and for college enrollment in none in Ihe South, the South- I Ukv the nation they do not tend to to at large go other Advent- east, or the li Miinary College works with- was at great variance with the Southwest. What Adventisls ist schools. Therefore, the young people facts. A larger there were crowded together in one spot II iJiiRs On non dormitory much number of students from our Seventh-day Adventist homes and there were rays light t HI have an indebtedness only went to college than had been proposed no of penelrat- who would be turned down at Southern Mihin five years. On dorm- by a lot of the official forecasters and ing North A . Today the picture Missionary College would in general go has changed and Seventh-day Advent- of time IS ten years. On people are still trying to figure out how to nearby public colleges and universit- isls are not known primarily for their IrtLllings families have an in- this could have happened. is There no ies. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult large centers but rather for years and a suggestion of any decrease in the Iheir multi- kis than 20 number to tell parents their children cannot come tude of churches scattered Ihroughoul ' III today IS thirty and forty of students wanting to. come to SMC ip to a college within their union thai the the world. Moreover, Mrs. White is very favor this years to come and I will say again the s i\ much in of parents support througlr their offerings. much concerned that the total work ! it should continue iliink Coupled is with this the plain fad that thrusl of the Seventh-day Adventisi in the length of repayment our tuition coststhtougji the years would Do you think that perhaps SMC students have gone much higher than Ihey already could benefit from a change in the school ( Continued on page 6 ir\ (0 the qULStion, the have. An increase of even 20 or 30 stu- year's calendar to help save fuel during the dents during a school year does very much winter months? Example: a March-October lijs not slipped, neither to govern the rise of tuition costs and Ihe school year. I uieral Conference nor extra padding of having a few more stu- The experience of people in Florida in- \ itiry Colkge The advice dents each year brings (he tuition costs You've dicates that it is not cheaper to aircondit- heard of \ ears ago is being followed lower. If we would have restricted our 1 the SI r than to heat in the w size lo 1000 students some years ago, (he and 1 doubt that having school in the sum- tuition costs for next year would be in ex- Wash 8c mer months instead of the winter would Wear cess of S5000 for tuition alone. Seventh- help a great deal with our utility expenses. day Adventist schools are not blessed with We would always need Ihe counterpart i feel II aChri large endowments and the operating monies of summer school taking place some lime keducation, but what will happen if for these schools must come from the con- during Ihe school year and we subsequently NOWI "lues to accept more students ferences and the union and tuition. The would have to heal up most of our build- W ihe enrollment increases at its current Southern Union and the conferences al- winter to ings anyway during the accom- an- pe through the next few years? Will the ready spend almost a million dollars cannot be here during modate (hose who nually to support Southern Missionary me, say in 1 990, and SMC will Clean a the regular school term. Furthemiore. are really in a posit- lileft with empty dorms and teaching College and they not reverse program would seriously interfere still idlities? ion to do anj^ more than this_and with the total social cycle of the home e that the Seventh-day Advent- 1 Ihe and would probably have rather serious ifamily statistics are the same as that of & side effects of many sorts. iination at large and. therefore, there V of Ihe "Battle Creek Syndro Tibe on a percentage basis a leveling off Instead of building and expanding to I'colleEe enrollment from Seventh-day Steam

Collegedale The newest thing Credif Union in handling Little Debbie Easy-care garments For 40centsalb. SfSJAK CAKES COLLEGE PLAZA you can have your double-knits dry-cleaned HAS A FUTURE (min. 5lbs.l WITH YOU IN Come in and ask us ^ MIND about it.

Collegedale mcKee BaKinc companv fAi Cleaners

Hr.nncrdRd 'OOTO^'^O^ 4'): I

Fall-Winter Program Olympia SkatingCenter SPORTS ACTION 5-0 LlVIustangs Take First Place By Defeating Comets

this year has end- between the foreign and US students. e eason for I near upsets. 1 of upsets and Mustangs came through the sea- d Twice the Mustangs almost to squeeze out lies TEAM STANDINGS 1 n anaged n point. Once the opposition to go, and once (h seconds Team Won Lost Tied Poini! pulled the trick on Vargas, t, Gu lavsson's penally kick with Mustangs 6 10 o ids remaining in tlie game, Comets S 3 k g me between the second Lancers 4 3 I a d the pace setting Mustangs Mustangs Hammers 2 6 J I 1 ampionship. The Hotspurs i 7 5-0. I [. ded game ( n et however, clinched a second

1 bv beating the Hammers. Vargas ed nio third by beating the

a d II Hammers with 1-0 scores. last games were S nd J ! e scheduled LEADING SCORERS Tl M tangs rolled to another nd the Lancers prevailed over Leading Scorer Goals

4 . Larry Dunford and Bob the Lancer; i ed two goals for Swede Hellgren 19

I Toopcr tallied twice for the Bob Hoover 7 Wes Holland 6 will i ^a esof the season bean Graham Cooper 6

I t aturing the best 24 players Adrian Cooper 6 M an pus and a challenge match

Chat. Youth Symphony Joins Knittel Interview Continued SMC Orchestra For Concert slaff members to teach history and Eng

lish and religion and mathematics and The Chattannoca Youth Symphony and Dvorak's /Veil' \orld Symphony, !asl mo physical education and other basic area; die "i.Mitli.Tn Mit^i(Mi:irv College Orchestra ment; and Sibelius" Vahc Tn'sic. !'! i.t' I We arc talking thus of al least a dozen I inr,i concert in the SMC The Youth Symphony played alone

for in I'' ! ( :liurcli was in one place. We had one teachers most of these I'liler on Sunday, April Three Dances front Henry VIII, by Germ piiblisliing house and one hospilal and s the .uld b iltle and the SMC orchestra played a suite of

II.' ...II... V, iTie college-all this al Bailie Creek. When we consider tlic dormitory deans n i^ conducted by James three English folk songs by Williams. service personnel, then 1 agree ihai il would have been advis- and the we face Millei of ihe Yuuili Symphony andOrlo ble years ago to eslablish muny smaller some rather serious budgetary problems. Gilbert of SMC. The concert marks the ollcges rithcr than expanding one in ea< Hopefully if a new school were begun, fourth conjuction of the two groups during Unforlunalcly the e there would be an iiislruciioual program Ihe past four years. 329 Students Enroll oday simply do not permil this, while in some type of agriculture though hope- The Youth Symphony draws its mem- fully there would be no attempt he economics ol' a half-cenlury ago would to have bership from junior and senior high schools For Summer Session a commercial farm. Also, if a person h^ve made il more advantageous Tor such really in the Chattanooga area, and the SMC organ- lias ilan to be developed. concerns about declining enrollments ization is composed of SMC students and As of lasl Monday, lliete were 329 also must with the faculty We cope fad that members. studenis enrolled for the Iwo summer campuses would certainly t schools must have certain basic min- be moving m The combined orchestras performed sessions beginning May 3 1 and July S. the um lacihties if the young people are wrong direction. Copland's An Outdoor Orcnure. Sibelius" General Registration is May 30. The going to be trained the way the church can AllaMarcia from the "Karelia Suite;" Bee- tuition IS 72 dollars per semester hour, use Ihcm. For example, we must meet thoven's ConceTto Number .?, for Piano wilh and dormitory room rent is charged for forslu- Dr. Uruce Ashton of al Ihe SMC piano; the number of days the student occupies Ihe room. Courses will be offered by Ike departments of Arl & Design, Behavioial Science, Biology, Business Administration, Sand Castles Chemistry, Communication, Education, GO English, Health & Physical Educalion, History, Home Economics, Industrial Malheniatics. Like sand castles Education, Library Science, Administration, INSURANCE On a slormy beach Music, Nursing. Office Physics, and Religion. That never stay the ; The Pre-session courses begin May .'iJ departments of Physics, Biology. Rt;ti!ii'''i,^ oflei Education, Economies F'^'' bodily injury and lo^s of per- and Home

about t ^Hl.?^^ '"^ State Farm A summer session bulletin can tained al the office of Admissions Oh God! further details. Help me to build My life on You Before its hours mid have four or Tive hundred Are wasted, A LITTLE REMINDER:

Washed away The Leaves of Autumn now has lit- tile erature for you to take home for Slu- summer. Drop by our office in the to dnel Center and lake some to give Leaves others. "Spread them like the uig sludenls each t>u this lias caused J feelings on the


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