St Michael The Archangel Parish Magazine December 2019 / January 2020 CONTACT INFORMATION Rector In vacancy

Associate Priests Revd. Sandra Lovern (Thursday-Sunday) - 01275 332657 revd. lovern is the first point of contact for matters relating to dundry Revd. Sandy Munday - 01275 331060; [email protected] Readers Mrs Margaret Marshall - 01275 835342 Dr Pamela Harman (Reader Emeritus) - 01275 332893 Parish Administrator Alison Hill (Mon, Weds and Fri mornings) - 01275 331061; [email protected] Churchwardens Jane Lyons - 0117 964 1338 Kathy Woodward - 0117 949 3628 Magazine Submissions [email protected]


Lakeside Group - Village -


Priest: Father Michael Healy - 01275 792627 [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Mark Forge - 01275 472 391 [email protected] SUNDAY MASS 9.00 AM Please look on notice board outside church for other times or any alterations ’Tis The Season To Be Merry

‘Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us). Isaiah 7:14

Dear Friends,

Look at a hundred Christmas cards or Advent calendars and see how many, if any, bear any reference to the real meaning of Christmas. I find it very sad that this Christian celebration is being dumbed down in our shops and towns, whereit sometimes seems as though the agenda is to write out any reference to God’s wonderful gift of the Christ child. But the Christmas story is actually very modern and multicultural, encapsulating the message to be found throughout the Gospel. To herald the birth the angels sang “Peace on earth from God to all people” – and don’t we all long for that - and Jesus commanded us, throughout his ministry, to live for others, not ourselves, to seek justice for all and share freely without thought of the cost.

Perhaps this true message of Christmas runs counter to the modern way of thinking, because it demands a response from us. But either we accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ and, with his help, live the life he calls us to, or we decide the whole thing is false, and then there is no Christmas - and I hope we never reach that point!

Jesus’ commandments are always gentle and wise, and if we all followed the greatest of all, ‘Love your neighbours as yourselves,’ what a very different place the world would be. These few simple words are God’s answer to the messiness of our lives, but runs counter to the way our human instinct tells us to live. God knew that, he knew what we needed and gave freely of his love and guidance, his forgiveness and grace through his message: ‘Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, salvation and forgiveness of sin.’

The wise men and shepherds heard and responded to the amazing events of that night. I pray that we all shall do so, now and in the year ahead.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peace-filled New Year.

Yours in Christ,

Sandra Lovern






29th December, 4.30PM NEMPNETT THRUBWELL At Election Time

So it has been decided. There is to be a General Election on 12 December and much has been made of the fact that this is the first December election since 1923. Things could be worse however, as the 1885 General Election took place over three weeks from 24 November to 18 December 1885. It was nonetheless an important milestone in social history, as it extended voting rights so that for the first time a majority of adult males could vote and most constituencies returned only a single member to Parliament. These were quite radical developments and at that election large numbers of men voted for the first time. It saw the Liberals, led by Gladstone win the most seats, but not an overall majority, with the Irish Nationalists holding the balance of power and the Unionist MPs having a significant voice. The 1885 election also saw the first socialist party, the Social Democratic Federation, participate.

So significant was this election that my predecessor, Bishop Arthur Hervey, wrote an open letter on 2 October 1885 suggesting that ‘all Christian subjects of the Queen had a duty of special prayer to Almighty God that He will be pleased to guide the minds of the Electors to make such a choice of representatives as shall tend most to the glory of God, the honour and welfare of our Sovereign, and the happiness of the people.’ In his view Parliament was responsible for establishing ‘peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety’ and the ‘welfare of all people.’ In asking people to pray, as well as to vote, he made it clear that whilst people would have different ‘political leanings’ that they needed to come together to pray for the ‘peace and happiness of the nation at large’.

I think we all know that this General Election before us now will similarly be critical in helping to determine the future of the – at least for the immediate future. In writing this article I am therefore seeking to follow Bishop Arthur Hervey by reminding us all of the responsibility we have to Follow The Star pray for our country and to work Sign up to our #FollowTheStar Christmas with all people for the welfare and journey and receive reflections each the well-being of everyone. day from Christmas Day to Epiphany (5 January) to your inbox. With my prayers and very best wishes, The Right Revd Peter Hancock Bishop of Bath and Wells

Community Cafe

This is Jo with the amazing cakes she made for the monthly Church Community Cafe in October.

Thank you to all the people who came along and supported the event. It was a very friendly gathering and we raised some much needed funds for the Church too.

The Dundry Community Cafe is held in church on the first Saturday of each month, from 10:30 - 12:30, with the next Cafe on Saturday 4 January from 10.30 to 12.30. Do come along and enjoy a beautiful Church, friendly people and delicious cakes. Heaven!

The volunteer rota will be: 4 Jan: Jean Blewit and Jean Hopkins 1 Feb: Jane Lyons and Kathy Woodward 7 March: Sandy Bateman and Sue Carey

Home Visits and Home Communion

If you, or anyone you know is ill, housebound or in need of a little TLC and who would like a visit from a member of the ministry team please contact Revd. Sandra Lovern. I can also arrange for anyone who cannot make it to church to receive home communion.

You can leave me a message on my phone on any day of the week and I will pick up as soon as I can.

Tel: 01275 332657 St Michael’s Church, Dundry

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 7th December 10am – 4pm 8th December 1pm – 5pm (Christmas music sing-a-long from 4pm)

FREE ADMISSION Tea, coffee, cakes Christmas hamper raffle Christmas wreath making workshop For further details 01275 331061 Or email [email protected]

Soup Lunch

We are pleased to announce that the planned Soup Lunch in the Church Community Cafe will be up and running from January on the second Friday of the month from 12:00 to 1:30. Home made Soup and a roll/bread will be on offer with a cheeseboard selection for a suggested donation of £4.00. Tea/coffee and homemade cake will be available for an extra charge.

We look forward to welcoming you! The first three dates will be:

10 January 14 February 13 March

Offers of help - making Soup/serving/washing up will be gratefully received. Kathy Woodward and Jane Lyons

Dundry WI

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We are celebrating with a festive meal at the Dundry Inn and our meeting on 11 December (2nd Wednesday this month) when Steve Price will be entertaining and hopefully serenading us with ‘History of the Banjo’.

We see in 2020 with our meeting on 15 January with Nick King speaking about ‘Goats of the Gorge Skincare’ which sounds fairly intriguing. Both meetings at 7:30pm in Dundry Village Hall.

If you’re interested come and join us for either or both evenings.

A vicar had a standard liturgy for funerals. To personalise each service, he used the ‘Find and Replace’ command on his computer to replace the name of the deceased from the previous funeral with the new name.

One day, all was going smoothly until the congregation reached the Creed. “Jesus Christ,” they intoned, reading from the programme, “born of the Virgin Edna…”

The Filling Station

Think church worship is boring? Try this:

An exciting new way to worship

speakers to inspire

music to lift you up

prayer to get you in touch with God.

… and good coffee and cakes

Every fourth Thursday of the month at 7.30pm

The Peli Barn (next to the pub) Chew Magna

The Great Dundry Clean Up!

The Dundry Litter Busters held their final litter picking event of 2019 on 27 October. A band of 20 volunteers from Dundry and East Dundry swept through the roadside verges and hedges in and around the parish. Fifteen bags of rubbish were collected, along with sundry items such as an old bed. It was encouraging that the quantity was noticeably lower than when the Litter Busters started back in April 2019. This is thanks not only to those stalwarts who take part in the scheduled litter picking events, but also to those who regularly take the time to pick up litter throughout the year.

Fortune smiled on one group, who found part of a torn-up £20 note, and then a few minutes later found the remaining part (see photo). Fortune of a different 10 year old Ger,e Blewi0 and her Grandma Jean hold the parts of the £20 note found in a hedge 10 year old Gertie Blewitt and her kind fell on another group, who found Grandma Jean hold the parts of the two large bags of dog mess – clearly £20 note found in a Dundry hedge someone’s garden is now a much more pleasant place to be! The Litter Busters Team thanked everyone who took part, and promised to arrange more clean-up days in 2020, at which all will be welcome. Email [email protected] for details.

Village Agent

Hello from your Village Agent, Lyndsay Newman. I’m here to help those of you who are aged 50 or over to access information and advice on a variety of topics relating to wellbeing and local services. Finding someone to provide care in rural areas can prove difficult. I am often asked if I know of anyone locally who can provide regular care to people needing support. If you are a carer, living and working in the locality, do get in touch with me by phone or email. 07967 345559 or 01275 888803 (office) [email protected].

I look forward to helping and working with you in the community. Dundry Baptist Church

‘To us a child is born and the government will be on his shoulders’ Isaiah: 9v6

At the time of writing and when this is published we won’t have a clue who will be in Government this Christmas, or what a newly elected government will bring to this country. If the truth is known many of us have very different ideas of what we expect or hope for.

This was very much as it was over two thousand years ago when a census was called in Israel by the ruling government. One thing was certain, most were hoping and longing for a better future.

Suddenly into the midst of all the chaos a baby was born with the potential to change the destiny of this world, it wouldn’t be by deals with other human authorities, not by might nor by power, but by love and sacrifice.

There in a squalid manger lay a baby, the expression of God’s love. A baby who would grow to be a man and give his life as a sacrifice to free a lost world from the curse of sin and bring hope to all who would trust and follow him as Lord and King, not just for an allotted time until the next election but for all eternity! Isn’t that the best news one could hope for in these times of division and uncertainty?

By the way, his name is Jesus!

May the Christmas message of love and hope be with you this Christmas and as you travel on into another year.

Mervyn on behalf of all at Dundry Baptist. Chew Valley U3A

The Chew Valley U3A will be holding their December meeting at Ubley Village Hall at 10:30 am on Monday 16 December 2019, when we will be having a quiz accompanied by a glass of festive cheer and nibbles. We will also be treated to a recital by our very own Recorder Group. Coffee or tea will be served from 10:00 am and we look forward to welcoming you then.

The January meeting will be held at 10:30 am on Monday 20 January 2020, when Ben Ashenden of the Co-Op Bank will be giving a talk entitled Tax, Care and Toy Boys. He will be giving helpful information about looking after your money, properties and inheritance. Doors open at 10:00 am when light refreshments will be served.

For each meeting a fee of £1 for members or £2.50 for visitors will be charged. New members are always welcome and the membership fee is £10 per year (renewable each January).

Services for Dundry Baptist Church December 2019 & January 2020

Sunday worship – 11:00am (Communion 2nd. Sunday)

Weekday Meetings - (As announced)

Christmas Day: Short Celebration Service – Commencing 10:30am.

December Sunday services will be fairly informal with congregation members sharing their own thoughts and experiences as we explore again the greatest story ever told. There will be ample opportunity to choose one’s own favourite Carol and share in fellowship over a homemade mince pie and coffee.

Why not pop along to one of our special Christmas Services during this festive season?

For more information and details of services etc. Tel: 01275 463353 RNLI Chew Valley Fundraising Branch

Once again this year, our annual fund-raising Curry Lunch has been a great success. On 8 November we welcomed over 120 supporters to a lunch at the Ubley Village Hall where they were served by committee members, partners and friends. Our Chair person, Gillie Slater, outlined the importance of supporting the RNLI and its valuable work in saving lives at sea and stressed the continuing need of essential public support to ensure viability of this charity. We are very grateful to all who contributed to the success of this event by attending as supporters, supplying raffle prizes and working hard on the day. Thanks very much for all your valued contributions which have helped raise the magnificent sum of £2,258 from this event.

We are always ready to welcome interested folk to join our ranks whether as supporters or as committee members to get a more ‘hands-on’ experience of the work of the RNLI supporters. Committee work is not onerous with only 3/4 meetings a year. If you would like more information on our local activities please contact our Secretary, Tim Gracey. Tel: 01275 854623, mobile 07464 963435, or e-mail [email protected].

Chew Valley Wildlife Group

Wilder Future – Restoring the abundance of Avon’s Wildlife. On Thursday 23 January 2020 in Chew Magna Old School Room, 7:45pm. Admission £2.50. Illustrated talk by Ian Barrett, CEO, Avon Wildlife Trust.

Sadly, since Kenneth Grahame wrote The Wind in the Willows just over a hundred years ago, too many of the UK’s wild places have been lost forever - and the animals that depend on them. The UK has become one of the most nature- depleted nations in the world. The newly released State of Nature 2019 report shows that one in seven UK species are at risk of extinction today. For example, 97% of lowland meadows and the wildflowers, insects, mammals and birds that they supported have disappeared.

Help us make the next chapter for wildlife a safer, healthier and happier one, where nature is in recovery, not in danger. It’s not too late to save our wildlife – find out how AWT are working towards this goal and how you can join in and help the campaign.

Jumble Sale for Avon Wildlife Trust - There will be a Jumble Sale in The Old School Room, Chew Magna at 10am on Saturday 18 January 2020.

We should be most grateful for offers of help and also for donations of jumble and white elephant. Please call Claire on 01761 463294/07854 080374.

Chew Valley Local History Society

For our November meeting Garry Atterton, new Society member (recently moved into this area and a founder member of the Barton Hill History Society) stepped in at very short notice and gave a great presentation entitled “Cotton Threads - the History of the Great Western Cotton Mill”. He told how, in the early 19th century, Barton Hill developed from a scenic rural area into a highly industrialised cotton factory site with over 2000 workers, adults and children, plus housing for this workforce - mostly financed by the huge sums of money that former slave owners had received in compensation following the abolition of slavery. Bristol, of course, had been a leading force in the slave trade. Thank you Garry!

Our December meeting, on Thursday 5th, is our Christmas Meeting, starting at 7:30pm with doors open at 7:00. Mike Bottomley will give his lecture “Katherine Parr - the Queen in Queen Charlton” Katherine Parr, the 6th wife of Henry VIII, had an association with the estate of Queen Charlton and also with Sudeley Castle which we visited as a Society in 2018. Mike dresses in Tudor Costume and plays Tudor music to accompany his presentation. As usual, in the Old School Room, Chew Magna.

Following the talk we shall have our Christmas celebration with season finger food, please bring a small plate of food to be placed on the sharing table and the Society will provide wine and soft drinks. Everyone is welcome.

Russell Peters Tel: 01275332741/07976266427. Email:[email protected]

Alternative Presents

Struggling for ideas this Christmas? Here are some alternative presents, that are eco-friendly, useful, and fairly traded.

Christian Aid ( invites supporters to send them a donation, and in return, they will send a ‘lively’ personalised card to your friend or relations, describing the gift you have chosen to give on their behalf.

Send a Cow ( also invites supporters to send a donation for a range of practical gifts, for use in helping people from Ethiopia to Zambia.

Traidcraft ( offers everything from bamboo tights to clocks to food and cosmetics.

WaterAid ( provides sanitation equipment (such as taps to promote hand washing) to villages in Africa, Asia or Central America. The person you nominate will receive a card to let them know this has been done in their name.

World Vision ( offers you the choice of sending various specific items from mosquito nets to garden tools, all of which they say are specifically asked for and needed.

With WWF ( you can adopt a wild animal, from a dolphin to an orangutan. WWF will send your nominated person an adoption certificate and even cuddly toy.

Do all the good you can By all the means you can In all the ways you can In all the places you can At all the times you can To all the people you can As long as ever you can.

John Wesley A Prayer for Our Lakeside Group

St Andrews prayer group have kindly agreed to share their prayer for our churches. You may like to keep the prayer and use it as a guide and template for your prayers in the months ahead – and do feel free to join their monthly meetings:

At this time of vacancy we pray for an uncertain but exciting future with many opportunities. We commit to serving you on this interesting journey together.

We pray for God’s help in finding people to lead services and to take us through the church year, especially at Christmas and Easter.

Lord, as we enter a new stage in our church life, we open our hearts, asking for your grace to grow in faith and prayer. May we gain clarity to know our own needs and to see your goodness and gentleness in our lives. May we feel your blessing upon us as we grow through the process of finding a new leader. May we delight in the new while honouring the past.

Help us all to feel part of the process of supporting our Church Wardens and grant us reflection and wisdom. We pray for our Bishops and their part in the process, and for all for our priests and lay-readers in the Lakeside Group.

Lord, may we feel that the church is a place where we will find what we are looking for. Grant that we may appoint a leader who understands our history as well as what is needed to our future. A leader who will serve with kindness and care.

We pray that our prayer group will be a support for the community of the church and serve us spiritually. And may the Holy Spirit astound us with his creative work amongst us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD An illustrated Christmas Musical Entertainment Based on The Nativity Story as told by Tim Lewis and Sheila Furneaux St Andrew’s Church, Chew Magna 7:30pm FRIDAY 6 DECEMBER Enjoy a glass of wine and mince pie afterwards Retiring Collection Parish Council

Dundry Parish Council met on Monday 11 November. Councillors discussed:

- Cllr McCarthy reported on a successful ‘Litter Busters’ clean up on 27 October, the next pick up will be in the spring of next year. - Cllr Laux also reported that he had received suggestions from NSC for VE Day celebrations in 2020. He contacted the Church, the British Legion & the Village Hall to see if this can be made a joint effort. - There has been good progress on agreeing a lease & licence for the playing field pavilion, the draft documents have been considered & comments & corrections will be passed onto the solicitors. - Cllr Hurford reported that following repairs to the playground fencing there has been more damage, he was concerned that it may be the damage is deliberate. - Cllr Fiddian reported that the A38 ‘finger post’ would be installed next week & that the restored cast iron fingers would be fitted soon afterwards. - Cllr Laux alerted members to scam telephone calls are being received, allegedly from ‘Bath’ Council & that residents need to be aware of this.

For the full minutes see

The next meeting of Dundry Parish Council will be on Monday 9 JMH December 2019 Property If you would like something to be Surveys included on the agenda, please notify a councillor or the Clerk by Friday 29 Independent Surveyor November. You can also raise matters in the Public Forum but, depending Bristol, BANES, N , South Glos on what they concern, full discussion • Home Condition Survey may have to be left to the following meeting. • Buy-to-let Survey • Building Survey DONATE TO ST MICHAEL’S 0117 978 4468 / 07903 195 842 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Visit

Puzzle Page


More details can be found on notice boards, in the Parish Magazine and also on the Dundry website, or contact the number given

Abbreviations - DVH – Dundry Village Hall, Crabtree Lane, BS41 8LP DRBL – Dundry Royal British Legion Club, Dundry Lane, BS41 8JE St M. – St Michaels Church, Church Road, BS41 8LH


Mondays 7.30 – 9.00pm BELL RINGING St Michael’s Church Tower – PRACTISE BS41 8LH Jane - 07826821569

Fridays @ 5.30 pm CHOIR PRACTISE St Michael’s Church – BS41 8LH Jane Lyons – 0117 9641338


2nd Monday each month – 7.30pm Parish Council Meetings - DVH – Parish Clerk - Robin - 01761 432224

1st Wednesday each month Tea/Coffee & Cake Morning - DRBL – 10.30 -12noon 0117 9781895

3rd Wednesday in Jan – Nov and Dundry WI – DVH - Ann 01275 472403 2nd Wednesday in Dec @ 7.30pm

Last Wednesday of each month @ Quiz Night – The Carpenter’s Tavern – 7.30pm 0117 9646423

3rd Friday in Jan – July, Sept – Nov, none in August, and Lunch Club – DVH – Janet - 0117 9643498 2nd Friday in Dec @ 1pm

1st Saturday of each month Dundry’s Community Café held in church 10.30am – 12.30pm

COPY DEADLINE The copy deadline for inclusion in the next magazine is the 14th of the month preceding; articles should go by email to [email protected] WEEKLY ROTA DECEMBER 2019

SIDESPERSON READER CLEANING FLOWERS 1 Dec Alison Hill Kathy Woodward Alison Hill & Be5y Jane Swyer Hale 15 Dec Richard Woodward Anne5e Milton & Christmas Julie Smith


SIDESPERSON READER CLEANING FLOWERS 5 Jan Jane Swyer James Le Grys Yvonne Bowery & Jane Swyer Joan Oldfield 19 Jan Caroline Hiscox Jane Lyons Jean Blewe5 & Janet Pulman Sandy Bateman 2 Feb Ann Gleave Sandy Batemen Choir Jane Lyons


BS41 8LN


Mobile No: Becca 07702 307694

Email: [email protected] from 9am – 7pm for more information

The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell

Services for January 2020

5th January 12th January 19th January 26th January 2nd February 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 2nd Sunday of 3rd Sunday of Candlemass Christmas Epiphany Epiphany

8.00am Holy 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 8.00am Holy Communion Parish Morning Worship Parish Communion Chew Revd Victor Communion Laity Communion Revd Victor Magna Barley Revd. Barley 10.30am Victor Barley sl 10.30am 1st Sunday 1st Sunday Special Special ft cm

10.30am 10.30am 11.00am 10.30am Café Church Parish Morning Café Church Dundry Laity Communion Worship Laity sm (Ang/Bapt) at Baptist Chapel

10.30am 6.30pm 6.30pm 10.30am 10.30am Family service Evensong Evensong Parish Family service sm sm sm Communion sm Chew Stoke With children’s activities sm

10.30am 4.00pm Parish Evensong Nempnett Communion sm Thrubwell sm

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Morning Parish Morning Norton Worship Communion Worship Malreward Laity Revd. mm Victor Barley

10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am Parish Holy Morning Worship Parish Stanton Communion Communion ft Communion Drew sl Revd Victor sl Barley

Key: sl: Revd S Lovern, sm: Revd S Munday, ph: Dr P Harman, mm: Mrs M Marshall, ft: Mr F Tucker The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell Services for December 2019

1st December 8th December 15th December 22nd December 29th December 1st Sunday of 2nd Sunday of 3rd Sunday of 4th Sunday of 1st Sunday of Advent Advent Advent Advent Christmas 8.00am Holy Communion Chew Revd. Victor Magna Barley 10.00am 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 10.30am Gift Morning Carol Parish st 1 Sunday Service at Worship Service Communion Special the Baptist Laity sl sl Laity Chapel 6.30pm Advent Celebration

10.30am 6.00pm 11.00am Dundry Café Church Carol Service Morning ft sl Worship (Ang/Bapt) at Baptist Chapel

10.30am 6.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm Family Evensong Evensong Carol Chew Stoke Service mm sm Service + Baptism Laity sm

10.30am 4.30pm Nempnett Parish Christingle Thrubwell Communion Service sm Laity

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Norton Morning Parish Morning Malreward Worship Communion Worship mm sl with Carols mm

10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 4.30pm Stanton Parish Holy Morning Carol Drew Communion Communion Worship Service sl Revd Revd. Victor ft Margaret Barley Snook

Key: sl: Revd S Lovern, sm: Revd S Munday, mm: Mrs M Marshall, ft: Mr F Tucker