Friends of the Earth (HK) Annual Report ࠗಋΔଈɾʤɀཌྷȹཌྷααం 2010

Room 1301-1302, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, Hong Kong ۩ࠗಋ˵ӯևϫ༞໔ࣵౡɣ෨$࢔ᅢ

Tel: (852) 2528-5588 Fax: (852) 2529-2777 Email: [email protected] Website: wZZIRHRUJKN 2010

Friends of the Earth (HK) Annual Report 6WDIIᓻࡗ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤɀཌྷȹཌྷααం 

Director ᐢ෦ԑ EDWIN LAU ჳަቂ Development Manager ೕࢄ຤ଉ JANET FOK ፳๥შ Development Offi cer ೕࢄ˚ͨ CHLOE MOK ୣ̽з Who’s Who at LEO WONG ˔ࡼౣ Assistant Development Offi cer Хଉೕࢄ˚ͨ CONTENT Friends of the DAVID CHUNG ᒉነౣ ͌፣ Environmental Aff airs Manager ᏷ྊԑ৻຤ଉ χ࿵ੜ Earth (HK) HAHN CHU 0HVVDJHIURP WKH&KDLUSHUVRQRIWKH%RDUGRI*RYHUQRUV  ঢ়ज़᏷ྊԑ৻˚ͨ Senior Environmental Aff airs Offi cer ᘆᖽ ໎ԑѫ˚࢐ ٮMICHELLE AU ਂാ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤιࡗ MERRIN PEARSE ၆ܱ WKH3DWURQ  THOMAS CHOI ᇞࡼ̵ ΊᙷᖳХɁ Environmental Aff airs Offi cer ᏷ྊԑ৻˚ͨ CATHY CHAN ஹኮඔ WKH'LUHFWRU  %RDUGRI*RYHUQRUV SZELING CHENG ሲ܆ୋ ᐢ෦ԑ ໎ԑѫ CELIA FUNG ඟ໱ᗫ Research Coordinator ޢӠ଻ᘐ CATHERINE LAU ჳܑз Chairperson ˚࢐ Project Manager ඖ͌຤ଉ 0$-25:25.2) $LU  MR ROBERT YOUNG ฦ̵ხͱ́ ࣩي VIVIEN CHENG ሲ঎ጝ ɀཌྷȹཌྷα˚߬ɮА Vice-chairperson ৹˚࢐ Project Offi cer ඖ͌˚ͨ DR VIVIAN WONG ඡᖭౣ఍ᔢ́ QUINTINA HO Єඏփ (QHUJ\  Honorary Treasurer ࿘ᙷ̇࢒ ॶ฻ ؀CAROL KWAN ᗐཽ MR STANLEY WONG ඡႩሣͱ́ ؀JANET YUEN ঠዷ Honorary Secretary ࿘ᙷो࣊  DVWH: קڥSAM YUEN ঠ MRS KAREN BARRETTO ཽ͉࠷ɤɡ ذSenior Accounts Offi cer ঢ়ज़ผ߮˚ͨ ᄠ CARRIE WONG ඡ֗ۜ MR DANIEL CHENG ሲʼᐱͱ́ :DWHU  Administrative Offi cer Ϸܧ˚ͨ MR GEORGE COOMBS 0U*HRUJH&RRPEV ˋ DENISE KWOK ஬ዷ୥ MR FRED HO Єନᐊͱ́ China Project Manager ɻਝඖ͌˚ͨ ᖭૠᄐɤɡټ MRS ASTOR KAM YUAN SHUWEN ঠૠʼ PROF FREDERICK LEE ң๒ଽઠ઒ 2QJRLQJ*UHHQ3URMHFWV  China Project Offi cer ɻਝඖ͌Хଉ ඖ͌ړPROF CARLOS W. H. LO ያ̷ᒤઠ઒ ੒உ᏷ FRANKIE CHOI ᇞ͓ቂ MRS MEI NG дʿॐᑈɤɡ REBECCA LI ңԙ PROF NORA TAM ᖭუშઠ઒ 2WKHU0RYHPHQWV  ɻਝඖ͌Хଉ China Project Assistant ԯˢ৽ྸ CHEN ZHIQIANG ஹҁੜ Patron ΊᙷᖳХɁ HUGO CHENG ሲ፦ม  JUSTICE HENRY LITTON ईᛷ࠷ؒւ %HD)ULHQGRIWKH(DUWK China Liaison Offi cer ɻਝᐲ೼˚ͨ ၤΔଈݯʤ CHEN YING ஹߜ WEN WEI ʼ৩ )LQDQFLDO2YHUYLHZ  ลᙴܧɀཌྷȹཌྷαα۹ল

$FNQRZOHGJHPHQW  სᑢ Message from... FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 03 ᘆᖽ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం Message from the Chairperson of the Board of Governors


˞c༅฻ʥਿพֲ͛੡ّܛϤᐿ̜ؿɮАeԞαc̯ผ౨શॶτҡΛؿʻٽ ڳᙔʨӎcޑኝಲಕeᒖಳˀ̯˦̎ؿɣΔቊ՗ࣵᄄܥLast year, in my Chairperson’s message, I outlined the environmental challenges which we face in the world today, ȹα༦˾cɣࡼࠍྦྷؿ ΔܰЄ೩ಠɩ՗ ׅࢄcᘗᙩ൬үeྦྷޚand that we will have to respond with better resolve, energy, as well as more resources. Σ๫፾౵௦ঁйേ˖ɁcɣϬಳ᛹ɁؿवᕝɈc˞ʥɁᗘ ॶ฻ؿྦྷכzzˮܯ࣏ཋᄥೕ́ؿᕶݴcɖಲੱΔ్͐ȿɁᗘؿ෭܃ॲ࢕eΔቊ One year on, the environmental challenges are no less daunting. While the earthquake and tsunami in Sendai, c҈ᔄϊዀผΛᑢͲ᛽ࡗɮЦɈɺኜcΈ໎ԑѫιࡗؿҙɃ՗ֻኪcᑹτ܃௖ Japan, were caused by natural forces, they do however prove to be a powerful reminder of how devastating such ಲᆯ჏ॗc҈ࠨ௄ੀಲؒ෱ཫؿӎᗒ΀ዀᅶᔀΕԅːɺᖇցؿΔቊ੓ɐeɁᗘ c˞ʥԯˢ၆ϳ྆᛽ؿ਄ܛࠨؿผࡗdຮɮ՗ͬพ (DUWK 3DUWQHU ؿ᎖᎖ʻ҈ ຒॶhڈforces can be, and how powerless we, as humans, are in confronting such forces of nature. And the explosion of ྦྷޫҌؿԗፆcঢ়ЅԯΪͲೡ۹c˘ȹϤʹΔcᜑɣࡼ᛽ผԷޫҌԎ ᙩೕࢄϤኍ৞eܛ˿the nuclear power plants in the aftermath of the quake should also serve as a grim reminder of human folly: in our ၤcݯΔଈؿ ࠧ೽Ϭɯ੓ԞடೌߕᗒeܯɖȹϤʹΔcɁᗘؿ෭ insatiable appetite for energy consumption, we are putting potentially unimaginably destructive forces on such unstable and earthquake-prone areas. We put our faith in technology to keep us safe, but time and again, we have ฦ̵ხ ΪͲcɺ༦ʋಳਐᕀ୮୮eΔଈ຤ዃყຒαcɷੀ৽ྦྷޚseen that technology cannot be fail-safe. Time and again, our own folly have brought about massive suff erings. ඨ଻ؿዝ๏ೕཋᒖಳ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤ˚࢐ ࣱ३ȿ൚༦˸ᅕڏ᛽ᔝʝι๏d͏ؖ՗ʨಳࣩcЎɁᗘඩ͂ȹϛ቗αۯؿذ౺ The traditional alternative of fossil fuels also provides little room for comfort. It has taken Mother Earth hundreds ʝ͏ዝࢿcଐ́ใ۩ࣩ᛽cҡݯɁᗘؿ́Φ੓Ԟᗒ˞෱ཫؿۤ९eᒖಳʪඈd of millions of years to build up our fossil fuels reserve by turning dead plants and animals into the coal, oil and gas deposits around the world, but it has only taken us little more than a century to turn more than half of these deposits ࠓdᅸϒ೩ᅳ૱ؿ˿ʹ́ॶ฻ݯ҈ࠨ੓ԞѴશcЎߗ߬С͂˿ʹ́ॶ฻ԞొԜ ౧ˤؿʿ࣐eڈcᛷಳʋٽinto the greenhouse gases which, in turn, pose hitherto unimaginable dangers to our very existence. Although ȹցೡ۹ؿዝࢿˈԝc༏பʋಳ࿾ renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and tidal waves are clean and do off er hope for the future, there is still a long way from being able to supply them as a meaningful fraction of our energy needs. So this is clearly an ቱဳࠗಋΔଈɾʤɁɈτࠉcЎʋေသֺॶ࠮ኒɣࡼಕʭྦྷΔଈؿवᕝeɮАؿ unsustainable path that we are taking. ࣏ʶcగܰ߬ొ࠮ҡ૜ᅳdҡᓯ޸ؿ́ݠᅡβiಕᄠdʹ͂dʹ́dʥʹ஥e FoE (HK) is a small voice in this world today, but we must use this small voice to advocate reduction of our impact on this planet. Accordingly, the main thrust of our eff orts have been to promote cleaner and leaner living: to reduce, ༦˾ȹαc̯ผᐲ΃ʔͳਿพᐲ๷ొˮȹӡͶʿ࣐c࠮ᘪࠗಋΕɊαʑྡྷଊҰ re-use, regenerate, and recycle. ܪؿʿ࣐d੣฻፾ಕʭᄡ቗ؿઉذᑷЛႇ஥ᄠܢ˳ᘪۺ൴ಕʭኀeذˀᄠ ௩ؿܰc؀೩eܛؿʻވԝΣಕʭඨ଻ɻβඝࡽപ௰ؿͫ൴ cʥ˱ੜྦྷΑνพ In the past year, FoE (HK), together with the Professional Commons, has come up with proposals to help HK to ᛽dነّ೩c౨྆ړผᘪࡗd᏷͓ؒܢ˳cܛreduce daily waste by 6,000 tonnes in 10 years. The proposals included the adoption of waste avoidance policy ʿ࣐ొˮඩȹܱ౨cɰᏵΈʿʻ measures, tackling food waste at source (such as cutting down on the number of dishes on lavish Chinese Message from eذ൬ࠗಋभ̳ಕʭႇ஥ᄠڔႩॶٽશ banquets), and to provide more support to the recycling industry. We were delighted that, within just one week, many parties – including legislators, green groups and academics also voiced their support, which hopefully will the patron ˂cȹଠ਄˱ّΕࡧտ௖ᆅؿɍ࠯ٽᙩᄈܛੴཋ˜ˈᑩؿຝॶιᐜα⠇ك— .lead to a meaningful reduction of waste production in the long run ಕʭખ൚༦ʔኀؿɀ࣪ʝဧeϾΩୂכ೩ޚ൚༦ຒ۹ཋcޘ΋Ɉຝ The energy-saving project “Power Smart” continued to grow in 2010, achieving a saving of over 23 million kWh ຝॶɺ௰τСҝഁ᏷ྊcҡॶעཋ༩۹cಕఝ൚༦eുޘ߶ࡼ࢓ڥɾ of electricity during the three hottest summer months, which means a reduction of over 16,000 tonnes in CO2 ΊᙷᖳХɁᘆᖽ ፠eټޘemissions. The top household category winner saved over 1,500 Kwh of electricity in three months and achieved ྡྷ჌Δຝ a saving of over 56%, thus proving that saving energy not only helps the environment, but also helps to bring real Earthquake in New Zealand, tsunami in Japan, fl ooding in Thailand are just three of savings to the family budget. ,ࣩሔॖྦྷʔଠ৪੖࿚ιᗲࠇۤ९e҈ࠨɺ the recent events which remind us how the forces of nature can, with a mere shrugيࣩሔॖ̯ܰผ̊ȹ࠯ኝ௿e༏ᖾي ؿʿβ஢ү૭Ҽ˚߬ᄠࣩԞ฻ؿᓿβࣜؖӹሤe˥Ɂܪc˞சೝ࠹֚ܧᒾ༝႓ Air quality is another battle ground of FoE (HK). Roadside air pollution is a serious threat to public health. We overwhelm the eff orts of mankind. ޚϭʌʋ̰֚ܧɰѧιcکȹαכᅟؿʔଠጺ໺ξܞࣩሔॖيhave continued our eff orts to lobby the government to use the carrot-and-stick approach to phase out old diesel ̖શؿܰcቱဳ ᅟe҈ࠨҡΉ͇േਿࡗʔອҙേ᏷ At the heart of every community there lies a reverence for nature. This reverence canܞvehicles which are the worst polluters. We remain disappointed that, although the public consultation on Air Quality ᎶҡณcʦᜮΛᅕਝࡼξɰઔ͂༖ᗲࣟؿ Objectives (AQO) review was completed a year ago, the government has still not renewed Hong Kong’s obsolete be expressed in many forms. Programmes to combat the eff ect of climate change, c˞ҝഁܪՅҡΛྡྷ჌ઉج༠ɺ࿶eΕ̰Ԟȹαc҈ࠨผᘗᙩٲྊѫؿ̖ᓻc AQO standards to the more stringent modern standards, which have been adopted in most countries. We even of environmental degradation, and of human waste, are simply manifestations of a ࣩሔॖeيunderlined our disappointment by fi ling a complaint to the Ombudsman to probe into the Environment Bureau’s ༏ᖾʥ۩ʑؿ deeper truth: That we stand in mystical awe of the forces of nature. delay in pursuing this matter. In the year ahead, we will continue to call for more concrete steps to improve roadside ፖፖ̰గཋኂʥཋɥஉௐ́ଐّஐͨԹొ֚ܧair quality as well as indoor air quality. Ετݓཋɥ՟ёʿࠍcࠗಋ It is my perception that this life-force drives the eff ort of all the staff of FoE (HK), τᗐؒܪα˂ˀ঴ྡྷכɰ֚ܧ੒̖શeɻਝڈˮ͓ؒউ࣐c˥҈ࠨ On toxic electronic waste, we are also disappointed that Hong Kong is even lagging behind the Mainland in of the Board of Governors of FoE (HK) and the volunteers of FoE (HK). I take this .ɻ opportunity to salute them all, and to thank them for their eff ortsכ܃ʋΕদሃૃສdΑνd୮ଉؿஐͨሂᙔc˥̯ಋႩႩໃ֚ܧenacting Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) legislation. China’s WEEE legislation went into eff ect on ˥cЎࠗಋ st 1 January 2011, while Hong Kong is still debating who should shoulder the responsibility of disposal, collection ਝʑΔeΐϊc̯ผΕα˂˚৽ઐˮ—ӪʶΑν˜޸௃ི߮cՓᝑΈވ and recycling of electronic waste. FoE (HK) has therefore taken the initiative to launch a “Conscientious Recycling ဟဳؿዀ࿚ѢഁΑν୮ଉeི߮ઐˮඩȹ࠯˂cɰτ Henry Litton, GBM֚ܧ͚ʀՇۂੀᓿཋɥଐ Charter” in September 2010, aiming to encourage and facilitate the public to send their electronic waste to proper (ʔӝᏪ۰ߠdਆ෨ʥͬพᖋອ޸௃e Patron, Friends of the Earth (HKܢ˳collection points under government monitoring for recycling. I am happy to report that just in the fi rst month, over ൚༦࠯௰Ͻc 500 public and private residential estates and commercial properties have signed the charter. ᘬፚޑณϹᙬΔቊdˀ̯ࣵᄄd࣮ਝˋӎ೩ܢ˳౨ೕ́ؿԯɻడ࠯ԑͧٶ ˱ඖ͌cΊ਄ٴȹαȹ۹ؿ—၆யͱቂ˜౺ኹݠ৽ᘗᙩιݯԯɻȹ࠯Շᚭ The annual “Tree Planting Challenge” remains one of the most popular projects for FoE (HK), with 760 participants ฻˜ ˖ɁcɣϬಳؿۤɈΛფੜɣcΔଈᐳȹᐳ٘గॶ࿉าɁᗘЦɈؿι׮e܆ˋc̯ผ—ඝٱࠁயʔ්΋ɈိɎȿ౱ኹߛeαپےΕّ planting 10,000 seedlings in Shing Mun Country Park in 2010. In the Xunwu village in Jiangxi where the Dongjiang ఖउጊ׭ϐ฻፾cʥΕ๫ΔҦ̵՗ነ́ԾХɎc΃ᅚိɎޘϐϹכRiver originates, FoE (HK) has planted another 10,000 tree seedlings in early 2010 with villagers and students in the ඖ͌ɖΕϽ ଊٲɣϬಳആಳ঴ฑeɣࡼ஦༦ɺ΃ʿβྦྷޑະcড়ɥ໧مɺሃͨЄȹ࠯ ՗ါήپణֺˀ˜c̯ผᐲ΃ᄤήd׭ଢ଼d෨ވ˖area. Another water campaign to save water took place as part of “World Toilet Day”, when FoE (HK) partnered with ࣡ኹߛeϊ̔cΕ— ೩೩cذNGOs from Guangzhou, , Xiamen and Fuzhou to investigate leakages from water taps in public toilets ˮԞcᇽΣྦྷҊࣩ࠰ᛰʝdҝഁ᏷ྊਐᕀd୮ଉɁᗘଐ́ؿᄠ ؿ̵ං྆᛽ȹ঴ሁ݅ɻਝʑΔ՗ࠗಋؿʔణˋ௹࿳ˋੱؗcݠ৽мʵȿΛΊ ԅٖಲѼؿۤɈ˥ɁᗘވiϬಳޚȿȹ࠯ҡ૯ᄙؿभܮboth in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. The project attracted over 200 volunteer water inspectors, thus helping to ஛ԒϷ৽̳Ρʦ ຮɮ਄˱cઐ৽ʔଠᗐ؇ຝ޸͂ˋe˜ٽraise public awareness on water conservation. —ˋ઄ ฑއe cЎک෮ᖫcϤ˘҈ࠨ͛ΕɺᒾЦɈΉړTo be sure, these are but small steps to help raise public awareness. I think we are making some progress, but the ಳϤc஛ԒϷ৽ᒖτХొঢ়ʔଠؿ᏷ battle to change minds and life-styles will be long and hard. With your help and support, we will continue to fi ght ҈࠯Ɂႏݯc̳ܰ஛ိ́՜ؿɈ൴ᚎԚടࠗಋΔଈɾʤͲ᛽ࡗɮd໎ԑѫ ෱՗́ݠᅡβc஭ܰ࿾܆ɣ᏷ྊؿᄧᚊcүͣʋඩ·ӷcΐݯ߬ҝᛰɁࠨؿྦྷ ᙶ᏷ྊϤ˟ˮeᔄϊዀผc҈Ήɣࡼߎฑc෰ᑢɣࡼړthis battle with even more resources and more professionalism in the coming year. ιࡗ՗ҁᗙّࠨݯ ֺ˟ˮؿЦɈe Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their untiring eff orts, our Board for their dedication and commitment, our members, volunteers and corporate Earth Partners for their unswerving support, and all other green partners for their contributions towards making our planet more sustainable. ईᛷ࠷ؒւ*%0 ࠗಋΔଈɾʤΊᙷᖳХɁ Robert Young Chairperson, Friends of the Earth (HK)

ኝcɁᗘ჏߬ҡɣؿҺʶd၀ु՗༅฻ԞᎶྦྷeܥࠍྦྷؿ᏷ྊވ˖ȿ๫ʌܢΕ˾ααంɻล҈ Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 05 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం Message from the Director


༞cӠ௄كEnvironmental crises happened one after another in 2010, which ᏷ྊ΀ዀΕαઅፌˮଊc˥Ɂɺຑ෱ ෮ᖫτֺړmakes us wonder whether our environment really has been getting ܰ҈ࠨؿ᏷ྊभؿᛰ࢏ȿcᑹܰʔଠؿ᏷ өdᄠ AIRړஃིdϬಳ̟ے༠ྦྷٲworse or whether public environmental awareness has triggered ొʠΐϤ੓৽ҡΛɁ ࣩሔॖҝഁdຝ޸ॶ฻೩ਐᕀؿɺ࿶jي୮ଉdذ more people to express their discontent on city planning, nature conservation, waste management, air quality improvement and c̯ผؿผࡗکԑྡྷɐcԭʿࠍؿࡈΐ஭ΦΕeԭα energy conservation. ɁᅕᑹɺӷʄɝcЎϭαα֛cɰ຤τ൚༦ȹຒ ˱ˮࠗಋ̵̟ྦྷ᏷ྊਐᕀҡܮI do think that the environmental crises are getting more severe, Ίผࡗcȹցೡ۹ɐʦ ࣩي and public concern on environmental issues is growing among the ᗐʶe Hong Kong public. The increasing number of FoE (HK) members is one of the facts that shows public ི߮cΕ೛ࣂۺ᏷ྊ΀ዀԝɥɾȹܰੀ߶ዌਢිਂᒷ awareness is increasing. By the end of 2010, we had over 10,000 members, up from lower than 5,000 ਐᕀذদሃcʵ঴ʔଠྦྷࠗಋᄠ؟ผؿᄤمංʑው঴ members two years ago. ࠁயʔ්͂АਢිਂcٶЌሱڍؿᗐ؇eི߮ࡈ̯߬ Ӿ஠АˮʦᎶcɺ༦๫ Roadside air pollution is one of the most serious pollution issues in Hong Kong, with֚ܧc܃One example of the environmental crises include the protest against the extension of the Tseung Kwan ՇԷ̵̟ؿੜईʦྦྷ ଐّஐ 2010 highlighting this by being a record breaking year with the roadside stationś҄˱ڈcϤذಯʝᘅ୮ଉᄠۺᘪጙొڳO landfi ll, a territory-wide debate that has stirred the public to be concerned about Hong Kong’s waste ѫ .ؿਐ recording 4,379 hours of very high air pollution levelsٽᄈذ୮ଉ൒ԞᎶྦྷᄠذproblem in a relatively short time. This landfi ll extension proposal expected to be able to encroach ͨؿ͓ؒ՗஦༦ᄩνᄠ ಕܪ੣฻፾ɐઔՅઉڬّ܃cסinto a nearby country park, though it triggered strong opposition from the public. The government ᕀeಯʝஉௐˤძঢ় reacted quickly by proposing to build incinerators to address the waste problem instead of speeding ʭႇ஥՟ёcɺ௰ι̯༖ГcϤ˘τС༅฻੡˞ഁ Nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates in the air have a serious ਐᕀ฻Ϭ࣯൒ؿ́ impact on public health, especially for lung development in children, and mayذϷɾτࢽeᄠޑ̟ےup its pace in enacting Producer Responsibility legislation and charging for waste disposal. Both of ͂cΕɺʭ .஥௖ੜɣֶ induce cardiopulmonary and vascular disease in the elderlyۺ෱dୌྻɺҝᛰؿ໷cగ့܆which have been proven to be successful approaches in many other cities in reducing waste at source. ݠᅡβc ԑಲ໤eכؿಯʝᘅɖיIncinerating comes with a huge price tag, whereas waste avoidance measures are relatively low cost ཌྷખ and favourable to resource conservation. The Hong Kong waste problem originated from wasteful Nobody can escape from the roadside air pollution. FoE (HK) has been lobbying ΕᎶྦྷࣩ࠰ᛰʝጺ໺ʼͧɻొˮc஝༦ᄈ˱ፏɃ֚ܧ lifestyles, and even the most powerful and emission-free incinerator can’t solve the problem. It has to the Government to renew the Air Quality Objectives (AQO), to refl ect the actual air ܨcΕೕ́ˀ̯ါࢌ࣏ཋԑי࣏ཋ˞ಕʭใ۩ࣩ᛽ખ be a change in mindset and lifestyles. (ད߮cͲಋ pollution levels so as to help the public better understand the situation. FoE (HK֚ܧሃcϊȽ̊ȹԝɥeجɰʵೕɺʭک ᘪ also urged the Government to set a clear target of improving air quality to safeguardۺThe government’s proposal to import more nuclear energy as a way to lower Hong Kong’s greenhouse ३ཋ൴ϭαੀɣᄈɍιcԎ˞ϊݯԗኣc .gas emissions in its climate change consultation is another issue that touched off much controversy Ґ࣏ཋԜᎶˈԝͅଊࣂؿొঢ়ϭc஛ಲဘᄈ public health even before the outbreak of the Fukushima nuclear accident. FoE (HK) and other concerned parties ˱࣏΀ዀྦྷಋɁᅶΕؿۤ९e̯ผ՗ԯˢᗐ؇྆᛽ྦྷ Ӡᛷ͐c஦༦ຝ Roadside air pollution is mainly caused by the vehicles with Euro II and earlierޢᕤဘeτ͐ٲདಡؿᅕΥ֚ܧare dubious about the government’s projected huge increase in energy consumption (a 30 percent ࠗಋ increase by 2020) that forms the basis for raising the proportion of nuclear energy from the current ॶ՗ೕࢄ˿ʹ́ॶ฻cࠗಋ˿˞ಕʭ̒ʗȹؿॶ฻჏ models of engines. Hence, FoE (HK) has been putting pressures on the Government 23 percent to 50 percent by 2020, which will no doubt intensify the potential risks to Hong Kong ұe੣ॶ฻ԜᎶԞޜcࠗಋ˿˞ၤʑΔ΋А˱ੜೕࢄ and the bus companies in the past year to urgently eliminate these heavily polluting ࢂֲיॶ฻cΣࠓɈೕཋ೩cᑷЛଐ́τࡻؿ́ʹ˿ people. Studies have shown that the city can reduce 25 percent of its energy consumption through vehicles from our roads. The Government eventually admitted that buses are the ΐ࣏ᄠࢿ჏ᅕɊຒαɷॶࠌϭ˿અՇؿፍࢂޑdemand side management and developing renewables. On supply side management, Hong Kong ᄠࢿc main culprit for roadside air pollution in the 2010-2011 Policy Address, and has can cooperate with the mainland to expand the use of renewables, such as wind energy which do not ˋ̡e generate hazardous radioactive waste that takes tens of thousands of years to reach an acceptable committed to allocate funds for retrofi tting catalytic converters on buses to improve αc҈ٶࠗಋΔଈɾʤઐ৽ຝ޸ॶ฻ɰ຤൚༦Ɋαe level of radiation. roadside air quality. ಕʭྦྷވผΈمੴཋ˜ຝॶˈᑩcར᎞⠇كࠨᔄട— ᅟֲؿȹαcܞࣩϔܷcܰࠗಋԯɻȹ࠯௖ᗲ࢈ؿϔܷਐᕀhϤαҡܰيࣩϔܷʥࣩ࠰ ༏ᖾيFoE (HK) has been promoting energy conservation for over a decade. Through our Power Smart energy ཋɈؿ჏ұ՗ᑷЛ࣯൒ॶ฻c˞ྦྷҊ ɩࣂcवȿዃα޵፣eࣩሔॖဟಡॎ፣੡ؿ൚ᅟࣂᅕ༠يsaving contest in recent years, the community has been encouraged to lower energy demand and ᛰʝਐᕀe҈ࠨؿณผэҡιݯྡྷ჌ԝᖬcࢄ͐ΣЄ ΐݯ༏ᖾ ဳଉcτࢽಕʭྦྷॶ฻ؿړavoid wasting energy as a way to combat air pollution and climate change issues. Our new offi ce is ˞Гι̯c஦༦ஃི՗᏷ ؿْ஫ۦɻɩٽɣᄧᚊcऋПܰι۾੖τۺ՗˿мɃᗺࣺଶɥcྦྷذࣩɻؿಈ࣪ʝي being used to demonstrate how to reduce energy demand through careful environmental planning ჏ұe ႖ೕʶْʥ϶ဳझञe˿ڬّٽ૯cྦྷޅand operational management, which has a low cost to implement. ೕөာࡻ ณผэࠍዶˈᓿผэɣȹࠛcᓻࡗ՗ኂҥ͛༖˞֡Λc αؿ͂ཋ൴ඩᄈכЎαؿ͂ཋ൴ˈᓿผэ သ҄ҡณ֚ܧࣩϔܷؿ΀ࡻɺࢀ༕ᑷe̯ผ߬ұيComparing the total annual electricity consumption of our old Wanchai offi ce in 2009 with that of the Փмܰ́Φؿਥ̯৽Аcֺ˞༏ᖾ ɣఝಕʭȿeڬnew offi ce in 2010, the overall increase is merely 3.5 percent even though the space has doubled, with ˱cϤ̡я௰Ͻࠍዶؿॶ३ ᆢؿҝע߯ˮ֚ܧᇼڔ੪cكࣩϔܷೡ۹ᜑ̵̟يभྡྷؿܮ$42 cʦ ᅟܞࣩሔॖي Ɉc৖ȿ߬ЦɈಕʭجmore staff and equipment, and yet we have achieved 48 percent decrease in electricity consumption ૏ಲဘਐcଊʌͬพ߬ొʠᘏ ჋ʔଠ৪੖eړper unit fl oor area. No doubt companies surviving in this competitive market today are all working ྦྷ༅฻ؿ჏ұ˞ࠌГι̯c΃ࣂ͛߬࠹ᚋҝഁͬพؿ ഁ͌ᅟc ଊeٲhard to not only achieve a lower demand for resources so as to lower running cost, but also to improve ኬ᛽ ˾ผΕ༦̯ܨࣩϔܷؿ˚߬ʏͯcي໔ؿϢᓿӹඅcܰ༏ᖾێᅩ๷ɀ౨ʥҡξ౨ʵᎽ overall corporate performance. cऋ܃ᇼသξ૭Ҽ஛ғϢᓿӹඅeΕΛωؿϷ৽ڔᎦcܪʥʱɡʔ֚̇ܧԷ̯ ȹαcߎɈΉٴஉҡ၆ϳؿ᏷ྊcᚭۺΣ׮੬ɖ෱஝༦ຝॶԞ ంйcࠖωֻႏʱɡݯ༏ࠍؿ˚߬ϔܷ฻cֻጻᅆಁݯϢᓿʱɡӹܧܪכ͚ݚ၆ϳʶ੡e ࠖޚIf you also want to conserve energy for a better environment, come to visit our new offi ce and ผ਄ᜮcʃ exchange green ideas. ࣩeيჳަቂ අΪ໦ණʝᑹࡈኂc˞ҝഁ༏ࠍ Edwin Lau ࠗಋΔଈɾʤᐢ෦ԑ Director, Friends of the Earth (HK) Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 07 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Major work of 2010 01 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࣩي AIR

The Chief Executive has stated clearly in the 2009-10 Policy Address that the AQO will be renewed after the public consultation. A public survey conducted by the Enew the Air Quality Objectives (AQO) Government also revealed that almost 90% of Hong Kong citizens agree to renew the AQO. However, one year after the public consultation was completed the Government ᅟ has taken no follow-up action. On 30th November 2010 FoE (HK) appealed to theܞࣩሔॖيҡณ R Offi ce of the Ombudsman to investigate the Environment Bureau’s administrative irregularities. The complaint was accepted and is the fi rst complaint regarding air On 31st May 2010, staff and volunteers from Air pollution is one of Hong Kong’s most serious pollution problems, and it has remained pollution to be accepted in recent years. FoE (HK) went to the headquarters of the unsolved for a long time. In 2010, FoE (HK) focused on urging the Government to ؿʔ֚ܧᅟeϤܞࣩሔॖي࠳߯܃ʔଠጺ໺כӰעంйɻcܧܪαEnvironmental Protection Department to renew the AQO that has been used for 24 years. The existing AQO does not refl ect ऋࠖΕ submit a protest letter about the lack of the true pollution level or meet with the Air Quality Guidelines that the World Health ኬኬ܃ᅟeಳϤcʔଠጺ໺ѧ೶ܞȾιՇ஄̵̟ႏݯᎶ໮ҡณٶcܮଠሁ݅೶׮͛ʦ progress on renewing the AQO. They stood in Organization published in 2005 for safeguarding public health. ̖ܧα˂ˀΉ͇േਿࡗʔອҙേ᏷ྊѫϷכটe̯ผכԗಳಲ৽֚ܧȹαc silent as a tribute to the victims of air pollution. ࣩϔܷϤАˮሁ݅ؿҙേeيαʔ඀༅ࢿɾɻcࠖωઅढ़ΐٶອ FoE (HK) has presented their views directly to Edward Yau, the Secretary for the ๫cιݯʔອړ༠᏷אα˂ˀc̯ผιࡗၤຮɮ Environment, and offi cials of the Environmental Protection Department in many ੵՇࡻڷʥ޵֨ຌcڌᐢ஫cΉ๫ѫႮ͚Ҋᘪ diff erent occasions. FoE (HK) stated the serious impacts that the outdated AQO has ࣩϔܷϤᐛ೛ྐ՜ؿࠗಋɁeيכ on public health and urged the Government to implement the Chief Executive’s 2009- Targeting the Old and Polluting Buses 10 Policy Address commitment to renew the AQO immediately. ໔ؿᓿβʱɡێቱξ૭Ҽᅩ๷ɀ౨ʥҡξ౨ڔ ɔ੡ɺԷ໬Һeαc̯ผടࠇ౗ٽࣩϔܷܰࠗಋร඘୽୮ଉؿϔܷਐᕀɾȹcي αొˮכᇯ́ୂᓱވ˖ᅟc˞஢ү༠ߎܞࣩሔॖيҡณ؜͂ȿαؿ֚ܧڔ Besides focusing on the renewal of AQO, roadside air pollution caused by old buses is ʵeܞࣩሔॖيؿڬʔଠ৪੖ݯࡈ˞ On 30th November 2010, to mark the 1 year also one of our main concerns. anniversary since the closing of the public ᅟྦྷʔ Vehicles with Euro II and older models of engines account for over 30% of the airܞࣩሔॖي༦ࣂؿעອւࡗஹീc႓ړᙂജʥ᏷ٹٽઅΉ᏷ྊѫѫقผΛω̯ consultation on the Air Quality Objectives, FoE ంйؿ pollutants in Hong Kong’s high traffi c areas. FoE (HK) has been urging the Governmentܧܪαכଠ੓Ԟؿᗲࠇ৪੖ۤ९cɺॶђ഼ɺଉcԎ߬ұ๫ѫᄚϷऋࠖ (HK) appealed to the Offi ce of the Ombudsman ᅟe to eliminate these heavily polluting vehicles through early replacement schemes, soܞጻc͓Գҡณֻ for the Environment Bureau’s dereliction of duty. as to reduce roadside air pollution. They had the support of the Clean Air Network, ࣩϔܷਐᕀيᅟɾ̔cͅϢᓿʱɡʵߎؿ༏ᖾܞࣩሔॖيቱ҄ҡณ֚ܧᇼڔHong Kong Asthma Society and a volunteer who ৖ȿ suff ers from the air pollution. During the year there FoE (HK) has also been working closely with diff erent political parties to push the ̯͛ܰผᗐ؇ؿᘪᕀe Together with several athletes, FoE (HK) were estimated to be 780 premature deaths, plus Government in the Legislative Council meetings, to renew the AQO so we all can petitioned at the headquarters of the Home nearly 60,000 additional hospital bed-days and ໔ؿϢᓿʱɡֺێcܰͅᅩ๷ɀ౨ʥҡξ౨ذࣩϔܷيenjoy better air quality. ̯Δᐥδ༏ݒτঢ়༠ɍιΛؿ Aff airs Bureau, urging the Government to $1.78 billion in losses due to the poor air quality. ໔ؿʱɡӹඅc˥ࠗಋێˮc̦඘သ҄૭Ҽᅩ๷ɀ౨ʥҡᓿొ֚ܧʵߎe̯ผΛωΉ ᅟʔଠጺ໺ɰ຤ܞࣩሔॖيimprove the air quality before bidding for the α˂ˀc ࣩ ࠇӮᔂʨeيሔ໺c߬ұҝഁ֚ܧΕ͓ؒผʑΉܢ˳ᙉ΋АcܧΕ͓ؒᄙࠍc̯ผ͛ၤɺ΃ Asian Games, so as to ensure better air quality ѧ೶ȹαc̯ผΉ͇േਿࡗʔອҙേ᏷ྊѫ̖ᓻc ᅟeܞࣩሔॖيሔॖcҡณ ࣩϷ৽˜d—࡙௧ผ˜ʥҁᗙّي৪੖—ܢ˳for athletes while training and competing. ୂᓱ ̯ผιࡗᐲ΃༜৽ࡗcȹ΃Է̵ܧԑ৻ѫᐢ஫ ࣩϔܷɰኒߎيϬೕԷ௿ᐰ౐eΕ஛ȹαʑc cᎶͱҝکΕϣᄬ͇ፒԓ༜ผ֚ܧҊᘪc߬ұ ຒˀcყʏؿٶɁᐛ೛ྐ՜dज৑ˀᅕত፣ ࣩሔॖӪΡؿૈيࣩሔॖcᜑ༜৽ࡗॶΕيഁ ፠ฌ̖eټ ͧɎ൬Ϸফᆻʥˈᑩe

Representatives of FoE (HK) presented an old bus prop to Edward Yau, the Secretary for the FoE (HK) joined hands with all Legislative Councillors from the Democratic Party and Ms Tanya Environment, and Dr Kitty Poon, the Under Secretary for the Environment, lobbying the Chan from the Civic Party, to urge the Government to set a timetable for renewing the AQO. Government eliminates the Euro II and older buses at the earliest opportunity. ξ૭Ҽᅩ๷ొ֚ܧᅾᅳ঺ɐϢᓿʱɡ༞Ԯc߬ұٽᙂജʥ৹ѫٹٽࣩሔॖ ̯ผʗПΉ᏷ྊѫѫيҡณ༦ࣂؿ֚ܧผᐲ΃̵˚ᙉͲ᛽ᘪࡗʥʔ̵ᙉؿஹૠ୥ᘪࡗc߬ұ̯ ໔ؿʱɡeێᅟe ɀ౨ʥҡξ౨ܞ AIR Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 08 01 09 ࣩ ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαంي

Targeting the Old and Polluting Buses (cont’d)

ᙩ FoE (HK) distributed campaign ໔ؿᓿβʱɡێቱξ૭Ҽᅩ๷ɀ౨ʥҡξ౨ڔ stickers at Central, which Support from the public is essential in giving pressure to the Government and the bus is one of the most serious companies to eliminate the heavily polluting buses. In 2010, FoE (HK) conducted a number roadside air pollution districts of street actions around the slogan of “Euro II Kills”. in Hong Kong, to raise the public’s awareness about .ʥʱɡʔ̇̔c̵̟ؿଉ໬ʥႏ΃̯͛ܰ heavily polluting vehicles֚ܧڔ߬ቱξ૭ҼϢᓿʱɡӹඅc৖̦඘౗ ࣩي஭̯ܰಋ༏ᖾقɻ᏷ȹ ˜ࣩي൬ϷȿΛωഷ፾Ϸ৽cԎ˞—ᅩ๷ɀ౨ ૎ɁכผɮАؿࠇ߬ȹ᏷e̯ผ כϔܷ௖ᗲࠇؿΔਂc̯ผ ݯɟ໔cΉʔଠۧඨᅩ๷ɀ౨ʱɡؿ΀ࡻe ഷ፾Ήʔଠݢೕ—ᅩ๷ɀ౨ ࣩ˜ؿൎफ़cొፚ̟ي૎Ɂ ؿӹሤeי؇෮՚ᖾঢ়ખ̵

FoE (HK) changed the appearance of the roadside air quality monitoring station in Central, so as to let the public better understand the harmful impacts of Euro II buses. Legislative Councillors from diff erent political parties showed up to support our motion. ࣩሔॖဟಡॎɣᛰӸc్͐ᅩ๷ɀ౨ʱɡؿࡻ୮cԎᏵ੡ɺ΃ᙉݢؿᘪࡗԷ௿يผੀɻ᏷̯ ʻܛe Tree Planting The sixth “Tree Planting Challenge (TPC) – Tree-planting and Hiking Competition” was held on 25th April 2010 at Shing Mun Country Park. 760 tree lovers formed 175 teams that hiked their way Challenge 2010 up to Grassy Hill in Shing Mun Country Park, each with 8kgs of tree seedlings backpacked in their own DIY carriers. As a result 10,000 seedlings were planted and they are expected to absorb 230

Absorbs 230 Tonnes CO2 tonnes of CO2 per year when those seedlings mature. Tuen Mun Reforestation Scheme ၆யͱቂ΋Ɉಕဧኀ To echo the call for low carbon, TPC 2010 not only set the theme as “Plant a Wish for a Better ི߮ Climate”, we have also implemented various carbon reduction initiatives and encouraged the׳౺پʰ participants to go green while having the fun. A voluntary carbon auditor helped calculate the carbon emissions of the whole process, so as to enable the event to achieve a “carbon neutral”

status. Only 1.87 tonnes of CO2 was generated by the event which was off set by the tree-planting As a city of tall buildings, Hong Kong is lucky to have many green places for the public actions and carbon credits with golden label eventually. to relax in during their leisure time. Located near the Tuen Mun town centre and the Tai Lam Country Park, Tuen Mun Trail is a popular place for morning exercise and We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers who helped on the setup hiking. However, similar to other countryside areas of Hong Kong, the Tuen Mun Trail and event days. A special thanks to all supporting organizations, especially to Towngas and and the area nearby were aff ected by hill fi re and became barren. Optiled Lighting International Limited for their generous sponsorship.

ࠁயʔ්ᐾϷeΊᆅʶ̵̟ୂιඅ౺ኹඅcҰɁСپےכTo restore the woodland and prevent hill fi res from happening, FoE (HK) has invited α˂ˀc଱ʒ։—၆யͱቂ˜ diff erent government departments, the business sectors, students and residents from ࠁயʔ්zzউɬc΋ɈိɎ౱ɩኹߛeپےʔʾኹߛc࢖ү೔ɐٶϬɯஉ߮ؿ༜঺ɮԮౕ঴͂ Tuen Mun, as well as our volunteers to plant trees. In mid 2009 we planted 40,000 trees, ད߮˿ݯࠗಋҰαಕʭኀɀ࣪ʝဧk܃ٽኹߛι which has been followed by a 3-year woodland conservation programme. To protect these trees we organize volunteers to promote the hill fi re prevention message along ݯ৉΋ಕဧɣᑭබc̯։—၆யͱቂ˜˞—ိˮ၆ϳɣࣩ࠰˜ݯ˚ᕀc৖஦༦౺ኹἢᇅࣩ࠰ᛰʝcҡ˞Ӹ the Trail during Chung Yeung Festival. ˜੡Гဧ˜eʌωݠ৽ҡτຮ৻—ဧᄗ߮࢑ضcར᎞਄˱ّ඀ʶ౺ኹɾ቗cɖ—ܪሚΈඖಕખઉྡྷڬА c˥ኬ࠯ݠ৽ྡྷଊ—ဧɻ՗˜e஛࠯ɝɁ਄ၤؿݠ৽௖ୄ̋ଐ́ȿኀיc֗༜ؿܰʋτɺʭ၆෮फಳؿΡ˾୮cᜑ̡ˀ́ݠᐥδؿ̵̟c൪̱˿ ԾХ့߮ݠ৽༦ೡɻؿဧખ͓׳ࠗಋঢ়ᅢɣ෨ ሻeאᅟๅဧමѧͲټɣᜩࠁயʔ්cܰɺʭ̵̟઱ ɀ࣪ʝဧc˞౺ኹϷ৽ʥඡٶcൎٶڃɻʶ̟پʰכࢗϽپԷࠁ̔ӶӶcႦᕌȹɎeʰ˞ ȹ੓ɖীɺ༦ɬˌؿवᕝc˞ߎɬٶڃࢗپΛࠁயȹᅚcʰ۾༜dႩӷؿΡ˾୮e̳Σࠗಋ ௰ϽcऋПܰ๏ࣩʔܛᘐௐʥΕ௿ԾХؿҰϽຮɮ঺ɐ௖টʶؿᑢ෮k͛෰ᑢΈʻکผऋΉ౦਄ၤԑ̯ ፾ͮӟӟؿe ؿᖳХeע๑ڋʥෙؿ̇ ֚ܧαɻ඀նc̯ผᑼᇼȿɺ΃ˀؿ၆ؖؖcᑷЛʹೕ́ɬˌcͅםݯȿᜑ໮୮Αన ࢗࠇณ౺Ɏ̒ຒ౱ኹپؿነ́ʥഷыd˞ʥ̯ผຮɮcȹ঴ݯʰਂپdͬพዀ࿚dʰپ஫ ɬ፾ۧඨٶڃөɮАeҰαࠇඈຝc҈ࠨҡୂᓱຮɮඅΕړ˃׳ߛcԎࢄ඀ݯ౨௖ʭɍαؿ ԉ˅ɬˌc౨શȹ঴ݯࠗಋᄈ૚၆ϳ́՜Ɉk AIR Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 10 o1 11 ࣩ ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαంي

energy ॶ฻

Within “Hong Kong’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda” the Government proposed a signifi cant increase in the proportion of TAKE A “BRAKE” electricity generated via nuclear energy from the existing 23% to 50% LOW CARDON ACTION- by 2020. CORPORATE GREEN Overall, importing nuclear energy from Guangdong does not reduce the DRIVING AWARD SCHEME emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) it only shifts the GHG emissions ቝȹʨ˜ಕဧϷ৽x to mainland China instead. Guangdong has been suff ering from powerי— ͬพ၆ϳቝቛᆉ᎞ི߮ shortages and it has to rely heavily on burning coal to generate electricity. If Hong Kong increases nuclear energy importation, Guangdong has to consume more fossil fuels to generate their electricity in order to The Take a “Brake” Low Carbon Action 2010 an amount that would take 17,700 trees one compensate for the additional electricity that is exported. The Hong Scheme encouraged participants to improve year to absorb. The results far exceeded the Kong Government is only deceiving itself as well as others. Moreover, fuel effi ciency and reduce fuel consumption scheme’s original CO reduction target of 120 2 nuclear energy is defi nitely not the type of energy that can be claimed to associated with their organisation vehicles, tonnes in one year. Take a “Brake” was sponsored which in turn reduces the negative impact on by the Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th be sustainable and it certainly has high risks. FoE (HK) therefore cannot our environment. Seven awards were created Anniversary Community Foundation. accept the Government’s current proposal. to motivate organisations and their staff in this ቝȹʨ˜ಕဧϷ৽οΕՓᝑዀ࿚ҝഁ࿏Ɏ In contrast, we believe that if the Government implements an eff ectiveי— -fuel saving initiative. Workshops off ering eco driving tips and guidelines were conducted by ӹሤؿዝؖࢽଅʥ३ؖ൴c˞ಕʭྦྷ᏷ྊؿ߲ࠍ energy-saving policy, it could lead the city in ways to signifi cantly reduce ቝȹʨ˜ͬพ၆ϳቝቛᆉ᎞ི߮உ͓ȿ energy wastage such that it would not be necessary for Hong Kong toיFoE (HK). The initiative received tremendous ᄧᚊe— support from the corporate sector since its ȼ࠯ᆉඖcར᎞ዀ࿚ࡗɮ਄ၤe̯ผୂᓱɮАыc import any additional nuclear energy. launch in September 2010 and by the end of ˂ઐˮϭʵeϬαܞݯ਄˱ّొԜ၆ϳቝቛ ᘪ੣ᄤ׭ɣఝʵɃ࣏ཋcۺŏࠗಋᎶྦྷࣩ࠰ᛰʝ೪଑ʥϷ৽၊ეɻ֚ܧ December 2010, a total of 82,700 employees α˂cི߮мʵΛංዀ࿚਄ၤc΋ͳࡗɮ αི߮ᄈϭeכؿ࣏ཋԜཋˈԝcک͌ͅ from the participating organisations had received green messages through the ɁᅕΛ༠Ɂc΋Ɉྡྷଊ̡яዝؖࢽऩొʠ ใ۩ࣩ᛽cԎಲྡྷሔА͂c̋ܰҐϔܷᔝଫʑΔeיʥ̡я३ؖ൴ࠌГe਄ၤዀ࿚Εݯ౨ ɣఝʵɃ࣏ॶcྦྷಕʭખ award scheme. Together the organisations ΐݯᄤ׭ȹΉॠཋc჏ɣ൴ԗፆዝ๏ೕཋeࠗಋȹ̭੣ᄤ׭ᔾ̔ፏɃ࣏ཋc ޚʔʠcachieved an average increase of 7.9% in ȹ࠯˂ؿ၆ϳቝቛ౨ʑಕʭ३ؖ൴ fuel effi ciency and an average reduction of ϬಂಂɁؿضɺ༦֚ܰܧࣱፏˮؿཋɈeࠗಋא˞߬Λ͂ʝ͏ዝࢿcڏcӷӷ჏߬ ᄤ׭יಕʭʔኀɀ࣪ʝဧખכ೩ 12.5% in fuel consumption. In one eco-action ᙩؿॶ฻c˘ࠓ፮รঢ়c̯ผಲؒઅՇe҈ࠨܛ˿ڈ౱ኹȹαࣂංмνcιᐜႩ൚ˮི߮உցȹαಕʭ ᅕΥ༝Ꮋeؗ˘c࣏ཋ೸ month, participating organisations reduced ؿ͌ᅟeϊི߮ͅ—ಔ̨ࠗಋיʔኀဧખ ೪cࠗಋ࣓̯ಲ඘ᔾ̔ፏɃ࣏ཋeܧໃྡྷ൬Յؿຝॶ֚ܧc̋߬ڌޚ fuel consumption by 64,955 litres, which is

ᖳХe˜ټequivalent to a reduction of 177 tonnes of CO2, ൪α෯ഁਥ FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 13 ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Major work of 2010 02 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ENERGY ॶ฻ LIGHT POWER SMART WINNING CASES ͮϔܷ ԑ POLLUTIONܨ੡ᆉّΈτԯ⠇ཋɩ

According to EPD, the number of complaints about light pollution has increased more than six times from 2006 to 2010. FoE (HK) initiated Joint Statement POWER SMART the Dim It campaign to urge the Government ,to control light pollution through legislation עᐲ΋ᐰ Energy Saving Contest 2010 so as to reduce energy wastage and avoid light nuisance. The campaign also aimed to inspire ੴཋ˜ຝॶˈᑩ the public to rethink whether having more⠇ك— lights for a city is equivalent to more prosperous development. Mr Leung and his family were the Supreme ອΕϭαංઅᏵؿͮϔܷҙേᅕΥړSaver Award winner in the Household category. ᏷ ܧThey installed an energy saving plug to avoid ɣఝᄈ˱൚༦ʒࠛe̯ผؿ—ਪ๑˜༜৽cઐ৽ energy wastage during “Standby-mode” of their ֚သξ͓ؒcʥྦྷਐᕀ߬ʀ˞ဟဳc˞ಕʭ࣯൒ॶ computer and related electrical appliances. ෵ͮ೩΃෵—܆ผʦم฻ʥͮಥᒹcҡࠇ߬ؿܰᜑ Their worship cabinet 10W light bulbs were ᐥ࿘˜ؿೕࢄᜮe replaced with 5W bulbs, and were only turned on during meal times and at night. Mr Leung’s mother said sincerity is more important than having such a light on continuously. A total of 2,073 participants from Households, Companies and Property Management ”ϾΩୂ ˜੡˚ષͱ́ȹࡼc͂ The First “Light-catching ಕϭకɣᆉڰ— Government Needs to Clarify Four Doubts Companies jointly saved 23,025,426 kWh of electricity in 90 days during the summer, رௐ͂כ୮ۂᗐཋɥଐޚ׶ᑷЛཋ຾ʥהin the Climate Consultancy Report ౣॶ The Public Consultation on Hong Kong’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda ended in December 2010. WWF- which is equivalent to preventing the emission of 16,118 tonnes of CO . The result Map in Hong Kong! Hong Kong, Friends of the Earth (HK), and Greenpeace demand that the Government lcarify four major doubts related to 2 energy supply (Supply Side Management) as stated in its consultant report. The report presented an unbalanced solution with ዗ҡ̿ͅᔝעٽits emphasis on changing the fuel mix to reduce carbon emissions, and the related scenarios proposed are problematic. ྸ࣯൒ॶ฻cࡼɻؿु̎ 1. The average growth in energy consumption over the last 10 years is only 6.3%. Why does the consultant report assume a 5-fold increase, surging by 30% in consumption in the coming decade? Are the newly introduced energy efficiency almost doubled the baseline saving target and broke all previous records. Participants measures not going to help reduce the overall energy consumption? 2. Why is important data related to importing additional nuclear energy, including the nuclear facility site location, and impact on tariff and safety, still missing in the report for the public to evaluate? ღღ—ࢰͮ˜ޣˮࠗಋͮϔܷΔ྇ ٲWhy does the report deviate from the normal calculation procedures usedy bthe “Energy-Economic Model” and instead, all implemented low-carbon lifestyle living to help reduce their greenhouse gas ̿cԎ̋එɻΌඛࣂݒʥયɐɷ඀ઢeષ̴ .3 pre-sets the percentage of fuel mix as input instead of output? Why does the report fail to provide alternatives, such as energy efficiency-led scenarios, for thep ublic to compare? 4. Why does the most aggressive scenario stated in the report adopt the smallest proportion of renewable energy (4%) by 2030, while other scenarios show the renewable energy proportion as high as 15%? Singapore, Taiwan, London, Toronto and California all drive their carbon reduction efforts with energy efficiency measures to emissions. ͐i—ܖुcʶ෮௖၇߬˜e lower their energy consumption.

Our asks: 1. The Government needs to re-calculate and produce new scenarios under this report with the right science in the Energy-Economic Model, and without a pre-set assumption on the fuel mix. 2. Re-consult the public in April 2011 (at the latest) with the updated findings. The people of Hong Kong need to be fully-informed in order to choose the right solutions for reducing our carbon emissions. ࡧȾɊʨc΋Ɉຝاพဳଉؿ਄ၤ௰ϽᚊᎶ̯ผ໔̂cΕذWWF-Hong Kong, Friends of the Earth (HK) and Greenpeace ΋ͳ࠯ԞϬϾΩdʔ̇ʥ Please visit the following websites to understand more:

Breakthrough Limited, Catholic ‘Messengers of Green Consciousness’, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Eco Association, ʔኀɀ࣪ʝဧc̨वዃ։޵፣cҡ༖ਥᓣ͌ᅟיಕʭખכ೩ޚ۹ཋcޘ Green Council, Green Power, Green Institute Limited, Greeners Action, Greensense, Hong Kong Church Renewal Movement Ltd, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, Produce Green Foundation, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, St. James' Settlement - Community Oriented Mutual Economy, The Conservancy Association, The Hong Kong Allergy Association, The Hong Kong Asthma Society, The Professional Commons, Oxfam Hong Kong, The Student Union of The Chinese , Hong Kong University Students' Union, Green Club, Lingnan University Students' Union, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union, Green World, CUHK, City University ȹࠛeಕʭใ۩ࣩ᛽cݯໃྡྷГဧ́ݠ঴ࠎ՜eٶof Hong Kong, 8th Environmental Protection Society, Greenwoods, HKU, Environmental Life Science Society, SS, ൚ᔾ HKUSU, League of Social Democrats, Hon Wong Yuk Man, Hon Leung Kwok Hung, Hon Albert Chan Wai Yip, Civic Party, Hon Lee Cheuk Yan, Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People’s Livelihood, Hon Frederick Fung Kin Kee, Neighbourhood & Workers Service Centre, Hon Leung Yiu Chung, Hon Cheung Kwok Che, Hon Sau Lan, The Democratic Party, Hon Kam Nai Wai, Hon Lee Wing Tat, New People's Party, Hon LAU Suk Yee

FoE (HK) joined hands with other green groups to urge the Government not to import additional nuclear energy, but focus on energy More and more people suff ering from insomnia conservation as a sustainable strategy to tackle as a result of light nuisance wanted to lodge a climate change. Mr and Mrs Yip married in 2010, Mr Yip was light pollution complaint but could not fi nd ɣɈઐ৽ຝॶc infl uenced by his wife who changed his wasteful the proper channel. So FoE (HK) created Hong֚ܧผᐲ΃ԯˢ၆ϳ྆᛽߬ұ̯ Յˤᔾ̔ፏɃ࣏ཋeݯॶҡτࢽྦྷҊࣩ࠰ᛰʝc habits. In the old days, the fi rst thing Mr Yip did Kong’s fi rst complaint website for reporting ೪e when returning home was to turn on all the lights, light pollution cases. The public made use ofܧႩʥ؝̯ؿٽϊȽ Mr Leung Chun-ying, Convener of the HKSAR Executive Council and the Chairman TV, and computer; leaving them on while surfi ng the platform and joined hands with FoE (HK) representative for the Council of City University of Hong Kong, attended the award the internet till midnight. After establishing energy to arrange for the remediation of specifi c light ceremony and urged diff erent social sectors to practice in energy saving. saving practices, his electricity consumption was pollution cases. ɣነ࣎໎ผ˚࢐Ӹͫˮ࢐ཕᆉᓤcՓᝑ reduced by over 60% compared with the days̟ےւΨᘪࡗ̂එɁષࢯߜͱ́˞ࠗಋڈผᘪܧϷ ዗ͮಥᒹc˥ɺʭ̵̟էէᑳᔝᗒमhֶྦྷ̡͉࣯ ΈވӸ᛽ɈϷຝ޸͂ཋe before he got married. Ɍߕಲҙേಒ༞e̯ڳɺ༦ଡcޜαณ਴ؿ່ˊ͞ᙎcΕծɥᔅ஽Ɏҝᛰȿ ൒ؿ዗ͮॶ฻  ዀુβΔ ผઐˮͲಋࠖ࠯၉ɐͮϔܷҙേ̡̎—ࢰ •ͮ˜eڏͱ́ؿ࣯൒ࠊୌe༦˾ˢɎऒΑࡼ Chairman of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Aff airs, Mr Chan Hak-kan said ̵̟೔Ƀ஛࠯၉ࠒc˿˞ᐾంͮϔܷඣᒨcᑿ᜖ᑶ ੒̋ڳthat it was essential for the Government to strengthen its eff orts in promoting energy ҐͲ۰዗Ԯdཋ഼ʥཋ຾೩΃ࣂ඀ઢc ᇼྦྷʿҝഁeڔੴ ሃᎦɈc⠇كsaving in society. ᚋɐ၉ϤѿতᗐɐԯˢཋኂeଊΕነᎷ ผຝ޸ॶ฻e ཋcԭɟɥؿ͂ཋ൴༖˾α௰ӸȹɁࣂᑹ߬ʭم჏˱ɣɈ۹ઐ৽֚ܧc͐ٲผ᏷ྊԑ৻կࡗผ˚࢐ஹКඵᘪࡗ͓ؒ ʒιΛe ENERGY Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 14 o2 15 ॶ฻ ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

In 2010, the controversy over the Tseung Kwan O landfi ll expansion hopefully made Hong Kong people realize that it does not mean the waste problem will go away once the cleaners have collected your waste. There is a price to be paid by our society, including losing our precious country park land.

During the year, FoE (HK) initiated the “Waste Reduction 6,000 Tonnes” programme which has waste reduction at source as the leading waste management strategy. The programme received support from 25 representatives from various social sectors, including scholars, political parties, legislators, green groups and community organizations. We believe that, without reducing waste at source and without proper recycling, landfi lls will have to be expanded. No matter how advanced the incineration technologies are, the waste issue would not be solved through incineration alone, even if we build more incinerators.

The students and professors from Worcester Polytechnic Institute of the US worked together with FoE During 2010, food waste accounted for nearly 40% of the total municipal (HK) to conduct a two-month case study on light pollution and policy analysis. The severity of light solid waste. Food waste from the commercial and industrial sectors has been pollution in Hong Kong surprised them. increasing rapidly with the amount in 2009 being more than twice of that in ೪ʗ׹eˢࠨྦྷࠗಋ 2002. FoE (HK) believes that waste reduction could start from reducing foodܧӠʥޢ౜ऋଉɮነ৑ؿነ́ʥઠ઒cၤ̯ผᙙʹ൬Ϸݯ౨ԭ࠯˂ؿͮϔܷ࠯࣐͢ ϔܷɾᗲࠇೡ۹ɣ෰໭ଔe waste, and hence launched the “Order Less Waste Less - Food Waste Reductionͮ Scheme”, encouraging the public and the private sector to take waste reduction into consideration when preparing food or banquets. The Government and its 81 departments, as well as 55 other organizations, which make a total of roups Urged the Government to “Act Now” 136 green participants, have pledged to support the scheme by reducing 2 to Adopt Light Pollution Regulations main courses from the traditional 8-12 main course meal when organizing G banquets. FoE (HK) estimates that banquet food waste can be reduced by ঴ᒃ˜သξ͓ؒဳԹͮϔܷ WASTE—֚ܧᇼڔ᛽྆ about 15% through this simple option.

The Government fi nally issued a public consultation document in 2010 on Light pollution is getting severe, but the Government persists with its indiff erent introducing legislation to implement a mandatory producer responsibility attitude. The consultation on legislation was completed in 2009 but more than scheme for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). FoE (HK) one year on and the result still has not been announced. FoE (HK) urged the launched the “Conscience Recycling Charter”, mobilizing diff erent social ذGovernment to “Act Now” to adopt light pollution regulations, and proposed a ᄠ sectors to collect waste electrical appliances. Over 500 housing estates, framework for outdoor lighting regulation, which outlined six aspects of control commercial buildings, corporations and schools have pledged their support. including: zoning, curfew hours, light intensity, lighting angle, lighting fi xture and So far almost 150,000 pieces of e-waste were collected and are now being a reactive complaint system. reused or recycled through the recycling channels monitoring by EPD. cࡈԞɺܰ܃୽͕ૃذࠓؐcᜑɺʭ̵̟ეࢢcᄠۺӠcԑངȹ ஛ȹαcੀ߶ዌਢිਂᒷޢα֛ɰ຤ѧιؿ͓ؒᚋਐᒏԛᕥଉ˜cగட—ڳ֚ܧϔܷ෵ᑭᗲࠇcͮ ൔؿࠁயʔނܢ˳ȹȿϛȿcಋɁᑹ߬˟ˮˤძc๫ɻ˿ڏᘪc ͚ͅ૜ᅳɮɁ୮ଉۺႢ҄—঴ᒃ˜͓ؒcԎଅͱొˮ̵ංؿ͓֚ؒܧᇼڔαΛʋፖፖ̰ʔЗ೶׮e̯ผ ੣ʗਂဳԹdဋ዗ࣂංdͮ۹d዗ͮӯ۹d዗Ԯஉ߮ʥҙേዀԹ೩Λʿࠍဟဳͮϔܷe ්͂Δe

ဳଉ೪଑cԎᏵذ஛ȹαc̯ผొˮ—ಕᄠʒɝኀ˜d˞฻፾ಕᄠݯ˚ኒؿᄠ eܛ௰ϽؿʻֶٲПˤވᓱ೩࠯༎ୂਂم᛽ʥ྆ړᙉdᘪࡗd᏷ܧ੡ነّd ඀նcਢිਂᐣԚذടʹdɺ੣ઐ৽ΑνᄠذcΣ׮ɺ੣ಕʭႇ஥ᄠڌޚࠨ҈ c̋ܰፖξਐᕀϤɰhಯʝᘅᐣԚʹͱ൬cɖɺॶȹ—ᘅ˜̷ۺᅗࣂɺ͂ᒷ ෵Λeۺ൫cְ̋ผ෵

ιeϤɮਆพΕ̒ٶສ൴ૃذᄡ቗  Ќ˾஭̟՞᛽ᄠ ՟ёذ஛ȹαcࠗಋؿࠕ ੣ಕʭ˿ذcಕʭᄠڌޚαଐ́ؿᄡ቗൴cҡܰαؿԭࠛ˞ɐe̯ผ ᄡ቗඀նcΐϊ೪ིȿ—ੴඝੴࠕ˜༜৽cՓᝑʔଠʥͬพc੣ད߯ࡽผdΪ eԯɻc—ੴඝੴࠕ༜ڬ߬ᚋʥ—ɺ࣯൒dಕᄡ቗˜ؿࡈڏખപβʥͫ൴঴c cϤංʔܛʻپʥԯᑲɎ࠯஫֚ܧᏵ੡ڏ৽଱ȹᎾzzͬพඝࡽ˜c ঐ೩ඨ଻ܬӝᏪዀ࿚ͳ  ࠯௰Ͻ͛ᖋֻ߯ጻ࣊cੀ՚αયผd྆αd඀αʥ ༞˚പβؿࡽผcТಕ༞˚പe̯ผЅ߮cϊᐾ˿ಕʭ޸ؿᄡ቗ૃ ສ൴e FoE (HK)’s legislation proposal has received support from scholars, architects, ଐّஐིͨ߮ؿʔଠጺ໺ʼͧյյԞፖe̯ผ́ۂpolitical parties, legislative councillors, district councillors, green groups as well as ஛ȹαcᄠཋኂཋɥଐ astronomy groups. ଅͱઐˮӪʶΑν޸௃cՓᝑͬพdਆ෨ʥነ࣎cνඑዀ࿚ʑ஫ֶʔଠૃ ވړᙉd͓ؒผᘪࡗdਂᘪࡗd᏷ܧዾ࢑dۺᘪcᏵነّdۺผྦྷͮϔܷؿ͓̯ؒ ສؿᄠᓿཋኂeȹαɎԞcͳτ൚༦࠯۰ߠdਆ෨dͬพʥነ࣎ᚊᎶcΑ eܛʥʨʼୂᓱ೩࠯Ɂֶ྆᛽ؿʻ ອဟဳؿΑνಒ༞୮ଉeړཋɥ՟ёc͚ʀࠗಋ᏷ͧٶνȿ Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 17 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Major work of 2010 03 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА Joint Statement for 6,000 Tonnes Waste Reduction Plan ࠮ᘪʔኀಕᄠʿ࣐עПᐲອᐰވ༎ ذWASTE ᄠ

Led by FoE (HK) and Professional Commons, a Joint Statement was put forward and proposed integrated strategies on waste reduction that if implemented during the tenure of the present Government, which ends in 2012, would make a signifi cant diff erence. The statement advised the Government that if it is committed to the implementation of: Producer Responsibility legislation, Waste Charging, a Landfi ll Disposal Ban, and Comprehensive Recycling of Food Waste, then the volume of daily municipal solid waste in Hong Kong can be reduced from the current 9,000 tonnes per day, to 3,000 tonnes per andfills Queuing for Expansion, FoE (HK) Urged Edward Yau day by 2022. to Implement Waste Reduction at Source ߬ɎҺ֚̋ܧˮ—ɍɣʿΉcʄɣྦྷ೪˜cੜሁొעࠗಋΔଈɾʤʥʔͳਿพᐲ๷ೕ঴ؿᐲອᐰ L ᙂജ฻፾ಕᄠٹᇼڔ˜ۺਢිਂ—ખඅᒷ ν൒dਢිਂૃສຑ˥dͲࠍΑνᄡ቗೩࣐ؒcذcઐˮ́ଐّஐͨdᄠکʶΕαͨ౨೶Ң ʔኀcɣಕʔኀϭcͅଊࣂ޸کࠗಋҰˀ჏୮ଉؿ஭̟՞᛽՟ё൴c˿શΕα ʔኀe

The joint statement is only the prologue to implement waste reduction at source, and much still needs to be done to achieve the ten-year goal of reducing 6,000 tonnes of ȹ࠯ѵܰ̋עwaste per day by 2022. ᐲອᐰ ྭcΣЄྡྷሚ฻፾ಕᄠc༠ϭ—ಕᄠʒɝ˜ ɣࡼͳ΃ЦɈeۿʿ࣐ɻؿɊαᗙౡcʋ

FoE (HK) appealed to the Legislative Councilors for support of the joint statement which proposes a Tseung Kwan O landfi ll expansion is not an isolated case. The three a comprehensive waste management strategy with an emphasis on Tseung Kwan O landfi ll is right next to the comprehensive waste management strategy. We ࠯ПԑͧcͲಋɍ࠯ଊ Clear Water Bay Country Park, with only oneڈੀ߶ዌਢිਂԎۺexisting landfi lls in Hong Kong have almost reached their maximum waste reduction at source. ᒷ are grateful to all those legislative councilors who capacity. FoE (HK) criticized the Government that it is actually building mountain in between. .ݯΊc—Λ঴ lent their support which includes Chan Hak-kan˜ۺᒷ—˞֚ܧࠍᐽ—ᕶ౾˜ؿۤ९e̯ผғിޑτਢිਂ another landfi ll under the name of “expansion”. Instead of relying on ੀ߶ዌਢිਂၤ૜ˋᜪࠁயʔ්ඩȹɬɾངe ಕᄠʒɝ˜e෰ᑢΈʿʻ—ܛᙉᘪࡗʻܧൔؿ̱ဲ୮ଉʹݒc֧଑᎚ͱ ̯ผՓᝑסαԗፆਢිdಯʝ೩ٽȹ࠯˜ݯྡྷcઋཚ expensive end-of-pipe solutions, such as land fi lling and incinerating, ผᘪࡗஹКඵe͓ؒܢ˳cܛ ೪଑ဳଉeذઐ৽฻፾ಕᄠؿኬͲᄠ the Government over the past years should have been promoting

E-waste May Bury Hong Kong FoE (HK) Initiates “Conscientious Recycling Charter” ཋɥ՟ё፭ࣂ߾ᕶࠗಋ̵ංϬೕӪʶΑν Order Less Waste Less FoE (HK) launched a series of campaigns ੴඝੴࠕᑷЛᄡ቗࣯൒ regarding electronic waste. The reason was very simple: e-waste is strongly toxic, hence FoE (HK) conducted research on the amount of food waste produced should not be disposed irresponsibly, while by two Chinese wedding banquets and two business banquets which exporting e-waste to other countries is together had 104 tables. They discovered a total of 400kg of food was unethical. FoE (HK) urges the Government left over, and that courses served nearer the end of the banquet had to legislate on e-waste and require Students from Hong Kong Design Institute A public forum and exhibition was held at a a higher portion left over. manufacturers to take responsibility for used old electronic appliances to create art shopping mall to establish a platform for the ਿஉ߮ነ৑˜ؿȹғๅஉ public, the business sector and the Governmentكrecycling. sculptures.—ࠗಋ ผӶ஄ȿ̒௿ɻβ਴ࡽʥͬพᎁࡽc଻߮ͳ௼ৈ࢐ؿᄡ቗൴cೕଊ̯ ௚Аᖚ୺໦ສe to debate e-waste issues. ̯ผΕਆ௿ᐾϷሃኋʥۂ߮࢑c˞ᄠᓿཋ຾೩ཋɥଐ ݒؿപβcૃສଅ෵ঢ়e܃দሃΣЄѢഁ୮ଉཋɥ Ό௛ؿപ༠ʔʾcϤ˘෵ܰખΕ֚ܧʥވؿ༜৽cࡈΐᓯ ࢄᙴcၤʔଠdพذผઐˮȹӡͶᗐ؇ཋɥᄠ̯ ສcֶ ՟ёeૃڏᆢiཋɥ՟ёݓֲੜcɺ˿፭ע௰ FoE (HK) produced an online video named “The ፏˮɟ֌cτ༢ʔຮc̦඘͓ؒஃဳc߬ Mr Bernard Chan (L2), Chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development, and Mr Simon Wong (R2), President ofڏ፭ Financial Secretary supports e-waste recycling?” ұ́ଐਆֻኪΑνؿஐͨe Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades, called on the business sector to take the lead in “Order Less to urge the public to handle e-waste properly. FoE (HK) visited Taiwan to study how industry can Waste Less”. ߳̎ᜪcϣྦکΑνj˜c transform e-waste into gold. ̯ผذผ˞၉ɐ೛ː—ল๛ઍഷᅄཋɥᄠ̯ ́ɀ cՓᝑͬพ੓፾—ੴඝੴࠕ˜e ඡࡼ՗ٽɀ ՗ࠗಋᎁඝᐲพԾผผ̞ ܆ᙩೕࢄկࡗผ˚࢐ஹౣܛ˿ eټՓᝑʔଠѢഁ୮ଉཋɥ՟ёe ๫ΔΣЄੀཋɥ՟ёᛰඡ c௛Ɏȹᆚᆚؿᄡ቗e܃Part of the large amount of left-over food after the banquets. ࡽผ༦ WATER Major work of 2010 18 o4 ˋ ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА

Major work of 2010 04 ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА WATER ˋ

WATER Upstream Downstream, nvironmental Knowledge Sharing One River One Dream ᖫكړඨᅌ᏷ “Dongjiang River Partner - Upstream ˋ E Downstream Partnership” Project is a long-term project of FoE (HK) To increase the villagers’ green awareness, regular environmental talks and workshops have been organized in the upstream area. We have been organizing downstream that started in 2008 with the aim volunteers from Hong Kong, Guangdong and Jiangxi through “Dongjiang Volunteer of “Giving Back” to our mother Action” initiative to carry out conservation activities including: a waste recycling river, Dongjiang and to empower scheme, the promotion of biogas toilet construction, eco-lesson in English for the headstream villagers in Xunwu children, and an eco-education grant in support of the students who perform well on County, Jiangxi Province. A key focus environmental protection. is to reduce water pollution and to ෮ᖫe҈ࠨ͛ઐړᑟ࢔՗ɮАыc˞ొঢ়฻፾Ҧ̵ؿ᏷ړผց౨ΕɐಌᐾፒΈᗘ᏷̯ protect the river source ecology. In addition it is tackling the ߳׭ϐ฻Ҧ൬Ϸکˮ—׭ϐɾɥ˜ຮɮི߮cց౨ᄩඑࠗಋdᄤ׭՗ϐϹɍΔຮɮc climate change issue and water crisis by safeguarding the ɥ඀઒᏷ۦஉcݯɩۺ՟ёʗᗘΑνི߮cઐᄤಲࡻʝణֺؿܢ˳өɮАcړȹӡͶ Dongjiang River, which supplies drinking water to over 40 eړར᎞ነ́ᗐ؇᏷ټߜႍᇾcԎஉ͓́ྸઠөХነړ million people living in Hong Kong and Guangdong.

Various activities have been conducted in Dongjiang that show the headstream villagers that people living downstream care about them, while at the same time increasing the villagers’ awareness in environmental protection, and equipping them with related knowledge and technologies for green development.

Volunteers conducted eco-lessons for the Volunteers went to visit the Dongjiang source Volunteers visited local villagers to understand .ɐಌɎಌʹּʹc၆ʝ׭ϐˋ฻፾ Dongjiang Village children, sharing their and celebrated by saying, We are “Sons of their environmental concerns environmental knowledge at the same time as Dongjiang”! We trace the source of Dongjiang ׭ϐɾɥӶ஄׭ϐ฻Ҧ༛ʸc૯Ƀᐃ໬ˢࠨྦྷ๫ ౨ඖٽ฻˜׭ϐɐɎಌྑЂི̯߮ܰผϬαೕ঴ؿ܆ˋඝ— teaching English. Mother River! Δ᏷ྊਐᕀؿᗐ؇e c҈ࠨ஭ܰ—׭͐ٲຮɮࠨԷ༠׭ϐ฻፾Ԏღᐰ ړɥʗԔ᏷ۦఖउጊؿҦ̵ಕ ׭ϐɾɥᐾፒ́ྸᇾcΉ׭ϐ฻ҦɩޘcοΕּ৽׭ϐɐɎಌ΋АcᎳХɐಌϐϹ͌ ᖫʥઠ઒ߜႍീ෪e ϐɾɥ˜cȹ঴Է׭ϐఖ࣓઄฻kك ᙶ׭ϐ฻፾́ྸcԎઐ৽Ɏಌᄤ׭dࠗಋ೩Δʔଠړʭˋϔܷc ᗐ؇ࣩ࠰ᛰʝၤˋ΀ዀcஉ͓́ྸ໤᎛ዀԹcࢻᇯɎಌ̒ɝΛຒ ᄤ׭՗ࠗಋؿඝ͂ˋeܢ˳Ɂɟ

өɮАc˥๫ΔҦ̵෰ՇԷԞϬɎړࠨΕɺ΃ᆲᕿࢄ඀ȿ׭ϐ҈ كᙶ෮ᖫcᎳХֈ̵ుో၆ϳړಌؿᗐʶ՗ਐ࠰cҡొʠԯ᏷ྊ உeۺ൬๫Δڔᖫ՗Ҍ୺c

Volunteers shared their environmental knowledge An Eco-education grant was founded by FoE One of the Eco-education grant recipients to villagers through various performances. (HK). Students with outstanding performance in pledged to protect the Dongjiang River Source, .ࢠe environmental protection have been awarded and expressed her gratitude to the sponsorsڌړ࿫cΉҦ̵ඨ༠᏷ٲ׭ϐɾɥ஦༦Έိ ᙶ׭ϐ฻́ྸcం೮ᆅʶࢶړscholarships to subsidize their studies. ੡ᆉነֻ́ጻЦɈ ХɁɡe ٲړ᏷ܛcʻټ๫Δஉ͓́ྸઠөХነכผ̯ ଊ௑ˮؿነ́ᘗᙩగነe WATER Major work of 2010 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 20 o4 21 ˋ ɀཌྷȹཌྷ˚߬ɮА ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Environmental Technology Introduction


Green technologies are not widely used in the nvironmental Dongjiang Source Village. FoE (HK) installed a Awareness Advancement Solar Water Heater and T5 Fluorescent Tubes Environmental E at the only primary school in the village. ᗐ؇ړʠ᏷ొ Through these practical steps students better Responsibility Taking understand environmental protection options ஐͨړThrough the “Water Detective” programme, we conducted a survey on the water ͳኪ᏷ as well as providing them with warm water in wastage issue in Hong Kong and Guangdong. We recruited volunteers to inspect winter. washrooms in shopping malls, schools and parks for dripping taps and water leakage. The fi ndings were announced via a press release on World Toilet Day (19th November). c̯ผݯ๫Δ਒ȹؿɩ The forests in the Dongjiang River Source܃Ҍ୺ໃړ׭ϐ฻Ҧ᏷ At the start of 2011 we organized the “River Walk” at Tai Tam Reservoir with the support area are often damaged by ice and snow, and ነ૚ສȿʪඈॶᆅˋኂ˞ʥ7Гˌᅕͮဳc˱ of celebrities from political, business and entertainment sectors helping to raise the sometimes by hill fi res, resulting in water loss The participants learning about the water ʨొ Blue Collars InspiredˬכᙶؿႏᖫcԎݯነ́ړੜነ́ྦྷ᏷ྊ public’s awareness on protecting and treasuring water resources. and soil erosion. To enhance the source water crisis through discussions and games. Ԝธˋe by Green Talks catchment we have been raising donations for ɮʤࠨ஝༦দሃʥ༝Ꮋႏᖫˋ΀ዀe ི߮cೕ৽ຮɮྦྷਆ௿d්࣎ʥʔ්ࢄ඀ሁ݅՗ত፣cᐃ໬ˋ᎘˜ٽผᐾፒ—ˋ઄̯ tree planting programmes. Donations were ઢೕᔂე၆ʝ׭ϐ ˀ ʔЗሁ݅೶׮cᔄ˞ʵೕʔଠᗐ؇ˋ༅ used to purchase tree seedlings and tools. We˂ ణֺˀވ˖כ፾࿮ˋʥ࿳ˋੱؗc ՗࿫ᖚ have encouraged the villagers to participate, The workshop was well received byވdਆވܧ฻ • ׭ϐϷ˜үϷᘐಁcᑼ੡܆ˋ฻࣯൒ؿਐᕀhԎᐾፒࠖ։—ඝ .ݠ৽ԎАՓᝑe with 5,000 trees being planted in 2009 and numerous blue collar workersܛΊɁʻ over 10,000 trees planted in 2010. These areas ɮʤࠨ஭ዶร਄ၤ਩ফᑟ࢔cʦᎶᆅईe As part of improving corporate environmental have been named the Hong Kong Forest and management awareness and the promotion of the Newly Wed Forest. Some of the donations a Low Water Economy, Mrs Mei Ng, the China were used to hire local villagers as forest Committee Chairman of FoE (HK) conducted keepers to undertake tasks such as weeding an environmental workshop for a Hong Kong enterprise based in Heyuan City, which is A Solar Water Heater was installed in the Dongjiang and fertilizing, which also assists in improving located along the Dongjiang River. Source Village, helping to improve the local people’s the local people’s lives. daily lives and providing an eco-demonstration. ࡻcɖ౦ሯɬˌवᕝc Through interactive and lively discussions andڍ੒Շ͵ு׳׭ϐ฻ɬ ผݯ׭ϐ฻ҦʵɃʪඈॶᆅˋኂc఑ˬ঺ธؿ games, the factory workers who attended the̯ ݯ໬Һͅϊʵߎؿˋɠݚ̖ਐᕀcొঢ়ɐಌΔ ΃ࣂc͛ݯຝॶ́ݠ঴ઠነʥ͐ᆲА͂e workshop learned about the pressing water ඖ͌c׳එˋॶɈc̯ผΕ๫Δዶรઐ৽౺ਂ crisis, how to reduce wasting water resource We are the Water Detectives! We track dripping Celebrating the fi rst “River Walk” organized e through responsible daily habits, as well as׳ผᑪສኹߛʥኂԮcೕ৽Ҧ̵౺ኹᙶ̯ͅ and leaking taps in public toilets for water by FoE (HK) that mobilized diff erent social α঴ೕ৽Ҧ̵ိ౺ȿ౱ኹc learning about those cities and countries withכผ̯ conservation. sectors and had the support of celebrities. .๫Δိ౺ high “Water Footprints” around the globeכʹhαc׳՗ณ਴׳Ίݯࠗಋ ฻ • ׭ϐϷ˜c܆ˋؗc ̯ผʌαࠖωᐾፒ—ඝر߲ஐሁ݅ʥত፣ʔణؿˋ᎘፾ٽ઄ˋ ౱ኹeི߮͛ᅆˮ஫ʗಁඖcາ͂Ҧ̵ e ݯొঢ়ͬพؿ᏷ྊဳଉ෮ᖫcઐ৽Гˋ຤ᏜೕܛΊɁʻވଊዶรe ᑼ੡Έٲȹଠ਄˱ّ஭ cʃయʃСeٓܪࡗcց౨৖উ׳Аᙶ ࢄc̯ผɻਝԑ৻կࡗผ˚࢐дʿॐᑈɤɡΕ ׭ϐ؜֌ؿ،฻̟cݯಋ༅ͬพᄥਂؿɮʤࠨ ᐾፒȿП඀́ࠍؿᔂე਩ফcΉΕ௿Ɂɡʍଽ ᖫeكГˋ຤Ꮬ˜՗—ˋӷ༌˜— Environmental Solution Demonstration ʿ࣐ ஝༦ଊ௿দሃ՗༝Ꮋcɮʤࠨᐃ໬Էˋ΀ዀਐړᆲ᏷͐ ےc˞ʥˋӷ༌ঢ়ؿਝࡼ՗رᕀcΈΔ͂ˋଊ ̟cႏᖫʔ̵ˋஐͨc˞ʥΣЄ஦༦ҝഁˀ੒ We raised donations to support the village households and the primary school to retrofi t ́ݠୌྻτࢽಕʭˋ༅฻ؿ࣯൒e their toilets with “Biogas toilets” that avoid human waste from contaminating the river source as well as improving the local hygiene and living quality. The forest keepers inspect the trees regularly to ensure the healthy development of the forest. Δ৪੖ೕࢄe׳ړࡗց౨Ԁྦʥဳଉኹ˃cᆢ׳׭ ᙶܛϔܷˋ฻c̯ผᘐಁʻڏݯᑷЛɐಌؿᐖ ϐ฻Ҧ༛ʸʥɩነҝ஥—ಲࡻʝణֺ˜cొঢ় The bio-gas is stored in a tank before being The Biogas toilet has three chambers for the ᎝Φ؏ࣩcԜҦ sedimentation and fermentation process ๫Δᇯ́ˋ̡ʥ́ݠሔॖeכused for cooking. ؏ࣩϑ͂ A monument thanking people for their generous contributions towards the tree planting that ̵಴ࠕ͂e which transforms the human waste and animal protects the water source. You are welcome to visit the Hong Kong Forest and Newly Wed Forest! manure into organic fertilizer. ಲࡻʝణֺઔ͂ ਄ᜮk˜׳՗—ณ਴˜׳Ԟ—ࠗಋکٴeᚭˋړ෰ᑢΈϽഁʶɁɡྐྵష໬ᚤcݯ׭ϐ౺ኹ ᔝʝڏɍࣟβ˜ӡ଻АҶ዆ೕႵ୮ଉcੀᐖ— ݯτዀٓࢿe WATER On-GOING GREEN PROJECTS FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 22 o4 23 ඖ͌ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαంړ੒உ᏷ ˋ

hina Youth Dialogue Cfor a Greener China ඨޚˌᑀړ༎ྊྦྷ໷ᜑ᏷

Since its launch in 2007, the cross-border “Green Pathfi nders Forum”, which is co-organized by FoE ON-GOING (HK) and Green Point, has organized 16 lectures with almost 5,000 college students participating. In 2010, the forum was extended to the cities beyond Guangdong. Six lectures were staged at campuses in Nanchang, Xiamen, Dongguan, and Guangdong. Guest GREEN speakers included: senior managers from international and Hong Kong corporations sharing water recycling technology and the application of bamboo fi bre; an expert from the Chinese University of Hong Kong to introduce Remote Sensing; leaders from the mainland government and NGOs to share their personal experiences; and, a youth Entrepreneur from America to PROJECTS introduce her solar device innovation.

“Green Pathfi nders Forum” has been inspiring Mainland youth, and has established a communication platform for cross-border transfer of knowledge, skills, technology and ඖ͌ړexperience. Having talented people in environmental protection is essential for the sustainable ੒உ᏷ development of China. FoE (HK) invites all social sectors to support and sponsor our work in China.

ඔᑟኋ˜cϬαઐˮϭʌcڇα᏷ྊઠөɻʶ΋ፒ˞༎ྊྦྷ໷ݯऋϳؿ—̡үڇผၤ၆ᒨ̯ Ίɣነ́਄ၤeαcݠ৽ҡӶˮकɍӯcੀ၆ϳိɥٶɰι˲ᐾፒȿ௿ᑟ࢔cмʵ ೩Δਂeپ෨ۺ՗ါןڲᅌိԷϐϹ

ι˲ୂᓱȿ௿ᑟ࢔cᑼ੡ਝ჌՗ࠗಋͬพؿঢ়ज़̟ےd׭ଢ଼dᄤή೩پd෨ןڲα̯ผʗПΕ˾ ဳଉɁࡗʗԔͱ൬ؿˋ఩᏷Ҍ୺ʥϜᛪၐᎶ͂Ҍ୺c˞ʥࠗಋɻʼɣነઠ઒ʗԔႭ෰ޫҌhҡࠖ ΊɁɡᑟ߸ΣЄஃིԯ၆ϳك᛽྆ړւࡗʗԔτᗐˋ༅฻ؿጱӸ຤ዃhɖᑼ੡ਝʑ᏷֚ܧ۹ᑼ੡ ʥ௚พዃೡeעα௚พࡼʗԔԯʪඈॶஉௐؿೕڇɾ༏c˞ʥ޻ਝ

ιࠗಋၤʑΔؿ༅঩dҌ୺dॶɈ՗຤᛻ڔαcҡڇτҁړඔᑟኋ˜ɺᒾઢೕടʑΔؿ᏷ڇү̡— ړ᏷ވ࿚̵ං฼஝̡̎e၆ϳɁɷྦྷઐ৽၆ϳɻਝೕࢄϭݯࠇ߬e̯ผ໶ᑼΈۺؿ͚ݚ՗ᔝଫc ᙩೕࢄ਩ө၆ϳณȹˤeܛ˿ʥᖳХcݯਝࡼؿܛผτʶɁᘗᙩʻم၀ߜ՗

Lots of students were intrigued by the guest A 17-year-old entrepreneur and inventor was one speakers who were always sharing interesting of the guest speakers who shared her dream. α௚พࡼcʗԔԯιڇideas. ȹଠΊɁཽႝؿʗԔ́৽τመcмʵɣғነ ɣผᑼ੡αඩัؿ޻ਝ ́਄ၤᑟ࢔e ˲ɾ༞e On-GOING GREEN PROJECTS FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 24 EARTH PARTNER 2010-2011 25 ඖ͌ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαంړ੒உ᏷

Green Deeds “Off at Lunch” ၆ϳֻጻ Screen Saver & Stickers

Earth Partner 2010-2011 —2IIDW/XQFK˜ཋ຾̠ࣙʥൎफ़

The annual “Earth Partner” programme was launched on Earth Day 22nd April 2010. This year’s We have developed a number of meaningful green deeds for theme of “Low-carbon Eco-lifestyle”, aims to encourage participating members to take a more Earth Partners to select to take part in: responsible attitude towards the use of resources, so as to achieve an environmentally friendly lifestyle. The programme provides a platform for all corporate members to work together for 1. Support “Dim It Charter” by preventing energy wastage and a better environment. FoE(HK) has established partnerships with 89 organizations since the avoiding light nuisance. programme was fi rst launched in 2005. 2. Support “Power Smart” by joining the contest to conserve energy.

Δଈˀʹ۹ࢄ඀eᆺ஥—Гဧ́ݠʿβ˜ܰؿ˚ᕀc 3. Support “Conscientious Recycling Charter” by handling electronic Thanks to Bongo, who is the protagonist in theכα۹ඖ͌—(DUWK3DUWQHU˜ ,”οΕར᎞ɣࡼ੣ˀ੒́ݠ২঴c˞߲ஐͨؿྸ۹ഁ͂Δଈ༅฻cಕʭใ۩ࣩ᛽ऋПܰɀ࣪ʝဧ waste in a proper manner. popular local comedy called “The Primitives ؿ́ݠʿβe—(DUWK 3DUWQHU˜οΕݯዀ࿚ొԜȹ࠯ᙙʹ΋Аؿ̡̎cϬ for using his funny character to express theړcྡྷଊ᏷יؿખ 4. Support “Water CSR” by conserving water. importance of reducing of greenhouse gas eڝЂᗐ͓͟ۺࡼͬพʥዀ࿚αઐˮϭʌc҈ࠨɰၤ emissions and moving towards low carbon 5. Support “Off at Lunch” action by turning off the unnecessary lighting or lifestyle. computer monitors as a daily habit during lunch time within the offi ce setting. ෰ᑢ̯ΔടΊ௩ჱ৽ೋৠ৛ࠗጢ፾˚ӯ಼಼ଯ ۩%RQJR ˤӰć৽τመΔొፚɣࡼಕʭใ ঢ় 6. Become a “Friend” of Earth by signing up as an individual member or eיEco-tours for Earth Partners volunteer of FoE (HK). ࣩ᛽ؿખ (DUWK3DUWQHU઄ॗ༝

FoE arranged an Eco-tour to Hong Kong International Airport ̯ඖ͌ᘐིȿȹӡͶτ෮ຮؿ၆ϳϷ৽cར᎞(DUWK3DUWQHU˞Ϸ৽਄ၤi (a Saturn Earth Partner) to visit some of their green facilities and initiatives such as: the waste water treatment plant, the ʻܛ—ਪ๑• ဋ዗޸௃˜cಕʭॶ฻࣯൒՗ᑷЛͮϔܷe landside waste and recycling station, use of electric vehicles, ੴཋ˜ຝॶˈᑩe⠇ك—˱and the collection of used cooking oil for making biodiesel. ਄

eذӪʶΑν޸௃˜cѢഁ୮ଉཋɥᄠ—ܛAnother Eco-tour was to Island West Transfer Station to ʻ enable representatives from Earth Partner organisations to better understand the local waste management issues and ʻܛ—ˋ޸௃˜cຝ޸ˋ༅฻e the importance of waste reduction at source. 2IIDW/XQFK˜Ϸ৽cར᎞ࡗɮቔιӪΡؿፒʔ۩ୌྻc—ܛʻ Σi዗dཋ຾ᛷ͐ྭ೩ e ɠܱ Εʟඛࣂංᗐɐɺ̦߬ؿཋኂ ࠗಋਝ჌ዀ௿֡کٲผ੓ე(DUWK 3DUWQHUؿͬพˤ̯ ୮ଉʥذᄠˋ୮ଉᄥdᄠܢ˳ܪஉړDUWK3DUWQHU ਄ᜮԯ᏷) ιݯ—Δଈɾʤ˜cઐ৽ࡗɮ˱Ƀ̯ผιݯ࠯Ɂผࡗֶຮɮe eܪࣜؖ೩ಕဧઉذΑνॎdཋ৽ӹdᄠࠕؖΑνʥ́

ᐃ໬̯Δٲᔝ༜ॎcᜑ(DUWK 3DUWQHUؿͬพˤذ਄ᜮಋࢌϹᄠ ਐᕀʥ൬ȹүႏᖫԷ฻፾ಕᄠؿࠇ߬eذؿᄠ


ᙶ᏷ྊɐؿړ͚ݚؿ̡̎cʗԔΈϬΕޚDUWK3DUWQHU˜ඖ͌ݯ਄ၤዀ࿚ొԜȿȹ࠯ʃ)— અɎࠒ τᗐؿඖ͌iړሚ຤᛻e෰ᑢ˞Ɏዀ࿚Εαઐ৽ၤ᏷ྡྷ FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 26 EARTH PARTNER 2010-2011 27 ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Canon Photo Reduce Paper Marathon 2010 Consumption by AVIVA &DQRQ3KRWR0DUDWKRQ Green Delight in $9,9$ಕ͂फ़ਜ਼ ᙘᄧˈᑩ Estates Programme ၆ᅥಲᆯΕ۰邨 Club 21 “Save the Bag” Programme Since 2005, the Hong Kong Housing Authority and three green groups have Strengthening Source Separation Facilities &OXE joined hands to organise the Green Delight ˱ੜ฻፾ʗᗘΑνಒ༞ in Estates programme, which aims to build a 6DYHWKH%DJ˜ݠ৽ &DQRQ+RQJ.RQJ&RPSDQ\/LPLWHG green atmosphere within the public housing— $YLYD/LIH,QVXUDQFH 6DWXUQ(DUWK3DUWQHU RUJDQL]HGWKH estates. -XSLWHU(DUWK3DUWQHU HQFRXUDJHG &DQRQ3KRWR0DUDWKRQWRFXOWLYDWHWKH During the fi fth year, FoE (HK) visited the SROLF\KROGHUVWRVXSSRUWRQOLQH &OXERQHRIWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOIDVKLRQ SKRWRJUDSK\FXOWXUHLQDQ remaining 11 estates that had never joined SDSHUOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQ OHDGHUV 9HQXV(DUWK3DUWQHU FRQWLQXHGWKHLU HQYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\ZD\ the programme. We provided them with §6DYHWKH%DJ¨SURJUDPPHWRHQFRXUDJH 7KHFRPSHWLWLRQQRWRQO\WRRNVWHSVWR various community educational activities ፮τࠉʔ̇ړ$9,9$Ɂྐ FXVWRPHUVWRUHGXFHWKHXVHRIVKRSSLQJ PLQLPL]HFDUERQHPLVVLRQVGXULQJWKH within the theme of “Source Separation of DUWK3DUWQHU ར᎞۪ʸፕእ waste and Low Carbon Life”. The 11 estates)ܱ˃ EDJV HYHQWEXWDOVRSXUFKDVHGFDUERQFUHGLWV were Ap Lei Chau, Sai Wan, Ma Hang, Chak 7KH§6RXUFH6HSDUDWLRQRI'RPHVWLF:DVWH6FKHPH¨ZDVLPSOHPHQWHG ၉ɐ஝঩cಕГफ़ਜ਼ࣱ३ WRRIIVHWDQ\UHPDLQLQJ On, Tai Hang Tung, Pak Tin, Lek Yuen, Shek ໦එ྆&OXE LQWKHSDUWLFLSDWLQJHVWDWHVWRLPSURYHWKHLUUHF\FOLQJUDWHV2QHRIWKHר᏷ྊ஥ιؿᄧᚊe ਝ჌ྦྷ FDUERQHPLVVLRQVJHQHUDWHG Mun, Mei Lam, Chung On and Lee On Estate. )ᙩઐˮ DLPVZDVWRFUHDWHDFRQYHQLHQWFROOHFWLRQV\VWHPIRUHDFKHVWDWHVR)Rܛ DUWK3DUWQHU)ܱټ IURPWKHZKROHHYHQW Three estates from the previous phase, Lei +. SURPRWHGWDLORUPDGHFROOHFWLRQPHWKRGVVXFKDVUHF\FOLQJIDFLOLWLHV (6DYHWKH%DJ˜ݠ৽cར᎞ᚋ۪ Muk Shue, Lei Muk Shue(1), Lei Muk Shue (2— \ɠܱ(DUWK3DUWQHU Estate, continued to participate in the 2010 RQ HDFK IORRU EHWWHUIDFLOLWDWHG GRRUWRGRRU UHF\FODEOHV FROOHFWLRQ E ஁e ԙॶࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ذಕ͂ᑪ ᐾፒ&DQRQ3KRWR0DUDWKRQc programme. FOHDQHUVDQGDGGLWLRQDOUHF\FOLQJELQVRQWKHJURXQGIORRURIEXLOGLQJV ʿβઐᄤᙘᄧʼʝe :LWK DOO WKHVH UHF\FOLQJ IDFLOLWLHV HVWDEOLVKHG ZH KRSH WR IXUWKHU UDLVHړ᏷˞ Ϭα඀նcࠗಋָ۰կࡗผᐲ΃ɍ࠯̯ c WKHZDVWHUHF\FOLQJUDWHRIWKHHVWDWHVWKURXJKDGGLWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQDQGיSchneider Truck Tour ˈᑩɺЎԚ͂ɺ΃ʿؒಕʭဧખ Ͳಋʔͳ۰邨ઐϷ—၆ᅥಲᆯΕכ᛽྆ړΔ᏷ ሻݠ৽ဧӷͿe SURPRWLRQאҡ˞ဧ໤᎛Ԟ ᙩೕࢄؿܛ˿ི߮cݯᆺ஥ȹ࠯ړ޾ᄨ ۰邨˜᏷ܪ SURJUDPPHWKHLQVWDOODWLRQݚ৽ࡼֈࢄᙴӹ˜ ၆ϳֈϾ᏷ྊϤЦɈe )RUSDUWLFLSDWLQJHVWDWHVZLWKLQWKH— RIEHWWHUUHF\FOLQJIDFLOLWLHVOHGWRDVLJQLILFDQWUHGXFWLRQLQZDVWH,QWKH αcི߮ምɃ଱ʄ࠯α፾c̯ผӶ஄቗ ILUVW WKUHH PRQWKV DIWHU WKH IDFLOLWLHV ZHUH LQVWDOOHG WKH WRWDO DPRXQW RI Ɏֆ̰਄ၤི߮ؿૈʔͳ۰邨c˞—฻፾ ZDVWHZDVUHGXFHGRQDYHUDJHE\ ؿઐᄤێʗᗘ Гဧ́ݠ˜ݯ˚ᕀᐾፒɺ΃ᗘ ฻፾ʗᗘི߮˜ԎАˮിЅcݯԯ۹Ӹ߯২ذΈ۰邨൬Ϸ—ࡼֈᄠכͲಋΈਂc˳ ̯ผכʥઠөݠ৽e਄ၤ۰邨ʗЗ ̔پҰᅢᄙஉສɍϳΑν஁ֶᆱcઐϷכܢ˳ʗᗘΑνʿβcذi᎓  ݘ邨dϹ᏷邨d৛ь邨dዉΪ邨dɣ ሬ΋ؿᄠܢ ۧ˞ؿΑνӡ଻cႤڏ邨d ʗᗘΑνcֶ˱໦ΔࠍɍϳΑνᆱe̯ผѴશ˞ʿ׳邨d޻پь׭邨d͉̈́邨dᕳ฻邨dဨ ΑνଅeذབΪ邨ʥСΪ邨eϊ̔cɍ࠯།൬ʔͳ۰邨 ඨઠөcొʠ۰邨ؿᄠ ૉ˃ኹ邨dૉ˃ኹ ȹ 邨ʥૉ˃ኹ ɀ 邨͛τ α۹਄ၤؿɊ൴ౝ༧Ɏࠌeذc਄ၤ۰邨ؿᄠ܃ܪΪ໦஛Ԓஉ 6FKQHLGHU(OHFWULF +RQJ.RQJ /LPLWHG ܪ޾ᄨཋࣩ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ ਄ၤe ൴̡яಕʭȿeذࠖɍ࠯˂ᄠ܃ܪʔͳ۰ cΕҝഁΑνஉૈ 0DUV(DUWK3DUWQHU QRWRQO\SDUWLFLSDWHG ˌܱ(DUWK3DUWQHU c৖ȿ਄ၤ̯ผ 邨 ੴཋ˜ຝॶˈᑩɾ̔cҡஉ߮⠇ك— LQ§3RZHU6PDUW¨&RQWHVWEXWDOVR ɺ΃ΔਂАԀিࢄᙴcכRUJDQL]HGDWUXFNWRXUDURXQG+RQJ —ݚ৽ࡼֈࢄᙴӹ˜ .RQJHQDEOLQJWKHSXEOLFWRH[SHULHQFH ӹʑ໦τౣᄫࡼֈઁԹӡ଻c KRZWHFKQRORJ\FRXOGIDFLOLWDWHHQHUJ\ ˿Ⴉ൝ᔴઁԹࡼֈؿཋኂஉௐc VDYLQJZLWKDOLYHGHPRRIWKHZLVHU ᜑʔଠ᛽᛻ޫҌྦྷຝॶؿႤХe KRPHFRQWUROSURJUDPPH ESTATES PROGRAMME FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 28 29 ၆ᅥಲᆯΕ۰邨 ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం Green Christmas 2010 ၆ϳັᇻ

Educational Activities in the Estates ۰邨ઠөݠ৽


ʤcᐲ΃৑ʑ̯Ӹɖܰञ੩ؿઢשผၤ $ உ߮ʔ̇ -:7 ʹ۹΋Аc ̯ผؿຮɮ̯ ˚eˢࠨذݠ৽๫ˀԾХʗೕϸכຮɮcم஦༦ณఌ᛽ L3KRQH ؿ̡̎cઐˮΊݯ ੖ ؿ༝ᎻcԜ͂ʸ ৽Ꮃԯˢ৑ʤ໰ӸcԎΉՇХّઐʍሬ΋ؿ˜ذᓤז8QZUDSk҄— Blue-Sky Eco-tour Workshops to Green Estate Ambassadors Outdoor Eco-visit ໦֙ࡗeХɁϬХؿ၀רЛ൒Ɏ༗c˞ณዷʹؒᎳХʔଠႏᖫ༦۹ ಁβcಹΣਿพؿ ਄ᜮړɣԚɮАы ʸ̔᏷ړᔂʨ́ྸ༝ ᏷ ໦ؿਐᕀe ुc˱ɐࢶᖲّؿूါc˥஛࠯఑ˬɺʹОk˳ OTHER MOVEMENTS FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 30 31 ԯˢ৽ྸ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Energy Conservation - “Off set Carbon Footprint” FoE (HK) Walks the Talk Programme

ࣱဧӷͿ˜෯ഁݠ৽א— ࠗಋΔଈɾʤ˞Ϸ৽ྡྷሚຝॶ


ผ˞ณፒʔ۩ԞྡྷሚຝॶcΕɺฌࢽଅ՗ഒሬ̯ ཋeณผэࠍዶܰᓿผэؿԭࠛcࡗɮޘᛷעɎ Ɂᅕ՗ፒʔஉௐ೩я༖˞֡ɐʠcΕˈ༖ณᓿผ я̡ܘc܃՗αؿᐢ͂ཋ൴כэʗП ᅢࠍࠍዶ့߮cณผэؿ̡я͂ཋ൴ಕʭe Paypal Online Payment ؿԚ 3D\SDO၉ɐࢶಁעሁ՗๑ي஝༦˨ʗС͂Ϭಳ஝ࠓ՗ઔͮc ͂ࣂංᛷടಕʭeඝˋዀɐҡΪ໦ȿࣂංઁԹ ፒʔࣂංؿॶ฻ࣱ३eࡗɮࠨ͛຤੒ 7KH SODWIRUP KDV EHHQ VHW XS LQ VXPPHU RIڈኂcᑷЛ ϬᘨΔᗐɐɺ̦߬ؿ዗՗உௐe҈ࠨར᎞ҡΛʔ FoE (HK) Awarded “Green Life – Green Organization” on  ,W LV D VHFXUH DQG FRQYHQLHQW SD\PHQW Ѝᓯ௰cЎ߬Εˀ੒́ݠ Windbreakers for FoE (HK) Staff “U Choice 2010” Election VROXWLRQZKHUHGRQRUVDUHRQO\UHTXLUHGWRLQSXWޜܪࠜࢽc஛Ԓઉ̇ ࠓᑙࢶᖲcธΕӸธΕʶ WKHLUUHJLVWHUHGHPDLODGGUHVVZLWKRXWKDYLQJWR ಶɣᆉۂಶ၆ϳ́ݠ၆ϳ྆᛽˜ۂሚc̦඘ɐɎȹʶe ̯ผᏵ—8&KRLFH́ݠྡྷ W\SHWKHLUFUHGLWFDUGQXPEHU7KDQNVWR3D\SDO )R( +.  VWDII PHPEHUV RIWHQ QHHG WR ZRUN )R( +. KDVEHHQDZDUGHG§*UHHQ/LIH*UHHQ IRUZDYLQJWKHVHWXSIHHWR)R( +. DVZHOODV RXWGRRUV,QYLHZRIWKLV6ZLUH5HVRXUFHV/LPLWHG 2UJDQL]DWLRQ¨RQ§8&KRLFH¨(OHFWLRQWKDW UHGXFLQJWKHRSHUDWLRQDOFKDUJHV  &ROXPELD 6SRUWVZHDU VSHFLDOO\ GRQDWHG  LVRUJDQL]HGE\0HWUR5DGLR)R( +. WKDQNV ڌαࡧʨઢ͂eࢶಁɁˇ჏ፏɃ  כZLQGEUHDNHUVWRRXUVWDII WKH SXEOLF IRU WKHLU VXSSRUW $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ̡̎ɰ RUJDQL]HU RYHU  QRPLQDWLRQV DQG YRWHV ͂˺໔ᆦc̋߬Ԛ͂೔তཋ൯cЩ˿ΪͲʥ҄આ ̯ผ΃ԑ຤੒߬൬Ϸʸ̔ɮАc6ZLUH 5HVRXUFHV IURPWKHSXEOLFZHUHUHFHLYHG Δ൬Ϸࢶಁe෰ᑢ 3D\SDO ᑥЛ̯ผؿ඀ʸ൒͂ /LPLWHGx&ROXPELD6SRUWVZHDUऋ෮Ή̯ผࢶᖲ ʥಕʭϷܧν൒e ۂ঩̎˚ፒؿ—8&KRLFH́ݠكےࠓᑙc˥̯ผ΃ԑธΕӸcҡธΕʶe ̯ผᏵ੡ͅณͧ ಶɣۂಶ˜๫ɻ—၆ϳ́ݠ ၆ϳ྆᛽˜ ᆉc෰ᑢʔଠઐᐾʥҙ଩eኣཋ̎ʿࠍؿ༅ࢿc τ൚༦ɍɝϽᚹଠʥ၉ʤ਄ၤe Be a Friend of the Earth FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 32 33 ၤΔଈݯʤ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαం

Be A Friend of the Earth

፠ࢶፏɾ̔c̵ංୂᓱؿೕࢄ৽Ɉ฻ϬҰϽᆅʶɁɡؿ਄ၤeԞϬʄಙ̒ࣵؿຮɮࠨݯ̯ผټWrote My Heart ҈ʹᄘ҈ʶ ৖ȿ


7KH YROXQWHHU VHUYLFHV DUH GLYHUVLILHG VXFK DV ZRRGODQG FRQVHUYDWLRQ DQG UHIRUHVWDWLRQ FRPPXQLW\ HGXFDWLRQ RUJDQL]DWLRQ DQG FRRUGLQDWLRQ RI RXWGRRU DFWLYLWLHV9ROXQWHHUVZLWKVSHFLDOVNLOOVDQG Candy Chan Flora Loያߪഛ H[SHUWLVHFDQWDNHSDUWLQVSHFLILFVHUYLFHV VXFKDVWUDQVODWLRQRUGHVLJQ I joined FoE (HK) for two and a half months as a summer intern in the year As a student of Natural Sciences, I have always been touched by how :H VLQFHUHO\ WKDQN HYHU\RQH IRU KHOSLQJ of 2010. There were great opportunities for me to get involved in various wonderful nature is, but at the same time I feel shameful of how human projects, which not only widened my horizon in the environmental fi eld, but activities are destroying our planet. Therefore, last summer, I decided XVWRVSUHDGRXUHQYLURQPHQWDOPHVVDJH Candy Au ਂௗ૝ also brought me a lot of excitement. I found the organization is a dynamic to join FoE (HK) as a summer intern to contribute to protecting the WRWKHFRPPXQLW\LQ0D\VXFKHIIRUWV green group that endeavours itself in vast environmental protection environment. On the fi rst day of my internship at FoE (HK), ྡྷୌ଱ȹʨc҈ɰ୽Δଈɾʤؿፒʔ۩мʵe FRQWLQXHLQWKHIXWXUH issues. I participated in activities regarding roadside air pollution, energy I was introduced to a truly green offi ce. Unlike ̚ၤਆพፒʔ۩௖ɣؿʗПܰ͂ཋ൴Гc΃ԑ conservation, light pollution, waste issues, and green driving, realizing that During my internship, I participated in many interesting activities a typical commercial offi ce, the electricity ሁcϤܰሬ๫ all these are close to every individual from all walks of life, yet little public including helping organize promotional events for the Power Smartيݠ৽c˳ ࠨЩԚΕࡧʨɖɺผ̋ဳઢ৽ړผຮɮ˿˞਄ၤΛʏʝؿ᏷̯ consumption of FoE (HK) offi ce is kept to the ,᏷ྊઠөdݠ৽଻ᘐʥ Δ඀೥ഁ͂Ϭಳࠓeˋ᎘፾Ϊ໦ȿຝˋ໦ສc concern has been given. Contest, collecting fi rst-hand data on the number of buses in Centralਂم౺ኹd׳ᙶܢ minimal. Even sometimes in summer, the windows and translating related materials. These have defi nitely given me a more ړe΃ԑࠨ஭ܰᆅੱؿ᏷ذcԾ ፒʔ۩ိȿɺʭ౺ٽԾሁ೩ʸ̔ඖ͌cɖ˿঳ᘆ࠯Ɂਿ are open for natural ventilation, instead of using My summer experience has enriched my knowledge and awareness on profound understanding of the local environmental issues in Hong Kong ᖫཋ˜ˈᑩc⠇كХ൬Ϸᓺᘭֶஉ߮೩ɮАe ʗɥeྡྷୌ౨ංc҈ࠨᔄ— air conditioning all the time. A water saving device these green issues. I will share my experience with more people around me such as government policy on bus emissions, but of course the greatest ͚ݚcɌӶΉʔଠ൬ϷઠٽԷነ࣎ၤነ́dࡼ is installed on the tap, and plants are everywhere to draw more attention to environmental protection for future generations. thing of all was the chance to work alongside such a dedicated team of α౦ၤ҈ࠨԎ٘ؿҰϽຮɮeכ෰ᑢ ,(in the offi ce. It was delightful to work in FoE өcۧඨຝॶಕဧؿࠇֲ߬e஛Ԓ༅঩ྦྷ҈ʥ Also many thanks to all the colleagues who have been giving me so much colleagues. I had thoroughly enjoyed my working experience at FoE (HK টʶ౨શ̰ԞॶቷၙҡΛᗐʶ᏷ྊԑ৻ؿ !ɣᎳХe caring and fun during my fruitful summer. and I wish FoE (HK) all success in their work in the future۾HK) and the staff are passionate and genuine in ࡼɁΈݠɐໃྡྷຝॶτ) ᔀ᎘ؿณɈ߶k environmental protection. During the internship, IٯٜٴτʶɁkҡᚭ Ԟ૯૯෰ՇԷɣϬಳؿ޻˞قassisted in the promotion of “Power Smart” energy ྡྷୌɰ຤೶Ңc҈ʋܰΔଈɾʤɣࡼ࢓ؿȹͫ αԭ࠯˸˂ؿౢ৥೸ྦྷܰᗒѿؿe҈਄ၤȿΔଈɾʤΛඖݠ৽c Аݯȹ࠯˚࠳Ϭಳޫነؿነ́c҈ȹ d၆ϳቝቛ ќcЎ΃ࣂݯɁᗘྦྷΔଈؿवᕝϤ෰Է೎ʶeΐϊc҈ҺցΕذࣩϔܷdຝ޸ॶ฻dͮϔܷd՞᛽ᄠي༏ᖾܢ˳൬ҡณ ࣹʥᘪᕀڔຝ৥౨c҈˞ຮɮӸͫ਄ၤȿܬsaving contest, and reached out to the schools ɥe to communicate with students and parents in eړ᏷ܛผؿነ́Ԟ႓cτടಲˈؿณᒠ෰՗ቊኢeณᒠ αౢ৥ԷࠗಋΔଈɾʤ๫ౢ౨ྡྷୌ́cʻمcɣࡼ ೩eྦྷ҈஛҄ੀҙӸچᅟݠ৽cЩԚ๫ʨɎɣܞࣩሔॖي promoting the message of energy conservation. cԝΣም൬ࠗಋ͚ذɮАؿᆅੱɺಕeΕ҈ϤӰcྡྷୌ༦ೡԎӀѧ ؿܰcॶ᛽᛻Էˀ੒́ݠɻӀΛɣዀผઅᘩؿԑ ੴཋ˜ຝॶˈᑩؿઐᄤݠ৽dԾХνඑɻ⠇كAll these facilitated me and my family in the ౨ංc҈౦਄ၤᘐௐ— ࣩϔܷؿณၘೕం೩hቊኢؿܰcೕଊيֺઐᄤ၆ϳቝቛd਄ၤ༏ᖾמ implementation of an energy-saving life. ೶c၆ϳ́ݠԯྡྷܰȹሦɥؿֻጻeѴશੀԞ ᗐؿݠ৽ࣱࢠ೩e༦ೡɻɺඩᜑ҈ҡ૯Ƀޚ᏷ʱɡݚ൴ᅕኣdʥᓺᘭ کپผ࿱഼cˢࠨ஭˞—ΈɁϬઍمᗐؿ᏷ྊᘪᕀ୽ޚΛၤ́ݠࢠࢠ۾ τҡΛࠗಋɁઅνԷΔଈɾʤ੓ˮؿ঩ࢠcၤ ᙶ᏷ྊړਐᕀcᑹᜑ҈෰ՇԷΔଈɾʤȹଠ΃ԑྦྷړAfter my internship, I am still a part of the FoE Δႏᖫࠗಋؿ᏷ ಥᒹؿ̵̟ΣЄ́ݠcɖɺذȹ΃༦Гဧ́ݠe ு˜ؿʶྸcɺ഼֧̋Շͮϔܷ՗՞᛽ᄠ҈ ԔՇ஛డܱ౨ؿɮА຤᛻eѴશΔଈɾʤᘗᙩЦɈc੓۾HK) family, and helped to promote Air Quality ؿᆅʶe҈) ࣩϔܷਐᕀΐϤຝ޸ॶ฻eي഼ࣩ࠰ᛰʝ՗̳˾ ɮАೕࢄړObjective renewal as a volunteer. To me, FoE does ეࠗಋؿ᏷ * * * * * not only stand for Friends of the Earth but also ஛࠯ౢ৥ؿ᛽᛻ᔔఒȿ҈ྦྷ၆ϳᘪᕀؿႏᖫeѴશॶҐ҈ؿ෰ՇၤҡΛ “Full-Of-Enthusiasm”. This is also what I have learnt ෰ᑢҰϽΔଈɾʤؿ΃ԑΕ஛ݒࣂං೽҈ؿ۾e܆ɁʗԔcͳ΃Аˮʦ from FoE (HK): to live a green life with enthusiasm so as to positively infl uence others. ᗐෲcΕБࠨӸɐ҈ᏵऩӪΛe FRIENDS OF THE EARTH(HK) ANNUAL REPORT 34 Financial Overview 2010 35 ลᙴ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤαంܧɀཌྷȹཌྷαα۹ল

Statements of income and expediture for the year ended 31st October Acknowledgement სᑢ ɀཌྷȹཌྷαɊ˂ɍɊȹˀα۹ Friends of the Earth (HK) would like to thank all members and volunteers, and the following organizations andכ࿀ϭٲνʻ individuals for their support and kind donations during 2010: SUHVVHGLQ+.'˞ಋʏݯ௰Ͻ]) ɮАؿዀ࿚ʥɁɡiړ༦̯ผɾ᏷ܛࠗಋΔଈɾʤটʶ෰ᑢֺτผࡗʥຮɮcʥɎͶΕαʻ 2010  

ORGANIZATIONS ዀ࿚ Novotel Citygate Hong Kong ੖࣮඀ʶຮɮ྆ Guo Hope Tang Hamilton Ty Ho Chi Kai, Nelson Tang Wai Yuk ֚ܧOptiled Lighting International Ltd ఖउጊɁ̵ 3D-Gold Jewellery (HK) Ltd Origins Hong Kong ఖउጊɍᅟ൰׭ϐ฻Ҧɩነ Ho Nga Yee Team Chung King 3D-Gold Management Services Ltd Pacifi c Coff ee Company ఖउጊɍᅟ൰׭ϐ฻ҦҦկ Ho Ngar Yin, Assunta Tillie Joanna M 3M Hong Kong Ltd Panda Hotel ఖउጊɍᅟ൰ᙉկ To Quttnie AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited Paper Hut, A JA Co Ho Wai Ching พѫ Ho Yin Ling Tsang Wing Hong׳νɃ Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department PCCW Limited ఖउጊ)20&1, Airport Authority Hong Kong Powertechnical (HK) Ltd ఖउጊෲᇯፒ Hooper Caroline Tse Fred 'RQDWLRQVࢶಁνɃ   Alpha Applicances Ltd Pressfi eld Holdings Ltd ఖउጊ༛พѫ Horwood John Tsoi Hoi Ting, Candy ALS International Ltd Professional Green Building Council ఖउጊᇯ́ѫ Hsu Chen Chu Tsoi Shun Bo ,QWHUHVWLQFRPHСࢠνɃ   Amway Hong Kong Ltd Renaissance College ѫ Huang Ping Zhong Urbano Marissa Sړఖउጊ᏷ Aon Hong Kong Ltd Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong աϔˋ୮ଉ༅঩ɻʶ Wai Chi Cheong, Gordonס ಒ৻ອ  3URMHFWLQFRPHඖ͌νɃ Ascensus Communications Ltd RESET (HK) Kam Woon Ling կࡗผ Kennedy S Wan Hoi Yi, Rebecca྆ڇ࢑ᆲɣነͳڲ  Asia Landscaping Ltd hombus International Hotels Group ജ 2WKHULQFRPHԯˢνɃ ᐲ΋ผ Ko Ka Lim Wan Cheung Kuen྆م࢑ᆲɣነڲAsia Satellite Telecommunications Co Ltd Richform Holdings Ltd ജ Ko Kwok Lok Wang Mingying ྆مע࢑ᆲɣነ၆ϳʼڲAviation Security Co Ltd Ricoh Hong Kong Ltd ജ   AVIVA Life Insurance Co Ltd Ծผ Koo Cheuk On, Timmie Wong Kwok Hungړଉɮɣነ)UHVK᏷ڲsanofi -aventis Hong Kong Limited ജ AX21 (Hong Kong) Ltd Schneider Electric (HK) Ltd ҌԾผ Koo Kwok Lai, Rebecca Wong Yin Chingޫړ༛พɣነ᏷ڲജ Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited Shell Hong Kong Ltd ඿ϳ්˿ዉ॥ߜሱٞɻʶ Wong Yuen Fai (;3(',785(ʻˮ Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers Ku Vily ҁᗙّɻʶ Wong Yun Yiړ၆ɊΥ᏷̟پ෨ $GPLQLVWUDWLYHH[SHQVHVϷܧʻˮ   Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd Sino Group Kuk Cho Kei Bio Kill (HK) Ltd Sino Property Services ັʔผ౦ၚ૚ɻነ Kwan Charis Wong Po Mui 2WKHURSHUDWLQJH[SHQVHVᏪ༜඀ʻ   Biz Consultants Ltd Smart Partner Ltd བΪ邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ Kwong Wai Pao Wong Trevor Black’s Link Capital Ltd α஫ Lai Pik Yuk Wong YumiڇSociety of Boys’ Centres ྆ɻ̕༛ҦɮА 3URMHFWH[SHGLWXUHඖ͌ʻˮ   Butterfl y Hotel and Serviced Apartment Group Ltd Sportsoho աϬಳɻʶ Lai Sze Hoi Wong Kingסဃ༛Ϭಳᙶଉອ Canon Hongkong Co Ltd Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ Lam Chi Ho Wong Christinaپဨ   CASH Financial Services Group Sun Hing Industries Holding Limited ҁᗙّԾผ Lam Denise Wong Chi Chingړ᏷ޘۺCelestial Asia Securities Holdings Limited Sun Hung Kai Financial ါ Chevalier International Holdings Ltd Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund Ltd ၀ཋτࠉʔ̇ Lam Ka Yee Wong Pui Yan Chinahealth Sunmotion Holdings Ltd ეᔔͬพဳଉᚋਐʔ̇ Lam See Wan, Dorothy Wong Wing Che Citi Swire Properties Ltd ᄤή̟ϬԞˋʔ̇कࣵԜˋဳଉֺ Lam Tak San, Joe Wong Mei Ling Citibank (Hong Kong) Ltd Swiss Reinsurance Co Ltd α᏷ྊઠөɻʶ Lam Tsz Fung Wong Taam Chi Woon, Vivianڇᄤή̟၆ᒨ   Citizen Watches (HK) Ltd Synovate Ltd Ծผ Woo Amyړᄤ׭ɮพɣነ၆ϳϷ৽᏷ ቗ City Garden Hotel The Bank of East Asia Ltd The Cityview Lam Wai Kinޔ$5̯α۹)>)257+(6853/86 City University of Hong Kong The Harbourview ᄥਆผɻነ Lam Yin Nei Woo Pui Shan ณɈ൴ Larsen Katie A Wu Shan Shan, Carolਂم$5ԯˢͲࠍνऩ Citybase Property Management Ltd The Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd ቷၙ)>)257+()20&1,)16,9)+)2035&5)27+  CKI Materials The Hong Kong Council of Social Service ኹʆɣነณඨӡ೛ːႇА྆අ Lau Amy Wu Wai Yin พʔ̡ࠤᛰ৽ذDLUYDOXHFKDQJHVLQLQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ҙ༅( CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd The Hong Kong Jockey Club ዉΪ邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ Lau Che Feng, Edwin Yap Shirley Club 21 (Hong Kong) Ltd The Hongkong and Shanghai ጒԄਝ჌ Lau Fung Luen Yau Tat Wang, Dennis Commercial Radio Productions Ltd Banking Corporation Ltd $5Ͳࠍνऩᐢᔾ   ᎓ݘ邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ Yeung Ho Yan)>)257+()20&1,)16,9)+)2035&/727$ Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Ltd The Hongkong Electric Co Ltd Lau Ho Ming, Christie CP Property Services Ltd The Luxe Manor The Royal Pacifi c Hotel & Towers ᓘᄧ༝ Lau Hor Keung Yim Ka Lai, Keynes Dr Levy & Associates The “Star” Ferry Co., Ltd. ᔢ৑ဳଉѫɻᔢᐢ஫ Lau Ka Wing Young Robert Man Kim Dunwell Industrial (Holdings) Ltd The University of Hong Kong ᕳ฻邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ Lau Kai Hon, Alexis Yu Chai Mei, Jimmy EastPoint Property Management Services Ltd st The Wharf (Holdings) Limited Lau Sick Cheong Yu Pik Wan Easy Living Limited Tin Shui Wai Development Ltd Balance Sheet as at 31 October Lau Siu Mui Yu Pik Shan EcoPark trading as Harbour Plaza Resort City HK INVIDUALS ࠯Ɂ Yue Chi Keung, Kevin Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Travelex Currency Exchange Ltd Au Candy Law Shun Chi Environment and Conservation Fund Truly Metal Works Ltd Unilever Hong Kong Ltd Au Yeung Chui Mei Lee Chi Ho Yum Wai Sheung Environment Bureau Urban Group Barretto Ruy SC Lee Julia Zheng Weigang Environmental Campaign Committee Vogue Laundry Service Ltd Bellingan Anthony Lee Ka Yip Ziea Eric ɀཌྷȹཌྷαɊ˂ɍɊȹˀ Environmental Protection Departmentכٲ༅ଐ߲ඦ   Wai Sang Waste Paper & Metal Co Ltd Lee Miu Yu Anonymous Fook Tin Garment Manufacturers Ltd Watami (China) Co Ltd Bowden John Fraser Lee Philip SUHVVHGLQ+.'˞ಋʏݯ௰Ͻ Fook Woo Group Holdings Ltd Watsons Water Breen Paul Alexander ᅩඈ੹ഢʥࡼɁ ፆᙬߜʥࡼɁ ͢৩ႚ]) з дୣթ˿׳ FPD Savills Property Management Ltd Wing Hang Bank Ltd Bruneel Jean Lee Pui Ling ᅩඈၕᑈ 2010 ށ৪ႚ Ͷᗫ׳ German Swiss Internatinal School Wing Tai Properties Limited C A S & N Hirst Lee Yuen Hing, Calvin ᅩඈၕᒘ ੖࡮ ௶ݗ׳ Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong Yip’s Chemical Holdings Ltd Chan Ai Lan, Nancy Lees John Robert ஹɩણ خGoodwell Property Management Ltd ɻਝਝࡼΔଉᐥ᛽ Chan Candy Leong C Y, John ஹ˂ͮ ჳށ ᪐ዉ̳ Habour City Estates Ltd ɣь׭۰ ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ 邨 Chan Chi Shing Leung Ka Man ஹҁੜ ჳͰඐ ᘣஹʥࡼɁ Hang Seng Bank Ltd ɣଠӁӹࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ ‘Harriman Property Management Ltd Chan Ho Kong Leung King Hei ஹࣵ܏ ჳٟዷ ሳݙ ݚ৽༅ଐ ɣോϷʤڈ76)17$66)855&121 Henderson Land Development Co Ltd Chan Janice Leung Koon Kwan ஹӞജ ჳߘଈ ሳޭᒘ ɬࣁነผ   Hip Hing Construction Co Ltd Chan Kin Keung Leung Man Leung ஹ઺ਫ਼ ჳߪЇ ̈́༏ αୂᓱڇพ ɻɬɣነ၆ϳذQYHVWPHQWSURSHUW\ҙ༅, ಝਝ౰ עHoliday Inn Golden Mile Chan Kit Yu Leung Sau Ying ஹኮᏛ ჳਮ   Hong Kong Baptist University ɻ̕ᖬԴ೔তτࠉʔ̇ 3URSHUW\SODQWDQGHTXLSPHQW՞ց༅ଐ Chan Kwok Tak Leung Wai Shing ሲʼୋ ჳຮ௃ ᑢෲᇘ   Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co Ltd ɻ̕ᖬԴ೔তτࠉʔ̇ 3UHSDLGODQGOHDVHH[SHQVHɠΔԚ͂ᚬ Chan Mei Shan Leung Wai Ying ሲͱ́ ჳዘഗ ඡݰ਩ ൬ผڔHong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd ɻਝ᏷ྊʼʝ Hong Kong Environmentalist Recycling Factory Ltd Chan Ming Sum Leung Wan Ling ሲૠʼ ჳዘജ ˔΋ι ᐲ΋ผړɻജ᏷   ʥࡼɁ ჳዘዷ ˔ΧߠןHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Chan Pak Yu Leung Wan Shun, Wilson ሲ໅ ෍ᇒ༅฻ʹ́ɻʶ්ړʆෲਦ᏷ ߜע˔ ჳᐲι ܪHong Kong Gold Coast Hotel Chan Siu Hung Leung Kar Yan ሲဦ ผτࠉʔ̇ټ෯భਥړʶ᜙᏷ Hong Kong Hotels Association Chan Yuen Kei Lewthwaite R W ਜ਼ജ๑ ჳ᜔ࡇ ˔య́ Hong Kong Housing Authority ˋ৻ອ৛ቍɬᓎˋᄥ ܏76ݚ৽༅ଐ Chan Yuk Chun Li Ho Kin ࢘ρ ᖓԙജ ඡȹ)17$66)855& Hong Kong Housing Society එ྆ Li Jenniferן̳ Hong Kong Housing Society Charrington Eric B ᇞࣵ́ ᖓࣵؐ ඡɣᎵ QYHQWRULHVΦஒ   ͉̈́邨۰邨ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ, (Property Management Division) Chau Chi Man Li Jimmy ୥ѣΪ ᖓჴࢋ ඡ̷඗ Ծผړ෿༛พɮೡነ৑᏷ͦ $FFRXQWVUHFHLYDEOHᎶν੔ಁ   Hong Kong Internation Airport Chau Chui Wan Li Teresa ୥ଞᗫ ңϱ ඡ̽๩ կޘϐϹ྆ڇͳ 3UHSDLGODQGOHDVHH[SHQVHɠΔԚ͂ᚬ   Hong Kong Observatory Cheng Fun Yi, Charles Liu Kam Fung, Kitty ୥ᗫੱ ңɾᒟ ඡ͓ဲ ఖउጊ྆կ྆ڇͳ Hong Kong Parkview Management Services Cheng Hung Kwan Lo Flora ՚ќٟ ңӂੜ ඡҁ࿘ Αντࠉʔ̇ړࠗಋ ᏷   Hong Kong Productivity Council Ϊত 2WKHUUHFHLYDEOHVDQGSUHSD\PHQWVԯˢᎶνʥད˟൒͂ ׭ ңయს ඡӪ݇ۺCheng Sau Yin Lo Ka Hong ՚ Ɂɣ᏷༅կޘHong Kong Recycle Co Ltd ϐϹ   ټ6XQGU\GHSRVLWV׋ Cheng Yu Yan Lo Ping Hung, Patrick ՚ᅳ͵ ңฟ૔ ඡૠށ Hong Kong Resources Holdings Ltd ϐϹޘˋСᜨ ᗫ ңᑩუ ඡᄫણܬʥႺϷ೶቗   Hong Kong Trade Development Council Cheung Hon Keung Lo Sheung Yan χټDVKDQGEDQNEDODQFHVଊ& ᜨϬಳ́ྸ୮ړ᏷ޘϐϹ Hong Kong Tramways, Limited Cheung Kwok Ting, Joanne Ma Sau Fong ॉᗗಾ ңɩմ ඡኮށ ѫړ᜕ή̟᏷ޘϐϹ ނ߈ྒ ؁Hong Yip Service Co Ltd Hospital Authority Cheung Mei Wah, Bonnie Ma Siu Leung ᘸฟ޴ ષ࿘   ϐϹ༛พɣነ၆฻Ծผ Hotel Nikko Hongkong Cheung Ngai Chun Ma Tsz Ho ߑ࢘ᗫ࣮ ષʨͨʥࡼɁ ဗձ Industrial and Commercial Ϲ᏷ ۰ ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ ɩմٹ 邨 邨 Cheung Siu Pik Mackay John ඟ̯ࣽ ષʼ͔ Bank of China (Asia) Ltd СΪ ۰ ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ 邨 邨 Chien Ada Moss Hugh Murray ඟΣఉ ષԣშ ฦߙ 6ݚ৽߲ඦ InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong ׭ϐ฻ҦҦկ࣊ত),7,/,%$,/17)855& Island Pacifi c Hotel Choi Janet Mui Rocky ඟ࠾ᒄ ષ࿵ऩ ฦૠሑ ɥۦ׭ϐ฻Ҧؿ༛̵՗ $FFUXHGH[SHQVHVDQGWHPSRUDU\UHFHLSWVᎶ˟੔ಁʥᅗνಁඖ   JFT Holdings Ltd Chow Leung Kuen Muscroft Roger ඟૠಳ ષᅳജ ฦᗂᏟ αҁᗙّԾผڇ׭ଢ଼̟ Jones Lang LaSalle Management Services Ltd Chow Kam Ming Ng Chak Ngai ඟඏಳ ષ咏੖ ฦᚉ   ټܘHSRVLWUHFHLYHGɰν' ۴ౡकᗸτࠉʔ̇ JWT Choy Louis Ng Hoi Kam, June ඟᘚሣ ષ栢৩ ᗲౣ᎘ ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ ۰ ׳Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden ޻ ր ྱ࢈ࢋ ঠɩմۺ邨 邨 Choy Yolanda Elaine Ng Yuen Yam Є   Kerry Holdings Limited ࠁயʔ්ɾʤᅥϷผ Choy Yuk Ching Ngai Derek Є֋ജ ж੖ᅥ ȹະτʶɁ ৻ɻʶרʭα၃΋ڇKan and Lau Design Consultants ࠗಋɩ೧ະऩผᑩ৛ผɣ௼ Kin Wan Auto Car Co Ltd Chu Hon Keung Nield Robert Є޵Ɉ ৛ɩށ τᇂଠ೩ ৻ɻʶרʭα၃΋ڇࠗಋɩ೧ະऩผᑩ৛ผ॑Ꮀ ˊಲΊ ׳Kowloon East Cluster - Hospital Authority Chua Manuel Nutt Valerie B Єᇘ̽ ৛ʭ ࠗಋɮพਿพിᄗѫ Kowloon Junior School Chuck Wai Man Or Mei Yu ൓ҁ፲ ோయʼ ࠗಋΔଈɾʤ  76૱ݚ৽༅ଐ)17$66)855&7)1 ࠗಋɮพᐢผ ˜਩ ୣɁ௑ —၆۰ 邨ɣԚۺKowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited Chui Kwai Sing Pang Kwai Kuen ஈ La Milky Jewellery Ltd ࠗಋɻʼɣነਿพ൬࠳ነ৑ ຮɮე୿ ͔ژ͢ ؀ޔChung Kenneth Pang Yuen Fan ஈ Lanson Place Hotel ࠗಋˠ ޭۺ͢ ށ76૱༅ଐ   Danielle Cassie Poon Debby ஈ౩)7$66)1 αɮพࡼԾผڇLaputa Eco-Construction Material Co Ltd ࠗಋ LaserMax (HK) Ltd Dockerill John Ross Andrew David ஈᘣ˹ ࠗಋਿพઠөነ৑ ҳ̈́ʗ࣎  LED House Ltd Eu Yuet Mee, Audrey Shek Hin Fun ̀ੜਥ Ꮆ͂ޫነӡ Lee Hysan Foundation Fachin Alix Shek Cora ት੒՗ ࠗಋய̔ց̔ผ Leo Paper Group (Hong Kong) Limited Fan Yuen Ho Shum Dan Fung ᑄኮણ   ټ6ୃዶ༅'81(¦56)0%)0 Leung Kui Kau Lutheran Primary School ࠗಋพ቗ಲᇃཋผ Fargher Peter Siu Kin Pong ঢ়ᅬਠ Liberal Party Kowloon West Regional Offi ce ࠗಋັ޸጑ટඬඅ Fong Siu Mei, May Siu Wai Fong ᗐ෿ࣨ M Communications Ltd ࠗಋᕧɬᐢผ Manulife (International) Ltd Fung Eddie WC Sou Pak Chai, Aiden ᗐუࣔ ঔᜪᜪౡ٦්พ˚͓࣐ؒ྆ Marymount Secondary School Fung Hoi Yan Suen Chor Keung, Alexis ஬Ѵಳ ҁᗙّԾผړ৕Ϲෞෞ᏷ ஈڲMegaman (HK) Electrical & Lighting Ltd Fung Kai Lin, Louis Tai Jamie ፆ ৛ь ۰ ဳଉጺ໺կࡗผ MTR Corporation Ltd 邨 邨 Fung On Kei, Laverne Tam Tung Mun ፆ൬ߜ New World First Ferry Services Ltd ৛ቍɬ᜙ᓰਦɩነ Gan Fock Wai, Stephen Tam Kam Suk Han ፆᗸΣ All these can be done through online instantly! ၉ɐӡ଻ЩࣂፒଉכɎϷ৽஭ॶ˞


Friends of the Earth (HK) was established in 1983 as a Do you share our on-going mission and charitable organization, it is one of Hong Kong’s most vision for a greener future? prominent green groups. No matter if you want to know more environmental issues ྆ړαι͓ݯ෯ഁ྆᛽c̯ܰΔ˚߬ؿ᏷כࠗಋΔଈɾʤ through the participation in our environmental activities, or if ᛽ɾȹe you would like to contribute in some way, we invite you to: ZZZIRHRUJKN Join FoE (HK) as a member, become a role model for Vision ᗙౡ your family members, children, friends, colleagues, or Anytime is a good time to make a fi rst step for environmental protection. classmates by supporting environmental protection work Sooner rather than later! To Become a Leading Environmental Advocate for a ଱ȹүcͨЄࣂ࠰஭ܰ࠯Ρ඀նkړin Hong Kong, and encouraging others to do the same. ምˮ᏷ Sustainable Future Work as a FoE (HK) volunteer and assist us with various ͱϷّړᙩೕࢄؿ᏷ܛ˿ιݯઐ৽ environmental activities, community campaigning, research, fundraising, publishing and general offi ce work. Mission րο Make monthly or one-off donation to support our ocus on and protect our environment locally environmental activities. F and regionally "΃ؿ͌ᅟ՗ଉ෱ޚ੬ܰЯτട

ᘪړff er solutions to help create environmentally ಲሃ੬ܰѴશ஦༦਄ၤࠗಋΔଈɾʤؿݠ৽cႏᖫҡΛ᏷ (O sustainable public policies, business practices ᕀhɌֶّܰྦྷ̯ผᘆˮȹʗɈ൴dȹᒨʶ෮c҈ࠨ஭໶ᑼ੬h For further information, please contact Friends of the Earth (HK and community lifestyles ݅໺໯ੱcᇼၤ—ࠗಋΔଈɾʤ˜ᐲ೼ ɮАcԎར᎞ړࠨؿ᏷҈ܛιݯ̯ผผࡗcӸ᛽ɈϷʻ ʤd΃ԑ೩ȹ΃਄ၤeשngage governments, business and society ࡼɁd E Telཋ໷i(852) 2528-5588 E-mail ཋ൯[email protected] Fax ඨभi(852) 2529-2777 Website၉э ޢผ༜৽dمݠ৽dړιݯ̯ผຮɮcԾХ҈ࠨઐϷΈඖ᏷ ʥȹঁፒʔ۩ɮАe˞خᙩೕࢄ Ӡdᘐಁdˮܛ˿ۺdͬพ՗ʔଠcͳ֚ܧࠨؿ͌ᅟcܰ஦༦ઐ৽҈ Δਂؿٶᙶࠗಋʥሱړ˞೪dᏪਆʿβ՗́ݠѼྸcܧړؿ᏷ ݠ৽eړผؿ᏷̯ܛ᏷ྊe ˞Ұ˂ֶ௰ωࢶಁԞʻ