


Minutes 1. (a) Draft minutes of 29 May 2012 (attached)

(b) Matters arising

2. Future business programme (PB/S4/12/179)

3. Procedural motions: Approval of an SSI Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 (Treatment of Office or Body as Specified Authority) Order 2012 [draft] (PB/S4/12/180)

4. Legislation Referral of a Bill and Timetable at Stage 2: Welfare (Further (PB/S4/12/181) Provision) (Scotland) Bill

5. Legislation Welfare Reform Committee: suspension of Standing Orders (PB/S4/12/182)

6. Legislation Freedom of Information (Scotland) Bill – Stage 1 referral and suspension of Standing Orders (PB/S4/12/183)

7. Legislation Legislative Consent Motion (PB/S4/12/184)

8. European and External Relations Committee – request to travel to Brussels (PB/S4/12/185)

9. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 12 June 2012




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S4M-01710: Colin Keir: Royal Highland Voted Top Show—That the Parliament commends the Royal Highland Show for being voted the top show in the UK by readers of the Preston- based Farmers Guardian; notes that the Royal Highland Show leads the list of major shows, beating the Great Yorkshire and the Royal Welsh shows into second and third place and that it was voted the best event for showcasing agriculture; believes that the award demonstrates the Royal Highland Show’s success in attracting more members of the public while retaining a core business element for farming and rural industry; observes that, in recent years, the show has grown to become what is considered one of the most important public events in Scotland, with an average of over 180,000 visitors per year and an estimated local and national economic impact of £70 million, and looks forward to the 2012 show, from 21 to 24 June, which will be the 172nd in total and the 52nd to be held at the permanent showground at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston in , sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland and with a host area from Dumfries and Galloway, which will feature local food and outdoor activities available in the region.

S4M-02413 # Adam Ingram: UK Government Road Privatisation and Tolling—That the Parliament condemns the UK Government's plans to privatise the motorway and main trunk road system in England, with the possibility of introducing road tolling; considers that this move will have significant implications on capital spending for Scotland, should road privatisation proceed in England, and lead to a reduction in the level of road funding in favour of private investment, and considers that this could have a detrimental effect on proposed road developments in the Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley area.

S4M-02461 # Humza Yousaf: Register to Save a Life—That the Parliament considers it important that people across the country register as potential bone marrow donors; understands that, while 90% of patients of northern European descent requiring bone marrow are expected to find a genetic match, only 40% from a black and minority ethnic (BME) background will; believes therefore that there is a particular need for members of and Scotland’s BME communities to join the register; notes the situation of 7-year-old Ayesha Siddiqui, who has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and is in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant, but for whom doctors are struggling to find a suitable genetic match; commends the Anthony Nolan Trust and the many other organisations that try to raise awareness of the need for donors and encourage people to register, and notes that people across the country can do this, and possibly save a life, by visiting

S4M-02535 # Jim Eadie: Lothian's Co-operatives, Social Enterprises and Employee- owned Companies That the Parliament welcomes the contribution made by co-operatives, employee-owned companies and social enterprises across Lothian to society and the economy; further welcomes the publication of the report by the Ownership Commission chaired by Will Hutton; notes the report's conclusion that an indispensible precondition for a sustained economic recovery across the UK is a new and more systematic attempt to secure better ownership of business assets and more plural and diverse ownership structures, in particular more medium-sized family firms, co-operatives and employee-owned companies; further notes the view expressed in the report that public limited companies need to become less fixated on short-term profits; acknowledges that the report advocates that shareholders of public limited companies should as far as possible pool their voting rights in new not-for- profit mutuals in order to better engage with the companies that they own; supports the recommendation that company directors should be better enfranchised to think of the long-

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term sustainability of their businesses rather than the next hour's share price; recognises that the Ownership Commission advocates further reform of the anomalies of the tax and regulatory system such as encouraging and empowering co-operatives and employee-owned companies; welcomes support for medium-sized firms to be able to build their capital and balance sheets more quickly, and is mindful of the observation in the report of the need to create a cluster of largely family-owned companies that can drive innovation and export success as already happens in other European countries such as Germany.

S4M-02575 # Colin Keir: Royal Highland Education Trust That the Parliament welcomes the Royal Highland Education Trust’s work to promote Scotland’s rural and agricultural environment, farming and countryside activities and food education to Scotland’s young people; considers that Scotland’s urbanisation over recent decades has meant that many children have no direct link with the countryside or experience of environmental issues and that this is a gap in young people’s education; notes that the Edinburgh-based charity has received funding from the Scottish Government to educate children about the role that food plays in their lives through farm visits, working with local companies and introducing food topics in the school curriculum; considers that food education has an important role to play in improving Scotland’s health, helping people to make healthier choices and making them aware of the importance of eating sustainably; further notes that the programme will highlight the career opportunities available to young people in Scotland’s food and drink sector, which provides an increasing boost to the Scottish economy, and welcomes the trust’s aim to deliver its programme of farm and estate visits for 15,000 young people per year by 2015.

S4M-02581 # Elaine Smith R: Bootle Site Closure That the Parliament notes the campaign by Unite the Union against the decision by the multinational-employer, Mayr-Melnhof Packaging (MMP), to close its manufacturing site in Bootle, which has led to over 140 permanent workers being locked-out; understands that the union considers the site closure to be illegal; recognises that, because MMP’s clients include the manufacturer of Camel cigarettes and companies such as Kellogg’s and Unilever, a solidarity protest was organised outside major supermarkets by Unite the Union in on 5 April 2012; understands that Unite the Union is opposed to the closure of the Bootle site and is concerned that a manufacturing site in a deprived area of the UK can be closed without any meaningful discussion and negotiation, and hopes that a solution can be found to resolve the situation.

S4M-02598 # John Mason: The Death Penalty in India That the Parliament notes the recent rally that was held in Edinburgh by members of the Sikh community from Shettleston and across Scotland to express their opposition to the reintroduction of the death penalty in India; understands that, as a result of the Indian Government’s decision, a death sentence has been imposed on Balwant Singh Rajoana, who has been in prison since 2007, when he was sentenced to 17 years; understands, however, that, following a mercy petition to the President of India, the death sentence on Balwant Singh Rajoana has been postponed; notes the calls for the Indian Government not to proceed with the death penalty for Balwant Singh Rajoana or any other prisoners, and believes that capital punishment is fundamentally wrong and has no place in the twenty-first century.

S4M-02607 # Jim Eadie: The Welfare of Post-conflict Soldiers That the Parliament congratulates the Daily Record on highlighting the number of soldiers who face various difficulties following their service overseas; notes that the investigation found that, between January 2007 and December 2010, over 9,000 soldiers across the UK were battling mental health issues, with 2,510 diagnosed with mental health problems in 2010 alone; understands that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly serious issue among troops who are returning home, that the number of reported cases has vastly increased in recent years and that this is likely to continue as more soldiers return from Helmand in the coming weeks; pays tribute to organisations such as Veterans Scotland and the Scottish Veterans Association in helping veterans overcome the challenges that confront them in Edinburgh, Lothian and throughout Scotland; agrees with the families of soldiers who have taken their lives after returning home from service that greater efforts should be taken to ensure that returning soldiers have an array of services available to them in order to mitigate the effects of potential PTSD, that they should be made fully aware of the services that are available to them and that the responsibility to help tackle PTSD should not lie solely with the soldiers themselves,

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and believes that such measures would better guarantee the long-term welfare of returning soldiers.

S4M-02621 # Sandra White: Concern over Charitable Donations That the Parliament expresses concern at the UK Government's proposal to cap tax relief for charitable donations, believing that this will damage the voluntary sector in Scotland as high-profile philanthropists and others will reconsider the amount that they give to charities; further believes that this proposal has created uncertainty that will impinge on what it sees as the great work done by charities in Glasgow and throughout Scotland as they plan for the future, and supports charities across Scotland in their attempts to have these proposals reconsidered.

S4M-02628 # Nanette Milne: Family Support for Recovering Addicts That the Parliament congratulates Grampian Family Support Forum on what it understands to have been its successful participation in the third phase of the Parliament's Community Partnerships Project; notes what it believes was the success of the forum's event, Recovery Happens, which was recently held in the Parliament; understands that the forum helps and supports families across the north east connect to others in similar situations; supports the forum in its campaign to gain greater support nationwide for the families of people recovering from substance misuse; notes the efforts of the forum in tackling barriers in order to enable families to play a significant role in the recovery of addicts; supports the work of the forum on raising awareness and challenging the stigma and discrimination surrounding substance misuse, and sees its vision as an excellent example that communities across the country can learn from.

S4M-02647 # Neil Findlay: Ensure Scotland’s Schools Sound Good—That the Parliament is concerned that there is no statutory guidance setting out mandatory acoustic standards for all newly built schools in Lothian and across Scotland; notes however that such standards exist in England and Wales, where such compliance is a prerequisite for government-funded school building programmes; understands that research by the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) has demonstrated that poor quality classroom acoustics act as a barrier to achievement for all children, including Scotland’s 3,500 deaf children, and supports the NDCS’s calls for the Scottish Government to introduce statutory guidance on minimum acoustic standards for new and refurbished school buildings in Scotland.

S4M-02677 # Fiona McLeod: The Third Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference That the Parliament recognises the third international Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference, which is scheduled to taking place in Stockholm from 27 June to 1 July 2012; understands that the conference, which is being organised by the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA), will bring together leading dermatologists and rheumatologists from around the world; notes that this year's event will look at areas including the psychosocial impact of the conditions on quality of life; commends the previous conferences, which, it understands, focused on issues such as clarifying the connection between psoriasis of the skin and psoriatic arthritis and on highlighting the condition as a complex and chronic inflammatory disease with a number of comorbidities, and notes that people in Strathkelvin and Bearsden and across Scotland with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis will be represented by Janice Johnson, the hard-working founder of IFPA member Psoriasis Scotland Arthritis Link Volunteers (PSALV).

S4M-02681 # Christine Grahame: Better than Going to the Gym, Upper Tweed Railway Paths That the Parliament congratulates Upper Tweed Railway Paths, a community organisation, on its efforts to construct a multi-user path suitable for cycling, horse-riding and walking, with disabled access, along the former railway line from Peebles, by way of Stobo, Broughton, Tweedsmuir and Biggar to Symington; notes that it has lodged applications for funding with the Big Lottery, among others, to fund a feasibility study, and considers that reopening the old line as a pathway will bring not only economic benefits along its route, but promote healthy activity in an environment that is safe and free to access.

S4M-02699 # Jamie McGrigor The Picture House, Campbeltown: That the Parliament believes that the Picture House in Campbeltown ( is a much-loved and very valuable community asset for the residents of Campbeltown and Kintyre;

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understands that this cinema has been run by volunteers through Campbeltown Community Business Ltd for 25 years and operates six days a week, 52 weeks a year; is further aware of the architectural importance of the Picture House, which is one of the very few surviving pre- First World War cinemas in the UK and a category A listed building designed by Albert V Gardner in 1912-13 with a unique Glasgow School Art Nouveau exterior and Art Deco interior also completed by Albert V Gardner in 1935; is aware of Campbeltown Community Business Ltd’s continuing efforts to obtain funding from various sources to secure the future of the cinema and allow it to move forward with its ambitious plans to both conserve the interior and introduce digital and 3-D projection facilities; wishes it every success in attracting support, and considers that the securing of such funding is vital to the future of the cinema and would be a very fitting way to mark the centenary of the cinema in 2013.

S4M-02884# Jamie Hepburn: Time for an International Arms Trade Treaty—That the Parliament understands that, in July 2012, the UN will begin negotiations on a treaty to better regulate the arms trade; notes that the process toward this was instigated in December 2006 when the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 61/89, Towards an Arms Trade Treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms; understands that, although the trade in arms is not illegal, campaigning organisations, such as Amnesty International and Oxfam, have expressed concerns that such weapons are often used to violate human rights; considers that this view was echoed by Sergio de Queiroz Duarte who, in December 2010, in his then capacity as the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, told the Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee that, “in all parts of the world, the ready availability of conventional weapons and ammunition has led to human suffering, repression, crime and terror among civilian populations”; notes that Amnesty International has estimated that more than 1,500 people die every day from armed violence and 85% of all of the killings it documents involve guns; further notes that Amnesty International claims that two out of three people killed as a result of armed violence die in countries that are not at war and 60% of all of the human rights abuses it reports involve the use of arms; notes what it understands to be the concerns of many Scots, including those in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, regarding the impact of such human rights breaches; welcomes the support that has been shown by many member states of the UN, such as the UK, France and Germany, to the concept of an arms trade treaty, but understands that these three countries are among the world’s biggest arms exporters; further welcomes the change in stance of the US Government, under President Obama, indicating that it is now in favour of a treaty; would welcome a strong arms trade treaty that all member states of the UN can ratify, which restricts the trade of arms to regimes that are likely to use them to violate human rights, and believes that such a treaty is necessary to achieve a more human rights-centric international arms trade. R

S4M-02923 # Murdo Fraser: John Muir Award—That the Parliament commends all the schools taking part in the John Muir Award, an educational initiative of the John Muir Trust; recognises that the John Muir Award is an environmental award scheme focused on wild places and encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for these; acknowledges the importance of outdoor learning and activities for young people and thanks all the charities, groups and teachers in Mid-Scotland and Fife and across Scotland who dedicate their time so that young people can learn new skills while enjoying Scotland’s outdoors and appreciating its natural environment, and believes that there should be greater opportunities for young people to take part in environmental and outdoor award schemes and activities.

S4M-02952# Kezia Dugdale: The Living Wage and the Private Sector—That the Parliament welcomes the report, What Price a Living Wage? Understanding the impact of living wage on firm-level wage bills, produced by the IPPR and Resolution Foundation, which, it understands, analyses for the first time, the estimated wage bill that UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange would face were they to adopt a living wage of £8.30 in London and £7.20 in Lothian and across the rest of the UK; considers that changes to the UK tax credit system mean that the real-terms value of the national minimum wage is now at 2004 levels; notes the substantial progress made across the public sector, but believes that, to effectively deliver the living wage through procurement contracts and through the private

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sector, there are huge challenges ahead, particularly with regard to the retail distribution, manufacturing and hospitality sectors in which, it understands, progress has been slow; reaffirms its commitment to the campaign for a living wage, and would welcome the promotion of the merits of a living wage to the business community.

S4M-02954# Linda Fabiani: East Kilbride Disability Sports Coach Wins National Award—That the Parliament congratulates David Gillespie from East Kilbride on winning the Daily Record Our Heroes 2012 Sporting Hero award; commends his work with special needs badminton players and his contribution to the sport for over 30 years, including, it understands, having founded the Glasgow Disability Badminton Club where he continues to coach six nights a week; recognises Mr Gillespie’s numerous achievements, including as head coach of the Special Olympics Great Britain in 2010, helping the team of six win five gold, five silver and three bronze medals and, most recently, with his athletes at the 4 Nations Para-badminton Championships, where they won three gold and three silver medals, and expresses pride in the achievements of all of Scotland’s disability sport athletes and their coaches.

S4M-02960# Linda Fabiani: Girl Power in East Kilbride—That the Parliament congratulates Tilly Dunnachie, Hannah Herd, Anna Hunter, Preethy Mathew, Ciara Oates and Chantele Walls, S3 pupils from St Andrew’s and St Bride’s School in East Kilbride, along with their teachers, their mentor from DTA Architects in East Kilbride and South Lanarkshire Council on winning the National Final of the Go4Set Celebration and Assessment day, organised by the Engineering Development Trust; commends all of the teams who took part for their innovative designs of “A biomass heat and power plant for your school”; notes both the need for engineers in Scotland and the particular shortage of young women who choose to enter the field, and recognises the work of the Engineering Development Trust with young Scots, educational establishments and industry to understand and address science, engineering and technological issues.

S4M-02988# John Park: Celebrating Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre—That the Parliament warmly welcomes the reopening of Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre in Lochgoilhead; congratulates the Ardroy Ambassadors group, which ran what it considers to be an excellent campaign to reopen the centre after its closure in July 2011; notes that many school groups have already enjoyed adventures at Ardroy since its reopening and that it is already fully booked until the end of the summer school term; recognises that the Ardroy centre is now run as a charity; understands that the Ardroy team hopes to raise enough funds in the short term to upgrade the facility and in the long term to purchase the building from Fife Council, and celebrates what it considers the significant and valuable contribution that outdoor education centres like Ardroy make across the whole of Scotland through the diverse programmes that they run for children, young people and adults.

S4M-03046# Claire Baker: Welcoming Fife Diet's New Food Manifesto 2012—That the Parliament welcomes Fife Diet’s new food manifesto for Scotland, which it considers an important contribution to the debate on food sustainability; highlights the manifesto’s aims of connecting the way that Scotland grows, produces, distributes and consumes food with its climate change targets, connecting the environmental policy framework to its health and wellbeing initiatives and looking afresh at the values that underpin how it organises its food economy; considers that Scotland’s food and drink policy is not only about export growth, but also about nutrition and health indications in communities across Scotland, and values the work of Fife Diet in engaging with communities and raising the debate about how Scotland achieves collaborative gains between community, food and health, affordability and sustainability.

S4M-03049# Christina McKelvie: Success of Armed Services Advice Project—That the Parliament congratulates the Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP) on what it considers two successful years of delivering advice, information and support to the armed forces community in Scotland; notes that ASAP is delivered by Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) across Scotland, including by Hamilton CAB; understands that ASAP has dealt with over 6,000 issues for more than 1,400 clients in its first 21 months and gained £893,000 for its clients; believes that this is an important project and commends the group of service and non-service charities that fund

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it, including Poppyscotland, the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, the Maritime Charities Funding Group, ABF the Soldiers’ Charity, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Forces Help, the Robertson Trust and Turn2us; considers that, while the majority of servicemen and women make a successful transition to civilian life following discharge, for a minority of veterans or their family members who experience significant problems, ASAP provides a vital source of advice and support; notes that getting the right help at the right time can make a significant contribution to helping veterans recover from problems, and looks forward to the forthcoming Citizens Advice Scotland report on veterans’ issues, which will be published to coincide with Armed Services Day.

S4M-03061# Christine Grahame: The Great Polish Map of Scotland—That the Parliament recognises the historic significance of The Great Polish Map of Scotland in the village of Eddleston in the Scottish Borders, designed and built as a labour of love by a group of young Polish geographers from the Jagellionian University of Krakow in 1975 at the request of General Maczek, former Polish wartime Commander of the 1st Armoured Division, and the war veteran, Jan Tomasik; notes that this commemorates the vital role of Polish forces in the defence of Scotland in the Second World War and is a token of thanks to the people of Scotland for the hospitality and friendship given to the Polish people not only during the war years but also in the decades that followed; considers that this 50 x 40 metre, three- dimensional outdoor 1:10,000 scale model of Scotland, complete with mountains, landscape, flowing rivers, estuaries, coasts and seas located is a remarkable example of topographic landscape modelling of a complete country, with a design and layout involving pioneering survey and construction techniques with dynamic representation of major river basins using a gravity-driven water supply; further congratulates Mapa Scotland, a voluntary group established to protect and restore this unique three dimensional representation, reminding Scots of the historical heritage linking Poland with Scotland, and considers that this project deserves support

S4M-03079# Linda Fabiani: East Kilbride Champions for Change—That the Parliament congratulates Duncanrig Secondary School in East Kilbride on becoming the first school in Scotland to achieve the Champions for Change accreditation award; commends the work of Nil by Mouth and partners on assisting with anti-sectarian work in schools by developing the accreditation standard; welcomes what it sees as the holistic approach taken by Duncanrig, with the involvement of pupils, parents and staff, to tackle sectarianism across the community; praises the S6 pupils who produced the school’s anti-sectarian charter, which has been endorsed by pupils and parents, and looks forward to the inter-schools football tournament between Duncanrig and the neighbouring St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School, an event that has been organised by the pupils to celebrate their anti-sectarian achievements.

S4M-03081# Jackie Baillie: UNICEF Report Card 10, a Focus on Household Income— That the Parliament notes UNICEF’s publication on 28 May 2012 of Report Card 10: measuring child poverty, which shows the performance up to 2009 of economically advanced countries, including the UK, in tackling child poverty; notes that, alongside measures of relative poverty based on household income, the report sets out a child deprivation index; understands that, in the early years of the global economic crisis, the UK did better collectively than many other rich countries in reducing child poverty and protecting children from deprivation in Dumbarton and across Scotland, and believes that, at this time of exceptional financial pressure on families, there is a need for a clear focus on the poorest children to ensure that they are not placed at a disadvantage as a result of cuts in public spending.

S4M-03136# Liz Smith: Scotland’s Mountain Rescue Teams—That the Parliament pays tribute to what it sees as the outstanding work carried out by Scotland’s 28 mountain rescue teams including Tayside Mountain Rescue, which it considers gives selflessly of its time to assist others; notes that Scotland’s mountain rescue volunteers went out over 500 times in 2011 to seek and rescue those in need of assistance, frequently in difficult mountainous terrain, poor weather conditions and often at night; recognises the pressure on what are largely voluntary funds and the new challenges facing Scotland’s mountain rescue teams in the face of public sector reform to emergency services, and would welcome a general public

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in Scotland that is educated about the responsibilities that it has to be well equipped and well prepared when heading to the hills.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 8 June 2011

Date MSP Party Subject 8/6/2011 Marco Biagi SNP Green Investment in Edinburgh 9/6/2011 Elaine Murray LAB Ban on Use of Wild Animals in Circuses 15/6/2011 Bob Doris SNP Fighting Sectarianism and Anti-Irish Racism 16/6/2011 Mark McDonald SNP North Sea Taxation 22/6/2011 Elaine Smith LAB There is a Better Way 23/6/2011 Stuart McMillan SNP David MacBrayne Group Supports Coastguards 29/6/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland 30/6/11 Willie Coffey SNP The Scheme 7/9/11 David Stewart LAB Young Drivers 8/9/11 Aileen McLeod SNP Flavour Fortnight 2011 14/9/11 Rob Gibson SNP Remembering the Russian Arctic Convoys 15/9/11 Hugh Henry LAB Upper Clyde Shipbuilders 21/9/11 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011 22/9/11 Jamie Hepburn SNP Save the Children Report, Making Work Pay – The Childcare Trap 28/9/11 James Dornan SNP Battling Scotland’s Drinking Culture 29/9/11 Paul Martin LAB Stop the Closure of Lightburn Hospital 5/10/11 Rob Gibson SNP Germany Exits Nuclear Energy 6/10/11 Christine Grahame SNP Jeremy Hunt Doesn’t Get the Picture so Neither Does the Borders 26/10/11 Jenny Marra LAB Fuel Poverty in Scotland 2/11/11 Sandra White SNP Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower 3/11/11 James Kelly LAB Nail the Rogues Campaign 9/11/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Prescription Medicine Waste 10/11/11 Liam McArthur LD Damaging Impact of Air Discount Scheme Changes 16/11/11 Dave Thompson SNP The People’s Bible 17/11/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start Event 23/11/11 Jim Eadie SNP Act of Settlement 24/11/11 John Scott CON Provision of Orthopaedic Trauma Services at Ayr Hospital 24/11/11 Christina McKelvie SNP Nuclear Test Veterans 30/11/11 Kevin Stewart SNP St Andrew’s Day 1/12/11 Neil Findlay LAB Community Benefit and the Cumulative Impact of Windfarm Developments in Communities 7/12/11 Sandra White SNP Truth About Youth Project 8/12/11 Rhoda Grant LAB MS, Better Care 14/12/11 Stuart McMillan SNP Commending Petrol and Diesel Watch 15/12/11 Sandra White SNP University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK 21/12/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB Disability History Month

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Date MSP Party Subject 22/12/11 Jim Eadie SNP 10 Years on from Harkin-Engel, Child Trafficking in the Chocolate Industry 11/01/12 Annabel Goldie CON Volunteer Centre East Dunbartonshire 12/01/12 Margaret Burgess SNP High-interest Payday Loans 18/01/12 Elaine Murray LAB Independence Referendum, Let Wallace Vote 19/01/12 Joan McAlpine SNP Save Introducing in Scotland 25/01/12 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 26/01/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Save Glasgow’s Local Train Services 01/02/12 Colin Keir SNP Drum Brae Library and Community Hub Project 02/02/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too 08/02/12 Jamie McGrigor CON Designation of Special Areas of Conservation 09/02/12 Helen Eadie LAB Celebrating the Value of Co- operatives Internationally 22/02/12 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorders, Raising the Awareness 23/02/12 George Adam SNP Take a Step in 2012 for Fairtrade 29/02/12 Iain Gray LAB Protecting Access to Justice across Scotland 01/03/12 Sandra White SNP BBC Scotland Job Cuts 07/03/12 Humza Yousaf SNP Save Gadburn School 08/03/12 John Park LAB The Living Wage, Tackling In-work Poverty 14/03/12 Sandra White SNP Commonwealth Week 2012 15/03/12 Mark McDonald SNP Changing the January Pay Date 21/03/12 John Lamont CON Local Rail Services to Berwickshire and East Lothian 22/03/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Green Investment Bank 28/03/12 Jim Eadie SNP Violence in Syria 29/03/12 Jim Hume LD The Road Forward for Community Transport 18/04/12 David Stewart LAB Devolution of the Crown Estate 19/04/12 Christine Grahame SNP Community Radio Coming from a Station Near You 25/04/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Allotments Regeneration Initiative in North Ayrshire 26/04/12 Richard Baker LAB UCAN’s Campaign for Robot-assisted Surgery 02/05/12 George Adam SNP National MS Week 09/05/12 Elaine Smith LAB Beyond the Frame 10/05/12 Dave Thompson SNP Centenary of the Dewar Report 16/05/12 Alex Fergusson CON A Road to Health 17/05/12 Paul Wheelhouse SNP Addressing Alcohol Abuse among Scotland’s Armed Forces 17/05/12 Christine Grahame SNP Commemorating James Graham, Marquis of Montrose and Member of the First Scots Parliament 23/05/12 Jenny Marra LAB Deaf Awareness Week 24/05/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Glasgow Epilepsy Genetics Service 30/05/12 Aileen McLeod SNP Rio+20 31/05/12 Elaine Murray LAB Improvements to the A75

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Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 4


Frequency (no.) 41 22 7 2 0 0 72 Frequency % 56.94 30.56 9.72 2.78 0 0 100

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 04 Constituency – bank holiday Constituency – bank holiday Tuesday 05 Committee – bank holiday Committee – bank holiday

Wednesday 06 1430 Time for Reflection

Parliamentary Business Motion (if required)

1435-1505 Ministerial Statement: Fuel Poverty

1505-1700 Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee debate: Parliamentary Reform

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business S4M- 02575: Colin Keir, Royal Highland Education Trust

Thursday 07 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Questions: Finance, Motions (if required) Employment and Sustainable Growth

0915-0945 Ministerial 1455-1540 Ministerial Statement: Scottish Statement: Legionella Governments Approach to Taxation Outbreak 1540-1700 Stage 3 proceedings: 0945-1140 Scottish Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) Government Debate: (Scotland) Bill Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1140-1200 General Questions 1700 Decision Time

1200-1230 First Ministers Followed by Members Business debate Questions S4M-02842: Kevin Stewart, National Apprenticeship Week

Friday 08 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 11 Constituency Constituency Tuesday 12 Committee Committee

Wednesday 13 1430 Time for Reflection

Parliamentary Business Motion (if required)

1435-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Improving Services for Victims and Witnesses

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

Thursday 14 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Questions: Rural Affairs Motions (if required) & the Environment; Justice and the Law Officers 0915-1140 Labour Party Business 1455-1700 Scottish Government debate: Young People and Economic Growth 1140-1200 General Questions Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1200-1230 First Ministers Questions 1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business debate

Friday 15 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 18 Constituency Constituency Tuesday 19 Committee Committee

Wednesday 20 1430 Time for Reflection

Parliamentary Business Motion (if required)

1435-1700 Stage 3 proceedings: Criminal Cases (Punishment and Review) (Scotland) Bill

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

Thursday 21 0915 Parliamentary Bureau 1415-1455 Themed Questions: Health, Motions (if required) Wellbeing and Cities

0915-1140 Scottish 1455-1700 Scottish Government Business Government Business Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion 1140-1200 General (if required) Questions 1700 Decision Time 1200-1230 First Ministers Questions Followed by Members Business debate

Friday 22 Constituency Constituency

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Date of Lodging: 6 June 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following revision to the programme of business for Thursday 7 June 2012— after

9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions insert followed by Ministerial Statement: Legionella Outbreak


Date of Lodging: 6 June 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Wednesday 13 June 2012

2.30 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Debate: Improving Services for Victims and Witnesses followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

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Thursday 14 June 2012 9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Labour Party Business

11.40 am General Question Time

12.00 pm First Minister’s Question Time

2.15 pm Themed Question Time Rural Affairs and the Environment Justice and the Law Officers

2.55 pm Scottish Government Debate: Young People and Economic Growth followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business Wednesday 20 June 2012 2.30 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Criminal Cases (Punishment and Review) (Scotland) Bill followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business Thursday 21 June 2012 9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Business

11.40 am General Question Time

12.00 pm First Minister’s Question Time

2.15 pm Themed Question Time

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Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy

2.55 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business


Date of Lodging: 6 June 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Bruce Crawford on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that consideration of the Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2 be completed by 13 June 2012.

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1. The Bureau is invited to agree the following motion—

Bruce Crawford on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that the Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 (Treatment of Office or Body as Specified Authority) Order 2012 [draft] be approved.


2. The draft Order provides for the Scottish Police Authority and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to be treated, for the purposes of appointments to those bodies, as if they have been added to schedule 2 to the 2003 Act, which sets out the list of bodies that fall within the Public Appointments Commissioner’s remit. These two bodies are created by the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Bill, currently before the Parliament.

Consideration by committee

3. The instrument was considered by the Justice Committee at its meeting on 29 May 2012.

4. The Cabinet Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, gave evidence to the Committee that he agreed with the Justice Committee’s recommendation in its Stage 1 report on the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Bill that the appointment of the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer should be made as soon as possible. The Cabinet Secretary stated that to allow both bodies time to plan and fully prepare for when the single services become operational in April 2013, the appointment process would need to begin before the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Bill is passed by the Parliament.

5. Mr MacAskill said that the draft Order was required to assist with this process in allowing the Public Appointments Commissioner’s staff to engage in the appointments process of the Chairs and Members of the Scottish Police Authority and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The Committee had no questions on the instrument.

6. After debate, the motion to approve the instrument was agreed to.

Parliamentary Business Team May 2012





1. On 23 May 2012, the Parliament agreed to the general principles of the Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill.

2. The Bureau is invited to refer the Bill to the Welfare Reform Committee for consideration at Stage 2 and to recommend to the Parliament a deadline of 13 June 2012 for that Stage.

Parliamentary Business Team May 2012






1. The Welfare Reform Committee agreed its stage 1 report on Tuesday 15 May, published the report on Wednesday 16 May and the stage 1 debate took place on Wednesday 23 May. The earliest date that stage 2 consideration can take place is Wednesday 13 June. If a stage 3 debate is to be scheduled in the last week of the Parliament before the summer recess, stage 2 must complete by Thursday 14 June. The Committee is therefore proposing to meet on Wednesday 13 June – the first day it can meet under Rule 9.5.3A of Standing Orders - and complete its stage 2 consideration that day.

2. If the Bill attracts a modest number of amendments, it should be possible to complete the stage 2 consideration on the morning of Wednesday 13 June. However, if it attracts a large number of amendments it may be necessary for the Committee to continue into the afternoon, whilst the Parliament is meeting. It will not be possible to make this judgment until after the deadline for amendments, which would be Friday 8 June.


3. Consequently, the Committee Convener requests, as a precautionary measure, that the Parliament suspends Rule 12.3.3A of the Standing Orders for the purposes of enabling the Welfare Reform Committee to meet on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 June. The Committee would only intend to take advantage of this suspension if absolutely necessary, and will start early and work until 1.30 pm if necessary.


4. The Bureau is invited to agree to lodge the motion below, which would allow the Welfare Reform Committee to meet, if necessary, on the afternoon of 13 June 2012—

That the Parliament agrees that Rule 12.3.3A of Standing Orders be suspended for the purpose of allowing the Welfare Reform Committee to meet, if necessary, on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 June 2012 to consider the Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill at stage 2.

Clerk to the Welfare Reform Committee May 2012





1. The Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill was introduced on 30 May 2012 by Bruce Crawford, Cabinet Secretary for Parliamentary Business and Government Strategy. Brian Adam, the Minister for Parliamentary Business, has been designated as Member-in-Charge of the Bill.

2. The Bill provides for a number of amendments to the Freedom of Information regime established by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

3. While Freedom of Information falls within the responsibilities of the Minister for Parliamentary Business, it is not currently within the remit of any committee. No committee’s remit includes a general statement covering the responsibilities of the Minister for Parliamentary Business.

4. It is understood that consideration is being given to the Finance Committee being lead committee for this Bill. We understand from informal soundings that the Committee would be agreeable to this. The Committee’s remit is set out in Rule 6.6. It does not currently include terms that would indicate that consideration of this Bill as lead committee would be within its remit.

5. Under Rule 17.2.1(b) the Parliament may, on a motion of the Bureau, suspend a Rule or part of a Rule for the purpose of a particular item of business and make alternative provision for the Rule.

6. If the Bureau wishes to propose to the Parliament that the remit of the Finance Committee is modified temporarily to allow this Bill to be referred to it as lead committee, a motion in the following terms is suggested—

Motion S4M-xx: Bruce Crawford, On Behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, Date Lodged: xx/xx/2012

Finance Committee remit—That the Parliament agrees that, for the purpose of allowing the Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill to be referred to the Finance Committee as lead committee, Rule 6.6.1(c) be suspended and replaced with:

“(c) Budget Bills and the Bill introduced as the Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (SP Bill 14, Session 4)”

until the Bill is passed, falls or is withdrawn.

7. If the Parliament agrees to such a motion, the Finance Committee would be the only committee within whose remit the Bill could fall, so the Bureau could then simply refer the Bill directly to the Finance Committee under Rule 9.6.1.




8. The Bureau is invited to consider whether it wishes to propose to the Parliament that the remit of the Finance Committee be modified temporarily to allow the Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill to be referred to it as lead committee.

Parliamentary Business Team May 2012





1. The attached Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Local Government Finance Bill 2012-13 was lodged on 31 May 2012. As part of the procedure for considering such memoranda, it is for the Bureau to formally refer it to the appropriate lead committee.

2. It is recommended that the memorandum is referred to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee for consideration.

Parliamentary Business Team May 2012



Draft Legislative Consent Motion

1. The draft motion, which will be lodged by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth, is:

“That the Parliament agrees that the relevant provision of the Local Government Finance Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on 19 December 2011, which relates to the establishment of a data sharing gateway for purposes relating to council tax liability, in so far as these matters fall within the executive competence of the Scottish Ministers, should be considered by the UK Parliament.”


2. This memorandum has been lodged by John Swinney, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth under rule 9.B.3.1(c)(ii) of the Parliament’s Standing Orders. The provisions referred to were introduced by amendment to the Local Government Finance Bill (“the Bill”) in the House of Commons on 17 May 2012. The latest version of the Bill can be accessed at:

Content of the Local Government Finance Bill 2012

3. The Bill pertains almost entirely to England. Its main purposes is to allow English local authorities to retain a proportion of their business rates receipts and to compel English local authorities to establish Council Tax reduction schemes to replace Council Tax Benefit.

Provisions which relate to Scotland

4. The UK Government introduced an amendment, along with parallel ones for England and Wales, on 17 May, when the Bill was at Committee stage in the House of Commons. This would allow the Scottish Ministers to prescribe purposes relating to Council Tax for which HMRC may supply information it holds to local authorities in Scotland. It would also allow regulations to provide for sharing between local authorities in Scotland of information supplied by HMRC. The legal gateway which the amendment would allow the Scottish Ministers to create would, in practice, be used to support the assessment of individuals’ Council Tax liabilities. There are related offence provisions for unauthorised disclosure of information so supplied, which relates to a particular person, by recipients of such information.. No other part of the Bill relates to Scotland.

Reasons for seeking a Legislative Consent Motion

5. The Bill, as amended, would extend the competence of Scottish Ministers by requiring them to prescribe the purposes for which HMRC may share data it holds with local authorities in Scotland, and the purposes for further sharing of that data between those local authorities. It therefore confers functions on Scottish Ministers

LCM(S4) 12.1 and Bill is, therefore, a “relevant” Bill as defined in Standing Orders Rule 9B.3.1.(c)(ii). Standing Orders therefore require that the legislative consent of the be sought.


6. The relevant sections of the Bill, as amended, relate to a technical matter in connection with the exchange of data between different bodies administering differing taxes. There are pre-existing legal gateways that provide for benefits data to be shared between UK Government departments and local authorities in Scotland. A further legal gateway was established in the Welfare Reform Act 2012, which was also the subject of a Legislative Consent Motion. 7. This new provision reflects that some of the constituent elements of an individual’s benefit award, upon the establishment of the new , will be based on data held by HMRC as well as by the Department for Work and Pensions. The Scottish Government has not conducted any open consultation on the narrow provisions. However, it continues to work closely with local authorities, as represented by COSLA, and with the relevant professional body – the Institute for Revenues, Rating and Valuation – on the development of the successor arrangements to be applied upon the abolition of Council Tax Benefit. Both organisations recognise and support the need for local authorities to be able to access relevant data.

Financial implications

8. The requirement for Scottish Ministers to prescribe in regulations the purposes for which HMRC may share data with local authorities, and for sharing between those authorities of data so supplied, will create a small administrative cost that can be managed from existing provision. There are no further costs associated with this provision.


9. The Scottish Government believes that allowing the Scottish Ministers to prescribe the purposes for which HMRC data may be shared with, and between, local authorities is necessary to support local assessment of individuals’ Council Tax liabilities, as will be necessary upon the abolition of Council Tax Benefit. It will facilitate the continued proactive approach by local authorities to deliver support to the most needy, help prevent fraud and contain local authorities’ administrative costs.


LCM(S4) 12.1 PB/S4/12/185



Nature of request

1. The European and External Relations (EER) Committee would like to launch its report on the EU’s Horizon 2020 funding proposals and their implications for Scotland at an event to take place in the European Parliament during the second week of July 2012.

2. No costs will be incurred in staging the event itself, but the EER Committee asks the Parliamentary Bureau to approve a request for support to cover the air fare to Brussels, subsistence and incidental travel costs of two EER Committee Members and an official who will represent the committee.


3. The committee intends to appoint its delegates at its meeting of 12 June 2012.


4. The Committee staged a high level conference in the Scottish Parliament on 25 May 2012 entitled The advantages and obstacles to Scotland’s participation in the EU’s Horizon 2020 funding stream. The event was attended by around 100 representatives of the business community, academia and the public sector, and was addressed by Scottish and UK ministers as well as the European Commission. The discussions formed the core of the Committee’s report.

5. The aim of the Brussels event is to present the findings of the conference to the key EU actors, notably representatives of the rotating EU Council Presidency, the European Commission and MEPs, who will be instrumental in determining the final structure of the fund.

6. At its Business Planning Day the Committee agreed to move beyond the simple publication of reports to a more ‘hands on’ presentation of findings to key actors, believing that this was the best way to ensure that the recommendations of the report were acted upon.

7. It is proposed that the event is staged in such a fashion that Members will be able to travel to and from Brussels in the same day, so minimising disruption to the business of the Parliament or Member’s attendance at other committees.


8. It is anticipated that the cost of attending the event will not exceed £1, 575.



9. Costs are all contained within the current financial year. There is sufficient budget available to cover these costs.

Approval sought 10. The Parliamentary Bureau is asked to—

 approve the request of the EER Committee to send two EER Committee Members and an officials to Brussels in July; and

 approve in principle the costing as detailed.

Clerk to the European and External Relations Committee May 2012

Cost estimates


Costs of flights to Brussels £1,350

Incidental travel expenses to and from airports and £ 75 within Brussels


Meals £150