ANNUAL REPORT 2012 / 2013

Incorporating Sportfishing NSW & NEWTAG

Founding Member of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW

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ANSA NSW Branch Executive & Committee 2012/2013 COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Stan Konstantaras South AFA VICE PRESIDENT John Burgess South Sydney AFA SECRETARY Joe Garufi South Sydney AFA TREASURER Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA MEMBERSHIP Ray Buttigieg Botany Bay SFC RECORDERREGISTRAR Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club MASTERS KEEPER Max Castle Sea Bees Boating Club TAGGING CATCH Stan Konstantaras South Sydney AFA AND RELEASE CLUB LIAISON/WEBSITE Joe Garufi South Sydney AFA PUBLIC OFFICER Yanko Serifi Wollongong SFC


ANSA NSW Life Members Badge 1 Dick Lewers Badge 2 Pat Hunter Badge 3 Hank Newman (Dec’d) Badge 4 (Dec’d) Alex Blair Badge 5 Bob Dunn (Dec’d) Badge 6 Geoff Hawkins Badge 7 Mark McKinnirey Badge 8 Gary Wade Badge 9 Bill Harvey

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History of ANSA NSW Branch

Date Line

 On the 12th August, 1967: – Steering Committee was formed consisting of the following people:

PRESIDENT John Bethune



 On the 4th May 1968: – The NSW Branch of ANSA was formed with the following office bearers:

PRESIDENT John Bethune




 On the 13th November 1968, the St George Sportfishing Club became the first ANSA NSW affiliated club.

 On the 8th October 1986, ANSA NSW Branch became incorporated.

 On the 12th February 2000 ANSA NSW Branch became one of the founding members of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW.

 2007 ANSA celebrated 40 years.

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ANSA NSW Branch Past Office Bearers

YEAR PRESIDENT VICE SECRETARY TREASURER PRESIDENT 1969 J.Bethane R.Lewers R Lent R Lent 1970 R.Allen R.Lewers R Lent R Lent 1971 R.Allen R Dunn R Horne R Horne 1972 R.Dunn F Phillips R Horne R Horne

1973 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned) 1974 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned) 1975 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned)

1976 R.Dunn F Phillips W Harvey W Harvey 1978 R.Dunn F Phillips W Harvey W Harvey 1980 R.Dunn W Harvey B Ray T Botham 1982 B.Ray R Brinkworth T Redman E Davis 1984 G.Hawkins M McKinnirey K Bennett E Davis 1986 G.Hawkins H Newman K Bennett E Davis S Church U Mitchell 1988 G.Hawkins M McKinnirey S Church G Wade G Hawkins U Mitchell 1990 G.Hawkins S Church U Mitchell G Wade 1992 W.Harvey M McKinnirey J Scott S Livgst 1994 W.Harvey M McKinnirey G Wade B Lloyd 1996 G.Wade W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1997 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1998 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1999 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 2000 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 2001 W.Harvey J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2002 W.Harvey J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2003 L.Waldock J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2004 L.Waldock J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2005 L.Waldock J Burgess I Phillips J Burgess 2006 L.Waldock J Burgess I Phillips J Burgess 2007 S.Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2008 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2009 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2010 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2011 S Konstantaras J Burgess J Garufi S Jasprizza 2012 S.Konstantaras J.Burgess J.Garufi S.Jasprizza 2013 S.Konstantaras J.Burgess J.Garufi T.Steiner

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President’s Report First off let me say welcome to the ANSA NSW 2012/ 2013 Annual Report and let me take this opportunity to thank all those who put their hands up to keep the clubs going. Thank those who put their hands up to take the fight up at a state level and keep the fires going and the hard workers behind the scenes who keep the boilers stoked thus keeping ANSA NSW going. It is a massive effort every year that culminates in our Annual Report back to the members, the lifeblood of our organisation.

It a huge testament to the fact that the ANSA brand is recognisable through our advocacy, leadership, projects such as Angel Rings and Fishing 4 Therapy and is constantly seeking and giving advice to the Government of the day, mindful of the fact that sometimes the sneaky buggers do what they want but that’s does not stop us or force us to put up the white flag. Rather we keep fighting the good fight as custodians and good stewards of our marine environment in NSW.

Once again it is the hard work at the State Level that needs to be recognised with all the committee members chipping in to help. Some jobs require more recognition and the work Joe Garufi puts in as Secretary is monumental, equal to the work Shane Jasprizza does as our Recorder, Ray Buttigieg as Membership Officer and let’s not forget Tony Steiner who graduated from Special Project to our new Treasurer. Along with another new face, Tony was joined by Craig Wilson as our Environmental guru. Young Max Castle as Masters Keeper. Rob Sinclair who is bright eyed and bushy tailed, and then the old buggers like John “JB” Burgess, Yanko Serifi and myself to take up the slack. It has been an enlightening and successful year for us and the fact we are all still great mates says it all. We enjoy the work we do even though it can get overwhelming and sometimes we all sit back and say “ we are only volunteers” and then get straight back into it!

I do have my moments of inspirational leadership as well (sometimes that is!) and you will often finding me saying this when the chips are stacked against us. When all seems lost when dealing with Governments;

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.

I could have left that on the page and not written a report at all on reflection and still made the point I want to make. The past year has been one of the most confrontational for us as anglers both here in NSW and on the Commonwealth level. The erosion of our access to fish and the waters being taken away as far too often on the back of anglers being blamed for the health of our environment and increasingly becoming the scapegoats for a lack of science in making some of these decisions that stop us fishing. So the questions we all get asked at the State level is why we put our hands up and take on these fights. My standard response is that quoted above. It is almost my mantra when dealing with Fisheries Managers, Researchers, Politicians and most of the community who don’t fish.

In saying that it should also be the mantra of what we do at our club levels, because this grass roots push is what drives us at the next level and be mindful of the fact that all of us on the State Executive belong to clubs and most often sit on our own clubs committees and understand the challenges at a Club level that lead to a successful and cohesive club.

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We join a club for the social aspect and over the years develop a network of friends all over the place and come together to fish at Conventions and share a fishy tale at a Presentation or AGM. Like most things, even at a club level there is a multitude of jobs to do and then on top of that, respond to the constant barrage of threats to our sport. We also join to learn and when we have learnt we teach, so we must not forget this and constantly push for new members. Who knows they could turn out to be future club presidents. So hats off to you guys. I know what it takes to keep things running and if we let go of it, they would have one on us and call us a bunch of disjointed, non-aligned, ignorant and weekend hacks, that just kill fish and are not worth talking to.

Finally, it’s not about the battle of good vs. evil, rather the fact a few put their hands up to keep things running smoothly and they should also be thankful to those around them for being part of the ANSA NSW family. This is also worth fighting for.

This year make it your job to take a long hard look at the succession challenges we are all facing. That is, young and vibrant people to take up the leadership reins at your club level, reinvigorate and reinvent things and don’t forget that we at the state level need to do the same thing as well.

Tight Lines,

Stan Konstantaras President ANSA NSW

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Vice President’s Report Another challenging and busy year for ANSA at both a Branch and National level. Listed below is a snapshot of some of the many issues concerning recreational fishing that ANSA has been actively involved in over the past year

Cronulla Fisheries. Despite a strong campaign to stop the closure of Cronulla Fisheries, including ANSA appearing before an Upper House inquiry, the closure went ahead with a resultant loss of over 100 staff that were not prepared to relocate to regional offices. The loss of so many key research and management staff has had an obvious impact on Fisheries. Those that have stayed on are doing a great job under difficult circumstances. Thankfully the department is now in the process of recruiting new staff and time will hopefully see Fisheries back on top of its brief.

NSW Marine Parks. ANSA did participate in the independent audit of marine parks and we have had preliminary meetings with the members of the newly formed NSW Marine Estate Management Authority and the Marine Expert Knowledge panel which have been set up to replace the NSW Marine Parks Authority and to manage the entire NSW marine estate which includes all coastal waters, estuaries and beaches. One of the immediate benefits to come from all of these activities was an amnesty to allow recreational line fishing from ocean beaches and headlands in most marine park sanctuary zones. An assessment of the impacts of this amnesty is currently in process. ANSA has high hopes that these new bodies will engage with recreational fishers and that the outcome will be a better coordinated management of our marine estate with proper regard to recreational fishing as an important socio economic activity.

Grey Nurse Sharks. ANSA has had a long and active role in the management of GNS and we did participate in the NSW review of GNS Critical Habitat Zones and the type of fishing activity and tackle allowed in some of these zones. Outcomes of these reviews saw the revocation of GNS critical habitat at bass Point and modification of the shape of the habitat zone at magic Point (Maroubra) and Green Island (South West Rocks). Land based line fishing with bait is now allowed adjacent to these modified zones. ANSA is still engaged with the National GNS Recovery Plan and is hopeful this document will be publicly released soon - it has been in draft form since 2009.

Botany Bay. ANSA has been represented on a number of committees associated with the expansion of Port Botany. We have been fortunate to stop a number of proposals to restrict fishing access on waters adjacent to the port. The issue of compensation for loss of much of the bay (which is a recreational fishing haven) as part of the port reclamation has been a sore point for ANSA for many years. We have unsuccessfully pushed the compensation issue with a variety of responsible Ministers over the past decade. Now that the port has been privatised the NSW government has undertaken it will provide funding for the installation of 2 offshore artificial reefs south of Botany Bay as part of a compensation package. A similar off shore artificial reef compensation package has been negotiated for the south coast following privatisation of Port Kembla.

Caltex Dredging. ANSA has formally asked the Federal Environment Minister to intervene in the proposal by Caltex to dredge and expand its berthing facilities at Kurnell and to dispose of some 153000 cubic metres of TBT contaminated sediment by dumping the bulk of it at sea 10kmsouth east of Sydney Heads - TBT is a very toxic substance historically associated with anti fouling. NSW authorities have given a conditional green light to the dredging proposal but the dumping at sea requires Commonwealth approval. ANSA's preference is that the contaminated spoil be treated and disposed off at an appropriate land fill site. Compensatory offsets for loss of recreational fishing access will be sought from Caltex regardless of the outcome. Review of NSW saltwater/ Freshwater Fishing Rules. Both ANSA NSW and ANSA National have participated in the review process and have questioned the lack of science and purpose behind 8 | P a g e the proposed bag and size limit reviews which essentially involve a halving of bag limits for most bread and butter species. None of these species is under threat from recreational fishing or is overfished. There has been no evaluation of the conservation effectiveness of the rule changes introduced in 2007 or any assessment of the impact the reduced bag limit changes will have on recreational take if adopted and made law. Hopefully good common sense will prevail and any changes, if implemented, will have minimal impact on recreational fishers and will not infringe upon the capacity of recreational fishers to exercise value decisions on how many fish to take and keep. It's a matter of fact that 90% of all finfish captures come from landing of fewer than20 fish per angler per day and that only 1% of fishers rarely catch their bag limits. This is a standing testimony to recreational fisher conservation ethos which will persist regardless of bag limits. It is also naive to believe that these proposed regulations will reduce the incidence of illegal fishing and sale. These shamateurs have no regard for the law and will continue to act illicitly regardless of whatever bag and size limits are in place. Stronger compliance is what's needed to address this problem.

Boat Trailer Parking. Most owners of boats over 6m in length would probably be unaware that it is illegal to park a vehicle (including a trailer over 7.5m including whatever is loaded on the trailer) on a public road in a built up area for more than one hour. A number of Sydney coastal and harbour side councils have been pushing for some time have the National Road Rules amended so that they have very broad delegated powers to issue infringement notices and impose penalties for parking of boat trailers of any size on public roads. To date councils have not been given these powers but a Boat Trailer Working group was established by the NSW government last year to consider all options. A report and recommendations have been completed and these have yet to be decided upon by the NSW government. Regrettably though Councils do have the power under section 200 of the Road Rules to impose fines on parked trailers over 7.5m in length. Historically few councils have opted to exercise this delegated power until now. One eastern suburbs council has issued warning notices to all boat/ trailer rig owners over 7.5 m to move their boats off the road or face heavy fines. None of these trailers were parked unsafely and all were registered and in regular use. The concern now is that this precedent may spread to other councils. ANSA has taken this issue up with the NSW Minister for Roads and Ports and has requested ACORF to write to the NSW Fisheries Minister seeking her intercession. ANSA has also via its membership of Recfish and ARFF requested the intervention of all national and state recreational fishing peak bodies and the issue will be raised with the Federal Roads Minister. Rule 200 has application not just in NSW but across all states and territories. Hopefully we can get this sorted out before the cancer spreads.

National Marine Reserve Network. At a national level ANSA has worked closely with all commonwealth government agencies associated with the rollout of the national marine reserve network. Fortunately for NSW recreational fishers the declared marine reserve zones off the NSW coast are a long way off shore and not easily accessible by ordinary recreational vessels. Unfortunately though recreational fishers in WA and Qld did not fare as well as NSW with the Coral Sea "no fish" zones being about twice the size of the state of Victoria. ANSA in conjunction with all other national and state peak recreational fishing bodies has tried in vain to negotiate a better outcome for recreational fishers with the Federal Government. The roll out of the marine reserve network is now at the final stage of completion with the management plan regulations passed through the house of reps but still to go through the senate. Progress of the management plan through the senate has been put on hold because of the pending elections. Also the Coalition has a disallowance motion against the regulation listed with the senate. ANSA and other peak bodies have requested an immediate independent scientific review of the commonwealth marine reserve process and a more fisher friendly interpretation of IUCN11 categorisation which defines recreational fishing as an extractive industry and therefore a non allowable activity. It will be interesting to see what impact the election will have on the marine reserve rollout. ANSA will continue to be engaged in the marine reserve debate regardless of who is in power. 9 | P a g e

Supertrawler. Although ANSA and other like minded peak body groups have been successful in stopping the trawler from pillaging our bait fish stocks in southern waters , this threat keeps on resurfacing. Sea fish Tasmania, the company behind the planned use of the supertrawler to fish for small pelagic species in Australian waters has appealed to the Federal Court against the government's 2 year embargo on use of the supertrawler pending the outcome of a environmental impact assessment of the supertrawler’s operations. The Federal Court has not yet handed down a decision so let's hope that the legal system will keep the supertrawler well away from our small pelagic/bait fishery. If not then the battle will be on again.

Peak Body Representation. ANSA has maintained its presence on the NSW ACORF and Licence Trust Expenditure Committees albeit that the future structure and composition of both these bodies is likely to change in the near future. ANSA NSW is a driving force behind the RFA (NSW Recreational Fishing Alliance) and ANSA national is a full member of Recfish Australia and ARFF (Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation)which is a new peak body combining the membership of most established national recreational fishing peak bodies and industry bodies such as AFTA and the BIAA etc. ANSA holds board positions on both Recfish and ARFF. ANSA is also represented on a variety of state and national fishery management /advisory committees and working groups and is at the forefront on all issues affecting recreational fishing.

Fishing Safety. ANSA continues to take the lead on fishing safety issues both in NSW and nationally. The Angel Ring project which has save numerous lives in NSW is being rolled out nationally and ANSA has been at the forefront in the debate about the compulsory wearing of life jackets by land based fishers. President Stan Konstantaras will go into more detail on these issues in his report.

Thank you. ANSA could not undertake all of its activities if it were not for the very small team of dedicated volunteers at a branch and national level who generously give up their time to get involved in these issues. There are always openings and opportunities for new faces on the branch and national committees so why not take the plunge and get involved. It's a rewarding commitment.

John Burgess Vice President. ANSA NSW Executive Officer/Director ANSA National Ltd

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Secretary/Club Liaison Officer’s Report Another challenging and eventful year. As a committee we have done our best to answer all the questions and defend our rights as anglers.

The committee has been proactive in ensuring important information concerning changes to fishing in the State of NSW, rule changes, competition updates and record updates got to our membership in a prompt and timely fashion. Our membership can be assured that ANSA has been well represented at both a State and Federal level.

Promotional Material Unfortunately our promotional offer with Columbia Sportswear ended this year. Columbia Sportswear was bought out and any deals in place, not through lack of trying, were not honoured.

Currently there are other ways to promote ANSA through your clubs and the community. ANSA National produced bumper stickers that were distributed to each branch members. ANSA NSW distributed these to al clubs. A new ANSA promotional brochure is available and there is always ANSA ware that can be purchased. If you need and more information on promotional gear, please get in contact with me.

Tightlines Bulletins The Tightlines bulletin is still in circulation, with several bulletins distributed throughout the year, the latest one being June 2013. We expect the next bulletin to be issued not long after this year’s delegates meeting, annual general meeting and the presentation night.

Committee Meetings The Committee meets quarterly during the fishing calendar year with its most recent meeting being August 2013. Don’t forget clubs are more than welcome to attend committee meetings as they see fit. It probably would not be a bad idea to come and see how things are run at a State level. It can be very rewarding and many hands make light work. We are always looking for new enthusiastic club members to join the committee and help run ANSA NSW.

The Email Database The ANSA NSW email database currently hosts all ANSA NSW affiliated Clubs. Most of the Clubs on the database have minimum one contact. In total, the database hosts more than 100 points of contact, which includes Sportfishing NSW members. As in previous years, the electronic mailing system has really helped ANSA NSW operate more efficiently, economically and has aided their capability for distributing up to date information quickly. Hundreds, if not thousands of emails are distributed to all our member clubs each year. If you are not receiving electronic information from ANSA NSW please let me know and I will most definitely add you as a contact to the database.

Concerns are still with the clubs channelling information onto their own members from ANSA NSW, but there is more and more evidence that it is happening. Some of the larger Clubs are passing on the information ANSA NSW sends out as they see necessary, but there are concerns with many of the other affiliated smaller clubs, especially those that do not put out a newsletter. Hence, what we would like to suggest, especially for the smaller clubs is that you give ANSA NSW as many email contacts as possible for your club members. Do not forget, ANSA NSW has an email protocol and your addresses will be used for distribution of ANSA NSW information only.

The Website. The ANSA NSW website is the central information hub for all ANSA NSW members. It is a vital tool for distributing information, so make sure you visit at least once a month for any new updates. Not all information is distributed direct via email.

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The ANSA NSW website has been maintained regularly through the past 2012/2013 year and is currently up to date. Anything you would need to know about how ANSA NSW operates, how to start a club, how to join ANSA, competition updates, and record updates etc is on our website. We even have a photo gallery with some great photos of fish our members catch.

Facebook. ANSA NSW is always looking at ways to improve not only communication, but the distribution of information to its membership. Hence, ANSA NSW is now on Facebook. Our Facebook page is monitored regularly and is constantly updated with minute by minute information. Don’t forget to log on and like ANSA NSW on Facebook.

Another enjoyable year. I am always here to service our membership efficiently and effectively, so please do not be afraid to approach me about anything.

Keep safe,

Joe Garufi Secretary/Club Liaison Officer ANSA NSW Branch

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Treasurer’s Report The following is my first Treasurers Report for the end of the 2012 / 2013 financial year since taking over the job from Shane. We finished the year with a deficit of $1664.55. This was due to an increase in insurances and the higher than expected costs in running promotions.

The main bank account is healthy with on hand funds of almost $8000.00. This will be supplemented from the newly arrived funds for the Angel Ring Project account. Some of these funds will be transferred to the main account to cover the costs incurred while waiting for grant funds to arrive.

The Angel Ring project account continues to have significant costs with the tracking / monitoring of the GPS equipt rings. This will continue in this trend, if not increase, due to more of these rings coming on line for 2013 / 2014.

Fishing 4 Therapy continues to grow and still is waiting for the approved grant funds of $21000.00. This will reimburse the cost of the trailer from the previous year and cover ongoing costs for the next year.

Thanks to Shane for his help during the year and for the next 12 months coming.


Tony Steiner Treasurer ANSA NSW

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BALANCE SHEET 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 Accumulated Funds Balance as at 1 July $20,370.37 $20,811.28 $21,265.77 Current years (deficit)/surplus ($1,664.55) ($440.91) ($454.49) Balance as at 30 June $18,705.82 $20,370.37 $20,811.28

Represented By Fixed Assets (written down value) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Prepaid Expenses $8,197.11 $1,793.66 Fishing for Therapy Trailer $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Cash on Hand $50.00 $165.00 $0.00 Cash at Bank $7,957.71 $15,910.71 $20,810.28 Total Assets $18,705.82 $20,370.37 $20,811.28


Income Affiliation Fees $15,428.00 $15,089.00 $14,612.00 Project Management $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 Bank Interest $5.36 $6.36 $8.17 Total Income $15,433.36 $15,095.36 $15,620.17 Expenditure General Administration National Affiliation Fees paid $7,341.00 $7,610.00 $7,005.00 Incorporation & Licence Fees $75.00 $49.00 $165.00 Insurances $3,391.39 $1,672.44 $2,272.98 Postage/Stationery $1,016.20 $836.42 $707.34 Phone/Fax $424.29 $560.00 $320.00 Travel/Meetings $475.70 $2,001.70 $189.90 $12,723.58 $12,729.56 $10,660.22 Competition/Promotions Badges/Certificates/Trophies $341.07 $1,046.69 $977.87 Promotions $1,821.95 $0.00 $260.56 $2,163.02 $1,046.69 $1,238.43 Sundries Website Costs $664.43 $390.24 $1,064.81 Recreational Fishing Alliance M’ship $220.00 $220.00 $220.00 AGM Subsidy/(Surplus) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sundries $1,326.88 $1,149.78 $666.20 Capital Expenditure $0.00 $0.00 $2,225.00 $2,211.31 $1,760.02 $4,176.01 Total Expenditure $17,097.91 $15,536.27 $16,074.66 Net Surplus/(Deficit) for Year ($1,664.55) ($440.91) ($454.49)

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Budget Budget Actual 2013-14 2012-13 2012-13

Income Club Affiliation Fees $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,525.00 Member Affiliation Fees $13,750.00 $13,500.00 $13,478.00 Direct Membership Fees $600.00 $750.00 $425.00 Other Income $250.00 $250.00 $5.36 Total Income $16,200.00 $16,000.00 $15,433.36

Expenditure National Fees $7,750.00 $7,750.00 $7,341.00 Insurances $3,500.00 $2,000.00 $3,391.39 Post / Stationary $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,016.20 Phone / Fax / Email $500.00 $500.00 $424.29 Travel Meetings $1,000.00 $1,250.00 $475.70 Licence fees $150.00 $50.00 $75.00 Badges / Trophies $500.00 $1,250.00 $341.07 Promotions $500.00 $250.00 $1,821.95 Website $800.00 $500.00 $664.43 RFA M'ship $220.00 $250.00 $220.00 Sundries $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,326.88 Capital Expenditure - $0.00 Total Expenditure $17,620.00 $16,000.00 $17,097.91

Surplus/ (Deficit) ($1,420.00) $0.00 ($1,664.55)

I certify that these statements present a fair and proper view of the Association’s trading performance and financial position as at 30 June 2013.

Tony Steiner Treasurer, ANSA NSW Branch

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Membership Registrar’s Report This will be my first and unfortunately last report as the ANSA NSW Membership Registrar.

Membership levels fell slightly in the 2012/13 year to 1,142, down from 1,175 in the previous year. However, the current membership levels are still higher than in the 2009/10 and 2010/11 years, so this is positive.

An important observation that I would like to make from my tenure as Membership Registrar is that ANSA NSW clubs need to make an attempt to utilise electronic communications to their fullest extent as a means of communicating with ANSA. It would be good if more clubs utilised Direct Deposit instead of cheques to make payments, and that membership lists be sent in electronic spreadsheet format. Some clubs are already doing this is and this is very much appreciated.

Using direct deposit as a payment method eliminates the need for cheques to pass through multiple hands. The current practice of sending cheques first to the membership registrar, to then be forwarded to the Treasurer is a time consuming process, and leaves opportunity for cheques to become misplaced. This process worked in the past when both the Treasure and Membership Registrar roles held by the same person, but now, with the positions being held by different people has proven to be inefficient.

When choosing to use direct deposit, please send an email to both the Treasurer and Membership registrar of your payment details and a reason for what the payment was for, as this will assist in the reconciliation of the bank account.

Sending membership information in electronic, spreadsheet form will also assist in the updating of our membership database in a more efficient manner, eliminating the need for manual entry.

When sending any membership related correspondence via the post, may I please ask that you address your correspondence to the ANSA NSW PO Box 481, Matraville NSW 2036 rather than sending to me directly.

Or alternatively, use the membership email account: [email protected]

In closing, I would like to thank the ANSA NSW committee for their support and assistance over the last 12 months.


R. Buttigieg

Ray Buttigieg Outgoing Membership Officer

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Recorder’s Report Well, I successfully survived my first year as Recorder, thanks to Mike Spitzer for a great initiation and for assisting during the handover and throughout the year when I have been busy. I didn’t find the time to update Mike’s detailed statistics and comparisons; maybe next year. A summary of the season follows.

I hope everyone had a good fishing year in 2012-13, enjoyed the friendly competition amongst like-minded anglers and is as excited about the next fishing season as I am.

I urge everyone to do their best to actively participate in the competitions organised and run by your Committee and Clubs. The organising clubs put in a lot of effort to run Conventions and to some of these clubs, it is their main fund-raising activity to keep their club going. Some donate money to charity or to improving recreational fishing. Either way, Conventions are a great social event (and competition if you are that way inclined as well).

State Records Thirteen (13) new NSW Length Records were achieved in 2012-13, including 1 sub-junior, 5 junior and 7 senior records. State Records were claimed by members from 5 different clubs. The standout capture for me was a 930mm Tailor caught by Don Rayment in St Georges Basin.

Members also set 34 new NSW Line class Records in 2012-13. There were 4 sub-junior, 10 junior and 20 senior records, covering 24 different species. Members claiming Line class records were from 8 different clubs, with St George topping the charts with 9, Wollongong with 8 and Botany Bay and ALBAA with 5 records each.

12 Month Competition A total of 186 entries were received for the 12-Month comp in 2012-13, down from 231 entries last year. Sixty-nine (69) anglers from 11 different clubs submitted entries, compared to 89 anglers from 12 clubs last year.

The Club submitting the most entries was Wollongong (56), followed by Nowra (41) and ALBAA (33). The most popular species entered was Albacore with 27 entries (all in Tagging Division). The next most popular were Golden Perch (18 entries) and Australian Salmon (14).

Tagging was the most popular division (49 entries), followed by Sportfishing-Freshwater (14 entries) and the Landbased Game and Sportfishing-Boat Divisions receiving 12 entries each.

First, second and third places were awarded in all but one division (Junior Girl), which is a great result. There were some fantastic captures amongst the place-getters, including a couple of thousand-point fish and some cracking metre-plus kings. The flathead and carp didn’t crack the magical metre this year, but both winners weren’t far away.

Congratulations to all the place-getters in the 12-Month comp and congratulations once again to Wollongong, our champion club for 2012-13.

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ANSA Convention Circuit (ACC) Once again the ACC was well attended and hotly contested. A total of 464 members from 23 different clubs attended conventions this year. The most represented club was South Sydney AFA, with 103 attendances at conventions, followed by Botany Bay with 58, Sea Bees with 56 and St George 34.

The number of anglers at each convention were as follows (ANSA members only):

Convention Attendees Glenbawn 96 Talbingo 32 Burrinjuck 124 Nowra 115 Narooma 77 Sydney 171 Lake Lyell 98 Total (ANSA) Attendance 713

I managed to attend 5 Conventions myself this year, only missing Burrinjuck and Lake Lyell. Without a doubt, Conventions are my favourite times and places to fish, mainly for the camaraderie and friendly competition. Each has their own special character (and bunch of characters running them) and I always look forward to caching up with the host club and fellow members, some of who I only get to see once a year.

Once again, congratulations to all the winners and new State Record holders for the year. I hope to join you numerous times in 2013-14 for a fish, a chat and/or a beer.

Good fishing and don’t forget to fill in your capture forms!!!

Shane Jasprizza ANSA NSW Recorder

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2012/13


DIVISION 1: Landbased - Game Species 1 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club COBIA 24.800 10 372.000 2 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club COBIA 20.600 10 309.000 3 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club LONGTAIL TUNA 19.000 10 285.000

DIVISION 2: Landbased - Non-Game Species 1 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC ROCK BLACKFISH 3.400 2 255.000 2 Anthony Heiser Canberra Fisherman's Club PERCH - GOLDEN 4.250 2 212.500 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC ROCK BLACKFISH 2.400 2 180.000

DIVISION 3: Sportfishing - Saltwater Lakes and Estuaries 1 Kevin Calleja Wollongong SFC FLATHEAD - DUSKY 5.800 2 290.000 2 Ron Camp St George SFC FLATHEAD - DUSKY 5.640 2 282.000 3 Ron Camp St George SFC FLATHEAD - DUSKY 4.460 2 223.000

DIVISION 4: Sportfishing - From a Boat (Outside) 1 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club MARLIN - STRIPED 80.500 8 1207.500 2 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC SPANISH MACKEREL 23.000 4 575.000 3 Michael Sciberras South Sydney AFA TUNA - SOUTHERN 68.000 24 425.000

DIVISION 5: Sportfishing - Freshwater 1 Todd Moeser Sea Bees Boating Club COD - MURRAY 7.180 2 287.200 2 Todd Moeser Sea Bees Boating Club COD - MURRAY 5.140 2 205.600 3 Grant Evans ALBAA PERCH - GOLDEN 4.100 2 205.000

DIVISION 6: Lure Fishing - Saltwater 1 Louis Whant Wollongong SFC TUNA - STRIPED 4.500 2 337.500 2 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC TUNA - STRIPED 4.300 2 322.500 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC TUNA - STRIPED 3.600 2 270.000

DIVISION 7: Lure Fishing - Freshwater 1 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club COD - MURRAY 6.050 2 242.000 2 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club COD - MURRAY 5.950 2 238.000 3 Grant Evans ALBAA PERCH - GOLDEN 4.700 2 235.000

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2012/13


DIVISION 8: Flyfishing 1 Scott Anderson Wollongong SFC TROUT - BROWN 4.850 2 242.500 2 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC TROUT - BROWN 3.150 2 157.500 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC TROUT - BROWN 2.900 2 145.000

DIVISION 9: Gamefishing 1 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC MARLIN - BLACK 86.000 10 1032.000 2 Andrew Burke South Sydney AFA TUNA - SBT 109.000 24 681.250 3 John Rankin Eden Sport & Game Fishing SWORDFISH 77.000 37 457.838

DIVISION 10: Capture by a Lady 1 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong SFC SPANISH MACKEREL 11.800 4 295.000 2 Nathalie D'Hyon St George SFC MULLOWAY 8.000 3 266.667 3 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2.900 2 217.500

DIVISION 11: Capture by a Junior Boy 1 Hartley D'Hyon St George SFC MARLIN - BLACK 30.500 15 244.000 2 Aaron Anderson Wollongong SFC TUNA - STRIPED 4.000 3 200.000 3 Aaron Anderson Wollongong SFC TUNA - STRIPED 3.800 3 190.000

DIVISION 12: Capture by a Junior Girl 1 Anysia Oberg ALBAA AUST. SALMON 2.400 3 96.000 2 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay SFC PERCH - GOLDEN 1.610 2 80.500

DIVISION 13: Capture by a Sub-Junior 1 Luke Windon Botany Bay Sport Fishing TUNA - STRIPED 3.480 2 261.000 2 Brock Evans ALBAA PERCH - GOLDEN 3.700 2 185.000 3 Ryder Evans ALBAA PERCH - GOLDEN 3.500 2 175.000

DIVISION 14: Tag and Release 1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club 400 2 Craig Stephens Wollongong Sportfishing Club 340 3 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club 260

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2012/13


DIVISION 15: Length Only - Carp 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club CARP - EUROPEAN 940.000 2 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA CARP - EUROPEAN 930.000 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club CARP - EUROPEAN 860.000

DIVISION 16: Length Only - Trout (All Species) 1 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fisherman's Club SALMON - ATLANTIC 760.000 2 Travis Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club TROUT - BROWN 650.000 3 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA SALMON - ATLANTIC 630.000 3 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club TROUT - RAINBOW 630.000

DIVISION 17: Length Only - Australian Bass 1 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA BASS - AUSTRALIAN 555.000 2 Matthew Day Wollongong Sportfishing Club BASS - AUSTRALIAN 535.000 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club BASS - AUSTRALIAN 519.000

DIVISION 18: Length Only - Bream (All Species) 1 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club BREAM - YELLOWFIN 439.000 2 Steve Golub Australian Land Based Anglers BREAM - YELLOWFIN 415.000 3 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club BREAM - YELLOWFIN 405.000 3 Ray Agius St George Sportfishing Club BREAM - BLACK 405.000

DIVISION 19: Length Only - Flathead (All Species) 1 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 970.000 2 Kayne Clark Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 910.000 3 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 880.000

DIVISION 20: Length Only - Australian Salmon 1 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club AUST. SALMON 675.000 2 James Furlong Australian Land Based Anglers AUST. SALMON 625.000 3 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club AUST. SALMON 605.000

DIVISION 21: Length Only - Yellowtail Kingfish 1 Luke Nicholson Australian Land Based Anglers KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1280.000 2 Kurt Staples Australian Land Based Anglers KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1190.000 3 Andrew Critchley Australian Land Based Anglers KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1070.000

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2012/13

DIVISION 22: Most Versatile Angler ANGLERS NAME CLUB POINTS Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club 40 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club 20 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club 15 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club 12 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club 10

DIVISION 23: Champion Club CLUB POINTS Wollongong Sportfishing Club 44 Australian Land Based Anglers 18 St George Sportfishing Club 15.5 Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 11 Sea Bees Boating Club 10 South Sydney AFA 8.5 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 6 Nowra Sport Fishing Club 5 Canberra Fisherman's Club 5 Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 1

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2012-13 ANSA Convention Circuit

Senior Division Eligible (3 or more conventions)

Points Angler Club Attended 33 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fisherman's Club 5 Yes 31 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 30 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club 4 Yes 26 Scott Maclean South Sydney AFA 7 Yes 23 Paul Cooper South Sydney AFA 4 Yes 22 Joseph Garufi South Sydney AFA 6 Yes 21 Michael Foukkare Australian Land Based Anglers 3 Yes 20 Ethan Mallaby Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Yes 19 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club 4 Yes 19 Mick Roberts Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 3 Yes 19 Robert Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 5 Yes 19 Stuart Bell South Sydney AFA 2 No 19 Josh Joseph South Sydney AFA 3 Yes

Ladies Division Eligible (3 or more conventions)

Points Angler Club Attended 29.5 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 27 Rebecca Fenton Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 3 Yes 20 Kylie Bain Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 5 Yes 15 Karen Maltby St George Sportfishing Club 4 Yes 12 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 2 No 11 Lyn Marsh Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 1 No 10 Melissa Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club 2 No 10 Ann Gerard Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 10 Rose Davis Canberra Fisherman's Club 2 No

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2012-13 ANSA Convention Circuit

Junior Girl Division Eligible (3 or more conventions)

Points Angler Club Attended 24 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 3 Yes 10 Amelia Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1 No 10 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No

Junior Boy Division Eligible (3 or more conventions)

Points Angler Club Attended 24 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA 3 Yes 19 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 3 Yes 13 Hamish Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Yes 12 Carl Parker Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 11 Luke Halim South Sydney AFA 2 No 11 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 11 Alex Pearce Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 10 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 2 No 10 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division ALBACORE 3 7.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama Canyons 27/10/2007 ALBACORE 4 8.21 Glen Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 6 8.2 Glen Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 8 7.6 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 15 10.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/07/2009 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.1 Anthony Thorpe Trial Bay Sportfishing Club Lake Sinclair 5/04/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 5.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 6/02/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 3 4.13 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 4 4.4 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 6/02/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 4.1 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 23/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.2 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - BLACK 1 1.6 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Wallaga Lake 2/03/2007 BREAM - BLACK 2 1.8 Thomas Johnston Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 2/03/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.92 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Batemans Bay 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.35 Timothy Sackett South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 22/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 14.72 Alyce Ehret South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 22/05/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 6.2 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club 8/12/2007 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 10.4 Neil Kemp South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 11/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 16.52 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Centennial Park Sydney 26/04/2011 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 1 3.2 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere 26/04/2008 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 2 2.77 Greg Davis Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 10/04/2009 COBIA 2 1.67 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2007 COBIA 4 9.1 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Grassy Head 9/02/2006 COBIA 6 20.25 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 4/05/2007 COBIA 8 13 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2009 COBIA 10 23 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2008 COD - MURRAY 2 18.6 Lance Harvey Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windamere 8/04/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 9.9 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Sydney Wide FAD 12/03/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 3 6.35 Allan Jobson Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Port Stephens 16/01/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 6 4 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 15/12/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 8 12.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 3/01/2004 DOLPHIN FISH 10 22.92 Marnie Sammut South Sydney AFA Sydney Wide 24/03/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 15 13.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coledale Wide 1/05/2010 DRUMMER - SILVER 1 1.15 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15/02/2013 DRUMMER - SILVER 2 2.9 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Catherine Hill Bay 12/10/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 5.66 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking 5/04/2013 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 6.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 4.5 Helen Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Channel 24/02/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 8 5.122 Deborah Logan St George Sportfishing Club Harrington Lagoon 8/12/2009 GROPER - BLUE/RED 1 1.05 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 26/11/2004 GROPER - BLUE/RED 2 1.9 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 2/09/2006 26 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division (cont.) GROPER - BLUE/RED 3 2.85 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 22/08/2004 GROPER - BLUE/RED 4 4.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 29/07/2007 GROPER - BLUE/RED 10 13.56 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 9/01/2010 GURNARD 1 2.05 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 HAIRTAIL 2 3.6 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 3.37 Steven Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 28/03/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.82 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 6 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 13.2 Pablo Belarra South Sydney AFA Botany Bay 27/12/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 10 7 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 LUDERICK 1 1.155 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 MACKEREL - NARROW 4 17 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - NARROW 6 9.5 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2005 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 2 3.1 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 7/04/2012 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 3 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/04/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 7.1 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 15/03/2006 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 6 8 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/05/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 8 8 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 10 8.5 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 MARLIN - BLACK 10 35.6 Wayne Strudwick Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama Canyons 2/04/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 15 106 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 24/01/2012 MARLIN - STRIPED 8 80.5 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Berry on Steps 20/01/2013 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 96.5 Manny Kandros South Sydney AFA Sydney Shelf 14/03/2010 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 2.48 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 MORWONG - RED 1 1.45 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 5/02/2005 MULLET - SEA 1 2.5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/03/2006 MULLET - SEA 3 1.7 Chris De La Rue Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 6/04/2005 MULLOWAY 1 4.945 Anthony Hensley Sands Hotel Fishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 MULLOWAY 2 12.57 Bill Kavouras South Sydney AFA Georges River 6/09/2005 MULLOWAY 3 8 Nathalie D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 29/09/2012 MULLOWAY 4 8.75 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 16/05/2006 MULLOWAY 6 10.25 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 13/05/2006 MULLOWAY 8 14.5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/10/2005 MULLOWAY 10 24 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River SW Rocks 11/05/2011 MULLOWAY 15 23.95 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 7/03/2004 PERCH - GOLDEN 1 5.2 David Walton Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 16/10/2007 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 4.97 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Murrumbidgee River 2/05/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 5.5 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Windermere Dam 2/10/2004 PERCH - REDFIN 1 2.27 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 1 2.11 Anthony Heiser Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 26/04/2010 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 1 5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 19/03/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 2 24.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 3 37 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 27 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division (cont.) RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 21.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE 1 4.33 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Wagonga Inlet 10/11/2007 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE 2 3.75 Colin Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Wallaga Beach 27/09/2008 RAY - EAGLE 2 13.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 RAY - EAGLE 3 13 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 RAY - EAGLE 6 27.5 Glen Edwards Nowra Sport Fishing Club Comerong Beach 24/04/2005 RAY - EAGLE 10 34 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 28/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 1 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 RAY - FIDDLER 2 7.03 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Brou Lake 8/03/2009 RAY - FIDDLER 4 7.21 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smile Beach 2/05/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 1 2.6 Jeffrey Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 31/03/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 2 2.96 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 8/06/2009 ROCK BLACKFISH 3 3.05 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Heads 19/11/2006 SALMON - ATLANTIC 3 4.28 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 16/09/2012 SALMON - ATLANTIC 4 4.1 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 8/10/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.42 Stan Konstantaras South Sydney AFA Narooma 4/03/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.65 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon point 30/03/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.35 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 4/12/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.35 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SAMSON FISH 2 2.15 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 SHARK - GUMMY 6 10.75 Geoffrey Webber Sussex Inlet Bowling Club FC Sussex Inlet 12/06/2005 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 8 34 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club St Georges Head 14/04/2013 SHARK - MAKO 10 18.49 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Bateman's Bay 5/05/2005 SHARK - MAKO 15 81.7 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 20/08/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.05 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/02/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.8 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/02/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 8 29.52 Wes Tolhurst Sportfishing NSW 9 Mile Reef 17/03/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 96.5 Manny Kandros South Sydney AFA Stanwell Park Canyons 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 1 6.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 4.65 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 SNAPPER 4 6.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon Point 10/07/2010 SNAPPER 6 6.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 11/03/2006 SNAPPER 8 6 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 24/03/2010 TAILOR 1 4.06 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 19/02/2011 TAILOR 2 4.89 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 25/04/2011 TARWHINE 1 1.06 Ben Karnatz South Sydney AFA Little Bay 19/03/2004 TARWHINE 2 0.9 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 3/05/2009 TERAGLIN 2 1.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 16/04/2009 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.01 Sue Scobie Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 12/10/2004 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.77 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 9/12/2007 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.2 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 4/07/2004 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.43 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club 21/05/2005 28 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division (cont.) TROUT - BROWN 2 2.405 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club 9/10/2004 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 4 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 1/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.6 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coalcliff Wide 3/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 12/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 2.4 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Jibbon 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7.28 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 26/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 8.3 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 15.5 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 20.8 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 23/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 21 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 18.2 Michael Moon Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 1 2.75 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 19/10/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 2 6.7 Charlie Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Browns Mountain 18/04/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.38 Alyce Ehret South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour Wide 1/04/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.7 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club SE of Peak - Sydney 4/04/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 6 9.58 Frank Res Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Narooma - Wide 30/09/2005 TUNA - STRIPED 8 10.4 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 20/08/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 8 Paul Cooper South Sydney AFA Sydney Shelf 27/10/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 29 Jose Vidovic Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 16/09/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 34 Joshua Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Jervis Bay Canyons 23/10/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 39 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 14/05/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 43 Tori Reeves South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 25/05/2008 WAHOO 10 13.5 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 28/04/2013 WHITING - SAND 1 1.15 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Macquarie 4/04/2007 WRASSE - BLUE THROATED 1 1.2 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005 Junior Sportfishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.42 Amanda Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 3/04/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2 Lachlan Fletcher Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 0.91 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 23/04/2011 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.265 Sheridan Rose Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui River 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.35 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wee Jasper 31/12/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 11.55 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 27/06/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.17 Zoe Kemp South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 18/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 8.6 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 27/06/2010 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 1 2.62 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 25/04/2010 COD - MURRAY 4 5.05 Kirstie Head Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Tuggeranong 31/12/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 1 1.378 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 30/03/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.6 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 3 7.4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 26/01/2012 DOLPHIN FISH 10 15 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 5/01/2011 DRUMMER - SILVER 1 0.555 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Junior Sportfishing Division (cont.) FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 3.74 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 28/03/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.36 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 27/03/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 2.45 Thomas Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Shoalhaven River 16/09/2007 HAIRTAIL 1 1.54 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.67 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 27/03/2009 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 3.33 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 7/04/2013 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 4.5 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/04/2012 MARLIN - BLACK 2 8.8 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 1/04/2004 MARLIN - BLACK 15 107 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 1/02/2009 MARLIN - STRIPED 4 21 Andrew Wood Sportfishing NSW Botany Bay Wide 27/11/2004 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 61 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/01/2010 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 130 Laine Bathis South Sydney AFA Sydney Wide 30/03/2012 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 1.6 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 15/08/2012 MULLET - SEA 1 1.81 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 1 2.52 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Port Hacking 24/02/2008 MULLOWAY 2 5.75 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 3 5.2 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 3/10/2010 MULLOWAY 4 4.1 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 4/04/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 1 4.04 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 27/06/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.35 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 2/11/2012 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 2.83 Thomas Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 10/11/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 1 1.66 Nadine Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Jerrabomberra Pond 18/06/2007 PERCH - SILVER 1 2 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 3 19 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 18.5 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE 2 2.75 James Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Congo 26/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 1 4.48 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 30/08/2007 ROCK BLACKFISH 4 3.75 Michael Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Heads 19/11/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.2 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 12/06/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.9 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 25/06/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.33 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea Heads 19/07/2009 SHARK - GUMMY 2 2.7 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 3/04/2010 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 15 26.6 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Reef 31/01/2004 SHARK - MAKO 2 4.85 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bombo Wreck - Port Kembla 30/03/2008 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 2.3 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 24/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.42 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Toothbrush Island 22/05/2005 TAILOR 1 3.755 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 5/11/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.18 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 7/10/2007 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.2 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.65 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 30/05/2009 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.4 David Gerard Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyall 30/04/2005 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 4.2 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 23/03/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 5.09 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Newcastle 26/04/2008 30 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Junior Sportfishing Division (cont.) TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.5 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Off Botany Heads 23/10/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.8 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 2/09/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 4 2.65 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 18/04/2010 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 10.25 Chris Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 WRASSE - CRIMSON 1 1 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006

Sub-Junior Sportfishing Division ALBACORE 10 11 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 2/09/2006 BARRACOUTA 1 1 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Barrack Pt 19/06/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.16 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.994 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Newcastle 26/04/2008 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 0.96 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 2 1.07 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Georges River 21/11/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.81 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Georges River 12/06/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 12.8 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 25/06/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 11.2 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River Camden 18/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 12 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 14/11/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 7.5 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 28/05/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 2 2.38 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Wide FAD 28/02/2010 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 3.73 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Sussex Inlet 7/01/2008 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 1.68 Daniel Brito South Sydney AFA Port Hacking 18/01/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 1.94 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2011 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 22/12/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 3.484 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 LUDERICK 1 0.91 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 4/09/2011 MULLET - SEA 1 1 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong NSW 13/01/2010 MULLOWAY 1 2.86 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 MULLOWAY 2 4.68 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 25/03/2006 PERCH - ESTUARY 1 0.445 Mariyah Siarakas South Sydney AFA Georges River 5/04/2013 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.1 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Lake Windamere 5/01/2012 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 6.46 Lachlan Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 11/11/2007 RAY - BANKS SHOVELNOSE 1 1.48 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/02/2005 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 28 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3 Jake Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 25/10/2009 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.2 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea 28/04/2007 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.55 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 26/12/2008 SHARK - GUMMY 2 12.1 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/01/2007 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 7.5 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 2.8 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 13/02/2010 TAILOR 1 1.758 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010 TAILOR 2 2.65 Jake Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 29/11/2008 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.07 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.85 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 1/04/2011 31 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sub-Junior Sportfishing Division (cont.) TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.15 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Outside Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 1.325 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Outside Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.65 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.09 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 6.055 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 5.42 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.48 Luke Windon Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Heads 6/10/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla Wide 23/01/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 4 2.62 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 9/11/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 6 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 2/09/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 24.5 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 19/08/2006

Lure Fishing Division ALBACORE 3 7.64 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 4 7.23 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 8 7.14 Chris De La Rue Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.775 Kevin Hawkins Western District Sport Fishing 3/05/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.44 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 10/10/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.4 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 13/05/2008 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 28/04/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 6.6 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.2001 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.87 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 14/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.68 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Burrinjuck Dam 4/01/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 10.1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 18/12/2012 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.94 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 13/11/2009 COD - MURRAY 3 4.9 Andrew Butt Canberra Fishermans Club 7/01/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.75 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 2 5.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 4/06/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 5.2 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 7.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 1/01/2008 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 6.355 Bradley Taylor Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 16/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 2.27 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/08/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 4.2 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club Port Stephens 5/01/2006 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 14.95 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 20/03/2005 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 5.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 2.3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 1/04/2006 MULLET - SEA 1 1.08 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 22/04/2011 MULLET - SEA 6 1.06 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 16/04/2009 MULLOWAY 1 4.8 Chris Billing St George Sportfishing Club Taren Point 8/05/2005 MULLOWAY 2 11.42 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 26/03/2006 MULLOWAY 4 11.4 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon Point 21/09/2007 PERCH - ESTUARY 2 1.35 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 32 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Lure Fishing Division (cont.) PERCH - GOLDEN 1 4.68 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windermere 3/11/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 4.9 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windermere 4/11/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 5.5 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Windermere Dam 2/10/2004 PERCH - GOLDEN 4 4.8 Rob Safran Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 28/09/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 1 2.08 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 2 2 Phillip Macdonald St George Sportfishing Club 6/11/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 21/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 4.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 26/02/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.2 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 26/08/2008 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.45 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 29/08/2004 SNAPPER 1 1.2 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2004 SNAPPER 2 3.825 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Shellharbour 17/02/2008 SNAPPER 4 4.9 Michael Moon Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coledale 17/05/2010 TAILOR 1 2.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2004 TAILOR 2 6.9 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 12/08/2009 TAILOR 3 3.1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 18/09/2010 TREVALLY - GIANT 3 3.6 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 27/07/2008 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.24 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.15 Anthony Heiser Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 30/05/2009 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 30/05/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.42 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club 21/05/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 2.25 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.45 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Grassy Head 15/02/2005 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 3.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 23/03/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 19 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 4/03/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 19/10/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.24 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Narooma Wide 6/03/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 4 4 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 6 5.8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 15/10/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 2 4.138 Warren Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 3 5.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 6.2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 14/03/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 9.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 7/03/2006 WHITING - SAND 1 0.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 9/03/2009 WHITING - SAND 2 0.75 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 29/03/2009

Junior Lure Fishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 0.52 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 28/03/2010 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.13 Caleb Verdon Bermagui Sportfishing Club Tuross River 15/05/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 1.88 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Burrinjuck Dam 6/11/2005 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 1.36 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George's Basin 15/02/2013 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Port Macquarie 20/10/2009 33 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Junior Lure Fishing Division (cont.) MULLET - SEA 1 1.52 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 2 7 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 23/04/2011 MULLOWAY 3 3.791 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.376 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 11/02/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TAILOR 1 3.205 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 30/04/2005 TAILOR 2 2.68 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 13/07/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.11 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 2/04/2010 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 2.14 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 18/11/2007 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.884 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Kalkite - 24/09/2011 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Eucumbene River 31/05/2013 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.05 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 2/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.155 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 17/02/2006 TUNA - STRIPED 1 0.96 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 5/03/2006 TUNA - STRIPED 3 4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 2/09/2012

Sub-Junior Lure Fishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 0.86 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 16/04/2009 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 0.73 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/01/2010 MULLOWAY 3 5.7 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 2/01/2009 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.9 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Windamere Dam 30/12/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.875 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 17/09/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.41 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 2.91 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 TREVALLY - SILVER 3 3.05 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 30/12/2007 TREVALLY - SILVER 4 2.65 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 15/03/2008 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.91 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 Fly Fishing Division ALBACORE 8 6.165 Gary Wade Sportfishing NSW Kiama - Wide 30/10/2007 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Carrington Pondage 28/01/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2010 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.6 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sir John Young Banks 18/04/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.52 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Burrinjuck Dam 5/11/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 13.34 Paul Cooper South Sydney AFA Sydney 7/08/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.55 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 29/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 11.41 Paul Cooper South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 25/09/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 11.03 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 6/08/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 2 4.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 27/11/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.1 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 4.6 Sid Young St George Sportfishing Club Snapper Point 14/03/2004 LUDERICK 1 1.291 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 LUDERICK 3 1.11 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 1/08/2009

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Fly Fishing Division (cont.) SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.2 James Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 26/02/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.9 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 26/02/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.75 Robert Sciberras South Sydney AFA Botany Bay 6/04/2008 TAILOR 1 1.4 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 12/11/2005 TAILOR 2 3.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 13/03/2009 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.3 Paul Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 15/11/2009 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.79 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Eucumbene 29/12/2005 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Middlingbank 2/01/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.295 James Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 1/03/2005

Junior Fly Fishing Division CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.12 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.74 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 5.12 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 4.25 Jordan Zissimatos South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 12/02/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.095 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 26/02/2006 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.97 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 25/02/2006 Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 4 6.53 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 6 21.95 Mick Roberts Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Bermagui Wide 14/05/2008 ALBACORE 8 11 Mario Imbriano Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 10/06/2006 ALBACORE 10 9.4 Stephen Katrakilis South Sydney AFA Bermagui 30/10/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.05 Kevin Hawkins Western District Sport Fishing 4/05/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.14 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay 13/06/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.38 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 4/03/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 3 4.33 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.92 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 10/05/2006 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.15 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 5/09/2006 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 8.95 John Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 20/12/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 6.54 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 8/12/2007 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 10.48 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 29/11/2008 COBIA 8 20 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 24/03/2008 COBIA 10 25.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2009 COBIA 15 17.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 COBIA 24 27.5 Warren Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2007 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.7 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 6.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 4 10.2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 6 8.6 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Botany Wide FAD 25/02/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 8 10.2 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 15/01/2004 DOLPHIN FISH 10 15.4 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club St George's Basin 12/01/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 24 25.5 Chris Anagnostou South Sydney AFA Port Macquarie 25/01/2010

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Gamefishing Division (cont.) KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 5.7 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 26/12/2006 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 5.76 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 3.26 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 17/03/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 10 19.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 24 30.14 Wes Tolhurst Sportfishing NSW Lord Howe Island 28/04/2004 MACKEREL - NARROW 4 23 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - NARROW 6 9.2 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 10/05/2005 MACKEREL - NARROW 8 11.2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 11/03/2008 MACKEREL - NARROW 10 21.5 Wayne Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/04/2004 MACKEREL - NARROW 15 21 Wayne Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 3 5.6 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 6.7 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2006 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 6 8 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 1/05/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 8 32 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 10 171 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 17/03/2011 MARLIN - BLACK 15 137 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Banks, Nowra 19/02/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 24 132 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 17/02/2007 MARLIN - BLUE 15 186 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 9/11/2008 MARLIN - BLUE 24 254.2 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 7/04/2007 MARLIN - STRIPED 8 68.5 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA Sydney 27/01/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 59.5 Edo Rutstein South Sydney AFA Botany Bay Wide 11/02/2006 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 104 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Sydney 5/04/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 37 75.5 Ivan Mitchell South Sydney AFA Southern Canyons - Sydney 8/03/2008 MULLOWAY 2 3.61 Karen Maltby St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 8/06/2012 MULLOWAY 3 7.8 Nathalie D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 3/04/2010 MULLOWAY 4 10.1 Yves D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 3/10/2010 MULLOWAY 6 13.2 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 5/05/2008 MULLOWAY 8 6.5 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Georges River 20/09/2009 MULLOWAY 10 24 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River SW Rocks 19/04/2010 MULLOWAY 15 21.05 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 19/08/2004 SAILFISH 24 25.4 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Hat Head 11/01/2007 SALMON - ATLANTIC 3 3.2 Peter Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 2/06/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.55 Stan Konstantaras South Sydney AFA Narooma 4/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 8/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.4 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 25/08/2004 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 6 17 Leanne Speight Sussex Inlet Bowling Club FC Sussex Inlet 18/03/2006 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 8 14.5 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club Sussex Inlet 12/06/2005 SHARK - MAKO 10 117.8 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Bermagui shelf 20/05/2013 SHARK - MAKO 15 97.9 Lachlan Bate Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 23/06/2009 SHARK - MAKO 24 194 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Shelf of Botany Bay 28/03/2009 36 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Gamefishing Division (cont.) SHARK - TIGER 15 490 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Shelf 24/03/2006 SHARK - TIGER 24 351.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 12/02/2012 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.9 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 23/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.55 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 7.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 10 110 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 1 1.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 24/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 2.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 19/03/2005 SNAPPER 6 6.47 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2008 SPEARFISH - SHORTBILL 24 26.5 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Kink Jervis Bay 22/02/2010 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 24 73 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 18/10/2008 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 37 86.5 John Rankin Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Merimbula - Wide 9/06/2012 TAILOR 1 2.3 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 25/04/2011 TAILOR 2 2.5 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 23/04/2011 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.37 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 8/01/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 3 3.7 Travis Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 13/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.71 Karen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 19/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.6 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 28/05/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.56 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 23/07/2004 TUNA - BIG EYE 15 20.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Brown's Mountain 12/06/2008 TUNA - BIG EYE 24 79 Tony Davis South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 16/07/2007 TUNA - BIG EYE 37 26 Mark Holland South Sydney AFA Sydney Shelf 11/11/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 3.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.35 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.68 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 12/05/2006 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 30/04/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 6.6 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 26/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 10 7.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 11.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2006 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 18 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2009 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 26.6 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club Forster 28/03/2012 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 16.34 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 10/05/2012 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 24 21.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 21/03/2007 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 15 99.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 3/07/2010 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 24 117.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 14/06/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 1 2.39 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 1/10/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.45 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 21/11/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.2 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 2/11/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 6 6.2 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 26/05/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 5.1 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 10.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 40 Brian Schofield Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 11/11/2007 37 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Gamefishing Division (cont.) TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 41 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 30/10/2004 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 32 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club 31/05/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 70.2 Tony Morosin Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 22/05/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 37 61 Michael Sciberras South Sydney AFA Sydney Wide 12/04/2004 Junior Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 15 9.1 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/11/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.086 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay Wide 25/10/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 0.93 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 5/01/2010 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 0.687 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 22/05/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 9.5 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuggeranong Lake, ACT 14/03/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 8.3 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River, Camden 31/10/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 5.74 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 5/12/2009 COBIA 4 6 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 DOLPHIN FISH 1 1.204 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 30/03/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.5 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 10 7.9 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 28/04/2007 DOLPHIN FISH 15 17 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 8/01/2011 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 7.433 Alissa Heise Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 14/01/2006 MACKEREL - NARROW 8 17 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 4.01 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/04/2012 MARLIN - BLACK 10 33 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 18/02/2007 MARLIN - BLACK 15 30.5 Hartley D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 31/12/2012 MARLIN - BLACK 24 161.5 Joshua Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club The Banks 3/01/2004 MARLIN - BLUE 24 90 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Sydney 18/04/2010 MARLIN - STRIPED 10 53.5 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 2 miles east of the peak, 12/03/2011 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 83 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 26/12/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 60 153 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 14/05/2005 MULLOWAY 2 4.2 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 4/04/2010 MULLOWAY 3 7.51 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 24/04/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.71 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fisherman's Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.3 Luke Smith Newcastle Sport Fishing Club 24/04/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.95 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea Heads 19/07/2009 SHARK - MAKO 15 102 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Shelf 18/10/2008 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 2.3 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 24/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.4 Rebecca Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 12/01/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 4.5 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 22/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 33 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 15/02/2007 TAILOR 1 1.06 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.06 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuross 24/01/2009 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.12 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 8/07/2010 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.39 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.76 Jake Mackenzie Canberra Fishermans Club Jerrabomberra Pond 2/08/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.22 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 10/02/2007

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Junior Gamefishing Division (cont.) TUNA - MACKEREL 2 2.32 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Jibbon 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.5 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.04 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Banks 18/02/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3 James Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 3/03/2007 TUNA - STRIPED 15 10.2 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Shelf Off Banks 25/04/2011 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 10.885 Alissa Heise Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 27/12/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 23.3 Laine Bathis South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 31/10/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 52.5 Alissa Heise Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 10/06/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 37 27 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons (B Bay) 17/11/2007

Sub-Junior Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 10 10 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club S Canyons 25/06/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.53 Angelique Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.35 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bass Point Shell Harbour 7/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.5 Rhiannon Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Burley Griffen 24/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.5 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Ginninderra 17/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.9 Morgan Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.6 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 28/02/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.73 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 MULLOWAY 2 4.14 Gabriel Chilas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 25/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.68 Alexander Halim South Sydney AFA Narooma 6/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.1 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea 28/04/2007 SHARK - MAKO 15 87 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Browns Mountain (Syd) 6/08/2011 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 6 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 46.4 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Sir Joseph Banks reef 17/04/2013 TAILOR 1 0.98 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 0.8 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.21 Angelique Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 1 0.99 Angelique Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 1.06 Angelique Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Botany Heads 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.08 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 6.44 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 28/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 5.17 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.08 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.6 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla Wide 23/01/2011 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 26 Douglas White Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Southern Canyons 17/07/2011 Handline Division BONITO - WATSON'S 3 1.2 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 7.62 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Tuggeranong 11/07/2005 CATFISH - FORKTAIL 4 3.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/12/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 3 5.1 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 12/03/2005 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 4.4 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2005 GROPER - BLUE/RED 3 6.69 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 24/06/2012

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Handline Division (cont.) KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 6.1 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 1/05/2005 MULLOWAY 3 5.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 3/05/2006 MULLOWAY 4 8.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 17/05/2006 MULLOWAY 6 12.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2007 MULLOWAY 8 17.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River SW Rocks 2/05/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3 Grant Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Lake Windamere 2/01/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.12 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 23/01/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 5.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 5.59 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 11/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.8 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 14/04/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.2 Sam Sanfilippo St George Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 3/06/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 4.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2007

Junior Handline Division MULLOWAY 3 4.21 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 Landbased Gamefishing Division BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 0.8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/11/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.25 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama 12/12/2012 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.7 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 3/04/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.72 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 2/03/2013 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 10.18 Timothy Sackett South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 22/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 9.4 John Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 12/02/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 11.78 Mark Secombe South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 11/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 9 Mark Secombe South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 11/07/2010 COBIA 8 29.5 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 31/03/2007 COBIA 10 24.8 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club Forster 12/04/2013 COBIA 15 23.5 Tomasz Szyszkowski South Sydney AFA Seal Rocks 1/03/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 1.82 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 20/02/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.85 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 13/06/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 5.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 21/03/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 15 18.9 Tomasz Szyszkowski South Sydney AFA Forster 25/03/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 24 22 Chris Billing St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 24/07/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 24 151 Adam Dia Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 24/01/2012 MULLOWAY 1 1.886 Neil Wilson St George Sportfishing Club Georges River, East Hills 4/10/2011 MULLOWAY 2 4.52 Ashley Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club Diamond Beach 19/03/2012 MULLOWAY 4 4 Phillip Macdonald St George Sportfishing Club Stockton Beach 26/12/2008 MULLOWAY 10 17.35 Michael Foukkare Australian Land Based Anglers Cronulla 22/02/2012 MULLOWAY 15 30.5 Clint Hitchcock Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thirroul 8/08/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 21/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.65 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 19/05/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.5 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 24/08/2004

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2013 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Landbased Gamefishing Division (cont.) SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 15 22 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 10/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.68 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 17/01/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 5.1 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 27/12/2004 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 4.5 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 15/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 6 10.9 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Cronulla 12/11/2008 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 21.97 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 9/05/2012 SNAPPER 1 1.06 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15/02/2013 SNAPPER 2 2.22 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 2/03/2013 TAILOR 1 2.99 Bob Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 1/05/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 0.807 Bob Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 30/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.13 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 20/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 1 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 28/05/2010 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.6 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Lithgow 7/06/2013 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.5 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club Murrumbidgee River 23/10/2005 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.5 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 4/07/2004 TROUT - RAINBOW 2 2.7 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Lithgow 7/06/2013 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 20/01/2006 TUNA - MACKEREL 1 1.35 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 25/04/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7.73 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 11/05/2012 TUNA - MACKEREL 10 8.16 Kurt Edwards Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 17/04/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 15 8.53 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 7/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 14.5 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club 19/03/2008 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 16.6 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 29/03/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 28.8 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 4/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 20.713 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 10/05/2012 Junior Landbased Gamefishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.14 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 13.06 Will Meyer South Sydney AFA Centennial Park, Sydney 22/01/2013 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 9.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River Camden 18/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 7.2 Jarrod Steiner South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 25/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 6.23 Amanda Siarakas South Sydney AFA Centennial Park 27/06/2010 LUDERICK 1 0.89 Jeremy Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 12/05/2013 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.44 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.04 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuross 26/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.35 Rebecca Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 27/12/2004 TAILOR 1 3.5 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 27/05/2006 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.35 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Jindabyne 18/09/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 0.95 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 15 6.7 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 21/05/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.54 Lee-Ann Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 23/08/2006 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.4 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Ginninderra 29/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.26 Alexander Halim South Sydney AFA Narooma 6/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.22 Nellie Joseph South Sydney AFA Tamarama Beach 2/04/2011 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.155 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jounama Pondage 16/10/2010

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ANSA NSW Records - All Tackle Division as at 30/06/2013

Mass Angler Club Location Date ALBACORE 21.95 Mick Roberts Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club Bermagui Wide 14/05/2008 BARRACOUTA 1.00 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Barrack Pt 19/06/2011 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2.45 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Lake Lyell 18/05/2013 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6.60 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S LEAPING 1.20 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - BLACK 1.80 Thomas Johnston Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 2/03/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1.92 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Batemans Bay 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 18.00 Mark York NSW Coarse Angling Club 30/08/2008 CATFISH - FORKTAIL 3.50 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/12/2006 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 3.64 Andrew McGovern Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 28/10/2008 COBIA 29.50 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 31/03/2007 COD - MURRAY 18.60 Lance Harvey Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windamere 8/04/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 25.50 Chris Anagnostou South Sydney AFA Port Macquarie 25/01/2010 DRUMMER - SILVER 2.90 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Catherine Hill Bay 12/10/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 7.10 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 1/01/2008 FLOUNDER 0.50 Angelique Paparoulas South Sydney AFA Botany Bay 31/03/2007 GROPER - BLUE/RED 13.64 Matt Manson South Sydney AFA South Maroubra 20/05/2006 GURNARD 2.05 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 HAIRTAIL 3.60 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 30.20 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 30/10/2010 LEATHERJACKET - SIX 1.28 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005 LUDERICK 1.29 Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 MACKEREL - NARROW 23.00 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 8.50 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 MARLIN - BLACK 171.00 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 17/03/2011 MARLIN - BLUE 254.20 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 7/04/2007 MARLIN - STRIPED 153.00 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 14/05/2005 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2.48 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 MORWONG - RED 1.45 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 5/02/2005 MULLET - SEA 2.50 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/03/2006 MULLOWAY 30.50 Clint Hitchcock Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thirroul 8/08/2010 PERCH - ESTUARY 1.35 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 PERCH - GOLDEN 6.46 Lachlan Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 11/11/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 2.27 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 2.89 Andrew McGovern Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 28/10/2008

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ANSA NSW Records - All Tackle Division as at 30/06/2013

Mass Angler Club Location Date RAY - BANKS SHOVELNOSE 1.48 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/02/2005 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 37.00 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - COMMON 4.33 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Wagonga Inlet 10/11/2007 RAY - EAGLE 34.00 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 28/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 7.21 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smile Beach 2/05/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 4.29 Ivan Mitchell South Sydney AFA North Little Bay 10/08/2005 SAMSON FISH 2.15 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 SHARK - GUMMY 12.10 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/01/2007 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 34.00 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club St Georges Head 14/04/2013 SHARK - MAKO 194.00 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Shelf of Botany Bay 28/03/2009 SHARK - TIGER 490.00 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Shelf 24/03/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 110.00 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 7.10 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 26/07/2008 SPEARFISH - SHORTBILL 26.50 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Kink Jervis Bay 22/02/2010 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 86.50 John Rankin Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Merimbula - Wide 9/06/2012 TAILOR 6.90 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 12/08/2009 TARWHINE 1.07 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Little Bay 26/03/2010 TERAGLIN 1.80 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 16/04/2009 TREVALLY - GIANT 3.60 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 27/07/2008 TREVALLY - SILVER 3.70 Travis Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 13/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1.71 Karen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 19/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 3.65 Peter Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 29/05/2006 TROUT - RAINBOW 4.00 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 1/10/2005 TUNA - BIG EYE 79.00 Tony Davis South Sydney AFA Brown's Mountain 16/07/2007 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2.25 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 8.53 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 7/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN 28.80 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 4/05/2011 TUNA - SOUTHERN 117.50 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 14/06/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 10.40 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 20/08/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 70.20 Tony Morosin Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 22/05/2006 WAHOO 13.50 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 28/04/2013 WHITING - SAND 1.15 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Macquarie 4/04/2007 WRASSE - BLUE THROATED 1.20 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005 WRASSE - CRIMSON BANDED 1.00 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle Length-Only Records as 30/06/2013

Length Angler Club Location Date

Senior BASS - AUSTRALIAN 555 Jim Siarakas South Sydney AFA Nepean River 23-05-11 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 740 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 26-01-12 BREAM - BLACK 470 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 31-07-10 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 460 Robert Sciberras South Sydney AFA Sydney Harbour 14-06-10 CARP - EUROPEAN 920 Neil Kemp South Sydney AFA Centenniel Park 31-10-10 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 572 Andrew McGovern Canberra Fisherman's Club Windamere Dam 28-10-08 COD - MURRAY 900 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club Windamere Dam 21-01-11 DART - ALL OTHER 450 Scott Maclean South Sydney AFA Norman Creek 15-06-12 DOLPHIN FISH 1120 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Trial Bay Canyons 06-01-10 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1020 Deborah Logan St George Sportfishing Club Harrington Wall 22-10-11 GROPER - BLUE/RED 900 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15-10-11 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1550 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 30-10-10 LONGTOM - STOUT 848 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George Basin 11-01-09 LUDERICK 480 Spyros Vassiliades Australian Land Based Anglers Avoca 24-05-12 MACKEREL - SLIMEY 425 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 11-03-12 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 1050 Bob McMahon St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 06-05-09 MORWONG - BLUE 460 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 13-12-09 MORWONG - RED 410 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 04-03-12 MOSES PERCH 370 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Hat Head 04-01-10 MULLET - SEA 505 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Sussex Inlet 02-05-11 MULLOWAY 1210 Neil Adams Sportfishing NSW Ballina 28-04-11 PERCH - ESTUARY 465 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 02-10-08 PERCH - GOLDEN 641 Grant Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Windamere Dam 11-09-10 PERCH - REDFIN 470 Wayne Dubois Sportfishing NSW 08-08-10 PERCH - SILVER 567 Hayden Capobianco Ocean Beach Hotel Fishing Club Windamere Dam 03-10-11 RAINBOW RUNNER 930 Spyros Vassiliades Australian Land Based Anglers Avoca 20-03-10 RAY - SHOVELNOSE 1020 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 02-05-10 RAY - EAGLE 1550 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 28-05-11 ROCK BLACKFISH 560 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Stanwell Park 23-10-11 SALMON - ATLANTIC 580 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 18-09-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 760 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamolla 11-04-11 SAMSON FISH 1080 David Muscat Australian Land Based Anglers Coffs Harbour 24-10-10 SHARK - GUMMY 1120 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Stanwell Park 12-11-11 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 1760 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 07-12-10 SHARK - MAKO 2210 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Browns Mountain 25-07-10 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1115 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 11-05-11 SNAPPER 830 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 26-07-08 TAILOR 765 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George Basin 19-12-10 TARWHINE 395 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Little Bay 27-03-10 TREVALLY - SILVER 530 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 01-01-11 TRIPLE TAIL 483 Lloyd Anderson St George Sportfishing Club Manning River 19-03-10

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle Length-Only Records as 30/06/2013

Length Angler Club Location Date

Senior (cont.) TROUT - BROOK 460 Peter Hewitt St George Sportfishing Club East Jindabyne 27-05-12 TROUT - BROWN 730 Rob Barrett Australian Land Based Anglers Eucumbene River 18-05-12 TROUT - RAINBOW 588 Wayne Dubois Sportfishing NSW Goobaganora River 02-06-12 TUNA - FRIGATE MACK 475 Steve Golub Australian Land Based Anglers Bass Point 09-03-11

Junior BASS - AUSTRALIAN 510 Nathan Siarakas South Sydney AFA Sydney 11-09-10 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 580 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 21-05-11 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 400 Ryan Golub Australian Land Based Anglers Bass Point 26-09-10 DOLPHIN FISH 1240 Kayden Dhyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 04-01-11 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 870 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Lake Conjola 19-12-10 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 900 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 03-04-12 MULLET - GOLDSPOT 400 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 25-01-10 MULLET - SEA 470 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Macleay River 27-02-11 PERCH - GOLDEN 550 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fisherman's Club Windamere Dam 27-11-10 PERCH - SILVER 620 Jackson Taylor Campbelltown City Sportfishing Club Windamere Dam 30-10-10 RAY - FIDDLER 1070 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 06-02-10 SAILFISH 1970 Kayden Dhyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 03-01-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 718 Mitchell Mcgovern Canberra Fisherman's Club Brou Beach 20-07-11 SHARK - GUMMY 1210 Hayden Ayres St George Sportfishing Club South Durras 08-04-10 SNAPPER 780 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 04-03-11 TAILOR 600 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George Basin 28-12-10 TROUT - RAINBOW 310 Hamish Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyell 01-05-10 TUNA - MACKEREL 870 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 22-05-11 TUNA - STRIPED 615 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 18-04-10 WHITING - SAND 365 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 28-05-11

Sub-Junior BASS - AUSTRALIAN 445 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Minamurra River 30-10-11 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 455 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Broken Bay 02-01-11 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 480 Finn Grant Sportfishing NSW Castlereagh 23-10-11 DOLPHIN FISH 1100 Douglas White Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Wide 05-01-11 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 940 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 29-03-09 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 710 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Botany Bay 27-03-10 PERCH - GOLDEN 550 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Windamere Dam 28-12-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 673 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Kiama 13-11-11 TAILOR 510 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Botany Bay 03-04-11 TREVALLY - SILVER 400 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Swansea 18-01-12 TROUT - RAINBOW 390 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyell 03-07-11

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Masters Keeper’s Congratulations to all those who successfully received a Masters Award over the last fishing year 2011/12.

Masters were awarded in five categories over the last fishing year in Sportfishing, Lurefishing, Gamefishing, Tagging and Freshwater Impoundments.

In total there were ten Masters awarded which is a little down from last year but still a good result. The Canberra Club members achieved three masters, South Sydney, St George and Newcastle achieved two masters and Wollongong achieved one.

Specific details are as following:

Sportfishing Belinda Rayment – St George Sportfishing Club

All Tackle Length Phil Worsely - St George Sportfishing Club

Length Based Species Ken Martin – Sea Bees Boating Club

With my relocation to the South Coast (Tuross Heads) I intend passing the baton next year. Rob Sinclair from the Sea Bees has been on the State committee this year and hopefully Rob will take over the Masters role.

Thank you to all who have assisted me over the many years while performing this role.

There appears to be only a couple of clubs who chase their masters awards so if this ANSA achievement is to continue clubs need to encourage their members to record their achievements and submit the appropriate forms as I am sure there are numerous members out there who actually catch master fish but don’t submit the paper work.

Good and safe fishing to you all I hope you all have a great Presentation 2013 Night.


M. Castle

Max Castle ANSA NSW Masters Keeper

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Angel Ring Coordinator’s Report I guess the easiest way to sum things up is to show you what work we have done over the past 12 months, just about on average I would say according to my records and that is about 25% of rings replaced, 2 new installations and 3 lives saved, just about average I would say…… three lives saved! 51 lives saved since we started in 1994, somehow I don’t think this is average, more like well above average for a group of fishos from ANSA NSW and hats off the guys who help me and the members of ANSA NSW that chip in. You will see the first ring replaced in the 2012/13 season involved Les Waldock coordinating a pick up from Moruya and then taking the ring down to Merimbula, a great effort and it’s the help we get from outside the Committee that makes our job a little easier.

Narooma SGFC Merimbula Wharf Replacement Ring Les Waldock Jul-12 Alex Bellissimo Dee Why Pool Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Jul-12 Alex Bellissimo Goat Track, Sth Dee Why Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Jul-12 Alex Bellissimo Curl Curl Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Sep-12 Alex Bellissimo Whale Beach Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Sep-12 Alex Bellissimo Whale Beach Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Sep-12 Shane Jasprizza CRFA Commonwealth Bridge Replacement Ring Shane Jasprizza Sep-12 South Sydney AFA Cape Banks, Jolong Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Oct-12 Wollongong SFC Windang Is Replacement Ring Gordon Jobson Dec-12 Wollongong SFC Nth Breakwall Lake Illawarra New Assembly Gordon Jobson Dec-12 Wollongong SFC Sth Breakwall Lale Illawarra New Assembly Gordon Jobson Dec-12 ANSA NSW Hill 60 Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Dec-12 ANSA NSW Tomaree Headland Replacement Ring Yanko Serifi Jan-13 South Sydney AFA Jolong Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jan-13 South Sydney AFA The Gutter Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jan-13 South Sydney AFA Little Greenie Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jan-13 Rescue 49 Hill 60 31st Jan 2013 South Sydney AFA Yellow Rock Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Feb-13 South Sydney AFA Little Greenie Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Feb-13 South Sydney AFA The Gutter Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Mar-13 Rescue 50 Red Rock 17th Mar South Sydney AFA Jullieanne Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Mar-13 Rescue 51 Merry Beach 24th Mar Tuross FC One Tree Hill Replacement Ring Max Castle Apr-13 ANSA Botany Bay NP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-13 ANSA Botany Bay NP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-13 Tuross FC Merry Beach Kiola Replacement Ring Max Castle May-13 ANSA NSW Wattamolla, RNP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jul-13 ANSA NSW Coalcliff Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jul-13 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jul-13 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jul-13 ANSA NSW Botany Bay NP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jun-13 ALBAA Marsdens Headland Replacement Ring James Furlong Jun-13

This year has been a good one for us I hope you all take the time to read the updates we prepare and send out, hopefully more funding is on the way that will also us to cover our expenses and put in a few more track able angel rings out on the rocks to make the monitoring a bit easier. I also would like to see the clubs with rings in their area get a little more active in keeping an eye on them, most of us drive past them in our boats and they easy to spot so in 2013/2014 I will be sending updated maps out and asking you guys to report any missing so we can stay on top of things.

Finally a big thanks to the masters apprentice who passed the mantle on a while ago to me and after 19 years of doing this job and being responsible ( along with Bill Harvey who started it all in 1994) for saving a huge number of lives tells me that 2013 might be the year he hangs his last Angel Ring.

We will see Gordon, I am sure you will always keep a lookout from the corner of your eye when heading out to sea to check if the ones on your patch of coastal rocks are still there.

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Gordon Jobson, 19 years and still going strong, thanks for your help buddy. You should be proud.

Stan Konstantaras Angel ring Coordinator.

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Special Projects Officer’s Report Our Fishing 4 Therapy Programme continues to run strongly and still receives allot of interest from many different groups, including some Government departments.

The fishing sessions are still run with the partnership of the Foundation maintaining our custom platform and allowing access to the new outdoor kitchen & entertaining space for bbq’s etc.

We are also looking at the possibility of having a second venue come on line for quarterly visits that will offer additional sessions for groups in the inner & outer western suburbs. All paper work for Insurances, OH & S and Management Strategies have been accepted with our first trial session looking to be held in early 2014. These will be run as a mirror image of our existing sessions and will be offered to those groups who help with Intellectual Disabilities.

Our grant funds are not through yet, but Stan has chased this up and we only have to submit some additional paper work and funds will be sent.

If there are any ANSA members who feel they can commit to regular visits to help with some of our sessions then your help would be greatly appreciated. Even once a month would be a huge help to the ongoing running of the sessions. If you can help or would like more info, please call or email Tony Steiner.

Thanks to the ANSA Committee for their ongoing support and help with this programme.

Tony Steiner Special Projects Officer ANSA NSW.

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Environmental Officer’s Report I was going to write about what I thought to be the most important concerns for NSW anglers in coming years. Things like global warming and the acidification of the ocean, which sound so important but so insurmountable at the same time. Then there is overfishing, fishing up the food chain, fishing down the food chain, pollution and so on.

It could really be a very long list but I have instead distilled it to this:

1. The NSW Marine Estate initiative

This is a recently announced initiative flowing from the outcomes of the independent audit into NSW marine parks. It is not yet understood exactly what form it will take but importantly it aims to consider the usage of the entire coast for various purposes and interests including fishing and conservation. It marks a move away from our current thinking of the ocean as ‘public commons’ to a more restricted or limited use. Fishing as we know it will be less and less of a right and more of a privilege for the good citizens of NSW, bestowed on us by the government of the day. It really is an extraordinary policy initiative and it needs to be treated with the utmost care as well as caution by anglers.

On quick review the issue of exclusion from or exclusivity of our public waters is not limited to the NSW Marine Estate but is rather symptomatic of a general reaction by governments to deal with conflicting community interests all over the country. A few recent examples include:  the acceleration of crown lands sell-off in NSW that may have an unintended consequence of privatizing established access to waterways;  Booderee National Park closed access to most of their ocean facing rock platforms for fishing due to safety concerns that are not substantially different from anywhere else on the coast;  the declaration of immense Commonwealth Marine Park sanctuary zones at the stroke of a minister’s pen which was simply too big a deal to have not been subject to parliamentary scrutiny;  the same minister also suggested in parliament the idea of ‘marine offset areas’ for supporting the approvals of strategic port infrastructure in Queensland (This essentially means private developers paying for the establishment of marine conservation zones in areas removed from the port developments to ‘offset’ their negative impacts to the local marine environment); and  Sydney Ferry jetties closed to fishing due to litter causing public nuisance;  Numerous infrastructure developments Botany Bay creating larger and larger exclusion zones and degradation of habitat.

With the exception of Aboriginal titles, which need to be handled delicately due to community sensitivity, all other impositions against our fishing freedoms are best opposed with strong attitudes, forthright arguments and confrontation. Whether it is critical infrastructure developments, implausible environmental concerns, public safety or public nuisance, most arguments against us can be defeated if they are unjustified.

An inspiring thought is that the modus operandi of the more outlandish conservation groups, to create hysteria and demonize any opposition, does not work on us as it does big commercial enterprises. We are private citizens and genuine community groups. We can be just as hysterical as they can. They cannot easily bully us without it coming back to bite them three-fold as we represent ordinary Australians.

I am inspired also because it is easy enough to pick apart their arguments. If you sit down and work through them one-by-one the conservation case against recreational fishing in NSW doesn’t add up at all. There are exceptions of course where we need to be responsible however in the majority of cases the impacts of recreational fishing are exaggerated, undocumented, unknown, non-existent or imagined. The PC lobby is all too often found desperately wanting and confused when asked to demonstrate their specific concerns in a formal setting. So long as we have the patience to hold them to task we will win each time.

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Brendan O’Neill who inspired me with these thoughts left me this line: “If they treat you like a heretic then act like a heretic.” This to me means not to be defeated by judgment without authority.

More inspiring still are similar sentiments on similar themes written by the great novelist Leo Tolstoy in the late 19th century against the PC lobby of his day: “And what has been established by public opinion can be destroyed by public opinion-and indeed, is being destroyed by public opinion.”

The recent amnesty on shore-based fishing in NSW marine parks is a very important development in the recognition of the NSW public’s expectations. If you don’t agree then consider that the issue brought about a change of government in New Zealand. Being able to fish from ocean rocks and beaches is after all common sense as the government put it. But this very issue will be the first to be considered in public consultations and policy deliberations of the new NSW Marine Estate board. This may therefore set the agenda for the remainder of the initiative. What will they advise the government to do with the coastal waters of NSW for our future? I can assure you that if we don’t fight for a say we won’t be heard. This is why I am a big supporter of ANSA NSW who goes to the trouble of representing anglers at the highest levels and why I got involved.

On the NSW Marine Estate it may be an opportunity to protect our rights indefinitely or alternatively to lose them forever. We need to be reasonably assured that we are not to be turning up to their scheduled meetings merely so that they can tick a community consultation box. We need to contest to the point that they require our consent to implement what they come up with.

And finally, for a lasting inspiration, this time from America’s original folk hero for liberty and the common man, Woody Guthrie.

From his song This land is your land: “There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me. The sign was painted, said private property. But on the other side, it didn’t say nothin! That side was made for you and me.”

C. Wilson

Craig Wilson Environmental Officer ANSA NSW

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Champion Club Trophy

YEAR CLUB 1972 St George Sportfishing Club 1973 Sydney Sportfishing Club 1974 Sydney Sportfishing Club 1975 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1976 Bankstown Bluewater Fishing Club 1977 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1978 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1979 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1980 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1981 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1982 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1983 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1984 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1985 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1986 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1987 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1988 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1989 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1990 TIE Wollongong Sportfishing Club / Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1991 Foster/Tuncurry Sportfishing Club 1992 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1993 St George Sportfishing Club 1994 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1995 Trial Bay Sportfishing Club 1996 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1997 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1998 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1999 Port Stephens Rod and Reel Club 2000 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2001 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2002 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2003 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2004 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2005 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2006 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2007 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2008 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2009 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2010 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2011 South Sydney Amateur Fishing Association 2012 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2013 Wollongong Sportfishing Club

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Tag and Release Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1979 Michael James Newcastle SFC 1980 Tim Simpson Barrenjoey SFC 1981 Stephen McMillan Bankstown BFC 1982 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1983 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1984 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1985 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1986 Jim Wray Coffs Harbour SFC 1987 Jim Wray Coffs Harbour SFC 1988 David Stone Newcastle SFC 1989 Steven Church Eden SGFC 1990 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1991 Andrew Lukaszewwicz Newcastle SFC 1992 TIE Scott MacLean South Sydney AFA 1992 TIE Bob Irvine Canberra FC 1993 Mark Williams Lake Macquarie SFC 1994 Michael James Newcastle SFC 1995 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1996 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1997 Peter Sitarz Newcastle SFC 1998 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1999 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2000 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2001 John Lazzaro Bermagui SFC 2002 Arthur Smith Newcastle SFC 2003 Arthur Smith Newcastle SFC 2004 Warren Sinclair Newcastle SFC 2005 Brian Schofield Eden S&GFC 2006 John Rankin Eden S&GFC 2007 Mario Imbriano Canberra FC 2008 Cassie Schofield Eden S&GFC 2009 Luke Dodd Wollongong SFC 2010 Silvestro Severi South Sydney AFA 2011 Chris Mcfayden Newcastle SFC 2012 TIE Chris Anagnostou South Sydney AFA 2012 TIE Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC 2013 Russell Emms Wollongong SFC

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Most Versatile Angler Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1981 Ian Campbell Wollongong SFC 1982 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1983 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1984 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1985 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1986 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1987 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1988 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1989 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1990 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1991 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1992 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1993 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1994 Cameron Jones Nowra SFC 1995 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1996 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1997 Phillip Worsley St George SFC 1998 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1999 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2000 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2001 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2002 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2003 Robert Barrett Nowra SFC 2004 Mark Rubie St George SFC 2005 Phil Turner St George SFC 2006 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2007 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2008 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2009 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2010 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2011 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2012 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2013 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC

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Roy Winter Memorial Trophy Excellence in Rock Fishing

The inception of the Roy Winter Memorial Trophy occurred during the mid 1970’s when Mr and Mrs Winter presented the Perpetual Trophy to ANSA in memory of their son Roy who passed away in his early 20’s before he could achieve his fishing goals.

The trophy is not awarded as a matter of course each year but rather only when, if in the Committee’s opinion, a significant capture has been made from the rocks during the competition year. Entries are not called for with the winners name usually obtained from examining all rock captures made from the 12 Month Competition.

YEAR ANGLER DESCRIPTION 1976 John Ashley 1977 David Mayne 1978 Ed Davis 29.5 kg Longtail Tuna on 10kg line 1979 Wayne Poole 26.0kg Yellofin Tuna on 6kg line 1980 Steven Goatcher 1981 Mark Wray 1982 Juha Sakkara 1983 Gavin Goodwin 1984 James Zsovar 2.3kg Rock Blackfish on 1kg line 1985 Not awarded 1986 Vic Caplikas 110.0kg Black Marlin on 10kg line 1987 Not awarded 1988 Not awarded 1989 Brett Harding 1990 Ian Beasley 17.3kg Mulloway on 8kg line 1991 Greg Medhurst 12.8kg Longtail Tuna on 4kg line 1992 Jim Siarakas 47.0kg Black Marlin on 8kg line 1993 Not awarded 1994 Barry Preston 6.0kg Broadbill on 8kg line 1995 Not awarded 1996 Not awarded 1997 Glen Beers 1998 Not awarded 1999 Not awarded 2000 Not awarded 2001 Barron Lippel 29.5kg Kingfish on 24kg line 2002 Dominic Casarotto 15.2kg Long Tail Tuna on 8kg line 2003 Mark Rubie 2.5kg Drummer on 1kg line 2004 Not awarded 2005 Not awarded 2006 Matt Manson 13kg Groper on 8kg line 2007 Shane Bourke 29.5kg Cobia on 8kg line 2008 Tomasz Szyszkowski 21.5kg Northern Bluefin Tuna on 10kg line and 23.5kg Northern Bluefin Tuna on 15kg line 2009 Not awarded 2010 Not awarded 2011 Damian Thorpe 28.0kg Northern Bluefin on 10kg line 2012 Adam Dia 151.0kg Marlin – Black on 24kg line 2013 Shane Bourke 24.8kg Cobia on 10kg line

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Most Meritorious Capture Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1973 Kevin Champion Nowra SFC 1974 Paul Kelton Sydney SFC 1975 Garry Spruce Newcastle SFC 1976 Mich Micallef St George SFC 1977 F Spruce Newcastle SFC 1978 Pat Henderson Narooma SFC 1979 Ed Davis Newcastle SFC 1980 Phil Aylet Orange Ex Serv FC 1981 Mark Nolan Canberra FC 1982 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1983 Ben McKinnirey Wollongong SFC 1984 David Shearing Orange Ex Serv FC 1985 Trevor Franklin Culburra FC 1986 Vic Caplikas Western District SFC 1987 David Rawlings St George SFC 1988 Samantha Anderson St George SFC 1989 Lloyd Anderson St George SFC 1990 Michael Wright Forster/Tuncurry SFC 1991 Guy Strange (Jnr) Byron Bay SGFC 1992 Barry Preston Nowra SFC 1993 Cameron Jones St George SFC 1994 TIE Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1994 TIE Glen Ward Barrenjoey SFC 1995 Phillip Dumpleton (Jnr) Nowra SFC 1996 Nicholas Pearce (Jnr) Culburra SFC 1997 Joshua Sweeny (Jnr) Lake Macquarie SFC 1998 Peter Webster Nowra SFC 1999 Scott Mitchell Wollongong SFC 2000 Paul Yatras Western Districts SFC 2001 Jay Maunder Forster/Tuncurry SFC 2002 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2003 Nancy Fitzpatrick Nowra SFC 2004 Nathan Siarakas (Jnr) South Sydney AFA 2005 David Busuttil Botany Bay SFC 2006 Arman Cokun Botany Bay SFC 2007 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA 2008 Mick Roberts Narooma S&GFC 2009 Russell Emms Wollongong SFC 2010 Mary Worsley St George SFC 2011 David Busuttil Botany Bay SFC 2012 TIE Laine Bathis South Sydney AFA 2012 TIE Aaron Anderson Wollongong SFC 2013 Barry Preston Nowra SFC

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