INDIGENOUS OF BEND OF ISLANDS. A selection from BICA Flora List 2015 suitable for any revegetation or planting project. This is not a definitive list but rather the more readily available plants. Friends of Warrandyte State Park & Edendale Farm are recommended local nurseries who can supply plants of local provenance.

DEFINITIONS:- Y Sector - Yarra Sector, all Bend of Islands south of the powerline easement C Sector - Co-op Sector, all Bend of Islands north of the powerline easement (roughly equivalent to the land comprising the Round the Bend Conservation Co-operative). Flower Season - S=Summer A=Autumn W=Winter Sp=Spring Aspect, Soil - preferred growing condition in regard to aspect, soil & drainage.

Height GROWTH Flower Flower BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Sector Width Aspect Soil HABIT Colour Season (metres) LARGE TREE Eucalyptus macrorhyncha Red Stringybark YC 12x10 cream S-A full/semi sun dry (>13 m) Eucalyptus melliodora Yellow box YC 10x8 white Sp-A full/semi sun dry/moist Eucalyptus ovata var. ovata Swamp Gum YC 12x8 white A-W full/semi sun swampy Eucalyptus rubida Candlebark YC 15x10 cream S full/semi sun dry Eucalyptus tricarpa subsp.tricarpa Red Ironbark YC 15x10 cream pink W-S full/semi sun dry

Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. viminalis Manna Gum 20x10 cream S-A full/semi sun moist YC

MEDIUM TREE Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle YC 8x6 yellow W-Sp full/semi sun moist (8-13 m) Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood YC 10x5 lemon W-Sp full/semi sun moist Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle YC 10x6 lemon Sp-S all aspects dry/moist Eucalyptus goniocalyx s.l. Bundy YC 8x6 white A-W full/semi sun dry Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. Red Box YC 7x4 white Sp-S full/semi sun dry vestita Narrow-leaf Eucalyptus radiata subsp. radiata YC 10x5 white Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Peppermint

SMALL TREE Acacia implexa Lightwood YC 5x4 pale yellow S-A full/semi sun dry/moist (5-8 metres) Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle YC 5x3 golden W-Sp full/semi sun dry Allocasuarina littoralis Black Sheok Y 6x3 red S full/semi sun dry marginata Silver Banksia Y 5x3 lemon Sp-S-A full/semi sun dry/moist

TALL SHRUB Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa Sweet Bursaria YC 3x2 cream S full/semi sun dry/moist 3-5 metres Cassinia aculeate Common Cassinia YC 3x1 cream S semi sun moist decurrens subsp. physocarpa Bushy Needlewood YC 3x2 white W-Sp full/semi sun dry Leptospermun continentale Prickly Tea-tree YC 3x2 white Sp-S full/semi sun swampy/wet Myrsine howittiana Mutton-wood Y 4x3 green W-S full/semi sun moist Olearia argophylla Musk Daisy-bush YC 3x3 white Sp full/semi shade moist Pomaderris aspera Hazel Pomaderris YC 3x2 yell/green Sp full/semi shade moist Prostanthera lasianthos var. Victorian Christmas- YC 4x3 white S all moist lasianthos bush

April 2015 page 1 Indigenous Plants of Bend of Islands from the BICA Flora List 2015 suitable for any re-vegetation or planting project

Height GROWTH Flower Flower BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Sector Width Aspect Soil HABIT Colour Season (metres) MEDIUM Acacia acinacea s.s. Gold-dust Wattle C 1.5x1.5 gold Sp full/semi sun dry SHRUB Acacia genistifolia Spreading Wattle YC 2x1 lemon A-Sp full/semi sun dry/moist (1-3 metres) Acacia paradoxa Hedge Wattle YC 2x2 gold W-Sp full/semi sun dry Acacia verticillata subsp. verticillata Prickly Moses Y 2x3 light yellow W-Sp semi sun moist/swampy Correa glabra var. glabra Rock correa YC 1.2x1.2 pale green Most all dry Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia YC 1x1.2 yellow Sp-S all moist/swampy Indigofera australis Austral Indigo YC 1x1.5 purple W-Sp all dry/moist myricoides River Lomatia Y 2x1 cream S part/full shade moist Olearia lirata Snowy Daisy-bush YC 1.5x1.2 white Sp full/semi sun moist Ozothamnus obcordatus Grey Everlasting YC 1.5x1 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun dry Pomaderris prunifolia var. prunifolia Plum-leaf Pomaderris YC 3x2 lemon sp all moist Spyridium parvifolium Dusty Miller YC 1.5x1.2 white sp full/semi shade dry/moist

SMALL SHRUB Acacia aculeatissima Thin-leaf Wattle YC 0.3x1 yellow W-Sp full/semi sun dry (up to 1 metre) Acacia brownii Heath Wattle C 0.5x1 gold W-Sp part sun dry Acacia ulicifolia Juniper Wattle Y 1x1 cream A-Sp part sun moist Dillwynia cinerascens s.s Grey Parrot-pea YC 1x1 yellow/or Sp semi sun dry Dillwynia phylicoides Small-leaf Parrot-pea YC 1x1 yellow/red Sp semi sun dry Epacris impressa var. impressa Common Heath YC 0.5x0.3 white/pink A-Sp semi sun dry/moist rosmarinifolia s.l. Rosemary Grevillea Y 1x1 cream/pin W-Sp full/semi sun dry/moist Hibbertia porcata Stalked Guinea flower C 0.3x0.6 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Hovea heterophylla Common Hovea YC 0.3x0.3 mauve Sp full/semi shade dry/moist Olearia myrsinoides Silky Daisy Bush YC 1x1 white/yello Sp-S full/semi sun dry /moist Pultenaea gunnii subsp. gunnii Golden Bush-pea YC 0.7x1 yellow Sp full/semi sun dry/moist

HERBS Ajuga australis Austral Bugle YC 0.3x0.3 purple S all dry Brachscome diversifolia var. Tall Daisy Y 0.3x0.3 white Sp-S sun/part sun dry diversifolia Chrysocephalum apiculatum s.s Common Everlasting Y 0.3x1 yellow Sp full sun dry/moist Chrysocephalum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting YC 0.5x0.5 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Coronidium scorpioides s.s. Button Everlasting YC 0.3x0.3 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Craspedia variabilis Variable Billy -Buttons YC 0.3x0.5 yellow Sp full/semi sun moist/swampy Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. Scaly Buttons YC 0.2x0.4 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun moist Squamatus Leptorhynchos tenuifolius Wiry buttons YC 0.2x0.3 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun moist/dry Leucochrysum albicans ssp. albicans Hoary Sunray YC 0.3x0.3 yellow Sp-A full/semi sun dry var albicans Stylidium armeria subsp. armeria Common Triggerplant YC 0.2x.02 deep pink Sp full/semi sun moist Wahlenbergia stricta subsp.stricta Tall Bluebell YC 0.5x0.3 light blue Sp-S full/semi sun dry

April 15 Page 2 Indigenous Plants of Bend of Islands from the BICA Flora List 2015 suitable for any re-vegetation or planting project

Height GROWTH Flower Flower BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Sector Width Aspect Soil HABIT Colour Season (metres) GROUND Acaena novae-zelandiae Bidgee widgee YC X1 green Sp-S all moist COVER Dichondra repens Kidney-weed YC prostrat green Sp full/semi shade moist Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Nodding Saltbush Y 0.3x1.2 green S full/semi sun dry Kennedia prostrata Running Postman YC light scarlet A-S full/semi sun dry Lobelia pedunculata s.l. Matted Pratia Y X2 blue/white S full sun moist/wet Veronica plebeia Trailing Speedwell YC X2 violet Sp-S all moist Viola hederaceae sensu. Entwisle Ivy-leaf Violet YC 0.1x1 white/violet Sp-S-A all swampy/wet (1996)

CLIMBER/ yellow Billardiera mutabilis Common Apple-berry YC light all all dry/moist CREEPER green Clematis aristata Mountain Clematis YC vigorous cream W-S all dry/moist Clematis decipiens Slender Clematis YC medium cream W-Sp full/semi sun dry/moist blue Glycine clandestine Twining Glycine YC light Sp-S full/semi shade moist mauve Hardenbergia violacea Purple Coral-pea YC medium purple W-Sp full/semi sun dry Pandorea pandorana Wonga Vine YC vigorous cream Sp full/semi sun moist

LILIES Arthropodium strictum s.s Chocolate Lily YC 0.5x0.3 violet Sp full/semi sun dry Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily YC 0.2x0.2 yellow Sp-S full/semi sun moist Caesia parviflora var. parviflora Pale Grass Lily Y Dianella admixta Black-anther Flax-lily YC 0.5x1 blue Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Dianella laevis Smooth flax lily YC 0.5x0.5 pale blue Sp-S full/semi sun moist Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax-lily YC 1x1 blue Sp-S full/semi sun moist Thysanotus tuberosus Common Fringe-lily Y 0.2x0.2 mauve S full/semi sun dry

Long-hair Plume- GRASSES Dichelachne crinita YC Sp-S full/semi sun dry grass Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides Weeping Grass YC 0.3x0.6 full/semi sun moist Common Tussock- Poa labillardieri var. labillardieri YC 0.5x1 green/purp Sp-S full/part sun moist grass Poa sieberiana var. sieberiana Grey Tussock -grass YC 0.3x0.3 Sp-S full/part sun moist Copper-awned Rytidosperma fulvum YC Wallaby-grass Rytidosperma geniculatum Kneed Wallaby-grass YC 0.15x0.2 pale Sp-S Silvertop Wallaby- Rytidosperma pallidum YC 0.3x0.4 straw Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist grass

April 15 Page 3 Indigenous Plants of Bend of Islands from the BICA Flora List 2015 suitable for any re-vegetation or planting project

Height GROWTH Flower Flower BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Sector Width Aspect Soil HABIT Colour Season (metres) GRASSES Rytidosperma racemosum var. Slender Wallaby- Most YC 0.2x0.2 green full/semi sun dry/moist (cont…..) racemosum grass year Rytidosperma setaceum Bristly Wallaby-grass YC 0.3x0.4 green/purp Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist var.setaceum Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass YC 0.4x0.75 brown Sp-S full/semi sun dry/moist Xanthorrhoea minor subsp. lutea Small Grass-tree YC 0.6x1 yellow SpS full/semi sun dry/moist

RUSHES Carex appressa Tall Sedge YC 1x1 brown Sp-S full sun swampy/wet SEDGES Carex breviculmis Short-stem Sedge YC 0.15x0.1 Sp-S full/semi sun moist/swampy Carex fascicularis Tassel Sedge YC 0.5x0.5 Sp-A semi sun swampy/wet Lomandra filiformis ssp. filiformis Wattle Mat-rush YC 0.3x0.3 yellow Sp full/semi sun moist Lomandra longifolia subsp. longifolia Spiny-headed Mat- Most YC 1x1 cream all dry/moist rush year

FERNS Blechnum minus Soft Water-Fern YC 0.5x0.5 full/semi sun swampy /wet Blechnum nudum Fishbone Water-fern YC 0.5x0.5 full/semi shade moist /swampy Polystichum proliferum Mother Shield-fern YC 1x1 full/semi shade moist Pteris tremula Tender Brake YC full/semi shade moist

AQUATIC Alisma plantago-aquatica Water Plantain YC 0.5x0.5 pale pink S full/semi sun moist/wet SEMI AQUATIC Eleocharis acuta Common Spike- YC 0.3 dark brown Sp-A full sun wet/aquatic HERB sedge Myriophyllum crispatum Upright Water-milfoil YC 0.3 cream/brown Sp-A full/semi sun wet/aquatic Triglochin striata Streaked Arrowgrass Y C X0.1 green yellow Sp-A full/semi sun wet

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