Effect of Change of climate and habitat on of Aim Effect of climate change and development of Mumbai from 1970 till present time is studied with respect to owls. There is a drastic change in the number of , population and the behaviour of Owls. Method • The study period is divided in 4 sections: I. 1970 to 1980 II. 1981 to 1990 III. 1991 to 2010 IV. 2011 to 2019 • The study seasons are: I. Winter (Dec - Feb) II. Summer (Mar - May) III. Rainy (June - Aug) IV. Autumn (Sept - Nov) Study areas of Mumbai

I. Airport colony ( East) II. IIT and III. Sanjay Gandhi national park and Aarey colony . ( to forest, Borivali to Yewoor village , complex and creek Ghodbandar road Thane).Due to strict restrictions and lengthy permission procedures avoided visiting core area of forest since2011. IV. Vikroli-Bhandup- mangrove forest V. M a l b a r h i l l VI. Vacated mill area of Mumbai from 1981 to 1990.Redevelopment of vacant plot of mills started in 1991 for building of Malls and buildings/Towers. VII. campus, Kalina, Santracruz- East. Study timings Morning till afternoon At night to observe the activities of Owls once the owls are spotted. Results 1970-1980

Major developments in Mumbai: Building of Western and , flyovers, developments in . Construction of Film city in 1977 laid destruction of especially palm trees in this area which was the place for nesting of White backed Bengal Vultures and many species of owls. Effects: Barn which was common is rare in this period. and jungle owlet were diminishing. Rare species like Eurasian eagle owl, Indian eagle owl, Indian scoups owl and Mottled wood owl almost got vanished. Mottled wood owl which was previously commonly seen in Malabar hills were also rarely seen. One eagle owl was always seen on a tree of BNHS headquarters near the museum. 1981-1990

• Major developments in Mumbai : Because of the major textile strike in Mumbai in 1982,most of the mills were shut down. This led to increase in vacant mill lands in many part of Mumbai. • Effects: This land became a roosting place for many species of owls like Spotted owlet, Jungle owlet, Barn owl, Indian scoups owl ,Mottled wood owl and Indian eagle owl. Surprisingly during Winter, winter migrant species of owls were spotted on this land like Brown hawk owl, Spot-bellied eagle owl, Tawny owl and buffy , {Spectacle owl ? } which were very rare to see even in SGNP. 1991-2010

• Major developments in Mumbai: Many redevelopment and new projects started in Navi Mumbai and Mumbai for e.g..: near and many marsh lands and water bodies were destroyed which were major sights for many species of including owl. Building of malls and buildings in vacant mill areas.

• Effects: This led to destruction of greenery and nature which affected roosting and nesting sights of owls. There is no scope for owls to build nests in New buildings. They started roosting on the empty areas of the malls like unused air-conditions which is very unnatural. Sudden discovery of forest owlet was done after 80 years which was considered extinct by American scientist Pamela C. Rasmussen near Mumbai in the foothills of Satpuda range in November 1997. In 1999 a single forest owlet spotted in Swanandyog Pvt. Forest land in near Mumbai by me. 2011 – 2019

• Major developments in Mumbai: Starting of Monorail and metro rail projects Making of many flyovers, Expressways Redevelopment projects in full swing in Mumbai

• Effects: This led to further cutting of trees and reduction of greenery. This also created less roosting areas for the owls. Hence some of them migrated elsewhere and some changed their habits. They started depending on readymade food available near restaurants, malls and slaughtering areas near butcher shops. They reduced their natural way of catching preys. In 2014, Mr. Sunil Lad, a scientist from BNHS discovered Forest Owlet in Tansa Wildlife near Mumbai. I spotted again a pair of Forest Owlets in Swanandyog Pvt. Forest land in Badlapur near Mumbai in August 2018.Possibility of roosting/nesting site in this area, to be surveyed. Conclusion

1. Though there were so many development projects occurred in Mumbai since 1970 there is no change in no. of species of owls of Mumbai. Though sighting of owls is reduced since numbers are dwindling. 2. New discovery of forest owlet near Mumbai in 1997 which was thought to be extinct for more than 80 years. 3. Reduction of forest and greenery in Mumbai led to changing habits of owls. Owls in certain areas depend more on readily available thrown food from Restaurants, Malls and butcher shops rather than their natural way of catching preys. 4. Climate change during these years made some of new species which migrate to Mumbai in Winter. 5. Owls also made their roosting and nesting sights inside the buildings and malls especially in unused AC compartments, ducts and available corners of the building which is not natural. • Seasons :

Winter :-December to February Summer :- March to May Rainy:- June to August Autumn:- September to November

• Area covered (Mumbai): Airport Colony (Vile Parle-East), Sanjay Gandhi National Park:- From Creek to Thane, Borivali to Goregaon, Bhandup Complex, Borivali National Park and , Aarey Colony, University Complex-Kalina, Vihar and Powai complex including IIT, BNHS H.O. Museum area, Malabar and Mazgaon Hill, Rani Baug. 1970 To 1980

• Species of owls: Common:- Barn owl, Spotted owlet, Jungle Owlet Less Common:- Indian Eagle Owl, Dusky Eagle Owl Rare:- Mottled Wood Owl In winter(Very rare):- Spot bellied Eagle Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Brown and Buffy Fish owls. • Remarks: In 1977 due to starting of Film City in forested area near Aarey Colony on goregaon side, hundreds of trees were cut including big Palm trees which was roosting and nesting site Baya weaver birds, White backed Bengal Vultures, king Vultures and many species of owls making these birds to become extinct or shifting to other areas.

1981 to 1990

• Species of owls: Common:- Barn owl, Spotted owlet, Jungle Owlet Less Common:- Indian Eagle Owl, Dusky Eagle Owl Rare:- Mottled Wood Owl In winter(Very rare):- Spot bellied Eagle Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Brown and Buffy Fish owls. • Remarks: Due to major Mill strike in Mumbai in 1982, many mills were permanently closed. The open spaces with beautiful trees became roosting and nesting places of owls. Therefore Mills areas of Lower and Elphiston Road(Now called ) also included for owl observation. 1991 to 2000

• Species of owls: Common:- Barn owl, Spotted owlet, Jungle Owlet Less Common:- Indian Eagle Owl, Dusky Eagle Owl Rare:- Mottled Wood Owl In winter(Very rare):- Spot bellied Eagle Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl and . • Remarks: During this period, no sighting of . Owl sightings becoming rare due to fast development of buildings in New Mumbai as well as large no. of redevelopments projects and development in green areas including near marshes, catchment areas destroying greenery and large no. of big trees which were roosting and nesting of many species of birds including owls .E.g. Catchment area near Powai lake. Also destruction of forest area of Sanjay Gandhi National Park at Yewoor area of Thane for building of bungalows, resorts, hotels and also Golf court. • Good development: Rediscovery of Forest owlet which was first reported in 1873,not seen after 1884. Therefore thought to be extinct, rediscovered by American ornithologist Pamela S.Rasmussen in November 1997 in Satpura hill range north east of Mumbai. 2001 to 2010

• Species of owls: Common:- Barn owl, Spotted owlet, Jungle Owlet Less Common:- Indian Eagle Owl, Dusky Eagle Owl Rare:- Mottled Wood Owl In winter(Very rare):- Spot bellied Eagle Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Brown and Buffy Fish owls. • Remarks: Owl sightings becoming rare due to fast development of buildings in New Mumbai up to Panvel as well as large no. of redevelopments projects and development in Mumbai City. Building of big Malls, Infrastructure development like bridges, Mono and Metro railway construction started. Also climate change especially in Mumbai city with increase in Summer and rainy season(Including serious flooding in year 2006 in Mumbai City) affecting environment cycle made most of the species of birds including owls to concentrate in green patches of Mumbai city. This made sighting of owls increase only in green areas of Mumbai city during this period. Again sighting of Buffy fish owl in winter, though very rare. Avoided visiting Mills areas due to development projects of buildings and Malls. Also stopped visiting core area of Sanjay Gandhi National Park that is from Kanheri caves to Film City and other side up to Thane including forested areas of Tulsi and Vihar Lake due to strict restrictions by forest dept. and tedious long time consuming procedures of taking permission to enter core area of forest for study. So no Idea of owl species in these areas. Only film city area up to BNHS Education Centre and BMC Bhandup Complex area covered .

2011 to present time

• Species of owls: Common:- Barn owl, Spotted owlet, Jungle Owlet Less Common:- Indian Eagle Owl, Dusky Eagle Owl Rare:- Mottled Wood Owl In winter(Very rare):- Spot bellied Eagle Owl , Eurasian Eagle Owl, Brown and Buffy Fish owls, Sectacled owl(?). • Remarks: Owl sightings becoming rare due to fast development of buildings in New Mumbai upto Panvel as well as large no. of redevelopments projects and development in Mumbai City. Building of big Malls, Infrastructure development like bridges, Mono and Metro railway construction started. Also climate change especially in Mumbai city with increase in Summer and rainy season affecting environment cycle made most of the species of birds including owls to concentrate in green patches of Mumbai city. This made sighting of owls increase only in green areas of Mumbai city during this period. Again sighting of Buffy fish owl in winter, though very rare. Avoided visiting Mills areas due to development projects of buildings and Malls. Also stopped visiting core area of Sanjay Gandhi National Park that is from Kanheri caves to Film City and other side up to Thane including forested areas of Tulsi and Vihar Lake due to strict restrictions by forest dept. and tidious long time consuming procedures of taking permission to enter core area of forest for study. So no Idea of owl species in these areas. Only film city area up to BNHS Education Centre and BMC Bhandup Complex area covered . • Good development: Discovery of Forest Owlet in new areas near Mumbai (1) Mr. Sunil Lad, naturalist with BNHS discovered Forest Owlet in Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary near Mumbai and photographed in November 2014. (2) I observed single Forest owlet in forested area of Swanandyog (Badlapur) near Mumbai in December 2017 and again a pair in December 2018. Spectacled Owl(?):- A pair of them seen in December 2018 sitting on a branch of tree in Swanandyog, but they immediately flew off. They were brownish black in color on top up to neck with light yellowish white under parts with clear white spectacle like marking near eyes and white marking in black area on front side throat near mouth. To be confirmed which exact of spectacled owl. They may be passage migrant. First time seen this species of owl.


• Change in behavior of Mumbai owls: Due to reduced natural sights for nesting, owls in Mumbai sometimes are found nesting inside Malls, inside non working Air conditions and stored non used pipes. They sometimes are found using Plastic threads, wires to build their nests. I had observed owls making their natural kills at night on streets and greenery patches of Mumbai like , Mice, etc. and also killing birds, lifting eggs from nests of birds including I had observed Indian Eagle Owl killing Black napped hare once in Sanjay Gandhi National Park forest. Since approx. 2001 onwards, few owls residing near malls, restaurants and butcher shops changed their behavior of natural killing to readymade leftover food available from these establishments. This is serious matter and message may be passed to next generation. Due to climatic change globally, affected migratory species of owls coming to Mumbai. There is a variation in Migratory Owl species coming to Mumbai with respect to variety of species, no. of species and reduction in no. of owls of local as well as migratory species. Sometimes new species of owls E.g. Spectacled owl ? suddenly seen in Mumbai which was never reported and Buffy fish owl though rare suddenly disappears for some years and again seen after a gap. Rediscovery of Forest Owlet in near Mumbai in November 1997 by American ornithologist Pamela S. Rasmussen which was thought to be extinct in 1884. Photographed by Mr. Sunil Lad, Naturalist with BNHS in 2014 at Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary and again seen by me at Swanandyog, Badlapur near Mumbai in December 2017 and December 2018. FUTURE SCOPE OF STUDIES

• To study effect of pesticides and insecticides used to kill , House , Cockroaches etc. on Owls. • To study trafficking and poaching of owls, since Mumbai is a major city for illegal trafficking of wild life. • To crate awareness among General Public, School and College students and corporate groups about importance of owl in environment cycle and involve them in conservation of owls. Presentation by

• DR.MAHESH N.SANZGIRI • M.Sc. , Ph.D.(Organic Chemistry),D.S.M.(Systems Management),D.M.M.(MARKETING MANAGEMENT) • Managing Director- Dynamic Management Services and Nilkanth Wildlife Safaris, • Mumbai, , . • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.nilkanthwildlifesafaris.com • Landline No.: +912226195323 • Mobile No.: +919892157914