Page | 1 ,Green, Green Little Priors Molehill Canfield,

tlcchurches TakeleyBambers Green, Street, TakeleyPark GRAPEVINE The Monthly Magazine for

Church and Community

Parish of Takeley Canfield Little with Takeley of Parish

Photo: Ken McDonald, Hundred Parishes Society Courtesy National Trust Church of England | Diocese of Chelmsford England of | Church February 2021 February 2021 Page | 2 GRAPEVINE

Published by: PCC of Takeley with (TLC Church) Grapevine is also available as a pdf file on our website: EDITOR: Barbara Mascetti 01279 871 606 12 Chestnut Way, Takeley, CM22 6RW Please submit articles for inclusion to: [email protected] Articles should be sent as a Word document, images JPEG, PNG, not PDF ADVERTISING: Please submit adverts for inclusion to Pat: [email protected] Adverts should be sent as a Word document or JPEG or PNG file, not PDF CIRCULATION: Published online 10 times a year The parish includes: Takeley, Priors Green, Little Canfield, Molehill Green, Takeley Street, Bambers Green & Takeley Park

The cover photo was taken by Ken McDonald of the Hundred Parishes Society, and shows War memorial, which incorporates a puddingstone. A what? Find out more about Puddingstones later in the magazine... February 2021 Page | 3

Our Services for February 2021 Zoom Sun 7th February 9:30am Service of the Rev Cilla Hawkes Word

11:00am Facebook Post Hugh Mascetti Zoom

Sun 14th February 9:30am Service of the Hugh Mascetti Word Facebook 11:00am Hugh Mascetti video post Rev Helen Flack Wed Ash Wednesday 7:30 PM and 17th February Service Hugh Mascetti Zoom Rev Helen Flack Sun 21st February 9:30am Common worship and Hugh Mascetti Holy Communion Facebook 11:00am video post Hugh Mascetti Zoom Sun 28th February 9:30am Service of the Jo Pratt Word Facebook 11:00am video post Hugh Mascetti

February 2021 Page | 4 CHURCH SERVICES

At the present time, the diocese has advised that churches should be closed again for public worship. When it is safe to reopen, we will be holding a said service at Holy Trinity Church at 9.30am each Sunday, alternating between Communion and a Service of the Word.

Until then we continue to join with Stansted Church for a Zoom ser- vice at 9.30am on Sunday mornings – you can find the direct link for that in our weekly email and on our website And we are also posting a video on our Facebook page tlcchurches at 11am each Sunday.

Currently these services are jointly led by Hugh Mascetti, our Li- censed Lay Minister, and Helen Flack, Curate at Stansted, but see the next few pages for some exciting information about the future.

Meanwhile, All Saints Church is open every day for private per- sonal prayer. Using both our buildings in this way means we avoid having to engage in a vast amount of cleaning, for which we neither have the effort (volunteers) nor the money (paid cleaner).

We have a weekly sheet of thoughts and prayers based on the main Sunday Bible reading – if you’d like to be added to the mailing list, please let us know by email at [email protected] or by phone 07766 444873.

PLEASE NOTE that this information may well change as Government guidance dictates and as the Church Council responds - the latest information will always be on our website: and our Facebook page: tlcchurches.

February 2021 Page | 5 Church - Social media Takeley with Little Canfield Church now has a Facebook page, so please look for us online. It would be good if you could “like” us too and even better, share what we are doing or invite other people to our events. If you have Facebook friends who are local it will enable them to find out what is going on. If you wish to advertise church events just email [email protected] and this can be organised. Please note though that we will only put pictures of children on the page if we have written permission from a parent or guardian.

From the Lay Minister

When things seem dark, light breaks through

Hugh Mascetti, Lay Minister for Holy Trinity Church, Takeley

It was a strange weekend. No church service and leaving party to say good- bye to Rob and Tina, no presentations, no card signed by friends, congregation and village. Just a seemingly endless series of Zoom meetings and business- like, socially distant one-to-one meetings, and then suddenly Rob and Tina were gone, the Rectory empty

February 2021 Page | 6 apart from a few shelves of stationery… and Takeley with Little Canfield is yet an- other parish in vacancy, just like Stansted. But we did have a wonderful Zoom ser- vice, which friends of Rob and Tina joined from all over the world - something that could not have happened with a normal, face-to-face service and party! That is something that has been happening a lot over the last year; when things seem difficult or dark, light breaks through, a new opportunity or possibility appears, per- haps something we would not have even thought of a year ago.

Vacancies can take a long time and normally we might have expected to wait a year or more before appointing a new priest. And that new priest, when he or she came, would certainly not just be replacing Rob. At the moment the Diocese cannot afford to appoint a priest to cover just Takeley and Little Canfield. It can’t afford to appoint one just for Stansted either. A new priest would have to cover us, Stansted, and Farnham. The process of finding such a person might take a year or more, as it has done for others - , for example.

But not this time! I have great pleasure in announcing, that the Rev. Colin Fair- weather has been appointed as our new priest. He will take charge of Takeley with Little Canfield, Stansted, Birchanger and Farnham. Colin was ordained as a priest in 2017. In earlier life he was an English teacher, working in North London. He served his curacy at St Paul’s in Braintree. He is very much looking forward to joining us. It might seem a big task for one priest, but Colin is going to have quite a lot of help; strong and supportive PCCs and the presence of two minis- ters already active in the area will make it less daunting than it might have been.

Until Colin arrives, Reverend Helen Flack, the curate at Stansted, and I as Lay Minister will keep things going, with the support of the PCCs. Due to the coronavirus, the church doors re- main closed for services, although All Saints church in Little Canfield is and will remain open for private prayer. February 2021 Page | 7

Zoom services will continue and will be led by Helen and me, with additional input from priests and lay ministers from out- side. The Facebook talk every Sunday will continue, except I’ll be doing all of them. As for the future - we’ll see!

This is the first online Grapevine. We are not sure where this is going to lead, whether it will stay online or have some form of printed format in the future. We do know that when we were forced to stop publication of the printed magazine for financial reasons many people were sorry to see it go. That made us deter- mined to find some way to continue. Pe- ter, who had edited the magazine for so long and so effectively could not continue owing to pressure of work; we are really fortunate that Barbara volunteered to take up the post of editor. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but we are delighted to be back. Please let us know how you would like this to develop.

I am writing this at the end of the season of Epiphany, which follows straight on from Christmas, and quite often they usually spoken of together. Services for the two seasons are often quite similar; both often involve the lighting of a candle, and altar cloths and vestments are the same colour, either white or gold. In some re- spects however they are very different. There is something homely and familiar about Christmas, as we gather round the crib and tell old familiar stories of the coming of Jesus. Christmas has burrowed its way into a very comfortable place in our lives…. Epiphany is different. It's about newness, strangeness, realisation. If Christmas is familiar, homely and domestic with its carols, crib services and celebra- tions, Epiphany invites the ‘other’, that which is strange, into our lives; whether that’s in the form of the travellers visiting from afar, or the sign at Cana of the water turned into wine. God is doing something new and we are aware of its newness because it is strange. Perhaps that’s why Epiphany can offer us much in this new year which brings us more experiences that disorientate, confuse, worry and stretch

February 2021 Page | 8 us. Last year was a year which many of us may be glad to see the back of - a year which for some of us had very dark times. Epiphany can draw us into the light of God’s love. It can remind us that two thousand years ago, he was doing a new thing, when he came to earth as the child of a humble family. He is doing new things today in the world and in our parish. The one thing that never changes among old and new, familiar and unfamiliar, is his love for us, the love that will always bring light in the darkness.

- Hugh Mascetti, Licensed Lay Minister

TAKELEY SOCIAL AND SPORTS CLUB Opening Times (Check with club post lockdown) Tuesday – Thursday 7.30pm – 11.00pm Friday 7.30pm – 11.30pm Saturday 3.00pm – 11.30pm Sunday 12.00pm – 11.00pm Live entertainment most Saturday nights Large screen TV with Sky and BT Sports Darts, Snooker, Crib, Dominoes, Bingo and more

Located behind the Silver Jubilee Hall the club is a great place to meet and enjoy reasonably priced drinks. If you are not already a member why not join now. For more information visit our website

February 2021 Page | 9

February 2021 Page | 10

Churchwarden's Blog, January 2021

By Alan Parkinson,

Churchwarden of Holy Trinity, Takeley Happy New Year to everyone from the Churchwardens of Holy Trinity and All Saints. What a year! What a com- plete contrast to what we were used to. Everything as far as Community involve- ment goes has been radically reduced, if not stopped altogether. The local café at Takeley has closed (temporarily), we have not been able to hold the annual fireworks display, or the tea and cake stall at the Take- ley 10k event, or the burger and pig roast stall at the Countess of Warwick show at , or the Canfield Coffee pot and pottery art group at All Saints, and we have seen the de- mise of the booklet form of the Grapevine - this is why we have this electronic version. We can not hold church services in the church buildings, no singing, no shaking hands, no hugs of greetings. It all looks pretty bleak and miserable. But I must point out the quaint and beautiful little Church of All Saints at Little Canfield is open for personal and private prayer. Please feel free to use it.

February 2021 Page | 11

Despite what we are all going through in this present crisis, there is Hope. Hope in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, He is the way, the truth, and the life. There are many who are wondering, when will all this end? There are those who are scared, anxious, and downright fed up with it all. I say to them, put your trust in him, Jesus. In the Book of Matthew Chapter 11: verse 28 to 30, Jesus said,

“Come unto me all ye who are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

February 2021 Page | 12 So, why not try seeking Jesus? He will not let you down. What he says, he means. Believe me, Jesus is nowhere near as restrictive, and op- pressive as we are experiencing with this virus. He wants us to enjoy the life he has given us and the beauty that surrounds us; he wants us to hug and love our family and friends; he wants us to have fun to- gether and fellowship together. This is not God's making, it is man who has created this misery, and the governments and scientists would have us believe they have it all under control. (Really?) Well, we have said our farewells to our Vicar Rob and his wife Tina. They have now retired from the ministry after serving us for 11 years, and have now moved to Gloucestershire. We wish them all the very best for the future. Having said that, the church community doesn’t stop there, we have to crack on. We have a fabulous community and there is a lovely community spirit. We cannot let that die, and we have to keep that going, so my message to all who read this blog is "Keep smiling, keep safe, look out for each other, and God bless us all." - Alan Parkinson, Holy Trinity Churchwarden

February 2021 Page | 13

It never hurts to say “Thank you” twice!

As you probably know if you are reading this, we have had to move from printing the Grapevine to publishing it online. Unfortunately the pandemic reduced our advertising income dramatically and we could not continue printing the magazine.

In the previous edition, Peter Granger said a heartfelt“ thank you” to all those who had delivered, contributed to and advertised in the Grapevine over the years. May I take this opportunity to add my thanks to his.

Several of our advertisers from the print version generously donated their fees for 2021 rather than asking for a refund. This has helped us reduce the debt that we are facing with the closure of the print version. We have listed those organisations below. As is often the case with adversity, new opportunities can appear, and this is already happening with the Grapevine. - Barbara Mascetti, Editor

Laza Plumbing Rob Whitwell Takeley Chiro All Jobs Dom’s Heating The Hair & Beauty Barn Bin Wash Colorcraft Associated Taxis Langthorns Plantery The Patient Plasterer Takeley Social and Sports ATP heating Club

February 2021 Page | 14

February 2021 Page | 15 CHURCH FINANCES

Even as we re-open our church buildings, the lockdown and its aftermath has had a really detrimental effect on church income. The absence of collections and other donations means that we are currently losing out on about £200 per week. Additionally, most of our planned fund-raising events for the whole year (which amount to an additional £150 per week) have also had to be cancelled. Even though worship things are not normal, most of the bills continue at the same rate as before. Our largest outgoing is the Parish Share which we pay to the diocese in order to pay the clergy, and we have had to significantly reduce our contribution to this. Next largest is the cost of insuring our two buildings. If you come to a church service and would like to help us by making a donation to church funds, we can now accept card payments. If you would like to help us by making a donation to church funds, please go to our website:, where you can make an online donation. Alternatively, if you would like to contribute regularly, please donate either by direct debit or standing order. Natalie Hildyard, Treasurer – 07772 862142 – [email protected] Katherine White, Planned Giving Organiser – [email protected]

We are poor but still sharing, like these church mice.

February 2021 Page | 16 Contributing to TLC Church by Debit Card We use an organisation called Give a Little to card giving. You can find out more at: Please just bring your card to church with you when you come to a service.

Contributing to TLC Church by Online Donation We use an organisation called Give a Little to handle online giving. You can find out more at: Just go to our website:, where there is a donation link on the homepage.

Contributing to TLC Church by Direct Debit We use an organisation called Parish Giving Scheme to handle giving by Direct Debit. You can find out more at: The easiest way to set-up a Direct Debit is to call PGS between 9am – 5pm on their dedicated phone line 0333 002 1271. You’ll need our parish details: Parish name: Takeley with Little Canfield Parish code: 080608527 Village: Takeley Diocese: Chelmsford If you’d prefer to complete a paper form, please let one of us know.

Contributing to TLC Church by Standing Order You can set-up or amend a Standing Order using online banking if you have it, or by contacting your bank directly. Our bank details are: Santander Bank Account name: TLC Church Sort Code: 09-01-29 Account number: 16013946 If you’d prefer to complete a paper form, please let one of us know.

February 2021 Page | 17

February 2021 Page | 18 Lt. Canfield Coffee Pot No prospect of meeting in church again yet, but please let me know if you want early notice when we know we can start up again. In the meantime you are welcome to socially distancing coffee in my garden by “appointment”. Sue 01279 871 345 [email protected]

Fruit & Vegetable Stall at Silver Jubilee Hall (Car park) Every Monday and Friday

[email protected]

February 2021 Page | 19

News from Councillor Susan Barker, County Council

Dear Residents,

It is 18th January and water levels are still very high around the country. Thank you to the farmers and landowners and councillors who have been out there clearing ditches and gullies and helping to reduce the levels and the problems. I am aware that there is still more work to be done – in , High East- er, Bush End, Barnston and Margaret Roding, where there are specific locations that need work to resolve the issues. If you are aware of other areas please let me know. Many of the problems are caused by blocked gullies where mud, debris

February 2021 Page | 20 and leaves are washed off fields and additionally by road sweepers inadvertently pushing sweepings into the drains. Essex Highways clears thousands of gullies every month, but I continue to push for more.

As we come towards the end of the financial year, I am aware that this has been a year like no other. In terms of trying to balance budgets, both the District Council and the County Council are experiencing reductions in income - for the District Council in areas such as car parking income, planning fees and taxi licensing; and for the County Council in areas such as library charges and room bookings, in country park and adult Community Learning income, and from wedding cancellations.

In addition, the District Council has managed a whole additional raft of grants to businesses, and the County Council has supported care homes and school transport companies, provided holiday clubs, and food vouchers for holidays (February half term and Easter have been planned too!). It has also managed Track and Trace and the pressures of an increased number of deaths. There have, of course, been large tranches of additional funding to assist with these costs from Central Government. For the County Council, we have to set a budget in February, so all these issues have made this more complicated.

We do not know how long the current restrictions will last or what the impact of additional residents losing their jobs and claiming Universal Credit (and therefore being likely to pay reduced Council Tax) will be, and what effect that will have on the amount of Council Tax we will receive. In Cabinet on January 19th we are dis- cussing a 0% Council Tax increase and a 1.5% increase in the Adult Social Care pre- cept. This will be debated at Full Council in February.

Essex County Council is working on an ambitious programme to assist families who have children going to school “remotely”. We have purchased around 2,500 laptops for pupils where schools have identified the need for a machine. 1,700 have to date been handed out. If you are or know of anyone in that situation, please make con- tact with your school. This programme started with senior schools but junior schools are now also being contacted. As well as purchased machines, if you have February 2021 Page | 21 an old machine you are no longer using we can clean and refurbish those and pass on to someone in need.

The Uttlesford Local Highways panel met last week to discuss progress on schemes. These include the mini roundabout at the bottom of Rosemary Lane and works to the Roding Drive Roundabout in Takeley, as well as potential pavement widening in Barnston. We also had two members of the public speak about speed on the B1256 in Little Canfield and in Dunmow at the bottom of Braintree Road.

The full list be found here developments/local-highway-panels/uttlesford-lhp.aspx.

If there are matters you would like help with or information about please do get in touch.

Susan Barker,

(Tel: 01245 231250, Email: [email protected])

February 2021 Page | 22

A T P Heating Services Ltd t. 01245 422355 e. [email protected] w.

ATP Heating Services Ltd, Unit 1 Reeds Farm Estate, Roxwell Road, Writtle, Essex, CM1 3ST. Company Reg No. 6347328

News from Sarah Warnes, Little Canfield Parish Council

Happy New Year from all of us at Little Canfield Parish Council. The weeks of January seemed to have gone fairly quickly considering we have been in lock- down 3.0 - please remember to keep safe, two metres apart, and to wear a face mask. We really don't want to add any more pressures on the NHS.

Vaccines are starting to be given and I know a few ladies and gentlemen lo- cally that have already had both jabs. I really hope this is rolled out as quickly as possible so we can get back to normal, whatever your normal is.

February 2021 Page | 23

With the loss of jobs there has been an increase of burglaries or petty crime locally. Please make sure that your house, shed, and garden are all secure.

The rain and wet ground has made it hard for us to get outside and exercise. Be careful, it is very muddy. Only yesterday I took my dogs for a walk, slipped on some wet ground and steadied myself on a gatepost. Sadly for the jumper I was wearing, it had barbed wire around it and now it has an air hole!

Anyway - back to footpaths. There is an app on your phone that shows the Public Rights of Way (PROW). This can be found at It's an excel- lent tool to show you new paths you've never walked and helps keep you from straying into private farmland, which never pleases farmers.

The weather has given the bridges across ditches and rivers a bit of a beating as well and has taken sleeper bridges that are 7ft long about six to seven feet away from where they need to be. This particlular path bridge has been reported again to High- ways, as now you have to walk through the ditch, where the water is deeper than it looks!

The parish have received a grant for some village enhancements and we have decid- ed to purchase some additional picnic tables and a bench to go near the car park on the Flitch Way, just near the old banana factory at High Cross Lane East, for all the users of that area to enjoy. We are also looking at putting a litter/dog waste bin there so that litter isn't always left in the car park. Hopefully that's not just wishful thinking and the bin will be used. Lastly, on the paths, please remember to take poo bags with contents home or put it in a bin, and not hang them on trees - they don't look pretty. If you're responsible enough to have a dog, clear up after it.

Other village news is that the the old banana depot which went into administration last year has been bought by Uttlesford District Council. It's their aim to put the waste truck depot in the building.

We are keeping the parking solutions/thoughts on the back burner at the moment due to Covid, due to many of the people dealing with it being furloughed, and due to face to face meetings not being possible. Of course many more of us at home need extra parking. We will let you know when things are back up and running, as we know it's a cause for discussion.

We have been having our monthly meetings via Zoom for nearly a year now. If you have anything you would like to discuss, then please do join us. Or ask for it to be

February 2021 Page | 24 discussed and we can add it to the agenda. We meet for our Zoom every second Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Please look at our website for details of how to join the meeting, and for the contact details for our Parish Clerk, Ian Brown.

Back to supervising homeschooling for me now!

- Sarah Warnes, Chair, Little Canfield Parish Council.

All Saints is Open for Private Prayer All Saints Church is open during the day for personal private prayer only. Visitors are asked to follow the guidelines on dis- play in the church. A

The Patient Plasterer Very experienced tradesman Reliable Trustworthy Clean New work Repairs Plaster boarding Coving and decorating Nice result every time Call Gary on 07782347254 [email protected]

February 2021 Page | 25

By Stephen Armson-Smith, Essex Police Crime Prevention Advisor

Protect your new Christmas gifts!

Over Christmas you may have been lucky enough to have received some rather nice gifts.

Have you got rid of the packaging yet? Left by the roadside for the recycling collec- tion - what better advert to the thief of where to find some new things to steal. Where possible fold the boxes inside out, or tear the box up, or package it in some- thing else, or take it to the recycling centre yourself.

How many of us have thought about recording the serial numbers or property marking it. Be it a cycle, electrical goods, garden equipment or mobile phone it may have a serial number. You can record your serial numbers free or charge at and others. There are also a number of property marking products available like indelible pens, UV marking pens, SelectaDNA, SmartWater, CRE mark by CRE products to name but a few (check suitability for the property item).

With jewellery and antiques don’t forget to take photographs of it, include an “Object ID card” or ruler in a photograph to give it a scale. Some of these property marking products may also be suitable and you can now upload photographs of your property to Immobilise too.

Many TV’s, personal music devices, computers and other electronics come pre- loaded with security and/or tracking software, make sure that it is activated. If you are storing valuable college work or other on a laptop don’t forget to back up your work elsewhere just in case you lose the laptop.

February 2021 Page | 26

Smart phones: Don’t forget to make a note of the IMEI number of a mobile phone, to find it key in *#06#, with this if it’s stolen you can block it. You can download an “App” on mobile phones to find your phone and more importantly wipe that data stored on it, check your “App store” or mobile phone provider. A little reminder - When texting or talking on phones, or listening to music remain “in touch” with your surroundings, a number of road accidents, thefts and assaults occur when we fail to note what’s going on around us, don’t forget to pass this advice on to chil- dren.

For further crime prevention advice see prevention/ and for suitable security products see or .

Stephen Armson-Smith

Essex Police Crime Prevention Advisor

Braintree, Uttlesford, Chelmsford & Maldon Districts


When lockdown ends and we can return to holding services at Holy Trinity…

Please ensure that social distancing is maintained for everyone’s safe- ty. Wear a mask, sign in for Track and Trace, and use the hand sanitis- er provided. See our website or our Facebook page tlcchurches for updates.

February 2021 Page | 27


By Ken McDonald, Hundred Parishes Society

February 2021 Page | 28

Our area has a good number of so-called “ pud- dingstones”. I am not convinced that Hertfordshire has any real justification for claiming the puddingstone because examples can be found on both sides of the Essex / Hertfordshire county boundary. I recently acquired a copy of “Puddingstone Walks in Essex”, a neat little book that describes walking routes which in total pass more than twenty puddingstones or groups of pud- dingstones in the Essex part of the Hundred Parishes.

A puddingstone is a conglomerate of many small, rounded and col- ourful pebbles that appear to have been cemented together. Geologists explain that they were formed around 50 million years ago and were deposited in this area by a retreating glacier, possi- bly only 10,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age.

Some puddingstones lay where they were deposited, whilst oth-

February 2021 Page | 29

ers have been moved to more con- venient locations and sometimes put to good use. Brent Pelham and Arkesden have incorporated them into their war memorials. Others are visible in Arkesden in the stream of Wicken Water beside the bridge.

Stones have been used as building material within walls in Much Had- ham and , in ’s church tower and in St Helen’s Chapel at .

One in Standon is proudly displayed, whilst a large puddingstone in New- port seems to have been unceremo- niously abandoned beside the approach road to the station. Others stand in churchyard, by the pump at Green, in Museum’s grounds, by the Shell House in Hatfield Forest and beside the Yew Tree pub in .

No doubt there are many more – I would be pleased to hear of any that I have missed – please email me at [email protected], if possible with a photo. Will we find more in Hertfordshire or Essex?

- Ken McDonald, Secretary, the Hundred Parishes Society

Photos: Puddingstones at Arkesden, Brent Pelham (this month's Grapevine cover picture), Newport Standon, and Wendens Ambo.

February 2021 Page | 30

February 2021 Page | 31 SPORT

Takeley Cricket Club – February 2021 From Mike Phillips, Chairman TCC

We at Takeley Cricket Club are hoping that there might be the possibil- ity for a more normal season this coming summer , although we did compete locally last year for half a season playing friendly games in- stead of the usual league format.

We did however manage to retain our local 20 over Cup competition as champions with a comprehensive victory against Matching Green CC at Cricketfield lane Bishops Stortford in a September final in front of a large socially distanced crowd on a lovely late summers afternoon.

We were unable to hold any junior cricket training / practice for our local youngsters last season and if we get enough support this year from the Boys and Girls from the village and surrounding areas we aim to try to do something commencing this May /June for 11 to 17 year olds.

If you are interested in joining us please contact us on our cricket web- site ( indicating details of interested parties as soon as you can so we can gauge possible interested numbers / ages etc .Thank you.


Mike Phillips, Chairman, Takeley Cricket Club (TCC)

February 2021 Page | 32

A big “Thank you” from Takeley Rotary Club

Rotary in Takeley would like to give a big thank you to everybody who kindly donated food for the food bank just before Christmas. Due to your generous donations, we collected 120 bags of food items and a total weight of 603 kg, over half a ton!

This will have made an enormous difference to any people who were likely to go short over Christmas.

If you want to know something more about Rotary in Takeley, please contact John Versey on 0700905994

John Versey,

Secretary, Takeley Rotary Club

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February 2021 Page | 34

News from St Clare Hospice

By Rebecca Cussens

Winter Walkies has been postponed Please be aware that due to the new covid restrictions we have decided to hold our 5k Winter Walkies walk later in the spring. At the moment the date is still to be confirmed, but people can register for an update on the event by visiting:

Are you a carer for someone living with advanced dementia?

St Clare Hospice is offering free online training, taking place in February: Introduction to Namaste Care for car- ers – a free online learning event Wednesday 10th February, 10am – 12noon, delivered via Zoom

This introductory course is intended for unpaid carers, caring for people who are living with advanced dementia, across West Essex and East Hertfordshire.

The Namaste Care Dementia Support project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Essex Communi- ty Fund. This pilot project aims to train and empower carers to deliver high- quality, compassionate care to local people living with advanced dementia.

February 2021 Page | 35 Namaste Care is an internationally- recognised care programme which teaches you to use simple activities that include sensory stimulation of our five senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste) to help people with dementia connect and engage with others. The word ‘Namaste’ is a Hindi greeting that means to ‘honour the spirit within,’ and is the guiding princi- ple of Namaste Care. Multi-sensory activities can involve music, food and drink and can also include therapeu- tic touch and massage. These basic principles are simple to learn and easy to put into practice when caring for someone with dementia.

The Introduction to Namaste Care course offers:

Sally Myulders

Education and information on what advanced dementia is

Insight into how to support people with advanced dementia to live well, and with dignity, until the end of life

Techniques to help carers offer and provide Namaste Care to the people they support

An opportunity to meet and connect with other carers

Ongoing support, and monthly meetings with Namaste Champions and peers from the training course

Advice and guidance from trained Namaste Champions at St Clare Hospice

February 2021 Page | 36 Following on from this introductory course, attendees will be invited to join a Namaste Network Group, where they will be able to share their experiences, and successes from putting Namaste care into practice.

For more information and to book a place on the course, visit the Eventbrite booking page: dementia-care-for-carers-tickets-133686659397 Part of the training course will include providing attendees with a Namaste Care box of resources, to enable them to practice Namaste Care techniques with the person they care for. One of those items will be a ‘Twiddlemuff’ – a knitted, handheld comforter that offers a special way to engage and comfort a person with dementia, who often have restless hands. Twiddlemuffs provide a great source of visual, tactile and sensory stimulation, whilst keeping the hands busy, as well as warm.

St Clare Hospice is appealing for local people to knit and donate Twiddle- muffs to be distributed through the Namaste Care programme. You can find more details, and download a free knitting pattern, on their website:

February 2021 Page | 37 Very best wishes for 2021,

Becci Rebecca Cussens, Communications Manager (PT), St Clare Hospice Mobile: 07795 568742, email: [email protected] Please note my working days are Monday and Friday and I am currently working remotely.

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. Lent 2021 will begin on Wednes- day February 17th and will end on Thursday April 1st.

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February 2021 Page | 39

News from the Gardens of Easton Lodge

By Jill Goldsmith

We are trying to keep optimistic at the Gardens: our work is continuing and the bulbs are peeping through! I have attached some optional photos – of the balusters from stone block to completed baluster, or the gorgeous and sweet smelling Mahonia in flower in the Japa- nese garden down by the fishing lake – taken this week.

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But you will see that I have to report that it is by no means certain that we will be open for snowdrops in February. The decision will be taken at the end of the month.

I hope you are keeping well

Best wishes,


Jill Goldsmith

07947 183 439

Treasurer & Publicity, The Gardens of Easton Lodge Preservation Trust

Registered charity:1101442

February 2021 Page | 41

Bored during lockdown? Steps for

Helen could be the answer!

Are you doing more walking during lockdown to keep yourself busy and improve your fitness? Why not do it in aid of Helen Rollason Cancer Charity and support local people living with cancer! It’s free to take part; challenge yourself to walk to some or all of our Cancer Support Centres in and around Essex; simply set your target to walk, jog or run and then get your family and friends to sponsor you as you aim to achieve your goal.

Why take part?

Keep fit – walking can help you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight; more important now than ever.

Walking can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and give you an energy boost.

Stay motivated - our challenge is a great way to keep motivated to stay active, by helping you strive for a consistent daily exercise target.

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Steps for Helen is free to take part and you can complete however many steps you like per day.

The money you raise from this challenge will help us to continue enabling quality of life while living with cancer.

Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Fundraising Coordinator

Karen Mitchell explains;“Our Steps for Helen initiative is a fun and interactive way to get us all moving more whilst supporting those living with cancer. The challenge suits everyone from families, support bubbles, couples living to- gether or just on your own. Of course, we encourage eve- ryone to make sure they follow the latest coronavirus rules and regulations in your area to keep you and your com- munity safe.

February 2021 Page | 43 It’s completely free to sign up and at the end of your chal- lenge you will receive an exclusive Helen Rollason Cancer Charity champion medal to say thank you! So why not sign up today and download your sponsorship form; visit our website to find out more!”

Steps for Helen is free to take part with no fundraising tar- get, however we'd encourage every participant to aim for £100 to earn their medal. This amount would cover the cost of 6 telephone counselling sessions for those living with cancer; "The counsellor has given me back my joy for life. She has taught me how to deal with my own concerns using meth- ods enabling me to deal with worries and fears as they come along. I have hope again and even look to the fu- ture with plans that I had long shelved. Cancer will be here long after Covid-19. Please help to ensure the Helen Rol- lason Cancer Charity is also still here." Track your distance using your phone, smart watch or oth- er device. You can link your Strava app to your JustGiving fundraising page to keep your friends and family up to date. For more information visit for-helen/ or call our Fundraising Office on 01245 380719 – we’d love to hear from you!

Holly Butler, Marketing & Communications Co-Ordinator Please note I am working reduced hours so it may take longer than usual to receive a response.

February 2021 Page | 44

Telephone: 07732 385431

Helen Rollason Cancer Charity

Yvonne Stewart House

The Street

Hatfield Peverel



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Mobile Service Still Offered

February 2021 Page | 45

Bluebells on the Flitch Way Photo by Barbara Mascetti

February 2021 Page | 46 GETTING IN TOUCH MINISTER: Currently vacant, but our Lay Minister is Hugh Mascetti, 01279 871606. Email: [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS: For Holy Trinity, Takeley: Alan Parkinson 01279 879373 For All Saints, Little Canfield: Stretch Fulcher 01371 872168. CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR: Lisa Chambers 07766 444873. Email: [email protected] For enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, visits, church groups & activities please contact the administrator.

The next Grapevine will be an online edition in March 2021. Contributions should be sent to the editor, Barbara Mas- cetti by Friday 19th February 2021 at [email protected].

Grapevine ensures that, as far as possible, information in the magazine is correct. Nothing anonymous is published. Publication of an article does not imply any form of ap- proval or recommendation. Grapevine cannot accept re- sponsibility for any product advertised.

February 2021